托福tpo阅读高频词汇tpo extra 1




Extra 1Conversation1 Narrator Listen to a conversation between a student and an employee in the campusConversation1NarratorListen to a conversation between a student and an employee in the campus computer center. Computer center employeeHi, what can I help you with today?StudentHi, um, I wanted to—you see, the thing is, I don't know much about computers, so I was wondering if, uh, if there's a class or something... so I can learn how to use computers, like to write papers for my classes.Computer center employeeOh, I see... um, we don't really offer a course for beginners, since most students already have computing experience. But all the computers in our labs have a general tutorial installed on them. You could just go there and run it.StudentAnd the tutorial explains everything? I mean, it might sound strange but I've never used a computer.Computer center employeeWell, all the computer labs on campus are staffed with student assistants, and I'm sure that any one of them would be more than willing to get you started.StudentYeah? That sounds good. But is it expensive?Computer center employeeNo, in fact, it won't cost anything; it's one of the services of the computer center.StudentThat's great. How do they—I mean, how do I get in touch with the student assistants? Should I just go to a computer lab and ask whoever's there?Computer center employeeSure, you could do that, or I can let you have a list of names of the students who are assistants in the labs. You might know one of them.StudentActually, I think I'd prefer someone I don't know, um, so I can ask dumb questions... Is there anyone you'd recommend?Computer center employeeAll of our student assistants are really knowledgeable about computers. I mean, they have to be, in order to work in the computer labs... It doesn't mean that they're necessarily good at teaching beginners... but you probably won't be a beginner for very long.StudentHope not.Computer center employeeAnd I just thought of something else. The bookstore has a lot of books on computers-there might be one for people like you, I mean, people who don't have a lot of experience with computers. I actually bought one for my father so he could learn how to use e-mail, basic word processing, that sort of thing—and it worked pretty well for him.StudentOK, I'll try that, too. And if the bookstore doesn't have it, they can just order it for me? Computer center employeeRight. Now is there anything else I can help you with today?StudentUh, just the list of names and the times they're working. I'd like to get going on this as soon as possible.Computer center employeeRight. Good luck.Lecture 1NarratorListen to part of a lecture in an economics class.ProfessorWhen attempting to understand international trade, some things seem so obvious that they can hardly be controverted, and other points that are important are invisible unless you've thought about the subject carefully.Consider the following: if there's an increase in imports, let's say, um, let's say imports of furniture, and the domestic producers of furniture find this new competition very difficult and are cutting production and employment, then it seems obvious and easy to understand and many people conclude from this that increasing imports will cause generally greater unemployment at home.What is not so obvious is that how much we import and how much we export... those are interdependent and you can't understand the one without the other. But the exports that are generated are not easily discernable, so most people don't see them. They see only the imports of furniture rising and employment in domestic furniture production falling.So as a result, many people argue that we ought to protect jobs by limiting imports—either by tariffs, quotas, regulations, or whatever—without realizing that this also has the effect of reducing potential future exports to the rest of the world, things that we can produce very, very... cost effectively and therefore profitably.The fundamental proposition in international economics is that it makes sense to import those things that we... that can be produced more economically abroad than at home and export things to the rest of the world that we can produce more cost effectively than produced elsewhere in the world. Therefore, if we limit imports, we put ourselves in danger of not being able to export. The details of this relationship will take much longer to explain than I can fully go into now but the point of the matter is that gains—the benefits of gains—from international trade result frombeing able to get things cheaper by buying them abroad than you can make them at home. Now there're some things that we can make at home that are... that we can do more economically than they can do abroad.In the case of the United States, typically high-technology products, uh... are things that Americans have innovated in and started firms doing that sort of thing at which they do very well. Whereas goods that produce... that use a lot of relatively low skill labor, like furniture production, cotton production, sugar production... those are things that are frequently made more inexpensively in places where wage rates are low and the cost of using capital is very high. However, in Florida they produce a lot of sugar, but the costs are so high, if we didn't have extensive restrictions on imports of sugar, the output of sugar would