2. 优雅的⽼老去—改变你的情绪1. 有时候情绪似乎会成为我们享受美好⽣生活的⼀一种障碍。
2. 时不时的陷⼊入恐慌并⾮非不正常。
3. 如果你经常对⾝身边的每件事情渐渐缺乏兴趣的话,对改变你低落的情绪⽽而做些什么就尤!为重要了。
unit 2 词汇翻译 2
春节,又称农历新年,它是中国最重大的传统节 日。时间通常在一月底,二月初,象征着一年辛 劳后,冬春之交的休息和放松,也象征了喜庆。 The Spring Festival, also known as the Lunar New Year, is the greatest traditional festival. It is usually a time between late January or early February, which means rest and relaxation between winter and spring after a year’s toil, and means celebration as well.
春节前,人们打扫屋子、在大门上贴大红对联、 放鞭炮。据传说,这样做是为了驱赶一个叫“年 ”的魔鬼。除夕之夜,一大家子定会在一起会餐 ,最受欢迎的主食是饺子,人们认为它能带来好 运吉祥。 Before the Spring Festival, people clean their houses, put red couplets on their gates, and set off firecrackers, according to fairy tales, for driving a demon named Nian away. On the eve of the Spring Festival, a gettogether banquet is a must, and the most popular food is Jiaozi, which is supposed to bring good fortune.
1) 减省语气助词 汉译英时语气助词多半要省略。 真的呢,再没有比这种童子面更好看的茶花了。(杨朔,《 茶花赋》) It’s true. No flowers are lovelier than children’s faces. 我想到李白杜甫在那遥远的年代,以一叶扁舟搏浪急进,该 是多么雄伟的搏斗,会激发诗人多少瑰丽的诗思啊!(刘白 羽,《长江三日》) This makes me think of the poets Li Bai and Du Fu in those ancient days when they sailed upstream against the current and how such a magnificent struggle would stir the poets’ great imagination.
商务英语翻译 第二章 商务英语常见词汇翻译
国际商用机器公司的竞争对手数字计算 机设备公司(DEC)组成战略大联盟, 以对抗这个产业界的巨臂。……DEC总 裁肯尼思·奥尔森可以说是斯卡利所能找 到的最好伙伴。虽然DEC公司的历史比 苹果公司悠久得多,奥尔森却从来不受 等级体系这种公司思维定势的制约。
Homework 2
accept:承兑,认付(汇票等) maturity: 期满 我行将承兑并于期满时支付信用证项下
2.1.1 一词多义
e.g. ② Regarding our outstanding account US $6,000, we must request you to send us immediately your check in settlement.
② He gave his house as a security.
③ Treasury securities are valued daily.
security: 安全; 抵押品,担保品; 证券,债券 一词多义现象的翻译
根据专业确定词义 e.g. ① They give 10% discount for cash payment.
第二章 商务英语常见词汇翻译
2.1商务英语词汇的特征 2.2 商务英语缩略语与习惯用语的翻译 2.3 商务英语数词、量词与倍数的翻译
2.1.1 一词多义
e.g. ① Provided you fulfill the terms of the credit, we will accept and pay at maturity date.
② The exporter may take the accepted bill to a discount bank before the maturity if he is in urgent need of the amount of money.
