第二章:教学目标1. 掌握汉字的基本构造、读音和书写规范;2. 积累丰富的词汇,并灵活运用于写作和口语表达中;3. 熟悉文言文的阅读和理解方法,能正确解读古代文献;4. 提升现代文阅读能力,能够理解和分析各类文章;5. 培养学生的写作能力,使其能够清晰、准确地表达自己的思想;6. 培养学生的文学鉴赏能力,使他们能够欣赏和理解优秀的文学作品。
第三章:课程内容1. 汉字学习1.1 汉字的基本构造和书写规范1.2 常见汉字的读音和意义1.3 汉字的常见误用与纠正2. 词汇积累2.1 日常生活词汇的积累与运用2.2 学术词汇的学习与理解2.3 同义词和近义词的辨析和运用3. 文言文阅读3.1 古代文献的阅读技巧和方法3.2 关键词汇和句式的理解与应用3.3 文言文阅读中的常见难点解析4. 现代文阅读4.1 不同体裁、不同主题的现代文阅读4.2 文章结构和逻辑的分析与理解4.3 文章修辞手法和表达技巧的学习与应用5. 写作能力培养5.1 写作的基本要素和结构5.2 文章写作中的逻辑和连贯性5.3 提升写作技巧的训练与实践6. 文学鉴赏6.1 不同文学流派和代表作品的欣赏6.2 文学作品的符号、象征和意义解读6.3 优秀作品的分析和评价第四章:教学方法1. 讲授法:通过讲授基础知识和技巧,并结合实例进行解析。
2. 阅读法:通过阅读和分析文本,培养学生的阅读理解能力。
3. 讨论法:通过学生之间的讨论和交流,促进思想的碰撞和观点的交流。
4. 写作法:通过指导学生写作,提供实践机会,提高写作能力。
第五章:教学评价1. 学生的汉字书写能力、词汇积累情况、文言文阅读理解水平、现代文阅读和写作能力的考核。
第一章 绪 论
实践性 “写”可以把知识转化为能力;读—看—写—读—看—写的循环。
综合性 写作是一种复杂的精神活动,影响写作的因素很多,从素养上看有:
生活、思想、知识、技巧、语言以及天赋等;从能力上看:涉及观察、 感受、想象、理解、表现等;从知识上看:哲学、历史学、心理学、文 学、语言学、逻辑学、写作学等都应接触;
由于校园太大,又是第一次来,刚走了几步就不知道东南 西北了。正在此时,我看到了几个戴红帽子的学长在给新生指路。 我赶忙上前寻找可以询问的对象,在人群中我看到一个斜戴红帽 的男生,他四处张望,左顾右盼似乎在寻找着可以帮助的人。我 立刻夹起包裹挤进了人群,好不容易才挤到了他跟前,刚要开口, 就看到他露出了和蔼的笑容,笑着说:“需要什么帮助吗?”我 也回应地笑了笑说:“不好意思,请问学生宿舍该走哪里啊?” 他抬头冥思了一下说:“算了,我刚好要回去,我带你走吧。” 我本来就对这儿不熟悉,就算他说了,我也未必能找到,如今有 个人要带路,我想都没想就答应了。一路上,他向我介绍了走过 的各个教学楼和校园设施。他的语言中总是带着一点温柔,让人 有种邻家大哥哥的感觉。因为他,让我对这陌生的学校又多了一 份好感。
所 有
侵 权 必 究 ◆
第一章 绪 论 第二章 写作主体与客体 第三章 写作载体与受体 第四章 写作行为过程 第五章 写作表达方式与技法 第六章 新闻文体 第七章 文学文体 第八章 理论文体
第一章 绪 论
• 我们为什么需要写作
写作是社会生活的一部分,也是人类生存和发展一种方式。写作总 是与一定的个人和社会需要联系在一起的。
the sort of environment in which he is brought up. If an individual is in poor environment, it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable. 主题句位于句首,后面的辅助句发展主题句的中心意念。 请找出下面段落的主题句。 In the small French town, the town clerk spends two hours or so talking in the cafe every day. The village doctor often drops in for an aperitif when he is between calls. People from outlying sections of the valley who come to the village only on official business at the town hall drop into the cafe and leave news of Their neighborhood. Through the cafe owner the postman relays Messages that he has been given on his route. With these and many other sources of information at his disposal, the cafe owner usually knows better than anyone else in the village the news of the community.