decline dramatically. But the sugar industry in the U.S. doesn't produce high-paying jobs, it uses resources in ineffective ways and it blocks the import of more cost-effectively produced sugar. It, it's a very bad bargain for the people in the United States to want to protect low-paying jobs thereby halting the growth of world trading and international... uh, more international specialization. It would be better to remove restrictions on imports and allow other countries in the world... countries that can produce them more cheaply... let them specialize in producing those products.Now, I agree that people who are directly affected by imports, what they focus on... is, is that their prospects... their job prospects are being reduced, and their economic circumstances are getting worse. And that's a relevant problem and an important problem; what isn't so obvious is... that by retraining and relocating people to places and industries where jobs are expanding rather than contracting, we can make the whole economy function more effectively and productively than by trying to block imports.Um, what is interesting to note is that, even if there were no international trade issues, like imports, any changes that occur in a country's economy—any new technology, change in preferences, change in regulations or whatever—will lead to "adjustments" that lead some sectors of the economy to decline and others to expand.And that's what we have to figure out, and that's a hard problem to deal with in detail, is how to facilitate people adjusting from sectors where their job prospects are not so good, and in particular where real wages aren't so high, to acquire skills that will permit them to move into higher-paying jobs in other parts of the economy either by retraining or relocating. Helping pay for the relocation of these people would be very helpful, but trying to block the changes is really counterproductive. It makes people in our country poorer, and it makes people elsewhere in the world poorer as well.Lecture 2NarratorListen to part of a lecture in a marine biology class.ProfessorI want to continue our discussion about whales. Specifically, today, um, I want to talk about whale migration—um, why whales head south for the winter. Or really why whales in the cold water of the Northern Hemisphere head south for the winter. Now, not all kinds of whales migrate, but most baleen whales do.And interestingly enough, we still don't really know why the baleen whales migrate. We do have several theories, however, which I'll discuss today. Uh, can anybody name one reason why baleen whales might migrate south, to the warm tropical water?Male studentUh, for food? You know, the whales move to warmer water in order to find a good area to feed. ProfessorGood guess. That should be an obvious reason—after all, most animals that migrate do so for the purpose of finding food. But, uh, that doesn't seem to be the case with baleen whales. To understand why, you need to know something about water temperature. There are a lot of technical reasons that I'm not going to go into right now. But let's just say that nutrients don't rise to the surface of tropical water like they do in other kinds of water. Tropical water simply never gets cold enough. So... well, what this means, uh, is that tropical water doesn't have much of the plankton that most whales feed on.Male studentI don't understand—if there's no plankton, how do the whales survive through the winter? ProfessorRight. How do they survive? You see, they don't have to eat anything, because they've stored up so much fat during the summer feeding season that they can just survive off of that. So if they don't need to eat anything, we're back to our original question. Why do baleen whales migrate? Any theories? No?Well, there's one idea out there that a lot of people believe. In fact, uh, you could say it's the most popular theory we have about whale migration. Basically, the argument is that for baleen whales, migration is a kind of balancing act. Let me explain. On one hand, whales need to take advantage of the summer months by eating as much food as they can. And that's what they can do best in the northern seas. This allows them to build up a lot of fat. But in the winter, food is scarce even in the north, so what the whales need to do is save energy. And that's what migrating south can help them do... Amanda, you have a question?Female studentYes. Um, the balancing-act theory doesn't make sense to me. Maybe whales might need to save energy during the winter, but wouldn't moving all the way down to tropics make them lose energy?ProfessorThat's a good point, and it's one reason why this isn't a perfect theory. It does cost the whales energy to migrate, but it's easier for whales to save energy in warm water than it is to save energy in cold water, so there might still be, you know, a good reason to move south for the winter. OK?Now, before moving on to the next chapter, I want to briefly discuss how the baleen whale manages to navigate. It's pretty remarkable, because the whales manage to return to the same places year after year, and have to travel over an enormous area of ocean in order to do it. I mean, it's not like whales can just look at a map, right? So exactly how do they do it?Well, a lot of experimental work still needs to be done, but we have been able to figure out at least three ways the baleen whale