
飞行技术专业英语Aircraft (飞机):Fixed-wing aircraft (固定翼飞机) Rotorcraft (旋翼机)Jet aircraft (喷气式飞机)Propeller aircraft (螺旋桨飞机)Flight Operations (飞行操作):Takeoff (起飞)Landing (着陆)Cruise (巡航)Climb (爬升)Descent (下降)Trim (配平)Autopilot (自动驾驶仪)Aviation Principles (航空原理):Lift (升力)Drag (阻力)Weight (重量)Thrust (推力)Bernoulli's Principle (伯努利原理) Newton's Laws of Motion (牛顿运动定律) Aircraft Systems (飞机系统):Flight Control System (飞行控制系统) Navigation System (导航系统) Communication System (通信系统) Engine (发动机)Fuel System (燃油系统)Hydraulic System (液压系统) Electrical System (电气系统) Navigation (导航):GPS (全球定位系统)Radar (雷达)VOR (甚高频全向信标)DME (距离测量设备)ILS (仪表着陆系统)Meteorology (气象):Wind (风)Turbulence (湍流)Icing (结冰)Thunderstorm (雷暴)Ceiling (云底高)Visibility (能见度)Safety (安全):Emergency Procedures (应急程序)Evacuation (撤离)Fire Protection (防火) Life Raft (救生筏) Parachute (降落伞) Other Terms (其他术语): Altitude (高度) Airspeed (空速) Groundspeed (地速) Attitude (姿态)Stall (失速)Spin (螺旋)。

一、民航英语的基本特点1. 专业性强民航英语属于专业英语的范畴,其中涉及了大量的专业名词、术语和短语。
2. 语法规范民航英语要求语法使用规范,尤其是在书面通讯中更为重要,不仅要求语法准确无误,还要求表达精练明了。
3. 语速快在实际通讯中,民航英语的语速通常会比较快,因此初学者需要适应并提高听力水平,以便能够准确地理解和应对对话。
4. 多样的应用场景民航英语在各个环节都有所应用,包括空中交通管制、气象、飞行业务等,因此需要学习者具备一定的学习能力,能够适应不同的应用场景。
二、民航英语的学习方法1. 注重专业名词的学习专业名词和术语是民航英语的核心内容,初学者首先要掌握这些专业名词的含义和用法,可以通过背单词、学习词汇表等方式来提高词汇量。
2. 多听多看通过听力训练和阅读技术文献,可以提高听力水平和对于专业文献的理解能力。
3. 参加培训课程可以参加民航英语的培训课程,如专业英语培训班、航空英语培训等,通过专业教师的指导和培训,加速学习进程。
4. 实践应用在日常学习和工作中,尽可能地运用民航英语,积累实践经验,熟悉应用场景,提高实际应用能力。
三、民航英语的常用表达1. 通用表达在民航英语中,有一些常用的表达被广泛使用,比如问候语、道谢语、请求语等,这些通用表达是学习民航英语的基本功,可以帮助初学者更快地适应民航英语环境。
2. 专业表达在不同的民航场景中,会用到一些特定的专业表达,比如飞行指挥、气象报告、地面值班等,这些专业表达是学习民航英语的重点内容,需要认真学习和掌握。

1. Aerodrome:机场,供航空器起飞、降落、滑行、停放以及进行其他活动使用的划定区域,包括附属的建筑物、装置和设施。
2. Aircraft: 飞机,一种重于空气的有动力的航空器。
3. Air traffic control: 空中交通管制,为了保证飞行安全,对空中交通进行的监督和控制。
4. Airworthiness: 适航性,指飞机、发动机、螺旋桨及其他航空产品在预期的运行环境和使用限制下,能够安全飞行的固有品质。
5. Airport: 机场,供航空器起飞、降落、滑行、停放以及进行其他活动使用的划定区域,包括附属的建筑物、装置和设施。
6. Aeronautical information: 航行情报,为了保证航空器安全、正常和经济地运行,以及为了保证航空运输畅通而提供的各种航行资料。
7. Aeronautical chart: 航行图,用于辅助飞行员进行空中导航的地图。
8. Airspace: 空域,地球表面以上可供航空器飞行的空气空间。
9. Airway: 航路,在地面导航设施的控制下,可供航空器在空中按规定的航线飞行的具有一定宽度的空域。
10. Aerodrome control tower: 机场管制塔台,为机场范围内的航空器提供空中交通管制服务的设施。
这些只是 ICAO 民航专业术语中的一部分,还有许多其他的术语和概念。
如果你对特定的术语有更多的疑问,可以查阅 ICAO 相关文件或咨询专业人士。

航空面试必备英语知识1. 英语面试的重要性在航空行业中,英语是一门必备的技能。
2. 基础英语词汇在航空面试中,基础英语词汇是必备的。
•Aircraft:飞机•Departure:起飞•Arrival:到达•Boarding pass:登机牌•Gate:登机口•Cabin crew:机组人员•Passenger:乘客•Baggage:行李•Security check:安全检查•Flight attendant:空乘人员•Airline:航空公司3. 常用英语口语表达除了基础词汇外,掌握一些常用的英语口语表达也是非常重要的。
•Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?(你能告诉我一点关于你自己的情况吗?)•What are your strengths and weaknesses?(你的优点和缺点是什么?)•Why do you want to work in the aviation industry?(你为什么想要在航空行业工作?)•How do you handle difficult passengers?(你如何处理难缠的乘客?)•How would you handle an emergency situation on board?(如果在飞机上出现紧急情况,你会如何处理?)•How do you ensure customer satisfaction?(你如何确保客户满意度?)•Can you work well in a team?(你能在团队中良好地工作吗?)4. 特殊场景的英语口语表达航空行业中有一些特殊场景,需要掌握相应的英语口语表达。

航空机务常用英语大全汇总HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】飞机 A/C(是aircraft 的英文缩写形式)航前检查 preflight check航后检查 postflight check短停检查 transit check定检 scheduled maintenance发现 found或revealed(注:对已发生事情的描述常用过去式)故障 trouble 或 failure 或 fault失效 fail 或 malfunction不工作 inoperative 缩写 INOP工作不稳定 rough工作稳定 smoothly排故 troubleshooting为了排故 for troubleshooting不能fail to…或can’t根据 refer 或 per to 或 according t o;维护手册 AMM更换 replaced 件号 part number 缩写P/N时控件 time control part拆下 removed安装 installed上件 part on下件 part off放行标准 DDG(是dispatch deviation g uide的英文缩写形式)最低设备清单 MEL(是minimum equipmen t list的缩写形式)同意放行 dispatch approved 或 release d因为 due 或 because因停场时间不足 due time short没有备件 lack parts 或 no spare parts available 或 no parts in stock待件 wait for parts申请保留 apply for reservation保留故障 defer defect保留项目 defer item保留期限 due time关闭保留项目 close deferred item 撤消保留项目 rescind deferred item 前部 forward 缩写fwd后部 after 缩写aft左 left 缩写L 或 LH右 right 缩写R 或 RH上面 upper下面 lower内侧 inboard 缩写 I/B外侧 outboard 缩写 O/B内侧发动机 inboard engine外侧发动机 overboard engine起落架 landing gear 缩写 LDG主轮 main wheel前轮 nose wheel测试 test通电测试 power-on test安装测试 test for installation 操作测试 operational test系统测试 test for system正常 normal 或 OK异常 abnormal在空中 in flight在地面 on ground地面检查 GND check试车检查 running-up test(同机)对串件interchanged…with…(不同机间)对串件exchanged…with… 或robbed…from…更新数据库 updated database开关 switch电门 switch正常位 NORM备用位 ALTN人工 manual自动 auto选择 select(注:通常也用缩写形式SE L)按钮 button旋钮 knob按压 press把住 hold释放 release顺时针 clockwise逆时针 counterclockwise预置 preset重新设置 reset一致 agree不一致 disagree不对称 asymmetric卡阻 jammed杆 lever 或 stick 或 column 操纵杆 control column控制面板 control panel手柄 handle方向盘 steering wheel 放电刷 static(静电) discharge(排放) wick遮光板 glareshield风挡 windscreen 或 windshield雨刷 wiper调整 adjust 或 regulate重新调整 readjust销子 pin 例如安全销safety pin插头 plug插座 socket插针 pin电阻 resistor线路 wire在…之间between…and…引线 lead跳开关 circuit breaker(断路器)brake failure 刹车失灵继电器 relay螺帽 n ut螺栓 bolt螺钉 screw松动 loose脱落 fall off拧紧 tighten丢失 lost 或 mi ssing鸟击 birdstrike凹坑 dent损坏 damaged烧蚀 burn through扎伤 puncture d烧坏 burn out磨损 wearing 或 worn在范围内 within limits超标 out of limits见线 exposed threads油箱 tank燃油 fuel滑油 oil液压油 hydraulic fluid泄露 leak(注:也常用名词leakage)& 是and的简写符号,表示“和”,“又”等意思No. 是number的缩写,表示号码,例如1号为No.1机长 captain副驾驶 first officer 缩写F/O观察员 observer乘务员 attendant 飞机大概机头 nose机腹 belly蒙皮 skin机身 airframe翼肋 rib翼梁 spar机翼 wing翼尖 wing tip前缘 leading edge后缘 trailing edge操纵面 control surface客舱 cabin 或 passenger compartment 座位 seat排 row(如:第5排译作row 5)过道 aisle地板 floor天花板 ceiling隔板 partition厨房 galley厕所 toilet驾驶舱 cockpit货舱 cargo轮舱 wheel well 缩写W/W设备舱 bayATA 21空调空调 air-conditioning 缩写a/c 空调舱 air-conditioning pack自动驾驶 autopilot冲压空气作动器 ram air actuator 出气活门 air outlet valve排气活门 exhaust valve温度控制活门 TEMP CONT valve引气 bleed air 自动 automatic缩写AUTO人工 manual正常 normal 缩写NORM备用 alternate 缩写ALTN设备冷却 equipment cooling排气扇 exhaust fan供气扇 supply fan低流量 low flow头顶分配管 overhead distribution duct 进气管 inlet duct主热交换器 primary heat exchanger次热交换器 secondary heat exchanger 增压室 plenum增压 pressurization加热 heating压力控制 pressure control滤网 filter温度指示器 temperature indicator客舱高度 cabin altitude压差指示器 differential press indicat or客舱爬升率 cabin rate of climb空气循环机 air cycle machine 缩写ACM主分配管 main distribution manifold客舱压力控制组件 cabin press control module水分离器 water separator压力选择面板 press selector panel控制继电器 control relay人工超控继电器 manual override relay传感器 sensor过热电门 overheat switch压气机出口过热电门 compressor outlet overheat switch外溢活门 outflow valve单向活门 check valve关断活门 shutoff valve释压活门 relief valve配平调节活门 trim modulating valve 风挡 windshieldATA22 自动驾驶自动驾驶 autopilot液压 hydraulic 缩写 HYD副翼 aileron襟翼 flap缝翼 slat安定面 stabilizer方向舵 rudder升降舵 elevator扰流板 spoiler减速板 airbrake传感器 transducer发射机 transmitter马赫配平作动器 mach trim actuator 自动油门 auto-throttle偏航阻尼器 yaw damper失速管理 stall management机长 captain副驾驶 first officer 缩写 F/O观察员 observer伺服马达 servo motor速度配平 speed trim巡航 cruise起飞/复飞电门 takeoff/go around switc h俯仰 pitch横滚 roll驱动组件 drive unit跳开关 circuit breakerATA23 通信通信 communication旅客广播 passenger address 缩写PA天线 antenna选呼 select call 缩写SELCAL 娱乐系统 entertainment system磁带机 tape reproducer内话 interphone语音记录器 voice recorder天线偶合器 antenna coupler乘务员面板 attendant panel话筒 headset指示灯 indicator light氧气面罩 oxygen mask音频控制面板 audio control panel音频选择面板 audio select panel语音/数据继电器 voice/data relay呼叫电门 call switch收发机 transceiver应急dingwei发射机 emergency locator transmitter无线电频率组件 radio frequency unit遥控电子组件 remote electronics unitATA24 电源电源 electrical power电瓶 battery电压计 voltmeter发电机 generator启动机 starter静变流机 static inverter外电源 external power地面服务电门 ground service switch变压器 transformer汇流条电源控制组件 bus power control unit备用电源控制组件 standby power contro l unit变频器 converter整流器 rectifier保险丝 fuseATA25设备和装饰设备 equipment装饰 furnishing医药箱 medical kit厨房 galley厕所 lavatory旅客座位 passenger seat过道 aisle逃离绳 escape lanyard隔板 sidewall panel电子舱 electronics bay旅客服务组件 passenger service unit 站位 station逃离滑梯 escape slide内窗 inner window后货舱 AFT cargoATA26 防火防火 fire protection灭火瓶 fire extinguisher bottle头顶探测器 overhead detector龙骨梁 keel beam过热探测器 overheat detector发动机支架 engine strut大翼过热探测器 wing overheat detector主轮舱 main wheel well烟雾探测 smoke detector厕所烟雾指示灯 lavatory smoke indicat or light火警灯 fire warning light过热探测控制组件 overheat detector co ntrol module测试电门 test switch故障/不工作和过热/火测试电门 FAULT/IN OP and OVHT/FIRE test switch灭火测试电门 extinguisher switchATA27 飞行控制飞行控制 flight control机翼 wing翼尖 wing tip 副翼配平作动器 aileron trim actuator升降舵调整片 elevator tab地面扰流板 ground spoiler前缘缝翼 leading edge slat缩写LE sla t后缘襟翼 trailing edge flap缩写TE fl ap方向舵配平作动器 rudder trim actuator副翼组件 aileron assembly抖杆 stick shaker放出 extend收起 retract保险 fuse襟翼位置指示器 flap position indicato r襟翼收放测试 test for R/E(retract/ e xtend的缩写形式)flaps预位 arm转换机构 transfer mechanism驱动电动马达 drive electric motor驱动液压马达 drive hydraulic motor失速警告测试面板 stall warning test p anel放下 down收上 up安定面配平 stabilizer trim控制杆 control column速度刹车 speed-brake自动缝翼控制活门 auto-slat control va lve内锁活门 interlock valve旁通活门 bypass valve控制轮 control wheelATA28 燃油燃油 fuel中央油箱 center tank加油指示 fueling indicator预选 preselect加油喷嘴 refuel nozzle 燃油系统面板 fuel system panel大翼加油面板 wing fueling panel增压泵 boost pump加油浮子电门 refuel float switchATA 29液压液压 hydraulic液压管路 hydraulic line液压作动筒 hydraulic actuator液压泵 hydraulic pump压力控制活门 pressure control valve 压力传感器 pressure sensor释压活门 relief valve流量控制活门 flow control valve密封圈 seals刹车压力指示 brake press indicator 故障探测 fault detector热交换器 heat exchanger排放油滤 drain filter储油箱 reservoir回油滤 return filter低压电门 low pressure switch液压过热警告电门 hydraulic overheat w arning switch压力传感器 pressure transmitterATA30 防冰/防雨防冰和雨 anti-ice & rain风挡 windshield雨刮 rain wiper皮托管 pitot废物 waste窗户加热电源 window heat power加热面板 heat panel总温传感器 total temperature sensor 防冰自动油门电门 anti-ice auto-thrott le switch风挡传感器电门 windshield sensor swit ch热电门 thermal switch左/右侧窗户温度热控制组件 L / R side window heat control unit进气整流罩 inlet cowl热防冰活门 thermal anti-ice valveATA31 指示/记录系统指示 indicating仪表 indicator 或 gauge记录 recording显示 display控制面板 control panel飞行记录仪 flight recorder位置传感器 position sensor起落架音响警告 landing gear aural war ning时钟显示 clock display 主警告 master caution打印机 printer测试接头 test connector耦合器 coupler马赫空速 mach airspeed固态飞行数据记录仪 solid state flight data recorder控制杆位置传感器 control column posit ion sensor控制轮 control wheel地面扰流板内锁活门 GND spoiler interl ock valve升降舵位置传感器 elevator position se nsor方向舵踏板位置传感器 rudder pedal pos ition sensor副翼位置传感器 aileron position地面扰流板升起压力电门 GND spoiler up press switch显示组件 display unit ATA32 起落架起落架 landing gear 缩写LDG机轮 wheel主轮 main wheel前轮 nose wheel左外 left outboard 或 left outside (注:left通常可用大写L表示)左内 left inboard 或left inside右外 right outboard 或 right outside (注:right通常可用大写R表示)右内 right inboard 或 right inside刹车 brake刹车蓄压器 brake accumulator主起落架 main landing gear上锁作动器 uplock actuator下锁作动器 downlock actuator前起落架 nose landing gear转弯 steering防滞 anti-skid起落架锁定 gear locked起落架舱门 wheel door轮舱 wheel well放轮 gear extension收轮 gear retraction收放测试 test for R/E(retract/ exten d的缩写形式)起落架被卡阻 gear jammed轮胎 tyre爆胎 burst瘪胎 deflated tyre轮胎被扎破 puncture轮胎 tyre见线 exposed threads磨损 wear 或 worn out裂纹 cracks超限 out of limits在范围内 within limits 空/地继电器 air/ground relay自动刹车 autobrake刹车保险 brake fuse人工释放 manual extension液压刹车压力指示器 hydraulic brake pr essure indicator停留刹车 parking brake故障灯 fault light解除预位灯 disarm light不工作灯 INOP light限流器 flow limiter扭力杆 torsion link人工放出机构 manual extension mechani sm放下并锁上传感器 down and locked sens or收上并锁上传感器 up and locked sensor下锁弹簧 downlock spring减振支柱 shock strut侧支柱 side strut阻力支柱 drag strut人工放出限制电门 manual extension lim it switch刹车踏板电门 brake pedal switch前轮转弯电门 nose wheel steering swit ch防滞传感器 antiskid transducer刹车调节活门 brake metering valve加注活门 charging valve选择活门 selector valve转换活门 transfer valve隔离活门 isolation valve防滞活门 antiskid valve往复活门 shuttle valveATA33 灯灯 light闪光灯 strobe light 航行灯 navigation light 缩写NAV ligh t防撞灯 anti-collision light着陆灯 landing light信号灯 signal light下滑灯 approach light机翼照明灯 wing illumination light标志灯 logo light滑行灯 taxi light应急照明灯 emergency light机身灯 fuselage light转弯灯 turnoff light尾灯 tail light窗灯 window light荧光灯 fluorescent lamp地板灯 floor light阅读灯 reading lamp灯座 lamp socket 或 lamp base灯架 lampholder地图灯 cap light灯组件 light module明 bright暗 dim灯泡 bulb烧坏 burn out灯罩 lamp cover灯亮 on 或 illuminate灯灭 off 或 turn offATA34 导航导航 navigation 缩写NAV 天线 antenna数据库 database顶端 top底端 bottom下滑道 glide slope指点信标 marker beacon 无线电高度接收机 radio altitude recei ver无线电高度发射天线 radio altitude tra nsmitter antenna气象雷达 weather radar近地警告 ground proximity warning 缩写 GND PROX WARN无线电导航 radio navigation姿态指示仪 attitude indicator测距仪询问机 DME interrogator应答机 transponder收发机 transceiver惯导 inertial reference主注意 master cautionATA35 氧气氧气 oxygen氧气面罩 oxygen mask流量控制 flow control充气控制 inflation control 热补偿 thermal compensator机组氧气瓶 crew oxygen cylinder氧气发生器 oxygen generator氧气压力指示 oxygen pressure indicato r旅客氧气面罩 passenger oxygen mask机组氧气面罩 crew oxygen mask氧气系统组件 oxygen system module氧气系统面板 oxygen system panel安全销 safety pin压力调节器 pressure regulator氧气指示继电器 oxygen indicator relay高度压力电门 altitude press switch机组氧气传感器 crew oxygen transducer乘务员服务组件 attendant service unit厕所服务组件 lavatory unit旅客服务组件 passenger service unit超压释放活门 overpressure relief valv e ATA36 气源系统气源 pneumatics引气活门 bleed air valve双压力指示 dual pressure indicator引气调节器 bleed air regulator预冷控制活门传感器 precooler control valve sensor超温电门 over temperature switch恒温器 thermostat总管压力传感器 manifold press transmi tterAPU引气活门 APU bleed air valve单向活门 check valve引气隔离活门 bleed air isolation valv e预冷控制活门 precooler control valve地面气源 ground pneumaticATA38 水和废物水和废物 water & waste真空通风机 vacuum blower排放管 drain line排放接头 drain fitting厕所水加热器 lavatory water heater水压缩机 water compressor水量指示 water quantity indicator空气过滤 air filter水服务面板 water service panel控制手柄 control handle废物量指示 waste quantity indicator不工作/测试电门 INOP/TEST switch逻辑控制组件 logic control module压缩机控制继电器 compressor control r elay内锁电门 interlock switch水压限制电门 water pressure limit swi tch 废物箱 waste tank水箱 water tank真空马桶 vacuum toilet加注/溢流活门 fill/overflow valve球形活门 ball valveATA49 辅助动力装置辅助动力装置 auxiliary power unit 缩写APU进气门作动器 air inlet actuator导向叶片 guide vane燃油增压泵 fuel boost pump排气温度 exhaust gas temperature 缩写EGT数据记忆组件 data memory module滑油位传感器 oil level sensor滑油温度传感器 oil temperature sensor速度传感器 speed sensor进气门位置电门 air inlet door positio n switch热电耦 thermocouple燃油控制组件 fuel control unit点火组件 ignition unit喘振活门 surge valveATA52 门门 door登机门 entry door警告电门 warning switch平衡组件 counterbalance assembly紧急出口 emergency exit货舱门闩 cargo door latch接近面板 access panel门上锁面板 door unlock panel安定面配平 stabilizer trimATA56 窗窗 window门窗 door mounted window旅客窗 passenger compartment windowATA71 动力装置动力装置 power plant发动机 engine发动机短舱 nacelle发动机吊舱 pod风扇 fan风扇叶片 fan blade进气罩 inlet cowl涡流控制装置 vortex control device 缩写VCD释压门 pressure relief door接近门 access door滑油箱 oil tank风扇罩 fan cowl铰链 hinge风扇罩面板闩 fan cowl panel latch发动机架 engine mount发动机燃烧室 engine combustor高压涡轮组件 high pressure turbine as sembly附件齿轮箱 accessory gearbox传动齿轮箱 transfer gearbox转子,叶轮 spinner气缸 cylinder转速 revolution per minute 缩写RPM尾喷管 nozzle磁堵 magnetic plug发动机慢车位 idle发动机喘振 surge发动机停车 engine shutdown发动机熄火 engine flame out ATA73 发动机燃油和控制发动机燃油和控制 engine fuel & contro l燃油系统 fuel system燃油箱 fuel tank通气孔 vent加油栓 fuel hydrant燃油管路 fuel line放油活门 dump valve燃油泵 fuel pump燃油滤 fuel filter接头 joint燃油流量表 fuel flow indicator导线束 wiring harness燃油总管 fuel manifold燃油喷嘴 fuel nozzle发动机控制面板 engine control panel插头 plug备用电源继电器 alternate power relay风扇进气温度传感器 fan inlet temperat ure sensor压差电门 differential pressure switch电子发动机控制 electronic engine cont rol 缩写EEC燃油流量传感器 fuel flow transmitterATA74 点火点火 ignition点火激励器 ignition exciter发动机起动电门 engine start switch发动机点火电门 engine ignition switchATA75 发动机空气发动机空气 engine air可变引气活门 variable bleed valve 缩写VBV 高压涡轮间隙活门 HP turbine clearance valve 缩写HPTCV低压涡轮间隙活门 LP turbine clearance valve 缩写LPTCV位置传感器 position transducer过渡引气活门 transient bleed valveATA76 发动机控制发动机控制 engine control起动杆 start lever点火电门 ignition switchATA77 发动机指示发动机指示 engine indicatingATA78 排气排气 exhaust反推 thrust reverser套筒 sleeve同步锁 SYNC lock顺序电门 sequence relay控制电门 control switch发动机附件组件 engine accessory unitATA79 发动机滑油发动机滑油 engine oil 润滑剂 lubricant润滑 lubrication滑油管路 oil line探测器 detector回油 sca venge回油过滤 scavenge filter主滑油/燃油热交换器 main oil/fuel heat excha nger滑油压力传感器 oil pressure sens or滑油压力表 oil pressure indicator 滑油温度表 oil temperature indicator 滑油散热器 oil cooler滑油温度传感器oil temperature sensor滑油滤旁通警告电门 oil filter bypass warning switch 滑油箱 oil tank滑油量传感器 oil quan tity transmitter润滑组件 lubrication unit常用语句……检查发现……1.航后检查发现左后航行灯不亮。

