






1. 英特尔酷睿 i9-11900H这款处理器的基础频率高达2.5GHz,最大可达4.9GHz。

在单核性能方面,它比前一代处理器提高了19%,比AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX和苹果M1 Pro更快。


2. 苹果 M1 Pro苹果公司最新发布的M1 Pro处理器在多核心性能方面非常出色。


此外,M1 Pro还有出色的图像处理和机器学习性能,可以大大增强使用者的工作效率。

3. 英特尔酷睿i7-11800Hi7-11800H不仅可以提供卓越的性能,还具有低功耗和高度智能的设计。


此外,i7-11800H还具有Intel Iris Xe显卡,这可以为用户带来更出色的游戏和视频播放体验。

4. AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX针对游戏玩家和专业应用使用者而设计的AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX,具有卓越的多核性能和能够达到4.6GHz的高频率。

此外,它还具有AMD SmartShift技术,该技术可以平衡CPU和GPU之间的功率分配,让您在高型号的轻薄本上大胆挑战最高难度的游戏。

5. 英特尔酷睿i7-1165G7英特尔酷睿i7-1165G7是一款性价比非常高的CPU,适合普通使用者。


此外,它还具有Intel Xe显卡,这可以让您在光影和色彩方面得到更好的体验。

6. AMD Ryzen 7 5800UAMD Ryzen 7 5800U拥有卓越的性能、低功耗和高集成度。







1. Intel Core i9-10900K作为英特尔第十代酷睿系列中的旗舰款,Intel Core i9-10900K以其卓越的性能和可靠的稳定性占据着榜首位置。


2. AMD Ryzen 9 5950X作为AMD推出的顶级处理器,AMD Ryzen 9 5950X提供了16个核心和32个线程,主频可达4.9GHz。


3. Intel Core i7-10700K作为英特尔酷睿系列的热门选择,Intel Core i7-10700K是一款8核16线程的处理器,主频可达5.1GHz。


4. AMD Ryzen 7 5800XAMD Ryzen 7 5800X是一款8核16线程的处理器,主频可达4.7GHz。

采用了7nm Zen 3架构,具备更高的效能和先进的工艺制程技术,适合进行多线程和高效能任务的处理。

5. Intel Core i5-10600K作为英特尔酷睿系列中的中高端选择,Intel Core i5-10600K拥有6个核心和12个线程,主频可达4.8GHz。


6. AMD Ryzen 5 5600XAMD Ryzen 5 5600X是一款6核12线程的处理器,主频可达4.6GHz。



U 代表低电压,散热功耗为15W,主要用于超极本和轻薄本。

Y 代表超低电压,散热功耗为10W,这种处理器主要用于二合一的产品。

H 代表BGA封装,也就是焊接到主板上的,没法自由更换,但是不代表性能就一定是低的。

M 代表标准电压产品,每一代的散热功耗可能都不一样,但一般都是在30W以上,是市场上主流的产品。

Q 代表四核,不过在笔记本的i7系列不一定是四核,也有一些术语低电压或者超低电压的双核四线程的产品。

X 代表旗舰级,基本都是四核心八线程产品,这类CPU大多数应用在游戏本或者专业本上。



HQ 代表直接焊在主板上的四核处理器,无法更换,主要用于一些高端的游戏本。

MQ 代表BGA封装的四核处理器,和桌面处理器一样卡在CPU插槽中,CPU可自由拆卸、更换。

XM 代表旗舰级移动版四核处理器,基本上就是只有顶级游戏笔记本会采用,同时也能更换。








1. 英特尔酷睿i9-10980HK英特尔酷睿i9-10980HK是英特尔最新一代的旗舰款处理器,具备强大的处理能力和超线程技术。



2. AMD 锐龙9 5900HXAMD 锐龙9 5900HX是AMD最新推出的移动版旗舰处理器,采用了7纳米制程工艺和Zen3架构。



3. 英特尔酷睿i7-10875H英特尔酷睿i7-10875H也是英特尔最新一代的处理器之一,适用于高性能轻薄游戏本。



4. AMD 锐龙7 5800HAMD 锐龙7 5800H是一款专为轻薄游戏本设计的处理器,采用了7纳米制程工艺和Zen3架构。



5. 英特尔酷睿i5-10300H英特尔酷睿i5-10300H是一款性价比较高的处理器,适用于入门级的轻薄游戏本。





更新⽇期:2010年7⽉14⽇[转]笔记本电脑处理器(CPU )性能排⾏榜笔记本电脑处理器(CPU)性能排⾏榜排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位1Intel Core i7940XM 25001MB+8MB 2130-333355454/82Intel Core i7920XM 25001MB+8MB 2000-320055454/83Intel Core i7840QM 25001MB+8MB 1860-320045454/84Intel Core i7820QM 25001MB+8MB 1730-306045454/85Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9300106612MB 2530454546Intel Core i7620M 2500512KB+4MB 2660-333335322/47Intel Core i5580M 2500512KB+3MB 2666-333335322/48Intel Core i7740QM 25001MB+6MB 1730-293045454/89Intel Core i7720QM 25001MB+6MB 1600-280045454/810Intel Core 2 Extreme X910010666MB 30604445211Intel Core 2 Duo T990010666MB 30603545212Intel Core 2 Duo T980010666MB 29203545213Intel Core i5540M 2500512KB+3MB 2530-306635322/414AMD Phenom II X2X620 BE 36002MB 31004545215Intel Core 2 Duo P970010666MB 28002845216Intel Core 2 Duo T960010666MB 28003545217Intel Core 2 Extreme X90008006MB 28004445218Intel Core i5520M 2500512KB+3MB 2400-293335322/419Intel Core i5450M 2500512KB+3MB 2400-293335322/420Intel Core 2 Extreme X79008004MB 280044652排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位21Intel Core 2 Quad Q9100106612MB 22604545422Intel Core 2 Duo P960010666MB 26602545223Intel Core 2 Duo T955010666MB 26603545224Intel Core 2 Duo T95008006MB 26003545225Intel Core i3370M 2500512KB+3MB 240035322/426Intel Core i5430M 2500512KB+3MB 2260-253335322/427AMD Phenom II X2N62036002MB 28003545228Intel Core 2 Duo SP960010666MB 25302545229Intel Core 2 Duo P950010666MB 25302545230Intel Core 2 Duo T940010666MB 25303545231Intel Core 2 Duo P880010663MB 26602545232Intel Core 2 Duo T93008006MB 25003545233Intel Core 2 Extreme X78008004MB 26004465234Intel Core 2 Duo T78008004MB 26003565235Intel Core 2 Duo P870010663MB 25302545236Intel Core i3350M 2500512KB+3MB 226035322/437Intel Core i7640LM 2500512KB+4MB 2130-293325322/438Intel Core 2 Duo SP940010666MB 24002545239Intel Core 2 Duo P860010663MB 24002545240Intel Core i3330M 2500512KB+3MB 213035322/4排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位41Intel Core i7620LM 2500512KB+4MB 2000-280025322/442Intel Core 2 Duo T83008003MB 24003545243Intel Core 2 Duo T77008004MB 24003465244AMD Phenom II X4X920 BE 36002MB 23004545445Intel Core 2 Quad Q900010666MB 20004545446AMD Phenom II X4N93036002MB20003545446AMD Phenom II X4N93036002MB20003545447AMD Phenom II X3N8303600 1.5MB21003545348Intel Core 2 Duo SP930010666MB22602545249Intel Core 2 Duo P840010663MB22602545250Intel Core 2 Duo P757010663MB22602545251Intel Core 2 Duo P755010663MB22602545252Intel Core 2 Duo T76006674MB23303465253Intel Core 2 Duo T67708002MB23003545254Intel Core 2 Duo T75008004MB22003565255AMD Turion II Ultra M66036002MB27003545256AMD Turion II N53036002MB25003545257Intel Core 2 Duo SL960010666MB21301745258Intel Pentium Dual Core T45008001MB23003545259Intel Core 2 Duo P745010663MB21302545260AMD Turion II Ultra M64036002MB260035452排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位61Intel Core 2 Duo T74006674MB21603465262Intel Core 2 Duo T81008003MB21003545263Intel Core 2 Duo T66708002MB22003545264Intel Core 2 Duo T66008002MB22003545265AMD Phenom II X3P8203600 1.5MB18002545366Intel Core 2 Duo T59008002MB22003565267AMD Turion II Ultra M62036002MB25003545268Intel Core 2 Duo P737010663MB20002545269AMD Turion II P5*******MB23002545270Intel Core Duo T27006672MB233031652-71Intel Pentium Dual Core T44008001MB22003545272Intel Celeron M P46002500512KB+2MB20003532273AMD Athlon II N33032001MB23003545274AMD Turion II M56036001MB25003545275AMD Phenom II X4P92036002MB16002545476Intel Pentium P60004800512KB+3MB18603532277Intel Celeron M P45002500512KB+2MB18603532278Intel Core 2 Duo P735010663MB20002545279Intel Core 2 Duo T73008004MB20003465280Intel Core 2 Duo T65708002MB210035452排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位81Intel Core 2 Duo T65008002MB21003545282Intel Core 2 Duo T58506672MB21003465283Intel Core 2 Duo T58708002MB20003465284Intel Pentium Dual Core T43008001MB21003545285AMD Turion II Ultra M60036002MB24003545286Intel Core Duo T26006672MB216031652-87Intel Core 2 Duo SL940010666MB18601745288Intel Core 2 Duo SL938010666MB18601745289Intel Pentium Dual Core T34006671MB21603565290Intel Core 2 Duo T64008002MB20003545291AMD Turion II M54036001MB24003545292AMD Turion X2 Ultra ZM-8636002MB24003565293Intel Core 2 Duo T72006674MB20003465294Intel Core 2 Duo T58008002MB20003565295Intel Core 2 Duo T72508002MB20003565296Intel Core 2 Duo T57506672MB20003465297Intel Pentium Dual Core T42008001MB20003545298Intel Celeron Dual-Core T33008001MB20003545299AMD Turion II M52036001MB23003545299AMD Turion II M52036001MB230035452100AMD Athlon II M36032001MB230035452排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位101Intel Core 2 Duo L77008004MB180017652102Intel Core 2 Duo SP77008004MB180020652103AMD Turion II M50036001MB220035452104Intel Celeron Dual-Core T31008001MB190035452105AMD Athlon II M34032001MB220035452106AMD Athlon II P3*******MB210025452107AMD Turion X2 Ultra ZM-8436002MB230035652108Intel Pentium Dual Core T32006671MB200035652109Intel Pentium Dual Core T24105331MB200035652110Intel Core 2 Duo T71008002MB180034652111Intel Core 2 Duo T56708002MB180035652112AMD Turion 64 X2TL-688001MB240035652113AMD Turion X2 Ultra ZM-8236002MB220035652114AMD Turion X2RM-7740001MB230035652115AMD Turion X2RM-7636001MB230035652116AMD Turion 64 X2TL-668001MB230035652117Intel Core Duo T25006672MB200031652-118Intel Core i7660UM2500512KB+4MB1333-240018322/4119Intel Celeron Dual-Core T30008001MB180035452120AMD Athlon II M32032001MB210035452排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位121AMD Athlon X2QL-6740001MB220035652122AMD Turion X2RM-7540001MB220035652123AMD Athlon X2QL-6636001MB220035652124AMD Turion X2RM-7436001MB220035652125AMD Turion 64 X2TL-648001MB220035652126Intel Core i7640UM2500512KB+4MB1200-226618322/4127Intel Core 2 Duo SL930010666MB160017452-128Intel Core 2 Duo T56006672MB183034652129AMD Turion X2 Ultra ZM-8036002MB210032652130AMD Athlon X2QL-6540001MB210035652131AMD Athlon X2QL-6436001MB210035652132AMD Turion X2RM-7236001MB210035652133Intel Core Duo T24505332MB200031652-134Intel Core 2 Duo T55506672MB183034652135Intel Core Duo T24006672MB183031652-136AMD Athlon II M30032001MB200035452137Intel Celeron Dual-Core T17006671MB183035652138AMD Turion 64 X2TL-628001MB210035652139Intel Pentium Dual Core T23905331MB186035652140Intel Pentium Dual Core T21305331MB186031652-排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位141AMD Turion X2RM-7036001MB200031652142AMD Athlon X2QL-6236001MB200035652143AMD Turion 64 X2TL-608001MB20003590/652144AMD Athlon X2QL-6036001MB190035652145Intel Core 2 Duo T55006672MB166034652146Intel Core 2 Duo T54708002MB160035652147Intel Core 2 Duo T54506672MB166034652148Intel Core 2 Duo T53005332MB173034652149Intel Core Duo L25006672MB183015652-150Intel Core Duo T23505332MB186031652-150Intel Core Duo T23505332MB186031652-151Intel Core 2 Duo SP75008004MB160020652152Intel Core 2 Duo SU96008003MB160010452153Intel Core 2 Duo T52005332MB166034652154Intel Core Duo T22505332MB170031652-155Intel Core Duo T23006672MB166031652-156Intel Core Duo T2300E6672MB166031652-157Intel Core 2 Duo L75008004MB160017652158Intel Core Duo L24005332MB16609652-159Intel Core 2 Duo L74006673MB150017652160Intel Pentium Dual Core T23705331MB173035652排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位161Intel Pentium Dual Core T20805331MB173031652-162Intel Core 2 Duo T52708002MB140034652163Intel Core 2 Duo T52506672MB150034652164Intel Core Duo L23006672MB150015652-165Intel Core 2 Duo L73008004MB140017652166Intel Core i7620UM2500512KB+4MB1060-213318322/4167Intel Core i5540UM2500512KB+3MB1200-200018322/4168Intel Core i5430UM2500512KB+3MB1200-173018322/4169Intel Core i5520UM2500512KB+3MB1060-186618322/4170Intel Core 2 Duo SU94008003MB140010452171AMD Turion 64 X2TL-588001MB190031652172AMD Turion 64 X2TL-568001MB18003390/652173Intel Celeron Dual-Core T16006671MB166035652174Intel Celeron Dual-Core T1500533512KB186635652175AMD Athlon 64 X2TK-57667512KB190031652176Intel Core Duo T20505332MB160031652-177Intel Celeron Dual-Core T1400533512KB173335652178AMD Turion II Neo K66532001MB170015452179Intel Pentium Dual Core T23305331MB160035652180Intel Pentium Dual Core T20605331MB160031652-排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位181AMD Athlon 64 X2TK-55667512KB18003165/902182AMD Athlon 64 X2TK-4216001MB160020652183AMD Turion 64 X2TL-538001MB170031652184AMD Athlon 64 X2TK-53667512KB170031652185AMD Athlon Neo X2L32516001MB150018652186AMD Turion 64 X2TL-528001MB160031902187Intel Core i3330UM2500512KB+3MB120018322/4188Intel Pentium U54002500512KB+3MB120018322189Intel Core 2 Duo SU73008003MB130010452190Intel Core 2 Duo L72006673MB130017652191Intel Pentium Dual Core T23105331MB146035652192Intel Pentium Dual Core SU41008002MB130010452193AMD Turion 64 X2TL-50800512KB160031902194AMD Mobile Sempron X2NI-521800256KB180035652195AMD Turion Neo X2L6258001MB160018652196AMD Turion II Neo K62532001MB150015452197AMD Athlon Neo X2L335800512KB160018652198Intel Core 2 Duo L71008004MB120017652-199Intel Core 2 Duo SU93008003MB120010452200Intel Core 2 Duo U77005332MB133010652-排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位201Intel Celeron M9008001MB220035451202Intel Core 2 Duo U76005332MB120010652202Intel Core 2 Duo U76005332MB120010652203Intel Celeron Dual-Core SU23008001MB120010452-204AMD Athlon II Neo K32520001MB130012452205Intel Core Duo U25005332MB12009652-206Intel Pentium U34002500512KB+2MB106018322207Intel Core 2 Duo U75005332MB106010652208Intel Core Duo U24005332MB10609652-209AMD Mobile Athlon 644000+8001MB260062901210Intel Pentium M7805332MB226027901-211AMD Turion 64ML-448001MB240035901212AMD Turion 64ML-42800512KB240035901213Intel Pentium M7705332MB213027901-214Intel Pentium M7654002MB210021901-215Intel Pentium M7605332MB200027901-216AMDV-Series V1203200512KB220025451217AMD Athlon X2L3108001MB120013652218AMD Turion 64ML-408001MB220035901219AMD Turion 64MT-408001MB220025901220Intel Pentium M7554002MB200021901-排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位221Intel Celeron M5705331MB226030651-222Intel Celeron M5856671MB216031651223Intel Celeron M5605331MB213030651224AMD Turion 64MK-38800512KB220031901225AMD Turion 64MT-378001MB200025901226AMD Turion 64ML-378001MB200035901227Intel Core Solo T14006672MB183027651-228Intel Celeron M5756671MB200031651229Intel Celeron M5505331MB200030651230Intel Celeron M4505331MB200027651-231Intel Pentium M7505332MB186027901-232Intel Pentium M7454002MB180021901-233Intel Core Solo T13505332MB186027651-234Intel Celeron M5405331MB186030651235Intel Pentium M7405332MB173027901-236Intel Celeron M4405331MB186027651-237Intel Pentium M7354002MB170021901-238Intel Pentium M7305332MB160027901-239AMD Mobile Athlon 643700+8001MB2400811240AMD Mobile Athlon 643400+8001MB2200621排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位241AMD Mobile Sempron M1003200512KB200025401?242AMD Turion 64MK-36800512KB200031901243AMD Mobile Sempron4000+800512KB220031651244AMD Mobile Athlon 643200+8001MB2000621245Intel Mobile Pentium 45525331MB346088901-246Intel Mobile Pentium 45185331MB3460881301-247Intel Mobile Pentium 45385331MB320088901-248AMD Mobile Sempron3800+800256KB220031651249AMD Mobile Sempron SI-421800512KB210025651250AMD Mobile Sempron SI-401800512KB200025651251AMD Mobile Athlon 643000+800512KB2000351252AMD Athlon II Neo K12520001MB170012451253AMD Turion 64MT-348001MB180025901254AMD Turion 64ML-348001MB180035901255Intel Mobile Pentium 45325331MB306088901-255Intel Mobile Pentium 45325331MB306088901-256AMD Turion 64MT-32800512KB179025901257AMD Turion 64ML-32800512KB179035901258AMD Mobile Sempron3600+800256KB200025651259AMD Mobile Athlon 642800+800512KB1800351260AMD Mobile Athlon 642700+800512KB1600351排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位261AMD Mobile Sempron3500+800512KB180025901262AMD Mobile Sempron3400+800256KB2000621-263AMD Mobile Sempron3300+800128KB200062901-264AMD Athlon Neo MV-401600512KB160015651265AMD Mobile Sempron3200+800512KB1600251-266AMD Mobile Sempron3100+800256KB1800621-267AMD Mobile Sempron3000+800256KB1800351-268Intel Core Solo T13006672MB166027651-269Intel Pentium M7254002MB160021901-270Intel Celeron M5305331MB173030651271Intel Celeron M4305331MB173027651-272Intel Celeron M3904001MB170021901-273Intel Core 2 Solo SU35008003MB14005451274Intel Atom3305331MB16008452/4275Intel Atom N5501MB15008452/4? 276Intel Pentium 4-M5485331MB333088901-277AMD Turion 64MT-308001MB160025901278AMD Turion 64ML-308001MB160035901279Intel Pentium SU27008002MB130010451280Intel Mobile Pentium 4520533512KB280091901-排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位281VIANano L21008001MB180025651282Intel Core Solo U15005332MB13305651-283Intel Core 2 Solo SU33008003MB12005451284Intel Pentium M7154002MB150021901-285Intel Celeron M5205331MB160030651286Intel Celeron M4205331MB160027651-287Intel Pentium M7784002MB160010901-288Intel Celeron M3804001MB160021901-289Intel Core Solo T12006672MB150027651-290AMD Turion 64MT-28800512KB160025901291AMD Turion 64ML-28800512KB160035901292AMD Mobile Sempron2800+800256KB1600621-293AMD Mobile Sempron2700+800128KB1600621-294AMD Mobile Sempron2600+800128KB1600251-295Intel Celeron M7438001MB130010451296Intel Pentium M7104002MB140021901-297Intel Celeron M330400512KB1400211301-298Intel Pentium M7584002MB150010901-299Intel Pentium M7054001MB1500241301-300Intel Celeron M3704001MB150021901-排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位301Motorola PowerPC G4G4A 1.5133512KB15001301-302Intel Pentium M7184001MB1300101301-303Intel Pentium M7734002MB13005901-304Intel Celeron M320400512KB1300211301-305Intel Pentium M13004001MB1300241301-306Intel Core 2 Solo U22005331MB12005651306Intel Core 2 Solo U22005331MB12005651307Intel Core Solo U14005332MB12005651-308AMDV-Series V1052000512KB12009451309Intel Pentium M7384002MB140010901-310Intel Celeron M3604001MB140021901-311Intel Celeron M4105331MB146027651-312AMD Mobile Sempron210U1600256KB150015651313Intel Celeron M340400512KB1500211301-314Intel Atom Z560533512KB2130451/2-315Intel Celeron M3504001MB130021901-316VIA C7-M C7-M-2000533128KB200020901-317Intel Atom Z550533512KB20002451/2-318Intel Pentium M7534002MB12005901-319Intel Celeron M7238001MB12005451320Intel Atom N475533512KB18606451/2排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位321Intel Atom N470533512KB18606451/2322Intel Atom Z540533512KB18302451/2-323Motorola PowerPC G4G4 1.3133512KB13331801-324VIANano U22508001MB150010651325Intel Atom N455533512KB16606451/2326Intel Atom N450533512KB16605451/2327Intel Atom N280667512KB16602451/2-328Intel Atom230533512KB16004451/2329Intel Atom Z530533512KB16002451/2-330Intel Atom N270533512KB16002451/2-331Intel Celeron M310400512KB1200211301-332Intel Pentium M7334002MB11005901-333Intel Pentium M7134001MB110051301-334VIA C7-M C7-M-1867400128KB186715901-335Intel Pentium 4-M P4-M 1,7400512KB1700301301-336Intel Mobile Pentium III-M P3M-1200133512KB1200221301-337Intel Core Solo U13005332MB10605651-338Intel Core 2 Solo U21005331MB10605651339Intel Pentium M733J4002MB11005901-340Intel Pentium M7234002MB10005901-排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位341Intel Celeron M7228001MB12005451342Intel Celeron M4235331MB10605651-343Intel Celeron M3834001MB10005901-344Intel Celeron M373400512KB10005901-345Intel Celeron M5235331MB9335651346Intel Pentium M ULV 9004001MB90071301-347Intel Atom Z520533512KB13332451/2-348Intel Mobile A A110400512KB8003901-349AMD Mobile Sempron200U1600256KB10008651350Motorola PowerPC G4G4 1.0133512KB10001801-351Intel Celeron M353400512KB9005901-352Intel Celeron M333400512KB90051301-353VIA C7-M C7-M-1600400128KB160012901-354VIANano U25008001MB12006651355Intel Atom Z510400512KB11002451-356VIA C7-M C7-M-1500 ULV400128KB15007901-357Intel Mobile A A100400512KB6003901-358VIA C3-M C3-M-150020064KB1500121301-359VIA C7-M C7-M-1000400128KB10003901-359VIA C7-M C7-M-1000400128KB10003901-360Intel Pentium M P-M 6004002MB600901-排名⼚商型号前端总线(MHz)⼆级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(⽡)制造⼯艺(纳⽶)核⼼/线程64位361Intel Celeron M630 MHz400512KB6305901-362Intel Atom Z500400512KB800451-363Transmeta Crusoe TM-5800266512KB100071301-364VIA C7-M C7-M-1200400128KB12005901-365VIA C3-M C3-M-120020064KB1200181301-366AMD Geode LX800128KB5003651-367AMD Geode LX700128KB4333651-。



