20春东北师范大学《当代外国学前教育》离线考核试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个国家的学前教育体系被誉为“全球学前教育典范”?A. 美国B. 英国C. 德国D. 日本答案:B2. 在英国的学前教育体系中,以下哪个阶段属于基础阶段?A. 3-5岁B. 5-7岁C. 7-11岁D. 11-14岁答案:A3. 以下哪个国家的学前教育注重幼儿的自主性和创造性?A. 瑞典B. 俄罗斯C. 法国D. 韩国答案:A4. 以下哪个国家的学前教育课程以“五大领域”为核心?A. 美国B. 德国C. 日本D. 英国答案:D5. 以下哪个国家的学前教育强调“以儿童为中心”?A. 中国B. 英国C. 德国D. 法国答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 美国的学前教育体系主要包括______、______和______三个阶段。
答案:婴儿阶段、幼儿阶段、学龄前阶段2. 英国的学前教育体系分为______、______和______三个阶段。
答案:基础阶段、第一关键阶段、第二关键阶段3. 德国学前教育的特点是______、______和______。
答案:注重实践、注重环境、注重自主性4. 日本学前教育的核心课程包括______、______、______和______。
答案:语言、健康、社会、自然5. 瑞典学前教育的目标是______、______和______。
答案:促进幼儿全面发展、培养幼儿自主性、提高幼儿创造性三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 请简要介绍美国的学前教育体系。
2. 请简要介绍英国的学前教育课程设置。
东北师范大学学校心理健康教育考试卷《学校心理健康教育》试题一、简答题(每题15分,共60分)1. 简述心理健康教育的内涵?答:心理健康教育,是一种以发展学生心理素质,培养适应现代社会需要的健康的人格为目的的教育。
I. Brief Introduction of Linguistics1. Why is linguistics a vast field of study?Linguistics is a broad field of study, because language is a complicated entity with many layers and facets. It is hardly possible for a linguist to deal with all aspects of language at once. There are a number of divisions of linguistics, which can be put into two categories.1) Intra-disciplinary divisions: the study of language in general is often termed general linguistics. It is based on the view that language as a system is composed of three aspects: sound, structure and meaning.2) Inter-disciplinary divisions:a) Sociology deals with language and culture.b) Psycholinguistics deals with the relation between language and mindc) Applied linguistics is concerned with the application of linguistic theories and descriptions in other fields.All above three belong to sociolinguistics.2. How is linguistics different from traditional grammar?1) Traditional grammar is prescriptive, while modern linguistics is descriptive.2) Traditional grammatical categories are merely based on European language, while modern linguisticsstudies all languages.3) Traditional grammar lacks a theoretical framework, while modern linguistics is theoretically rather thanpedagogically oriented.3. What are the two main schools of contemporary western linguistics? What are the fundamental differences between them?TG grammar v.s systematic-functional grammarTG based on UG, studies the general principles while systematic-functional grammar studies language functions.4. On what basis do linguists regard human language as species-specific (unique to humans)? Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Many philosophers and linguists believe that language is unique to man. Language is a human trait that sets us apart from other living creatures. They spell out a number of features of language which are not found in animal communication systems. These features: creativity, duality, arbitrariness, displacement, cultural transmission, interchangeability and reflexivity. These are universal features possessed by all human languages. Although some animal communication systems possess, to a very limited degree, one or another of these features except creativity and duality, none is found to have all the features. On this basis linguists tend to conclude that human languages are qualitatively different form animal communication systems.5. What is the difference between linguistic competence and communicative competence?The term linguistic competence is applied to account for a speaker’s knowledge of his language. While communicative competence is proposed to account for both the tacit knowledge of language and the ability to use it. There are four parameters that underlie a speaker’s communicative competence, namely the ability to judge: Whether (and to what degree) something is feasible/appropriate/formally possible/in fact done.II. Phonetics 语音学1. How are speech sounds described?The study of speech sounds is phonetics which includes 3 parts: 1) articulatory phonetics 2) acoustic phonetics 3) auditory phonetics.Articulatory phonetics is the primary concern in linguistics, in which speech sound is described within 3 sides: The description of consonants: a) place of articulation b) manners of articulation c) voicing d) aspirationThe description of vowels: a) monophthongs b) diphthongs c) lip