安踏公司营销策略—keep moving
为推进产品创新和产品多元化的产品策略,必须整合上游供应商等资源的优化 和重组,安踏采取了策略联盟的路线,目的是为了使产品有竞争吸引力,但有 竞争吸引力的产品必须具有产品特色和质量、服务组合和质量、合适的供应品 价格等三要素的紧密配合。因此,安踏在选择供应商和生产合作商的时候,合 作条件设定了很高门槛,但是,实际上,甚至有时还要倚赖实力强大的提供商 实力快速成就自己。比如,安踏篮球鞋的生产,早期与寰球鞋业合作,现在有 与广东的宝元集团合作,形成优势联盟。因为这两家提供商都曾给耐克、匡威、 阿迪达斯等品牌做过代工。在不涉及知识产权的前提下,安踏与耐克在国内几 乎采用相同的生产线进行生产,只是制鞋材料略有不同,“这是我们比其他国 内品牌更加专业的地方”,安踏人如是说。服装与配件的产品,也是如此,暂 不赘述。
1994年,在福建晋江的一家制鞋作坊门口第一次挂上了安 踏的标志,经过十几年的发展,安踏已发展成为中国最大 的以行销为导向的综合性体育用品企业之一,安踏企业领 导人丁志忠因为其对于中国体育的特殊贡献,被评为第17 届"中国十大杰出青年"。 安踏体育用品有限公司现为香港安大国际投资有限公司全 额控股的有限责任公司,集"中国驰名商标","中国名牌 产品"、"中国品质免检产品"等荣誉于一身,其销售业绩 居于全国前列,运动鞋市场综合占有率更是连续多年在全 国同类产品中荣列第一。
Moving… 永不止步 Keep Moving
安踏体育用品有限公司 (港交所: 2020),简称安踏体育、安踏,是 中国一家品牌运动鞋民营企业,主 要设计、开发、制造及销售运动服 饰,包括“安踏”品牌的运动鞋类 及服装。
Moving… 永不止步 Keep Moving
销售范围: 销售范围: 超过7000家门店,全面覆盖31个省市
商品VP 质 量 管 理 中 心 商 品 管 理 中 心
品牌品 牌 管 理 中 心 器 材 管 理 中 心
销售VP 海 外 事 业 部 销 售 管 理 中 心 儿 童 事 业 部
鞋 材 中 心
鞋 业 事 业 部
北 京 分 公 司
Moving… 永不止步 Keep Moving 执行董事:丁 执行董事: 丁 赖 王 吴 郑 世 世 世 文 永 忠 家 贤 默 华 捷
Moving… 永不止步 Keep Moving
决策委员会 总裁 审计部 审计委员会
生产VP 自 有 服 装 工 厂 服 装 营 运 中 心 鞋 品 营 运 中 心
CFO 财 务 管 理 中 心
职能VP 经 人 营 力 工 法 总 管 资 程 务 裁 理 源 部 部 办 中 中 心 心
自治区,在国内建立了最完备的,覆 盖一、二、三、四线的市场营销网络
Moving… 永不止步 Keep Moving
市场定位: 市场定位:安踏(中国)坚持中端品牌路线,并逐步
Moving… 永不止步 Keep Moving
员工规模: 员工规模: 目前安踏集团拥有员工5000多人,
安踏的体育营销策略营销06甲0690110239 王国雷前言:1994 安踏(福建)鞋业有限公司成立,创立安踏品牌。
安踏零售店员工培训--货品分析(ppt 24页)
![安踏零售店员工培训--货品分析(ppt 24页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7face6a5844769eae109ed2c.png)
1.此表格您发现了什么问题? 2.应当如何去解决?
缺货/大量 折扣
良好 库存偏大/结构不合 理
库销比反映的是总量问题,总量合理未必结构合理。 库存结构——大类结构比、新老货比、大类的性别比、系列结构比、款式比、价位带
keep moving 永不止步
第2周售罄率计算结果:30/(100-40)=50% 至今总售罄率计算结果:90/100=90% 注意:该月至今总售罄率不一定等于每周售罄之 和,因为每周用于计算的库量在减少。
新品上市30天:售罄率 30-35% 新品上市60天:售罄率 50-55% 新品上市90天:售罄率 65-75%
市场需求 (基础/核心)
keep moving 永不止步
库销比(总量、大类、性别、各系列的量是否合理) 新旧货占比(反映库存年龄结构,老化程度) 系列的SKU库存销售占比(反映产品畅滞销) SKU动销率、宽度和深度
售罄率<65% 库存积压
进货量太少,出现脱 销
安踏校园活动策划书前言“永不止步 keep moving”!安踏,中国的骄傲,民族的骄傲!安踏以他新颖的设计,独特的经营理念,迎合着千千万万青少年的喜好.在安踏准备带领民族品牌走向世界的时候,拉近安踏与目标消费群体之间的距离,实在是必要之举。
在此时机,一个以“继续永不止步"为主题的大型校园活动必将深受广大青少年的喜爱,必将为安踏的进一步发展锦上添花!一校园主题:继续“安踏——永不止步,Keep moving …”校园活动二传播受众分析:安踏的消费者年龄定位群体是15—25岁的青少年,他们对社会、对家庭充满强烈的个性与叛逆,他们激情四射,对新鲜事物充满好奇,希望通过体育展现自己,内心充满着对成功的渴望,这也正是安踏品牌文化的价值取向的源头,也是我们这次进行策划的基础。
因此拟订选取以下媒介作为传播渠道:1、展牌2、海报3、宣传单页4、条幅5、音响广播6、坐台咨询五、安踏活动:活动一(一) 活动时间:共3天。
2014年08月26日———2014年08月28日(二) 活动主题:“我心目中的安踏-—--我最喜欢的设计款式网上选秀”(三) 活动对象:射洪县各大高校学生目标消费群分析:安踏的目标消费群体为14--—26岁的青少年。
他们激情四射,喜欢上网, 喜欢接触新鲜事物,关注选秀活动,这就为这次网上选秀活动奠定了很好的基础。
(四) 活动目的:这次活动参与方式简单,参与程度高,参与人数多,可以使他们在参与活动的过程中更多的了解安踏产品,更加了解安踏公司,同时投票结果可以真实反映当代青少年的心理喜好,为安踏专卖店以后更能准确的把握消费者的心里,提高销售额。
2. 营销战略
有些事现在不做,这辈子都不会做了······团队介绍Keep Moving(缩写为KM)正如安踏所要传达给年轻人的意思一样,我们希望能够在此次的营销大赛中做到坚持不懈,永不止步。
英文KM的缩写又可以表示为Key Marketing。
目录策划目的背景分析目标消费群体分析校园推广方案⏹整体环境分析⏹安踏SWOT 分析二、背景分析体育用品市场迎来发展的黄金期1、体育消费正成为居民消费新时尚2、世界级体育盛事的不断开展3、国家产业振兴规划瞄向文化和体育产业。
在由国际知名品牌战略顾问公司Interbrand 评选的评选的“2011“2011中国品牌价值排行榜”上,安踏排名第17名,成为排名最高的本土运动品牌成为排名最高的本土运动品牌。
一、围绕品牌核心价值传播围绕品牌核心价值传播 安踏将目标消费者定位为“怀着不凡梦想的平凡少年”,并试图告诉消费者:安踏跟你们一样是一个平凡的人,但是通过自己的努力可以让自己不平凡。
• 安踏成立了国内第一家 运动科学 实验室
补了国内在这一领域的空白,致力于运动 鞋安全性、舒适性的研发及技术创新。
动冠军赛; 2001年,成为中国运动鞋综合市场第1名; 2001年,正式进入俄罗斯市场; 2001年,“北京安踏东方体育用品公司”的成立,标志着安
在运动中实现心中的渴望, 反复练习,不言退缩, 磨砺出真正的自我!
品牌口号: 愿 景:
Keep Moving …… 永不止步
未来的安踏将成为中国市场品牌美誉度和 市场份额双第一的体育品牌,并成为全球销售 额排名前十的体育用品公司。
使 命:
安 踏 企业文化
“安踏”意味着什么— — • 安,安心创业; 踏,踏实做人; • 安踏,创百年品牌。 ——这,就是安踏人的理念。
安踏(中国)有限公司·总裁 中国体育营销的开拓者以及中国 体育事业的支持者。以“实施名牌战 略,托起民族制鞋工业的脊梁” 为奋斗目标,
价 值 观:
品牌至上 创新求变 专注务实 诚信感恩
Keep moving…
• 安踏公司起步于
1991 年,集“中
安踏公司于1991年成立于福建省晋江市,始终将“Keep Moving”(永不止步)作为企业的价值内核,先后多次完善品牌战略,如生产制造批发1.0战略,品牌批发2.0战略,市场零售3.0战略,全渠道、多品牌、单聚焦4.0战略。
最新最全的学术论文期刊文献年终总结年终报告工作总结个人总结述职报告实习报告单位总结演讲稿关键字:广告语, 广告, 广告词, 英文, 拉丁文, 外来语,安踏英文广告语——连续五年,我们都杀入四强,却与冠军无缘——有人说,这是没有冠军命——我们不相信宿命——只相信,在场上拼命——四强还能更强——越磨砺越光芒——安踏永不止步——five years. final four. no championship.——they said it was fate.——we don#39;t believe in fate.——we believe, on the court, fight.——final four is not final.——meant to be conquered is the obstacle.——anta, keep moving.安踏英文广告语anta (china) co., ltd. was founded in 1991, the hongkong international investment limited, the anta (fujian) footwear company limited, beijing antaoriental sporting goods co., ltd. more than 10 years, anta companies adhering to thequot;peace of mind entrepreneurship, practical life, a hundred years brandquot; business philosophy, through unremitting efforts, has developed into the largest production and marketing-oriented integrated sporting goods enterprises. anta logo: chi:the entire symbol for the letterquot;aquot; font body, by four different radius of the intersection of circular arc and sound into. the overall composition is simple and generous, dynamic. graphic bright red color represents the vitality of anta and enterprising spirit.quot;antaquot; is the chinesequot;antaquot; in english, in greek meansquot;the mother of the earth.quot; but also reflects the anta people continue to innovate, dare to struggle and challenge the spirit of self-expression of the anta enterprises are determined to do the nationalquot;antaquot;, a century ofquot;antaquot; and the world#39;squot;anta.quot;product description:anta is to promote individuality, advocacy through sports show themselves, so anta brand is the core of modern sports spirit. anta and nike is not the same path, nike pursuit of sports, sports and sports to a certain type of items appear, and more anta is a sports leisure image. anta do not want to do the chinese nike, but to do the chinese