35 36 37 38
P8700 350M 640LM SP9400
1066 2500 2500 1066
25 35
45 32 32 45
2 2/4 2/4 2
512KB+3MB 2260
20 35 35 35 25 35
65 45 45 45 45 65
2 2 2 2 2 2
103 AMD Turion II M500 104 Intel Celeron Dual-Core T3100
105 AMD Athlon II M340 106 AMD Athlon II P320 107 AMD Turion X2 Ultra Intel Pentium Dual Core Intel Pentium Dual Core Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo AMD Turion 64 X2 AMD Turion X2 Ultra ZM-84


18 Intel Core i7-2635QM 1MB+6MB 45 2000-2900 4/8 32
19 Intel Core i7 2630QM 1MB+6MB 45 2000-2900 4/8 32
排名 型号 二级+三级缓存 前端总线(MHz) 功率(瓦) 主频(MHz) 核心/线程 工艺(纳米) 64位
20 Intel Core i7 940XM 1MB+8MB 2500 55 2130-3333 4/8 45
21 Intel Core i7 920XM 1MB+8MB 2500 55 2000-3200 4/8 45
22 Intel Core i7-3520M 512KB + 4MB 35 2900-3600 2/4 22
6 Intel Core i7 3720QM 1MB + 6MB 45 2600-3600 4/8 22
7 Intel Core i7 2960XM 1MB+8MB 55 2700-3700 4/8 32
8 Intel Core i7 2860QM 1MB+8MB 45 2500-3600 4/8 32
9 Intel Core i7 3615QM 1MB + 6MB 45 2300-3300 4/8 22
10 Intel Core i7 3610QM 1MB + 6MB 45 2300-3300 4/8 22
11 Intel Core i7 2920XM 1MB+8MB 55 2500-3500 4/8 32
86 Intel Core i7 620LM 512KB+4MB 2500 25 2000-2800 2/4 32