rounding d) tensityIn more detailed transcription (sometimes referred to as narrow transcription), a sound may be transcribed with a symbol to which a smaller symbol is added in order to mark the finer distinctions. The smaller one is called diacritic.2. What are the two classes of phonetic features? What is the fundamental difference?The two classes of phonetic features are distinctive features and non-distinctive features. Features thatdistinguish meaning are called distinctive features, in other words, those distinguishing phonemes. Non-distinctive features do not distinguish meanings, i.e. the features belong to allophones. However, whether a phonetic feature is distinctive or non-distinctive varies from one language to another language.III. Phonology 音位学1.Analyze the two English sound segments [t] and [t h], [k] and [k h], [p] and[p h] in terms of distribution and the phonetic feature that distinguishes them.[t] and [t h], [k] and [k h], [p] and [p h] are the allophones of the same phoneme /t/, /k/, /p/. They are in complementary distribution and share phonetic features.[t] is an unaspirated voiceless alveolar stop; [t h] is an aspirated voiceless alveolar stop[k] is an unaspirated voiceless velar stop; [k h] is an aspirated voiceless velar stop[p] is an unaspirated voiceless bilabial stop;[p h] is an aspirated voiceless bilabial stop/t/→ [t] / [voiceless, fricative, alveolar]_______[t h]/ elsewhere[k] and [k h], [p] and [p h] is the same as above.2.Analyze the change of feature concerning the vowels in "bean, time, farm" and generalize the rule. This rule is called nasalization, that is a vowel becomes nasalized before a nasal segment, possible followed by one or two consonants within a syllable.V →[+nasal] / ____ [+nasal]3.Analyze the relation of {im-}, {in-}, {ir-}, {il-} in English and generalize of their distribution.{im-}, {in-}, {ir-}, {il-} are the allomorphs of the same morpheme {in-},which represents the negative meaning as a prefix.{in-}→ {im-} / ________ [m,p, b] [bilabial stop, or nasal]{ir-} / _________ [r] [retroflex, alveolar]{il-} / _________ [l] [lateral, alveolar]{in-} / elsewhere4. How do you account for the relation between phonetics and phonology?1) Phonology and phonetics are both concerned with the study of speech sounds, but the two differ in perspectives.2) Phonetics, particularly articulatory phonetics, focuses on how speech sounds are produced, what phonetic features they have, and how to transcribe them. In phonetics, sound segments are assumed to be invariable; variations are overlooked.3) Phonology focuses on three fundamental questions. What sounds make up the list of sounds that can distinguish meaning in a particular language? What sounds vary in what ways in what context? What sounds can appear together in a sequence in a particular language?5. What are the functions of supra-segmental features?Supra-segmental features are distinctive features that can be found in units of syllables, words, phrases and sentences. They are stress, intonation and tone. Intonation and stress generally occur simultaneously in utterance. The simultaneous functioning of the features serves to highlight the information focus, or to eliminate ambiguity of the phrases and sentences. "a greenhouse" and "a green house", "Jack hit the ball under the desk".Tone is the variation of pitch to distinguish words. English is not a tone language, but Chinese is a typical tone language in which each of the four tones means four different words.6. Analyze the change of feature concerning the liquids and nasals in flight, snow, smart, pray and generalize the rule.Liquids /l/ /r/ appear after a voiceless consonant /f/ and /p/ respectively, they are devoiced.Nasals /n//m/ appear after a voiceless consonant /s/, they are devoiced.Rule: Devoice a voiced consonant after a voiceless consonant.Or:When the English liquids, glides and the two anterior nasals appear after a voiceless consonant, it is devoiced. This rule can be expressed as follows: devoice a voiced consonant after a voiceless consonant,that is, [+voiced+consonantal] [-voiced] / [-voiced+consonantal]-. The phonology /l/ /r/ belongs to liquids, and /m//n/ belong to anterior nasals. All these four are voiced consonant, but in these words, they