
各类情绪的英文表达大全,建议收藏!(干货)英语·情绪大全本文内容来源于网络,版权归原作者所有日常交往中,当要用英文去表达各种情绪的时候,你只会用“I'm happy”,“I'm sad”这些简单还老套的表达?此刻一秒钟教你学会准确且高大上地说出你的各种不同情绪哦!开心的时候可别只说happy哦除了用happy描绘你的美丽心情,以下表达你是否会呢?1. Joyful/Joyous喜悦的;愉悦的A cup of icy cola makes me joyful/joyous enough.一杯冰冻可乐足以让我快乐了。
2. amused喜悦的;开心的I was extremely amused at the contents of this movie.我对这部影片所讲内容感到特别喜悦。
3. delighted欣喜的;惬意的Teacher Ho was delighted with the gift that Mary give her on the Teachers' Day.何老师对玛丽给她的教师节礼物感到非常欣喜。
4. pleased/content满意的;满足的The passenger seemed to be quite pleased/content with what the flight attendants did.这位乘客似乎对空乘的所作所为感到挺满意的。
5. thrilled兴奋的;极其激动的Catherine was so thrilled at the prize she won in the speech contest.凯萨琳为自己在演讲比赛夺得的奖项感到极其的兴奋。
6. wild with joy欣喜若狂的The holidays began! Everyone was wild with joy.假期开始了!个个都欣喜若狂。
7. on top of the world 开心得不得了Juliet was simply on top of the world when she saw Jason.当朱莉亚见到杰森的时候,简直开心得不得了8. in high spirits情绪高涨所有的孩子都兴高采烈地回答老师的提问。

情绪●积极的(positive)●快乐的,高兴的●happyThe news made him very happy.●glad/ɡlæd/I'm so glad to see you.●adj. 高兴的;感激的;乐意的,非常愿意的;令人愉快的●cheerful /ˈtʃɪrf(ə)l/Why are you so bright and cheerful today?●adj. 欢快的,高兴的;令人愉快的;乐观的,开朗的●joyful /ˈdʒɔɪfl/It was a joyful meeting.●adj. 高兴的,令人愉快的●joyous /ˈdʒɔɪəs/adj. 高兴的,令人愉快的●The end of the joyous day had come.●merry/ˈmeri/Merry Christmas, my best friend.●adj. <旧>愉快的,高兴的;<旧>令人愉快的;<英,非正式>微醉的●excited/ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/Right now I'm feeling very excited.●adj. 激动的,兴奋的;忧虑的,气愤的;已激发的,受激的;性兴奋的●v. 使兴奋,使激动;激发,引起(excite 过去式和过去分词形式)●delighted/dɪˈlaɪtɪd/I was delighted with my presents.我对我收到的礼物很满意。
●adj. 高兴的●v. 使高兴;以……为乐(delight 的过去式及过去分词)●gladsome/ˈɡlædsəm/Nature must be gladsome when I was so happy. 当我欣喜万分的时候,大自然也一定非常高兴。
●adj. 高兴的;可喜的●自信,乐观●hopefulSo you are hopeful for the future. 所以你对未来充满希望。

情绪情感类英语# 情绪情感类英语1. 基本情感词汇- Happy (高兴)- Sad (悲伤)- Angry (生气)- Scared (害怕)- Surprised (惊讶)2. 描述情感的形容词- Delighted (高兴的)- Upset (心烦的)- Furious (狂怒的)- Terrified (恐惧的)- Amazed (惊讶的)3. 情感表达的短语- I'm on cloud nine. (我非常高兴。
)- I feel down in the dumps. (我感觉很低落。
)- He's fuming with anger. (他非常生气。
)- She was frightened out of her wits. (她吓得魂不附体。
)- I was taken aback by the news. (我对这个消息感到非常惊讶。
)4. 情感相关的动词- To cheer up (使高兴)- To annoy (使烦恼)- To terrify (使恐惧)- To amuse (娱乐,使开心)- To astonish (使惊讶)5. 情感相关的名词- Joy (喜悦)- Misery (痛苦)- Rage (愤怒)- Panic (恐慌)- Curiosity (好奇)6. 情感表达的句子- Her smile brought a lot of joy to my day. (她的微笑给我的一天带来了很多快乐。
)- The news of his promotion spread misery among his colleagues. (他晋升的消息在他的同事中传播了痛苦。
)- The sudden noise sent a wave of panic through the crowd. (突然的噪音在人群中引起了一阵恐慌。
)7. 情感调节的表达- I need a moment to calm down. (我需要一点时间冷静下来。