笔记本电脑处理器 CPU 性能参数及排行

笔记本电脑处理器 CPU 性能参数及排行

笔记本电脑处理器CPU 性能参数及排行排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位1IntelCore i72920XM512KB+8MB2500-350055324/8 2IntelCorei72820QM512KB+8MB2300-340045324/8 3IntelCore i72720QM512KB+6MB2200-330045324/8 4IntelCore i72635QM512KB+6MB2000-290045324/8 5IntelCore i72630QM512KB+6MB2000-290045324/8 6IntelCore i7940XM25001MB+8MB2130-333355454/8 7IntelCore i7920XM25001MB+8MB2000-320055454/8 8IntelCore i7840QM25001MB+8MB1860-320045454/8 9IntelCore i7640M2500512KB+4MB2800-346035322/4 10IntelCore i72620M512KB+4MB2700-340035322/4 11IntelCore i7820QM25001MB+8MB1730-306045454/812IntelCore 2ExtremeQX 9300106612MB 253045454 13IntelCorei52540M512KB+3MB2600-320035322/4 14IntelCore i7620M2500512KB+4MB2660-333335322/4 15IntelCore i5580M 4800512KB+3MB2666-333335322/4 16IntelCore i7740QM25001MB+6MB1730-293045454/817IntelCore i5560M 2500512KB+3MB2667-320035322/4 18IntelCorei52520M512KB+3MB2500-320035322/4 19IntelCore i7720QM25001MB+6MB1600-280045454/8排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位20IntelCore 2ExtremeX 910010666MB 306044452 21In telCore 2DuoT 990010666MB 306035452 22IntelCore 2DuoT 980010666MB 29203545223IntelCore i5480M 2400512KB+3MB2666-293335322/4 24IntelCore i5540M 2500512KB+3MB2530-306635322/4 25IntelCore i5460M 2400512KB+3MB2530-280035322/4 26IntelCore 2DuoP 970010666MB 280028452 27IntelCore 2DuoT 960010666MB 280035452 28IntelCore 2ExtremeX 90008006MB 28004445229AMDPhenom II X2X620 BE36002MB 310045452 30IntelCore i3390M 2500512KB+3MB 266735322/4 31IntelCore i72649M512KB+4MB2300-320025322/4 32IntelCore i52410M512KB+3MB2300-290035322/4 33IntelCore i5520M 2500512KB+3MB2400-293335322/4 34IntelCorei72629M512KB+4MB2100-300025322/4 35IntelCore i5450M2500512KB+3MB2400-266035322/4 36IntelCore i3380M 2500512KB+3MB 253335322/4 37IntelCore i7660LM 2500512KB+4MB2267-306725322/438IntelCore 2ExtremeX 79008004MB 280044652 39IntelCore 2QuadQ 9100106612MB 226045454排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位40IntelCore 2DuoP 960010666MB 266025452 41IntelCore 2DuoT 955010666MB 266035452 42IntelCore 2DuoT 95008006MB 26003545243IntelCore i5430M 2500512KB+3 MB2260-253335322/4 44IntelCore i3370M 2500512KB+3MB 240035322/4 45IntelCore i7640LM 2500512KB+4MB2130-293325322/4 46IntelCore 2DuoSP 960010666MB 253025452 47IntelCore2DuoP 950010666MB 253025452 48IntelCore i7620LM 2500512KB+4MB2000-280025322/4 49IntelCore 2DuoT 940010666MB 253035452 50IntelCorei72657M512KB+4MB1600-270017322/4 51IntelCore 2DuoP 880010663MB 266025452 52IntelCore 2DuoT 93008006MB 250035452 53IntelCorei32310M512KB+3MB 210035322/4 54AMDPhenom II X2N 66036002MB 300035452 55IntelCore i3350M 2500512KB+3MB 226035322/4 56IntelCorei72617M512KB+4MB1500-260017322/4 57IntelCore 2ExtremeX 78008004MB 260044652 58IntelCore 2DuoT 78008004MB 260035652 59IntelCore 2DuoP 870010663MB 253025452排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位60AMDPhenom II X2N 64036002MB 290035452 61AMDPhenom II X4X940 BE36002MB 240045454 62IntelCore 2DuoSP 940010666MB 24002545263IntelCore i3330M 2500512KB+3MB 213035322/4 64IntelCorei52537M512KB+3MB1400-230017322/4 65IntelCore i7680UM2500512KB+4MB1467-253318322/4 66AMDPhenom II X2P 65036002MB2800 25452 67AMDPhenom II X2N 62036002MB 280035452 68AMDPhenom II X4X920BE36002MB 230045454 69IntelCore 2DuoP 860010663MB 24002545270AMDPhenom II X3N 87036001.5MB 230035453 71AMDPhenom II X4N 97036002MB 220035454 72IntelCore 2DuoT 83008003MB 24003545273IntelPentiumP 63002500512KB+3MB 226635322 74IntelCore 2DuoT 77008004MB 240034652 75IntelCore 2QuadQ 900010666MB 20004545476AMDPhenom II X3N 85036001.5MB 220035453 77AMDPhenom II X4N 95036002MB 210035454 78AMDPhenom II X4N 93036002MB 20003545479AMDPhenom II X3N 83036001.5MB 210035453排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位80IntelCore 2DuoSP 930010666MB 226025452 81IntelCore i7660UM 2500512KB+4MB1333-240018322/4 82IntelCore 2DuoP 840010663MB 226025452 83AMDPhenom II X4P 96036002MB 180025454 84IntelCore 2DuoP 757010663MB 226025452 85IntelCore 2DuoP 755010663MB 226025452 86IntelCore 2DuoT 76006674MB 233034652 87IntelPentiumP 62002500512KB+3MB 21333532288IntelCore 2DuoT 67708002MB 230035452 89AMDPhenom II X3P 86036001.5MB 200025453 90AMDPhenom II X4P 94036002MB 17002545491AMDTurion IIN57 036002 MB 270035452 92AMDTurion II UltraM 66036002MB 270035452 93IntelCore i5560UM 2500512KB+3MB1333-213018322/4 94IntelCore i7640UM 2500512KB+4MB1200-226618322/495IntelPentium Dual CoreT 45008001MB 230035452 96IntelCore 2DuoT 75008004MB 220035652 97IntelCore 2DuoSL 960010666MB 21301745298IntelCore 2DuoP 745010663MB 213025452 99AMDPhenom II X3P 84036001.5MB 190025453排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位100AMDPhenom II X4P 92036002MB 160025454 101AMDTurion IIN 55036002MB 260035452 102AMDTurion II UltraM 64036002MB 260035452103IntelCore 2DuoT 74006674MB 216034652 104IntelCore 2DuoT 81008003MB 210035452 105IntelCore 2DuoT 66708002MB 220035452 106IntelCore 2DuoT 66008002MB 220035452 107AMDPhenom II X3P 82036001.5MB 180025453108IntelCore 2DuoT 59008002MB 220035652 109AMDTurion IIP 56036002MB 250025452 110AMDTurion IIN 53036002MB 250035452 111AMDTurion II UltraM 62036002MB 250035452 112IntelCore 2DuoP 737010663MB 200025452 113IntelCore DuoT 27006672MB 233031652-114IntelPentium Dual CoreT 44008001MB 220035452 115IntelPentiumP 6100250 0512KB+3MB 200035322 116IntelCeleron MP 46002500512KB+2MB 200035322 117AMDTurion IIM 56036001MB 250035452 118AMDAthlon IIN 37032001MB 250035452 119IntelPentiumP 60004800512KB+3MB 186035322排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位120IntelCeleron MP 45002500512KB+2MB 186035322 121IntelCore 2DuoP 735010663MB 200025452 122IntelCore 2DuoT 73008004MB 200034652123IntelCore 2DuoT 65708002MB 210035452 124IntelCore 2DuoT 65008002MB 210035452 125IntelCore 2DuoT 58506672MB 210034652 126AMDTurion IIP 54036002MB 240025452 127AMDTurion II UltraM 60036002MB 240035452128IntelPentium Dual CoreT 43008001MB 210035452 129IntelCeleron Dual-CoreT 35008001MB 210035452 130AMDAthlon IIN 35032001MB 240035452131AMDTurion IIM 54036001MB 240035452 132AMDTurion IIP 52036002MB 230025452 133IntelCore DuoT 26006672MB 216031652-134IntelCore 2DuoSL 940010666MB 186017452 135IntelCore 2DuoSL 93808006MB 180017452 136IntelPentium Dual CoreT 34006671MB 216035652 137IntelCore 2DuoT 64008002MB 200035452 138IntelCore 2DuoT 58708002MB 200034652 139AMDTurion X2 UltraZM-8636002 MB 240035652排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位140IntelCore 2DuoT 72006674MB 200034652 141IntelCore 2DuoT 58008002MB 200035652 142IntelCore 2DuoT 72508002MB 200035652143AMDAthlon IIN 33032001MB 230035452 144AMDAthlon IIP 36032001MB 230025452 145AMDTurion IIM 52036001MB 230035452 146AMDAthlon IIM 36032001MB 230035452 147IntelCore 2DuoT 57506672MB 200034652148IntelPentium Dual CoreT 42008001MB 200035452 149IntelCeleron Dual-CoreT 33008001MB 200035452 150AMDTurion IIM 50036001MB 220035452151AMDAthlon IIP 34032001MB 220025452 152AMDAthlon IIM 34032001MB 220035452 153IntelCore 2DuoL 77008004MB 180017652 154IntelCore 2DuoSP 77008004MB 180020652 155IntelCeleron Dual-CoreT 31008001MB 190035452 156IntelCore i5470UM 2500512KB+3MB1333-186718322/4 157IntelCorei7620UM 2500512KB+4MB1060-213318322/4 158AMDTurion X2 UltraZM-8544002MB 230035652 159AMDTurion X2 UltraZM-8436002MB 230035652排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位160IntelPentium Dual CoreT 32006671MB 200035652 161IntelPentium Dual CoreT 24105331MB 200035652 162AMDA thlon IIP 32032001MB 210025452 163AMDAthlon IIM 32032001MB 210035452 164IntelCore 2DuoT 71008002MB 180034652 165IntelCore 2DuoT 56708002MB 180035652166AMDTurion 64 X2TL-688001MB 240035652 167AMDTurion X2 UltraZM-8236002MB 220035652 168AMDTurion X2RM-7740001MB 230035652169AMDTurion X2RM-7636001MB 230035652 170AMDTurion 64 X2TL-668001MB 230035652 171IntelCore DuoT 25006672MB 200031652-172IntelCeleron Dual-CoreT 30008001MB 180035452 173IntelCorei5540UM 2500512KB+3MB1200-200018322/4 174AMDAthlon X2QL-6740001MB 220035652 175AMDTurion X2RM-7540001MB 220035652 176AMDAthlon X2QL-6636001MB 220035652 177AMDTurion X2RM-7436001MB 220035652178AMDTurion 64 X2TL-648001MB 220035652 179IntelCore 2DuoSL 930010666MB 160017452排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位180IntelCore 2DuoT 56006672MB 183034652 181AMDAthlon IIM 30032001MB 200035452 182AMDTurion X2 UltraZM-8036002MB 210032652183AMDAthlon X2QL-6536001MB 210035652 184AMDAthlon X2QL-6436001MB 210035652 185AMDTurion X2RM-7236001MB 210035652 186IntelCore DuoT 24505332MB 200031652-187Int elCore 2DuoT 55506672MB 183034652 188IntelCore DuoT 24006672MB 183031652-189IntelCeleron Dual-CoreT 17006671MB 183035652 190AMDTurion 64 X2TL-628001MB 210035652 191IntelPentium Dual CoreT 23905331MB 186035652 192IntelPentium Dual CoreT 21305331MB 186031652-193IntelCore i3380UM 2500512KB+3MB 133318322/4 194AMDTurion X2RM-7036001MB 200031652 195AMDAthlon X2QL-6236001MB 200035652196AMDTurion 64 X2TL-608001MB 20003590/652 197AMDAthlon X2QL-6036001MB 190035652 198IntelCore 2DuoT 55006672MB 166034652199IntelCore i5430UM 2500512KB+3MB1200-173018322/4排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位200IntelCore i5520UM 2500512KB+3MB1060-186618322/4 201IntelCore 2DuoT 54708002MB 160035652 202IntelCore 2DuoT 54506672MB 166034652 203IntelCore 2DuoT 53005332MB 173034652 204IntelCore DuoL 25006672MB 183015652-205IntelCore DuoT 23505332MB 186031652-206IntelCore 2DuoSP 75008004MB 160020652 207IntelCore 2DuoSU 96008003MB 160010452 208IntelCore 2DuoT 52005332MB 166034652209IntelCore DuoT 22505332MB 170031652-210IntelCore DuoT 23006672MB 166031652-211IntelCore DuoT2300E6672MB 166031652-212IntelCore 2DuoL 75008004MB 160017652 213IntelCore DuoL 24005332MB 16609652-214IntelPentium Dual CoreT 23705331MB 173035652 215IntelPentium Dual CoreT 20805331MB 173031652-216IntelCore 2DuoT 52708002MB 140035652 217IntelCore 2DuoT 52506672MB 150034652 218IntelCore DuoL 23006672MB 150015652-219IntelCore 2DuoL 73008004MB 140017652排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位220AMDTurion II NeoK 68532001MB 180015452 221IntelCore 2DuoSU 94008003MB 140010452 222AMDTurion 64 X2TL-588001MB 190031652223AMDTurion 64 X2TL-568001MB 18003390/652 224IntelCeleron Dual-CoreT 16006671MB 166035652 225IntelCeleron Dual-CoreT 1500533512KB 186635652 226AMDAthlon 64 X2TK-57667512KB 190031652 227IntelCore DuoT 20505332MB 160031652-228IntelCeleron Dual-CoreT 1400533512KB 173335652 229AMDTurion II NeoK 66532001MB 170015452 230IntelCore i3330UM 2500512KB+3MB 120018322/4 231IntelPentium Dual CoreT 23305331MB 160035652232IntelPentium Dual CoreT 20605331MB 160031652-233IntelPentiumU 56002500512KB+3MB 120018322 234AMD Athlon 64X2TK-55667512KB 18003165/902 235AMDTurion II NeoK 64532001MB 160015452 236AMDAthlon 64 X2TK-4216001MB 160020652 237AMDTurion 64X2TL-538001MB 170031652 238AMDAthlon 64 X2TK-53667512KB 170031652239AMDAthlon Neo X2L 32516001MB 150018652排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位240AMDTurion 64 X2TL-528001MB 160031902 241IntelCore 2DuoSU 73008003MB 130010452 242AMDTurion Neo X2L 6258001MB 160018652243IntelPentiumU 54002500512KB+3MB 120018322 244AMDTurion 64 X2L 5108001MB 160020652 245IntelPentium Dual CoreT 23105331MB 146035652 246IntelPentium Dual CoreSU 41008002MB 130010452 247IntelCeleron MU 36002500512KB+2MB 120018322 248AMDTurion II NeoK 62532001MB 150015452 249AMDTurion 64 X2TL-50800512KB 160031902 250AMDMobile Sempron X2NI-521800256KB 180035652 251AMDAthlon Neo X2L 335800512KB 160018652252IntelCeleron M9258001MB 230035451 253AMDV-SeriesV 1603200512KB 240025451 254AMDAthlon II NeoK 34520001MB 140012452 255IntelCore2DuoSU 93008003MB 120010452 256IntelCore 2DuoU 77005332MB 133010652-257IntelCore 2DuoL 71008004MB 1200176 52-258IntelCeleron M9008001MB 220035451 259AMDV-SeriesV 1403200512KB 230025451排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位260IntelCore 2DuoU 76005332MB 120010652 261IntelCeleron Dual-CoreSU 23008001MB 120010452 262IntelCeleron MU 34002500512KB+2MB 106018322 263AMDAthlon II NeoK 32520001MB 130012452 264IntelCore DuoU 25005332MB 12009652-265IntelCore 2DuoU 75005332MB 106010652 266IntelCore DuoU 24005332MB 10609652-267AMDMobile Athlon 644000+8001MB 260062901 268IntelPentiumM7805332MB 226027901-269AMDTurion 64ML-448001MB 240035901 270AMDTurion 64ML-42800512KB 240035901 271IntelPentium M7705332MB 213027901-272IntelPentium M7654002MB 210021901-273IntelPentium M7605332MB 200027901-274AMDV-SeriesV 1203200512KB 220025451 275AMDMobile SempronM 1403200512KB 220025401 276AMDAthlon X2L 3108001MB 120013652277AMDTurion 64ML-408001MB 220035901 278AMDTurion 64MT-408001MB 220025901 279IntelPentium M7554002MB 200021901-排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位280IntelCeleron M5705331MB 226030651 281IntelCeleron M5856671MB 216031651 282AMDMobile SempronM 1203200512KB 210025401283IntelCeleron M5605331MB 213030651 284AMDMobile SempronM 1003200512KB 200025401 285AMDTurion 64MK-38800512KB 220031901286AMDTurion 64MT-378001MB 200025901 287AMDTurion 64ML-378001MB 200035901 288IntelCore SoloT 14006672MB 183027651-289IntelCeleron M5756671MB 200031651 290IntelCeleron M5505331MB 200030651 291IntelCeleron M4505331MB 200027651-292IntelPentium M7505332MB 186027901-293IntelPentium M7454002MB 180021901-294IntelCore SoloT 13505332MB 186027651-295IntelCeleron M5405331MB 186030651 296IntelPentium M7405332MB 173027901-297IntelCeleron M4405331MB 186027651-298IntelPentium M7354002MB 170021901-299IntelPentium M7305332MB 160027901-排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位300AMDMobile Athlon 643700+8001MB 2400811 301AMDMobile Athlon 643400+8001MB 2200621 302AMDTurion 64MK-36800512KB 200031901303AMDMobile Sempron4000+800512 KB 220031651 304AMDMobile Athlon 643200+8001MB 2000621 305IntelMobile Pentium 45525331 MB 346088901-306IntelMobile Pentium 45385331 MB 320088901-307A MDMobile Sempron3800+800256 KB 220031651 308AMDMobile SempronSI-421800512KB 210025651 309AMDAthlon II NeoK 14520001MB 180012451 310AMDMobile SempronSI-401800512KB 200025651 311AMDMobile Athlon 643000+800512 KB 2000351 312AMDAthlon II NeoK 12520001MB 170012451 313AMDTurion 64MT-348001MB 180025901 314AMDTurion 64ML-348001MB 180035901 315IntelPentium 4-M 5485331MB 333088901-316IntelMobile Pentium 45325331 MB 306088901-317AMDTurion 64MT-32800512KB 179025901 318AMDTurion 64ML-32800512KB 179035901 319AMDMobile Sempron3600+800256 KB 200025651排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位320AMDMobile Athlon 642800+800512 KB 1800351 321AMDMobile Athlon 642700+800512 KB 1600351 322AMDMobile Sempron3500+800512 KB 180025901 323AMDMobile Sempron3400+800256 KB 2000621-324AMDMobile Sempron3300+800128 KB 200062901-325AMDAthlon NeoMV-401600512KB 160015651 326AMDMobileSempron3200+800512 KB 1600251-327AMDMobile Sempron3100+800256 KB 1800621-328AMDMobile Sempron3000+800256 KB 1800351-329IntelCore SoloT 13006672MB 166027651-330IntelAtomD5251MB 180018452/4 331IntelPentium M7254002MB 160021901-332IntelCeleron M5305331MB 173030651 333IntelCeleron M4305331MB 173027651-334IntelCeleron M3904001MB 170021901-335IntelCore 2SoloSU 35008003MB 14005451 336IntelAtomN 5706661MB 16608452/4 337IntelAtom 3305331MB 16008452/4 338IntelAtomN 5506661MB 15008452/4 339AMDTurion 64MT-308001MB 160025901排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位340AMDTurion 64ML-308001MB 160035901 341IntelPentiumSU 27008002MB 130010451 342IntelMobile Pentium 4520533512 KB 280091901-343IntelMobile Pentium 45185331 MB 2800881301-344VIANanoL 21008001MB 180025651 345IntelCore SoloU 15005332MB 13305651-346IntelCore 2SoloSU 33008003MB 12005451 347IntelCeleronM7638001MB 140010451 348IntelPentium M7154002MB 150021901-349IntelCeleron M5205331MB 160030651 350IntelCeleron M4205331MB 160027651-351IntelPentium M7784002MB 160010901-352IntelCeleron M3804001MB 160021901-353IntelCore SoloT 12006672MB 150027651-354AMDAthlon 64TF-20667512KB 160025651 355AMDTurion 64MT-28800512KB 160025901 356AMDTurion 64ML-28800512KB 160035901 357A MDMobile Sempron2800+800256 KB 1600621-358IntelCeleron M4105331MB 146027651-359AMDMobile Sempron2700+800128 KB 1600621-排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位360AMDMobile Sempron2600+800128 KB 1600251-361IntelCeleron M7438001MB 130010451 362IntelPentium M7104002MB 140021901-363IntelCeleron M330400512KB 1400211301-364IntelPentium M7584002MB 150010901-365IntelPentium M7054001MB 1500241301-366IntelCeleron M3704001MB 150021901-367MotorolaPowerPC G4G4A 1.5133512 KB 15001301-368IntelPentium M7184001MB 1300101301-369IntelPentium M7734002MB 13005901-370IntelCeleron M320400512KB 1300211301-371IntelPentium M13004001MB 1300241301-372IntelCore 2SoloU 22005331MB 12005651 373IntelCore SoloU 14005332MB 12005651-374AMDV-SeriesV 1052000512KB 12009451 375IntelPentium M7384002MB 140010901-376IntelCeleron M3604001MB 140021901-377AMDMobile Sempron210U 1600256KB 150015651 378IntelCeleronM340400512KB 1500211301-379IntelAtomZ 560533512KB 2130451/2-排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位380IntelCeleron M3504001MB 13002190 1-381VIAC7-MC7-M-2000533128KB 200020901-382IntelAtomZ 550533512KB 20002451/2-383IntelPentium M7534002MB 12005901-384IntelCeleron M7238001MB 12005451 385IntelAtomN 475533512KB 18606451/2 386IntelAtomN 470533512KB 18606451/2 387IntelAtomZ 540533512KB 18302451/2-388MotorolaPowerPC G4G4 1.3133512 KB 13331801-389VIANanoU 22508001MB 150010651 390IntelAtomN 455533512KB 16606451/2 391IntelAtomN 450533512KB 16605451/2 392IntelAtomN 280667512KB 16602451/2-393IntelAtom 230533512KB 16004451/2 394IntelAtomZ 530533512KB 16002451/2-395IntelAtomN 270533512KB 16002451/2-396IntelCeleron M310400512KB 1200211301-397AMDAthlon 64L 110800512KB12001 398IntelPentium M7334002MB 11005901-399IntelPentium M733J4002MB 11005901-排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位400IntelPentium M7134001MB 110051301-401VIAC7-MC7-M-1867400128KB 186715901-402IntelPentium 4-MP4-M 1,7400512 KB 1700301301-403IntelMobile Pentium III-MP3M-1200133512KB 1200221301-404IntelCore SoloU 13005332MB 10605651-405IntelCore 2SoloU 21005331MB 10605651 406IntelPentiumM7234002MB1000 5901-407IntelCeleron M7228001MB 12005451 408IntelCeleron M4235331MB 10605651-409IntelCeleron M3834001MB 10005901-410IntelCeleron M373400512KB 10005901-411IntelCeleron M5235331MB 9335651 412IntelPentium MULV 9004001 MB 90071301-413IntelAtomZ 520533512KB 13332451/2-414IntelMobile AA 110400512KB 8003901-415AMDMobile Sempron200U 1600256KB 10008651 416MotorolaPowerPC G4G4 1.0133512 KB 10001801-417IntelCeleron M353400512KB 9005901-418IntelCeleron M333400512KB 90051301-419VIAC7-MC7-M-1600400128KB 160012901-排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程64位420VIANanoU 25008001MB 12006651 421IntelAtomZ 510400512KB 11002451-422VIAC7-MC7-M-1500 ULV 400128KB 15007901-423IntelMobile AA 100400512KB 6003901-424VIAC3-MC3-M-150020064KB 1500121301-425VIAC7-MC7-M-1000400128KB 10003901-426IntelPentium MP-M 6004002 MB 600901-427IntelCeleron M630 MHz 400512KB 6305901-428IntelAtomZ 500400512KB 800451-429TransmetaCrusoeTM-5800266512KB 100071301- 430VIAC7-MC7-M-1200400128KB 12005901-431VIAC3-MC3-M-120020064KB 1200181301-432AMDGeode LX 800128KB 500365 1-433AMDGeode LX 700128KB 4333651-特别声明:1:资料来源于互联网,版权归属原作者2:资料内容属于网络意见,与本账号立场无关3:如有侵权,请告知,立即删除。



46 47 48
512KB+4MB 512KB+3MB 512KB+4MB 2500
17 35 25
1800-2900 2/4 2200 2/4
32 32 32
2267-3067 2/4
75 76 排 名
512KB+3MB 512KB+4MB 二级+三级缓 存
35 17
32 32 工艺 (纳 米) 32 64 位
1500-2600 2/4 核心/ 线程
前端总线 (MHz)
45 工艺 (纳 米) 32 64 位
排 名



