2. 设 X ~ N (0,1), 求Y 2 X 2 1 的概率密度.
1000 3. 某种型号的电子的寿命 X(以小时计)具有以下的概率密度: f ( x) x 2 0
x 1000 其它
现有一大批此种管子 (设各电子管损坏与否相互独立) 。任取 5 只,问其中至少有 2 只寿 命大于 1500 小时的概率是多少?
第 2 页(共 3
4. 设二维随机变量 ( X , Y ) 的概率密度函数为
------------------------------------------------- 密 ---------------------------------- 封 ----------------------------- 线 ---------------------------------------------------------
一、填空题: (共 8 题,每题 2 分,总分 16 分)
1. 在房间里有 10 人,分别佩代着从 1 号到 10 号的纪念章,任意选 3 人记录其纪念章的号码。则最小的号 码为 5 的概率是 。
2. 在(0, 1)内随机取两个数,则两数之积小于
1 的概率为 3
3. 已知 A B, P( A) 0.2, P( B) 0.3 ,则 P( AB) = 4. 设 X~B(10,p) ,E(X)=5,则 p = 5. 已知 E(X)=3,D(X) =5,则 E ( X 2)2 = 。
三、判断说明题: (共 4 题,每题 5 分,总分 20 分) )
1. 若事件 A , B 和 C 相互独立,则 AB 与 C 相互独立。 (
B卷10级2012-2013学年第1学期期末考试试题B华南师范大学增城学院外语系2012/2013学年(1)学期期末考试试卷《综合英语IV》试卷(B卷)闭卷专业年级10班姓名学号题号I II III IV V总分得分I.Vocabulary&Structure(15%)Directions:Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.(0.5×30=15%) 1.What the witness said in court was not_____with the statement he made to the police.A.relevantB.prevalentC.consistentD.coincident2.The day was breaking and people began to go to work so the murderer was unable to______of the body.A.discardB.eliminateC.disposeD.extinguish3.If all the viruses on the planet were to disappear,a global catastrophe would ______,and the natural ecosystems of the earth would collapse.A.contaminateB.ensueC.disperseD.hamstring4.In the18th century many British politicians favoredfriendship with Prussia because they thought the Prussian army was______to the British navy./doc/a090f590e55c3b3567ec102de2bd960 591c6d988.html plimentary/doc/a090f590e55c3b3567ec102de2bd960 591c6d988.html plicated/doc/a090f590e55c3b3567ec102de2bd960 591c6d988.html plementary/doc/a090f590e55c3b3567ec102de2bd960 591c6d988.html prehensive5.The whole program is well designed,but some details need further______ by some experts.A.proofingB.demonstratingC.modifyingD.materializing6.Some medical conditions can often cure themselves______,withoutmedical intervention.A.deliberatelyB.spontaneouslyC.consciouslyD.intentionally7.When feeling depressed,Hank______himself,preferring not to see anyone, not even his parents and friends.A.hidesB.avoidsC.secludesD.terminates8.I can’t answer your question about photography.It’s notin my______of interest.A.diaryB.theoryC.vocabularyD.domain9.In______countries around the world,too much food donated by well-meaning people feeds murderous gunmen instead of needy families.A.swayedB.shakenC.convulsedD.vibrated10.My feet hurt,and the side window______back and forth each time I kicked it,but nothing else happened.A.clappedB.wheeledC.waggledD.quaked11.The main features of the telegraph were developed by two inventors,but it was Samuel Morse who successfully______their ideas.A.integratedB.publicizedC.financedD.conformed12.The retiring professor made important achievements in research and was ______by his colleagues.A.evaluatedB.exaltedC.fascinatedD.examined13.The______in this plan are very obvious and it can’t possibly succeed.A.advantagesB.preconditionsC.deficienciesD.delicacies14.Getting into street fights is no minor matter for professional boxers,who are required by law to restrict their______impulses to the ring.A.humorousB.obligatoryC.aggressiveD.legitimate15.The girl_______when she couldn’t answer the ques tion in the presence of all her classmates.A.flushedB.flutteredC.flourishedD.flattered16.People think Guy is______because he wears weird clothes and ignoresmost social customs.A.emphaticB.interestingC.eccentric/doc/a090f590e55c3b3567ec102de2bd960 591c6d988.html pulsive17.Individuals may at various points in their lives experience discrimination in the allocation of resources either______of beingtoo old or too young.A.at the riskB.to the pointC.on the groundD.in the case18.One of Freud’s great______into the human personality was the discovery of how it is influenced by unconscious processes.A.convictionsB.conceptsC.insightsD.instincts19.He must______the theory until it fully and reliably explains every part of the phenomenon.A.reviveB.reviseC.revoltD.reverse20.The desire for peace should not be equated with______,for lasting peace can be maintained only by brave people.A.intelligenceB.cowardiceC.neutralityD.authority21.The young woman______at the head of the procession wasa gold medal winner at the recent Olympic Games.A.being marchingB.being marchedC.marchedD.marching22.We have to understand that even when out plan to quadruple our GDP ______,we still cannot______the most advanced countries in average per capita income.A.materializes,matchB.is carried out,compare/doc/a090f590e55c3b3567ec102de2bd960 591c6d988.html es true,equalD.is achieved,keep abreast of23.If it______Professor Johnson’s recommendation,I wouldn’t have been admitted to the graduate school.A.weren’t forB.hadn’t been forC.weren’tD.hadn’t been24.