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1.hello !/hi /good morning/afternoon /evening /how do you do ?

2.how are you ?(how have you been ?)/how is everything going ?

how is everything with you ?/How are you getting on ?/What’s now /up ?

V ery well / everything is ok / Not too bad .


please give my best wishes /love to sb ./Best wishes to sb ./Please remember me to sb .

Please say hello to sb .



Let me introduce you to sb ./May I introduce you to sb ?/Allow me to introduce ….

Do you know ….?/This is Mr./Mrs/ Miss/ Ms…/I’d like to introduce ….

I’d like you to meet …


Allow me to introduce myself ./My name is …/I’m a teacher /engineer ./I’m from …三.Farewells


good bye !/bye-bye!/ bye !/See you later /tomorrow /next Sunday ./See you /Good night .


I’m afraid I must be off/ leavinf now ./I think it’s time for us to leave .

Nice talking to you ./Nice /Glad meeting you ./Nice /Glad to meet you


How do you do ?/Nice /Glad /pleased to meet /see you ./It’s nice /a pleasure to meet you .

Have a nice trip ./Have a nice /pleasant trip .

四.Thanks and responses

Thank you ./Thank you very much ./ Thanks a lot ./Many thanks /.

It’s very kind / nice you to say so . 你真是太客气了。

Thank you all/just the same . / thanks anyway . /Thank goodness !

Responses :

Not at all . /That’s / it’s all right ./ Y ou are welcome ./ It’s a peasure ./ My pleasure .

Don’t mention it .

五、Apologies , regrets, sympathies. And reponses .


I’m sorry /sorry ./ I’m sorry for/about that ./ I’m sorry that I’m late ./I beg you pardon .

2. 对道歉的应答语

That’s all right /it doesn’t matter . / Not at all ./ that’s Ok .

Never mind about it ./ That’s / it’s nothing at all ./Don’t worry about it .


Excuse me ./ Excuse me for …/ What a pity !/I’m sorry to hear …/I do feel sorry for …六.Invitations and reponses .

1. would you like to do sth ?/ Will you (please ) do sth ?/ I hope you can …

Are you free next Saturday afternoon , Sirly ?I’d like to invite you to the concert with me .

Can you come (with ) us ?/ Why don’t you / Why not join us ?

2. reponses .

Y es /certainly /sure, I’d like /love to (come ).

Y es , It’s very kine /nice of you . That’ evry kind /nice of you .thabks / thank you .

Thabks a lot . I’d love to (come )

I’d love to come . Thank you (for inviting )/ asking me .


如有特殊情况不能赴约时,一般不直接说No, 而应用I’m sorry /sorry 表示有礼貌的拒绝,或先说:I’d like /love to 表示接受邀请,然后用but 说明不能接受邀请,然后用but 说明不能接受邀请的原因并表示歉意。

1.I’d love to , but …/Thank you for inviting me , but I won’t be able to come .

2.That’s very of you , but I’m afraid I can’t .. / I’m very sorry , but I can’t …

七.Asking for permission and reponses

1. May I …. Please … ?/

2. Can /Could I …?

3. Do / Would you mind doing sth .. ?/

4. Do / would you mind if +从句?


Y es . /sure / certainly /Of course (you may )/Y es. Please /The’s OK/ All right !/No problem .


No/ Sorry , I’m afaid not ./Y ou’d better not ./Of course not .

May I …… ? No. you mustn’t /can’t .

3. Do / Would you mind doing sth .. ?

Y es /certainly /of course /sorry , please don’t …../ sorry , you’d better not do so .

Certainly not / Of course not / not at all / It doesn’t matter / Never mind .

八、congratulations and good wishes

1. best wishes to you !向你致以最美好的祝愿!

2. We hope you will have a pleasant trip .希望你旅途愉快

3. congreatulate you on your success ! 祝愿你取得成功

4. I wish you a good health and long life .祝您健康长寿

5. Congratulations to you on your success .祝贺你去得了成功

5. Good luck !

6. Have a nice /good / great/ happy / wonderful / pleasant time . / Enjoy yourself !祝你快乐

7. Well done ! 干得好!8. Have a nice weekend / summer holiday / trip (journey ) !


2. 节日祝贺用语

Happy New Y ear (to) you ! /Happy birthday to you !

Merry Christmas !/ Happy the Spring Festival !

3. reponses :

Thank you / thanks a lot / thanks./Y ou,too ./ The same to you !

九.offers and responses 提供帮助及回答

1. Can / Could / Shall I help you ?

2. Is there anything (else) I can do for you ?

3. What can I do for you ? / Is there anything that I can do for you ?
