



ABS工作原理和工作过程图1. ABS工作原理ABS即为Anti-lock Braking System,反锁死制动系统。






2. ABS工作过程图下面是ABS工作过程的简化示意图:+--------------+ +-----------+ +----------------+| 车轮速度传感器+---+ 控制单元 +---+ 制动执行器 |+--------------+ +-----------+ +----------------+| | || | || +--------+--------+ || | 刹车踏板信号传感器+--------+| +------------------+| |+--------------------------+在这个示意图中,左侧是车轮速度传感器,用于监测车轮的速度信息,传输给中央控制单元。






Road Identification for Anti-Lock Brake SystemsEquipped with Only Wheel Speed SensorsAbstrac t :Anti-lock brake systems (ABS) are now widely used on motor vehicles .To reduce cost and to use currently available technologies ,standard ABS uses only wheel speed sensors to detect wheel angular velocities ,which is not enough to directly obtain wheel slip rations needed by the control unit ,but can be used to calculate reference slip ratios with measured wheel angular velocities and the estimated vehicle speed .Therefore ,the road friction coefficient, which determines the vehicle deceleration during severe braking , is an important parameter in estimating vehicle speed .This paper analyzes wheel acceleration responses in simulations of severe braking on different road surfaces and selects a pair of specific points to identify the wheel acceleration curve for each operating condition ,such as road surface , pedal-braking torque and wheel vertical load .It was found that the curve using the selected points for each road surface clearly differs from that of the other road surface. Therefore, different road surfaces can be distinguished with these selected points which represent their corresponding road surfaces. The analysis assumes that only wheel speed sensors are available as hardware and that the road cohesion condition can be determined in the initial part of the severe braking process.Key words: anti-lock brake systems (ABS); road identification; wheel angular acceleration; tire characteristicsIntroductionFor anti-lock brake systems(ABS),the road cohesion condition is one of the most important factors .Standard ABS can identify road cohesion conditions while braking and decide whether the road friction is high (asphalt) or low (snow , ice),so that the control unit activates the corresponding control logic . Only wheel speed sensors are available in standard ABS to identify the road conditions, with no other sensors needed. Road identification research is currently a popular topic in automotive control, but researchers usually assume extra equipment is available for measuring vehicle motion and other state parameters besides wheel speed sensors, to continuously monitor the road condition. But standard ABS only needs to identify road conditions during the initial braking period, and then obtain road information to ensure necessary operations of the control unit. Obviously, the standard ABS demands less strict identification, therefore less hardware and cost. However, the method to identify the conditions is not obvious. This paper investigates the road identification method for the standard ABS configuration.The analysis is based on the wheel angular acceleration, which is acquired from the measured wheel angular speed. Since tire-road friction characteristics differ on different road surfaces, the wheel responses while braking on different surfaces are also different, so the wheel responses must contain road cohesion information. Therefore, we simulated braking situations and then chose two typical values on the wheel acceleration curve as criteria to distinguish between different road surfaces. Influence of uncertainties in the measurements is also discussed.1 ModelingA one quarter vehicle model (Fig.1) is used with the Dugoff tire model. The peak values of the tire slip-friction curve (i.e., cohesion coefficient) are different for different road surfaces, such as dry asphalt 0.8-0.9, wet asphalt 0.5-0.7, snow about 0.2 and ice about 0.1.Furthermore, when theslip ratio increases above zero, the friction coefficient increases at a different rate. This is especially true for the increase of the friction coefficients on snow or ice which are much lower than on asphalt. This feature is important since the control unit makes decisions about road conditions before the friction coefficient reaches a maximum .Once the friction coefficient is close to the maximum, the control unit starts to regulate the braking pressure. Generally, the friction coefficient rate of increase with the increasing slip ratio on asphalt is at least double that on snow or ice. To reflect this difference, the initial slope of the characteristic curve on asphalt was assumed to be twice that of snow. If the difference is even greater, the results using the assumption will be even more effective.Fig.1 one quarter vehicle modelA first-order braking model is given by:dTp/dt=(Tp-Tb)/ て(1)where Tp is the pedal-braking torque, Tb is the actual braking torque, and てis the brake constant.2 Results and DiscussionFull load for the quarter-vehicle model is 400 kg. The maximum pedal-braking torque is 1000Nm, which is theoretically enough to produce a vehicle deceleration of 1g. On snow (0.2), the maximum ground-braking torque is 200Nm so if the pedal-braking torque is over 200Nm, the wheel will lock. On wet asphalt (0.5), the maximum ground-braking torque is 500Nm so the wheel will lock at a pedal-braking torque higher than 500Nm.Wheel acceleration curves are shown in Fig.2 for braking on wet asphalt (0.5) and snow (0.2) using different pedal-braking torques. In each case, the pedal-braking torque is high enough to lock the wheel. On either road surface, increasing the pedal-braking torque cause the wheel to decelerate more rapidly and the slip ratio to increase. On snow, when the pedal-braking torque is very, the wheel decelerate much more rapidly than on asphalt, so the system can easily judge when the road is covered with snow. However, when the pedal-braking torque is not very high but enough to cause lockup, the wheel deceleration process may resemble that on asphalt, the control unit may not be able to decide which type of road surface has been encountered. This case needs further analysis.---------- Snow Wet asphaltFig.2 Wheel acceleration for different pedal braking torques on wet asphalt and snowEach acceleration curve in Fig.2 can be described with two points on the curve. One is the acceleration at the time 0.05s, and the other is the time when the acceleration reaches – 50 rad/s2. (Braking starts at time 0.) We refer to these as the acceleration-time criteria and the curve defined by these points is referred to as the acceleration-time curve. Acceleration-time curves for asphalt (0.9, 0.7, and 0.5) and snow (0.2) are drawn in Fig.3 for maximum ground-braking torques of 900, 700, 500, and 200 Nm. None of the curves intersect which means the acceleration –time criteria corresponds to a particular road surface or maximum ground braking torque.The previous analysis assumed a fully-loaded vehicle. If the wheel vertical load changes, the wheel will behave differently which will result in different acceleration-time curves. Three acceleration-time curves for a half-loaded wheel on asphalt (0.9 and 0.5) and snow (0.5) are shown in Fig.4 with the full-load curves. Their maximum ground braking torque are 450, 250, and 100 Nm. Assuming that the acceleration-time curve for a wheel wi th a partial load between “full” and “half”on asphalt (0.9) will be located between the curves for braking torque of 900 Nm and 450Nm, then a partial load curve would be similar to the curve for braking torque of 700Nm and 500Nm. Therefore, the acceleration-time criteria do not correspond to the road surface, but to the maximum ground braking torque. It is physically reasonable that the wheel response depends on the difference between the pedal-braking torque and the road friction potential (ground-braking Torque), In cases where the wheel load does not vary greatly, such as in passenger cars, the full load of a car may not be double the load of empty car, then the acceleration-time curves for asphalt and snow will always be separated for any operating conditions. In such cases, asphalt and snow can be distinguished by the acceleration-time criterion.3 ConclusionsThis paper analyzes the relationships between the wheel load. The proposed wheel acceleration-time criteria, which can be measured by a control unit with wheel speed sensors, can reflect the road friction potential resulting from the road surface and wheel load. For passenger cars, the criteria can even determine the road conditions, whether the wheel is in contact with asphalt or snow.。





