3 branches of government in US(美国政府的三个权力机构)







The U.S. Constitution, a relatively simple document, is the self-designated “supreme law of the land”. This clause is taken to mean that when state constitutions, or laws passed by state legislatures or the national Congress, are found to conflict with the federal Constitution, they have no force. Decisions handed down by the Supreme Court over the course of two centuries have confirmed and strengthened this doctrine of constitutional supremacy.最后的权力归于美国人民,如果他们愿意,可以通过修正宪法或者起草一部新宪法(这至少从理论上来说是可行的)的方式来改变这部基本法。


Final authority is vested in the American people, who can change the fundamental law if they wish, by amending the Constitution, or-in theory, at least-drafting a new one. The people’s authority is not exercised directly, however. The day-to-day business of government is delegated by the people to public officials, both elected and appointed.公共官员的权力是有限的,他们的公务行为必须符合宪法和根据宪法制定的法律。



Unit 11.Man is not only a dweller in nature, he also transforms it. Humanity converts nature’s wealth into the means of the cultural, historical life of society.人类不仅仅只是自然的居民,他还改造者自然。

人类将自然的财富转变成社会文化和历史生活的资料2.Not only has man transferred various species of plants and animals to different climatic conditions, he has also changed the shape and climate of his environment and transformed plants and animals.人类不仅仅将各种各样的动植物送到不同的气候条件下,还改变了环境的形态和气候,改造了动植物3. Our distant ancestors lived in fear of nature’s destructive forces.我们遥远的祖先生活在对大自然破坏性力量的恐惧中.4.This was all done in the name of civilisation, which meant the places where man had made his home, (are) where the earth was cultivated, where the forest had been cut down这是以人类文明的名义做的事情,也就是说人类住在哪里,那里的土地就会被耕耘,森林就会被砍伐5. But as time goes on mankind becomes increasingly concerned with the question of where and how to obtain irreplaceable natural resources for the needs of production.然而,随着岁月的流逝,人们越来越关注的是在何处得到和如何得到生产所需的不可替代的自然资源问题6. At present the previous dynamic balance between man and nature and between nature and society as a whole has shown ominous signs of breaking down.目前,人与自然以及自然与社会整体之间过去存在的动态平衡,以呈现崩溃的迹象。



英美文化概况问答题以及答案:1.What are the some of the major powers of each of the three branches of the US government? How are the three branches supposed to check and balance each other? Can political reform in China borrow anything from that? 美国政府三大部门的一些主要权利是什么?三大部门之间如何制约和平衡?中国的政治改革能否从中借鉴什么?A.What are the some of the major powers of each of the three branches of the US government?The three branches—the Legislative, the Executive, headed by the president. And the Judicial, headed by the Supreme Court.The Legislative, including both houses of Congress (the Senate and the House of Representative) 。

The legislative branch(立法机构)is the only branch that can make federal laws, levy federal taxes and declare war or put foreign treaties into effect.The Executive, headed by the president. The president can appoint federal judges as vacancies occur, including members of the Supreme Court. All such court appointments are subject to confirmation by the Senate. The president has broad powers, with the executive branch, to issue regulations and directives regarding the work of the federal departments. He is the commander in chief of the armed forces. The judicial branch(司法机构) is headed by the Supreme Court with a chief justice and 8 associate justices. The Federal courts have jurisdiction over cases arising out of the Constitution and other cases which do not arise out of individual states.The Supreme Court has the judicial review power.B.How are the three branches supposed to check and balance each other? System of “checks and balances (制约与平衡的原则)”of the three-part national government works to keep serious mistakes from being made by one branch or another.C.Can political reform in China borrow anything from that?China does not make the separation, but can absorb the reasonable factors. The people's congress system is a basic system suitable to China's national conditions. It directly reflects that people's democratic dictatorship is national nature in our country, reflected the whole picture of our political life and is the basic forms and means for the people to be the masters of democratic rights.(中国不搞三权分立,但可以吸收其合理的因素。



