




The winner finds the way, and the loser makes excuses.2、静中真境,淡中本然。

Quiet in the true situation, light in the original.3、保持环境清洁,做位可爱的人。

Keep the environment clean and be a lovely person.4、铸造辉煌,唯有质量。

The casting is brilliant, only quality.5、百尺竿头,更进一步。

To go further.6、质量做得好,错漏自然少。

The quality is good, and the error is less.7、塑企业形象,创优质名牌。

Plastic enterprise image, create high quality brand.8、态度决定一切,细节决定成败。

Attitude determines everything, and details determine success or failure.9、众人拾柴火焰高,众手划桨开大船。

The crowd picked up the firewood and the fire was high, and the crowd paddled the boat.10、品质有缺陷,寸步难行。

The quality is defective and it is difficult.11、成功看得见,行动是关键。

Success can be seen, action is the key.12、春种一粒粟、秋收万颗籽。

Spring seed a grain of millet, autumn harvest thousands of seeds.13、持之以恒,精益求精。




The stage extends as far as the heart goes。


No hope, hard work bentou.3、相信自己,相信伙伴。

Believe in yourself, believe in a partner.4、付出一定会有回报。

The pay will pay off.5、付出就有回报。

There is a reward in giving.6、不怕增员难, 就怕不增员。

Fear not increase, but fear not increase.7、得意时淡然,失意时坦然。

Complacent when indifferent, frustrated when calm.8、博学睿思,勤勉致知。

Erudite Koch, diligent munetomo.9、陷阵之志,有死无生。

Strong ambition, there is no dead students.10、大家好,才是真的好。

Hello everybody, that's really good.11、厚德载物,自强不息。

Social commitment, unremitting self-improvement.12、正直向上,热于求知。

Integrity upward, hot in knowledge.13、浩然明理,俨然肯学。

Hao Ran was reasonable and willing to learn. 14、积极人生,全力以赴。

Positive life, go all out.15、学海弄潮,态度决定一切。

The tides, attitude is everything.16、鸿鹄展翅,志在蓝天。

The Swan wings, in the blue sky.17、文明,有志,勤奋,求实。




Go in and make resplendence.2、激流求勇进,逆势更争先。

The torrent seeks the courage to advance, and the reverse is more contending.3、诚信放飞梦想,精艺收获希望。

The good faith flies the dream, the skill harvest hopes.4、渴望前进,追求卓越。

Longing for progress and pursuit of excellence.5、赚钱靠大家,幸福你我他。

Make money depend on everyone, happy you and me.6、品质专注,价格合理。

The quality is focused and the price is reasonable.7、昨日黄花败,今朝百花开。

Yesterday the yellow flower was defeated and the flowers opened in the present.8、人多力量大,心齐定天下。

Many people have great strength, and the heart is all in the world.9、活力和谐,**奋进。

Vitality and harmony, passion advancing.10、业绩攀新,稳定市场。

The performance of the new, stable market.11、创新谋突破,努力获成功。

Innovation is a breakthrough and success is made.12、今天的付出,明天的回报。

Today's pay, tomorrow's return.13、相信自己,相信伙伴。

Believe in yourself and believe in a partner.14、汗水汇聚你我,创新铸就明天。




Innovation is everywhere, business is just waiting for you.2、创业水城,创新中国,创意未来。

Venture capital city, innovation China, creative future.3、家不勤不富,业不创不兴。

Home is not rich, business does not create.4、睿智创新始于心,**创业践于行。

The wise innovation begins with the heart, and the passion for entrepreneurship is practiced.5、点燃创业梦想,崛起和谐水城。

Ignite the dream of entrepreneurship and rise to a harmonious city.6、宜居宜商新城市,创业创富新天地。

Livable and suitable for business new cities, pioneering and creating a new world.7、青春创业,展翅圆梦。

Youth entrepreneurship, wings and dreams.8、展青春风采,创阳光事业。

Develop youth and create sunshine.9、创业是富民之道,服务是安商之本。

Entrepreneurship is the way of enriching the people, and service is the foundation of the security business.10、青春展风采,创业赢未来。

Youth exhibition, entrepreneurship to win the future.11、绿色城市,全民创业。




Innovation is a breakthrough and success is made.2、每天进一步,踏上成功路。

Go further every day and step on the road to success.3、自检互检,确保品质零缺点。

Self check and check each other to ensure that the quality is zero.4、辛辛苦苦工作,踏踏实实赚钱。