关键词:汽车;防抱制动系统;轮速信号;Hampel识别器中图分类号:U467.1+1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7988(2020)24-108-03Identification and Treatment of Abnormal Values of Wheel Speed Signalsfor Automobile Anti-lock BrakingYang Gang1,2, Shang Zhicheng1,2, Zhong Xin1,2( 1.National Bus Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Chongqing Vehicle Test& Research Institute Co., Ltd., Chongqing 401122; 2.Electric Vehicle Safety Evaluation Chongqing Key Laboratory of Industryand Information Technology, Chongqing 401122 )Abstract: A method for identifying and processing the abnormal value of the wheel speed signal of the automobile ABS test is proposed, and the abnormal data in the wheel speed signal is eliminated. The abnormal points are identified and removed based on Hampel identifier. The least square method is used to interpolate the culling points, and the interference in the wheel speed signal are effectively removed. Finally, the experiment verifies that the method can effectively remove the abnormal value of the wheel speed signal.Keywords: Automobile; Anti-lock brake system; Wheel speed signal; Hampel identifierCLC NO.: U467.1+1 Document Code: A Article ID: 1671-7988(2020)24-108-03引言车辆防抱制动性能是汽车安全的重要组成部分,当前众多主动安全系统也是以车辆防抱制动性能为基础,车辆防抱制动性能也是国内汽车法规中强制性检测内容。



abs的工作原理ABS是防抱死制动系统(Anti-lock Braking System)的缩写,它是一种车辆安全系统,旨在防止车辆在紧急制动时发生轮胎抱死的现象。


