
1954,1958,1974年均被邀请到国际数学大 会作报告(这是极高的荣誉),可惜均未被 批准。 开创中国数学学派,并带领达到世界一流水 平。培养出众多优秀青年,如王元、陈景润、 万哲先、陆启铿、龚升等等,不少已成为世 界级的名家了。 建国六十年来,“感动中国一百人物之一”。
他是国际数学大师。他为中国数学的发展作出了无 与伦比的贡献。 华罗庚先生早年的研究领域是解析数论,他在解析 数论方面的成就尤其广为人知,国际间颇具盛名的 “中国解析数论学派”即华罗庚开创的学派,该学派 对于质数分布问题与哥德巴赫猜想作出了许多重大 贡献。
他在多复变函数论、矩阵几何学方面 的卓越贡献,更是影响到了世界数学 的发展,也有国际上有名的“典型群中 国学派”,华罗庚先生在多复变函数论, 典型群方面的研究领先西方数学界10 多年,这些研究成果被著名的华裔数 学家丘成桐高度称赞。 华罗庚先生是难以比拟的天才。
华罗庚(1910.11.12—1985.6.12.),世界著 名数学家,中国解析数论、矩阵几何学、典 型群、自安函数论等多方面研究的创始人和 开拓者。 国际上以华氏命名的数学科研成果就有“华 氏定理”、“怀依—华不等式”、“华氏不等式”、 “普劳威尔—加当华定理”、“华氏算子”、 “华—王方法”等。
华罗庚、钱三强被认为是中国计算机界的两位功勋科学家,都作出了重大贡献。数论大师,多复变函 数论和矩阵几何的开拓者。
华罗庚是在国际上享有盛誉的数学大师,他的名 字在美国施密斯松尼博物馆与芝加哥科技博物馆 等著名博物馆中,与少数经典数学家列在一起。 他被选为美国科学院国外院士,第三世界科学院 院士,联邦德国巴伐利亚科学院院士。 又被授予法国南锡大学、香港中文大学与美国伊 利诺伊大学荣誉博士。

中国第一至第六届全国人大会委员.下面是给大家整理的华罗庚英文简介,供大家参阅!华罗庚简介Hua Luogeng (1910.11.12-1985.6.12), was born in Changzhou, Jiangsu Jintan District, native of Jiangsu Danyang. Mathematician, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, foreign academician of the National Academy of Sciences, academician of the Third World Academy of Sciences, and a member of the Federal Bavarian Academy of Sciences. China 's first to sixth National People' s Congress Standing Committee.He is the founder and pioneer of the Chinese analytical number theory, matrix geometry, typical group, self-congruence function theory and multiple complex function theory, and is listed as the Chicago Science and Technology Museum in today's world of 88 maths of the great one. Internationally to Fahrenheit named mathematical research results are "Fahrenheit Theorem","Fahrenheit inequality", "China - Wang method" and so on.华罗庚人物生平Growth processNovember 12, 1910 was born in Changzhou, Jiangsu Jintan District, his childhood love to use their brains, because the problem is too focused on the companions often dubbed the companion "Luo Diao".In 1922, 12 years old from the county after the completion of primary school, into the Jintan county junior high school, Wang Weike teacher found his math skills, and try to be trained.In 1925, after graduating from junior high school, went to Shanghai Chinese vocational school, because they can not get tuition fees and drop out of school, drop out home to help his father grocery store, so only junior high school diploma. Since then, he has spent five years to complete all the high school and college math courses.In the autumn of 1927, and Wu Xiao Yuan married.In the winter of 1929, he was infected with typhoid fever, left his left leg for life-long disability, walking with a cane.In 1929, Hua Luogeng was hired as Jintan middle school clerk, and began in Shanghai "science" and othermagazines published papers.In the spring of 1930, Hua Luogeng published in Shanghai "Science" magazine "Su Jiajing algebra of the five equation solution can not be established reason" sensational mathematics. In the same year, Tsinghua University, Department of Mathematics, Xiong Qinglai, learned that Hua Luogeng's self-study experience and mathematical talent, to break the routine, so Hua Luogeng into Tsinghua University library as librarian.In 1931, he served as assistant to the Department of Mathematics at Tsinghua University. He taught himself three books in English, French, German, Japanese, and foreign magazines.In 1933, was promoted to an assistant.In September 1934, was promoted to a lecturer.Go abroad to studyIn 1935, the mathematician Norbert