change to the voiceless, for they appear after voiceless consonants.7. What is distinctive feature?Features that distinguish meaning are called distinctive features, in other words, just those distinguishing phonemes, such as [b] and [p] in the words between "big" and "pig".8. Analyze the relation of -er, -est and more, most in Englsih and generalize their distribution.They are in complementary distribution. -er and more, -est and most are allomorphs. More and most are put before adjectives and adverbs composed of two or more syllables.IV. Morphology 形态学1. What are the categories of lexical meaning?Lexical meaning includes:a) Referential meaning (also denotative meaning) is the central meaning and it is more stable and universal.b) Associative meanings. Associative meanings are meanings are meanings that hinge on referential meaning, which are less stable and more culture-specific.Types of associative meanings: connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning,collective meaning2. How are words decomposed into their constituents?1) Words are composed of one or more than one morphemes.2) Morphemes are the smallest meaningful unit of language.3) A morpheme may be represented by different forms, called allomorphs.4) Morphemes can be categorized into 2 kinds. a) Free morphemes (they constitute words by themselves)b) bound morphemes (they are never used independently)5) Bound morphemes include inflectional morphemes and derivational morphemes.6) The distinction between a free morpheme and a bound morpheme is whether it can be used independently in speech or writing.V. Syntax 句法1.What are the aspects of syntactic knowledge?Knowing which strings of words are grammatical and which are not is part of syntactic knowledge. In addition, native speakers know at least the following:1) structural ambiguity---which strings of words have more than one meaning.2) word order---different arrangements of the same words have different meanings.3) grammatical relations---what element relates to what other element directly or indirectly4) recursion---the repeated use of the same rules to create infinite sentences5) sentence relatedness---sentences may be structurally variant but semantically related6) syntactic categories---a class of words or phrases that can substitute for one another without loss of grammaticality.2. How does transformational grammar (转换生成语法)account for sentence- relatedness?1) Sentence- relatedness: sentences may be structurally variant but semantically related.2) According to Chomsky, a grammar as the tacit shared knowledge of all speakers is a system of finite rules by which an infinite number of sentences can be generated. He attempts to account for this aspect of syntax by postulating that deep structures and surface structures.3) Deep structures are the basic structures generated by phrase structure rules.4) Surface structures are derived structures, the structures of sentences that we actually speak. Surface structures are derived from deep structures through transformational rules which include replacement, insertion, deletion and coping, etc.5) There are five transformations: particle movement transformation, replacement, insertion, deletion and copying.3. What is the advantage of immediate constituent analysis compared with traditional grammar?1) The concept of immediate constituent is an important concept of structural grammar, which is characterized by a top-down analysis. A sentence is seen as a constituent structure, i.e. all the components of the sentence are constituent. A sentence can be cut into sections. Each section is its immediate constituent. Then each section can be further cut into constituents. This on-going cutting is termed immediate constituent analysis.2) Traditional grammar mainly analyzes a sentence horizontally with a synthetic (bottom-up) approach. It focuses on the product of a sentence rather than the procedure. It is prescriptive in nature.3) Therefore, immediate constituent analysis adds a new dimension to the analysis of sentence structure. In this way, sentence structure is analyzed not only horizontally but also vertically. In other words, this way of syntactic analysis can account for the linearity and the hierarchy of sentence structure, and, therefore, structural