



制作一份英文校规海报列提纲加翻译摘要:1.标题和副标题2.校园着装规范3.校园行为规范4.课堂纪律规范5.宿舍管理规范6.校园安全规范7.奖励与惩罚措施8.总结与宣传口号正文:【标题】English School Rules Poster【副标题】A Comprehensive Guide to Our Campus Code of Conduct 【校园着装规范】1.学生需穿着整洁、得体的服装2.不得穿着暴露、低胸、短裤或短裙3.鞋子需整洁干净,不得穿着拖鞋或凉鞋4.校园内需穿着校服或指定服装【校园行为规范】1.遵守校园礼仪,尊重师长和同学2.爱护校园环境,不乱扔垃圾3.使用文明用语,不说脏话或恶俗语言4.严禁吸烟、喝酒和赌博【课堂纪律规范】1.按时上课,不迟到早退2.课堂上保持安静,认真听讲3.积极参与课堂讨论,举手发言4.不得使用手机或电子设备【宿舍管理规范】1.保持宿舍整洁,定期打扫卫生2.晚上按时就寝,禁止熬夜或大声喧哗3.尊重室友,共同维护良好的住宿环境4.不得在宿舍内举办派对或聚会【校园安全规范】1.遵守交通规则,不随意穿行校园2.注意人身安全,不在校园内追逐打闹3.禁止携带危险物品进入校园4.遇到紧急情况,立即向老师或保安报告【奖励与惩罚措施】1.对表现优秀的学生给予奖励和表彰2.对违反校规的学生给予相应的纪律处分3.鼓励学生互相监督,举报违规行为【总结与宣传口号】1.让我们一起遵守校规,共建美好校园2.良好的行为习惯,从你我做起3.校规校纪,人人有责4.遵守校规,成就更好的自己。



校规英语范文:关于校规的英语句子带翻译1. Students must arrive at school on time every day.(学生必须每天按时到校。

)2. Uniforms are required for all students during school hours.(在校期间,所有学生必须穿着校服。

)3. No eating or drinking is allowed in the classrooms.(教室里禁止吃东西或喝水。

)4. Students should keep the school campus clean and tidy.(学生应保持校园干净整洁。

)5. Mobile phones are not permitted to be used during class.(课堂上禁止使用手机。

)6. Respecting teachers and classmates is a basic rule of the school.(尊敬老师和同学是学校的基本准则。

)7. Smoking and drinking are strictly forbidden on school premises.(校园内严禁吸烟和饮酒。

)8. Students should participate in all school activities actively.(学生应积极参与学校的各项活动。

)10. The school library is open to all students, but books must be returned on time.(学校图书馆对所有学生开放,但书籍必须按时归还。

)校规英语范文:关于校规的英语句子带翻译11. Cheating during exams is considered a serious violation of school rules and will be punished accordingly.(考试作弊被视为严重违反校规,将受到相应的处罚。



美国中小学生守则中英文对照1. Always refer to a teacher by title and last name. (总是称呼老师职位或尊姓。

)2. Get to class on time or a little earlier. (按时或稍提前到课堂。

)3. Raise your hand when you want to ask a question. (提问时举手。

)4. You may speak to the teacher from your desk while youare seated. (可以在你的座位上与老师讲话。

)5. When you are absent, you must make up the work youhave missed. Ask either the teacher or a classmate for the work.(缺席时必须补上所缺课业。


)6. If you expect to be away from school because ofan emergency, tell your teacher in advance and ask for the work you will miss. (如果因紧急离开学校,事先告诉你的老师并索取耽误的功课。

)7. All assignments you hand in must be your own work. (交的所有作业必须是你自己完成的。

)8. Never cheat on a test. (考试不许作弊。

)9. If you are having difficulty with a class, schedulean appointment to see the teacher for help. The teacher will be glad to help you. (如果你上课有困难,约见老师寻求帮助。