1. Happiness -幸福,快乐
2. Sadness -悲伤,难过
3. Anger -愤怒,生气
4. Fear -恐惧,害怕
5. Disgust -厌恶,反感
6. Surprise -惊讶,震惊
7. Anticipation -期待,预期
8. Trust -信任,信赖
9. Joy -喜悦,欢乐
10. Love -爱,喜爱
11. Optimism -乐观,乐观主义
12. Pessimism -悲观,悲观主义
13. Jealousy -嫉妒,忌妒
14. Envy -羡慕,嫉妒
15. Guilt -内疚,犯罪感
16. Shame -羞耻,羞愧
17. Pride -骄傲,自豪
18. Loneliness -孤独,孤单
19. Contentment -满足,满意
20. Boredom -无聊,厌烦
21. Curiosity -好奇心,好奇心
22. Embarrassment -尴尬,窘迫
23. Frustration -挫败,沮丧
24. Impatience -不耐烦,急躁
25. Calmness -冷静,沉着
26. Excitement -兴奋,激动
27. Overwhelm -不知所措,压倒
28. Relaxation -放松,松弛
29. Stress -压力,紧张
30. Tension -紧张,张力

动词: annoy ; irritate 失望
名词: disappointment; hopelssness; boredom;
discouragement; despair(n&v) 形容词: disappointing; disappointed; hopeless;
形容词: surprising; surprised; amazed; amazing; shocked; shocking; astonished; astonishing; curious; fantastic; 动词: surprise; amaze; astionish; 忧虑
名词: anxiety; pressure; stress; tension; worry (n&v );concern(n&V)
名词: fear; terror; fright; panic(n&v); 形容词: frightening; frightened; afraid; horrible; terrible; trembling; scared; terrifying;
terrified 动词: frighten; terrify; tremble; scare(n&v)
optimistic( 乐观的 ); pessimistic(悲观的); subjective(主观的 ); objective(客观的 );
approving(赞同的 );disapproving(反对的) ; indifferent( 漠不关心的 );
considerate(体贴的;考虑周到的 ); controversial(有争议的 ); neutral(中立的 );

有关情绪的单词一、高兴类1. happy ['hæpi] adj. 快乐的;幸福的- 例如:She has a happy family.(她有一个幸福的家庭。
)2. glad [ɡlæd] adj. 高兴的;乐意的- 例如:I'm glad to see you.(见到你我很高兴。
)3. cheerful ['tʃɪəfl] adj. 快乐的;愉快的- 例如:He has a cheerful personality.(他有开朗的性格。
)4. delighted [dɪ'laɪtɪd] adj. 高兴的;欣喜的- 例如:She was delighted with the gift.(她对这个礼物很高兴。
)二、悲伤类1. sad [sæd] adj. 难过的;悲哀的- 例如:He looks sad.(他看起来很悲伤。
)2. sorrowful ['sɒrəʊfl] adj. 悲伤的;悲痛的- 例如:She has a sorrowful expression.(她有悲痛的表情。
)3. gloomy ['ɡluːmi] adj. 忧郁的;沮丧的- 例如:The weather made him feel gloomy.(天气使他感到忧郁。
)三、愤怒类1. angry ['æŋɡri] adj. 生气的;愤怒的- 例如:Don't be angry with me.(不要生我的气。
)2. mad [mæd] adj. 疯狂的;生气的(口语中常用)- 例如:He is mad at his friend.(他在生他朋友的气。
)3. furious ['fjʊəriəs] adj. 狂怒的;暴怒的- 例如:He was furious about the delay.(他对延误感到暴怒。