Work hard and make money.5、修身重德,事业生根。

To repair the body and to take the root of the cause.6、诚实做人,精心做事。

Be honest and do things carefully.7、没有要求,只有追求。

No demand, only the pursuit.8、今天的付出,明天的回报。

Today's pay, tomorrow's return.9、技术是基础,管理是动力。

Technology is the foundation, and management is the motive force.10、创新谋发展,同心赢未来。

Innovation and development, concentric win the future.11、劳动创造财富,安全带来幸福。

Labor creates wealth, and security brings happiness.12、创新引领发展,科技成就收获。

Innovation leads to development, and scientific and technological achievements have been harvested.13、要有好的灌溉,才有好的结果。




Innovation is a breakthrough and success is made.2、每天进一步,踏上成功路。

Go further every day and step on the road to success.3、自检互检,确保品质零缺点。

Self check and check each other to ensure that the quality is zero.4、辛辛苦苦工作,踏踏实实赚钱。

Work hard and make money.5、修身重德,事业生根。

To repair the body and to take the root of the cause.6、诚实做人,精心做事。

Be honest and do things carefully.7、没有要求,只有追求。

No demand, only the pursuit.8、今天的付出,明天的回报。

Today's pay, tomorrow's return.9、技术是基础,管理是动力。

Technology is the foundation, and management is the motive force.10、创新谋发展,同心赢未来。

Innovation and development, concentric win the future.11、劳动创造财富,安全带来幸福。

Labor creates wealth, and security brings happiness.12、创新引领发展,科技成就收获。

Innovation leads to development, and scientific and technological achievements have been harvested.13、要有好的灌溉,才有好的结果。



口号标语之企业文化标语英文版Inspirational Corporate Culture Slogans1. "Unleash your Potential, Together!"2. "Empowering Diversity, Driving Results!"3. "Embrace Change, Embrace Growth!"4. "Building a Legacy through Innovation!"5. "Passion, Creativity, Excellence!"6. "United as One, Achieving Greatness!"7. "A Culture of Collaboration, A Future of Success!"8. "Inclusive, Inspiring, Impactful!"9. "Investing in People, Achieving Excellence!"10. "Striving for Excellence, Uniting for Success!"12. "Unlocking Potential, Creating Impact!"13. "One Team, One Dream!"14. "Pioneering a Path to Success!"15. "Where Ideas Flourish, Success Blossoms!"16. "Inspiring Minds, Transforming Futures!"17. "Innovate, Motivate, Dominate!"18. "Championing Change, Shaping Tomorrow!"19. "Unlocking Possibilities, Illuminating Success!"20. "Strength in Unity, Growth in Diversity!"21. "Empowering Minds, Shaping Destinies!"22. "Unleashing Brilliance, Surpassing Expectations!"23. "Together We Thrive, Together We Succeed!"24. "Dream, Believe, Achieve!"25. "Creating Connections, Nurturing Growth!"26. "Visionaries Unite, Achievers Ignite!"27. "Innovation in Motion, Excellence in Action!"28. "Caring, Connecting, Conquering!"29. "Achieving the Extraordinary, Together!"30. "Fueling Ambition, Driving Success!"31. "Empowering our People, Enabling our Purpose!"32. "Dream Big, Act Bold, Succeed Together!"33. "Inspiration Through Collaboration, Success Through Dedication!"34. "Leading the Way, Making a Difference!"35. "Harnessing Potential, Building Momentum!"36. "Embracing Challenges, Seizing Opportunities!"37. "Inspiring the Next Generation of Leaders!"38. "Empowering a Mindset of Excellence!"39. "Think Big, Act Fast, Achieve More!"40. "Creating a Culture of Success, One Step at a Time!"41. "Dreams to Reality, Passion to Achievement!"42. "Embracing Failures, Learning from Successes!"43. "Driving Innovations, Shaping the Future!"44. "Empowering Innovation, Igniting Success!"45. "Empowering Minds, Amplifying Potential!"46. "Together We Grow, Together We Excel!"47. "Fueling Success through Collaboration!"48. "Beyond Boundaries, Limitless Possibilities!"49. "Inspiring the Extraordinary, Unleashing Success!"50. "Strength in Unity, Triumph through Teamwork!"51. "Connecting Minds, Igniting Ideas!"52. "From Ideas to Impact, Together We Ascend!"53. "Encouraging Growth, Fostering Excellence!"54. "Empowering Leadership, Inspiring Results!"55. "Passion, Precision, Performance!"56. "Cultivating Talent, Pioneering Excellence!"57. "A Spirit of Excellence, A Legacy of Success!"58. "Inspiring Change, Impacting Lives!"59. "Uniting Talents, Achieving Greatness!"60. "Building a Culture of Success, One Dream at a Time!"61. "Dare to Dream, Dare to Succeed!"62. "Innovate, Engage, Excel!"63. "Bridging Minds, Creating Possibilities!"64. "Fostering Innovation, Enabling Breakthroughs!"65. "Inspire, Innovate, Influence!"66. "Unlocking Potential, Building Tomorrow!"67. "Empowering Success, Inspiring Greatness!"68. "Embrace Challenges, Embrace Growth!"69. "Collaborate, Innovate, Lead!"70. "Inspiring the Pursuit of Excellence!"71. "From Ideas to Impact, We Lead the Way!"72. "Creating a Culture of Innovation, Igniting Success!"73. "Empowering Minds, Evolving Futures!"74. "Inspiring Brilliance, Encouraging Empowerment!"75. "Championing Excellence, Empowering Minds!"76. "Pushing Boundaries, Shaping the Future!"77. "Together We Thrive, Together We Soar!"78. "Inspire, Innovate, Propel!"79. "Unleash Your Potential, Inspire Greatness!"80. "Ignite Change, Empower Success!"81. "Dream Big, Achieve Bigger!"82. "Building Success One Team at a Time!"83. "Inclusive and Impactful!"84. "Inspiring the Extraordinary in Every Individual!"85. "Fueled by Ambition, Driven by Results!"86. "Go Beyond Your Limits, Embrace Endless Possibilities!"87. "Uniting Passions, Unleashing Resilience!"88. "Empowering a Culture of Success, One Step at a Time!"89. "Take the Lead, Shape the Future!"90. "Inspiring Excellence, Together We Rise!"91. "Together We Create, Together We Succeed!"92. "Fueling Success with Passion and Determination!"93. "Innovate, Collaborate, Accelerate!"94. "Seize Opportunities, Create Success!"95. "Empowering Change, Harnessing Growth!"96. "Diversity Drives Success, Unity Fuels Greatness!"97. "Unlock Potential, Ignite Achievements!"98. "Breaking Barriers, Unlocking Brilliance!"99. "Inspiring Leadership, Driving Impact!"100. "Empowering Dreams, Inspiring Success!"。