ambiguity.4.What part of syntax can phrase structure rules account for and what they cannot?1) Phrase structure rules are rules that specify the constituents of syntactic categories.2) Deep structures are the basic structures generated by phrase structure rules, but the surface structures are derived from the deep structures, and is generated by transformational rules.3) All in all, phrase structure rules can account for structural ambiguity, word order, grammatical relations, recursion, and syntactic categories; but they cannot account for sentence relatedness.5. Analyze the sentence in terms of type of process, mood structure, and theme and rheme:The academician will address the issue of the legitimacy of cloning at the conference.1) It is the verbal process. In this sentence, the sayer is the academician, the receivers are the people at the conference though it is not mentioned but we can infer it from the sentence. The verbiage is the issue of the legitimacy of cloning.2) This sentence is the realization of linguistic interaction; it is the giving of information. Its syntactic form is statement. The subject is the academician; the finite is the verbal operator “will”.3) The constituent that stands for the starting-point for the message is termed theme; all the rest of the sentence is labeled rheme. In this sentence, the theme is the academician and “the issue of the legitimacy of cloning at the conference” is the rheme.VI. Semantics语义学1. What are the components of metaphor?Target domain and source domain are the components of metaphors. That is to say all metaphors are composed of two components. This allows us to understand one domain of experience in terms of another. The domain to be conceptualized is called target domain, while the conceptualizing domain is termed the source domain. The transference of properties of the source domain to the target domain is referred to by some cognitive linguistics as mapping. The source domain is concrete and familiar. The target domain is abstract and novel.2. Why is metaphor essential in cognition?Our linguistic knowledge is part of general cognition and linguistic categorization is a product of the human mind. According to this view, meaning is based on conventionalized conceptual structures. Semantic structure reflcects the mental categories which are formed on the basis of experiences. Metaphor is an essential element in our categorization of the world and our thinking process. Cognitive linguistics has shown that metaphor is not an unusual or deviant way of using language. The use of metaphor is not confined to literature, rhetoric and art. It is actually ubiquitous in everyday communication. Metaphors as linguistic expressions are possible precisely because there are metaphors in a person's conceptual systems.3. How is word meaning analyzed? And what are the limitations of the method of analysis?1) In modern linguistics, semanticists manifest that the sense of a word can be analyzed in terms of a set of more general sense components (or semantic properties/features). The approach that analyzes word meaning by decomposing it into its atomic features is called componential analysis (CA).2) The limitations of componential analysis are apparent. It cannot be applied to the analysis of all lexicons, merely to words within the same semantic field. It is controversial whether semantic features are universal prime of word meanings in all languages.3) Advantages: a. It is a breakthrough in the formal representation of meaning. Once formally represented,meaning components can be seen. b. It reveals the impreciseness of the terminology in the traditional approach to meaning analysis. CA examines the components of sense. The more semantic features a word has, the narrower its reference is.4. Analyze the semantic properties of the given cooking terms, using the features [+/- WATER], [+/-FAT], [+/- PAN], [+/- POT], [+/- OVEN], [+/- SIEVE], etc.boil: [+WATER] [-FAT] [- PAN] [+ POT] [- OVEN] [- SIEVE]fry: [- WATER] [+FAT] [+ PAN] [- POT], [- OVEN] [+SIEVE]steam: [+WATER] [-FAT] [- PAN] [+POT] [-OVEN] [- SIEVE]stew: [+WATER] [+FAT] [- PAN] [+ POT] [- OVEN] [- SIEVE]bake: [- WATER] [+FAT] [- PAN] [- POT] [+ OVEN] [- SIEVE]5. Analyze the semantic