Wiener visited China, he noted the potential of Hua Luogeng, to the then famous British mathematician Hardy strongly recommended.In 1936, Hua Luogeng went to Cambridge University, spent a critical two years. At this time he had a lot of results on the Waring's problem and benefited from the influenceof the British Hardy-Littwood School. He has at least 15 articles published in the Cambridge period. One of the papers on Gauss gave him a reputation in the world.Decided to return homeIn 1937, he returned to Tsinghua University as a professor, and later moved to Kunming's National Southwest United University until 1945.From 1939 to 1941, in Kunming, a dunk upstairs, wrote more than 20 papers, completed the first math monograph "heap prime theory".From February to May 1946, he was invited to visit the Soviet Union. In the same year in September, visit the Princeton Institute of Advanced Studies in the United States.In 1947, "heap prime theory" in the Soviet Union published the Russian version, and has been translated in the country published in Germany, Britain, Japan, Hungary and the Chinese version.In 1948, the United States by the University of Illinois hired as a professor to 1950. Shortly after the founding of new China, Hua Luo Geng decided to give up the generous treatment in the United States, toward the embrace of the motherland.In the spring of 1950, with his wife, the children arrived inBeijing from Hong Kong through the United States, returned to Tsinghua University, served as director of the Department of Mathematics, Tsinghua University.July 1952, by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guo Moruo, the invitation of the establishment of the Institute of Mathematics, and served as director. Joined the NLD in September.In 1953, he participated in the Chinese delegation of scientists to visit the Soviet Union. And attended the World Congress of World Matters after World War II in Hungary, as well as the Asia-Pacific Peace Conference, the World Peace Council.In 1955, was elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (academician).In 1956, he began to build the Institute of Computational Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, his paper "on the typical field of multiple complex function theory" in 1956 by the National Natural Science Award, and has published in the Russian, English monographs.In 1958, he served as vice president of China University of Science and Technology and director of mathematics, the same year to join the Communist Party of China. In the sameyear, he and Guo Moruo together with the Chinese delegation attended the meeting held in New Delhi "on scientific, technical and engineering issues".During the Cultural RevolutionAfter the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, is to promote the field of "double law" Hua Luo Geng was sent back to the Indian police to write the investigation, to accept criticism. Hua Luogeng with personal reputation, to the rest of the staff on the second set up to "promote the preferred method, the overall law team", personally led the squad to all parts of the country to promote the "double law", wherever he went, have set off a scientific experiment and practice Of the mass activities, and achieved great economic and social benefits.In 1969, launched the "excellent learning" a book, and the manuscript as the 20th anniversary of the National Day