




以下是一些可以用于英语作文的高端词汇,以及它们在句子中的应用示例:1. Inevitable - 必然的- The rise of technology has made it inevitable that our daily lives will become more interconnected.2. Eloquent - 雄辩的- His eloquent speech captivated the audience, leavingthem in awe of his oratory skills.3. Intricate - 复杂的- The intricate dance of the ballet requires years of practice to master.4. Cataclysmic - 灾难性的- The cataclysmic event that occurred centuries ago reshaped the landscape of the region.5. Ephemeral - 短暂的- The beauty of a sunset is ephemeral, a fleeting momentof splendor that vanishes with the setting sun.6. Paradoxical - 矛盾的- It is paradoxical that in a world of abundance, thereare still those who suffer from scarcity.7. Ubiquitous - 无处不在的- The internet has become ubiquitous, connecting people across the globe in real-time.8. Aesthetic - 美学的- The museum's collection is a testament to the aesthetic sensibilities of its curators.9. Conundrum - 难题- The conundrum of climate change requires innovative solutions and global cooperation.10. Ethereal - 空灵的- The ethereal beauty of the moonlit night cast a spell on the tranquil landscape.11. Pernicious - 有害的- The pernicious effects of pollution are evident in the declining health of urban populations.12. Ameliorate - 改善- Efforts to ameliorate the living conditions in the slums have been met with mixed success.13. Intrinsic - 内在的- The intrinsic value of education lies in its ability to empower individuals and communities.14. Prolific - 多产的- The prolific author has written numerous bestsellers throughout his career.15. Subjugate - 征服- The empire sought to subjugate its neighboring territories to expand its influence.使用这些词汇时,确保它们与上下文相关,并且你理解它们的确切含义,以避免使用不当。











4. 高端好用句——结尾句行再远,心不变;路再长,意不改。











11.高端好用词——蹀躞(dié xiè)释义:彳亍。



12.高端好用词——叆叇(ài dài )释义:指的是云彩很厚的样子,形容浓云蔽日。








以下是一些常用的高级句式,可以帮助你提升英文写作水平:1. 倒装句 (Inversion):Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.Not only did he finish the project on time, but he also exceeded expectations.2. 强调句 (Emphatic Sentence):It was she who discovered the hidden treasure.It is in times of adversity that true character is revealed.3. 条件句 (Conditional Sentence):Were I to win the lottery, I would travel the world.If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam.4. 虚拟语气 (Subjunctive Mood):I wish I were taller.If I were you, I would apologize.5. 插入语 (Appositive):My brother, a talented musician, will perform at the concert.The city, a bustling metropolis, never sleeps.6. 分词结构 (Participle Phrases):Walking slowly, she enjoyed the scenery.Surprised by the news, he stood still for a moment.7. 定语从句 (Relative Clauses):The book, which was written by Shakespeare, is a classic.The woman who lives next door is a doctor.8. 比喻和象征 (Metaphor and Symbolism):Time is a thief stealing moments from our lives.The dove symbolizes peace and harmony.9. 排比句 (Parallelism):He likes to hike, swim, and cycle in his free time.She is not only intelligent but also kind-hearted.10. 反问句 (Rhetorical Question):Do we really understand the consequences of our actions?Can anyone deny the importance of education?以上是一些常见的高级句式,它们可以让你的英文作文更加丰富多彩。






















中考记叙文高级词汇和句子汇总 语文

中考记叙文高级词汇和句子汇总 语文





















作文好词好句英语### 作文好词好句英语1. Adjectives (形容词)- Eloquent: 雄辩的,有说服力的- Profound: 深刻的- Inspirational: 鼓舞人心的- Ethereal: 空灵的,超凡的- Resilient: 有弹性的,有恢复力的2. Adverbs (副词)- Gracefully: 优雅地- Thoughtfully: 深思熟虑地- Eloquently: 雄辩地- Intriguingly: 引人入胜地- Diligently: 勤奋地3. Phrases (短语)- A breath of fresh air: 一股清新的空气- A sea of possibilities: 无限的可能性- A tapestry of emotions: 情感的织锦- A beacon of hope: 希望的灯塔- A symphony of colors: 色彩的交响乐4. Sentence Starters (句子开头)- In the realm of...: 在...的领域里- Embarking on a journey of...: 开始一段...的旅程- When one delves into the depths of...: 当一个人深入到...的深处- As the sun sets on the horizon...: 当太阳在地平线上落下时...- With every step forward, we...: 每向前迈出一步,我们...5. Concluding Sentences (结尾句)- In conclusion, the journey is as important as the destination.: 总之,旅程和目的地同样重要。

- Ultimately, it is the small moments that make life truly memorable.: 最终,是那些小时刻使生活真正难忘。