2024年中小学生守则修订版英文版2024 Student Code of Conduct Revised EditionIn order to create a safe and positive learning environment for all students, the 2024 Student Code of Conduct has been revised to reflect the values of respect, responsibility, and cooperation. This updated version outlines the expectations and rules that students are expected to follow in order to foster a culture of mutual respect and academic success.General Rules1. Be respectful to all teachers, staff, and fellow students.2. Behave in a manner that promotes a positive learning environment.3. Follow all school rules and policies.4. Take responsibility for your actions and their consequences.5. Cooperate with teachers and staff to resolve conflicts peacefully.Academic Integrity1. Do your own work and give proper credit to others for their ideas.2. Avoid cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty.3. Use technology appropriately and ethically in your academic work.4. Respect the intellectual property of others.Behavior1. Avoid disruptive behavior in class.2. Use appropriate language and tone when communicating with others.3. Respect personal space and boundaries of others.4. Follow school dress code guidelines.5. Avoid bullying, harassment, or any form of discrimination.Attendance and Punctuality1. Attend all classes and arrive on time.2. Notify the school in advance if you will be absent.3. Make up missed work promptly.Technology Use1. Use technology responsibly and for educational purposes.2. Avoid accessing inappropriate or distracting websites.3. Respect the privacy and security of others online.Consequences1. Violations of the Student Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action.2. Consequences may include detention, suspension, or other appropriate measures.3. Repeat offenses may result in more severe consequences.By adhering to the 2024 Student Code of Conduct, students can create a positive and respectful learning environment where everyone can thrive and succeed.。




1, love the motherland, love the people, love labor, love science, love of socialism, love of the Chinese Communist Party.2、遵守国家的法律,增强法律意识,遵守社会公德,遵守学校纪律。

2, to comply with state laws, and enhance awareness of the law, observe social ethics, comply with school discipline.3、刻苦学习,勤于思考,勇于实践。

3, study hard, diligent in thinking, the courage to practice.4、热爱生活,珍爱生命,注意安全,锻炼身体,积极参加有益的文体和科技活动。

4, love life, cherish life, safety, exercise, and actively participate in beneficial activities, sports and technology.5、自尊自爱,自信自强,生活习惯文明健康。

5, self-esteem, confidence and self-civilized and healthy lifestyle.6、积极参加劳动,生活俭朴,消费合理,自己能做的事自己做。

6, active participation in the labor, frugal living, consumption is reasonable, they can do things myself.7、孝敬父母,尊敬师长,礼貌待人,国际交往,注重礼节。

7, honor their parents, respect teachers, polite, international exchanges, pay attention to etiquette.8、热爱集体,维护集体的荣誉,团结同学,乐于助人。



美国中小学生守则中英文对照1. Always refer to a teacher by title and last name. (总是称呼老师职位或尊姓。

)2. Get to class on time or a little earlier. (按时或稍提前到课堂。

)3. Raise your hand when you want to ask a question. (提问时举手。

)4. You may speak to the teacher from your desk while youare seated. (可以在你的座位上与老师讲话。

)5. When you are absent, you must make up the work youhave missed. Ask either the teacher or a classmate for the work.(缺席时必须补上所缺课业。


)6. If you expect to be away from school because ofan emergency, tell your teacher in advance and ask for the work you will miss. (如果因紧急离开学校,事先告诉你的老师并索取耽误的功课。

)7. All assignments you hand in must be your own work. (交的所有作业必须是你自己完成的。

)8. Never cheat on a test. (考试不许作弊。

)9. If you are having difficulty with a class, schedulean appointment to see the teacher for help. The teacher will be glad to help you. (如果你上课有困难,约见老师寻求帮助。



尊敬老师,见面行礼,主动问好, 接受老师的教导,与老师交流
尊敬父母,关心父母身体健康,主 动为家庭做力所能及的事。听从父 母和长辈的教导,外出或回到家要 主动打招呼。
尊老爱幼,平等待人。同学之间友 好相处,互相关心,互相帮助。不 欺负弱小,不讥笑、戏弄他人。尊 重残疾人。尊他人的民族习惯
5、待人有礼貌,说话文明,讲普通话,会用礼貌用语。不骂人,不打架。到他人房间先敲门,经允许再进入,不随 意翻动别人的物品,不打扰别人的工作、学习和休息。
6、诚实守信,不说谎话,知错就改,不随意拿别人的东西,借东西及时归还,答应别人的事努力做到,做不到时表 示歉意。考试不作弊。