because of self-confidence, so successful.2、把握今天,精彩明天。

grasp today, wonderful tomorrow.3、今天付出,明天收获。

pay today, harvest tomorrow.4、人生志气立,所贵功业昌。

life is full of ambition and great achievements.5、夫妇一条心,泥土变黄金。

couples have one heart, and the earth turns to gold.6、陷阵之志,有死无生。

if you want to be trapped in battle, you will die.7、把握今日,挑战明天。

grasp today and challenge tomorrow.8、失败铺垫出来成功之路。

failure paves the way for success.9、团队的荣誉高于一切。

team honor is above everything else.10、先知三日,富贵十年。

prophet three days, rich ten years.11、成人成才,崇德崇美。

adults grow up and respect virtue and beauty.12、人之所以能,是相信能。

the reason why people can is to believe in it.13、急用户所急,想用户所想。

urgent users are anxious, think what users think.14、两粒种子,一片森林。

two seeds, a forest.15、停顿增员,等于停顿活力。

stopping adding staff is tantamount to stopping vitality.16、日事日毕,日清日高。



创业标语英文创业标语英文经典的英文广告语1. good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。

(麦斯威尔咖啡)2. obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。

(雪碧)3. the new digital era. 数码新时代。

(索尼影碟机)4. we lead. others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。

(理光复印机)5. impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。

(佳能打印机)6. take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)7. the relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。

(凌志轿车)8. poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。

(丰田汽车)9. come to where the flavor is. marlboro country.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。

(万宝路香烟)10.to me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。

(轩尼诗酒)11. just do it. 只管去做。

(耐克运动鞋)12. ask for more. 渴望无限。

(百事流行鞋)13. the taste is great. 味道好极了。

(雀巢咖啡)14. feel the new space. 感受新境界。

(三星电子)15. intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。

(摩托罗拉手机)16. the choice of a new generation.新一代的`选择。

(百事可乐)17. we integrate, you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。