民航专业英语复习资料UNIT4 Boarding1.overhead compartment 行李架2.tray table 小桌板3.air bridge 廊桥4.convenient 方便的5.buckle 锁扣扣环6.interference with 影响7.navigation system 导航系统8.electronic devices 电子设备9.A passenger wants to change from an aisle to a windowseat ,but all the window seats are occupied. How could you deal with it?(作文题)10.a mple 空闲的11.f ragile 易碎的UNIT5 Delayed Flight 航班延误1.cooperation 合作2.precaution 预防措施或方法3.Digest 新闻摘要4.At an altitude of 平均高度5.Average speed 平均速度UNIT6 Special passengers1.VIP(Very Important People)2.CIP(Commercially Important People)3.UM(Unaccompanied Minor)4.Special passengers(特殊旅客):VIP, CIP, UM, seniorpassengers(年长乘客), expectant mothers (孕妇),passenger with disabilities and adule passengers with an infant or a small child (残疾人和携带婴幼儿的乘客)5.minor 儿童,小孩6.disabled passengers 残疾乘客7.discrimination 歧视8.authorization 授权9.A passenger has booked a special meal, A VML(印度素),attime he made his reservation(预定) . During meal service on the flight , the passenger found that the meal served was notA VML, but HNML(印度餐).As a result , the passenger hasfiled a complaint with the airline .(选择题)UNIT7 Food and Beverage1.rare 三分熟middle 五分熟well done 七分熟2.straight or on the rocks 直接喝还是加冰3.You have a wide selection of beverages and start tellingpassergers what you’ve got on board . How would you tell about them?(写作)UNIT8 Duty Free Sales 免税商品1.confectionery 糕点2.cosmetics 化妆品3.electronic goods 电子商品4.gifts 礼物5.perfume 香水6.spirits 烈酒7.watches 手表8.cigarettes 香烟9.retail price 零售价10.c urrencies 通货11.e xchange rate 汇率12.e xclusive 高级的13.m ake-up harmony set 化妆品套装UNIT9 Trouble Passengers1.A passenger asks for something to drink while you are doing safety check for take-off .But he doesn’t care about what you are doing .He complains loudly .You need to explain and control this situation.(写作)2.turbulence 气流颠簸3.intercom 内部通话系统UNIT10 Medical Emergency 医疗急救1.medical assistance 医疗救助2.hard breath 呼吸困难3.ETA:Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到达时间4.alternative airport 备降机场5.ATC:Air Traffic Control 空中交通管制UNIT11 Enquiries for After Arrival1.frequently 经常地2.quarantine 检疫3.health certificate 健康证明4.immigration control 边防检查站UNIT12 Cumtoms, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ)1.nationality 国籍2.Customs Declaration Form 海关申报单3.passport 护照注;需要浏览的有P[4 Case Study , P72 Case study ,P96 Case Study , P120 Case Study ,P134 Announcement中的Entry forms .。

二、民航英语的基本语言技能1. 听:在航空业务中,准确的听力能力是至关重要的,因为航空工作人员需要及时接收和理解各种指令和信息。
2. 说:航空工作人员需要具备良好的口语表达能力,以便与其他航空员工和空中交通管制员进行有效的沟通。
3. 读:民航英语需要掌握一定的阅读能力,因为航空业务中有很多相关的文件、指南和规定需要进行阅读。
4. 写:航空工作人员也需要具备一定的写作能力,以便书写飞行日志、汇报表格和其他航空文件。
三、民航英语的专业术语1. 航空飞行员:飞行员在民航英语中称为"pilot",而飞行员的驾驶舱则称为"cockpit"。
2. 机场:机场在民航英语中称为"airport",而航站楼则称为"terminal"。
3. 飞行过程:起飞在民航英语中称为"takeoff",而降落则称为"landing"。
4. 空中交通管制员:在民航英语中称为"air traffic controller",而空中交通管制中心则称为"air traffic control center"。

