comprehensively .1939年9月1日德国闪击波兰9月3日英法对德宣战二战全面
爆发。The Second World War’s processThe Second World War (1939 - 1945) was until now, the
flames of war spread Asian, European,
the Americas, African and the ocean state Five Continents;
At the same time the warring parties alsoin the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic, Indian Ocean and the ArcticOcean four oceans launches the fight.
World War It's warring parties are by country composition and so
on US, Soviet Union, China, Britain,
France antifascist unions and by Germany, Japan, country
臭名昭著的“慕尼黑阴谋”。In 1938, Germany annexed the
Austria, then the Fascist’s
arrogance became more
rampant .1938年德国吞并奥地利法西斯气焰
更加嚣张。The Munich Conspiracycaused Germany to
重回二战战场,再寻遗失希望——《战地2:遗失的希望2》作者:李德全来源:《轻兵器》 2013年第16期李德全二战题材的射击游戏可谓佳作迭出,《战地2:遗失的希望2》再度给玩家带来惊诧——其极尽真实地还原二战战场,玩家置身于其中,感同身受地体会战争的残酷无情—《战地2:遗失的希望2》是第一人称射击类游戏《战地2》的二战题材模组(注:模组,英文为MOD,是游戏本体的一种增强程序,例如众所周知的《反恐精英》就是《半条命》的模组)。
World War 2
![World War 2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/181a895a77232f60ddcca17b.png)
The Potsdam conference
July 1945 to August, the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain heads of Stalin, Truman and Churchill in Potsdam near Berlin meeting between the Allies to seek a solution how to share the fruits of victory of war and peace in post-war arrangements and other issues arise A series of contradictions. July 26, urging the Japanese surrendered unconditionally released the "Potsdam Proclamation. "
January 1, 1942, "Declaration by United Nations, " signed by the formation of anti-fascist united front eventually
July 17, 1942, the outbreak of the Battle of Stalingrad, the Soviet victory, a turning point in World War II
Time to change the hearts of people celebrate the end of World War II remain unchanged. There are three meeting decided that the process of World War II, we followed them to understand the next
英文 二战广岛长崎原子弹事件
![英文 二战广岛长崎原子弹事件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5c37b8798e9951e79b892756.png)
Page 11
In August 15, 1945, the emperor of Japan issued the surrender.
In September 2, 1945, in Tokyo Bay, "Missouri" on the deck of the battleship, the Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu and chief of staff Umezu Meijiro signed the surrender document. Signing time is four past nine. Then, the southwest Pacific theater commander Douglas Macarthur signature. USA, China, Britain and the Soviet Union and other countries at war with Japan accepted the Japanese surrender.
Page 4
At eight o'clock on the morning of August 6, 1945, 3 B-29 from the sky into Hiroshima ocean. When a lot of people in Hiroshima did not enter the shelter, but lookded at the plane. Prior to this, B-29 has several consecutive days flied over Japanese airspace for training, but 3 aircrafts of this time, there was a aircraft which had been fitted with a 5-ton of atomic bomb. At this point it was ordered to bomb Hiroshima.
第二次世界大战的起因 Causes of World War 2 外国学生英语作文
![第二次世界大战的起因 Causes of World War 2 外国学生英语作文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/48281e9927284b73f24250e0.png)
Causes of World War 2>Causes of World War 2 Essay:World War two was one of the biggest global wars of the twentieth century. It started in the year 1939 and continued till the year 1945. It had all the great powers of the world, dividing the war into two military alliances. The Allies were the countries like Britain, France, and the United States, while the Axis powers had Germany, Italy, and Japan.The Soviet Union began the war on the Axis side but later changed stances and joined theallied forces. There are various socio-political causes of the Second World War. However, the immediate cause of the World war was the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany on 1st September 1939.Long and Short Essays on Causes of World War 2 for Students and Kids in EnglishWe provide students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic Causes of World war II.Long Essay on Causes of World War 2 500 Words in EnglishLong Essay on Causes of World War 2 is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.Causes of World War II:The Second World war was an aftermath of the discontentment that arose among certain countries after the conclusion of the First World War. The first World War ended with the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. This treaty left Germany with little political and military influence and burdened the nation with heavy financial reparations. Germany was barred from unifying Austria and had to lose several territories.Rise of Fascism:With the Great Depression in 1939, Germany saw the rise of an autocratic Fascist ruler, Hitler, and his Nazi Party, alongside Italy and its fascist Government led by Mussolini. The Nazis attained a totalitarian character in Germany, driven by the idea of “supremacy of race.” Power craving Germany, Italy, and Japan soon took upon themselves to avenge their fallen territory. It hence was the beginning of World War II with the invasion of Poland by German forces.Failure of the League of Nations:The League of Nations was the forefather of the present United Nations. It was created as an international peace-keeping organization to prevent further escalations of military supremacy in the world. The League of Nations was the brainchild of American President Woodrow Wilson, yet the United States did not participate. The failure of the League of Nations to control the rising turbulence throughout the world and protect the world from a fascist attack was one of the notable causes of World War II.Munich Agreement:The region of Sudetenland was a predominant German region with more than three million ethnic Germans. In the treaty of Versailles, Sudetenland was given to Czechoslovakia despite strong opposition. This angered the Germans.Germany, under Hitler, pressed for the incorporation of Sudetenland into Germany.Finally, the Munich Agreement was signed on 30th September 1938 by the British, French, and Italian Prime Ministers to appease Hitler and give him what he wanted. Sudetenland was given to Germany, but this did more harm thangood. Germany regained its political and military strength.Rising Power of Japan:In 1931, Japan faced a massive economic depression, and the people lost their faith in the Government. Hence, Japan turned itself into an imperial power and started capturing the resources and territory of Japan. This gave her authority over the East Pacific and made her crave for more.Invasion of Poland:Poland wanted to be in good relations with both Germany and the Soviet Union. However, Germany wanted Poland to join it as a satellite state. When Poland did not agree with this proposition, Germany invaded Poland on 1st September 1939 and triggered the Second World War.Spanish Civil War:During the time between 1936 and 1939, Germany and Italy supported the fascist General Francisco Franco while the Soviet Union started supporting the democratically elected state government. This became an issue among theworld’s great powers since the League of Nations had a major involvement in the crisis.These were the major causes of the Second World War.Short Essay on Causes of World War 2 150 Words in EnglishShort Essay on Causes of World War 2 is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.There are various major causes of the Second World War. However, the most notable was the aftermath of the First World War. To concludeWorld War I, the treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919.However, this treaty was extremely biased towards countries like Britain, France, and the United Nations. Germany had to go through a loss of several territories and also was burdened with huge financial reparations.This massive discontentment of Germany made her come under the fascist rule of Hitler and his Nazi Party. Moreover, Italy came under the fascist rule of Mussolini at the same time. This rise in Fascism was a notable cause of the World War.Some other causes were the failure of the League of Nations, the Spanish Civil war, the Munich agreement, and mos tly Japan’s rise as an imperial power. The immediate cause of World War II was the invasion of Poland by Germany on 1st September in 1939.10 Lines on Causes of World War 2 Essay in English1. World War II began in the year 1939.2. It was triggered by the invasion of Poland by Germany.3. The war was divided into two military alliances.4. The two groups were Axis and Allied.5. The war ended in the year 1945.6.The war ended with the bombardment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 7. World War II witnessed the first use of Nuclear Bombs. 8. Re-militarization of Rhineland was a major cause. 9. The Germans were driven by the idea of the “Supreme Race.” 10. World War II led to the formation of the United Nations.FAQ’s on Causes of World War 2 EssayQuestion 1.Was World War II against Hitler?Answer:World War II was initiated by Hitler and later resulted in his defeat.Question 2.Whose side was Russia on?Answer:Russia was an Allied force.Question 3.Who bombed Pearl Harbour?Answer:Japan bombed Pearl Harbour.Question 4.Was Spain a party to the war?Answer:No, Spain remained neutral as a country, but Franco supported Germany and the Axis powers.。
the second World War英文版讲解 简介
![the second World War英文版讲解 简介](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/922f303ced630b1c59eeb5d0.png)
Soviet Union
随着帝国主义国家间经济、政治和军事发展不平衡的加剧,军事实 力发展较快的德、意、日三国要求重新划分世界势力范围,使帝国主义 之间的矛盾进一步尖锐起来。
1929年10月,美国华尔街纽约证券交易所的股市崩盘,经济危机席 卷了整个资本主义世界。 1922年10月,意大利国王任命墨索里尼担任意大利总理,法西斯专政 在意大利开始建立。到1933年11月,法西斯运动遍及23个国家半年后增 至30个国家。
在世界反法西斯战争的影响和鼓舞下,东欧和亚洲大陆出现了一系列人民 民主国家,在各国共产党的领导下走上了社会主义道路。社会主义力量不 断壮大,越出了一国范围,形成了以苏联为首的社会主义阵营。
形成以美国为首的资本主义阵营,对社会主义国家推行霸权主义政策,出现了北 约与华约两大军事集团的对峙。20世纪60年代西欧、日本要求摆脱美国的控制, 美国的资本主义世界霸主地位受到冲击,资本主义阵营内部矛盾重重,出现多极 化趋势
第二次世界大战客观上推动了科学技术的迅速发展。大战期间,为了战争的需要, 各国投入了大量的人力,物力和财力并且发展相应的科学技术,制造新式武器,航 空技术,重炮坦克,核武器,雷达导弹等,第二次世界大战后,这些用于制造作战 武器的科学技术为和平事业服务,推动了人类历史文明的进步。
战后美苏争霸。在经济上美国实行自由主义经济,苏联实行计 划主义经济。 1. 主要资本主义国家在美国“马歇尔计划”的扶持下以及第三次科 技革命的推动和国家垄断资本主义空前发展的情况下,进入了高速 发展和空前繁荣的“黄金时期”。 2. 美国成为资本主义世界头号强国,建立了以美元为中心的资本主 义世界货币体系——布雷顿森林体系。 3. 日本、联邦德国迅速崛起,成为仅次于美国的资本主义世界经济 强国,资本主义世界形成美、日、西欧三足鼎立的局面。 4. 这一阶段的社会主义国家,经济虽然有所恢复和发展,但是各国 照搬了苏联高度集中的政治经济体制,弊端日益显露,各国纷纷进 行改革。中国进行改革开放,找到了一条具有中国特色的社会主义 建设道路,经济得到了恢复和发展。
World War II二战中英文简介
![World War II二战中英文简介](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/69517b160b4e767f5acfce18.png)
U.S. National Register of Historic Places
U.S. National Historic Landmark District
Aerial view of Pearl Harbor, Ford Island in center. The Arizona memorial is the small white dot on the far right side close to Ford Island.