______for a Christmas gift for my sister,a nice hat caught my eye.A.While shoppingB.ShoppingC.While I was shoppingD.Have been shopping25.Foreign students______Chinese literature last year at this university came chiefly from Japan and South Korea.A.who were studyingB.studiedC.were studying C.studying26.He thinks that Hemingway’s stories are not as humorous as______.A.Mark TwainB.Mark Twain’sC.that of Mark TwainD.those Mark Twain wrote27.______to show no emotion,the police officer stared straight ahead during the inspection.A.TrainingB.To be trainedC.Being trainedD.Trained28.The Information Technology Revolution,______possible through the introduction of computers in every field of human activity,has completely altered our approach to life.A.madeB.made itC.which madeD.to be made29.He______have gone to medical school,but his grades were too low.A.mustB.shouldC.wouldD.will30.It turned out that the project required$2billion more than______.A.has been investedB.it has been put in itC.have been invested inD.it have been put in itII.Translation(35%)A.Directions:Translate the following Chinese phrases into English and English phrases into Chinese.(1′×10=10%)1.时事2.紧张气氛3.人的动机和行为4.颠倒过程5.金融市场6.to hold a prominent position7.whipping the dead horse8.in the event of a submarine war9.room for doubt10.to seek membershipB.Directions:Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.(3′×5=15%)1.我觉得那地方值得去参观。
2012 ~2013学年第二学期期末考试诊断学试卷(B)2012级三年制高职临床医学专业一、名词解释(每小题3分,共15分):1.奔马律2.咯血3.嗜睡4.肿瘤标志物5.半月综合征二、单项选择题(每小题1分,共60分):1.临床上出现右上腹痛伴右肩痛最常见于以下何种疾病A.心绞痛B.胆囊疾病C.肺梗死D.急性阑尾炎E.肝癌2.头痛伴脑膜刺激症阳性常见以下何种疾病A.青光眼B.脑膜炎C.偏头痛D.脑梗死E.鼻窦炎3.下列关于脾脏肿大的测量和分度描述不正确的是A.第I测量(甲乙线)指左锁骨中线及左肋缘交点至脾下缘的距离B.第II测量(甲丙线)指左锁骨中线与左肋缘交点至脾脏最远点的距离C.第III测量(丁戊线)指脾右缘与前正中线的距离D.脾脏轻度肿大是指脾缘不超过肋下3CME.脾脏高度肿大是指脾缘超过脐水平线以下4. 粪便颜色呈白陶土色见于黄疸。
A.溶血性B.胆汁淤积性C.肝细胞性D.肝细胞性和胆汁淤积性E.溶血性和肝细胞性5. 胸膜摩擦音在下列何部位听清楚A.双肺尖B.前下侧胸壁C.双腋侧上部D.双下背部E.双上前胸6. 蜘蛛痣的分布范围不包括A.面颈部B.前胸C.上臂D.腹部E.手背7. 呕吐咖啡渣样呕吐物提示:A.上消化道出血B.小肠梗阻C.精神性呕吐D.神经性呕吐E.急性胃黏膜病变8. 禁食对下列哪一项腹泻无影响A.分泌性腹泻B.渗出性腹泻C.渗透性腹泻D.吸收不良性腹泻E.动力性腹泻9. 呕血最常见于下列哪一项疾病A.胰腺疾病B.消化性溃疡C.急性胃黏膜病变D.肝胆疾病E.胃底静脉曲张破裂10.肱二头肌反射的脊髓中枢在A.骶1-2B.胸6-7C.腰2-4D.颈5-6E.尾椎11.出现一侧上睑下垂、眼球转向外上,不能向上、下、内运动,瞳孔散大,提示该侧A.展神经麻痹B.动眼神经麻痹C.滑车神经麻痹D.舌下神经麻痹E.迷走神经麻痹12.入院病历和入院记录尽可能于次日晨上级医师查房前完成,最迟不得超过患者入院后:A.3小时B.6小时C.8小时D.12小时E.24小时13.关于胸导联电极的安放,下列哪项不正确A.V1——胸骨右缘第四肋间B.V2——胸骨左缘第四肋间C.V3——V2与V4连线中点D.V5——腋前线处V4水平E.V6——腋后线处V4水平14.有关心电图各波段的含义错误的是A.P波为心房除极波B.QRS波群为心室除极波C.ST段和T波为心室复极波D.QT间期为心室复极时间E.T波为心室复极波15.右心房肥大的心电图表现A.P波高而宽B.P波增宽C.P波尖锐高耸D.P波呈双峰状E.P波低平16.下图的诊断是:A.窦性心律不齐B.心房扑动C.心房颤动D.心室颤动E.房性早搏17.QRS波群只表现为一个向下的大波时,其命名应该是:A.S波B.Q波C.QS波D.q波E.R波18.心电图上U波明显增高,临床上见于:A.高血钾B.高血钙C.低血钾D.低血钙E.洋地黄中毒19.以下哪项不属于心房颤动:A.无正常P波B.f波频率350-600次/分C.QRS波宽大畸形D.心室律整齐E.心室律绝对不齐20.心肌梗塞的基本心电图改变不包括:A.缺血型T波B.宽大畸形QRS波C.坏死型Q波D.损伤型ST段抬高E.损伤型ST段压低21.可粗略判断心电轴左偏的心电图表现为A.I和III导联QRS波群主波均向上B.I和III导联QRS波群主波均向下C.I导联QRS波群主波向上,III导联QRS波群主波向下D.I导联QRS波群主波向下,III导联QRS波群主波向上E.I.II.III导联QRS波群主波均向下22.窦性心律不齐是指同一导联心电图PP间期相差A.>0.12秒B.>0.14秒C.>0.16秒D.>0.18秒E.>0.20秒23.成年女性的血红蛋白的正常值是A.80—120g/LB.100—140g/LC.110—150g/LD.120—160g/LE.110—150 g/L24.下列血型错误的是A.A型:红细胞含A抗原,血清中含抗BB.B型:红细胞含B抗原,血清中含抗AC.O型:红细胞无A和B两种抗原,血清中不含抗A、抗BD.AB型:红细胞含A和B两种抗原,血清中不含抗体E.O型:红细胞无A和B两种抗原,血清中含抗A、抗B25.DIC患者不可能出现的结果是A.PLT<100×109/L,或进行性下降B.Fg增高C.3P试验阳性D.D-二聚体升高或阳性E.PT缩短或延长3秒以上,APTT延长或缩短10秒以上26.唯一能通过胎盘的免疫球蛋白是A.IgAB.IgMC.IgGD.IgEE.IgD27.用于胰腺癌的首选肿瘤标志物为A.CA199B.CA125C.AFPD.CA153E.CEA28.患者,男,40岁,常间歇性腰部酸胀、钝痛。
开远市第八中学2012—2013年秋季学期九年级语文期中试题卷(B卷)(本试卷满分为100分,考试时间为150分钟)姓名:_______________ 班级:_________________ 一(20)二(4)三(36)四(40)总分(100)一、语文知识积累与运用。
(20分)1、选出下列各项词语中加点字注音完全正确的一项()(2分)A. 妖娆..(yāo ráo) 玷.污(diàn) 忐忑..(tǎn tâ) 睿.智(ruì)B. 诓(kuāng)骗恃(shì)才放旷舴艋(zã )(měng ) 朴(pǔ)刀C. 桑梓(xīn) 休祲(jìn) 牡(mǔ)蛎(lì) 恣(zì)睢(suī)D. 扶掖(yâ) 炙(zhì)烤怫(fâi )然商酌(zhuó)2、下列词语中有错别字的一项是()(2分)A.原驰蜡象如此多娇污辱喧嚷B.惟余莽莽无与纶比潮汛恣雎C.格物致知文采藻饰怡情玄虚D.怀古伤今面面相觑班师崩殂3、下列加点的成语使用错误的一项是()(2分)A.唐雎这种凛然不可侵犯的独立人格和自强的精神,在历史的长河中一直熠熠生辉....。
无锡市协新技工学校2012—2013学年第二学期英语 期末试卷(B 卷)注 意 事 项1.请首先按要求在试卷的标封处填写您的姓名、考号和班级名称. 2.请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在规定的位置填写您的答案。
3.不要在试卷上乱画乱写,不要在标封区填写无关内容.一.语音知识( )1. A 。
three B 。
thought C. clothes D 。
tooth( ) 2. A. water B 。
term C 。
flower D 。
exercise ( ) 3. A. carry B. happy C 。
matter D. any( ) 4。
A 。
read B. easy C 。
bread D 。
clean ( ) 5. A. plane B. land C 。
stand D. can二.词汇与语法知识( ) 1. The weight of the moon is only about _____ that of the earth. A. one eighty B 。
one of eighty C 。
one the eightieth D 。
one-eightieth ( ) 2. Can you make out who is _____ of the three brothers?A 。
older B. elder C 。
the oldest D 。
the eldest( ) 3. Must I attend the meeting ? _____.A. Yes, you need. B 。
No, you needn't. C. Yes , you do 。
D 。
No, you don't.( ) 4。
You'll run _____ trouble if you don ’t take care 。
A 。
down B. at C. across D. into( ) 5. Mary said she _____ to Beijing twice.A. had goneB. went C 。
