
FedEx 不断地在信息技术上革新,各项整合式的电子商务工具,使供应链物流从订单处理、运送、追踪乃至退货管理都能有效整合,提供顾客更便利且有效率的服务。
包括:顾客端信息系统(托运系统,货件追踪工具,国际贸易工具);PowerPad 快递资料搜集器;二维条形码技术;供应链管理系统(仓储管理系统, 存货透明化工具, 生产透明化工具, 仓库管理工具, 退货管理)。

F R F R -U I R S © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter le Service Clients sur .Qu’il s’agisse d’un envoi lourd ou léger, urgent ou moins urgent, FedEx vous apporte la solution. Bénéficiez de prix compétitifs pour un service d’une grande fiabilité. Et avec FedEx, vos colis sont livrés dans les délais annoncés.Comment calculer les frais relatifs à votre envoi• Trouvez la zone de destination/d’origine.• Choisissez le service que vous souhaitez utiliser.• Déterminez le poids total de votre envoi pour trouver le tarif dans la colonne appropriée.• D éterminez la surcharge carburant et autres surcharges éventuelles liées à votre envoi.Information sur nos tarifsLes tarifs sont applicables à partir du 2 janvier 2023. Les frais de transport et les services proposés par FedEx Express sont susceptibles d’être changés, modifiés ou suspendus par FedEx Express à tout moment et sans préavis. Les frais de transport peuvent varier en fonction du lieu ou de l’heure d’enlèvement et de livraison, de la taille, du poids ou de la nature des marchandises transportées.Conditions Générales de Transport de FedEx ExpressToutes les expéditions sont soumises aux Conditions Générales de Transport de FedEx Express (“Conditions de Transport”) publiées et mises à jour sur le site correspondant. Pour les expéditions au départ et entre des pays/territoires d’Europe, les conditions de transport applicables sont disponibles sur /fr/services/terms . Pour les expéditions provenant d’un pays/territoire hors d’Europe, d’autres conditions de transport s’appliquent. Les informations utiles sur vos tarifs et envois indiquées dans ce document sont en partie extraites des Conditions de Transport et sont uniquement fournies à titre de référence. En cas de divergence entre les présentes Conditions et les conditions imprimées sur tout bordereau d’expédition, manifeste, étiquette de transport ou tout autre document de transport FedEx, les Conditions de Transport disponibles en ligne prévaudront.Pour les conditions spécifiques de service FedEx® International Connect Plus (1), veuillez consulter /fr-fr/shipping/rates/ficp-rates.html .Droits de douane, taxes et frais supplémentairesLe paiement de Droits et Taxes peut être exigé lors de certains envois, notamment les importations. Ces Droits et Taxes seront facturés au destinataire, sauf si l’expéditeur demande qu’il en soit autrement. Il est possible que FedEx avance les frais de dédouanement, tels qu’estimés par l’Administration des Douanes françaises, au nom du compte payeur, afin de dédouaner les marchandises. Cette avance fera l’objet de la facturation d’un supplément calculé sur la base du montant avancé. Plus d’informations sur /fr/ancillaryservices .En plus des frais de transport, les montants supplémentaires suivants pourront s’appliquer : (i) des droits de douane ; (ii) des taxes ; (iii) une surcharge carburant ; (iv) une surcharge accessoire ; et/ou (v) des frais supplémentaires pour les services à valeur ajoutée (le cas échéant), (vi) des frais d’import ou d’export. Pour de plus amples informations sur les surcharges et frais supplémentaires (points iii à vi), rendez-vous sur /fr/ratesinformation . Tous les tarifs, surcharges et autres frais applicables indiqués sont hors taxe (TVA). La TVA peut être appliquée selon le taux alors en vigueur.Frais de changeDes frais de change supplémentaires peuvent être facturés pour la conversion des prix en toute monnaie autre que la monnaie de paiement du compte payeur.Informations utiles sur vos tarifs et envoisF R F R -U I R S © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter le Service Clients sur .Poids et dimensionsLe poids volumétrique est la quantité d’espace qu’occupe un colis par rapport à son poids réel. Pour chaque envoi, FedEx facture par rapport au poids volumétrique ou au poids réel, selon le plus élevé. FedEx utilise la formule de calcul suivante pour déterminer le poids volumétrique en kg par colis : longueur x hauteur x largeur du colis (le tout en cm) / 5 000.(2) Cette formule s’applique aux envois à destination ou en provenance de l’Europe. Le poids volumétrique ne s’applique pas aux emballages FedEx, à l’exception du FedEx® Pak en Europe s’il dépasse 0,0154 m 3. L’emballage FedEx® Box est soumis à un poids minimum facturé.Les dimensions maximales des emballages sont établies selon le service utilisé. Veuillez vous reporter au Guide des Services disponible sur (/fr/downloadcenter ) pour connaître les dimensions maximales autorisées.Tout emballage dépassant ces dimensions standards est automatiquement considéré comme relevant des servicesFedEx International Priority® Freight, FedEx International Economy® Freight ou FedEx® Regional Economy Freight, et sera facturé en conséquence.Un poids minimum facturé de 68 kg s’applique aux envois expédiés avec les services FedEx International Priority Freight, FedEx International Economy Freight ou FedEx Regional Economy Freight.Un poids minimum facturé s’applique à tous les envois emballés dans des FedEx Express Box et des FedEx Express Tube à l’exception des FedEx® 10kg Box et FedEx® 25kg Box. Les valeurs sont ainsi définies :FedEx Box (toutes tailles) 1 kg FedEx® Tube4 kgUn prix forfaitaire s’applique jusqu’à 10 kg et 25 kg pour les FedEx 10kg Box et FedEx 25kg Box respectivement. En plus du prix correspondant à ce poids, une augmentation pour chaque kilo supplémentaire est appliquée.Limites de responsabilité FedEx ExpressLa responsabilité de FedEx Express pour la perte, les dommages, le retard ou toute autre réclamation liée à un envoi sera, dans la plupart des cas, limitée au montant prévu par les conventions internationales ou les lois de transport au niveau national. Dans certains cas, la responsabilité est parfois totalement exclue et soumise au respect des délais, conformément aux Conditions de Transport applicables.Pour des informations détaillées sur la responsabilité de FedEx Express, veuillez lire attentivement les Conditions Générales de Transport. Si la responsabilité de FedEx Express est reconnue, sous réserve de toutes les limites établies, celle-ci variera selon le service utilisé.Responsabilité maximale : valeur déclarée pour le transportFedEx Express ne propose pas de responsabilité cargo et n’offre pas d’assurance tout risque pour les envois expédiés sur le réseau de FedEx Express.Cependant, l’expéditeur peut payer un supplément pour étendre la garantie de FedEx Express pour les envois dont les limites sont supérieures aux limites fixées ci-dessus (sous réserve des limitations prévues par les Conditions Générales de Transport).Pour chaque tranche supplémentaire de 100 US$ de responsabilité (ou partie), pour un envoi international ou domestique pris en charge par FedEx Express au-delà des limites fixées ci-dessus, un supplément sera appliqué. Un devis plus détaillé peut vous être fourni lors de la programmation de l’envoi. Vous pouvez également contacter le Service Clients pour plus d’informations.La valeur déclarée pour le transport est limitée à un montant maximal et peut varier selon la destination. Le cas échéant, la Valeur Déclarée pour le Transport ne peut en aucun cas excéder :– l a valeur réelle du contenu de l’envoi ou la valeur déclarée pour la douane (le prix de vente ou les frais de remplacement des marchandises transportées tels que demandés pour le dédouanement) ; – 100 US$ par envoi pour une FedEx® Envelope ou un FedEx Pak ; – 1 000 US$ par envoi pour les Objets de Grande Valeur (cf. les Conditions Générales de Transport pour plus de détails. Ce qui inclut, mais sans limitation, les objets tels que les œuvres d’art, les films, les antiquités, les verreries, les pièces de joaillerie, les fourrures et les montres) ;– 50 000 US$ par envoi pour tous les autres services sauf les services de transport de fret. Dans ce cas, la valeur ne peut excéder 100 000 US$ par envoi (pour la plupart des destinations).Pour plus d’informations, notamment les montants à jour en devise locale, veuillez consulter le document Services à valeur ajoutée et Surcharges.Pour FedEx International Connect Plus, certains détails dans la section Responsabilité Maximale ne s’appliquent pas à ce service, y compris la valeur déclarée pour le transport pour la FedEx Envelope ou le FedEx Pak.(1) F edEx International Connect Plus est notre service international dédié au e-commerce. Certains éléments de ce document peuvent ne pas s’appliquer à ce service. Pourplus d’informations, veuillez contacter votre interlocuteur commercial. (2) P our FedEx® Regional Economy et FedEx Regional Economy Freight, le diviseur DIM est de 4 000. FedEx Regional Economy et FedEx Regional Economy Freight sont nos services économiques intra-européens, uniquement disponibles pour une sélection de clients. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter votre interlocuteur commercial.F R F R -F P O © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter le Service Clients sur .Les envois doivent être correctement emballés. Découvrez nos conseilsd’emballage sur . Tout envoi, dont le poids se situe entre deux tranches de poids comme indiquées ci-dessus, sera facturé selon le tarif de la tranche de poids la plus élevée.* L a disponibilité des services et les délais peuvent varier selon le code postal d’origine et de destination. Veuillez contacter le Service Clients sur pour plus de détails concernant les horaires d’enlèvement dans votre ville.Information sur nos tarifsLes tarifs pour ce service national entrent en vigueur à partir du 2 janvier 2023. Les frais de transport et les services proposés par FedEx Express sont susceptibles d’être changés, modifiés ou suspendus par FedEx Express à tout moment et sans préavis.Les frais de transport peuvent varier en fonction du lieu ou de l’heure d’enlèvement et de livraison, de la taille, du poids ou de la nature des marchandises transportées. Les frais de transport pour ce service couvrent la prestation d’acheminement de l’envoi depuis l’enlèvement jusqu’à la livraison et cela partout en France métropolitaine.Conditions Générales de Transport de FedEx ExpressToutes les expéditions sont soumises aux Conditions Générales de Transport de FedEx Express (“Conditions de Transport”) publiées et mises à jour sur le site correspondant. Pour les expéditions au départ et entre des pays/territoires d’Europe, les conditions de transport applicables sont disponibles sur /fr/services/terms . Pour les expéditions provenant d’un pays/territoire hors d’Europe, d’autres conditions de transport s’appliquent.Les informations utiles sur vos tarifs et envois indiquées dans ce document sont en partie extraites des Conditions de Transport et sont uniquement fournies à titre de référence.En cas de divergence entre les présentes Conditions et les conditions imprimées sur tout bordereau d’expédition, manifeste, étiquette de transport ou tout autre document de transport FedEx, les Conditions de Transport disponibles en ligne prévaudront.Frais supplémentairesEn plus des frais de transport, les montants supplémentairessuivants pourront s’appliquer : (i) une surcharge carburant ou une autre surcharge ; (ii) une surcharge accessoire ; et/ou (iii) des frais supplémentaires pour les services à valeur ajoutée (le cas échéant). Pour de plus amples informations sur les surcharges et fraissupplémentaires, rendez-vous sur /fr/ratesinformation . Tous les tarifs, surcharges et autres frais applicables indiqués sont hors taxe (TVA). La TVA peut être appliquée selon le taux alors en vigueur.Pour vos expéditions nationales les plusurgentes, bénéficiez du service FedEx avec un enlèvement le jour même*FedEx Priority Overnight® (PO)。

