



















Phonology 音位学

Phonology 音位学

Phonology is the study of sound patterns of language (i.e. how sounds are arranged to form meaningful units) and thefunction of each sound.It reveals what are the possible combinations of sounds in a language and explains why certain words take the formthey do.Phone 音子: the smallest perceptible discreet segment of sound in a stream of speechi) phonetic unitii) not distinctive of meaning iii) physical as heard or produced iv) marked with [ ]Phoneme 音位:are abstract mental units that represent soundsi) phonological unitii) distinctive of meaning iii) abstract, not physical iv) marked withMinimal pairs 最小对比对: The sounds that cause changes in the changing of a word arecalled the “minimal pairs”Allophone s 音位变体:phonetic forms that don ’t contrast are called allophones, they are the various pronunciations ofa phoneme or phonic variants/realizations of a phoneme. Phonemic Transcription : / / =Broad TranscriptionPhonetic Transcription :[ ]=Narrow TranscriptionComplementary distribution 互补分布: when two phones are mutually exclusive(i.e. appear in differentenvironments), they are in complementary distribution( which means they are allophones of the same phoneme)..peak [ph]----speak [p]two different phones . [ph ] , [ p] are variants of the phoneme /p/.allophones of the same phoneme. in complementary distribution.This phenomenon is called Allophony(音位变体现象) or Allophonic Variation (同音位变体).Free variation 自由变体:If two sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of one sound foranother does not cause a change of meaning, they are said to be in free variationThe allophones can be in complementary distribution (互补分布) if they occur in different contexts.peak ---- speakaspirated [ph]---- unaspirated [p]The allophones can be in free variation (自由变体)if they occur in the same context.cup [kh ʌph] ---- cup[kh ʌp¬]Phonological ProcessesA target or affected segment undergoes a structural change in certain environment s or context s.Phonological rules are general rules that indicate this change.•Assimilation (同化) : can [kãn], tan [tãn]•Epenthesis (增音): boxes [bכksәz]Assimilation:Phonological Term Phonetic Term ExamplesAssimilation:Coarticulation:regressive assimilation逆同化anticipatory coarticulation先期协同发音can [kæn]tenth [tenθ]progressive assimilation顺同化perseverative coarticulation后滞协同发音map [mæp][+nasal] / ______[+nasal][+dental] /______[+dental][+velar] /______[+velar][-voiced] Epenthesis:•The /s/ appears after voiceless sounds.•The /z/ appears after voiced sounds. (All vowels are voiced.)•The /әz/ appears after sibi lants (咝音)•Epenthesis rule•z s / [-voice, C] _____ (Devoicing)•Ø ә / sibilant _____ z (Epenthesis)(Ø indicates an empty position.)Distinctive Features•Speech sounds are divided up into classes according to a number of properties.•The property that can distinguish one phoneme from another is a distinctive featureSuprasegmental features (超音位特征)are those aspects of speech that involve more than single sound segments.The principal suprasegmental features are syllables, stress, tone, and intonation.Syllabic structure: two parts, the rhyme(or rime)(韵基) and the onset(节首). As the vowel within the rhyme is the nucleus(节核), the consonant(s) after it will be termed coda(节尾).Sonority scale响阶:。



[l] in [pleis]
Allophones are any of the different variants of a phoneme, which share more phonetic features in common and which are phonetically conditioned each.
sounds are put together (sound patterns) and used to convey meaning Phoneme

2.1 Some important definitions:
2.1.1 Phone(音子); 2.1.2 Phoneme(音位)& Allophones(音位变体);

2.2 Ways to identify phonemes:
2.2.1 Minimal pair(最小对立对); 2.2.2 Complementary distribution(互补分布); 2.2.3 Phonetic similarity(语音相似性); 2.2.4 Free variation(自由变体).
最小音差对是指除在相同位置上的发音 2.2.1 Minimal Pair 不同以外,其余部分发音都相同的两个词。



[pit] vs. [bit] [bet] vs. [bæ t] [mo] vs. [mõ]
A minimal pair refers to two different words which are identical in every way in pronunciation except one sound that takes place at the same position.