Contents [hide]
1 History
Pre-war events
Invasion of Ethiopia
Japanese invasion of China
Japanese invasion of the USSR and Mongolia
European occupations and agreements
Nearest city: Pearl City, Hawai?i
Coordinates: 21°20′38″N 157°58′30″W? / ?21.34389°N 157.975°W? / 21.34389; -157.975Coordinates: 21°20′38″N 157°58′30″W? / ?21.34389°N 157.975°W? / 21.34389; -157.975
He slept deeply.
His name is Steven Rogers.
He is
Captain America.
In World War II,America was attack by German.The cities were burning and people were in extreme misery.So,the America government wanted a lot of soldiers to defend their country against attack.
Many people wanted to join the amy to help their country.But a man was refused by amy for his body was too weak.Fortunately when the fate closed one door, he also opened another. At the same time, the American government wanted to deal with Nazi Germany and developed a product called "super soldier" serum.This serum could enhance the soldier's physical strength,speed,and willpower.
After talking with the young man, The doctor of the experiment allowed him to take the experiment because he had strong willing to help his country.
disembarked beleaguered ravaged toiling convoy1. the Germans have threatened to vanquish the eastern giant 德军将要征服这个东方大国2. Everyday thousands of young Russian men sometimes without any weapons or military training are disembarked on river banks Those who back away from the German shells are ruthlessly executed by the每天都有数千名苏联年轻男性从河岸上岸,有些人甚至没任何武器或未受过军事训练在战场上退缩的人会被3. On the 7th November the anniversary of the revolution the beleaguered soldiers holding Stalingrad and the Soviet troops all along the front listen to their Commander Chief Stalin make this astonishing declaration11月7日革命纪念日守着斯大林格勒的被困士兵和前线的苏军听他们的总司令斯大林做出此一惊人的宣告4. The country has been ravaged . One fourth of its territory lost but entire Soviet Union is toiling away to provide this new army with huge amounts of equipment国家遭到蹂躏失去四分之一的领土但全苏联上下正焚膏继晷提供这支新军队大量装备5.The Alliesare able to reduce the threat posed by German submarines in the north Atlantic by performing protective convoy to Soviet ports such as Murmansk盟军藉由派护航舰队到如莫曼斯克等苏联港口成功降低德军潜艇在北大西洋的威胁alleviate plightperil clergyman6. Everyone expect the Allies to do more to alleviate their plight 大家都期盼盟军多做点事来减轻他们的困境“埃尔温隆美尔”8. The British Empire is in peril 大英帝国岌岌可危9. As soon as arrival of Montgomery the son of clergyman ordered the new program of strict rules and discipline to be imposed牧师之子蒙哥马利一到战场立刻下令实施规定和纪律严格的新计划yard bayonet casualties preliminary artillery barrage10. Montgomery launches his offensive with preliminary artillery barrage followed by a massive tank assault蒙哥马利发动进攻先以炮兵部队猛烈轰击大规模坦克袭击接着登场11. The battle turns into a bayonet charge just like in the battle of Somme 1916 with heavy casualties on both sides这场战争变成了刺刀战就像1916年的索默战役双方都伤亡惨重not ayardof ground “绝不能让步”“半寸土地都不能弃守”exiled diehard collaborators13. As in 1917 American troops sail across the Atlantic .The French writer Saint-Exupery who has exiled in New York will return from the US with one of its military convoys如同1917年美军搭船横渡大西洋流亡纽约的法国作家圣埃克苏佩里将搭乘其中一艘护航舰返回法国14. Darlan is one of the France's most diehard collaborators who'd even met Hitler. He decides to switch 达尔朗是法国最死硬的通敌者,他甚至见过希特勒,他决定转变立场熟词僻意Amidst sinister roundups denunciations courageous brief looming just around the corner16. Amidst increasingly sinister atmosphere of roundups and denunciations all over Europe children are saved by courageous families在欧洲各地愈来愈险恶的围捕和告发氛围中勇敢的家庭拯救了一些儿童17. the Germans have been enjoy a brief rest bite behind the lines before returning to fight the Russians in order to eliminate their remaining pockets of resistance德军在大后方稍事喘息他们之后要继续和苏联对战以歼灭剩余的反抗势力18. who are totally unaware of the danger looming just around the corner 他们浑然不知危险已近在眼前encirclementWolf's Lair annihilated prickly19. Paulus could still break out of the encirclement but he would have to obey orders .For when Hitler20. "In my opinion Russian can never be annihilated ""she is defended by her resize" “我认为苏联无法被摧毁” “它的面积能保护它”21. He and Churchill want to settle the prickly question of French political power 他和丘吉尔想解决法国政权的棘手问题patriot sectarian attributes dictator adversaries22. Roosevelt says "Genernal De Gaulle is a soldier certainly a patriot and devoted his country""but on the other hand he is also a politian and sectarian ""and I believe in him he has all the attributes of dictator " 罗斯福说“戴高乐是一位军人,绝对爱国且尽忠报国” “但他也是政客党派思想褊狭” “我认为他拥有独裁者的所有特质”23. Roosevelt and Churchill are agreed future cooperation between the two adversaries is necessary in order to save France罗斯福和邱吉尔赞同为了拯救法国这两位竞事对手将来必须合作utmost vehemence credo pituniver-megastoreentrenched dysentery revolted absurdity24. Roosevelt and Churchill make a declaration of the utmost importance with great vehemence they pronounce the words that will hence for become the Ally's credo罗斯福和邱吉尔做了一个最重要的宣告,他们口气强硬地宣布此后将成为盟军信条的一句话25. He feared that Hitler would conclude the separate peace with the Allies in order to pit all of his forces against the Russia他担心希特勒会和盟军另外谈和,以集中所有军队对抗苏联26. Beyond the red flag is where the commander of the Sixth Army Genernal Friedrich Paulus is entrenched6军团指挥官保卢斯就驻守在这里27. Paulus however on the verge of collapse weaken by dysentery and revolted by the absurdity of Hitler's orders但保卢斯已在崩溃边缘他因痢疾而虚弱且因希特勒的荒谬命令作呕28. The Nazis want to turn this national disaster into an opportunity for galvanizing the German people纳粹想把这个国家灾难转变为刺激德国人民的转机29. In the audience seemingly ecstatic is Albert Speer观众群中看似狂喜的是亚伯特斯佩尔30. But above all he is an adamant Nazi最重要的是他是忠诚纳粹党员galvanizing ecstatic adamantinstitutes drafts uprising persecute insult31. The Vichy regime institutes a compulsory labor service and drafts six hundred thousand French workers for Germany维西政府制定一个强制性的劳动服务并为德国征得60万名法国劳工32. the Germans are confronted by a Jewish uprising 德军碰上一场犹太人起义33. Behind these gates the Germans had already initiated policies to persecute the Jewish in Tunisia during their short occupation在这些大门后德军在短暂占领期间已开始事实迫害突尼西亚犹太人的政策34. Italian prisoners receive insult gesture from the crowd 群众对意大利战俘比出羞辱的手势cotton tobacco intimidation torture mustache greyed Parkinson11 / 1335. Some prisoners are sent to camp in Virginia and Texas. They work on cotton or tobacco plantations 有些战俘被送到维吉尼亚州和德州战俘营他们在棉花或烟草田工作36. using intimidation , torture and even murder 用恐吓、酷刑和甚至谋杀37. his famous mustache has greyed他著名的八字胡变灰白38. He is already showing signs of Parkinson diseases 他已显露出帕金森氏症症状encryption espionage lasso decisive12 / 1339. The British have succeeded in capturing an decoding German encryption machine called Enigma 英国已成功取得并破解德国名为“谜”的密码机40. This war is also a espionage war 这场战争也是一场谍报战41. For Hitler the priority now is to send reinforcement over to Sicily while the Allies have just landed .The lasso is tighting希特勒认为现在最要紧的是派援军到盟军已登陆的西西里岛,套索正在拉紧42. "The first 24 hours of invasion will be decisive " "It will be the longest day" “入侵头24小时将是关踺” “这将是最长的一日”43. Magda Goebbels worships Hitler like a God even though he is driving Germany into a frenzy of bloodshed and death玛格达戈培尔,把希特勒当神一样地崇拜即使他正将德国带入一场疯狂的血腥屠杀和死亡worships frenzy13 / 13。
新译林版英语九年级上册 Unit4Intergretedskills
![新译林版英语九年级上册 Unit4Intergretedskills](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/965fd23d89eb172dec63b76a.png)
1947: her (5) _________ had her diary published
Task 2 Listen and complete A2
Anne Frank
Jun. 1929:born in (1)_G__e_r_m__a_n_y_, a Jew