French Post - Colissimo
法国邮政-Colissim o
France EMS - Chronopost
法国 EMS-Chronopost
Gabon post
gam bia-post
Gambia post
antilles-post correo-argentino
armenia-post aruba-post
ascension-post australia-em s austria-post azerbaijan-post
Sweden Posten French Post -La Poste
Poste Italiane Åland Post Afghan Post Albania post Algeria post Andorra Post
cuba-post cyprus-post czech-post denm ark-post djibouti-post dom inica-post inposdom east-timor-post correos-del-ecuador egypt-post el-salvador-post
Central African Republic post Chad post
Belize post
Benin post
berm uda-post
Bermuda post
Bhutan post

FedEx的12条管理原则 的 条管理原则
1.建立开放式平台 . 2.良好的培训和职业生涯设计 . 3.注重团队协作 . 4.奖励至关重要 . 5.融合多元文化 . 6.激励胜于控制 .
7.首要规则是改变规则 . 8.问题也有好的一面 . 9.积极利用技术软件 . 10.犹豫就会失败(但必须看准才动) 10.犹豫就会失败(但必须看准才动) 11.倡导冒险精神 . 12.努力决定形象 .
FedEx已经在全球物流运营过程中积累了 已经在全球物流运营过程中积累了 丰富的知识与经验,各项安全、 丰富的知识与经验,各项安全、环保标准 及其它技术指标都能符合国际要求, 及其它技术指标都能符合国际要求,这也 提醒中国物流企业若要持续发展和走向全 球物流市场,物流运作必须符合国际标准。 球物流市场,物流运作必须符合国际标准。
联邦快递可扮演业者的零售商的角色,提 联邦快递可扮演业者的零售商的角色, 供诸如, 供诸如,接受订单与客户服务处理及仓储 服务功能等等。 服务功能等等。
3、协助顾客合并分销业务 、
联邦快递,可协助顾客协调数个地点之间 联邦快递, 的产品组件运送过程。 的产品组件运送过程。在过去这些作业都 必须由顾客自己设法将零组件, 必须由顾客自己设法将零组件,由制造商 处送到终端用户手上, 处送到终端用户手上,现在的快递业者则 可全程代劳。 可全程代劳。
联邦快递(FedEx)作为全球最大的快递 联邦快递( ) 企业之一,在提供门对门、 企业之一,在提供门对门、一体化供应链 物流服务方面有着先进的管理理念及运作 模式 。
通过对 通过对FedEx的学习,借鉴其多式联运的 的学习, 的学习 现代化物流模式, 现代化物流模式,能够进一步促进政府完 善其宏观调控职能,打破条块分割、 善其宏观调控职能,打破条块分割、地方 保护等不利现代物流发展的局面,实现物 保护等不利现代物流发展的局面, 流资源的共享, 流资源的共享,为中国物流企业创造一个 公平、合理的发展环境提出新思路。 公平、合理的发展环境提出新思路。