2.3.1 Coarticulation (协同发音)
Map PK Lamb
A nasal + a vowel
Soft palate: from the lowered position to the raised position
Proceeding influenced following (perseverative)
Broad and narrow transcriptions
Velarization rule (软腭化): A vowel + a nasal
phonemic contrast, complementary distribution
when simultaneous or overlapping articulations are involved.
Broad and narrow transcriptions
1. Broad transcription (宽式音标): The transcription of sounds with letter-symbols only. [ _ ]
said to form a minimal pair.
Pill/bill; pill/till; till/kill; kill/dill/; dill/gill
big/peg; peak/leap
Minimal pairs
Four requirements for identifying minimal pairs:

unit 2 Phonology

unit 2 Phonology
• Speech sounds in English are grouped into broad categories: consonants and vowels.
• What is a consonant?
• --Consonant: The sounds in the production of which there is an obstruction of the air-stream at some point of the vocal tract.
• In terms of place of articulation, the English
consonants are classified as:

Bilabial, labiodental, dental, alveolar,
palatal, velar, glottal.
• The two classifications can be combined to describe a consonants:
central/ back vowels

the openness of the mouth ------ close/
semi-close/ semi-open/ open vowels

the shape of lips
rounded/ unrounded vowels
--of vowels
• What is a vowel?
• --Vowel: The sounds in the production of which no vocal organs come very close together and the air-stream passes through the vocal tract without obstruction.

Lecture 4 Phonology

Lecture 4 Phonology

4.What is minimal pairs

Minimal pairs: When two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound segment which occurs in the same place in the strings, the two sounds combinations are said to form a minimal pair. pit/bit; rapid/rabid; Cap/cab/

Pool, leaf Peak, speak

Allophones: The phones that can represent a phoneme are called allophones. (一个音位所代表 的两个或几个不同的音素,也就是同一个音位的各个音 称为该音位的音位变体.)e.g. “pill” and “spill”, in the word “pill” [p]需要吐气,因为这个音位在元
How many phones are there in the following words? feel ; like; pit; spit

A phoneme is a phonological unit . It is a unit of distinctive value. Look at the two words: ―pat‖ and ―bat‖, What is the difference between the two words? So in English the sounds (phones) that possess the distinctive value are called phonemes.Phonemes are said to be the distinctive sounds.



Phone vs. Phoneme

Phoneme: A sound which is capable of distinguishing one word or one shape of a word from another in a given language is a phoneme. 音位 Eg./p/ A phoneme is a phonological unit. It is a unit of distinctive value. It is an abstract unit. It’s not any particular sound, but rather it is represented or realized by a certain phone in a certain phonetic context.
Allophones 音位变体

A phoneme is realized as allophone1+allophone2+…. e.g. /p/=[ ph ] + [p] in peak and speak One phoneme may have several allophones, but the choice of an allophone is rule-governed.
Minimal pairs 最小对立体

A minimal pair is two words with different meanings that are identical except for one sound segment that occurs in the same place in the string. When two words are identical in form except for a contrast in one phoneme, occurring in the same position, the two words are described as a minimal pair. bit vs. but, nit vs. nut,… pit vs. bit , peak vs. beak,…

语言学 Phonology

语言学 Phonology

英式英语和美式英语发音的 具体不同之处:
A.一般来说,英式英语讲究的是字正腔圆,口型很紧, 而美式英语很随意,口型较开阔且松弛。
B.其次,英语和美语在读音上的差异性还表现在元 音字母a, o 和辅音字母r 的不同读音上。
• (1)在ask, can‘t, dance, fast这一类的 单词中,英国人将字母a 读作[a:],而美国 人则读作[æ ],所以这些词在美国人口中就 成了[æ sk][kæ nt][dæ ns][fæ st] 。 • (2)在box, crop, hot, spot这一类单词 中,英国人将字母o读作[a],而美国人则将o 读作近似[a:]音的[a]。所以这些词在美国 人读起来就成了[baks][krap][hat][和 [spat]。
• 1、 General Australian普通澳语 , 约占55%;普通澳语是介于优雅澳语和粗俗澳语之间 的一种为大多数人,特别是城镇居民所使用的语言,它也 为中产阶级所接纳和使用。 • 2、Broad Australian粗俗澳语 , 约占34%;粗俗澳语在发音和语言风格上最能体现澳大利 亚英语的特点。比如RP中的[ei]被念成了[ai]。 • 3、Cultivated Australian优雅澳语 , 约占11%。优雅澳语在发音和语言风格上非常接近英国的 RP,它可以说是以RP为模式的英语。 。使用优雅澳语的 多为受过良好教育、具有较高社会地位的中产阶级及中上 阶级,他们只占澳大利亚人口的少数。
• (5)在以-ile结尾的另一类单词中,英国人将尾 音节中的字母i读作长音[ai];而美国人则弱读作 [2],例如: • 英语读音 美语读音 • fragile [‘fræd3ail] [‘fræd32l] • hostile [‘hostail] [‘hastl]