gift to the State Department.In April 1970, the State Council, in accordance with the instructions of Premier Zhou, invited the heads of the seven ministries of industry to listen to the law of choice and co-ordination.In 1974, by the "Central Cultural Revolution LeadingGroup" deputy head of Jiang Qing in the legal proceedings of the book at the public note, said he was more than 20 provinces and cities to promote "double law" is "tour water."In August 1975, in the Daxinganling to promote "double law", from the Daxinganling harvest site to Harbin, overwork, the first time suffering from myocardial infarction. He was in a coma for six weeks.After the Cultural RevolutionAfter smashing the "gang of four", he was appointed vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His many years of works have been published in succession.In May 1979, he went to Western Europe for a seven-month visit to introduce his own research results to international counterparts.In 1979, he was elected vice chairman of the NLD Central Committee.In June 1979, was approved to join the Communist Party of China.In November 1982, the second time suffering from myocardial infarction.October 1983, at the invitation of the California Instituteof Technology, the United States as a year of lectures. During his stay in the United States, he went to Italy to attend the third World Academy of Sciences in the city of Ariel, and was elected academician.In April 1984, in Washington attended the US Academy of Sciences awarded him a foreign academician of the ceremony, became the first Chinese won the award.In April 1985, at the Third Session of the Sixth CPPCC National Committee, he was elected Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee.June 3, 1985, at the invitation of the Japan Asian Cultural Exchange Association to visit Japan.June 12, 1985 at 4 pm, at the University of Tokyo Department of Mathematics lectures to the Japanese math sector as the theme of "theoretical mathematics and its application" speech, due to sudden acute myocardial infarction, died at 10:90 on the day.华罗庚个人生活Father Huarui Dong, open a small grocery store, the mother is a virtuous family of women. Hua Lao Xiang 40-year-old son, to the child named Hua Luo Geng. This is the "Luo" who, that is, "basket" also, a symbol of "home surplus food", and the altar ofthe altar "bask in the fence - assured" means; "G" and "root" G hundred years old "means, also said that" Chinese family from the root "means.Lady Wu Xiao Yuan 18-year-old married Hua Luogeng, less than a few months after marriage, Hua Luogeng infected with the plague, carefully care to restore their lives, but the left leg life-long disability. Hua Luogeng during Tsinghua coaching, in order to take care of the elderly sick father, Wu Xiao Yuan stay in his hometown, provoke the burden of housework. In the days to come, she not only to manage the housework, but also help him copy the papers and letters, reception guests. For decades, Wu Xiao Yuan in Hua Luogeng's life and career, plays an important role.Hua Luogeng and Wu Xiao Yuan have three sons: Hua Jundong, Hualing, Huaguang; three daughters: Huashun, Huasu and Huamei.华罗庚英文简介。