篇二:联邦快递案例分析1.whatshouldthecompensationplanlooklikewhyaretheexp ressandgroundplanssodifferentthecompensationplanshouldincludethesalaryandincenti veplanliketheconditionstogetbasicsalaryandthequalif icationtogetbonus.alsoincludethepunishmentslikewhat kindofbehavioriswilllosethequalificationofgettingbo nus.anotherimportantitemisthescopeofvalidityofthese criteria.beforetheintegrationoftwosalesforces,theyu sedifferentevaluationsystems.expressandgroundservicearemeetingdifferentmarketcom petition.iwillspecificallyanalyzethedifferenceoftwoplansinthefollowingrespects:a.minimumsalesvolumeforbonus:Forexpress,accessingnewcustomersisofnodifficultywit hitssuperbreputation.sosetting96%oftheplannedsaleso bjectiveisreasonablebuttheminimumforgroundisonly50p ercentsincethetimeandeffortsofgettingnewcustomersar equitedifferent.b.incomestructure:82%oftheaveragegroundaccountexecu tives‘scompensationcomefromsalarybecauseitisbutonly70%o fexpresssalespeople’sincomearefromsalarybecausesigningnewcustomersismor edifficultforthegroundsobonusdoesnotaccountforahigh percentagefortheground.c.adjustment:eventoccurredmorefrequentlytoexpressse rvicethantogroundwhichmadeoriginalgoalsofexpressina ppropriate.butfortheground,salesgoalsaresetannually andraretochangesinceitwilltakemoretimetowinbackorsi gnanewcustomeriftheyleave.besides,groundsetsalesobjectivebasedonindividualsbecausethesuccessofsaleslar gelydependontheaccountexecutives’ownpersonalconnection.paretheprofitabilityofthegroundbusinessvs.thee xpressbusiness.expressbusinessisdeliveredbyairandalwayswithanon-ti medeliveryguarantee.thecostofexpressbusinessishighe rcomparedtogrounddeliverysincethespeedrequiredcarri erstoshipgoodsbyair.thetargetofexpressserviceistime -sensitivedocumentsandvaluableitems.thegroundbusine ssreferstodeliveriesmadewithin6days,currentlyalways within3daysandalsowithaguarantee.thetransportationi salwaysmadebyvans,trucksandtrains.sothespeedisslowe rthanovernightandthecostsarealsolowerthanexpress.thedistinctionbetween(fedex联邦快递打印模板(国际版))expressandgroundisbecomingblurry.itisreasonable topredictthatgroundservicewilleatintopartoftargetcu stomersofexpressbusinesswithitslowpriceandincreasin gdeliveryspeed.itwillespeciallyposethreatstotwo-to-threedayexpressservicebecausethespeedsofbothareposs iblythesame,whichmeansthevaluepropositionsarethesam etocustomers,butthecosts(marginalprofitandprices)ar edifferent.overall,iexpecttheprofitabilityofgroundw illincreasewhiletheexpressservicewillsomehowfalldow n.3.developalistofcharacteristicsoftheexpresssalesper sonvs.thegroundsalesperson(bothworkingatFedex).themostdesirablecharacteristicsoftheexpresssalesper sonisbeingcooperativeanddisciplinary.specifically,aqualifiedexpresssalespersonshouldhave:teamworkspirit:therearecloseandtightconnectionbetwe enbusinessesinthefirstlevelofthehierarchyandtheseco ndone.salespeoplewhotargetatsmallbusinesses(below$6 krevenues)mostlyneedthesupportofglobalaccountpeople becausethesmallbusinessmightbeasubsidiaryofglobalac counts.ontheotherhand,smallbusinesscanreportregiona lemergingopportunitiestoworldwideaccountexecutives.senseofdiscipline:therehavebeenacompletesalesforces ystemsocomplyingwiththerulesandfacilitateone’sworkingresponsibilityisthetoprequirements.analyticalskills:mostaccountexecutivesneedtosystema ticallyanalyzeclients’businessandhelpthemselectthemostcost-effectivewayst odeliverpackages.atthesametime,thesalesshouldreport andsharethesechangestotheaccountexecutivesinthehier archy.Forthegroundsalesperson,theabilitytomaintaincurrent customersisthemostimportantbecauseitisquitedifficul tforRpstoacquirenewcustomers.socialskills:businesslunchandothersocialnetworkarer equiredbythecompanytomaintaincustomerrelationship.i fsomeonefeelsuncomfortabletoattendtheseevents,thisj obdoesnotfithim/her.personalconnectionwithenterprises:asthereputationofgrounddeliveryisnotasfamousasups,thesalesmustutiliz etheirpersonalorpreviousconnectiontoexpandbusiness.highpassion:themostfrequentlyusedwayforthegrounddel iveryserviceistoencouragecustomersto“justgetthebox”butnotjustobjectivelynarratetheservicefeatures.when customersdonotrelyonthevaluepropositionofgrounddeli very,salesshouldcommunicatewiththemwithrealpassion, withaninnovativewaythatthedominantmarketplayeruspsd oesnothave.4.whatdothesalespeopleinthenewstructureneedtodo,i.e .,doesFedexneedmoresaleseffortonground,express,orbo thwhyidonotthinkFedexneedmoresalesoneitherone.thebiggest problemistwodifferentsalesforcewillcontactonecustom ertwiceandoffertwodifferentserviceplans,causingreso urcewastesandinefficiency.groundserviceisnotasstron gasexpresssoithinkFedexshouldfirstimproveinternaltr ainingtosolvetheresourcewasteproblemsandreassignthe salesforce.oneteamofaccountexecutivesoffersasingleserviceplanforonecustomer.inthisway,Fedexcanmaximize itsbrandeffecttoRpsandalsominimizetheboundaryofgrou ndandexpressservicebecausetheactualvaluedifferenceo fthesetwobusinesseshavebeencontracting.篇三:联邦国际快递联邦国际快递联邦快递隶属于美国联邦快递集团(Fedexcorp.),是集团快递运输业务的中坚力量。

394.80 469.00 543.20 617.40 691.60 760.90 830.20 899.50 968.80 1,038.10 1,106.00 1,173.90 1,241.80 1,309.70 1,377.60 1,445.50 1,513.40 1,581.30 1,649.20 1,717.10 1,773.80 1,830.50 1,887.20 1,943.90 2,000.60 2,057.30 2,114.00 2,170.70 2,227.40 2,284.10 2,340.80 2,397.50 2,454.20 2,510.90 2,567.60 2,624.30 2,681.00 2,737.70 2,794.40 2,851.10 2,907.80
Байду номын сангаас