主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位2500-35004月8日322300-34004月8日322200-33004月8日322000-29004月8日322000-29004月8日322130-33334月8日452000-32004月8日451860-32004月8日452700-34002月4日322800-34602月4日321730-30604月8日4525304月4日452600-33002月4日322660-33332月4日322666-33332月4日321730-29304月8日452500-32002月4日322400-30002月4日322300-29002月4日32主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位2300-29002月4日322667-32002月4日321600-28004月8日4530602月2日4530602月2日4529202月2日452666-29332月4日322530-30662月4日322530-28002月4日3226672月4日3228002月2日4528002月2日4528002月2日4522002月4日322300-32002月4日322400-29332月4日322100-30002月4日322400-26602月4日3225332月4日32主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位32002月2日451800-29002月4日3222002月4日322267-30672月4日3228002月2日6522604月4日4526602月2日4526602月2日4531002月2日4526002月2日452260-25332月4日3224002月4日3221002月4日322130-29332月4日321600-27002月4日321700-27002月4日3225302月2日4525302月2日452000-28002月4日32主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位25302月2日4526602月2日4525002月2日4530002月2日4522602月4日3226002月2日6526002月2日6525302月2日4529002月2日4524004月4日4524002月2日4521302月4日321500-26002月4日321467-25332月4日3228002月2日4528002月2日4523004月4日451600-23002月4日3224002月2日45主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位23003月3日4522004月4日451900-26004月4日3224002月2日451400-23002月4日3222662月2日3221002月2日3224002月2日6520004月4日4522003月3日4520004月4日4521003月3日451800-25004月4日3222602月2日451333-24002月4日3222602月2日4518004月4日4522602月2日45主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位22602月2日4523302月2日6521332月2日3220002月2日3223002月2日451500-24004月4日3220003月3日451600-23004月4日3217004月4日4527002月2日4527002月2日451333-21302月4日321200-22662月4日3223002月2日4522002月2日6521302月2日4521302月2日451400-23004月4日3219003月3日45主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位16004月4日4526002月2日4526002月2日4521602月2日6521002月2日4522002月2日4522002月2日4518003月3日4522002月2日6525002月2日4525002月2日4525002月2日4520002月2日4523302月2日6522002月2日4520002月2日3225002月2日4525002月2日45主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位18602月2日3218602月2日3216002月2日3220002月2日4520002月2日6521002月2日4521002月2日4521002月2日6524002月2日4524002月2日4521002月2日4521002月2日4524002月2日4524002月2日4523002月2日4521602月2日6518602月2日4518002月2日4521602月2日65主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位20002月2日4520002月2日6524002月2日6520002月2日6515002月2日6520002月2日6520002月2日6523002月2日4523002月2日4523002月2日4523002月2日4520002月2日6520002月2日4520002月2日452100-25002月2日321900-25002月2日3222002月2日4522002月2日4522002月2日45主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位18002月2日6519002月2日451333-18672月4日321060-21332月4日3223002月2日6523002月2日6520002月2日6520002月2日651800-24002月2日3221002月2日4521002月2日4518002月2日6518002月2日6524002月2日6522002月2日6523002月2日6523002月2日6523002月2日65主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位20002月2日6518002月2日451200-20002月4日3222002月2日6522002月2日6522002月2日6522002月2日6522002月2日6516002月2日4518302月2日6520002月2日4521002月2日6521002月2日6521002月2日6521002月2日6520002月2日6513002月4日3218302月2日6518302月2日65主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位18302月2日6521002月2日6518602月2日6513332月4日3220002月2日6520002月2日6520002月2日9019002月2日6516602月2日651200-17302月4日321060-18662月4日3216002月2日6516602月2日6517302月2日6518302月2日6518602月2日6516002月2日6516002月2日45主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位16602月2日6517002月2日6516602月2日6516602月2日6516002月2日6516602月2日6517302月2日6517302月2日6514002月2日6515002月2日6515002月2日6514002月2日6518002月2日451月1日4月4日4014002月2日4519002月2日6518002月2日9016602月2日6518662月2日65主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位19002月2日6516002月2日6517332月2日6517002月2日4512002月4日3216002月2日6513332月2日3212002月2日3218002月2日6516002月2日4516002月2日6517002月2日6517002月2日6515002月2日6516002月2日9013002月2日4516002月2日6512002月2日32主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位11002月2日3216002月2日6514602月2日6513002月2日4512002月2日3215002月2日4516002月2日9018002月2日6516002月2日6523001月1日4524001月1日4514002月2日4512002月2日4513302月2日6512002月2日6522001月1日4523001月1日4512002月2日6512002月2日45主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位10602月2日3213002月2日4516002月2日4012002月2日6510602月2日6510602月2日6526001月1日9022601月1日9024001月1日9024001月1日9021301月1日9021001月1日9020001月1日9022001月1日4522001月1日4012002月2日6522001月1日9022001月1日9020001月1日90主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位22601月1日6521601月1日6521001月1日4021301月1日6520001月1日4022001月1日9020001月1日9020001月1日9018301月1日6520001月1日6520001月1日6520001月1日6518601月1日9018001月1日9018601月1日6518601月1日6517301月1日9018601月1日6517001月1日90主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位16001月1日9012001月1日6524001月1日022001月1日020001月1日9022001月1日6520001月1日034601月1日9032001月1日9022001月1日6521001月1日6518001月1日4520001月1日6520001月1日018001月1日9018001月1日9033301月1日9030601月1日90主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位18602月4日3218002月4日4517901月1日9017901月1日9020001月1日6518001月1日016001月1日018001月1日9020001月1日020001月1日9016001月1日6516602月4日4516002月4日3216002月4日4516001月1日018001月1日018001月1日016601月1日6516001月1日90主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位17301月1日6517301月1日6517001月1日9015002月4日4514001月1日4516001月1日9016001月1日9013001月1日4528001月1日9028001月1日13018001月1日6513301月1日6512001月1日4514001月1日4515001月1日9016001月1日6516001月1日9016001月1日90主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位15001月1日6516001月1日6516001月1日9016001月1日9016001月1日014601月1日6516001月1日016001月1日013001月1日4514001月1日9014001月1日13015001月1日9015001月1日13015001月1日9015001月1日13013001月1日13013001月1日9013001月1日13013001月1日130主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位12001月1日6512001月1日6512001月1日451000-13332月2日4014001月1日9014001月1日9015001月1日6515001月1日13010002月2日4010002月2日4021301月2日4513001月1日9020001月1日9020001月2日4515001月1日4012001月1日9012001月1日4518601月2日4518601月2日45主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位18301月2日4513331月1日18015001月1日6516601月2日4516601月2日4516601月2日4516001月2日4516001月2日4516001月2日4515001月2日4512001月1日13012001月1日012001月1日4011001月1日9011001月1日9011001月1日13018671月1日9017001月1日13012001月1日130主频(MHz)核心/线程工艺(纳米)64位10601月1日6510601月1日6510001月1日9012001月1日4510601月1日6510001月1日9010001月1日909331月1日659001月1日13013331月2日4513331月2日458001月1日9010001月1日6528001月1日13010001月1日1809001月1日909001月1日13016001月1日9012001月1日6510002月2日4090024011001月1日4515001月1日906001月1日9015001月1日13010001月1日906001月1日906301月1日90 8001月1日4510001月1日13012001月1日90 12001月1日13010001月1日4510001月1日40 10001月1日010001月1日655001月1日65 4331月1日65 9001月1日0 60000。






