现金流量表预测CashFlowForecast Ver 1.0
Cash flow forecasting:现金流预测 共14页

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Cash flow forecasting
Cash flow is the inflows and outflows of cash of a business
A cash flow forecast is a forecast of inflows and outflows over time
Demand may change leading to a drop in demand, additional marketing, or a need to develop a new product
Economic factors such as inflation, high wage claims or recession may affect cash flow
Banks are more likely to accommodate a request for an overdraft or loan if the business can show good cash flow management
Cash flow forecasting facilitates better management and use of financial resources

1. 直接法:通过对每个现金流量项目进行预测,包括现金流入和现金流出,计算得出净现金流。
2. 间接法:通过对利润表和资产负债表进行分析,计算出净利润和非现金项目,然后调整为净现金流。
3. 趋势法:根据过去一段时间的现金流数据,观察现金流量的趋势,并根据该趋势进行预测。
4. 比率分析法:通过分析和比较不同的财务指标,如营业收入、经营利润等与现金流之间的关系,预测未来的现金流。
5. 计划或预算法:通过制定公司的财务计划或预算,包括销售额、成本、投资和资金源等,来预测未来的现金流。

Financial Management 5 — Revised November 2011Cash Flow Projectionfor Operating Loan DeterminationA cash flow statement can be simply described as a re-cording of the dollars coming in and the dollars going out of a business. It shows where the money comes from (the inflow of cash), and where the money goes (the outflow of cash).Actual and Projected Cash FlowA record of cash inflow and outflow that has already oc-curred in a business is an actual or historical cash flow. An estimate or forecast of cash inflow and outflow into some future period is a cash flow projection. The actual cash flow of a business provides important information for making a cash flow projection into the future. The cash flow projec-tion provides information on the cash-generating ability and the cash requirements of a business, and it indicates the timing of both.Total Business and Partial Business Cash FlowA cash flow can be set up for either the entire farm busi-ness (including family living expenses and nonfarm income), or it can be set up to study only a segment of the business. For example, it may summarize all the cash expenses and income from a specific enterprise. A cash flow projection will often include only the cash inflow and outflow effect of a proposed business expansion.Long-Run Profitability vs. Short-Run FeasibilityTwo management questions that need to be studied re-garding proposed business changes are:1. Will the changes be profitable in the long run?2. Will the changes be feasible in the short run?Long-run profitability refers to a period of 5 to 10 years or more. Long-run profitability is usually studied through the use of projected income statements. With an income statement, capital expenditures are prorated over the life of the assets using depreciation methods.Short-run feasibility refers to the income-generating ability of a business in a short period of time, usually 1 to 5 years in length. Short-run feasibility is usually studied through the use of a projected cash flow. Capital expen-ditures are counted in the period they are actually paid.Projected cash inflow and outflow during the period are compared, reflecting payment requirements from credit agencies as well as normal expenditures and receipts.The Cash Flow Projection form inside this publication has been developed to project the operating loan balance of a farm business for each monthly period. Total farm and family cash flow projection is illustrated on the form.Preparing a Cash Flow ProjectionInformation for preparing a cash flow projection comes from many sources including:1. Records of actual cash flow or other farm records from past years.2. Tax returns.3. Publications listing investment requirements for crops and livestock enterprises (to determine projected periodic cash payments).4. Publications listing feed requirements for livestock enterprises.5. Price and yield estimates.A cash flow projection may be on a monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, semiannual or annual basis. The cash flow pro-jection form on the next pages is designed to be used on a monthly basis; however, it can be used for periods other than one month in length. For example, it may be used on a quarterly basis by using the first four monthly columns as quarters changing the column headings to read: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters.The “Annual Estimate” column should be filled in first. Then, the annual estimate may be allocated to the various months or periods. Directions for arriving at the “Total Cash Inflow,” “Total Cash Outflow,” “Net Cash Flow,” and “Projected Operating Loan Balance” are given on the form.Interpretation of a Cash Flow ProjectionTo illustrate the use of the Cash Flow Projection form, a sample set of figures has been recorded on the provided form.In the example, line 12 shows the total cash inflow (not including loan receipts) and line 34 shows the total cash outflow (not including operating loan payments). Net cash flow is the difference between cash inflow and cash outflow,Department of Agricultural Economics— Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension ServiceMichael R. Langemeier Professor, Agricultural EconomicsCASH FLOW PROJECTION FOR OPERATING LOAN DETERMINATIONAnnualEstimate Jan.Feb.Mar.April May June July Aug.Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.CASH INFLOW ITEMSLivestock:Beef (1)134,70167,50067,201 (1) Swine (2)16,4574,1154,1144,1144,114 (2) Dairy (3)18,7411,5621,5621,5621,5621,5621,5621,5621,5621,5621,5611,5611,561 (3) Crops:Wheat, Corn, and Sorghum (4)172,74843,18743,18743,18743,187 (4) Soybeans (5)79,24739,62439,623 (5) Hay and Forage (6)11,4245,7125,712 (6) Agricultural Program Payments (7)22,10211,05111,051 (7) Crop Insurance Proceeds(8)16,13616,136(8) Miscellaneous Income(9)39,41521,00018,415(9) Capital Asset Sales(10)5,4695,469(10) Off-Farm Income(11)13,6421,1371,1371,1371,1371,1371,1371,1371,1371,1371,1371,1361,136(11) TOTAL CASH INFLOW (Add Lines 1 through 11)(12)530,082109,82361,05245,88623,6996,8132,69951,5986,81319,4622,698175,23724,302(12)CASH OUTFLOW ITEMSFeed (13)39,0613,2563,2553,2553,2553,2553,2553,2553,2553,2553,2553,2553,255 (13) Hired Labor (14)15,0787,5397,539 (14) Repairs (15)32,8011,0001,0001,1005,0502,9252,4852,0752,2754,0953,1752,3255,296 (15) Seed (16)35,15635,156 (16) Fertilizer (17)53,47142,97110,500 (17) Machine Hire (18)13,4706,7356,735 (18) Veterinarian Expense (19)4,3281,5501,5501,228 (19) Marketing (20)5,8971,4751,4741,4741,474 (20) Fuel and Utilities (21)33,0274,47514,5505,4508,552 (21) Property Tax (22)6,3763,1883,188 (22) General Farm Insurance (23)6,0243,0123,012 (23) Cash Rent (24)23,80123,801 (24) Herbicide and Insecticide (25)25,66612,83312,833 (25) Miscellaneous Expense (26)17,7921,4831,4831,4831,4831,4831,4831,4831,4831,4821,4821,4821,482 (26) Interest (27)20,9085,2275,2275,2275,227 (27) Beef Purchases (28)70,52213,25013,25044,022 (28) Swine Purchases (29)1,7651,765 (29) Dairy Purchases (30)793793 (30) Capital Asset Purchases (31)82,88282,882 (31) Family Living Withdrawals (32)50,9454,2464,2464,2464,2464,2464,2454,2454,2454,2454,2454,2454,245 (32) Estimated Taxes (33)8,9788,978 (33) TOTAL CASH OUTFLOWS (Add Lines 13 through 33) (34)548,74118,49325,663119,03976,82320,14822,19532,25616,48530,31265,95921,020100,348 (34)NET CASH FLOW (Line 12 - Line 34) (35)-18,65991,33035,389-73,153-53,124-13,335-19,49619,342-9,672-10,850-63,261154,217-76,046 (35)(36) XXXXXX38,6703,28176,434129,558142,893162,389143,047152,719163,569226,83072,613148,659 (36) PROJECTED OPERATING LOAN BALANCE(Operating Loan Carried Over from Last Period = 130,000)What Will a Cash Flow Projection DoAs farm businesses grow and as larger quantities of cash are needed, a cash flow projection becomes a more essential tool in the financial management of farm businesses. A cash flow projection provides the farm operator with a basis for studying the financing of the business. It indicates how much needs to be borrowed and when it is needed.A cash flow projection provides for “control” of the busi-ness. By comparing the projected cash flow to the actual cash flow that occurs, the variance of each item can be noted. If receipts are less than expected or expenses more than expected, the cash flow will alert the manager to a possible problem.A cash flow projection provides the basis for planning additional investments in the farm business. To be sound, an investment must be profitable in the long run. It must also be able to generate enough cash to make the payments on principal and interest.MF-275a, Worksheet — Cash Flow Projection for Operat-ing Loan Determination , contains a blank form to use for preparing a cash flow projection.For further information on other farm financial manage-ment topics, see the following Farm Management guides:MF-270 Financial Ratios Used in Financial Man a gement MF-291 Balance Sheet — A Financial Management Tool MF-294 Income Statement — A Financial Management Tooland is shown on line 35 for the annual estimate and for each monthly period.The net cash flow may be positive or negative. If the cash inflow for the period is greater than the cash outflow for the period, the net cash flow is positive. If the opposite is true, the net cash flow is negative. For example, the Janu-ary projected total cash inflow of $109,823 is greater than the total cash outflow of $18,493 so the net cash flow for January is $91,330.The projected operating loan balance for each month is calculated on line 36. The operating loan carried over from the last period should be written in the appropriate space after the caption on line 36. In the example on the inside fold, the operating loan carried over from the previ-ous December is $130,000. For each monthly period, the projected operating loan balance is determined by combin-ing the previous balance with line 35 net cash flow for that period. A negative cash flow figure for a month increases the operating loan balance so it is added to the previous projected operating loan balance to determine the projected operating loan balance for that period.A positive net cash flow for a month has the effect of reducing the previous month’s projected operating loan bal-ance. If the net cash flow for a month is greater than the projected operating loan balance for the previous month, the difference can be labeled surplus.The projected operating loan balances (line 36) for each month can be used as a guide in projecting the approximate amount of loan funds needed and timing of the loan fund needs.Publications from Kansas State University are available on the World Wide Web at: Publications are reviewed or revised annually by appropriate faculty to reflect current research and practice. Date shown is that of publication or last revision. Contents of this publication may be freely reproduced for educational purposes. All other rights reserved. In each case, credit Michael R. Langemeier, Cash Flow Projection for Operating Loan Determination , Kansas State University, November 2011.Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service MF-275November 2011K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, as amended. Kansas State University, County Extension Councils, Extension Districts, and United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating, Gary Pierzynski, Interim Director.。

