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张丽梅 方 萍
【摘要】 综述了近年来从禾本科植物体内和根际发现的内生固氮菌和根际固氮菌的种类、特征及对宿主
关键词 禾本科植物 联合固氮 根际固氮菌 内生固氮菌文章编号 1001-9332(2004)09-1650-05 中图分类号 Q945179文献标识码 A
R ecent advances in research and application of associated nitrogen 2f ixation with graminaceous plants.ZHAN G Limei,FAN G Ping ,ZHU Riqing (College of Environmental and Resource Sciences ,Zhejiang U niversity ,Hangz hou 310029,China ).2Chin.J.A ppl.Ecol .,2004,15(9):1650~1654.
The category ,characteristic of diazotrophs isolated from inside and/or rhizosphere of graminaceous plants in re 2cent year and the mechanism of the promoting effects on their host plant were reviewed in this paper.The cur 2rent status of application of associative nitrogen 2fixation inoculants and the problems in inoculation were dis 2cussed.It was indicated that the main factors influencing the effects of inoculants include the competition of in 2digenous micro 2organism with inoculants for nutritions and energy ,difference of host plant genotypes in associa 2tive relationship ,and variance of environmental conditions such as the concentration of ammonium in soil solution and the oxygen partial pressure in soil air.The trends of future research in this field were prospected ,for exam 2ple ,to isolate and identify the high nitrogen fixing efficiency strains with wider environmental adaptability ,to create associative nitrogen fixing bacteria strain which is able to bear or endure higher concentration of ammoni 2um by gene engineering technique ,to induce graminaceous plant forming root nodule for nitrogen fixation and to exert the predominance of endophytic diazotrophs.
K ey w ords Graminaceous plants ,Associative nitrogen fixation ,Rhizosphere diazotrophs ,Endophytic dia 2zotrophs.
33通讯联系人.Tel :0571286980595;E 2mail :pfang @ 2003-05-31收稿,2003-12-11接受.
1 引 言
D bereiner 和Ruschei 等[3]首次从热带甘蔗的根际分离到固
氮细菌:拜叶林克氏菌(Beijerinckia f luminensis ),并证实禾本科植物同样存在生物固氮潜能.1975年,D bereiner [19]实验再次发现与禾本科植物联合共生的固氮菌:固氮螺菌(A 2
zospirillum ),并提出根际联合固氮的概念,认为根际中存在
一类自由生活的能固氮的细菌,定殖于植物根表或近根土壤,部份则能侵入植物根的皮层组织或维管中,靠根系分泌物生存繁殖,与植物根系有密切的关系,但并不与宿主形成特异分化结构,将植物与细菌之间的这种共生关系称为联合共生固氮(associative symbiotic nitrogen fixation ).继
D bereiner 等的发现之后,又相继发现许多具有重要经济价
2 联合固氮菌种类及其特性
自根际联合固氮菌的概念提出以来,相继从禾本科植物根际发现了许多新的联合固氮细菌,如醋酸固氮菌(Aceto 2
bacter diazot rophics )、草螺菌(Herbaspirillum seropedicae )、内
生固氮菌(A zoarus spp.)、产碱菌(A lcaligenes )、固氮螺菌
(A zospirillum )、芽孢杆菌(B acillus )、肠杆菌(Enterobacter )、
克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiella )、假单胞菌(Pseudomonas )、固氮根瘤
菌(A zorhizobium )等.应用氮素平衡法、15
N 同位素稀释法和15
N 自然丰度技术证实了一些热带禾本科植物特别是甘蔗
应用生态学报 2004年9月 第15卷 第9期
CHIN ESE JOURNAL OF APPL IED ECOLO GY ,Sep.2004,15(9)∶1650~1654