第1页 共5页北京理工大学珠海学院2012 ~ 2013学年第一学期《线性代数》期末试卷(B )标准答案及评分标准适用年级专业: 2011级信息学院、化工与材料学院、计算机学院 (除计算机科学与技术专业)及机械与车辆学院(除机械工程及自动化专业和热能与动力工程)各专业 试卷说明:闭卷,考试时间120分钟.一、选择填空题(每小题3分,共18分)【得分: 】1.设2.34,,,,a b x x x 均为4维列向量,且2.342.34(,,,),(,,,)A B a x x x b x x x ==为4阶方阵.若行列式4,1A B ==,则 .A B +=2.设1225A ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭, 则1A - =3.若22112414A t ⎡⎤⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦且()2r A =,则t = 4.设a 是齐次线性方程组0A x =的解,而b 是非齐次线性方程组A x b =的解,则(32)A αβ+=_________.5.设方阵A 有一个特征值为2,则22A A E +-有一个特征值为 ___.6. 设二次型2221231213235224f x x x ax x x x x x =+++-+为正定二次型,则参第2页共6页写此处不能书写此处不能书写此处不能书写此处不能书写此处不能书写此处不能书写………………………………装………………………………订…………………………线……………………………………………………二、计算题(每小题12分,共36分)【得分:】1.设111123111124111051A B⎛⎫⎛⎫⎪ ⎪=-=--⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭⎝⎭,,求2TA A B-2.计算行列式1112 1141 2461 1242-----3.设矩阵423110123A⎛⎫⎪= ⎪⎪-⎝⎭,求矩阵B使其满足矩阵方程2A B A B=+.三、解答题(每小题12分,共36分)【得分:】1.当λ为何值时,齐次方程组1231231232202030x x xx x xx x xλ+-=⎧⎪-+=⎨⎪+-=⎩有非零解?并求其通解.第4页 共6页写此处不能书写此处不能书写此处不能书写此处不能书写此处不能书写此处不能书写………………………………装………………………………订…………………………线……………………………………………………2.设向量组A :1234511214,,,,4622436979ααααα- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪===== ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪-- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭(1)求向量组A 的秩,并说明其线性相关性. (2)求向量组A 的一个最大线性无关组,并将A 的其余向量用该最大线性无关组线性表示.3.已知二次型()22212312323,,2+3+3+4f x x x x x x x x =. (1)写出二次型f 的系数矩阵;(2)用正交线性变换把二次型f 化为标准形,并写出相应的正交方阵.四、解答题(每小题5分,共10分)【得分: 】1.设123,,ααα线性无关,证明11213,2,3ααααα++也线性无关.2.已知二次型()22212312312,,(1)+(1)2+2(1)f x x x a x a x x a x x =--++的秩为 2.求a。
2012–2013学年度第一学期期末考试《大学英语 B》(一)试卷(样卷)注意事项:1. 本试卷共四大题,满分100分,考试时间120分钟,闭卷;2. 考前请将密封线内各项信息填写清楚;3. 所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试卷或草稿纸上无效4.考试结束,试卷、草稿纸随答题纸一并交回。
College English Achievement TestBand One (样卷)Part I Use of English (20 points)Directions:There are 20 incomplete dialogs. For each dialog there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the dialog.1. ---- Would you like my opening the window?---- ________________A. Take it easy.B. Yes, you can..C. Certainly, please do it.D. No, Idon’t mind.2. ---- You are the first Award winner!---- ________________A. Oh, I’m walking on air.B. Really, it’s out of my expec tation.C. That sounds pretty.D. Not bad.3. ---- I think your Chinese dinner is wonderful, Mrs. Wei.---- ________________A. Oh, I didn’t c ook very well.B. I’m glad you enjoyed it.C. You can come anytime.D. Why do you look so painful?4. ---- ________________---- I’m suffering from a broken leg.A. Are you feeling better?B. How are you?C. What shall I do?D. Why do you look so painful?5. ---- Can you turn down the TV?---- ________________A. Oh, I know.B. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was very loud.C. Next time I will turn it down.D. Please pardon me.6. ---- I suppose you can get the driver license this time.---- ________________A. Yes, absolutely.B. No, not yet.C. Sorry, I can’t imagine that.D. Yes, I don’t think I can.7. ---- Did mom ask you to buy two boxes of milk in the supermarket?---- ________________A. No. And so did I.B. She did. And so I did.C. No. And neither did I.D. She did. And so do I.8. ---- ________________---- I’m suffering from a stomachache.A. Are you feeling better?B. What’s trouble with you?C. Is there wrong with you?D. What’s the matter with you?9. What do you think of his suggestion?---- ________________.A. No, I don’t believe it.B. It’s hard to say, actually.C. Sorry, I can’t remember her.D. I never think of it.10. — Hi, Sam, I think you did a good job.— __________________.A. Thank youB. Not at allC. Don't mention itD. I did it quite badly11. — Can I help you with the bag?— __________________.A. No, no. I can take it myself.B. Sorry, you can'tC. Thank youD. No, I'm all right12. — Hello, I'd like to speak to Mark, please.— ___________________.A. Yes, I'm MarkB. It's me hereC. This is Mark speakingD. This is me13. ---- I wonder if you have thought of doing some gentle physical exercise.---- ________________.A. absolutely.B. That sounds goodC. I’d like that, but I don’t know how to.D. Yes, I would.14. — Can you go out with us for dinner this evening?— _________________.A. No, I already have plansB. Thanks a lot but I'm busy tonightC. No, I really don't like being with youD. I'm ill, so I shouldn't go out for dinner15. ---- Excuse me, whereis Dean Lee’s office?---- ________________A. You can’t ask me.B. Pardon? I have no idea.C. Please don’t say so.D. Sorry, Idon’t know. I just came here16.— Sorry, I must be leaving now, because there's a meeting.— ________________A. Oh, no, you can'tB. Yes, you can leave if you likeC. Do you really have to go? Couldn't you at least stay for another cup of tea?D. Oh, no. I don't understand17. Why don't you travel to New York on vacation?— __________________.A. I don't want to goB. Excuse me, because I can'tC. I want to but I haven't got enough moneyD. Because I'm going to school today18. — Congratulations! You won the first prize in today's compitition.— _________________.A. Yes, I beat the othersB. Thank youC. No, no, I didn't do it wellD. It's a pleasure19. — Hello, I'd like to speak to Mark, please.— _________________.A. Yes, I'm MarkB. It's me hereC. This is Mark speakingD. This is me20. — Do you mind if I smoke here?