






比如:(2) -Page 2- The Universal Trading Co. Jan.7, 2009“-to be continued-”(待续)这一短语可以加在第一页页尾的右侧,第二页纸张的质量、尺寸和颜色要与第一页一致。


1. 商务信函的格式(1)缩格式信内名称地址部分每行都比上一行缩进3到5个空格,正文部分每一段的第一行也要缩进3到5个空格。









2. 信封地址的写法通常来说,发信人的姓名和地址放在信封的左上方,收信人的姓名和地址放在信封中央。



平头式:以下几种情形下,信封地址需要加入特别标记:✧如果信件是通过中间人而不是邮政系统传递给收信人,中间人名字后需加“Kindnessof ”, “By courtesy of”, “By favor of ” or “With favor of ”类似的语句。



《外贸英语函电》(第二版)习题答案详细版第2部分目录Chapter 9 key to exercises (1)Chapter 10 key to exercises (5)Chapter 11 key to exercises (9)Chapter 12 key to exercises (14)Chapter 13 key to exercises (18)Chapter 14 key to exercises (23)Chapter 15 key to exercises (27)Chapter 16 Cross-border E-commerce (30)Chapter 9key to exercises1. Translate the following terms.(1)售货确认书(2)售货合同(3)会签(4)一式两份(5)支付条款(6)船唛(7)溢短装(8)存档2. Choose the best answer to complete each of the followingsentences.(1)B(2)D(3)C(4)B(5)A(6)B(7)C(8)A(9)C (10)B(11)B(12)A(13)B(14)C(15)A(16)C(17)B(18)C (19)B(20)C3. Take the correct order on the following sentences.(1)The shipment remains valid until the 10th day after shipment. (2)We will fulfill all the contract stipulations.(3)We will give you a 3% discount as an exception to our usual practice.(4)Commission is usually given as a percentage of the total value of a transaction.(5)To open an L/C will add to the cost of our imports.(6)The time draft will be sent to you for your acceptance within a couple of days.(7)We want the goods on our market at the earliest possible date. (8)The difference is calculated according to the contracted price at a later time.(9)We think all the terms should meet with comment agreement. (10)It is very difficult for us to get the goods in large quantity as well as make prompt shipment4. Fill in the blanks of the letter.Captioned, ready, approaching, covering, within, subsequent, to, attention, basis, due5.Fill in the Sales Confirmation for the transaction stated in the following letter.6.Situational writing:Chapter 10 key to exercises1. Translate the following terms.(6)信汇电汇票汇(7)不可撤销的信用证(8)付款交单承兑交单(9)即期汇票(10)冻结资金(占压资金)(11)支付条件(12)开具汇票(13)原来的支付条件2. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.C A A B B AD A B A C D A D B B B C B A3. Translate the following sentences.1.As for terms of payment, we require irrevocable L/C payment by draftat sight.2.We have opened an L/C in your favor with Bank of China for theamount of USD326, 000.3.As agreed, the terms of payment for the above orders are letter ofcredit of 60 days’ sight or D/P sight draft.4.Your irrevocable L/C has been duly received, the shipment can bearranged next Tuesdays.5.Today we informed our bank to send you all the amount by Y/T.6.We accept your proposition of changing the terms of payment, and afax has been sent for the confirmation.7.A letter of credit would increase the cost of my import.8.When I open a letter of credit, I have to pay a deposit. That will tie upmy money and increase my cost.9.In order to avoid any amendment, please make sure that the L/C is inaccordance with contract terms.10.Please arrange shipment on receipt of the covering L/C.4. Translate the following sentences.(1)装船日期临近,请及时开立相关信用证。



外贸英语函电课后习题参考答案(For Reference Only)Chapter 1 Business LetterI.Answer the following questions.1.How many principal parts is a business letter composed of? What are they?Generally speaking, there are seven principal parts of a standard business letter. They are the letter head; the date; inside name and address; saluation; the body of a letter(message); the complimentary close and signature.2. What are the three main formats of a business letter used today? Which format do you like best?There are three main formats of a business letter in use at present: the conventional indented style; the modern block style and the modified block style. I like the modern block style, since it is simple and we can save much time.3. What is P.S.?It is postscript, refers to one or more remarks the writer may add to the core or body of the letter,usually hand-written side by side with or below the signature and enclosure parts, where there is often a large patch of blank space. A postscript can be a sentence or a brief paragraph.II.Choose the best answer1-5 A C A B D 6-10 B D C B A 11-15 B C C D D 16-20 D A C B BIII. Write a letter with the given particulars below, using necessary capitals and punctuation ( in modern block style)CZ Import & Export Corp. Ltd66 Minghuang, Wujin Discrict, Changzhou213164, P.R. ChinaJuly 3, 2007Mr. John MartinSales ManagerLake Circles Inc.56 Y ork Road, ChicagoIllinois, USADear Sir,Yours sincerely,IV. Arrange the following both in a blocked form and indented form as they should be set out in a letter. (ommitted)Chapter 2 Establishment of Business RelationsI.Answer the following questions.1. If you want to open up a market to maintain or expand business actiities what should you do first?If we want to open up a market to maintian or expand business activities, what we should do first is to conduct a market research,from which we shall know thoroughly about your product(s), your present and potential market(s) .2.Before you write letters with some new established firms what had you better do?We had better try to collect as much information as possible about the new established firms, especially about their credit information.3. Through what channels can one obtain the desired names and addresses of the companies to be dealt with?We can get the desired names and addresses of the companies through the following channels: Some b2b websites, such as ; some governmental or oganizational websites, such as ; some news papers or magazines; some yellowpages; some friends or your present customers; or you can get the imformation by using some serach engines such as google or yahoo.4. How to begin with the “First Letter” or circulars to the other party?It should be consisted of the three parts: first, you should say where you have got the information of your potential customer; second you should provide necessary information about yourself; third you should express your wish of writing the letter.5. How can one create goodwill and leave a good impression on the readers?We should consider the eight “C”s in writing a business letter: clearness; conciseness; correctness; concreteness; cheerfulness; courtesy; consideration and completeness.II.multiple choices.1-5 D C A B A 6-10 C A C B CIII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.我们愿意在平等互利的基础上和贵公司建立业务关系。



