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12. The horses have returned to their ______ after the morning exercise. A. barns B. stables C. kennels D. sheds Barn 谷仓,车库 Stable 马厩 Kennel; doghouse狗窝shed库房,车库den兽穴 cowshed牛棚Sheepfold, sheeppen羊圈 Henhouse, roost, chicken coop 鸡窝nest鸟窝 Pigsty, pigpen, hogpen 猪圈 13. For our common cause I am willing to take greater _________ than this. A. danger B. peril C. risk D. hazard
light conduct 轻浮的举止 light fingers 灵巧的手指 close/loose reasoning 缜密的/不严谨的推理 a close election 势均力敌的选举 a close search 彻底的搜寻 a closed mind 闭塞僵化的思想 closed economy 闭关自守的经济 an open fire 明火
a motley company 三教九流的一伙 a cherry picker 玩弄少女的色魔 conventional wisdom 流行的看法 a problem drinker 积重难返的酒徒 mushy love letters 卿卿我我的情书 a motherhood report 报喜不报忧的报告 a dapper little man 短小精干的人 pregnant silence/pause 意味深长的沉默/停顿 a facile solution 治标不治本的解决方法 a stopgap method 权宜之计 a stopgap leader 补缺领导人
a crash course in computer programming 计算机程 序速成课程 a snap decision 仓促做出的决定 a political acrobat 见风使舵的人 dead-pan humor 冷面幽默 a request program/show 点播节目/演出 a prepossessing young man 风度翩翩的青年 a major new talent 新秀 a syrupy voice 嗲声嗲气的声音/甜腻的声音
a fat job/vacancy 肥缺 a plum job 美差 a late bloomer 大器晚成者 a dirty/lascivious old man 老色鬼 a lecherous mature man; skirt chaser 好色之徒 stand-by passengers 等退票的乘客 a paste job 东拼西凑的作品 an omnifaceted study 面面俱到的研究
5. We made many _________ of all these problems. A. analysis B. analyses C. analyze D. analyse 6. __________ happened to witness the robbery. A. One of looker-ons B. one of the looker-ons C. One of the lookers-on D. One of lookers-on 7. This is ______________. A. Jane and Jennet sister B. Janes and Jennets sister C. Jane’s and Jennet’s sister D. Jane and Jennet’s sister 如果某人或某物被两人共有,则只需在后一个人的词尾 上加’s。 如果某人或某物为两人各自所有,则两个人的名词都 加’s。
8. She’s staying at _____________. A.my uncle’s B. my uncle C. my uncles’ D. mine uncle’s 9. Jim’s father invited some friends of ______. A. Jim B. Jim’s C. Jims D. Jims’ “of+名词所有格/名词性物主代词”这种结构称为双重所 有格,通常用在所修饰的名词前有表示数量的词或有指 示代词的情况下,如: Several pupils of his An invitation of John’s 类似这种双重所有格的还有of one’s own 结构,如 I wish I had a car of my own.
a low joke 粗俗的笑话 a low trick 卑鄙的伎俩 a low diet 营养很差的膳食 quiet/restrained colors 素淡的颜色 the pegged exchange rate 钉住的汇率 languishing eyes 含情脉脉的眼睛 a cautionary tale 警世的故事 an empty coxcomb 不学无术的花花公子 a high-flying ideal/proposal 好高骛远的理想/提议 an insightful remark 有真知灼见的言语 an offbeat TV comedy 别具一格的电视喜剧 a budget traveler 精打细算的旅游者
10. He used so much jargon that I hadn’t a ______ what he was talking about. A. query B. hint C. thought D. clue 11. His _______ of the basic structure is good but his vocabulary is limited. A. hold B. grip C. grasp D. seizure Grip和grasp都是紧抓的意思,但grasp强调抓住, 但不一定是整个手,而grip强调紧紧抓住不放手。 作比喻用法时都作“领悟,理解“将,但是grip 强调理解力,而grasp强调已经掌握。
14. He opened today’s _______ in several short sentences. A. proceedings B. process C. procedure D. procession 15. She went home on ______. A. wings B. legs C. hearts D. runs
an open question 尚未解决的问题 an open drain 排水沟 a man of an open mind 虚怀若谷的人 an open port 不冻港 a deep groan 低沉的呻吟 a deep scholar 造诣很深的学者 deep dealings 不正当的交易 a deep plot 狡猾的阴谋 a shallow acquaintance 泛泛之交 a shallow conversation 肤浅的谈话 a narrow/one-sided conclusion 片面的结论
a thin joke 浅陋无趣的笑话 a thin disguise 容Fra Baidu bibliotek识破的伪装 a heavy/light meal 不易消化的/易消化的/清淡的饭 菜 a heavy/light mist 浓/薄雾 heavy/light reading 单调乏味的/轻松的读物 a heavy/tight schedule 排得很紧的日程表
a narrow lead 勉强领先 a narrow income 菲薄的收入 a clear profit 净利 a clean government 廉洁的政府 a clean joke 没有色情内容的笑话 a clean prose 简洁的散文风格 a neat worker 做事干净利落的人 a neat answer 巧妙的回答 a high insult 奇耻大辱 high art 高雅艺术 a high wind 大风;劲风
1. Mineral ______ are much used in industry. A. oil B. the oil C. oils D. the oils 某些物质名词表示不同类别或连绵不断的数量或密度时, 可用复数形式。如: Fruits (各种水果), sands, steels, teas, waters, wools 2. I want to buy _________ at the department store. A. shoes and socks B. shoe and sock C. shoes and sock D. shoe and socks 表示工具、衣服或由两部分组成的一件东西的名词常用 复数形式。如: Bellows (风箱) glasses, spectacles, binoculars, pliers, scales, scissors, tongs, tweezers, braces(裤子背带、 吊带),briefs, flannels, jeans, pants, pajamas/pyjamas, shorts, tights, trousers
3. Mind your ___________ at the party. A. manners and behaviors B. manner and behavior C. manners and behavior D. manner and behaviors Manners意思是“礼貌,规矩”,总是复数;而manner 表示 “方法”,“方式”。 某些名词本来就只有复数形式,而某些名词在一定场合下或 具有特殊含义时,也只用复数形式。如: Archives, arms, ashes, belongings, clothes, contents, customs, earnings, fireworks, funds, goods, letters, lodgings, looks, manners, outskirts, pains, particulars, regards, remains, savings, surroundings, works 4. Our _________ not as numerous as they used to be. A. livestock is B. livestock are C. livestocks are D. livestocks is 有些集体名词在形式上是单数的,但语义上是复数的,如: Cattle, clergy, livestock, militia, people, police, poultry, staff, vermin
a heavy/staggering/stunning blow 沉重的打击 a forced smile 勉强的笑容 a strained laugh 强笑 a broad/faint smile 咧嘴而笑/淡然一笑 a broad joke 下流的笑话 a faint attempt 半心半意的尝试 thick hair 浓密的头发 thick/heavy/broken weather 阴沉/阴霾/阴晴不定 的天气 a thick puddle 浑浊的泥潭 a thick/thin voice 嘶哑的/微弱的声音
We all feel very proud that in the past _______ year we completed three research projects, two of which won the national awards. A. scholastic B. scholarly C. academic D. intellectual You can trust him. He is _____, because order is his first principle of life and he will never mess things up. A. consistent B. neat C. methodical D. regular I don’t think his description is ________ enough. It can be much shorter. A. accurate B. exact C. precise D. relevant