Mainly About
a12-year-old boy and his
I Am David journey to Copenhagen
after he got away from a
A Small Free Kiss in the Dark
Nazi camp a young homeless boy and how he survived the war with his friends
The Diary of a Young Girl was written by a girl named Anne Frank. It was first published
in (3) __1_9_4_7_____ and has been translated into(4) __6_7_____ languages since then. The
her _?___ died
had her diary published
Task 2 Listen and complete A2
Anne Frank Jun. 1929:born in (1)__________, a Jew Jul. 1942: they went into hiding in her
第二次世界大战简介 希特勒 斯大林简介英语
![第二次世界大战简介 希特勒 斯大林简介英语](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a3ac39ce6f1aff00bed51ed6.png)
5. Stalingrad 6. Joseph Stalin
Chronology of the War Date September 1, 1939 April, 1940 Event The Second World War in Europe started with German armies pouring across the Polish frontier. Denmark and Norway were conquered.
Germany surrendered.
A Brief Introduction to Adolf Hitler
Chronology of the War Date Event
The U. S. A. entered the war after December, 1941 Japanese planes bombed the American naval base at Pearl Harbor. American, British and Canadian forces June 6, 1944 landed in Normandy and opened the second front in Europe. May 2, 1945 May 7, 1945 The Soviet army took Berlin.
Hitler’s troops drove into France and May 10, 1940 within the following six weeks, Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg had surrendered as had France. June 22, 1941 Hitler launched his long-term attack on the Soviet Union. September, 1942 A decisive battle was fought at Stalingrad, ~February, 1943 which was the turning point of the war.
OUTBREAK OF WORLD WARII(在二战之前鲜为人知的秘密,英文版)
![OUTBREAK OF WORLD WARII(在二战之前鲜为人知的秘密,英文版)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8826ef669b6648d7c1c746fd.png)
By Polly Tong
Totalitarianism in Germany
Totalitarianism became a popular political system after the First World War. Under this system, a dictator or a political party : • had all the political power; • ruled with an ideology; and • banned all political parties.
Great Depression in 1929
Totalitarianism in Germany
The Germans supported Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party because he promised to end the Treaty of Versailles, solve the problems facing Germany at the time, and make Germany strong again. In 1933, Hitler turned Germany into a totalitarian state and he ruled Germany until 1945
Germany's Aggression in Europe
During 1935-39, Hitler 1935expanded in Europe. Britain and France gave Hitler what he wanted. But Hitler expanded further and conquered Czechoslovakia in March 1939. Britain and France dropped appeasement
第二次世界大战 World War 2 外国学生英语作文
![第二次世界大战 World War 2 外国学生英语作文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/db8b1fcd647d27284b7351e0.png)
World War 2>World War 2 Essay:World War 2 or the Second World War is the most extensive known global human warfare to date that lasted from the year 1939 to 1945. The war was waged between two opposing military alliances: Allies and Axis, involving the majority of the Global powers and many participating countries from across Europe and the world.It was the first state of total war where every economic, scientific, and industrial resource and labour of the participating countries werededicated to waging full-scale warfare, eliminating military and civilian resources. The war involved over 100 million military personnel from more than 30 countries resulting in 70 to 85 million fatal casualties.Long and Short Essays on World War 2 for Students and Kids in EnglishWe provide children/ students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic of World War 2 for reference.Long Essay on World War 2 500 Words in EnglishLong Essay on World War 2 is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.The history of this world is incomplete without the inclusion of the Second World War or World War 2, the most vicious and gruelling warfare waged by humans against each other. It involved the vast majority of the countries and Global powers during the period 1939 to 1945. The war was primarily waged between two opposing military alliances: The Allies mainly comprising the United Kingdom & British Empire,the Third Republic of France, Soviet Union, United States of America and their allies, and the Axis Powers involving Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Empire of Japan and their allies.It started on 1st September 1939, when Nazi Germany invaded Poland and placid support from the Soviet Union and the subsequent declaration of war on Germany by Poland’s allies, France and the United Kingdom. Germany’s Axis Powers had significant gains in the earlier years of the Second World war, mainly between 1939 to 1941 when it conqueredand dominated much of continental Europe and parts of Africa.The largest gain on the Axis side came with the rapid defeat of France at the hands of Germany due to Germany’s advanced warfare technique of Blitzkrieg that involved multi-frontier attack using infantry and armoured divisions. Adolf Hitler, the Dictator/ Fuhrer of Germany during the war, is mainly attributed as the perpetrator of the war due to his Nationalist Fascist and Racial supremacy-based political ideology leading to Germany’s aggressive stance in much of continental Europe.With France’s fall in 1940, the war was primarily waged between the Axis Powers and the British Empire, with minor gains and losses on both sides. It was a multi-frontier conflict with battles occurring in various regions, including mainland Europe, Eurasia, the Balkans, the Atlantic, and the Pacific Ocean, East Asia, and Northern and Central Africa, and Ariel attacks on the British Isles.The war took a significant turn in 1941 with two significant events:The Invasion of Soviet Russia and its Union in June 1941Leading to the largest land warfare in human historyThe Pearl Harbour bombing by Japanese Kamikaze in December 1941 It forced the United States of America to enter the war on the Allies side. Following the US declaration of war on the Imperial Japanese Empire, Germany and Italy’s European Axis powers declared war against the US in solidarity with their Asian Ally.The Axis Powers had significant strategic gains throughout 1941, including Imperial Japan. It captured and dominated much of the Western Pacific, Eastern China and Manchuria, andSouthern Asia. However, its advances were obstructed after a significant naval defeat at the US navy’s hands at the Battle of Midway on the Pacific Ocean. Fascist Italy subsequently suffered significant defeats in North Africa and the Balkans and eventually surrendered to the Allies with their Fascist Dictator, Benito Mussolini, being publicly executed.The collective Allied invasions of Sicily and the Italian Mainland in 1943, along with German defeat at the Eastern front, forced the Axis powers to retreat on all fronts strategically. The war was concluded in 1945 with the Alliedinvasion of German-controlled territories, the fall of Berlin at the Soviet Union’s hands, and the Nuclear Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan by the United States of America.Short Essay on World War 2 150 Words in EnglishShort Essay on World War 2 is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.World War 2 was the largest war ever waged in human history lasting from 1939 