UNIT 31.What is an American?He is either a European, or the descendant of a European, hence that strange mixture of blood, which you will find in no other country. He is an American, who leaving behind hi m all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life h e has embraced, the new government he obeys, and the new rank he holds. ... Here indiv iduals of all nations are melted into a new race of men, whose labors and posterity will on e day cause great changes in the world. ... The American is a new man, who acts new pri nciples; he must therefore entertain new ideas, and form new opinions.CommentI agree with him, His opinion of the United States is quite high, In explaining his love for America, and what he feels it means to be "an American".Americans are eager to learn new knowledge and try new things. They don’t hold old principles and have independent thinking, opinions and values. They just be themselves and do the things they like without much consideration. They are adaptable, efficient and creative.4 . In what way did Puritanism influence American culture?A. Today, Puritans are no longer in existence. But their legacies are still felt in American s ociety and culture. For example, the Puritans hoped to build "a city upon hill" an ideal co mmunity. Since that time, Americans have viewed their country as a great experiment, a worthy model for other nations. This sense of mission has been very strong in the minds of many Americans.B. The Puritans also have left rich cultural heritage to future Americans. The American val ues such as individualism, hard work, respect of education owe very much to the Puritan beliefs.Unit43. What are some of the major powers of each of the three branches of the U.S. gov ernment? How are the three branches supposed to check and balance each other?A 1.-- the legislative branch is made up of elected representatives from all of the states a nd is the only branch that can make federal laws, levy federal taxes and declare war or p ut foreign treaties into effect. It consists of a Congress that is divided into the House of Re presentative and the Senate. The House of Representatives has 435 members who serv e two-year terms. The Senate comprises 100 lawmakers who serve six-year terms. Each state, regardless of population, has two senators.2.--- the executive branch is the president, who is elected to a four-year term. A president can be elected to only two terms according to an amendment passed in 1951. The presid ent can appoint federal judges as vacancies occur. He is the commander in chief of the ar med forces. The president has other broad authorities in running the government departm ents and handling foreign relations.3.--- the judicial branch is headed by the Supreme Court with a chief justice and 8 associ ate justices. The Federal courts have jurisdiction over cases arising out of the Constitutio n and other cases which do not arise out of individual states. The Supreme Court has the judicial review power, the power determining whether congressional legislation or executi ve action violates the Constitution.B. 1.If Congress proposes a law that the president thinks is unwise, the president can vet o it.2. If Congress passes a law which is then challenged in the courts as unconstitutional, the Supreme Court has the power to declare the law unconstitutional and therefore no long er in effect.3. The president has the power to make treaties with other nations and to make all appoin tments to federal positions, including the position of Supreme Court justice. The Senate, however, must approve all treaties and confirm all appointments before they become offic ial. In this way the Congress can prevent the president from making unwise appointments .3. What are some of the major powers of each of the three branches of the U.S. gov ernment? How are the three branches supposed to check and balance each other? If Congress proposes a law that the president thinks is unwise, the president can veto it. That means the proposal does not become law. Congress can enact the law despite the p resident's views only if two-thirds of the members of both houses vote in favor of it. If Con gress passes a law which isthen challenged in the courts as unconstitutional, the Suprem e Court has the power to declare the law unconstitutional and therefore no longer in effect .The president has the power to make treaties with other nations and to make all appointm ents to federal positions, including the position of Supreme Court justice. The Senate, ho wever, must approve all treaties and confirm all appointments before they become official. In this way the Congress can prevent the president from making unwise appointments 4.What is the Bill of Rights? Do you think that it was necessary to write the Bill of Rights explicitly into the U.S. Constitution?The Bill of Rights: the first 10 amendments, collectively known as the Bill of Rights, were added within two years of the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. These amendments rema in intact today, as they were written two centuries ago. The first guarantees freedom of w orship, speech and press,the right of peaceful assembly, and the right to petition the gove rnment to correct wrongs. The Bill of Rights and subsequent constitutional amendments g uarantee the American people the fullest possible opportunity to enjoy fundamental huma n rights.5 What are the two political parties in the United States? Do you think they are fund amentally different?the United States has two major political parties. One is the Democratic Party, which evol ved out of Thomas Jefferson's party, formed before 1800. The symbol of the party is the d onkey. The other is the Republican Party, which was formed in the 1850s, by people in th e states of the North and West, such as Abraham Lincoln, who wanted the government to prevent the expansion of slavery into new states then being admitted to the union. The s ymbol of the Republican Party is the elephant.UNIT 51. Do you agree that cultivators of the earth are most valuable citizen?Yes, I do agree the point that ―cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens‖. My reasons for my agreement can be illustrated as follows:Firstly, though outward forms have changed, the vital importance of agriculture has not. A griculture provides the sustenance that meets people‘s most basic needs. Agriculture and its related industres serve as the foundation of American economic life, accounting for a l arger portion of the United States‘ GNP than any other endeavor. Besides, agriculture repr esents a bond of continuity between present and past. Therefore, cultivators of the earth who contribute a lot to agriculture are important and valuable. Secondly, cultivators of the earth are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous. They have shown a spirit of individualism and egalitarianism that the rest of society has admired. To a large extent, agricultural values have been adopted and celebrated by the society as a whole. Thirdly, American agriculture is big business. It provides the rest world with lots of food. S o as the main body of agriculture, cultivators of the earth contributes a lot to American‘s e conomic.3. Give examples of industries which are declining, and industries which are fast d eveloping in theUS.Generally speaking, declining industries would be industries where labor cost is high and its growth potential is limited. The Auto industry is in a declining state but of course if they reinvent their automobiles things could pick up for them. Developing industries would be the hi tech sector. Especially in companies that are developing new types of technology t o help our environment by developing new types of technology in many areas. Especially energy conservation technology and new types of alternative energies. Also, new types of technology where we would be using fewer resources for our daily usage.From 1922 to 1929, the economic of America is prosperous, the car industry, the electrica l industry and construction, developing rapidly and become a national industry. In 1920s t he economic boomed and wealth is just possessed by a few people, the gap between ric h and poor continued to expand. At first, the construction industry became in recession, a nd then the steel industry and the automobile get into trouble.Roosevelt defeated Hoover in the 1932 election. during the march of the president of the United States, the "new policy" is carried on, the intervention of the state finance, agricult ure, industry and social relief, the project and financial aspects became more and more, which made the United States government undertake to ensure economic stability and de velopment of responsibility. Social security system is established initially.After World War II, the US economy enters a period of rapid growth. On the one hand, the United States began to develop world's advanced scientific and technological achieveme nts. It caused a new industrial technology revolution, with the atom, computers and the ex tensive application of space technology for the main, involving information technology, ne w energy technology, new materials technology, biotechnology and space technology and the marine technology. The tertiary industry is booming .UNIT 61. In what way do you think that religious freedom was a historical necessity in the United States?1.By the middle of the 18th century, many different kinds of Protestants lived in America.2.. The Great Awakening of the 1740s, a "revival" movement that sought to breathe new f eeling and strength into religion, cut across the lines of Protestant religious groups, or de nominations.3.A few Americans were so influenced by the new science and new ideas of the Enlighten ment in Europe that they became deists, believing that reason teaches that God exists bu t leaves man free to settle his own affairs.4.The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States forbade the new federal g overnment to give special favors to any religion or to hinder the free practice, or exercise, of religion.UNIT 81. What is the goal of education in the United States? Discuss the similarities and d ifferences in Great Britain, the United States and China concerning the goals of edu cation.The goal is—and has been since the early decades of the republic—to achieve universal l iteracy and to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote bot h their own individual welfare as well as that of the general public. Though this goal has n ot yet been fully achieved, it remains an ideal toward which the American educational syst em is directed. The progress which has been made is notable both for its scope and for the educational methods which have been developed in the process of achieving it.2. How did American education begin to develop?In 1634, they opened a ―lateen grammar school, a school for those who wanted to prep are for college.In 1636, Harvard College was founded for the training of religious ministers.In 1634 and 1638, the Puritans passed laws declaring that all property could be taxed for the common good, which included the support of school.In 1642 and 1647, the Bay Colony passed laws requiring all parents to provide reading ed ucating for their children.At the end of the 18th century, elementary education throughout the United States was in local hands.3. What are the major characteristics of education in America?(1)Different education laws for different states.(2)Several levels of schooling:Elementary Schooling,Secondary Schooling and High Schooling.(3)curricula for students: there is no national curriculum in the United States. (3)Compulso ry education for all students.(4)Equal education opportunities for minority groups. (5)Strong demand for higher educati on. (6)The complex system of higher education.Some states play a strong role in the selection of learning material for their students. Sch ools were asked not only to teach this new information, but to help students ask their own questions about it. The inquiry method of learning , focusing on solving problems rather t han memorizing facts, became popular.3.What are the major characteristics of education in America?1. About 85% of American students attend public schools (schools supported by America n taxpayers). The other 15% attend private schools, for which their families choose to pay special attendance fees. Four out of five private schools in the United States are run by c hurches, synagogues or other religious groups. In such schools, religious teachings are apart of the curriculum.2. Each of the 50 states in the United States has its own laws regulating education. From state to state, some laws are similar; others are not. Education in the United States was t o remain in the hands of state and local governments.3. Americans have a strong tendency to educate their children about major public concer ns—problems such as environmental pollution, nuclear issues, neighborhood crime and d rugs.Unit 101. The author says that the United State was founded on the principle of humanequality, but in practice the nation has fallen far short of that ideal. Illustrate this point with what you have learned from this text.1. American society is a stratified one, in which power, wealth, and prestige areunequally distributed among the population.2. The inequality is a matter of distinction between gender and social classes, classdivisions often parallel racial divisions.3. The blacks have long suffered from sustained oppression, discrimination, and denialof basic civil rights and liberties.4. Many states passed segregation laws to keep the races apart in schools, housing,restaurants, and other public facilities.Unit13What role does technology play in our lives?Does it only provide new conveniences or does it sometimes change our life style?Give examples from the text to illustrate your ideas.1 A technology is a system of practices,often involving a physical device,that accomplishes some result desired by some influential part of society.2 It’s high technology and productive world power in the late 20th century.3 It makes history more vivid and more easily remembered.rains4 It greatly improved our life,with the use of air-conditioner,electricity and transportation styles.5 It has innovated a lot of inventors to make contributions to the science,such as Thomas Alva Edison,Frederick Winslow Taylor.6 The newspapers and telegram and cellphone enlarge the communication of the people all over the world.7 Manned spacecraft and satellite,especially for atomic bomb,which is a big symbol of a nation.8 Renewable energy technology can produce a changeable way of the pollution,which can develop a more better environment for us.Techology plays important roles in our lives. It not only provides new conveniences but also sometimes change our life style. And it can also damage human beings’treasure and lives.1、Provide new conveniences:①In 1920, the first commercial radio station began brodcasting, radio became an important locas of advertisements for the products to feed a growing consumerism inAmerica. And many comedians became famous for their radio shows. Sports heroes emerged mainly due to the exciting and colorful descriptoins broadcast by sports announcers.②Inventoins of household appliances, such as refrigerators, home oil furnaces, electric blenders have led to an easier life for the homemaker. Men no longer chop wood or shovel coal for burning. Men and children no longer wash dishes.③The Internet emerged in 1968, after that, many educational, private and commercial net works joined eful tools were invented such as the e-mail. The Internet has changed people’s life in unimaginable way.2、Change our life style:①The moving of the wealthy middle class from dirty and crowded cities to the suburbs was facilitiated by the availability of the inexpensive automobile, made possible by Ford’s assembly line technology.②Adults who spend too much time watching TV are turning into coach potatoes ( a nickname for TV fans ), much to he alarm of health officials.3、Damage human beings’treasure and lives:①The 1979 Three Mile Island accident exposed the risk of devasting accidents and led people’s de aths.[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]。





再穷不能穷政府,政府咋会没有钱?简单地说,按照美国宪法的规定,美国政府花钱必须获得国会的批准,否则“政府没有花钱的法定权力”(government does not have the legal authority to spend money)。














约有80万联邦政府公务员,即联邦雇员(Federal employees),必须“富漏”(furlough),即:无薪“被休假”。









Parliament and the King 议会和国王
The King of England and the Parliament often disagreed on the budget 英格兰国王和议会常常对预算产生分歧 Because of this, the U.S. Constitution incorporated what are called the “separation of powers” with three branches of government each having its own responsibilities and powers 因此,美国宪法中体现出所谓的三权分立,政府的 三大机关各自被赋予了不同的责任和权力。
The Four Stages of the Budget Cycle 预算周期的四个阶段
Phase 1: Executive Preparation第一阶段:行政准备 Phase 2: Congressional Consideration第二阶段:国会审议 Phase 3: Budget Execution第三阶段:预算执行 Execution Phase 4: Budget Audit/evaluation第四阶段:预算审计/ 评估
What is a Government Budget? 什么是政府预算?
A government’s budget is an itemized summary of estimated or intended expenditures for a given period along with proposals for financing them 政府预算是特定时期内的预计开支或计划开支, 及提议为这些开支提供资金的分类科目。



美国政权制度“三权分立”三权分立, 美国, 制度, 政权The federal government of the United States was established by the US Constitution(宪法), which is the supreme law of the nation, providing a framework for the US government. The document defines three main branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial(立法,行政,司法). Through a system of separating the powers of these branches, these three branches form a system of “check and balances”(制衡原则) where each one helps to regulate the others.Let’s get back to the 3 branches of government. The legislative branch has the power to create, amend and change laws. The primary components of any legislature are the chambers, or houses. These chambers/houses are assemblies, a group of people gathered together for a similar purpose, in this case to debate and vote on bills--proposed laws that have not yet been adopted. A legislature with one house is called, unicameral(单院制), and with two is bicameral(两院制). The US legislature, known as the US Congress, is a bicameral legislature, with two houses differing in duties, powers, and the methods used to select its members. Our two legislative houses are known as the House of Representatives and the Senate(众议院与参议院).The House of Representatives is based on each state’s population, although each state has at least one representative.Currently there are 435 voting members of the House, and each representative serves a 2-year term. The head of the House is known as the Speaker. The Senate is different in that every state elects 2 senators, regardless of the state population, to serve 6-year terms. As the US has 50 states, we have a total of 100 senators. Although the two chambers have different duties, the consent of both houses must be obtained to make anylaw.美国三权分立的利弊(英文)?这是一篇有关美国三权分立优缺点的英文短文,应该对您有用.The separation of powers, also known as trias politica, is a model for the governance of democratic states. The model was first developed in ancient Greece and cam e into widespread use by the Roman Republic as part of the uncodified Constitutio n of the Roman Republic. Under this model, the state is divided into branches or estates, each with separate and independent powers and areas of responsibility. Th e normal division of estates is into an executive, a legislature, and a judiciary.Parliamentary democracies do not have distinct separation of powers. The executiv e, which often consists of a prime minister and cabinet ("government"), is drawn fr om the legislature (parliament). This is the principle of responsible government. Ho wever, although the legislative and executive branches are connected, in parliament ary systems there is usually an independent judiciary and the government's role in the parliament does not give them unlimited legislative influence.Advantages and disadvantages the separation of powers, also known as trias politic a, is a model for the governance of democratic states. the model was first develop ed in ancient greece and came into widespread use by the roman republic as part of the uncodified constitution of the roman republic. under this model, the state is divided into branches or estates, each with separate and independent powers and areas of responsibility. the normal division of estates is into an executive, a legisl ature, and a judiciary.parliamentary democracies do not have distinct separation of powers. the executive, which often consists of a prime minister and cabinet ("government"), is drawn fro m the legislature (parliament). this is the principle of responsible government. howe ver, although the legislative and executive branches are connected, in parliamentary systems there is usually an independent judiciary and the government's role in the parliament does not give them unlimited legislative influence。