1民航专业英语词汇民航专业英语词汇民航专业英语词汇民航专业英语词汇Main service points:主勤务点Cockpit arrangement: 驾驶舱布局Captain console: 机长操纵台Glare shield panel: 遮光板面板Observer console:观察员操纵台Landing gear free fall lever compartment:起落架自由落下手柄舱Control pedestal forward panel:控制台前面板Control pedestal:控制台Control stand:控制台Cockpit partition:驾驶舱分区Hanger: 机库Protective breathing equipment PBE: 呼吸保护器Crank handle: 摇臂Locking pin: 锁销Seat lateral unlocking: 座位横向锁Seat locking(neutral position): 座位锁Seat longitudinal unlocking:座位纵向锁Inertial real unlocked/locked::::Thigh rest upward/downward setting:Backrest locking:靠背锁Backrest reclining:靠背调节Seat height locking:座位高度锁Seat upward/downward setting:座位上下调整Lumber support pushbutton:Lateral locking pin:横侧锁销Manual control handle:人工操纵手柄Plug:插塞Electric actuator:电动致动器Top- off fitting:Cockpit emergency evacuation:座舱应急逃离Cockpit window emergency exit:座舱窗口应急出口Commonality:通用性Detent protection:致动器保护Cursor control device: CCD 光标控制器光标控制器光标控制器光标控制器White stripped bar:白色斜纹条白色斜纹条白色斜纹条白色斜纹条Reversionary panel:复原面板复原面板复原面板复原面板Display selector knob:显示选择器旋钮Radio altitude data:无线电高度数据FPA acceleration pointer: FPA加速指针Electronic checklist: ECL 电子检查单ECL Database loading page: ECL数据载入页面2Closed loops:闭环Total fuel quantity:De-clutter: 整理Cyan box: 蓝绿色盒子A dual concentric rotary knob:同心双旋钮Electronic bay:电子舱A 20-slot cabinet:插槽柜Glare shield lights control panel:Guidance panel: 制导面板Flood/storm panel lighting: 泛光灯面板照明Chart holder lighting control knob:Flight crew reading lights:机组阅读灯Adjust aperture size of light pattern:调整照明灯孔Passenger sign control panel:Toggle switch:搬扭开关Sterile toggle switch:Rain bow lights :Passenger cabin temperature rotating knob:Courtesy light reset switch:Lavatory dome light:厕所顶灯Water tank capacity and fault indication:水箱容量和故障显示Logotype lights : 航徽灯A colored solid square:有色实心方快Reinforced cockpit door:座舱加强门Electronic mechanic door latch: 机电门闩Waste compartment:废物舱Handset cradle : 通话手机托架Dispensing units : 氧气面罩放出装置Air gasper outlets: 换气口Manual deploy tool:Individual reading light:独立阅读灯Waste flap:Waste disposal:废物箱Chart lights:航图灯Dome lights: 顶灯Fluorescent flood /storm light:萤光泛光灯Cabin /cockpit emergency flood light: 客舱/座舱应急泛光灯Emergency escape path: 应急撤离线路Photoluminscent strip: 荧光发光带Protective grills:Vent flap:Escape slide: 逃生滑梯External handle:Escape slide handle:逃生滑梯手柄3Lock/vent flap handle:Girt bar: 束缚杆束缚杆束缚杆束缚杆Fuel control unit:燃油调节器ramp扶梯Water line:吃水线Access door:检查盖Service door:Lock handle:锁销Proximity sensor: 近地传感器Fabric girt:Floor fittings:Floating device:漂浮设备Mooring line: 系绳系绳系绳系绳Fair safe:Inflation cylinder pressure readiness inspection window:充气瓶压力检查窗Girt bar engagement indicator window:Manual inflation handle:人工充气手柄Pressure gauge:压力表NO.GO indication: 无冲压指示GO indication: 冲压指示Deflated handle:放气手柄Pivot pin:主销Strap handle:Security lever:安全手柄An emergency egress:应急出口A passive lock:Blowout panel:Grill-protected openings: 防火孔/口Peephole:窥视孔Air compressor:空气压缩机Lavatory faucet:厕所水龙头Retention tanks: 贮藏箱Tarmac :停机坪停机坪停机坪停机坪Auto drain valve:自动排放活门Clogs: 塞满Drain mast heater: 排水加热器Vacuum waste system:真空污水系统A flushing switch:冲洗电门Rinse:冲洗Water system controller:净水系统控制器Fill/drain nipple:Sump/sink:收水池,水箱Faucet:水龙头Water filter: 滤水器4Toilet bowl:抽水马桶Overflow tube:外溢排水管Lever sensor:杆式水量传感器Fill/ drain valve:加/放水阀Liquid level sensor: 液位/面传感器Waste line:污水管Rinse line:冲水管Vacuum waste servicing panel:真空污水检查面板Waste drain ball valve handle:污水排泄阀手柄Fire extinguishing system: 灭火系统Automatic configuration monitoring system:自动配置监控系统Non-dispatchableMiscompare:Air management system:空气管理系统Pack flow control valve:主件流量控制活门Cockpit temperature rotating knob: 座舱温度旋钮Recirculation fan:再循环风扇Flight attendant control panel:乘务控制面板Cross-bleed button:交输引气按键Bleed air button: 引气按键Engine bleed valves:发动机引气活门Stripped bar:条纹Cabin altitude selector knob: 座舱高度选择旋钮Pressurization mode selector knob:增压方式选择旋钮Outflow valve:外流活门Landing field elevation:着陆机场标高Differential pressure indication:压差指示ECS synoptic page: ECS 简图页面Air shutoff valves status:空气关断活门状态页面Diagonal:斜的Outflow valve scale /pointer: 排放活门刻度/指针Flow line:排放管Ground cart:地面气源车Gasper:Flow control valve:流量控制阀Low/high stage bleed valve:低压/高压引气活门Engine start ground cart:发动机启动地面气源车发动机启动地面气源车发动机启动地面气源车发动机启动地面气源车Fan air bleed valve:风扇空气引气活门EMERG RAM air valve:应急冲压空气活门Fan air valve:风尚空气活门Low pressure check valve:低压单向活门Anti-ice supply ducting:防冰引气供气管道Overheat detection system:过热探测系统Dual loop sensing:双环探测5Trim pressure duct:压力调节管道FLAPPER VALVES瓣状活门Bleed source:引气源Bleed priority logic: 引气优先逻辑Takeoff data set: TDS 起飞数据设置Cargo bay ventilation:货舱通风ECS cooling packs: ECS 散热主件Pack flow control valve:主件流量控制阀Cabin pull-up mode:座舱拉升方式Electronic compartment ventilation:电子设备舱通风Secondary power distribution assembly:辅助配电组件Emergency integrated control center: 应急集控中心Forced cooling air:强制散热散空气RAM air circuit: RAM 空气电路Emergency ram air ventilation valve:应急冲压空气通风活门Recirculation bay:再循环舱Static pressure port:静压孔Cabin pressure control system:座舱压力控制系统Negative differential pressure:负压差Orifice:孔,口Sensing orifice:探测孔Cabin altitude rate of change: 座舱高度变化率Cabin altitude change rate: 座舱高度变化率Cabin pressure variation rate: 座舱压力变动率Pressure rate of variation:压力变动率Maximum differential pressure limiter: 最大压差限制器Offset of 0.11psi:偏差Bleed isolation valve: 引气隔离活门Lateral guidance control: 水平导航控制Lateral Navigation 侧向导航Vertical guidance control: 垂直导航控制Synchronize:同步HDG selector knob: HDG 选择旋钮Autopilot approach status annunciator: 自动驾驶进近状态信号器Altitude holding mode: 高度保持方式Altitude pre-selected window: 高度预选窗FD guidance cue: 飞行指引仪引导提示符Primary servo:主侍服Thrust control system :TCS 推力系统Thrust reverser trigger: 反推触发器FD declutter button: FD整理键AFCS processing module: 飞控系统处理组件Automatic pitch trim:自动俯仰配平Elevator AP servo:6Aileron AP servo:A hot spare channel: 热备用通道Elevator thrust compensation: 升降舵推力补偿Captain /first office load feel: 机长/副驾驶载荷感应Synchronize the heading bug to the current heading: 航向同步航向同步航向同步航向同步Approach preview mode: 进近预览方式进近预览方式进近预览方式进近预览方式Flight path reference line:飞行航迹基准线Flap-pitch based guidance: 基于襟翼俯仰的引导Overspeed protection: 超速保护Vertical profile:纵向/垂直剖面Waypoint altitude constraint: 航路点高度限制Temperature compensation:温度补偿Descent angle: 下降角Path angle:航迹角Speed/altitude limit protection: 速度/高度限制保护Speed constraint:速度限制Speed reversion: 速度恢复速度恢复速度恢复速度恢复Latched speed protection: 闩锁速度保护闩锁速度保护闩锁速度保护闩锁速度保护Trim rate command: 配平指令Thrust rating selection: 推力等级选择Thrust lever angle trim:推力手柄角配平Thrust control quadrant:油门操纵杆Speed control mode: 速度控制方式Flight level change thrust control mode: 飞行高度改变的推力控制方式Takeoff thrust control mode:起飞推力控制方式Go-around thrust control mode:复飞推力控制方式Takeoff thrust hold mode:起飞推力保持方式Retard mode: 减速方式Limited thrust: 限制推力Auto rating type transition logic:自动功率型过度逻辑Air cooler inlet:空气三热器进气口APU air inlet silencer: APU进气口消音器APU operational envelope: APU 运行包线图APU selector knob :APU 选择旋钮APU emergency stop button: APU 应急停车键APU RPM indication: APU 转速表APU EGT indication: APU排气温度表APU fuel supply: APU 燃油供应Ejector fuel pump:喷射器燃油泵APU master switch: APU 总电门Electronic starter controller:电子启动器控制器Brushless starter generator:无刷启动发电机Cooldown period: 冷却时间spool 級;短管7spool down 發動機減速spool up 發動機加速Spool down period:发动机减速时间Electrical fault isolation:电气故障隔离Bus tie contactor:母联接触器AC power quality requirement:AC电能质量规定Electrical flow line: 电力线High lift system actuation:大升力系统启动Load shedding:减负荷Electrical-electronic integrated device:电气电子集成设备Thermal circuit breaker:热跳开关Electronic mechanical relays: 电子机械继电器Load distribution:负载分配负载分配负载分配负载分配Solid state power controller: 固态电力控制器Line select key:行选择键Priority logic:优先逻辑Load shedding protection:减负荷保护Fan rotor (N1 rotor speed):Compressor (N2 rotor speed)Exciter:激励器Thrust lever detent:Thrust reverser trigger:反推触发器Fire handle:灭火手柄Fire protection control panel:防火保护控制面板Engine control panel:发动机控制面板Start/stop selector knob:启动/关断选择旋钮Ignition selector knob:点火选择旋钮N1 wing anti-ice cyan line:Thrust level:推力级Thrust rating mode indication:推力等级方式显示N1 request indication:Auto re-light system: 自动重起系统Vibration level:变动级Fuel /oil heat exchanger:燃油/滑油热交换器Fuel-cooled oil cooler:燃油致冷式滑油散热器Fuel metering valve:燃油计量活门Fuel filter blockage:燃油滤堵塞Variable stator vanes:可变静子叶扇Fuel driven actuator:燃油驱动致动器Compressor efficiency:压缩机效率Fuel injector:燃油喷嘴Ejector fuel pump:喷射器燃油泵Lubrication system:Shaft bearings:8Accessory gearbox:附件齿轮箱Oil quantity sensors:滑油量传感器Scavenge pumping elements:回油泵元件Lube and scavenge pump:Chevron nozzle:Sump drain: 收油池Puddle:坑A filter bypass:Cold start relief valve:冷启动释放活门Deaerator:CHIP detector: 金属探测器Scavenge screens:回油筛Transfer gear box:转换齿轮箱Starter cutout speed:启动机关断速度Ignition selector knob:点火选择旋钮Engine start selector knob:发动机启动选择旋钮Ground idle speed:地面慢车速度Thrust reverser stowing:Interlock function:互锁功能Actuator locks:启动器锁Cowl lock:Engine condition monitoring:发动机状态监控Engine inlet air temperature:发动机进气温度Fan speed data:风扇速度数据Airplane vibration monitoring system:飞机抖动监控系统Automatic dry monitoring:自动干转监控Performance calculation:Flexible takeoff:灵活起飞A reduced takeoff thrust:减功率起飞推力Assumed temperature:假定温度Minimum flex takeoff thrust:最小灵活起飞推力Maximum rated takeoff thrust:最大额定起飞推力Flex takeoff reduction limit:灵活起飞推力减少限制N1 request valve:Takeoff reserve:起飞保留Default mode setting:默认方式设置Flat rated temperature:Hot start :热启动No light off:无点火Hung start:延迟启动ITT OVER limit protection: ITT 超温限制保护Engine start high ITT prevention:发动机启动ITT温度过高预防Engine fire extinguisher handle:发动机灭火器手柄APU fire extinguisher button:9Hydraulic shutoff valve:液压关短活门High and low –rate cargo extinguisher bottle: 货舱大/小功率灭火瓶Fire detection system test button:火警探测系统测试键Engine fire protection system:发动机防火系统Fire extinguisher handle:灭火手柄Fuselage fairing:机身整流罩Engine bleed air shutoff valve:发动机引气关断活门Pneumatic fire detector:气源火警探测器Cargo smoke detection:货舱烟雾探测器Ventilation outflow valve:通风排放活门Smoke sensor:烟雾传感器Flight control system:飞控系统Multifunction roll spoiler:多功能横滚扰流板Ground spoiler:地面扰流板Hydraulic actuator:液压制动器Control cables:操纵纲索Primary actuator control electronics:主控电子装置Flight control module:飞控组件Electro-hydraulic actuators:电子液压启动器Electro-mechanical actuators:Pitch trim switch:俯仰配平电门AP/Trim disconnect button:Slat/flap selector lever:Speed brake lever:减速板手柄Pitch trim system 1 cutout button:Flight control mode panel:飞控方式面板Flight control mode button:Elevator disconnect handle:升降舵断开手柄Aileron disconnect handle:A solid green pointer:Analog control:模拟操纵Rudder /elevator surface actuator:方向舵/升降舵舵面驱动器Controller area network bus:Stroke limiting:High level function:高级功能Avionics standard communication bus: ASCB航空电子标准通讯汇流条System diagnostics:系统诊断Central maintenance computer 中央维护计算机CMCElevator thrust compensation:升降舵推理补偿Brake control module:刹车控制组件Proximity sensor electronic module:近地传感器电子组件Airspeed augmentation commands:空速增益指令Latent faults:潜在故障Cells:电池10Reference thrust setting:基准推力值Control column displacement:驾驶杆移位Disconnect mechanism:分离机械Disconnect handle:分离手柄Tail strike avoidance: TSA 尾撬尾撬尾撬尾撬AOA limiter:迎角限制器AOA threshold: AOA 标准标准标准标准Pitch rate:俯仰变化率Wheel main trim switches: 手轮主配平电门Electrical servo motor: 电器侍服马达Horizontal stabilizer actuator:水平安定面致动器Speedbrake auto trim:减速板自动配平Electric trim motor:电动配平马达Automatic mach trim:自动马赫配平Pitch down tendency:机头下沉趋势FWD/AFT torque tubes:Gain scheduling:增益计划增益计划增益计划增益计划Rudder gain:方向舵增益Rudder effectiveness:方向舵效率Interconnect rod:内接连杆Pedal assembly:脚蹬组件Yaw dumping:偏航阻尼偏航阻尼偏航阻尼偏航阻尼Slat system:Slat surface:缝翼翼面Double slotted flap surfaces:双槽襟翼操纵面Power driven unit:PDU 动力驱动组件Skew protection:不对称保护不对称保护不对称保护不对称保护Electronic skew sensor:电子不对称传感器Strike protection:电气过载保护电气过载保护电气过载保护电气过载保护Displacement angle:偏转角度Control wheel displacement:驾驶杆偏移Wheel brake efficiency:机轮刹车效率Stopping distance:停止距离Fixed control laws configuration:Steep approach mode: 大角度进近方式大角度进近方式大角度进近方式大角度进近方式Flap low rate:Pitch trim low rate:Slat low rate:Gliding line:下滑线Aiming point下滑点Climb angle:上升角Descend angle:下降角ALPHA门警告UNSTABLE MODE:CONFIGURATION 不稳定模式:构型不当11 UNSTABLE MODE::::STEEP 不稳定模式不稳定模式不稳定模式不稳定模式::::下降剖面陡下降剖面陡下降剖面陡下降剖面陡EXCESSIVE BANK ANGLE 坡度大EXCEEDENCE OF FLAP ALTITUDE LIMIT襟翼超高度限制EXCEEDENCE SPEED速度超限HIGH NEGATIVE ACCELEARTION (IN FLIGHT)飞行中垂直过载小HIGH POSITIVE ACCELERATION(IN FLIGHT)飞行中垂直过载大DIRECT LAW :Direct law 警告ALTITUDE ALERT:DESCENT高度警告:下降ABNORMAL CONFIGURATION(AT GO—AROUND):复飞构型错BOUNCED LANDING::::着陆跳起着陆跳起着陆跳起着陆跳起LONG FLARE::::着陆有平飘着陆有平飘着陆有平飘着陆有平飘HIGH ACCELERATION (AT LANDING):接地垂直过载大HEADING DEVIATION (AT LANDING):着陆航向不稳定(接地—地速50KTS)PITCH LOW (AT TOUCHDOWN)接地时刻俯仰角小TIRE LIMIT SPEED HIGH轮胎限制速度大LOW SPEED AT LANDING接地速度小HIGH SPEED AT LANDING接地速度大LANDING GEAR OUT OF SEQUENCE起落架放出顺序错USE OF SPEEDBRAKES DURING FINAL APPROAC最终进近使用扰流板LATE LANDING FLAP SETTING着陆构型设置过晚着陆构型设置过晚着陆构型设置过晚着陆构型设置过晚Exceddence of flaps/slats limit speed in conf full ::::CONF FULL 构型时襟构型时襟构型时襟构型时襟/缝翼限制速度超缝翼限制速度超缝翼限制速度超缝翼限制速度超限限限限roll cycling during final approach::::最终进近横向姿态变化大最终进近横向姿态变化大最终进近横向姿态变化大最终进近横向姿态变化大pitch cycling during final approach最终进近俯仰姿态变化大最终进近俯仰姿态变化大最终进近俯仰姿态变化大最终进近俯仰姿态变化大Pitch Low In Final approach::::最终进近俯仰角小最终进近俯仰角小最终进近俯仰角小最终进近俯仰角小localizer deviation::::航向道偏差大航向道偏差大航向道偏差大航向道偏差大Glide slope deviation低于下滑道低于下滑道低于下滑道低于下滑道High rate of descent进近下降率大进近下降率大进近下降率大进近下降率大Late thrust reduction收油门过晚收油门过晚收油门过晚收油门过晚Approach speed low进近速度小Approach speed high进近速度大进近速度大进近速度大进近速度大Descent Slope: shallow下降坡度下降坡度下降坡度下降坡度::::小小小小、、、、Descent Slope: STEEP下降坡度下降坡度下降坡度下降坡度::::大大大大Maximum Operating Altitude exceedence:高度超限Early configuration change (during initial climb) 初始爬升构型改变过早初始爬升构型改变过早初始爬升构型改变过早初始爬升构型改变过早Height lost高度损失(初始爬升pitch rate high(during initial climb, 初始爬升俯仰率大climb out speed low爬升速度小High positive Acceleration::::起飞阶段垂直过载大起飞阶段垂直过载大起飞阶段垂直过载大起飞阶段垂直过载大lift off speed high离地速度大离地速度大离地速度大离地速度大N1 uncoordination 起飞时左右发起飞时左右发起飞时左右发起飞时左右发N1不匹配不匹配不匹配不匹配taxi speed exceedence滑行速度大地貌飛行地貌飛行地貌飛行地貌飛行((((Contour FlyingContour FlyingContour FlyingContour Flying))))障礙物超越障礙物超越障礙物超越障礙物超越((((Obstruction ClearanceObstruction ClearanceObstruction Clearance Obstruction Clearance))))12SSSSteep turnteep turnteep turnteep turn::::小转弯小转弯小转弯小转弯空中動作(In-flight maneuver)特定飛航動作(*Specific flight characteristics)接近失速及改正(Approaches to stall and recovery)*環繞進場(Circling approach)誤失進場(Missed approach)Navigation radio sensor: 导航无线电传感器Airspeed tape indications:空速速度带显示Selected airspeed /mach readout:Selected airspeed bug: 选择空速游标Vfs speed: takeoff final segment speed:Flap retraction speed reference:襟翼收上速度基准Airspeed trend vector: 空速趋势矢量Approach climb speed:进近爬升速度Reference speed:基准速度Ideal flap selection speed:最佳襟翼收上速度Drift down speed:飘降速度Flap maneuvering speed:襟翼机动速度Shaker speed:抖杆速度Low speed awareness tape:低速意识带Airspeed rolling digits:空速滚动数字Vmo/Mmo Barber Pole: 标杆速度Selected vertical speed direction arrow:选定升降速度方向箭头Selected vertical speed readout:选定升降速度值Vertical speed scale:Altitude tape indication:高度带显示Single or double line chevrons: 单或双线V形标记Green hashed box:Barometric correction:气压修正Altitude trend vector:高度趋势矢量ADI indication: ADI 显示Flight path reference line /readout: 飞行航迹基准线/读数FPA acceleration pointer: FPA加速指针Pitch limit indicator:俯仰姿态限制指示器Stick shaker AOA: 失速抖杆AOAActual AOA: 实际AOASlip/skid indicator: 滑动指示器Roll scale /low bank limit ARC: 横滚刻度/小坡度限制弧Inverted triangle:Steep turns:小转弯ILS glide slop deviation: ILS 下滑道偏离Vertical approach path: 垂直进航迹FMS vertical deviation: FMS垂直偏离13Trapezoidal form:不规则四边形ILS/VOR lateral deviation: ILS/VOR侧向偏离Pitch angle scale:俯仰角刻度Takeoff crossbar:起飞十子杆Excessive pitch chevron annunciator:俯仰过大V形信号牌Radar altitude indication:雷达高度指示Minimum selected readout:最小选择读数Marker beacon annunciation:指点标信号Graphics test data monitor annunciator: 图形测试数据监控器信号牌Attitude source annunciation:姿态源信号Air data source annunciation:大气数据源信号VNAVA altitude constraint annunciation: VNAVA高度限制信号Vertical track alert annunciation:垂直航迹预警信号Primary navigation source annunciation:主导航源信号Selected heading readout: 选定航向读数Bearing pointer:方位指针Course select point:航道选择点Lateral deviation indicator: 侧向偏离显示器Drift angle bug:偏流角游标Dilution of Precision精度扩散因子精度扩散因子精度扩散因子精度扩散因子Bearing source annunciator:方位源信号牌Selected heading bug:选定航向游标Course select preview pointer:航道选择预览指针Desired track readout:目标航迹读数Dead reckoning mode:推测领航方式Approach sensitivity mode annunciator: 进近敏感性方式信号牌Waypoint data block indications:航路点数据块显示Range selection:距离选择Weather radar returns: 气象雷达回波Antenna position indicator:天线位置指示器Slave annunciation:随动显示随动显示随动显示随动显示ADI/HIS miscompare: 不匹配Horizontal profile indications:水平剖面指示Vertical profile indications:垂直剖面指示Horizontal track line:水平航迹线FMS progress window: FMS 进程窗Selected heading out of view arrow:选定航向隐藏箭头Cross track annunciations:十子航迹信号Planned horizontal flight path:计划水平航路Airplane trajectory line:飞机空气轨迹线Vertical situation display:垂直状态显示Target alert checkbox:目标预警复选框/检查盒Rain echo attenuation compensation technique checkbox:雨反射波衰减补偿技术复14选框/检查盒Altitude compensation tilt check box:高度补偿倾斜复选框/检查盒Turbulence detection checkbox:颠簸探测复选框/检查盒Gain indication display:增益指示显示Receiver sensitivity level:接收机灵敏度Antenna stabilization checkbox:天线稳定复选框/检查盒Sector scan checkbox:扇形扫描复选框/检查盒Forced standby override:强制等待超控键Lightning sensors:雷电传感器Rate of occurrence symbols: 发生率符号Lightning mode:雷电方式Lightning clear function:雷电删除功能Scratch pad:草稿Index display:索引显示Brightness control button:灯光亮度控制键Function buttons:功能键Data link:数据链Thrust rating selection:推力功率选择Display control panel:显示控制面板Full compass:全罗盘ARC mode: ARC 方式Flight path reference:飞行航迹基准Integrated electronic standby system IESS 集成电子备用系统Reference barometric pressure indication:基准气压压力指示Meter altitude indication:米制高度指示Negative altitude:负高度Baro rotary knob:气压设置旋钮Detent :卡位Control wheel chronometer:驾驶盘时钟Standby magnetic compass:备用磁罗盘Glareshield communication:遮光板通讯Hand microphone controls:手持麦克风Headphone::::头戴式耳机头戴式耳机头戴式耳机头戴式耳机Headset头戴式耳机Boom microphone::::Ramp station:SELCAL annunciation button: 选择呼叫信号键Digital voice data recorder: DVDR Reversionary panel:复原面板Reversionary logic cycle:复原逻辑循环Multifunction probe:多功能探测管Side-slip effects:侧滑效应Total pressure: 全压Static pressure:静压15Resistive heater element:防热散失加温元件Airplane sink rate variation:飞机下沉率变动Record mandatory parameters:强制记录参数Barometric corrected altitude:气压修正高度Alignment phase: 校准阶段Lateral acceleration:侧向加速Compass card:罗盘卡Lubber line: 罗盘准线Bowl:盘/碟/碗Modular radio cabinet:模块式无线电机柜Squelch type:静噪类型Signal-noise squelch: 信噪静噪信噪静噪信噪静噪信噪静噪Signal /noise squelch high:Signal level squelch :信号电平静噪EM mode: emission mode: 发射方式Carrier power:载波功率Power dispersion: 功率耗散Clarifier:无线电干扰消除器Capture a frequency: 频率截/捕获Communication management function”通讯管理功能Character –oriented communication: 面向字符通讯Voice communication: 语音通讯Airline operational communication:航空公司运营通讯Fault /events reports: 故障/事件报告Uplink:上传Inertial reference unit:惯性基准单元/组件Acquisition:截获Altitude aiding:高度帮助Velocity aiding:速度帮助Prompt:提示符提示符提示符提示符Designated airspace: 指定空域Transponder field:Ground mapping:地面测绘Integrated receiver transmitter antenna unit:集成收发机天线组件集成收发机天线组件集成收发机天线组件集成收发机天线组件Radar weather detection mode:雷达天气探测方式Ground mapping mode:地面测绘方式Slave mode:从模式/方式/用户方式Off MODE:Standby /forced standby mode:备用/强制备用方式Angle of sweep: 扫描范围/角Tilt function:倾斜功能Altitude compensation tilts function:高度补偿倾斜功能Attenuation losses: 衰减损失16Transmit inhibit relay:发射抑制继电器Navigation MAP data: 导航MAP 数据Performance initialization data:性能初始化数据Vertical track alert:垂直航迹预警Initial cruise altitude:初始巡航高度Early/late descent:下降早/迟FMS speed plan:FMS速度计划Speed command flight phase:速度指令飞行阶段Approach speed limit activation logic:进近速度限制激活逻辑Waypoint speed constraints:航路点速度限制Navigation database: 导航数据库Customs database:用户数据库Aircraft database:飞机数据库Performance learning function: “smart performance”Company route identifier:公司航路代号FMS position integrity estimate:FMS 位置整体估计Lateral track alert:侧向航迹预警A steep climb:大角度上升Lateral offset:横横横横/侧向偏至角侧向偏至角侧向偏至角侧向偏至角Maintenance and system configuration:维修和系统构型Navigation identification:导航识别Position initialization:位置初始化Performance initialization: 性能初始化Route selection:航路选择Creating a flight route: 创建飞行航路Alternate flight route:备用飞行航路Tail marker:机位标记Point of No turn: 航线临界点航线临界点航线临界点航线临界点Maximum endurance:最大续航能力Maximum range:最大航程Speed schedule:速度计划Step climb increment:分段爬升增量Step size 分段爬升高度间隔差T/C:top of climb目標爬升最高點S/C:step of climb 階段爬升起點符號E/D: end of descent目標下降終止點T/D:top of descent目標下降點Fuel allowance :可用燃油Contingency fuel:意外情况备份燃油Average cruise wind:平均巡航风Temperature deviation:温度差异Ceiling altitude :升限Latest estimated fuel remaining:最新估计余油Excitation:励磁17Exciter:励磁器Redundancy:冗余/备份Fan Cowl:Feeder route:支线Feeder line:支线航线Feeder fix:支线定位点Final approach course:最后进近航段Full flight simulator:全飞模拟机Fixed base simulation:固定模拟机Flap speed schedule:襟翼速度计划Flight controls:飞行操纵面Float switch:浮子开关Fuel conservation: 节油Throttle Position Idle ::::節流閥位於怠速節流閥位於怠速節流閥位於怠速節流閥位於怠速BUS TIE(埠栓埠栓埠栓埠栓PACK(S)(空調套件空調套件空調套件空調套件GASPER和和和和HUMIDIFIER(增濕器增濕器增濕器增濕器)HI FLOW(高流量開關高流量開關高流量開關高流量開關INERTIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM 慣性參考系統慣性參考系統慣性參考系統慣性參考系統Gasper air:Gasper air outlet:Floor bracket:Hub cap:毂盖Ignition exciter: 点火励磁器Inlet guide vanes:进气引导叶扇/片/导向叶片International air route:国际航线Interlock:联锁Jet pump: 喷射泵/引射泵Joggle:折接Jumper wire 跨接线跨接线跨接线跨接线Electric actuator: 电力致动器Limit switch:极限电门Spot light:聚光灯Flood light:泛光灯Default:A confirm entry prompt: 输入提示符Figure of merit:指标值Steep climb /descent:大角度上升/下降Louver:百叶窗Flyover waypoint:飞跃航路点Outbound time/distance: 出航时间/距离18Procedure turn angle:程序转弯角Crossing point:穿越点Point of NO turn:航线临界点航线临界点航线临界点航线临界点Magenta: 洋红色Equal time point:Latitude /longitude crossing:横向/纵向穿越Point abeam:点切Slave cable:随动钢索随动钢索随动钢索随动钢索Flight idle:空中慢车/高慢Ground idle:地面慢车/地慢Turbine blade and vane cooling: 涡轮转子和静子叶片散热涡轮转子和静子叶片散热涡轮转子和静子叶片散热涡轮转子和静子叶片散热Turbine case cooling:涡轮机匣散热Turbine compartment cooling valve:涡轮段散热活门涡轮段散热活门涡轮段散热活门涡轮段散热活门Transfer gearbox: 传动齿轮箱Thrust lever travel: 油门杆行程油门杆行程油门杆行程油门杆行程Thrust lever angle:推力手柄角Threshold overhaul: 大修时间大修时间大修时间大修时间Thrust lever resolver angle: 推力手柄解算器角度Thrust reverser directional valve: 反推换向活门反推换向活门反推换向活门反推换向活门Thermal couple:热电耦Underwater locator beacon: 水下定位信标Above ground level:地标位置地标位置地标位置地标位置Pictorial deviation indicator: 偏航图显示器Thrust rating panel: 推力等级面板Integral wing tanks:Windmill:风转Fuel flow line:燃油供油管Refueling /defueling control panel: 加油/放油控制面板Collector tank:收油槽/收油油箱Surge tank: 通气防波油箱/缓冲油箱Hard breaking:Magnetic level indicator/dipstick: 磁性燃油尺Ejector fuel pump/jet pump:引射泵引射泵引射泵引射泵Scavenge ejector pumps: 回油引射泵回油引射泵回油引射泵回油引射泵Engine motive flow :发动机引射流发动机引射流发动机引射流发动机引射流Engine motive line:发动机引射管发动机引射管发动机引射管发动机引射管Ejector inlet port: 引射泵进口Fuel Collector Box:燃油集油箱Refueling point:加油点Fuel conditioning unit:燃油加温调节器燃油加温调节器燃油加温调节器燃油加温调节器Gravity refuel port:重力加油口Fluid communication point:Electric hydraulic pump:电动Engine driven hydraulic pump:液压泵19Power transfer unit:动力转换器Hydraulic flow line: 液压管Hydraulic system distribution box: 液压系统分配箱Flight-critical function:飞行临界功能飞行临界功能飞行临界功能飞行临界功能Windmill restart: 风转启动Torque load:扭力载荷Temperature transducer: 温度传感器Pump cavitations: 泵空隙现象Mechanical piston:机械泵Hydraulic motor: 液压马达Pump unloader valve:液压泵卸栽活门Flow limiter valve:流量限制活门Bleed air manifold pressure: 引气总管压力Bleed air temperature:引气温度Anti-ice flow line:防冰管防冰管防冰管防冰管Anti-fogging: 防雾SAI IBIT:缝翼防冰空中自箭缝翼防冰空中自箭缝翼防冰空中自箭缝翼防冰空中自箭Dual wheel unit:双轮组件A powered steering system:Downlock release button:电动转弯操纵系统Landing gear lever lock:起落架手柄锁Alternate gear extension compartment:备用起落架释放舱Electrical overridden switch:起落架超控电门Landing gear warning inhibition button:起落架警告抑制键Emergency parking brake handle:应急停留刹车手柄Brake line:刹车管Emergency/parking brake effectiveness: 应急/停留刹车效应Emergency/parking accumulator pressure:应急/停留刹车蓄压器压力Steering handle:转弯手柄Hand wheel:手轮Steering disengage switch:转弯操纵脱离电门Nose wheel steering system:前轮转弯操纵系统Towing lights:牵引灯Proximity sensor electronic module: 近地传感器电子组件Landing gear free fall lever compartment:起落架自由下落手柄舱Downlock sensor:下位锁传感器Mechanical lock:机械锁Shock absorber:减震器Downlock springs:下位锁弹簧Brake wear pin:刹车装置磨损检查销刹车装置磨损检查销刹车装置磨损检查销刹车装置磨损检查销Locked wheel protection: 拖胎保护拖胎保护拖胎保护拖胎保护Differential braking: 差动刹车Locked wheel braking: 拖胎刹车拖胎刹车拖胎刹车拖胎刹车Wheels spinning:机轮旋转20Fusible plugs:易熔塞易熔塞易熔塞易熔塞。