Phone, phoneme, and allophone
A phone is a phonetic unit or segment. The speech sounds we hear and produce during linguistic communication are all phones. But a phone does not necessarily distinguish meaning; some do, some don't. For example, [s] and [t] do , as [si:m] and [ti:m] are two words with totally different meanings, and [th ] and [t ] don't, as [stop] and [sthop] mean the same to a speaker of English.
Phonology, on the other hand, aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication.
Phonemic contrast, complementary distribution, and minimal pair
It can be easily observed that phonetically similar sounds might be related in two ways. If they are two distinctive phonemes, they are said to form a phonemic contrast, e.g. /p/ and /b/ in [pit] and [bit ], [roup]and [roub]. If they are allophones of the same phoneme, then they do not distinguish meaning, but complement each other in distribution, i.e. they occur in different phonetic environments. For instance, the clear [1] always occurs before a vowel while the dark [ 1-] always occurs between a vowel and a consonant, or at the end of a word. So the allophones are said to be in complementary distribution.



Chapter 2 Phonology 音系学1.The phonic medium of language 语言的声音媒介Linguists are not interested in all sounds ;they are concerned with only those sounds that are produced by the human speech organs in so far as they have a role to play in linguistic communication .These sounds are limited in number .This limited range of sounds which are meaningful in human communication and are of interest to linguistic studies are the phonic medium of language ;and the individual sounds within this range are the speech sounds.语言学家也并不是对所有的声音感兴趣,他们只关注那些在语言交际中占有一席之地、由人类的发音器官所发出来的那些声音。



2.Phonetics 语音学2.1What is phonetics? 什么是语音学?language; it is concerned with all the sound that occur in the world’s languages.上所有的语言中出现过的一切声音。

These three branches of phonetics are labeled articulatory phonetics, auditory phonetics, and acoustic phonetics respectively.语音学的三个分支分别被称为发音语音学,听觉语音学和声学语音学。
















