4、财务管理目标的多元性是指财务管理目标可细分为( B、主导目标和辅助目标)。
5、股东财富最大化目标和经理追求的实际目标之间总存有差异,其差异源自于(B、所有权与经营权的分离 )。
7、一般情况下,企业财务目标的实现与企业社会责任的履行是(B、基本一致的 )。
8、在众多企业组织形式中,最重要的企业组织形式是( C、公司制 )。
9、与其他企业组织形式相比,公司制企业最重要的特征是(D、所有权与经营权的潜在分离 )。
10、一般认为,企业重大财务决策的管理主体是(A、出资者 )。
12、企业财务管理活动最为主要的环境因素是( C、金融环境 )。
中级会计资格试题1、作为企业财务管理目标,每股利润最大化较之利润最大化目标的优点在于(C、反映了创造利润与投入资本之间的关系 )。
2、相对于每股利润最大化目标而言,企业价值最大化目标的不足之处是(D、不能直接反映企业当前的获利水平 )。
3、在下列经济活动中,能够体现企业与其投资者之间财务关系的是(A、企业向国有资产投资公司交付利润 )。
4、以每股利润最大化为财务管理目标,其优点是(D、反映了投入资本与收益的对比关系 )。
二、多选题0、财务关系按企业作为法人产权主体与其他经济主体的关系划分,包括(ABCDE )。
A.债权与债务B.所有权和经营权C.内部利益D.权利与义务5.财务管理主要是通过()形式对生产经营活动进行管理的A .实物B.价值C.价格D.成本6.财务管理与企业管理的关系是()。
这是因为:一是利用股票市价来计量,具有可计量性,利于期末对管理者的业绩考核; 二是考虑了资金的时间价值和风险因素;三是在一定程度上能够克服企业在追求利润上的短期行为,因为股票价格在某种程度上反映了企业未来现金流量的现值。
财务管理复习题(3篇)一、名词解释1. 财务管理:指企业在经营过程中,针对资金的筹集、使用、分配等方面进行全面的计划、组织、指导和控制的活动。
2. 财务报表:反映企业经济活动、财务状况和现金流量等方面的信息,包括资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表等。
3. 财务比率:通过对财务报表中的数据进行计算和对比,反映企业财务状况和经营成果的指标。
4. 资金成本:企业为筹集和使用资金所支付的费用,包括利息、股息、租金等。
5. 财务风险:企业在经营过程中,由于资金筹集、使用和分配等方面的问题,可能导致企业资产损失或收益下降的风险。
二、简答题1. 简述财务管理的目标。
2. 简述财务报表的作用。
3. 简述财务比率分析的作用。
三、计算题1. 假设某企业的流动资产为200万元,流动负债为100万元,长期负债为200万元,所有者权益为300万元。
答:资产负债率 = (流动负债 + 长期负债)/(流动资产+ 长期负债 + 所有者权益)=(100 + 200)/(200 + 200 + 300)= 0.5流动比率 = 流动资产 / 流动负债 = 200 / 100 = 2速动比率 = (流动资产存货)/ 流动负债 = (200 0)/ 100 = 22. 假设某企业的净利润为100万元,总资产为2000万元,所有者权益为1500万元。
《公司财务》试题及答案(解答仅供参考)第一套一、名词解释1. 财务管理:财务管理是企业组织在一定的财务目标指导下,对企业的资金筹集、投资、运营和分配等活动进行计划、决策、控制和监督的过程。
2. 资本结构:资本结构是指企业各种资本来源的构成及其比例关系,包括债务资本和权益资本的比例。
3. 现金流量表:现金流量表是反映企业在一定时期内现金和现金等价物流入和流出情况的会计报表。
4. 成本效益分析:成本效益分析是一种经济评价方法,通过比较项目的全部预期成本和全部预期收益来评估项目的价值。
5. 财务风险:财务风险是指由于企业财务状况、市场环境等因素的变化,可能导致企业未来现金流量的不确定性,从而影响企业实现其财务目标的可能性。
二、填空题1. 财务管理的主要目标是最大化______和______。
答案:股东财富,企业价值2. ______是企业短期偿债能力的重要指标。
答案:流动比率3. 财务预算包括______预算、______预算和______预算等。
答案:销售,生产,资本4. ______是指企业通过发行股票或债券等方式从外部筹集资金。
答案:融资活动5. ______是企业长期偿债能力的指标。
答案:负债比率三、单项选择题1. 下列哪项不属于企业的财务活动?A. 投资活动B. 生产活动C. 筹资活动D. 分配活动答案:B2. 财务管理的主要目标是?A. 最大化利润B. 最小化风险C. 最大化股东财富和企业价值D. 最大化市场份额答案:C3. 以下哪个比率是衡量企业短期偿债能力的指标?A. 资产负债率B. 流动比率C. 权益乘数D. 总资产周转率答案:B4. 下列哪种资本结构被认为是较为理想的?A. 高负债资本结构B. 低负债资本结构C. 适度负债资本结构D. 完全权益资本结构答案:C5. 在现金流量表中,下列哪项属于经营活动产生的现金流量?A. 发行股票收到的现金B. 支付给职工的现金C. 偿还债务支付的现金D. 购买固定资产支付的现金答案:B四、多项选择题1. 下列哪些是影响资本结构的因素?A. 企业规模B. 行业特性C. 经济周期D. 利率水平答案:ABCD2. 下列哪些是财务管理的基本内容?A. 筹资管理B. 投资管理C. 营运资金管理D. 成本费用管理答案:ABC3. 下列哪些是财务分析的主要内容?A. 偿债能力分析B. 盈利能力分析C. 营运能力分析D. 发展能力分析答案:ABCD4. 下列哪些是常见的财务报表?A. 资产负债表B. 利润表C. 现金流量表D. 所有者权益变动表答案:ABCD5. 下列哪些是企业进行投资决策时需要考虑的因素?A. 预期收益B. 风险水平C. 投资期限D. 资金成本答案:ABCD五、判断题1. 财务风险是指由于市场环境的变化,可能导致企业未来现金流量的不确定性。
1. 什么是资本成本?资本成本是指企业为筹集和使用资本所支付的成本,包括债务成本和股本成本。
2. 解释财务杠杆的作用及其对企业的影响。
3. 如何计算净现值(NPV)?净现值是评估投资项目盈利能力的一种方法,计算公式为:NPV = Σ(现金流量 / (1+折现率)^年数) - 初始投资。
4. 解释内部收益率(IRR)的概念。
5. 什么是资本结构?资本结构是指企业资本的组成,包括债务和股本的比例。
6. 如何评估企业财务健康状况?评估企业财务健康状况可以通过多种财务比率,如流动比率、速动比率、资产负债率、利润率等。
7. 解释现金流量表的作用。
8. 什么是投资决策?投资决策是指企业在选择投资项目时所进行的评估和选择过程。
9. 如何进行资本预算?资本预算是企业对长期投资项目进行评估和计划的过程,包括估算项目的现金流量、确定折现率和计算项目的净现值或内部收益率。