外贸英语函电课后练习参考答案(中英文对照版)课后翻译(汉译英):Module Two1.我们从中国驻东京大使馆商务参赞处得知贵公司的行名和地址,并了解贵公司是经营家用电器产品有经验的出口商We obtained your name and address from commercial counsellor’s office of the Chinese embassy in Tokyo. They have informed us that you are experienced exporter in the market for home electrical appliances.2.我们的一个客户对你们的新产品感兴趣One of our customers is interested in your new production.3.我们的一个日本客户想要购买中国红茶One of our customers in Japan wants to be in the market for black tea.4.如你所知,我们的外贸政策是在平等互利的基础上与各国人民做生意As you know, our policy is to trade with merchants of various countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.5.我们希望你方尽最大努力促进业务又增进友谊。

We hope you can try your best to promote both trade and friendship.6.谢谢你方来函表示提供服务,我方愿与你方就扩大贸易的可能性进行讨论。

Thanks for your letter about service supply, we are willing to talk about the possibility of promoting trade.7.我们了解到你公司是中国手工艺品的出口商,因此冒昧的写信给你We have acknowledged that your company is the exporter of Chinese handicraft.8.我们相信,贵我双方的业务将随着时间的推移而得到发展。



《外贸英语函电》(第二版)习题答案Chapter 1 key to exercises1. Translate the following terms.(1)inside address 封内地址(2)salutation 称呼(3)complimentary close 结尾敬语(4)Ref. No. 参考编号(5)enclosure 附件(6)P.O.Box 邮箱(7)postscript 附言(8)full block style 齐头式2. Answer the following questions.(1)How many formats of business letters do we use today? What are they?Three formats are used in writing business letter. They are full block style, modified block style and indented style.(2)What are the standard parts of a business letter?There are seven standard parts which includes letterhead, date, inside address, salutation, body of the letter, complimentary close and signature.(3)What kinds of information should be written on an envelop? And what are their positions?The information of the sender and the receiver should be written on an envelop. The information of the sender is at the top-left corner, while the information of the receiver is almost in the middle of the envelop.3. Complete the structure of the following business letter which is with full block style and write down the names of the missing parts in the boxes.Date Body of the letter Complimentary closeChapter 2key to exercises1.Translate the following terms.(1) 传真信号; (2) 传真机储存器已满; (3) 电子邮件; (4) 通信错误,传输信号不好;(5) 接收方传真机忙,传真机重拨2.Translate the following sentences into English.(1)We have to apologize to you for not answering your letter in time.(2)Please confirm the order and e-mail a shipping schedule.(3)As soon as the goods are available, we’ll inform you by fax.(4)If you find our offer acceptable, please fax us for confirmation.(5)We are e-mailing you to enquire whether you’d be willing to establish business relation s with us.3.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(1)如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。

徐美荣外贸英语函电Chapter2 所有知识点及课后答案

徐美荣外贸英语函电Chapter2 所有知识点及课后答案

Notes1. owe…to… 将…归功于承蒙…告知你方名称和地址We owe your name and address to the Chamber of Commerce in your city.to be indebted to … for your name and addressto come to know the name and address of your firm throughthrough the courtesy of … we come to know your name and addressto have obtained your name and address from…to have noted your name and addressto be recommended to sb. by …on the recommendation of …2. inform sb. that 通知某人某事inform sb of sth. 通知某人某事be informed that 兹通知你方You are informed that …3. be in the market for 欲购;想买4. in the hope of doing 希望(后接动名词)5. ①a government-owned corporation(enterprise)国有公司/企业= a state-operated corporation / a public-owned corporation②a private corporation 私有公司/ 企业6. handle v. 经营(某种或某类商品)=to trade in / be dealing in /be in the (chemical )line(n. 行业)7. acquaint v. 熟悉了解to acquaint sb. with sth. 使某人了解某事be/get well acquainted with sth. 熟悉(了如指掌)8.on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods在平等互利,互通有无的基础上9.avail oneself to =make use of 利用10.enclose v. 随函附上11.through mutual efforts 通过共同努力= by joint efforts12.Export List 出口清单13.trade v.to trade in sth . 买卖Eg : trade in goods 货物交易to trade with sb. 与……交易;做生意trade policy 贸易政策foreign trade policy 外贸政策14.sole agent 独家代理敬启者:得知贵公司行名和地址我们要感激英国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处,他们告知我们你公司拟购买丝绸女衫。



Chapter II Establishing Business RelationsLesson OneExercisesI. Translate the following expressions:1.cotton piece goods 6.另函2.state-operated corporation 7. 供你方参考3.import and export 8. 商务参赞处4.business lines 9. 盼望5.establish business relations 10. 最新的商品目录II. Translating the following into English:1.We are informed that _______________________________________(你公司是经营化工产品的国营公司).2.We shall let you know our comments_________________________________(一俟收到你方的报价).3.We are ______________________________________(专门从事中国工艺品出口).4.We hope to _______________________________________________(与你们建立贸易关系).5.________________________________(兹航寄) three sample books.6.______________________________________________(我们已经和世界上一百多个国家的商号建立了关系) on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods.III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1.We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a state corporation specializing in the export business of canned goods, and express our desire to enter into business relations you.2.Our company is one of the import and export corporations in Shanghai commercial circle authorized by the Ministry for Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. We have enjoyed a good reputation in the world market for a long time.3.We are one of the leading exporters of first class cotton and rayon goods and are enjoying an excellent reputation through fifty years’ business experience.4.Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, we have learned that you have been supplying the best quality foods all over the world.5.We are desirous of enlarging our trade in various agricultural products, but unfortunately have had no good connections in the southern part of Russia. Therefore we shall be obliged if you kindly introduce us to some of the most capable and reliable importers.IV. Translate the following sentences into English :1.承蒙外国商会介绍得知你公司的名称地址。