anta, anta world. is to establish their own distinct personality, becomequot;china and the world like the antaquot;. product positioning:16- to 28-year-old crowd,belonging to high-end productspage 2 of 5sports products ad appreciation:case backgroundanta is mainly engaged in the design, development, manufacture and marketing of anta brand sports shoes, clothing and accessories, is the leading sports brand, since 2001, anta has 6 years to become china #39;s sports shoes market share of the first brand.brand official website carrying anta dealers, media, investors, consumers and other multiple communication responsibilities of the audience, in the creative design, we strive to style in simple, atmosphere, in the transfer on the fashion, innovation; strive to shape the anta brand international imageand fashion characteristics. the site toquot;keep movingquot; never stopquot;as the creative concept, the main kv loop structure of aquot; more thanquot;the brand world, not only convey the brand spirit of anta, but also reflects the brand vitality of anta, with various target audiences communication to achieve a good impression.安踏英文广告语anta will never stop keep moving ...background music:we are the champions this is a very inspirational songquot;we are the championquot;, and the screen content is very appropriate, anta never stop, everyone is the champion, as long as you never stop working hard.description:anta in the second half of 2006 launched its new ad - we are the champions. accompanied by thequot;anta, keep moving never stop,quot; the atmosphere and inspirational advertising language. the advertisement screen is composed of one athlete#39;s sweaty but sadly fragmented, supplemented by a highly motivating copy ofquot;let the scar be your medal,quot; emphasizingquot;let the world#39;s injustice bow in front of you!quot; inspiring people to rise up with fight their own fate,telling young people to face life attitude.relative to the simple product introduction of the ad, it is undoubtedly unique. i believe that as long as people see this slogan, will feel the power forward! keep moving never stop ... ...quot;quot; let the heart be your declaration, so that the scars become your medal, let the world unfair in front of you bowquot;quot;quot;farmhouse in the unknown table tennis players, no one cheer on the country road running teenager, fence in the hard training practicingbasketball player, scarred extreme sports enthusiasts, repeated failure of the weightlifting girl, accompanied by the queen of the band quot;we are the championquot; rhythmic music, anta in september 2006 launched a new commercials, which is a picture of a strange but sincere face. advertising ideas:advertising is anta products, but it does not directly describe the quality of the product, but an indirect expression, the athlete #39;s strong will, unyielding spirit given to the product, so that the product has a human vitality.advertising is a little story about, high-pitched music, hard training, coupled with incomparably passionate text,quot;let the scars become your medal,quot; but we never stop, the perfect combination of music and picture, people touched endlessly, and establish the vitality of anta will never stop the brand image.advertising appealsadvertising appeals: young and lively, full of vitality, the pursuit of individuality. thus, anta will be its user base fixed in 14 years old to 26 years old between young consumers. like adventure, the pursuit of challenges, unique personality, ahead of consumption, large number of groups, is the overall characteristics of these young consumers.ways of appeal:anta never stop advertising design in the emotional appeal, through the manufacture of mood to prompt advertising theme, to pull people #39;s heartstrings, and make people memorable, the feelings of the department of huai. therefore, the mood, although based on the ordinary but can play an unusual connotation, which belongs to a visual starting point, but far beyond the picture point of view, it creates a rendering of the atmosphere and mood to people a word a sense of endless aftertaste. in the design of advertising, the aesthetic will be integrated into the creative surface, cleverlyquot;emotional inputquot;, through the use of a variety of lyrical techniques, the introduction of consumers,quot;emotion, blend of things, i blend, , the natural will make the consumer emotional resonance.anta never stop the emotional appeal of advertising the target audience is the consumer, and today#39;s consumers are no longer purely the pursuit of material satisfaction, they not only require ads to inform them of the product information, and information on goods and artistic entertainment, to meet their psychological aesthetic needs, therefore, has a strong artistic and expressive emotional appeal advertising is always easy to attract the attention of consumers and interest, play a guiding role in consumption.ad appeal subject:focus on publicity product image, anta this brand is through the efforts to be successful.quot;peace of mind entrepreneurship, practical life, a hundred years brandquot; business philosophyoverviewanta is china#39;s domestic sporting goods in the king! all along, anta to the price for mass consumption, excellent design by the people #39;s favorite! the pursuit of dynamic, the pursuit of excellence, the pursuit of beauty, which is anta to pass the information! it is the pursuit of sports spirit, but also for people to praise the other side!安踏英文广告阅读相关文档:阿迪达斯英文广告语样本-广告语 chivas英文广告语-广告语 2017英文广告语-广告语 2017奔驰英文广告语-广告语幼儿英语教育中心的宣传广告语-广告语推广英语培训学校的电视宣传广告语-广告语戒烟公益广告文案-广告语公益献血的广告语-广告语公益广告文案征集-广告语公益广告文案写作-广告语公益广告名词解释-广告语节约资源的公益广告-广告语公益广告广告口号-广告语公益广播广告文案-广告语公益广播的广告语样本-广告语关于保护文化遗产的公益广告语-广告语留守儿童公益经典的广告语-广告语敬畏生命公益广告语-广告语节水公益广告文案-广最新最全【学术论文】【总结报告】【演讲致辞】【领导讲话】【心得体会】【党建材料】【常用范文】【分析报告】【应用文档】免费阅读下载*本文若侵犯了您的权益,请留言。