— _______________________________.A. That’s all right.B. OK.C. Of course not.D. Don’t mention it.Part II. Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions:There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by 5 questions. For each question there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Please choose the best answer to the question.Passage OneVitamins are a group if substances found in food. The body needs them for life and health. So naturally, many people are concerned with the question: Am I getting enough vitamins. And am I getting the right kind?Even though very small amounts of each vitamin are enough for the needs of the body, that many people have not enough vitamins has some basis, and this has something to do with their diet— the food they take in. A person eating a good variety of foods gets all the vitamins now known to be needed, with the possible exception of D.The problem is that there are many people who don’t choose foods wisely, don’t get enough variety, and don’t eat the basic fo ods they need to get their vitamins. So the answer to this question is: No extra vitamins are needed, if you eat proper food. In fact, many of the vitamins can not be stored in the body, so when extra vitamins are taken in, the body simply gets rid of them, It is even harmful to put too much of certain vitamins into the body. This has been found to be true of vitamin A and D, when large amounts are taken in.What foods supply what vitamins? Here is a general idea. Vitamin A, for the health of the eyes, skin, teeth, and bones, is found in green vegetables, fruits, eggs, liver and butter. Vitamin B1, which helps the nervous and digestive systems and prevents certain diseases, is found in cereals, pork and liver. VitaminB2 is found in milk, eggs, green vegetables and meats. Vitamin C, which helps boned and teeth, is found in tomatoes, certain fruits and vegetables. These are only a few of the most important vitamins the body needs.21. Our body needs _________ for life and health.A. small amounts of each vitaminB. extra vitaminsC. all vitamins except vitamin DD. large amounts of certain vitamins22. Vitamin A is needed by _________ and can be found in _________.A. bones, porkB. nervous system, milkC. eyes, green vegetablesD. teeth, meats23. Vitamin B1 is very important to_________.A. the digestive systemB. bonesC. liverD. skin24. What will be the result if you take more vitamins than you really need?A. They will do great harm to our body.B. We get all the vitamins needed.C. Our body will function moreD. Our body simply gets rid of them.properly.25. The passage has probably been taken from_________.A. a sports magazineB. a journal of medical scienceC. an aged magazineD. a youth journalPassage TwoIdeal conditions for flying a kite are a large open space like field or a beach, and a steady wind, blowing from one direction, without any sudden gusts. Avoid spots such as clearings or river banks, where the wind is likely to change suddenly, Small kites will be much easier to launch in a gentle wind, and may well tear if the wind is too strong. Big kites on the other hand, will only take off in a reasonably strong wind. Stand with your back to the wind and un wind several meters of line, holding the kite at arm’s length and pulling on the line gently. With a larger kite, ask friend to help. He should stand a little way off, the kite held out in front of him and let go when you give the signal. A kite should never be thrown into the air, but simply released when the wind is strong enough to lift it.Be very careful how you handle your kite and try to avoid any sudden movement once it is in the air. If a particularly violent gust of wind causes it to lose height, unwind a little of the line. Never pull it along on the ground once it has come down, or you will tear it.If you want to bring kite down in a hurry, make the line fast or give it to someone to hold, put your arm over the line and run towards the kite. Always take a pair of scissors, some glue and two or three strips of crepe paper with you for on-the-spot repairs.Never fly a kite near a railway line or a busy road. If the kite comes down suddenly in front of a car, it may cause and accident. Never fly a kite in stormy weather because it could act as a lightning conductor (with you as the earth)!26. Where do people often fly kites?A. In a large open field with sudden gusts.B. In a large open area with a strong wind.C. In a large open space with a steady wind blowing fro one direction.D. At a beach with a gentle wind.27. The passage is mainly about_________.A. the significance of flying a kiteB. the place selection and ways of flying akiteC. some warnings to flying a kiteD. both B and C.28. The underlined word “clearings” in the first paragraph probably means_________.A. open spacesB. large playing-groundsC. places for clearing thingsD. areas which are very clear29. According to the passage, how should we bring a kite down in a hurry?A. Pull the line gently and run towards the kite.B. Fix the line to a place, put the arm over the line and run towards the kite.C. Give the kite to someone to hold, put the arm over the line and run towards the kite.D. Pull the kite and wind the line fast.30. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A. Most people like to fly kites.B. Flying a kite near a railway line is dangerous.C. It is very difficult to find and ideal space for flying a kite.D. There are many ways in which people fly their kites.Passage ThreeMany people think that when they become rich and successful, happiness will naturally follow. Let me tell you that nothing is further from the truth. The world is full of very rich people who are as miserable as if they ere living in hell. We have read stories about movie stars who committed suicide or died from drugs. Quite clearly, money is not the only answer to all problems.Wealth obtained through dishonest means does not bring happiness. Lottery winnings do not bring happiness. Gambling winnings do not bring happiness. To my mind, the secret to happiness lies in your successful work, in your contribution towards others’ happiness and in luck or dishonest means, you will know that it is ill-gamed money. If you get your money by taking advantage of others or by hurting others, your wealth will not be happy with it. You will think you are a base person.Long-term happiness is based on honesty, productive work, contribution, and self-esteem. Happiness is not an end: It is a process. It is a continuous process of honest, productive work which makes a real contribution to others and makes you feel you are a useful, worthy person. As Dr. Wayne wrote, “Ther e is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.” There is no use saying “Someday when I achieve these goals, when I get a car, build a house and own my own business, then I will be really happy.” Life just does not work that way. If you wait for certain things to happen and depend on the external circumstances of life to make you happy, you will always feel unfulfilled. There will always be something missing.31. The best title for this passage is______.A. What is HappinessB. HappinessC. Wealth and HappinessD. Process of Happiness32. According to this passage, which of the following statement is right?A. The richer you’re, the happier you’re.B. Wealth means happiness.C. Movie stars are happy.D. Rich people are not always happy.33. In the second paragraph, the word “means” is equal to ______. .A. waysB. worksC. placesD. hearts34. Long-term happiness is based on the following except______.A. self-esteemB. contributionC. productive workD. lottery winnings35. According to the passage, a person feels happy when he______.A. gets a carB. builds a houseC. owns his own businessD. feels that he is a useful, worthy personPassage FourUnder normal conditions, the act of communication requires the presence of at leasttwo persons: one who sends and one who receives the communication. In order to communicate thoughts and feelings, there must be a conventional system of signs orsymbols that mean the same to the sender and the receiver.The means of communication are too numerous and varied for systematic classification; therefore, the analysis must begin with the means of receiving communication. Reception of communication is achieved by our senses. Sight, hearing, and touching seem to play themost important roles. Smell and taste play very limited roles, for they cannot receive intellectual expression from fully developed systems of sings and symbols.Examples of visual communication are gesture and imitation. Although both frequently accompany speech, there are systems that rely solely on sight, such as those used by deafand dumb persons. Another means of communicating visually is by signals of fire, smoke,flags, or flashing light. Feelings may be simply communicated by touch, such as by handshaking or backslapping, although a highly developed system of hand-stroking hasenabled blind, deaf, and dumb persons to communicate intelligently. Whistling to someone, applauding in a theater, and other forms of communication by sound rely upon the ear as areceiver. The most fully developed form of auditory communication is, of course, thespoken language.The means of communication mentioned so far have two features in common: they lastonly a short time, and the persons involved must be relatively close to each other. Therefore,all are restricted in time and space.36. Reception of communication ___________A. is more important than sending messagesB. depends on two personsC. involves use of the sensesD. play only limited roles37. Applauding is specifically mentioned as an example of __________.A. communication by soundB. gesture and imitationC. communication by sending a messageD. communication between the listener and speaker38. Persons who cannot see, hear, or speak are able to communicate through_________.A. gesturingB. handshakingC. smellingD. hand-stroking39. The