10. 解释财务分析的目的和重要性。
财务管理练习题及课后答案(3篇)一、选择题1. 以下哪项不是财务管理的目标?A. 企业价值最大化B. 股东财富最大化C. 利润最大化D. 企业规模最大化答案:D2. 在进行投资决策时,以下哪个指标不考虑货币时间价值?A. 净现值(NPV)B. 内部收益率(IRR)C. 投资回收期D. 平均回报率答案:C二、简答题1. 简述财务报表主要包括哪几个部分。
2. 解释什么是净现值(NPV)以及它在投资决策中的作用。
在投资决策中,若NPV 大于0,则项目具有投资价值;若NPV小于0,则项目不具有投资价值。
三、计算题1. 假设一家公司计划投资一个新项目,预计初始投资为1000万元,项目寿命为5年,每年现金流入为400万元,折现率为12%。
答案:首先,计算每年现金流的现值:PV1 = 400 / (1 + 0.12)^1 = 357.14(万元)PV2 = 400 / (1 + 0.12)^2 = 320.38(万元)PV3 = 400 / (1 + 0.12)^3 = 287.04(万元)PV4 = 400 / (1 + 0.12)^4 = 257.42(万元)PV5 = 400 / (1 + 0.12)^5 = 230.33(万元)然后,计算总现值:PV = PV1 + PV2 + PV3 + PV4 + PV5 = 357.14 + 320.38 + 287.04 + 257.42 + 230.33 = 1452.31(万元)最后,计算净现值:NPV = PV 初始投资 = 1452.31 1000 = 452.31(万元)2. 假设一家公司需要筹集资金1000万元,有以下两个方案:发行债券和发行股票。
A.商品的价值表现 B.货币资金C.财产物资的价值表现 D.再生产过程中运动着的价值2.在下列各种观点中,既能够考虑资金的时间价值和投资风险,又有利于克服管理上的片面性和短期行为的财务管理目标是()。
A.生存 B.发展 C.获利 D.节支4.威胁企业生存的内在原因是()。
A.生存 B.发展 C.长期亏损 D.不能偿还到期债务5.考虑风险因素的财务目标有()。
A.每股盈余最大化 B.权益资本净利率最大化C.利润最大化 D.股东财富最大化6.企业的核心目标是()。
A.生存 B.发展 C.获利 D.竞争优势7.企业与债权人之间的财务关系主要体现为()。
A.投资—收益关系 B.等价交换关系 C.分工协作关系 D.债务债权关系8.在下列经济活动中,能够体现企业与投资者之间财务关系的是()。
A.实际利润额 B.实际利润率C.预期获利能力 D.生产能力10.能够较好地反映企业价值最大化目标实现程度的指标是()。
A.税后净利润 B.净资产收益率 C.每股市价 D.剩余收益11.企业价值最大化的财务目标没有考虑的因素是()。
A.资本利润率 B.资金使用的时间价值 C.资金使用的风险 D.企业账面净资产12.财务管理的核心工作环节为()。
A.财务预测 B.财务决策 C.财务预算 D.财务控制13.下列属于通过采取激励方式协调股东与经营者矛盾的方法是()。
A.股票选举权 B.解聘 C.接收 D.监督14.企业与政府间的财务关系体现为()。
A.债权债务关系 B.强制和无偿的分配关系 C.资金结算关系 D.风险收益对等关系15.在下列经济活动中,能够体现企业与其投资者之间财务关系的是()。
财务管理题库(含答案)财务管理题库(含答案)第一章总论一、单项选择题1(财务管理区别于企业其他管理的基本特征,在于它是一种( B )。
A(物资管理B(价值管理C(使用价值管理D(劳动管理2(企业按规定向国家交纳税金的财务关系,在性质上属于( C ) A(资金结算关系B(资金融通关系C.资金分配关系D(资金借贷关系3(财务管理的最优目标是( D )。
A(利润最大化B(每股利润最大化C(风险最小化D(企业价值最大化4(财务关系是指企业在财务活动中与有关方面形成的( C )。
A(货币关系B(结算关系C(经济利益关系D(往来关系5(资金时间价值的实质是( B )。
A(利息率B(资金周转使用后的增值额C(利润率D(差额价值6(企业再生产过程中商品物资的货币表现就是企业的( C )。
4年后企业可从银行取出的本利和为( C )。
A(1 200元B(1 300元C(1 464元D(1 350元8(某企业在4年内每年存人银行1 000元,年利率为9,,4年后可从银行提取的款项为( C )。
A(3 000元B(1 270元C(4 573元D(2 634元9(为比较期望报酬率不同的两个或两个以上的方案的风险程度,应采用的标准是( B )。
A(尺度离差B(尺度离差率C(几率D(风险待遇率10(投资者甘愿冒着风险举行投资,是因为( C )A(进行风险投资可使企业获得报酬B(举行风险投资可使企业获得同等于资金时间价值的待遇C(进行风险投资可使企业获得超过资金时间价值以上的报酬D(进行风险投资可使企业获得利润11(财务管理是对企业( B )所进行的管理。
A(经营活动B(财务活动C(资金运动D(投资筹资活动12(企业的资金运动表现为( C )。
A(利润额B(总资产待遇率C(每股市价D(市场占有率14(企业价值最大化目标强调的是企业的( C )A(实际利润额B(实际利润率C(预期获利能力D(生产能力15(下列影响企业财务管理的环境因素中,最为主要的是( D )。
年份01234净现金流(万元)—200006000700080009000约当系数 1.00.950.90.80.8【正确答案】:该项目的净现值为:NPV=1.0×(-20000)+0.95×6000×PVIF10%,1+0.9×7000×PVIF10%,2 +0.8×8000×PVIF10%,3+0.8×9000×PVIF10%,4=109.1(千元)由于该项目按风险程度对现金流量进行调整后,计算出来的净现值大于0,所以该项目值得投资。
【正确答案】1)确定证券组合的贝他系数β+⨯60=⨯⨯+=%%5.055.1100.10.230%(2)计算该证券组合的风险报酬率()()%2.6%10%1455.1=-⨯=-⨯=F m R K K K β4、甲公司以1020元的价格购入债券A ,债券A 是2001年9月1日发行的,5年期债券,其面值为1000元,票面利率为8%。
1. 什么是财务杠杆效应?答案:财务杠杆效应是指企业通过使用债务融资来增加其权益回报率的能力。
2. 什么是资本成本?答案:资本成本是指企业为了筹集和使用资金所支付的成本,包括债务成本和权益成本。
3. 什么是现金流量表?答案:现金流量表是一份财务报表,显示了在一定时期内企业现金的流入和流出情况。
4. 什么是净现值(NPV)?答案:净现值是一种评估投资项目价值的方法,通过将未来现金流的现值减去初始投资成本来计算。