工作原理:1. 传感器检测:ABS系统通过车轮速度传感器检测车轮的转速,通常每个车轮都有一个传感器。


2. 制动踏板输入:当驾驶员踩下制动踏板时,制动液压系统会被激活,将制动力传递到车轮。

3. ECU控制:ECU接收到传感器发送的车轮转速信息后,会实时计算车轮的转速差异。


4. 防抱死控制:当ECU检测到某个车轮即将抱死时,它会向液压控制装置发送指令,减少或释放该车轮的制动力。


5. 轮胎抱死解除:当ECU检测到车轮转速恢复正常时,它会重新施加制动力,以确保车辆能够安全停下。

6. 反复控制:ABS系统会不断地监测车轮转速,并根据需要进行制动力的调整,以保持车轮的旋转并避免抱死。

优点:1. 提高制动效果:ABS系统可以在紧急制动时避免车轮抱死,保持车轮旋转,从而提供更好的制动效果。


2. 提高操控性和稳定性:通过精确控制车轮的制动力,ABS系统可以防止车辆在制动时失去方向稳定性。


3. 提高驾驶舒适性:ABS系统可以避免车轮的抖动和噪音,提供更平稳的制动感受。


4. 适应不同路面:ABS系统可以根据不同路面的情况,调整车轮的制动力分配。


5. 自动监测和修复:ABS系统可以自动监测传感器和其他组件的工作状态,并在发现故障时提供警告。


附加信号 发动机管理 变速箱管理
回油泵继电器J105 回油泵V39
电磁阀继电器J106 进油阀 N99,N101,N133,N134 出油阀 N100,N102,N135,N136
动态控制阀1 N225 动态控制阀2 N226 动态控制高压阀2 N228 动态控制高压阀1 N227
ABS 概要
1) 确保方向安全性(Stability) 2) 确保方向操纵性(Steerability) 3) 缩短制动距离(Stopping Distance) 4) 减少轮胎的局部过度磨损 ,提高轮胎的使用寿命 5) 减少刹车消耗,延长刹车轮鼓、碟片的使用寿命
ABS防抱死系统并非万能,在轮胎与路面附着力较差的情况下(如冰 面)或特殊路况下,ABS的作用并不明显。
控制阀N225(a) 高压阀N227(b) 入口阀(c) 出口阀(d)
制动分泵(e) 回油泵(f) 动态液压泵(g) 制动助力器(h)
ESP进行控制调整,动态液压泵(g)开始从制动液储液罐中向 制动管路输送制动液。在制动分泵和回油泵内很快建立制动 压力,回油泵开始输送制动液使制动压力进一步提高。
2. 霍尔式轮速传感器
霍尔式轮速传感器也是由传感头和齿圈组成。传感头由永磁体、霍尔元 件和电子电路组成。永磁体的磁力线通过霍尔元件同乡齿圈,齿圈相当于 一个集磁器。
当齿圈位于(a)所示位置时,穿过霍尔元件的磁力线分散,磁场相对 较弱;而当齿圈位于(b)所示位置时,穿过霍尔元件的磁力线集中,磁场 相对较强。齿圈转动时,使得穿过霍尔元件的磁力线密度发生变化,因而 引起霍尔电压的变化,霍尔元件将输出一个毫伏(mV)级的准正弦波电压,



汽车防抱死系统的原理与故障诊断汽车防抱死系统(Anti-lock Braking System,简称ABS)是一种重要的汽车安全装置,旨在防止车轮在紧急制动时抱死,提高制动系统的稳定性和制动效果。
















2. 扫描工具:故障发生时,可以使用扫描工具连接与ABS系统相连的OBD(On-board Diagnostics)接口,获取故障码。







abs的工作原理ABS(Anti-lock Braking System,防抱死制动系统)是一种车辆制动辅助系统,它的主要功能是在紧急制动时防止车轮抱死,提高车辆的操控性和制动效果。





二、工作过程1. 初始状态:当车辆处于正常行驶状态时,ABS系统处于待命状态,不会对制动系统进行干预。

2. 制动开始:当驾驶员踩下制动踏板时,传感器会实时监测车轮的转速。



3. 制动干预:如果控制模块判断需要干预,它会通过液压单元控制制动执行器对该车轮进行制动力的调节。


4. 制动释放:当控制模块判断该车轮的转速恢复正常时,它会通过液压单元逐渐恢复制动力,使车轮重新获得牵引力。

5. 循环反复:ABS系统会不断地监测车轮的转速和滑动情况,并根据需要进行干预,以保持车轮的转动和车辆的稳定。

三、优势和效果1. 提高制动效果:ABS系统可以根据车轮的转速和滑动情况实时调节制动力,避免车轮抱死,提高制动效果,缩短制动距离。

2. 提高操控性:ABS系统可以保持车轮的转动,避免车辆在制动时失去操控性,提高驾驶员对车辆的控制能力。

3. 避免侧滑和失控:ABS系统可以根据车轮的滑动情况调节制动力,避免车辆因为车轮抱死而产生侧滑和失控的情况,提高行驶的安全性和稳定性。

4. 适应不同路面:ABS系统可以根据不同路面的情况调节制动力,使制动力更加适应路面的摩擦系数变化,提高制动的稳定性和可靠性。



ABS工作原理及过程1. ABS简介ABS(Anti-lock Braking System)是一种车辆制动系统,用于防止车辆在制动时发生轮胎锁死,从而提高车辆的稳定性和制动效果。