navigates without getting lost. The first is the ability to use Earth's magnetic field like it was a map. That sounds strange, but we know that many birds use that method, use the magnetic field, and it's possible that whales have the biological ability to dothe same thing.Another theory is that if they stay close to the coast, whales might be able to find familiar landmarks and use those as guides. But we don't really know if a whale's eyesight is good enough to be able to do that, so that's not a perfect theory.And finally, we know that many whales make very loud sounds that can travel literally hundreds of miles underwater. Through a process called echolocation, it's possible that these whales hear the sounds bounce off of islands or other pieces of land and use those echoes as clues to help them find their way.Conversation 2NarratorListen to a conversation between a student and a professor.StudentHi, uh... Professor Anderson... wondering if you had a couple minutes...ProfessorOf course, Paula...StudentThanks... uh, you sent me a letter recently about doing, uh, an honors project—inviting me to come in and talk about...ProfessorRight, right, well, as your academic advisor, it's my job to look out for your academic interests, and based on your grades, and some very positive feedback I've heard from your professors, I wanted to formally invite you to consider doing an honors project...StudentYeah... well, thanks... uh, actually I kinda wanted to ask you... quite frankly—like how much work it would probably be? I mean, I'm gonna be spending a lot of time applying to law schools next semester and...ProfessorWell, let me tell you how it works... and then you can decide from there.StudentOK.ProfessorBasically, the honors project is an opportunity to do... some in-depth work on a topic you're interested in before graduating college. You register for the class, but it doesn't work the same way a regular class does—you find a professor who you want to work with—you ask the professor—a sort of mentor who's knowledgeable on the topic you're interested in—the topic you're gonna write your honors thesis on...StudentWriting a thesis? That's part of the project? Ah, like how many pages are we talking? ProfessorUsually about 50... but it's a valuable experience, writing a thesis paper.StudentSo, basically, after I register for the class, I need to ask a professor who'll sorta help me... ProfessorActually, you need to do that—a professor needs to agree to oversee your honors project—before you register.StudentOh, OK...ProfessorI mean, I know it sounds kinda daunting, but that's what the professor's there for—to help guide you through the different steps of the process and... uh... most students are very pleased with the experience... they're able to demonstrate advanced research skills, which is important; especially in your case, writing an honors thesis would be a big plus...StudentYou think so?ProfessorAbsolutely. Especially considering your plans, since you're applying to law schools. It shows initiative, that you've done well as an undergraduate—to be allowed to do the honors project... that you're able to work independently and, of course, you would graduate with honors... StudentYeah, it does sound good—it's just, you know, I've never written something like that before, so...ProfessorWell, you choose something you're interested in—maybe you can even expand a shorter research paper from another class or...StudentSo, like, maybe... You know, I took this course from Professor Connelly—his course on Comparative Governments last semester and, uh... did pretty well—I wrote a paper actually, on political parties in Venezuela and—and he seemed to like my research. Anyway, he, uh, I got an A in the course.ProfessorGood, so it sounds like you do have a general idea for a topic, and you might know what professor you want to work with... and look, it's still a couple weeks before registration, maybe you should talk to Professor Connelly and then get back to me.StudentYeah, I will—thanks. I'll come by again sometime next week.ProfessorThat's fine. Good luck.Lecture 3NarratorListen to part of a lecture in a journalism class. The professor has been discussing newspapers. ProfessorAbout 40 years ago, half of all Americans felt they'd be lost without a daily newspaper. But today, only one in ten Americans say they'd be lost without a paper. In fact, today, half of all Americans say they don't need a newspaper at all. And so people in the newspaper industry are trying to figure out how they can get more people reading the newspaper more often. They're trying to crack journalism's riddle for the ages: what makes people read newspapers? OK, well, let me ask you—as a journalism student, what do you think is the answer to this question? Elizabeth?Female studentUm, I would probably try to improve the content of the newspaper.ProfessorBetter content. Hmm. You mean like well-written editorials and articles?Female studentWell, I mean provide more interesting content, like, I would first try to find out what readers really want to read... and then put that into the paper.ProfessorYes, in fact, not too long ago, there was an extensive study conducted to investigate what draws people to newspapers. Uh, they found out that there's a clear, strong link between satisfaction with content and overall readership. Those newspapers that contained what the readers wanted most