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1. 首先,通读全句,抓住主旨大意,做到心中有数

2. 检查语法错误:主谓不一致、时态及语态错误

3. 句法错误:连接词误用、逻辑结构错误、指代错误等

4. 词法错误:形容词、副词错误、非谓语动词错误、关系代词错误、介词错误、缺漏或赘述等

5. 最后,再通读全句,检查以免疏漏


1. Part IV Error Correction (20 points)

Directions: There are 10 sentences. Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C, and D. You are required to identity the one that is incorrect, and then write the corresponding letter and the correct answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

71. OnlyA in recent years haveB people begun to realize that wild dogs, keptC within bounds, often do more good than harmsD.

72. Not onlyA the whole nation, but the whole Europe, indeedB the whole human society needC to alter its attitude to racialD problems.

73. IndeedA, the importance of reading can never be tooB stressed. First of all, reading, especialC our of class reading, enriches our mind and broadens our horizonsD.

74. True friends are those whoA lend you a helpingB hand instead of leaveC you when you get intoD trouble.

75. When people think about precious things, they usuallyA think about money orB

jewelry. I am not very rich, andC I have somethingD very precious in my room.

76. The teacher tried to makeA the classes enjoyable experiences for the students soB they would takeC a greater interest inD the subject.

77. The only thing whatA really matters to the children isB how soonC they can return to their aunt and uncle’sD farm.

78. Eminent physicists from all overA the world cameB to the United States to celebrateC aD centennial of Einstein’s birth.

79. One of the much discussing questionsA today has to do withB whether or notD the teaching of reading should start in the kindergarten.

80. I would rather thatA they do not travelB during the badC weather, but they insist that they mustD return home today.

2. Part ⅣError Correction

71. D 改为harm72. C 改为needs

73. C 改为especially74. C 改为leaving

75. C 改为but76. B 改为so that

77. A 改为that78. D 改为the

79. A 改为much discussed questions80. B 改为did not travel

91. B to 92.C that 93.C which 94.B being 95.B done 96.A so 97.C did he find 98.A it 99. B are exposed 100. C to do