1. 英特尔第十代酷睿i9处理器英特尔第十代酷睿i9处理器以其卓越的性能和高效的功耗管理而备受好评。


2. AMD Ryzen 9 4900HS处理器AMD Ryzen 9 4900HS处理器是AMD最新推出的一款轻薄本处理器。



3. 英特尔第十代酷睿i7处理器英特尔第十代酷睿i7处理器是中高端轻薄本的常用选择。



4. AMD Ryzen 7 4800U处理器AMD Ryzen 7 4800U处理器是AMD最新一代的移动处理器之一。



5. 英特尔第十代酷睿i5处理器英特尔第十代酷睿i5处理器是常见的入门级轻薄本处理器。



6. AMD Ryzen 5 4600U处理器AMD Ryzen 5 4600U处理器是AMD面向轻薄本市场的一款处理器。








1. 英特尔酷睿i9系列处理器Intel Core i9Intel Core i9英特尔酷睿i9系列处理器是英特尔公司旗下的高性能处理器。

它采用了英特尔的14nm工艺制程,拥有6至8核心(核心数量因型号而异)以及支持超线程技术,最高主频可达 5.3GHz。


2. AMD锐龙9系列处理器AMD Ryzen 9AMD Ryzen 9AMD锐龙9系列处理器是美国半导体公司AMD推出的一款高性能处理器。

它采用了7nm工艺制程,拥有8至16核心,支持超线程技术,并且还搭载了AMD的Simultaneous Multithreading(SMT)技术。


3. 英特尔酷睿i7系列处理器Intel Core i7Intel Core i7英特尔酷睿i7系列处理器是英特尔公司旗下的一款中高性能处理器。



4. AMD锐龙7系列处理器AMD Ryzen 7AMD Ryzen 7AMD锐龙7系列处理器是AMD公司的一款中高性能处理器。




5. 英特尔酷睿i5系列处理器Intel Core i5Intel Core i5英特尔酷睿i5系列处理器是英特尔公司旗下的一款中性能处理器。



排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程1IntelCore i72920XM 512KB+8MB2500-350055324月8日2IntelCore i72820QM 512KB+8MB2300-340045324月8日3IntelCore i72720QM 512KB+6MB2200-330045324月8日4IntelCore i72635QM 512KB+6MB2000-290045324月8日5IntelCore i72630QM 512KB+6MB2000-290045324月8日6IntelCore i7940XM 25001MB+8MB2130-333355454月8日7IntelCore i7920XM 25001MB+8MB2000-320055454月8日8IntelCore i7840QM 25001MB+8MB1860-320045454月8日9IntelCore i72620M 512KB+4MB2700-340035322月4日10IntelCore i7640M 2500512KB+4MB2800-346035322月4日11IntelCore i7820QM 25001MB+8MB 1730-306045454月8日12IntelCore 2QX9300106612MB25304545413IntelCore i52540M 512KB+3MB2600-320035322月4日14IntelCore i7620M 2500512KB+4MB2660-333335322月4日15IntelCore i5580M 4800512KB+3MB2666-333335322月4日16IntelCore i7740QM 25001MB+6MB1730-293045454月8日17IntelCore i52520M 512KB+3MB2500-320035322月4日18IntelCore i52415M 512KB+3MB2300-290035322月4日19IntelCore i52410M 512KB+3MB2300-290035322月4日排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程20IntelCore i5560M 2500512KB+3MB2667-320035322月4日21IntelCore i7720QM 25001MB+6MB 1600-280045454月8日22IntelCore 2X910010666MB 30604445223IntelCore 2 Duo T990010666MB 30603545224IntelCore 2 Duo T980010666MB 29203545225IntelCore i5480M 2400512KB+3MB2666-293335322月4日26IntelCore i5540M 2500512KB+3MB2530-306635322月4日27IntelCore i5460M 2400512KB+3MB 2530-280035322月4日28IntelCore 2 Duo P970010666MB 28002845229IntelCore T960010666MB28003545230IntelCore 2X90008006MB 28004445231AMDPhen om II X2X620 BE 36002MB 31004545232IntelCore i3390M 2500512KB+3MB266735322月4日33IntelCore i72649M 512KB+4MB2300-320025322月4日34IntelCore i5520M 2500512KB+3MB2400-293335322月4日35IntelCore i72629M 512KB+4MB2100-300025322月4日36IntelCore i5450M 2500512KB+3MB2400-266035322月4日37IntelCore i3380M 2500512KB+3MB253335322月4日38IntelCore i7660LM 2500512KB+4MB 2267-306725322月4日39IntelCore 2X79008004MB280044652排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程40IntelCore 2 Quad Q9100106612MB 22604545441IntelCore 2 Duo P960010666MB 26602545242IntelCore 2 Duo T955010666MB 26603545243IntelCore 2 Duo T95008006MB 26003545244IntelCore i5430M 2500512KB+3MB2260-253335322月4日45IntelCore i3370M 2500512KB+3MB240035322月4日46IntelCore i7640LM 2500512KB+4MB2130-293325322月4日47IntelCore i32310M 512KB+3MB210035322月4日48IntelCore i72657M 512KB+4MB 1600-270017322月4日49IntelCore 2 Duo SP960010666MB 25302545250IntelCore 2 Duo P950010666MB25302545251IntelCore i7620LM 2500512KB+4MB 2000-280025322月4日52IntelCore 2 Duo T940010666MB 25303545253IntelCore 2 Duo P880010663MB 26602545254IntelCore 2 Duo T93008006MB 25003545255AMDPhen om II X2N66036002MB30003545256IntelCore i3350M 2500512KB+3MB 226035322月4日57IntelCore 2X78008004MB 26004465258IntelCore 2 Duo T78008004MB 26003565259IntelCore P870010663MB253025452排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程60AMDPhen om II X2N64036002MB 29003545261AMDPhen om II X4X940 BE 36002MB 24004545462IntelCore 2 Duo SP940010666MB 24002545263IntelCore i3330M 2500512KB+3MB213035322月4日64IntelCore i72617M 512KB+4MB1500-260017322月4日65IntelCore i7680UM 2500512KB+4MB 1467-253318322月4日66AMDPhen om II X2P65036002MB 28002545267AMDPhen om II X2N62036002MB 28003545268AMDPhen om II X4X920 BE 36002MB 23004545469IntelCore 2 Duo P860010663MB 24002545270AMDPhen om II X3N8703600 1.5MB 23003545371AMDPhen om II X4N97036002MB 22003545472IntelCore 2 Duo T83008003MB24003545273IntelCore i52537M 512KB+3MB 1400-230017322月4日74IntelPenti umP63002500512KB+3MB 22663532275IntelCore 2 Duo T77008004MB 24003465276IntelCore 2 Quad Q900010666MB 20004545477AMDPhen om II X3N8503600 1.5MB 22003545378AMDPhen om II X4N95036002MB 21003545479AMDPhen om II X4N93036002MB200035454排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程80AMDPhen om II X3N8303600 1.5MB 21003545381IntelCore 2 Duo SP930010666MB22602545282IntelCore i7660UM 2500512KB+4MB 1333-240018322月4日83IntelCore 2 Duo P840010663MB 22602545284AMDPhen om II X4P96036002MB 180********IntelCore 2 Duo P757010663MB 22602545286IntelCore 2 Duo P755010663MB 22602545287IntelCore 2 Duo T76006674MB23303465288IntelPenti P62002500512KB+321333532289IntelCore 2 Duo T67708002MB 23003545290AMDPhen om II X3P8603600 1.5MB 20002545391AMDPhen om II X4P94036002MB 17002545492AMDTurio n IIN57036002MB 27003545293AMDTurio n II Ultra M66036002MB 27003545294IntelCore i5560UM 2500512KB+3MB1333-213018322月4日95IntelCore i7640UM 2500512KB+4MB 1200-226618322月4日96IntelPenti um Dual CoreT45008001MB 23003545297IntelCore 2 Duo T75008004MB 22003565298IntelCore 2 Duo SL960010666MB 21301745299IntelCore 2 Duo P7*******3MB213025452排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程100AMDPhen om II X3P8403600 1.5MB 190025453101AMDPhen om II X4P92036002MB 160025454102AMDTurio n IIN55036002MB 260035452103AMDTurio n II Ultra M64036002MB 260035452104IntelCore 2 Duo T74006674MB 216034652105IntelCore 2 Duo T81008003MB 210035452106IntelCore 2 Duo T66708002MB 220035452107IntelCore 2 Duo T66008002MB 220035452108AMDPhen om II X3P8203600 1.5MB 180025453109IntelCore 2 Duo T59008002MB 220035652110AMDTurio n IIP5*******MB 250025452111AMDTurio n IIN53036002MB 250035452112AMDTurio n II Ultra M62036002MB 250035452113IntelCore 2 Duo P737010663MB 200025452114IntelCore DuoT27006672MB 233031652115IntelPenti um Dual CoreT44008001MB220035452116IntelPenti umP61002500512KB+3MB200035322117IntelCeler P46002500512KB+2200035322n II 排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程120IntelPenti umP60004800512KB+3MB186035322121IntelCeler on MP45002500512KB+2MB186035322122IntelCeler onB8102MB1600322123IntelCore 2 Duo P735010663MB 200025452124IntelCore 2 Duo T73008004MB 200034652125IntelCore 2 Duo T65708002MB 210035452126IntelCore 2 Duo T65008002MB 210035452127IntelCore 2 Duo T58506672MB 210034652128AMDTurio n IIP5*******MB 240025452129AMDTurio n II Ultra M60036002MB 240035452130IntelPenti um Dual CoreT43008001MB210035452131IntelCeler on Dual-CoreT35008001MB 210035452132AMDAthlo n IIN35032001MB 240035452133AMDTurio n IIM54036001MB 240035452134AMDTurio n IIP5*******MB 230025452135IntelCore DuoT26006672MB 216031652136IntelCore 2 Duo SL940010666MB 186017452137IntelCore 2 Duo SL93808006MB 180017452138IntelPenti um Dual CoreT34006671MB 216035652139IntelCore 2 Duo T64008002MB200035452排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程140IntelCore 2 Duo T58708002MB 200034652141AMDTurio n X2 Ultra ZM-8636002MB 240035652142IntelCore 2 Duo T72006674MB 200034652143IntelCore 2 Duo T58008002MB 200035652144IntelCore 2 Duo T72508002MB 200035652AMDAthlon II148AMDAthlo n IIM36032001MB 230035452149IntelCore 2 Duo T57506672MB 200034652150IntelPenti um Dual CoreT42008001MB200035452151IntelCeler on Dual-CoreT33008001MB 200035452152AMDTurio n IIM50036001MB 220035452153AMDAthlo n IIP3*******MB 220025452154AMDAthlo n IIM34032001MB 220035452155IntelCore 2 Duo L77008004MB 180017652156IntelCore 2 Duo SP77008004MB 180020652157IntelCeler on Dual-CoreT31008001MB190035452158IntelCore i5470UM 2500512KB+3MB1333-186718322月4日159IntelCore i7620UM 2500512KB+4MB1060-213318322月4日排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程160AMDTurio n X2 Ultra ZM-8544002MB 230035652161AMDTurio n X2 Ultra ZM-8436002MB 230035652162IntelPenti um Dual CoreT32006671MB200035652163IntelPenti um Dual CoreT24105331MB 200035652164AMDAthlo n IIP3*******MB 210025452165AMDAthlo n IIM32032001MB 210035452166IntelCore 2 Duo T71008002MB 180034652167IntelCore 2 Duo T56708002MB 180035652168AMDTurio n 64 X2TL-688001MB 240035652169AMDTurio n X2 Ultra ZM-8236002MB 220035652170AMDTurio n X2RM-7740001MB 230035652171AMDTurio n X2RM-7636001MB 230035652172AMDTurio n 64 X2TL-668001MB 230035652IntelCore174IntelCeler on Dual-CoreT30008001MB 180035452175IntelCore i5540UM 2500512KB+3MB 1200-200018322月4日176AMDAthlo n X2QL-6740001MB 220035652177AMDTurio n X2RM-7540001MB 220035652178AMDAthlo n X2QL-6636001MB 220035652179AMDTurio n X2RM-7436001MB220035652排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程180AMDTurio n 64 X2TL-648001MB 220035652181IntelCore 2 Duo SL930010666MB 160017452182IntelCore 2 Duo T56006672MB 183034652183AMDAthlo n IIM30032001MB 200035452184AMDTurio n X2 Ultra ZM-8036002MB 210032652185AMDAthlo n X2QL-6536001MB 210035652186AMDAthlo n X2QL-6436001MB 210035652187AMDTurio n X2RM-7236001MB 210035652188IntelCore DuoT24505332MB 200031652189IntelCore 2 Duo T55506672MB 183034652190IntelCore DuoT24006672MB 183031652191IntelCeler on Dual-CoreT17006671MB 183035652192AMDTurio n 64 X2TL-628001MB 210035652193IntelPenti um Dual CoreT23905331MB186035652194IntelPenti um Dual CoreT21305331MB 186031652195IntelCore i3380UM 2500512KB+3MB 133318322月4日196AMDTurio n X2RM-7036001MB 200031652197AMDAthlo n X2QL-6236001MB 200035652198AMDTurio n 64 X2TL-608001MB 20003590/652199AMDAthlo n X2QL-6036001MB190035652排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程200IntelCore2 DuoT55006672MB166034652201IntelCore i5430UM 2500512KB+3MB1200-173018322月4日202IntelCore i5520UM 2500512KB+3MB 1060-186618322月4日203IntelCore 2 Duo T54708002MB 160035652204IntelCore 2 Duo T54506672MB 166034652205IntelCore 2 Duo T53005332MB 173034652206IntelCore DuoL25006672MB 183015652207IntelCore DuoT23505332MB 186031652208IntelCore 2 Duo SP75008004MB 160020652209IntelCore 2 Duo SU96008003MB 160010452210IntelCore 2 Duo T52005332MB 166034652211IntelCore DuoT22505332MB 170031652212IntelCore DuoT23006672MB 166031652213IntelCore DuoT2300E 6672MB 166031652214IntelCore 2 Duo L75008004MB 160017652215IntelCore DuoL24005332MB 166********IntelPenti um Dual CoreT23705331MB173035652217IntelPenti um Dual CoreT20805331MB 173031652218IntelCore 2 Duo T52708002MB 140035652219IntelCore 2 Duo T52506672MB150034652排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程220IntelCore DuoL23006672MB 150015652221IntelCore 2 Duo L73008004MB 140017652222AMDTurio n II Neo K68532001MB 180015452223IntelCore 2 Duo SU94008003MB 140010452224AMDTurio n 64 X2TL-588001MB 190031652225AMDTurio n 64 X2TL-568001MB 18003390/652226IntelCeler on Dual-CoreT16006671MB166035652227IntelCeler on Dual-CoreT1500533512KB 186635652228AMDAthlo n 64 X2TK-57667512KB190031652229IntelCore DuoT20505332MB 160031652230IntelCeler on Dual-CoreT1400533512KB 173335652231AMDTurio n II Neo K66532001MB170015452232IntelCore i3330UM 2500512KB+3MB 120018322月4日233IntelPenti um Dual CoreT23305331MB160035652234IntelPenti um Dual CoreT20605331MB 160031652235IntelPenti umU56002500512KB+3MB 120018322236AMDAthlo n 64 X2TK-55667512KB 18003165/902237AMDTurio n II Neo K64532001MB 160015452238AMDAthlo n 64 X2TK-4216001MB 160020652239AMDTurio n 64 X2TL-538001MB170031652排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程240AMDAthlo n 64 X2TK-53667512KB 170031652241AMDAthlo n Neo X2L32516001MB 150018652242AMDTurio n 64 X2TL-528001MB 160031902243IntelCore 2 Duo SU73008003MB 130010452244AMDTurio n Neo X2L6258001MB160018652245IntelPenti umU54002500512KB+3MB 120018322246AMDTurio n 64 X2L5108001MB 160020652247IntelPenti um Dual CoreT23105331MB146035652248IntelPenti um Dual CoreSU41008002MB 130010452249IntelCeler on MU36002500512KB+2MB 120018322250AMDTurio n II Neo K62532001MB 150015452251AMDTurio n 64 X2TL-50800512KB 160031902252AMDMobil eSempron NI-521800256KB 180035652253AMDAthlo n Neo X2L335800512KB 160018652254IntelCeler on M 9258001MB 230035451255AMDV-SeriesV1603200512KB240025451256AMDAthlo n II Neo K34520001MB 140012452257IntelCore 2 Duo SU93008003MB 120010452258IntelCore 2 Duo U77005332MB 133010652259IntelCore 2 Duo L71008004MB120017652排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程260IntelCeler on M 9008001MB 220035451261AMDV-Series V1403200512KB 230025451262IntelCore 2 Duo U76005332MB 120010652263IntelCeler on Dual-CoreSU23008001MB120010452264IntelCeler on MU34002500512KB+2MB 106018322265AMDAthlo n II Neo K32520001MB 130012452266IntelCore DuoU25005332MB 12009652267IntelCore 2 Duo U75005332MB 106010652268IntelCore DuoU24005332MB 10609652269AMDMobil e Athlon 4000+8001MB 260062901270IntelPenti um M7805332MB 226027901271AMDTurio n 64ML-448001MB 240035901272AMDTurio n 64ML-42800512KB 240035901273IntelPenti um M7705332MB 213027901274IntelPenti um M7654002MB 210021901275IntelPenti um M 7605332MB 200027901276AMDV-Series V1203200512KB 220025451277AMDMobil eM1403200512KB 220025401278AMDAthlo n X2L3108001MB 120013652279AMDTurio n 64ML-408001MB220035901排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程280AMDTurio n 64MT-408001MB 220025901281IntelPenti um M7554002MB 200021901282IntelCeler on M5705331MB 226030651283IntelCeler on M5856671MB 216031651AMDMobil285IntelCeler on M5605331MB 213030651286AMDMobil eM1003200512KB 200025401287AMDTurio n 64MK-38800512KB 220031901288AMDTurio n 64MT-378001MB 200025901289AMDTurio n 64ML-378001MB 200035901290IntelCore SoloT14006672MB 183027651291IntelCeler on M5756671MB 200031651292IntelCeler on M5505331MB 200030651293IntelCeler on M4505331MB 200027651294IntelPenti um M7505332MB 186027901295IntelPenti um M 7454002MB 180021901296IntelCore SoloT13505332MB 186027651297IntelCeler on M5405331MB 186030651298IntelPenti um M7405332MB 173027901299IntelCeler on M 4405331MB186027651排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程300IntelPenti um M7354002MB 170021901301IntelPenti um M7305332MB 160027901302AMDMobil e Athlon 3700+8001MB 2400811303AMDMobil e Athlon 3400+8001MB 2200621304AMDTurio n 64MK-36800512KB 200031901305AMDMobil e4000+800512KB 220031651306AMDMobil e Athlon 3200+8001MB 2000621307IntelMobil e Pentium 45525331MB346088901308IntelMobil e Pentium 45385331MB 320088901309AMDMobil e3800+800256KB 220031651310AMDMobil eSI-421800512KB 210025651311AMDAthlo n II Neo K14520001MB 180012451312AMDMobil eSI-401800512KB 200025651313AMDMobil e Athlon3000+800512KB2000351314AMDAthlo n II Neo K12520001MB 170012451315AMDTurio n 64MT-348001MB 180025901316AMDTurio n 64ML-348001MB 180035901317IntelPenti um 4-M 5485331MB 333088901318IntelMobil e Pentium 45325331MB 306088901319AMDTurio n 64MT-32800512KB179025901排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程320AMDTurio n 64ML-32800512KB 179035901321AMDMobil e3600+800256KB 200025651322AMDMobil e Athlon 2800+800512KB 1800351323AMDMobil e Athlon 2700+800512KB 1600351324AMDMobil e3500+800512KB 180025901325AMDMobil e3400+800256KB 2000621326AMDMobil e3300+800128KB 200062901327AMDAthlo n Neo MV-401600512KB 160015651328AMDMobil e3200+800512KB 1600251329AMDMobil e3100+800256KB 1800621330AMDMobil e3000+800256KB 1800351331IntelCore SoloT13006672MB 166027651332IntelAtom D5251MB180018452月4日333IntelPenti um M7254002MB 160021901334IntelCeler on M5305331MB 173030651335IntelCeler on M4305331MB 173027651336IntelCeler on M3904001MB 170021901337IntelCore 2 Solo SU35008003MB 14005451338IntelAtomN5706661MB16608452月4日339IntelAtom 3305331MB 16008452月4日排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程340IntelAtom N5506661MB 15008452月4日341AMDTurio n 64MT-308001MB 160025901342AMDTurio n 64ML-308001MB 160035901343IntelPenti umSU27008002MB130010451344IntelMobil e Pentium 4520533512KB 280091901345IntelMobil e Pentium 45185331MB 2800881301346VIANano L21008001MB 180025651347IntelCore SoloU15005332MB 133********IntelCore 2 Solo SU33008003MB 12005451349IntelCeler on M7638001MB 140010451350IntelPenti um M7154002MB 150021901351IntelCeler on M5205331MB 160030651352IntelCeler on M4205331MB 160027651353IntelPenti um M7784002MB 160010901354IntelCeler on M3804001MB 160021901355IntelCore SoloT12006672MB 150027651356AMDAthlo n 64TF-20667512KB 160025651357AMDTurio n 64MT-28800512KB 160025901358AMDTurio n 64ML-28800512KB 160035901359AMDMobil e 2800+800256KB1600621排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程360IntelCeler on M4105331MB 146027651361AMDMobil e2700+800128KB 1600621362AMDMobil e2600+800128KB 1600251363IntelCeler on M7438001MB 130010451364IntelPenti um M7104002MB 140021901365IntelCeler on M330400512KB 1400211301366IntelPenti um M7584002MB 150010901367IntelPenti um M7054001MB 1500241301368IntelCeler on M3704001MB 150021901369MotorolaP owerPC G4G4A 1.5133512KB 150********IntelPenti um M7184001MB 1300101301371IntelPenti um M7734002MB 130********IntelCeler on M320400512KB1300211301373IntelPenti um M 13004001MB 1300241301374IntelCore 2 Solo U22005331MB 12005651375IntelCore Solo U14005332MB 12005651376AMDV-Series V1052000512KB 12009451377IntelPenti um M7384002MB 140010901378IntelCeler on M3604001MB 140021901379AMDMobil e 210U 1600256KB150015651排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程380IntelCeleron M340400512KB 1500211301381IntelAtom Z560533512KB 2130451月2日382IntelCeleron M3504001MB 130021901383VIAC7-MC7-M-2000533128KB 200020901384IntelAtom Z550533512KB 20002451月2日385IntelPentium M7534002MB 12005901386IntelCeleron M7238001MB 12005451387IntelAtom N475533512KB 18606451月2日388IntelAtom N470533512KB 18606451月2日389IntelAtom Z540533512KB 18302451月2日390MotorolaPowerPCG4G4 1.3133512KB 133********VIANano U22508001MB 150010651392IntelAtom N455533512KB 16606451月2日393IntelAtom N450533512KB 16605451月2日394IntelAtom N280667512KB 16602451月2日395IntelAtom 230533512KB 16004451月2日396IntelAtom Z530533512KB 16002451月2日397IntelAtom N270533512KB 16002451月2日398IntelAtom Z760512KB 15003451月2日399IntelCeleron M 310400512KB1200211301排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程400AMDAthlo n 64L110800512KB 12001401IntelPenti um M7334002MB 11005901402IntelPenti um M733J 4002MB 11005901403IntelPenti um M 7134001MB 110051301404VIAC7-MC7-M-1867400128KB 186715901405IntelPentium 4-MP4-M 1,7400512KB1700301301406IntelMobil e PentiumIII-MP3M-1200133512KB 1200221301407IntelCore SoloU13005332MB 10605651408IntelCore 2 Solo U21005331MB 10605651409IntelPenti um M7234002MB 10005901410IntelCeler on M7228001MB 12005451411IntelCeler on M4235331MB 10605651412IntelCeler on M3834001MB 10005901413IntelCeler on M373400512KB 10005901414IntelCeler on M5235331MB 9335651415IntelPenti um MULV 9004001MB 90071301416IntelAtom Z520533512KB 13332451月2日417IntelMobil e AA110400512KB 8003901418AMDMobil e200U 1600256KB 10008651419MotorolaP owerPC G4G4 1.0133512KB10001801排名厂商型号前端总线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)核心/线程420IntelCeleron M353400512KB 9005901421IntelCeleron M333400512KB 90051301422VIAC7-MC7-M-1600400128KB 160012901423VIANano U25008001MB 12006651424IntelAtom Z510400512KB 11002451425VIAC7-MC7-M-1500 ULV400128KB 150********IntelMobile AA100400512KB 6003901427VIAC3-MC3-M-150020064KB 1500121301428VIAC7-MC7-M-1000400128KB 10003901429IntelPentium MP-M 6004002MB 600901430IntelCeleron M630 MHz400512KB 6305901431IntelAtom Z500400512KB 800451432TransmetaCrusoeTM-5800266512KB 100071301433VIAC7-MC7-M-1200400128KB 12005901434VIAC3-MC3-M-120020064KB 1200181301435AMDGeode LX800128KB 5003651436AMDGeod e LX700128KB433365164位64位64位64位64位64位-64位-64位64位-64位---64位-------64位---64位--64位------64位--------64位------64位---------64位---------64位----------------64位------------64位---------------64位----------------。

笔记本电脑处理器(CPU)性能排行榜 转载自鲁大师

笔记本电脑处理器(CPU)性能排行榜 转载自鲁大师

2500 1066
35 28
53 54 55 56 57 排 名 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
6MB 512KB+3MB 512KB+4MB 512KB+3MB 512KB+4MB 二级+三级缓 存 512KB+3MB 512KB+3MB 2MB 512KB+3MB 512KB+4MB 512KB+3MB 512KB+4MB
2600-3300 2/4 2660-3333 2/4 1730-2930 4/8 2500-3200 2/4 2500-3100 2/4 2666-3333 2/4 2400-3000 2/4 2400-3000 2/4 2000-3100 2/4 2300-2900 2/4 核心/ 线程
1700-2700 2/4 2530 2/2
79 80 81 82 83
6MB 512KB+4MB 6MB 4MB 3MB
1066 2500 1066
25 25 35 45
45 32 45 32 45
2000-2800 2/4 2530 2/2
2000-2700 4/4 2660 2/2
45 46 47 48 49 50 51
6MB 512KB+3MB 512KB+3MB 512KB+3MB 512KB+3MB 512KB+3MB 6MB
1066 2400 2500 2400