介绍华罗庚的英文作文Hua Luogeng, also known as Hua Loo-Keng, was a Chinese mathematician who made significant contributions to the fields of number theory and applied mathematics. He was born in Jintan, Jiangsu Province in 1910 and showed an early talent for mathematics.Hua Luogeng's work in number theory led to important developments in the study of Goldbach's conjecture and Waring's problem. His contributions to applied mathematics include his work on the theory of elasticity and the application of mathematics to the study of hydrodynamics.Hua Luogeng's mathematical career was not without obstacles. During the Cultural Revolution in China, he was persecuted and forced to do hard labor. Despite these challenges, he continued to work on mathematics whenever he had the opportunity.Hua Luogeng's legacy extends beyond his mathematicalachievements. He was known for his dedication to teaching and mentoring young mathematicians, and he played a keyrole in the development of mathematics in China.Hua Luogeng's impact on the field of mathematics continues to be felt today. His work has inspired countless mathematicians and his legacy serves as a reminder of the power of perseverance and dedication in the face of adversity.。

• 华罗庚原来也是个调皮、贪玩的孩子,但他很有数学才能。 有一次,数学老师出了一个中国古代有名的算题——有 一样东西,不知是多少。3个3个地数,还余2;5个5个地 数,还余3;7个7个的数,还余2。问这样东西是多 少?——题目出来后,同学们议论开了,谁也说不出得 数。老师刚要张口,华罗庚举手说:“我算出来了,是 23。”他不但正确地说出了得数,而且算法也很特别。 这使老师大为惊诧。 可是,这位聪明的孩子,在读完中学后,因为家里贫穷, 从此失学了。他回到家
• 不同的概念。第一句中的“尝试”是指初次尝试,当然一试就成功 是比较罕见的;第四句中的“尝试”则是指经过多次尝试或失败之后 的一次成功尝试,所以它们具有不同的含意。单独来看两个“尝试” 都是有道理的,但胡适将二者放在一起,则是拿自己的概念随意否 定别人(陆放翁)的概念,真是岂有此理!他说:“胡适序诗逻辑混乱, 不堪卒读。”虽然语文老师当时十分不悦,但20年后还是对已成名 的华罗庚说:“我早就看了你的文章不落窠臼。”
• 在当年的金坛,华罗庚最喜欢去的地方,还是灯节、船会、庙会等场所, 凡是这些热闹的地方都少不了他的身影。城东有座青龙山,山上有个庙。 每逢庙会,庙中的“菩萨:”便头插羽毛,打扮得花花绿绿,骑着高头大 马进城来。一路上,人们见到“菩萨”就磕头行礼,祈求幸福。华罗庚伸 直脖子,望着双手合十的“菩萨”,心里暗自琢磨:“‘菩萨’果真万能 吗?”当庙会散了,人们也陆续回家,华罗庚却跟着“菩萨”去了青龙山, 想探个究竟,看一看“菩萨”的真面目。来到庙里,“菩萨”卸了装,华 罗庚一看“菩萨”是人扮的,就立刻往家跑。回到家,他便兴高采烈地对 妈妈说:“妈,你往后不要给‘菩萨’磕头了,‘菩萨’是骗人的父亲马 上训斥道:“唉呀,罪过,小孩子懂什么?”他却认真反驳道:“我到青 龙山的庙里去了,‘菩萨’原来是假的,是人装扮的。

华罗庚英语简介Huá Luógēng (1910-1985) was a renowned Chinese historian, diplomat, and politician. He played a vital role in shaping China's history and made significant contributions to the country's modernization and development. Born in Dinghai, Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province, Huá Luógēng grew up in a family that emphasized the importance of education and knowledge.During his early years, Huá Luógēng developed a deep interest in history and politics, which would later become the focus of his academic and professional career. He pursued his higher education at Peking University, one of China's most prestigious educational institutions, and graduated in 1932. After completing his studies, Huá Luógēng went on to teach history at several universities and gradually established himself as a prominent historian.In the 1940s, Huá Luógēng became actively involved in politics and joined the Communist Party of China. He dedicated himself to the socialist cause and participated in many revolutionary activities. Through his hard work and dedication, Huá Luógēng rose through the ranks of the Communist Party and held various influential positions within the government.Huá Luógēng's contributions to China's history were numerous and varied. As an esteemed historian, he wrote extensively on various historical topics, offering valuable insights into China's past. His profound understanding of Chinese history was evident in his renowned works, such as "History of Modern China" and "History of the Chinese Revolution." These books, considered authoritative sources, have been