Unit 3Key to the Exercises and the Skill DrillingsL Put the following Chinese into English.询购...接受报盘递价大使馆代理工艺手工制作支付条款(答复与...有联系向...订购现成市场立即处理市场需求(口味)用现款(支付)稳定需求(商品)在出售中给…报盘II. Multiple choiceI.b 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.c 7.b 8.d 9.c lO.a II.cIII.Fill in the following blanks with the given words in their proper forms.l.bid 2.offer 3.enquiry 4.offered 5.bid 6.offer 7.enquires8.offer 9>enquired lO.offerIV.Put the following sentences into Chinese.l.W e were advised by Mr. John King that you were intereste d in supplying men’s leather shoes.2.Please send us your best offer by fax indicating packing, specifications, quantity available and earliest time of delivery.3> You must take into consideration when quoting a price that we may place regular orders for large quantities.4> Your enquiry of Jannuary 10 has been referred to us for attention as we are theexporters of the articles you require.5.Our associates in the packaging industry speak highly of your Zeta packing machines and we would like to have more information about theme6.We hope that your prices will be workable and that business will materialize to our mutual advantage.7.We look forward to placing further orders with you, and trust that you will make every offort to satisfy our particular requirements.8> I would appreciate your sending me an up-to-date pricelist for building materials.9.If you can supply goods of the type and quality required, please make us a firm offer and quote your lowest prices.10. As we are in the market for men’s leather gloves, we should be pleased if you would send us you best quotation.V.Put the following sentences into English.1.您能否告诉我贵公司可供出口的主要产品吗?2.能否给我们报英国伦敦成本保险加运费最低价?3.如你方报价具有竞争性且交货期可接受,我们将很高兴向你订货。



新编函电课后答案第2单元到第4单元新编商务英语函电练习答案Unit 2 The Structure and Styles of BusinessLetters1.A rrange the following information in a proper form as they should be set out in a business letter(Omitted)2.R ead the following letter and try to point out the problems in this letter1)The writing and position of the date arewrong. The date should be spelt like “June 7th, 2006”.2)The position of “attention”is notcorrect. The attention line should be placed above the salutation line in a letter. But in this letter, there is not need to write attention line, for the insideaddress indicates that this letter is only addressed to that Department.3)Dear Sirs should be changed into“ Dear Clara J. Smith4)Delete the “Best wishes” line.3.F ill in each of the blanks in the following letter with an appropriate word or expressions given in the box.1.s et2. attention3. comparable4. but5. appreciate6. fresh7. dependable4.W riting PracticeDear Mr. Liu,Thank you for your letter in which you ask me to tell you about ways to keep your letter a neat appearance.There are some ways to help us to keep letters a clear and neat appearance, andthey usually vary to a great extent, but the following are some well-accepted guidelines: ●Leave a good margin on both sides (2-5cm) and on top and bottom (3-5cm);●Use quality paper for both your letter and envelope;●Use a good printer, preferably a laser printer, to achieve the best position effect;●Eliminate spelling mistakes and use good English.Hope that these can help you a lot.If you have any questions, please let me know.Zhang LuyuanUnit 3 Establishing Business Relations1. Put the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese or vice versa.(1) ⼯艺(2) ⽬录(3) 领事(4) 价格单(5) 专营(6) 促进……销售(7) by separate mail (8)to enter into…relations with…(9) in compliance with their requirements (9) to open up a market in China(11) stable financial status (12) to enjoy high popularity2. Fill in the blanks of the following letters with the words given below, and change the form when necessary.1 owe2 informed3 interested4 establish5 purpose6 opportunity7 specializing 8 reputation9 proposal3. Complete the following sentences with the Chinese given in the brackets.(1)would like to establish business relations with your company(2)take immediate measures(3)place large and regular orders(4)known for their superior quality and fine workmanship; both at home and abroad(5)take this opportunity; specializing in electronic equipment(6)by the commencement of some practical transactions(7)We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Chinese Embassy in your country(8)We would like to introduce our company as one of the leading exporter ofsilk products(9)in close contact with all the distributors here4. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s office of the Chinese Embassy in Paris, through whom we understand that you are interested in doing business in China.We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as one of the important dealers in the line of communication equipment in China for many years. We should appreciate your catalogues and quotations of your products, and we shall gladly study the sales prospects in our market.We will appreciate your early reply.5. Writing practiceDear Sirs,From the Chamber of Commerce of Beijing, we have come to know the name and address of your firm and we shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you.We specialize in the exportation of various electric machines which have enjoyed great popularity in the world market. At present, we mainly supply machines made in China at competitive prices.We send you separately by airmail a copy ofthe latest catalog. Please let us know if there are any items, which are of interest to you and we look forward to receiving from you specific enquiries.Yours faithfully,Unit 4 Inquiries and Replies1. Put the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese or vice versa.(1) 特别折扣(2) 最新价格单(3) 现⾦⽀付(4) 形式发票(5) 回应(6) 宣传册(7) supply from stock (8) enclosed (9) bulk transactions (10) business scope(11) sold items (12) operating instructions2. Fill in the blanks of the following letterswith the words given below, and change the form when necessary.1interested 2 obliged3 quotation4 inform5 purchase6 prefer7 quantities 8 discount9 convinced3. Complete the following sentences with the Chinese given in the brackets.(1) the most well-known producer of sweaters for ladies and men(2) enclosing our latest illustrated catalogue and price list(3) pay by irrevocable L/C at sight(4) information on our other products(5) their superior quality and competitive prices; help you enlarge your market shares (6) can supply from stock; the lowest quotation FOB Shanghai(7) are interested in your products; have your quotations for the following items(8) since the date of receiving the order(9) sending you the pro form invoice in quadruplicate(10) not binding on our party4. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,Microwave oven SU472Thank you for your fax of June 17 requesting us to offer firmly our Microwave oven SU472. This morning we faxed to offer you 3000 sets of SU472 Microwave Oven at ________US dollars per set FOB Shanghai, shipped in August and September. This offer is firm, subject to acceptance by July 20.Please note we offered you the most favorable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer.As regards SU472 Microwave oven, we would like to inform you that we have made other offers for the current stock. However, if you give us an acceptable price, you are likely to get them.You know well that recently the raw material prices have been increasing sharply and this will definitely cause the prices of microwave oven to rise. Therefore, you will benefit from this increase if you make a prompt reply.Yours faithfully,5. Writing practiceSituational writing 1Dear Sirs,We are a company that imports and exports hardware products and we have enclosed our company’s brochure for your reference.We have learned from one Spanish company of the same trade that you are a producer of hardware items in Italy. We are interested in the hardware products made in Italy, for there is a steady demand in our market for them.We will be appreciative if you send us a copy of your latest catalogue and price list, with details of your price, terms of payment, discount policies, and range of your products.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully,Situational writing 2Dear Mr. John,We thank you for your inquiry of June 23 and are pleased to send you our latest illustrated catalogue and price list for our steal cleats. We feel confident you will be satisfied with our goods because they are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price.As for your requested quotation, we can reassure you that there is no problem in granting you the term on per kilo CFR Liverpool basis.We also produce a wide range of steel products in which we think you may beinterested. They are fully illustrated in the catalogue and are of the same high quality as our cleats.We look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,Situational writing 3We have learned your name and address from the latest issue of Digital World and are interested in your newly designed TF58 digital cameras.We are one of the largest importers of digital products in China, and have wide connections with the local distributors in most large cities.In order to acquaint us with functions and workmanship of your cameras, we shall bepleased if you could send us your catalogue, some samples and other necessary information on TF58 digital cameras.You are kindly requested to quote your best CIF C5% Tokyo prices. Your immediate attention to the above is appreciated.Yours faithfully,。