phonology的名词解释Phonology: Exploring the Sound Patterns of LanguageIntroductionLanguage is a sophisticated system that enables humans to communicate effectively. While grammar and vocabulary are important components of a language, another crucial aspect is its sound structure. Phonology, a branch of linguistics, is devoted to studying the sound patterns in languages. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of phonology, examining its definition, key concepts, and significance in understanding how languages work.Defining PhonologyPhonology is the study of the organization and systematic patterns of sounds in language. It focuses on the relationships between the sounds and the underlying rules that govern their usage. By investigating phonology, linguists aim to understand how sounds are organized and contrasted in different languages, as well as how these sounds function within the larger system of the language.Phonemes and AllophonesAt the core of phonology lies the notion of phonemes, which are the smallest discrete units of sound that can change the meaning of a word. For example, in English, the difference between the words "pat" and "bat" lies in the phoneme /p/ and /b/. Changing one phoneme to another can alter the meaning of a word entirely.While phonemes represent abstract units, languages also have different ways of realizing these sounds in speech. These variants of phonemes are called allophones. Allophones are the different manifestations of a phoneme, which may vary depending on the context or environment in which they occur. For instance, the /k/ sound in English can be pronounced as a hard /k/ sound as in "cat," or as a softer /k/ sound as in "school."Phonological Rules and ProcessesTo comprehend the sound patterns in a language, phonologists identify and describe various phonological rules and processes. These rules govern how sounds change or interact with each other in speech. For example, assimilation is a process where a sound becomes similar to a neighboring sound. In English, the word "prefix" is often pronounced as "pree-fix" due to assimilation, where the /r/ sound is assimilated to the following /f/ sound.Another significant phonological process is vowel harmony, which occurs in languages such as Turkish and Hungarian. In these languages, certain vowels within a word must agree with each other in terms of specific phonetic properties, such as tongue position or lip rounding.Syllable Structure and PhonotacticsPhonology also investigates the structure of syllables and the constraints on sound combinations within and across syllables, known as phonotactics. Syllables serve as building blocks of words and have a predictable structure in most languages. For instance, English syllables usually consist of an optional initial consonant, a vowel, and an optional final consonant.Phonotactics, on the other hand, examine the permissible and forbidden sound sequences in a language. These constraints can vary across languages, reflecting the specific sound patterns speakers are accustomed to. For example, the syllable "tl" in English is rare and often borrowed from other languages, while it is a common consonant cluster in Nahuatl, an indigenous language of Mexico.The Significance of PhonologyUnderstanding phonology is crucial for multiple reasons. Firstly, it helps in deciphering the sound system of a particular language, allowing linguists to analyze the linguistic patterns and variations that exist. Additionally, phonological knowledge aids in identifying dialectal differences and accents within a language.Moreover, phonology plays a vital role in language acquisition. Children rely on phonological cues to recognize and differentiate sounds, which in turn helps them acquireand produce the sounds of their native language. By understanding phonological rules, educators can design effective teaching strategies to support language development in early childhood.ConclusionPhonology, as a fundamental component of linguistics, aims to unravel the intricacies of sound patterns in languages. By studying phonemes, allophones, rules, and processes within a language, phonologists gain insights into how sounds interact and contribute to the overall linguistic system. The significance of phonology extends beyond theoretical linguistics, playing a crucial role in language acquisition and cross-cultural communication. In essence, phonology provides a fascinating perspective on how humans harness sounds to convey meaning and connect with one another through the medium of language.。

英语语言学概论 Chapter4 Phonology(音位学)

英语语言学概论 Chapter4 Phonology(音位学)

Phonology(音位学)Phonetics is a study of the production,transmission and perception of speech sounds, and their physical properties.Phonemes音位are the minimal distinctive units in the sound system of a language. Allophones 音位变体are the different realizations of a particular phoneme in a language. Phones are the smallest identifiable phonetic unit or segment in a stream of speech.Minimal pair最小对立体:a pair of words which differ from each other by one sound.3 conditions: 1 the two forms are different in meaning; 2 the two forms are different in one segment; 3 the different sounds occur in the same position of the two words: teach---cheat, read—dearIf two or more sounds never appear in the same enviornment, that is, each sound only appears in the enviornment where the other never occurs, they are in complementary distribution.互补分布pen—pet, pat—spat—tap, lead—realIf two or more sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of one sound for another brings about a change of meaning, they are in contrastive distribution.Will—till 对比分布When two sounds can appear in the same environment and the substitution of one for the other does not cause any change in meaning, they are in free variation. 自由变体A distinctive feature区别性特征is one which distinguishes one phoneme from another,like /nasal/,/voiced/. put forward by Jakobson.The assimilation rule同化原则the effect of phonetic context or situation on a particular phone.Deletion rule删除: delete a sound although it is orthographically represented Sequential rules顺序:state the possible combination of phonemes and the constraints over such a combination for a language.suprasegmental features(超切分特征) features that have effect on more than one segment, which also known as prosody(韵律语音特征): stress, tone, intonation and juncture.stress(重音,重读) some nouns are stressed on the first syllables while the verbs are stressed on the second syllables:Tone(声调): the level of pitch that is used in a linguistically contrastive ways.Tone language: ma ma ma ma(妈,麻马骂)Intonation(语调) 5 intonations: the falling tones: certainty; the rising tones: uncertainty, the level tones: undecided yet whether known or unknown,juncture(连音): the boundary features that may demarcate grammatical units:A name an aimnarrow transcription(严式音标):symbolizes all the possible speech sounds, broad transcription(宽式音标): transcribes or indicates only the only those speech sounds that distinguish one word from another in a language . It is phonemic.。