⼤学写作课程课后习题答案Unit 1Part III Follow-up Exercises3. write a focused topic sentence for the following subjects:1) looking for jobsA person can look for a job in several ways.2) penguinsPenguins resemble human beings in many respects.3) personalityOne’s personality plays an important role in foreign language learning.4) weatherLiving in a place where the weather is always warm has many advantages.4. Read the following paragraphs and write a topic sentence for each of them in the space provided.Paragraph 1: All inventions are either basic inventions or improvements on earlier inventions. Paragraph 2: There was a serious accident in the chemistry lab yesterday.Paragraph 3: Nutritional deficiency is a major problem of the elderly.5. Read the following paragraphs and 1) underline the topic sentence of each paragraph, and 2) mark out the sentences that do not support the topic sentence in the paragraph.1) topic sentencesParagraph 1: The world had enjoyed many benefits from the invetnion of the telephone. Paragraph 2: I had a terrible morning today.2)sentences that do not support the topic sentence in the paragraphParagraph 1: Many people do not like writing letters to each other. And nowadays, the Internet has brought us more convenience.Paragraph 2: I heard that he was also very strict with his own children.6. Pick out the topic sentence from the following group of sentences and restore the logical sequence of the others and decide where to put the topic sentence.Topic sentence: 5) Generally speaking, there are many attractions of living in a city.Logical sequence of the sentences: 5, 7, 4, 1, 6, 9, 8, 3, 2.7. Put the following words and phrases in the blankets; each word and phrase can only be used once.(1) First of all(2) Secondly(3) By and by(4) In addition(5) In short8. Read the following paragraph and find out what techniques have been used to achieve coherence.1) repetition of key words : junk food, students2) use of transitional signals: for one reason, also, as a result, however3) use of pronouns: they, their, thisUnit 2Part III Follow-up Exercises3. Here is a list of events in time order with a given topic sentence. Organize them into a coherent paragraph by using linking devices and making some necessary alternations.Topic sentence: When I was a child, we never varied our Christmas Eve ritual.1) , when 2) 3) As soon as 4) , 5) 6) Meanwhile, 7) Finally, 8) After 9), 10) and 11) Ad 12) , 13) Then 14) 15)4. Restore the logical sequence of the following sentences and completer the table.Logical sequence of the sentences:4, 10, 5, 12, 3, 7, 15, 9, 14, 2, 11, 8, 13, 6, 1Topic sentence: My family spent two fun-filled days at Disney World last year.Concluding sentence: Although we were very tired at midnight, we agreed that our two-day vacation at Disney World was one of the best we had ever had.5. Put the following words and phrases in the blanks; some can be used twice.(1) Then (2) morning (3) afternoon (4) Then(5) After that (6) when (7) already (8) afterPart III Follow-up Exercises3. logical sequence of the sentence:3, 6, 1, 4, 7, 5, 2Relationship: Primarily, the organization of the paragraph represents movement in geographical space.4. Read the following passage and 1) underline the space signals in it; 2) discuss how effectively they help to achieve coherence.1) in above in front of under through behind2) The central focus is “a shocking experience.” To support the main idea, the writer uses a lot of descriptions and organizes these details according to the space relationship, and thus coherence is achieved.5. Put the following words and phrases in the blanks; each word and phrase can only be used once.(1) into(2) crosses(3) In the center of(4) Outside(5) inside(6) On the front(7) over(8) down(9) lined with(10) At the rear6. Disscuss in what order this paragraph is developed.This paragraph is developed in a circular order, i.e. from east to north, and then to southPart III Follow-up Exercises3. Read the following passage and 1) decide in which pattern of process analysis it is organized; 2) complete the table.1) Pattern: description with supplementary explanations.2) the tableSteps of the processStep 1 Wooden casks are first interconnected and then stacked in tiers.Step 2 Young sherries are poured into the casks at the top wheras the mature sherries are drawn out of the casks at the bottom.Step 3 Different sherries are constantly mixed up.Result of the effortStep 1 noStep 2 One third of the content is drawn out of one cask in any one year.Step 3 Special characteristics of the different sherries are maintained year after year.4. Put the following words and phrases in the blanks; some can be used twice.