Establishing Business Relations第二章建立业务关系Part Five Practical TrainingTranslate the following English into Chinese.P38mercial Counselor’s Office商务参赞处2.Industrial Chambers行会3.business line业务范围4.with a view to do sth本着做…的意愿;以…为目的5.enclosed is(are)our..随函附寄6a wide/full range of.一系列7.at your end在你处/地8.please let us know/inform us务请告知9.We look forward to your favourable and prompt reply我们期待收到贵方即时的好消息。

10.On the recommendation of Chambers of Commerce in Tokyo.we have learned with pleasure the name of your company.承蒙东京商会的推荐,我们高兴地得知贵公司的名称。

11.Through the courtesy of Mr Bush.we are given to understand that you are one of the leading importers of electric goods in your area and wish to enter into business relations with us.承蒙布什先生介绍,我们得知贵公司是当地主要的电子产品进口商之一,且希望与我们建立业务关系。

12.We now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you with a view to enteringinto business relations with you.我们借此机会致函贵公司,希望建立业务关系。



选择题第二单元:询价与回复一:1.You name D. has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in New York..2. Our market survey informs us that you are A. in the market for Audio and Electronic Equipment.3. We should be pleased to receive you’re A. illustrated catalogue and price list.4. We are B. well-established exporters of all kinds of Chinese good.5. If your price are competitive, we are confident D. in selling the goods in great quantities in this market.6. We shall appreciate B. your quoting us FOB Sydney.7. As we are one of the leading importers in this line, we are B. in a position to handle large quantities.第三单元:资信调查一:1.For information D. concerning our credit standing we refer you to Bank of China, Shanghai Branch.2. We should be grateful if you would say C. whether they are likely to be reliable for a credit up to USS20.000.3. Any information you kindly give us will be treated in strict confidence and A. without any responsibility on your part.4. Will you please inform us, B. in confidence, of the extent of their resources and also as to their reputation?5. D. While appreciating your decision to place regular orders with us, we respectfully request that you furnish us two references for the initial purchase.第四单元:促销1.(C、Having made)a special purchase of toys on very favorable terms, we are able to offer to you at the following attractive prices2 we can only(A、hold open)this very advantageous offer for a few weeks..3 the recent advance in the cost of raw materials (B、has compelled)us to make a slight increase in thePrices4 although costs have been (C、rising)steadily since last October , we have not yet (raised)our prices5 (B、with a view to )supporting your sales, we are sending some samples of our new makes.第五单元:报盘与还盘1A comparison of your offer (A、with that of )our regular suppliers shows that their figures are more favorable.2 If your prices are competitive, we are confident(D、in selling)the goods in great quantities in this market.3 we confirm our fax just sent (A、offering you firm)these goods.4 we offer you the following items(D、subject to)your reply reaching here by 4p.m today our time.5 although we appreciate good quality of your goods, we are sorry to say that your prices appears to be(C、on the high side).6 we trust that we may be (C、favored)with a continuance of your valued orders.7 we hope that you will see your way to (B、grant)us your order, and assure you in advance of its most careful execution8 not having heard from you since, we should be glad to know whether there is any disadvantage in our terms which we could (B、remove).9 you are (C、assured)that we will quote our best prices as soon as we are told what products of ours you need.10 in all probability this offer will not be (A、repeated)for some time, and we according look forward to receiving an early reply from you.第六单元: 订单一、Fill in the blanks with your choices1.This order the sample you sent us on March 24.(A、is placed on)2.We hope you will give your usual best attention this order.(B、to the execution of)3.We have decided to place a trial order for the following stated in your letter.(B、on the terms)4.we would like to supply you with the product, we are unable to fill your order owing to the heavy backlog of commitments. (B、Much as)5.We must apologize you being unable to fill your present order.(D、To… for )6.We have accepted your Order No.234. Please open the relevant L/C,here two weeks prior to the date of shipment.(A、which must reach)7.We are enclosing our latest catalogue some of the items may be of interest to you.(C、in the hope that)8.The order is given strictly on the condition that shipment must be made not later than the first day of May.(B、enclosed)第七单元:支付一、单选1.As requested, we have immediately arranged (A、with) our bankers to extend the expiry date of our L/C for two weeks (up to) 10th March.2.As arranged, we would ask you to open an irrevocable credit in (C、our) favor and shall hand over shipping documents (against) acceptance ofour draft.3.We inform you that we have opened an irrevocable credit (D、with) the London Bank in your favor.4.We advised the bank to amend the clause (D、to read)“partial shipment are permitted”.5.We enclose our cheque for US$ 200 (A、in payment of) your invoice No.D-124.