2. ABS工作原理ABS通过传感器监测车轮速度,当车轮即将锁死时,ABS系统会自动调节制动压力,让车轮保持旋转。

具体工作流程如下:•传感器检测车轮速度: ABS系统配备在每个车轮上的传感器,实时监测车轮的转速。


•制动力调节: ABS系统会快速地调节液压制动系统的压力,对车轮进行反复制动和释放,让车轮保持旋转。


3. ABS工作过程ABS系统在车辆制动时的具体过程如下:1.车辆制动:当驾驶员踩下刹车踏板时,传感器开始监测车轮速度。

2.锁死检测: ABS系统不断监测车轮速度变化,如果检测到车轮即将锁死,系统立即介入。

3.制动力调节: ABS系统通过控制液压制动系统,对车轮进行快速的制动和释放。

4.持续监测: ABS系统持续监测车轮速度,并不断调节制动力,直至车轮不再锁死。


4. ABS的优势ABS具有以下优势:•提高制动效果:ABS系统可以确保车辆在制动时保持操控性,避免轮胎锁死,提高制动效果。







0 引言
防抱死制动系统 ( A BS )能够在紧急制动 时防
献 [ 4 】利用 MF轮胎模型, 分析 典型路面上滑移 率
与 附着 系数 之 间的关 系 。根 据车 轮制 动动 力学模
型 ,结合轮 速等 汽车 动力 学参数 估计 路面 附着 系
止 车轮抱死 , 保证 了汽车 的制动方 向稳定性 。在不 同附着系数 的路面上制动 时,A BS 的控制参数和 控制 逻辑一般要作相应 调整 , 以便改善 防抱死控 制
速 度进 行判 断 ,可 以有 效地 区分 出高 、低 附着 路 面。 所提 出的路面附着识别算法具有判 断准确 、计
基金项 目:国家 自然科学基金 资助项 目 ( 5 1 1 7 5 0 1 5 )
作者简介: + 丁能根 ( 1 9 6 5 一 ) , 男, 安徽芜湖人, 博士, 副教授 , 主要研究方 向为汽车动力学及其控制 , E m a i l : d i n g n g @b u a a . e d u . c n 。
和轮速回升阶段的最大车轮角加速度, 提 出了一种基于这 两个特征参数 的路面附着识 别算法。通过实车 A B S道 路试验,获得不 同路面附着条件下这两个特征参数在坐标平 面内的分布,并根据特征参数点在该平面 内的分布 规律确定能够 区分高、低 附着路面的分界线 。为防止误判,根据 由参考车速确定 的制动减速度对识别得到的路

为 轮 胎 静 力 半 径 ; 荔 为 制 动 器 制 动 力 矩 ; v 为 鬈 车 速 ; 一 因 此 。
第 3 7卷 第 2 期
2 0 1 3年 3月
燕 山大 学学 报
J o u r n a l o f Ya n s h a n Un i v e r s i t y



基于汽车制动试验的道路研究方红燕(中国汽车技术研究中心天津 300162)摘要:汽车的制动性能直接影响着行车安全。








2.国内外汽车制动试验法规2.1国内现行的汽车制动试验标准有:GB 7258—2004《机动车运行安全技术条件》GB/T13594—2003《机动车和挂车防抱制动系统性能和试验方法》GB12676—1999《汽车制动系统结构、性能和试验方法》通常,按照我国国标的要求对装备ABS系统的整车进行道路试验。