创业英语口号大全1, create sunshine, show youthful elegance.2, innovation to change life, entrepreneurial achievement you and me.3, start a business, change the future.4, water city is wonderful because of innovation, you and I are brilliant because of business.5, open up the road of entrepreneurship, illuminate the wonderful life.6, entrepreneurship is the way to enrich the people, and service is the foundation of the security business.7, entrepreneurship is heavy in action, and dreams ignite passion.8, starting from the action, the dream is ignited in youth.9, hand in hand to create an entrepreneurial platform, heart to heart building a harmonious Shenzhen.10, lift the dream sail, open up the way to start a business.11, lighting the dream of entrepreneurship, the rise of a harmonious city.12, the business day does not bear, the ambition has become.13, the entrepreneurial change the fate, training to improve the ability.14, the whole people start a business year, everyone contends.15, you and me back to business, to serve their homeland people benefit.16, sagacious innovation begins with the heart, and the passion for entrepreneurship is practiced.17, youth entrepreneurship, wings dream.18, youth entrepreneurship, happy you and me.19, boldly dare to risk, fearless can make a lot of money.20, focus on the service and promote the business.21, start a business, we can do it! Business, we go together.22, entrepreneurship development, development to promote harmony.23, home in Wujiang, entrepreneurial limitless.24, the wonderful way of life, the first step to start a business.25, entrepreneurs know more difficult, the rainbow after the storm.26, lighting the entrepreneurial star fire, building a glamour city.27, start a business, start with this idea!28, know how to start a business, to help the business needs, to solve the difficulties.29. The charm of science and technology is unlimited, and there is an excellent engagement.30, entrepreneurship is an opportunity to become rich, and the cadres and the masses are involved.31, to fly the dream of China and create the foundation of life.32, the love of cohesive force, entrepreneurial achievement dream.33, music living in Wujiang, to enjoy the future.34, choose independent business, deduce self - strengthening life.35, green city, the whole people start a business.36, entrepreneurship has a starting point, and business has no end point.37, water city entrepreneurship is wonderful, scientific and technological innovation is unlimited.38, there is a heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou, a business in Wujiang.39, silver cultivated land, harvest jinshijie.40, you and I fly dreams, entrepreneurship harvest hope.41, entrepreneurship does not have to go to the distance, home as cast brilliance.42, advocating independent entrepreneurship, creating a better life.43, the national entrepreneurship stage, home you are more wonderful.44, innovative new land, livable new Zhenjiang.45, create a career, youthful.46, show the youth and create the sun.47, let the dream become a reality, let reality surpass the dream.48, not willing to be ordinary, let the success of the success of life.49, entrepreneurship and prosperity, employment for the people, the construction of a beautiful Wujiang.50, all over the world the heart of hometown, return to work to servetheir homeland.51, respecting private entrepreneurs and praising the entrepreneurs.52, the implementation of the entrepreneurial policy to stimulate entrepreneurial vitality.53, entrepreneurship begins with ideas, and entrepreneurship is the future.54, the entrepreneurial change the fate, mutual help to achieve the dream.55, respect for entrepreneurship, service and entrepreneurship.56, ignite the passion of entrepreneurship and lift the sails of entrepreneurship.57, there is a lot of pleasure on the road of entrepreneurship, and there is a way to get rich.58, create a good environment and promote the whole nation to start a business.59, create an entrepreneurial environment and improve the service level.60, employment is the foundation of the people's livelihood, and entrepreneurship is the way to enrich the people.61, going out to work and returning home to start a business.62, not afraid of entrepreneurship, is afraid of laziness and mediocrity.63, pave the way for business, let the tourists go home.64, advocating independent entrepreneurship, building green water city.65, young people to create the future, you are more wonderful.66, youthful pilotage entrepreneurship, the wisdom to shape the future.67, it is hard to start a business, and more happy.68, the glamour of the city is infinite, and the passion of the venture is about.69, the full range of entrepreneurship, innovation is endless.70, enjoy the business and share the success.71, the tree high thousand feet not forget the root, return home business to report to the villagers.72, the way to start a business, youthful.73, innovative new land, livable environment.74, the rise of the new image, I added entrepreneurship.75, innovation and creation create a brilliant cause, Tongjiang Tonghai through a broad world.76, give you a chance, and I have a surprise.77, stimulate the enthusiasm of service entrepreneurship, enhance the vitality of the whole people.78, to run an enterprise, to make an industry, and to enrich the people.79, carry forward the spirit of entrepreneurship, and highlight theyouth's elegant demeanor.80, start to spell, innovation can win.81, thousands of pioneering roads, innovation to speed up.82, start a business, use the ideal to pry the reality.83, thousands upon thousands of horses and soldiers into the market, thousands of households create big business.84, my hometown, I first serve their homeland.85, the venture loan is less risk, the government discount and guarantee.86, the silent world is not alone, the hard work wins the applause.87, to the entrepreneurial hero, on the activation of innovation.88, innovation is everywhere, business just wait for you.89, business chance is transient, seize the day.90, emancipate the mind, renew the idea, and start the business independently.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。



英语激励创业名言英语激励创业名言如下:1、Dont be so hard on yourself.别这么难为自己。

2、Dont beat yourself up.不要自责。

(其实没有什么的)3、Dude, Look on the bright side.老兄,想想好的方面。

4、Take it easy, man. Its not a big deal.放轻松,老兄。


5、Hi guys, there is no pleasure without pain in the world.伙计,这个世界没有无痛苦的快乐。

6、Keep your chin up. Everything will be all right/OK.挺直腰杆子。


7、Dont get down. Things will work out eventually.别消沉,事情最后总会有办法解决的。

8、Be more optimistic! Its not the end of the world.乐观一点!又不是世界末日。

9、Hang in there!/Stick to it! The victory will go to you in the end.坚持下去,胜利最后会属于你的。