现金流量(Cash Flow)-MBA智库百科

付现成本(指不包括折旧等非付现的成本)等于营业现金支出,那么,年营业现金净流量(简记为NCF)可用下列公式计算:每年净现金流量(NCF)= 营业收入一付现成本一所得税或每年净现金流量(NCF)= 净利十折旧或每年净现金流量(NCF)= 营业收入×(1-所得税率)-付现成本×(1-所得税率)+折旧×所得税率3.终结现金流量。
Cash flow forecasting:现金流预测 14页PPT文档

Cash Flow Quiz
Cash Coming into the Business (Cash Inflows)
Cash Going out of the Business (Cash outflows)
What’s Left?
Cash Flow Forecasting
University Example
Cash flow forecasting
The cash flow forecast therefore shows how much cash a business has at its disposal at any time within the period of the forecast
The Cash Flow Idea
Cash flow forecasting (the difficult bit!)
In a cash flow forecast items are recorded in the months the money will be actually spent or received, and not in the month the goods or services will be sold or received; therefore goods sold in January on one month’s trade credit will be recorded in February, when payment for the goods is expected
Demand may change leading to a drop in demand, additional marketing, or a need to develop a new product

了解现金流量表对财务决策的影响现金流量表(Cash Flow Statement)是财务报表中的重要部分,它反映了企业在特定期间内现金流入和现金流出的情况,为财务决策提供了重要的参考和依据。
二、现金流量表对财务决策的影响1. 现金流量表提供了对企业现金状况的全面了解现金流量表通过列示企业在一段时间内的现金流入和现金流出情况,可以让企业了解到自身的现金状况。
2. 现金流量表帮助评估企业的盈利能力和偿债能力现金流量表能够显示企业的现金来源和现金支出,从而帮助评估企业的盈利能力和偿债能力。
3. 现金流量表有助于预测和规划未来的现金流现金流量表不仅反映了企业过去一段时间内的现金流入和现金流出情况,还能帮助财务决策者预测和规划未来的现金流。
4. 现金流量表对投资决策和融资决策的影响现金流量表是投资决策和融资决策的重要依据。
Financial Cash Flow Forecast财务现金流量预测