• Languages differ in the selection of contrastive sounds.
– In English, the distinction between aspirated [ph] and unaspirated [p] is not phonemic.
– In Chinese, however, the distinction between /p/ and /ph/ is phonemic.
• 3. Allophones: the different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments. They are the allophones of that phoneme.
• peak [phi:k]
• 2. Phonemic contrast: two phonetically sounds that are distinctive phonemes
• 肚子 饱 了 • 兔子 跑 了
• dùzi-tùzi bǎo-pǎo
• [ t—t‘] [ p—p‘]
• till—still peak—speak
speak [sp=i:k] / p /—[ph] [p=]
• lead [li:d]
deal [di:ł]源自/ l /—[l] [ł] [l]
3.3 complementary distribution, Phonemic contrast, and minimal pair
• 1. Complementary distribution: the allophones of the same phoneme are said to be in complementary distribution because they do not distinguish meaning, but complement each other in distribution, i.e. they occur in different phonetic environments.

简明语言学教程第2章Chapter 2-Phonology

简明语言学教程第2章Chapter 2-Phonology

[j]: the narrowing of space between the hard palate and the front of
the tongue [t] [d]: the obstruction created between the tip of the tongue and the velar ridge [θ] [ð ]: partial obstruction between the upper front teeth and the tip of
Classification of vowels
1. According to the position of the tongue in the mouth: front/central/back vowels front vowel: the front part of tongue maintains the highest
semi-open vowels: [ə] [ɔ:]
The place of articulation
1. Bilabial; 2. Labiodental; 3. Dental or interdental; 4. Alveolar; 5. Palato alveolar; 6. Palatal; 7. Velar; 8. Uvular; 9. Glottal.
[t] [d]
[k] [g]
[ ð]
([tʃ] ) ([dʒ])
[ʒ] [ tʃ ] [ dʒ ]

语言学Chapter 4_phonology

语言学Chapter 4_phonology

3. Then we compare the properties of sound systems in different languages in order to make hypotheses about the rules that underlie the use of sounds in them, and ultimately we aim to discover the rules that underlie the sound patterns of all languages. languages.
Phone, phoneme, and e
a phone does not necessarily distinguish meaning; Phoneme(音位 Phoneme(音位): a phonological unit, 音位) abstract and of distinctive value; Allophone(音位变体 Allophone(音位变体): the different 音位变体) phones that represent a phoneme in different phonetic environment.
1. It aims to ‘discover the principles that govern the way sounds are organized in languages, and to explain the variations that occur’. occur’
2. In phonology we normally begin by analyzing an individual language, say English, in order to determine its phonological structure, structure, i.e. which sound units are used and how they are put together.


The resonating cavities is where the airstream coming from the lungs is modified in various ways, resulting in the production of various sounds. Three resonating cavities are identified. You are expected to look at the diagram on Page 27 in our textbook.
3. Allophones (音位变体) The phones that can represent a phoneme in certain phonetic context are called its allophones. When we have a set of phones, all of which are variants of one phoneme, we refer to them as the allophones of that phoneme. So the phones [ph] and [p=] are the allophones of the same phoneme /p/.
The oral cavity
The greatest source of modification of the air stream is found in the oral cavity. The speech organs located in this cavity are:
the lips, the teeth, the teeth ridge (齿龈)(the alveolus), the tongue, the hard palate(硬腭), the soft palate (the velum)(软腭)and the uvula 小舌.


A native speaker of English can tell by intuition that the following sound combinations carry different meanings: meanings: [mæn], [pæn], [bæn], [tæn], [kæn] etc. [mæ [pæ [bæ [tæ [kæ etc. This is because they all contain a different phoneme. phoneme. The features that a phoneme has and that distinguish it from other phonemes are its distinctive features. features.
If they are allophones of the same phoneme, then they do not distinguish meaning, but complement each other in distribution, i.e. they occur in different phonetic environments. For instance, the clear [ l ] always occurs before a vowel, such as in “like” and “lip”, while the dark like” lip” [ł] always occurs between a vowel and a consonant or at the end of a word, such as in “result” and “kill”. So the allophones are said to result” kill” be in complementary distribution.