大一民航英语知识点1. Introduction to Civil Aviation:Civil aviation refers to all non-military activities related to aviation, including passenger and cargo transportation, as well as various support services. It plays a crucial role in both domestic and international transportation systems.2. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO):ICAO is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for standardizing and regulating civil aviation worldwide. It develops international standards, regulations, and recommended practices for the safe and efficient conduct of civil aviation.3. Aviation English Proficiency:Aviation English is the specialized language used in the field of civil aviation. It is essential for pilots, air traffic controllers, and other aviation professionals to have a high level of English proficiency to ensure effective communication and safety. English language proficiency tests, such as the International Civil Aviation English Language Proficiency Test (ICAO English Test), are used to assess and certify the language skills of aviation personnel.4. Air Traffic Control (ATC) Communication:Clear and effective communication between pilots and air traffic controllers is crucial for safe and efficient air travel. Standard phraseology and procedures are used to ensure accurate and concise exchanges of information. Key phrases and abbreviations, such as "cleared for takeoff," "Roger," and "holding pattern," are commonly used in ATC communication.5. Aviation Weather Reporting:Weather conditions have a significant impact on aviation operations. Pilots and aviation professionals must be knowledgeable about weather phenomena and be able to interpret weather reports and forecasts. METAR and TAF codes are used to convey weather information, including temperature, visibility, wind speed, and precipitation.6. Aircraft Navigation and Instruments:Navigation systems and instruments are essential for pilots to determine the aircraft's position, altitude, and direction of travel. These include instruments such as altimeters, airspeed indicators, magnetic compasses, and GPS (Global Positioning System). Understanding these instruments and their readings is crucial for safe navigation.7. Aircraft Operations and Safety Procedures:Operating an aircraft involves following standardized procedures and safety protocols. This includes pre-flight checks, engine start-up procedures, taxiing, takeoff, landing, and emergency procedures. It is essential for pilots and crew members to be familiar with these procedures to ensure safe and efficient operations.8. Aviation Security and Safety Regulations:Aviation security is of paramount importance to prevent acts of unlawful interference and ensure the safety of passengers, crew, and aircraft. Security measures, such as passenger screening, baggage checks, and cargo inspection, are implemented at airports worldwide. Additionally, strict safety regulations govern aircraft maintenance, inspections, and emergency response procedures.9. Aviation English Reading and Listening Skills:In addition to speaking and writing skills, aviation professionals must possess strong reading and listening skills. They need to understand and interpret aviation-related documents, charts, manuals, and audio communication from various sources, such as ATC transmissions and weather briefings.10. Future Trends in Civil Aviation:The field of civil aviation is continuously evolving, driven by technological advancements, changing regulations, and increasing global connectivity. Future trends include the development of electric and hybrid aircraft, advancements in air traffic management systems, and the implementation of sustainable and eco-friendly practices in aviation.Conclusion:As a first-year student studying civil aviation, it is crucial to gain a solid understanding of these key knowledge points. By acquiring knowledge in areas such as aviation English, air traffic control communication, weather reporting, navigation systems, aircraft operations, security regulations, and emerging trends, students can prepare themselves for a successful career in the dynamic and ever-growing field of civil aviation.。

二、民航英语基础知识1. 常用缩写词在民航英语中,存在大量的缩写词。
2. 常用短语民航英语中,有一些常用的短语需要掌握,比如:cleared for takeoff(获准起飞)、mayday(紧急呼叫)、roger(知道、明白)、affirm(肯定)等。
三、民航英语听力训练1. 听取航班信息在进入机场后,我们需要仔细听取航班信息的公告。
2. 听取安全指示乘坐飞机前,我们也需要听取安全指示,包括如何使用救生衣、安全氧气面罩的使用方法等。
四、民航英语口语表达1. 询问航班信息当我们需要了解航班的信息时,可以用以下口语进行询问:- Excuse me, could you please tell me where the boarding gate for flight XX is?(请问,你能告诉我XX航班的登机口在哪里吗?)- Can you let me know if the flight is on time?(你能告诉我航班是否准点吗?)2. 飞机上的用餐需求在乘坐飞机时,我们可能会有特殊的用餐需求,可以用以下口语进行表达:- I have a special dietary requirement. I am allergic to peanuts.(我有特殊的饮食需求,对花生过敏。

