YAMAHA AW2400音频工作站使用小计
YAMAHA AW2400音频工作站使用小计
![YAMAHA AW2400音频工作站使用小计](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/04539322bcd126fff7050bd9.png)
回归模拟YAMAHA AW2400音频工作站使用小记在使用电脑音乐制作手段覆盖几乎所有音像制作领域的今天,Y AMAHA推出AW2400音频工作站貌似功能重复,又没什么优势,但是经过拆包测试,还真是有许多录音上可取的优点!下面我们来看看它的具体功能。
作为数码调音台,AW2400拥有24BIT的AD/DA转换精度,以及32BIT的内部处理精度,比以前的AW1600G要好得多,在实际测试中,小编觉得它的MIC PRE很上档次,甚至比YAMAHA一些数码调音台还要好,声音有光泽、清晰,既不会“肥”得像电子管那样高音往下掉,也不会“瘦”得跟电脑声卡录音一般只有大电平而没有相当的响度,声音非常“模拟”,很接近以前NEVE调音台的风格。
小编在实际的使用中,觉得AW2400自带的效果器有几个相当不错,效果器数量少,但是很经典,比如混响,只有REVB系列:REVB ROOM、REVB HALL等,效果可是比的上YAMAHA的DM2000上的混响!加载后声场有纵深,原音不虚,混响的残留痕迹不大,估计国人会比较喜欢这样的混响,至于其他的效果器类型用的比较少,我就不一一介绍。
– 扬声器音响参数的设置 ............................................................21 – 扬声器识别和尺寸设置 ............................................................36 – 每个扬声器的音量控制 ............................................................37 – 扬声器距离设置 ..................................................................37 – 用均衡器调节的声音质量 <Graphic Equalizer> ......................................38 – 测试音扬声器调节 ................................................................38 – 低音及高音水平调节 < 音调控制 > ...................................................24
可按需配置扩展的功能 (Advanced Setup 菜单)...48 显示 / 设置 Advanced Setup 菜单 ............... 48 当使用多个 Yamaha 接收机时, 避免与遥控器信号交叉........................ 49 更改 FM/AM 频率步长 (仅限于亚洲机型及通用机型)................. 49 初始化本机的各类设置........................ 49
Yamaha AV RECEIVER 使用手册说明书
![Yamaha AV RECEIVER 使用手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cbe40a3600f69e3143323968011ca300a7c3f67a.png)
目录 连接- 连接扬声器 播放 设置 故障排除附录 补充信息A V RECEIVER使用手册DRX-3.2≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫包装箱中的物品 5零件名称 6前面板 6显示屏 8后面板 9遥控器 11连接连接扬声器 13扬声器安装 14扬声器连接“Speaker Setup”设置 32扬声器组合 45连接电视 46连接 ARC 电视 47连接非 ARC 电视 48连接播放设备 49连接装有 HDMI 接口的 AV 设备 49连接无 HDMI 接口的 AV 设备 50连接音频组件 51连接视频摄像机等 52连接单独房间中的 AV 设备(多区域连接) 53连接电视 (ZONE 2) 53连接前置主放大器 (ZONE 2) 54连接天线 55网络连接 56连接外部控制设备 57 IR IN/OUT 端口 57 12V TRIGGER OUT 接口 58连接电源线 59播放AV 设备播放 61基本操作 61 BLUETOOTH®播放 62基本操作 62网络电台 63播放 63 AirPlay® 65基本操作 65 DTS Play-Fi® 66播放 66 FlareConnect TM 67播放 67 USB 存储设备 68基本操作 68设备和支持的格式 70播放 PC 和 NAS(Music Server)上的文件 71 Windows Media® Player 设置 71播放 72支持的音频格式 74 Play Queue 75初始设置 75添加 Play Queue 信息 75排序和删除 76播放 76收听 AM/FM 电台 77调谐至一个无线电台 77预设无线电台 79使用 RDS(澳大利亚及亚洲产品类型) 81多区域功能 82切换遥控模式 (Zone 2) 83切换遥控模式 (Zone 3) 84播放 85便利功能 87调整音调 87聆听模式 88选择聆听模式 88聆听模式效果 90可选聆听模式 93设置Setup 菜单 102菜单列表 102菜单操作 1041. Input/Output Assign 1052. Speaker 1093. Audio Adjust 1134. Source 1145. Listening Mode Preset 1156. Hardware 1167. Multi Zone 1298. Miscellaneous 130 Quick Menu 131菜单操作 131 Web Setup 133菜单操作 133 Firmware Update 134本机中的更新功能 134通过网络更新固件 135通过 USB 更新 137使用自动启动向导进行 Initial Setup 139操作 139故障排除当本机错误运行 143故障排除 144附录关于 HDMI 152一般规格 1541. 主机 (1) Array2. 遥控器 (RC-912R) (1)3. 扬声器设置麦克风 (1)• 在 Initial Setup 过程中使用。
雅马哈 DSB-200 便携式高保真音响蓝牙扬声器 使用说明书
![雅马哈 DSB-200 便携式高保真音响蓝牙扬声器 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/58010e68905f804d2b160b4e767f5acfa0c78355.png)
准备拆开扬声器包装4概览5音质5设计5操作5特性与功能6使用内置支架8充电9开启电源12关闭电源12连接方法蓝牙操作13配对13连接131 :首次连接142 :重新连接已配对的设备163 :重新连接NFC设备17同时连接多个蓝牙设备(多点功能)18断开蓝牙连接19使用有线连接听音乐19音量调节调节音量20故障诊断提示22故障诊断23更改显示在蓝牙设备上的Envaya设备名称27重启本机28附录更换网罩布29为您的移动设备充电30播放蓝牙设备31商标信息31规格32索引34为了确保正确操作,在使用该产品前请仔细阅读本操作说明书。
拆开扬声器包装打开新Envaya 的包装并检查是否包含以下项目。
(v第11页) B电源按钮(X)0开启/关闭电源。
(v第11页) C AUX 按键切换输入源为连接至AUX输入端的设备。
Jabra BIZ 2400 单声耳机 使用说明书
![Jabra BIZ 2400 单声耳机 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/98b17c94b04e852458fb770bf78a6529647d35f2.png)
1用户手册2© 2012 GN Netcom A/S 版权所有。
本用户手册由大北欧通信公司 (GN Netcom A/S) 印制。
本指南不应视为大北欧通信公司 (GN Netcom A/S) 所做出的承诺。
本用户指南如有错误或不准确之处,大北欧通信公司 (GN Netcom A/S) 不承担任何责任或义务。
指南编撰于 GN Netcom A/S, Lautrupbjerg 7, 2750 Ballerup, Denmark,网址 。
2 耳垫461283*仅某些型号的 Jabra BIZ 2400 具备该零件。
也可作为配件单独订购573将耳机连接至话机:- 将耳机插入电话机适用的转接线插口- 将听筒从话机上拔下*- 将转接线连接至听筒插口*如果话机上有耳机插口,可直接将转接线与耳机插口相连。
简体中文感谢您购买大北欧通信公司 (GN Netcom A/S) 的产品。
所有大北欧通信公司 (GN Netcom A/S) 的产品均采用严格的质量标准设计和制造。
佩戴带头带的耳机所有单声道 Jabra BIZ TM 2400 型耳机均配有头带。
使用方法:11. 佩戴头带。
2. 调整麦克风。
以耳机为中心旋转麦克风,调整伸杆位置直至麦克风与您嘴唇的距离小于 2 厘米。
4 33. 旋转伸杆。
伸杆可自由旋转 360o。
4. 装配耳垫。
55. 拆除头带。
6. 将耳机装入头带上的头带环。
佩戴带耳钩的耳机某些型号的 Jabra BIZ 2400 耳机配有两种大小的耳钩。
Yamaha Montage MIDI Implementation参数CC#范围值描述工厂说明书
![Yamaha Montage MIDI Implementation参数CC#范围值描述工厂说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5ecab680534de518964bcf84b9d528ea81c72f22.png)