以下是一些常用的高级英语词汇,以及它们在句子中的应用示例:1. Eloquent - 雄辩的,有口才的- *She delivered an eloquent speech that captivated the audience.*2. Discerning - 有辨识力的,挑剔的- *A discerning palate can distinguish the subtle flavors in this wine.*3. Inevitable - 不可避免的- *The rise in sea levels is an inevitable consequence of global warming.*4. Expedite - 加快,促进- *The new policy aims to expedite the process of economic recovery.*5. Plausible - 似乎合理的,貌似真实的- *While the story is plausible, it lacks concrete evidence to support it.*6. Conundrum - 难题,谜- *The paradox of the prisoner's dilemma remains a conundrum for many philosophers.*7. Aesthetic - 美学的,审美的- *The museum's collection is a testament to the aesthetic sensibilities of its curators.*8. Intrinsic - 固有的,内在的- *Curiosity is an intrinsic part of human nature.*9. Articulate - 表达清晰的- *He is an articulate speaker who can convey complex ideas with ease.*10. Ameliorate - 改善,减轻- *The new legislation is designed to ameliorate the conditions of the working class.*11. Catalyst - 催化剂,促进因素- *The invention of the internet has been a catalyst for global communication.*12. Discrepancy - 差异,矛盾- *There is a significant discrepancy between the two reports' findings.*13. Nuance - 细微差别- *Understanding the nuances of a foreign language takes time and practice.*14. Paradigm - 范例,典型- *The shift to renewable energy represents a new paradigm in power generation.*15. Substantiate - 证实,确证- *The researchers were able to substantiate their claims with extensive data.*使用这些高级词汇时,确保它们与你的文章内容和上下文相匹配,并且你完全理解它们的含义和用法。



作文高级词汇句子1. “氤氲”。




”2. “缱绻”。




”3. “觊觎”。




”4. “旖旎”。




”5. “遴选”。



”6. “踟蹰”。




”7. “静谧”。



”8. “韶华”。




”9. “幽谧”。





1. “妙笔生花”:哎呀,你看那些大作家,那真的是妙笔生花呀,比如鲁迅的文章,就把人物刻画得栩栩如生。

2. “行云流水”:他写起文章来那叫一个行云流水啊,就像小河的水自然地流淌,一点都不费劲。

3. “引人入胜”:这本小说简直太引人入胜了,哇,就像有一双无形的手把你拽进去,让你跟着情节走。

4. “脍炙人口”:那些脍炙人口的诗句,像李白的“床前明月光”,谁不会念几句呢?
5. “洋洋洒洒”:他一写起来就是洋洋洒洒一大篇,那气势,可真了不得。

6. “淋漓尽致”:这篇文章把人物的情感表现得淋漓尽致,就好像你能亲身感受到那种喜怒哀乐。

7. “入木三分”:这位作者对人性的刻画真是入木三分啊,哇,太深刻了。

8. “绘声绘色”:她讲故事绘声绘色的,听她讲就跟真的在眼前发生一样。

9. “活灵活现”:他描写的小动物活灵活现的,仿佛下一秒就能从纸上蹦出来。






一、引言句型1. According to a recent survey,…根据最近的一项调查,…2. It is universally acknowledged that…众所周知…3. It goes without saying that…不言而喻…4. Recently, the problem of … has aroused people's concern.最近,…问题引起了人们的关注。

5. Nowadays, there is a growing concern over…如今,人们对...越来越关注。

二、表达观点句型1. In my opinion,…在我看来,…2. From my point of view,…从我的观点来看,…3. It seems to me that…我觉得…4. Personally, I believe that…就我个人而言,我认为…5. It is widely believed that…广泛认为…三、列举观点句型1. First and foremost,…首先,…2. In addition,…此外,…3. Furthermore,…而且,…4. Moreover,…此外,…5. Besides,…除此之外,…四、转折观点句型1. However, it is worth noting that…然而,值得注意的是…2. Nonetheless,…然而,无论如何…3. On the contrary,…相反地,…4. Interestingly enough,…有趣的是…5. Despite this,…尽管如此,…五、总结观点句型1. To sum up,…总而言之,…2. In conclusion,…总之,…3. All in all,…总的来说,…4. Taking all these factors into consideration,…考虑所有这些因素…5. In a word,…一言以蔽之,…六、高级词汇1. Consequently,因此,结果2. Furthermore,此外,而且3. Subsequently,随后,其后的4. Likewise,同样地,也5. Nonetheless,然而,尽管如此6. Conversely,相反地,反过来说7. Consequently,因此,结果8. Moreover,而且,此外9. Nevertheless,然而,尽管如此10. Accordingly,因此,相应地教育是一个重要的话题。



【导语】 在⾼考英语作⽂上多运⽤⾼级的词汇和短语,会使得作⽂更加⾼级,拿到的分数也会更加的多,下⾯将为⼤家带来⾼考英语中的⾼级词汇和短语的介绍,希望能够帮助到⼤家。

1、引出开头 It is commonly believed that…⼈们⼀般认为 Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus最近……问题引起了关注 It is universally acknowledged that + 句⼦全世界都知道... A lot of people seem to think that……很多⼈似乎认为… 2、表⽰结尾 In short, it can be said that…总之,他的意思是… From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that…从上⾯提到的,我们可以得出结论… Only in this way can we …只有这样,我们才能… Spare no effort to + V 不遗余⼒的 There is no doubt that 有优点也有缺点 3、学校⽣活及学习成绩 Be getting on well with one’s study某⼈的学习越来越好 put one’s heart into…专⼼于;致⼒于 arise from 由....引起 Some people… while others…⼀些⼈ …⽽另外⼀些⼈ acquire knowledge and skills学习知识和技能 make joint efforts做出共同努⼒ 4、彼此沟通信息 Write sb a letter saying…给某⼈写信说... express one’s idea (feelings) in English⽤英语表达⼀个⼈的思想(感情) Views on …vary from person to person对…观点因⼈⽽异 set forth a compromise proposal提出折中提议 enhance/ promote mutual understanding 增进相互了解 5、其他 be in good shape be angry about…为某事⽣⽓ Thank you for your letter. Looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you. 不可否认 It is undeniable that不可否认 an irresistible trend of必然趋势 realize one’s dream实现梦想 The main reasons are listed as follows主要理由列举如下。