differences of father and daddy in the given sentences, using Leech's classification of lexical meanings.It is easy for every man to be a father, but not to be a daddy.They differ in affective meaning. Affective meaning is what is communicated of the feeling or attitude of the speaker or writer toward what is referred to. "Father" is commending in sense while "daddy" is rich in passion.6. Analyze the difference between summon and call in terms of register.Register refers to varieties according to use. Summon is a formal word, used in court of law to order sb to appear, while call is widely used in daily life.7. Point out the semantic problem of the sentence “The orphan is staying with his parents.”There are some sentences which sound grammatical but meaningless. The sentence "the orphan is staying with his parents” is just one example. This sentence is always false which is called contradiction. An orphan is a child whose parents are dead, or a child who has been deprived of parental care. The theme (the orphan) and the rheme (is staying with his parents) are incompatible.VII. Pragmatics 语用学1.Write 3 sentences, each of which contains it in either euphoric reference or endothermic reference(anaphoric or cataphoric)1) It is rather foggy these days."It" here refers to the weather. It is an euphoric reference, referring to the word outside linguistic forms.2) It is so far hard to tell how many lives are claimed in the catastrophe."It" refers to the following expression "how many lives are claimed in the catastrophe", which is a linguistic form. Thus, it is an endothermic reference, specifically, cataphoric reference.3) The most powerful earthquakes triggered massive tidal waves that slammed into coastlines across Asia yesterday. It killed over 30,000 people in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladeshand Maldives."It" refers to the preceding expression that "massive tidal waves slammed into coastlines across Asia yesterday". Therefore, it is an endothermic reference, specifically, anaphoric reference..2. Point out the maxim flouted and the implicature of B `s utterance:A: Did you notice something odd between the host and hostess?B: Have another glass of beer?The maxim of relation is violated. The implicature of B’s utterance: the hearer doesn’t want to gossip about those people.3. Point out the degree of formality of:It is gratifying that cooperative program has been proceeding smoothly. Degree of formal4. Analyze the ambiguity of the two sentences, telling the difference:1) Flying planes can be dangerous.2) She cannot bear children.1) a. The behavior of flying planes can be dangerous.b. Planes which are flying can be dangerous.2) a. She cannot tolerate children.b. She cannot give birth to a baby..c. she can not carry a child.★How do you account for the relation between semantics and pragmatics.They are two separate fields. Both study meaning, but semantics studies the conventional meaning of a word while pragmatics studies the international meaning, the meaning in use. Semantics is bilateral while pragmatics is trilateral. Semantics studies the relationship between sign and meaning, but pragmatics studies the sign, meaning and user.VIII. Sociolinguistics 社会语言学1. How do sociolinguists classify the varieties of English?1) The term variety is the label given to the form of a language used by any group of speakers or used in a particular field. A variety is characterized by the basic lexicon, phonology, syntax shared by members of the group. Varieties of a language are of four types: the standard variety, regional dialects, sociolects and registers.2) The standard variety is the form of a language used by the government and communication media, taught in schools and universities and is the main or only written form.3) A regional dialect is a variety of a language spoken by people living in an area. For example, the English language has many regional dialects. British English, American English, Australian English. Indian English, South African English, etc. are all regional varieties of the language. One dialect is distinctive from another phonologically, lexically and grammatically.2. Analyze the cause of the error that some Chinese speakers of English use although and but within one sentence.In