Nemesis M IDI I mplementationModulation R ate80-‐1270Tape-‐Style E ngines: S lowest T ape S peed 127Tape-‐Style E ngines: F astest T ape S peed 0Other E ffect E ngines: 0.1 H z 127Other E ffect E ngines: 10 H z Intensity (Assignable)90-‐1270Minimum p osition o n i ntensity k nob (see m anual)127Maximum p osition o n i ntensity k nob (see m anual)Output L evel100-‐1270-‐∞dB (Output i s s ilent)520 d B 127+8 d B Diffusion110-‐1270No d iffusion 1Min d iffusion 127Max d iffusion Note Turning o n o r o ff w ill b riefly m ute d elay l ine Distortion120-‐1270No d istortion 127Max d istoriton High P ass F ilter130-‐1270No f iltering 16120 H z 32170 H z 48250 H z 64360 H z 80515 H z 96740 H z 1121070 H z 1271500 H z Low P ass F ilter140-‐1270No f iltering 1611000 H z 327500 H z 485100 H z 643500 H z 802400 H z 961650 H z 112900 H z 127400 H z Sample R ate R eduction 150-‐1270No s ample r ate r eduction112000 H z168000 H z326000 H z484400 H z643200 H zControls m ultiple p arameters (different f or e ach e ffect e ngine)Controls m odulation s peed o r t ape w ow a nd f lutter r ate Sets t he m aster o utput v olume f or w et a nd d ry s ignals Sets t he i ntensity o f t he d istortion (character b ased o n e ngine)Controls t he a mount o f d iffusion o r s mearing Sets c utoff f requency (Hz) o f l ow p ass f ilter Sets c utoff f requency (Hz) o f h igh p ass f ilter Reduces t he s ample r ate (Hz), c reating a liasing a rtifacts961500 H z 112800 H z 127200 H z Sweep F ilter F requency160-‐127055 H z 16100 H z 32170 H z 48300 H z 64500 H z 80900 H z 961600 H z 1122800 H z 1274700 H z Sweep F ilter Q170-‐1270No r esonance 127Max r esonance Sweep F ilter D epth180-‐1270No s weep -‐ f ixed f requency 42From 1/2 t o 2 t imes t he c enter f requency 63From 1/3 t o 3 t imes t he c enter f requency 85From 1/4 t o 4 t imes t he c enter f requency 127From 1/8 t o 8 t imes t he c enter f requency Sweep F ilter M ix190-‐127(Only a pplies t o T ap 1)0Sweep f ilter d isabled 6350/50 m ix 127100% m ix Wow a nd F lutter D epth200-‐1270No w ow o r f lutter 127Maximum w ow a nd f lutter Wow a nd F lutter R ate210-‐1270Very s low (lowest t ape s peed)63"Vintage" t ape s peed (based o n E choplex)127Fast t ape s peed Wow M odulation N oise220-‐1270"New" t ape 20"Old" t ape 40"Warped" t ape -‐ e xtremely o ld t ape >50Turns i nto n oise a nd d istortion Tremolo D epth (Stereo)230-‐1270No t remolo 63Max t remolo (sine L FO)127Doubled t remolo (twice t he s peed, r ectified s ine L FO)Pitch S hift C ontrol240-‐125(Refer t o P itch S hift T able a t e nd o f t his d ocument)Tap 1 L evel 250-‐1270Silent16-‐12 d BSets r ate o f w ow a nd f lutter Sets t he d epth o f w ow a nd f lutter (not t he s ame a s m odulation)Sets t he m ix (from 0 t o 100%) o f t he s weep f ilter Sets t he f requency r ange o f t he s weep f ilter Tape g ets "older" a s t his p arameter i s t urned u p Sets a mount o f t remolo (amplitude m odulation)Sets t he Q (resonance) o f t he s weep f ilter Sets t he c enter f requency (Hz) o f t he s weep f ilter Only v alid f or S hifter, R everse, H elix, a nd D ouble H elix E ngines Output l evel o f t ap 1 (usually o n O utput 1)45-‐3 d B 630 d B 127+6 d B Tap 1 P an260-‐1270100% L eft (Output 1)63Centered (Both O utputs)127100% R ight (Output 2)Tap 2 L evel270-‐1270Silent 16-‐12 d B 31-‐6 d B 45-‐3 d B 630 d B 127+6 d B Tap 2 P an280-‐1270100% L eft (Output 1)63Centered (Both O utputs)127100% R ight (Output 2)Tap 2 D elay T ime290-‐1270Min d elay (useful f or u nison/detune/doubling o f i nput)31-‐321/4 o f d elay t ime (16th n ote)42-‐431/3 o f d elay t ime (triplet)63-‐641/2 o f d elay t ime (8th n ote)852/3 o f d elay t ime (swung 8th n ote)95-‐963/4 o f d elay t ime (dotted 8th n ote)127Same d elay t ime a s t ap 1Input L ow P ass F ilter300-‐1270No f iltering 1615000 H z 3210000 H z 487500 H z 645500 H z (characteristic o f v intage M emory M an)804000 H z 963000 H z 1122000 H z 1271500 H z Feedback M aximum310-‐30 1.00x (No s elf-‐oscillation e ven a t m ax F eedback)1 1.25x (Self-‐oscillation m ay o ccur)2 1.50x (Self-‐oscillation m ay o ccur)3 2.00x (Self-‐oscillation m ay o ccur)LFO L ock t o D elay T ime320-‐10LFO w ill r un a t i ts o wn r ate 1LFO l ocks t o d elay t ime w ith o ptional e ngine s ubdivision Invert L eft W et P hase330-‐10Output 1 w et i n-‐phase w ith d ry s ignal 1Output 1 w et o ut-‐of-‐phase w ith d ry s ignal Inverts p hase o f w et (delayed) s ignal o n O utput 1Syncronizes L FO (mod, f ilter, t remolo) t o d elay t ime Multiplier t o s cale m aximum f eedback a mount Input l ow p ass f ilter a pplied t o b oth w et a nd d ry s ignals Tap 2 t ime a s a p ercentage o f t he m ain d elay t ime Stereo p an o f t ap 2Output l evel o f t ap 2 (usually o n O utput 2)Stereo p an o f t ap 10Output 2 w et i n-‐phase w ith d ry s ignal 1Output 2 w et o ut-‐of-‐phase w ith d ry s ignal I/O R outing O ption350-‐150Automatically d etect b ased o n p lug c onfiguration 1Mono I n -‐ M ono/Stereo O ut, H ardware B ypass 2Mono I n -‐ M ono O ut, O utput 1 W et, O utput 2 D ry 3Mono I n -‐ S tereo O ut, S oft B ypass 4Stereo I n -‐ S tereo O ut 5Feedback L oop I nsert (Send O utput 2, R eturn I nput 2)6External L oop P re-‐Delay (Send O utput 2, R eturn I nput 2)Multi-‐Feedback M ode360-‐30Use E ffect D efault 1Tap 1 i s t he o nly F eedback S ource (Feedback = 1.0)2Tap 2 i s t he o nly F eedback S ource (Feedback = 1.0)3Feedback f rom B oth T ap 1 a nd T ap 2 (Each = 0.5)Merge S tereo O utputs370-‐10Normal S tereo 1Merged L +R o n b oth O utputs Bypass380-‐127<=63Bypasses t he d elay e ffect >=64Enables t he d elay e ffect Intensity K nob R emap390-‐140Factory D efault 1Output V olume 2Diffusion 3Distortion 4Low C ut F ilter 5High C ut F ilter 6Sample R ate R eduction 7Sweep F ilter F requency 