Road Identification for Anti-Lock Brake SystemsEquipped with Only Wheel Speed SensorsAbstrac t :Anti-lock brake systems (ABS) are now widely used on motor vehicles .To reduce cost and to use currently available technologies ,standard ABS uses only wheel speed sensors to detect wheel angular velocities ,which is not enough to directly obtain wheel slip rations needed by the control unit ,but can be used to calculate reference slip ratios with measured wheel angular velocities and the estimated vehicle speed .Therefore ,the road friction coefficient, which determines the vehicle deceleration during severe braking , is an important parameter in estimating vehicle speed .This paper analyzes wheel acceleration responses in simulations of severe braking on different road surfaces and selects a pair of specific points to identify the wheel acceleration curve for each operating condition ,such as road surface , pedal-braking torque and wheel vertical load .It was found that the curve using the selected points for each road surface clearly differs from that of the other road surface. Therefore, different road surfaces can be distinguished with these selected points which represent their corresponding road surfaces. The analysis assumes that only wheel speed sensors are available as hardware and that the road cohesion condition can be determined in the initial part of the severe braking process.Key words: anti-lock brake systems (ABS); road identification; wheel angular acceleration; tire characteristicsIntroductionFor anti-lock brake systems(ABS),the road cohesion condition is one of the most important factors .Standard ABS can identify road cohesion conditions while braking and decide whether the road friction is high (asphalt) or low (snow , ice),so that the control unit activates the corresponding control logic . Only wheel speed sensors are available in standard ABS to identify the road conditions, with no other sensors needed. Road identification research is currently a popular topic in automotive control, but researchers usually assume extra equipment is available for measuring vehicle motion and other state parameters besides wheel speed sensors, to continuously monitor the road condition. But standard ABS only needs to identify road conditions during the initial braking period, and then obtain road information to ensure necessary operations of the control unit. Obviously, the standard ABS demands less strict identification, therefore less hardware and cost. However, the method to identify the conditions is not obvious. This paper investigates the road identification method for the standard ABS configuration.The analysis is based on the wheel angular acceleration, which is acquired from the measured wheel angular speed. Since tire-road friction characteristics differ on different road surfaces, the wheel responses while braking on different surfaces are also different, so the wheel responses must contain road cohesion information. Therefore, we simulated braking situations and then chose two typical values on the wheel acceleration curve as criteria to distinguish between different road surfaces. Influence of uncertainties in the measurements is also discussed.1 ModelingA one quarter vehicle model (Fig.1) is used with the Dugoff tire model. The peak values of the tire slip-friction curve (i.e., cohesion coefficient) are different for different road surfaces, such as dry asphalt 0.8-0.9, wet asphalt 0.5-0.7, snow about 0.2 and ice about 0.1.Furthermore, when theslip ratio increases above zero, the friction coefficient increases at a different rate. This is especially true for the increase of the friction coefficients on snow or ice which are much lower than on asphalt. This feature is important since the control unit makes decisions about road conditions before the friction coefficient reaches a maximum .Once the friction coefficient is close to the maximum, the control unit starts to regulate the braking pressure. Generally, the friction coefficient rate of increase with the increasing slip ratio on asphalt is at least double that on snow or ice. To reflect this difference, the initial slope of the characteristic curve on asphalt was assumed to be twice that of snow. If the difference is even greater, the results using the assumption will be even more effective.Fig.1 one quarter vehicle modelA first-order braking model is given by:dTp/dt=(Tp-Tb)/ て(1)where Tp is the pedal-braking torque, Tb is the actual braking torque, and てis the brake constant.2 Results and DiscussionFull load for the quarter-vehicle model is 400 kg. The maximum pedal-braking torque is 1000Nm, which is theoretically enough to produce a vehicle deceleration of 1g. On snow (0.2), the maximum ground-braking torque is 200Nm so if the pedal-braking torque is over 200Nm, the wheel will lock. On wet asphalt (0.5), the maximum ground-braking torque is 500Nm so the wheel will lock at a pedal-braking torque higher than 500Nm.Wheel acceleration curves are shown in Fig.2 for braking on wet asphalt (0.5) and snow (0.2) using different pedal-braking torques. In each case, the pedal-braking torque is high enough to lock the wheel. On either road surface, increasing the pedal-braking torque cause the wheel to decelerate more rapidly and the slip ratio to increase. On snow, when the pedal-braking torque is very, the wheel decelerate much more rapidly than on asphalt, so the system can easily judge when the road is covered with snow. However, when the pedal-braking torque is not very high but enough to cause lockup, the wheel deceleration process may resemble that on asphalt, the control unit may not be able to decide which type of road surface has been encountered. This case needs further analysis.---------- Snow Wet asphaltFig.2 Wheel acceleration for different pedal braking torques on wet asphalt and snowEach acceleration curve in Fig.2 can be described with two points on the curve. One is the acceleration at the time 0.05s, and the other is the time when the acceleration reaches – 50 rad/s2. (Braking starts at time 0.) We refer to these as the acceleration-time criteria and the curve defined by these points is referred to as the acceleration-time curve. Acceleration-time curves for asphalt (0.9, 0.7, and 0.5) and snow (0.2) are drawn in Fig.3 for maximum ground-braking torques of 900, 700, 500, and 200 Nm. None of the curves intersect which means the acceleration –time criteria corresponds to a particular road surface or maximum ground braking torque.The previous analysis assumed a fully-loaded vehicle. If the wheel vertical load changes, the wheel will behave differently which will result in different acceleration-time curves. Three acceleration-time curves for a half-loaded wheel on asphalt (0.9 and 0.5) and snow (0.5) are shown in Fig.4 with the full-load curves. Their maximum ground braking torque are 450, 250, and 100 Nm. Assuming that the acceleration-time curve for a wheel wi th a partial load between “full” and “half”on asphalt (0.9) will be located between the curves for braking torque of 900 Nm and 450Nm, then a partial load curve would be similar to the curve for braking torque of 700Nm and 500Nm. Therefore, the acceleration-time criteria do not correspond to the road surface, but to the maximum ground braking torque. It is physically reasonable that the wheel response depends on the difference between the pedal-braking torque and the road friction potential (ground-braking Torque), In cases where the wheel load does not vary greatly, such as in passenger cars, the full load of a car may not be double the load of empty car, then the acceleration-time curves for asphalt and snow will always be separated for any operating conditions. In such cases, asphalt and snow can be distinguished by the acceleration-time criterion.3 ConclusionsThis paper analyzes the relationships between the wheel load. The proposed wheel acceleration-time criteria, which can be measured by a control unit with wheel speed sensors, can reflect the road friction potential resulting from the road surface and wheel load. For passenger cars, the criteria can even determine the road conditions, whether the wheel is in contact with asphalt or snow.。