词汇篇extremely 替换掉 very (非常的)(With)There being no bus, we had to go单词可以说一个人单词量的展现,如果总停 frown on sth 替 换 disagree with sth home on foot.留在使用 very good 等小学词汇,那老师把 ( 不同意)The men moved slowly forward, neck deep你当成发育不完全也正常.所以要使用一些 for instance 替换掉 for example (例 in the water, with their officers guiding高级词汇(就象是给文章穿上了成人内衣),如)them.我不建议大家用考纲以外的词汇(当然你能 advocate 倡导③常用句子篇——起到一个首饰的作用,让用更好),这里可以教你用高级替换简单词汇 compensate for 弥补.....文章更销魂~~~~~~Spare no efforts for 努力这个有点头疼,多背一背吧~~~severe 替换掉 serious(严重的)In contemporary society 在当今社会 Some changes have taken place in the pasta severe water shortage 严重缺水A vast amount of 大量的five years.needy 替换掉 ppor( 贫穷的)be abundant in 富有...在过去的 5 年中这里发生的一些变化.wealthy 替换掉 rich ( 富裕的)on ones own account 为了某人自己的利益 A great change will certainly be producedbenificial 替换掉 good (有益的)at ones own risk 自行负责in the world’s communications.undesirable 替换掉 bad (不好的,不受欢 on account of 由于在世界的沟通与交流方面产生了巨大的变迎的)On no account 绝不要化.nevertheless 替换掉 howeve(r 然而,不过)arise from 由....引起This is a phenomenon that .....fundamental / significant 替 换 掉 Are these any matters arising from the 有一个...的现象........important( 重要的)last meeting?It has increase(d decreased)from...to...relevant 替换掉 related (有关的)这些事情都是由上次的会议引起的吗?...从...增加到了...............is highly relevant to.......assess 评估,评价People have ( take , adopt , assume )extraodinary 替换掉 surprising (惊人 Examinations are not the only means of different attitudes towards sth.的,非凡的)assessing ones ability.人们对..有不同的态度.provided/providing (that)替换掉 if 考试不是评价一个人能力的唯一方法.When it comes to ..., some think ...(如果.....)authentic 真实的,可信的当谈到...一些人认为..........promote /strengthen 替换掉 improve (提 gradual 逐渐的There is a public debate today that ...高,加强)There has been a gradual improvment 当今有一个公共的争论关于...........More should be done to strengthen in ...over the last two years.Recently the problem has been broughtindustry's links with universities. 过去的两年中...逐渐改善.into focus.应该做更多的事情加强工业界和大学的联 ....multiply rapidly ...迅速增加.最近这个问题得到了关注.系.ripe 时候成熟的Now there is a growing awareness that...cope with 替换掉 solve( 解决)The country is ripe for change.现在....的意识增强了.motivate 替换掉 encourage( 激励)国家已是时候改变.Many individuals, if not most, harbor theWe are looking for someone who will be trend 趋势,趋向,潮流idea that….able to motivate the staff to work hard. The trend at the moment is that .... 有 许 多 人 , 不 是 特 别 多 , 怀 有 这 样 的 想我们在寻找能激励职员们努力工作的人. 现在..是一个趋势.....法.....jeopardize 替换掉 be bad to (损害,危 emphrasize 强调,重视it is universally acknowledged that.....及)I’d like to emphrasize how important it ....是一个社会的共识.....Failing exams could jeopardize her is to ....Just imagine what would be like if...future.sustainable development 可持续发展 设想一下如果......考试不及格危及她的前程.It is of great benefit to us.ease 替换掉 relieve (减轻,缓解)句型篇...对我们是有很大的好处的.To ease the problem of .....语里面常用的句型也就那么几个,尽量往里 It has more disadvantages than为了缓解....的问题.....套。