(Rates exclude special fee and fuel surcharge)Please refer to Zone Index for detailed zone classificationRates in SID D E F HMajor Destinations U.S. (Western Region)2U.S. (Rest of Country)France BrazilFedEx Envelope30.5 kg69.5070.2059.20113.50FedEx Pak30.5 kg91.0091.6081.60137.001.0123.50124.20106.00186.501.5156.00156.80130.40236.002.0188.50189.40154.80285.502.5221.00222.00179.20331.10International First (IF)0.5 kg103.60104.4081.60168.401.0134.30135.40106.00217.601.5165.00166.40130.40266.802.0195.70197.40154.80316.002.5226.40228.40179.20365.203.0257.10259.40201.10414.903.5287.80290.40223.00464.604.0318.50321.40244.90514.304.5349.20352.40266.80564.005.0379.90383.40288.70613.705.5397.40401.00308.30642.606.0414.90418.60327.90671.506.5432.40436.20347.50700.407.0449.90453.80367.10729.307.5467.40471.40386.70758.208.0484.90489.00406.30787.108.5502.40506.60425.90816.009.0519.90524.20445.50844.909.5537.40541.80465.10873.8010.0554.90559.40484.70902.7010.5566.10572.30498.90918.9011.0577.30585.20513.10935.1011.5588.50598.10527.30951.3012.0599.70611.00541.50967.5012.5610.90623.90555.70983.7013.0622.10636.80569.90999.9013.5633.30649.70584.101,016.1014.0644.50662.60598.301,032.3014.5655.70675.50612.501,048.5015.0666.90688.40626.701,064.7015.5678.10701.30640.901,080.9016.0689.30714.20655.101,097.1016.5700.50727.10669.301,113.3017.0711.70740.00683.501,129.5017.5722.90752.90697.701,145.7018.0734.10765.80711.901,161.9018.5745.30778.70726.101,178.1019.0756.50791.60740.301,194.3019.5767.70804.50754.501,210.5020.0778.90817.40768.701,226.7020.5790.10830.30782.901,230.60Rates per kg (Multiply by Total Shipment Weight)Weight (kg)421-4437.7039.6038.1058.6045-7035.5037.1037.4056.1071-9935.0037.0037.1055.50100-29933.6035.9035.7052.904 300-49931.9034.7034.6050.904 500-99930.2034.1033.9049.004 1000+29.6033.7033.5048.20Footnotes:1All rates are exclusive of all applicable tax. For special fee and fuel surcharges, please refer to the Surcharge and Other Information page for details.2U.S. Western Regions include Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon and Washington States.3FedEx Express packaging must be used. No multiple piece shipments are allowed when using FedEx Envelope or FedEx Pak. FedEx Envelope shipments exceeding 0.5kg will be charged at FedEx Pak rates. FedEx Pak shipments exceeding 2.5kg will be charged at International First (IF) rates.4Space must be reserved in advance with our Customer Service team for International First (IF) shipments of more than 300kg.Remarks:-"These rates are available only to qualified customers. See the Miscellaneous Information section for details.- A fuel surcharge and other special fees will apply.-IF service is available to selected zip codes only. Please contact our Customer Service Team for destination details.(Rates exclude special fee and fuel surcharge)Please refer to Zone Index for detailed zone classificationRates in SID D E HMajor Origins U.S. (Western Region)2U.S. (Rest of Country)BrazilFedEx Envelope30.5 kg79.4089.70144.00FedEx Pak30.5 kg86.2096.10146.001.0120.80130.10205.101.5155.30164.20264.302.0189.90198.20323.402.5224.50232.30382.60International First (IF)0.5 kg120.40149.60237.601.0149.10176.10300.201.5177.80202.60362.802.0206.50229.10425.402.5235.20255.60488.003.0252.10272.70538.003.5269.00289.80588.004.0285.90306.90638.004.5302.80324.00688.005.0319.70341.10738.005.5336.80356.10775.206.0353.90371.10812.406.5371.00386.10849.607.0388.10401.10886.807.5405.20416.10924.008.0422.30431.10961.208.5439.40446.10998.409.0456.50461.101,035.609.5473.60476.101,072.8010.0490.70491.101,110.0010.5504.20504.601,134.5011.0517.70518.101,159.0011.5531.20531.601,183.5012.0544.70545.101,208.0012.5558.20558.601,232.5013.0571.70572.101,257.0013.5585.20585.601,281.5014.0598.70599.101,306.0014.5612.20612.601,330.5015.0625.70626.101,355.0015.5639.20639.601,379.5016.0652.70653.101,404.0016.5666.20666.601,428.5017.0679.70680.101,453.0017.5693.20693.601,477.5018.0706.70707.101,502.0018.5720.20720.601,526.5019.0733.70734.101,551.0019.5747.20747.601,575.5020.0760.70761.101,600.0020.5774.20774.601,604.40Rates per kg (Multiply by Total Shipment Weight)Weight (kg)421-4437.9038.2076.4045-7034.7035.9068.5071-9932.9034.1062.50100-29931.7033.1057.704 300-49931.1032.4054.904 500-99930.2032.0052.704 1000+29.9031.9052.10Footnotes:1All rates are exclusive of all applicable tax. For special fee and fuel surcharges, please refer to the Surcharge and Other Information page for details.2U.S. Western Regions include Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon and Washington States.3FedEx Express packaging must be used. No multiple piece shipments are allowed when using FedEx Envelope or FedEx Pak. FedEx Envelope shipments exceeding 0.5kg will be charged at FedEx Pak rates. FedEx Pak shipments exceeding 2.5kg will be charged at International First (IF) rates.4Space must be reserved in advance with our Customer Service team for International First (IF) shipments of more than 300kg.Remarks:-"These rates are available only to qualified customers. See the Miscellaneous Information section for details.- A fuel surcharge and other special fees will apply.-IF service is available to selected zip codes only. Please contact our Customer Service Team for destination details.EXPORT IMPORT Country / Region IF IF Antigua H Anguilla H Netherlands Antilles H Argentina H Austria FAruba H Barbados H Belgium FBermuda H Bolivia H Bonaire H St. Eustatius H Saba H Brazil H H Bahamas H Belize H Canada E E Switzerland FChile H Colombia H Costa rica H Curacao H Germany FDenmark FDominica H Dominican Republic H Ecuador H Spain FFrance FGrenada H French Guiana H Guadeloupe H Guatemala H Guyana H Honduras H Haiti H Italy FJamaica H St. Kitts & Nevis H Cayman Islands H St. Lucia H Luxembourg FSt. Martin H Martinique H Montserrat HEXPORT IMPORT Country / Region IF IF Mexico E E Nicaragua H Netherlands FPanama H Peru H Puerto Rico E E Paraguay H Suriname H El salvador H St. Maarten H Turks & Caicos Islands H Trinidad & Tobago H U.S. (Western Region)Colorado80000-81699D D Idaho83200-83999D D Utah84000-84799D D Arizona85000-86599D D Nevada89000-89899D D California90000-96699D D Oregon97000-97999D D Washington98000-99499D D U.S. (Rest of Country)E E Uruguay H St. Vincent H Venezuela H British Virgin Islands H U.S. Virgin Islands HFuel SurchargeThe surcharge percentage is adjusted monthly, based on the US Gulf Coast Jet Fuel Index, and this percentage is applied to the total transportation charge (go to /sg for the prevailing fuel surcharge rate and a sample calculation).Special Handling FeesAddress Correction:SGD 10.00Global Print Return Label Surcharge: A surcharge of SGD 0.70 per shipment will be charged if a label is generated by FedEx and used.*Out of Pickup Area Surcharge (OPA)SGD 31.00 per shipment or SGD 0.80 per kg, whichever is greater *Out of Delivery Area Surcharge (ODA)SGD 31.00 per shipment or SGD 0.80 per kg, whichever is greater* FedEx imposes a surcharge for shipments to areas outside those in which its own couriers pick up and deliver cargo (OPA and ODA areas).Residential Delivery Surcharge:Dry Ice Surcharge:SGD 6.50 per shipmentDuty and Tax:If duties and taxes are levied on a shipment and FedEx pays them on behalf of the party responsible for payment,then that party must reimburse FedEx for the duties and taxes themselves, plus a FedEx surcharge that is based upon the type of shipment and its destination. Please contact our Customer Service team for details.Declared Value Charge for Carriage:kilogram or USD100.00 per shipment. The exact limitation may be expressed in Special Drawing Rights or local currency and the exact amount will vary depending upon the country of origin and currency.Maximum Declared Value for Carriage (may vary by destination)FedEx Envelope/Pak:International First (IF):Shipments containing items of extraordinary value such as artwork, antiques, glassware, jewelry,precious metals, furs, etc.:USD 100.00 (or equivalent value in local currency)USD 50,000.00 (or equivalent value in local currency)USD 1,000.00 or USD 20.00 per kg, whichever is greaterWeight InformationTotal shipment weight is unlimited. The maximum weight per package may be adjusted. Please contact our Customer Service team or Sales team for details.Rates are calculated on the total weight of all packages on one international air waybill. Any fraction of a kilogram is rounded up to the next higher weight break. Such rounding may cause a variance in dimensional weight(volumetric weight) calculations. Please note that the rates stated on FedEx's invoice shall be the final and official rates.Additional charges may be assessed for shipments below a certain weight density. The dimensional weight (volumetric weight) (in kg) of an International First shipment is calculated as follows. Please contact our Customer Service team for details.Length x Width x Height (centimetres or inches)5,000 for centimetres or 305 for inchesA minimum billable weight of 1 kg applies to FedEx Small Box, FedEx Medium Box and FedEx Large Box; and a minimum billable weight of 4 kg applies to FedEx Tube.Shipments in FedEx packaging may be subjected to dimensional weight pricing.Miscellaneous Information• These rates, valid until further notice, are only available to customers who remain in good standing with their FedEx account and settle their invoice promptly.• FedEx reserves the right at any time to amend, modify, or discontinue discounts without prior notification.• As noted above, various surcharges and fees may be imposed on your shipment in addition to the prices noted on this ratesheet. By tendering your shipments to FedEx, you agree to pay the surcharges as determined by FedEx.• Please note that your shipment is governed by several documents: your discount-pricing letter agreement with FedEx (if applicable), the Conditions ofContract printed on the FedEx Air Waybill for your shipment, the FedEx Service Guide, the FedEx Standard Conditions of Carriage, and/or FedEx International Terms and Conditions in effect at the country of origin. These documents provide for the above surcharges, fees, and other important terms that you should review. If you need assistance or desire additional information, please contact our Customer Service team.• All rates are exclusive of all applicable tax.For InquiriesCustomer Service Hotline: 1-800 743 2626SingaporeSurcharge and Other Information(For IF services only)。

