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Boeing B-757-222 was kidnapped soon after it took off from the Newark International Airport(纽瓦克国际机场). It flied directly to Washington and was ready to knock the United State capitol(美国国会大厦). But it fell and broken in Pennsylvania(宾夕法尼亚) countryside. It was guessed that it were the passengers fighting with the kidnappers prevented the plane crashing the target. There were 45 people on the plane and they were all killed.
Director 1
On March 9th ,2007, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed(哈立德·谢 赫·穆罕默德), the leader of the Al Qaeda abroad military activity(基地组织 海外军事活动), admitted that he directed the whole 9.11 attack. He was locked in a base in north Pakistan secretly in 2003.
3.美国移民政策发生变化。先,对留学生采取了控制和排斥的政策。美 国政府还加强了对在美留学生的跟踪和监督, 限制外国学生就读敏感专业。其次,制定严格 的新的移民法律。最后,大力整治移民机构。
“这个国家突然间显的是这么小、这么脆弱, 震惊与恐俱把它挤压在一起了。美国从来都没 有感受过如此受到恐怖分子的完全支配。
On America
1.经济影响 “美国911事件”发生后,美国经济一度处于瘫痪状态,
对一些产业造成了直接经济损失和影响,不仅局限于事件 本身的直接损失,更重要的是影响了人们的投资和消费信 心,引起市场的过激反应,从而导致美国和世界其它国家 经济增长减慢,而且对交通运输和旅游业也造成严重损失。
在这次911事件中,最明显受到打击的是美国航空运输企 业。
2001 .9.11
a nightmarish day
9.11 Incident
Definition Processes Directors Damages Influences
The 911 Incident
“9.11 Incident” (also known as “911”) refers to the September 11, 2001 terrorists hijacked the plane quietly and hit the Twin Tower Of the World Trade Center(世贸中心) in New York and the Pentagon(五角大楼) in Washington, they came into ruins immediately, causing more than 3,000 people died.
Director 2 Bin Laden
The total:2998 Passengers:246 The World Trade Center:2603 The Pentagon:126 Die in line of duty:411 Hijackers:19
On China
从整体来看,由于这次打击,美国的影响力可 能在世界上有所降低,因此中国的经济发展如 果能有效解决受干扰的部分,则有获得重大发 展的机会。从以往各种战争或是近似战争的国 家形态来看,“敌”弱“我”强导致国家竞争 力相对提高是客观存在的,美国过去也一向利 用这样的机会来发展自己的经济,中国是否可 获得或利用这样的机会,要看我们自己了。
The processes
Boeing(波音) 767-B-223ER was kidnapped soon after leaving the Boston International Airport in New York. It crashed the North building of the World Trade Centre. Then the building collapsed. There were 92 people on the plane. All of them were killed.
再下来就是保险行业,这次他们需要在各方面进行非常巨 额的理赔。
利率:美国的利率将会大幅回调,进一步减息无法避免, 将打乱了美联储的既定计划,在一定时期内会失去对国际 金融市场的影响力。
“9.11”事件改变了美国的政治议程,由于反恐 怖主义活动不可能在短期内斩草除根,因此, 在"9.11"事件后,外交问题在美国政治生活中 的重要性上升。人权和公民权利可能会受到限 制。"9.11"事件是一个分水岭,它改变了美国 政治周期和权力平衡,并可能使美国政治朝着 新的方向发展。
Boeing 757-223 was kidnapped soon after it left the Washington Dulles International Airport. It crashed the Pentagon(五角大楼). 64 people on the plane were all killed.
Boeing B-767-222 experienced the same tragedy. It destroyed the South building of the World Trade Center. There were 65 passengers,who were all died。