四级作文高级表达开头句型:1.The picture depicts that …2.寓意:Obviously/Clearly,the symbolic meaning subtly conveyed in the picture isthat…3.举例:①:There is no doubt that everyone might confront problemsin their daily life.I am no exception.②: L et’s take …… as an example to illustrate this.③: A good case in point is…④: be cited as an example⑤: … can serve as an illustration4.解决问题:When it comes to how to tackle my sticky issues,ways lie in threeaspects.5.……,we should be blessed with joint efforts with the whole society.6.The lesson I draw from the incident …结尾句型:1.Confront difficulties with courage and confidence and you will find that difficultiesare not as intimidating(使人害怕的)as they appear to be.2.… which will lay a solid foundation for our future success.3.We may be capable of transforming them into precious life treasure.4.b oost one’s well-being (提升幸福感)5.embrace a bright future连接词:1.First off/First and foremostIn the second placeIn the last resortTo put it briefly2.解释原因:… is a major source of… rank first… are responsible for… is another major contributor to …3.moreover (此外)4.hence(因此)5.wholeheartedly stand for/consent to ……(同意)ly (也就是说)7.whereas (然而,但是)8.……,as a consequence of which,……高级短语句型:1.Constant effort yields sure achivements,and if you pursue(追求)your goals withgreat courage of never giving up,you will succeed in whatever endeavor(努力)you take on.2.Life is just like farming,and what you can reap depends a lot on the seeds you sowand your dedication.3.It’s advisable for anyone to make precautionary(预先)preparations for …4.set a definite(明确的) goal5.without reserve6.give priority to7.follow one’s heart(从心所愿)8.shrink from (打消……的念头)9.stand by (袖手旁观)10.Together with the loss of morality,the whole society is becoming iron-mindedand indifferent.11.pave the way for12.(溺爱)①make a fuss of sb.②excessive fondness13.(放手)let go of children for their independence14.broaden one’s horizons15.enjoy their old age16.be entitled to (享有……的权益)17.in due season (在恰当的时候)18.adopt preferential policies (采用优惠政策)19.in similar fashion (同样的)20.encounter pressure (面对压力)21.cover up the fact (掩盖事实)22.exert too much pressure on23.interfere with (干涉)24.勤奋:①through steadfast(坚定的) diligence②double my efforts and be diligent25.根据:in accordance/line with26.偷看:peek at27.全神贯注于:be engrossed in28.不情愿,勉强:be reluctant to do sth.29.for the sake of/that30.尽力:①go to great length to do sth.②endeavor to do sth.31.There’s no one but longs to do ……(没有人不愿意)32.be subjected to33.遵守:①comply with②adhere to34.来源于:①derive from②be originated from35.trifle things/issues (小事)36.It dawns on me that …… (我明白)37.fret over/about (担心)38.be liable to do sth. (往往,趋向)39.reap huge fruits (获得很多好处)40.put oneself in other’s shoes (为他人着想)41.be/feel obliged to do sth. (只好,不得不)42.give rise to (屈服)43.It just goes without saying that …… (不言而喻)44.provide for (为…做准备)45.answer for (对…负责)46.idle away one’s precious time (浪费光阴)47.There is no escaping the fact that ……(不争的事实是…)48.It stands to reason that …… (显然,理所当然)49.There is no substitute for (doing) sth. (无可替代的)50.It’s conceivable that …… (可想而知)51.…… never grow without the exposure to sticky issues.52.…… be on the horizon (即将来临/出现的)53.resist the temptation54.to some extent55.…… is the real elegance(高雅) of life.56.①to the utmost (最大程度上)②do our utmost to do sth. (竭尽全力)57.exert a profound(深远的)influence on ……58.strive for/to do (努力得到)59.选择:opt for/against/to do60.relate to (与……相处)61.socialize to (与……沟通)62.理论与实际相结合:integrate methodology with practice63.cling to hope64.fulfill one’s dream65.相似:A bears some resemblances to B.66.It’s imperative that …… (当务之急)67.start out small to do (从小事做起)68.leave something to be desired (还有不足之处)69.pose a great threat to …… (对……产生威胁)70.bring home to sb. sth. (使……深刻地认识到……)高级词汇表达:1.立法:legislate vi.2.不可或缺的:indispensable adj.3.不可避免的,必须的:inevitable adj.4.不明智的:irrational adj.5.普遍的:universal adj.6.对手:rival n.7.展现:demonstrate vt.8.总是:invariably =always adv.9.尊重:esteem vt.10.改变:convert =change vt.11.使用:utilize =use vt.12.明显的:manifest adj.13.有名的:distinguished adj.14.可能的:feasible adj.15.美好的:rosy adj.16.非常,极其:exceedingly adv.17.增强,加强:enhance vt.18.劝告,建议:counsel vt./n.19.肯定地:definitely adv.20.incredible: ①不可信的②不可思议的。






一.高级词汇1.occur替换think ofSuddenly I had an idea that someone had broken into my house.→An idea occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.It occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.2.devote替换spendHe spends all his spare time in reading.→He devotes all his spare time to reading.3.seek替换want/look forThey sought(wanted)to hide themselves behind the trees.4.average替换ordinaryI’m an average(ordinary)student.5.but替换veryThe film we saw last night was very interesting.→The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting.The film we saw last night was anything but boring.6.seat替换sitOn his way to school,he found an old lady seated(sitting)by the road,looking worried.给大家推荐一个英语微信群Empty Your Cup英语微信群是目前学习英语最有效的方法,群里都是说英语,没有半个中文,而且规则非常严格,是一个超级不错的英语学习环境,群里有好多英语超好的超牛逼的人,还有鬼佬和外国美眉。