5. 什么是财务报表分析?答案:财务报表分析是对企业的财务报表进行评估和解释的过程,以了解企业的财务状况、运营效率和盈利能力。
6. 什么是流动比率?答案:流动比率是衡量企业短期偿债能力的指标,计算公式为流动资产除以流动负债。
7. 什么是权益乘数?答案:权益乘数是衡量企业财务杠杆水平的指标,计算公式为总资产除以股东权益。
8. 什么是市盈率(P/E Ratio)?答案:市盈率是衡量股票价格相对于每股收益的指标,计算公式为股票价格除以每股收益。
9. 什么是债务与权益比率?答案:债务与权益比率是衡量企业资本结构的指标,计算公式为总负债除以股东权益。
10. 什么是资本预算?答案:资本预算是企业对长期投资项目进行评估和决策的过程,包括对项目的现金流、风险和回报进行分析,以确定是否值得投资。
1. “财务报表解读:洞悉企业经营状况的关键”
2. “现金流管理:企业资金链的稳健之道”
3. “预算编制与控制:企业财务规划的艺术”
4. “税务筹划:优化税负,提升企业竞争力”
5. “内部控制与风险管理:构建企业财务安全防线”
6. “财务分析技巧:如何识别和评估投资机会”
7. “企业融资策略:多元化资金渠道的探索与应用”
8. “成本控制:提升企业盈利能力的实用方法”
9. “国际财务报告准则(IFRS):全球化背景下的企业财务沟通”
10. “企业并购中的财务考量:尽职调查与估值技巧”
11. “新兴市场的财务挑战与机遇:跨国经营的财务策略”
12. “企业社会责任(CSR)与财务绩效:平衡利润与可持续发展”
13. “金融科技创新:如何影响企业财务管理”
14. “外汇风险管理:保护企业免受汇率波动的影响”
15. “企业财务预警系统:预防财务危机的策略与工具”
16. “财务领导力:塑造企业未来的财务管理者”
17. “资本结构优化:平衡债务与股权的财务决策”
18. “企业估值:方法、模型与市场实践”
19. “项目管理中的财务视角:确保项目经济效益”
20. “财务共享服务中心:提高企业财务效率的现代模式”
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PART III1.The Fleming Company, a food distributor, is considering replacing a filling line atits Oklahoma City warehouse. The existing line was purchased several years ago for $600,000. The line’s book value is $200,000, and Fleming management feels it could be sold at this time for $150,000. A new, increased capacity line can be purchased for $1,200,000. Delivery and installation of the new line are expected to cost an additional $100,000. Assuming Fleming’s marginal rate is 40 percent, calculate the net investment for the new line.2.International Foods Corporation (IFC) currently processes seafood with a unit itpurchased several years ago. The unit, which originally cost $500,000, currently has a book value of $250,000. IFC is considering replacing the existing unit with a newer, more efficient one. The new unit will cost $700,000 and will require an additional $50,000 for delivery and installation. The new unit also will require IFC to increase its investment in initial new working capital by $40,000. The new unit will be depreciated on a straight-line basis over 5years to a zero balance. IFC expects to sell the existing unit for $275,000. IFC’s marginal tax rate is 40 percent.If IFC purchase the new unit, annual revenues are expected to increase by $100,000 (due to increased processing capacity), and annual operating costs (exclusive of depreciation) ate expected to decrease by $20,000. Annual revenues and operating costs are expected to remain constant at this new level over the 5-year life of the project. IFC estimates that its net working capital investment will increase by $10,000 per year over the life of the project. After 5 years, the new unit will be completely depreciated and is expected to be sold for $70,000.