Unit 1-高级职业英语读写教程3

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Text-Paragraph 2
• 被问的问题,接受采访的人,种在花园里的花 • The questions asked are really very sharp. • Most of the people interviewed said that they felt some pressure in modern life. • Flowers planted in the garden are likely to grow better than those planted inside the house.
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• make use of • in most cases • suggestion • In most cases, only a small number of people surveyed will respond, and the more complex the questionnaire the fewer responses there will be. • 被问的问题,接受采访的人,
Text-Paragraph 1
• • • • • • conduct a survey a useful way of doing something find something out (be) under investigation be intended for primarily
• those who are new to a survey
• • • • • • • • in practice a typical target confidence apply to population as well as obtain a result be compatible with
• When you carry out a survey by selecting people, you have to accept that the results of the survey will only apply to the population of which this group is representative.
• Step 1: silent reading (extensive) • --Try to figure out the main idea of the tex and the main point for each paragraph. • --Try summarizing each paragraph by using some key words. • Step 2: silent reading (intensive, paragraph by paragraph) • --Find out useful words and expressions • --Find out useful structures • --If you find any sentences difficult for you to understand, mark them out. • Step 3: reading aloud and detailed illustration
Text-Paragraphs 7-10
• Ensure that you know what population you are studying. • 确保你知道你所研究的人群。
• • • •
decide what to ask in your survey, or what to measure... get the questionnaire checked by someone else 现在就去把这事做了! Get it done right now!
Text-Pa来自百度文库agraphs 6
• Purpose / objectives of your study or investigation • Questions to design • Population to survey
• If your boss asks you to conduct a survey on the popularity of your company's product, how will you do it? • --Design the questionnaire • --Decide the possible target customers, that is, those who are likely to use the product • --Do the survey • --Analyze the results and make presentation to the boss
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• the more ... the more ... • Original sentence: • When/if the questionnaire is complex, there will be fewer responses • 问题越难,他回答出来的 可能性越小。 • The more difficult the questions are, the less likely he is able to answer them. • 你练习得越多,理解得就越透。 • The more you practise, the better you can understand.
Unit 1
Conducting a Survey
by Zhong Lan 广东轻工职业技术学院 2013.03
What's this?
A Questionnaire
Conducting a Survey
• What is the purpose of conducting a survey? • --Finding something out., especially human factors under investigation. • What do we usually use to conduct a survey? • --Questionnaire. • How do we design a questionnaire? • --Be clear about our purpose/objectives of investigation. • --Think of the questions to ask. • --Select people/population to survey.
Text-Paragraphs 7-10
• • • • • • • • • • carry out be reprepresentative of ensure pick sample estimate anticipate distinguish between ... and ... factual numerical
Text-Paragraphs 3-5
• A sentence structure is used in all the three paragraphs,see if you can find it out.What's the structure? • If you can't, don't start. (If ...,+ 祈使句) • objectives, measure, measurement,select • present, presentation, be likely to do, send off • unanswerable, ungrammatical