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【摘要】 目的 探讨右美托咪定滴鼻用于小儿CT或MRI检查时的镇静的可行性。方法 12例拟行CT或MRI检查的患儿, 年龄1~9岁, ASAⅠ或Ⅱ级。检查前30 min在父母陪伴下, 以1 ml注射器抽取右美托咪定2 μg/kg给患儿滴鼻。给药后20 min和30 min以UMSS评估患儿的镇静状态, 2分以上为满意。用药30 min仍未达2分时静脉给予咪唑安定补救。记录给药期间及药物起效后的副作用、需要补救的例数、与父母分离时的难易程度, 评估检查质量。结果 有2例(16.7%)需要咪唑安定补救, 检查质量Ⅰ级者10例(83.3%), Ⅱ级者2例(16.7%)。所有患儿均顺利与父母分离, 给药期间及药物起效后未见明显副作用发生。结论 以右美托咪定2 μg/kg检查前30 min滴鼻用于小儿MRI或CT检查时的镇静, 效果满意, 无明显副作用。

【关键词】 右美托咪定;滴鼻;计算机断层扫描;核磁共振成像;小儿

Intranasal dexmedetomidine as the sedative in children undergoing CT or MRI LIU Jun-feng. Department of Anesthesiology, Second People’s Hospital of Dongying, Dongying 257335, China 【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the feasibility of intranasal dexmedetomidine as the sedative in children undergoing computed tomography imaging(CT) or magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) scan. Methods 12 children aged 1~9 years scheduled for CT or MRI were assigned to this study. After securing venous access, all children were administered with intranasal dexmedetomidine 2 μg/kg using tuberculin syringe in the presence of parents 30 minutes before examination. The degree of sedation was assessed at 20 and 30 minutes by University of Michigan Sedation Scale (UMSS), a sedation score of 2 and above was considered satisfactory. Children with scores less than 2 and those who became uncooperative during the procedure were labeled as failed cases and received rescue sedation in the form of intravenous midazolam in titrated doses. The image quality of each examination was assessed. The side effects, satisfaction of separating from their parents were also recorded. Results There were 2(16.7%) children had to be supplemented with intravenous midazolam. Ten children achieved grade I, 2 achieved grade of the image quality. All the children accepted parental separation well, and no adverse events of any kind were observed too. Conclusion Intranasal dexmedetomidine 2 μg/kg can provide a reliable and effective sedation in children undergoing CT or MRI with almost no significant side effects.

【Key words】 Dexmedetomidine; Intranasal; Computed tomography imaging; Magnetic resonance imaging; Pediatrics

患者行CT(计算机断层扫描)或MRI(核磁共振成像)检查时需要保持绝对不动至少10 min, 对于小儿需给予镇静或全麻处理。右美托咪定(DEX)是一种高选择性α2肾上腺素受体激动剂, 具有镇静、镇痛、抗焦虑等作用, DEX滴鼻已被用作小儿麻醉前用药[1]。本研究探讨DEX滴鼻用于小儿CT/MRI检查时的镇静的可行性。

1 资料与方法

1. 1 一般资料 本研究已获本院医学伦理委员会批准, 并与患儿父母或监护人签署知情同意书。选取拟行CT或MRI 检查的患儿12例(8例颅脑检查、3例腹部、1例脊柱), 年龄1~9岁, 体重8~30 kg, ASAⅠ或Ⅱ级。剔除年龄>9岁、存在MRI禁忌(如心脏起搏器、磁性植入物等)、上呼吸道畸形或感染、智力障碍及不能接受滴鼻给药的患儿。

1. 2 方法 检查前1天访视, 赢得患儿信任, 并对家长进行宣教。所有患儿禁食8 h, 禁饮4 h。检查前2 h于患儿前臂作者单位:257335 山东省, 东营市第二人民医院麻醉科拟开放静脉部位涂抹复方利多卡因乳膏。检查前30 min在父母陪伴下进入等候区, 并开放静脉通路。患儿由父母斜抱入怀, 以1 ml注射器抽取DEX 2 μg/kg均匀滴入双侧鼻腔。

1. 3 观察指标 在等候区常规监测患儿的无创血压(NIBP)、心率(HR)、脉搏血氧饱和度(SpO2)。给药后20 min和30 min, 以密西根大学镇静评分(UMSS, 评分标准见表1)评估患儿的镇静状态, 2分或以上为满意。用药后30 min如UMSS 评分仍未达2分则认为镇静失败, 并以咪唑安定每次0.02 mg/kg静脉注射来补救, 直至评分达2分。当患儿UMSS评分达2分或以上时, 抱入检查室开始行CT或MRI检查, 记录与父母分离时的难易程度。检查期间患儿常规面罩吸氧2 L/min。由检查医生评估检查质量:Ⅰ级, 满意:无运动伪影, 检查过程平顺;Ⅱ级, 一般:有少量运动伪影, 但允许检查;Ⅲ级, 不满意:有大量运动伪影, 检查难以进行。对于Ⅲ级者同样给予咪唑安定补救。记录给药期间及药物起效后的副作用, 前者如喷嚏、咳嗽, 后者包括心动过缓(HR低于基础值70%)、低血压(MAP低于基础值70%)和呼吸抑制(不吸