(Assume that the existing unit is being depreciated at a rate of $50,000 per year.)a.Calculate the project’s net investment.b.Calculate the annual net cash flows for the project.3.Nguyen, Inc. is considering the purchase of a new computer system (ICX) for$130,000. The system will require an additional $30,000 for installation. If the new computer is purchased it will replace an old system that has been fully depreciated. The new system will be depreciated over a period of 10 years using straight-line depreciation. If the ICX is purchased, the old system will be sole for $20,000. The ICX system, which has a useful life of 10 years, is expected to increase revenues by $32,000 per year over its useful life. Operating costs are expected to decrease by $2,000 per year over the life of the system. The firm is taxed at a 40 percent marginal rate.a.What net investment is required to acquire the ICX system and replace the oldsystem?pute the annual net cash flows associated with the purchase of the ICXsystem.4.Benford, Inc. is planning to open a new sporting goods store in a suburban mall.Benford will lease the needed space in the mall. Equpment and fixture for the store will cost $200,000 and be depreciated over a 5-year period on a straight-line basis to $0. The new store will require Benford to increase its net working capital by $200,000 at time 0. First-year sales are expected to be $1 million and to increase at an annual rate of 8 percent over the expected 10-year life of the store.Operating expenses (including lease payments and excluding depreciation) are projected to be $700,000 during the first year and increase at a 7 percent annual rate. The salvage value of the store’s equipment and fixture is anticipated to be $10,000 at the end of 10 Years. Benford’s marginal tax rate is 40 percent.pute the net investment required for Benford.pute the annual net cash flows for the 10-year projected life of the store.5.Calculate the net present value of a project with a net investment of $20,000 forequipment and an additional net working capital investment of $5,000 at time 0.The project is expected to generate net cash flows of $7,000 per year over a 10-year estimated economic life. In addition, the net working capital will be recovered at the end of the project. The required return on the project is 11 percent and the company has a marginal tax rate of 40 percent. What is the meaning of the computed net present value figure?6.Calculate the internal rate of return and profitability index for a project that isexpected to generate 8 years of annual net cash flows of $75,000. The project hasa net investment of $360,000 and the required return on the project is 12 percent.7.Two mutually exclusive projects have the following expected cash flow:b.Calculate the net present value for each project, assuming the firm’s weightedcost of capital is 12 percent.c.Which project should be adopted? Why?8.Jefferson Products, Inc., is considering purchasing a new automatic press brake,which costs #300,000 including installation and shipping. The machine is expected to generate net cash inflows of $80,000 per year for 10 years. At the end of 10 