课外活 动规范
听从教师或主持人的指挥,服从安排。 活动时要有集体意识,团结互助,严禁追打跑 跳,严禁高声喧哗自始至终参加活动,中途离 开必须请假。
课外活 动规范
带齐个人应带的活动用具,爱护活动设施,借用 或领用的用具应及时归还,如有损坏,照价赔偿。 参加有关集会要严守会场纪律,爱护环境卫生, 散会时依次离开会场
2.教师示意“上课”,班长喊 “起立”;”同学们齐呼“老师 好!”教师答:“同学们好!请 坐!”学生即坐下。因故迟到者, 呼“报告”经过老师同意后进教 室。
4.爱护教具、文具、学具,不 乱丢乱放。
6.上课时要遵守课堂纪律,积 极主动地学习,听课要专心,发 言要积极,课堂练习要仔细工整。




1, love the motherland, love the people, love labor, love science, love of socialism, love of the Chinese Communist Party.2、遵守国家的法律,增强法律意识,遵守社会公德,遵守学校纪律。

2, to comply with state laws, and enhance awareness of the law, observe social ethics, comply with school discipline.3、刻苦学习,勤于思考,勇于实践。

3, study hard, diligent in thinking, the courage to practice.4、热爱生活,珍爱生命,注意安全,锻炼身体,积极参加有益的文体和科技活动。

4, love life, cherish life, safety, exercise, and actively participate in beneficial activities, sports and technology.5、自尊自爱,自信自强,生活习惯文明健康。

5, self-esteem, confidence and self-civilized and healthy lifestyle.6、积极参加劳动,生活俭朴,消费合理,自己能做的事自己做。

6, active participation in the labor, frugal living, consumption is reasonable, they can do things myself.7、孝敬父母,尊敬师长,礼貌待人,国际交往,注重礼节。

7, honor their parents, respect teachers, polite, international exchanges, pay attention to etiquette.8、热爱集体,维护集体的荣誉,团结同学,乐于助人。



2024年版中小学生行为规范英文版Code of Conduct for Elementary and Middle School Students - 2024 EditionWelcome to the updated version of the Code of Conduct for elementary and middle school students in 2024. This document outlines the expected behavior and standards for students to follow in order to create a positive and respectful learning environment.Respect for OthersStudents are expected to treat each other with kindness and respect. This includes using polite language, listening to others when they speak, and being inclusive of all classmates. Bullying, teasing, and other forms of harassment will not be tolerated.Classroom BehaviorIn the classroom, students should listen to their teachers, follow instructions, and participate actively in lessons. It is important to raise your hand before speaking, keep your desk and materials organized, and work quietly when others are speaking.Attendance and PunctualityRegular attendance and being on time are crucial for academic success. Students should arrive at school on time each day, attend all classes, and notify the school if they are going to be absent. Tardiness and excessive absences will be addressed by school administration.Homework and AssignmentsCompleting homework and assignments on time is essential for academic progress. Students should take responsibility for their own work, ask for help when needed, and submit assignments by the specified deadlines. Plagiarism and cheating are not acceptable.Technology UseWhen using technology in school, students should follow the guidelines set by their teachers and school administration. This includes using devices for educational purposes only, following internet safety protocols, and respecting the privacy of others.Dress CodeStudents should dress in a manner that is appropriate for a learning environment. Clothing should be clean, modest, and free of offensive language or symbols. Hats, hoods, and sunglasses should not be worn indoors.Conflict ResolutionIn the event of a disagreement or conflict with another student, students should seek peaceful resolution through communication and compromise. If necessary, a teacher or school counselor can help mediate the situation.Consequences for MisbehaviorFailure to adhere to the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, such as detention, loss of privileges, or parent conferences. Severe or repeated infractions may lead to suspension or expulsion from school.By following these guidelines and demonstrating good behavior, students can contribute to a positive school environment and achieve academic success. Let's work together to make the 2024 school year a great one!。