You and I have some things in common. 你和我有共同点We both dislike the president. 我们都讨厌总统How well do you know President Underwood, sir? 你和安德伍德总统熟悉吗先生I've known the president four years. 我认识总统4年了Isn't it a fact that it was Francis Underwood 是弗兰西斯·安德伍德and not President Walker who first suggested you should resign?而不是沃克总统最先建议你辞职的吧Having trouble starting it? 发动不了吗Yeah. I think the battery might be dead. 是的可能电池没电了吧I have some cables if you want to try and jump it. 如果你想试试跨接启动我有电线You sure you don't mind? 这真的不麻烦吗Not at all. 一点也不Sources are telling us that Francis Underwood 有消息源称不久前conceded to Governor Conway on the phone 弗兰西斯·安德伍德致电康威州长only a short time ago. 承认落选I suspect their numbers are matching up with ours. 我猜测他们收到的数字跟我们的相符I don't care if he loses. 我不在乎他输不输I'm not talking about the election. I'm talking about you. 我不是指选举我是说你What will happen to you? 你会怎么样...fear from continued terrorist threats 持续的恐怖主义威胁带来的恐慌...and the disturbing news coming out of Tennessee... 和田纳西州传出的令人不安的消息I was forced to close a number of our polling places. 让我不得不关闭几个我们的投票站Fuck me. 操At least six states will not have certified vote totals 至少六个州将不能在2016的选举夜on Election Night 2016. 认证计票结果What? You think I learned nothing from Al Gore? 怎么你以为我没从戈尔那里学到教训吗- Not my president! - Not my president! -不是我的总统 -不是我的总统- Not my president! - Not my president! -不是我的总统 -不是我的总统- Not my president! - Not my president! -不是我的总统 -不是我的总统- Not my president! - Not my president! -不是我的总统 -不是我的总统- Not my president! - Not my president! -不是我的总统 -不是我的总统The people are angry. 人民很愤怒Nine weeks ago, we had an election in this country, 九周前我们国家举行了一场大选but because two states refused to certify, 但是由于两个州拒绝认证选举结果neither Conway nor myself received the 270 electoral votes 康威和我都没拿到270张选举人票required for victory. 而这是胜选的必要条件So they gather here every morning 所以他们每天早上聚集在这里to exercise their magnificent right, 来履行他们神圣的权利guaranteed by the First Amendment... 被第一修正案保障的权利to let their angry voices be heard. 发出他们愤怒的声音And so, Thanksgiving, Christmas, 就这样感恩节圣诞节and half of January have come and gone, 再加上半个一月来了又去and all three branches of government are in crisis. 政府的三大分支全都深陷危机The Congress is in disarray, 国会吵成一团the Supreme Court is down a justice and doomed to deadlock, 最高法院少了一位法官必将陷入僵局and the executive branch is without a boss. 而行政机关也群龙无首You see, my feeling is, 你看我觉得I think the Founding Fathers, they just got tired. 国父们就是乏了And really, can you blame them? 说真的谁能怪他们呢I mean, you can't think of everything. 你怎么可能把方方面面都考虑周全Black swans, Murphy's Law. 各种意外各种难以避免的灾难I mean, at a certain point, 到了一定程度you just have to sign off and cross your goddamn fingers 你也只能放弃交叉手指and hope for the best. 祈求能有个好结果Or adopt "flipism," 或者使用"扔硬币原理"a pseudo-philosophy of life in which 这是一种伪哲学意思是the most important decisions are made by the flipping of a coin.生活中最重要的事都要通过扔硬币来决定It was first introduced in the Disney comic book 这个说法最先出现在迪士尼的漫画书Flip Decision, one of my favorites, 《硬币决定法》里我最喜欢这期了in which Donald Duck is persuaded by Professor Batty 里面讲到巴蒂教授说服唐老鸭to make all the most important decisions 所有重大的人生决定based on the flipping of a coin. 都通过扔硬币来决断"Life is but a gamble. "生活就是场赌博Let flipism guide your ramble." 让扔硬币原理指引你"We've had this sort of trouble before. 我们以前也有过这种麻烦The election of 1800, Jefferson versus Burr. 1800年大选杰斐逊对伯尔They wound up in a tie. 73 electoral votes each. 他们最后打成了平手每人73张选举人票That was the number required then, 那是当时的胜选票数and that's when Congress tried to address 这时国会试图解决这种what the Founding Fathers just couldn't imagine. 国父们根本想象不到的局面And, poof, the Twelfth Amendment was born. 于是第十二修正案诞生了And it says that if the states don't certify, 里面说如果各州不能认证选举结果it's the House that chooses the president 那么就由众议院来挑选总统and the Senate that chooses the vice president. 由参议院来选副总统Now the House is a bit of a mess, 众议院有点乱说不清楚but the Senate is rather democratic in how they choose the VP.但是参议院选副总统的办法可是挺民主的One person, one vote. 一人一票But if there's a tie... 但如果还是平局and this is where Donald Duck comes in, 就该唐老鸭登场了it's resolved... 选举的结果by the toss of a coin. 全看这硬币一扔A solution that's elegant as hell. 这办法简洁得见了鬼But then there's no elegance in modern politics. 不过现代政治哪有什么简洁可言It's mostly hell. 只剩下见鬼了The identity of the next President of these United States 美国总统的宝座花落谁家is once again in the hands of a bunch of 决定权再次落到了这一帮self-serving, money-hungry, 自私自利嗜财如命boot-licking, power-seeking politicians 阿谀谄媚贪恋权势的政治家手里who can be seduced or sucker punched 而加以利诱或者迎头痛击or blackmailed into submission. 或者要挟就能让他们服从And all I need is just one more vote than the other guy. 我只需要比另一个人多一票就行As you can see, the Founding Fathers didn't plan for this. 如你所见国父们根本没想到会有这种局面But I did. 而我想到了Meet your new daddy. 我就是你的新爹Right. 好You can feel it, right? It's like you're there. 你能感觉到对吧简直身临其境Doesn't that look just like it? 是不是跟真的一样To me, it is that place. 在我看来简直就是那个地方You okay, man? 你还好吧Yeah. Of course. 好当然好了It really helps. Very effective. 真的有帮助很管用的Yeah. I'd be happy to help you find more funding for it. 是啊我很乐意帮你拉更多投资来If you're feeling a little worked up... 如果你情绪有点激动的话What? 什么Little worked up? 情绪激动I was elected President of the United States over two months ago.两个多月以前我就当选成为美国总统了But somehow, Congress is now deciding the election. 但不知为何现在国会将决定选举结果So forgive me for being a little... 所以原谅我有些- Will... - ...worked up. -威尔 -情绪激动I don't think Tony was implying anything. 东尼应该不是话中有话Of course. Good. 当然那好I'm gonna get myself ready. 我去准备一下I don't want to go to the event looking like this. 我可不想这副样子去参加活动Right. 是啊Thanks, Tony. 谢谢东尼Romero's chief of staff insists he's not in town. 罗梅洛的幕僚长坚称他不在这儿- And do you believe her? - No. -你相信她吗 -不But she's been in D.C. longer than he has. 但她在特区待得比他久At some point she'll take care of herself. 她总会顾及自己的Well, did you tell her I have no interest in discussing 你告没告诉她我不想跟他谈the Declaration of War Committee with him? 宣战委员会的事I expressed our desire 我表明了for a civil and productive meeting with the Congressman.我们想跟议员进行一次客气而有成效的谈话Well, find him. 找到他If he wants to hide from me, 要是他想躲着我he can do it to my face. 那就当着我的面做Yes, sir. 是先生And, Doug. 还有道格How many protestors are out there today? 今天外面有多少抗议者More than yesterday. 比昨天多But they're doing their best 但他们已经尽力to divert them away from the White House. 让他们远离白宫了I don't know what's worse... 我不知道哪样更糟the sound of their chanting 是他们抗议喊口号的声音or the sound of silence when they're not. 还是他们不喊时的寂静I'll get to work, sir. 我去工作了先生Good morning, Augustus. 早上好奥古斯都Well, Eric, I... 艾瑞克我...I'm sorry. They told me to sit, but, uh-- 抱歉他们让我坐着但No, no, no. It's perfectly fine. I... 没事完全没关系我I can't imagine anyone else who would... 我想不到还有谁well, enjoy this more than you. 会比你更喜欢这个You know, I only started it 我们在斯波特瑟尔韦尼亚相遇后after you and I met in Spotsylvania. 我才开始做的这个The attention to detail is... It's just... 你对细节的注重简直是It is, yes. 没错I've got... 我有I mean, I... 我I'm sorry, I'm a... a little overwhelmed by the moment. 抱歉我现在有点不知所错It's just... 就是I have this feeling, as if, uh... 我有一种感觉就好像I've imagined this somehow. 我曾经想象过这个场景I know that sounds, uh... 我知道这听起来You've even got the button on his haversack. 你连他背包上的扣子都做出来了Yes. 是啊I think people underestimate... 我觉得人们会低估the importance of detail... 注重细节to the overall impact. 对整体感觉的影响Yeah. 是啊The Bloody Angle experts would be very impressed. 血腥角专家肯定会非常钦佩的When we met in Spotsylvania, how did you know... 我们在斯波特瑟尔韦尼亚相遇时你怎么知道so many specific things about Augustus, uh... 那么多关于奥古斯都的细节about Augustus Underwood's death? 关于奥古斯都·安德伍德之死I mean, the very spot where he died? 知道他牺牲的确切地点The... the fact that his skull had been crushed with a rock? 知道他的脑袋被石头砸扁了That they buried him in an unmarked grave? I mean... 知道他们把他葬在无名冢里the detail of all that. 这么多细节Hope you'll forgive me, uh... 希望你能原谅我For? 原谅什么I was meeting Vice President Francis Underwood. 