更新日期:2010 年7 月14 日前端总厂商型号线(MHz) 制造工艺(纳米) 核心/ 线程4/8 4/8 4/8 4/8 64 位排名二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)1 2 3 4Intel Core i7 Intel Core i7 Intel Core i7 Intel Core i7 Intel Core 2 Extreme Intel Core i7 Intel Core i5 Intel Core i7 Intel Core i7 Intel Core 2 Extreme Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core i5 AMD Phenom II X2 Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Extreme Intel Core i5940XM 920XM 840QM 820QM*****1MB+8MB 1MB+8MB 1MB+8MB 1MB+8MB2130-3333 2000-3200 1860-3200 1730-306055 55 45 4545 45 45 455QX9300106612MB25304546 7 8 9620M 580M 740QM 720QM*****512KB+4MB 2660-3333 512KB+3MB 2666-3333 1MB+6MB 1MB+6MB 1730-2930 1600-280035 35 45 4532 32 45 452/4 2/4 4/8 4/810X910010666MB30604445211T990010666MB30603545212T98006MB29203545213540M2500512KB+3MB 2530-3066 35322/414X620 BE36002MB31004545215P970010666MB280028452T960010666MB28003545217X90008006MB28004445218520M2500512KB+3MB 2400-293335322/4<i>电脑处理器(CPU)性能综合排行榜――笔记本篇</i>19Intel Core i5 Intel Core 2 Extreme450M2500512KB+3MB 2400-2933322/420X79008004MB280044652 核心/ 线程64 位排名前端总厂商型号线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)21Intel Core 2 Quad Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core i3 Intel Core i5 AMD Phenom II X2 Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Extreme Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 DuoQ9100106612MB226045454P9600 10666MB26602545223T9550 10666MB26603545224T95008006MB26003545225 26370M 430M 2500 2500 512KB+3MB 240035 3532 322/4 2/4512KB+3MB 2260-2533 27N62036002MB28003545228SP960010666MB25302545229P950010666MB25302545230T9400 1066 6MB 2530 3545231P8800 1066 3MB 2660 2545232T9300 8006MB 2500 3545233X7800 8004MB 2600 44234T78008004MB26003565235P870010663MB25302545<i>电脑处理器(CPU)性能综合排行榜――笔记本篇</i>36 37Intel Core i3 Intel Core i7 Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core i3350M 640LM2500 2500512KB+3MB226035 2532 322/4 2/4512KB+4MB 2130-2933SP940010666MB24002545239P860010663MB24002545240330M2500 前端总512KB+3MB21303532 制造工艺(纳米)2/4 核心/ 线程2/4 64 位排名厂商型号线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)41Intel Core i7 Intel Core 2 DuoIntel Core 2 Duo AMD Phenom II X4 Intel Core 2 Quad AMD Phenom II X4 AMD Phenom II X3 Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo620LM2500512KB+4MB 2000-2800253242T83008003MB24003545243T77008004MB24003465244X920 BE 36002MB 2300 4545445Q9000 10666MB 2000 4545446N930 36002MB 2000 3545447N830 3600 1.5MB 2100 35348SP9300 10666MB 2260 2545249P8400 10663MB 2260 2545250P7570 10663MB 2260 2545251P7550 106622602545252T76006674MB233034652<i>电脑处理器(CPU)性能综合排行榜――笔记本篇</i>53Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo AMD Turion II Ultra AMD Turion II Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Pentium Dual Core Intel Core 2 Duo AMD Turion II UltraT67708002MB23003545254T75008004MB3565255M660 3600 2MB 2700 3545256N530 3600 2MB 2500 3545257SL9600 1066 6MB 2130 17452588001MB23003545259P745010663MB21302545260M64036002MB260035452 核心/ 线程64 位排名前端总厂商型号线(MHz) 二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo AMD Phenom II X3 Intel Core 2 Duo AMD Turion II Ultra Intel Core 2 DuoT74006674MB21603465262T81008003MB21003545263T66708002MB22003545264T66002MB 2200 3545265P820 3600 1.5MB 1800 2545366T5900 8002MB 2200 3565267M620 3600 2MB 2500 354568P737010663MB200025452<i>电脑处理器(CPU)性能综合排行榜――笔记本篇</i>69AMD Turion II Intel Core Duo Intel Pentium Dual Core Intel Celeron M AMD Athlon II AMD Turion II AMD Phenom II X4 Intel Pentium Intel Celeron M Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 DuoP52036002MB23002545270T27006672MB23303165-71T44008001MB22003545272P4600 2500512KB+2MB 20003532273 74N330 M560 3200 3600 1MB 1MB 2300 2500 35 3545 452 275P920360016002545476P6000 4800512KB+3MB 18603532277P4500 2500512KB+2MB 18603532278P7350 10663MB200025452T73008004MB20003465280T65708002MB210035452 核心/ 线程64 位排名前端总厂商型号线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)81Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Pentium Dual Core AMD Turion II UltraT65008002MB210045282T5850 6672MB 2100 3465283T5870 8002MB 2000 3465284T4300 8001MB 2100 3545285M6002MB240035452<i>电脑处理器(CPU)性能综合排行榜――笔记本篇</i>86Intel Core Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Pentium Dual Core Intel Core 2 Duo AMD Turion II AMD Turion X2 Ultra Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Pentium Dual Core Intel Celeron Dual-Core AMD Turion IIT26006672MB216031652-87SL940010666MB186017452SL9380 1066 6MB 1860 1745289T3400 6671MB 2160 3565290T6400 8002MB 2000 3545291M540 3600 1MB 240045292ZM-86 3600 2MB 2400 3565293T7200 6674MB 2000 3465294T5800 8002MB 2000 3565295T72502MB 2000 3565296T5750 6672MB 2000 3465297T4200 8001MB 2000 3545298T3300 8001MB 2000 354599M520 M3603600 3200 前端总1MB 1MB2300 230035 3545 45 制造工艺(纳米)2 2 核心/ 线程64 位100 AMD Athlon II排名厂商型号线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)101Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo L77008004MB180017652102SP77008004MB180020652<i>电脑处理器(CPU)性能综合排行榜――笔记本篇</i>103 AMD Turion II Intel Celeron Dual-CoreM50036001MB220035452104T31008001MB190035452105 AMD Athlon II 106 AMD Athlon II AMD Turion X2 Ultra Intel Pentium Dual Core Intel Pentium Dual Core Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo AMD Turion 64 X2 AMD Turion X2 Ultra AMD Turion X2 AMD Turion X2 AMD Turion 64 X2 Intel Core Duo Intel Core i7 Intel Celeron Dual-CoreM340 P3203200 32001MB 1MB 2200 2100 35 2545 452 2107ZM-84 36002MB 230035652108T3200 6671MB 200035652109T2410 5331MB 200035652T7100 8002MB 1800 34652111T5670 8002MB 1800 35652112 TL-68 8001MB 2400 35652113 ZM-82 3600 2MB 2200652114 RM-77 4000 1MB 2300 35652115 RM-76 3600 1MB 2300 35652116 TL-66 8001MB 2300 35652117T25002MB200031652-118660UM2500512KB+4MB 1333-2400 18322/4119T30008001MB180035452120 AMD Athlon II 排名M3203200 前端总1MB 二级+三级缓存210035 功率(瓦)45 制造工艺(纳米)2 核心/ 线64 位厂商型号线(MHz)主频(MHz)<i>电脑处理器(CPU)性能综合排行榜――笔记本篇</i>程AMD Athlon X2 AMD Turion X2 AMD Athlon X2 AMD Turion X2 AMD Turion 64 X2 Intel Core i7 Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo AMD Turion X2 Ultra AMD Athlon X2 AMD Athlon X2 AMD Turion X2 Intel Core Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core Duo121QL-6740001MB220035652122RM-7540001MB220035652123QL-6636001MB220035652124RM-7436001MB220035652125TL-648001MB220035652126640UM2500512KB+4MB 1200-2266 18322/4127SL9300 1066 6MB 1600 17452-128T5600 6672MB 1830 34652129 ZM-80 3600 2MB 2100 32652130 QL-65 4000 1MB 210035652131 QL-64 3600 1MB 2100 35652132 RM-72 3600 1MB 2100 35652133T2450 5332MB 2000 31652-134T55506672MB183034652135T24006672MB183031652-136 AMD Athlon II Intel Celeron Dual-Core AMD Turion M30032001MB200035452137T17006671MB1830652138TL-628001MB210035652<i>电脑处理器(CPU)性能综合排行榜――笔记本篇</i>64 X2 Intel Pentium Dual Core Intel Pentium Dual Core 139T23905331MB186035652140T21305331MB186031652 核心/ 线程排名前端总厂商型号线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)64 位141AMD Turion X2 AMD Athlon X2 AMD Turion 64 X2 AMD Athlon X2 Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core Duo Intel Core Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 DuoRM-7036001MB200031652142QL-6236001MB200035652143TL-60 8001MB 2000 3590/65 2144 QL-60 3600 1MB 1900 35652145T5500 6672MB 1660 34652146T5470 8002MB 1600 352147T5450 6672MB 1660 34652148T5300 5332MB 1730 34652149L2500 6672MB 1830 15652-150T23502MB 1860 31652-151SP7500 8004MB 1600 20652152 SU9600 8003MB 1600 10452153T5200 5332MB 1660 342<i>电脑处理器(CPU)性能综合排行榜――笔记本篇</i>154Intel Core Duo Intel Core Duo Intel Core Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Pentium Dual CoreT22505332MB170031652-155T23006672MB166031652-156T2300E6672MB1660312-157 L7500 800 4MB 1600 17652 158 L2400 533 2MB 1660 9652-159 L7400 667 3MB 1500 17652 1605331MB173035652 核心/ 线程64 位排名前端总厂商型号线(MHz)二级+三级缓存主频(MHz)功率(瓦)制造工艺(纳米)161Intel Pentium Dual Core Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core i7 Intel Core i5 Intel Core i5 Intel Core i5 Intel Core 2 DuoT20805331MB173031652-162T52708002MB34652163T5250 6672MB 1500 34652164L2300 6672MB 1500 15652-165L7300 8004MB 1400 17652166 167 168 169620UM 540UM 430UM 520UM*****512KB+4MB 1060-2133 512KB+3MB 1200-2000 512KB+3MB 1200-1730 512KB+3MB 1060-186618 18 18 1832 32 32 322/4 2/4 2/4 2/4170SU94008003MB140010452<i>电脑处理器(CPU)性能综合排行榜――笔记本篇</i>171AMD Turion 64 X2 AMD Turion 64 X2 Intel Celeron Dual-Core Intel Celeron Dual-Core AMD Athlon 64 X2 Intel Core Duo Intel Celeron Dual-Core AMD Turion II Neo Intel Pentium Dual Core Intel Pentium Dual CoreTL-588001MB190031652TL-56 8001MB 1800 3390/65 2173T1600 6671MB 1660 35652174T1500 533 512KB 1866 35652175 TK-57 667 512KB 1900652176T2050 5332MB 1600 31652-177T1400 533 512KB 1733 35652178K665 3200 1MB 1700 15452179。











在功耗方面,i7-1185G7采用的是15W TDP的设计,非常适合轻薄本。









第四名:AMD 锐龙R7 4800UAMD 锐龙R7 4800U是一款非常适合轻薄本的CPU。


在性能方面,R7 4800U甚至可以与一些台式机处理器竞争。

在功耗方面,R7 4800U的TDP为15W,提供了非常好的电池寿命。

在GPU方面,它使用了 Radeon Vega 8 显卡核心,性能在轻薄本CPU中也表现出色。




2 核 心/ 线 程 64 位
排 名
前端总 厂商 型号 线 (MHz)
二级+三级缓 存
2 核 心/ 线 程 64 位
排 名
前端总 厂商 型号 线 (MHz)
二级+三级缓 存
功率 (瓦)
制造工 艺(纳 米)
Intel Core 2 Quad Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core i3 Intel Core i5 AMD Phenom II X2 Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Extreme Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo
6 7 8 9







笔记本CPU性能排名盘点排名型号 CPU Mark数值【第1名】*************************【分数:14564】【第2名】************************【分数:14511】【第3名】************************【分数:13949】【第4名】************************【分数:13444】【第5名】************************【分数:13312】【第6名】*************************【分数:12854】【第7名】*************************【分数:12735】【第8名】************************【分数:12501】【第9名】************************【分数:12444】【第10名】*************************【分数:12088】【第11名】************************【分数:11961】【第12名】************************【分数:11730】【第13名】************************【分数:11538】【第14名】************************【分数:11149】【第15名】************************【分数:10523】【第16名】************************【分数:10393】【第17名】**************************【分数:10384】【第18名】*************************【分数:10250】【第19名】*************************【分数:10134】【第20名】**************************【分数:10110】【第21名】**************************【分数:10048】【第22名】************************【分数:9959】【第23名】**************************【分数:9942】【第24名】**********************【分数:9915】【第25名】**************************【分数:9843】【第26名】************************【分数:9746】【第27名】************************【分数:9738】【第28名】**************************【分数:9730】【第29名】**************************【分数:9596】【第30名】*************************【分数:9590】【第31名】**************************【分数:9554】【第32名】 AMD FX-9370 Eight-Core 【分数:9514】【第33名】**************************【分数:9497】【第34名】************************【分数:9428】【第35名】**************************【分数:9401】【第36名】***********************【分数:9377】【第37名】**************************【分数:9295】【第38名】**********************【分数:9258】【第39名】**********************【分数:9228】【第40名】************************【分数:9186】【第41名】**************************【分数:9172】【第42名】 AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core 【分数:9111】【第43名】*************************【分数:9084】【第44名】**************************【分数:9043】【第45名】************************【分数:9028】【第46名】**************************【分数:9018】【第47名】**************************【分数:8984】【第48名】***********************【分数:8897】【第49名】**************************【分数:8895】【第50名】**************************【分数:8887】【第51名】*************************【分数:8874】【第52名】**************************【分数:8858】【第53名】************************【分数:8788】【第54名】************************【分数:8764】【第55名】**********************【分数:8729】【第56名】**************************【分数:8714】【第57名】**********************【分数:8630】【第58名】**********************【分数:8620】【第59名】**************************【分数:8599】【第60名】**************************【分数:8556】【第61名】**********************【分数:8540】【第62名】************************【分数:8521】【第63名】************************【分数:8505】【第64名】*************************【分数:8478】【第65名】**********************【分数:8459】【第66名】**********************【分数:8457】【第67名】*************************【分数:8449】【第68名】**************************【分数:8427】【第69名】**************************【分数:8355】【第70名】************************【分数:8338】【第71名】************************【分数:8317】【第72名】***************************【分数:8306】【第73名】 AMD Opteron 6376 【分数:8225】【第74名】 AMD FX-8320 Eight-Core 【分数:8189】【第75名】************************【分数:8145】【第76名】************************【分数:8048】【第77名】************************【分数:8039】【第78名】**************************【分数:7968】【第79名】**************************【分数:7938】【第80名】************************【分数:7815】【第81名】************************【分数:7787】【第82名】**************************【分数:7770】【第83名】 AMD FX-8150 Eight-Core 【分数:7755】【第84名】**************************【分数:7601】【第85名】************************【分数:7563】【第86名】**************************【分数:7546】【第87名】**********************【分数:7545】【第88名】*************************【分数:7502】【第89名】*************************【分数:7411】【第90名】**************************【分数:7348】【第91名】**********************【分数:7336】【第92名】**************************【分数:7288】【第93名】************************【分数:7288】【第94名】************************【分数:7274】【第95名】************************【分数:7233】【第96名】**************************【分数:7199】【第97名】**************************【分数:7176】【第98名】**********************【分数:7176】【第99名】************************【分数:7174】【第100名】*************************【分数:7151】猜你喜欢:1.高性能游戏笔记本电脑排行2.2017十大高性能游戏笔记本电脑排行3.2017笔记本cpu排行是怎么样的4.2017年英特尔cpu性能排行5.笔记本电脑处理器排行榜。