During a Q&A session he accused the Israeli military of deliberately targeting CNN personnel “on numerous occasions”.It is accept that endorphins act on the nervous system to reduce pain, much as opium does. Not so widely known is the idea that endorphins keep the brain young , enabling people to live 125 years. How can I improve my English“how can I improve my English ?”Ever since arrived Beijing almost two years ago I have heard this question: from an English major , from a stranger on the stranger, form a brave soul standing in the middle of a large lecture hall, from a dark shadow beside me one evening at an English corner.It seems a perfectly fair and simple question, and it’s a question I hate. I hate because it seems completely reasonable but is actually a trap, because it seems so easy but is actually a riddle to stump Oedipus. And I’m no Oedipus.It is an innocent question invariably asked by earnest students, and every time I hear it I feel that this sincere plea must admit of a clear answer and that I, as an English teacher, should know what this answer is. I always feel I have failed somehow when I have to admit that I don’t.Oh, I have answers,and I stumble around in my response, hoping the students won’t notice how unsure I am. I have answers,but I do n’t have the answer, not the answer I think they’re looking for.Whatever they are really asking for, it feels like they’re asking for a quick fix, a magic bullet which will fix all their mistakes and expand their vocabulary in six easy steps.I can’t provide that. The truth is there’s only one easy way to learn a language: you must be immersed in that language from the time you are two years old until you are four years old. These are the years, linguists tell us, during which children don’t learn a language, but rather catch it like a disease. They pick it up without conscious effort..After that mysterious time, learning a language is work. It is exciting and fun work sometime, but also a matter of discipline and time. Some people are naturally better at this work than others: some naturally enjoy this kind of work as others might naturally enjoying jogging or doing math problems.I suspect most people who ask me that question :How can I improve my English”-already know all this . Though they no doubt hope as I would that I have some secret knowledge to offer, they are probably not expecting as much as I fear they are. I usually give them the following advice: do n’t expect to find an easy way to learn. The only way to learn a language is to use a language, to practice day after day.Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closet natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style.There are some things which cannot be learned quickly, and time, which is all we have, must be paid heavily for their acquiring. They are the very simplest things and because it takes a man’s life to know them the little new that each man gets from life is very costly and only heritage he has to leave.It is not all books that are as dull as their readers. There are probably words addressed to our condition exactly, which, if we could really hear and understand would be more salutary than the morning or spring to our lives, and possibly put a new aspect on the face of things for us. How many a man has dated a new era in his life from the reading of a book.What is translation? Often , though not by any means always, it is rendering the meaning of a text. Common sense tells us that this ought be simple, as one ought to be able to say something as well in one language as in another. On the other hand, you may see it as complicated, artificial and fraudulent, since by using another language you are pretending to be someone you are not.Translation means the conversion of an expression from one language into another. To say it plainly, translation is an art to reproduce the exact idea of the author by means of a language different from the original. From the above definition of translation we know that the original thought of expression must be kept as far as possible. Nothing could be added to or taken away from the original work. The duty of the translation is simply to change the vocabulary, not the thought. In translation therefore, there are two essential elements: accuracy and expressiveness. Accuracy is the first indispensable quality of translation. The translator must cautiously stick to the author’s idea. Words selected and sentences constructed must be such as to convey the exact original thought. Expressiveness is to make the translation readily understood. In other words, the translator must express his author’s idea as clearly as forcibly as he can by the medium he employs. Accuracy is to make the thought definite and exact; while expressiveness is to make the translation vivid and attractive.。
Chapter Two 词汇翻译
China policy 对华政策(不是“中国政策”
black art 妖术(不是“黑色艺术”) black stranger 完全陌生的人(不是“陌生 的黑人”) white coal (作动力来源用的)水(不是 “白煤”) white man 忠实可靠的人(不是“皮肤白的 人”) yellow book 黄皮书(法国政府报告书,以 黄纸为封)(不是“黄色书籍”) red tape 官僚习气(不是“红色带子”) green hand 新手(不是“绿手”)
standing: To our knowledge, their financial standing is sound. (据我们了解,他们的财务状况良好) business standing (营业状况) commercial standing (商业信用)
turnover: This product has a fast turnover, three shipments going out per day. 这产品的成交量很高,每天可出三批 货 Starbucks’ annual turnover is 60 million yuan. The company has a fast turnover because of the poor working condition.