《2023年修订版中小学生行为规范》英文版Document Title: Revised Code of Conduct for Elementary and Middle School Students in 2023General Guidelines1. Respect: Treat all classmates, teachers, and staff with kindness and consideration.3. Safety: Follow school rules to ensure a safe and secure environment for everyone.4. Integrity: Always be honest and act with integrity in all interactions.Classroom Behavior- Listen attentively to teachers and follow instructions promptly.- Raise your hand before speaking and avoid disrupting the class.- Keep your workspace clean and organized.Social Interactions- Resolve conflicts peacefully and seek help from teachers if needed.- Avoid gossiping or spreading rumors about others.Technology Usage- Use technology devices for educational purposes only and follow school guidelines.- Respect the privacy and digital rights of others.- Report any instances of cyberbullying or inappropriate online behavior to a teacher or staff member.Dress Code- Dress modestly and appropriately for a school setting.- Avoid clothing with offensive language or images.- Follow any specific dress code policies established by the school.Attendance and Punctuality- Arrive on time to all classes and school events.- Notify the school in advance if you will be absent or late.- Make every effort to maintain good attendance and avoid unnecessary absences.Discipline- Consequences for violating the code of conduct may include warnings, parent meetings, detention, or suspension.- Repeat offenses or serious misconduct may result in more severe consequences.- Students are encouraged to learn from their mistakes and make positive changes in their behavior.。



2024年最新版小学生日常行为规范英文版2024 Primary School Student Daily Behavior GuidelinesIn order to create a positive and respectful learning environment, the following guidelines have been established for primary school students to adhere to in their daily behavior:Respect for Others- Treat your classmates and teachers with kindness and respect.- Listen attentively when others are speaking.- Use polite language and manners when interacting with others.Responsible Behavior- Arrive to school on time and prepared for the day.- Complete homework assignments and classwork to the best of your ability.- Take care of school property and keep your classroom clean.Positive Attitude- Approach each day with a positive attitude and willingness to learn.- Be open to trying new things and facing challenges with determination.- Encourage and support your classmates in their learning journey.Safety and Health- Follow school rules and guidelines to ensure a safe environment for everyone.- Wash your hands regularly and practice good hygiene habits.- Stay active and make healthy choices to take care of your body.Communication- Communicate openly and honestly with your teachers and peers.- Seek help when needed and offer assistance to others when you can.- Resolve conflicts peacefully and respectfully.By following these guidelines, primary school students can contribute to a harmonious and productive learning environment for everyone. Let's work together to create a positive school community where everyone can thrive and succeed!。



2023年新版:中小学生的行为规范英文版2023 New Edition: Code of Conduct for Primary and Secondary School StudentsIn the upcoming 2023 edition, there will be a revised set of guidelines for the behavior and conduct expected from primary and secondary school students. These rules aim to create a positive and respectful environment for learning and growth.Respect for OthersStudents are expected to treat their peers, teachers, and all school staff with kindness and respect. Bullying, discrimination, and any form of harassment will not be tolerated.Academic IntegrityHonesty and integrity are essential values in education. Students are expected to complete their own work and give proper credit to sources when conducting research or writing assignments.Punctuality and AttendanceRegular attendance and punctuality are crucial for academic success. Students should arrive on time for classes and participate actively in all school activities.Responsibility for Personal BelongingsStudents are responsible for their personal belongings, including textbooks, laptops, and other school materials. Any damage or loss should be reported immediately.Dress CodeA proper dress code is essential for creating a professional and respectful learning environment. Students should adhere to the school's dress code policy at all times.Use of TechnologyThe use of technology should be for educational purposes only. Students are expected to use school-provided devices responsibly and follow all guidelines for internet usage.Respect for School PropertyRespecting school property is crucial for maintaining a clean and safe environment. Students should not deface or damage any school property and should report any issues to school staff.Conflict ResolutionIn cases of conflicts or disagreements, students are encouraged to communicate calmly and respectfully to find a resolution. Seeking help from teachers or counselors is also an option.Extracurricular ActivitiesParticipation in extracurricular activities is encouraged as they help in developing various skills and interests. Students should actively engage in sports, clubs, and other school programs.Community ServiceGiving back to the community is an essential part of personal development. Students are encouraged to participate in community service projects and contribute positively to society.These guidelines are designed to promote a positive school culture and foster a sense of responsibility and respect among students. By following these rules, students can create a supportive and inclusive learning environment for everyone.。