author specifically mentions that speech is ____________ .A. often used when other means are impossibleB. necessary for normal communicationC. the only highly developed system of communicationD. the most developed form of communication based on hearing40. According to the passage means of communication __________.A. can develop quickly if there is enough time and space/B. all have the same featuresC. have some limitations even if they are fully developedD. depend on the persons involvedPart III Vocabulary and Structure (25 points)Section ADirections: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.41. Watching the TV program on children, I ______ a good idea to solve the problem.A) came out B) came forC) came up with D) came in42. There is a principle for successful communication that friendly smiles will alwayswork______ you.A) at B) outC) for D) against43. Teachers are usually compared ______ candles that burn themselves in order toenlighten others.A) to B) withC) for D) up44. Great emphasis is attached to how to ______ our natural resources.A) make the most of B) make out ofC) make up of D) make of45. The government has acted out a law to reduce the number of ______ into this countryevery year.A) Immigrates B) emigratesC) immigrants D) emigrants46. We are ________ of our gestures and body movements 99% of time.A) beware B) bareC) unaware D) mere47. Billl and Mike are twins, but the former is tall and strong while the ______is short and thin.A) late B) laterC) last D) latter48. The workers work more ______ with the new production line. In other words, they canproduce 1,000 washing machines in a month now, which would take three months before.A) effect B) effectivelyC) efficiently D) efficiency49. The eyes are one of the most _______ instruments of body language.A) expressive B) impressiveC) passive D) active50. I couldn’t ________ how the teacher could be so sharp to read my mind in class.A) bring out B) figure outC) lay out D) work out51. A shy person has ________ making and keeping eye contact.A) trouble B) talentC) skill D) block52. They waited ________ the light on overnight.A) till B) underC) for D) with53. Body language serves a ________ of purposes.A) variation B) variousC) variety D) varying54. States at war with each other would end ________ for the duration of the OlympicGames.A) friendship B) envyC) dishonesty D) hostility55. In the _______ of all the students, she gave a speech to advocate a green earth.A) name B) honorC) term D) sakeSection BDirections: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, D. You should choose the ONE answer that best completes the passage.Sports and games __56__ our bodies, prevent us from __57__ weight, and keep us healthy. But these are not their _58_ uses. They give us valuable practice ___59___ helping the eyes, brain and muscles to work together. In table tennis, the eyes see the ball coming, __60__ its speed and direction, and pass this information on to the brain. The brain then has to decide __61__to do, and sends its orders to the muscles of the arms, legs, and so on, __62____ the ball is met and hit back __63____ the player wants it to go. All this must happen __64____ very great speed, and only those who have had a lot of __65__ at table tennis can do this successfully. For those who work with their brains, the practice of such skills is especially useful.56. A. make B. build C. are D. strong57. A. losing B. gain C. gaining D. lose58. A. one B. just C. only D. many59. A. on B. in C. at D. by60. A. judged B. to judge C. judging D. judge61. A. which B. what C. where D. how62. A. for that B. for which C. so that D. so what63. A. if B. when C. where D. which64. A. in B. at C. on D. with65. A. practice B. work C. time D. moneyPart V Writing (15 points)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic “My Favorite Sports”. You should write no less than 80 word第11页(共 10 页)。
12级酒店班39人羊马校区考B卷 2012-2013-2期末试卷出题人:王静考试科目: 中外饮食文化(B卷)考试时间: 90分钟考试方式: 闭卷1..下列名菜中属于传统粤菜的是()A、烤乳猪B、烩三蛇C、回锅肉D、佛跳墙2.下列名菜中属于鄂菜名菜的是()A、排骨藕汤B、沔阳三蒸C、红焖鳊鱼D、菜苔腊肉3.下列面点中属于武汉风味小吃的是()A、面窝B、欢喜坨C、豆皮D、热干面4.湖北菜的主要特点包括()A、咸鲜微辣B、善于煨汤C、端庄敦厚D、善烹海鲜5.山东菜的主要特点包括()A、咸鲜纯正B、善于用汤C、端庄敦厚D、善烹海鲜6.牧区蒙古族人的家常食品包括()A、手抓肉B、奶制品C、炒米D、奶茶7.西藏饮食“四宝”包括()A、糌粑B、酥油C、牛羊肉D、茶叶8.下列名菜中属于传统川菜的是()A、麻婆豆腐B、宫爆鸡丁C、葱烧海参D、剁椒鱼头9.下列名菜中属于传统苏菜的是()A、大煮干丝B、蟹粉狮子头C、九转大肠D、清蒸加吉鱼10.伊斯兰教禁止食用的食物包括()A、猪肉B、狗肉C、无鳞鱼D、酒类二、列举题:每小题分值附后。
共8分,每写对1个得2分“V.O.“ ----“V.S.O“ --------“V.S.O.P“-----“X.O“-----2、广东菜系由哪几个分支构成?举出五个代表性名菜。
本小题共8分3、日本料理的类别与特点?共12分(日本料理主要分为三大类别,每写出1个得4分)4、请列举处调制鸡尾酒是的洋酒中的六大类基酒本小题共6分三、计算题本小题共5分标准酒度(Alcohol% by volume)它是指在20℃条件下,每100毫升酒液中含有多少毫升的酒精。
但两种酒度之间可以进行换算请计算:若某白兰地酒度为40%Vol,则用美制表示应该是多少proof?1)填空1Proof = V ol(标准酒度)2分2)计算:40%Vol = ()proof 3分四、英汉互译共25分1、How many presons are there in you party,Sir/Madam? 5分2、请问您几点到?5分3、请问您贵姓?5分4、可以留下您的联系方式吗?5分5、Is there anything special you would like us to prepare? 5分五、选择题(共16分答对一个一分)下列菜分别属于哪个地方的菜,请选出来填进括号中。