安踏营销策划书1 安踏鞋营销策划方案概要当今经济在不断发展,时代亦在不断进步,消费者的生活水平提高了,消费观念也在增强着,消费者对鞋子这一生活必需品的要求更是日益增高。
2 当前营销状况与环境分析2.1 宏观坏境分2.1.1 经济环境经济坏境是影响企业营销活动的主要环境因素,它包括收入因素、消费支出、产业结构、经济增长率、货币供应量、银行利率、政府支出等因素,其中收入因素、消费结构对企业营销活动影响较大。
2.1.2 自然环境随着人类社会进步和科学技术发展,世界各国都加速了工业化进程,这一方面创造了丰富的物质财富,满足了人们日益增长的需求;另一方面,人们也不得不面临着资源短缺、环境污染等问题。
2.1.3 科学技术科学技术是社会生产力中最活跃的因素,它影响着人类社会的历史进程和社会生活的方方面面,对企业营销活动的影响更是显而易见。
2.2 微观坏境分析2.2.1 企业安踏这个品牌如今已是家喻户晓,该集团的运动鞋市场占有率综合指数更连续8年在中国荣列第一。
安踏运动鞋营销策划公司概况:安踏(中国)有限公司创建于 1991 年,旗下有香港安大国际投资有限公司、安踏(福建)鞋业有限公司、北京安踏东方体育用品有限公司等。
下面是橙子带来的关于安踏运动鞋广告词的内容,欢迎阅读!安踏运动鞋经典广告词安踏主要从事设计、开发、制造和行销安踏品牌运动鞋、服装及配饰,是国内首屈一指的运动品牌,从20xx 年起,安踏已6年成为中国运动鞋市场综合占有率第一的品牌。
网站以“Keep Moving…永不止步”为创意概念,主KV循环播放构造一个“前进不止”的品牌世界,既传达出安踏的品牌精神,又体现出安踏的品牌活力,在与各类目标受众沟通中达成良好印象。
广告推出时间:20xx年9月推出迎接奥运之作广告词:他没有他的天赋他没有他的条件你无人喝彩1 / 4世界不公平但你有梦想的权利让心跳成为你的宣言让疤痕成为你的勋章让世界的不平等,在你面前低头安踏运动鞋文案安踏在20xx年下半年推出了它的新广告——We are the champions。
伴随而出的是“安踏,Keep moving 永不止步”这个大气而励志的广告语。
相信只要看到这个广告语的人,都会感受到向前的力量! keep moving 永不止步......“……让心跳成为你的宣言,让疤痕成为你的勋章,让世界的不公平在你面前低头……”农家院落里默默无名的乒乓球手,乡村小路上无人喝彩的跑步少年,栅栏里苦练投球的篮球手,伤痕累累的极限运动爱好者,屡遭失败的举重少女,伴着皇后乐队《We are the champion》节奏激昂的曲子,安踏20xx年9月推出全新广告片,里面是一张张陌生但真挚的面庞。
关键词:品牌代言人;安踏体育;营销策略Marketing Strategies of ANTA SportsIntroductionAs the standard of living gets higher and higher, people start putting their attention on how to keep health. Sports brands get a great development in this favorable environment. Many famous brands such as NIKE and Adidas even became the faith of many young people. According to , NIKE earned nearly 5 billion dollars in China market, and made 8% progress in the whole world market in 2018. For Adidas, which is regarded as NIKE’s biggest competitor, the operating revenue’s growth rate is 15.6%, still a strong performance in this intensely competitive marketplace.1Considering the congenital advantages of those brands, this phenomenon is reasonable. But in recent years, a Chinese brand, which is called ANTA, seems want to carve up this big cake, and beyond expectation, it made a great success.In 2017, its market value hit one hundred billion HKD and became the third largest sports brand all over the world. Behind this great achievement, ANTA has paid much hardship and construct their own marketing strategies.ANTA is clever on spokesman choice. Its contracts not only wins famous NBA stars’ heart such as Klay Thompson, Kevin Garnett and Rajon Radon, but also improves its popularity. At the same time, this popularity pushes it to continuously improve product quality, which helps it grow into the leading enterprise in Chinese sports industry. In publicity aspect, its abundant activities facilitate its cooperation with enterprises in different areas, and make its poster and slogan widely known. As for the product structure, ANTA has absolutely clear emphasis. ANTA focuses on basketball shoes’products and multiple product line development at the same time. Those series operation strategies made ANTA get stronger and become the best sports brand in China.This thesis firstly narrates the developments history of ANTA, then summarizes its marketing strategies, and points out advantages which are worth learning. The thesis focuses on three different aspects: the selection of spokesmen, pricing strategy and product strategy. Finally, this thesis will give some suggestions to Chinese local sports brands through ANTA’s success.The sports industry is a potential but also competitive industry. Anta has succeeded in this competition with strong foreign brands. Anta’s success has also made Chinese people proud. The author hopes to arouse people's attention to this industry through this thesis. People’s attention can be a significant pushing force to this industry.I.Development and Achievements of ANTAANTA Sports Products Co., also called ANTA for short, is the biggest sports brand in China. ANTA is an enterprise which focuses on sport’s products design, manufacture and selling. In 2017, its market capitalization hit one hundred billion HKD and successfully became the third biggest sports brand all over the world.2 In this part of the whole thesis, it does a brief introduction of its way to success, and ANTA’s development history will be divided into three periods: 1991-2015, 2015(turning point) and 2015-present.A.Establishment and DevelopmentIn China, ANTA is a sports brand which has a long history. Since it was founded in 1991, ANTA has made its career for 28 good years. In 1999, it signed an endorsement deal with Kong Linghui, one of the famous ping pong star in China. This operation helped its turnover reach two hundred million in 1999. From 1999, ANTA changed their business from manufacturing only to purchasing wholesale, and they started to focus on second and third grades cities’ market development.In 2004, ANTA sponsored CBA(China Basketball Association). This cooperation continued until 2012, It broke the foreign sponsors’monopoly of domestic