(1) with(2) while(3) slowly(4) Gradually(5) with(6) By this time(7) Suddenly8) final(9) ending(10) applause5. Task OneThe following paragraph is written according to the type of the exclusive description of process. Work in groups to identify 1) procedures of the festival in Japan; 2) linking devices that connect these procedures.Procedures of celebrating the festival:Step 1: Prepare and lay out food; make the special lanterns.Step 2: Keep dancing and singing overnight.Step 3: Throw the food and lanterns into a river or sea.Step 4: Watch the lanterns drifting way.Linking words and phrases that connect these procedures:Firstly, also, afterward, then, signals the endPart III Follow-up Exercises3. Read the following two paragraphs and 1) decide in which pattern of examplification each one is organized; 2) complete the outline for paragraph B.1) Paragraph A follows Pattern 2, which uses one extended example to illustrate the controlling idea. Paragraph B follows Pattern 1, which uses several examples to illustrate the topic sentence.2)The outline for paragraph B:Topic sentence: Working in an apple plant was the worst job I ever had.Examples:1. First of all, the work was physically hard.Specific details:1) For ten hours a night, I took cartons that rolled down a metal track and stacked them onto wooden skids in a tractor trailer.2) Each carton contained twelve 32-ounce cans or bottles of apple juice, and they were heavy.2. The second bad feature of the job was the pay.Specific details:I was getting the minimum wage at that time, $1.25 an hour, plus a minimum of a nickel extra for working the night shift.3. The worst feature of the apple plant job was the working conditions.Specific details:1) During work we were limited to two 10-minute breaks and an unpaid half-hour for lunch.2) The steel floors of the trucks were like ice; the quickly penetrating cold made my feet feel like stone.Concluding sentence: I felt humiliated by the poverty that forced me to do such a bitter job.4. Restore the logical sequence of the following sentences and decide in which pattern of exemplification the text is written. Logical sequence of the sentences:3, 6, 1, 8, 2, 4, 7, 5,Pattern: It follows Patten 1 and uses many examples to illustrate the controlling idea.5. Put the following words and phrases in the blanks; each word and phrase can only be used once.(1) For example(2) Furthermore(3) In still another instance(4) Even(5) his(6) these(7) contemporary6. If you want to write a paragraph to prove that some of the laws in Masssachusetts seemridiculously funny in today’s world, pick out the effective examples you will use form among the listed seven examples. Examples 2, 3 and 5 are relevant and specific. They are effective examples that can be used. Examples 1 and 7 are not specific, though relevant.Examples 4 and 6 are completely irrelevant. They don’t refer to a Massachusetts law.7. Read each group of the following examples, then write a topic sentence.1) Topic sentence: I’ve never seen a girl as lazy as Arena.2) Topic sentence: English teachers are applying different means to teach English language.3) Topic sentence: Americans have been decreasing their working hours since the early 1900s.4) Topic sentence: My father has been a generous man to his children.Uint 6Part III Follow-up Exercises3. To write a definition paragraph, the first step is usually to place the term in a class or category, and then describe what you think are the special features that distinguish the term from all the other members in the class. Now fill in the table by putting the terms in an appropriate category. SubjectRepublicClass: a form of governmentCharacteristics: in which power resides in the people (the electorate)WolfClass: a large, dog-like carnivorous mammalCharacteristics: with yellowish or brownish gray and coarse fur, erect pointed ears, and a bushy tailJazzClass: a style of musicCharacteristics: that features improvisation and performancepersistenceClass: a kind of qualityCharacteristics: not giving up even during rough times4. Read the following definitions and discuss what problems each has and then improve them.1) ,2) The expression “is where” and “is when” should not be used to begin the main part of a definiton. The linking verb “is”should be followed by a noun, a pronoun or an adjective. Improved: 1) A stadium is a structure or building in which sports spectaculars are held.2) Socialism is a theory or system of community organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production, capital, land and so forth, in the community as a whole.3) This is a circular definition, a practice of defining a term with the term itself.Improved: Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use the energy of light to produce compounds, such as sugar and starch, from a number of substances including water and carbon dioxide.4) The subject is defined in a language equally or more complex than the original.Improved: surreptitious means “secret.”5) Exemplification is mistaken for definition; the examples are good for clarification, but they do not define.Improved: Political conservatives are people who are dedicated to preserving the existing conditions, such as WilliamF.Buckley, Jr., and Pat Robertson.6) It is a generalization rather than a precise definiton, for the concept is defined with characteristics without being first put under a class or category.Improved: Hearing aids are a kind of device which enables deaf people to hear sounds such asnormal speech.5. Task OneRestore the logical sequence of the following sentences to form a well-ordered definition. Logical sequence of the sentences: 2, 1, 3, 5, 4, 6,Task ThreeRead again the sentences in the arrangement you have established and fill in the following blanks. -- The purpose of the paragraph is to explain a Spanish word which has no exact English equivalent.-- The two main characteristics of machismo are courageous behavior and earthy sexuality.