我那天见到了副总统弗兰西斯·安德伍德I... thought he deserved a good story. 我觉得应该给他讲个精彩的传说Wait, wait a minute. You... 慢着等等- you made all that up? - Well... -那些全是你编的 -那个I took some liberties. 我自由发挥了一下But, well, I don't know, once it started, 但我也说不好我一开了头it came to me so clearly... 就能清晰地看见了- It's Eric, yeah? - Yes, sir. -艾瑞克对吗 -对先生The crowd? 抗议人群吗Yes. I'm sorry, what were you about to say? 对抱歉你刚才要说什么I don't mean to overstep, sir... 我无意唐突先生but the people out there... 但外面的人I don't care what they're saying. 我不在乎他们说什么And the way I see it, a person's destiny is, you know... 在我看来人的命运sealed. 是注定的We are in uncharted territory here. 我们踏入了未知领域All right. But, Donny, do me a favor, okay? 好但是唐尼帮个忙好吗- Let the Constitution-- - Can I finish? -让宪法 -我能说完吗Hold on. Just let the Constitution do its job. 等等让宪法行使它的职责Okay, Joe, Joe, I'm gonna finish for once. 好吧乔让我说完一次You've got voters filing individual suits... 现在有选民提起个诉- Right. - ...in Tennessee and Ohio, -对 -田纳西和俄亥俄都有and they are jammed up in the Supreme Court. 都堆在最高法院了Like everything else, 就像别的一切the day-to-day workings of this country are on hold. 这个国家的日常事务被中断了Okay, they may be on hold, but guess what? 好或许是被中断了但你猜怎么Last time I checked, 据我所知everybody was still getting their Social Security checks. 大家仍然在领社保支票Yeah, but if the debt limit is reached? 没错但如果达到债务上限了呢Come on. Let me finish now. 拜托让我说完Again, it's why we have a Constitution. 再说一遍这就是为什么我们有宪法I know it looks messy. 我知道看上去很混乱Democracy's messy. But guess what? 民主就很混乱但你猜怎么There is a method to that madness. 这种乱局是有规律的I don't know, Joe. 我说不好乔It's more madness than method right now. 如今是混乱胜过规律I mean, if the government does shut down, 如果政府停摆those Social Security checks, they might not go out. 那些社保支票或许就要停发If the government shuts down, 如果政府停摆who knows if Congress can even pick a president? 谁知道国会还能不能选出总统Each state in the House just gets one vote. 众议院的每个州只有一票So if smaller states like Delaware and Rhode Island 那么如果特拉华州和罗德岛州这样的小州can't reach a consensus... 不能达成共识- Right. - No, it's true. -嗯 -不是这样的I mean, if one or two of these 如果一两个really stubborn members of Congress 非常固执的国会成员decides they're going to hold this up, it could be months. 决定顽固抵抗可能要耗数月Look, that's what I'm saying. 我正是这个意思The road to 26 votes is not an easy one. 得到26张选票并不容易All right. Strange days indeed, Mika. 好吧时局确实奇怪米卡So are these the start to short stories? 这些是短篇小说的开头吗They're nothing yet. Fragments. 现在还不是什么只是片段Pieces. 碎片I mean, clearly, this is about me. 显然这是关于我的This is my mother. 这是我母亲And this is us. 这是我们- You can't write-- - I'm writing. -你不能写 -我要写It's what I do. I'm a writer. 这是我的工作我是个作家I know you're frustrated, Tom, but-- 我知道你很不满汤姆但是I wouldn't say frustrated. 不是不满Well, it's invasive. 这是侵犯- Write about your own experiences. - This is my experience. -写你自己的经历 -这是我的经历Listen, Tom, 听着汤姆just because we've decided Francis and I need to stay here, 我们决定弗兰西斯和我要留在这里doesn't mean you have to. 不代表你也是So if you have things you need to do, 如果你有事you should go ahead and do them. 就应该去做I'll be spending my day convincing the Senate to vote for me, 我这一天得说服参议院给我投票so there's no speeches necessary. 不需要演讲Yeah, okay. 好You know what? I do have some things to do. 你知道吗我确实有事情要做Some people I need to check in with. So... 我需要去找一些人所以Tom. 汤姆Yeah? 怎么了Yes? 什么事You ready, Mrs. Underwood? 准备好了吗安德伍德夫人I'll have a car waiting for you. 我会安排一辆车等你So do you want the good news or the bad news first? 你想先听好消息还是坏消息Always the bad. 永远先听坏消息The president's approvals are down to 19%. 总统的支持率已跌至19%And the good? 好消息They're worse for Congress. 国会情况更糟And you're at 30. 而你是30%Well, thankfully it's congress we have to convince now, 幸好我们现在要说服的是国会not the public. 不是民众These are the remaining senators we'll target before the vote.这些是选举前我们要解决的剩下的参议员All women, by the way. 对了都是女人The biggest challenges will be 最大的挑战将是Indiana's freshman senator Susan Newman. 印第安纳州的新晋参议员苏珊·纽曼The constitutional lawyer? 宪法律师And Hawaii's Kerry Kuilima, 以及夏威夷的凯芮·奎立马who seems to be enjoying 她似乎很高兴getting to wield a little power for once. 终于能有一次实权了I need to tell you, there is a lot of pushback on the Hill 我必须告诉你国会对同时为about the simultaneous vote for president and VP. 总统和副总统投票抵触情绪很高The country is terrified it'll lead to a split ticket. 国民很担心这会导致总统副总统不同党There's threats of a filibuster. 有人可能阻挠议事Well, the Dems won the Senate, 参议院现在是民主党的and they want to vote when the House does. 他们想跟众议院一起投票的That decision's been made. 这已经决定了And the vice president won't allow a filibuster of any kind 副总统也不会允许议员以任何形式onto the floor. 阻挠议事Ma'am, have you contemplated how it could possibly work, 夫人你有没有考虑过这样的结果you as vice president to President Conway? 你做康威总统的副总统That's not going to happen. 不会那样的Of course. 当然I did learn one true thing about Augustus Underwood.我倒是真知道奥古斯都·安德伍德的一件事What? 什么事He was dead. Cold. 他死了真死了They put him on a cart... 他的尸体被放在一辆马车上...bunch of dead bodies to bury. 上面有好多有待埋葬的尸体Then, after a full day and night... 一天一夜之后...he woke up. 他醒了What? 什么Someone stole his shoes and the buttons off his uniform, but...有人偷走了他的鞋和军服上的扣子但是he lived. 他活过来了Few days later, he caught up to his regiment. 几天后他赶上了他所在的军团Really? 真的吗I have to get back to the madness. 我得回去面对那些混乱了I hope I get to see you again, Mr. President. 希望还能再见到你总统先生Eric... what do you do when you're not, 艾瑞克...你不参加重演活动时reenacting? 都干些什么I'm an actor. 我是一名演员Sometimes. 有时候是吧I mean, I'd do a lot more if someone would let me. 只要有人雇我也可以干其它的So, right now, I'm mostly a personal trainer. 现在我主要做私人教练- A personal trainer? - Yeah. -私人教练 -是的You know where to find me. 你知道我的联系方式And, sir... 还有总统阁下...no matter how dire things look... 不管情况看起来多糟糕...you're gonna come out of this alive. 你都能熬出头的You're an Underwood, after all. 你毕竟是安德伍德家的人No, don't... don't "Chief-of-staff" me, Eleanor. 不别耍嘴皮子埃莉诺No, don't give me his schedule. 不不要给我他的行程I don't want to hear 我不想知道about how Congressman Romero is meeting with his constituents 罗梅洛议员在会见选民or stuck on an Acela train. 或是滞留在阿西乐特快上了You know, it's Fazio, right? 你叫法齐奥对吗The pronunciation? 是这么发音的吧Eleanor Fazio? 埃莉诺·法齐奥I... I just want to be sure. 我只是想确认一下Because when the president wins, and he is going to win, 因为等总统获胜他一定会获胜的I will remember your name. 我会记得你的I still need you to review this release. 我还是需要你过目一下这篇发布稿Now, obviously, the goal is 很明显目标是to combat the "hiding out" narrative, 抵住"躲藏"的论调emphasizing the work that they're doing. 强调他们正在做的工作- Is it a personal matter? - Business. -私事吗 -公事It's always business. 我只有公事I'll e-mail you my sign off. 我会签好字电邮给你的Wait a second. 等等I need an update on their schedule for tomorrow. 我需要他们明天的最新行程- We're almost there. - I want to know how you found out. -胜利就在眼前 -告诉我你是怎么知道的If he needs help, 如果他需要帮助that can happen after he makes it to the White House. 等他入主白宫后随时可以找我Mark, you're not answering my question. 马克你还没有回答我的问题If word of treatment, 如果他接受治疗的消息any kind of treatment, got out-- 任何形式的治疗泄露了...His friend was showing him the therapy. 他的朋友给他看了那种治疗方法- That's it. - Please don't insult me. -仅此而已 -请不要侮辱我Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁Inserting yourself into every aspect of our lives. 插手我们生活的方方面面Your husband's campaign needed help. 你丈夫的选举需要帮助- Help arrived. - Yes, but-- -我就伸出了援手 -是的但是...Help that you, most of all, pushed for. Yes? 这原来可是你的意思对吧- Who told you about the VR therapy? - He did. -谁告诉你虚拟现实疗法的 -他自己说的Let's go. 我们走吧What's going on? 怎么了I was just telling Mark how much I miss having Marshall around.我就是在跟马克说我非常怀念马歇尔在的时候Well, he's still around. 他还在啊Where are you going? 你要去哪I forgot my bag. 我忘拿包了It's right here. 就在这里Hello. Yeah. 喂是的Yes, sir, he's right here. 是的他在It's him. 是他Congressman. 议员先生You have no idea how bad this could get. 你根本不知道这可能会多糟We don't wanna be late. 我们可别迟到Well, I couldn't agree more. 我万分赞同She might have gone to Santa Fe. 她可能去了圣达菲You don't believe me, do you? 