to 1945 between two primary military alliances, the Allies and the Axis. It started with Poland’s invasion byNazi Germany and Communist Soviet Union after the secret Molotov-Ribbentrop pact between the two powers that led France and the United Kingdom to declare war on Germany.The war occurred on multiple battlefronts and involved more than 100 million soldiers from over 30 countries from across the globe. It resulted in a collective casualty of over 80 million military as well as civilian deaths.It ended with the Axis defeat after the fall of Berlin and the Nuclear Bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States. It had a profound effect on thesubsequent world politics and histories like the eventual fall of the British and French Empires and their colonies’ independence, sig nificant shifts in global politics, and the United Nations’ formation.10 Lines on World War 2 Essay in English1. World War 2 or Second World War occurred between 1939 and 1945 and is considered the most massive known warfare in human history. Adolf Hitler was the Fuhrer/ Dictator of Germany. Benito Mussolini was the Duce/ Dictator of Italy during the war.2. The symbolic tussle between the great powers started much before the warwith Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan signing mutual defence treaties forming the Axis Powers. 3. The National Socialist Party (NAZI) of Totalitarian Germany murdered more than 60 million Jews, Slavs, and other European People based on the ideology of Aryan Racial Supremacy during the war, and this event is remembe red as the Holocaust. 4. Russian’s were said to be instrumental in World War 2 with the fact that Soviet forces killed more than 76 percent of German soldiers. 5. The United States was placid in the war until the infamous 1941 surprise bombing of the Pearl Harbour by the Japanese, resulting in 2400 civilian andmilitary casualties. 6. The Allied Big Four: United States, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and China and 22 exiled governments issued the Atlantic Charter at the Declaration of the United Nations in 1942, mutually agreeing not to sign any separate peace treaties with Axis powers. 7. The United Kingdom had a significant political change during the war with Sir Winston Churchill assuming the role of Prime Minister. 8. The most extensive known casualties of the war happened on the Eastern front, with Soviet Russia suffering the highest number of human fatalities.9. Adolf Hitler committed suicide with his wife Eva Braun in their bunker during the Fall ofBerlin. 10. Nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and N agasaki were termed “Little Boy” and “Fat Man.”FAQ’s on World War 2 EssayQuestion 1.Who was the major belligerent of World War 2?Answer:Nazi Germany under the leadership of Chancellor Adolf Hitler is considered the primary belligerent of World War 2.Question 2.Why did Imperial Japan enter a primarily European war?Answer:The Empire of Japan was a military state that primarily aimed to create resource colonies in Manchuria, Eastern China, and South Asia, which lead them to dominate the Pacific, eventually attacking the United States, the other great power in the regionQuestion 3.Why did Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union Ally during the Invasion of Poland?Answer:Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Soviet Russia entered into the secret Molotov-Ribbentrop pact in 1939, effectively portioning their European neighbors’ annexed territories, including Poland, Finland, the Baltic States, and Romania.。
World War 2 Atomic Bomb
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The planes approached the coast at a very high altitude. At nearly 8:00 A.M., the radar operator in Hiroshima determined that the number of planes coming in was very small - probably not more than three - and the air raid alert was lifted. The normal radio broadcast warning was given to the people that it might be advisable to go to shelter if B-29's were actually sighted, but no raid was expected beyond some sort of reconnaissance.
During World War II, Hiroshima was a city of considerable military importance. It contained the 2nd Army Headquarters, which commanded the defense of all of southern Japan. The city was a communications center, a storage point, and an assembly area for troops. To quote a Japanese report, "Probably more than a thousand times since the beginning of the war did the Hiroshima citizens see off with cries of 'Banzai' the troops leaving from the harbor."
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米切尔· 魏特 (MichaelWittmann;1914.4.22- 1944.8.8); 第1SS“阿道夫· 希特勒警卫旗队”装 甲师101重坦克营; 1944年1月14日获骑士十字勋章。
派普(jochen peiper 1915.1.30-1976.7.14)
第1SS“阿道夫· 希特勒警卫旗队”装 甲师第1装甲团团长
菲格莱因(Waldemar fegelein 1912.1.9- 2000.11.20) 第8SS“Florian Geyer”骑兵师师长 1943年12月16日获骑士十字勋章。
沃尔特· 泽格(Walter Girg 1919.8.13-) SS第502重坦克歼击营
马克思· 乌契( Max Wünsche 1914.4.20 1995.4.17) 第1SS“希特勒警卫旗队”师和第 12SS“希特勒青年团”装甲师12坦克团 团长 1943年2月28日获骑士十字勋章。
十大战犯之一,纳粹德国外交部 长里宾特洛甫的大儿子鲁道 夫· 里宾特洛甫(Rudolf von 冯· Ribbentrop ) 先后服役于第1SS“阿道 夫· 希特勒警卫旗队”装甲师和 第12SS“希特勒青年团”装甲 师 1943年7月15日获得骑士 十字勋章。
Compliance:In the eyes of the world, the germans to routineer and unalterable, in fact, this is what FuCongXing flaunt germans. Germans are always worship and obey authority, which originated in ancient when the sidonians operations become a habit. Insecurity:German another character is their innate insecurity. In bismarck unified Germany, Germany is a apart before the country, has over 300 small composition. This fragmented situation is easy to cause the invasive. So the German unification is always nearby before the object of country aggression. Inferiority and fear :German inner this insecurity is, in essence, to reality by the inferiority and fear and cause, and which has in turn fueled this insecurity and fear. Due to the inner inferiority cause more eager than others germans to prove to the world that its fine the way, and proof is through the war launched repeatedly. And fear is behaved for fear of culture of social discontent and racial antipathetic. Belligerence:German militant personality is one of the reasons caused the second world war. The germans have the good soldier, then throughout the strike would kind of character delay the brutality of the meal warrior spirit. In ancient times, the sidonians living in Germany, live in northern of drought original forest, the cold climate, barren land let the sidonians become the strongest nation, and ambitious, want to conquer the region than himself. Rich So "militant" become the sidonians, one of the savage character. This character not only never disappeared, and intensified.
12OUTBREAK OF WORLD WARII(在二战之前鲜为人知的秘密英文版)PPT课件
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Totalitarianism in Germany
▪ Nazism was the name given to the doctrine of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (the Nazi Party).
▪ known by Hitler in his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle 我的奮鬥) in 1923.
Nazism Major Ideas
▪ Racial superiority and anti-Semitism ▪ Germany must be ruled by a totalitarian
Nazism Major Ideas
Way to War
▪ After Hitler again the power, and the fulfilled the ideas of Nazism, Hitler began his aggression and invaded other countries
▪ the cartoon showing why the League of Nation failed to solve the problems.