8Sweep F ilter Q 9Sweep F ilter D epth 10Sweep F ilter M ix 11Wow a nd F lutter N oise 12Tremolo D epth 13Pitch C ontrol 14Delay E ffect S end L evel Mod K nob R emap400-‐30Time M odulation 1Tape M odulation (Wow a nd F lutter)2Filter M odulation (Sweeper F ilter)3Tremolo D epth Rate K nob R emap410-‐10Modulation R ate 1Tape S peed (Wow a nd F lutter R ate)Tempo D ivision 420-‐1404 : W hole N otesMix L a nd R o utputs d own t o M ono Turns t he d elay e ffect o n o r o ff Allows c ompound (dual) d elays u sing m ultiple t aps Configures t he s ignal r outing o f a udio i nputs a nd o utputs Selects a lternate p arameter t o b e c ontrolled b y I ntensity K nob Selects a lternate p arameter t o b e c ontrolled b y M od K nob Selects a lternate p arameter t o b e c ontrolled b y R ate K nob Ratio t o s cale t empo w hen s etting d elay t ime22 : H alf N otes 3 1.618 : G olden R atio (Φ)43/2 : D otted Q uarters 54/3 : S wing Q uarters 61 : Q uarter N otes 73/4 : D otted 8ths 82/3 : S wing 8ths 90.618 : I nverse G olden R atio (1/Φ)101/2 : S traight 8ths 111/3 : T riplets 121/4 : 16th N otes 131/6 : S extuplets 141/8 : 32nd N otes Octave S hift C ontrol500-‐1250Octave D own 63Unison 127Octave U p Delay S end C ontrol510-‐1270No i nput s ent t o t he d elay 127Full i nput s ent t o t he d elay (normal o peration)Preset D own800-‐127Any Decrements p reset (wraps a round)Preset U p820-‐127Any Increments p reset (wraps a round)Remote T ap930-‐127Any Tap i nput Infinite H old970-‐127<=63Deactivates h old m ode >=64Activates h old m ode Bypass1010-‐127<=63Bypasses t he d elay e ffect >=64Enables t he d elay e ffect Remote B ypass1020-‐127Any Toggles e very t ime, r egardless o f v alue Recall P reset B ypassed1030-‐127Any Value d ictates p reset n umber Recall P reset E ngaged1040-‐127Any Value d ictates p reset n umber Pitch S hift T able 240-‐125031 s emitones (+2 o ctaves +perfect 5th)130 s emitones (+2 o ctaves +diminished 5th)229 s emitones (+2 o ctaves +perfect 4th)328 s emitones (+2 o ctaves +major 3rd)427 s emitones (+2 o ctaves +minor 3rd)526 s emitones (+2 o ctaves +major 2nd)625 s emitones (+2 o ctaves +minor 2nd)724 s emitones (+2 o ctaves)Selects n ext p reset (limited t o p resets 1-‐4 o r *extended 1-‐8)Only f or S hifter, R everse, H elix, a nd D ouble H elix E ngines Controls t he a mount o f i nput s ignal g oing t o t he d elay e ffect Sets t he m usical i nterval f or t he s hift, w ith o ptional r everseTurns t he d elay e ffect o n o r o ff Selects p revious p reset (limited t o p resets 1-‐4 o r *extended 1-‐8)Activates h old m ode, j ust l ike h olding t he t ap f ootswitch Acts a s a v irtual t ap i nput, j ust l ike p ressing t he t ap f ootswitch Toggle b etween b ypassed a nd e ngaged s tate Recall a ny p reset i n i ts b ypassed s tate Recall a ny p reset i n i ts e ngaged s tate1021 s emitones (+octave +major 6th) 1120 s emitones (+octave +augmented 5th) 1219 s emitones (+octave +perfect 5th) 1318 s emitones (+octave +diminished 5th) 1417 s emitones (+octave +perfect 4th) 1516 s emitones (+octave +major 3rd) 1615 s emitones (+octave +minor 3rd) 1714 s emitones (+octave +major 2nd) 1813 s emitones (+octave +minor 2nd) 1912 s emitones (+octave)2011 s emitones (+major 7th)2110 s emitones (+minor 7th)229 s emitones (+major 6th)238 s emitones (+augmented 5th)247 s emitones (+perfect 5th)256 s emitones (+diminished 5th)265 s emitones (+perfect 4th)274 s emitones (+major 3rd)283 s emitones (minor 3rd)292 s emitones (+major 2nd)301 s emitones (+minor 2nd)310 s emitones (unison)32-‐1 s emitones (-‐minor 2nd)33-‐2 s emitones (-‐major 2nd)34-‐3 s emitones (-‐minor 3rd)35-‐4 s emitones (-‐major 3rd)36-‐5 s emitones (-‐perfect 4th)37-‐6 s emitones (-‐diminished 5th)38-‐7 s emitones (-‐perfect 5th)39-‐8 s emitones (-‐augmented 5th)40-‐9 s emitones (-‐major 6th)41-‐10 s emitones (-‐minor 7th)42-‐11 s emitones (-‐major 7th)43-‐12 s emitones (-‐octave)44-‐13 s emitones (-‐octave -‐minor 2nd)45-‐14 s emitones (-‐octave -‐major 2nd)46-‐15 s emitones (-‐octave -‐minor 3rd)47-‐16 s emitones (-‐octave -‐major 3rd)48-‐17 s emitones (-‐octave -‐perfect 4th)49-‐18 s emitones (-‐octave -‐diminished 5th) 50-‐19 s emitones (-‐octave -‐perfect 5th)51-‐20 s emitones (-‐octave -‐augmented 5th) 52-‐21 s emitones (-‐octave -‐major 6th)53-‐22 s emitones (-‐octave -‐minor 7th)54-‐23 s emitones (-‐octave -‐major 7th)55-‐24 s emitones (-‐2 o ctaves)58-‐27 s emitones (-‐2 o ctaves -‐minor 3rd)59-‐28 s emitones (-‐2 o ctaves -‐major 3rd)60-‐29 s emitones (-‐2 o ctaves -‐perfect 4th)61-‐30 s emitones (-‐2 o ctaves -‐diminished 5th)62-‐31 s emitones (-‐2 o ctaves -‐perfect 5th)63-‐31 s emitones (Reverse -‐2 o ctaves -‐perfect 5th) 64-‐30 s emitones (Reverse -‐2 o ctaves -‐diminished 5th) 65-‐29 s emitones (Reverse -‐2 o ctaves -‐perfect 4th) 66-‐28 s emitones (Reverse -‐2 o ctaves -‐major 3rd)67-‐27 s emitones (Reverse -‐2 o ctaves -‐minor 3rd)68-‐26 s emitones (Reverse -‐2 o ctaves -‐major 2nd)69-‐25 s emitones (Reverse -‐2 o ctaves -‐minor 2nd)70-‐24 s emitones (Reverse -‐2 o ctaves)71-‐23 s emitones (Reverse -‐octave -‐major 7th)72-‐22 s emitones (Reverse -‐octave -‐minor 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emitones (Reverse +major 2nd)973 s emitones (Reverse +minor 3rd)984 s emitones (Reverse +major 3rd)995 s emitones (Reverse +perfect 4th)1006 s emitones (Reverse +diminished 5th)1017 s emitones (Reverse +perfect 5th)1028 s emitones (Reverse +augmented 5th)1039 s emitones (Reverse +major 6th)10511 s emitones (Reverse +major 7th)10612 s emitones (Reverse +octave)10713 s emitones (Reverse +octave +minor 2nd) 10814 s emitones (Reverse +octave +major 2nd) 10915 s emitones (Reverse +octave +minor 3rd) 11016 s emitones (Reverse +octave +major 3rd) 11117 s emitones (Reverse +octave +perfect 4th) 11218 s emitones (Reverse +octave +diminished 5th) 11319 s emitones (Reverse +octave +perfect 5th) 11420 s emitones (Reverse +octave +augmented 5th) 11521 s emitones (Reverse +octave +major 6th) 11622 s emitones (Reverse +octave +minor 7th) 11723 s emitones (Reverse +octave +major 7th) 11824 s emitones (Reverse +2 o ctaves)11925 s emitones (Reverse +2 o ctaves +minor 2nd) 12026 s emitones (Reverse +2 o ctaves +major 2nd) 12127 s emitones (Reverse +2 o ctaves +minor 3rd) 12228 s emitones (Reverse +2 o ctaves +major 3rd) 12329 s emitones (Reverse +2 o ctaves +perfect 4th) 12430 s emitones (Reverse +2 o ctaves +diminished 5th) 12531 s emitones (Reverse +2 o ctaves +perfect 5th) 126Reserved127Reserved。
• Highly customizable surround modes
Nuts & Bolts
Rated power: 7 x 120 watts
Connections: Two sets of component-video inputs, one set of compo-
nent-video outputs; three coaxial digital audio inputs; four optical digi-
tal audio inputs; two optical digital audio outputs; one coaxial digital
audio output; six-channel direct audio input (for DVD-Audio etc.); VCR
YAMAHA mg12_4f小型模拟调音台中文说明书
![YAMAHA mg12_4f小型模拟调音台中文说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1270d69b58f5f61fb73666f3.png)
YAMAHA mg12_4f小型模拟调音台中文说明书MIXING CONSOLEZHMG12/4FX2请在操作使用前首先仔细阅读下述内容请将本说明书存放在安全的地方以便将来随时参阅。
这些注意事项包括但不限于下列情况 G只能使用本设备所规定的额定电压。
G请勿让本设备淋雨或在水附近?俺笔肪持惺褂锚蠡蚪 ?幸禾宓娜萜鞣旁谄渖溪蠓裨蚩赡芑岬贾乱禾褰θ肴魏慰凇?G切勿用湿手插拔电源线插头。
这些注意事项包括但不限于下列情况 G当准备长期不使用本设备或发生雷电时请从电源插座中拔出电源线请务必抓住插头而不是电源插头。
G为了避免产生不必要的噪音请在AC 电源适配器和本设备之间预留50cm或更多空间。
雅马哈调音台说明书YAMAHA GA32/12、GA24/12调音台使用手册为使调音台保持良好的工作状态,应注意以下几点:○1. 避免调音台过热、潮湿、尘土堆积和振动。
○2. 避免物体阻挡,在通风孔保持空气流通。
○3. 避免硬物碰撞,搬运时要小心谨慎。
○4. 不要打开调音台或尝试修理或更改,维修应由有资格的Yamaha维修人员进行。
○5. 在连接或拔出电缆线时,关闭调音台电源,这对防止调音台自身以及其它同调音台连接的设备的损坏是非常重要的。
○6. 插拔电缆线包括AC交流电源线时,请握持插头插拔,不要握持电缆线插拔。
○7. 用柔软干燥的织物清洁调音台,决不使用溶剂,例如汽油或稀释剂清洁调音台。
○8. 使用在调音台后面板上指明的当地的AC交流电压,对调音台正确供电。
绪言感谢你选择YAMAHA GA32/12或GA24/12调音台,请详细阅读使用手册,对你使用YAMAHA GA32/12或GA24/12调音台有很大的帮助。
输出通道包含立体声ST1 OUT、ST2 OUT输出;10个混音MIX OUT 1–10输出和2个矩阵MATRIX OUT1-2输出。
每个单声道输入通道提供26 dB定值衰减pad开关、高通滤波器HPF、倒相开关、4段均衡EQ(其中,高-中HI-MID和低-中LO-MID频段的中心频率可变)、100 mm长音量控制器(推拉电位器)。
还有供每4个输入通道为1组的+48 V幻象电源通断开关。
提供4个立体声辅助返回AUX RETURN1L/1R-4L/4R和立体声磁带输入TAPE IN L/R输入口。
Yamaha LPA552 音频混音器说明书
![Yamaha LPA552 音频混音器说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/378a995666ec102de2bd960590c69ec3d4bbdb6b.png)
Printed in JapanFor details please contact:LPA552• Specifications and appearance subject to change without notice.• All trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners. Windows ® is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Macintosh ® is a trademark of Apple Inc.Nuendo ® is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. Pro Tools ® and Digidesign ® are trademarks of Avid Technology Inc. Adat is trademark of Alesis Corporation.Tascam, TDIF are trademarks of Teac Corporation.ANALOG INPUT CHARACTERISTICS*1. MIDI IN can use as TIME CODE IN MTC.ANALOG OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICSDIGITAL INPUT CHARACTERISTICSDIGITAL OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICSCONTROL I/O CHARACTERISTICSSPECIFICATIONS* Total Harmonic Distortion is measured with a 6dB/octave filter @80kHz.**Hum&Noisearemeasuredwitha6dB/********************;equivalenttoa20kHzfilterwithinfinitedB/octaveattenuation.LIBRARIESNumber of factory presetsNumber of user librariesEffect library (EFFECT 1–4) 53 75Compressor library 3692Gate library 4 124EQ library 40 160Channel library 2 127Input patch library 1 32Output patch library 132Still Small and Professional —Now with VCM EffectsBuilt-in VCM EffectsYou simply won’t find another digital console that offers this level of performance flexibility in a package this compact and affordable. The 01V96VCM will comfortably fit in the space and budget of the small studio whiledelivering sonic quality, effects, control, and compatibility that are second to none.CHANNEL STRIP• REV-X Hall, REV-X Room, and REV-X Plate programs are provided,with new parameters such as room size and decay envelopes thatoffer unprecedented definition and finer nuance control.• The REV-X Hall and REV-X Room programs have a very open sound,while REV-X Plate delivers a brighter tonality that is ideal for vocals.• All models deliver dense, warm reverb that does not interferewith the natural timbre of the source.REVERB• Compressor 276 (mono)/Compressor 276S (stereo):Recreate the fast response,frequency characteristics, andtube-amp saturation of themost in-demand analogcompressors for studio use.