brought in the most readers. No big surprise there, right? So, what kind of content brings in readers? The study found that people-centered local news ranks at the top of the list... stories about ordinary people. For example, you could write about the experiences of those who were involved in a news story, and their friends and relatives... The vantage points would be those of ordinary people, not of police or other officials... OK? Now the study also showed that people want more stories about movies, TV, and weather, and fewer stories and photos about natural disasters and accidents... So, to get reader satisfaction, you need to select the right topics, and within those topics, the right news events or stories to cover. Yes, James? Male studentIt seems to me that a lot of what you just mentioned doesn't line up with the principles of good journalism. Catering to readers' tastes may improve overall readership, but what about the social responsibilities that newspapers have? I mean, there are some topics that newspapers need to write about in order to serve the public interest. Those topics may not always be fun and interesting for the average reader, but it's still the newspaper's responsibility to make that information available to the public.ProfessorThat's a good point. You need a good mix of content. You can't just rush towards an attractive topic and forget about the reporting role of newspapers. There's a danger of going soft—newspapers do have to perform their obligations to citizens. So what newspapers sometimes do is to combine serious journalism with a reader-friendly presentation. Um, let me give you an example: When the justice department opened an investigation on the local police—some pretty serious stuff that could be boring to some readers—well, one local newspaper ran a lead story on their front page, but they also simplified the format by including small breakout boxes that presented—in a nutshell—the highlights of the story. That way, they could report the serious stories they needed to report, and, and still hold their readers' attention. OK? Uh, going back to the research on readership growth we were talking about... Uh, the most vital step of all, thestudy shows, may be making the paper easier to use. How can we make the paper "easier to use"? Well, it means stories need to include information, such as phone numbers, times, dates, addresses, Web sites and the like, so that readers can "go and do" things based on what they've read.Female studentProfessor Ellington? Um, when you said we need to make the paper "easier to use," I thought you were gonna say something about use of graphics, colors, and stuff like that.ProfessorWell, I guess those things do help in a way, but it turned out that those contemporary touches, uh, such as more attractive designs, extensive use of color, and informational graphics matter much less than you'd expect. Surprising, isn't it?Female studentYeah, it is... Um, how about service? Does the study say anything about improving service? I don't think people are gonna subscribe if the paper doesn't arrive, or shows up late...ProfessorOr shows up wet, which by the way, happened to me this morning. Oh, absolutely. Service affects readership. In fact, improving your service is much more likely to increase your readership than making changes in your editorial content... Not only on-time delivery in good condition, but also things like efficient billing, affordability, um... Yes?Female studentThey could also, like, increase the number of sites where they sell single copies.ProfessorCertainly that's one way to improve service.Lecture 4NarratorListen to part of a lecture in a geology class.ProfessorUm, beginning in the late 1960s, geologists began to uncover some evidence of a rather surprising kind when they looked... um... at various places around the world. What they found out when they examined rocks from about a... the period from about 750 million years ago to about 580 million years ago, they found that... it seemed that glaciers covered the entire surface of the Earth—from pole to pole, including the tropics.Um... how did they come to this astonishing conclusion? What was the evidence for this? Especially when glaciers today are found only at the poles ... or in the mountains.Well, uh... basically when glaciers grow and move they leave behind a distinctive deposit consisting of primarily... of, at least on the top level, of ground up little bits of rock... almost... they almost look like rocks that have been deposited by streams,if you've ever seen those. And that's caused because, although the glacier is ice, it is actually flowing very slowly and as it moves it grinds the top layer of rock, it breaks off pieces and carries them away. So when you have glaciation you have a distinctive pattern of these pieces of rockwhich are called "erratics."Erratics are rocks... they're the stones that are often carried long distances by glaciers.So, in the 1960s and onward up through the 1990s, we keep finding evidence for glaciation, no matter what the latitude... even in tropical latitudes. Now, today there are glaciers in the tropics but only at very high elevations. But 750 million years ago, apparently there were glaciers even at sea level in the tropics.How could this have happened?Well, first... the growth of glaciers, uh, benefits, if you will, from a kind of a positive feedback loop called