-- Also is the transitional word that leads you from the first characteristic to the second one.6. Following are a topic sentence and some supporting points for a paragraph that defines “rudeness.” Please plan out and write the secondary supporting details using the methods you have learned in this unit to develop the definition.Unit 7Part III Follow-up Exercises3. Read the following passage and 1) decide in which pattern of cause and effect it is organized;2)complete the table.1) pattern: single effect and multiple causes.2) causes(1) got drunk at the party(2) had taken the drug of Accutane(3) adolescent depressionEffect:Bart Jr’s suicide4. Restore the logical sequence of the following sentences and decide in which pattern of cause and effect the text is written. Logical sequence of the sentences:2, 4, 1, 3, 6, 5,Pattern of cause and effect:single effect and multiple causes.5.Task one. The following paragraph is written in a cause-and-effect pattern. Work in groups to identify 1) the topic under discussion; 2) points covered in terms of cause and effect.Topic: Society itself may be producing the distortions of personality, mental illness, and emotional instability.1)society’s compartmentalizing2)society’s competitive demands3) inability to rebelEffectDistortions of personality, etc.Part III Follow-up Exercises3. Complete the following outlines for paragraps of classification. Keep in mind the principles of classification.1) Topic: University Students’ EntertainmentTopic sentence: Uni versity students’ entertainment can be divided into three categories according to where it takes place. Division:a) entertainment at homeb) enterainment on campusc) entertainment elsewhere2) Topic: Roles of Young Married Women in SocietyTopic sentence: The average young married woman in today’s society has her life divided into three different roles. Division:a) the role of lifeb) the role of motherc) the role of self3) Topic: NeighborsTopic sentence: Neighbors fall into three categories according to their different attitudes towards you.Division:a) those who are friendlyb) those who are indifferentc) those who hate you5. Restore the logical sequence of the following sentences and complete the outline.Logical sequence of the sentences:7, 3, 10, 9, 1, 5, 8 ,4, 2 ,11, 6,Subject: Christmas giftsTopic sentence: Christmas gifts can be divided into three groups, according to their after-Christmas fate.Division:a) those that are welcomed and put into use very soonb) those that are halfway between being hated and lovedc) those that you banish as soon as possible.Concluding sentence: By New Year’s Day, you have either used, stored or disposed of each of your Christmas gifts.6. Put the following words and phrase in the blanks; each word and phrase can only be used once.(1) types(2) Though(3) Finally(4) however(5) Even though(6) Before(7) third(8) If(9) Then(10) thesePart III Follow-up exercises3. Read the following paragraph and 1) decide in which pattern of comparison and contrast it is organized; 2) complete the table.Pattern: point-by-pointSubject 1: Western HomesPoint:Room function: Each room has its own function.Table: Each home has several tables for different functions.Door: Western homes have fixed, hinged doors.Subject 2: Japanese HomesPoint:Room function: One room serves all the functions.Table: One low table serves all the purposes.Door: Japanese homes have lightweight sliding doors.4. Restore the logical sequence of the following sentences and decide in which pattern of comparison and contrast the text is written.Logical sequence of the sentences:5, 3, 6, 2, 4, 8, 7, 1Pattern of comparison and constrast: subject by subject5. Put the following words in the blanks; some can be used twice.(1) similar(2) although(3) difference(4) identical(5) again(6) while(7) But(8) difference(9) consistency(10) completelyPart III Follow-up Exercises3. The following incomplete paragraph leads you to make your own generalization. On the basis of the examples given, writea conclusion of the paragraph.General Statement: The enormous importance of television news had started the process of change in the printed press.5. Presenting sufficient details to develop a generalization is one of the basic concerns in paragraphing. The use of a three-level outline is usually helpful. Please complete the outline by arranging the ideas given in the box and providing supporting details.A. Programs on TV tend to have a high level of maturity.(1) fostering maturity at early age or hindering maturity(2) misleading children to imitating scenes on TVB. TV serials or dramas may oversimplify complex social and psychological problems.(1) enjoying simple-minded soap operas and stereotyped characters(2) giving a false picture of realityC. Informative and cultural programs are frequently interrupted by vulgar advertising.(1) too many commercials(2) an insult even to the intelligence of a moronGeneralization: In brief, it is harmful and damaging for children to watch too much television.6. Put the following words and phrases in the blanks; some can be used twice while some may not be used.