分体式轮速传感器 传感器和齿圈为单独两个零件。 齿圈通常固定在轴上。 整体式传感器 传感器和齿圈集成在车轮轴承内部。 通常不能维修。 传感器线束 为减少来自例如收音机和火花塞线束灯元件的电磁干扰,使用双 绞线。 在车体与传感器之间的线束很柔软,避免悬架运动造成的断裂。
Anti-lock Brake System presentation
在传统的制动系统里,常采用制动力调节装置(如比例阀等) 用来改善制动力在各个车轴间的分配,但无法避免车轮被抱死导 致纯滑动运动,而车轮一旦发生纯滑动,则直接会导致丧失转向
液压控制单元,主要任务是转换执行ABS ECU 的指令,实施调节各
临界值应该设置得较大些,即应该保证车轮有一定的加速时间和较短暂的 减速时间(相对于高附着路面)。体现在车速和分泵压力控制方面,就是
Hale Waihona Puke 400 2060滑移率‫(גּ‬%)
滑移率:用车轮轮心线速度与车辆实际速度的差,除以 车轮轮心线速度,得到一个比值,即滑移率。 纵向附着系数:表征轮胎在车辆前进方向附着能力/驱动 力提供能力的一个值,越大则表示路面提供驱动摩擦的 能力越强,可近似认为轴载荷与该值的乘积为路面所能 提供的最大附着力。 侧向附着系数:表征轮胎满足转向性能的一个参数,感 性地讲,该值越大,则地面—轮胎提供转向力的能力就 越强。



制动防抱死系统(Anti-lock Braking System,简称ABS)是一种车辆安全系统,用于防止制动时车轮抱死,提供更好的制动效果和车辆操控性。

1. 传感器检测车轮速度:ABS系统通过车轮速度传感器,实时检测每个车轮的转速。


2. 控制单元对车轮速度进行比较:制动防抱死系统的控制单元会比较每个车轮的实际转速和期望转速。


3. 判断车轮抱死风险:控制单元会分析实际转速和期望转速的差异,并基于该差异来推断车轮是否有抱死的风险。


4. 控制制动压力:ABS系统通过控制制动系统的压力来防止车轮抱死。



5. 快速脉冲制动:为了进一步增加车轮牵引力,ABS系统还可以采用快速脉冲制动。






abs的工作原理ABS是防抱死制动系统(Anti-lock Braking System)的简称,它是一种通过电子控制技术来防止车辆在紧急制动时轮胎抱死的系统。





ABS系统的工作原理如下:1. 当车辆进行紧急制动时,传感器会不断检测车轮的转速。


2. 控制单元会根据传感器的反馈信号,判断哪个车轮即将抱死,并向液压单元发送指令。

3. 液压单元接收到控制单元的指令后,会调整制动压力。


4. 当车轮恢复正常转速后,液压单元会逐渐增加制动压力,以保持车辆的制动效果。




此外,ABS系统还可以与其他安全系统,如牵引力控制系统(Traction Control System)和电子稳定控制系统(Electronic Stability Control)等进行联动,进一步提高车辆的安全性和稳定性。





















V w=r ro×ωw车轮的角速度车轮滚动半径车速(2)印迹变粗,逐渐模糊------车轮边滚边滑。

V w>r ro×ωw(3)印迹为拖痕------车轮抱死拖滑。


- 1 -S=[(V w-r ro×ωw)/V w]×100%=[(车速-车轮线速度)/车速]×100%当V w=r ro×ωw时,S=0 车轮纯滚动当V w>r ro×ωw时,0<S<1 车轮边滚边滑当ωw=0时,S=1 车轮纯滑动从图中可看出S=15-25%时,可获得较大的纵向和横向附着系数。






- 2 -二、ABS的工作原理及作用1、ABS的含义ABS是英文A nti-Lock B raking S ystem的缩写,其含义是制动防抱死装置(系统)。



明 , 用以上 方法可 以在 A S的控 制过 程 中较 准确 的对路 面进 行识 别. 利 B 关键 词 :机动 车辆 ;A S 路 面识别 ;道路 测试 B;