the "ice-albedo effect."With the ice-albedo effect, glaciers—'cause they're white—reflect light and heat more... much more than does liquid water... or soil and rock, which are dark and absorb heat. So, the more glaciers there are, the more heat is reflected, so the climate gets cooler, and glaciers grow even more.However... normally, on a global scale, there is a major process that functions to curb the growth of glaciers. And, that process involves carbon dioxide.Now, we're all familiar with the notion that carbon dioxide is what we call a "greenhouse gas." The more carbon dioxide there is in the atmosphere, the more heat the atmosphere retains. That's what a greenhouse gas does. So, the greenhouse-gas effect is kinda the opposite of the albedo effect.Um... now as it happens... when silicate rocks, which is a very common class of rock, when they're exposed to the air and to normal weathering, they erode. Carbon dioxide is attracted to these eroding rocks and binds to them, forming calcium carbonate.Calcium carbonate is eventually washed into the ocean where it settles to the bottom. This process, this forming of calcium carbonate, has the effect of sucking the carbon dioxide out of the air and storing it at the bottom of the ocean.Now, follow me here. The process that's sucking carbon dioxide out of the air, keeping the greenhouse gas levels low, cannot happen if the rock is covered with ice.So, while glaciers reflect light and heat... cooling the Earth, they at the same time cover rocks so there's less calcium carbonate formed... which leaves more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Higher levels of carbon dioxide keep the atmosphere warm... which slows the growth of glaciers. So, it's a balance, and the glacier growth remains pretty much under control.Now, what happened 750 million years ago to upset that balance? It seems a relatively simple explanation actually...750 million years ago... all the major continents are rocky, bare, and pretty much lined up along the equator; they hadn't yet moved to where they are today. So, what happened was, perhaps a slight cooling of... the very slight and temporary cooling of the Sun—which still happens from time to time—and the Earth starts to cool, the ice starts to spread on the oceans... starting at the poles.Now, by the time the ice reaches about two-thirds of the way to the equator, it's too late. See... because the continents are the last things to be covered by glaciers, they continue weathering... the rocks keep eroding and the carbon dioxide levels keep falling... So, the ice-albedo effect from the glaciers is increasing in strength while the atmosphere continues to lose its ability to retain heat making glacier growth unstoppable. Now you have what's called a "runaway freeze." And for perhaps as long as 50 million years, possibly with some interludes, theEarth was frozen from pole to pole, like a giant snowball.。




托福阅读词汇题做题需要考生掌握一定的词汇量和做题技巧,这样也可以帮助同学检验托福词汇的背诵效果,同学们快来巩固一下吧!托福 TPO1-34阅读词汇题完整汇总(电子版)! 新托福 TPO阅读中,TPO阅读词汇题是重要托福阅读题型。

托福阅读词汇题做题需要考生掌握一定的词汇量和做题技巧,这样也可以帮助同学检验托福词汇的背诵效果,同学们快来巩固一下吧!Paragraph 1: In the fourteenth century, a number of political developments cut Europe's overland trade routes to southern and eastern Asia, with which Europe had had important and highly profitable commercial ties since thetwelfth century. This development, coming as it did when the bottom had fallen out of the European economy, provided an impetus to a long-held desire to secure direct relations with the East by establishing a sea trade. Widely reported, if somewhat distrusted, accounts by figures like the famous traveler from Venice, Marco Polo, of the willingness of people in China to trade with Europeans and of the immensity of the wealth to be gained by such contact made the idea irresistible. Possibilities for trade seemed promising, but no hope existed for maintaining the traditional routes over land A new way had to be found. 【TPO17- Europe's Early Sea Trade with Asia】1. The word impetus in the passage is closest in meaning to○Return○Opportunity○Stimulus○ObstacleParagraph 3: At times, it is actually possible to watch the effects of natural selection in host-parasite relationships.For example, Australia during the 1940 s was overrun by hundreds of millions of European rabbits. The rabbits destroyed huge expanses of Australia and threatened the sheep and cattle industries. In 1950, myxoma virus, a parasite that affects rabbits, was deliberately introduced into Australia to control the rabbit population. Spread rapidly by mosquitoes, the virus devastated the rabbit population. The virus was less deadly to the offspring of surviving rabbits, however, and it caused less and less harm over the years. Apparently, genotypes (the genetic make-up of an organism)in the rabbit population were selected that were better able to resist the parasite. Meanwhile, the deadliest strains of the virus perished with their hosts as natural selection favored strains that could infect hosts but not kill them. Thus, natural selection stabilized this host-parasite relationship. 【TPO17- Symbiotic Relationships】4. The word devastated in the passage is closest in meaning to○ Influenced○ Infected○ strengthened○ destroyedParagraph 4: In contrast to parasitism, in commensalism, one partner benefits without significantly affecting the other. Few cases of absolute commensalism probably exist, because it is unlikely that one of the partners will be completely unaffected. Commensal associations sometimes involve one species' obtaining food that is inadvertently exposed by another. For instance, several kinds of birds feed on insects flushed out of the grass by grazing cattle. It is difficult to imagine how this could affect the cattle, but the relationship may help or hinder them in some way not yet recognized. 【TPO17- Symbiotic Relationships】7. The word inadvertently in the passage is closest in meaning to○Indefensibly○Substan tially○Unintentionally○Partially相关推荐:北美大学校园生活及学习常用词汇短语归纳托福写作常用短语WORD版汇总托福词汇常考词根大收录相关字搜索:托福TPO1-34阅读词汇题汇总。