(1) Thus(2) When(3) also(4) however(5) Moreover(6) indeed(7) also(8) Yet(9) and(10) ThusPart III Follow-up Exercises3. Analyze the following sketch and decide how the character is described.The description centers on one trait of personality: Uncle Amo’s being ordinary and average in life.4. Read the following passage and 1) find out how many techniques appear in it and which of them stands out; 2) complete the table.There are obviously three methods used: comparison (1), generalization (2,4), and cause-effect (3).The one that stands out is generalization.Part III Follow-up Exercises3. Choose some of the following subjects and turn them into thesis statements. Pay attention to4. Read the following composition carefully and then point out the details that are not relevant to the thesis statement.1) For example, some people don’t like to stay at home after work.2) I once stopped drinking for a while.3) The world we live in is changing every day.4) And the price of tobacco has been going up on the international market.5) A lot of people have successfully given up smoking now.5. Read the following composition carefully and answer the following questions.Questions1) What is the thesis statement? And where is it?The thesis statement is “there are minor differences between them in three areas.” It is the second sentence in the first paragraph.2) What is the function of each of the paragraphs in terms of organizational pattern? And what3) How does the composition achieve coherence?By repetition of key words: difference, British English, American English.By using transitional words and phrases: in terms of, in addition to, second, third, generally speaking.6. Complete the following two tasks.Task OneFill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word or phrases.(1) usually(2) often(3) Since(4) on the other hand(5) also(6) but(7) AlthoughTask TwoUnit 13Part III Follow-up Exercises3. Tell which of the following sentences use the technique of “telling” and which use the technique of “showing” in narrating what happened.Sentences that tell: 1, 3, 6Sentences that show: 2, 4, 55. Rearrange the following sentences in a chronological order to tell a story.Logical sequence of the sentences:8, 3, 7, 1, 5, 9, 13, 2, 6, 12, 4, 11, 106. Put the following words and phrases in the blanks; change the form where necessary. Some can be used more than once.(1) While(2) in the morning(3) in the evening(4) While(5) until(6) while(7) before(8) at six o’clock(9) As soon as(10) Unfortunately(11) What’s more(12) After(13) the next morning(14) later(15) Luckily(16) until(17) at last。
2021知到答案 大学英语写作网络课程(黑龙江联盟) 最新智慧树满分章节测试答案
![2021知到答案 大学英语写作网络课程(黑龙江联盟) 最新智慧树满分章节测试答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8892eed2dc88d0d233d4b14e852458fb770b38ee.png)
第一章单元测试1、判断题:All there is to writing is having ideas. To learn to write is to learn to have ideas. —Robert Frost ( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】2、判断题:People write for a real purpose.( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】3、判断题:Good writing should be difficult and straight. ( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】4、单选题:The examiners pay more attention to ______.选项:A:end productB: vocabularyC:process答案: 【end product 】5、多选题:The purpose of writing is ______ the readers.选项:A:entertainB:displayC:stimulateD:to inform答案: 【entertain ;display;stimulate ;to inform】6、多选题:The purpose of writing is ______ the readers.选项:A:stimulateB:entertainC:displayD:to inform答案: 【stimulate ;entertain ;display;to inform】7、多选题:The purpose of writing is ______ the readers.选项:A:stimulateB:to informC:displayD:entertain答案: 【stimulate ;to inform;display;entertain 】8、多选题:The purpose of writing is ______ the readers.选项:A:entertainB:stimulateC:to informD:display答案: 【entertain ;stimulate ;to inform;display】第二章单元测试1、判断题:A topic states the main idea of a paragraph.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】2、判断题:It is also likely that a topic sentence comes at the very end of aparagraph,functioning as a summary or a conclusion.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】3、判断题:The supporting sentence is a general statement that can cover all other information in the paragraph.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】4、判断题:Sentences that provide specific details ,e.g, explanation,reasons,examples,statistics or facts are supporting sentences.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】5、判断题:A topic sebtence is always the first sentence of a paragraph.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】第三章单元测试1、单选题:Which of the following sentence is a thesis statement?选项:A:The computer can help students do research.B:Let’s discus s the benefits of the computer.C:I want to introduce the benefits of the computer.D:The benefits of the computer.答案: 【The computer can help students do research.】2、单选题:How many ideas should a thesis statement express toward one topic?选项:A:one.B:three.C:two.D:as many as possible.答案: 【one.】3、多选题:Which of the followingsentence could express the function of the thesis statement?选项:A:The thesis statement can arouse a feeling of anticipation in the reader.B:The thesis statement keeps you to the subject.C:The thesis statement can provoke the reader’s interests on the paper.D:The thesis statement can show you how to develop your paper according to what method and in how many divisions-making it easier to write.答案: 【The thesis statement can arouse a feeling of anticipation in the reader. ;The thesis statement keeps you to the subject.;The thesis statement can show you how to develop your paper according to what method and in how many divisions-making it easier to write.】4、多选题:What could the thesis statement express?