We are sorry to say we had to lodge a claim against you to cover our loss and hope you will take action immediately. 译文:十分遗憾的奉告,我方不得不向你方提 出索赔以弥补我方损失,并望尽快落实。
教科书译文:He said one thing and did another.李老师认为教科书译文值得商榷。
Dear John,Please paraphrase (explain) the following sentenses:1.His words betray his actions.2.He dose not keep his words in line with his actions.3.When it comes to drive , she has got more than any one of us.thans!Li Tian-xinBoth 1. and 2. have the same meaning, however, the first (His words betray his actions.) is the more common way to express the concept.What this means is that what you say about a given subject iscontradictory to what you do. As an example ... a boy tells a girl thathe loves her, he can't live without her and various other romantic things. Then this same boy is seen with other girls in an intimate setting - maybe eating dinner, maybe going to a movie, and so on. He says that there is only one girl for him but his actionsprove him a liar - his words betray his actions.3. The word 'drive' here means desire, commitment and faithfulness to start and finish a project of any kind. Itcould be learning to swim, graduating from college (a 4-year commitment takes a lot of 'drive' to complete), even studying for an exam requires'drive' from the students who really want to succeed and achieve good things.A paraphrase of 3. then is: She has more faith, commitment and action in every aspect of her life than any of us.John干劲的英文音标:[ gànjìn ]drive; vigour; enthusiasm: 有头脑、干劲和首创精神的青年young men with brains, drive and initiative; 干劲十足be full of vigour; 冲天干劲boundless energy1.We shall want a real Henry Fordeffort .我们需要有一种真正亨利福特的干劲。
Linguistics studies how to express meaning in language denotative meaninglanguage systemStylisticsstudies how to make language produce stylistics effectsconnotative meaning language in different socialoccasionsMe up at doesout of he floorquietly Starea poisoned mousestill who aliveis asking whathave i done thatYou wouldn’t have(E. E. Cummings)a poisoned mousewho still alivedoes Stare quietlyout of the floorup at Meis asking whathave i done thatYou wouldn’t have例 1 必须把建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会放在工业化、现代化发展战略的突出位置,落实到每个单位、每个家庭。
We must give prominence to building a resource-conserving, environment-friendly society in our strategy for industrialization and modernization and get every organization and family to act accordingly.二、劝导性广告1.Ask for more (Pepsi)渴望无限。
2. 不同的肤色,共同的选择(青岛啤酒)People’s skin colors are different----far and near, but their choice can be the same-----for Qingdao Beer.3. 你不理财,财不理你。
翻译 第二章
• 例1:The hypothesis of natural selection may not be a complete explanation, but it led to a greater thing than itself—an acceptance of the theory of organic evolution, which the years have but confirmed. • 译文:自然选择的假设也许还不是一个完整的解释,但是,它引导人 们接受了一个比它本身更重要的东西——生物进化论,这一理论随着 岁月的流逝得到了全然证实。 • 例2: The sea receives you, envelops you in her warmth, soothes the urban tiredness out of you. She lets you gambol with her children, the waves, and even sends them to play with you. They push you gently and pull you back, sprinkle you till your very being exults in the exhilaration of being alive and one with nature. • 译文:大海接待了你,她的温暖拥抱着你,都市生活的疲乏在此一扫 而光。大海让你同她的孩子们——小海浪们一起嬉戏,甚至把他们送 到你面前。孩子们友好地把你拖下去,又送上来,使你浑身喷洒着水, 感到心旷神怡,与自然融为一体。
3.主语 3.主语It 主语 (1) It 做主语 It在英语语法中被称做无人称代词,代表时间、天气、距 在英语语法中被称做无人称代词 代表时间、天气、 在英语语法中被称做无人称代词, 离及度量,无具体词义,在句子中充当主语, 离及度量,无具体词义,在句子中充当主语,是万万少不 得的。 得的。如: 例1:It was not until 19 century that man has realized that brain is the center of thought.(强调句) (强调句) 译文:直到19世纪, 19世纪 译文:直到19世纪,人们才意识到大脑是思维活动的中 心。
商务英语翻译第2章 翻译方法
第二章翻译方法第一节增译法BrainstormingTranslate the following into Chinese1.After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more to climb. 登上高山后,你会发现还有更多的山峰等着你去超越。
2.Money won’t create success, the freedom to make it will.创造成功,靠的不是金钱,而是拥有创造成功的自由。