英语激励创业名言精选:1、Truth and roses have thorns about them.真理和玫瑰,身旁都有刺。

2、The brave and the wise can both pity and excuse,when cowards and fools shew no mercy.勇者和智者均有同情谅解之心,而懦夫和愚者则毫无怜悯之。

3、Calamity and prisperity are the touchstones of integrity.不幸与幸运都是正直的试金石。

4、Who judges best of a man,his enemies or himself?谁能最恰当地评价一个人,他的敌人还是他自己?5、All things are difficult before they are easy.万事开头难。




grasp one today, more than two tomorrows.2、今天的栽种,明日的果实。

today's planting, the fruit of the tomorrow.3、锲而不舍,存义精思。

perseverance is the one that is perseverant.4、要成就大事,先做好小事。

to accomplish great things, do small things first.5、往者不可谏,来者犹可追。

it is not to be admonished by the traveller, and the coming is still chasing.6、横绝学海,笑傲苍穹。

the sea of learning, the smile of the sky.7、励志照亮人生,创业改变命运。

inspiration illuminates life, and entrepreneurship changes destiny.8、拼搏改变命运,励志照亮人生。

struggle to change the fate, inspiring life.9、只要你想,就一定能成功。

you will succeed as long as you think.10、言之无文,行而不远。

words are not written, but not far.11、精诚所至,金石为开。

sincere and sincere, gold and stone for the open.12、态度决定一切,细节铸就成功。

attitude determines everything, and details are successful.13、成功决不容易,还要加倍努力。

it's not easy to succeed, but to redouble your efforts.14、志存高远,发奋向上,走向成功。



口号标语之企业英文宣传标语1. "Empowering Businesses for a Brighter Future"2. "Leading the Way in Innovation and Excellence"3. "Transforming Visions into Reality"4. "Your Success is Our Priority"5. "Unleashing Potential, Inspiring Growth"6. "Striving for Excellence Every Step of the Way"7. "Building Bridges, Creating Opportunities"8. "Driving Success Through Innovation"9. "Redefining the Standards of Excellence"10. "Charting a Path to Success Together"11. "Inspiring Confidence, Fuelling Success"12. "Delivering Excellence, Every Time"13. "Your Partner in Prosperity"14. "Unlocking Doors to Success"15. "Innovative Solutions for a Dynamic World"16. "Celebrating Success, Creating Legacy"17. "Serving with Integrity and Trust"18. "Building Strong Foundations for a Promising Future"19. "One Team, One Vision, One Goal"20. "Powering Businesses to New Heights"21. "Where Success Takes Flight"22. "Creating Value, Inspiring Growth"23. "Your Success Story Begins Here"24. "Unleashing Potential, Driving Success"25. "Empowering Businesses, Enriching Lives"26. "Charting New Horizons, Redefining Possibilities"27. "Unlocking Infinite Possibilities for Success"28. "Building Relationships, Connecting Opportunities"29. "Empowering Businesses to Thrive and Succeed"30. "Success Begins with Our Partnership"31. "Transforming Challenges into Opportunities"32. "Fueling Growth, Beyond Boundaries"33. "Collaborating for Success, Together"34. "Inspiring Confidence, Shaping Futures"35. "Igniting Innovation, Igniting Success"36. "Building Bridges, Unlocking Opportunities"37. "Driving Excellence, Transforming Industries"38. "Success by Design, Powered by Passion"40. "Driving Growth through Strategic Partnerships"41. "Innovating for a Better Tomorrow"42. "Unlocking the Potential for Unprecedented Success"43. "Your Trusted Partner for Success"44. "Leading the Charge in Business Transformation"45. "Driving Success Through Creativity and Collaboration"47. "Inspiring Excellence, Fueling Success"48. "Igniting Passion, Igniting Profitability"49. "Your Journey to Success Starts Here"。




Take off, dream round water city.2、相信自己,相信伙伴。

Believe in yourself and believe in a partner.3、创造条件创业,谱写精彩人生。

Create conditions to start a business and write a wonderful life.4、以创业带动就业,以就业创造和谐。

To promote employment by pioneering and create harmony by employment.5、和谐水城,创业舞台。

The harmonious water city, the start stage.6、崛起新社会,创业我添辉。

The rise of a new society, the entrepreneurial I add.7、上海创业大舞台,有你参与更精彩。

Shanghai business stage, you are more exciting.8、弘扬创业精神,彰显青年风采。

Carry forward the spirit of entrepreneurship and highlightthe youths.9、创业大舞台,有我更精彩。