Way to War
▪ Failure of Naval Disarmament, during the period 1921-34, the powers called three meetings to discuss naval disarmament, but they all failed and started the race of armament again
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2036年东欧爆发了一场激烈内战美军在这无法无天的新边境担任维护和平的角色…这是响尾蛇敌军在附近Uh, this is Rattlesnake. Hostiles in the area.收到Copy.边境由一位残暴的犯罪军阀控制着名叫维克托科瓦他像鬼一样来无影去无踪把枪放下Put the Gumps out!冲…Let's go, let's go!为了对抗科瓦逐渐强大的力量五角大厦已派出机器人军团又名Gump军这是它们第一次出任务天啊前方有土制炸♥弹♥爆♥炸♥ 枪不能用了我们无法前进了Jesus! IED blast ahead! Gumps down! We cannot move forward!中士这是他妈的埋伏Sarge, it's a fuckin' ambush! -干我们被包围了Fuck, they're everywhere!找掩护Take cover!他妈的快找掩蔽Take fucking shelter now!我们必须撤退We need to fall back!有敌人在西边检查站Contact! Contact! West side checkpoint!有人倒下完毕Man down! Over!-干装甲运兵车被♥干♥掉了 -中士我们必须撤退- Fuck! They took out the APC. - Sarge, we need to fall back.我不会丢下任何人I'm not leaving anyone behind!大脚怪你在哪里?完毕Bigfoot, where are you Over!我在路上了长官我们要硬冲吗?I'm on my way. Are we pushing through不不要我们无法前进Negative. We cannot move forward.整支Gump小队好像都阵亡了而且有一人受困完毕I think we lost the entire Gump unit, and we have a man trapped. Over! 什么鬼都看不到真♥他♥妈♥的有够蠢Can't see shit! Where the fuck are the Gumps戈麦斯快给我滚过来Gomez! Get your ass over here.-他妈的他们是从哪开枪的? -他们无所不在长官- Where the fuck are they shooting from - They're fuckin' everywhere. 他妈的Gump军死哪去了?Where the fuck are the Gumps看我的I've got you!我们得救他出来你有办法通过吗?We need to get him out of there. See a way through-可以长官 -好我们会提供掩护火力- Yes, sir. - Okay, we'll provide covering fire.戈麦斯冲Gomez, go, go, go!-快走 -开火- Go! - Open fire!有敌人火力掩护Contact! Covering fire now!快走Go, go, go, go, go!两点钟方向Two o'clock.干Fuck!到处都是KrasnyKrasnys all over!-响尾蛇快我需要掩护 -集中火力攻击大楼-Rattlesnake, I need cover! -Concentrate fire on the building.中士我们无法接近他太远了Sarge, we can't get to him! It's too far.再说一次我不会丢下任何人I repeat, I'm not leaving anyone behind.好走吧火力掩护射击Let's go! Cover fire, now!快走Go!-掩护 -有敌人- Cover! - Contact!-快走 -大脚怪- Go! - Bigfoot!火力掩护射击Cover fire, now!-趁现在 -重新装弹- Now! - Reloading!掩护Cover!大脚怪Bigfoot!我中弹了I'm hit!有人倒下Man down!Man down!响尾蛇快我需要掩护我中弹了Rattlesnake, come on. I need cover. I'm hit!这是响尾蛇我听得很清楚This is Rattlesnake. I hear you loud and clear.我们会去救你你先待在原地We'll be there. Stay where you are.响尾蛇这是滚雷Rattlesnake,this is Rolling Thunder.有身份不明的车辆正在高速接近具有潜在威胁Unidentified vehicle approaching at high speed.Potential attack. 请准许展开攻击Requesting permission to engage.撑住我抓住你了兄弟来吧Hold on. I got you, buddy. Come on.拒绝许可我们有两人被困住Permission denied. Two of our men trapped.我们还有另外38人在地上中士We have an additional 38 men on the ground.他们才是第一要务我需要你撤退They're a priority. I need you to fall back. Over.先让我把我的人救出来Let me get my men out!贝儿和布莱登上尉确认发射地狱火Bale, confirm Hellfire with Captain Brydon.遵命基地这是滚雷Yes, sir. Base, this is Rolling Thunder,请准许展开空袭requesting permission for air strike.完毕Over.-给我看第九区 -这里长官- I need Sector 9. - Here, sir.-连线 -遵命- Put it up. - Yes, sir.响尾蛇我需要掩护有收到吗?Rattlesnake, I need that cover!Do you copy待在那里别动我们来救你了Stay there, hold position. We'll come get you.响尾蛇我需要你们撤退Rattlesnake, I need you to fall back,-完毕 -重复有两个人受困了完毕-over. -I repeat! Two of our men trapped! Over!安珀基地Amber Base,这是滚雷请问是否准许攻击?this is Rolling Thunder. Do I have permission to engage我们遇到了一辆宽轴距的重装甲车I have a heavily armored truck, broad wheelbase.具有高风险是移♥动♥式发射器High risk, mobile launcher.Rolling Thunder,滚雷这是安珀基地等候命令this is Amber Base, hold for command.卡车离我们的人太近不宜发射地狱火Truck's too close to our men to risk Hellfire.响尾蛇收到吗?我他妈的中枪了Rattlesnake, do you copy I'm getting fucking hit down here! 来吧Come on!好的火力小组准备以火力掩护All right, Fire team, prepare for cover fire.那是发射器长官That's a launch... That's a launcher, sir.完毕Over.我这边没有看到发射器No launcher visible in my feed.拒绝发射请求Fire request denied.我很确定那是发射器长官I'm positive that's a launcher, sir.-即将发生冲击完毕 -你听到了-Impact is imminent. Over. -You heard him! 先停火等我救人Hold fire till I clear my men!你们地上有38个人We have 38 men on ground,加上暴露的两人他们都会死的plus two exposed. They'll all die.由不得你作主中尉It's not your call.响尾蛇收到吗?我他妈的中枪了Rattlesnake, do you copy-哈普? -我们会过去的- I'm getting fucking hit here! - Harp留在原地We'll be there! Stay where you are!我们去救回那两位弟兄吧Let's get those two Marines.-冲 -冲-Go! -Go!出动Go! Moving out!干掉他们冲啊Let's get them! Let's go!西侧准备好West flank, be ready!危险接近Danger close.-目标锁定 -可恶-Target locked. - Goddammit!-任务中止 -找掩护- Abort, abort! - Take cover.退下Stand down.你在干嘛哈普?What are you doing, Harp飞弹三秒后发射…DA1 off the rail on three退下Stand down.二…wo,一one.飞弹来了Incoming!他妈的哈普Goddammit, Harp!搞什么哈普?你刚违反了直接命令What the fuck, Harp You disobeyed a direct order.你这个狗♥娘♥养♥的You son of a bitch!你杀了他们You killed 'em!你杀了他们You killed 'em!克里奇空军基地美国内华达州两名美国海军陆战队员阵亡Two US Marines.Dead.一名美国Gump军被毁And one US Army Gump美国空军destroyed.我是依据可用情报做出最正确的决定…I made the call that felt most correct given the intel available...在当下At the time.我们知道We know.请恕我直言上尉地上有40个人我救了38人With all due respect, Captain, with 40 men on the ground, I saved 38, 包括米勒士官长和他的车队including Master Sergeant Miller and his convoy.要是给他机会的话他搞不好能救回所有的40人If Miller had been given the chance, he would've tried to save all 40. 但是你剥夺了他这个选项But you took that option away from him.你是在哪里受基础训练的?When did you do your basic三年前在帕里斯岛Three years ago. Parris Island.你除了在荧幕后面有没有历经过Have you ever experienced a mass-casualty encounter,真正的大规模伤亡事件呢?other than from behind your screen你有在战斗区待过吗哈普中尉?Have you spent time in a conflict zone, Harp-没有长官但是我… -谢谢你中尉- No, ma'am, but I... - Thank you, Lieutenant.这是你的调度资料Here's your deployment drive.上尉一定还有其他选项吧Captain, this can't be the only option.他们本想送你上军事法庭的They wanted to court-martial you.-是我帮你说话的 -我该怎么告诉奥莉薇亚?- I fought for you. - What am I gonna tell Olivia就告诉她你要去全额公费的补习课程Tell her you're going on an all-expenses-paid refresher学习如何让世界变得更安全in how to make the world a safer place.-直到什么时候? -直到你通过评估- Until when - Until you pass the assessment.要等到什么时候?And when's that gonna be要等到什么时候长官?When's that gonna be, sir我喜欢你哈普你精准又有效率是出色的无人机驾驶I like you, Harp.You're precise, efficient. Brilliant drone pilot. 但是你违反了直接命令But you disobeyed a direct order.今天算是你走运Consider yourself lucky today.你在纳旦尼尔营的指挥官是里欧上尉Your CO at Camp Nathaniel is a Captain Leo.去找他报到吧Report to him.纳旦尼尔营?那是排基地耶Camp Nathaniel That's where the platoon's based.保持低调就当作是认识军人同袍的机会吧Keep your head down. See it as an opportunity to meet your fellow servicemen. 希望你可以学得很快Let's pray you're a fast learner.解散Dismissed.走吧各位动起来Let's go, guys. Let's get moving!往前直走…Straight ahead, straight ahead.