一、填空题(每空1分,共30分)1.人工管理;文件系统;数据库系统2.共享锁;排它锁3. 数据库安全性保护;数据完整性检查;并发控制;数据库恢复4.逻辑数据独立性;物理数据独立性5.数据结构;数据操作;完整性约束6.需求分析;概念结构设计;逻辑结构设计;物理结构设计;数据库实施;数据库运行和维护。
Create table S1((1)S# char(6) primary key, (2)SNAME char(8) not null, AGE smallint, SEX char(4), (3)constraint c1 check (SEX in ('男','女')),(4)constraint c2 check (AGE between 15 and 30));(2)将王刚同学的信息插入到学生表S中。
Insert into (5)S(S#, SNAME, AGE, SEX) values (6)('100001', '王刚', '19', '男')(3)创建关于“男学生”信息的视图。
Create view 男学生信息as (7)select * from S where SEX='男'(4)查询没有选修任何课程的学生姓名。
SELECT SNAME for S where S# in(8)(SELECT DISTINCT S# from S MINUS (9)SELECT DISTINCT S# from SC)(5)查询选修人数最多的课程名。
[ ]1. 已知全集R U =,集合{}12|<=xx A ,{}01|<-=x x B ,则B A C U ⋂)(=A. {}1|>x xB. {}10|<≤x xC. {}10|≤<x xD. {}1|≤x x[ ]2. 已知幂函数)(x f y =的图象经过点(2,4),则)(x f y =的解析式为A. xy 2=B. 2x y =C. x y =D. x y 2=[ ]3. 若32=a ,且0>a ,则a 3log 的值为 A. 3-B. 3C. 21-D.21 [ ]4. 已知0>a 且1≠a ,函数x y a log =,xa y =在同一坐标系中的图象可能是[ ]5. 已知2)(357++-=cx bx ax x f ,且m f =-)5(,则)5()5(f f --的值为 A. 42-mB. 42+mC. 4-D. 4[ ]6. 某单位共有老、中、青职工430人,其中有青年职工160人,中年职工人数是老年职工人数的2倍,为了解职工身体状况,现采用分层抽样方法进行调查,在抽取的样本中有青年职工32人,则该样本中的老年职工人数为 A. 72B. 36C. 27D. 18[ ]7. 同时投掷两颗骰子,所得点数之和是5的概率是 A.41 B.61 C.91 D.121 [ ]8. 下图是某学校举行的运动会上七位评委为某体操项目打出的分数的茎叶统计图,去掉一个最高分和一个最低分后,所剩数据的平均数和方差分别为A. 84,4.84B. 84,1.6C. 85,1.6D. 85,4[ ]9. 设9.04=a ,48.08=b ,5.1)21(-=c ,则A. b a c >>B. b c a >>C. c b a >>D. c a b >>[ ]10. 若下边的程序框图输出的S 是62,则条件①可为A. 4≤nB. 5≤nC. 6≤nD. 7≤n[ ]11. 设1>a ,函数x x f a log )(=在区间[a a 2,]上的最大值与最小值之差为21,则=a A. 4B. 2C. 22D. 2[ ]12. 下列函数中,函数图象关于y 轴对称,且在(0,+∞)上单调递增的是 A. xy 2=B. 12-=x yC. 21x y =D. ||log 21x y =[ ]13. 设0x 是函数x x f x2log )31()(-=的零点,若00x a <<,则)(a f 的值满足A. 0)(=a fB. 0)(<a fC. 0)(>a fD. )(a f 的符号不确定[ ]14. 已知函数⎩⎨⎧>-≤-=-0),1(0,12)(x x f x x f x ,若方程a x x f +=)(有且只有两个不相等的实数根,则实数a 的取值范围是A. )1,(-∞B. ]1,(-∞C. )1,0(D. ),0[+∞二、填空题:本大题共6个小题,每小题3分,共18分。
有S(α) = S(β). 那么, 任给V 的一组基α1, α2, · · · , αn, S(α1), S(α2), · · · , S(αn)也 是V 的一组基. (T)
六、 设α是n维欧氏空间V 中的非0向量, 定义V 上的线性变换Aα:
2(α, β) (α, α)
1. Aα是一个正交变换. 2. 存在标准正交基,使得Aα在该基下的矩阵为diag(−1, 1, · · · , 1).
七、 设n为大于1的整数, S是数域F 上n维线性空间V 上的线性变换, 且存在α ∈ V 使 得
五、 设V = {(a2x2 + a1x + a0)ex : a2, a1, a0 ∈ R},V 中元素按函数通常的数乘与加
法构成的线性空间。对任意f (x)
定义V 上的变换:A
d dx
意p(x) ∈ V .
1. 证明:A是V 上的线性变换; 2. 求A 在基ex, xex, x2ex下的矩阵; 3. 求A的特征值与特征向量。
...................................................................装 订 线 • 答 题 时 不 要 超 过 此 线..........................................................
四、计算题(共 35 分)
,以酚酞为指示剂,用13.00mL 0.1000mol/L HCl标准溶液滴定至指示剂褪色,再加入甲基橙指示剂,用23.00mL 0。
1000mol/L HCl 标准溶液滴定至橙红色出现,请问水样中有何碱度?其含量如何(分别以mg/L 计)?(10分)解:
2、用20.00 mL 0.1000mol/L NaOH溶液滴定KHC2O4量,可以恰好被40.00 mL KMnO4溶液氧化,求KMnO4的物质的量浓度(1/5KMnO4)mol/L。
(7 分) 解:
3、某水样用莫尔法测氯离子时,100ml水样消耗0.1016mol·L-1 AgNO34.04ml,空白试验消耗0。
20ml,求该水样中氯离子浓度(以Cl mg·L-1表示)(已知Cl 的原子量为35.45)。
( 8 分)
00mL0.02000 mol/L K2Cr2O7溶液,以Ag2SO4为催化剂煮沸,待水样中还原性物质完全的氧化后,以是试亚铁灵为指示剂,用0。
1000 mol/LFeSO4溶液滴定剩余的K2Cr2O7,消耗15.00mL,计算水样中的化学需氧量.(10分)
2012-2013复旦大学数学分析B(II)B 卷一、严格表述题(每题3分,共3题 ,共9分)1. 请用N -ε语言表述:h x n n =∞→lim 。
2. n 元函数的中值定理。
3. 第二类曲面积分。
二、填空题(每题4分,共7题,共28分)1. 曲面xy e z z+=在点)0,1,1(-处的法线方程为 。
2. 设方程x y y x arctan ln22=+确定函数)(x y ,则=dxdy。
3. )ln(xy y z =,则=z d 2。
4. 函数⎩⎨⎧-∈∈=)0,[,0),0[,)(ππx x x x f 的Fourier 级数为 。
5. 级数∑∞=+12)1(n nn x 的收敛域为 。
6. 向量场k j i a )1ln(),,(22z x ye xy z y x z +++=在点)0,1,1(的散度为a div = 。
7. 已知dx dy y dx y d 4422=+,则)(x y = 。
)(每题5分,共3题,共15分)1. 设级数∑∞=1n n x 收敛, 1lim =∞→nnn y x , 则级数∑∞=1n n y 收敛。
2. 函数项级数∑∞=+-12)1(n nxn 在实数域上一致收敛。
3. 设函数),(y x f z =在点),(00y x 处的所有方向导数均存在,则),(y x f z =在点),(00y x 处可微。
四、计算题(每题6分,共5题,共30分)1. 求级数∑∞=+1)1(n nn n x 的收敛域,并写出其和函数。
2. 设vu z =,其中22lny x u +=,xyv arctan =,求dz 。
3. 计算⎰⎰-Ddxdy y x )2(,其中D 为直线1=y ,032=+-y x 与03=-+y x 所围成的闭区域。
4. 求⎰-+++-Ldy y x dx y x )653()42(,其中L 是顶点为)0,0(,)0,3(和)2,3(的三角形正向边界。
(每小题3分,共30分)1.绝对值大于-1而小于3的整数有 .2.如果a,b互为相反数,x,y互为倒数,-2(a+b)+2009xy的值是 .3.如果X=2是方程mx-1=2的解,那么m= .4.若(a-1)2+|b+2|=0,那么a+b= .5.在800米跑道上有两人练长跑,甲每分钟跑320米,乙每分钟跑280米,两人同时同地同向起跑,t分钟后第一次相遇,t等于分钟。
6.早春二月的某一天,贵阳的平均气温为-3℃,罗甸的平均气温为-6℃,则当天贵阳比罗甸的平均气温高℃.7.若ang;1=20度,则ang;1的补角为 .8.规定两数a、b之间的运算如下:a*b=2ab-b,请你计算3*4的值是 .9.若︳x-1︱=2,则x= .10.某商场决定将某一服装按标价的8折销售,此时的售价为24元,则该服装的标价为元.二、单项选择。
(每空2分,共20分)11.任何一个有理数的平方( )A.一定是正数B.一定不是负数C.一定大于它本身D.一定不大于它的绝对值12.如果单项式2a2m-2bn+2与ab3m-2是同类项,那么m和n的值分别是( )A.2,3B.3,5C.-3,5D.5,-213.有下列四种说法:1.锐角的补角一定是钝角;2.一个角的补角一定大于这个角;3.如果两个角是同一个角的补角,那么它们相等;4.锐角和钝角互补.其中正确的是( )A.1 2B.1 3C.1 2 3D.1 2 3 414.已知X2+3X+3的值是7,则3X2+9X-2的值为( )A.0B.2C.10D.1215.若X的值是3,|Y|=5,则X+Y的值是( )A.-8B.2C.8或-2D.-8或216.下列去括号正确的是( )A. 6a-2(2a-b-c) =6a-4a+b+cB. (7x-3y)-3(a2-b) =7x-3y-3a2-3bC. a-(-b-c+d) =a+b+c-dD. -(a+1)+(-b-c) =-a+1-b-c17.下面运算正确的是( )A.3x+2y=5xyB.3x2y+3y2x=0C.3a2+2a2=5a2D.3b3-2b2=b18.下列说法中错误的是( )A.相反数等于本身的数只有0.B.最小的整数是0.C.绝对值最小的数是0.D.平方最小的数是0.19.-﹛+﹝-(x+y)﹞﹜+﹛-﹝-(x+y)﹞﹜去括号得( )A.2XB.2X+2YC.2YD.2X-2Y20.如果长方形的周长为4m,另一边长为m-n,则另一边长为( )A.3m+n.B.2m+2nC.m+nD.m+3n三、计算题(每小题5分,共10分)21(1)18+32÷(-2)3-(-4)2×5(2)2x+4y-3z-(x+3z-2y)四、解方程(每小题5分,共15分)22. (1)3(3x-4)+7( 1114 -x)=4x(2)6x-5(12-2x)=8x-4(5-7x)(3)已知|a+2|+(b-3)2=0,求ab的值。
《数据库原理及应用》练习卷一.单项选择题1.在下列四种模型中,与计算机的硬件及软件均无关..的是 c 。