widely read and studied by scholars andstudents alike.In addition to his academic achievements, Huá Luógēng also served as a diplomat, representing China in international affairs. He played a crucial role in establishing diplomatic relations with other countries, including the United States. Huá Luógēng's diplomatic skills and knowledge of international politics helped foster positive relationships between China and the rest of the world.One of the highli ghts of Huá Luógēng's political career came in 1978 when he was appointed Vice-Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China. In this role, he contributed to the economic reforms and modernization of China, which became known as the "Chine se Economic Miracle." Huá Luógēng's expertise and leadership were instrumental in shaping China's economic policies and promoting its rapid development. Throughout his life, Huá Luógēng received numerous accoladesfor his outstanding contributions to China and its people. He was recognized for his scholarship with prestigious awards, including the "Two Bombs, One Satellite Merit Award" and the "China Book Award." Huá Luógēng's work continues to inspire and influence generations of scholars, historians, and leaders. Unfortunately, Huá Luógēng passed away in 1985, leaving behind a lasting legacy. His unwavering commitment to education, history, and politics has left an indelible mark on China's development.Huá Luógēng's dedication to the socialist cause and his belief in the Chinese people's ability to shape their future remain anenduring inspiration. He will always be remembered as one of China's most eminent historians and influential political figures.继续写相关内容,1500字华罗庚是中国近现代史上一位卓越的历史学家、外交家和政治家。

1956年6月14日பைடு நூலகம்毛泽东接见华罗庚
4 华罗庚与教育
除了在高等数学方面,华罗庚还为我国的基础教育 事业特别关心,20世纪50年代初他亲自主持编写了我国 第一套中学数学教材。
为推动中学数学教学教育的发展,华罗庚积极倡议 组建了中国教育学会数学教学研究会。
1982年,中国教育学会数学教学研究会成立,他与 苏步青、蒋泽涵两位数学家欣然接受大会筹备会的邀请, 任研究会的领导职务。
建立了中学生数学竞赛, 1956年到1978年,并且亲 自担任竞赛委员会主任,写了大量中学生课外数学读物, 为培养优秀数学人才倾注了大量心血。
4 华罗庚与教育
1985年6月12日,华罗庚在日本东京一个国际学术会议上作学术报 告时,突然心脏病发作倒在讲台上与世长辞。他逝世前不久,还这 样写道:”发白才知智叟呆,埋头苦干向未来,勤能补拙是良剂,一 分辛苦一分才。”这就是华罗庚成功之路的秘诀。他用行动实践 了自己的诺言:”最大的希望就是工作到生命的最后一刻。”为纪念 华罗庚的科学贡献,中国数学学会于1992年设立”华罗庚数学奖” 以激励为发展中国数学做出突出贡献的数学家。
1 人物简介
江苏金坛人,中国著名数学家,中国科学院院士,美国国家科学院 外籍院士。他是中国解析数论、典型群、矩阵几何学、自守函数论 与多元复变函数等很多方面研究的创始人与奠基者,也是中国在世 界上最有影响的数学家之一,被列为芝加哥科学技术博物馆中当今 世界88位数学伟人之一。
华罗庚的一生对于数学的贡献多之甚多,他治学严谨,科学求真, 品格高尚,值得我们学习,总的来说我们一定要迎头赶上,正如几 何大师陈省身所说:”要有信心,千万把自卑的心理放弃.希望在 众多中国科学家的共同努力下,中国数学赶超世界先进水平,并 在21世纪实现成为世界数学大国的梦想。
中外现代数学家的杰出代表-华罗庚 共16页PPT资料

2 往事略集
1958年,华罗庚被任命为中国科技大学副校长兼应用数学系主 任。在继续从事数学理论研究的同时,他努力尝试寻找一条数 学和工农业实践相结合的道路。 1959年莱比锡首先用德文出版了《指数和的估计及其在数论中 的应用》,又先后出版了俄文版和中文版
2 往事略集
1924年金坛中学初中毕业,但因家境不好,读完初中后,便 不得不退学去当店员。此后,开始顽强自学,每天达10个小 时以上,用了5年时间读完了高中和大学低年级的全部数学课 程
1929年,在《科学》杂志上发表他的第一篇论文“Sturm 氏 定理之研究”,轰动数学界,由此进入清华大学,主攻数学
为培养青少年学习数学的热情,在北京发起组织了中学生数学 竞赛活动,从出题、监考、阅卷,都亲自参加,并多次到外地 去推广这一活动。他还写了一系列数学通俗读物,在青少年中 影响极大。
2 往事略集
1983年10月,他应美国加州理工学院邀请,赴美作为期一年的 讲学活动。 在美期间,他赴意大利里亚利特市出席第三世界科学院成立大 会,并被选为院士; 1984年4月,他在华盛顿出席了美国科学院授予他外籍院士的 仪式,他是第一位获此殊荣的中国人。 1985年4月,他在全国政协六届三次会议上,被选为全国政协 副主席。
将《统筹方法平话》和《优选法平话》用通俗易懂的语言、 形象生动的方法使得妇孺都能明白、掌握应用,取得了增加生 产、提高质量、降低消耗的效果。华罗庚被誉为“人民的数学 家”。
4 华罗庚与教育
作岗位上,不遗余力, 为新中国培养了一大 批数学的后备力量。 陈景润、万哲元、陆 启锵、王元、潘承洞 等数学家都是在华罗 庚的悉心培育下成长 起来的。

(1910—1985)中国现代数学家.1910 年11月12日生于江苏金坛,1985年6月12 日卒于日本东京.从小喜欢数学,但因家 境不好,只读完初中,便不得不退学去当 店员.18岁时患伤寒病,造成右腿残疾.他 在数学的很多领域中都有贡献.从20世 纪60年代开始,他把数学方法应用于实 际,筛选出以提高工作效率为目标的优 选法和统筹法,取得显著经济效益.