《2023年版中小学生行为规范》英文版2023 Student Code of ConductIntroductionThe 2023 Student Code of Conduct aims to establish clear guidelines for behavior for students in primary and secondary schools.General Guidelines- Respect others and their property.- Follow school rules and instructions from teachers.- Be punctual and attend all classes.- Maintain cleanliness and orderliness in school premises.Classroom Behavior- Listen attentively to teachers.- Raise your hand before speaking.- Respect classmates and participate in group activities.- Keep your desk and classroom tidy.Conduct in Common Areas- Walk quietly in hallways.- Use appropriate language and tone of voice.- Keep common areas clean and tidy.- Respect the personal space of others.Conduct During Breaks- Play safely and responsibly.- Queue in an orderly manner.- Use play equipment properly.- Respect the break time schedule.Dress Code- Wear appropriate school uniform.- Keep hair neat and tidy.- Avoid wearing distracting accessories.- Adhere to any specific dress code guidelines set by the school.Technology Usage- Use technology for educational purposes only.- Follow school guidelines on technology usage.- Respect the privacy of others when using technology.- Report any misuse of technology to teachers.Bullying and Harassment- Treat everyone with kindness and respect.- Report any instances of bullying or harassment immediately.- Stand up against bullying and support those who are affected.- Attend anti-bullying workshops and programs organized by the school.Consequences of Violating the Code of Conduct- Verbal warning from teachers.- Detention after school hours.- Parent-teacher meeting to discuss behavior.- Suspension or expulsion in severe cases.ConclusionBy following the 2023 Student Code of Conduct, students can create a harmonious and respectful learning environment for everyone in the school community.。



规范学生日常行为英语作文As students, we should always strive to behave in a responsible and respectful manner both inside and outside of the classroom. Here are some guidelines to follow for proper behavior:1. Respect your teachers and classmates: Always listen attentively to your teachers and show respect for their authority. Be kind and considerate to your classmates, and avoid bullying or teasing others.2. Be punctual: Arrive to class on time and be prepared for each lesson. This shows respect for your teachers and classmates, and helps you to stay on track with your studies.3. Follow school rules: Schools have rules in place to maintain a safe and productive learning environment. Follow these rules and regulations to ensure the well-being of everyone in the school community.4. Take responsibility for your actions: If you make a mistake, take responsibility for it and try to make things right. This shows maturity and accountability, and helps to build trust with your teachers and classmates.5. Use appropriate language and behavior: Avoid using foul language or engaging in inappropriate behavior, such as vandalism or stealing. These actions can have serious consequences and reflect poorly on your character.6. Participate actively in class: Engage in class discussions, ask questions, and complete assignments to the best of your ability. This shows your teachers that you are invested in your education and helps you to learn more effectively.By following these guidelines, we can create a positive and respectful learning environment for ourselves and others. Let's strive to be responsible and respectful students both inside and outside of the classroom.。



规范学生行为翻译英文作文英文:As a teacher, I believe it is important to establish clear rules and expectations for student behavior in the classroom. This not only helps maintain a positive learning environment, but also prepares students for future social and professional situations where proper conduct is expected.One way to promote good behavior is to set specific guidelines for classroom conduct. For example, students should be encouraged to arrive on time, participate in class discussions, and show respect for their peers and the teacher. Clear consequences should also be established for breaking these rules, such as a warning or loss of privileges.Another effective strategy is to lead by example. As a teacher, I try to model the behavior I expect from mystudents. This means being punctual, respectful, and attentive during class. When students see their teacher exhibiting these qualities, they are more likely to follow suit.Finally, it is important to create a positive and supportive classroom culture. This can be achieved through activities that promote teamwork and collaboration, as well as recognizing and celebrating student achievements. When students feel valued and supported, they are more likely to behave in a positive manner.中文:作为一名教师,我认为建立清晰的课堂行为规范和期望是非常重要的。

开学第一课 开学立规矩课件 (98)

开学第一课 开学立规矩课件 (98)

零 一 回顾学生守则
零 三 校园安全教育
零 二 日常行为规范
零 四 班级纪律公约
则 单击此处输入你de正文,文字是您思想de提炼,为了最终演示发布de良好效果,请尽量言简意赅de 阐述观点;根据需要可酌情增减文字,以便观者可以准确理解您所传达de信息.
严禁带手机、与学习无关 de杂书、镜子梳子等及刀
一)认真完成自己de本职任务,每天必须由卫生委员检查认可后,才 能离开,教室和清洁区每天要认真打扫,劳动工具要爱护,每次使用完 要摆放整齐. 二)重视教室及走廊de保洁工作,不随意扔垃圾,保持自己座位周围 环境卫生,不在自己抽屉内扔垃圾. 三)杜绝往教室带食品,更不能进教室吃饭,不能上课吃零食,否则一 律按违纪处理.