写作配套资料➢高频词汇difficult important excited 激动人心的、travel 旅游、visit 参观、wonderful enjoy health hope feel succeed activity exciting arrive enough足够地recently 最近information 信息healthy convenient 方便的、便利的lovely 生动的lazy outgoing 外向的strong change friendly favorite 最喜欢的kind 善良的tired 累的experience 经历important 重要的delicious 美味的advantage 优势different 不同的develop v. 发展development n. 发展chance 机会encourage 鼓励teenager 青少年harmful 有害的advise 建议confident 自信的without 无、没有future 未来communicate 交流friendship 友谊colorful 多彩的pleasant 愉快的different 不同的knowledge 知识school life校园生活about 关于result 结果share 分享difficulty 困难➢高级词汇1. 好的good优秀的outstanding,perfect,brilliant,excellent教育性的,启发性的instructive,educational建设性的,有益的helpful,benefitial,valuable,useful有意义的meaningful2. 极好的,惊人的great,surprising难以置信的,惊人的,令人震惊的fantastic,incredible,unusual,unbelievable,exceptional,amazing,shocking,astonishing3. 坏的bad糟糕的terrible不理想的undesirable不令人满意的unsatisfactory4. 无趣味的,无聊的uninteresting令人厌倦的boring,dull,annoying5. 难于理解的difficult to understand抽象的,深奥的abstract复杂的complicated,complex混杂的,不清楚的,迷惑的confused6. 好处good side=好处,优点advantage,benefit7. 坏处bad side=坏处,缺点disadvantage,drawback8. 必要的necessary=必要的,不可缺少的essential9. 很大very big=巨大的tremendous,immense,huge10. 很多many=不计其数的countless,unlimited,innumerable,immeasurable,numberless11. 增长grow=提高improve,increase12. 越来越(多)1)more and more+n. → students in growing numbers2)more and more +adj→ increasingly important13. 很难difficult= 有挑战性的challenging14. 很重要important= 至关重要的vital,significant15. adj.=of+n.important → of great importancedifferent → of great differencebeautiful → of amazing beautywise → of outstanding wisdomuseful → of great use16. 特殊的,特别的special=具体的,明确的concrete,specific,particular,definite17. 和……有关be related to=与……相联系be connected with,be linked to,be relevant to,have something to do with 18. 注定it is decided that...=注定be doomed to,be destined to19. 乐趣fun=娱乐,乐趣entertainment,amusement专题二:描述一个人20. 朋友friend熟人acquaintance21. 勤奋的hardworking=勤奋的,勤勉的diligent22. 坚决的decided adj=坚持不懈的perseverant,persistent有决心的determined,resolute,resolved23. 聪明的clever=聪明的,有才智的intelligent,bright,wise,brilliant24. 诚实的honest真诚的,诚实的,正直的sincere,truthful25. 美丽的beautiful,pretty迷人的,吸引人的charming,appealing,fascinating,attractive26. 累的tired=精疲力尽的exhausted,worn-out,27. 开心的Happy →joyful / delighted28. 不开心的sad=沮丧的,失意的frustrated,discouraged,depressed,low-spirited29. 担心的be/feel worried=忧虑的,不安的anxious,uneasy,troubled,restless30. 失业的out of work=失业的unemployed,jobless31. 进步progress=进步,成就,成绩advancement,achievement,accomplishment32. 遇到(事)meet=碰到,遇到come across,meet with,confront33. we =We high school studentsWe teenagersWe ChineseWe Chinese young generation专题三:描述各种行为34. 使用use =make good use of35. 学习learn =pick up (偶然或轻松学到)master(掌握)36. 适应be used to=适应be adapted to,be accustomed to,be adjusted to37. 参加join, enter=参与participate in,attend,take part in38. 注意pay one’s attention to=集中精力于focus on,concentrate on 专心于set one’s mind on39. 考虑think about sth/consider sth=take into account +sthtake into consideration +sth40. 做do =开展,实施,做carry out,perform利用好时间精力去做make good use of your time and effort to do忍不住做can't help doing41. 能够做can do sth =will do sthbe able to do sthbe capable of doing sth42. 完成finish=实现,完成achieve,accomplish,fulfill,complete43. 花时间做spend time doing sth=抽出时间做set aside time to do sth,put aside time to do sth,spare time to do sth 44. 尽力做try to,work hard=努力做,尽力做devote to,make efforts to, try one’s best to do45. 决定做decide to do=决心做be determined to do,make up one’s mind to do46. 想要做want to =等不及,渴望tend/intend to do sthbe longing for doing sth.be thirsty for doing sthlook forward to doing sthcan't wait to do sthdesire to dohave the desire to do/for sth47. 喜欢做like =love\ enjoy\ prefer...be fond of + 物be crazy about48. 应该做should do=Had better doBe supposed to doWhy not doIf I were you, I would doIt is beneficial/helpful/meaningful for you to doDoing sth is another possible choice for you.Close attention should be paid to that…49. 有机会做have a chance to/of=有机会的have an opportunity to50. 重视value =珍爱,珍惜,重视cherish,treasure51. 把……看作,当作see…as=把……看作,当作regard as,consider as,look on…as,treat…as,view…as 52. 解释explain=解释account for,clarify53. 想think=想出,想到sb come up with,sth/it cross one’s mind,sth/it occur to somebody 54. 认为think = guesstake the attitude that...hold the view that...55. 相信believe =sb insist on sth 坚持(某种观点)sb insist that... 坚持做某事be sure that56. 需要need =需要call for,require,demand57. 知道know =熟悉,知道be acquainted with,be familiar with,be informed of58. 我们都知道we all know =It is widely shared that...It is universally acknowledged that...59. 意识到realize=意识到become/be aware of,become/be conscious ofwrite to… 写给…的信、thanks for 谢谢… best wishes good luck as for me 对我来说yours sincerely 真诚的…in my opinion 在我看来look forward to 期望be interested in (like)、be proud of… 为…感到骄傲、had better do sth. 最好做某事get/be ready for sth./ to do sth. 做好准备做某事pay attention to 注意communicate with… 和… 交谈take part in 参加so… that…太…以至于…be good at 擅长… do well in… 在…上做的好at the age of… 在…岁时on one’s own 独自be good for… 对… 有好处come true 实现depend on 依靠make progress 取得进步give up such as 例如get on well with 与…相处的好feel lonely 感到孤独be friendly to… 对…友好take care of 照顾、look after 照顾enjoy oneself 玩的开心、have a visit to … 参观了… be busy with 忙于… for example 例如such as 例如talk with… 与…交谈as well 也 a number of 大量的➢短语表达-非谓一青年男子与一青年女子坐在我的身后,大声地说着话。