sports events, and in 2005 ANTA has invested about one million yuan to build the first high-tech sports science laboratory. It is clear that it drove the technological upgrade of Chinese sports products.When time came to 2007, ANTA was listed in Hong Kong and financed three and half billion HKD, still a record in Chinese sports industry. For the sake of expanding their business landscape, they purchased internationally famous sports brand— FILA, starting to reach their business in high-end market.The year 2012 is a great year for ANTA. ANTA made its year-end performance reach 7.62 billion, and finally became the biggest sports brand in China. It’s a great achievement. ANTA used 11 years to get to the place—the King of Chinese Sports Brand.Between 2012 and 2015, ANTA continued with consolidating its status. ANTA sets a contract extension with Chinese Olympic Committee, and provides Chinese athletic delegation with sports equipment.In its first 15 years, ANTA led a stable developing route and successfully became a leading brand in China’s sports industry. ANTA is a world known brand and the third biggest sports brand now, so 2015 is an important turning point for ANTA. It signed an endorsement deal with Klay Thompson. This movement truly made it blow the trumpet to the world.3B.Turning Point: Cooperation with Klay ThompsonIn 2015, ANTA made a big decision that it tried to sign an endorsement deal with noted NBA star—Klay Thompson. ANTA might not know this deal will help them enter the international market and make ANTA an international sports brand. This contract was known as the most successful signing with NBA star, and with the mutual benefits ANTA renewed the contract with Thompson in 2017 which was worth $80 million and for 10 years. It means Klay Thompson basically gave his whole career to ANTA. In 2016, the first year of ANTA and Thompson’s partnership, ANTA sold already six hundred and fifty thousand pair of KT1 (from ). It’s a great achievement of a Chinese brand. Since ANTA built cooperation with Thompson, basketball shoes generally became the most important part of whole product line. Therefore ANTA set a business division for basketball category, and it’s the only division in ANTA. ANTA’s chairman of the board Ding Shizhong also holds that basketball is the key point that helps them ensure the status in Chinese sports circle. It is acknowledged that ANTA’s special insight in spokesman choice, and it really made a turning point of ANTA’s business.C.Achievements of ANTA in Recent YearsIn Recent years, ANTA is showing its strong earning power. At the beginning of 2017, just the 10th anniversary that ANTA listed. At this special moment, ANTA announced their revenue quadrupled that of the 2007, and the whole revenue reached sixty billion. But not only that, it also made a record that the revenue for the third consecutive year, and the growth rate exceeded 20%.In 2017, ANTA made unprecedented growth. ANTA not only earned above 16.7 billion Yuan, but also lead their whole market value break one hundred billion, and became the third largest enterprise in the world.For ANTA, it earned a lot money from its rapidly developing business; forordinary people, they enjoy the products of ANTA. At the same time, ANTA provides over a hundred thousand job opportunities for the masses. ANTA is playing a more important role in Chinese economy.When time goes to 2018, ANTA performed their slogan “Keep Moving”perfectly. In the middle of 2018, ANTA has already handed over 10.5 billion yuan revenue. It is really shocking because in the whole 2017, this data was 16.7 billion, which means ANTA only used half a year to make its revenue break 10 billion. Its growth rate has reached 44.1%, the best performance in the past 11 years.4All in all, when people look back at ANTA’s history, ANTA made a miracle in Chinese sports industry even in the world sports industry. Unique business sight and decisive action made it happen. In the next part, this paper will show more marketing strategies and investigate thoroughly why ANTA made those great achievements.II.Marketing Strategies of ANTAAs everyone knows, marketing strategy is very important to an enterprise, especially in sports goods industry. Nike and Adidas are two giants in the sports industry. They have a long history and have built its stable corporate culture. Their rich product lines and mighty endorsement team make them attracts a lot of purchasing power. It’s really difficult to live in this circumstance for Chinese brands just like ANTA or Li-Ning, but ANTA made it truly happen. This part of this paper is divided into three parts, it includes advertising and brand effect, price position, and products structure.Advertising and Brand Effect in Cooperation with Famous NBA StarsAdvertising is the core of marketing, and it’s the foundation of establishing brand effect. There is no doubt that ANTA has put a lot of effortinto this, especially in cooperation with famous NBA stars.1.The Cooperation with NBA StarsAs we can see from above, spokesmen play a significant role in ANTA’s advertising plan. The earliest collaboration can be traced back to 1999. ANTA signed an endorsement agreement with great famous ping pong star who won a lot world championship—Kong Linghui and used “I choose, I love”as their slogan.It’s hard to say its marketing strategy was facing the