倡导应用数学与计算机的研制,曾出 版《统筹方法平话》、《优选学》等 多部著作并在中国推广应用.与王元教 授合作在近代数论方法应用研究方面 获重要成果,被称为“华—王方法”. 在发展数学教育和科学普及方面做出 了重要贡献.发表研究论文200多篇,并 有专著和科普性著作数十种.
他父亲四十那年生下他,生下来 就用两个箩筐一扣,据说可以“生 根”,容易养活.“箩”字去了“竹” 是“罗”,“庚”“根”同音.贫穷 人家的父母,最担心的儿女长不大, 华罗庚的名字,就正含着父亲对他 的祝愿啊!
这种自学的锻炼,造成了他一种独特的本领, 研究问题,一抓就抓到了问题的核心.经过了五 年的自修,他开始写些数学论文投稿,他的投稿 也并非一帆风顺,往往收到退稿的信件,编者指 出:这一个题目是法国某一个数学家解决了的, 那一个题目又是德国某一个数学家解决了的, 等等.这非但没有使他气馁,反而令他充满自信. 因为他并没有看过那些数学家的文章,但同样 可以解决那些难题.终于他有一篇论文《苏家 驹之代数的五次方程式解法不能成立的理 由》—在上海的《科学》杂志刊登出来了

在代数方面,证明了 长久遗留的一维射影几何的基本定理;给出 了体的正规子体一定包含在它的中心之中这个结果的一个简单而 直接的证明,被称为嘉当-布饶尔-华定理。
华罗庚早年的研究领域是解析数论,他在解析数论方面的成就尤 其广为人知,国际间颇具盛名的“中国解析数论学派”即华罗庚 开创的学派,该学派对于质数分布问题与哥德巴赫猜想做出了许 多重大贡献。
1 华罗庚简介 2 华罗庚的成就贡献
4 也许你不知道的华罗庚 5 天生我材必有用 6 他的求学史
1910.11.12—1985.6.12), 出生于江苏 常州金坛区,祖籍江苏丹阳。数学家,
华罗庚出生中时,国父科亲学已经院4院0岁士。, 国家科学院外籍院 古人说“书士中自,有第屋三。世界科学院院士,联邦德国 ““华那罗边庚可?能”巴有一好伐位玩利老的师亚,笑我科道们学:过“院去你看院看看士看好他。吗那?中两” 国个像第蟹一爬至的字第吧,他能算个‘人才’吗?”王维克有些激动地说:“当然,他成为大书法 家的希望很六小,届可全他国在数人学大上常的才委能会你委怎么员能[1从-2他] 的。字上看出来呢?要知道金子被埋在沙里的时候,粗看起来和沙子并没有什么两样
在国际上以华氏命名的数学科研 成果就有“华氏定理”、“怀 依—华不等式”、“华 氏不等式”、“普劳威尔—加当 华定理”、“华氏算子”、 “华—王方法”等。 20世纪40年代,解决了高斯完整 三角和的估计这一 难题,得到了 最佳误差阶估计;对G.H.哈代与 J.E.李特尔伍德关于华林问题及E. 赖特关于塔里问题的结果作了重 大的改进,三角和研究成果被国 际数学界称为“华氏定理”。
He practiced his own promise: “My greatest hope is to work until the last moment of life."
Major Achievement
《论高斯的完整三角和估计问题》(1936—1937) 《堆垒素数论》(手稿)(1941) 《多复变函数论典型域上的调和分析》(1957) 《堆垒素数论》中文版(1953) 《数论导引》(1957) 《典型群》与万哲先合著(1963) 《优选平话》、《统筹法平话》(1958后)
Major Achievement
Students: 王元 陈景润 万哲先 杨乐 张广厚 龚升 陆启铿
• “中国数学之神”, “中国现代数学之父”, “人民数学 家”。华罗庚、钱三强被认为是中国计算机界的两位功勋 科学家,都作出了重大贡献。数论大师,多复变函数论和 矩阵几何的开拓者。
Imagination Network
文章内容来源于网络,如有侵权请联源自我们删除。畅想网络Imagination Network
• The founder and pioneer of China Analytic Number Theory, Matrix Geometry, etc.