你不相信我是吗I would need to see something, Lisa. Something concrete. 我需要看到点切实的东西丽萨I have a photo. I have one, but... 我有照片我有一张Listen. 听我说Look at me. 看着我You're not the first person to come here making false claims你不是第一个来找我对安德伍德和他手下about Underwood and his cronies. 提出虚假指控的人了But I'm telling the truth. 但我说的是实话Everything you're saying you could've read in the paper. 但你说的一切都可能是报纸上读来的That's how I realized who he was. His picture in the paper. 我就是这样知道他的身份的因为报纸登了Which makes your story harder to prove. We're talking in circles. 这样你的说法就更难证实了我们在兜圈子What about Doug Stamper driving me home when my car broke down, 那我车坏掉时道格·斯坦普开车送我回家呢telling me his name was Peter and that he sold insurance? 还跟我说他叫彼得是卖保险的- No one can corroborate that story. - Rachel! -没人能证实你的说法 -瑞秋Rachel could. 瑞秋可以- You should finish that. - I'm not hungry. -你该吃完 -我不饿Maybe I am. I don't know. 或许我饿了我不知道I want to thank you for reaching out. 我想感谢你来联络我I am not saying I don't believe you. 我不是说我不相信你But there's already enough evidence out there 但已经有足够可以to take the president down. 扳倒总统的证据了And now, with this election, he'll be accountable for even more. 这次选举会让他背负更多罪责- I'm certain of it. - I don't care. -我确定 -我不在乎I don't care about Underwood. I want you to talk to Doug Stamper. 我不在乎安德伍德我要你去找道格·斯坦普I want you to find out what happened to my... 我要你查明我的...Whatever, forget it. 算了拉倒吧- Uh. Hold on. - Thanks for the sandwich. -等等 -谢谢你的三明治All right. Hold on. 好吧等等There's a story that I love about LBJ. 有一个关于林登·约翰逊的故事我很喜欢Uh, it was back in '64 or '65. 那是64或65年的时候A congressman was ducking him... and he came back to his office 有个议员在躲他那议员回到自己的办公室to find the president sitting in his chair... 总统就坐在他的椅子上waiting for him. 等着他The president expects to see you within the hour. 总统一小时内要见到你Miss Fazio can give you the specifics. 法齐奥小姐会告诉你具体情况- He was wearing his cowboy hat. - What? -他戴着牛仔帽 -什么President Johnson. You left out the best part of the story. 约翰逊总统你漏掉了故事最精彩的部分We closed the place down last night. Thanks for the invite. 我们昨晚玩到那里闭店多谢邀请Bunch of us are headed back to the same spot tonight, 我们几个人今晚还去那里if you wanna come. 要一起来吗Cool. Uh, he has a late lunch today. Won't be back till 4:00. 好啊他今天午饭吃的晚4点才会回来- Oh, I just needed to drop this for him. - Sure. -我就是来送这个 -好Next time, just ask. 下次问就好See you tonight. 今晚见You gambled and you lost. 你赌了一把但输了Actually, my bloc gained seats more than eight weeks ago. 其实跟八周前比我党团席位增多了Which I suspect is why I'm here. 我猜你就是为这事找我Don't overestimate your position. 别高估了你的位置Or underestimate mine. 或是低估了我的You still haven't been elected president, sir. 你还没当选总统呢先生Yeah, but the presidency won't matter 是啊但如果党派背弃了你once the party turns its back on you, will it? 总统之职就无所谓了吧When Bob Birch puts all the rest of your sheep in line, 等鲍勃·博奇教训好了你其他的绵羊you'll be begging to come in from the cold. 你会求着不被孤立And two years from now, you'll be back in Phoenix 两年后你会回到凤凰城replaying this very moment over and over again in your mind 一遍遍在脑海里回顾这一刻and realizing it was the beginning of the end. 意识到这就是结束的开始Patricia Whittaker and the Democratic Party 帕特里夏·惠特克和民主党will wipe their hands of you. 会跟你撇清关系- I'm loyal to the party. - As you should be. -我是忠于党的 -那是应该的As you should say. 你应该这么说But really... 但说真的what's your leverage? 你有什么筹码The committee? That's done. 委员会那已经完了You see, you've already put out, Alex, 瞧你已经献了身艾力克斯and Will Conway is not taking you to the prom. 威尔·康威却不打算带你去舞会My conversations with the governor 我跟州长的谈话and any position that I may or may not have-- 和我可能的立场...Oh, listen to yourself. Do you even believe you? 听听自己的话你相信自己吗You are awfully confident 你作为一个for someone who's already lost the election once. 已经输了一次选举的人好自信啊Do me a favor. Forget the presidency for just a moment. 帮个忙暂时忘记总统的事You don't have... the capital 你没有...资本to build on the congressional revolution that you've started, 来推动你掀起的国会革命politically or otherwise. 不管是政治上还是其他的Our movement wants to explode things-- 我们的运动想让事态爆发Oh, please. Spare me your progressive PR bullshit. 得了少拿那套革新派公关套路我You want what they all want. 你和他们想要的东西一样Access. A better seat at the table. 权力更好的地位Your name before the rest. 你的名字在他人之前And that is something that I can give you. 这我可以给你And how many votes do you want in exchange? 你想换取多少选票呢Just three from your ever-growing bloc 你不断增长的党团给我三张就行would assure me the win in key delegations. 我就能在关键代表团获得胜利Specifically? 具体点Maine, Wisconsin and New Hampshire are still in play. 缅因州威斯康星州和新罕布什尔还未定All three? 三个全要I believe in you, Congressman. Do you wanna know why? 我相信你议员想知道为什么吗Tell me. 说吧Because I trust ambition. 因为我相信野心- So this is a straight-up bribe. - Oh, no, Congressman. -那这是直截了当的贿赂喽 -不议员A bribe is something you can refuse. 贿赂是你可以拒绝的Now, since you haven't been around the block as many times as I have,鉴于你的经验没有我丰富let me walk you through how this works. 我来教教你这事怎么办吧Excuse me, Mr. President, but I do know how this is done. 抱歉总统但我知道是怎么回事Oh, well, that's good to hear. 那太好了I'll start with Maine. She owes me. 我从缅因州开始吧她欠我的You know, we did meet once before, Mr. President. 我们以前见过一次的总统先生At a dinner, during the 2012 convention. 2012年大会的一次晚宴上- I tried to introduce myself to you... - And? -我还想向你自我介绍来着 -然后呢- You don't remember, do you? - Why would I? -你不记得我了是吗 -为什么要记得呢Why is the moderator so interested in Brockhart's opinion?主持人为什么那么在意布洛哈特的意见Has everyone suddenly forgotten now I'm at the top of the ticket?所有人都突然忘记我才是总统候选人了吗No, of course not. 当然没有Are we done here? 结束了吗Yeah. We should talk about tomorrow's schedule. 是啊我们谈谈明天的日程吧Uh, vote's looking good now. 目前票数不错We still need to talk to as many congressmen as we can. 我们还得尽量多找些议员谈Well, you figure it out and give us a call. 你去安排然后打给我们And, uh, enough with the events targeting the Armed Services.别再安排针对军事委员会的活动了We got as many Congress people as we could get out of this. 我们在这边拉票已经到极限了No offense, General, but we need to divide and conquer. Okay? 别介意将军但我们该分头行动好吗Will, I was speaking with Mark... 威尔我之前跟马克谈了- Yeah. - ...and I want you to know, -怎么 -我想告诉你if you need to talk about anything, I'm available. 如果你需要谈什么我随时奉陪The only support I need, General... 我唯一需要的支持将军is that of a vice president to his president. Okay? 就是一个副总统对总统的支持好吗Senator Talbert's priorities are affordable housing 塔伯特参议员的首要考虑是经济适用房and closing corporate tax loopholes. 和堵住企业税务漏洞And access to higher education especially. 尤其是高等教育普及The call is in ten. 通话在10点Why did Aidan Macallan run away? 艾丹·麦卡伦为什么跑了What? 什么Why did Macallan run away? 麦卡伦为什么跑了I wish I could tell you. 我也不知道Clock's ticking. 时间不多了Yes, give me Tom Yates' driver's number, please. 请给我汤姆·耶茨司机的号码Yes. 喂Yes, ma'am. 是夫人New York. 纽约You drove all the way to New York? 你一路开去了纽约Where? 在哪Who's he with? 他跟谁在一起I don't know. A woman. Older. 我不知道一个女人年纪较长I don't know how that'll work, ma'am. 我不知道那要怎么做夫人Yes. Yes, I'll try. 是我试试No, I understand your concern, Senator. 不我理解你的担忧参议员Student loan reform is a priority for you, 学生贷款改革是你的优先考虑so it will be a priority for the president and me. 那么它就也是总统和我的优先考虑Yes. Yes, I do. 是的没错Well, Louise, you as a pillar of the party, 露易丝你是党派中流砥柱it will be much appreciated if I can get your help tomorrow. 如果你明天能帮我我会感激不尽And it'll just be you and me and a couple of your... 到时就你和我还有几个你的female colleagues in the Senate. 参议院女同事Okay, well, I look forward to a productive dialogue. 好那么我期待与你有成效地谈谈- Better late than never. - Sorry I missed dinner. -迟到总比不来好 -抱歉我错过了晚餐Why the back? 为什么坐后面I'm pretending you're an Uber. Just help me out. 我在假装你是优步帮帮忙My sister-in-law. She came when you couldn't. 我的小姑子你没来她就来了Do you think the dead judge us? 你觉得死者会鄙视我们吗No. 不会What did he do that you liked the most? 你最喜欢他做什么Here... in bed. 在床上Sitting up was the best. 坐姿最好Legs around each other. 腿缠着彼此He'd run his right hand 他会把右手up the back of my neck into my hair and pull it. 伸到我脖子后面插进我的头发里拽着My hair and my head back... 把我的头发和脑袋往后拽And? 然后呢。