• Compressor 260 (mono)/Compressor 260S (stereo):Features faithfulmodeling of thesolid-state VCA and RMS detection circuitry of the late 70’sfor live sound reinforcement applications.• Equalizer 601:Delivers the unique characteristics of70’s analog EQ circuitry, featuringgraphical editing capability on both theconsole and PC displays.Engineer interviews — Steve LevineRecording and mixing engineer, worked for many artists including Culture Club, The Beach Boys, Honeyz, and Gary Moore.The Birth of VCMThe Team and the Technology Behind the SoundSuper High Fidelity24 bit/96 kHz Performance TakesDigital Sound To the Next LevelDigital audio technology has come a long way since theearly days of 16 bits at 44.1 kHz — a format that many considered to bethe reason for “harsh”, “cold” sound. The entire industry is now settling on24 bit/96 kHz digital operation for significantly superior sonic quality. The01V96VCM does give you a choice — you can work at 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz,Mixing Versatility24 Analog & Digital Channel Inputs ...Expandable to 4020-bus ConfigurationSurround PanningAdvanced Input FunctioningChannel Strips With Precision 100-mm Motor FadersSelected Channel ControlsFast, Flexible Digital PatchingAdvanced Solo FunctionsEffects & Advanced User InterfaceInternal Effects Fully Support 96-kHz ProcessingTop-quality Compression, Gating, EQ and DelayADD-ON EFFECTS Capabilityconsole’s built-in effects for expanded processing capabilities. ADD-ON Connection with 96 kHz Recorders & WorkstationsAdvanced Layer and Bus OperationFader ModeLayer Switching for Fast Access to 32-channel, Aux/Bus Fader + User-assignable ConfigurationScene & MemoryScene MemoryEnhanced User InterfaceLarge LCD PanelDisplay AccessData EntryExpandable Data LibrariesUser Defined KeysEnhanced Integrated DAW ControlVersatile I/O FacilitiesRear PanelBuilt-in ADAT Optical Interface01V96VCM Cascade LinkSTUDIO MANAGER Version 2 Software IncludedEditing windows with enhanced controllabilitySTUDIO MANAGER Version 21. Music Production with CubaseAlthough simple to set up, a system like this can provide advanced recording and production capability. Cubase 4 running on a personal computer interfaces to the 01V96VCM via a single USB cable for comprehensive transport and function control, while audio is transferred between the 01V96VCM and the audio interface via both the 8-channel optical ADAT interface (allowingsimultaneous 8-channel recording at 96 kHz) and the 2-channel SPDIF interface for maximum routing and mixing versatility. VCM effects can be applied while recording or during mixdown.2. Concert and Event SoundSound reinforcement applications generally require much more input and outputcapacity than studio production. If a single 01V96VCM won’t do it, try cascading two 01V96VCM consoles — you now have up to 80 input channels plus plenty of output channels and processing capacity to handle house sound and monitoring. The built-in dynamics and VCM effects can be a tremendous advantage in this type of application, too.Application ExamplesMusic production, sound reinforcement, broadcast, theater ...in nearly every application, the 01V96VCM has the performance and versatility to work wonders.Guitar etc.Audio Interface (ADAT I/O)FirewireUSB Onboard ADAT in/outOptical CableMicsComputer Cubase 401V96VCM01V96VCM01V96VCM Keyboard and synthesizer3. Small Multi-Purpose Hall InstallationCapable of providing solutions not only in the soundreinforcement and recording environments, the 01V96VCM is also widely used in fixed installations similar to that shown, and has already gained an excellent reputation in the industry for this type of application. In this example, the 01V96VCM provides a mixing solution for a multi-purpose hall suitable for small-scale exhibitions, conventions, concerts, and other similar gatherings. This hall features a pair of hardwired FOH C112VA speakers, multiple ceiling speakers used for background music and public announcements, and MSR100 speakers that can be setupwhenever needed for monitoring during concerts. And even in situations where all of these speakers must be used together, the 01V96VCM — with its main Stereo Out complemented by four additional OMNI OUT channels — can cope with ease.With the 01V96VCM, you also benefit from the flexibility and convenience only delivered by digital consoles — for example, the Scene Recall function allows settings for a wide range of different applications to be instantly loaded, while User Defined Keys provide one-touch shortcuts to oft-used functions. What's more, as the acclaimed REV-X reverb from the SPX2000 effect processor and the Channel Strip package of VCM compressor and equalizer effects are pre-installed, audio quality rivaling even that of live-music clubs with vintage outboard gear costing tens of thousands of dollars can easily be achieved. With thisstunning range of choice functions packed into such a compact body, the 