1民航专业英语词汇民航专业英语词汇民航专业英语词汇民航专业英语词汇Main service points:主勤务点Cockpit arrangement:驾驶舱布局Captai n con sole:机长操纵台Glare shield pan el:遮光板面板Observer con sole:观察员操纵台Landing gear free fall lever compartment: 起落架自由落下手柄舱Con trol pedestal forward pan el: 控制台前面板Control pedestal:控制台Control stand:控制台Cockpit partition:驾驶舱分区Han ger:机库Protective breath ing equipme nt PBE:呼吸保护器Crank han dle:摇臂Locking pin:锁销Seat lateral unlocking:座位横向锁Seat lock ing(n eutral positi on): 座位锁Seat Iongitudinal uniocking :座位纵向锁Inertial real uniocked/locked :Thigh rest upward/dow nward sett ingBackrest locking :靠背锁Backrest reclining :靠背调节Seat height locking :座位高度锁Seat upward/downward setting : 座位上下调整Lumber support pushbutt on:Lateral locking pin:横侧锁销Manual control handle:人工操纵手柄Plug:插塞Electric actuator:电动致动器Top- off fitti ng:Cockpit emergency evacuation:座舱应急逃离Cockpit window emergency exit: 座舱窗口应急出口Commonality:通用性Detent protection:致动器保护Cursor control device: CCD 光标控制器光标控制器光标控制器光标控制器White stripped bar:白色斜纹条白色斜纹条白色斜纹条白色斜纹条Reversi onary pan el:复原面板复原面板复原面板复原面板Display selector knob:显示选择器旋钮Radio altitude data:无线电高度数据FPA acceleration pointer: FPA 加速指针Electronic checklist: ECL 电子检查单ECL Database load ing page: ECL 数据载入页面2Closed loops:闭环Total fuel qua ntity:De-clutter:整理Cya n box:蓝绿色盒子A dual concentric rotary knob: 同心双旋钮Electro nic bay:电子舱A 20-slot cab in et:插槽柜Glare shield lights con trol pan el:Guida nee pan el:希9导面板Flood/storm pan el light in g: 泛光灯面板照明Chart holder light ing con trol kn ob:Flight crew reading lights:机组阅读灯Adjust aperture size of light pattern: 调整照明灯孑LPasse nger sig n con trol pan el:Toggle switch:搬扭开关Sterile toggle switch:Rain bow lights :Passe nger cab in temperature rotat ing knob:Courtesy light reset switch:Lavatory dome light:厕所顶灯Water tank capacity and fault indication:水箱容量和故障显示Logotype lights : 航徽灯A colored solid square:有色实心方快Rein forced cockpit door:座舱加强门Electro nic mecha nic door latch: 机电门闩Waste compartment:废物舱Han dset cradle :通话手机托架Dispensing units : 氧气面罩放出装置Air gasper outlets: 换气口Manual deploy tool:In dividual readi ng light:独立阅读灯Waste flap:Waste disposal:废物箱Chart lights:航图灯Dome lights:顶灯Fluoresce nt flood /storm light:萤光泛光灯Cabi n /cockpit emerge ncy flood light: 客舱/ 座舱应急泛光灯Emergency escape path: 应急撤离线路Photoluminscent strip:荧光发光带Protective grills:Vent flap:Escape slide:逃生滑梯Exter nal han dle:Escape slide han dle:逃生滑梯手柄3Lock/ve nt flap han dle:Girt bar: 束缚杆束缚杆束缚杆束缚杆Fuel control unit :燃油调节器ramp扶梯Water lin e:吃水线Access door:检查盖Service door:Lock han dle:锁销Proximity sen sor:近地传感器Fabric girt:Floor fitt in gs:Float ing device:漂浮设备Mooring line:系绳系绳系绳系绳Fair safe:In flati on cyli nder pressure read in ess in spect ion wi ndow: 充气瓶压力检查窗Girt bar en gageme nt in dicator win dow:Manual in flation han dle:人工充气手柄Pressure gauge:压力表NO.GO indication:无冲压指示GO indication:冲压指示Deflated handle:放气手柄Pivot pin:主销Strap han dle:Security lever:安全手柄An emerge ncy egress:应急出口A passive lock:Blowout pan el:Grill-protected ope nin gs: 防火孑L / 口Peephole:窥视孔Air compressor:空气压缩机Lavatory faucet :厕所水龙头Retention tanks:贮藏箱Tarmac :停机坪停机坪停机坪停机坪Auto drain valve:自动排放活门Clogs:塞满Drain mast heater:排水加热器Vacuum waste system:真空污水系统A flushing switch:冲洗电门Rin se:冲洗Water system controller:净水系统控制器Fill/drain n ipple:Sump/si nk:收水池,水箱Faucet:水龙头Water filter:滤水器4Toilet bowl:抽水马桶Overflow tube:外溢排水管Lever sen sor:杆式水量传感器Fill/ drain valve:加/ 放水阀Liquid level sensor:液位/面传感器Waste line:污水管Ri nse line冲水管Vacuum waste servic ing pan el:真空污水检查面板Waste drain ball valve handle:污水排泄阀手柄Fire extinguishing system: 灭火系统Automatic con figurati on mon itori ng system: 自动配置监控系统Non-dispatchableMiscompare:Air management system:空气管理系统Pack flow control valve:主件流量控制活门Cockpit temperature rotat ing kn ob: 座舱温度旋钮Recirculation fan:再循环风扇Flight atte ndant control pan el:乘务控制面板Cross-bleed butt on:交输引气按键Bleed air butt on:引气按键Engine bleed valves:发动机引气活门Stripped bar:条纹Cab in altitude selector kn ob:座舱高度选择旋钮Pressurization mode selector knob:增压方式选择旋钮Outflow valve :外流活门Landing field elevation:着陆机场标高Differential pressure indication:压差指示ECS syn optic page: ECS 简图页面Air shutoff valves status:空气关断活门状态页面Diago nal:斜的Outflow valve scale /pointer:排放活门刻度/指针Flow line:排放管Ground cart:地面气源车Gasper:Flow control valve:流量控制阀Low/high stage bleed valve :低压/ 高压引气活门Engine start ground cart:发动机启动地面气源车发动机启动地面气源车发动机启动地面气源车发动机启动地面气源车Fan air bleed valve:风扇空气引气活门EMERG RAM air valve应急冲压空气活门Fan air valve:风尚空气活门Low pressure check valve:低压单向活门Anti-ice supply ducting:防冰引气供气管道Overheat detection system:过热探测系统Dual loop sensing:双环探测5Trim pressure duct:压力调节管道FLAPPER VALVE瓣状活门Bleed source :弓I气源Bleed priority logic:引气优先逻辑Takeoff data set: TDS起飞数据设置Cargo bay ventilation:货舱通风ECS cooli ng packs: ECS 散热主件Pack flow control valve:主件流量控制阀Cab in pull-up mode:座舱拉升方式Electronic compartment ventilation:电子设备舱通风Secondary power distribution assembly: 辅助配电组件Emerge ncy in tegrated con trol cen ter: 应急集控中心Forced cooling air:强制散热散空气RAM air circuit: RAM 空气电路Emergency ram air ventilation valve:应急冲压空气通风活门Recirculation bay:再循环舱Static pressure port:静压孑LCabin pressure control system:座舱压力控制系统Negative differential pressure:负压差Orifice:孔,口Sensing orifice:探测孑LCab in altitude rate of chan ge: 座舱高度变化率Cab in altitude cha nge rate:座舱高度变化率Cabin pressure variation rate: 座舱压力变动率Pressure rate of variation:压力变动率Maximum differe ntial pressure limiter: 最大压差限制器Offset of 0.11psi:偏差Bleed isolation valve:引气隔离活门Lateral guida nee con trol: 水平导航控制9Lateral Navigation 侧向导航Vertical guidanee control: 垂直导航控制9Synchronize:同步HDG selector knob: HDG 选择旋钮Autopilot approach status annun ciator: 自动驾驶进近状态信号器Altitude holdi ng mode: 高度保持方式Altitude pre-selected wi ndow: 高度预选窗FD guida nee cue:飞行指引仪引导提示符Primary servo:主侍服Thrust control system :TCS 推力系统Thrust reverser trigger:反推触发器FD declutter butt on: FD 整理键AFCS processing module:飞控系统处理组件Automatic pitch trim:自动俯仰配平Elevator AP servo:6Ailero n AP servo:A hot spare channel: 热备用通道Elevator thrust compe nsati on: 升降舵推力补偿Cap tain /first office load feel:机长/ 副驾驶载荷感应Synchronize the head ing bugto the curre nt headi ng: 航向同步航向同步航向同步航向同步Approach preview mode:进近预览方式进近预览方式进近预览方式进近预览方式Flight path referenee line:飞行航迹基准线Fl ap-pitch based guida nee:基于襟翼俯仰的引导Overspeed protectio n:超速保护Vertical profile:纵向/垂直剖面Waypoi nt altitude con strai nt: 航路点高度限制Temperature compensation:温度补偿Desce nt an gle:下降角Path an gle:航迹角Speed/altitude limit protectio n: 速度/ 高度限制保护Speed constraint:速度限制Speed reversi on:速度恢复速度恢复速度恢复速度恢复Latched speed protectio n: 闩锁速度保护闩锁速度保护闩锁速度保护闩锁速度保护Trim rate comma nd:配平指令Thrust rating selection: 推力等级选择Thrust lever angle trim:推力手柄角配平Thrust con trol quadra nt:油门操纵杆Speed control mode:速度控制方式Flight level cha nge thrust co ntrol mode: 飞行高度改变的推力控制方式Takeoff thrust control mode: 起飞推力控制方式Go-aro und thrust con trol mode: 复飞推力控制方式Takeoff thrust hold mode:起飞推力保持方式Retard mode: 减速方式Limited thrust:限制推力Auto rati ng type tran sition logic:自动功率型过度逻辑Air cooler in let:空气三热器进气口APU air in let sile ncer: APU 进气口消音器APU operational envelope: APU 运行包线图APU selector knob :APU 选择旋钮APU emerge ncy stop butto n: APU 应急停车键APU RPM in dicatio n: APU 转速表APU EGT i ndicatio n: APU 排气温度表APU fuel supply: APU 燃油供应Ejector fuel pump:喷射器燃油泵APU master switch: APU 总电门Electronic starter controller:电子启动器控制器Brushless starter generator:无刷启动发电机Cooldow n period:冷却时间spool級;短管7spool down發動機減速spool up發動機加速Spool down period:发动机减速时间Electrical fault isolation:电气故障隔离Bus tie contactor:母联接触器AC power quality requirement : AC 电能质量规定Electrical flow line:电力线High lift system actuation:大升力系统启动Load shedding:减负荷Electrical-electronic integrated device: 电气电子集成设备Thermal circuit breaker:热跳开关Electronic mechanical relays:电子机械继电器Load distribution:负载分配负载分配负载分配负载分配Solid state power con troller: 固态电力控制器Li ne select key:行选择键Priority logic:优先逻辑Load shedd ing protect ion: 减负荷保护Fan rotor (N1 rotor speed):Compressor (N2 rotor speed)Exciter:激励器Thrust lever dete nt:Thrust reverser trigger:反推触发器Fire han dle:灭火手柄Fire protect ion con trol pan el: 防火保护控制面板Engine control pan el:发动机控制面板Start/stop selector knob:启动/关断选择旋钮Ignition selector knob:点火选择旋钮N1 wing an ti-ice cyan line:Thrust level:推力级Thrust rating mode indication: 推力等级方式显示N1 request in dicati on:Auto re-light system: 自动重起系统Vibration level:变动级Fuel /oil heat exchanger:燃油/滑油热交换器Fuel-cooled oil cooler:燃油致冷式滑油散热器Fuel metering valve:燃油计量活门Fuel filter blockage:燃油滤堵塞Variable stator vanes:可变静子叶扇Fuel driven actuator:燃油驱动致动器Compressor efficiency:压缩机效率Fuel injector:燃油喷嘴Ejector fuel pump:喷射器燃油泵Lubricati on system:Shaft beari ngs:8Accessory gearbox:附件齿轮箱Oil quantity sensors:滑油量传感器Scavenge pumping elements:回油泵元件Lube and scave nge pump:Chevr on no zzle:Sump drain:收油池Puddle :坑A filter bypass:Cold start relief valve:冷启动释放活门Deaerator:CHIP detector:金属探测器Scave nge scree ns 回油筛Transfer gear box:转换齿轮箱Starter cutout speed:启动机关断速度Ignition selector knob:点火选择旋钮Engine start selector knob:发动机启动选择旋钮Ground idle speed:地面慢车速度Thrust reverser stow ing:In terlock function:互锁功能Actuator locks:启动器锁Cowl lock:Engine condition monitoring:发动机状态监控Engine inlet air temperature:发动机进气温度Fan speed data:风扇速度数据Airplane vibration monitoring system: 飞机抖动监控系统Automatic dry mon itori ng:自动干转监控Performa nee calculati on:Flexible takeoff:灵活起飞A reduced takeoff thrust:减功率起飞推力Assumed temperature:假定温度Minimum flex takeoff thrust:最小灵活起飞推力Maximum rated takeoff thrust:最大额定起飞推力Flex takeoff reduction limit:灵活起飞推力减少限制N1 request valve:Takeoff reserve :起飞保留Default mode setting:默认方式设置Flat rated temperature:Hot start :热启动No light off :无点火Hung start:延迟启动ITT OVER limit protection: ITT 超温限制保护Engine start high ITT prevention :发动机启动ITT温度过高预防Engine fire extinguisher handle:发动机灭火器手柄APU fire exti nguisher butt on:9Hydraulic shutoff valve:液压关短活门High and low -ate cargo extinguisher bottle: 货舱大/小功率灭火瓶Fire detection system test button:火警探测系统测试键Engine fire protection system:发动机防火系统Fire extinguisher handle:灭火手柄Fuselage fairing:机身整流罩Engine bleed air shutoff valve:发动机引气关断活门Pneumatic fire detector:气源火警探测器Cargo smoke detection:货舱烟雾探测器Ventilation outflow valve:通风排放活门Smoke sen sor:烟雾传感器Flight control system:飞控系统Multifunction roll spoiler:多功能横滚扰流板Ground spoiler:地面扰流板Hydraulic actuator:液压制动器Co ntrol cables:操纵纲索Primary actuator control electronics: 主控电子装置Flight control module:飞控组件Electro-hydraulic actuators:电子液压启动器Electro-mecha nical actuators:Pitch trim switch:俯仰配平电门AP/Trim disc onnect butt on:Slat/flap selector lever:Speed brake lever:减速板手柄Pitch trim system 1 cutout butt on:Flight con trol mode pan el: 飞控方式面板Flight con trol mode butt on:Elevator disconnect handle:升降舵断开手柄Ailer on disc onnect han dle:A solid gree n poin ter:Analog control:模拟操纵Rudder /elevator surface actuator:方向舵/升降舵舵面驱动器Con troller area n etwork bus:Stroke limit ing:High level function:高级功能Avionics standard communication bus: ASCB 航空电子标准通讯汇流条System diag no stics:系统诊断Cen tral mai ntenance computer 中央维护计算机CMCElevator thrust compensation:升降舵推理补偿Brake control module:刹车控制组件Proximity sensor electronic module: 近地传感器电子组件Airspeed augme ntati on comma nds: 空速增益指令Late nt faults:潜在故障Cells:电池10Refere nee thrust setti ng:基准推力值Control column displacement:驾驶杆移位Disconnect mechanism:分离机械Disconnect handle:分离手柄Tail strike avoida nee: TSA 尾撬尾撬尾撬尾撬AOA limiter :迎角限制器AOA threshold: AOA 标准标准标准标准Pitch rate:俯仰变化率Wheel main trim switches: 手轮主配平电门Electrical servo motor: 电器侍服马达Horizontal stabilizer actuator: 水平安定面致动器Speedbrake auto trim:减速板自动配平Electric trim motor:电动配平马达Automatic mach trim:自动马赫配平Pitch down tendency:机头下沉趋势FWD/AFT torque tubes:Gain scheduling:增益计划增益计划增益计划增益计划Rudder gai n:方向舵增益Rudder effective ness:方向舵效率Interconnect rod:内接连杆Pedal assembly:脚蹬组件Yaw dumping:偏航阻尼偏航阻尼偏航阻尼偏航阻尼Slat system:Slat surface缝翼翼面Double slotted flap surfaces:双槽襟翼操纵面Power driven unit : PDU 动力驱动组件Skew protection:不对称保护不对称保护不对称保护不对称保护Electro nic skew sen sor:电子不对称传感器Strike protection:电气过载保护电气过载保护电气过载保护电气过载保护Displacement angle:偏转角度Control wheel displacement:驾驶杆偏移Wheel brake efficiency:机轮刹车效率Stopping distanee:停止距离Fixed con trol laws con figurati on:Steep approach mode: 大角度进近方式大角度进近方式大角度进近方式大角度进近方式Flap low rate:Pitch trim low rate:Slat low rate:Gliding line :下滑线Aiming point 下滑点Climb angle :上升角Descend angle:下降角ALPHA门警告UNSTABLE MODE CONFIGURATION不稳定模式:构型不当11 UNSTABLE MODE:STEEP 不稳定模式不稳定模式不稳定模式不稳定模式::下降剖面陡下降剖面陡下降剖面陡下降剖面陡EXCESSIVE BANK ANGLE 坡度大EXCEEDENCE OF FLAP ALTITUDE LIM襟翼超高度限希9 EXCEEDENCE SPEE速度超限HIGH NEGATIVE ACCELEARTION (IN FLIGHT)飞行中垂直过载小HIGH POSITIVE ACCELERATION: IN FLIGHT)飞行中垂直过载大DIRECT LAW : Direct law 警告ALTITUDE ALERT DESCENT高度警告:下降ABNORMAL CONFIGURATION (AT GO—AROUND):复飞构型错BOUNCED LANDING::着陆跳起着陆跳起着陆跳起着陆跳起LONG FLARE:着陆有平飘着陆有平飘着陆有平飘着陆有平飘HIGH ACCELERATION (AT LANDING):接地垂直过载大HEADING DEVIATION (AT LANDING):着陆航向不稳定(接地一地速50KTS) PITCH LOW (AT TOUCHDOWN)接地时刻俯仰角小TIRE LIMIT SPEED HIG轮胎限制速度大LOW SPEED AT LANDING接地速度小HIGH SPEED AT LANDING接地速度大LANDING GEAR OUT OF SEQUENCE^ 落架放出顺序错USE OF SPEEDBRAKES DURING FINAL APPROACH 进近使用扰流板LATE LANDING FLAP SETTING!陆构型设置过晚着陆构型设置过晚着陆构型设置过晚着陆构型设置过晚Excedde nee of flaps/slats limit speed in conf full:CONF FULL构型时襟构型时襟构型时襟构型时襟/缝翼限制速度超缝翼限制速度超缝翼限制速度超缝翼限制速度超限限限限roll cycli ng duri ng final approach:最终进近横向姿态变化大最终进近横向姿态变化大最终进近横向姿态变化大最终进近横向姿态变化大pitch cycli ng duri ng final approach 最终进近俯仰姿态变化大最终进近俯仰姿态变化大最终进近俯仰姿态变化大最终进近俯仰姿态变化大Pitch Low In Final approach ::最终进近俯仰角小最终进近俯仰角小最终进近俯仰角小最终进近俯仰角小localizer deviation ::航向道偏差大航向道偏差大航向道偏差大航向道偏差大Glide slope deviation 彳氐于下滑道低于下滑道低于下滑道低于下滑道High rate of descent进近下降率大进近下降率大进近下降率大进近下降率大Late thrust reduction 收油门过晚收油门过晚收油门过晚收油门过晚Approach speed low 进近速度小Approach speed high 进近速度大进近速度大进近速度大进近速度大Descent Slope: shallow 下降坡度下降坡度下降坡度下降坡度::小小小小、Desce nt Slope: STEEP下降坡度下降坡度下降坡度下降坡度::大大大大Maximum Operating Altitude exceedenee :高度超限Early configuration change (during initial climb) 初始爬升构型改变过早初始爬升构型改变过早初始爬升构型改变过早初始爬升构型改变过早Height lost高度损失(初始爬升pitch rate high(during initial climb, 初始爬升俯仰率大climb out speed low 爬升速度小High positive Acceleration ::起飞阶段垂直过载大起飞阶段垂直过载大起飞阶段垂直过载大起飞阶段垂直过载大lift off speed high 离地速度大离地速度大离地速度大离地速度大N1 un coordi nati on 起飞时左右发起飞时左右发起飞时左右发起飞时左右发N1不匹配不匹配不匹配不匹配taxi speed exceedenee滑行速度大地貌飛行地貌飛行地貌飛行地貌飛行((((Con tour FlyingCon tour FlyingCon tour FlyingCon tour Flying))))障礙物超越障礙物超越障礙物超越障礙物超越((((Obstructio n Cleara neeObstructio n Cleara nceObstructio n Cleara nee Obstruction Clearanee ))))12SSSSteep turnteep turn teep turnteep turn :小转弯小转弯小转弯小转弯空中動作(In-flight maneuver )特定飛航動作(*Specific flight characteristics )接近失速及改正( Approaches to stall and recovery ) *環繞進場(Circling approach )誤失進場(Missed approach) Navigation radio sensor: 导航无线电传感器Airspeed tape indications:空速速度带显示Selected airspeed /mach readout:Selected airspeed bug: 选择空速游标Vfs speed: takeoff final segme nt speed:Flap retract ion speed refere nee:襟翼收上速度基准Airspeed trend vector: 空速趋势矢量Approach climb speed:进近爬升速度Refere nee speed:基准速度Ideal flap selection speed:最佳襟翼收上速度Drift down speed:飘降速度Flap man euveri ng speed:襟翼机动速度Shaker speed:抖杆速度Low speed aware ness tape:低速意识带Airspeed rolling digits:空速滚动数字Vmo/Mmo Barber Pole: 标杆速度Selected vertical speed readout:选定升降速度值Vertical speed scale:Altitude tape indication: 高度带显示Single or double line chevrons: 单或双线V 形标记Gree n hashed box:Barometric correction:气压修正Altitude trend vector:高度趋势矢量ADI indication: ADI 显示Flight path referenee line /readout: 飞行航迹基准线/读数FPA acceleration pointer: FPA 加速指针Pitch limit indicator:俯仰姿态限制指示器Selected vertical speed directi on arrow:选定升降速度方向箭头Stick shaker AOA:失速抖杆AOAActual AOA:实际AOASlip/skid indicator:滑动指示器Roll scale /low bank limit ARC:横滚刻度/小坡度限制弧Inv erted tria ngle:Steep turns:小转弯ILS glide slop deviation: ILS 下滑道偏离Vertical approach path: 垂直进航迹FMS vertical deviation: FMS 垂直偏离13Trapezoidal form:不规则四边形ILS/VOR lateral deviation: ILS/VOR 侧向偏离Pitch an gle scale:俯仰角刻度Takeoff crossbar:起飞十子杆Excessive pitch chevron annunciator:俯仰过大V 形信号牌Radar altitude indication:雷达高度指示Minimum selected readout: 最小选择读数Marker beacon annunciation: 指点标信号Graphics test data mon itor annun ciator: 图形测试数据监控器信号牌Attitude source annunciation: 姿态源信号Air data source annunciation:大气数据源信号VNAVA altitude con strai nt annun ciati on: VNAVA 高度限制信号Vertical track alert annunciation:垂直航迹预警信号Primary navigation source annunciation: 主导航源信号Selected heading readout: 选定航向读数Bearing pointer:方位指针Course select point:航道选择点Lateral deviati on in dicator: 侧向偏离显示器Drift angle bug:偏流角游标Dilution of Precision精度扩散因子精度扩散因子精度扩散因子精度扩散因子Bearing source annunciator :方位源信号牌Selected heading bug:选定航向游标Course select preview pointer:航道选择预览指针Desired track readout:目标航迹读数Dead reckoning mode:推测领航方式Approach sen sitivity mode annun ciator: 进近敏感性方式信号牌Waypoint data block indications:航路点数据块显示Range selectio n:距离选择Weather radar returns:气象雷达回波Antenna position indicator : 天线位置指示器Slave annun ciati on:随动显示随动显示随动显示随动显示ADI/HIS miscompare:不匹配Horizontal profile indications: 水平咅U面指示Vertical profile indications:垂直咅U面指示Horizontal track line:水平航迹线FMS progress window: FMS 进程窗Selected heading out of view arrow: 选定航向隐藏箭头Cross track annun ciati ons:十子航迹信号Planned horizontal flight path:计划水平航路Airplane Majectory line:飞机空气轨迹线Vertical situation display:垂直状态显示Target alert checkbox:目标预警复选框/检查盒Rain echo attenuation compensation technique checkbox:雨反射波衰减补偿技术复14选框/检查盒Altitude compensation tilt check box:高度补偿倾斜复选框/检查盒Turbulenee detection checkbox:颠簸探测复选框/检查盒Gain indication display:增益指示显示Receiver sen sitivity level:接收机灵敏度Antenna stabilization checkbox:天线稳定复选框/检查盒Sector scan checkbox:扇形扫描复选框/检查盒Forced standby override:强制等待超控键Light ning sen sors:雷电传感器Rate of occurrenee symbols: 发生率符号Lightning mode:雷电方式Lightning clear function:雷电删除功能Scratch pad:草稿In dex display:索弓丨显示Bright ness control butt on:灯光亮度控制键Function buttons:功能键Data link:数据链Thrust rati ng selecti on:推力功率选择Display con trol pan el:显示控制面板Full compass:全罗盘ARC mode: ARC 方式Flight path referenee:飞行航迹基准Integrated electronic standby system IESS 集成电子备用系统Referenee barometric pressure indication: 基准气压压力指示Meter altitude indication: 米制高度指示Negative altitude:负高度Baro rotary knob:气压设置旋钮Detent :卡位Control wheel chronometer:驾驶盘时钟Standby magnetic compass:备用磁罗盘Glareshield com muni cati on:遮光板通讯Hand microphone controls: 手持麦克风Headphone ::头戴式耳机头戴式耳机头戴式耳机头戴式耳机Headset头戴式耳机Boom microph one :Ramp stati on:SELCAL annun ciation butt on:选择呼叫信号键Digital voice data recorder: DVDRReversi onary pan el:复原面板Reversi onary logic cycle:复原逻辑循环Multifunction probe:多功能探测管Side-slip effects:侧滑效应Total pressure:全压Static pressure:静压15Resistive heater eleme nt:防热散失加温元件Airplane sink rate variation:飞机下沉率变动Record mandatory parameters:强制记录参数Barometric corrected altitude:气压修正高度Alignment phase:校准阶段Lateral accelerati on:侧向加速Compass card:罗盘卡Lubber line:罗盘准线Bowl盘/碟/碗Modular radio cab in et:模块式无线电机柜Squelch type:静噪类型Signal-noise squelch:信噪静噪信噪静噪信噪静噪信噪静噪Sig nal /no ise squelch high:Sig nal level squelch :信号电平静噪EM mode: emission mode: 发射方式Carrier power:载波功率Power dispersion:功率耗散Clarifier:无线电干扰消除器Capture a frequency:频率截/捕获Communi catio n man ageme nt fun ctio n ” 通讯管理功能Character -orien ted com muni cati on:面向字符通讯Voice com muni cati on:语音通讯Airli ne operati onal com muni cati on: 航空公司运营通讯Fault /events reports:故障/事件报告Upli nk:上传Inertial referenee unit:惯性基准单元/组件Acquisiti on:截获Altitude aiding:高度帮助Velocity aiding:速度帮助Prompt:提示符提示符提示符提示符Designated airspace:指定空域Transpon der field:Ground mapping:地面测绘Integrated receiver transmitter antenna unit: 集成收发机天线组件集成收发机天线组件集成收发机天线组件集成收发机天线组件Radar weather detect ion mode:雷达天气探测方式Ground mapping mode: 地面测绘方式Slave mode:从模式/方式/用户方式Off MODE:Standby /forced standby mode:备用/强制备用方式Angle of sweep:扫描范围/角Tilt function:倾斜功能Altitude compensation tilts function:高度补偿倾斜功能Attenuation losses:衰减损失16Tra nsmit in hibit relay:发射抑制继电器Navigation MAP data:导航MAP 数据Performanee initialization data: 性能初始化数据Vertical track alert:垂直航迹预警Initial cruise altitude:初始巡航高度Early/late desce nt:下降早/ 迟FMS speed pla n:FMS 速度计戈USpeed comma nd flight phase:速度指令飞行阶段Approach speed limit activation logic: 进近速度限制激活逻辑Waypoint speed constraints:航路点速度限制Navigation database:导航数据库Customs database:用户数据库Aircraft database:飞机数据库Performanee learning function: smart performanee ”Company route identifier: 公司航路代号FMS position integrity estimate:FMS 位置整体估计Lateral track ale rt:侧向航迹预警A steep climb:大角度上升Lateral offset:横横横横/侧向偏至角侧向偏至角侧向偏至角侧向偏至角Maintenance and system configuration: 维修和系统构型Navigation identification:导航识另Position initialization:位置初始化Performance initialization:性能初始化Route selecti on:航路选择Creat ing a flight route:创建飞行航路Alternate flight route:备用飞行航路Tail marker:机位标记Poi nt of No turn:航线临界点航线临界点航线临界点航线临界点Maximum en dura nee:最大续航能力Maximum range:最大航程Speed schedule:速度计戈UStep climb in creme nt:分段爬升增量Step size分段爬升高度间隔差T/C: top of climb目標爬升最高點S/C:step of climb階段爬升起點符號E/D: end of descent目標下降終止點T/D: top of descent 目標下降點Fuel allowa nee :可用燃油Contingency fuel:意外情况备份燃油Average cruise wind:平均巡航风Temperature deviation:温度差异Ceiling altitude :升限Latest estimated fuel remaining:最新估计余油Excitatio n:励磁17Exciter:励磁器Redu nda ncy:冗余/备份Fan Cowl:Feeder route:支线Feeder line:支线航线Feeder fix:支线定位点Fi nal approach course:最后进近航段Full flight simulator:全飞模拟机Fixed base simulation:固定模拟机Fl ap speed schedule:襟翼速度计划Flight controls:飞行操纵面Float switch:浮子开关Fuel conservation: 节了由Throttle Position Idle:節流閥位於怠速節流閥位於怠速節流閥位於怠速節流閥位於怠速BUS TIE埠栓埠栓埠栓埠栓PACK(S)空調套件空調套件空調套件空調套件GASPER和和和和HUMIDIFIER增濕器增濕器增濕器增濕器)HI FLOW(高流量開關高流量開關高流量開關高流量開關INERTIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM 慣性參考系統慣性參考系統慣性參考系統慣性參考系統Gasper air:Gasper air outlet:Floor bracket:Hub cap:毂盖Ignition exciter:点火励磁器Iniet guide vanes:进气引导叶扇/片/导向叶片International air route:国际航线In terlock:联锁Jet pump:喷射泵/引射泵Joggle:折接Jumper wire 跨接线跨接线跨接线跨接线Electric actuator:电力致动器Limit switch:极限电门Spot light:聚光灯Flood light:泛光灯Default:A confirm entry prompt: 输入提示符Figure of merit:指标值Steep climb /descent:大角度上升/下降Louver:百叶窗Flyover waypoint:飞跃航路点Outbound time/distanee: 出航时间/距离18Procedure turn an gle:程序转弯角Crossing point:穿越点Point of NO turn:航线临界点航线临界点航线临界点航线临界点Magenta:洋红色Equal time point:Latitude /Iongitude crossing: 横向/纵向穿越Point abeam:点切Slave cable:随动钢索随动钢索随动钢索随动钢索Flight idle:空中慢车/高慢Ground idle:地面慢车/地慢Turbi ne blade and vane cooli ng: 涡轮转子和静子叶片散热涡轮转子和静子叶片散热涡轮转子和静子叶片散热涡轮转子和静子叶片散热Turbine case cooling:涡轮机匣散热Turbine compartment cooling valve: 涡轮段散热活门涡轮段散热活门涡轮段散热活门涡轮段散热活门Transfer gearbox:传动齿轮箱Thrust lever travel:油门杆行程油门杆行程油门杆行程油门杆行程Thrust lever an gle :推力手柄角Threshold overhaul:大修时间大修时间大修时间大修时间Thrust lever resolver angle:推力手柄解算器角度Thrust reverser directional valve: 反推换向活门反推换向活门反推换向活门反推换向活门Thermal couple:热电耦Un derwater locator beac on: 水下定位信标Above ground level:地标位置地标位置地标位置地标位置Pictorial deviati on in dicator: 偏航图显示器Thrust rati ng pan el: 推力等级面板Integral wing tanks:Win dmill:风转Fuel flow line:燃油供油管Collector tank:收油槽/收油油箱Surge tank:通气防波油箱/缓冲油箱Hard break ing:Magnetic level indicator/dipstick:磁性燃油尺Ejector fuel pump/jet pump:引射泵引射泵引射泵引射泵Scavenge ejector pumps: 回油弓I射泵回油引射泵回油引射泵回油引射泵Engine motive flow :发动机弓I射流发动机引射流发动机引射流发动机引射流Engine motive line:发动机引射管发动机引射管发动机引射管发动机引射管Ejector in let port:引射泵进口Refueli ng /defueli ng control pan el: 加油/ 放油控制面Fuel Collector Box:燃油集油箱板Refueling point:加油点Fuel conditioning unit:燃油加温调节器燃油加温调节器燃油加温调节器。