第九单元:保险一:选择题1: please insure the goods (A、against) F.P.A. for US 100,000. 注:against加险别for加保额2: please effect insurance (D、on) the cargo for US50,000 by S.S.Bright from Tianjin to seattle.3: we have opened insurance you ordered for US9,000 (D、on) the shipment by S.S.East sun.4: we wish to renew the above policy (C、for) the same amount and (on)the same terms as before to cover our consignment to be shipped b s.s.bright next month.5: as requester, we have covered insurance (on) 20,000 DVD players (at) 10% above the invoice value (against) all risks.6: unless we hear from you (A、to) the contrary before the end of this month, we shall arrange to cover the goods against t p a for the value of the goods plus freight.7: any additional coverage(险别)other (B、than) ISS shall be for the account of the buyer.8: we confirm that we hold the consignment covered as (from) today.9: we have arranged (A、for) surveyor to investigate the extent of the damage and shall forward his report together with our claim.10: we understand that these terms will apply (C、to)all our shipments of bottled sherry by regular liners to west European ports.完形填空第二单元:Fill in each blank in the letter below with a word that fits naturally.Dear Sir or MadamI am delighted to tell/inform you that we are interested in the drainage system accessories advertised in China Daily.Will you please send us a free copy of the brochure of the latest models of your products? Also, we would like to have a price list.We are looking forward to your prompt reply.第五单元1. 1. We are prepared to give you a quotation which is based on the prevailing market price.2.Our quotation always comes in line with the world market.3.Unless otherwise stated or agree upon, all prices are without any discount.4.We trust that you will be able to accept our offer, which shall be kept open subject to reply before 12:00a.m. of march 2.5.We now offer you, without engagement, our various items as follows.6.The above offer is subject to our final confirmation.7.Unless you make a 5% reduction, we will have to decline your offer.8.This offer cannot be repeated. There is every indication that the prices will rise soon.9.So long as you can maintain moderate prices, your products should have a ready sale here.10.In reply to your letter, we enclose our latest illustrated catalogue for your reference.第六单元三、Fill in each blank space with the word that fits naturallyDear sirsFor your first-time order, I want to thank you on behalf of the company. This is your initial order and I know of no greater kick a sales manager can get than the beginning of business with a new customer.The signing of an order is an expression of confidence, and I want you to know that we are fully aware of the responsibility we have for maintaining that confidence.The most important thing to the buyer of any product is the character of the supplying organization; its resources; its facilities; its reputation; and its standards of service.。



Key to exercisesUnit 2I. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions and then translate the following into Chinese.(1) the liberty of/ the opportunity of;译:我们冒昧写信期望与贵公司建立业务关系。

(2) please find;译:随函附寄我方价目表一份。

(3) of ;译:我方冒昧写信希望得到贵方关于东北大米的最优惠数量折扣。

(4) attention;译:如蒙贵公司即刻处理此事则不胜感激。

(5) to, to;译:承蒙AAA公司的史密斯先生把推荐,得知贵公司是伦敦的主要进口商之一。

(6) as;译:罗宾逊公司向我方介绍说贵公司是五金产品的主要经销商之一。

(7) learned/obtained/known/had/noted, from, in;译:我们从贵国驻悉尼大使馆的商务参赞处获知贵公司地址。

(8) Upon/On, specific;译:一俟收到贵公司的具体询盘,我方将立即给贵方航寄我方的报价单。

(9) general, various, available;译:为了使贵方对我方各种可供出口的罐装食品有个总体了解,我方随函附寄一本产品宣传手册。

(10) market;译:我公司现求购高质量的搪瓷制品。

(11) reference/information/consideration;译:应你方询盘要求,我方现随函附寄产品目录和价目单,供你方查阅。

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks of the following letter.courtesy; leading/largest; opportunity; as; specializing; wish; with; idea; latest; uponⅢ. Choose the appropriate words to fill in the blanks.as; in ; by; with; on; under; from; at; to; againstⅣ. Translate the following into English.1. We learned from the Embassy of ours in New York that your company specialized in cotton furnishings, and we hope to establish business relations with you to our mutual benefit.2. We are very much interested in the advertisement in “China Today”. Please inform us the details of this commodity.3. In comply with your request, we enclose the illustrated catalogue for your reference.4. Samples and quotations at favorable prices will be immediately sent to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry.5. We are a trading company doing import and export business all over the world.Ⅴ. Translate the following into Chinese.1.贵方8月2日询盘已经收到,得知贵公司对MP208款真空吸尘器感兴趣。