英语中各类情绪的表达(总5页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除英语中各类情绪的表达!一、Joyful——欢喜篇初级词汇:excited(兴奋的), sensuous(令人愉悦的), energetic(精力充沛的), cheerful(欢快的), creative(有创造力的), hopeful(有希望的)高级词汇:daring(勇敢的),fascinating(迷人的), stimulating(刺激的),amused(逗乐的), playful(嬉戏的), optimistic(乐观的)例句:The film is ravishing to look at and boasts a sensuous musical score.这部电影画面迷人,配乐悦耳动听。
We were amused to see how assiduously the animal groomed its fur.看着这只动物如此认真地梳理自己的毛,我们被逗乐了。
He realized this to be a very daring thing to ask.他意识到这是一个非常大胆的问题。
二、Scared——担忧类初级词汇:confused(困惑的), rejected(拒绝的), helpless(无助的), submissive(顺从的), insecure(不安全的), anxious(焦虑的)高级词汇:bewildered(不知所措的), discouraged(气馁的),insignificant(无足轻重的), inadequate(不充足的), embarrassed(尴尬的), overwhelmed(被征服的)例句:He expected his daughters to be meek and submissive.他期望女儿都温顺听话。

关于情绪的英文词汇有很多,以下是一些常见的英文情绪词汇及其含义:1. Happiness -幸福,快乐2. Sadness -悲伤,难过3. Anger -愤怒,生气4. Fear -害怕,恐惧5. Disgust -厌恶,反感6. Surprise -惊讶,惊奇7. Anticipation -期待,预期8. Trust -信任,信赖9. Joy -喜悦,快乐10. Love -爱,喜爱11. Optimism -乐观,乐观主义12. Pessimism -悲观,悲观主义13. Jealousy -嫉妒,忌妒14. Envy -羡慕,嫉妒15. Guilt -内疚,犯罪感16. Shame -羞耻,羞愧17. Pride -骄傲,自豪18. Loneliness -孤独,孤单19. Boredom -无聊,厌烦20. Curiosity -好奇心,好奇心强21. Contentment -满足,满意22. Gratitude -感激,感谢23. Sympathy -同情,同情心24. Empathy -同情,共鸣25. Embarrassment -尴尬,窘迫26. Excitement -兴奋,激动27. Calmness -平静,冷静28. Impatience -不耐烦,急躁29. Patience -耐心,忍耐30. Kindness -仁慈,善良31. Cruelty -残忍,残酷32. Gentleness -温柔,和蔼33. Harshness -苛刻,严厉34. Tenderness -温柔,体贴35. roughness -粗糙,粗暴这些词汇可以帮助更准确地描述和理解不同的情绪状态。

表示情绪的英文词以下是20 个表示情绪的英文单词及其造句翻译:1. Happiness 幸福I felt a great sense of happiness when I received the good news. 当我收到这个好消息时,我感到非常幸福。
2. Sadness 悲伤After the funeral, everyone felt a deep sense of sadness. 葬礼结束后,每个人都感到深深的悲伤。
3. Anger 愤怒He was filled with anger when he saw the damage to his car. 当他看到他的汽车损坏时,他充满了愤怒。
4. Fear 恐惧She had a fear of heights and refused to go on the Ferris wheel. 她有恐高症,拒绝坐摩天轮。
5. Joy 喜悦The children were full of joy when they saw the presents underthe Christmas tree. 孩子们看到圣诞树下的礼物时充满了喜悦。
6. Surprise 惊讶I was surprised by the news of his promotion. 他升职的消息让我感到惊讶。
7. Disappointment 失望She felt a sense of disappointment when she didn't get the job she wanted. 当她没有得到她想要的工作时,她感到失望。
8. Envy 嫉妒He was jealous of his friend's success. 他嫉妒他朋友的成功。
9. Embarrassment 尴尬She felt embarrassed when she forgot the words to the song during the performance. 她在表演时忘记了歌词,感到很尴尬。