Canal 运河Surveyor 探勘员Outcorp露出地面的岩石Roam漫步Proceed 接下来做某事Meticulously 仔细的Quartz 石英Fauna 动物群Textile 纺织品Mill磨坊Exploit 开发利用Piston 活塞Pump 抽水机Cylinder 气缸Vacuum 真空Bellow 大声吼叫Eliminate 排除Subject 主题表现对象Caliber 素质Disdain鄙视Indeed 实际上Foster 培育,激励Marching legion 步兵Stark 单调的鲜明的赤裸裸的极端的Fixation 迷恋相当于obsession Extermination 灭绝Score 大量Gypsum 石膏Peculiarity 特点Crystalline 晶体的Cruise 巡游Invertebrate 无脊椎的Dome 穹顶Strait 海峡Precipitate 沉淀凝结引发Soluble 可溶的Cement 水泥Bond 纽带n粘合vPeculiar 奇怪的Monolithic巨大的Territorial 领土的Imperative 紧迫的;紧迫的事n Gravitas 庄严Be predisposed to 自然而然地不由自主地Subtlety 精巧nMight 魅力Speculative推断的Thrive 茁壮成长Genius 天才ingenious 精灵的心灵手巧的Furnace 熔炉Desiccation脱水Compromise 妥协;危及(及物动词)Legal tender 法币Pinpoint 精确的找到v 精确的adj. Necessitate 使成为必要Magnet 磁铁Shrine 圣殿Demise 死亡Cripple 严重压坏Metallic 金属的Consolidate 合并巩固加固Prospect 成功机会n 勘探vForage 搜寻vConfined 限制的cramped 局促的狭隘的Cramp 限制n钳制Bulky 笨重的Fringe 装饰……的边缘v 边界n非主流的a Alluvia 冲积层的Fecund 多产的Loam壤土Prairie草原Tempt 引诱Sterile 无菌的Depletion 耗尽nProliferation n激增Supersede 取代vDivert v 转移改道Presage 预示vPollen 花粉Flotation 发行股票花粉nVicinity 临近地区Disperse 散去传播Acre 英亩Knit 编织nTelltale n 告密者a 泄露秘密的Abrasion 擦伤处Tether= bind 拴捆Flourish 兴旺繁荣v Terrestrial 地球上的地面上的Clam 蛤蜊Dissolution n 解除Marrow 骨髓Canal 运河;道Pore 毛孔Marvelous 极好的令人惊讶的Volatile以发挥的不稳定的Constituent成分Lethal 致命的Fluctuation波动n Catastrophic灾难性的Delta 三角洲Excrete v 排泄分泌Exceeding非常Substrate底层Estuary 河口nTrap n陷阱湾Elevation 海拔高度Brackish 微咸的Nursery 温床托儿所Inhospitable 不友好的Reclamation开垦Smother 抑制vMow 割Herbicide除草剂Feasibility可行性Eradication根除扫除Pinhole 针孔Len滤镜Patent 获得专利Etch蚀刻Engrave雕刻vAuthenticity真实性Genuine 真的真实的Obsolete淘汰的退化的过期的Miniature微小的小型的微小模型Prolific多产的Destine指定vCoat覆盖Candid率直的Radical彻底的激进的基本的Impose 强加利用viPlummet堕落Crust 面包皮硬层Assortment各种各样n Constituent组成成分Droplet小滴Enigmatic神秘的费解的Perplex使困惑Condense凝结浓缩Pristine崭新的为触碰过的Distill 提炼Reside居住属于Configuration形状Husbandary农牧业Aboriginal土著的Antiquity古代古迹Indigenous当地的本土的土著的Figurative比喻义的Motif z主题装饰图案EngraveCoin 铸造创造vObscure使费解掩盖遮挡Counterexample 反例Fodder 饲料Horticulture园艺Reclaim 开垦拿回Graze 吃草grazing 吃草的~livestock Lease租用vnRadiant辐射的Dome 穹顶Upward 向上的Inhale 吸入Congestion拥挤充血nAllergy 过敏Respiratory 呼吸的Reflexive反身的Irritant刺激物Traumatic 受伤的外伤的不顺心的Expose to= subject to 受什么影响受什么限制处于什么的影响之下Desolate荒芜的荒凉的Bulge鼓起v nCrust 硬层Intermittently间隔地断断续续的Prominent 著名的显眼的Obliterate清除vSplash 飞溅Eject 喷射Liquefy 液化Propel 推Oar 桨Maritime海运的Elicit 引出Procure 设法获得Desert 逃离Supposition推测Starch 淀粉Secular 世俗的Mount 镶嵌vPatron赞助Sovereign君主至高无上的有主权的Clamour喧闹声呼喊Incise切开雕刻Syllable音节Wedge楔子Sledge 雪橇Aridity干旱Shed 脱落Burrow 挖掘挖洞Flap 震动~wingsConvection空气对流nDrain 为……排出流出。



托福必背高频词汇1. a matter of speculation =supposition n.推断2. a solicitation of =an invitation of n. 垦求;垦请3. abandoned= left a. 被遗弃的4. aberrant= abnormal a. 脱离常轨的,5. abort= quit v. 夭折;中止6. abruptly= suddenly ad. 突然地;意外地7. absorb =appeal v. 吸收;被…吸引8. absorb= learn(学习) v. 吸收9. absorb= take in v. 吸收;被…吸引10. abstract= not concrete a. 抽象的;非实际的11. absurd= ridiculous a. 荒谬的;可笑的12. abundance= large amount n. 大量13. abundance= great number n. 大量14. abundant = affluent a. 丰富的;大量的15. abundant= ample a. 丰富的;大量的16. abundant= numerous a. 丰富的;大量的17. abundant= plentiful a. 丰富的;大量18. abundant= substantial a. 丰富的;大量的19. abundantly= plentifully ad. 丰富地;大量地20. access =reach v. 接近21. accessible =reachable a. 可接近的22. accessible =easy to reach a. 易接近的23. accidental =unexpected a. 意外的;偶然的24. accommodate= provide for v. 提供25. accomplished =achieved a. 实现完成的26. accomplished =skilled a. 熟练的27. account= description n. 说明28. account for= explain v. 说明29. accumulate =collect v. 积累;聚集30. accumulate =pile up v. 积累;聚集聚集31. accurate =correct a. 正确的32. accurately= correctly ad. 正确地33. acknowledge= recognize v. 承认34. actually= in fact ad. 事实上35. added =extra a. 附加的;额外的36. adept =skilled a. 熟练的37. adherent= supporter n. 拥护者38. adjacent =nearby a. 毗连的39. adjacent =neighboring a. 毗连的40. adjust= modify v. 调整;改变…以适应41. administer = manage v. 管理42. admit= let in v. 准许进入43. adopt= enact v. 采用44. advance= improvement n. 发展;增长45. advent= arrival n. 出现;到来46. advent= beginning n. 出现;到来47. affair= matter n. 事件;事情48. afford= provide v. 提供;给予49. aggravate= increase v. 加重;增剧50. aggravate =annoy v. 使恼火51. aggregate= overall a. 聚集的;合计的52. aggregate= combined a. 聚集的;合计的53. agile= astute a. 灵活的;敏捷的54. agile= clever a. 灵活的;敏捷的55. agile= quick and active a. 灵活的;敏捷的56. agile= move and act quickly a. 灵活的;敏捷的57. air= feeling n. 气氛58. alarm= sound v. 警报59. alarm= warning n. 警告60. albeit= although conj. 尽管;虽然61. albeit =even though conj. 尽管;虽然62. allow= enable v. 允许63. allude= suggest v. 暗示64. allude to= refer to phrv. 提到65. ally with= link to v. 结盟66. alter= change to v. 改变67. amazing= remarkable/replacement a.令人惊讶的/非凡的68. ambiguous =vague a. 不明确的69. ambivalent =mixed a. 矛盾的70. ample= plentiful a. 充足的;丰富的71. ample =spacious a. 宽敞的72. anchor= hold in place v. 使固定73. ancient= old a. 古老的74. ancient =antique a. 