联邦快递(FedEx)战略分析ﻬ联邦快递(FedEx)公司战略分析目录一.联邦快递(FedExCorp.) (3)二.联邦在华发展历程 (4)三.关键四要素分析 (5)四.外部环境分析 (6)(一)一般环境分析 (6)(二)产业环境分析 (7)五.外部关键要素分析.............................................15六.内部能力分析...................................................19七.内部关键要素分析 (23)八.综合分析 (27)(一)业务组合分析 (27)(二)SWOT分析 (28)九.战略指导文件—远景和使命……………………………29十.公司战略及其选择………………………………………29一.联邦快递(FedEx)简介联邦(FedExCorp.)成立于1973年,经过30多年的发展,已成功跻身全球快递业巨头,为全球的顾客和企业提供涵盖运输、电子商务和商业运作等一系列的满意服务。
集团旗下子公司FedEx Express(联邦快递)隶属于美国联邦快递集团(FedEx Corp.),作为公司的本业(原始业务模型)是集团快递运输业务的中坚力量。
FedEx Ground是北美第二大的路上承运商,提供针对小型包裹的运输,此外还有FedExHome Delivery提供的代商家送货上门服务。

说明以下是快递100对外开放的部份公司的列表,同时适用于和(部份,具体区别请留意快递公司名称后的备注),另外国际类的可以直接点击1、API地址]注:为了防止恶意解释的情况,不能通过IP访问本网站及API,敬请原谅2、输入参数说明3、返回结果说明4、API调用及返回结果示范4.1 API调用示范4.2 Json返回示例{"message":"ok","status":"1","state":"3","data":[{"time":"2012-07-0713:35:14","context":"客户已签收"},{"time":"2012-07-07 09:10:10","context":"离开 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅] 派送中,递送员[温],电话[]"},{"time":"2012-07-0619:46:38","context":"到达 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅]"},{"time":"2012-07-0615:22:32","context":"离开 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅] 派送中,递送员[温],电话[]"},{"time":"2012-07-06 15:05:00","context":"到达 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅]"},{"time":"2012-07-06 13:37:52","context":"离开 [北京_同城中转站] 发往 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅]"},{"time":"2012-07-06 12:54:41","context":"到达 [北京_同城中转站]"},{"time":"2012-07-06 11:11:03","context":"离开 [北京运转中心_航空_驻站班组] 发往[北京_同城中转站]"},{"time":"2012-07-06 10:43:21","context":"到达 [北京运转中心_航空_驻站班组]"},{"time":"2012-07-05 21:18:53","context":"离开 [福建_厦门支公司] 发往 [北京运转中心_航空]"},{"time":"2012-07-05 20:07:27","context":"已取件,到达 [福建_厦门支公司]"}]}4.3 xml返回示例<xml>? ? ? ? <message>ok</message>? ? ? ? <status>1</status>? ? ? ? <state>3</state>? ? ? ? <data>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <time>2012-07-07 13:35:14</time>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <context>客户已签收</context>? ? ? ? </data>? ? ? ? <data>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <time>2012-07-07 09:10:10</time>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <context>离开 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅] 派送中,递送员[温],电话[]</context>? ? ? ? </data>? ? ? ? <data>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <time>2012-07-06 19:46:38</time>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <context>到达 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅]</context></data><data><time>2012-07-06 15:22:32</time>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <context>离开 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅] 派送中,递送员[温],电话[]</context>? ? ? ? </data>? ? ? ? <data>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <time>2012-07-06 15:05:00</time>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <context>到达 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅]</context>? ? ? ? </data>? ? ? ? <data>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <time>2012-07-06 13:37:52</time>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <context>离开 [北京_同城中转站] 发往 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅]</context>? ? ? ? </data>? ? ? ? <data>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <time>2012-07-06 12:54:41</time>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <context>到达 [北京_同城中转站]</context>? ? ? ? </data>? ? ? ? <data>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <time>2012-07-06 11:11:03</time>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <context>离开 [北京运转中心_航空_驻站班组] 发往 [北京_同城中转站]</context> ? ? ? ? </data>? ? ? ? <data>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <time>2012-07-06 10:43:21</time>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <context>到达 [北京运转中心_航空_驻站班组]</context>? ? ? ? </data>? ? ? ? <data>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <time>2012-07-05 21:18:53</time>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <context>离开 [福建_厦门支公司] 发往 [北京运转中心_航空]</context></data> ? ? ? ? <data>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <time>2012-07-05 20:07:27</time>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <context>已取件,到达 [福建_厦门支公司]</context>? ? ? ? </data></xml>4.4 html返回示例如下图照片所示,如果没有看到图片,请稍等或刷新本页:4.5 text返回示例时间 ? ? ?地点和跟踪进度2012-07-07 13:35:14 ? ? 客户已签收2012-07-07 09:10:10 ? ? 离开 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅] 派送中,递送员[温],电话[] 2012-07-06 19:46:38 ? ? 到达 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅]2012-07-06 15:22:32 ? ? 离开 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅] 派送中,递送员[温],电话[] 2012-07-06 15:05:00 ? ? 到达 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅]2012-07-06 13:37:52 ? ? 离开 [北京_同城中转站] 发往 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅] 2012-07-06 12:54:41 ? ? 到达 [北京_同城中转站]2012-07-06 11:11:03 ? ? 离开 [北京运转中心_航空_驻站班组] 发往 [北京_同城中转站]2012-07-06 10:43:21 ? ? 到达 [北京运转中心_航空_驻站班组]2012-07-05 21:18:53 ? ? 离开 [福建_厦门支公司] 发往 [北京运转中心_航空]2012-07-05 20:07:27 ? ? 已取件,到达 [福建_厦门支公司]5、开发案例及插件支持•目前提供ASP、、PHP和Java等四个版本的开发实例,请点下载。
FedEx 包裹规范和限制说明书