1. Intel Core i9-10980HKIntel Core i9-10980HK是Intel为游戏本市场推出的一款十分出色的处理器。




2. AMD Ryzen 9 4900HSAMD Ryzen 9 4900HS是AMD推出的一款高性能处理器,专为轻薄游戏本设计。



3. Intel Core i7-10875HIntel Core i7-10875H是Intel为游戏本市场量身定制的一款处理器。



4. AMD Ryzen 7 4800HAMD Ryzen 7 4800H是AMD为游戏本市场打造的一款处理器。



无论是多任务操作还是游戏运行,AMD Ryzen 7 4800H都能够胜任。

5. Intel Core i5-10300HIntel Core i5-10300H是Intel为入门级游戏本市场推出的一款处理器。


23 IntelCore i5 480M 2400 512KB+3MB 2666-2933 35 32 2/4
24 IntelCore i5 540M 2500 512KB+3MB 2530-3066 35 32 2/4
25 IntelCore i5 460M 2400 512KB+3MB 2530-2800 35 32 2/4
47 IntelCore 2 Duo P9500 1066 6MB 2530 25 45 2
48 IntelCore i7 620LM 2500 512KB+4MB 2000-2800 25 32 2/4
49 IntelCore 2 Duo T9400 1066 6MB 2530 35 45 2
71 AMDPhenom II X4 N970 3600 2MB 2200 35 45 4
72 IntelCore 2 Duo T8300 800 3MB 2400 35 45 2
73 IntelPentium P6300 2500 512KB+3MB 2266 35 32 2
74 IntelCore 2 Duo T7700 800 4MB 2400 34 65 2
53 IntelCore i3 2310M 512KB+3MB 2100 35 32 2/4
54 AMDPhenom II X2 N660 3600 2MB 3000 35 45 2
55 IntelCore i3 350M 2500 512KB+3MB 2260 35 32 2/4
88 IntelCore 2 Duo T6770 800 2MB 2300 35 45 2
89 AMDPhenom II X3 P860 3600 1.5MB 2000 25 45 3
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更新日期:2012年7月15日Intel Core i7-3940XM 1MB + 8MB 55 3000-3900 4/8 22 Intel Core i7-3920XM 1MB + 8MB 55 2900-3800 4/8 22 Intel Core i7-3840QM 1MB + 8MB 45 2800-3800 4/8 22 Intel Core i7-3820QM 1MB + 8MB 45 2700-3700 4/8 22 Intel Core i7-3740QM 1MB + 6MB 45 2700-3700 4/8 22 Intel Core i7 3720QM 1MB + 6MB 45 2600-3600 4/8 22 Intel Core i7 2960XM 1MB+8MB 55 2700-3700 4/8 32 Intel Core i7 2860QM 1MB+8MB 45 2500-3600 4/8 32 Intel Core i7 3615QM 1MB + 6MB 45 2300-3300 4/8 22 Intel Core i7 3610QM 1MB + 6MB 45 2300-3300 4/8 22 Intel Core i7 2920XM 1MB+8MB 55 2500-3500 4/8 32 Intel Core i7 2760QM 1MB+6MB 45 2400-3500 4/8 32 Intel Core i7 2820QM 1MB+8MB 45 2300-3400 4/8 32 Intel Core i7 3612QM 1MB + 6MB 35 2100-3100 4/8 22 Intel Core i7 2720QM 1MB+6MB 45 2200-3300 4/8 32 Intel Core i7 2675QM 1MB+6MB 45 2200-3100 4/8 32Intel Core i7 2670QM 1MB+6MB 45 2200-3100 4/8 32 Intel Core i7-2635QM 1MB+6MB 45 2000-2900 4/8 32 Intel Core i7 2630QM 1MB+6MB 45 2000-2900 4/8 32 Intel Core i7 940XM 1MB+8MB 2500 55 2130-3333 4/8 45 Intel Core i7 920XM 1MB+8MB 2500 55 2000-3200 4/8 45 Intel Core i7-3520M 512KB + 4MB 35 2900-3600 2/4 22 Intel Core i5 3360M 512KB + 3MB 35 2800-3500 2/4 22 Intel Core i7-2640M 512KB+4MB 35 2800-3500 2/4 32 Intel Core i5 3320M 512KB+3MB 35 2600-3300 2/4 22 Intel Core i7 840QM 1MB+8MB 2500 45 1860-3200 4/8 45 Intel Core i7 2620M 512KB+4MB 35 2700-3400 2/4 32 Intel Core i5 3210M 512KB+3MB 35 2500-3100 2/4 22 Intel Core i7 640M 512KB+4MB 2500 35 2800-3460 2/4 32 Intel Core i7 820QM 1MB+8MB 2500 45 1730-3060 4/8 45 Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9300 12MB 1066 45 2530 4/4 45 Intel Core i5 2540M 512KB+3MB 35 2600-3300 2/4 32 Intel Core i7 620M 512KB+4MB 2500 35 2660-3333 2/4 32 Intel Core i7 740QM 1MB+6MB 2500 45 1730-2930 4/8 45Intel Core i5 2520M 512KB+3MB 35 2500-3200 2/4 32 Intel Core i5 2450M 512KB+3MB 35 2500-3100 2/4 32 Intel Core i5 580M 512KB+3MB 4800 35 2666-3333 2/4 32 Intel Core i5 2435M 512KB+3MB 35 2400-3000 2/4 32 Intel Core i5 2430M 512KB+3MB 35 2400-3000 2/4 32 Intel Core i7-3667U 512KB+4MB 17 2000-3100 2/4 22 Intel Core i5-2415M 512KB+3MB 35 2300-2900 2/4 32 Intel Core i5 2410M 512KB+3MB 35 2300-2900 2/4 32 Intel Core i7-3517U 512KB+4MB 17 1900-3000 2/4 22 Intel Core i5 560M 512KB+3MB 2500 35 2667-3200 2/4 32 Intel Core i7 720QM 1MB+6MB 2500 45 1600-2800 4/8 45 Intel Core i3-3110M 512KB + 3MB 35 2400 2/4 45 Intel Core 2 Extreme X9100 6MB 1066 44 3060 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T9900 6MB 1066 35 3060 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T9800 6MB 1066 35 2920 2/2 45 Intel Core i5 480M 512KB+3MB 2400 35 2666-2933 2/4 32 Intel Core i5 540M 512KB+3MB 2500 35 2530-3066 2/4 32 Intel Core i5 460M 512KB+3MB 2400 35 2530-2800 2/4 32Intel Core i3 2370M 512KB+3MB 35 2400 2/4 32 Intel Core i3 390M 512KB+3MB 2500 35 2667 2/4 32 Intel Core 2 Duo P9700 6MB 1066 28 2800 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T9600 6MB 1066 35 2800 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Extreme X9000 6MB 800 44 2800 2/2 45 Intel Core i3 2350M 512KB+3MB 35 2200 2/4 32 Intel Core i7 2649M 512KB+4MB 25 2300-3200 2/4 32 Intel Core i5 520M 512KB+3MB 2500 35 2400-2933 2/4 32 Intel Core i7 2629M 512KB+4MB 25 2100-3000 2/4 32 Intel Core i5 450M 512KB+3MB 2500 35 2400-2660 2/4 32 Intel Core i3 380M 512KB+3MB 2500 35 2533 2/4 32 AMD Phenom II X2 X640 BE 2MB 3600 45 3200 2/2 45 Intel Core i5-3427U 512KB+3MB 17 1800-2800 2/4 22 Intel Core i7-2677M 512KB+4MB 17 1800-2900 2/4 32 Intel Core i3 2330M 512KB+3MB 35 2200 2/4 32 Intel Core i7-660LM 512KB+4MB 2500 25 2267-3067 2/4 32 Intel Core 2 Extreme X7900 4MB 800 44 2800 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Quad Q9100 12MB 1066 45 2260 4/4 45Intel Core i5-3317U 512KB + 3MB 17 1700-2600 2/4 22 Intel Core 2 Duo P9600 6MB 1066 25 2660 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T9550 6MB 1066 35 2660 2/2 45 AMD Phenom II X2 X620 BE 2MB 3600 45 3100 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T9500 6MB 800 35 2600 2/2 45 Intel Core i5 430M 512KB+3MB 2500 35 2260-2533 2/4 32 Intel Core i3 370M 512KB+3MB 2500 35 2400 2/4 32 Intel Core i3 2310M 512KB+3MB 35 2100 2/4 32 Intel Core i7 640LM 512KB+4MB 2500 25 2130-2933 2/4 32 Intel Core i7 2657M 512KB+4MB 17 1600-2700 2/4 32 Intel Pentium B980 512KB+2MB 35 2400 2/2 32 AMD A10-4600M 4MB 35 2300-3200 4/4 32 Intel Core i5 2557M 512KB+3MB 17 1700-2700 2/4 32 Intel Core 2 Duo SP9600 6MB 1066 25 2530 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo P9500 6MB 1066 25 2530 2/2 45 Intel Core i7 620LM 512KB+4MB 2500 25 2000-2800 2/4 32 Intel Core 2 Duo T9400 6MB 1066 35 2530 2/2 45 AMD A8-3550MX 4MB 45 2000-2700 4/4 32Intel Core 2 Duo P8800 3MB 1066 25 2660 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T9300 6MB 800 35 2500 2/2 45 AMD Phenom II X2 N660 2MB 3600 35 3000 2/2 45 Intel Core i3 350M 512KB+3MB 2500 35 2260 2/4 32 Intel Core 2 Extreme X7800 4MB 800 44 2600 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo T7800 4MB 800 35 2600 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo P8700 3MB 1066 25 2530 2/2 45 AMD Phenom II X2 N640 2MB 3600 35 2900 2/2 45 AMD Phenom II X4 X940 BE 2MB 3600 45 2400 4/4 45 Intel Pentium B960 512KB + 2MB 35 2200 2/2 32 Intel Core 2 Duo SP9400 6MB 1066 25 2400 2/2 45 Intel Core i3 330M 512KB+3MB 2500 35 2130 2/4 32 Intel Core i7 2617M 512KB+4MB 17 1500-2600 2/4 32 Intel Core i7 680UM 512KB+4MB 2500 18 1467-2533 2/4 32 AMD Phenom II X2 P650 2MB 3600 25 2800 2/2 45 AMD Phenom II X2 N620 2MB 3600 35 2800 2/2 45 AMD Phenom II X4 X920 BE 2MB 3600 45 2300 4/4 45 Intel Core i5-2467M 512KB + 3MB 17 1600-2300 2/4 32Intel Core i3-3217U 512KB + 3MB 17 1800 2/4 22 Intel Core 2 Duo P8600 3MB 1066 25 2400 2/2 45 AMD Phenom II X3 N870 1.5MB 3600 35 2300 3/3 45 AMD Phenom II X4 N970 2MB 3600 35 2200 4/4 45 AMD A8-3530MX 4MB 45 1900-2600 4/4 32 Intel Core 2 Duo T8300 3MB 800 35 2400 2/2 45 Intel Core i5 2537M 512KB+3MB 17 1400-2300 2/4 32 Intel Pentium P6300 512KB+3MB 2500 35 2266 2/2 32 Intel Pentium B950 512KB+2MB 35 2100 2/2 32 Intel Core 2 Duo T7700 4MB 800 34 2400 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Quad Q9000 6MB 1066 45 2000 4/4 45 AMD Phenom II X3 N850 1.5MB 3600 35 2200 3/3 45 AMD Phenom II X4 N950 2MB 3600 35 2100 4/4 45 AMD Phenom II X4 N930 2MB 3600 35 2000 4/4 45 AMD Phenom II X3 N830 1.5MB 3600 35 2100 3/3 45 AMD A8-3510MX 4MB 45 1800-2500 4/4 32 AMD A6-3430MX 4MB 45 1700-2400 4/4 32 Intel Core 2 Duo SP9300 6MB 1066 25 2260 2/2 45Intel Core i7 660UM 512KB+4MB 2500 18 1333-2400 2/4 32 AMD A8-3520M 4MB 35 1600-2500 4/4 32 AMD A10-4655M 4MB 25 2000-2800 4/4 32 AMD A8-4500M 4MB 35 1900-2800 4/4 32 Intel Core 2 Duo P8400 3MB 1066 25 2260 2/2 45 AMD Phenom II X4 P960 2MB 3600 25 1800 4/4 45 Intel Core 2 Duo P7570 3MB 1066 25 2260 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo P7550 3MB 1066 25 2260 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T7600 4MB 667 34 2330 2/2 65 Intel Pentium P6200 512KB+3MB 2500 35 2133 2/2 32 Intel Pentium B940 512KB+2MB 35 2000 2/2 32 Intel Core 2 Duo T6770 2MB 800 35 2300 2/2 45 AMD A8-3500M 4MB 35 1500-2400 4/4 32 AMD Phenom II X3 P860 1.5MB 3600 25 2000 3/3 45 AMD A6-3410MX 4MB 45 1600-2300 4/4 32 AMD Phenom II X4 P940 2MB 3600 25 1700 4/4 45 AMD Turion II N570 2MB 3600 35 2700 2/2 45 AMD Turion II Ultra M660 2MB 3600 35 2700 2/2 45Intel Core i5 560UM 512KB+3MB 2500 18 1333-2130 2/4 32 Intel Core i7 640UM 512KB+4MB 2500 18 1200-2266 2/4 32 Intel Pentium Dual Core T4500 1MB 800 35 2300 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T7500 4MB 800 35 2200 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo SL9600 6MB 1066 17 2130 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo P7450 3MB 1066 25 2130 2/2 45 AMD A6-3400M 4MB 35 1400-2300 4/4 32 AMD Phenom II X3 P840 1.5MB 3600 25 1900 3/3 45 AMD Phenom II X4 P920 2MB 3600 25 1600 4/4 45 AMD Turion II N550 2MB 3600 35 2600 2/2 45 AMD Turion II Ultra M640 2MB 3600 35 2600 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T7400 4MB 667 34 2160 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo T8100 3MB 800 35 2100 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T6670 2MB 800 35 2200 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T6600 2MB 800 35 2200 2/2 45 AMD Phenom II X3 P820 1.5MB 3600 25 1800 3/3 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T5900 2MB 800 35 2200 2/2 65 AMD Turion II P560 2MB 3600 25 2500 2/2 45AMD Turion II N530 2MB 3600 35 2500 2/2 45 AMD Turion II Ultra M620 2MB 3600 35 2500 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo P7370 3MB 1066 25 2000 2/2 45 Intel Core Duo T2700 2MB 667 31 2330 2/2 65 Intel Pentium Dual Core T4400 1MB 800 35 2200 2/2 45 Intel Pentium P6100 512KB+3MB 2500 35 2000 2/2 32 Intel Celeron M P4600 512KB+2MB 2500 35 2000 2/2 32 AMD Turion II M560 1MB 3600 35 2500 2/2 45 AMD Athlon II N370 1MB 3200 35 2500 2/2 45 Intel Pentium P6000 512KB+3MB 4800 35 1860 2/2 32 Intel Celeron M P4500 512KB+2MB 2500 35 1860 2/2 32 Intel Core 2 Duo P7350 3MB 1066 25 2000 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T7300 4MB 800 34 2000 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo T6570 2MB 800 35 2100 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T6500 2MB 800 35 2100 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T5850 2MB 667 34 2100 2/2 65 AMD Turion II P540 2MB 3600 25 2400 2/2 45 AMD Turion II Ultra M600 2MB 3600 35 2400 2/2 45Intel Pentium Dual Core T4300 1MB 800 35 2100 2/2 45 Intel Celeron Dual-Core T3500 1MB 800 35 2100 2/2 45 Intel Celeron B815 2MB 35 1600 2/2 32 Intel Celeron B810 2MB 35 1600 2/2 32 AMD Athlon II N350 1MB 3200 35 2400 2/2 45 AMD Turion II M540 1MB 3600 35 2400 2/2 45 AMD Turion II P520 2MB 3600 25 2300 2/2 45 Intel Core Duo T2600 2MB 667 31 2160 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo SL9400 6MB 1066 17 1860 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo SL9380 6MB 800 17 1800 2/2 45 Intel Pentium Dual Core T3400 1MB 667 35 2160 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo T6400 2MB 800 35 2000 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T5870 2MB 800 34 2000 2/2 65 AMD Turion X2 Ultra ZM-86 2MB 3600 35 2400 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo T7200 4MB 667 34 2000 2/2 65 Intel Celeron B800 2MB 35 1500 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo T5800 2MB 800 35 2000 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo T7250 2MB 800 35 2000 2/2 65AMD Athlon II N330 1MB 3200 35 2300 2/2 45 AMD Athlon II P360 1MB 3200 25 2300 2/2 45 AMD Turion II M520 1MB 3600 35 2300 2/2 45 AMD Athlon II M360 1MB 3200 35 2300 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T5750 2MB 667 34 2000 2/2 65 AMD A4-3330MX 2MB 45 2200-2600 2/2 32 AMD A6-4400M 1MB 35 2700-3200 2 32 AMD A4-4300M 1MB 35 2500-3000 2 32 Intel Pentium Dual Core T4200 1MB 800 35 2000 2/2 45 Intel Celeron Dual-Core T3300 1MB 800 35 2000 2/2 45 AMD A4-3310MX 2MB 45 2100-2500 2/2 32 AMD A4-3320M 2MB 45 2100-2600 2/2 32 AMD A4-3300M 2MB 35 1900-2500 2/2 32 AMD A4-3305M 1MB 35 1900-2500 2/2 32 AMD Turion II M500 1MB 3600 35 2200 2/2 45 AMD Athlon II P340 1MB 3200 25 2200 2/2 45 AMD Athlon II M340 1MB 3200 35 2200 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo L7700 4MB 800 17 1800 2/2 65Intel Core 2 Duo SP7700 4MB 800 20 1800 2/2 65 Intel Celeron Dual-Core T3100 1MB 800 35 1900 2/2 45 Intel Core i5 470UM 512KB+3MB 2500 18 1333-1867 2/4 32 Intel Core i7 620UM 512KB+4MB 2500 18 1060-2133 2/4 32 AMD Turion X2 Ultra ZM-85 2MB 4400 35 2300 2/2 65 AMD Turion X2 Ultra ZM-84 2MB 3600 35 2300 2/2 65 Intel Pentium Dual Core T3200 1MB 667 35 2000 2/2 65 Intel Pentium Dual Core T2410 1MB 533 35 2000 2/2 65 AMD E2-3000M 1MB 35 1800-2400 2/2 32 AMD Athlon II P320 1MB 3200 25 2100 2/2 45 AMD Athlon II M320 1MB 3200 35 2100 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T7100 2MB 800 34 1800 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo T5670 2MB 800 35 1800 2/2 65 AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-68 1MB 800 35 2400 2/2 65 AMD Turion X2 Ultra ZM-82 2MB 3600 35 2200 2/2 65 AMD Turion X2 RM-77 1MB 4000 35 2300 2/2 65 AMD Turion X2 RM-76 1MB 3600 35 2300 2/2 65 AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-66 1MB 800 35 2300 2/2 65Intel Core Duo T2500 2MB 667 31 2000 2/2 65 Intel Celeron Dual-Core T3000 1MB 800 35 1800 2/2 45 Intel Core i5 540UM 512KB+3MB 2500 18 1200-2000 2/4 32 AMD Athlon X2 QL-67 1MB 4000 35 2200 2/2 65 AMD Turion X2 RM-75 1MB 4000 35 2200 2/2 65 AMD Athlon