以下是一些可以用于不同类型作文的词汇和句式:1. 描述人物特点:- Ambitious(雄心壮志的)- Compassionate(有同情心的)- Diligent(勤奋的)- Eloquent(雄辩的)- Humble(谦逊的)句式:Despite his humble beginnings, he has become an eloquent speaker.2. 表达情感:- Ecstatic(狂喜的)- Melancholic(忧郁的)- Serene(宁静的)- Enraptured(狂喜的)句式:The serene atmosphere of the library always brings a sense of peace to her enraptured mind.3. 描述景色:- Pristine(原始的,未受污染的)- Lush(葱郁的)- Idyllic(田园诗般的)- Vast(广阔的)句式:The vast, lush meadows provided an idyllic setting for the picnic.4. 表达观点:- Persuade(说服)- Conjecture(推测)- Advocate(提倡)- Debunk(揭穿)句式:While I advocate for a more sustainable lifestyle, I also aim to debunk common misconceptions about environmentalism.5. 连接词:- Furthermore(此外)- Nonetheless(尽管如此)- Consequently(因此)- Moreover(而且)句式:Furthermore, the new policy will have a significant impact on the community. Nonetheless, it is necessary for long-term sustainability.6. 结论:- In conclusion(总之)- To sum up(总结来说)- Ultimately(最终)- Hence(因此)句式:In conclusion, the evidence clearly supports thetheory. Hence, further research is warranted.7. 表达原因:- Due to(由于)- As a result of(作为...的结果)- Owing to(因为)句式:Owing to the increased demand, the company has expanded its production capabilities.8. 提出建议:- It is advisable to(建议)- A prudent move would be(明智之举将是)- One should consider(应该考虑)句式:It is advisable to start early when planning for such a complex project.通过在作文中巧妙地使用这些好词好句,可以使文章更加生动和有说服力。



作文中常见的高级表达的词汇及句式作文中常见的高级表达的词汇及句式(一)supeiror to 优于,胜过……的long for 渴望向往abundant 丰富的,充裕的boost one’s confidence 增强某人的自信odd 奇怪的coincide with 与……相吻合in association with 与……相联系shortcoming 缺点without doubt 毫无疑问stick to 坚持from my perspective 我认为genuinely 真诚地delighted 高兴的,欣喜的diligent 勤奋的,勤勉的,用功的for instance, …例如badly+adj 在很大程度上……moreover 再者,此外take full advantage of 充分利用bring some change 带来一些改变deliver a speech 发表演讲be of + 抽象名词: be of great significance = be significanthave a good command of 掌握,精通take sth for granted 认为……是理所应当attach great importance / value / significance to sth 认为某事很重要/有价值form a habit of …养成……的习惯without hesitation 毫不迟疑in the first instance 首先1. For the reasons given above, …鉴于上述原因2. last but not least 最后一点同样重要3. One more thing I would like to mention is that……我还想提一点4. Never give up and keep trying 不要放弃,继续努力5. Your early reply will be greatly appreciated!Your prompt reply will be highly appraciated!常用于询问信的结尾6. Apply to be a volunteer for……申请成为……的志愿者7. I would like to become a volunteer to do sth 表达想从事志愿者服务的惯用形式8. In the first place 首先Furthermore 第二Third 第三,In conclusion 总之9. So I’m writing to make some suggestions.10. If you could take my suggestions into consideration / account,…11. Eventually,it turned out that 最终,结果是12. There is no denying that sth plays an extremely important part in …不可否认的是……对我们极其重要13. 强调句型:It is / was + 被强调部分+ that / who …14. It is essential that we should maintain the balance between … and …15. I have faith in …我相信16. I am convinced that … = I believe …Eg: I am convinced that I couldn’t have made such great progress without …17. It is sth that counts. 是…起作用了Eg: It is your attitude towards your study that counts.18. When it comes to sth / doing sth …当论及到……19. I would appreciate it if …如果你……我会很感激20. It is high time that we should do sth 这是我们应该做某事的时候了。



1. “熠熠生辉”:看那舞台上的演员,真可谓熠熠生辉啊!就像夜空中最亮的星一样耀眼。


2. “妙趣横生”:这本书的内容真是妙趣横生,让人读得停不下来!

3. “美不胜收”:大自然的风景美不胜收,怎么看都看不够呀!

4. “扣人心弦”:这场比赛太扣人心弦了,我的心都一直悬着呢!

5. “怡然自得”:看着他怡然自得的样子,真让人羡慕啊!

6. “脍炙人口”:这首歌如此脍炙人口,大家都会唱呢!

7. “洋洋洒洒”:他写起文章来洋洋洒洒,文采斐然。


8. “朝气蓬勃”:这些年轻人真是朝气蓬勃啊,充满了活力!