动起来士兵这就是你们的新家了蛆蛆Move it, soldier. This is your new home, maggots.分成三路准备接受扫瞄Get into three separate lines to get scanned in.快点速度快快Pronto! Double-time! Move!欢迎来到纳旦尼尔营Welcome to Camp Nathaniel.你们会常常看到我这张帅脸的You'll be seeing a lot of my pretty face.让Gump军扫瞄继续前进Get scanned in by the Gumps and keep it moving.你们的寝室在第二区和第四区就在你们左前方Your digs are in Sections 2 and 4, ahead on your left.继续前进士兵Keep it moving, soldier.快走你们还在等什么?Let's go. What are you waiting for来吧别害羞Come on! Don't be shy.直视它们的眼睛别犹豫Look at them straight in the eye.Do not hesitate.他们能嗅到恐惧孩子们继续前进士兵们快点They smell fear, boys. Keep it moving, soldiers. Come on!嘿盯准目标士兵Hey, eyes on the prize, soldier.盯准目标快点Eyes on the prize. Come on.左脚、右脚继续前进Left foot, right foot, keep it going.你们动作怎么这么慢?快点Why are you being so slow Come on!不好意思嗨我找里欧上尉Excuse me. Hi, I'm looking for Captain Leo.-嗨抱歉我找里欧上尉 -里欧?- Sorry. I'm looking for Captain Leo. - Leo天啊我不知道你最好去问艾克哈特上校Oh man. I don't know. You better talk to Colonel Eckhart.-他在医疗帐篷旁边 -谢谢- He's by the medical tent right there. - Thank you.嘿我不会让我的人没被检查到Hey! I am not gonna let my men be out on inspection here.-走吧 -腾出空间还有另一批要来了-Move! -Make room. Got another one coming.艾克哈特上校?Colonel Eckhart哈普中尉长官我是克里奇空军基地派来的Lieutenant Harp, sir.Posted here from Creech Air Force Base.要找里欧上尉Looking for Captain Leo.你一定是砸了大锅才被派给里欧上尉You must've really fucked up if they sent you to Leo.什么意思长官?What do you mean, sir除非我问你问题否则你不准说话You don't have permission to speak until I ask you a question.知道你为什么来这里吗?You even know why you're here来实践经验权威长官Experientum Auctoriat, sir.“来充实经验” 不用讲得文绉绉的告诉我原因"Authority of experience."Don't give it a Latin name, shit. Explain it to me. 这是伦理委员会的意思长官Uh, it's an Ethics Committee dictate, sir.他们认为若无人机驾驶有实地经验It proposes UAV pilots would exercise greater caution做事时会更加谨慎…if they experienced...伦理委员会是公♥关♥团队The Ethics Committee is a PR team.这种命令根本就是在包庇砸锅的飞行员This dictate is a bullshit pass for pilots who fuck up.你杀了两个名陆战队员应该坐牢的You killed two marines. You should be in jail.但有人认为你的训练成果Someone deemed the dollar value of your training会比那两条人命更有价值to be higher than the lives of those two men.如果你活下来空军就会保有一位飞行员If you survive, Air Force keeps a pilot.如果没有你就会变成其他线传飞控混♥蛋♥的警世故事You don't, you're a cautionary tale to all the other fly-by-wire assholes. -请恕我直言长官… -我没问你问题孩子- With all due respect, sir... - I didn't ask you a question, son.13号♥大楼跟着音乐走Block 13. Follow the music.谢谢你上校Thank you, Colonel.哈普Harp他跟我们不一样e's not like us.这真是太扯了This is ridiculous.我们竟然得把这全部看完还得负责归档?Can you believe we have to read all this and file it安静Be quiet!Gump C45小队剩余充电时间为 20分钟Remaining charging time for Gump unit C-45, 20 minutes.你是里欧上尉吗?Are you Captain Leo哈普中尉长官Lieutenant Harp, sir.我的调度资料长官My deployment drive, sir.托马斯哈普中尉Lieutenant Thomas Harp.三♥级♥无人机驾驶Tier three UAV pilot,飞行时数五万六千小时56,000 flight hours,表现成绩99分纪律99分99% performance record, and 99% discipline.跟卡尔斯巴德的奥莉薇亚罗斯梅尔订婚Engaged to Olivia Rose Meyer of Carlsbad.准备在棕榈泉结婚To be married in Palm Springs.那是一个很漂亮的地方It's a very nice part of the world.我有漏掉什么吗?除了你的杀人数字和表扬次数Did I leave anything out other than your kills and commendations 或是你无法认同军中文化or the fact that you can't appreciate culture,抑或你不知道他妈的何时该闭嘴or you just don't know when to shut the fuck up-没有 -没有上尉- No. - No, Captain.没有上尉No, Captain.很好Very good.你杀了多少个叛乱分子了哈普?How many insurgents have you killed, Harp-163个 -连带伤害呢?- 163. - Collateral我的杀人数字符合任务目标及飞行时数长官My numbers are consistent with mission goals and flight hours, sir. 你的杀人数字?Your numbers他妈的你真的冷酷到一个不行耶Goddamn, you a cold motherfucker.来Here.拿着那个跟我来Grab that and follow me.名字太多我记不起来也背不起来长官Far too many names to memorize and recite, sir.如果可以你真的愿意记吗?If you could, would you really want to我知道我们会杀人上尉I'm aware we kill people, Captain.如果你知道你就不会在这里了If you were aware of that, you wouldn't be here.你是军需官吗?You a quartermaster如果我是你会失望吗?If I were Would you be disappointed我为什么要失望呢?Why would I be disappointed -因为这表示你飞了约一万六千公里'Cause that means you flew 10,000 miles却只能沦为一个顾仓库的人to sign equipment out of a warehouse.每个人都有自己的职责We all play our part.你♥他♥妈♥的以为你是谁啊?The fuck do you think you are军校生吗?Some Academy kid老爸付钱让你读军校好让你可以学会礼貌?Daddy pay your way through cadet school so you could mind your Ps and Qs 恕我直言我是靠自己读完军校的With all due respect, I put myself through cadet school.长官Sir.不是No.不是什么上尉?No what, Captain不是我并非军需官No, I'm not a quartermaster.我们得把这些疫苗送到一间诊所We have to deliver these vaccines to a clinic.警戒线外的20公里处Twenty klicks outside the wire.那里有霍乱爆发而且蔓延得很快There's an outbreak of cholera, and it's spreading fast.那里或许是战区但女人和小孩还是会生病It might be a war zone, but women and children still get sick.所以你是走“心战体系”的长官?So you're "hearts and minds," sir是的我是管心战的就表面上来说Yes. I'm hearts and minds.Ostensibly.那么你真正的工作是什么?So, what do you really do我追逐鬼魂I chase ghosts.对不起你说什么?I'm sorry, what美国海军陆战队特种作战司令部海陆特别行动MARSOC. Marine Special Operations.我找出并移除叛乱分子在警戒线外的先进武器I locate and remove advanced weapons from insurgents beyond the wire. 然后你怎么处置把东西收进档案柜里?And what do you do Put them in filing cabinets那是最新的反情报科技It's the latest in counter-intel technology.打得那些俄♥国♥骇客灰头土脸的Beats the hell out of those Russian hackers.这是你的保密协议书It's your NDA.你可以直接签名或是看完90页You can sign it or read all 90 pages.喔不了长官Oh. No, sir.欢迎你中尉Welcome, Lieutenant.你有听过维克托科瓦这个名字吗?You ever heard the name Viktor Koval有在拦截无线电通讯上听叛乱分子说过Yeah. Heard insurgents say it on intercepted radio comms.现在忘了你在天上听到的你现在地上了孩子Forget what you heard in the air. You're on the ground now, kid.维克托科瓦是名Krasny军阀Viktor Koval is a Krasny warlord.Krasny想让乌克兰成为俄♥罗♥斯♥的一部分The Krasny wanna make the Ukraine a part of Russia.-就像过去的美好时光 -反对他们的是反抗军- Like in the good old days. - Opposing them are the Resistance.他们是为保卫乌克兰独♥立♥ 而成立的民兵They're a militia set up to defend the independence of the Ukraine.但是Krasny因为有莫斯科的全力支援而变得日益强大But theKrasnys are getting stronger with the full support of Moscow.这场战争对联♥合♥国♥来说太过麻烦It's a war that's got too hot for the UN,所以现在我们成了介入其中的混♥蛋♥so now we're the assholes in the middle of it,在非军事区in the demilitarized zone.我们是和平维护者We're peacekeepers.只有我们才能阻止这些人展开种族灭绝行动We're the only thing stopping these guys from committing genocide. 如果你相信这种事那我在佛州都有度假屋可以租你了You believe that, I have a timeshare in Florida I want to sell you.不我们说的是维克托科瓦巴尔干半岛恶煞No, we're talking about Viktor Koval, the Terror of the Balkans.还有核武And nukes.核武?Nukes有情报说基辅所发射的脏弹There's Intel that says Koval is responsible for the dirty bomb是科瓦搞的鬼set off in Kiev,用的是俄♥国♥的铀using Russian uranium.这个王八蛋也许要为两万五千条人命负责This motherfucker may be responsible for 25,000 people's deaths. 