X2 QL-66 1MB 3600 35 2200 2/2 65 AMD Turion X2 RM-74 1MB 3600 35 2200 2/2 65 AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-64 1MB 800 35 2200 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo SL9300 6MB 1066 17 1600 2/2 45 Intel Core 2 Duo T5600 2MB 667 34 1830 2/2 65 AMD Athlon II M300 1MB 3200 35 2000 2/2 45 AMD Turion X2 Ultra ZM-80 2MB 3600 32 2100 2/2 65 AMD Athlon X2 QL-65 1MB 3600 35 2100 2/2 65 AMD Athlon X2 QL-64 1MB 3600 35 2100 2/2 65 AMD Turion X2 RM-72 1MB 3600 35 2100 2/2 65 Intel Core Duo T2450 2MB 533 31 2000 2/2 65 Intel Core i3-2357M 512KB + 3MB 17 1300 2/4 32 Intel Core 2 Duo T5550 2MB 667 34 1830 2/2 65 Intel Core Duo T2400 2MB 667 31 1830 2/2 65Intel Celeron Dual-Core T1700 1MB 667 35 1830 2/2 65 AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-62 1MB 800 35 2100 2/2 65 Intel Pentium Dual Core T2390 1MB 533 35 1860 2/2 65Intel Pentium Dual Core T2130 1MB 533 31 1860 2/2 65 Intel Core i3 380UM 512KB+3MB 2500 18 1333 2/4 32 AMD Turion X2 RM-70 1MB 3600 31 2000 2/2 65 AMD Athlon X2 QL-62 1MB 3600 35 2000 2/2 65 AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-60 1MB 800 35 2000 2/2 90 AMD Athlon X2 QL-60 1MB 3600 35 1900 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo T5500 2MB 667 34 1660 2/2 65 Intel Core i5 430UM 512KB+3MB 2500 18 1200-1730 2/4 32 Intel Core i5 520UM 512KB+3MB 2500 18 1060-1866 2/4 32 Intel Core 2 Duo T5470 2MB 800 35 1600 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo T5450 2MB 667 34 1660 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo T5300 2MB 533 34 1730 2/2 65Intel Core Duo L2500 2MB 667 15 1830 2/2 65 Intel Core Duo T2350 2MB 533 31 1860 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo SP7500 4MB 800 20 1600 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo SU9600 3MB 800 10 1600 2/2 45AMD A6-4455M 2MB 17 2100-2600 2 32 Intel Pentium 987 512KB + 2MB 17 1500 2/2 32 Intel Celeron 887 512KB + 2MB 17 1500 2/2 32 Intel Core 2 Duo T5200 2MB 533 34 1660 2/2 65Intel Core Duo T2250 2MB 533 31 1700 2/2 65 Intel Core Duo T2300 2MB 667 31 1660 2/2 65 Intel Core Duo T2300E 2MB 667 31 1660 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo L7500 4MB 800 17 1600 2/2 65 Intel Core Duo L2400 2MB 533 9 1660 2/2 65 Intel Pentium Dual Core T2370 1MB 533 35 1730 2/2 65 Intel Pentium Dual Core T2080 1MB 533 31 1730 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo T5270 2MB 800 35 1400 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo T5250 2MB 667 34 1500 2/2 65 Intel Core Duo L2300 2MB 667 15 1500 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo L7300 4MB 800 17 1400 2/2 65 AMD Turion II Neo K685 1MB 3200 15 1800 2/2 45 VIA Nano QuadCore L4700 4MB 1333 28 1-1 4/4 40 Intel Core 2 Duo SU9400 3MB 800 10 1400 2/2 45 AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-58 1MB 800 31 1900 2/2 65 AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-56 1MB 800 33 1800 2/2 90Intel Celeron Dual-Core T1600 1MB 667 35 1660 2/2 65 Intel Celeron Dual-Core T1500 512KB 533 35 1866 2/2 65 Intel Pentium 977 512KB + 2MB 17 1400 2/2 32 AMD Athlon 64 X2 TK-57 512KB 667 31 1900 2/2 65 Intel Core Duo T2050 2MB 533 31 1600 2/2 65 Intel Celeron Dual-Core T1400 512KB 533 35 1733 2/2 65 AMD Turion II Neo K665 1MB 3200 15 1700 2/2 45 Intel Core i3 330UM 512KB+3MB 2500 18 1200 2/4 32 Intel Pentium Dual Core T2330 1MB 533 35 1600 2/2 65 Intel Pentium Dual Core T2060 1MB 533 31 1600 2/2 65 Intel Pentium U5600 512KB+3MB 2500 18 1333 2/2 32 Intel Pentium 957 512KB+2MB 17 1200 2/2 32 AMD Athlon 64 X2 TK-55 512KB 667 31 1800 2/2 65 AMD Turion II Neo K645 1MB 3200 15 1600 2/2 45 AMD Athlon 64 X2 TK-42 1MB 1600 20 1600 2/2 65 AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-53 1MB 800 31 1700 2/2 65 AMD Athlon 64 X2 TK-53 512KB 667 31 1700 2/2 65 AMD Athlon Neo X2 L325 1MB 1600 18 1500 2/2 65 AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-52 1MB 800 31 1600 2/2 90Intel Core 2 Duo SU7300 3MB 800 10 1300 2/2 45 AMD Turion Neo X2 L625 1MB 800 18 1600 2/2 65 Intel Pentium U5400 512KB+3MB 2500 18 1200 2/2 32 Intel Celeron 847 512KB+2MB 17 1100 2/2 32 AMD Turion 64 X2 L510 1MB 800 20 1600 2/2 65 Intel Pentium Dual Core T2310 1MB 533 35 1460 2/2 65 Intel Pentium Dual Core SU4100 2MB 800 10 1300 2/2 45 Intel Celeron M U3600 512KB+2MB 2500 18 1200 2/2 32 AMD Turion II Neo K625 1MB 3200 15 1500 2/2 45 AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-50 512KB 800 31 1600 2/2 90 AMD Mobile Sempron X2 NI-52 256KB 1800 35 1800 2/2 65 AMD Athlon Neo X2 L335 512KB 800 18 1600 2/2 65 Intel Celeron M 925 1MB 800 35 2300 1/1 45 AMD V-Series V160 512KB 3200 25 2400 1/1 45 AMD Athlon II Neo K345 1MB 2000 12 1400 2/2 45 Intel Atom D2700 1MB 10 2130 2/4 32 Intel Core 2 Duo SU9300 3MB 800 10 1200 2/2 45Intel Core 2 Duo U7700 2MB 533 10 1330 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo L7100 4MB 800 17 1200 2/2 65Intel Celeron M 900 1MB 800 35 2200 1/1 45 AMD V-Series V140 512KB 3200 25 2300 1/1 45 Intel Core 2 Duo U7600 2MB 533 10 1200 2/2 65 Intel Celeron Dual-Core SU2300 1MB 800 10 1200 2/2 45 Intel Celeron M U3400 512KB+2MB 2500 18 1060 2/2 32 AMD Athlon II Neo K325 1MB 2000 12 1300 2/2 45 AMD E2-1800 1MB 18 1700 2/2 40 AMD E-450 1MB 18 1660 2/2 40 AMD E-350 1MB 18 1600 2/2 40Intel Core Duo U2500 2MB 533 9 1200 2/2 65 Intel Core 2 Duo U7500 2MB 533 10 1060 2/2 65 Intel Atom N2850 1MB 6 2000 2/4 32 Intel Core Duo U2400 2MB 533 9 1060 2/2 65 AMD Mobile Athlon 64 4000+ 1MB 800 62 2600 1/1 90 Intel Pentium M 780 2MB 533 27 2260 1/1 90 AMD Turion 64 ML-44 1MB 800 35 2400 1/1 90 AMD Turion 64 ML-42 512KB 800 35 2400 1/1 90Intel Pentium M 770 2MB 533 27 2130 1/1 90 Intel Pentium M 765 2MB 400 21 2100 1/1 90 Intel Pentium M 760 2MB 533 27 2000 1/1 90AMD V-Series V120 512KB 3200 25 2200 1/1 45 AMD Mobile Sempron M140 512KB 3200 25 2200 1/1 40 AMD Athlon X2 L310 1MB 800 13 1200 2/2 65 AMD Turion 64 ML-40 1MB 800 35 2200 1/1 90 AMD Turion 64 MT-40 1MB 800 25 2200 1/1 90 Intel Pentium M 755 2MB 400 21 2000 1/1 90 AMD E1-1200 1MB 18 1400 2/2 40 Intel Celeron M 570 1MB 533 30 2260 1/1 65 Intel Celeron M 585 1MB 667 31 2160 1/1 65 AMD Mobile Sempron M120 512KB 3200 25 2100 1/1 40 AMD E-300 1MB 18 1300 2/2 40 Intel Celeron B710 1MB 35 1600 1/1 32 Intel Celeron M 560 1MB 533 30 2130 1/1 65 AMD Mobile Sempron M100 512KB 3200 25 2000 1/1 40 AMD Turion 64 MK-38 512KB 800 31 2200 1/1 90 AMD Turion 64 MT-37 1MB 800 25 2000 1/1 90 AMD Turion 64 ML-37 1MB 800 35 2000 1/1 90 Intel Core Solo T1400 2MB 667 27 1830 1/1 65 Intel Celeron M 575 1MB 667 31 2000 1/1 65Intel Celeron M 550 1MB 533 30 2000 1/1 65 Intel Celeron M 450 1MB 533 27 2000 1/1 65 Intel Pentium M 750 2MB 533 27 1860 1/1 90 Intel Pentium M 745 2MB 400 21 1800 1/1 90 Intel Core Solo T1350 2MB 533 27 1860 1/1 65 Intel Celeron M 540 1MB 533 30 1860 1/1 65 Intel Pentium M 740 2MB 533 27 1730 1/1 90 Intel Celeron M 440 1MB 533 27 1860 1/1 65 Intel Pentium M 735 2MB 400 21 1700 1/1 90 Intel Pentium M 730 2MB 533 27 1600 1/1 90 Intel Celeron 220 512KB 533 19 1200 1/1 65 AMD Mobile Athlon 64 3700+ 1MB 800 81 2400 1/1 0 AMD Mobile Athlon 64 3400+ 1MB 800 62 2200 1/1 0 AMD Turion 64 MK-36 512KB 800 31 2000 1/1 90 AMD Mobile Sempron 4000+ 512KB 800 31 2200 1/1 65 AMD Mobile Athlon 64 3200+ 1MB 800 62 2000 1/1 0 Intel Mobile Pentium 4 552 1MB 533 88 3460 1/1 90 Intel Mobile Pentium 4 538 1MB 533 88 3200 1/1 90 AMD Mobile Sempron 3800+ 256KB 800 31 2200 1/1 65 AMD Mobile Sempron SI-42 512KB 1800 25 2100 1/1 65 AMD Athlon II Neo K145 1MB 2000 12 1800 1/1 45 AMD Mobile Sempron SI-40 512KB 1800 25 2000 1/1 65AMD Mobile Athlon 64 3000+ 512KB 800 35 2000 1/1 0 AMD Athlon II Neo K125 1MB 2000 12 1700 1/1 45 AMD Turion 64 MT-34 1MB 800 25 1800 1/1 90 AMD Turion 64 ML-34 1MB 800 35 1800 1/1 90Intel Pentium 4-M 548 1MB 533 88 3330 1/1 90 Intel Mobile Pentium 4 532 1MB 533 88 3060 1/1 90 Intel Atom D2550 1MB 10 1866 2/4 32 Intel Atom N2800 1MB 6 1860 2/4 32 Intel Atom D525 1MB 18 1800 2/4 45 Intel Atom N2650 1MB 3 1733 2/4 32 AMD Turion 64 MT-32 512KB 800 25 1790 1/1 90 AMD Turion 64 ML-32 512KB 800 35 1790 1/1 90 AMD Mobile Sempron 3600+ 256KB 800 25 2000 1/1 65 AMD Mobile Athlon 64 2800+ 512KB 800 35 1800 1/1 0 AMD Mobile Athlon 64 2700+ 512KB 800 35 1600 1/1 0 AMD Mobile Sempron 3500+ 512KB 800 25 1800 1/1 90AMD Mobile Sempron 3400+ 256KB 800 62 2000 1/1 0 AMD Mobile Sempron 3300+ 128KB 800 62 2000 1/1 90 AMD Athlon Neo MV-40 512KB 1600 15 1600 1/1 65 Intel Atom N570 1MB 666 9 1660 2/4 45Intel Atom N2600 1MB 0 1600 2/4 32 Intel Atom 330 1MB 533 8 1600 2/4 45AMD Mobile Sempron 3200+ 512KB 800 25 1600 1/1 0 AMD Mobile Sempron 3100+ 256KB 800 62 1800 1/1 0 AMD Mobile Sempron 3000+ 256KB 800 35 1800 1/1 0 Intel Core Solo T1300 2MB 667 27 1660 1/1 65 Intel Pentium M 725 2MB 400 21 1600 1/1 90 Intel Celeron M 530 1MB 533 30 1730 1/1 65 Intel Celeron M 430 1MB 533 27 1730 1/1 65 Intel Celeron M 390 1MB 400 21 1700 1/1 90 Intel Atom N550 1MB 666 9 1500 2/4 45 Intel Atom D2500 1MB 10 1866 2/2 32 Intel Core 2 Solo SU3500 3MB 800 6 1400 1/1 45 AMD Turion 64 MT-30 1MB 800 25 1600 1/1 90 AMD Turion 64 ML-30 1MB 800 35 1600 1/1 90 Intel Pentium SU2700 2MB 800 10 1300 1/1 45 Intel Mobile Pentium 4 520 512KB 533 91 2800 1/1 90 Intel Mobile Pentium 4 518 1MB 533 88 2800 1/1 130 VIA Nano L2100 1MB 800 25 1800 1/1 65 Intel Core Solo U1500 2MB 533 5 1330 1/1 65 Intel Core 2 Solo SU3300 3MB 800 6 1200 1/1 45 Intel Celeron M 763 1MB 800 10 1400 1/1 45Intel Pentium M 715 2MB 400 21 1500 1/1 90 Intel Celeron M 520 1MB 533 30 1600 1/1 65 Intel Celeron M 420 1MB 533 27 1600 1/1 65 Intel Pentium M 778 2MB 400 10 1600 1/1 90 Intel Celeron M 380 1MB 400 21 1600 1/1 90 Intel Core Solo T1200 2MB 667 27 1500 1/1 65 AMD Athlon 64 TF-20 512KB 667 25 1600 1/1 65 AMD Turion 64 MT-28 512KB 800 25 1600 1/1 90 AMD Turion 64 ML-28 512KB 800 35 1600 1/1 90 AMD Mobile Sempron 2800+ 256KB 800 62 1600 1/1 0 Intel Celeron M 410 1MB 533 27 1460 1/1 65 AMD Mobile Sempron 2700+ 128KB 800 62 1600 1/1 0 AMD Mobile Sempron 2600+ 128KB 800 25 1600 1/1 0 Intel Celeron M 743 1MB 800 10 1300 1/1 45 Intel Pentium M 710 2MB 400 21 1400 1/1 90 Intel Celeron M 330 512KB 400 21 1400 1/1 130 Intel Pentium M 758 2MB 400 10 1500 1/1 90 Intel Pentium M 705 1MB 400 25 1500 1/1 130 Intel Celeron M 370 1MB 400 21 1500 1/1 90 Motorola PowerPC G4 G4A 1.5 512KB 133 0 1500 1/1 130 Intel Pentium M 718 1MB 400 10 1300 1/1 130 Intel Pentium M 773 2MB 400 6 1300 1/1 90 Intel Celeron M 320 512KB 400 21 1300 1/1 130 Intel Pentium M 1300 1MB 400 25 1300 1/1 130 Intel Core 2 Solo U2200 1MB 533 6 1200 1/1 65 Intel Core Solo U1400 2MB 533 6 1200 1/1 65AMD V-Series V105 512KB 2000 9 1200 1/1 45 AMD C-60 1MB 9 1000-1333 2/2 40Intel Pentium M 738 2MB 400 10 1400 1/1 90 Intel Celeron M 360 1MB 400 21 1400 1/1 90 AMD Mobile Sempron 210U 256KB 1600 15 1500 1/1 65 Intel Celeron M 340 512KB 400 21 1500 1/1 130 AMD C-50 1MB 9 1000 2/2 40 AMD Z-01 1MB 6 1000 2/2 40 Intel Atom Z560 512KB 533 0 2130 1/2 45 Intel Celeron M 350 1MB 400 21 1300 1/1 90 VIA C7-M C7-M-2000 128KB 533 20 2000 1/1 90 Intel Atom Z550 512KB 533 2 2000 1/2 45 AMD E-240 512KB 18 1500 1/1 40 Intel Pentium M 753 2MB 400 6 1200 1/1 90 Intel Celeron M 723 1MB 800 5 1200 1/1 45 Intel Atom N475 512KB 533 7 1860 1/2 45 Intel Atom N470 512KB 533 7 1860 1/2 45 Intel Atom Z540 512KB 533 2 1830 1/2 45 Motorola PowerPC G4 G4 1.3 512KB 133 0 1333 1/1 180 VIA Nano U2250 1MB 800 10 1500 1/1 65 Intel Atom N455 512KB 533 7 1660 1/2 45 Intel Atom N450 512KB 533 6 1660 1/2 45Intel Atom N280 512KB 667 3 1660 1/2 45 Intel Atom 230 512KB 533 4 1600 1/2 45 Intel Atom Z530 512KB 533 2 1600 1/2 45Intel Atom N270 512KB 533 3 1600 1/2 45Intel Atom Z2460 768KB 4 1300-1600 1/2 32Intel Atom Z670 512KB 3 1500 1/2 45Intel Celeron M 310 512KB 400 21 1200 1/1 130 AMD Athlon 64 L110 512KB 800 0 1200 1/1 0 AMD C-30 512KB 9 1200 1/1 40 Intel Pentium M 733 2MB 400 5 1100 1/1 90Intel Pentium M 733J 2MB 400 6 1100 1/1 90Intel Pentium M 713 1MB 400 5 1100 1/1 130VIA C7-M C7-M-1867 128KB 400 15 1867 1/1 90Intel Pentium 4-M P4-M 1,7 512KB 400 30 1700 1/1 130Intel Mobile Pentium III-M512KB 133 22 1200 1/1 130 P3M-1200Intel Core Solo U1300 2MB 533 5 1060 1/1 65 Intel Core 2 Solo U2100 1MB 533 6 1060 1/1 65 Intel Pentium M 723 2MB 400 5 1000 1/1 90 Intel Celeron M 722 1MB 800 6 1200 1/1 45 Intel Celeron M 423 1MB 533 5 1060 1/1 65 Intel Celeron M 383 1MB 400 5 1000 1/1 90 Intel Celeron M 373 512KB 400 5 1000 1/1 90 Intel Celeron M 523 1MB 533 5 933 1/1 65 Intel Pentium M ULV 900 1MB 400 7 900 1/1 130 Intel Atom N435 512KB 533 5 1333 1/2 45Intel Atom Z520 512KB 533 2 1333 1/2 45Intel Mobile A A110 512KB 400 3 800 1/1 90 AMD Mobile Sempron 200U 256KB 1600 8 1000 1/1 65 Intel Celeron 2.8 GHz 128KB 400 53 2800 1/1 130Motorola PowerPC G4 G4 1.0 512KB 133 0 1000 1/1 180Intel Celeron M 353 512KB 400 5 900 1/1 90Intel Celeron M 333 512KB 400 5 900 1/1 130VIA C7-M C7-M-1600 128KB 400 12 1600 1/1 90 VIA Nano U2500 1MB 800 7 1200 1/1 65 Nvidia Tegra 250 1MB 1 1000 2/2 40Apple A5 0 900 2 40Intel Atom Z510 512KB 400 2 1100 1/1 45VIA C7-M C7-M-1500 ULV 128KB 400 8 1500 1/1 90Intel Mobile A A100 512KB 400 3 600 1/1 90VIA C3-M C3-M-1500 64KB 200 12 1500 1/1 130VIA C7-M C7-M-1000 128KB 400 4 1000 1/1 90Intel Pentium M P-M 600 2MB 400 0 600 1/1 90Intel Celeron M 630 MHz 512KB 400 5 630 1/1 90Intel Atom Z500 512KB 400 1 800 1/1 45Transmeta Crusoe TM-5800 512KB 266 7 1000 1/1 130VIA C7-M C7-M-1200 128KB 400 5 1200 1/1 90VIA C3-M C3-M-1200 64KB 200 18 1200 1/1 130Samsung Hummingbird0 1000 1/1 45 S5PC110A01Apple A4 0 1000 1/1 40ARM Cortex A8 1GHz 0 1000 1/1 0Qualcom Snapdragon QSD8250 0 1000 1/1 65AMD Geode LX 800 128KB 4 500 1/1 65AMD Geode LX 700 128KB 3 433 1/1 65Loongson 2F 900MHz 512KB 4 900 1/1 0 Qualcomm MSM7227 0 600 0 0。