美国英文介绍作文英文:As an American, I am proud to introduce my country to you. The United States is a vast and diverse country, with 50 states and a population of over 330 million people. We are known for our cultural diversity, innovative technology, and strong economy.One of the things that makes the US unique is our Constitution, which guarantees individual rights and freedoms. We have a democratic government with three branches: the executive, legislative, and judicial. Our president is the head of the executive branch, and Congress is the legislative branch. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the judicial branch.In terms of geography, the US has everything from beaches to mountains to deserts. We have famous landmarks like the Grand Canyon, the Statue of Liberty, and theGolden Gate Bridge. We also have many national parks and forests that offer opportunities for hiking, camping, and other outdoor activities.When it comes to culture, the US is a melting pot of different ethnicities and traditions. We celebrate holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Independence Day. We also have regional traditions, like Mardi Gras in New Orleans and the Kentucky Derby in Louisville.Overall, the US is a country of great opportunity and diversity. Whether you are interested in technology, entertainment, or outdoor adventures, there is somethingfor everyone here.中文:作为一个美国人,我很自豪地向你介绍我的国家。




它拥有50个州和一个联邦区,它同样可以称作the United States, the U.S., the U.S.A., the U.S. of A., America, the States, or (poetically) Columbia。






The United States of America is a constitutional federal republic, situated primarily in North America. It comprises 50 states and one federal district, and has several territories with differing degrees of affiliation. It is also referred to, with varying formality, as the United States, the U.S., the U.S.A., the U.S. of A., America, the States, or (poetically) Columbia.Since the mid-20th century, following World War II, the United States has emerged as a dominant global influence in economic, political, military, scientific, technological, and cultural affairs. Because of its influence, the U.S. is considered a superpower and, particularly after the Cold War, a hyperpower by some.The country celebrates its founding date as July 4, 1776, when the Second Continental Congress—representing thirteen British colonies—adopted the Declaration of Independence that rejected British authority in favor ofself-determination.The structure of the government was profoundly changed in 1789, when the states replaced the Articles of Confederation with the United States Constitution. The date on which each of the fifty states adopted the Constitution is typically regarded as the date that state "entered the Union" to become part of the United States.General Information on the USAThe United States consists of 50 states and Washington D.C. The last two States to join the Union were Alaska (49th) and Hawaii (50th). Both joined in 1959.Washington DC is a federal district under the authority of the U.S. Congress. Washington DC is represented in Congress by an elected, non-voting Delegate to the House of Representatives. Residents have been able to vote in presidential elections since 1961.Puerto Rico is a commonwealth associated with the United States. Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens. Puerto Ricans do not vote in U.S. Presidential elections, but they do elect a non-voting commissioner to the U.S. House of Representatives.U.S. V irgin Islands - St. John, St. Croix, and St. Thomas is an unincorporated territory of the United States. Administered by the Office of Insular Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior. Indigenous inhabitants are U.S. citizens, but do not vote in U.S. Presidential elections.Northern Mariana Islands is a commonwealth in political union with the United States. Self-governing with locally elected governor and legislature.American Samoa is a unincorporated territory of the United States. Administered by the Office of Insular Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior.Guam is a unincorporated territory of the United States. Administered by the Office of Insular Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior. Inhabitants are U.S. citizens, but do not vote in U.S. Presidential elections.Other Dependent Areas of the United States: Baker Island - Howland Island - Jarvis Island - Johnston Atoll - Kingman Reef - Midway Islands - Navassa Island - Palmyra Atoll - Wake IslandGeographyAmericans often speak of their country as one of several large regions. These regions are cultural units rather than governmental units - formed by history and geography and shaped by the economics, literature and folkways that all the parts of a region share.What makes one region different from another? Within several regions, language is used differently and there are strong dialects. There are also differences in outlook and attitude based on geography. A region's multicultural heritage as well as distinct demographic characteristics like age and occupation also make regions different and special.The United States is a varied land - of forests, deserts, mountains, high flat lands and fertile plains. The country lies mostly in the temperate zone but there is a very wide range of climate variations. The continental United States stretches 4,500 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean on the east to the Pacific Ocean on the west. It borders Canada on the north and reaches south to Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico. The United States covers a total area of 9 million square kilometers (including Alaska and Hawaii). Alaska is the largest in area of the 50 states, and Texas isthe second largest.From the Appalachian Mountains in the East to the Rocky Mountains in the West, the center of the country is drained by the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers and their branches. The Mississippi is one of the world's great rivers; it was known to Native Americans as the "father of waters." Water from the source of its main branch, the Missouri River, flows about 6,400 kilometers from the northern Rocky Mountains to the mouth of the Mississippi in the Gulf of Mexico. On a topographic map of the United States, the mountains look like jagged masses, the plains like vast, open flat spaces, and the rivers like meandering threads. Today, highways, railways and transcontinental aircraft criss-cross the land, making travel easy. But only a few generations ago, the topographic features on the map represented great dangers and difficulties.Today's visitors, riding over a good road in the Cascade Mountains in the west coast states of Oregon and Washington, may see marks on the rocks made by ropes where pioneer settlers painfully lowered their horses and wagons down cliffs to reach the fertile river valley far below. In the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, the main route now runs through a mountain pass which was once too narrow for a wagon to go through. Pioneer families reaching that pass had to take their wagons apart piece by piece, carry them through, and then reassemble them on the other side. In 1848, pioneers who crossed the continent made the trip in 109 days - if they were fortunate and strong. Today a New Y ork family can drive by car to San Francisco in less than a week.HistoryThe first Europeans to reach North America were Icelandic V ikings, led by Leif Ericson, about the year 1000. Traces of their visit have been found in the Canadian province of Newfoundland, but the V ikings failed to establish a permanent settlement and soon lost contact with the new continent.Five centuries later, the demand for Asian spices, textiles, and dyes spurred European navigators to dream of shorter routes between East and West. Acting on behalf of the Spanish crown, in 1492 the Italian navigator Christopher Columbus sailed west from Europe and landed on one of the Bahama Islands in the Caribbean Sea. Within 40 years, Spanish adventurers had carved out a huge empire in Central and South America. In the 16th and 17th Century, Northern Europeans settled in what is now the North East Coast of the United States, which soon fell under the British Crown and stayed an English Colony till the Revolutionary Wars in the late 18th Century. Please see links below for an outline of the history of the United States, with a few selected focus areas.Government OverviewThe United States is a federal union of 50 states, with the District of Columbia as the seat of the federal government. The Constitution outlines the structure of the national government and specifies its powers and activities, and defines the relationship between the national government and individual state governments. Power is shared between the national and state (local) governments. Within each state are counties, townships, cities and villages, each of which has its own elective government.Governmental power and functions in the United States rest in three branches of government: the legislative, judicial, and executive. Article 1 of the Constitution defines the legislative branch and vests power to legislate in the Congress of the United States. The executive powers of the President are defined in Article 2. Article 3 places judicial power in the hands of one Supreme Court and inferior courts as Congress sees necessary to establish. In this system of a "separation of powers" each branch operates independently of the others, however, there are builtin "checks and balances" to prevent a concentration of power in any one branch and to protect the rights and liberties of citizens. For example, the President can veto bills approved by Congress and the President nominates individuals to serve in the Federal judiciary; the Supreme Court can declare a law enacted by Congress or an action by the President unconstitutional; and Congress can impeach the President and Federal court justices and judges.EconomyThe United S tates entered the 21st century with an economy that was bigger, and by many measures more successful, than ever. Though the United States held less than 5 percent of the world's population, it accounted for more than 25 percent of the world's economic output. In the 1990s, the American economy recorded the longest uninterrupted period of expansion in its history. A wave of technological innovations in computing, telecommunications, and the biological sciences were profoundly affecting how Americans work and play.The United States remains a "market economy." Americans continue to believe that an economy generally operates best when decisions about what to produce and what prices to charge for goods are made through the give-and-take of millions of independent buyers and sellers, not by government or by powerful private interests.Besides believing that free markets promote economic efficiency, Americans see them as a way of promoting their political values as well -- especially, their commitment to individual freedom and political pluralism and their opposition to undue concentrations of power. The American belief in "free enterprise" has not precluded a major role for government, however. Americans at times have looked to government to break up or regulate companies. that appeared to be developing so much power that they could defy market forces. They have relied on government to address matters the private economy overlooks, from education to protecting the environment. And despite their advocacy of market principles, they have used government at times to nurture new industries, and at times even to protect American companies from competition.。