The big stage of entrepreneurship, I am more wonderful.10、点燃创业星火,建设魅力都市。

Ignite the entrepreneurial star fire and build a glamour city.11、魂牵梦绕故乡情,报效桑梓我先行。

I am in the first place.12、心中有梦想,创业正起航。

There is a dream in my heart, and a venture is sailing.13、创业之路,青春有为。




the winner finds the way, and the loser makes excuses.2、静中真境,淡中本然。

quiet in the true situation, light in the original.3、保持环境清洁,做位可爱的人。

keep the environment clean and be a lovely person.4、铸造辉煌,唯有质量。

the casting is brilliant, only quality.5、百尺竿头,更进一步。

to go further.6、质量做得好,错漏自然少。

the quality is good, and the error is less.7、塑企业形象,创优质名牌。

plastic enterprise image, create high quality brand.8、态度决定一切,细节决定成败。

attitude determines everything, and details determine success or failure.9、众人拾柴火焰高,众手划桨开大船。

the crowd picked up the firewood and the fire was high, and the crowd paddled the boat.10、品质有缺陷,寸步难行。

the quality is defective and it is difficult.11、成功看得见,行动是关键。

success can be seen, action is the key.12、春种一粒粟、秋收万颗籽。

spring seed a grain of millet, autumn harvest thousands of seeds.13、持之以恒,精益求精。

perseverance and perfection.14、强化竞争意识,营造团队精神。




Innovation is everywhere, business is just waiting for you.2、创业水城,创新中国,创意未来。

Venture capital city, innovation China, creative future.3、家不勤不富,业不创不兴。

Home is not rich, business does not create.4、睿智创新始于心,**创业践于行。

The wise innovation begins with the heart, and the passion for entrepreneurship is practiced.5、点燃创业梦想,崛起和谐水城。

Ignite the dream of entrepreneurship and rise to a harmonious city.6、宜居宜商新城市,创业创富新天地。

Livable and suitable for business new cities, pioneering and creating a new world.7、青春创业,展翅圆梦。

Youth entrepreneurship, wings and dreams.8、展青春风采,创阳光事业。

Develop youth and create sunshine.9、创业是富民之道,服务是安商之本。

Entrepreneurship is the way of enriching the people, and service is the foundation of the security business.10、青春展风采,创业赢未来。

Youth exhibition, entrepreneurship to win the future.11、绿色城市,全民创业。




Innovation is everywhere, business is just waiting for you.2、创业水城,创新中国,创意未来。

Venture capital city, innovation China, creative future.3、家不勤不富,业不创不兴。

Home is not rich, business does not create.4、睿智创新始于心,**创业践于行。

The wise innovation begins with the heart, and the passion for entrepreneurship is practiced.5、点燃创业梦想,崛起和谐水城。

Ignite the dream of entrepreneurship and rise to a harmonious city.6、宜居宜商新城市,创业创富新天地。

Livable and suitable for business new cities, pioneering and creatinga new world.7、青春创业,展翅圆梦。

Youth entrepreneurship, wings and dreams.8、展青春风采,创阳光事业。

Develop youth and create sunshine.9、创业是富民之道,服务是安商之本。

Entrepreneurship is the way of enriching the people, and service is the foundation of the security business.10、青春展风采,创业赢未来。