the process of analyzing learners' language, error analysis is a milestone. Explaining errors is the final but very important step in error analysis. In terms of sources, errors are divided into interlingual errors and intralingual errors. Interlingual errors are caused by mother tongue interference which means the negative role one's knowledge of L1 to L2 learning. In Chinese, we can use “不但”,“而且”in the same sentence, so some Chinese speakers transfer this expression directly to English. But according t o English grammar, “although” and “but” can not appear in the same sentence. This phenomenon is a kind of negative transfer of learners' syntactic knowledge. This is a typical phenomenon of interference in learning.。
东北师范大学成人学位英语考试真题Northeast Normal University Adult Degree English Examination QuestionsSection I. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and write its corresponding letter in the brackets on your answer sheet.1. The hotel must be having a lot of financially difficulties, or else they wouldn't have______so many staff.A. laid offB. lie offC. lain offD. laying off2. Jenny's eyes are a beautiful blue, but she often suffers______ the glare of the sun.A. withB. ofC. fromD. off3. I think it's time we ______the success of our students in the examination; they have worked really hard.A. celebrateB. celebratedC. to celebrateD. celebrating4. After years of hard work, Mark was eventually ______ the position of CEO in his company.A. promoted toB. promotedC. promotingD. promotion5. There is no use______ what has already been done. Let's look to the future and what we can achieve.A. to regretB. to be regrettingC. being regrettedD. and regretting6. In the past, people always believed that technology would______ the way we live, work, and communicate.A. have revolutionizedB. revolutionizeC. be revolutionizingD. be revolutionized7. The Mindset of Growth is the belief that______ can achieve success if they work hard and learn from their mistakes.A. eachB. anyoneC. everyoneD. no one8. The majority of people have expressed their support for the new plan, and very few voiced______.A. to dissentB. to dissentingC. dissentingD. dissent9. The government must take measures to protect the rights of workers and ensure that they are treated______.A. fairB. fairlyC. fairnessD. the most fairly10. When asked about the incident, the suspect remained______ and refused to answer any questions from the police.A. quite B quiet C. quite quiet D. quiet quite11. It is essential that all information in the report is______ and up to date before it is published.A. completeB. completedC. completingD. completion12. The rapid development of technology has significantly changed the way we______and connect with our friends and family.A. interactionB. interactC. to interactD. interacting13. The museum holds a vast collection of rare artifacts, many of which are______ from ancient civilizations.A. descendedB. descendingC. descentD. descendants14. The success of the project will largely depend onthe______ of the team members and their ability to work together.A. cooperationB. cooperateC. cooperativeD. cooperating15. The company's decision to______ a new factory has sparked controversy among local residents.A. buildB. buildingC. buildsD. builtSection II. Cloze Test (10 points)Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following text. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the text and write its corresponding letter in the brackets on your answer sheet.Robots are becoming more and more prevalent in our society, __16__ many people worry that they will replace human workers in the __17__ future. While it is true that automation has led to __18__ job loss in some industries, there are also __19__ where humans are still essential. For example, in the field ofhealthcare, robots __20__ assist doctors in performing surgery, but they cannot replace the __21__ and compassion that human caregivers provide. In addition, jobs that require creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence are __22__ less likely to be taken over by robots. As machines become more __23__ advanced, it is important for workers to __24__ new skills that complement rather than compete with automation. By embracing technology, we