选项:A:ideaB:expectationC:attitudeD:opinion答案: 【idea;attitude;opinion】5、单选题:Normally where should a writer put the thesis statement?选项:A:in the middle of the article.B:at the beginningC:anywhere.D:in the end.答案: 【in the end.】6、多选题:Which of the followingsentence could express the function of the thesis statement?选项:A:The thesis statement can arouse a feeling of anticipation in the reader.B:The thesis statement can show you how to develop your paper according to what method and in how many divisions-making it easier to write.C:The thesis statement keeps you to the subject.D:The thesis statement can provoke the reader’s interests on the paper.答案: 【The thesis statement can arouse a feeling of anticipation in the reader. ;The thesis statement can show you how to develop your paper according to what method and in how many divisions-making it easier to write.;The thesis statement keeps you to the subject.】7、多选题:What could the thesis statement express?选项:A:attitudeB:opinionC:expectationD:idea答案: 【attitude;opinion;idea】8、多选题:Which of the followingsentence could express the function of the thesis statement?选项:A:The thesis statement can show you how to develop your paper according to what method and in how many divisions-making it easier to write.B:The thesis statement keeps you to the subject.C:The thesis statement can provoke the reader’s interests on the paper.D:The thesis statement can arouse a feeling of anticipation in the reader.答案: 【The thesis statement can show you how to develop your paper according to what method and in how many divisions-making it easier to write.;The thesis statement keeps you to the subject.;The thesis statement can arouse a feeling of anticipation in the reader. 】第四章单元测试1、单选题:An abstract of an article, document, or speech is a ____ piece of writing that gives the main points of it.选项:A:longB:shortC:rightD:Different答案: 【short 】2、单选题:____ abstracts usually describe what the paper is about, the topic, purpose, scope, and method of the paper.选项:A:SuggestiveB:DescriptiveC:PositiveD:Informative答案: 【Descriptive 】3、单选题:___ abstracts are not only describe the topic, purpose, scope and the method of the research or paper, but also provide the information about results, conclusions, or recommendations.选项:A:SensitiveB:NegativeC:InformativeD:Descriptive答案: 【Informative 】4、多选题:Abstracts should be composed of the following elements:_____选项:A:purpose of the paperB:method of the researchC:conclusionsD:background答案: 【purpose of the paper ;method of theresearch ;conclusions ;background 】5、多选题:There are two common ways to end an abstract with:选项:A: recommendationsB:a general implicationC:detailsD:discussions答案: 【 recommendations ;a general implication 】6、多选题:Abstracts should be composed of the following elements:_____选项:A:method of the researchB:backgroundC:purpose of the paperD:conclusions答案: 【method of the research ;background ;purpose of the paper ;conclusions 】7、多选题:Abstracts should be composed of the following elements:_____选项:A:backgroundB:method of the researchC:conclusionsD:purpose of the paper答案: 【background ;method of the research ;conclusions ;purpose of the paper 】8、多选题:Abstracts should be composed of the following elements:_____选项:A:purpose of the paperB:conclusionsC:backgroundD:method of the research答案: 【purpose of the paper ;conclusions ;background ;method of the research 】9、多选题:There are two common ways to end an abstract with:选项:A:detailsB:a general implicationC:discussionsD: recommendations答案: 【a general implication ; recommendations 】第五章单元测试1、判断题:Practical English is a special language used in the situations of practical work. 选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】2、判断题:Practical English writing communicates specific and factual information to a particular audience for a specific purpose.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】3、判断题:Practical writing has its own features in practicality, reality, certainty, formality, and informality.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】4、判断题:Clarity refers to easy reading.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】5、判断题:To achieve clarity in practical writing, writers should keep sentences long and write in passive voice.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】。
大学英语写作网络课程(黑龙江联盟)知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新佳木斯大学第一章测试1.All there is to writing is having ideas. To learn to write is to learn to haveideas. --- Robert Frost ( )参考答案:对2.People write for a real purpose.( )参考答案:对3.Good writing should be difficult and straight. ( )参考答案:错4.The examiners pay more attention to ______.参考答案:end product5. The purpose of writing is ______ the readers.参考答案:stimulate ;to inform;display;entertain第二章测试1. A topic states the main idea of a paragraph.参考答案:对2.It is also likely that a topic sentence comes at the very end of aparagraph,functioning as a summary or a conclusion.参考答案:对3.The supporting sentence is a general statement that can cover all otherinformation in the paragraph.参考答案:错4.Sentences that provide specific details ,e.g,explanation,reasons,examples,statistics or facts are supporting sentences.参考答案:对5. A topic sebtence is always the first sentence of a paragraph.参考答案:错第三章测试1.Which of the following sentence is a thesis statement?