古老的75. annihilate= destroy v. 消灭76. annihilate =completely remove v. 消灭77. annually= yearly ad. 每年78. anomaly= irregularity n. 异常的人或物79. antagonist =competitor n. 对手;敌手80. anticipate= expect v. 预期81. antiseptic =clean a. 抗菌的82. antithesis= opposite n. 对立面83. antler =horn n. 鹿角84. anxiety =worry n. 忧虑;担心85. apart from= exception phr. 除了…之外86. apart from =except for phr. 除了…之外87. apparatus= equipment n. 仪器;设备88. apparent =obvious a. 显然的89. apparently= clearly ad. 显然地90. appeal= attraction n. 吸引力91. appealing =attractive a. 有吸引力的92. appear= seem v. 似乎93. appearance= rise n. 出现94. appearance= arrival n. 出现95. appearance= showing up n. 出现96. application= use n. 应用97. appreciable= noticeable a. 相当可观的98. approach =method n. 方法99. approach= move toward v. 接近100. approximately= roughly ad. 大约地101. architecture= structure n. 构造102. archive= record v. 存档103. archive= stock v. 存档104. archive= store v. 存档105. arduous= difficult a. 艰巨的106. arid =dry a. 干旱的107. arise= emerge v. 出现108. arrangement= configuration n. 安排;布置109. array=range n. 一系列110. article= item n. 物品111. article= object n. 物品112. as a rule =in general phr. 通常113. assert= declare v. 断言;宣称114. assertion= strong statement n. 断言;主张115. asset= advantage n. 资产;有利条件116. assimilate= combine v. 同化117. assistance= help n. 帮助;协助118. assorted= various a. 各式各样的119. assume= believe v. 假定;设想120. assume= suppose v. 假定;设想121. assume= take on v. 承担122. assumption= premise n. 假设123. astonishing= amazing a. 惊人的124. astute= clever a. 敏锐的125. at random= without a definite pattern phr. 随便地; 任意地126. attachment to= preference for n. 依恋127. attain =achieve v. 达到;获得128. attainment =achievement n. 达到;获得129. attendant= accompanying a. 伴随的130. attest to =confirm v. 证实131. attribute= accredit v. 归于;认为132. attribute =characteristic n. 特点133. attribute to =credit with v. 归于; 认为134. attribution =character n. 属性135. augment= increase v. 增加;提高136. available =obtainable a. 可获得的137. avenue= method n. 途径;手段138. avenue =means n. 途径;手段139. avid= enthusiastic a. 热中的140. barely = just ad. 仅仅121. assume= take on v. 承担122. assumption= premise n. 假设123. astonishing= amazing a. 惊人的124. astute= clever a. 敏锐的125. at random= without a definite pattern phr. 随便地; 任意地126. attachment to= preference for n. 依恋127. attain =achieve v. 达到;获得128. attainment =achievement n. 达到;获得129. attendant= accompanying a. 伴随的130. attest to =confirm v. 证实查看全部:托福必背高频词汇大全(完整版)131. attribute= accredit v. 归于;认为132. attribute =characteristic n. 特点133. attribute to =credit with v. 归于; 认为134. attribution =character n. 属性135. augment= increase v. 增加;提高136. available =obtainable a. 可获得的137. avenue= method n. 途径;手段138. avenue =means n. 途径;手段139. avid= enthusiastic a. 热中的140. barely = just ad. 仅仅141. barge= boat n. 驳船142. barrier= obstacle n. 障碍143. barrier =impediment n. 障碍144. battle= struggle n. 搏斗;奋斗145. be inclined =tend v. 倾向146. be accustomed to= get used to phrv. 习惯147. be aware of =familiar with phrv. 了解148. be beforehand= foreordain v. 预先149. be closer resemblance to= be more like phr. 非常相似150. be consistent with= be compatible with phr. 一致的151. be entitled to= have the right phrv. 有…权利152. beckon= invite v. 招唤;引诱153. become extinct= die out phrv. 灭绝154. being= creature n. 生命155. beneficial =advantageous a. 有益的156. blossom= flourish v. 兴旺157. blossom= thrive v. 兴旺158. boast= puff v. 吹嘘159. boast= exaggerate v. 吹嘘160. bombard= assail v. 炮击;轰击161. bombard =assault v. 炮击;轰击162. bombard =strike v. 炮击;轰击163. boom= expansion n. 激增;爆涨164. boon= great benefit n. 利益165. boost= raise v. 增加;提高166. boundary= periphery n. 边界167. branch =division n. 分支168. breed= reproduce v. 繁殖;饲养169. brilliant= bright a. 光辉的;明亮的170. brittle= breakable a. 脆弱的171. brittle= fragile a. 脆弱的172. broad appeal =wide popularity a. 广泛的吸引力173. broadly =generally ad. 大体上174. broadly= extensively ad. 大体上175. bulk= majority n. 大部份176. bulk= large part n. 大部份177. bulk =major part n. 主体178. bulk= large portion n. 大部份179. bulk= great quantity n. 大部份180. burgeon= expand v. 急速成长181. bustling= lively a. 活跃的182. camouflage= disguise v. 伪装183. camouflage =hide v. 伪装184. camouflage= decorate(装饰) v. 伪装185. camouflage= blend with circumstances v. 伪装186. cardinal= fundamental a. 基本的187. cargo= shipment n. 船货;货物188. celebrated= famous a. 着名的189. central= essential a. 主要的190. certain= specified a. 指定的191. chancy =risky a. 冒险的查看全部:托福必背高频词汇大全(完整版)192. channel =provide v. 提供帮助193. channel =direct v. 引导194. channel =guide v. 引导195. chaotic= disorganized a. 混乱的196. cherish =value v. 珍爱197. chief= major a. 主要的198. chisel =carve v. 刻;凿199. choose= opt v. 选择200. chronic= persistent a. 长期的;不断的201. chronic =confirmed a. 长期的;不断的202. chronic= habitual a. 长期的;不断的203. chronic =inveterate a. 长期的;不断的204chronically=constantly ad. 长期地205. circuitous =indirect a. 迂迴的206. circumstance= condition n. 环境;情况207. cite= quote v. 引用208. cite =refer to v. 引用209. classic =typical a. 典型的210. clear =visible a. 容易看见的211. clear= apparent a. 显然的212. cling to= attach to v. 附着213. close= careful a. 严密的;周密的214. clue= hint n. 线索215. coating= cover n. 覆盖层216. coincide with= be as the same time as v.同时发生217. collaborate= cooperate v. 合作218. collaboration= joint effect n. 合作成果219. collect =gather v. 收集220. collide= hit each other v. 碰撞201. chronic =confirmed a. 长期的;不断的202. chronic= habitual a. 长期的;不断的203. chronic =inveterate a. 长期的;不断的204chronically=constantly ad. 长期地205. circuitous =indirect a. 迂迴的206. circumstance= condition n. 