Unit 2 P24 ⅢTranslation1.Your letter of September 2, 1994 has been received. We are glad to inform you that the articles required by you fall within the scope of our business activities.你方1994年9月2日来函收到。


2. The Bank of China in your city has informed us that you are importers of textiles. We specialize in the export of textiles and are willing to enter into business relations with you.你地中国银行函告,你们是纺织品的进口商。


3. In compliance with your request, we are sending you a range of cut samples of our cotton piece goods. We hope they will arrive in time and be found to your satisfaction.遵照你方要求,我们正寄上一套布匹剪样。


4. We have received your letter of September 4 informing us that you find our canned meat satisfactory and that you consider placing a trial order with us.你方9月4日来函收到。



新编进出口英语函电参考答案及简析12Unit TwoCOMMUNICATIONLABORATORYI.Choose the word(s) or phrase(s) that would correctly complete each of the following sentences. If no appropriate answer is given, make no choice at all. If you find more than one word or phrase that can fit into the sentence, you can choose two, or three, or even all four as your answers.1. The s.s. Taishan is scheduled __________ Qingdao early next month.A. to leaveB. for departure fromC. to arriveD. for reaching参考答案:A, B2. If you can accept payment by L/C, we will make you a very competitive __________.A. orderB. enclosureC. offerD. offer firm参考答案: C3. We find your quotation for __________ much too high.A. woman blousesB. women blousesC. women ’s blousesD. blouses参考答案: D4. If your samples meet our requirement, we will __________ a large order.A. placeB. makeC. place youD. send you参考答案:A, D5. We wish to introduce __________ the largest importers of foot wear in Fiji.A. that we areB. it that we areC. ourselves to beD. ourselves as参考答案: D6. We __________ to receive detailed specifications of your latest models of mopeds.A. shall be gladB. shall be pleasedC. are expectingD. would also like参考答案:A ,B ,C ,D7. We look forward to __________.A. receive your early replyB. hearing from you soonC. your reply soonD. your early reply参考答案:B,D8. We __________ your name and address __________ the Chinese Embassy in Bonn.A. learn … fromB. have come to know… through C. have learned … fromD. have been given … by参考答案:B,C,D9. We are much impressed by the __________ of your products.A. large chainB. wide rangeC. large selectionD. wide information参考答案:B,C10. __________, we are interested in computer software.A. In additionB. In addition to thisC. BesidesD. Furthermore参考答案:A,B,C,DII. Correct the error(s) in the following sentences. The number of mistakes varies from sentence to sentence. Sometimes there is not a single mistake to correct, while in other cases a sentence may have as many as four errors.1. Can you quote us for a better price for the 100 microwave ovens we inquired inA B Cour fax of October 23th?D参考答案: A (quote us), C (inquired for\about), D (of October 23rd)参考答案: B (in ordering), D (from you)简析:3. B 使(某人)有兴趣做某事应为interest sb in doing sth,详见本课word power development。

【免费下载】 外贸英语函电第四版课后答案(Unit3)

【免费下载】 外贸英语函电第四版课后答案(Unit3)

Unit 3Key to the Exercises and the Skill DrillingsI.Put the following Chinese into English.询购…接受报盘递价大使馆代理工艺手工制作支付条款兹答复与…有联系向…订购现成市场立即处理市场需求(口味)用现款(支付)稳定需求(商品)在出售中给…报盘II. Multiple choice1.b2.d3.a4.b5.b6.c7.b8.d9.c 10.a 11.cIII. Fill in the following blanks with the given wordsin their proper forms.1.bid2.offer3.enquiry4.offered5.bid6.offer7.enquires8.offer9.enquired 10.offerIV. Put the following sentences into Chinese.1.We were advised by Mr. John King that you were interested in supplying men’s leather shoes.2. Please send us your best offer by fax indicating packing, specifications, quantity available and earliest time of delivery.3. You must take into consideration when quoting a price that we may place regular orders for large quantities.4. Your enquiry of Jannuary 10 has been referred to us for attention as we are the exporters of the articles you require.5. Our associates in the packaging industry speak highly of your Zeta packing machines and we would like to have more information about them.6. We hope that your prices will be workable and that business will materialize to our mutual advantage.7. We look forward to placing further orders with you, and trust that you will make every offort to satisfy our particular requirements.8. I would appreciate your sending me an up-to-date pricelist for building materials.9. If you can supply goods of the type and quality required, please make us a firm offer and quote your lowest prices.10. As we are in the market for men’s leather gloves, we should be pleased if you would send us you best quotation.V. Put the following sentences into English.1. 您能否告诉我贵公司可供出口的主要产品吗?2. 能否给我们报英国伦敦成本保险加运费最低价?3. 如你方报价具有竞争性且交货期可接受,我们将很高兴向你订货。