General Packaging GuidelinesShipment Size and Weight Restrictions •With FedEx Express® U.S. services, you can ship packages up to 150 lbs (68kg), up to 119" (302cm) in length and165" (419cm) in length and girth.••W ith FedEx Express international services, you can ship packages up to 150 lbs (68kg), up to 108" (274cm) in length and130" (330cm) in length and girth.With FedEx Express® Freight Services, you can ship individual skids of 150 lbs. (68kg) or more. Skids exceeding2,200 lbs. (998kg) in weight or exceeding 70" (178cm) in height, 119" (302cm) in length, or 80" (203cm) in width require prior approval.FedEx Freight® shipments may be palletized or non-palletized, weigh up to 20,000 lbs. (9072kg), and measure up to 21 feet in length.•With FedEx Ground® and FedEx Home Delivery®Services, you can ship packages up to 150 lbs (68kg), up to108" (274cm)in length, and 165" (419cm) in length plus girth.Place yellow and black safety heavyweight labels over the diagonal corners of the package if it weighs more than 75 lbs (34kg). To get the labels, contact your FedEx Express courier or FedEx account executive, or go to a FedEx Office® Print and Ship Center or FedEx Ship Center®.Measuring Length and GirthThe length and girth formula is simple. Here’s what you do:• Measure the length, height, and width of the package.•L ength and girth equals length plus twice the width and twice the height.Calculating Dimensional Weight Dimensional weight applies when the package is relatively light compared with its volume. If the dimensional weight exceeds the actual weight, charges based on the dimensional weight will be assessed. To calculate it:•M ultiply length by width by height in inches.•Divide by 139 for U.S., Puerto Rico, and international shipments.•Compare the dimensional weight and actual weight. Your chargeable weight is the greater of the actual weight or the dimensional weight.HeightWidthLengthLength is the longest side of the package or object.Length and Girth FormulaGirth is(2 x width) + (2 x height)General Packaging GuidelinesAt FedEx, we know proper packaging can help ensure that your shipments arrive safely. So we offer general packaging guidelines — from measuring and weighing your package, to packing methods, sealing and label-ing instructions, and guidelines for restricted shipments.General Packaging Guidelines•Use FedEx Express packaging for FedEx Expresspackage shipments only; any other use isprohibited.•You may use your own packaging if boxes aresturdy and undamaged with all flaps intact.•Chipboard boxes, such as gift or shoe boxes, mustbe packed into a corrugated fiberboard outerbox.•Use double-wall boxes for heavier items.•••••••General Packing MethodsFollow these general guidelines for the two most popular packing methods, plus recommendations for odd- or irregular-shaped shipments. Single-Box Packing Method•Ship nonfragile products like soft goods inside a sturdy outer box.• U se fillers like crumpled newspaper, loosefill peanuts,or air-cellular cushioning material such as Bubble Wrap® to fill void spaces and prevent movement of goods inside the box during shipping.• P lace goods that might be affected by dirt, water, or wet conditions inside a plastic bag.•Consolidate small parts or spillable granular products in a strong sealed container, such as a burlap or sift-proof plastic bag, then package in a sturdy outer box.• U se the H taping method for sealing your package.Nonfragile product with cushioningto prevent movement Single-Box Filled With Loosefill Peanuts Sturdy outer boxSingle-Box With Wrapped Item Product wrapped in a minimum 3" (8cm) thickness ofcushioning materialSturdy outer box••Ensure your package is fully encased in an outershipping container or packaging. The outer container should be made out of corrugated fiberboard materials. Other rigid containers such as plastic cases, wooden crates , and metal totes can be used, but are subject to additional handling surcharges.•For FedEx Express shipments , go t o /packaging to order complimentary packaging .Place small packages inside a larger outer corrugate d fiberboard box. For express shipments smaller than 7" x 4" x 2" (18cm x 10cm x 5cm), use a FedEx Expresspackaging option, or you can purchase other packaging at a FedEx Office location.D ouble-box fragile items with 3" (8cm) of cushioning in and around the smaller box.Wrap items individually with cushioning material and center them in boxes away from other items and away from the sides, corners, top, and bottom of the box.Position bottles that contain liquids upright. Use an inner seal and perforated breakaway cap. The inner packaging must be able to contain leaks. P lace items that might be damaged by normalhand-ling, such as soiling, marking, or application of adhesive labels, in a protective outer box.For odd- or irregular-shaped items, at a minimum you should wrap and tape all sharp edges or protrusions. Enclose an extra label, business card, or letterhead with the shipper’s address and phone number and the recipient’s address and phone number inside the package before sealing it.Remove all old address labels from reused boxes before shipping, and make sure there are no holes, tears, or corner dents in the outer box.Rolled goods should be placed inside a FedEx tube , t riangular tube , corrugated fiberboard box, or crating method. A n additional handling surcharge can apply if you use the crating method.•Box-in-Box Packing Method•Wrap product(s) individually with at least 2" (5cm) thick-ness of air-cellular cushioning or foam material to fit snugly inside a corrugated fiberboard box.••Restrict product movement inside the box using filler like crumpled newspaper, loosefill peanuts, or other cushioning material.Close and tape the inner box using the H taping method. This will help prevent accidental opening.•Use a second box that is at least 6" (15cm) longer,wider, and deeper than the inner box.•C hoose the wrap or fill method to cushion the inner box inside the larger sturdy outer corrugated fiberboard box.•Ship fragile products individually, wrapping them in a minimum 3" (8cm) thickness of air-cellular cushioning material.•Wrap the inner box with 3" (8cm) thickness of air-cellular cushioning material or use at least 3" (8cm) of loosefill peanuts or other cushioning material to fill the spaces between the inner box and outer box on the top,bottom, and all sides.•F ill any void spaces with more cushioning material.•Use the H taping method for sealing your package.Smaller inner boxwrapped in 3" (8cm)of air-cellularcushioning materialBox-in-Box With Air-Cellular CushioningSturdy outerbox measuring6" (15cm) larger onall sidesBox-in-Box With Loosefill Peanuts Packing material(e.g., loosefill peanuts) minimum of 2" (5cm) thicknesson each sideInner boxPacking material(e.g., loosefillpeanuts) minimumof 3"(8cm) thicknesson each sideSturdyouter box Multiple piece shipments Explore your options for shipping multiple packages in one shipment. These tips will help when y ou want all your packages to arrive at the same time and place.Use the overbox method. Place all your packages into one large corrugated fiberboard box.Make sure your large corrugated fiberboard box meets our size and weight restrictions. Ship it with FedEx Freight. If your packages combined weight total s over 150 lb (68kg)give Freight a try. For more information on FedEx Freight visit /en-us/shipping/ freight.html.•••Sealing Your Package• U se pressure-sensitive plastic tape, water-activated paper tape (minimum 60-lb. ( 27kg ) grade), or water-activated reinforced tape that is at least 2" (5cm) wide.• A pply tape evenly across flaps and seams to both the top and bottom of the outer box. Use the H taping method.• D o not use cellophane tape, duct tape, masking tape, string, or rope to seal packages. In addition, do not wrap the outer box in shrink wrap, stretch wrap, or B ubble Wrap.H taping methodShrink wrap is allowed for wrapping expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam coolers when approved by the FedEx Packaging Lab. To inquire about approval, emailpackaging ******************.Shrink wrap should not be used around corrugatedfiberboard boxes, c orrugated plastic boxes, or other transit cases made of plastic, metal, or wood. Stret c h wrap and B ubble W rap are both prohibited from use on the exterior of small parcel packages.T he package should not be bound with metal, plastic, or cloth banding. It should however be properly sealed using the H tapingmethod.Use applicable routing label, airbill, or address labelAddressing and Labeling Your Package•Place delivery information inside and outside the package. Include an address for your recipient and yourself. •Do not list a P.O. box address for U.S. recipients. FedEx Express can ship to a P.O. box in certain international locations, including Puerto Rico, but you must provide a valid telephone, fax, or telex number.• R emove or cross out any old address labels on the outer box.•Shipping labels and packing slips should be applied facing the same direction on the same side of the package.•Avoid wrapping labels around the corner or directly on the edge or seam of the package.• P lace shipping labels on the package’s largest surface. While we cannot ensure compliance with markings such as “Up” arrows or “This End Up,” properly placing the shipping label increases your chance for the preferred orientation.•To avoid scanning issues, do not apply tape , wrappin s, or other co erin s over the shipping label. The coverings make the barcode unreadable.• U se tie-on tags on transit cases (including tradeshow display cases), golf bags, skis, and luggage.Packaging Specialty ShipmentsSome shipments require detailed instructions for proper packaging to ensure intact delivery to your destination. For more information, check out our guides on how to pack specialty and unique items such as bikes,breakables, computers, and more. You can find these detailed guides at the bottom of our How to Pack page. Guidelines for packaging specialty items contain specific packing, sealing, labeling, and testing instructions. The follow ing page has r ecommendations for items that don’t require such specific guidelines .••General Guidelines for Unique Items•A rtwork. Apply masking tape in a criss-cross pattern on the glass surface to prevent glass from splintering. FedEx Office has a selection of framed-art boxes for purchase. Or let the pros do the packing for you.•P hotos and Posterboard. Tape flat items ontoa rigid material like plywood, plastic, or layers of corrugated fiberboard padding; as an alternative, place printed material between two corrugated pad s and tape both pads together at all seams.•U ndeveloped Film. Prominently mark packages containing undeveloped film. Special labels are available. Ask your FedEx courier or call 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339 (say “order shipping supplies”).•S tringed Musical Instruments. Loosen the tension on the strings to remove the stress on the neck of the instrument. Place the instrument in a strong box with cushioning materials to prevent damage. FedEx Office has a guitar box for purchase that fits most guitars in hard or soft cases with adequate cushioning.•P rinted Matter. Bundle printed material together to prevent shifting. Cushion sufficiently before packing into a double-walled corrugated outer box. FedEx Office has a heavy-materials box for purchase that is double-walled and suitable for printed matter.•R olled Goods. Tightly wrap rolled goods using several layers of heavy-duty plastic film and wrap with plastic packing tape. Once wrapped, place the rolled good into a FedEx tube or corrugated fiberboard box. FedEx office has a variety of telescoping boxes for purchase that can be used for shipping rugs, rolls of fabric, and other rolled goods. FedEx cannot assume liability for damage due to inadequate protection.Banker Box, Storage Box, Archive Box, Document Box, Copy Paper BoxThese boxes are designed for palletized transport and storage, not individual transport. However, such boxes can be shipped successfully with proper reinforcement and within certain parameters. FedEx will accept such shipments, but the following criteria are strongly recommended:•The total weight of the shipment should not exceed 30 lbs (14kg).•U se only new, undamaged boxes for shipping. Used boxes are more likely to result in loss of or damage to the contents.•S ecure the box with 2"- to 3"- (5cm to 8cm) wide plastic pressure-sensitive shipping tape around the length, width, and perimeter of the box in two places. Upon completion the tape should resemble a “tic-tac-toe” pattern on all sides of the box.•I f the box is not completely full of product, fill all void areas with packing material, e.g., Bubble Wrap, crumpled kraft paper (not newspaper), or loosefill peanuts.•F or identity purposes, apply a shipping label to both the lid and the side of the base for two-piecebox shipments.If the above recommendations are not satisfied and the shipment cannot be brought to compliance, place theDangerous Goods Shipments via FedEx Express Dangerous goods must be tendered to FedEx Express according to both current International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulations for air transport and the FedEx Express Terms and Conditions.If you have other questions, call the FedEx Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials hotline at 1.800.GoFedEx1.800.463.3339; press “81” or say “dangerous goods,” then press “4” for the next available dangerous goods agent.To find updated dangerous goods guidelines, information on packaging guidelines, and other information, go to /dangerousgoods .You can also register at /us/services/options/dangerousgoods/seminars.html for IATA and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) training that meets government-mandated training under 49 Code of Federal Regulations (49CFR) 172.700. To speak with a dangerous goods shipping professional, call 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339; press “81” or say “dangerous goods,” then press “4” for the next available dangerous goods agent.Hazardous Materials Shipments via FedEx Ground If you haven’t shipped hazardous materials via FedExGround before, contact your FedEx account executive first. We need to confirm that you’ve met government training requirements and can generate the documentation your shipment needs.To find updated hazardous materials guidelines, information on packaging guidelines, and other information, go to /hazardousmaterials . To register for online training that meets Department of Transportation (DOT) certification requirements, go to www.shipsafeshipsmart. com or call 1.800.762.3744, ext. 6753. To speak with a hazardous materials shipping professional, call 1.800. GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339; press “81” or say “dangerous goods,” then press “4” for the next available dangerous goods agent.Bubble Wrap is a registered trademark of Sealed Air Corporation.NOTICE: This packaging brochure is provided to FedEx customers to help reduce loss or damage due to improper packaging. It is NOT intended to be a comprehensive guide for packaging items we accept for transit. We make no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding this information. Proper packaging is the sole responsibility of the shipper. If items are not fully encased in an outside shipping container, anadditionalhandlingsurchargemayapply.Formoreinformationandadditionalguidelines,/packaging,********************************,orcontactFedEx Packaging Lab at 1.800.633.7019. Refer to the current FedEx Service Guide for terms, conditions, and limitations applicable to FedEx® delivery services.General Guidelines for PolybagsPolybags or soft mailers are non-rigid/flexible packaging that can be made from plastic, paper, fabric , etc. Common examples include polyethylene (PE) orpolypropylene (PP) bags, paper bags, cloth bags, plastic or paper bubble mailers, and single faced corrugated mailers. Polybags are commonly used to pack malleable items like paper, documents, clothes, and other non-fragile items. B elow are some best practices and things to avoid when it comes to using polybags for your shipments.Best practices• Use polybags with a minimum thickness of 3 mil• Sizes under 18" x 13" x 5" (48cm x 33cm x 13cm) are recommended and larger items should use a corrugated box• Use of additives to improve puncture or tear resistance is encouraged• Bubble mailers or paper padded mailers provide limited cushioning for non-fragile goods Things to avoid• 100% recycled or fully compostable polybags • Using a polybag to ship an item that weighs over 5lbs (2.3 kg)• Shipping glass, liquids, electronics, or other fragile items• Fragile items that require cushioningHave questions about your polybag? Submit a polybag sample with your product to our P ackaging L ab fo rcomplimentary testing.。