international market at the first several years of ANTA’s history. ANTA has built relationship with CBA, Chinese Olympic Committee and many domestic sports stars. It helps ANTA generally grow up and become the leader of Chinese sports industry. ANTA also knows that if it wants to let their products reach the world, it needs to get more endorsement deal with real international sports stars.In 2007, ANTA started to make some cooperation with NBA. At the beginning of their plan, ANTA signed a contract with NBA star Steve Francis and Luis Scola. But at that time, many people trust Li-Ning more, and ANTA had no influence. Francis’retirement made this deal overshadowed. Although Scola still uses his excellent play to attract a lot of fans, it could not compare with sports stars who have true influence such as LeBron James or Kobe Bryant. It must be recognized ANTA did take a detour at the beginning, and those “Less successful” contracts made them realize spokesman’s performance on the court and their manners are very important for brand’s effect. ANTA found the problem and correct them in 2010.Like ANTA’s Chairman Ding Shizhong said: “They can pay sky-high price to win the competition in international market.” So they signed a contract with the star of history—Kevin Garnett. It announced ANTA became an international sports enterprise. The contract amount has not been announced, but we know ANTA must pay a lot for this celebrity endorsement, because at firstKevin just had contract with Adidas. He chose to terminate the contract and signed a brandnew contract with ANTA. ANTA’s sincerity and attractive price finally facilitated the signing of the contract.ANTA attached great importance to this big star. ANTA designed exclusive sneakers for Kevin, and called them KG series. ANTA KG 1 uses ANTA’s most advanced sneaker technology, and this category also uses unprecedented design inspiration. Many foreign people knew ANTA through KG series. Great foot feel and design attract some fans. ANTA took a solid step on its international market plan, and its cooperation with Kevin Garnett lasted until he retired. Six generation of KG series were lunched.After 2010, ANTA used KG series to enter the overseas market. Then ANTA signed a contract with Rajon Rondo (A famous NBA star with one championship).5But the decisive signing is in 2015, his name has been mentioned many times in this paper. He is Klay Thompson. ANTA’s core spokesman.2. Mutual Benefit“I Know I could not have my own signature shoe if I sign contract with Nike or Adidas, but if I cooperate with ANTA, I can participate in the design process, and I can be ANTA’s Michael Jordan someday”, said Klay Thompson.Now he did it, Thompson and ANTA achieved a win-win result. In 2014, Thompson was just a rookie, young but passionate. Maybe at that time he couldn’t image he will be one of the best shooter in NBA history, and he became an integrate part of the Warrior (a NBA team which won three championship in past four years) dynasty.For a professional basketball player, it’s a great honor to own his own signature shoes. Thompson can possess his own signature shows through the cooperating with ANTA, and ANTA can improve its influence and get profit from him. This is a mutual benefit relationship. We can learn much from ANTA.First is the opportunity. When ANTA signed a contract with Klay Thompson, he and Warrior won their first championship. Warrior is a team in the global spotlight because they overturn the traditional basketball idea, so the warrior attracted a large number of crazy fans. Their players such as Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson through this championship initially established their own position in the league. They are young and have different styles of playing. ANTA signed Thompson at just such a time. They found Thompson had an expiring contract with Adidas. It was clear that if he chose to sign a new contract with Adidas or Nike, he couldn’t have his own signature shoes in the short time. And for status, Nike has Kevin Durant, Lebron James and Paul George, while Adidas has James Harden and Derrick Rose. Those players have stable status in their contracted brand, but Thompson is not in their core projects for sure. ANTA seized this opportunity and considered Thompson as their ace. Thompson was impressed by their sincerity and this led to the most successful signing in ANTA’s history.Second, Chinese market is an inviting cake. Thompson can obviously realize that. In fact, many enterprises now attach more importance to Chinese market, because of its powerful resource and purchasing power. ANTA obviously has this bred-in-the-bone advantage and ANTA certainly used it. Chinese local brands can sign players of this level. There is no doubt that those fans will contribute their pockets.Third, ANTA is committed to improving the quality of its products, no matter how much money you can pay for famous spokesman. In the final analysis, it all comes down to the product itself. Chinese sports products always have problems of comfort which made many sports stars are skeptical of Chinese brands. But ANTA put in a lot effort on science and technology research and development in shoes’. It makes them made a great progress on its products, not only on KT series but also on the whole product lines. Maybe its products can’t compete with Nike or