• Named after on international math research, such as “Huashi Theorem”, “Huashi Inequality" and so on
• 华罗庚是在国际上享有盛誉的数学大师,他的名字在美国 施密斯松尼博物馆与芝加哥科技博物馆等著名博物馆中, 与少数经典数学家列在一起。他被选为美国科学院国外院 士,第三世界科学院院士,联邦德国巴伐利亚科学院院士。 又被授予法国南锡大学、香港中文大学与美国伊利诺伊大 学荣誉博士。

❖ 1927年瘟疫夺去了母亲的生命,自己也染上瘟疫。 为了治病,本来就不富足的华罗庚家中更为困难。
❖ 1929年不幸染上伤寒病,落下左腿终身残疾。
❖ 华罗庚病愈之后,身体虽残,意志弥坚。他立志献 身于祖国的科研事业 1936年夏,25岁的华罗庚被 派送到英国剑桥大学留学。第二年,日本帝国主义 发动了“七七事变”。华罗庚得知日本帝国主义的 侵略行径后义愤填膺,他毅然放弃了在英国深造的 机会,满怀抗日救国的热忱回到了祖国,并到昆明 西南联合大学去执教。
❖ 华罗庚辍学期间,帮父亲打理小店铺。为了 抽出时间学习,他经常早起。隔壁邻居早起 磨豆腐的时候,华罗庚已经点着油灯在看书 了。伏天的晚上,他很少到外面去乘凉,而 是在蚊子嗡嗡叫的小店里学习。严冬,他常 常把砚台放在脚炉上,一边磨墨一边用毛笔 蘸着墨汁做习题。每逢年节,华罗庚也不去 亲戚家里串门,埋头在家里读书。
Loo-Keng Hua
❖ 华罗庚于1910年生于江苏省金坛县一个小商人家庭。 ❖ 小时候,华罗庚家境贫寒,初中毕业后,就读上海
中华职业学校,因拿不出学费而中途退学,辍学之 后,他对数学产生了强烈的兴趣,而且也懂得用功 读书,他从一本《大代数》,一本《解析几何》及 一本50页从老师那儿摘抄来的《微积分》开始,勤 奋自学。故一生只有初中毕业文凭。此后,他用5 年时间自学完了高中和大学低年级的全部数学课程。
任何一个人,都要必须养成自学的 习惯,即使是今天在学校的学生,也 要养成自学的习惯,因为迟早总要离 开学校的!自学,就是一种独立学习, 独立思考的能力。行路,还是要靠行 路人自己。

华罗庚英语简介Hua Luogeng 1910.11.12-1985.6.12, was born in Changzhou, Jiangsu Jintan District, native of Jiangsu Danyang. Mathematician, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, foreign academician of the National Academy of Sciences, academician of the Third World Academy of Sciences, and a member of theFederal Bavarian Academy of Sciences. China 's first to sixth National People' s Congress Standing Committee.He is the founder and pioneer of the Chinese analytical number theory, matrix geometry, typical group, self-congruence function theory and multiple complex function theory, and is listed as the Chicago Science and Technology Museum in today's world of 88 maths of the great one. Internationally to Fahrenheit named mathematical research results are "Fahrenheit Theorem", "Fahrenheit inequality", "China - Wang method" and so on.Hua Luogeng's early research field is analytic number theory, his achievements in the analysis of the number of theory is particularly well known, the internationally renowned "Chinese analytical number theory school" that Hua Luo Geng founded school, the school for the distribution of prime number and the idea of the Goldbach Many major contributions.Hua Luogeng is also the founder and pioneer of Chinese analytical number theory, matrix geometry, typical group, self-governing function theory and so on.Hua Luogeng in the multi-variable function theory, the typical group of research leading Western mathematics community for more than 10 years, is the internationally renowned "typical group of Chinese schools."To create a Chinese mathematics school, and lead to achieve world-class level. Cultivate a number of outstanding young people, such as Wang Yuan, Chen Jingrun, Wan Zhe first, Lu Qikeng, Gong Sheng and so on.Scientific researchIn the international fossilization of the mathematical research resultsare "Fahrenheit Theorem", "Huaiyi - China inequality", "Fahrenheit inequality", "Plauville - plus the Chinese theorem", "Fahrenheit operator", " - Wang method "and so on.The 20th century, 40 years, to solve the Gaussian complete triangle and the estimation of this historical problem, get the best error order estimate; on GH Hardy and JE Ritterwood on Hualin problem and E. Wright on the results of the Tarry problem Made a major improvement, triangular and research results by the international mathematical community known as the "Fahrenheit Theorem".In the algebra, the basic theorem of the one-dimensional