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( )1. What _____ your grandfather _____ this time yesterday ?

A. is ... doing

B. was ... doing

C. did .. do

D. had ... done

( )2. ____ you ______ a meeting at four yesterday afternoon ?

A. Were ... having

B. Was ... having

C. Did ... have

D. Do ... have

( )3. A: I called you at about half past eight last night , but nobody answered .

B: Oh , I ______ in my office at that time .

A. will work

B. was working

C. worked

D. had worked

( )4. His family _____ TV from ten to twelve last night .

A. watched

B. were watching

C. had watched

D. was watching

( )5. Li Lei ______ a letter to his friend last night .

A. was writing

B. was written

C. will write

D. writes

( )6. A: Hi , Lin Tao . I didn’t see you at the party .

B: Oh, I ________ ready for the maths exam .

A. am getting

B. was getting

C. got

D. have got

( )7. A: I called you yesterday evening ,but there was no answer.

B: Oh ,I am sorry I_______dinner at my friend’s home.

A.have B.had C.was having D.have had

( )8. A: Did you notice him come in?

B: No. I _____ a football game.

A. have watched

B. had watched

C. am watching

D. was watching

( )9. You must tell us what you _______ at ten yesterday evening .

A. did

B. was doing

C. were done

D. were doing

( )10. He asked _______ outside(外面) .

A. who are singing

B. who was singing

C. who singing was

D. who is singing

( )11. A: How did the accident(事故) happen(发生) ?

B: You know , it ______ difficult(困难的) to see the road(道路) clearly because it _____ .

A. was …. was raining

B. is …has rained

C. is …is raining

D. will be …will rain

( )12. She_________ apples in her garden(花园) when I_________ to see her yesterday.

A. picked,went

B. was picking,went

C. picked,was going

D. was picking,was going

( )13. She _____ the room when I went to see her .

A. doesn’t clean

B. isn’t cleaning

C. didn’t cleaning

D. wasn’t cleaning

( )14. The Greens _______ lunch when I got to their house .

A . were having B. was having C. are having D. is having

( )15. I ____ an old friend of mine when I ______ in the street yesterday afternoon .

A. met... was walking

B. was meeting ... walked

C. was meeting ... was walking

D. met ... walked

( )16. One day when I _______ the post office , I _____ my uncle .

A. pass(经过)... say

B. was passing ... saw

C. passed ... was seeing

D. am passing ... am seeing

( )17. While she ______ TV at home , the bell ______ .

A. watches …rings

B. is watching …rang

C. was watching …rang

D. watched …was ringing

( )18. The little girl was ______ her cat while her mother was _____ the piano .

A. playing …playing

B. playing …playing with

C. playing with …playing

D. playing with …playing with


1. I , with my sister , sometimes ______ swimming in the river. (go)

2. He __________ the film with us last night. (not see)

3. You draw quite well. I think you _______ a good painter in the future. (be)

4. One Sunday morning the man upstairs(在楼上) heard the sound of children ________ in the park. (play)

5. Mother __________ vegetables in the garden now. (grow种植)

6. My father ______________ some washing when I got home yesterday evening. (do)

7. Somebody knocked on(敲) my window when I __________ TV last night. (watch)

8. Grandmother ___________ breakfast when I got up. (cook)