参考答案:The computer can help students do research.2.How many ideas should a thesis statement express toward one topic?参考答案:one.3.Which of the followingsentence could express the function of the thesisstatement?参考答案:The thesis statement keeps you to the subject.;The thesis statement can arouse a feeling of anticipation in the reader. ;The thesis statement can show you how to develop your paper according to what method and in how many divisions-making it easier to write.4. What could the thesis statement express?参考答案:opinion;idea;attitude5. Normally where should a writer put the thesis statement?参考答案:in the end.第四章测试1.An abstract of an article, document, or speech is a ____ piece of writing thatgives the main points of it.参考答案:short2.____ abstracts usually describe what the paper is about, the topic, purpose,scope, and method of the paper.参考答案:Descriptive3.___ abstracts are not only describe the topic, purpose, scope and the methodof the research or paper, but also provide the information about results,conclusions, or recommendations.参考答案:Informative4.Abstracts should be composed of the following elements:_____参考答案:method of the research ;conclusions ;purpose of thepaper ;background5.There are two common ways to end an abstract with:参考答案:a general implication ; recommendations第五章测试1.Practical English is a special language used in the situations of practicalwork.参考答案:错2.Practical English writing communicates specific and factual information to aparticular audience for a specific purpose.参考答案:对3.Practical writing has its own features in practicality, reality, certainty,formality, and informality.参考答案:对4.Clarity refers to easy reading.参考答案:错5.To achieve clarity in practical writing, writers should keep sentences longand write in passive voice.参考答案:错。
《大学写作》课程标准(供参考)大学写作课程标准(供参考)1. 课程描述本课程旨在帮助大学生提升写作技巧,培养批判性思维和逻辑思维能力。
2. 课程目标本课程的主要目标包括:- 培养学生的阅读、分析和批判性思维能力;- 帮助学生理解并应用不同的写作结构和风格;- 提高学生的逻辑推理和论证能力;- 培养学生的信息检索和整理能力;- 锻炼学生的写作流畅性和表达能力;- 培养学生的写作规范和道德意识。
3. 课程内容本课程包括以下主题:- 学术写作基础:包括引言、论文结构、段落结构等;- 逻辑思维与论证:包括论点与支持、逻辑连贯性等;- 文献综述与引用:包括文献检索、综述写作、引用规范等;- 写作风格与技巧:包括句子结构、修辞手法、用词准确性等;- 写作流程与修订:包括构思、组织、修改和润色等;- 专业写作要求:根据不同学科的特点,讨论相应的写作要求和技巧。
4. 评估方式本课程的评估方式将根据学生的学术成果和参与程度进行综合评估。
主要评估方式包括但不限于:- 书面作业:包括论文、综述、作文等;- 口头报告:包括个人展示、小组讨论等;- 参与度:包括课堂参与、小组合作等。
5. 参考教材- "The Elements of Style" by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White- "Writing Academic English" by Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue- "They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing" by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein以上内容供参考,并可根据教学需要进行灵活调整。
蔡基刚大学英语写作教程目录第1章段落的构筑1.写作分析:Our Changing Lifestyle: Trends and Fads1.1 段落的组成1.2 主题句2.语言:动态动词的使用3.练习第2章段落的发展1.写作分析:Daydream a Little1.1 统一性1.2 连贯性1.3 发展性2.语言:形合和意合3.练习第3章开头和结尾1.写作分析:Turning Failure into Success1.1 引言部分1.2 结尾部分2.语言:抽象名词表达3.练习第4章篇章的连贯1.写作分析:Nerds and Geeks 1.1 首尾句呼应1.2 中心思想串联1.3 主题句的关联1.4 过渡段的使用2.语言:抽象化表达3.练习第5章词汇的变化1.写作分析:How to Bee Gifted?1.1 同义词1.2 近义词1.3 派生词1.4 上下义词1.5 具体与笼统关系1.6 同义结构2.练习第6章正文的发展1.写作分析:The Fifth Freedom 1.1 一致性1.2 层次性1.3 发展性2.语言:非人称表达3.练习第7章叙述性作文1.写作分析:The Present1.1 主题1.2 视角1.3 背景1.4 顺序1.5 情节1.6 伏笔1.7 象征2.语言:词的效果3.练习第8章原因性作文1.写作分析:Why They Excel?1.1 原因性结构1.2 分析性结构1.3 综合性结构2.语言:副词、形容词的运用3.练习第9章比较性作文1.写作分析:Methods of Education:East and West1.1 两种基本方法1.2 两种基本结构2.语言:减少动词使用3.练习第10章句型变化1.写作分析:Winstorn Churchill-His Other Life1.1 句子开头变化1.2 句子结构变化1.3 句子长短变化2.练习第11章评论性作文1.写作分析:College Lectures:Is Anybody Listening?1.1 反对写法1.2 赞成写法1.3 平衡写法1.4 给编辑写信2.语言:多种表达法3.练习第12章辩驳性作文1.写作分析:Ditch the Calculator2.语言:树型结构3.练习第13章方法介绍性作文1.写作分析:Plain Talk about Handl ing Stress 1.1 引言部分:重要性1.2 正文部分:操作步骤2.语言:表达顺序3.练习第14章信函作文1.写作分析:An Exchange of Letters1.1 公务信函1.2 求职信1.3 简历1.4 询问信1.5 备忘录2.语言:语体意义3.练习第15章修辞运用1.写作分析:What Makes a Leader?1.1 比喻1.2 叠言1.3 平行句1.4 设问句2.语言:文化内涵第16章命题作文1.写作分析:Essay Questjon1.1 四、六级考试作文1.2 硕士研究生入学考试作文1.3 托福考试作文1.4 爱普考试作文1.5 雅思考试作文1.6 评分标准1.7 应试技巧2.语言:主题主语3.练习第17章图表作文1.写作分析:Population Growth and WildIife 1.1 图表1.2 图画2.语言:词语搭配3.练习第18章学术写作1.写作分析:Physical Effects of Ma州uana Use 1.1 论文1.2 摘要3.练习参考文献看过蔡基刚大学英语写作教程的人还看了:1.大学英语写作教程怎么考试2.大学英语基础写作教程3.大学英语写作课怎么上4.大学英语记叙文的写作5.大学英语写作方法。
第三节写作的过程和特点1.写作过程可以分为哪几个阶段?每个阶段各包括哪些主要环节?2.写作的主要特点有哪些?3.写作课的教学内容主要有哪些?第一章感知生活,积累和搜集材料采集材料)1.什么是材料?材料的含义怎么讲?2.材料的3个相关概念“资料”、“素材”、“题材”的适用范围和含义是怎样的?3.材料都有哪些种类?它们是从什么角度划分的?4. 材料在文章写作中有什么作用?5. 应该怎样正确地进行观察?6.观察为什么要与思考相结合?观察-正确观察的要点之五一、观察 1. 一般游记文章中采用的“移步换景”法是属于哪一种观察方法?2.写作训练题:写一篇观察笔记。
二、调查:3. 调查方法主要有哪几种?4.开调查会、个别访问、现场察访各适用于什么情况?5.问卷调查有什么优点?三、检索:6.检索是直接从生活中摄取材料的方法和途径。
(判断)8. 如果我们想查阅某作者的全部或主要著作,最好的检索途径是什么?9. 利用书目、索引这些检索工具查找文献资料的检索方法,叫什么检索方法?10. 利用文献末尾所附录的参考文献查找有关文献资料的方法,叫什么检索方法?11.图书馆藏书目录一般都提供哪几种检索途径?12.文献检索的程序一般有哪几个步骤?13. 观察是从生活中直接采集材料的方式,检索是从文献和电脑网络中间接获取材料的采集方式。
(判断)第二章第二节材料的采集方式1.阅读有什么方法?2.阅读有什么要求?3.阅读为什么要与思考相结合?4.文献资料记录的内容主要有什么?5.资料记录的方法主要有哪几种?6.贮存文献资料的注意事项是什么?7.怎样对搜集来的文献资料进行分类?第二章确立主题与选择材料(立意与选材)1.什么是主题,含义怎么讲?2.主题在记叙文、议论文、说明文、文学作品、公文中一般习惯称作什么?3. 衡量文章质量高低、价值大小的首要因素是什么?4. 文章的什么要素是制约文章写作的重要依据?5. 主题是文章的核心,一篇文章无论是取舍材料,安排结构,还是选择表达方式,运用语言,目的都是为了能更好地表达主题。
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《红楼梦》之所以被称为中国社会的“百科 全书”,就是因为这部巨著几乎涉及了社会生活 各个方面的知识,除了故事情节外,大凡诗词歌 赋、琴棋书画、建筑装饰、花鸟鱼虫、医药占卜、 官场皇室、酒家商肆、三教九流,无不应有尽有。 没有深厚的文化知识素养,曹雪芹就无法写出这 样的皇皇巨著。
古人说:“见得真,方道得出。”有丰厚的积累, 才有选择的余地。扩大视野,丰富阅历,多见世面, 广开视听,使感性认识和理性认识不断得以丰富和递 增,信息贮存和材料积累越丰厚,写起文章来,才会 得心应手,左右逢源。生活素养是人们从事一切文化 创造活动的“根须”,它来自丰富的经历,广阔的视 野,也来自主体对生活的钟情与投入。
(一)你们知道余秋雨吗?为什么人们对其 褒贬不一?