22500 22500
25000 25000
800 0 4200 1750
800 0 4800 2000
800 0 4800 2000
800 0 5400 2250
800 0 5400 2250
800 0 6000 2500
800 0 6000 2500
800 0 6600 2750
4800 2000
Month1 350 0 0
25000 50000 0 75000
800 20000 0 0
0 0 1500
1500 500
500 1500
Profit and Loss Year 1 Revenue Cost of goods sold Gross Profit Administration expenses
Month6 450 450 400
Month7 500 450 450
Month8 500 500 450
Month9 550 500 500
Month10 550 550 500
0 0
0 0
17500 17500
20000 20000
20000 20000
20000 20000
22500 22500
3500 500
3750 500
3750 500
500 1500
500 1500
500 1500
500 1500
500 1500
500 1500
500 1500
500 1500
500 1500
1250 12845 13780 13780 15530 17965 16715 17650 17900 18835

企业ERP系统的建立、完善及其与Inter net的成功与合理的对接,是全面提升企业管理水平、实现财务报告改革的关键。
关于财务报表表外信息的披露[J].财务与会计201X (4)。
" 第四篇:《财务报表分析心得5篇》篇一:财务报表的分析首先要知道会计做账的原理,会计的原理就是将收入和支出按不同种类分类,比如:收入分主营业务收入、投资收益、其他业务收入,支出有费用支出、主营业务支出、其他业务支出,会计按照业务性质,依照权责发生制原理,对各种收入费用分门别类,有利于最后核算。
盈利的比较主要在如下几个方面: 1、收入情况,2、支出情况、3、收入与支出的比较。

支付给职工以及 为职工支付的现金
支付的各项税费 经营活动产生的 现金流量净额
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees
Payments of all types of taxes Net cash flows from operating activities
Cash paid to acquire investments
Net cash flows from investing activities
中英文现金流量表——正表 中英文现金流量表
三、筹资活劢产生的现金流量 CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES 吸收投资所收到的现金 Cash received from capital contribution
中英文现金流量表——正表 中英文现金流量表
二、投资活劢产生的现金流量 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 收回投资所收到的现金 取得投资收益所收到的现金 处置固定资产、无形资产和 其他长期资产收回现金净额 购建固定资产、无形资产和 其他长期资产所支付的现金 投资所支付的现金 投资活动产生的 现金流量净额 Cash received from disposal of investments Cash received from returns on investments
销售商品、提供劳务 收到的现金
收到的税费返还 购买商品、接受劳务 支付的现金
Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services
Refund of tax and levies Cash paid for goods and services
现金流量表 (Cash Flow Statement)-会计资料

目录1 现金流量表定义2 现金流量表的分析3 编报现金流量表的意义4 现金流量表的作用5 现金流量表的缺陷现金流量表定义现金流量表是财务报表的三个基本报告之一,所表达的是在一固定期间(通常是每月或每季)内,一家机构的现金(包含银行存款) 的增灭变动情形。
这份报告显示资产负债表(Balance Sheet)及损益表(Income Statement/Profit and Loss Account)如何影响现金和等同现金,以及根据公司的经营,投资和融资角度作出分析。
过去的企业经营都强调资产负债表与损益表两大表, 随着企业经营的扩展与复杂化, 对财务资讯的需求日见增长, 更因许多企业经营的中断肇因于资金的周转问题, 渐渐地, 报道企业资金动向的现金流量也获的得许多企业经营者的重视, 将之列为必备的财务报表。
现金流量图cash flow diagram

现金流量图现金流量图〔Cashflowdiagram〕名目[隐躲]•1什么是现金流量图•2现金流量图的要素•3现金流量图的画法•4案例分析o 4.1案例一:现金流量图的例子o 4.2案例二:现金流量图在教学中的应用[1]•5参考文献[编辑]什么是现金流量图现金流量图是一种反映经济系统资金运动状态的图式,即把经济系统的现金流量绘进一时刻坐标图中,表示出各现金流进、流出与相应时刻的对应关系。
Cash flow forecasting:现金流预测

Cash flow forecasting facilitates better management and use of financial resources
The cash flow forecast therefore shows how much cash a business has at its disposal at any time within the period of the forecast
The Cash Flow Idea
Cash Coming into the Business (Cash Inflows)
Limitations of cash flow
A forecast is based on assumptions may not be accurate
Customers may not pay on time
There may be a need to pay unexpected expenses such as repairs
Birchfield Cash Flow
Birchfield Interactive
Cash Flow Drag and Drop
Drag and Drop Activity
Benefits of cash flow forecasting
The business can foresee any periods in which there will be a short-fall in cash flow and make advance arrangements with its bank or other source of finance to cover the shortfall