中图分类号 : 4 3 U 6
文献标 识码 : 文章 编号 :0 7— 5 X(0 0 0 0 5 0 A 10 8 5 2 1 ) 6— 0 6— 5
摘 要 :对 A S控制 中路 面识别 的重要性 和路 面识 别的 方 法进行 了介 绍 , B 对单 个 车轮 在 制动 过程
中的 受力情 况进 行 了分析 , 由此提 出 了基 于估计 车 身减速度 的路 面识 别方 法 , 出在 路 面识 别过 指
程 中将 制动力 系数 的变化 率略 大于零的 时刻作 为保压 时刻. 行 了大量 的 实车试验 , 进 试验 结果表
b a e fr e c e ce tc a g ae sih l r ae h n 0.Te t h we h tt e r a o di o a e e a ty i r k oc o f in h n e r t lg ty g e trt a i ss s o d t a h o d c n t n c n b x cl - i
de t e u i g ABS c n r lp o e sn t hs me h d. n i d d rn i f o to r c s i g wih t i to Ke r y wo ds:moo e il ABS;r a o d t n ie t c to t rv h ce; o d c n i o d n i ain;r a e t i i f o d ts
Absr c :Th m p ra c n t o so o d c n to d n i c to u i g ABS c n rlp o e sn r n r — ta t e i o tn e a d meh d fra o di n ie tf ai n d rn i i o to r c s ig we e i to d c d. Th t o fABS r a o d to d n i c to a e n b d e ee ai n wa u o wa d a c r i g t ue e me h d o o d c n iin ie tf ain b s d o o y d c l rto sp tf r r c o d n o i sn l e lf r e a ay i urn r k n . I — v hc e tss we e d n ig e wh e o c n lss d i g b a i g n e il e t r o e, t e b a i g pr su e wa e t wh n h rkn e sr sk p e
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1 问题的提出
汽车防抱制动系统( Anti-lock Braking System, 简称 ABS)是根据不同滑移率下所对应的轮胎 - 地 面的附着特性来调节制动力的汽车制动系统,其核
收稿日期:2005-03-17 *基金项目:广州科技资助项目(2002C1390141)
作者简介:李 熙 亚( 1967 -),女,副 教 授,主 要 从 事 汽 车 制 动性能研究. E-mail:sea-r@ tom. com
第4 期
李熙亚 等:汽车 ABS 制动过程的道路识别
图 1 附着系数 - 滑移率曲线 Fig. 1 The curve of adhesion coefficient versus slip rate
由上述分析,ABS 的主要控制参数为滑移率,而 不同路面 φ-S 曲线不同,控制门限值也应不同. 因 此,要优化 ABS 控制首先必须判明控制的车轮于路 面摩擦副附着系数 φ 及相应的滑移率 S,即进行道 路识别.
. v = v0 -
t dvdt 0 dt
v - ωiR v
2. 3 道路附着系数的确定
2 制动过程道路识别
2. 1 车轮制动的地面制动力
以四轮可进行独立调节的 ABS 系统为例,如图
2 所示单轮模型,一般紧急制动时滚动阻力只有地
N1 + N2 = mg
’ Fbi
1 2
N(1 φ1
+ φ2)+
1 2
N(2 φ3
+ φ4)=
dv dt
N1 L
dv dt
将方程 联 立 求 解 可 得 各 轮 的 附 着 系 数:φ1,2 、
华 南 理 工 大 学 学 报( 自 然 科 学 版)
第 34 卷
接测量结果. 两者结果基本吻合. 图 5 试验结果显示 高附着路面一侧滑移率保持在 10% ~ 20% 之间,低 附着路面一侧在 25% ~ 40% 之间. 由图 6 可知,附 着系数的平均值在高附着路面一侧为 0. 675,低附 着路面为0. 305[10]. 这与图1 附着系数 - 滑移率曲
第4 期
心是在汽车紧急制动时充分利用地面附着系数而获 得较高的地面制动力,缩短汽车的制动距离,并保持 汽车制动时有较好的方向操纵性.
汽车制动时的附着系数 φ 与制动时滑移率 S 有很密切的关系,道路附着系数与制动时车轮滑移 率关系曲线如图 1 所示[3]. 当滑移率小于峰值附着 系数对应滑移率时,此时加大制动力矩,增大滑移率 可使附着系数增大;反之,当滑移率大于峰值附着系 数对应滑移率时,减小制动力矩,降低滑移率,可增 加附着系数. 当滑移率大于峰值区后,随着滑移率增 大,附着系数较快减小,车轮减速度增大. 即使车轮 制动力矩不变,由于附着系数进一步减小,也将导致 车轮较快抱死. 因此滑移率范围应控制在附着系数 峰值附近对应的滑移率区间. 低门限点应处于附着 系数峰值点左侧,高门限点应较靠近峰值右侧点. 以 充分利用附着系数,并防止车轮进入不稳定的制动 状态[4].
图 4( a)~( c)为试验得出的 GZ6950 气制动客 车左前轮缸不同储气缸压力下的升压和降压的等效 压力函数. 将所得函数代入(2)式进行计算求出地 面制动力.
图 4 等效压力函数曲线 Fig. 4 Decrement disposal equal curve of pressure
4 试验验证
考虑轮缸压力 P(i t)产生的制动力矩 Mbi 和地面制 动力( 附着力)Fbi对车轮系统的作用. 单车轮系统的 转动惯量为 Ji,其角速度为 ωi,车轮半径为 R,整车 质量为 M,平移车速为 v,则有
dωi dt
- Fbi R