01V96VCM is just the ticket for fixed installations.Q2031BOMNI OUT 1OMNI OUT 2OMNI OUT 3OMNI OUT 4RABAB L ST OUT Output InputMONITORQ2031BABAB Output InputMIDI and Signals (Cascade Link)MSR400MSR400MSR400MSR800W MSR400MSR400MSR400MicsC112VA C112VA Wireless MicsVideo AudioCeiling-mounted projectorCeiling SpeakersWired MicsMSR100MSR100MicsF.O.HUp to 80 inputsScreen01V96VCMNOTE PCP-3500S CD player DVD playerHigh-impedanceamplifierWireless Mic ReceiverVideo selectorSetup only when neededfor monitoring.Digital I/O CardsCan handle 24 bit/96 kHz by double channel mode MY16-AE 1616AES/EBU Can handle 24 bit/96 kHz by double channel mode MY16-AT 1616ADAT Can handle 24 bit/96 kHz by double channel mode MY16-TD 1616TASCAM Can handle 24 bit/96 kHz by double channel modeMY16-CII 1616CobraNet MY16-ES641616EtherSound MY16-MD641616MADI Maximum 5 NodesCan handle 24bit/96kHz by double channel modeMY16-mLAN 1616mLAN MY8-AE9688AES/EBU Sampling Rate Converter for inputMY8-AE96S 88AES/EBU Can handle 24 bit/96 kHz by double channel mode MY8-AE 88AES/EBU Can handle 24 bit/96 kHz by double channel mode MY8-AEB 88AES/EBU(AES-3id)Can handle 24 bit/96 kHz by double channel mode MY8-TD 88TASCAM Can handle 24 bit/96 kHz by double channel mode MY8-AT88ADAT MY8-DA96–8Analog Out MY4-DA–4Analog Out AuviTranAVY16-ES 1616EtherSound AVIOM16/o-Y1–16A-Net AVIOM 6416Y21616A-Net OPTOCORE YG21616OptocoreWaves Y96K DA Cards Third Party CardsBlock DiagramDimensions[2TR IN DIGITAL][INPUT](13-14)[SLOT][INPUT](1-12)[INPUT](15)[INPUT](16)AUX1-8INSERT SENDAUX1-8INSERT SENDAUX1-8INSERT SENDAUX1-8INSERT SENDWhen 96 kHz FX3, 4 cannot be used.MASTER STRIP PACKAGE (AE-021)• Employs VCM technology to recreate both the analog circuitry and tape characteristics that shaped the sound of open-reel tape recorders.• The Open Deck provides models of four machine types: Swiss ’70, Swiss ’78, Swiss ’85, and American ’70. You can even combine different record and playback decks for a wider range of variation.• You also have a choice of “old” and “new” tape types, tape speed, bias, and EQ settings that can vary the “focus” of the sound, distortion, and saturation characteristics.The names of programs or menus incorporated in ADD-ON EFFECTS are for descriptive purposes only. Reference to product names, trademarks, artists and songs is made for the sole purpose of identifying products and sounds studied for modeling and describing the sound nuances Yamaha attempted to create through use of its proprietary technology. Such reference does not constitute representations that they physically possess equal qualities, and does not imply any cooperation or endorsement by such manufacturers or artists. The products, trademarks are the property of their respective owners.The Waves Y96K DSP expansion card adds renowned Waves signal processors to compatible Yamaha digital consoles and workstations.The Y96K processor package includes the Renaissance Compressor and EQ, TrueVerb reverb, L1 Ultramaximizer, SuperTap delay, and DeEsser. These processors are all available in addition to the console’s on-board effects.VINTAGE STOMP PACKAGE (AE-051)ADD-ON EFFECTSCan handle 24 bit/96 kHz by double channel mode MY8-ADDA968–Analog MY8-AD968–Analog In Can handle 24 bit/96 kHz by double channel modeMY8-AD248–Analog In MY4-AD4–Analog InAD/DA Card AD Cards8 in / 8 out, Effects and ADAT I/O。
![YAMAHA AUDIOGRAM3 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a879fb3bf8c75fbfc67db23e.png)
Cubase AI 数据会被存储为“Project”。
菜单中选择[Device Setup],打开D evice Setup窗口。
Devices]字段中的[VST Audio System]。
从右侧窗口中选择ASIO DirectX Full Duplex Driver]。
Devices]字段中的[VST Audio System]。
从右侧窗口中选择USB Audio CODEC]。
将出现一个对话框,询问“D o you want to switch the ASIO driver?SIO Direct Sound Full Duplex Setup对话框。
只选择输入端口和输出端口复选框,然后单击[OK] 关闭对话框窗口。
CoreAudio Device Settings] 对话框。
在[Input/Output Configuration]”中都仅勾选[USB Audio CODEC] 。
单击[Close] 关闭对话框。
SB Audio CODEC 1/2” (Windows), “Front Left/Front Right” (Mac) 字段中,并选择D evice Setup窗口中的[Visible]列。
单击Port System Name]字段没有发生变化,请关闭并重新启动C ubase AI Device Setup窗口。
Audio Device]区域中的“N ot Connected”被选定,请在“N[USB Audio CODEC]。
还要以相同的方式设置[Outputs] ,然后关闭窗口。
菜单中选择[Add Track] →[Audio] 。
“C onfiguration”参数,然后单击[Add Track]将出现添加的轨。
对于不遵守以下操作需知而造成的损坏和/ 或伤害,Yamaha 公司概不负责。
13.因为本机很重﹐所以在移动本机时﹐需要两个人来搬动以 保证安全。
雅马哈调音台使用说明(教程)POWERED MIXERPOWERED MIXER 使用说明书ZH发挥调音台的最佳性能第12~18页速成指南第7~11页2EMX5014C 使用说明书 The above warning is located on the rear of the unit.Explanation of Graphical SymbolsThe lightning ?ash with arrowhead symbol within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be of suf?cient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating andmaintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the product.