Adidas’s products before KT3, but through their hardworking, after KT3, ANTA’s technology have capacity to competewith Nike or Adidas’s top products. Prominent product quality made Thompson happy to wear KT series to win the competition.ANTA gives Thompson a large number of money and design sneaker for him, and Thompson spares no effort to do publicity for ANTA. This virtuous circle facilitates both sides consolidate mutually beneficial and win-win relations.3. Abundant Offline ActivitiesANTA’s successful marketing not just relies on online shopping and publicity for spokesman, they also use abundant offline activities to create buzz for its products. Surprisingly, ANTA gradually established their own system of offline activities.The most famous activity in recent years is “Going Crazy” in 2017. This activity created a phenomenal industry myths. Along with NBA becoming more and more popular in recent years, many young adults are interested in basketball. In consideration of the shortage of indoor venues in China, most of Chinese basketball activities are on the outfield, so Chinese folk basketball activities can easily return to the streets. “Going Crazy”aim to grassroots basketball fans, and it gives basketball fans chance to direct contact with all star NBA player Klay Thompson. This activity’s success means a lot. It means ANTA gets a complete victory in basketball field.Sharp business sense is the key point for ANTA’s good performance. ANTA relies on Thompson to build brand effects and let more people accept its products. Next they paid much attention to general basketball fans, further promote the popularity of basketball culture. If spokesman is the top need of the pyramid, general basketball lovers are the foundation and they are the core customer of an enterprise .In June 2017, ANTA started “Going Crazy” activity. ANTA invited three best Chinese street basketball players and called them “Crazy ballers”. Theydepartured from Beijing, all the way through Jinan, Chongqing, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Nanchang, ZhangJiajie, Hefei, Changsha. They played basketball games in schools and outdoor venues to find the people who are good at basketball and love basketball from the bottom of heart. Finally they meet Klay Thompson in Chengdu. “Going Crazy” series activities became second super IP and were just behind the KT series.In 2018, “Going Crazy” swept the country. Along with the expansion of the activities scale, the number of cities became 12, and it includes over 100 colleges and universities. This marketing plan has opened up online and offline channels. “Going Crazy”series products come into being. The effect successfully turned to purchasing power. Entire product current account reached half a billion. ANTA uses those activities to tell people that doing sports makes people happy. “Going Crazy”uses online and offline channels to bring much business growth. Its Weibo accumulates seventy seven million reading quantity, and attracts over thirty million online audience. It helps ANTA cement its leader power in Chinese sports industry.“ANTA’s design language is around consumers insights. Our design does not only rely on consulting data but also finding problems in people’s daily exercise and solve them to improve user’s experience.”said Robbie Fuller, sneaker design director of ANTA.6Besides “Going Crazy”, ANTA also creates abundant activities for teenagers. ANTA established many children’s sports activities and create series of IP. The basic method ANTA always uses is cross border cooperation. It can easily raise the awareness of the event and consolidate different enterprises’influence.In short, ANTA emphasizes on different offline activities, and they make several mighty IP. Those offline activities make people have more chances to attach to the brands and its products, and deepen people’s understanding of the brand. Their business idea can be a textbook that every enterprise can learn from it.A.Clear Price PositionFor consumers, what they consider most important is the price and quality. Pricing errors may cause enterprise suffer a great loss. There are many classic pricing errors, such as Hengda Springs pricing failure. Those cases told us pricing too high or too low both would do harm to the enterprise. Pricing too high may harm product competitive power and pricing too low may influence consumer’s confidence in the product. So what is ANTA’s pricing strategy?As for ANTA’s pricing position, it can be found that they stick to a low and medium grade price position. But their development wasn’t without any hitch. At first, they chose pin pong player Kong Linghui as their spokesman. This move made them achieve good sales. After that, they made a lot mistakes which deeply influence their word of mouth. In 2011, they had to close over six hundred retail stores. At the same time, ANTA didn’t wait for death. They began to implement low price strategy to reduce inventory, even gave up existing market. From that moment on, ANTA’s pricing strategy got primary shaping.The reason ANTA made some mistakes at the beginning is that they lead large amount of overstocked products and tried to expand their business scale blindly. Actually they didn’t have such large consumer group. Therefore the real purpose of lowering products price is to clean the warehouses. This movement