1.航空公司面临的问题?如何解决?The technical innovations post the problem of financing the new capital investments which they made necessary.(1)the aircraft manufactures became increasingly involved with raising capital for their customers, either through the commercial banks in their own counting or through special export trade banks.(2)the emerged consortia of banks which purchased aircraft and then leased them to the airlines.2.航空运输业发展特征。
In the first place, the rate of growth of non-scheduled air transport was higher than that of scheduled. Secondly, the profitability of airlines during the last 30 years has been fairly marginal despite the rapid growth of demand for their services.3.航空运输发展阶段。
During 1960s: unit cost declined.1968-1975:airlines struggled for financial survival.1975-1978: the world’s airlines did very well.1979- 1983: airlines entered a period of deep crisis.The second half of the 1980s: dramatic turn- around in airline’s fortunes.过两三年中国航空业是好是坏:the industry’s indebtedness will worsen because the large number of aircraft orders.4.Non- economic regulations(Technical standard,Technical regulations)技术规章The objective is to keep high level of safety of airline operation, covering every aspect of airline activity. 目标作用(1)Regulation of the Aircraft Airworthiness.(Design standard,Production standard,Performance: engine)适航(2)Regulations covering the timing, nature and supervision of maintenance and over- haul work and the training and qualification of the engineers. 维修(3) Regulations governing the numbers and type of flight and cabin crew. (Duties, Training , Licensing, Workload, Schedules) 机组(4) Detailed regulations covering both the way in which aircraft are operated and the operation of theaircraft.(Licensed by the authority, Satisfy certain criteria, Comply with operating standards) (5) Regulations and recommended standards dealing with aviation infrastructure.(Airports, Meteorological services, En-route navigational facilities) 保障设施5.航空业发展原因:(1)the falling level of operating costs enabled airlines to offer tariffs that were lower tariffs in real terms.(2)per capita incomes(人均收入) in the developed countries of the world were increasing.(3)there wasa boom in world trade, which increased both business travel and demand for air freight facilities.6.技术规章的特点。