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS1Read these instructions.2Keep these instructions.3Heed all warnings.4Follow all instructions.5Do not use this apparatus near water.6Clean only with dry cloth.7Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.8Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including ampli?ers) that produce heat.9Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not ?t into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.10Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.11Only use attachments/accessories speci?ed by the manufacturer.12Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table speci?ed by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.13Unplug this apparatus duringlightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.14Refer all servicing to quali?ed service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has beendamaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has beenexposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.(98-6500)WARNINGTO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APP ARA TUS TO RAIN OR MOISTURE.IMPORTANTPlease record the serial number of this unit in the space below.Model:Serial No.:The serial number is located on the bottom or rear of the unit.Retain this Owner’s Manual in a safe place for future reference.使用说明书 EMX5014C 3(5)-4请在操作使用前,首先仔细阅读下述内容* 请将本说明书存放在安全的地方,以便将来随时参阅。
YAMAHA REV100效果器使用说明FBX-2420反馈抑制器的使用说明讲述
![YAMAHA REV100效果器使用说明FBX-2420反馈抑制器的使用说明讲述](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/05a8c45d6529647d2628527f.png)
YAMAHA REV100效果器使用说明鉴于目前很多场所在用YAMAHA REV100的效果器,现把该效果器的简易使用说明奉献给大家!YAMAHA--- REV100简易使用说明一、正确安装和连接YAMAHA--- REV100。
INPUT LEVEL:输入电平旋钮,调节此旋钮使峰值指示灯在正常工作时偶尔闪亮。
MIX BALANCE:效果混合旋钮,用来调节效果声和原声之间的比例。
混响程序名类型说明01 Vocal rev1 人声适用于人声混响02 Vocal rev2 大厅 3号程序的前期延长,混响时间短03 Vocal rev3 人声04 Room ambience1 盘子 04-08这些效果适用于鼓和打击乐音色,可作用于整个鼓组或某个鼓音色05 Room ambience2盘子06 Room ambience3盘子07 Wood booth1 人声08 Wood booth2 人声09 Acoustic piano plate 用于钢琴的混响10 Club piano 大厅用于钢琴的混响11 Booming kick1大厅用于底鼓的混响,强调低频12 Booming kick2 房间用于底鼓的混响,强调低频13 Loud snare房间用于军鼓的混响14 Acoustec steel guitar1 盘子钢弦原声吉它的混响15 Acoustec steel guitar2 盘子钢弦原声吉它的混响16 String plate 盘子弦乐的混响17 Acoustec gut guitar1 人声尼龙弦原声吉它混响18 Acoustec gut guitar2 人声尼龙弦原声吉它混响19 Btass room1 房间铜管乐器的混响20 Btass room 房间铜管乐器的混响立体声混响程序名类型说明21 Large hall1 大厅 Stage比hall的混响更明亮22 Large hall2 大厅 Stage比hall的混响更明亮23 Stage1 大厅 Stage比hall的混响更明亮24 Stage2 大厅 Stage比hall的混响更明亮25 Chamger1 人声模拟大房间,高顶的混响26 Chamger2 大厅模拟大房间,高顶的混响27 Church1 房间模拟大房间,高顶的混响28 Church2 大厅模拟大房间,高顶的混响29 Old gunnel 大厅模拟长通道中的混响,old暗、new明亮30 New tunnel 人声31 Large room1 房间房间混响,32比31低频更多32 Large room2 房间33 Slide reverb 房间混响的声像在右34 Huge room1 房间比房间混响更有力的混响35 Huge room2 房间比房间混响更有力的混响36 Bathroom 盘子短立体声的混响37 String ensemble 盘子用于弦乐的大混响38 Rude reverb1 人声粗混响39 Rude reverb2 人声粗混响40 Comcert grand piano 人声用于原钢琴的混响门混响程序名类型说明41 Small ambience1 大厅小房间反射混响,42比41的低频少42 Small ambience2 大厅43 Tight poom1 房间比上面两种效果更小的混响44 Tight poom 大厅比上面两种效果更小的混响45 Gate reverb1 盘子各种门混响46 Gate reverb2 人声各种门混响47 Gate reverb3 大厅各种门混响48 Gate reverb4 大厅各种门混响49 Stone room 房间石头房间混响50 Big curve 人声最长的门混响延迟程序名说明51 Analog delay1 软延迟52 Ping pong delay 声像左右变化的延迟53 Eighth note triplet 像8分三连音符的延迟54 Karaoke 用于卡拉OK的回声效果55 Short delay doubler 一次短的延迟56 Stereo long delay 左右声道同长的立体声延迟57 Sgereo medium delay 左右声道不等长的立体声延迟58 Stereo long delay 左右声道同长的短延迟59 Mono long delay 单声道输出的重复延迟60 Mono short delay 单声道输出的重复延迟延迟/混响程序名类型说明61 Electric piano 延迟+大厅常用于钢琴62 String pad 延迟大厅常用于背景音乐63 Synth 延迟人声用于弦乐背景64 Vocal1 64、65是用短延迟的长混响,适用于人声65 Vocal2 延迟大厅 64、65是用短延迟的长混响,适用于人声66 Vocal3 延迟房间 66是强调延迟的短混响67 Btinght vocal 延迟盘子有小延迟的亮混响68 Chorus 延迟+盘子一半混响,一半延迟69 Drum kit1 延迟+ 房间用于鼓和打击乐的混响70 Drum kit2 延迟盘子用于鼓和打击乐的混响混响/调制程序名类型说明71 Soft flange1 大厅+飘忽此效果结合了混响和小音高变化的飘忽,常用于合成音色背景音乐72 Soft flange2 大厅+飘忽此效果结合了混响和小音高变化的飘忽,常用于合成音色背景音乐73 Amgience flange1 房间飘忽短混响加飘忽74 Amgience flange2 房间飘忽短混响加飘忽75 Soft reverb flange 房间飘忽短混响加音高变化更大的飘忽76 Organ cabinet1 盘子飘忽用于风琴的飘忽效果77 Organ cabinet2 房间交响用于风琴的飘忽效果78 Symphonic reverb1 大厅+交响以混响为主的精致效果79 Symphonic reverb2 人声+交响以混响为主的精致效果80 Flange room1 房间+飘忽为鼓和打击乐加特效81 Flange room2 房间+飘忽为鼓和打击乐加特效82 Rolling flange1 盘子+飘忽为鼓和打击乐加特效83 Rolling flange2盘子+飘忽为鼓和打击乐加特效84 Big flange 人声飘忽喷气机效果85 Chorus rererb1 大厅+合唱 85,86是普通的混响+合唱,用途很广如用于钢琴86 Chorus reverb2 盘子+合唱87 Chorus reverb3 大厅+和唱88 Chorus reverb4 人声+合唱89 Tremolo reverb1 大厅+震音震音+混响的各种变化效果90 Tremolo reverb2 大厅震音震音+混响的各种变化效果91 Tremolo reverb3 盘子+震音震音+混响的各种变化效果92 Tremolo reverb4 人声+震音震音+混响的各种变化效果93 Tremolo reverb5 人声+震音震音+混响的各种变化效果94 Tremolo reverb6 大厅+震音震音+混响的各种变化效果95 Tremolo reverb7 大厅+震音震音+混响的各种变化效果96 Ambient slow pan1大厅+震音左右声像变化和短混响97 Ambient slow pan2 房间+震音左右声像变化和短混响98 Sequence pan1房间+震音根据乐曲速度而定的声像变化效果99 Sequence pan2房间+震音根据乐曲速度而定的声像变化效果编辑模式(Edit Mode)REV100的每个效果都具有多个参数,3个主要参数可通过面板上的旋钮控制。
调音台使用方法调音台正确使用方法调音台(MIXER)与功率放大器(ROWER AMPLIFIER)1.调音台(MIXER)过载指示灯是用于警告输入信号瞬间过载,指示灯将在峰值(信号过大发生失真的电平)电平下面3dB时发光,便于帮助设置增益开关的位置。
这些INSERT 插口可用来独立地将图形均衡器、压缩器或噪声器过滤器等设备接入相应的通道。
Yamaha 音频系统操作指南说明书
![Yamaha 音频系统操作指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fb2cb7b181eb6294dd88d0d233d4b14e85243ef0.png)
to submit a written repair order within six (6) weeks, Jet City Amplification shall return the unit to the customer C.O.D with an invoice that will include charges for the inspection and a separate additional charge for freight and packing costs. Such costs will also be billed separately when a customer has sent in a unit for repair with a written repair order form.