years, the book value if the machine will be $0, and it is anticipated that the machine will be sole for $100,000. If the press brake project is undertaken, Jefferson will have to increase its net working capital by 75,000. When the project is terminated in 10 years, there no longer will be a need for this incrementalworking capital, and it can be liquidated and made available to Jefferson for other uses. Jefferson requires a 12 percent annual return on this type of project and its marginal tax rate is 40 percent.a.Calculate the press brake’s net present value.b.Is the project acceptable?c.What is the meaning of the computed net present value figure?d.What is the project’s internal rate of return?e.For the press brake project, at what annual rates of return do the net presentvalue and internal rate of return methods assume that the net cash inflows are being reinvested?9.The Taylor Mountain Uranium Company currently has annual revenues of $1.2million and annual expenses exclusive of depreciation of $700,000. Depreciation amounts to $200,000 per year. These figures are expected to remain constant for the foreseeable future (at least 15 years). The firm’s marginal tax rate is 40 percent.A new high-speed processing unit costing $1.2 million is being considered as apotential investment designed to increase the firm’s output capacity. This new piece of equipment will have an estimated usable life of 10 years and a $0 estimated salvage value. If the processing unit is bought, Taylor’s annual revenues are expected to increase to $1.6 million, and annual expenses exclusive of depreciation will increase to $900,000. Annual depreciation will increase to $320,000. Assume that mo increase in net working capital will be required as a result of this project.a.Calculate the processing unit’s net present value, using a 12 percent requiredreturn.b.Should Taylor accept the project?c.How many internal rates of return does the processing unit project have?Why?d.Calculate the processing unit’s internal rate of return.10.Turbomachinery Parts, Inc. is considering two mutually exclusive equipmentinvestments that would increase its production capacity. The firm uses a 14 percent required rate of return to evaluate capital expenditure projects, The twob.Create a replacement chain for Investment D. Assume that the cost ofreplacing inflows of $24,000 for years 4 through 6. Using theses figures, recomputed the net present value for Investment D.c.Which of the two investments should be chosen, D or E? Why?e the equivalent annual annuity method to solve the problem. How doesyour answer compare with the one obtained in Part b?CasesInstructions: You may work on and submit this assignment in a group composed of up to five students. Your group must work independently of other groups; you may not share or borrow your answers with students outside your group. Please keep your answers to the point and