民航专业英语词汇Main service points:主勤务点Cockpit arrangement: 驾驶舱布局Captain console: 机长操纵台Glare shield panel: 遮光板面板Observer console:观察员操纵台Landing gear free fall lever compartment:起落架自由落下手柄舱Control pedestal forward panel:控制台前面板Control pedestal:控制台Control stand:控制台Cockpit partition:驾驶舱分区Hanger: 机库Protective breathing equipment PBE: 呼吸保护器Crank handle: 摇臂Locking pin: 锁销Seat lateral unlocking: 座位横向锁Seat locking(neutral position): 座位锁Seat longitudinal unlocking:座位纵向锁Inertial real unlocked/locked:Thigh rest upward/downward setting:Backrest locking:靠背锁Backrest reclining:靠背调节Seat height locking:座位高度锁Seat upward/downward setting:座位上下调整Lumber support pushbutton:Lateral locking pin:横侧锁销Manual control handle:人工操纵手柄Plug:插塞Electric actuator:电动致动器Top- off fitting:Cockpit emergency evacuation:座舱应急逃离Cockpit window emergency exit:座舱窗口应急出口Commonality:通用性Detent protection:致动器保护Cursor control device: CCD 光标控制器White stripped bar:白色斜纹条Reversionary panel:复原面板Display selector knob:显示选择器旋钮Radio altitude data:无线电高度数据FPA acceleration pointer: FPA加速指针Electronic checklist: ECL 电子检查单ECL Database loading page: ECL数据载入页面Closed loops:闭环Total fuel quantity:De-clutter: 整理Cyan box:蓝绿色盒子A dual concentric rotary knob:同心双旋钮Electronic bay:电子舱A 20-slot cabinet:插槽柜Glare shield lights control panel:Guidance panel: 制导面板Flood/storm panel lighting: 泛光灯面板照明Chart holder lighting control knob:Flight crew reading lights:机组阅读灯Adjust aperture size of light pattern:调整照明灯孔Passenger sign control panel:Toggle switch:搬扭开关Sterile toggle switch:Rain bow lights :Passenger cabin temperature rotating knob:Courtesy light reset switch:Lavatory dome light:厕所顶灯Water tank capacity and fault indication:水箱容量和故障显示Logotype lights : 航徽灯A colored solid square:有色实心方快Reinforced cockpit door:座舱加强门Electronic mechanic door latch: 机电门闩Waste compartment:废物舱Handset cradle : 通话手机托架Dispensing units : 氧气面罩放出装置Air gasper outlets: 换气口Manual deploy tool:Individual reading light:独立阅读灯Waste flap:Waste disposal:废物箱Chart lights:航图灯Dome lights: 顶灯Fluorescent flood /storm light:萤光泛光灯Cabin /cockpit emergency flood light: 客舱/座舱应急泛光灯Emergency escape path: 应急撤离线路Photoluminscent strip:荧光发光带Protective grills:Vent flap:Escape slide:逃生滑梯External handle:Escape slide handle:逃生滑梯手柄Lock/vent flap handle:Girt bar:束缚杆Fuel control unit:燃油调节器ramp 扶梯Water line:吃水线Access door:检查盖Service door:Lock handle:锁销Proximity sensor: 近地传感器Fabric girt:Floor fittings:Floating device:漂浮设备Mooring line: 系绳Fair safe:Inflation cylinder pressure readiness inspection window:充气瓶压力检查窗Girt bar engagement indicator window:Manual inflation handle:人工充气手柄Pressure gauge:压力表NO.GO indication: 无冲压指示GO indication: 冲压指示Deflated handle:放气手柄Pivot pin:主销Strap handle:Security lever:安全手柄An emergency egress:应急出口A passive lock:Blowout panel:Grill-protected openings: 防火孔/口Peephole:窥视孔Air compressor:空气压缩机Lavatory faucet:厕所水龙头Retention tanks: 贮藏箱Tarmac :停机坪Auto drain valve:自动排放活门Clogs: 塞满Drain mast heater: 排水加热器Vacuum waste system:真空污水系统A flushing switch:冲洗电门Rinse:冲洗Water system controller:净水系统控制器Fill/drain nipple:Sump/sink:收水池,水箱Faucet:水龙头Water filter: 滤水器Toilet bowl:抽水马桶Overflow tube:外溢排水管Lever sensor:杆式水量传感器Fill/ drain valve:加/放水阀Liquid level sensor: 液位/面传感器Waste line:污水管Rinse line:冲水管Vacuum waste servicing panel:真空污水检查面板Waste drain ball valve handle:污水排泄阀手柄Fire extinguishing system: 灭火系统Automatic configuration monitoring system:自动配置监控系统Non-dispatchableMiscompare:Air management system:空气管理系统Pack flow control valve:主件流量控制活门Cockpit temperature rotating knob: 座舱温度旋钮Recirculation fan:再循环风扇Flight attendant control panel:乘务控制面板Cross-bleed button:交输引气按键Bleed air button: 引气按键Engine bleed valves:发动机引气活门Stripped bar:条纹Cabin altitude selector knob: 座舱高度选择旋钮Pressurization mode selector knob:增压方式选择旋钮Outflow valve:外流活门Landing field elevation:着陆机场标高Differential pressure indication:压差指示ECS synoptic page: ECS 简图页面Air shutoff valves status:空气关断活门状态页面Diagonal:斜的Outflow valve scale /pointer: 排放活门刻度/指针Flow line:排放管Ground cart:地面气源车Gasper:Flow control valve:流量控制阀Low/high stage bleed valve:低压/高压引气活门Engine start ground cart:发动机启动地面气源车Fan air bleed valve:风扇空气引气活门EMERG RAM air valve:应急冲压空气活门Fan air valve:风尚空气活门Low pressure check valve:低压单向活门Anti-ice supply ducting:防冰引气供气管道Overheat detection system:过热探测系统Dual loop sensing:双环探测Trim pressure duct:压力调节管道FLAPPER V ALVES瓣状活门Bleed source:引气源Bleed priority logic: 引气优先逻辑Takeoff data set: TDS 起飞数据设置Cargo bay ventilation:货舱通风ECS cooling packs: ECS 散热主件Pack flow control valve:主件流量控制阀Cabin pull-up mode:座舱拉升方式Electronic compartment ventilation:电子设备舱通风Secondary power distribution assembly:辅助配电组件Emergency integrated control center: 应急集控中心Forced cooling air:强制散热散空气RAM air circuit: RAM 空气电路Emergency ram air ventilation valve:应急冲压空气通风活门Recirculation bay:再循环舱Static pressure port:静压孔Cabin pressure control system:座舱压力控制系统Negative differential pressure:负压差Orifice:孔,口Sensing orifice:探测孔Cabin altitude rate of change: 座舱高度变化率Cabin altitude change rate: 座舱高度变化率Cabin pressure variation rate: 座舱压力变动率Pressure rate of variation:压力变动率Maximum differential pressure limiter: 最大压差限制器Offset of 0.11psi:偏差Bleed isolation valve: 引气隔离活门Lateral guidance control:水平导航控制Lateral Navigation 侧向导航Vertical guidance control: 垂直导航控制Synchronize:同步HDG selector knob: HDG 选择旋钮Autopilot approach status annunciator: 自动驾驶进近状态信号器Altitude holding mode: 高度保持方式Altitude pre-selected window: 高度预选窗FD guidance cue: 飞行指引仪引导提示符Primary servo:主侍服Thrust control system :TCS 推力系统Thrust reverser trigger: 反推触发器FD declutter button: FD整理键AFCS processing module: 飞控系统处理组件Automatic pitch trim:自动俯仰配平Elevator AP servo:Aileron AP servo:A hot spare channel: 热备用通道Elevator thrust compensation: 升降舵推力补偿Captain /first office load feel: 机长/副驾驶载荷感应Synchronize the heading bug to the current heading: 航向同步Approach preview mode: 进近预览方式Flight path reference line:飞行航迹基准线Flap-pitch based guidance: 基于襟翼俯仰的引导Overspeed protection: 超速保护Vertical profile:纵向/垂直剖面Waypoint altitude constraint: 航路点高度限制Temperature compensation:温度补偿Descent angle: 下降角Path angle:航迹角Speed/altitude limit protection: 速度/高度限制保护Speed constraint:速度限制Speed reversion: 速度恢复Latched speed protection: 闩锁速度保护Trim rate command: 配平指令Thrust rating selection: 推力等级选择Thrust lever angle trim:推力手柄角配平Thrust control quadrant:油门操纵杆Speed control mode: 速度控制方式Flight level change thrust control mode: 飞行高度改变的推力控制方式Takeoff thrust control mode:起飞推力控制方式Go-around thrust control mode:复飞推力控制方式Takeoff thrust hold mode:起飞推力保持方式Retard mode: 减速方式Limited thrust: 限制推力Auto rating type transition logic:自动功率型过度逻辑Air cooler inlet:空气三热器进气口APU air inlet silencer: APU进气口消音器APU operational envelope: APU 运行包线图APU selector knob :APU 选择旋钮APU emergency stop button: APU 应急停车键APU RPM indication: APU 转速表APU EGT indication: APU排气温度表APU fuel supply: APU 燃油供应Ejector fuel pump:喷射器燃油泵APU master switch: APU 总电门Electronic starter controller:电子启动器控制器Brushless starter generator:无刷启动发电机Cooldown period: 冷却时间spool 級;短管spool down 發動機減速spool up 發動機加速Spool down period:发动机减速时间Electrical fault isolation:电气故障隔离Bus tie contactor:母联接触器AC power quality requirement:AC电能质量规定Electrical flow line: 电力线High lift system actuation:大升力系统启动Load shedding:减负荷Electrical-electronic integrated device:电气电子集成设备Thermal circuit breaker:热跳开关Electronic mechanical relays: 电子机械继电器Load distribution:负载分配Solid state power controller: 固态电力控制器Line select key:行选择键Priority logic:优先逻辑Load shedding protection:减负荷保护Fan rotor (N1 rotor speed):Compressor (N2 rotor speed)Exciter:激励器Thrust lever detent:Thrust reverser trigger:反推触发器Fire handle:灭火手柄Fire protection control panel:防火保护控制面板Engine control panel:发动机控制面板Start/stop selector knob:启动/关断选择旋钮Ignition selector knob:点火选择旋钮N1 wing anti-ice cyan line:Thrust level:推力级Thrust rating mode indication:推力等级方式显示N1 request indication:Auto re-light system: 自动重起系统Vibration level:变动级Fuel /oil heat exchanger:燃油/滑油热交换器Fuel-cooled oil cooler:燃油致冷式滑油散热器Fuel metering valve:燃油计量活门Fuel filter blockage:燃油滤堵塞Variable stator vanes:可变静子叶扇Fuel driven actuator:燃油驱动致动器Compressor efficiency:压缩机效率Fuel injector:燃油喷嘴Ejector fuel pump:喷射器燃油泵Lubrication system:Shaft bearings:Accessory gearbox:附件齿轮箱Oil quantity sensors:滑油量传感器Scavenge pumping elements:回油泵元件Lube and scavenge pump:Chevron nozzle:Sump drain: 收油池Puddle:坑A filter bypass:Cold start relief valve:冷启动释放活门Deaerator:CHIP detector: 金属探测器Scavenge screens:回油筛Transfer gear box:转换齿轮箱Starter cutout speed:启动机关断速度Ignition selector knob:点火选择旋钮Engine start selector knob:发动机启动选择旋钮Ground idle speed:地面慢车速度Thrust reverser stowing:Interlock function:互锁功能Actuator locks:启动器锁Cowl lock:Engine condition monitoring:发动机状态监控Engine inlet air temperature:发动机进气温度Fan speed data:风扇速度数据Airplane vibration monitoring system:飞机抖动监控系统Automatic dry monitoring:自动干转监控Performance calculation:Flexible takeoff:灵活起飞A reduced takeoff thrust:减功率起飞推力Assumed temperature:假定温度Minimum flex takeoff thrust:最小灵活起飞推力Maximum rated takeoff thrust:最大额定起飞推力Flex takeoff reduction limit:灵活起飞推力减少限制N1 request valve:Takeoff reserve:起飞保留Default mode setting:默认方式设置Flat rated temperature:Hot start :热启动No light off:无点火Hung start:延迟启动ITT OVER limit protection: ITT 超温限制保护Engine start high ITT prevention:发动机启动ITT温度过高预防Engine fire extinguisher handle:发动机灭火器手柄APU fire extinguisher button:Hydraulic shutoff valve:液压关短活门High and low –rate cargo extinguisher bottle: 货舱大/小功率灭火瓶Fire detection system test button:火警探测系统测试键Engine fire protection system:发动机防火系统Fire extinguisher handle:灭火手柄Fuselage fairing:机身整流罩Engine bleed air shutoff valve:发动机引气关断活门Pneumatic fire detector:气源火警探测器Cargo smoke detection:货舱烟雾探测器Ventilation outflow valve:通风排放活门Smoke sensor:烟雾传感器Flight control system:飞控系统Multifunction roll spoiler:多功能横滚扰流板Ground spoiler:地面扰流板Hydraulic actuator:液压制动器Control cables:操纵纲索Primary actuator control electronics:主控电子装置Flight control module:飞控组件Electro-hydraulic actuators:电子液压启动器Electro-mechanical actuators:Pitch trim switch:俯仰配平电门AP/Trim disconnect button:Slat/flap selector lever:Speed brake lever:减速板手柄Pitch trim system 1 cutout button:Flight control mode panel:飞控方式面板Flight control mode button:Elevator disconnect handle:升降舵断开手柄Aileron disconnect handle:A solid green pointer:Analog control:模拟操纵Rudder /elevator surface actuator:方向舵/升降舵舵面驱动器Controller area network bus:Stroke limiting:High level function:高级功能Avionics standard communication bus: ASCB航空电子标准通讯汇流条System diagnostics:系统诊断Central maintenance computer 中央维护计算机CMCElevator thrust compensation:升降舵推理补偿Brake control module:刹车控制组件Proximity sensor electronic module:近地传感器电子组件Airspeed augmentation commands:空速增益指令Latent faults:潜在故障Cells:电池Reference thrust setting:基准推力值Control column displacement:驾驶杆移位Disconnect mechanism:分离机械Disconnect handle:分离手柄Tail strike avoidance: TSA 尾撬AOA limiter:迎角限制器AOA threshold: AOA 标准Pitch rate:俯仰变化率Wheel main trim switches: 手轮主配平电门Electrical servo motor: 电器侍服马达Horizontal stabilizer actuator:水平安定面致动器Speedbrake auto trim:减速板自动配平Electric trim motor:电动配平马达Automatic mach trim:自动马赫配平Pitch down tendency:机头下沉趋势FWD/AFT torque tubes:Gain scheduling:增益计划Rudder gain:方向舵增益Rudder effectiveness:方向舵效率Interconnect rod:内接连杆Pedal assembly:脚蹬组件Yaw dumping:偏航阻尼Slat system:Slat surface:缝翼翼面Double slotted flap surfaces:双槽襟翼操纵面Power driven unit:PDU 动力驱动组件Skew protection:不对称保护Electronic skew sensor:电子不对称传感器Strike protection:电气过载保护Displacement angle:偏转角度Control wheel displacement:驾驶杆偏移Wheel brake efficiency:机轮刹车效率Stopping distance:停止距离Fixed control laws configuration:Steep approach mode: 大角度进近方式Flap low rate:Pitch trim low rate:Slat low rate:Gliding line:下滑线Aiming point下滑点Climb angle:上升角Descend angle:下降角ALPHA门警告UNSTABLE MODE:CONFIGURATION 不稳定模式:构型不当UNSTABLE MODE:STEEP 不稳定模式:下降剖面陡EXCESSIVE BANK ANGLE 坡度大EXCEEDENCE OF FLAP ALTITUDE LIMIT襟翼超高度限制EXCEEDENCE SPEED速度超限HIGH NEGATIVE ACCELEARTION (IN FLIGHT)飞行中垂直过载小HIGH POSITIVE ACCELERA TION(IN FLIGHT)飞行中垂直过载大DIRECT LAW :Direct law 警告ALTITUDE ALERT:DESCENT高度警告:下降ABNORMAL CONFIGURA TION(AT GO—AROUND):复飞构型错BOUNCED LANDING:着陆跳起LONG FLARE:着陆有平飘HIGH ACCELERA TION (AT LANDING):接地垂直过载大HEADING DEVIATION (AT LANDING):着陆航向不稳定(接地—地速50KTS)PITCH LOW (AT TOUCHDOWN)接地时刻俯仰角小TIRE LIMIT SPEED HIGH轮胎限制速度大LOW SPEED AT LANDING接地速度小HIGH SPEED AT LANDING接地速度大LANDING GEAR OUT OF SEQUENCE起落架放出顺序错USE OF SPEEDBRAKES DURING FINAL APPROAC最终进近使用扰流板LATE LANDING FLAP SETTING着陆构型设置过晚Exceddence of flaps/slats limit speed in conf full :CONF FULL 构型时襟/缝翼限制速度超限roll cycling during final approach:最终进近横向姿态变化大pitch cycling during final approach最终进近俯仰姿态变化大Pitch Low In Final approach:最终进近俯仰角小localizer deviation:航向道偏差大Glide slope deviation低于下滑道High rate of descent进近下降率大Late thrust reduction收油门过晚Approach speed low进近速度小Approach speed high进近速度大Descent Slope: shallow下降坡度:小、Descent Slope: STEEP下降坡度:大Maximum Operating Altitude exceedence:高度超限Early configuration change (during initial climb) 初始爬升构型改变过早Height lost高度损失(初始爬升pitch rate high(during initial climb, 初始爬升俯仰率大climb out speed low爬升速度小High positive Acceleration:起飞阶段垂直过载大lift off speed high离地速度大N1 uncoordination 起飞时左右发N1不匹配taxi speed exceedence滑行速度大地貌飛行(Contour Flying)障礙物超越(Obstruction Clearance)Steep turn:小转弯空中動作(In-flight maneuver)特定飛航動作(*Specific flight characteristics)接近失速及改正(Approaches to stall and recovery)*環繞進場(Circling approach)誤失進場(Missed approach)Navigation radio sensor: 导航无线电传感器Airspeed tape indications:空速速度带显示Selected airspeed /mach readout:Selected airspeed bug: 选择空速游标Vfs speed: takeoff final segment speed:Flap retraction speed reference:襟翼收上速度基准Airspeed trend vector: 空速趋势矢量Approach climb speed:进近爬升速度Reference speed:基准速度Ideal flap selection speed:最佳襟翼收上速度Drift down speed:飘降速度Flap maneuvering speed:襟翼机动速度Shaker speed:抖杆速度Low speed awareness tape:低速意识带Airspeed rolling digits:空速滚动数字Vmo/Mmo Barber Pole: 标杆速度Selected vertical speed direction arrow:选定升降速度方向箭头Selected vertical speed readout:选定升降速度值Vertical speed scale:Altitude tape indication:高度带显示Single or double line chevrons: 单或双线V形标记Green hashed box:Barometric correction:气压修正Altitude trend vector:高度趋势矢量ADI indication: ADI 显示Flight path reference line /readout: 飞行航迹基准线/读数FPA acceleration pointer: FPA加速指针Pitch limit indicator:俯仰姿态限制指示器Stick shaker AOA: 失速抖杆AOAActual AOA: 实际AOASlip/skid indicator: 滑动指示器Roll scale /low bank limit ARC: 横滚刻度/小坡度限制弧Inverted triangle:Steep turns:小转弯ILS glide slop deviation: ILS 下滑道偏离Vertical approach path: 垂直进航迹FMS vertical deviation: FMS垂直偏离Trapezoidal form:不规则四边形ILS/VOR lateral deviation: ILS/VOR侧向偏离Pitch angle scale:俯仰角刻度Takeoff crossbar:起飞十子杆Excessive pitch chevron annunciator:俯仰过大V形信号牌Radar altitude indication:雷达高度指示Minimum selected readout:最小选择读数Marker beacon annunciation:指点标信号Graphics test data monitor annunciator: 图形测试数据监控器信号牌Attitude source annunciation:姿态源信号Air data source annunciation:大气数据源信号VNA V A altitude constraint annunciation: VNA V A高度限制信号Vertical track alert annunciation:垂直航迹预警信号Primary navigation source annunciation:主导航源信号Selected heading readout: 选定航向读数Bearing pointer:方位指针Course select point:航道选择点Lateral deviation indicator: 侧向偏离显示器Drift angle bug:偏流角游标Dilution of Precision 精度扩散因子Bearing source annunciator:方位源信号牌Selected heading bug:选定航向游标Course select preview pointer:航道选择预览指针Desired track readout:目标航迹读数Dead reckoning mode:推测领航方式Approach sensitivity mode annunciator: 进近敏感性方式信号牌Waypoint data block indications:航路点数据块显示Range selection:距离选择Weather radar returns: 气象雷达回波Antenna position indicator:天线位置指示器Slave annunciation:随动显示ADI/HIS miscompare: 不匹配Horizontal profile indications:水平剖面指示Vertical profile indications:垂直剖面指示Horizontal track line:水平航迹线FMS progress window: FMS 进程窗Selected heading out of view arrow:选定航向隐藏箭头Cross track annunciations:十子航迹信号Planned horizontal flight path:计划水平航路Airplane trajectory line:飞机空气轨迹线Vertical situation display:垂直状态显示Target alert checkbox:目标预警复选框/检查盒Rain echo attenuation compensation technique checkbox:雨反射波衰减补偿技术复选框/检查盒Altitude compensation tilt check box:高度补偿倾斜复选框/检查盒Turbulence detection checkbox:颠簸探测复选框/检查盒Gain indication display:增益指示显示Receiver sensitivity level:接收机灵敏度Antenna stabilization checkbox:天线稳定复选框/检查盒Sector scan checkbox:扇形扫描复选框/检查盒Forced standby override:强制等待超控键Lightning sensors:雷电传感器Rate of occurrence symbols: 发生率符号Lightning mode:雷电方式Lightning clear function:雷电删除功能Scratch pad:草稿Index display:索引显示Brightness control button:灯光亮度控制键Function buttons:功能键Data link:数据链Thrust rating selection:推力功率选择Display control panel:显示控制面板Full compass:全罗盘ARC mode: ARC 方式Flight path reference:飞行航迹基准Integrated electronic standby system IESS 集成电子备用系统Reference barometric pressure indication:基准气压压力指示Meter altitude indication:米制高度指示Negative altitude:负高度Baro rotary knob:气压设置旋钮Detent :卡位Control wheel chronometer:驾驶盘时钟Standby magnetic compass:备用磁罗盘Glareshield communication:遮光板通讯Hand microphone controls:手持麦克风Headphone:头戴式耳机Headset头戴式耳机Boom microphone:Ramp station:SELCAL annunciation button: 选择呼叫信号键Digital voice data recorder: DVDRReversionary panel:复原面板Reversionary logic cycle:复原逻辑循环Multifunction probe:多功能探测管Side-slip effects:侧滑效应Total pressure: 全压Static pressure:静压Resistive heater element:防热散失加温元件Airplane sink rate variation:飞机下沉率变动Record mandatory parameters:强制记录参数Barometric corrected altitude:气压修正高度Alignment phase: 校准阶段Lateral acceleration:侧向加速Compass card:罗盘卡Lubber line: 罗盘准线Bowl:盘/碟/碗Modular radio cabinet:模块式无线电机柜Squelch type:静噪类型Signal-noise squelch: 信噪静噪Signal /noise squelch high:Signal level squelch :信号电平静噪EM mode: emission mode: 发射方式Carrier power:载波功率Power dispersion: 功率耗散Clarifier:无线电干扰消除器Capture a frequency: 频率截/捕获Communication management function”通讯管理功能Character –oriented communication: 面向字符通讯V oice communication: 语音通讯Airline operational communication:航空公司运营通讯Fault /events reports: 故障/事件报告Uplink:上传Inertial reference unit:惯性基准单元/组件Acquisition:截获Altitude aiding:高度帮助Velocity aiding:速度帮助Prompt:提示符Designated airspace: 指定空域Transponder field:Ground mapping:地面测绘Integrated receiver transmitter antenna unit:集成收发机天线组件Radar weather detection mode:雷达天气探测方式Ground mapping mode:地面测绘方式Slave mode:从模式/方式/用户方式Off MODE:Standby /forced standby mode:备用/强制备用方式Angle of sweep: 扫描范围/角Tilt function:倾斜功能Altitude compensation tilts function:高度补偿倾斜功能Attenuation losses: 衰减损失Transmit inhibit relay:发射抑制继电器Navigation MAP data: 导航MAP 数据Performance initialization data:性能初始化数据Vertical track alert:垂直航迹预警Initial cruise altitude:初始巡航高度Early/late descent:下降早/迟FMS speed plan:FMS速度计划Speed command flight phase:速度指令飞行阶段Approach speed limit activation logic:进近速度限制激活逻辑Waypoint speed constraints:航路点速度限制Navigation database: 导航数据库Customs database:用户数据库Aircraft database:飞机数据库Performance learning function: “smart performance”Company route identifier:公司航路代号FMS position integrity estimate:FMS 位置整体估计Lateral track alert:侧向航迹预警A steep climb:大角度上升Lateral offset:横/侧向偏至角Maintenance and system configuration:维修和系统构型Navigation identification:导航识别Position initialization:位置初始化Performance initialization: 性能初始化Route selection:航路选择Creating a flight route: 创建飞行航路Alternate flight route:备用飞行航路Tail marker:机位标记Point of No turn: 航线临界点Maximum endurance:最大续航能力Maximum range:最大航程Speed schedule:速度计划Step climb increment:分段爬升增量Step size 分段爬升高度间隔差T/C:top of climb目標爬升最高點S/C:step of climb 階段爬升起點符號E/D: end of descent目標下降終止點T/D:top of descent目標下降點Fuel allowance :可用燃油Contingency fuel:意外情况备份燃油Average cruise wind:平均巡航风Temperature deviation:温度差异Ceiling altitude :升限Latest estimated fuel remaining:最新估计余油Excitation:励磁Exciter:励磁器Redundancy:冗余/备份Fan Cowl:Feeder route:支线Feeder line:支线航线Feeder fix:支线定位点Final approach course:最后进近航段Full flight simulator:全飞模拟机Fixed base simulation:固定模拟机Flap speed schedule:襟翼速度计划Flight controls:飞行操纵面Float switch:浮子开关Fuel conservation: 节油Throttle Position Idle:節流閥位於怠速BUS TIE(埠栓PACK(S)(空調套件GASPER和HUMIDIFIER(增濕器)HI FLOW(高流量開關INERTIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM慣性參考系統Gasper air:Gasper air outlet:Floor bracket:Hub cap:毂盖Ignition exciter: 点火励磁器Inlet guide vanes:进气引导叶扇/片/导向叶片International air route:国际航线Interlock:联锁Jet pump: 喷射泵/引射泵Joggle:折接Jumper wire 跨接线Electric actuator: 电力致动器Limit switch:极限电门Spot light:聚光灯Flood light:泛光灯Default:A confirm entry prompt: 输入提示符Figure of merit:指标值Steep climb /descent:大角度上升/下降Louver:百叶窗Flyover waypoint:飞跃航路点Outbound time/distance: 出航时间/距离Procedure turn angle:程序转弯角Crossing point:穿越点Point of NO turn:航线临界点Magenta: 洋红色Equal time point:Latitude /longitude crossing:横向/纵向穿越Point abeam:点切Slave cable:随动钢索Flight idle:空中慢车/高慢Ground idle:地面慢车/地慢Turbine blade and vane cooling: 涡轮转子和静子叶片散热Turbine case cooling:涡轮机匣散热Turbine compartment cooling valve:涡轮段散热活门Transfer gearbox: 传动齿轮箱Thrust lever travel: 油门杆行程Thrust lever angle:推力手柄角Threshold overhaul: 大修时间Thrust lever resolver angle: 推力手柄解算器角度Thrust reverser directional valve: 反推换向活门Thermal couple:热电耦Underwater locator beacon: 水下定位信标Above ground level:地标位置Pictorial deviation indicator: 偏航图显示器Thrust rating panel: 推力等级面板Integral wing tanks:Windmill:风转Fuel flow line:燃油供油管Refueling /defueling control panel: 加油/放油控制面板Collector tank:收油槽/收油油箱Surge tank: 通气防波油箱/缓冲油箱Hard breaking:Magnetic level indicator/dipstick: 磁性燃油尺Ejector fuel pump/jet pump:引射泵Scavenge ejector pumps: 回油引射泵Engine motive flow :发动机引射流Engine motive line:发动机引射管Ejector inlet port: 引射泵进口Fuel Collector Box:燃油集油箱Refueling point:加油点Fuel conditioning unit:燃油加温调节器Gravity refuel port:重力加油口Fluid communication point:Electric hydraulic pump:电动Engine driven hydraulic pump:液压泵Power transfer unit:动力转换器Hydraulic flow line: 液压管Hydraulic system distribution box: 液压系统分配箱Flight-critical function:飞行临界功能Windmill restart: 风转启动Torque load:扭力载荷Temperature transducer: 温度传感器Pump cavitations: 泵空隙现象Mechanical piston:机械泵Hydraulic motor: 液压马达Pump unloader valve:液压泵卸栽活门Flow limiter valve:流量限制活门Bleed air manifold pressure: 引气总管压力Bleed air temperature:引气温度Anti-ice flow line:防冰管Anti-fogging: 防雾SAI IBIT:缝翼防冰空中自箭Dual wheel unit:双轮组件A powered steering system:Downlock release button:电动转弯操纵系统Landing gear lever lock:起落架手柄锁Alternate gear extension compartment:备用起落架释放舱Electrical overridden switch:起落架超控电门Landing gear warning inhibition button:起落架警告抑制键Emergency parking brake handle:应急停留刹车手柄Brake line:刹车管Emergency/parking brake effectiveness: 应急/停留刹车效应Emergency/parking accumulator pressure:应急/停留刹车蓄压器压力Steering handle:转弯手柄Hand wheel:手轮Steering disengage switch:转弯操纵脱离电门Nose wheel steering system:前轮转弯操纵系统Towing lights:牵引灯Proximity sensor electronic module: 近地传感器电子组件Landing gear free fall lever compartment:起落架自由下落手柄舱Downlock sensor:下位锁传感器Mechanical lock:机械锁Shock absorber:减震器Downlock springs:下位锁弹簧Brake wear pin:刹车装置磨损检查销Locked wheel protection: 拖胎保护Differential braking: 差动刹车Locked wheel braking: 拖胎刹车Wheels spinning:机轮旋转Fusible plugs: 易熔塞Brake bracket outer face assembly:刹车支架外表组件Nosewheel steering control module:前轮转弯控制组件Hardover test:Handwheel steering mode:手轮转弯方式Rudder pedal steering mode:方向舵脚瞪转弯方式Free wheel steering mode:自由机轮转弯方式Rechargeable cylinder:可充液压缸Chemical oxygen generator:化学制氧器Portable oxygen cylinder:手提式氧气瓶Protective breathing equipment:呼吸保护器Mask deploy selector knob:面罩打开选择器旋钮Mask deployed indicator light: 面罩打开指示灯Bright yellow star:明亮黄色星星Harness inflation control valve:面罩带充氧控制活门Mask stowage box:面罩储存盒Automatic oxygen dilution:氧气自动稀释Membrane:膜A transparent oxygen hose:透明氧气软管Dispensing unit:分配组件Mask retainer :面罩卡圈Safety disk:安全片/隔膜Master warning pushbutton:主警告键Master caution pushbutton:主预警键Shaker cutout button:失速警告切断键Ground proximity terrain inhibit pushbutton:近地地形抑制键Flap override switch : 襟翼超控电门Flight guidance escape mode engagement : 飞行制导脱离方式接通Windshear escape mode:风切变脱离方式TCAS Map overlay format window::TCAS MAP 重叠格式显示窗Resolution advisory:决断咨询Solid Square:实心正方形Solid circle:实心圈Hollow diamond:空心菱形TCAS zoom format window: TCAS 放大格式显示窗ABS selection: 绝对高度选择Range selection:距离选择Avoidance zone: 避让区Fly-to zone: 飞往区Trapezoid 不规则四边形Rectangle :长方形In inverse video:倒影Aural warning/alert tones/bells/ horns/ clicks/beeps/ voice message/ chime/chord Stick shaker motor: 失速震杆器马达Forward looking terrain:前方地形Awareness function:意识功能TCF(Terrain clearance floor) function 最小离地高度功能Terrain awareness display: 地形意识显示Controlled flight into terrain: CFIT 可控撞地飞行Alerting algorithmTerrain clearance: 离地高度Ground clearance:离地高度Obstacle clearance:越障高度Vertical clearance :垂直间隔Excessive descent rate:过大下降率Excessive closure to terrain: 离地太近Sink rate:下降率Altitude loss after takeoff:起飞后高度损失Unsafe terrain clearance:不安全离地高度Soft glide slopeHard glide slope:Excessive bank angle:坡度角过大Premature descent:提前下降Terrain mapping selection: 地形测绘选择Pop—up:弹出Density dots pattern: 密集点模式High/low relative altitude:较大/小相对高度Windshear escape guidance mode:风切变脱离引导方式Stick shaker firing angle:震杆器触发角Intruder airplane:闯入飞机Optimal avoidance maneuver:最佳避让机动Traffic identification:活动识别Traffic advisory:活动咨询Resolution advisory: 决断咨询Proximate traffic :邻近活动Traffic data:活动资料Clear of traffic: 活动消除Supplementary procedure:补充程序Smoke procedure:烟雾程序Annunciated procedure:有显示信号的程序Smoke evacuation:烟雾疏散Pressurization dump button:增压释放按键Direct vision window:前视窗Cabin altitude controller:座舱高度控制器Autorelight:自动重点火Airstart envelope:空中启动包线Approach aids:进近设备Affected fuel tank /engine : 受损油箱/发动机Jammed control column: 驾驶杆卡阻Jammed rudder pedals:方向舵卡阻Asymmetric braking:不对称刹车Acceleration altitude:加速高度Engine thrust rate:发动机推理功率Pressurization conversion table:增压换算表APU altitude exceed: APU 高度超限Windmill start:风转启动Electro-explosive device feed:Thrust deterioration:推力性能下降Engine flameout: 发动机熄火Elevator thrust compensation: 升降舵推力补偿Auto configuration trim:自动构型配平Turn coordination: 转弯协调Landing configuration table:着陆构型表Flight controls spoiler button: 飞行操纵面扰流板按键Ice accretion:积冰Reversionary panel selector: 复原面板选择器Uncoordinated maneuver:非协调机动Fuel equal-xfeed open:燃油对等交输打开Chocks:轮挡Pitch down Hardover:机头急沉Hardover altitude loss: 飞机急沉高度损失Slowover:机头逐渐下沉Equipped empty weight:制造空重Operational empty weight:运行空重Dry operating weight:Navigation kit:导航设备工具套Mean aerodynamic chord:平均气动弦线Wing jack points:机翼千斤顶点Airplane datum:飞机基准面线Index system:参数系统Denominator:分母Index influence:Index unit: 参数单位Wardrobe :壁柜Fuel index variation: 燃油参数差异Tail skid angular clearance:尾撬角度间隔Tail skid:尾撬Rod attachment : 连杆接头Internal handle: 内手柄。