A.外部模型B.逻辑模型C.概念模型D.内部模型2. 设计数据库时,应该首先设计数据库的 b 。
A.应用系统结构B.概念结构C.逻辑结构D.物理结构3.SQL语言的标准库函数COUNT、SUM、A VG、MAX和MIN等,不允许...出现在下列哪个子句中 d 。
A.SELECTB.HA VINGC.GROUP…HA VINGD.WHERE4. 如果采用关系数据库来实现应用,在数据库设计的___c____阶段将关系模式进行规范化处理。
A.需求分析B.概念设计C.逻辑设计D.物理设计5. DBMS提供授权功能以控制不同用户访问数据的权限,其主要目的是为了实现数据库的c 。
A.一致性B.完整性C.安全性D.可靠性6. 若属性X函数依赖于属性Y时,则属性X与属性Y之间具有 b 。
A.一对一联系B.一对多联系C.多对一联系D.多对多联系7. 数据库恢复的主要依据是 d 。
A.DBAB.DDC.文档D.事务日志8.数据库应用程序的编写是基于三级模式结构中的 a 。
A.外模式B.逻辑模式C.内模式D.概念模式9.关系数据库管理系统应能实现的专门关系运算包括 b 。
A.排序、索引、统计B.选择、投影、连接C.关联、更新、排序D.显示、打印、制表10.在E-R模型中,如果有6个不同实体集,有9个不同的二元联系,其中3个1∶N联系,3个1∶1联系,3个M∶N联系,根据E-R模型转换成关系模型的规则,转换成关系模式的数目最少是 b 。
三. 简答、计算、分析、应用题1.简述数据库设计的第四个和第五个步骤的主要任务。
复旦大学马克思主义基本原理概论 2012~2013学年第二学期 期末考试试卷 B卷 及参考答案
3. 度是事物变化的关节点。
4. “求知欲”是认识发展的动力。
2012~2013学年第二学期化学与材料学院10级应用化学专业《物理化学(下)》期末试卷B 答案注意事项:考生信息必须填入信息栏内指定位置。
题号 一 二(1) 二(2) 三(1) 三(2) 三(3) 三(4) 四 总分 复核人得分评卷人一、选择题(共20题,每题2分,共40分)1.下列电解质溶液中,离子平均活度系数r ±最小的是(设浓度均为0.01mol·kg -1) (D ) A. ZnSO 4 B. CaCl 2 C. KCl D. LaCl 32. 298 K 时,电池Ag(s)|AgI(s)|KI(0.02 mol·kg -1,γ±= 0.905)||KOH(0.05mol·kg -1,γ±= 0.820)|Ag 2O(s)|Ag(s) 的电动势为0.456 V ,当电池反应进行至电子传输量为1mol 时,这时电池反应的平衡常数为 (C ) A .5.16×107 B.1.9×10-8 C. 1.17×108 D.1.22×1093.25℃,将含有Fe 2+和Fe 3+的水溶液与Fe 粉一起振荡,使其达平衡,求出K= [Fe 2+]3[Fe 3+]-2=8.98×1040,其φө(Fe 2+|Fe) = -0.4402 V ,则下列答案正确的是: (C ) A. φө(Fe 3+|Fe 2+) = 0.771 V , φө(Fe 3+|Fe) = 0.3308 V B. φө(Fe 3+|Fe 2+) = 1.6514 V , φө(Fe 3+|Fe) = 0.8439 V C. φө(Fe 3|Fe 2+) = 0.771 V , φө(Fe 3+|Fe) =-0.0365 V D. φө(Fe 3+|Fe 2+) = 1.6514 V , φө(Fe 3+|Fe) =-0.0365 V4. 对于混合电解质溶液中,下列表征导电性的量中不具有加和性的是 (A ) A. 电导 B. 电导率 C. 摩尔电导率 D. 极限摩尔电导率5. 丹聂耳电池(铜-锌电池)在充电和放电时锌电极被称为 (C ) A. 负极和阴极 B. 正极和阳极 C. 负极和阳极 D. 正极和阴极6. 某一反应在有限时间内可完全反应,所需时间为c o /k ,该反应级数是 (A ) A. 0级 B. 一级 C. 二级 D. 三级7. 某反应速率常数k =2.31×10-2mol -1·dm 3·s -1,反应起始浓度1.0mol·dm -3,则其反应半衰期是(A ) A. 43.29s B. 15s C. 30s D. 21.65s 8. 乙酸高温分解时,实验测得CH 3COOH (A )、CO (B )、CH=CO (C )的浓度随时间的变化曲线如图所示,由此可以断定该反应是 (C )A. 基元反应B. 对峙反应C. 平行反应D. 连串反应9. 为了测定吸附剂的比表面,要求吸附剂和吸附质之间最好的情况是什么? (A ) A. 只有物理吸附 B. 只有化学吸附 C. 既有物理又有化学吸附 D. 没有吸附 10. 关于绝对反应速率理论的叙述中,不正确的是 (D ) A. 反应分子组实际经历途径中每个状态的能量都是最低B. 势能垒是活化络合物分子在马鞍点的能量与反应物分子的平均能量之差C. 活化络合物在马鞍点的能量最高D. 反应分子组越过马鞍点后可能返回始态11. 体温计打碎后,落在水泥地面上的水银基本呈球形,这说明 (D ) A. r 汞+ r 汞-水泥地面< r 水泥地面 B. r 汞> r 水泥地面 C. r 汞< r 水泥地面 D. r 汞+ r 汞-水泥地面> r 水泥地面12. 某温度压力下,有大小相同的水滴、水泡和气泡,其气相部分相同,见图,它们三者表面Gibbs 自由能大小是 (B ) A. G a =G c <G b B. G a =G b <G c C. G a <G b <G c D. G a =G b =G c13, 下列摩尔浓度相同的各物质的稀水溶液中,哪一种溶液的表面发生负吸附? (A ) A. 硫酸 B. 己酸 C. 硬脂酸 D. 苯甲酸 14. 一根毛细管插入水中,液面上升的高度为h ,若在水中加入少量的NaCl 后,这时毛细管中液面上升的高度为 (C )A. 等于hB. 小于hC. 大于hD. 无法确定考生信息栏院(系) 班级 姓名 学号………………………………………………装……………………订……………………线……………………………………15. 有机液体与水形成W/O 型还是O/W 型乳状液与乳化剂的HLB 值有关,一般是 (C ) A. HLB 值大,易形成W/O 型 B. HLB 值小,易形成O/W 型 C. HLB 值大,易形成O/W 型 D. HLB 值小,不易形成W/O 型 16. 将不同蛋白质分子分离,工业上通常采用的方法是利用溶胶性质中的 (A ) A. 电泳 B.电渗 C. 沉降 D. 扩散 17. 对于AgI 水溶胶,当以KI 为稳定剂时,其结构式可以表示为:[(AgI)m · nI -·(n-x )K +]x-·x K +,则被称为胶核的是指 (C )A. (AgI)m · nI -B. [(AgI)m · nI -·(n-x )K +]x-C. (AgI)mD. [(AgI)m · nI -·(n-x )K +]x-·x K + 18. 对于Donnan 平衡, 下列说法正确的是 (A ) A. 膜两边同一电解质化学势相同 B. 膜两边带电粒子的总数相同 C. 膜两边同一电解质浓度相同 D. 膜两边的离子强度相同19. 胶体粒子的Zeta 电势是指 (D ) A. 固体表面处与本体溶液之间的电势差 B. 扩散层处与本体溶液之间的电势差 C. 紧密层、扩散层分界处与本体溶液之间的电势差 D. 固液之间可以相对移动处与本体溶液之间的电势差20. 使用瑞利(Reyleigh)散射光强度公式,下列问题中可以解决的是 (A ) A. 溶胶粒子的大小 B. 溶胶粒子的形状 C. 散射光的振幅 D.散射光的波长二、简答题(共两题,每题5分,共10分)1. 等体积的0.10mol.dm -3KCl 和0.08mol.dm -3的AgNO 3溶液混合以制成AgCl 溶胶。
(10分)前提:)⌝⌝,r∧p⌝(qq∨⌝,r结论:p⌝2.证明p L的公式的长度不能是2,3,或6,但其他的长度都是可能的。
那么,对于任何A ,∑A 当且仅当∑∈A 。
(10分)6.设)(p L Form ∈∑。
证明存在唯一的真假赋值满足∑,当且仅当对于任何A ,∑A 和∑A ⌝中恰好有一个成立。
2012-2013数据库试卷B 徐州工程学院
徐州工程学院试卷2012 — 2013 学年第 一 学期 课程名称 数据库原理及应用 试卷类型 B 卷 考试形式 闭卷 考试时间 100 分钟一、选择题(共15 小题,每题 1 分,共计15 分) 1、( )不是DBA 数据库管理员的职责。
A 、完整性约束说明B 、定义数据库模式C 、数据库安全D 、数据库管理系统设计 2、E-R 模型用于建立数据库的( )。
A 、概念模型B 、结构模型C 、物理模型D 、逻辑模型 3、在数据库三级模式间引入二级映像的主要作用是( )。
A 、提高数据与程序的独立性 B 、提高数据与程序的安全性 C 、保持数据与程序的一致性 D 、提高数据与程序的可移植性 4、在数据库中,产生数据不一致的根本原因是( )。
A 、没有严格保护数据 B 、数据冗余量太大 C 、未对数据进行完整性控制 D 、数据冗余 5、关于关系的性质说法不正确的是( )。
A 、关系中不允许出现相同的元组 B 、关系中元组的顺序固定C 、关系中属性的顺序无所谓,即列的顺序可以任意交换D 、关系中各个属性必须有不同的名字,而不同的属性可来自同一个域 6、关于关系模型的3类完整性规则正确的是( )。
A 、如果属性A 是基本关系R 的主属性,但不是候选键整体,则属性A 能取空值B 、若属性F 是基本关系R 的外部关系键,它与基本关系S 的主关系键字K 相对应,则对于R 中的每个元组在F 上的值必须取空值C 、参照完整性规则用来定义外部关系键与主关系键之间的引用规则D 、实体完整性和参照完整性并不适用于任何关系数据库系统7、在部分匹配查询中,关于通配符“_”的说法中正确的是( )。
A 、可以代表多个字符 B 、代表一个字符C 、不能与通配符“%”一起使用D 、可以代表零个或多个字符 8、设有关系R=(A ,B ,C ),与SQL 语句SELECT DISTINCT A,C FROM R WHERE B=5等价的关系代数表达式是( )。
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上海应用技术学院2012 —2013学年第一学期
课程代码: B104016 学分: 2 考试时间: 100 分钟
Product(ProductID, ProductName, ProviderID, NumPerUnit, Price, StockNum)其中ProductID表示产品号, ProductName表示产品名称, ProviderID表示供应商号, NumPerUnit表示每包装单位产品件数, Price表示单价, StockNum表示库存,主键为ProductID 。
Provider(ProviderID, ProviderName, LinkMan, Address, City, Area, PostCode, Telephone)其中ProviderID表示供应商号, ProviderName表示供应商名称, LinkMan表示联系人, Address 表示地址, City表示城市, Area表示地区, PostCode表示邮政编码, Telephone表示联系电话,主键为ProviderID。
OrderList(OrderID, ProductID, Amount, Discount)
其中OrderID表示订单号, ProductID表示产品号, Amount表示数量, Discount表示折扣(例如:0.3表示降价30%),主键为OrderID。