3.Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; writing an exact man.读书使人充实;讨论使人机智,写作使人缜密。
4.We won’t attack unless attacked.人不犯我,我不犯人。
5.She was more royal than the royals.她比皇家成员更有皇家气质。
Part V Practical trainingTranslate the following English sentences into Chinese1. The manager’s report summarized the achievement made in industry, agriculture and foreign trade.经理的报告总结了在工业、农业以及外贸三个方面取得的成就。
2. I’ve been to John’s company twice.我曾经去过约翰的公司两次。
3. A computer will help us a lot for the analysis job.如果我们用一台电脑来做这个分析,则会事半功倍。
4. Unless informed, we shall not make copies.除非贵方通知我们,否则我们不会制作副本。
翻译第二章:翻译标准和过程练习第二章练习(翻译的标准和过程)Exercise 1: Translate the following sentences1. I read his letter with both surprise and excitement, surprise because he is still alive, excitement because he didn’t even forget me.2. I gave my youth to the sea and I came home and gave my wife my old age.3. The president stands there, hat in hand, begging the Congress for their votes.4. After a sleepless night, during which Joe smoked a whole pack of cigarettes, his eyes were blood-shot, and his breath smelled of tobacco.5. 我的导师是亚裔人,嗜烟好酒,脾气暴躁。
6. 加拿大地广人稀,国土面积比中国还大,人口却不足3000万。
Exercises 2 Improve the following translation1.I will teach him to deceive others.我要教他去欺骗别人。
2. This thesis leaves much to be desired.这篇文章有很多地方让人喜欢。
3. A measure of calm gave signs of returning after the flood subsided.洪水退了以后,恢复了平静的标志。
4. “It’s a gloomy thing, however, to talk about one’s own past, with the day breaking. Turn me in some other direction before I go.”“不过,在天亮时谈个人的往事,真扫兴。
Task 11. delicate skin 娇嫩的皮肤2. delicate porcelain 精致的瓷器3. delicate living 奢侈的生活4. delicate health 虚弱的身体5. delicate stomach 容易吃坏的胃6. delicate vase 易碎的花瓶7. delicate diplomatic question 微妙的外交关系8. delicate difference 细微的差别9. delicate surgical operation 复杂的/难做的外科手术10. delicate sense of smell 灵敏的嗅觉11. delicate touch 生花妙笔12. delicate food 美味的食物Task 21. 申请书letter of application2. 报告书report3. 协议书agreement4. 说明书directions/instruction5. 旅行委托书booking form6. 成交确认书sales confirmation7. 电视机使用说明书TV operation guide8. 白皮书white book/statement, document9. 家书letter (from) home10. 文凭/毕业证书diploma/degree certificateTask 31.他只要听到几句恭维话就会得意忘形。
A little flattery would set him carried away.2.答英语卷越认真越好。
You can never be too careful in answering an English paper.3.公费吃喝是群众反映强烈的不良之风之一。
Sumptuous banquets, financed by state money, have long been a bane on Chinese society.4.要筹集2万5千英磅她完全无力办得到。
哈利波特第二章翻译Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsChapter 2: Dobby's WarningHarry's summer holidays with the Dursleys had been anything but pleasant. He had been locked in his room for most of the time, as his aunt and uncle were angry with him for the events that had taken place at the end of the last school year. Harry's only source of escape had been his correspondence with his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, who had sent him letters about their summer adventures.As Harry eagerly anticipated the start of his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, strange things began happening. Harry noticed weird creatures following him around, and mysterious letters warning him not to return to Hogwarts.One night, Harry's bedroom is suddenly invaded by an eccentric house-elf named Dobby. Dobby warns Harry that if he goes back to Hogwarts, he will be in great danger. The house-elf desperately tries to convince Harry not to return to school by any means necessary, including causing various accidents and mishaps.Despite Dobby's warnings, Harry is determined to return to Hogwarts and his friends. He refuses to be frightened away. As a result, Dobby becomes increasingly frustrated and upset.The next day, Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione receive a surprise visit from Ron's older brothers, Fred and George Weasley.The Weasley twins are there to take Harry to Diagon Alley, the wizarding shopping district, to buy his school