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The Engineering design of the No.2 dock of Shanghai port





The engineering design of the No.2 dock of shanghai port mainly determines the major scale, layout, structure, selection, the design calculations of the main structure and components of port and the overall stability calculation . Through accessing to relevant design manuals, books, family norms and reference datas that has been constructed for structural engineering design , we can work out the proper type for the terminal. Projects were selected based on data for the design direction of high-pile wharf. High-pile pier is not only proper for the conditions of this design project, and is a common terminal structure type, in the Yangtze River area. Meanwhile, the high-pile pier can render a service in the filed of deep sea terminal in the future. After having determined the main direction of project design, we can calculate most parts including the ship force, panel calculation, longitudinal beam design, beam design, pile foundation checking, calculation and the terminal by ship components and the overall stability. Part of the calculation of content, we can make use of the work-related software such as Easy software for calculation or checking calculation. Through the selection and calculation of the main components of the terminal, we can become familiar with high-pile wharf and with high-pile wharf’ advantages and disadvantages, as to make a foundation for future work and study.We succeed in finishing the design task, and finally draw the terminal floor plan, the main structure of terminal construction plans, specifying components of reinforcement plan.

Keywords: High-pile pier; longeron; transverse; large diameter pile


第一章绪论 (1)

1.1 中国港口发展历史及现状 (1)

1.2 高桩码头的优点及存在的问题 (2)

1.3 高桩码头在工程中的一些经验教训 (3)

1.4 高桩码头今后的设计施工方向 (3)

1.5 上海港历史发展及其现状 (4)

1.6 地理位置及航运条件 (5)

1.7 上海港旧码头改造主要研究内容 (6)

第二章总工程概况 (7)

2.1 营运资料 (7)

2.1.1 货运任务 (7)

2.1.2 船舶资料 (7)

2.1.3 建筑物的结构等级 (7)

2.2 自然条件 (7)

2.2.1 设计水位 (7)

2.2.2 水文 (7)

2.2.3 气象 (8)

2.2.4 地形地质 (8)

2.3 平面布置以及工艺设计 (9)

2.3.1总体布局 (9)

2.3.2 码头泊位确定 (9)

2.3.3 平面布置 (10)

2.3.4 施工条件以及设备材料供应 (12)

2.3.5 平面布置简图 (12)

第三章结构选型 (13)

3.1 结构选型及方案设计 (13)

3.2 高桩码头的结构形式 (15)