well written. The entire assignment must be typed and you must submit BOTH a printed copy to me, AND an electronic to my mailbox. To receive credit, your name must be on the assignment at the time of submission. You also must answer all parts of the question and show full work to receive credit for a problem.Problem #1: Avoiding the Yakuza (The Poison Fist of the Pacific Rim) Eager to compete with her former Investment Club colleagues, Marge Simpson wants to open up a Pretzel Wagon franchise to further fill America’s already bloated snack hole. The one minor obstacle that stands in her way is that she has no money of her own to do so. Therefore, she will have to borrow all of the $50,000 required to start her new business. Marge decides that best way to borrow this money is to tap into various financial markets.To allow for financial flexibility and possible early operating losses, Marge wants to fund most of her business using common equity. She decides that she will obtain $35,000 by issuing 1750 shares of common stock. She will pay a dividend next year of $1.62 and she expects that she will be able to increase the annual dividend by 6% per year.Marge also wants to obtain $5,000 by issuing 250 shares of preferred equity. Marge will pay a constant dividend of $1.50 per share on preferred equity.Finally, Marge is going to obtain the remaining necessary funds through a bond issue. She will issue twelve $1000 par bonds at a price of $833.33 per bond. The bonds will have an annual coupon rate of 5% and 10 years until maturity (but the bonds pay semi-annual coupons).Assuming Marg e’s marginal tax rate is 35%, answer the following questions:(a) What is Marge’s component cost of preferred equity?(b) What is Marge’s component cost of common equity?(c) What is Marge’s before-tax component cost of debt?(d) What is Marge’s after-tax component cost of debt?(e) What is Marge’s weighted average cost of capital (WACC)?(f) If Marge expects that her Pretzel Wagon franchise will yield annual profitsof 10%, should she hop on the Pretzel Wagon (should she make theinvestment)? Why or why not?Problem #2: Hi, I’m…You may remember Troy McClure from such feature films as "Make-Out of Montana", "The Revenge of Abe Lincoln", and "The Boatjacking of Supership 79". Coming out of forced retirement, Troy proposes his latest soon-to-be hit, “The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel", in which he will play the lead role and act as director. In order to get the Hollywood bigwigs to fund production, Troy has to convince them that the film is a good investment.Troy estimates that ticket and DVD sales will be $5,000,000 in the first year, and then will decline by 5% each year for the next five years. At the end of six years, the movie will not generate any revenues. The cost of producing the movie will be $4,000,000 in the first year and then a mere $250,000 in each of the