In the word clasp the sonority of each sound gradually rises to a peak at the nucleus and then falls at the coda, as show below: Assimilation rules
phone: the smallest perceptible discreet segment of sound in a stream of speech i) phonetic unit ii) not distinctive of meaning iii) physical as heard or produced iv) marked with [ ]
Minimal pairs
Purpose for the notion of minimal pair: find out the distinctive sounds Contrastive distribution: [bit] vs. [but] [pit] vs. [bit] Three requirements for identifying minimal pairs: 1) different in meaning; 2) only one phoneme different; 3) the different phonemes occur in the same phonetic environment. e.g. pat vs. fat Minimal set: pat, mat, bat, fat, cat, hat, etc.
1. What is phonology 2. Phone, phoneme, allophone, and distinctive features 3. Minimal pairs, phonemic contrast, and complementary distribution 4. Phonological rules 5. Suprasegmental phonology: stress, tone and intonation
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•Phonology•Study Focus•Phonology•Phoneme•Allophone•Minimal pairs•Complementary distribution •Suprasegmental features• 1. What is phonology?•Phonology aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication. •What is a sound pattern?•(1) the set of sounds that occur in a given language;•(2) the permissible arrangements of these sounds in words;•(3) the processes of adding, deleting, or changing sounds.•The English language•English has many words with the pattern consonant-vowel-consonant. •Many words contain consonant clusters.•English consonant clusters are quite limited in the sounds they may contain. •No more than three consonants may occur at the beginning of a word. •When three initial consonants do occur, the first must be /s/.•Every word must contain at least one vowel-like segment, except interjections like sh! •There are limitations on the co-occurrence(共现) of certain vowels with certain consonants in the same syllable.E.g. the vowel of house does not occur before a final /b, p, m, f, v/.• 2.Phonology and phonetics•Phonology and phonetics are both concerned with speech sounds, but they differ in their approach and focus:•Example: How is the sound [l] studied in phonetics and phonologyThe difference between the clear [l] and dark [ɫ]•clear [l]:leaf [li:f]black[blæk]lose [lu:z]•dark [ɫ]:pool[pu:ɫ]milk [mɪɫk]full [fʊɫ] or [f̩ɫ]•The two sounds are fundamentally the same, since they have one and the same function in communication, in distinguishing between words and meanings despite their difference in pronunciation.•The distribution pattern of the different versions of the [l] sound, a complementarypattern.•We use clear [l] before a vowel, such as loaf, and dark [ɫ] at the end of a word after avowel or before a consonant.• 3. Phone, phoneme, and allophone3.1 Phone音素• A phone is a phonetic unit (语音单位)or segment(音段). The speech sounds we hear andproduce during linguistic communication are all phones.•Phones are individual sounds as they occur in speech.• A phone does not necessarily distinguish meaning.[mi:t] and [ni:t][spit] and [sp h it]3.2 Phoneme音位•The smallest unit of sound in a language which can distinguish two words. •(a) the words pan and ban differ only in their initial sound: pan begins with /p/ and banwith /b/.•(b) ban and bin differ only in their vowels: /æ/ and /i/.•Therefore, /p/, /b/, /æ/ and /i/ are phonemes of English.•The number of phonemes varies from one language to another. •Characteristics of phonemes• A phoneme is a phonological unit(音系单位).•It is a unit that is of distinctive value.•It is an abstract unit. It is not any particular sound, but rather it is represented or realizedby a certain phone in a certain phonetic context.• E.g. the unaspirated [p] and the aspirated [p h] are all phones of the phoneme /p/.• A phoneme is capable of distinguishing meaning.•We can tell the difference among /mæn/, /pæn/, /bæn/, /tæn/, /ræn/, /kæn/, /æn/ because they all contain a different phoneme.3.3 Allophone音位变体•The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments.•The unaspirated [p](不送气)and the aspirated [p h](送气)are allophones(音位变体)of the phoneme /p/(音位).•The phoneme /l/ can be realized as clear [l](清晰)and dark [ɫ] (模糊).(They are the allophones of the phoneme /l/.