Youth exhibition, entrepreneurship to win the future.11、绿色城市,全民创业。




1, create sunshine, show youthful elegance.2, innovation to change life, entrepreneurial achievement you and me.3, start a business, change the future.4, water city is wonderful because of innovation, you and I are brilliant because of business.5, open up the road of entrepreneurship, illuminate the wonderful life.6, entrepreneurship is the way to enrich the people, and service is the foundation of the security business.7, entrepreneurship is heavy in action, and dreams ignite passion.8, starting from the action, the dream is ignited in youth.9, hand in hand to create an entrepreneurial platform, heart to heart building a harmonious Shenzhen.10, lift the dream sail, open up the way to starta business.11, lighting the dream of entrepreneurship, the rise of a harmonious city.12, the business day does not bear, the ambition has become.13, the entrepreneurial change the fate, training to improve the ability.14, the whole people start a business year, everyone contends.15, you and me back to business, to serve their homeland people benefit.16, sagacious innovation begins with the heart, and the passion for entrepreneurship is practiced.17, youth entrepreneurship, wings dream.18, youth entrepreneurship, happy you and me.19, boldly dare to risk, fearless can make a lot of money.20, focus on the service and promote the business.21, start a business, we can do it! Business, we go together.22, entrepreneurship development, development to promote harmony.23, home in Wujiang, entrepreneurial limitless.24, the wonderful way of life, the first step to start a business.25, entrepreneurs know more difficult, the rainbow after the storm.26, lighting the entrepreneurial star fire, building a glamour city.27, start a business, start with this idea!28, know how to start a business, to help the business needs, to solve the difficulties.29. The charm of science and technology is unlimited, and there is an excellent engagement.30, entrepreneurship is an opportunity to become rich, and the cadres and the masses are involved.31, to fly the dream of China and create the foundation of life.32, the love of cohesive force, entrepreneurial achievement dream.33, music living in Wujiang, to enjoy the future.34, choose independent business, deduce self - strengthening life.35, green city, the whole people start a business.36, entrepreneurship has a starting point, and business has no end point.37, water city entrepreneurship is wonderful, scientific and technological innovation is unlimited.38, there is a heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou, a business in Wujiang.39, silver cultivated land, harvest jinshijie.40, you and I fly dreams, entrepreneurship harvest hope.41, entrepreneurship does not have to go to the distance, home as cast brilliance.42, advocating independent entrepreneurship, creating a better life.43, the national entrepreneurship stage, home you are more wonderful.44, innovative new land, livable new Zhenjiang.45, create a career, youthful.46, show the youth and create the sun.47, let the dream become a reality, let reality surpass the dream.48, not willing to be ordinary, let the success of the success of life.49, entrepreneurship and prosperity, employment for the people, the construction of a beautiful Wujiang.50, all over the world the heart of hometown, return to work to serve their homeland.51, respecting private entrepreneurs and praising the entrepreneurs.52, the implementation of the entrepreneurial policy to stimulate entrepreneurial vitality.53, entrepreneurship begins with ideas, and entrepreneurship is the future.54, the entrepreneurial change the fate, mutual help to achieve the dream.55, respect for entrepreneurship, service and entrepreneurship.56, ignite the passion of entrepreneurship and lift the sails of entrepreneurship.57, there is a lot of pleasure on the road of entrepreneurship, and there is a way to get rich.58, create a good environment and promote the whole nation to start a business.59, create an entrepreneurial environment and improve the service level.60, employment is the foundation of the people’s livelihood, and entrepreneurship is the way to enrich the people.61, going out to work and returning home to start a business.62, not afraid of entrepreneurship, is afraid of laziness and mediocrity.63, pave the way for business, let the tourists go home.64, advocating independent entrepreneurship, building green water city.65, young people to create the future, you are more wonderful.66, youthful pilotage entrepreneurship, the wisdom to shape the future.67, it is hard to start a business, and more happy.68, the glamour of the city is infinite, and the passion of the venture is about.69, the full range of entrepreneurship, innovation is endless.70, enjoy the business and share the success.71, the tree high thousand feet not forget the root,return home business to report to the villagers.72, the way to start a business, youthful.73, innovative new land, livable environment.74, the rise of the new image, I added entrepreneurship.75, innovation and creation create a brilliant cause, Tongjiang Tonghai through a broad world.76, give you a chance, and I have a surprise.77, stimulate the enthusiasm of service entrepreneurship, enhance the vitality of the whole people.78, to run an enterprise, to make an industry, and to enrich the people.79, carry forward the spirit of entrepreneurship, and highlight the youth’s elegant demeanor.80, start to spell, innovation can win.81, thousands of pioneering roads, innovation to speed up.82, start a business, use the ideal to pry the reality.83, thousands upon thousands of horses and soldiers into the market, thousands of households create bigbusiness.84, my hometown, I first serve their homeland.85, the venture loan is less risk, the government discount and guarantee.86, the silent world is not alone, the hard work wins the applause.87, to the entrepreneurial hero, on the activation of innovation.88, innovation is everywhere, business just wait for you.89, business chance is transient, seize the day.90, emancipate the mind, renew the idea, and start the business independently.。

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Take off, dream round water city.2、相信自己,相信伙伴。

Believe in yourself and believe in a partner.3、创造条件创业,谱写精彩人生。

Create conditions to start a business and write a wonderful life.4、以创业带动就业,以就业创造和谐。

To promote employment by pioneering and create harmony by employment.5、和谐水城,创业舞台。

The harmonious water city, the start stage.6、崛起新社会,创业我添辉。

The rise of a new society, the entrepreneurial I add.7、上海创业大舞台,有你参与更精彩。

Shanghai business stage, you are more exciting.8、弘扬创业精神,彰显青年风采。

Carry forward the spirit of entrepreneurship and highlightthe youths.9、创业大舞台,有我更精彩。