can __25__ a future where humans and robots work together to create a better world.16. A. but B. as C. so D. and17. A. near B. nearly C. nearing D. nearby18. A. significant B. significant C. significantly D. significance19. A. areas B. areas C. are D. arena20. A. may B. can C. might D. shall21. A. comfort B. comforter C. comforting D. comforted22. A. more B. ever C. most D. much23. A. increasingly B. increased C. increaseD. increasing24. A. adopt B. adapt C. adept D. adapt25. A. envision B. envisage C. visualizeD. viewSection III. Reading Comprehension (60 points)Directions: This section consists of three passages. Answer the questions according to the information given in each passage.Passage 1Good communication is essential for success in business. A recent study found that companies with effective communication strategies are more likely to achieve their goals and experience high levels of employee satisfaction. To improve communication in the workplace, businesses can implement regular feedback sessions, encourage open dialogue, and provide training in active listening skills. By fostering a culture of communication, organizations can enhance productivity, build trust among employees, and create a positive work environment.26. According to the passage, what is important for success in business?A. InnovationB. CommunicationC. LeadershipD. Marketing27. What can businesses do to improve communication in the workplace?A. Hire more employeesB. Increase profitsC. Implement feedback sessionsD. Decrease productivity28. How can organizations create a positive work environment?A. By focusing on individual goalsB. By fostering a culture of communicationC. By reducing employee satisfactionD. By limiting feedback sessionsPassage 2Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we live and work. From self-driving cars to virtual assistants, AI technology is transforming various industries and shaping the future of our society. While AI has the potential to enhance efficiency and productivity, there are also concerns about its impact on jobs and privacy. As AI continues to advance, it isimportant for policymakers to consider the ethical implications and ensure that this technology benefits humanity as a whole.29. According to the passage, what is revolutionizing the way we live and work?A. Virtual realityB. Personal computersC. Artificial intelligenceD. Autonomous vehicles30. What are some concerns associated with AI technology?A. Increased efficiencyB. Enhanced productivityC. Impact on jobs and privacyD. Ethical implications31. Why is it important for policymakers to consider ethical implications of AI technology?A. To enhance efficiencyB. To shape the futureC. To benefit humanityD. To revolutionize societyPassage 3The fashion industry is known for its fast-paced nature and constant innovation. With trends changing rapidly, consumers are often pressured to keep up with the latest styles. However, the focus on fast fashion has a negative impact on both the environment and garment workers. Many fashion companies are now embracing sustainable practices and ethical sourcing toreduce their carbon footprint and ensure fair labor conditions. By supporting eco-friendly and ethical fashion brands, consumers can play a role in promoting sustainability and social responsibility in the industry.32. What is the fashion industry known for?A. Slow-paced natureB. Stable trendsC. Constant innovationD. Low consumer demand33. What impact does fast fashion have on the environment?A. PositiveB. NegativeC. NeutralD. Minimal34. How are fashion companies addressing sustainability and fair labor practices?A. By increasing productionB. By embracing fast fashionC. By implementing ethical sourcingD. By ignoring environmental concerns35. How can consumers promote sustainability in the fashion industry?A. By purchasing from eco-friendly brandsB. By keeping up with fast fashion trendsC. By pressuringcompanies to produce more D. By ignoring ethical sourcing practicesSection IV. Writing (15 points)Directions: Write an essay of about 200–300 words on the following topic. Use specific examples and details to support your argument.Topic: The impact of social media on communicationIn recent years, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become