我的消息来源说他想弄到周界系统My sources tell me he's trying to get to Systema Perimeter.周界系统?Systema Perimeter那是俄♥国♥的自动核报复系统That's Russia's automated nuclear retaliation system.没错Exactly.即便在乌克兰独♥立♥之后Even after Ukraine's independence,该国仍持有三分之一的俄♥国♥核武库the country still held one-third of Russia's nuclear arsenal.飞弹发射井分布在全国各地的最高机密地点Silos scattered across the country at top-secret locations,随时准备攻击世界的任何一地ready to strike anywhere in the world.是的Yeah.但它在50年前的冷战后便关闭了But it was shut down like 50 years ago, after the Cold War.你相信吗?You believe that你当真以为俄♥国♥会解除真正的防卫措施吗?You really think Russia would dismantle its one true safeguard against attack 你是说俄♥国♥系统还在运作吗?You telling me the Russian systems are still functioning还有科瓦And Koval他想在乌克兰找到核武?He's trying to get to the nukes here in Ukraine中情局消息来源说克里姆林宫失去对科瓦的控制了CIA sources say that the Kremlin's lost control of Koval.而我的线人相信科瓦会在接下来的24小时内My informant believes Koval's gonna make a move for those nukes对这些核武采取行动in the next 24 hours.如果这一切为真And if all this is true,想像一下他拿到这些飞弹发射井之后会做出什么事imagine what he'll do if he gets his hands on those silos.对一个拥有核武的疯子Yeah. A madman with nukes.一个拥有核武的疯狂恐♥怖♥分♥子♥A crazy terrorist with nukes.华盛顿市中心、纽约、巴黎谁知道哪里会遭殃?Downtown Washington, New York, Paris. Who knows而我知道的是棕榈泉将不会有场美丽的小婚礼What I do know is, there won't be a pretty little wedding in Palm Springs,除非你擦了抗紫外线指数 UV500的防晒乳unless you're wearing factor 500 UV protection.现在我们把这些疫苗送到医院Now, we deliver these vaccines to the hospital,我的线人就会提供我们科瓦下个计划的情报and my informant will feed us intel on Koval's next plan.我们天亮就出发We ride out at dawn.天亮?Dawn但就是现在啊But that's now!哇喔上尉Whoa, uh, Captain.长官?Uh, Sir恕我直言长官我想你搞错了With all due respect, sir, I think there's been a mistake.我才刚报到耶I just got here.我不会犯错中尉I don't make mistakes, Lieutenant.不我不是这个意思长官No, I don't mean it like that, sir.着装吧中尉动作快Dress, Lieutenant. Double-time.这是什么?What's this你如果穿着制♥服♥ 就会成为明显的攻击目标You wear your uniform, you'll be a standing target.我还以为我是负责看守围栏的长官Thought I'd be guarding the fence, sir.我没有受过任何的外勤人员专业训练I don't have any specialist training as a field agent.别担心我的专业够罩住我们两人Don't worry. I'm special enough for both of us.什么鬼啊?What the fuck上尉什么鬼啊?What the fuck, Captain.-你是… -你的指挥官- You're a... - Your commanding officer.第♥四♥代♥的生物科技Fourth-generation biotech,我给你60秒钟消化这件事and I'm gonna give you 60 seconds to deal with it.对不起上尉什么?I'm... I'm sorry, what, Captain哈普你觉得你能相信我吗?Do you feel as though you can trust me, Harp-我… -我们就要进入战区了- I, uh... - We're about to enter a war zone.如果我要继续承受你的震惊和不信任If I continue to instill shock and distrust,那我就会亲自签署你的免职文件I'll file your removal papers myself,后果由你自己承担and you'll have to deal with the consequences.我再问一次Now你相信我吗?Do you trust me是长官Yes, sir.很好Cool.所以你是什么?像是人工智慧?So, what are you Like, AI你的手♥机♥是人工智慧 Gump军也是人工智慧Your cell phone's AI. A Gump's AI.我是原型系统我的存在是机密I'm a prototype. My existence is classified.你在回避问题长官You're evading the question, sir.你问了对的问题我就会给你对的答案Ask the right question, I'll give you the right answer.Go again好所以你到底是什么呢?Okay. What the hell are you你要问我的型号♥还是技术规格呢?You want my model number or tech specs两者都是机密Both are classified.喂Yo!喔立正Oh, ten-hut!他妈的你们在干嘛?The fuck are you doing阿灵顿某些混♥蛋♥以为一台自动贩卖♥♥机可以取代士兵的工作Some asshole in Arlington thinks a vending machine can do a soldier's job.除此之外它还有一个坏掉的旋转轮Aside from that, it's got a fucked rotor.你要我用抢托打烂你♥他♥妈♥的丑脸吗?You want me to take the butt of my gun and bash your ugly fucking mug in 不长官No, sir.查理九号♥Charlie Nine.站定位Mount up.这边中尉This way, Lieutenant.这里只有两人有资格知道我的身分Only two people have clearance to know who and what I am.就是艾克哈特上校和你Colonel Eckhart and you.我为什么要分派给你?我又没有追核武的本事Why was I assigned to you I'm not qualified to go chasing nukes.你不是被派来的You weren't assigned.而是我选择了你I chose you.我一个人办不到我需要有人替我瞻前顾后I can't do this alone. I need eyes on my back.我需要一个能跳脱框架思考的人I needed someone who could think outside the box.了解吗?You got me所以我们是伙伴了?So, we're partners妈的当然不是Fuck, no.你是我的部下You're my subordinate.你要像尊重其他指挥官一样尊重我You respect me like the rest of your commanding officers.不准质疑我的权威那我们就会相安无事Don't question my authority, and we'll get on fine.我们的车在那里Our jeep's over there.-上尉 -稍息士兵- Captain. - At ease, soldier.部下?Subordinate.-嘿无人机小子 -过来- Hey, drone boy! - Come here.嘿搞什么…Hey! What the...退下Stand down!意思有到就好You made your point.认得我的声音吗狗♥娘♥养♥的?You recognize my voice, you son of a bitch他们才19岁耶They were only 19 years old.我说什么都无法让他们复活了Nothing I say will bring them back.看什么看?What are you staring at上车Load up.通报第九区有敌军行动迹象Report of hostile activities in Sector 9.距离市区约18公里Eleven miles to the city.我们无法控制警戒线外的任何区域We don't control any of the area outside the wire.-海军陆战队将其称之为… -“腹背受敌”区- The Marines call it... - "Running the gauntlet."因为这里遭受攻击的频率相当高Because attacks in it are so frequent.很好Good.所有小队请注意我们正要走出警戒线外了All units be advised.We are proceeding outside the wire. 拿起你的步♥枪♥ 中尉Pick up your rifle, Lieutenant.如果他们攻击你就得回击If they attack, you're gonna need to shoot back.一定很棒Must be nice.不必远离家园就能打仗Fight a war, never have to leave home.你上次见到她是什么时候?When was the last time you saw her-见到谁? -难道还有别人吗?- Saw who - What do you mean "who"奥莉薇亚罗斯梅尔Olivia Rose Meyer.上个礼拜Last week.上个礼拜我靠Last week. Damn.-你有跟别人乱搞? -拜托别闹了- You fucking somebody else - Get the fuck outta here.说啦我有感受到你的自负Come on. Look, I get a sense of arrogance from you.像你这种这么冷静、这么冷酷Guys like you, so dispassionate, so cold,这么自恋的人so into himself.通常都很难定下心来Those are the guys that usually wander.是吗?我很忠诚喔Yeah Well, I'm faithful.-她对你忠诚吗? -对她…- She faithful to you - Yeah. She is...-我♥干♥嘛跟你聊这个啊? -我们是待捕的猎物菜鸟-Why am I even having this conversation -Fair game, rookie.我是要你提高警觉别想着在家的奥莉薇亚是否和I need your head out here, not thinking about if Olivia's at home她的皮拉提斯教练玩着“把肉塞进包里”的游戏playing "put the beef in my taco" with her Pilates instructor.她的皮拉提斯教练是女的Her Pilates instructor's a woman.喔这样更棒她男女通吃我就知道我会喜欢她Oh, even better! She goes both ways. I knew I liked her.我们九月要结婚了你又懂男女关系了?We're getting married in September.What do you know about relationships 你不是三岁小孩吗?Aren't you like three years old五岁Five.你有她的照片吗?You got a picture of her快啦老兄拿出来看嘛Come on, man. Pull it out.我靠她有够辣的恭喜喔Holy shit.She's a hottie. Congratulations.-谢谢她很特别 -嘿- Thank you. She's special. - Hey!“我的小熊软糖” 她叫你小熊软糖?"My Gummy Bear." She calls you Gummy Bear我的小熊软糖Aww, my Gummy Bear.闹你的菜鸟Fucking with you, rookie.这是响尾蛇我们已经进入黄色警戒区了This is Rattlesnake.We've been moved up to Yellow alert. 所以睁大眼睛了完毕So, eyes open. Over.