The big stage of entrepreneurship, I am more wonderful.10、点燃创业星火,建设魅力都市。

Ignite the entrepreneurial star fire and build a glamour city.11、魂牵梦绕故乡情,报效桑梓我先行。

I am in the first place.12、心中有梦想,创业正起航。

There is a dream in my heart, and a venture is sailing.13、创业之路,青春有为。

The road of entrepreneurship, youthful.14、创业要敢拼,创新才能赢。

To start a business, you can win with innovation.15、**创业,理性守业。

Passion to start a business, reason to keep the business.16、创业一起来,有你更精彩。

When you start a business, you are more exciting.17、创业大舞台,有你更精彩。

Business stage, you are more wonderful.18、点燃创业之火,照耀创新之城。

Ignite the fire of entrepreneurship and shine on the city of innovation.19、创业致富是机遇,干部群众都参与。

Entrepreneurship is an opportunity to become rich, and the cadres and the masses are involved.20、让梦想成为现实,让现实超越梦想。

Let the dream become a reality, let reality surpass the dream.21、点燃创业梦想,实现成功希望。

Lighting the dream of starting a business and realizing the hope of success.22、创业,我们能行!创业,我们同行。

We can do business. Business, we go together.23、精彩人生路,创业第一步。

The wonderful way of life, the first step to start a business.24、走出去打工,回家乡创业。

Go out to work and go back to my hometown to start a business.25、点燃创业梦想,奏起和谐赞歌。

Ignite the dream of entrepreneurship and play a harmonious hymn.26、用心创业,放飞梦想。

Start your business with your heart and fly your dream.27、尊重民营企业家,颂扬干事创业者。

Respecting private entrepreneurs and praising the entrepreneurs.28、创阳光事业,展青春风采。

Create sunshine, show youthful elegance.29、水城魅力无限,创业**有约。

Water city charm is unlimited, entrepreneurial passion is about.30、创业是辛苦的,更是快乐的。

It is hard and happy to start a business.31、创业带就业,双赢促和谐。

Entrepreneurship with employment, a win-win promotion of harmony.32、梦从青春起步,业从创新开始。

Dream starts from youth, and the industry begins with innovation.33、梦起巴蜀地,业创新水城。

The dream of Ba Shu land, industry innovation water city.34、喜迎百凤还巢来,投资创业兴家乡。

Welcome hundreds of Phoenix nested to invest in business and home.35、倡导自主创业,建设绿色家园。

Advocating independent entrepreneurship and building agreen home.36、铺就人才回归路,掀起全民创业潮。

Paving the way for the return of talents and setting off the tide of national entrepreneurship.37、创业从行动开始,梦想在青春点燃。

Starting from action, dream is ignited in youth.38、敢当创业生力军,勇争市场弄潮儿。

Dare to be a entrepreneurial force and fight for the market.39、选择自主创业,演绎财富人生。

Choose independent business, deduce wealth life.40、围绕创业抓服务,抓好服务促创业。

Pay attention to the service and promote the business.41、扬起梦想之帆,开拓创业之路。

To lift the sail of dreams and to develop the way to start a business.42、永不言退,我们是最好的团队。

Never go back, we are the best team.43、创无限可能,赢财富人生。

Create infinite possibilities, win the wealth of life.44、以创业论英雄,靠创新激活力。

On the basis of entrepreneurship, innovation is active.45、创业全方位,创新无止境。

There is no end to the full range of entrepreneurship and innovation.46、在外漂泊身心累,返乡创业更实惠。

Drifting in the outside, returning home to start a business is more affordable.47、全民创业年,人人都争先。

In the year of the whole nation, everyone is in the first place.48、落实创业政策,激发创业活力。

The implementation of the entrepreneurial policy to stimulate entrepreneurial vitality.49、点燃创业**,成就人生梦想。

To ignite the passion of business, to achieve the dream of life.50、科技魅力无限,创业精彩有约。

The glamour of science and technology is limitless.51、你我放飞梦想,创业收获希望。

You and I fly the dream, the start of the harvest hope.52、不怕创业无成,就怕懒惰平庸。

Not afraid of entrepreneurship, afraid of laziness and mediocrity.53、创新改变生活,创业成就你我。

Innovation changes life, and entrepreneurship makes you and me.54、创业与时代同行,创新携梦想齐飞。

Business with the times, innovation and dream to fly.55、回归凝聚力量,创业成就梦想。

Return to the strength of cohesion, entrepreneurial achievement dream.56、上有天堂,下有苏杭,创业在吴江。

There is heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou, and the business is in Wujiang.57、创新魅力无限,创业**有约。

Creative charm is unlimited, entrepreneurial passion is about.58、我的事业我做主,我的创业我奋斗。

My career as a master, my business I struggle.59、创业重在行动,梦想点燃**。