国际商务英语函电全部答案Chapter II Establishing Business RelationsLesson OneExercisesI. Translate the following expressions:1.cotton piece goods 6.另函2.state-operated corporation 7. 供你⽅参考3.import and export 8. 商务参赞处4.business lines 9. 盼望5.establish business relations 10. 最新的商品⽬录II. Translating the following into English:1.We are informed that _______________________________________(你公司是经营化⼯产品的国营公司).2.We shall let you know our comments_________________________________(⼀俟收到你⽅的报价).3.We are ______________________________________(专门从事中国⼯艺品出⼝).4.We hope to _______________________________________________(与你们建⽴贸易关系).5.________________________________(兹航寄) three sample books.6.______________________________________________(我们已经和世界上⼀百多个国家的商号建⽴了关系) on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods.III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1.We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a state corporation specializing in the export business of canned goods, and express our desire to enter into business relations you.2.Our company is one of the import and export corporations in Shanghai commercial circle authorized by the Ministry for Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. We have enjoyed a good reputation in the world market for a long time.3.We are one of the leading exporters of first class cotton and rayon goods and are enjoying an excellent reputation through fifty years? business experience.4.Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, we have learned that you have been supplying the best quality foods all over the world.5.We are desirous of enlarging our trade in various agricultural products, but unfortunately have had no good connections in the southern part of Russia. Therefore we shall be obliged if you kindly introduce us to some of the most capable and reliable importers.IV. Translate the following sentences into English :1.承蒙外国商会介绍得知你公司的名称地址。



外贸函电全部答案I 翻译答案Translate the following sentences into Englsih.P31 for unit 21. We have a great demand for Chinese microwave ovens,we would be thankful if you could quote us your competitive price for your goods available from stock.2.Our company is important importer of/deals in / specializes in importation of /s urgical instruments,we would be thankful if you could send us your latest catalogue for our reference.3.We specializes in sweet and candies and have wide relations with the food storesaround the whole country.4.We would be thankful if you could send us your products for us to know yourbusiness scope.5.We have learned from Brown &aClark Corp.that your company deals in chinesekitchen wares.Our company has an increasing demand for them.6.We are very interested in your ad.displayed in the latest TV World..Please give usthe detailed information of the specification,price and packing about your products.p.54 for unit 31.Thank you for your inquiry dated Jan.12th,and we are glad to tell you that we haveenclosed our catalogue and pricelist for your reference.2.But if you want to know more other things,please do tell us.We?d like to answeryour furthur questions.3. You will find that our price is very competitive,and we have all the types in stock,and we could make shipment within one month after we receive your L/C.4. If you could let us know your order amount we would consider to offer more favorable discount.5.Although we no longer supply SB-95, we have SB-99 in stock,and its functions aremuch better,and prices are more competitive.Translations for page 79 for unit 41. Enclosed please find our order CT504 for 1500 pounds Longjing tea, on 36 USD per pound CIF London forJun/Jul.delivery.2.Since there is an increasing demand for our laser printers ,please place an order with us if you have considered to do it.3. Please see to it that the quality of the goods must be completely complied with the samples.If the first order is well made up.we will place repeat orders.4. Thank you for your reply to our inquiry of Apr.22,now we want to order 2000 dozens of silk T shirts,enclosed please find the order No.58.5.Although our price is a little bit higher than other suppliers,the difference of the price is quite acceptable as our quality is of first grade.And it is for your own interest to buy products of higher qualityP148. ⅴ for unit 75.In order to push our goods into your market,we agree with the first lot ,1/3 of the total amount with the shipment in Jun/Jul to be delivered in advance in Apr/May.P172. ⅴ for unit 81.Our payment terms are confirmed,irrevocable L/C at sight which must reach us within one month before shipment.The L/C validity period is 21 days after the shipment,and must be negotiated in China,and transshipments and partial shipment are allowed.2.We are sorry that we couldn?t accept payment by D/A in the deal with foreign customers.3.You should have opened the L/C last month,but by far we didn?t get any news from you.4.Please amend L/C 99SD86 to read “transhipment allowed”.As the deal was made on CFR basis,please delete the related insurance clauses.P.196 ⅴ for unit 92.We would be grateful and keep the secret if you could supply us with their finacial situation and refrences.3. We suggest that 40% of the total value be paid by telegraphic transfer,the balance be paid by irrevocable documentary L/C at 90 days.5.We have known that you asked for payment by D/A,and we will talk with you about it in proper time.II. 客观题答案Unit 2Page. 281.A2.C3.C4.A5.D6.C7.D8.C9.C 10.CPage.291.A for 去掉,D,23rd2.A very 去掉3.C and answering4.B as it 改为so5.B for various types6.D trade terms7.C in the enclosed list8.B through the introduction9.A on behalf of B Germany principals10.B dealing in D. the details for your export productsUnit 31.A2.A3.A4.C5.D6.C7.B8.A9.A 10.CPage 52.1. correct2. D together with detailed specifications3. correct4. C to choose5. C mutually convenient6. A with interest7. C have8. C of 5 %9. D at去掉10. B all setsUnit 4Page 76 for unit 41.B2.A3.A4.C5.D6.C7.D8.B9.A 10.DPage 771.C the traces will2.B receiving4. correct5.A it 去掉6.C The cartons are7.A that 去掉 C probable 8 correct 9.B regretful 10.B and weC a trial orderUnit 51.D2.B3.A4.B5.C6.D7.B8.C9.C 10.CPage 1011.A as regards2.B consists of3.D we agree to4.B to be effected D to read5.C on CFR basis6.D have arrived7.correct8.A additional risks9.correct10.B require D different premiumUnit 6Page 1231.B2.A3.D4.C5.B6.B8.A9.D 10.CUnit 7Page 1461.C in 去掉2.D shipment arrangement3. 正确的4.correct5.B for 去掉6.A shipping space7.D the wrong delivery8.correct9.D kindly cooperate10.correctKeys P169 unit 81.D2.A3.B4.B5.C6.A7.D8.B9.C 10.BP170.1.D according to fax2.B of which 去掉3.B enter into4.C to inform5.C a competitive price6.C exquisite in make7.B for every yard8.A compare it with9.正确10. 正确P 193 keys for unit 91.A2.A3.B4.A5.B6.D7.C8.D9.A 10.AP.194.1.C large amount D. to offer2.D to be considered3.A after we have given you4.B are to be effected shipment5.D satisfactory6.B received7.C to recduce D.by 20%8.D amendment advice 9.A your L/C C . in which去掉10.C with you III外贸函电写作答案email writing page 197,Unit 9Dear AmyWe two companies talked about new payment terms by fax on July 8th,and nowwe'd like to use new payment terms from next order,that is documents against payment ,payable by 30 days draft.And we would effect payment within two months after we recieve your order.Looking forward to your new order.Best RegardsLiu xiaoAug.12th 2009email writing Page 173 ,for unit 8Dear PeterAt your request we have already made up your order and can advance your shipment now.But by far, we haven't recieved your relevant L/C .Please make sure to let yourL/C reach us by the end of this month so that we can ship your order within agreeddate.Besides,please see to it that the L/C stipulations must be complied with the contract in order to avoid L/C amendment. Best regardsEllenDear Jane:Your order No.896Thank you for your letter Oct.20th.aw We have already stipulated in S/C No.980927 that we will ship your order in two lots in Jan.and Feb.1999.But your letter of Oct.20th was suggesting to ship 80% of the goods in Nov,and the balance in Dec.Wea re sorry to say that although we have enough quantity in stock ,it is still late for Nov.shipment ,because there are few direct sailings, and what?s more, we have not received your relevant L/C yet.So we are suggesting to ship 80% in Dec,and the balance in Jan,1999. But your L/C must be opened before Nov。