made a “Chinese proud sports brand” turn to “Low-end product”. Price-cutting signs filled the streets. ANTA’s corporate image fell to the bottom.What makes people look at ANTA differently in recent years? The answer is still price, but they change their thoughts. They combined low-and-medium pricing position with brand image and marketing environment. ANTA has paid a lot of money to sign contracts with NBA stars like Kevin Garnett and Rajon Rondo since 2010 and launch their signature shoes. Those basketball stars in ANTA’s plan are called “Strength is priceless”. All their shoes were priced at 399 Yuan. This price causes sensational effect at that time, because most of NBA stars’signature shoes are priced between 1200-1800, even moreexpensive. Many people have a negative view of ANTA’s price strategy, but in fact, sales are phenomenal. It has sold about one hundred thousand pairs of shoes in 2010. ANTA has made a sales miracle in the context of sales upgrade environment.Compared with the rough cut at the beginning, ANTA through cooperation with famous stars remodels brand connotation and its products’quality. This lower price aims to similar products. On the one hand it satisfies people’s consumer psychology because many basketball fans want to have stars signature shoes to express their love to the basketball stars; on the other hand, it gives a chance to people who don’t have enough money to own a pair of great basketball shoes let along famous stars’ signature shoes. If we think about this strategy differently, this strategy also announces that ANTA’s product quality has never changed. If ANTA uses spokesman’s influence to rise the price, it means they negates their previous products. It is an act of not being confident and may cause them lose more consumers.ANTA also seizes consumers’psychology. Actually in our daily life, middle and low end consumer is a large consumer group, and they create an amazing market. Those consumers may not be rich person, but they still have purchasing power. This is the reality of most consumers. Those people make a huge number of groups, and if we gather their purchasing power together, it would be a horrendous power. General consumers also know that many products from Nike or Adidas are premium. The price they can actually enjoy is 100-200 yuan, but actually they pay over 1000 yuan. So ANTA chooses a price range between 400-600 yuan. The medium price position helps them avoid low-cost expression but also being affordable to general consumers.ANTA uses spokesman to improve their style, and lower price allows people to afford this “style”. Their products are distinguished from cheap goods This is ANTA’s method to face price war, and their strategies are clever.Now the KT series still stick on this price strategy. KT4 is only at the price of 500-700 yuan. It is unexpected that ANTA’s flagship product only sellsat the price of 600 yuan. It costs only half as much as James 16th (Lebron James’latest signature shoes). ANTA’s low price helps them get the first step in the international market. On March 4, 2018, ANTA put KT3-Rocco on sale, and only sold 200 pairs in US. Many people queued up early. Some people even get into the queue four hours before the launch. It’s the first time Americans queue up to buy Chinese brand sports products. This means the upgrading of ANTA’s brand has been achieved.B.Product Strategy“Customer first”is a creed that every enterprise needs to obey. Making better products is the best way to show an enterprise’s respect for consumers. ANTA has paid much thoughts into the product structure, and sports industry has two kinds of products: soft product type and hard product type.1.Hard Product TypeHard product type, just as its name implies, is the product which consumers can really enjoy. For sports industry, it means all kinds of sports equipment, includes shoes and clothing.ANTA as China’s leading sports enterprise, its hard product type has adjusted and upgraded, and their products’life circle has matured in recent years.To meet the requirements of the consumers, ANTA has made new product development and old product elimination simultaneously. ANTS uses KT series and Crazy series to keep stable middle and high-end product supply chain, because it creates most of the revenue. At the same time ANTA continues to tap into the children’s market. ANTA children series product line starts to produce results.ANTA’s another advantage in product structure building is it can quickly learn the excellent culture of other companies, especially in research anddevelopment of special style products. Shoes with different colors may cause totally different brand effect. Even it just takes some detailed change. ANTA is obviously good at it. ANTA gives Klay Thompson several kinds of design and let him join in all the process. It not only improves relationship with spokesman, but also provides consumers with more choices. Fans are always interested in their idols thoughts, choice and the story behind it.2.Soft Product TypeSoft product type is a concept relative to hard product type. For sports industry, it is always used as a tool to advertise enterprise. It includes poster, slogan,complimentary gifts and so on. It is more like a kind of information that enterprise wants to show to the consumers.ANTA’s soft products also get a lot praise. Their slogan “Keep