projective geometries left in history is proved, and a simple and direct proof of the result of the regular body of the body must be included in its center, Bauer - theorem.And Professor Wang Yuan in modern mathematical theory of applied research has been an important achievement, known as the "Hua - Wang method."Academic WorksHua Luo Geng left ten great masterpiece: "heap prime theory", "index and the valuation and its application in the number theory", "multiple complex function theory of the harmonic analysis of the typical domain", " , "The typical group" with Wan Zhe first co-authored, "from the unit round", "number theory in the application of the approximate analysis" with Wang Yuan co-author, "second order two independent variables two unknown function Coefficient linear partial differential equations "co-authored with others," preferred science "and" mathematical economics of the planned economy ", among which eight are translated and published abroad and have been included in the 20th century math classics. In addition, there are more than 150 academic papers, popular science works "preferred law commentary and its supplement", "co-ordination law commentary and supplement" and so on, as "Hua Luogeng popular science anthology."Hua Luogeng for the development of Chinese mathematics to make contributions, known as "the father of modern Chinese mathematics", "the god of mathematics in China", "people mathematician."In the international prestigious math master, his name in the United States Smithsonian Museum and the Chicago Museum of Science and Technology and other famous museum, with a few classic mathematician together, was listed as "Chicago Science and Technology Museum in today's world 88 One of the great men of mathematics ".In 1948 was elected to the Central Academy of Sciences. In 1955 was elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences academician. 1982 was elected asthe American Academy of Sciences foreign academician. In 1983 was elected as the third World Academy of Sciences. 1985 was elected as the German Bavarian Academy of Sciences. Was awarded to the University of Nancy in France, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Illinois honorary doctorate.Founding sixty years, "touched one of the hundred people in China."感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
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• 1954,1958,1974年均被邀请到国际数学大会作报告 (这是极高的荣誉),可惜均未被批准。
• The founder and pioneer of China Analytic Number Theory, Matrix Geometry, etc.
• Named after on international math research, such as “Huashi Theorem”, “Huashi Inequality" and so on
• 开创中国数学学派,并带领达到世界一流水平。培养出众 多优秀青年,如王元、陈景润、万哲先、陆启铿、龚升等 等,不少已成为世界级的名家了。
• 建国六十年来,“感动中国一百人物之一”。
Poor Drop out of school Permanent disability
Thank you!
Major Achievement
Students: 王元 陈景润 万哲先 杨乐 张广厚 龚升 陆启铿
• “中国数学之神”, “中国现代数学之父”, “人民数学 家”。华罗庚、钱三强被认为是中国计算机界的两位功勋 科学家,都作出了重大贡献。数论大师,多复变函数论和 矩阵几何的开拓者。
Imagination Network
Imagination Network
文章内容来源于网络,如有侵权请Fra bibliotek系我们删除。He practiced his own promise: “My greatest hope is to work until the last moment of life."
Major Achievement
《论高斯的完整三角和估计问题》(1936—1937) 《堆垒素数论》(手稿)(1941) 《多复变函数论典型域上的调和分析》(1957) 《堆垒素数论》中文版(1953) 《数论导引》(1957) 《典型群》与万哲先合著(1963) 《优选平话》、《统筹法平话》(1958后)
TheWorldMathematicsMaste r
• Loo-Keng Hua (1910.11.12~1985.6.12)
• Modern Chinese Mathematician • Hometown: Jintan,Changzhou,
Jiangsu Province