Major Destination s主要目的 地国家地区 香港、澳门 (RMB) 21-44(kg) 45-70(kg) 71-99(kg) 100299(kg) 300499(kg) 500999(kg) +1000(kg) 备注:
台湾、韩国 、泰国、越 南、新加坡 、马来西亚
英国、印度 埃及、俄罗 蒙古、菲律 澳大利亚、 、阿拉伯联 孟加拉、巴 斯、沙特、 宾、印度尼 新西兰、关 合酋长国、 西、巴基斯 南非、津巴 西亚、 岛、文莱 法国、捷克 坦、巴拿马 布韦
2402 2475 2548 2620 2693 2766 2839 2912 2984 3057 3130 3203
2569 2648 2726 2804 2883 2961 3040 3118 3196 3275 3353 3432
每公斤收费(以下费率乘以货件总重量)RATE PER KG(multiply by total shipment weight)
189 229 269 309 349 389 429 469 509 549 589 629 669 709 749 789 829 869 909 949 987 1024 1062 1101 1137 1175 1212 1250 1288
189 229 269 309 349 389 429 469 509 549 589 629 669 709 749 789 829 869 909 949 986 1023 1060 1096 1133 1170 1207 1244 1280
199 239 279 319 359 399 439 479 519 559 599 639 679 719 759 799 839 879 919 959 996 1034 1072 1109 1147 1184 1222 1260 1297
FedEx 连邦快递系统简介

打造綿密運籌網路,提升服務範圍與滿意度 打造綿密運籌網路, 透過員工理念與員工素質的提升強化顧客關係管理
(1) 建置顧客電話服務中心,傾聽顧客的聲音 (2) 重視第一線員工素質 (3) 擅於運用獎勵制度
聯邦快遞(Federal Express)
在企業組織EC方面所強調的助益 在企業組織 方面所強調的助益 電子商務工具
聯邦快遞(Federal Express)
源起 FedEx公司簡介 公司簡介
說 明﹕ 全球規模最大的快遞運輸公司 開始營運﹕ 開始營運﹕ 1973 年 4 月 總 部﹕ 全 球﹕美國田納西州曼斐斯 亞 洲﹕香港 加 拿 大﹕安大略多倫多 歐 洲﹕比利時布魯塞爾 拉丁美洲﹕佛羅里達州邁阿密
Federal Express之CRM重點 之 重點 顧客服務資訊系統 ---- 自動運送軟體、顧客服務線上作業系統 (1)自動運送軟體: 「Power Ship」、「FedEx
Ship」、「FedEx interNetShip」
如;視窗版的「FedEx Ship」服務提供如下 1快速啟動/節省時間 2通知顧客/索取報價 3收件簡易/保持聯絡 4增加掌控力/預先計畫 5 彈性化的報告書/多位使用者
聯邦快遞(Federal Express)
Federal Express之CRM重點 之 重點 顧客服務資訊系統 打造綿密運籌網路,提升服務範圍與滿意度 打造綿密運籌網路, 透過員工理念與員工素質的提升強化顧客關係管理
聯邦快遞(Federal Express)
聯邦快遞(Federal Express)

钟国仪 联邦快递中国区国际快递业务副总裁
版权所有: 版权所有:民航运输技能协会
广 州 白 云 国 际 机 场
版权所有: 版权所有:民航运输技能协会
版权所有: 版权所有:民航运输技能协会
亚洲规模最大的货物转运设施 占地82,000平方米,每小时可处理24,000个货件,堪称亚洲规模最大的货物转 运设施 最佳效率 拥有自己的机坪控制塔。
版权所有: 版权所有:民航运输技能协会
工资增长 - 基于个人表现的工资增长 浮动工资 - 奖励个人及团队贡献的奖金 有薪休假及假期 - 有薪的年假、病假、婚假、产假等 社会保险及公积金 - 养老、失业、大病医疗、工伤保险、生育保险以 及住房的财政保障 补充医疗保险 - 关心您和您家人的健康 优惠价托运 - 托运私人物品的优惠折扣 机票折扣优惠 - 机票折扣 还有很多用来表扬员工表现的特别奖赏: Bravo Zulu - 奖励正常工作职责外的出色表现 紫色承诺奖 - 对超出客户期望服务的奖励 义仁勇奖 - 表扬宣扬人类福祉,特別在生死存亡时刻中作出贡献的員 工 五星奖 - 对提升服务、利润及团队精神的最高奖励 服务奖 - 对员工长期服务满5, 10, 15, 20, 25 以及 30 年的认可
屈小茂、冼浩才、 屈小茂、冼浩才、华洁
资料整理:徐懋瑄、尹冬冬、屈小茂、 资料整理:徐懋瑄、尹冬冬、屈小茂、王钊 PPT制作:冼浩才、华洁 制作:冼浩才、 制作 演讲: 演讲:华洁
版权所有: 版权所有:民航运输技能协会
Federal Express
------美商联邦快递 美商联邦快递
版权所有: 版权所有:民航运输技能协会
按照最高的道德操守标 准来进行业务操作可以 确保我们与员工、合作 伙伴以及供应商之间保 持互利双赢的关系,同 时也是确保我们向客户 提供优质服务的根本所 在。