关于介绍usa的英语作文英文回答:The United States of America, often referred to as the U.S. or simply America, is a federal republic composed of 50 states and a federal district. It is located in central North America, between Canada and Mexico, and has a population of over 332 million.The U.S. is a highly developed country and is theworld's largest economy, with a GDP of over $26 trillion. It is also a global leader in science, technology, and innovation. The country is home to some of the world's most prestigious universities and research institutions, including Harvard University, Stanford University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).The U.S. is a diverse and multicultural country, with people from all over the world. It is home to a wide range of cultures, religions, and languages. The country'shistory has been shaped by immigration, and its population is a reflection of this.The U.S. is a constitutional republic, with a government that is divided into three branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. The executive branch is headed by the President, who is both the head of state and the head of government. The legislative branch is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The judicial branch is composed of the Supreme Court, which is the highest court in the country.The U.S. is a major global power and plays an important role in international affairs. It is a member of the United Nations, NATO, and the G7. The country has a strongmilitary and is a major contributor to international peacekeeping missions.The U.S. is a land of opportunity, and it has attracted people from all over the world for centuries. It is a country with a rich history, a diverse culture, and abright future.中文回答:美国。



介绍华盛顿英文作文英文回答:Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, is a vibrant and culturally diverse city with a rich history and a pivotal role in the nation's political, economic, and social landscape.History and Significance:Founded in 1790, Washington was named after George Washington, the first President of the United States.The city's central location and strategic importance made it an ideal choice for the nation's capital.Washington has served as the seat of the federal government for over two centuries, witnessing and shaping the course of American history.Government and Institutions:Washington is home to the White House, the Capitol Building, and the Supreme Court, the three branches of the federal government.The city is also the headquarters of numerous government agencies, including the Department of State, the Department of Defense, and the Federal Reserve.Washington is a hub for international diplomacy and global affairs, housing embassies and consulates from countries around the world.Culture and Attractions:Washington boasts an abundance of culturalinstitutions and attractions, including world-renowned museums such as the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and the National Gallery of Art.The city's performing arts scene is vibrant, withtheaters, concert halls, and opera houses showcasing a wide range of shows and performances.Washington's numerous parks and green spaces provide residents and visitors with ample opportunities for recreation and relaxation, including the National Mall, Rock Creek Park, and the Tidal Basin.Demographics and Economy:Washington has a population of approximately 680,000 people, a diverse mix of races, ethnicities, and cultures.The city's economy is largely driven by government employment, tourism, and the service sector.Washington is also home to a growing technology industry, particularly in the fields of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.Challenges and Opportunities:Washington faces challenges such as homelessness, poverty, and traffic congestion.The city is actively addressing these issues through initiatives aimed at improving social welfare, public transportation, and affordable housing.Washington's future holds opportunities for growth and innovation, particularly in the areas of technology, education, and sustainability.中文回答:华盛顿市(Washington, D.C.)是美国的首都,是一个充满活力且文化多元的城市,拥有丰富的历史,并在国家的政治、经济和社会格局中扮演着至关重要的角色。



6. In American ,the “winner-take-all” system applies in all states expect Maine.在美国,嬴者全赢的制度适用于除缅因州外的f all fifty states and the District of Columbia-a total of 538 persons-comprise what is known as the Electoral College. To be successful, a candidate for the Presidency must receive 270 votes.50个州加上哥伦比亚特区共有538位总统候选人,他们组成选举团,要成为美国总统,候选人则要获得270票。
2.In 1787,Congress called for a meeting of delegate from all the states to revise the Articles of Confederation.1787年,国会召开各州代表参加的大会,主要目的是修改有明显缺点的《联邦条款》。
16. The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in only two kinds of cases: those involving foreign dignitaries, and those to which a state in a party.高等法院最初只对两种案件拥有司法权:涉及国外达官贵人,一个州为一方当事人。
17. In general, American has a two-party system. There are two major political parties in America: the Democrats and the Republicans. There have been four periods in the history of political parties in American.一般说来,美国实行的是两党制,两大主要政党为:民主党和共和党,美国政党的历史可分为四个时期。



The United States is a country with a rich history and a complex political system. Heres a detailed essay on the topic of American politics,which explores the structure, key players,and some of the challenges faced by the political system.The Complex Landscape of American PoliticsThe United States of America is a federal republic,with a political system that is both intricate and influential on a global scale.The U.S.political system is based on the Constitution,which was adopted in1787and has been amended27times to adapt to the changing needs of the nation.The Three Branches of GovernmentThe American political system is divided into three branches:the executive,the legislative,and the judicial.This separation of powers is designed to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful and to ensure a system of checks and balances.1.Executive Branch:The President of the United States is the head of the executive branch and the highest elected official in the country.The President is responsible for enforcing laws,representing the nation in foreign affairs,and serving as the commanderinchief of the armed forces.The President is elected every four years and can serve a maximum of two terms.2.Legislative Branch:The legislative branch is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives,collectively known as the Congress.The Senate is made up of100 members,with two senators from each state,while the House of Representatives has435 members,with the number of representatives from each state based on its population.The legislative branch is responsible for making laws,raising revenue,and regulating commerce.3.Judicial Branch:The judicial branch is headed by the Supreme Court of the United States,which is the highest court in the land.The Supreme Court interprets the Constitution and federal laws,and its decisions set legal precedents that lower courts must follow.The President appoints justices to the Supreme Court,and they serve for life or until they choose to retire.Political PartiesThe two major political parties in the United States are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.These parties have different ideologies and policy positions,which shape the political discourse and the legislative agenda.Democratic Party:Generally associated with progressive policies,the Democratic Party tends to support social justice,environmental protection,and economic equality. Democrats often advocate for policies such as universal healthcare,stronger gun control, and comprehensive immigration reform.Republican Party:The Republican Party is often associated with conservative values and policies.Republicans typically support limited government intervention,lower taxes,and a strong national defense.They also tend to oppose policies that they perceive as infringing on individual liberties,such as certain environmental regulations and social welfare programs.Challenges in American PoliticsDespite its robust system of governance,American politics faces several challenges:Polarization:The increasing divide between the two major political parties has led to a more polarized political climate,where compromise and bipartisanship are often difficult to achieve.Gerrymandering:The practice of drawing electoral district boundaries to favor one party over another has contributed to the polarization and has been criticized for undermining the democratic process.Campaign Financing:The influence of money in politics,particularly in the form of campaign contributions and lobbying,has raised concerns about the integrity of the political system and the influence of special interests.Voter Suppression:Efforts to restrict voting rights,such as strict voter ID laws and the purging of voter rolls,have been criticized for disproportionately affecting minority communities and undermining the right to vote.ConclusionThe American political system,while foundational to the nations identity and global influence,is not without its flaws.It is a dynamic and evolving entity that continues to shape and be shaped by the diverse population it represents.Understanding thecomplexities of American politics is crucial for anyone seeking to engage with or influence the political landscape in the United States.。