1. Cockpit(驾驶舱):飞机上供机组人员操作的区域。
2. Takeoff(起飞):飞机离开地面,开始升空的过程。
3. Landing(着陆):飞机降落到地面的过程。
4. Altitude(海拔高度):飞机相对于地面的高度。
5. Air Traffic Control (ATC)(空中交通管制):负责协调和指导飞机在空中移动的组织。
6. Runway(跑道):飞机起降的专用道路。
7. Boarding(登机):乘客进入飞机准备起飞的过程。
8. Emergency Landing(紧急着陆):非计划中的、因紧急情况而进行的飞机降落。
9. Cabin Crew(机舱乘务人员):负责在飞机上为乘客提供服务的工作人员。
10. Aircraft Maintenance(飞机维护):对飞机进行例行检查和维护的活动。
11. Airfare(机票费用):乘客支付的飞机票费用。
12. Clearance(许可):指导飞机在地面和空中行驶的批准。

accommodation 住宿Affiliated company 子公司Affinity charter 共同利益包机Aircraft Airworthiness 飞机适航性Aircraft Types 机型aircraft utilization 飞机利用率airport authorities 机场当局ATC(air traffic control) 空管Aviation infrastructure 航空基础设施Bilateral agreement 双边协议Block time 轮挡时间Depreciated book value 折旧账面价值direct non-stop flights 直达的不经停的航班Direct operating cost 直接运营成本directionality方向性Discretionary(Disposable)income 可自由支配的收入En-route navigational facilities 航路导航设施flight operation飞行操作Flight schedule 航班班期Freight shippers 货物托运人Frequency and capacity 班次和运力General administrative cost 一般行政管理成本Hijacking and terrorism劫机和恐怖行为ICAO:International Civil Aviation Organizationin real or constant value term 净现值Inclusive tour 综合旅游Indirect operating cost 间接运营成本inflation 通胀in-flight catering 机上取餐in-flight procedures 飞机程序infrastructure 基础设施intermediate stops 中间的点International Air Services Transmit Agreement 过境服务协议ITCs(Inclusive tour charter) 综合旅游包机Jet engine 喷气式发动机JIT(Just in time)Life-cycle diagram 生命周期Load factor 载运率Loading or unloading of the baggage/freight hold 装载或卸行李/货舱Long-haul aircraft 远程飞机Maintenance burden 维修人工Meteorological services 气象服务Multilateral agreement多边协议multisegment多目标市场Open-skies policies 天空开放政策Operating cost 运营成本operational feasibility 运营可能性origin-destination traffic 始发地目的地运输over-capacity 运力过剩的overhaul 大修Over-night stops 过夜经停点payload业载Piston engine 活塞式发动机pivot weight 基准重量Policing and security公共安全保护和安全保卫Post Office Department 邮局related characteristic maintenance level 相关特性的维修水平Residual value 残值Retirement of property and equipment 资产和设备的报废Revexratio(收益率)=总运营收入/总运营支出route authority 航线的授权seasonality季节性Short-to-medium-haul aircraft 中短程飞机Supervision Maintenance 维护监督The marketing- profitability analysis 市场营销利润率分析the number of flights 班次the number of passengers boarded (embarked) 上(下)居旅客数量The rate of return on asset 资产回报率The ratio of debt to equity capital 资产负载率traffic density航班密度Traffic right 载运权traffic volume 交通容量Turbo propeller 涡轮螺旋桨式飞机ULD(Unit load device)集装设备WLU(Work-load unit):工作量=work load。

民航面试英语知识1. Introduction民航(Civil Aviation)是指国家机关或地方政府批准设立的民航公司或企事业单位,从事载运人员、货物和邮件的航空运输工作。
2. English Communication Skills在民航行业,良好的英语交流能力是非常重要的。
以下是一些英语交流技巧和常用词汇,可用于民航面试中:2.1 Greetings and Introduction•Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is [Your Name]. Nice to meet you.•How are you today?•Could you please introduce yourself briefly?2.2 Asking for Clarification•Could you please repeat that?•I’m sorry, I didn’t catch wh at you said. Could you please speak a little slower?2.3 Giving Directions•Go straight ahead.•Turn left/right.•It’s on your left/right.2.4 Describing Locations•It is located in the downtown area.•The airport is about 10 kilometers away from here.2.5 Talking about Air Travel•I have a reservation for flight [Flight Number] to [Destination].•What is the departure time for the flight to [Destination]?•Is there any in-flight entertainment available?3. Aviation Terminology民航行业有许多特定的术语和缩写,掌握这些术语对于民航面试至关重要。

accommodation 住宿Affiliated company 子公司Affinity charter 共同利益包机Aircraft Airworthiness 飞机适航性Aircraft Types 机型aircraft utilization 飞机利用率airport authorities 机场当局ATC(air traffic control) 空管Aviation infrastructure 航空基础设施Bilateral agreement 双边协议Block time 轮挡时间Depreciated book value 折旧账面价值direct non-stop flights 直达的不经停的航班Direct operating cost 直接运营成本directionality方向性Discretionary(Disposable)income 可自由支配的收入En-route navigational facilities 航路导航设施flight operation飞行操作Flight schedule 航班班期Freight shippers 货物托运人Frequency and capacity 班次和运力General administrative cost 一般行政管理成本Hijacking and terrorism劫机和恐怖行为ICAO:International Civil Aviation Organizationin real or constant value term 净现值Inclusive tour 综合旅游Indirect operating cost 间接运营成本inflation 通胀in-flight catering 机上取餐in-flight procedures 飞机程序infrastructure 基础设施intermediate stops 中间的点International Air Services Transmit Agreement 过境服务协议ITCs(Inclusive tour charter) 综合旅游包机Jet engine 喷气式发动机JIT(Just in time)Life-cycle diagram 生命周期Load factor 载运率Loading or unloading of the baggage/freight hold 装载或卸行李/货舱Long-haul aircraft 远程飞机Maintenance burden 维修人工Meteorological services 气象服务Multilateral agreement多边协议multisegment多目标市场Open-skies policies 天空开放政策Operating cost 运营成本operational feasibility 运营可能性origin-destination traffic 始发地目的地运输over-capacity 运力过剩的overhaul 大修Over-night stops 过夜经停点payload业载Piston engine 活塞式发动机pivot weight 基准重量Policing and security公共安全保护和安全保卫Post Office Department 邮局related characteristic maintenance level 相关特性的维修水平Residual value 残值Retirement of property and equipment 资产和设备的报废Revexratio(收益率)=总运营收入/总运营支出route authority 航线的授权seasonality季节性Short-to-medium-haul aircraft 中短程飞机Supervision Maintenance 维护监督The marketing- profitability analysis 市场营销利润率分析the number of flights 班次the number of passengers boarded (embarked) 上(下)居旅客数量The rate of return on asset 资产回报率The ratio of debt to equity capital 资产负载率traffic density航班密度Traffic right 载运权traffic volume 交通容量Turbo propeller 涡轮螺旋桨式飞机ULD(Unit load device)集装设备WLU(Work-load unit):工作量=work load。

班中工作程序服务流程行为规范迎接指引递阅资料上饮品(糕点)添加茶水工作要求1)眼神关注客人,当客人距3米距离时,应主动跨出自己的位置迎宾,然后侯客迎询问客户送客户注意事项15度鞠躬微笑问候:“您好!欢迎光临!”2)在客人前方1-2米距离领位,指引请客人向休息区,在客人入座后问客人对座位是否满意:“您好!请问坐这儿可以吗?”得到同意后为客人拉椅入座“好的,请入座!”3)若客人无置业顾问陪同,可询问:请问您有专属的置业顾问吗?,为客人取阅项目资料,并礼貌的告知请客人稍等,置业顾问会很快过来介绍,同时请置业顾问关注该客人;4)问候的起始语应为“先生-小姐-女士早上好,这里是XX销售中心,这边请”5)问候时间段为8:30-11:30 早上好11:30-14:30 中午好 14:30-18:00下午好6)关注客人物品,如物品较多,则主动询问是否需要帮助(如拾到物品须两名人员在场方能打开,提示客人注意贵重物品);7)在满座位的情况下,须先向客人致歉,在请其到沙盘区进行观摩稍作等待;阶段工作及服务流程班中工作程序工作要求注意事项饮料(糕点服务)1)在所有饮料(糕点)服务中必须使用托盘;2)所有饮料服务均已“对不起,打扰一下,请问您需要什么饮品”为起始;3)服务方向:从客人的右面服务;4)当客人的饮料杯中只剩三分之一时,必须询问客人是否需要再添一杯,在二次服务中特别注意瓶口绝对不可以与客人使用的杯子接触;5)在客人再次需要饮料时必须更换杯子;下班程序1)检查使用的工具及销售案场物资情况,异常情况及时记录并报告上级领导;2)填写物资领用申请表并整理客户意见;3)参加班后总结会;4)积极配合销售人员的接待工作,如果下班时间已经到,必须待客人离开后下班;吧台服务岗1.吧台服务岗岗位职责1)为来访的客人提供全程的休息及饮品服务;2)保持吧台区域的整洁;3)饮品使用的器皿必须消毒;4)及时补充吧台物资;5)收集客户意见、建议及问题点;吧台服务岗工作及流程阶段工作及服务流程班前阶段1)自检仪容仪表以饱满的精神面貌进入工作区域2)检查使用工具及销售大厅物资情况,异常情况及时登记并报告上级。
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1.航空公司面临的问题?如何解决?The technical innovations post the problem of financing the new capital investments which they made necessary.(1)the aircraft manufactures became increasingly involved with raising capital for their customers, either through the commercial banks in their own counting or through special export trade banks.(2)the emerged consortia of banks which purchased aircraft and then leased them to the airlines.2.航空运输业发展特征。
In the first place, the rate of growth of non-scheduled air transport was higher than that of scheduled. Secondly, the profitability of airlines during the last 30 years has been fairly marginal despite the rapid growth of demand for their services.3.航空运输发展阶段。
During 1960s: unit cost declined.1968-1975:airlines struggled for financial survival.1975-1978: the world’s airlines did very well.1979- 1983: airlines entered a period of deep crisis.The second half of the 1980s: dramatic turn- around in airline’s fortunes.过两三年中国航空业是好是坏:the industry’s indebtedness will worsen because the large number of aircraft orders.4.Non- economic regulations(Technical standard,Technical regulations)技术规章The objective is to keep high level of safety of airline operation, covering every aspect of airline activity. 目标作用(1)Regulation of the Aircraft Airworthiness.(Design standard,Production standard,Performance: engine)适航(2)Regulations covering the timing, nature and supervision of maintenance and over- haul work and the training and qualification of the engineers. 维修(3) Regulations governing the numbers and type of flight and cabin crew. (Duties, Training , Licensing, Workload, Schedules) 机组(4) Detailed regulations covering both the way in which aircraft are operated and the operation of theaircraft.(Licensed by the authority, Satisfy certain criteria, Comply with operating standards) (5) Regulations and recommended standards dealing with aviation infrastructure.(Airports, Meteorological services, En-route navigational facilities) 保障设施5.航空业发展原因:(1)the falling level of operating costs enabled airlines to offer tariffs that were lower tariffs in real terms.(2)per capita incomes(人均收入) in the developed countries of the world were increasing.(3)there wasa boom in world trade, which increased both business travel and demand for air freight facilities.6.技术规章的特点。
General and not specific to a particular aircraft type and promulgated(颁布) as regulations of the civil aviation directorates or the relevant ministries of each country.(Federal aviation regulations-USA, Air navigation order-UK, International standards and recommended practice)7.在技术规章,管理者如何经营?Although these various technical standards and safety procedures constrained airline managers and impose penalties on airline operations. Such external controls are inevitable if high safety standards are to be maintained, and significantly all airlines are equally affected by them. No major airline can enjoy a competitive advantage since there are no “flags of convenience” on air transport for airlines to circumvent safety or manning regulations.8.Economic regulations 经济规章(1) The exchange of air traffic rights, or freedom of the air. 航权The first and second traffic right——overflying rightThe third and fourth right——mutual exchange of the commercial traffic right-loading and unloading rightThe fifth and sixth right——the right granted by country A to an airline from country B to carry traffic between A and countries other than B.(2)The control of fares and freight tariffs. regulated by the international air transport association.(3)The control of frequencies and capacity. Inter-airline agreement and sometimes for bilateral state agreement.经济规章的作用: effectively determine the nature of any industry, for they regulate the entry of firms into each market(through traffic rights), the degree of pricing freedom and the nature of controls on production, if any.9.航权对航空公司的限制。
(经济规章对航空公司的限制)First, their markets are often restricted. Secondly, the level of output or product of each airline is not entirely at its own discretion. Lastly, airlines’ pricing freedom is also limited.10.直接运营成本、间接运营成本Direct operating costs should include all those costs which are associated with and dependent on the type of aircraft being operated and which would change if the aircraft type wan changed. Including all flyingespenses( such as flight crew salaries, fuel and oil), all maintenance and overhaul costs and all aircraft depreciation costs.Indirect operating costs are all those costs which will remain unaffected by a change of aircraft operations. Including areas of expenditure (passenger service costs, costs of ticketing and sales, and station and ground costs), general administrative costs.11.Direct Operating Costs1)Cost of flight operations(1) all costs associated with flight crews:direct salaries, stopover expenses, allowances, pensions, insurance and social welfares payment. (2) fuel and oil (3) airport and en route charges(4) insurance of the flight equipment (5) cost of flight training costs or of route development. if it is amortized over several years then they are group together with depreciation.2) Maintenance and overhaul costs: a whole series of separate costs, related to different aspects of maintenance and overhaul.3)Depreciation and amortizationannual depreciation=(price of aircraft-residual value)/depreciation periodHourly depreciation cost=annual depreciation cost/the block timeIndirect operation costs1.Station and ground expenses——providing an airline’ s services at an airport2. Cost of passenger passenger services——the pay, allowances and other expenses directly related to aircraft cabin staff and other passenger service personnel3. Ticketing, sales and promotion costs——all expenditure, pay, allowances, etc., related to staff engaged in ticketing, sales and promotion activities and so on4. General and administrative costs——Those costs which are truly general to the airline or which cannot readily be allocated to a particular activity12.市场营销步骤。