• 4.Phonemic contrast, complementary distribution, minimal pair •Phonetically similar sounds might be related in two ways:phonemic contrast(音位对立)complementary distribution (互补分布)•Phonemic contrast: If two phonetically similar sounds are two distinctive phonemes, they form a phonemic contrast.e.g. /p/ and /b/ in /pit/ and /bit/***Complementary distributionComplementary distribution refers to the situation in which phones never occur in the same phonetic environment.•If two phonetically similar sounds are allophones of the same phoneme, then they do not distinguish meaning, but complement each other in distribution, i.e. they occur in different phonetic environments. So allophones are said to be in complementary distribution.We use clear [l] before a vowel, such as loaf, and dark [ɫ] at the end of a word after a vowel or before a consonant.•Minimal pair最小对立体• A basic way to determine the phonemes of a language is to see if substituting one sound for another results in a change of meaning.•If it does, the two sounds then represent different phonemes.•An easy way to do this is to find the minimal pairs.When two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound segment which occurs in the same place in the strings, the two sound combinations are said to form a minimal pair.•bear pear•big pig•bill pill•pill till•till kill•bear pear•big pig•bill pill•pill till•till kill•Accordingly, we can conclude that /b/ /p/ /t/ /k/ are phonemes in English. •Minimal set•feat, fit, fat, fate, fought, foot•big, pig, rig, fig, dig, wig• 5.Phonological rules•Sequential rules序列规则•Assimilation rules 同化规则•Deletion rule省略规则•Sequential rules: rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language.For example,if a word begins with a [l] or a [r], then the next sound must be a vowel. •Student‟s presentation:Topic:initial sound is /s/•If three consonants should cluster together at the beginning of a word, the combinationshould obey the following three rules:(1)The first phoneme must be /s/(2) The second phoneme must be /p/ or /t/ or /k/(3)The third phoneme must be /l/ or /r/ or /w/•Based on the sequential rules, we can tell what arrangements of sounds can formpossible words in a language.blik, klib, bilk, kilbspring, strict, square•Assimilation rules: The assimilation rule assimilates one sound to another by …copying‟a feature of a sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones similar. •When a speech sound changes, and becomes more like another sound which follows itor precedes it, this is called assimilation.•The [i:] sound is nasalized in words like bean, green, team, scream.•The alveolar nasal [n] is assimilated to a velar nasal [ŋ] in the word incorrect, because [k] is a velar stop.•The sound assimilation (for ease of articulation) is reflected in the spelling (word formation):•In English, the negative prefix appears as im- before words such as possible: As possible starts with a bilabial sound, the prefix im- ends in a bilabial sound.•Why not inpossible?•Can you explain intolerant?•How about illegal and irregular?•Progressive assimilation•Regressive assimilation•Reciprocal assimilation•What‟s this?•It‟s easy.•What‟s happened?•I used to…•In bed•Ten minutes•Don‟t be late.•Good-bye•In case•I don‟t care.•Good girl•This shape•This year•Has she come?•Where‟s yours?•education•situation•Deletion rule: The deletion rule determines when a sound is to be deleted although it isorthographically represented (present in the spelling).sign signaturedesign designationparadigm paradigmatic•The rule: delete a [g] when it occurs before a final nasal consonant.• 6. Suprasegmental features超切分特征•Syllable•Stress•Tone (pitch movement)•Intonation6.1 Syllable• A unit in speech which is often longer than one sound and smaller than a whole word. •The syllable is defined by the way in which vowels and consonants combine to form various sequences.•Vowels can form a syllable on their own or they can be the center of a syllable. •Consonants are at the beginning or end of syllables and with a few exceptions, do not usually form syllables on their own.6.2 Stress•The pronunciation of a word or syllable with more force than the surrounding words or syllables.•Word stress and sentence stress•Word stress refers to the relative force given to the syllable(s) of a word. •The location of stress in English distinguishes meaning. •Sentence stress refers to the relative force given to the components of a sentence.•Student’s presentation:Topic 1: word stress and part of speechTopic 2: sentence stressI bought an English-Chinese dictionary.•Group-discussion•I am painting my living room blue.•我有一本朋友送的英汉词典。