supplies. Harry is thrilled by the unexpected visit, grateful for a break from the Dursleys' constant mistreatment.As Harry and the Weasley twins make their way through Diagon Alley, they pass a crowd gathered around a store called Flourish and Blotts. Curious, Harry stops to see what is happening and discovers that the famous author Gilderoy Lockhart is there, signing autographs for his new book. Harry and the Weasley twins decide to go in and see what the fuss is about.In the packed bookstore, Harry catches Lockhart's attention accidentally, and to everyone's surprise, Lockhart takes Harry aside and starts boasting about his celebrity status. Harry is unimpressed with Lockhart's arrogance but tries to keep up a polite conversation. Meanwhile, Ron and Hermione browse through the bookstore, picking out their school books and supplies.As they leave Flourish and Blotts, Harry notices a familiar face in the crowd: Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy's father and a known supporter of the Dark Arts. Harry feels a sense of unease at the sight of the Malfoys, but he cannot fathom why Lucius would be in Diagon Alley.Back at the Burrow, the Weasley family's home, Harry is welcomed heartily by Ron's parents and brothers. It feels like a second home to Harry, where he is treated with kindness and acceptance. The annual Back-to-School feast with the Weasleys is filled with laughter and delicious food, a stark contrast to theDursleys' cold and restrictive environment.As Harry reflects on his eventful day, he can't help but wonder about Dobby's warning and the presence of Lucius Malfoy. He knows that this school year might hold some unexpected challenges, but he is determined to face them head-on.。
法律英语 第二章 翻译
文学翻译 第二章 人物形象的翻译(一、 The Old Man Santiyago)
那老人独驾轻舟,在墨西哥湾暖流捕鱼,如今出海已有八十四天, 仍是一鱼不获。开始的四十天,有个男孩跟他同去。可是过了四十天 还捉不到鱼,那男孩的父母便对他说,那老头子如今不折不扣地成了 晦气星,那真是最糟的厄运,于是男孩听了父母的话,到另一条船上 去,那条船第一个星期便捕到三尾好鱼。他看见老人每日空船回来, 觉得难过,每每下去帮他的忙,或拿绳圈,或拿鱼钩鱼叉,以及卷在 桅上的布帆。那帆用面粉袋子补成一块块的,卷起来,就像是一面长 败之旗。 老人瘦削而憔悴,颈背皱纹深刻。热带海上阳光的反射引起善性 的皮癌,那种褐色的疮疱便长满了两颊,两手时常用索拉扯大鱼,也 留下深折的瘢痕。这些瘢痕却都不新,只像无鱼的沙漠里风蚀留痕一 样苍老。 除了眼睛,他身上处处都显得苍老。可是他的眼睛跟海水一样颜 色,活泼而坚定。 选自[美国]欧内斯特· 海明威 著 余光中 译 译林出版社, 2010年10月
第二章 人物形象的翻译
一、The Old Man Santiyago 应是: Santiago
He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. In the first forty days a boy had been with him. But after forty days without a fish the boy’s parents had told him that the old man was now definitely and finally salao, which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy had gone at their orders in another boat which caught three good fish the first week. It made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day with his skiff empty and he always went down to help him carry either the coiled lines or the gaff and harpoon and the sail that was furled around the mast. The sail was patched with flour sacks and, furled, it looked like the flag of permanent defeat. The old man was thin and gaunt with deep wrikles in the back of his neck. The brown blotches of the benevolent skin cancer the sun brings from its reflection on the tropic sea were on his cheeks. The blotches ran well down the sides of his face and his hands had the deep-creased scars from handling heavy fish on the cords. But none of these scars were fresh. They were as old as erosions in a fishless desert. Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated.
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第二章翻译的过程翻译的过程可以分为三个步骤: (1) 阅读并分析原文(analysis of the source text), (2) 将原文转换成译入语(transfer from source to target language)(3) 对译文进行修订(revision) 2.1 阅读并分析原文把握原文的意图:原文的意图指原作者对有关题材或内容的立场或态度。
例如:a. Police Shoot Rioting Blacksb. Rioting Blacks Shot by Policec. Rioting Blacks Shot形式对意义的表达在诗歌中的作用。
例如:40-LOVERoger McGoughMiddle agedcouple playingten- niswhen thegame endsand theygo homethe netwill stillbe be-tween them许渊冲的译文:四十岁的爱情中年夫妇打网球打完后回家走球网依旧把人分左右二、语义分析(semantic analysis ): 即说明处在一定语境中,按照一定次序排列的词项或句项之间的语义关系,探索词项、句项的意义。