Moving” is simple but powerful. Their publicity through advertisement and abundant activities make them have a strong image in consumers’ mind.ANTA’s soft product often combined with enterprise’s experience. ANTA is a brand which suffers a lot difficult from its history, so it show people that it encourages grassroots spirit. It easily wins the heart of young people who fight for their dreams.ANTA also sponsors many large-scale sports events or organization, just like CBA and Chinese Olympic Committee. As a sports brand, it lets the enterprise close to all kind of sports events and keep high visibility. There is no doubt that ANTA’s soft type product or ANTA’s enterprise culture is continuously output to the consumer. It finally would turn to purchasing power and facilitate the sales of hard type products.III.Suggestions to Other Chinese Sports BrandsAccording to the above passages, ANTA has experienced a long history ofdevelopment. In the competitive domestic market, ANTA has become the strongest sports company in China. Its success is inspiring. But we need to realize, many Chinese sports enterprise still struggling in difficulties, and actually they can learn much from ANTA’s success.A.Focus on ProductsAll marketing strategies are like screws and gears of a machine, but the core aspect is products. The design lags behind trend of times, and quality can’t be guaranteed. How can an enterprise make good achievements in that situation?First, if ANTA doesn’t have high quality products to support their marketing, all operation is like drawing water with a sieve. It is not hard to see how much effort ANTA has put into its products. Since KG series, they put quality at first. It is not only for spokesman’s experience, but also for general consumers’ experience.The second important element is design. When basketball getting more and more popular in these years, this sport has attracted a large number of young people. Products’ design is a very significant driving force to this kind of consumers, sometimes they even don’t care about comfort level. They just want to be cooler or more fashionable. ANTA’s KT series did a lot in design. They hired best designer to design KT series, great color scheme and the release of special edition to help them quickly made fans effect. China has the largest number of sports business in the world, but many enterprises’ design is laggard. They just imitate Nike or Adidas’s design, and doesn’t have their own creativity. Those behavior made their products full of cheap feeling. Bad design always hinders Chinese sports brands from entering the international high-end market.B.Selection of SpokesmenThe reason why ANTA did such a great performance lies in its wise。
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1 品牌联合 2 多元化路线 /专业体育 3 让消费者参与到制作中 让消费者及时反馈鞋的优劣 消费者才是真正的使 用者 把鞋拆成不同的部件 让消费者自己组装 上色 或画上图案 在各高校设立设计站,为安踏设计鞋款 4 设立体验店,在店中设置微型球场,让消费者直接 穿上安踏的鞋进行体验
比耐克,阿迪更中国: 给每一个中国青年磨练身体和意 志的机会
More Chinese VS. Adidas & Nike: Offer each of Chinese youth an opportunity to practice their physics and spirit
磨砺改变人生 Hardness changes life 每一次练习,都离梦想更近一步 Each time of the practice makes you one step closer to your dream 破茧成蝶,锤炼出真我 Break out of the cocoon, and turns into butterfly. Bring out the brilliance of your true self
安踏主题电视广告 ANTA Thematic TVC
公平篇 Fair
That`s a battlefield,where I belong to. 那是一个战场,我应该待的地方. When I was the best 当我还是的最佳新秀时,我想要一枚戒指. rookie,I want a ring! When I was the WINK leader,I want a ring! 当我还是特权老大时,我想要一枚戒指. When I was dunking and shooting,I want a ring! 当我折叠上篮,隔人爆扣时,我想要一枚戒指. want a ring! Now,As a bench man.I still 现在,板凳上的我依旧想要一枚戒指 dream,the meaning of my existence! Because I`s my 因为这是我的梦是我存在的意义. So I`m waiting! I`m trying! and keep moving!!
Consumer Benefit
在运动中实现你心中的渴望 To achieve your desire through sport 安踏让你超越你自己 Anta makes you beyond yourself
Brand Values and Personality
坚韧 Tenacity 质朴 Natural 勇敢 Brave 进取 Enterprising 充满乐趣的 Joyful 年轻的, 充满朝气的 Young and vivacious
Reason to Believe
物有所值的优质产品 Qualifies Products 专业体育运动品牌 Professional Sports Brand 以篮球运动为主的运动专家 Sports Expert who has strength in Basketball Field
清晰定义了安踏品牌精神 在目标受众当中唤起了很大的共鸣,有些青少 年甚至把其中的一些旁白记下来用作自己的座 右铭
你认为我平庸 其实我喜欢挑战,渴望自由 我让世界的不公平在我面前低头 你认为我没有内涵
其实我的每一次登台 都是经过无数次的排练 你认为我不够专业 其实我的每门课都是100分 顶尖的科技一直是我的标杆
Competitive Environment
Key international and local sports brands
竞争因素 SWOT环境分析 S内部优势
从采购到生产到销售一体化 同等价格上安踏性能比高 •运动鞋品牌格局泾渭分明,耐克高高在上,用户支持比例为 安踏具有很坚实的市场渠道基础,这是竞争优势 44.84%,阿迪达斯其次,李宁第三.NIKE,阿迪,李宁等成熟运动 明确的产品定位 引进侨资及获取海外市场信息方面的条件得天独厚 品牌不论在设计,产品品质,品牌美誉度,营销等方面都优于安 W踏,属于安踏主要的间接竞争者. 内部劣势 在国际市场上仍然不被认可 技术的研发和鞋款的创新上比较薄弱
•而安踏最直接的竞争者,是不管在品质,价格,设计还是做工 形象上过于平庸,中低端形象深入人心 方面都与安踏不相上下的361度,特步等.他们都是中国本土企 O业,虽然中国本土运动品牌起步较晚,但借着中国本土制造业 外部机会 中国消费力的快速提升,为品牌的扩张带来了天然的土壤 的优势,发展都较快,品牌意识也都较强,共同分享着中国运动 中国申奥成功之后,全民健身运动兴起 鞋业广大的中等消费市场. 2000年,东欧地区的市场经济的觉醒,国际市场商机凸显.
Байду номын сангаас
Brand Difference
比李宁更专业: 发现,培养,激励中国人自己的体育 明星 (以篮球为主, 附带其他专业项目)
More professional VS. Lining: To find, train and encourage Chinese own sports stars (mainly on Basketball, support by other sports)
国家鼓励公司上市,参与竞争,人们的防病健身渴求转化成巨大的运动消费市场 运动鞋已成为鞋业中不可或缺的一部分
高端市场被NIKE ADIDAS等成熟国际品牌垄断 中端市场李宁亦雄霸一方 后有晋江二线品牌穷追不舍
Brand Essence
安踏,炼自己 Anta, Forge Yourself
安踏的目标消费 Target Audience
一群最普通的年轻人…… 学习和竞争压力繁重的高中生; 迫切需要体现自我价值的大学生; 在职场中努力打拼,渴望出人头第的工作族。
消费者的洞察 Consumer Insight
他们渴望实现自我价值,被家庭,社会,同龄人所认可, 但缺乏天赋和机遇的惠顾。 相信惟有发奋自强才能在生活中实现超越。 自强不息,千锤百炼的体育精神正迎合了他们内心的需要, 成为激励他们不断努力,不断超越的精神武器。