9. “耐人寻味”:这部电影的结局真是耐人寻味,让人回味无穷啊!




写作高级词汇、短语表达、特殊句式写作配套资料高频词汇difficult important excited 激动人心的、travel 旅游、visit 参观、wonderful enjoy health hope feel succeed activity exciting arrive enough足够地recently 最近information 信息healthy convenient 方便的、便利的lovely 生动的lazy outgoing 外向的strong change friendly favorite 最喜欢的kind 善良的tired 累的experience 经历important 重要的delicious 美味的advantage 优势different 不同的develop v. 发展development n. 发展chance 机会encourage 鼓励teenager 青少年harmful 有害的advise 建议confident 自信的without 无、没有future 未来communicate 交流friendship 友谊colorful 多彩的pleasant 愉快的different 不同的knowledge 知识school life校园生活about 关于result 结果share 分享difficulty 困难高级词汇1. 好的good优秀的outstanding,perfect,brilliant,excellent教育性的,启发性的instructive,educational建设性的,有益的helpful,benefitial,valuable,useful有意义的meaningful2. 极好的,惊人的great,surprising难以置信的,惊人的,令人震惊的fantastic,incredible,unusual,unbelievable,exceptional,amazing,shocking,astonishing3. 坏的bad糟糕的terrible不理想的undesirable不令人满意的unsatisfactory4. 无趣味的,无聊的uninteresting令人厌倦的boring,dull,annoying5. 难于理解的difficult to understand抽象的,深奥的abstract复杂的complicated,complex混杂的,不清楚的,迷惑的confused6. 好处good side=好处,优点advantage,benefit7. 坏处bad side=坏处,缺点disadvantage,drawback8. 必要的necessary=必要的,不可缺少的essential9. 很大very big=巨大的tremendous,immense,huge10. 很多many=不计其数的countless,unlimited,innumerable,immeasurable,numberless11. 增长grow=提高improve,increase12. 越来越(多)1)more and more+n. → students in growing numbers2)more and more +adj→ increasingly important13. 很难difficult= 有挑战性的challenging14. 很重要important= 至关重要的vital,significant15. adj.=of+n.important → of great impo rtancedifferent → of great differencebeautiful → of amazing beautywise → of outstanding wisdomuseful → of great use16. 特殊的,特别的special=具体的,明确的concrete,specific,particular,definite17. 和……有关be related to=与……相联系be connected with,be linked to,be relevant to,have something to do with 18. 注定it is decided that...= 注定be doomed to,be destined to19. 乐趣fun=娱乐,乐趣entertainment,amusement专题二:描述一个人20. 朋友friend熟人acquaintance21. 勤奋的hardworking=勤奋的,勤勉的diligent22. 坚决的decided adj=坚持不懈的perseverant,persistent有决心的determined,resolute,resolved23. 聪明的clever=聪明的,有才智的intelligent,bright,wise,brilliant24. 诚实的honest真诚的,诚实的,正直的sincere,truthful25. 美丽的beautiful,pretty迷人的,吸引人的charming,appealing,fascinating,attractive26. 累的tired=精疲力尽的exhausted,worn-out,27. 开心的Happy →joyful / delighted28. 不开心的sad=沮丧的,失意的frustrated,discouraged,depressed,low-spirited29. 担心的be/feel worried=忧虑的,不安的anxious,uneasy,troubled,restless30. 失业的out of work=失业的unemployed,jobless31. 进步progress=进步,成就,成绩advancement,achievement,accomplishment32. 遇到(事)meet=碰到,遇到come across,meet with,confront33. we =We high school studentsWe teenagersWe ChineseWe Chinese young generation专题三:描述各种行为34. 使用use =make good use of35. 学习learn =pick up (偶然或轻松学到)master(掌握)36. 适应be used to=适应be adapted to,be accustomed to,be adjusted to37. 参加join, enter=参与participate in,attend,take part in38. 注意pay one’s attention to=集中精力于focus on,concentrate on 专心于set one’s m ind on39. 考虑think about sth/consider sth=take into account +sthtake into consideration +sth40. 做do =开展,实施,做carry out,perform利用好时间精力去做make good use of your time and effort to do忍不住做can't help doing41. 能够做can do sth =will do sthbe able to do sthbe capable of doing sth42. 完成finish=实现,完成achieve,accomplish,fulfill,complete43. 花时间做spend time doing sth=抽出时间做set aside time to do sth,put aside time to do sth,spare time to do sth 44. 尽力做try to,work hard=努力做,尽力做devote to,make efforts to, try one’s best to do45. 决定做decide to do=决心做be determined to do,make up one’s mind to do46. 想要做want to =等不及,渴望tend/intend to do sthbe longing for doing sth.be thirsty for doing sthlook forward to doing sthcan't wait to do sthdesire to dohave the desire to do/for sth47. 喜欢做like =love\ enjoy\ prefer...be fond of + 物be crazy about48. 应该做should do=Had better doBe supposed to doWhy not doIf I were you, I would doIt is beneficial/helpful/meaningful for you to doDoing sth is another possible choice for you.Close attent ion should be paid to that…49. 有机会做have a chance to/of=有机会的have an opportunity to50. 重视value =珍爱,珍惜,重视cherish,treasure51. 把……看作,当作see…as=把……看作,当作regard as,consider as,look on…as,treat…as,view…as 52. 解释explain=解释account for,clarify53. 想think=想出,想到sb come up with,sth/it cross one’s mind,sth/it occur to somebody 54. 认为think = guesstake the attitude that...hold the view that...55. 相信believe =sb insist on sth坚持(某种观点)sb insist that... 坚持做某事be sure that56. 需要need =需要call for,require,demand57. 知道know =熟悉,知道be acquainted with,be familiar with,beinformed of58. 我们都知道we all know =It is widely shared that...It is universally acknowledged that...59. 意识到realize=意识到become/be aware of,become/be conscious ofwrite t o… 写给…的信、thanks for 谢谢… best wishes good luck as for me 对我来说yours sincerely 真诚的…in my opinion 在我看来look forward to 期望be interested in (like)、be proud of… 为…感到骄傲、had better do sth. 最好做某事get/be ready for sth./ to do sth. 做好准备做某事pay attention to 注意communicate with… 和… 交谈take part in 参加so… that…太…以至于…be good at 擅长… do well in… 在…上做的好at the age of… 在…岁时on one’s own 独自be good for… 对… 有好处come true 实现depend on 依靠make progress 取得进步give up such as 例如get on well with 与…相处的好feel lonely 感到孤独be friendly to… 对…友好take care of 照顾、look after 照顾enjoy oneself 玩的开心、have a visit to … 参观了… be busy with 忙于… for example 例如such as 例如talk with… 与…交谈as well 也 a number of 大量的短语表达-非谓一青年男子与一青年女子坐在我的身后,大声地说着话。