an integral part of our daily lives. While these tools have revolutionized the way we connect with others, they have also raised concerns about the quality of communication in society. Some argue that social media promotes shallow interactions and hinders meaningful relationships, while others believe that it enhances communication and allows for global connectivity.In your opinion, what is the impact of social media on communication? Do you think it has overall positive or negative effects? Provide examples to support your views and suggest ways to improve communication in the digital age.End of the ExaminationThat concludes the Northeast Normal University Adult Degree English Examination. Please review your answers, and when you have finished, submit your answer sheet to the proctor. Thank you for your participation, and we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.。
2011年生物化学一、增色效应生物膜酶活性部位一碳单位酮体氧化磷酸化二、写出下列结构式:α-葡萄糖 AMP 假尿苷卵磷脂谷胱甘肽三、简答题:1、比较一下蛋白质变性和蛋白质沉淀2、简述原核DNA复制机制3、脂肪酸从头合成的过程4、维生素参与代谢反应(举出3例)5、什么是生命,说出生命现象的本质。
四、计算无氧酵解生成的ATP 写出每一步反应五、简述SANGER法测序的过程六、实验:测定米氏常数的原理和方法2009生物化学一、名词解释(32分)蛋白质脂质体同工酶氧化磷酸化作用一碳单位冈崎片段聚合酶链式反应酶的别构效应二、结构式(15分)GDP蔗糖谷胱甘肽磷脂酸假尿苷三、说明下列物质或循环途径在代谢过程中的作用(30分)乙醛酸循环α-磷酸甘油穿梭反转录酶NADP转肽酶四、DNA和蛋白质同是线性的生物分子,总结DNA复制和蛋白质生物合成过程中有哪些相似的规律性(10分)五、假设细胞匀浆中存在代谢所需要的酶和辅酶等各种必需条件,若葡萄糖的C-1处用14C 标记,那么在代谢产物中能否找到14C标记的CO2、乳酸和丙氨酸(10分)六、1摩尔辛酯酰COA彻底氧化可净产生多少摩尔ATP?假若DNP存在时,又将净产生多少摩尔ATP?(要求用文字写出ATP产生和消耗的步骤)(15)七、实验(选作两题)1 写出稀碱提取酵母RNA的过程,得到RNA产品后,如何测的产品中RNA的含量(详细写出离心机和分光光度计的使用过程)20分2 简述SDS-PAGE电泳测定蛋白质相对分子质量的原理 10分3 设计一个实验证明淀粉是由葡萄糖组成的 10分(生化专业必做)八、论述DNA双螺旋结构的发现对探索生命的意义 8分2008一名词解释1 核酸的变性与复性2 蛋白质一级结构3 糖复合物4 反转录酶5 黄素辅酶6 脂质体7 联合脱氨基作用二简要回答下列问题1 什么是酶活力?酶活力单位是什么?用中间产物学说解释米氏方程曲线的变化。
2 维持蛋白质空间结构的因素有哪些?根据这些因素解释可逆变性和不可逆变性。
6.《1844 年经济学哲学手稿》中:“共产主义是私有财产即人的自我异化的积极的扬弃,因而是通过人并且为了人而对人的本质的真正占有;因此,它是人向自身、向社会的(即人的)人的复归,这种复归是完全的、自觉的而且保存了以往发展的全部财富的。
东北师范大学“英语”《高级英语写作》23秋期末试题库含答案第1卷一.综合考核(共20题)1.It has been rather costly to install the machinery, but it should () in the long run.A.pay offB.pay forC.pay backD.have paid off2.The old man jumped off from the bridge and ___ the icy water save the drowning child.A、plunged intoB、plunged toC、plunged outD、plunged for3.The cost of the material is ____ in the bill for the work.A.dismissedB.excludedC.rejectedD.discovered4.5.The engineer didn't do it, ____?A.isn't heB.doesn't heC.did heD.didn't he6.She came into the room quietly ____ wake her friends.A.so as not toB.in order to notD.so she does not7.8.offend 选择能代替的选项()A.botherB.hurtC.annoyD.excite9.In their efforts to ____ us to buy that product, advertiser have madea close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses.A.causeB.forceC.persuadeD.convince10.The girls didn't have any pens, ____?A.have theyB.do theyC.did theyD.are they11.___ World War Ⅱ, DDT has been used in large quantities.A、becauseB、althoughC、for exampleD、since12.Phillip placed too much ____ on sports and not enough on his work.A、interestB、concernC、hobbyD、emphasis13.____ an old store building.A.here'sB.there'sC.their'sD.there has14.evolve选择能代替的选项A、manifestC、developD、resolve15.The house ______ in bad repair since he moved out.A、wasB、has beenC、had beenD、was being16.Because he never tells a lie, Jim makes many enemies. People are often ____ by the truth.A、offendedB、defendedC、defeatedD、defined17.outstanding选择能代替的选项A、typicalB、ordinaryC、exceptionalD、speedily18.He stood up and reached ____ the key.A、toB、aboutC、withD、for19.‘Psychology’ is () the study of human behaviors by scientific methods.A.taken asB.regarded asC.defined asD.believed as20.She bought a new dress to show off her lovely ____.A.formB.sampleC.shapeD.structure第1卷参考答案一.综合考核1.参考答案:A2.参考答案:A3.参考答案:B5.参考答案:C6.参考答案:A8.参考答案:B9.参考答案:C10.参考答案:C11.参考答案:D12.参考答案:D13.参考答案:A14.参考答案:C15.参考答案:B16.参考答案:A17.参考答案:B18.参考答案:D19.参考答案:C20.参考答案:C。
A.89.6B.90.1C.90.5D.96.82.设变量定义为char s[]=“hello”,则数组s中有6个元素。
8、设三阶方阵A与B相似,A的特征值为1、2、3,则 。
2、计算 阶行列式(12分)
4、求向量组: ,
, 的秩及一个最大无关组(10分)
将 单位化 得 ,单位化得 ,(12分)
。即:有正交变换 使: (14分)
设向量组 线性无关,求证 , , 也线性无关。(10分)
证明:令 得:
由向量组 线性无关得 (2分)
即: , 由克莱姆法则, (6分)
所以 , , 也线性无关 (10分)
3、n阶方阵A满足 ,则 。
4、设A、B、C为n阶方阵, ,则 。
5、设向量 可由向量 线性表示,则表示方法唯一的充分必要条件是。
设向量组 线性无关,求证 , , 也线性无关。(10分)
1、4;2、0;3、 4、 5、 线性无关。
解: (4分)
2、计算 阶行列式(12分)
解: = (4分)
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