”(William Hans of The Theory of Translation )首先,分析词的概念意义(conceptual meaning )和关联意义(associative meaning )例如:seat oneself in a wooden chair accept a university chairchair the board meeting condemned to the chair其次,把握意义关系,注意同反义、褒贬义、多义与歧义等关系。
例如:George made great progress at school.Let us be great friendsHe has the reputation of being a blood-sucker.She has made a reputation for herself through hard work.Good fortune lieth within bad, bad fortune lurketh within good.第三,了解文化特征、历史演变、社会发展、科技进步对语言的影响。
例如:“Greek and Latin are all English to me.” said Oscar Wilde. (It is Greek to me.) There are cattle in the fields, but we sit down to beef.小犬将于下月结婚。
例如:1) milk the cow 2) milk the bull3) sleeping beauty 4) sleeping spy5) You said that it is out of question, but it seems to me that it is out of the question. 第五,注意词语的搭配关系、逻辑关系和山下文关系。
例如:1) He wrote his 12 th novel at the ripe age of 85.2) 1990 was a bad year for the Soviet economy. It ended with a balance of trade.3) A “Well, old boy,” said the visitor, “it's nice to see you up and about.”B “Up, yes,” the patient said, “but about, no, at least not much”.三、语境分析(analysis of the context)语境包含:语言内部的上下文关系;话语与经验世界的关系。
(一)上下文分析(contextual analysis/ linguistic context ):首先,一个词与周围词的关系。
例如:Today a politician without elbows is as lost as a politician without principles.其次,短语是否是语义整体。
例如:--I don't know what you do with your brass.--I spend it on you, always a good table, you must have. Never anything short.再次,一个句子是否是一个独立的语义单位。
例如:The face is the index of the mind.Far from eye, far from heart.Mr. Lear is trying to oil the judge's palm.He has stolen a march on me.Today in the New York Stock Exchange, all the brothers are tails up.(二)语言与经验世界的关系(non-linguistic context )所谓非语言环境,指话语及其组成部分与文化和自然环境的相互关系。
例如:Did he receive a warm welcome from the first lady of the house?首先,话语发生时环境。
例如:It's freezing cold here.其次,身体语言(body language )。
例如:“You think we can”—he glanced at the couple ahead of them--“like them—you and I?” She shook her head.四、语用分析(pragmatic analysis )语用分析即通过对语言的交际意义的综合分析,了解和确定说话人和话语间的关系,常常表现为说话人的感情、态度、情绪、意念等。
(一)讲话者的情感参与(1 )请求:Would you mind lending me 10 yuan?(2 )许诺:I shall return the book tomorrow.(3 )警告:Say that again and I'll part with you once and for all.(4 )褒贬:You are stubborn. He is pig-headed. I am strong-willed.(二)准确表达说话人的意图1 ,确认but, even, and, before 等词的语用意义。
例如:Harry is a professor, but can't spell.Even Max fell into love with her.And you talked to him this way after all he'd done for you.It will be a couple of years before we meet again.2, 确认潜台词。
例如:“A down-to-earth man would have succeeded.” father scolded me.2.2 将原文转换成译入语如何忠实地表达原文的意思,按照英国翻译理论家纽马克(Newmark) 的观点,在表达的过程中,译者必须在四个层次上对原文和译文负责,即:文本层次(textual level );所指层次(referential level );粘着层次(cohesive level )和自然层次(level of naturalness )一、文本层次(textual level )文本层次指原文的字面意义。
例如:1 )You flatter me.原译:你拍我马屁。
2 )He is lying on his back.3) 在斯坦福大学的迎新晚会上,玛丽问他“你是个中国留学生吗?”译文:In the evening party to welcome new arrivals in Stanford University, Mary asked him, “…”4) 画上是几个中国美女。
原译:There are some Chinese beautiful girls on the picture.改译:There are some beautiful Chinese girls in the picture.二、所指层次(referential level)指译者对原文所指意义的把握。
例如:1 )A: You alone here?B: I'm saving myself for you.原译:A: 你一个人?B: 我在为你救我自己。
2 )The old man stood from the chair.3) [唐长安城] 划分为108坊和东市、西市两个商业区。
原译:It was divided into one hundred and eight workshops and two commercial districts —the East City and the West City.4) 1911年,在一个小县城里边,我生在一个小地主家里。
原译: In the year of 1911, I was born in the home of a petty landlord in a small country town.5)他(听到这话)心里一跳,脸色也变了.原译:His heart jumped and the color of his face changed.6) 三四个筛酒的酒保,都手忙脚乱,搬东搬西。
(施耐庵《水浒传》)原译:But these serving men were so busy, their hands and feet were all in confusion, and they were moving things hither and thither, east and west. (All Men Are Brothers)三、粘着层次(cohesive level)粘着层次指语篇中句子的衔接。