following five years. In addition to this cost, Troy needs to buy video cameras and editing equipment that cost $600,000 and will be depreciated using the straight-line method over the six years that film generates revenues. At the end of six years, Troy can sell his cameras and video editing equipment for $200,000. To pay suppliers, Troy needs to keep an additional $75,000 of cash in a production account; at the end of six years, this account can be closed and the cash can be reclaimed by the studio.The Hollywood bigwigs must pay $50,000 per year in interest expense on a bank loan that will fund preliminary production if they accept the project. They also faces a 30% marginal tax rate and use 9% as their discount rate.Estimating the cash flows(a) What revenues will the film generate in each of the six years?(b) What is Troy McClu re’s EBIT in Year 1?(c) What is Troy McClu re’s EBIT each year In Years 2-6?(d) What is Troy McClu re’s depreciation expense in each year?(e) What is Troy McClu re’s tax liability in Year 1?(f) What is Troy McClu re’s tax liability each year in Years 2-6?(g) What is Troy McClure’s operating cash flow in Year 1? Be sure to show how youcalculated this number.(h) What is Troy McClure’s operating cash flow each year in Years 2-6? Be sure toshow how you calculated this number.(i) What is Troy McClu re’s non-operating terminal cash flow in Year 6?(j) What is Troy McClure’s total free cash flow from assets in Year 1? In Years 2-5?In Year 6?Evaluating the investment(k) If the Hollywood bigwigs state that their cost of capital is 9%, then what is the NPV of this production?(l) Based on your answer to (k), should production be undertaken? Why or why not?(m) What is the internal rate of return associated with this film?(n) Using the specific numerical answer to (m), what does the IRR represent?For parts (o) through (r), assume that the Hollywood bigwigs have another investment opportunity available to them, the long awaited Itchy &Scratchy movie.After conducting a thorough analysis, they find that the total annual cash flows (inmillions of dollars) that the Itchy & Scratchy movie will generate are:Time period123456 Cash Flow $2.25M $2.25M $2.25M $2.25M $2.25M $2.25M (o) If the Hollywood bigwigs view Troy’s new movie and the Itchy & Scratchy movieas mutually exclusive projects, which one should they accept and why? Provide ashort, clear answer that explains your decision.(p) If the two movies are independent, which should the bigwigs fund? Again be sure to provide a clear answer about how you made your decision.(q) What is the crossover rate (the interest rate at which the net present values of the two projects are equal) associated with the two possible investments.(r) Using the same axes, plot the NPV profiles of both Troy McClu re’s movie and the Itchy & Scratchy movie. Be sure to label the IRR of each project and thecrossover rate on your plot!。