表示各种情绪的单词1. Happy(快乐的)- 单词释义:感到愉悦、满意的情绪状态。
- 单词用法:可作形容词,例如“I'm happy today.”。
- 近义词:glad, cheerful。
- 短语搭配:happy birthday(生日快乐),happy ending(幸福的结局)。
- 双语例句:- I was so happy when I saw my old friend again. It was like finding a long - lost treasure.(当我再次见到我的老朋友时,我太高兴了。
)- “Are you happy with your new job?” he asked me. I replied, “Yes, it's like a dream come true.”(“你对你的新工作满意吗?”他问我。
”)2. Sad(悲伤的)- 单词释义:难过、哀伤的情绪。
- 单词用法:形容词,如“She looks sad.”。
- 近义词:unhappy, sorrowful。
- 短语搭配:sad story(悲伤的故事)。
- 双语例句:- When my dog passed away, I was really sad. It felt like a part of my heart was gone.(当我的狗去世时,我真的很伤心。
)- “Why are you so sad?” she asked. “I lost my favorite book,” I said. “That's like losing a good friend.”(“你为什么这么难过?”她问。
”)3. Angry(愤怒的)- 单词释义:生气、恼怒的状态。

Don’t lean on the “post”, even if you are still a virgin
Now write a slogan for this phenomenon in the subway
About the measures of protecting the environment ,what can we do ?
• • • • • •
No lying on the chair / bench ! 不要斜躺在长凳上! No swinging ! 切勿悬吊! No lean on the door ! 切勿倚靠屏蔽门 closing • Do not stop a door when it is _______! • Do not stop a _______door ! closing • 不要阻止车门关闭!Recycle th paper (循环利用纸张)
基础写作 PPT 65
• 冲刺试卷P 1 话题1 写作词汇
I feel…
upset (烦心的,不安的) surprised, amazed(惊讶的) moved 感动的 confident(信心十足的) excited 激动的 tired(疲惫的), disappointed 失望的 energetic (精力十足的) expected 期待的 frightened, fearful ,afraid bored 枯燥的 (害怕的) relaxed(放松的) proud (自豪的) nervous(紧张,焦虑的) determined (下定决心的) comfortable 舒服的 pleased, (高兴的,好的) worried(担心的,焦虑的)
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名词:delight; happiness; laughter; pleasure; joy;
形容词:delightful;delighted; happy; pleased; pleasant; cheerful; excited; exciting; amusing; merry; joyful; overjoyed; glad;
动词:amuse; cheer; enjoy; laugh;
名词: sadness; sorrow; tear; depression; grief;heartbreak(n&v); suffering
形容词:sad; depressed; depressing; blue; down; bitter; miserable; unhappy; upset; gloomy(忧郁的);discouraged; tearful; heartbreaking
动词:depress; weep; distress; frustrate
形容词:moved; moving; touched; touching 动词:move; touch; affect
名词:surprise; amazement; astonishment; shock; wonder;
形容词:surprising; surprised; amazed; amazing; shocked; shocking; astonished; astonishing; curious; fantastic;
动词:surprise; amaze; astionish;
名词:anxiety; pressure; stress; tension; worry (n&v);concern(n&V)
形容词:anxious; worried; tense; nervous; concerned; uneasy(不安的)
形容词:satisfied; satisfying
名词:pity; shame;
形容词:ashame; sorry; regretful
名词:fear; terror; fright; panic(n&v);
形容词:frightening; frightened; afraid;
horrible; terrible; trembling; scared;
terrifying; terrified
动词:frighten; terrify; tremble; scare(n&v)
名词:anger; irritation
形容词:angry; annoyed;
动词:annoy ; irritate
名词:disappointment; hopelssness; boredom;
discouragement; despair(n&v)
形容词:disappointing; disappointed; hopeless; boring; bored; desperate;
动词:disappoint; bore;
形容词:green-eyed; jealous
形容词:confusing; puzzling; embarrassing; embrassed; guilty(愧疚的);sympathetic(同情的);rediculous(荒谬的;可笑的);disgusting(令人讨厌的);positive(积极的);negative(消极的)optimistic(乐观的);pessimistic(悲观的);subjective(主观的);objective(客观的);approving(赞同的);disapproving(反对的); indifferent(漠不关心的);
considerate(体贴的;考虑周到的); controversial(有争议的);neutral(中立的);suspicious(怀疑的)