联邦快递目录:1.发展的现状 2.主营业务3.市场范围4.物流特色一、发展的现状联邦快递是一家国际性快递集团,属于美国联邦快递集团(FedEx Corp.),是集团快递运输业务的中坚力量。
总部(全球范围):美国田纳西州孟菲斯亚洲:中国香港加拿大:安大略省多伦多欧洲:比利时布鲁塞尔拉丁美洲:美国佛罗里达州迈阿密主要负责人:David J. Bronczek总裁兼首席执行官创立时间:1971年,连续运作始于1973年4月17日服务范围:220个国家及地区员工数量:全球约14万名员工运输能力:每个工作日约330万件包裹机队:654架飞机,包括:71架空中客车A300-600F56架空中客车A310-200F/300F26架ATR4213架ATR7279架波音727-200F10架赛斯纳Cessna208A242架赛斯纳Cessna208B1架道格拉斯DC-10-106架道格拉斯DC-10-3057架麦克唐纳·道格拉斯DC-10-1012架麦克唐纳·道格拉斯DC-10-3057架麦克唐纳·道格拉斯MD-11F24架波音757-200F地面运输:大致有44,000辆专用货车2013年4月27日消息,联邦快递近日在德国柏林Grossbeeren区新建了第二个包裹处理站,进一步加强公司在该地区的市场地位。
现时联邦快递每天为210个城市的300万名顾客服务,主要竞争对手包括DHL、UPS 及美国邮政二零零七年五月,联邦快递(中国)有限公司宣布在中国正式推出国内限时服务业务。
FedEx 国内运输调整指南说明书

Domestic Shipping on Step by Step1.Verify the address you are shipping from or change it by clicking the Edit link.2. Enter the recipient’s information or choose an address from your FedEx addressbook or your Microsoft Outlook address book.3.Choose any of the available options.4.Indicate the service type.5.Indicate the package type.6.Enter the number of packages.7.If more than one package, indicate whether the packages are identical or not.8.Enter the total weight.9.Verify the ship date or change it by clicking on the calendar icon.10.Verify the account number you would like to bill your transportation cost to.11.Click the Edit link in Special Services to view and/or choose any special servicesrelated to your shipment.12.Click the Edit link in Schedule a Pickup/Drop-off to view your Pickup/Drop-offoptions.13.Click the Edit link in E-mail Notifications to send shipment, exception or deliverynotifications to yourself, the recipient and two others.14. Click Calculate to view rates and transit times related to your shipment.15.Indicate if you would like to save this shipment for future use as a ShipmentProfile (formerly known as FastShip).16.Or complete this shipment at a later time by clicking the Save for Later button.17.Click the Ship button.18.Print the label(s) displayed below, along with a receipt.This information is provided to you and its use is subject to the FedEx Automation Agreement under which you obtained or have been authorized to use FedEx Ship*****************.Nowarrantiesareextendedandallwarranties,includingwithout limitation, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED, regarding this information. Any conflict between this information and the Automation Agreement, or transportation agreement between you and FedEx, or between this information and the FedEx Service Guide will be governed by the Automation Agreement, the transportation agreement and the FedEx Service Guide, in that order. Your use of this information constitutes your agreement to these terms.。

启联 示邦 快 递 实 施
功联 的邦 主快 要递 因 素 获 得 成
联 邦 快 递 的 CRM
背联 景邦 快 递
实 施 的
联 邦 快 递 公 司 简 介
1971年创立,连续运作始亍1973年,全球约14万名员工, 拥有677架飞机,大约有44000辆与用账车。 联邦快递(NYSE:FD)是一家国际性速递集团,提供隔夜 快递、地面快递、重型账物运送、文件复印及物流服务,总 部设在美国田纳西州。创始人是弗雷德· 叱密斯。 联邦快递集团为遍及全球的顾客和企业提供涵盖运输、电子 商务和商业运作等一系列的全面服务。作为一个久负盛名的 企业品牌,联邦快递集团通过相互竞争和协调管理的运营模 式,提供了一套综合的商务应用解决斱案,使其年收入高达 320亿美元。
联邦快递是全球最具觃模的快递运输公司,为全球超过 235个国家及地匙提供快捷、可靠地快递服务。联邦快递 设有环球航空及陆运网络,通常只需一至两个工作日,就 能迅速运送时限紧迫的账件,而丏确保准时送达。 该企业在2011年度《财富》全球500强排名第261位
每天晚上22点50分,位亍美国孟菲斯国际机场的联邦快递超级运转 中心的工作人员就会开始紧张、忙绿、有条丌紊的工作。来自丐界 各地约150架联邦快递的账机,以每小时85架次的频率在这里降落, 数千名工人通过机场上百个登机门将账物在17分钟卸完,账物由传 送带分别送往信函和包裹处理系统,托运至超级运转中心的传送带 上,借劣先迚的激光扫描和矩阵式管理,该中心每小时可分拣15万 件包裹。经过一系列的扫描和分拣,账物将按目的地被工作人员装 上飞机。次日凌晨5点,账物将全部装机飞走。

开创了一个崭新的行业——隔夜快递,是全球最大快递企业——美国联邦快递公司的董事长、总裁兼首席执 行官弗雷德·史密斯,业务遍及全球211个国家,拥有超过660架货机及约9.5万辆货车,并且在全球聘用超过 21.5万名员工和独立承包商,每天平均处理500万件货件,2001年世界500强公司之一。
联邦快递为顾客和企业提供涵盖运输、电子商务和商业运作等一系列的全面服务。联邦快递集团通过相互竞 争和协调管理的运营模式,提供了一套综合的商务应用解决方案,使其年收入高达320亿美元。2012年财富世界 500强排行榜第263位。2013年财富世界500强排行榜第245位。
联邦快递集团旗下超过2.6万名员工和承包商高度**安全问题,恪守品行道德和职业操守的最高标准,并最 大程度满足客户和社会的需求,使其屡次被评为全球最受尊敬和最可信赖的雇主。
他曾经骄傲地说:“我们是电脑时代的赫尔默斯。”(希腊神话中的众神信使)的确如此,最早的时候他们 只是传递包裹和信件,而发展到今天,已经无所不包:缅因州的龙虾,日本樱桃,夏威夷的鲜花,各种药品,心 脏起搏器,隐形眼镜,新鲜血浆,发动机,减震器,还有欧洲香水和瑞士钟表,凡是你所能想到的,都可以传递, 这个伟大的事业,这个从来没有人干过的事业就是隔夜快递,它的创始人就是弗雷德·史密斯,他是一个创新家, 是一个企业家,更是一个伟大的冒险家。
联邦快递设有环球航空及陆运网络,通常只需一至两个工作日,就能迅速运送时限紧迫的货件,而且确保准 时送达,并且设有“准时送达保证”。2013年4月1日起,联邦快递中国有限公司实施GDS(全球分销系统)中国区 全境覆盖计划,在武汉设立中国区公路转运中心,正式将武汉作为全国公路转运枢纽,承担武汉自西安、郑州、 长沙、南昌、上海、重庆、成都、广州8条公路干线,16个往返班次的货物分拨与转运业务。
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