以下是一些可以用于高中英语作文的高级词汇和句型1. 高级词汇创新 innovation合作 collaboration挑战 challenge机遇 opportunity影响 impact可持续发展 sustainable development多样性 diversity责任感 responsibility批判性思维 critical thinking2. 好句开头In the realm of... one cannot overlook the significance of...在...领域人们不能忽视...的重要性。

It is universally acknowledged that...众所周知...There is a growing concern over...人们越来越关注...3. 表达观点From my perspective ...在我看来...I firmly believe that...我坚信...It is my contention that...我认为...4. 举例说明For instance ...例如...A case in point is...一个恰当的例子是...To illustrate this lets consider...为了说明这一点让我们考虑...5. 对比和对照While some argue that... others believe that...虽然有人认为...但其他人认为...On the one hand ... On the other hand ...一方面... 另一方面...6. 因果关系As a result of...由于...This leads to the fact that...这导致了一个事实那就是...Consequently ...因此...7. 总结句In conclusion ...总之...To sum up ...总的来说...In light of the above discussion it is clear that...鉴于上述讨论很明显...8. 强调句It is undeniable that...不可否认的是...Undoubtedly ...毫无疑问...The fact that... cannot be ignored....的事实不容忽视。

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作文中常见的高级表达的词汇及句式(一)supeiror to 优于,胜过……的
long for 渴望向往
abundant 丰富的,充裕的
boost one’s confidence 增强某人的自信
odd 奇怪的
coincide with 与……相吻合in association with 与……相联系
shortcoming 缺点
without doubt 毫无疑问
stick to 坚持
from my perspective 我认为
genuinely 真诚地
delighted 高兴的,欣喜的
diligent 勤奋的,勤勉的,用功的
for instance, …例如
badly+adj 在很大程度上……
moreover 再者,此外
take full advantage of 充分利用
bring some change 带来一些改变
deliver a speech 发表演讲
be of + 抽象名词: be of great significance = be significant
have a good command of 掌握,精通
take sth for granted 认为……是理所应当
attach great importance / value / significance to sth 认为某事很重要/有价值form a habit of …养成……的习惯
without hesitation 毫不迟疑
in the first instance 首先
1. For the reasons given above, …鉴于上述原因
2. last but not least 最后一点同样重要
3. One more thing I would like to mention is that……我还想提一点
4. Never give up and keep trying 不要放弃,继续努力
5. Your early reply will be greatly appreciated!
Your prompt reply will be highly appraciated!
6. Apply to be a volunteer for……申请成为……的志愿者
7. I would like to become a volunteer to do sth 表达想从事志愿者服务的惯用形式
8. In the first place 首先Furthermore 第二Third 第三,In conclusion 总之
9. So I’m writing to make some suggestions.
10. If you could take my suggestions into consideration / account,…
11. Eventually,it turned out that 最终,结果是
12. There is no denying that sth plays an extremely important part in …
13. 强调句型:It is / was + 被强调部分+ that / who …
14. It is essential that we should maintain the balance between … and …
15. I have faith in …我相信
16. I am convinced that … = I believe …
Eg: I am convinced that I couldn’t have made such great progress without …
17. It is sth that counts. 是…起作用了
Eg: It is your attitude towards your study that counts.
18. When it comes to sth / doing sth …当论及到……
19. I would appreciate it if …如果你……我会很感激
20. It is high time that we should do sth 这是我们应该做某事的时候了。

21. I hold the firm belif that …我坚定的认为……
22. You’d better do …, which will benefit you a great deal. 你应该做…,这会使你受益良多。

23. I felt that it would be beneficial if you can take my advice into consideration.

24. It occurred / occurs to sb that …某人突然想起……
25. As is known to all, … = …, which / as is known to all. = It is known to all that
= What is known to all is that …
众所周知, …。