卫生 习惯
爱护公物财物 爱护花草树木
积极 主动
听到音乐声迅速进教室,头正坐直,静候老师上课.教 师示意“上课”,班长喊“起立”
发言 积极
要发言先举右手,得到许可后才起立发言,发言声音 要响亮,注意礼貌.










Love the Communist Party, love our motherland and love the people. Have the knowledge of the Communist Party and the nation; treasure the national honors, and pay homage to heroes and respect to working models. Show respect to the national flag and emblem. Hats off; standing at attention and gazing at the national flag when it’s being raised or lowered, meanwhile the Young Pioneers must salute in the process. Sing along the national anthem with loud and clear voice. Pass on the best part of the Chinese traditional cultures, understand the values of traditional festivals.二、勤奋学习。



Study hard. Have a positive attitude toward and proper methods in learning. Listen with attention and think independently, and be ready for scientific researches. Form a good reading habit and take up various hobbies in art, sports, science and technology, etc.三、健康身心。

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Love the Communist Party, love our motherland and love the people. Have the knowledge of the Communist Party and the nation; treasure the national honors, and pay homage to heroes and respect to working models. Show respect to the national flag and emblem. Hats off; standing at attention and gazing at the national flag when it’s being raised or lowered, meanwhile the Young Pioneers must salute in the process. Sing along the national anthem with loud and clear voice. Pass on the best part of the Chinese traditional cultures, understand the values of traditional festivals.二、勤奋学习。



Study hard. Have a positive attitude toward and proper methods in learning. Listen with attention and think independently, and be ready for scientific researches. Form a good reading habit and take up various hobbies in art, sports, science and technology, etc.三、健康身心。






Keep good health both physically and mentally. Enjoy sports and build up a routine for exercise. Lead a healthy life with enough sleep, a balanced diet and good personal hygiene. Maintain proper gestures while reading, writing, sitting, standing and walking. Set goals in study and life. Strengthen the skills in communications and cooperation with others. Be optimistic when facing challenges and frustrations.四、勤俭自立。



Be industrious and frugal. Treasure the fruits of hardwork. Don’t rely on others while you are able to manage your own business. Grasp certain basic life skills.五、珍爱生命。






Value life. Know the first aid skills. Never stay outside overnight without permission. Don't receive things from strangers. Do not drink or smoke. Never try drugs.六、遵纪守法。



Obey the laws and school regulations. Learn about laws related. Be righteous and able to tell right from wrong. Learn to protect yourself in lawful way.七、孝敬父母。




Respect your parents. Be considerate of their hard work. Care about their health and share household chores. Value your parents’advice and always talk to them. Express your greetings when leaving or arriving at home.八、尊敬老师。




Respect your teachers. Always give greetings when seeing a teacher. Stand up to answer your teachers’questions. Ask for permission before entering your teachers’office. Be ready to receive help and advice from your teachers. Be able to learn from one’s mistakes/Improve your performance accordingly.九、团结同学。





Get along well with your classmates. Care, respect and be ready to help each other. Always look at the strong points of your classmates. Perform more self-check rather than criticize others more when in conflicts.十、诚实守信。




Be honest and keep promise. Treat others sincerely; do not lie or cheat in whatever situations. Do your best in keeping your promise. Return borrowed items on time.When picking up lost items, send them back quickly.十一、举止有礼。






Behave with proper manners. Dress and behave properly. When communicating with others, use proper verbal and body languages. Respect the privacy of others and don’t disturb them while they are working, studying or resting. Respect the customs, habits and differences from various cultures. Be sincere, friendly, confident and gracious in the international communications.十二、遵守规则。





Follow rules and regulations. Recognize and observe traffic signs and signals. Line up when taking buses, subways and paying for shopping; offer seats to people in need(the elderly, the young, the sick, the disabled and the pregnant).stay and move on your right-hand side when travelling in public .Follow the requirements whenwatching performances and sports. Always keep quiet in the library and museums.十三、爱护环境。