看看这些可怜的混♥蛋♥ 卡在我们和科瓦之间Look at these poor bastards. Stuck between us and Koval. 我有一群平民 9点钟方向I got a bunch of civilians. Nine o'clock.没有敌军活动迹象No signs of hostile activity.保持距离Keep your distance.这是响尾蛇This is Rattlesnake.收到通报有车底遭击We have reports from base of aid truck hit. Man down.有人倒下重复有车遭击Repeat. Aid truck hit.前往营地的路被封锁了Road to encampment blocked.怀疑是民兵攻击Suspected militia attack.把枪举起来Get your rifle up.小心前进Proceed with caution.继续跟车完毕Execute to follow. Over.所有小队All units prepare准备下车敌军在附近to exit the vehicle. Hostiles in the area.保持警戒Stay frosty.听着派出Gump军在车队前形成Listen, put the Gumps out. Form a perimeter周边防御in front of the convoy.-准备好了孩子 -所有小队到地上- Get ready, kid. - All units on the ground.形成防御队形Defense formation.保持冷静保持清醒Let's keep it calm. Let's keep it clean.亮枪Gumps out now!-所有海军陆战队形成防御队形 -他妈的怎么回事?- All Marines, defense formation. - What the fuck's going on 形成防御队形Defense formation.保持冷静Stay calm.保持冷静别轻举妄动Stay calm. Nobody do shit.我说别开枪的他妈的I said hold fire, goddammit!他妈的Gump偷放枪查理九号♥ 别开枪Goddamn Gumps pre-empted. Charlie Nine, hold fire!把枪放下Drop the rifle now!慢慢来Slowly.所有人快点All of you guys, come on!走吧Let's go.-他妈的把武器放下 -不懂吗?- Put your weapons down! - Don't you understand走开退后Step away! Back!上尉等一下长官?Captain, just a sec, sir. Sir配合一点Cooperate!-长官… -好了哈普放轻松- Sir... - All right, Harp. Take it easy.退下Stand down!退下Stand down!-放下你们的武器 -退下他妈的- Put your weapons down. - Put 'em down!叫你的人把枪放下Tell your men to put their guns down.上尉撤退Captain, fall back.保持冷静Stay calm.别动我的陆战队员Step away from those Marines!他妈的快叫你的人把武器放下Goddammit! Tell your men to lower their weapons now! 这是命令That's an order!-中士? -放下武器- Sarge - Lower your weapons.-嘿拜托… -他妈的放下武器啦- Come on... - Lower your goddamn weapons!这是命令That's an order.上尉Cap可恶Shit.好啦All right.好啦All right.好的好。
some pictures of the World war II
• Here are some pictures of it
Root causes of The World war II
The World War II
A brief introduce of The World war II
some pictures of it Root causes World war II major events
The war cruel consequence
The war cruel consequence
Germany, Japan and Italy launched wars of aggression also make these countries people suffer domestic. Also because of this world war, in order to maintain international peace and security, China,Britain,America and the Soviet union found the UN in 1945, October 24th. China,Britain,America and the Soviet union became UN Security Council permanent members.
• • It is caused by the unbalance of the development of capitalist economic and political.资本主义经济政治发展的不平衡引起的。 Economically, German unwilling the punished and restrictions of Versailles treaty ,rely on the assistance of America, the economic catch on the Britain and France again.经济上,一战后德国不甘心《凡尔赛和约》对其的严惩和 限制,依靠美国的扶植,经济再度超过了英法 On the other sides,the economy of Italy is declining,意大利在一战后经济衰 落 The economy of Japanese was under control.日本侵略亚洲国家的同时,美 英等国禁止向日本输送石油战略物资,导致日本经济发展受到阻碍。 Politically, 1929-1933 capitalist world serious economic crisis caused by the political crisis, Germany and Japan established a fascist dictatorship. U.S., British and French continue bourgeois democratic system.政治上,1929— 1933年资本主义世界严重的经济危机引起了政治危机,德国和日本建立了法 西斯专政,而英、法、美继续坚持资产阶级民主制度。
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Great Depression in 1929
Totalitarianism in Germany
The Germans supported Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party because he promised to end the Treaty of Versailles, solve the problems facing Germany at the time, and make Germany strong again. In 1933, Hitler turned Germany into a totalitarian state and he ruled Germany until 1945
Germany's Aggression in Europe
During 1935-39, Hitler expanded in Europe. Britain and France gave Hitler what he wanted. But Hitler expanded further and conquered Czechoslovakia in March 1939. Britain and France dropped appeasement
Totalitarianism in Germany
Nazism was the name given to the doctrine of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (the Nazi Party). known by Hitler in his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle 我的奮鬥) in 1923.
Germany & Italy helped Franco during Spanish Civil War
Actually they wanted to test their new weapons Franco overthrown the Spanish Government, but he did not join Axis Powers during WWII
By Polly Tong
Totalitarianism in Germany
Totalitarianism became a popular political system after the First World War. Under this system, a dictator or a political party : had all the political power; ruled with an ideology; and banned all political parties.
Failure of League of Nations
the cartoon showing why the League of Nation failed to solve the problems.
Way to War
Failure of Naval Disarmament, during the period 1921-34, the powers called three meetings to discuss naval disarmament, but they all failed and started the race of armament again Failure of Appeasement encouraged their aggression
Nazism Major Ideas
Way to War
After Hitler again the power, and the fulfilled the ideas of Nazism, Hitler began his aggression and invaded other countries Failure of the League of Nations , lacked a peacekeeping force, so it could not stop the aggression of Germany, Japan & Italy.
Italy, Germany & Japan formed Axis Powers in 1937
They planned to control the world: Japan ruled Asia , Italy & Germany ruled Europe and USSR.
Germany's Aggression in Europe
Germany's Aggression in Europe
Germany under the ruled of Hitler, they rebuilt the navy & army.
League of Nations did not stop Hitler to do so
Germany's Aggression in Europe
On September 1, 1939, Hitler aain and France declared war on Germany.
The Second World War had begun.
[ refer to the web-site : Timeline. ]
Totalitarianism in Germany
After WWI, Germany was ruled by Weimar Government that signed the Versailles Treaty, and also accepted the responsibility of the outbreak of War. Versailles Treaty was a hush Treaty In 1929, Germany was influenced by the great depression. The living standard of Germans was very low.
Nazism Major Ideas
Racial superiority and anti-Semitism Germany must be ruled by a totalitarian government Unifying all Germans scattered in Europe into one single greater German state Domestic industrial and more living space (Lebensraum) for the Germans. Anti-Communism Objection to the Treaty of Versailles
Germany's Aggression in Europe
In August, 1938, Germany & USSR signed Nazi-Soviet Pact
They agreed to divide Poland among themselves.
Outbreak of the War