图 2 车轮受力图 Fig. 2 Forces acting on braking wheel
李熙亚 等:汽车 ABS 制动过程的道路识别
图 6 附着系数 - 时间曲线 Fig. 6 Curves of adhesion coefficient versus time
线中高附着路面对应滑移率控制范围和低附着路面 对应滑移率控制范围是相符的,表明利用等效制动 压力函数方法可得到制动过程中的附着系数值,实 现 ABS 制动过程的道路识别,同时也可为优化 ABS 控制提供条件.
第 34 卷 第 4 期 2006 年 4 月
华 南 理 工 大 学 学 报( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Journal of South China University of Technology
( 8atural Science 9:ition)
6ol7 34 8o7 4 ;<ril 2006
转移导致前后轴荷变化,车辆纵向加速度为 dv / dt,
惯性力为 Fj . 汽车前后轴的支反力为 N1 和 N2 ,车轴 距为 L,质心高度 hg ,质心距前、后轴距离 l1 ,l2 ,整车 总重力 mg. 前轴左右车轮附着系数分别为 φ1 ,φ2 , 后轴左右车轮附着系数分别为 φ3 ,φ4 . 前轴左右车 轮制动力分别为 Fb1 ,Fb2 ,后轴左右车轮附着系数分 别为 Fb3 ,Fb4 . 由汽车在垂直方向、纵向受力平衡及 力矩平衡,得到下列 3 个方程 :
试验车在对开路面上以 50 km / h 初速度制动, 左侧为低附着路面、右侧为高附着路面. 试验得到滑 移率与附着系数曲线[8-9],如图 5、图 6 所示.
图 5 滑移率曲线图中实线为通过等效压力函数 方 法所得计算结果,虚线为通过非接触式速度计直
图 5 滑移率 - 时间曲线 Fig. 5 Curve of slip rate versus time
对比不同道路的纵、侧向附着系数曲线,可知: 1)低附着道路比高附着道路 φ-S 曲线平坦,说 明低附着道路附着峰值区对应的滑移率范围大于高 附着道路曲线的范围. 前者约为 0. 20 ~ 0. 40,后者 约为 0. 10 ~ 0. 20. 2 )反 映 轮 胎 转 向 操 纵 能 力 的 侧 向 附 着 系 数 在 滑移率 0. 15 ~ 0. 35 的范围内也处于较高水平,表明 制动时车轮能承受一定横向作用力,具备转向能力.
能,使汽车 ABS 控制更加合理. 文中通过试验获得了 ABS 制动过程轮缸的可等效压力函
出附着系数,实现了道路识别. 道路试验检测验证了该方法的可行性.
中图分类号:U463. 52 + 6
ABS 系统的控制效果主要取决于该系统的控制 策略和控制算法. 目前大多数都采用了基于最佳滑 移率为目标的控制方法. 在实际的研究过程中,由于 逻辑门限控制方法具有结构简单、成本较低等特点, 所以得到了较为广泛的应用. 目前大多数的 ABS 系 统都是用一个固定的、人为设定的最佳滑移率作为 控制目标参量,并以此为根据将车轮的实际滑移率 与之对比来确定出车辆的稳定区域和非稳定区域, 没有考虑到道路状况对目标滑移率、车轮速度及角 加现对车辆进行精确的、实时的控制. 而要从 根本上改变这一状况的关键,便是要能够对车轮所 处的路面进行实时的监测和识别,根据路面状况采 用不同的控制门限值并采取不同的控制算法和控制 逻辑[1-2].
通常车轮制动力矩 Mbi 与轮缸压力函数 P(i t)
成正比,制动力矩系数为 Ki 时有
Mbi = Ki P(i t)
[ ] Fbi =
1 R
Ki P(i t)-
dωi dt
图 3 整车制动受力图 Fig. 3 Forces acting on the vehicle
整车制动受力图如图 3 所示,制动过程中,载荷
轮缸压力函数方法是通过采集 ABS 制动时储 气缸压力数据,同时根据控制单元发出调压方式及 相应保持的周期指令,就能获得各轮缸的压力 - 时 间历程,我们称不同调压模式下时间与轮缸压力关 系函数为轮缸压力函数. 结合各轮的角速度变化由 式(3)计算得各轮地面制动力后,再由方程(4 )~ (8)来完成各轮的道路附着系数 φi 及相对应的滑移 率 Si 计算,对道路进行识别.
[5] 吴诰珪,许季. 汽车防抱制动系统制动时的车速计算 [ J]. 华南理工大学学报( 自然科学版). 2002,30(2): 76-78. Wu Gao-gui,Xu Ji. Calculation for speed of braking vehicle with ABS[J]. Journal of South China University of Technology:Natural Science Edition,2002,30(2):76-78.
[1] 边明远. 汽车主动安全性控制系统路况识别技术纵览 [ J]. 汽车研究与开发,2002(1):31-33. Bian Ming-yuan. Road identification technology survey of vehicle’s active safety control system[ J]. Automobile Research & Development,2002(1):31-33.
φ3,(4 参数 下 标 1,2,3,4 分 别 表 示 各 车 轮 对 应 参 数值)[5].
3 ABS 制动的轮缸压力函数
一般汽车 ABS 系统的制动力调节采用增压、保 压和减压 3 种模式. 对于特定车型,由于其调压开关 特性、管 路、轮 缸 和 系 统 的 结 构 性 能 参 数 确 定,在 ABS 的一个调压周期内( 如液压调压周期约为 50 ~ 70 ms,气压调压周期约 120 ~ 160 ms). 利用实验方 法[4-5],可获得每一个控制车轮不同条件下( 如不同 的储气缸压力,是升压还是降压)的轮缸压力实际的 时间历程数据集. 因为轮缸压力对所控制车轮运动状 态的贡献,是由其压力的时间历程所决定的. 利用最 小二乘法拟合出调压周期内的等效压力曲线与实测 压力时间历程曲线包围的面积的等效方法[4],可得到 不同调压模式下的制动轮缸的等效压力函数 P(i t).