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Unit 2I 公司 company/firm 信誉 standing/credit与···建立业务关系 to enter into business relations with小册子 pamphlet/brochure 你处(地) at your end/on your spot供你参考 for your reference 以··为目的 with a view to与此同时 in the meantime/at the same time/meanwhile按照 according to/in compliance with/in accordance with/in conformity with达成交易 to conclude(close)the business (transaction/deal)在···业务方面 in the line of···系列 a(wide/full) range of具体询盘 specific enquiry经营 to handle/to deal in /to trade in与···做生意 to do business with/ to deal with/ to trade withII multiple choice1.b2.a3.c4.b5.a6.d7.c8.d9.a10.b11.d12.cIII1.dealing 2.transacting 3.deals 4.Business 5.deal 6.business 7.transact8. Businesses 9.tranactions/deals 10.businessIV. Put the following English into Chinese1. 我们是德国工业化工产品主要生产商之一,欲与贵公司建立业务关系。

2. 我们经营中国自行车出口,很想与你方进行这类商品贸易。

3. 香港贸易公司已将贵公司名称及地址转交我方。


4. 感谢贵方6月7日来函,表示提供服务的意向。


5. 请尽早答复我方要求为荷。

6. 我们愿在平等互利的基础上与贵公司监理业务关系。

7. 我们是一家系列电扇及空调的主要出口商,现特去函自我介绍。

8. 为促进双方贸易,特另由航空寄去样品,供你方参考。

9. 为使你方了解我们经营的轻工业产品,我们兹另邮给你们寄去几本商品小册子,供你方参考。

10. 经纳尔逊先生介绍,我们得知你们是中国食品的潜在买主。


V. Put the following sentences into English1. We owe your name and address to ABC Company.2. As soon as we receive your specific enquiry, we will send you the catalogue and samples.3. Their chief line is the export of electronic computers.4. Our silk has long been a best seller at your end.5. This product is being marketed in all European countries.6. Your letter of May 10 has been transferred to us for attention from our Head Office in Beijing.7. We have handled this line for more than 20 years.8. We can supply shoes in a wide range of styles and sizes.9. The trade between us is based on the principle of equality.10. Most countries in the world have engaged in international trade.11. We can offer you some oil if you need.12. There are two forms of international transaction. One is to trade in good, the other is inservice.VI. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the message1. informing2. market3. in4. sample5. trade6. quality7.prices8. form9.items10.specificVII. read the following short passages or letters and then translate them into Chinese (A)一国货物及服务与另一国货物及服务进行进行交换,这就是国际贸易。




















···谨上 VIII. Translate the following letter into EnglishDear Sirs,We have received your enquiry of July 5 for Electric Motor.As the goods fall within the business scope of china national import corporation, we have passed on your enquiry to them for attention. Please contact them directly for your requirements. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to you as a state-operated corporation handling the export business of Chinese Arts ﹠crafts and we have built up extensive connections with many important dealers in various districts. Enclosed you will find our latest catalogue and pricelist. We hope to enter into business relations with you.Yours faithfully,Skill DrillingDear Sirs,Your firm has been recommended to us by Messrs, freemen﹠Co. Ltd. , with whom we have done business for many years.We specialize in the export of Chinese cotton piece goods, which have enjoyed great popularity in market. We enclose a copy of our catalog for your reference and hope that you would contact us if any item is interesting to you.As to our financial standing you could approach the Bank of China New York for any information.We are looking forward to you early reply.Yours truly,Unit 3I put the following Chinese into English询购 to enquire for/to make sb. An enquiry for接受报盘 to accept an offer 代理 representative/agent现成市场 ready market工艺 workmanship 手工作 hand-made支付条款 payment terms 兹答复 in reply (to)与···有联系 to be connected with向···订购 to place an order with sb. for sth.立即处理 prompt attention市场要求(口味) the taste of the market用现款(支付) (to pay) in cash稳定需求 steady demand(商品)在出售中 to be under offer/to be on sale给···报盘 to make sb. an offer for sth.II. Multiple choices1. b2.d3.a4.d5.b6.a7.c8.b9.d 10. c 11.b 12.cIII. Fill in the following blanks with the given words in their proper forms1. bid2.offer3.enquiry4. offered5. bid6.offer7.enquiers8..offer9.enquired 10. offer IV. put the following sentences into Chinese1. 我们从John King 先生处得知,你方有意供应男士皮鞋。