(二)朱光潜在《谈读书》中说:“书籍是 过去人类的精神遗产的宝库,也可以说是人类文 化学术前进轨迹上的里程碑。”你怎样理解这句 话?
马烽在《大寨奇遇记》(《人民文学》 2001.1)中15次把《创业》的编剧张天民写成了 “张天明”。
3. 举例 ①五十年代《人民日报》发表过一篇诗作。
其中一句是:“熊熊的高炉迸射出钢花”。过了 三天,《人民日报》刊出一封技术员的来信,指 出:高炉并不炼钢,炼的是铁;炼钢的是平炉或 转炉。
②1981年红学家吴世昌先生给《人民日报》 写了一封信,批评该报一篇文章和一篇报道有问 题,并建议提高编辑人员的写作水平。中央负责 同志就此作了批示,要求《人民日报》改进文字 工作。一篇占了整整一版的大通讯赞扬一位军医 为了探索新的针灸穴位,先在自己身上试针,既 用针扎了子宫韧带又扎了前列腺。吴先生问:这 位军医到底是男是女,怎么能够同时具有男女两 性的器官?
3.反复咀嚼,领悟精髓 在写作实践中,一方面,随着写作对象和文
体的差异,需要相应的、特殊的、专业的知识; 另一方面,一般性的、综合性的知识,对于任何 写作对象和专业来说,都是必要的,有益无害的。
《乡间小路》 有一小轿车与一独轮车相遇。 司机令老汉让路,老汉道:为何? 司机道:我开的是小车。 老汉道:我的也是小车。 司机道:小车是首长的车。 老汉道:我的也是手掌车。 司机道:首长的车是小轿车。 老汉道:我的也是小叫车,不信你听。 说毕,驾起车,果然吱吱作响,像蝈蝈唱,蹒 跚而去……
“路漫漫而修远兮,吾将上下而求索。” “虽九死其未悔。” “长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰。”
1. 什么叫写作主体? 所谓写作主体,就是进入写作思维状态、从
事写作行为中的人。在写作活动中,主体始终起 着主导作用。他的写作素养、写作能力的高低直 接影响写作活动的进行和作品的质量,可以说, 写作正是写作主体素养和能力的体现。提高写作 能力的根本途径是加强写作主体的素质。
荒凉,说“一千三百万平方公里的瀚海”,他忘 了,编辑也没记住,整个中国的版图才只有九百 六十万平方公里!
②迟子建在她的小说中写到,“天凉了,小 鸡都不爱下蛋了”——事实上,小鸡在伏天不下 蛋,要“歇伏”;立秋以后,会再度进入产卵期。
写作需要有文化知识方面的储备。知 识储备越丰富,视野和思路就越开阔。
一位著名小说家把《古今小说》中的《范巨 卿鸡黍死生交》说成了《聊斋》故事。
①使你的作品信息量少,空洞无物,干瘪。 如白开水。
人生派与闲适派的对比。含金量不同。周氏兄弟。 丰子凯。
②使你的作品错误百出,硬伤累累。 ③使你成为井底之蛙,立意偏执、错误乃至 反动。 文革中文艺舞台上的创作,如《苏联人民日 夜想念毛泽东》、《日本孩子想念毛主席》。
1. 什么叫学识? 所谓学识,就是写作活动所需要的知识、学
问、见识等。它既包括客观世界逻辑结构和运行 规律方面的知识,也包括主体思维所使用的语言 概念及其思维程序、规则方面的知识。
文章写作同作者的学识修养密不可分。写作 的过程,实质上就是学识的组合和应用的过程。
2. 举例 ①郭雪波的小说《沙狐》开篇渲染科尔沁的
现代写作教学 课题组
第六节 写作客体
第一节 写作主体的素养
古有“文如其人”的说法。 “文如其人”一词出自宋代大文学 家苏轼《答张文潜书》中评价他的 弟弟苏辙的话:“子由之文实胜仆, 而世俗不知,乃以为不如;其为人 深不愿人知之,其文如其为人。” 后人常用来指文章所表达的思想或 所表现的风格,和作者本人的思想 或风格一样,这是有一定的道理的。
2. 什么叫写作素养? 素养通常指一个人通过综合的精神状态和行
为方式所表现出的综合品质。写作素养就是作者 围绕文章的选材、运思、表达等活动中表现出的 多方面的品质,它是写作主体思想意识、文化水 平、价值观念、思维方式、生活积累的综合反映。 写作主体的素质主要包括生活素养、学识修养、 人格品位和审美理想四个方面。
经历和见闻属于广度方面的问题, 而认识和感悟则属于深度和密度 方面的问题。
广度仅仅是一个平面,在广 度基础上加上深度和密度,才能 形成立体的、完整的生活素养。
要形成良好的生活素养,就要关 注生活,热爱生活,潜心探究生活, 做生活的有心人。
Hale Waihona Puke 二、写作主体的学识修养写作主体要具有一定的生活素养,这不仅要求写 作主体有丰富的阅历、广阔的视野,更要有对生活的 热情与投入。
4. 不断扩大视野,升华生活素养 生活素养,除了来自丰富的经历,广阔的
视野,还来自作者对生活投入的热情,对生活 的感受、体验,对生活的独特发现。生活素养, 固然包括了见多识广,但更为本质的是认识深 刻,感受真切。