Warranty Regulation / Exclusions (Continued)
• Free inspections and maintenance/ repair work are expressly excluded from this warranty, in particular, if caused by improper handling of the product by the user. This applies to defects caused by normal wear and tear of items such as knobs, tolex® and similar parts.
• Damages caused by the following conditions are not covered by warranty:
• Improper handling, neglect or failure to operate the unit in compliance with the instructions given in the Jet City Amplification user manual.
学习与探讨---YAMAHA AW16G自AW16G正式上市至今已有数月,再此期间不断的得到众多音乐人的赏识与认同。
就YAMAHA公司所推出的新一代革命性工作站 AW16G而言,无论是其性能,外观乃至价格,都是至今屈指可数的佳品,然而对于现今的火爆销售预定也就不多言过了,同样是空前少有的。
同时在YAMAHA AW16G的学习与探讨中我们会了解更多有关它的信息与操作,其中还包括评测性文章呦。
Go首先,让我们清楚的了解一下AW16G的外观界面,和它的接口按钮:(区域划分为平面四方型)(1) 输入通道部分:话筒(MIC)与线性输入(LINE)的增益旋钮(2)Work Navigate(工作操纵区)和Quick Navigate(快速操纵区)Work Navigate(工作操纵区)包括:Song:歌曲管理部分CD:CD-R驱动器操作部分Track:音轨管理部分Edit:编辑部分(进行拷贝,粘贴,删除等)Remote:遥控设置部分Utility:实用程序部分Quick Navigate(快速操纵区)包括:Record:录音设置部分Monitor:监听设置部分(3)SELECTED CHANNEL通道参数调整部分HIGH(绿)高音区EQ调整HI-MID(黄)中高音区EQ调整LO-MID(蓝)中低音区EQ调整LOW(紫)低音区EQ调整PAN(红)通道声像声调整(4)数据控制部分Undo/Redo:撤消/重做Scene:场景记忆Jog On:数据轮操作前进/后退开关Enter:输入键(起到确认的作用)Cursor:光标方向键(可在屏幕中进行换位)DATA/Jog:旋转轮(再选择,放音的情况下,加快其速度)(5)Sound Clip:(黑底)片段采样Mark Search:(黑底)标志搜索 I(播放上一首CD)I(播放下一首CD)Mark:(记忆点设计)Auto Punch:(自动录音)Last REC Search:自动录音设置 IN (入点)OUT(出点)Set:设置Repeat:重复A:A段B:B段Cancel:取消(6)放音控制区,其中包括快退(REW),快进(FF),停止(Stop),放音(Play),录音(Record),快速还原至起点(RTZ)(7)快速循环采样部分SELECT:选择1:PAD2:PAD3:PAD4:PADEDIT:进入SAMOLE(采样)目录(8)液晶显示屏幕(240 x 64mm)(9)通道推子和录音编辑显示灯1— 8为单音通道9-16则为立体声通道(红色STEREO一列为主控音推子)(10)光盘刻录机CD-RW(从左到右依次排列)输入输出:1, PHONES 耳机输出2, MONITOR OUT 监听输出右声道(非平衡-10dBV)3, MONITOR OUT 监听输出左声道(非平衡-10dBV)4, STEREO/AUX OUT 立体声/辅助输出右声道(非平衡-10dBV)5, STEREO/AUX OUT 立体声/辅助输出左声道(非平衡-10dBV)6, MIC/LINE INPUT 8(HI-Z)吉它高阻抗输入7, MIC/LINE INPUT 8--3(BUL)平衡输入8, MIC/LINE INPUT 2-1话筒输入(卡侬接口)黑色部分:1,DC IN 电源输入2,POWER -ON/1STANDBY 电源开关3,DIGITAL STEREO IN (OPTICAL)光缆输入4,DIGITAL STEREO OUT (OPTICAL)光缆输出5,MIDI OUT/THRU MIDI输出/通过6,MIDI IN MIDI输入7,FOOT SW 开关踏板接口8,PHANTOM +/-48V ON/OFF 幻象电源开关AW16G基本的界面已经呈现再您眼前,下面我们就一起进行一次实际性操作,希望这样会加快您对AW16G的熟悉及熟练程度。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
YAMAHA AW2400音频工作站使用小记
作为数码调音台,AW2400拥有24BIT的AD/DA转换精度,以及32BIT的内部处理精度,比以前的AW1600G要好得多,在实际测试中,小编觉得它的MIC PRE很上档次,甚至比YAMAHA一些数码调音台还要好,声音有光泽、清晰,既不会“肥”得像电子管那样高音往下掉,也不会“瘦”得跟电脑声卡录音一般只有大电平而没有相当的响度,声音非常“模拟”,很接近以前NEVE调音台的风格。
是很经典,比如混响,只有REVB系列:REVB ROOM、REVB HALL等,效果可是比的上
AW2400还可以当控制台,用MIDI 方式控制CUBASE、LOGIC、PROTOOLS等电脑软件工作,实际使用的话,要自行编辑控制键,没有什么预制,作为一个功能,还是有待改进。
AW2400还可以通过添加扩展卡来进一步扩展物理I/O通道,可以根据需要选配ADA T、AES/EBU等多种格式的数字、模拟I/O扩展卡来扩展它的功能。
基本上YAMAHA MY系列的卡都可以用,可惜插槽只有一个,不能接更多的插卡扩充I/O。
AW2400可以通过USB连接方式跟电脑交换数据,包括导入导出W A V格式文件、MIDI 文件、以及备份“歌曲”文件。
总结:Y AMAHA AW2400音频工作站是一台非常方便的多功能音频工作站,非常出色的音质是它最大的亮点,在便携式一体机中,它是佼佼者,另外I/O扩展、话筒输入、4个独立效果器等功能让它不仅仅是一个多轨道录音机,还是一个音质非常“模拟”的数码调音台,缺点是CD-RW刻录操作复杂,24BIT格式录音只能同时12轨道,小编认为经常用来录音真实场景比如乐队演出、晚会现场等制作,AW2400 它是非常好的选择。