The separation of power and the system of checks-and-balances in USAIt is known to us that the political system vary from country to country depending on its different national condition, such as the constitutional monarchy of UK and the People's Congress system of China, the separation of power of US. During this discussion, we will talk about the how the American government works under the idea of separation of power which is associated with the checks and balances system. According to the U.S. Constitution declared that the government was divided into three different branches including a legislative, an executive and a judiciary, in accordance with the idea of separation of power. This idea was created because that Americans did not want these powers to be controlled by just one man or one group. They were afraid that if a small group received too much power, the United States would wind up under the rule of another dictator or tyrant.Separation of powers is a political doctrine originating in the writings of Montesquieu in "The Spirit of the Laws" where he urged for a constitutional government with three separate branches of government. Each of the three branches would have defined powers to check the powers of the other branches. This idea was called separation of powers. This philosophy heavily influenced the writing of the United States Constitution. The legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the United States government are kept distinct in order to prevent abuse of power. The United State’s form of separation of powers is associated with a system of checks and balances.How does the United States do when putting the idea of separation of power into practice? Which department is responsible for the legislative, executive, and judicial work respectively? In fact, in USA, the legislative is headed by Congress; the executive branch headed by the President and judicial branches headed by the Supreme Court. If we have to use very simple words to describe the work of these three branches, it can be summarized as follow: the Legislative Branch makes the law; the Executive Branch enforces and carries out the laws; The Judicial Branch interprets the laws. Each branch of the government have particular powers, it will be introduced followed.The President, who is responsible for the Executive Branch carries out federal laws and recommends new ones, directs national defense and foreign policy, and performs ceremonial duties. The main powers include:May veto lawsdealing with international powers,cting as chief law enforcement officer,directing government, commanding the Armed Forces,---------------------------------------------------------精品文档Wages war at the direction of Congress (Congress makes the rules for the military)Makes decrees or declarations (for example, declaring a state of emergency)promulgates lawful regulations and executive ordersAppoints judges and executive department headsHas power to grant pardons to convicted persons, except in cases of impeachment The Legislative Branch is headed by the Congress, which includes the House of Representatives and the Senate. The main task of these two bodies is to make the laws. Its main powers include:Writes and enacts lawsEnacts taxes, authorizes borrowing, and sets the budget.Has sole power to declare war.May start investigations, especially against the executive branch.The Senate considers presidential appointments of judges and executive department heads.The Senate ratifies treaties.The House of Representatives may impeach, and the Senate may remove, executive and judicial officers.Sets up federal courts except the Supreme Court, and sets the number of justices on the Supreme Court.May override presidential vetoes.originating spending bills (House),impeach officials (Senate), and approve treaties (Senate).Headed by the Supreme Court, Judicial branch has the final right to interpret the law, that is to say, once the Supreme Court defines the law, the other different debates will be ineffective. The main powers of the Supreme Court include:interpreting the Constitution,reviewing lawsdecide cases involving states' rights.Determines which laws Congress intended to apply to any given caseDetermines whether a law is unconstitutionalDetermines how Congress meant the law to apply to disputesDetermines how a law acts to determine the disposition of prisonersDetermines how a law acts to compel testimony and the production of evidenceDetermines how laws should be interpreted to assure uniform policies in a top-down fashion via the appeals process, but gives discretion in individual cases to low-level judges. (The amount of discretion depends upon the standard of review, determined by the type of case in question.)Polices its own members---------------------------------------------------------精品文档Not only does each branch of the government have particular powers each branch has certain powers over the other branches. This is done to keep them balanced and to prevent one branch form ever gaining too much power, which practices the system of checks-and-balances. This can be shown in the some aspects:1.Weather a law is passed or not decided by the CongressThe House and Senate may pass a law that the President does not like. The President can veto the law but the Congress override the video requiring 2/3 vote of both houses.2.The Supreme Court can decide weather the President or the Congress is unconstitutional.If The House and Senate pass a law, the President signs it, but the Supreme Court decides it is unconstitutional, they can strike down the law.3.The appointment of the Judges for the Supreme Course is decided by both the President and the CongressThe President nominates Judges for the Supreme Court; the US Senate must approve the Judge nominated before he can serve.4.The Judges of Supreme Court can be removed by the CongressSupreme Court judges have life terms. But they can be impeached.5.The Congress can veto the proposals of the President and the can reject it again, but it was decided by the Congress.As we can see there are many ways (there are many more than listed) that the Constitution balances power. The picture below shows us clearly how does the three branch of the American government restrict each other mutually, for each branch has certain powers over the other branches.There are some definite examples to show how the system of checks-and-balances operates:1.After the Civil War President Andrew Johnson vetoed over 20 bills.2.After the Civil War Congress overrode over 20 Presidential vetoes!3.In1987 President Ronald Reagan appointed Judge Robert Bork to the Supre me Court, his nomination was defeated.4.In 1935 and 1936 the Supreme Court declared the NIRA and then the AAA (two New Deal programs passed during the Roosevelt administration) unconstitutional.5. 1918 Congress refused to ratify the Treaty of V ersailles, a peace treaty ending World War I that President Wilson had worked very hard on.There are thousands of examples of checks and balances at work. Real life conflicts that test the system have occurred throughout history. These checks and balances are used on a regular basis.Actually, in theory, the political system of China is in some way similar to the system of checks-and-balances. The National People's Congress has legislative power, but are not administrative. The Judicial departments enforce law independently. And the ---------------------------------------------------------精品文档government has only the administration without prejudice to the legislative and judicial. However, there are many differences in the specific institutional and practical implementation. In China, the party lead all and sometimes the People's Congress is also Party secretary. Therefore the system of checks-and-balances is not fully implemented in China, while in US, this system is really the guide when the government works, for each branch has certain powers over the other branches and the three branch of the American government restrict each other mutually. Conclusion.During this discussion, we learn it is the separation of power that is the main principles on which American federal government is based, the different powers of the three branches and use a lot of examples to explain how the three branches affect each other to show the system of checks-and-balances operating in USA. All in our groups believe that the idea of separation and the system of checks-and-balances do have contributed a lot to the development of America as main principle when the government operates.---------------------------------------------------------精品文档。



3branchesofgovernmentinUS(美国政府的三个权力机构)The three branches of the U. S. government consist the executive branch which enforces the laws, the legislative branch which is responsible for making laws and the judicial branch holds the primary duty of reviewing the laws. Two guiding principles of the U. S. Constitution comprise the separation of power and the system of checks and balances. With the purpose of preventing power abuse, the two principles serve as fundamental roles in governing the nation for more than 200 years.On the one hand, history has verified the significance of the power balance and power check system. For example, there is only one war on the land of United States and the abuse of power has been eliminated before itarises. Moreover, despite changes in other parts of the law, the constitution remains stable for centuries.On the other hand, the system of check and balance leads to inefficiency for the reason that it requires time and energy in passing a new law. For instance, it may take months or years in discussing a new while the unsolved problem has adverse effect on potential victims during the period. Another disadvantage arises from the discordant of three branches. As a result of checks and balances system, there may be quantities of disagreements among three branches. Thus, a quick decision in case of emergency may not be accessible.In conclusion, the principle of U. S. constitution affords us lessons that merit attention but we need to combine them with our social structure and conditions.。

human resource management chap (1)

human resource management chap (1)
2. Regulation of Human Resource Management人力资源管理的法规 人力资源管理的法规
(1)All three branches of the government play an important role in creating a legal environment for human resource management. 美国各级政府的三个分 支机构,在创造人力资源管理的法律环境方面都发挥着重要的作用。 支机构,在创造人力资源管理的法律环境方面都发挥着重要的作用。 Legislative立法 立法 Two houses of Congress国会的两个议院 国会的两个议院 Enacted laws governing HR activities制订法律管理人力资源活动 制订法律管理人力资源活动 Executive行政 行政 Includes many regulatory agencies包括许多管理机构 包括许多管理机构 Enforces laws passed by Congress执行国会通过的法律 执行国会通过的法律 Judicial司法 司法 Federal court system联邦法院系统 联邦法院系统 Interprets law 解释法律 Holds trials审判 审判 Executive orders are directives issued by the president.
Constitutional amendments宪法修正案 宪法修正案 Legislation立法 立法 Executive orders行政命令 行政命令
3.1 Constitutional Amendments 宪法修正案
Two amendments to the U.S. Constitution have implications for human resource management:美 美 国宪法的两个修正案, 国宪法的两个修正案,第13号和 号和 14号,与人力资源管理有关 号 Thirteenth Amendment:废除 : 了美国的奴隶制 Fourteenth Amendment:禁止 : 国家非法夺取公民的生命、自 国家非法夺取公民的生命、 由和财产, 由和财产,不得否认公民享有 受法律平等保护的权利



The government of the United States of America is the federal government of the constitutional republic of fifty states that constitute the United States of America.The United States of America is a republic. A republic is a form of government in which there are laws that limit the powers of government. Principles of the United States government:Popular sovereignty:The people have the ultimate power tomake decisions in our government.Limited government:The government is restricted in what itcan do. The government must obey thelaw. The government cannot take away the rights listed in the amendment and make unfair laws.Separation of powers:Power is separated to three branches which is legislate, executive, and judicial.Checks and balance:Each branch has the power to oversee the other 2 branches so that no branch gets too powerful.Federalism3 branches of government:Executive BranchThe executive branch of the government is responsible for enforcing the laws of the land. The president,vice president, department heads(cabinet members), and heads ofindependent agencies carry out thismission.The President is limited to amaximum of two four-year terms. Ifthe President has already served twoyears or more of a term to which someother person was elected, he may only serve one more additional four-year term.Judicial BranchCourts decide arguments about the meaning of laws and how they are applied. They also decide if laws violate the Constitution—this is known as judicial review, and it is how federal courts provide checks and balances on the legislative and executive branches.The Judiciary explains and applies the laws. This branch does this byhearing and eventually making decisions on various legal cases.Legislative BranchArticle I of the Constitution establishes the legislative or law making branch of government. It has a two-branch Congress—the Senate and the House of Representatives—and agencies that support Congress.The House of Representative is 2 years for a term. The leader is called Speaker of the House. It referred to as the “lower”house. There are 435 seats. The number of seats is determined by state population. All bills to raise money must come from the House of Representative.All bills must pass in the House before going to the president.In the Senate, it is 6 years for a term. There are 100 seats. 2 seats per state separate vote.It referred to as the “upper” house. TheVice president is president of the Senate but no vote unless a tie. The senate has power to try impeachment (2/3 vote). All bills must pass in the Senate before going to the president。

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The three branches of the U. S. government consist the executive branch which enforces the laws, the legislative branch which is responsible for making laws and the judicial branch holds the primary duty of reviewing the laws. Two guiding principles of the U. S. Constitution comprise the separation of power and the system of checks and balances. With the purpose of preventing power abuse, the two principles serve as fundamental roles in governing the nation for more than 200 years.
On the one hand, history has verified the significance of the power balance and power check system. For example, there is only one war on the land of United States and the abuse of power has been eliminated before it
arises. Moreover, despite changes in other parts of the law, the constitution remains stable for centuries.
On the other hand, the system of check and balance leads to inefficiency for the reason that it requires time and energy in passing a new law. For instance, it may take months or years in discussing a new while the unsolved problem has adverse effect on potential victims during the period. Another disadvantage arises from the discordant of three branches. As a result of checks and balances system, there may be quantities of disagreements among three branches. Thus, a quick decision in case of emergency may not be accessible.
In conclusion, the principle of U. S. constitution affords us lessons that merit attention but we need to combine them with our social structure and conditions.。