环境;情况207. cite= quote v. 引用208. cite =refer to v. 引用209. classic =typical a. 典型的210. clear =visible a. 容易看见的211. clear= apparent a. 显然的212. cling to= attach to v. 附着213. close= careful a. 严密的;周密的214. clue= hint n. 线索215. coating= cover n. 覆盖层216. coincide with= be as the same time as v.同时发生217. collaborate= cooperate v. 合作218. collaboration= joint effect n. 合作成果219. collect =gather v. 收集220. collide= hit each other v. 碰撞221. collide with =run into v. 碰撞222. commemorate =celebrate v. 庆祝;纪念223. compact =concise a. 紧密的;简明的224. compact= compressed(结实的) a. 紧密的;简明的225. comparable= equivalent a. 可比较的226. comparative = relative a.相当的227. compel =push v. 强迫228. compelling= convincing a. 令人信服的229. compensate= reimburse v. 赔偿;补偿230. compensate for =balance phrv. 赔偿;补偿231. complaint =protest v. 抗议232. complement= supplement n. 补充物233. complement= add to v. 补充234. completely= totally ad. 完全地235. complex= elaborate a. 复杂的236. complex =system n. 复合物;综合体237. complicated =complex a. 复杂的238. complicated =made things more difficult a. 复杂的239. component= constituent a. 组成的240. composition= mixture n. 合成物241. comprehensive= understandable a. 能理解的242. comprehensive= complete a. 全部的243. comprise= form v. 组成244. comprise =make up v. 组成245. concern= interest v. 感兴趣246. conclusive= final a. 最后的247. conclusive= ultimate a. 最后的248. conducive= contributive a. 有助于...的249. configuration= arrangement n. 布局;结构250. configuration= form n. 佈局;结构251. confine =limit/boundary v. 限制252. confront= face v. 面临253. congeal= solidify v. 使凝结254. consecutive= successive a. 连续的255. consequence= result n. 结果;重要性256. consequence =importance n. 结果;重要性257. consequent= later a. 随后的258. consequent= resultant a. 作为结果的259. consequent =resulting a. 作为结果的260. consequential= significant a. 重要的261. consequently= therefore ad. 因此262. consequently= thus ad. 因此263. conserve= save v. 保存264. consider =think as v. 考虑;认为265. consider =view as v. 考虑;认为266. consider =think about v. 考虑;认为认为267. considerable= substantial/significant a. 相当大的268. consist of =compose of v. 由…组成269. consistent= regular a. 一致的270. consistently=regularly ad. 一致地271. conspicuous= notable a. 明显的272. constant =stable a. 固定的;不变的273. constantly =always ad. 经常;不断地274. constellation =collection n. 一系列;一群275. constellation =combination n. 一系列;一群276. constitution= component n. 构造277. constrain =restrict v. 限制278. constraint= limit n. 限制279. constraint= restriction n. 限制280. consume= eat up v. 消耗;吃;喝吃;喝281. consumed= used up v. 消耗282. contemplate= consider v. 沉思283. contentious= disputed a. 好争吵的284. continual= constant a. 不间断的;连续的285. continuous =uninterrupted a. 连续的;持续的286. contrive= create v. 发明287. contrive= invent v. 发明288. conventional= customary a. 习惯的;惯例的289. conventional= traditional a. 习惯的;惯例的290. converging= concentrating a. 收缩的;会聚的291. convert =transform v. 使转变292. convert into= change to v. 转变成293. convict= condemn v. 宣判294. convict =sentence v. 宣判295. convict =doom(判决) v. 宣判296. conviction= belief n. 相信;信念297. conviction =strong belief n. 坚定的信念298. cope with= handle phrv. 应付;处理299. cope with= deal with phrv. 应付;处理300. copious= plentiful a. 丰富的;大量的281. consumed= used up v. 消耗282. contemplate= consider v. 沉思283. contentious= disputed a. 好争吵的284. continual= constant a. 不间断的;连续的285. continuous =uninterrupted a. 连续的;持续的286. contrive= create v. 发明287. contrive= invent v. 发明288. conventional= customary a. 习惯的;惯例的289. conventional= traditional a. 习惯的;惯例的290. converging= concentrating a. 收缩的;会聚的291. convert =transform v. 使转变292. convert into= change to v. 转变成293. convict= condemn v. 宣判294. convict =sentence v. 宣判295. convict =doom(判决) v. 宣判296. conviction= belief n. 相信;信念297. conviction =strong belief n. 坚定的信念298. cope with= handle phrv. 应付;处理299. cope with= deal with phrv. 应付;处理300. copious= plentiful a. 丰富的;大量的301. core =center n. 核心;要点302. correspondence= harmony n. 一致303. corroborate= confirm v. 证实;确证304. costly= expensive a. 贵重的;昂贵的305. counsel =advise v. 忠告306. countless= innumerable a. 数量很多的307. counter= oppose v. 反对308. counter of= in the opposite of a. 相反的309. counterpart= version(版本) n. 复本;副本310. counterpart= similitude(类似物) n. 复本;副本311. counterpart= equivalent(同等物) n. 复本;副本321. critical= essential a. 关键的322. criticize =debate(争论;辩论) v. 批评;责备323. crucial= important a. 重要的324. crucially= decisively ad. 关键地325. crushed =ground a. 碾碎了的326. cumbersome awkward a. 笨重的;麻烦的327. cumbersome= clumsy a. 笨重的;麻烦的328. cumbersome= unwieldy a. 笨重的;麻烦的329. curb= control v. 控制;遏止330. current =present a. 现在的331. dam= block v. 筑坝;控制341. delight= pleasure n. 高兴;愉快342. deluxe= lavish a. 奢华的343. demand= need n. 需要;需求344. demise =extinction n. 死亡345. demography= population n. 人口统计346. dense= crowded a. 稠密的;密集的347. dense= thick a. 稠密的;密集的348. depend= rely on v. 依赖;依靠依靠349. dependable= reliable a. 可信赖的350. depict= describe v. 描述351. depict= portray v. 描写;描绘352. depletion= drain n. 消耗;用尽353. deposit =accumulate v. 沉积354. deposit= lay down v. 放下;放置355. derive= arise v. 源于;导出356. design =create v. 设计357. designate= identify v. 命名;指定358. detractor= critic(批评者) n. 诽谤者;恶意批评者359. detrimental =harmful a. 有害的;不利的360. deviate= digress v. 偏离361. deviation= departure n. 背离362. devise= create v. 设计;发明363. devoid of= lack of a. 缺乏的364. devoid of= without(prep.) a. 缺乏的365. devoid of= scant of a. 缺乏的366. devoted =dedicated a. 虔诚的;专心致志的367. devoted to =concentrated on a. 虔诚的;专心致志的368.discernible = noticeable a. 可感知到,可注意到的369. dictate= determine v. 口授;命令370. dictate= order v. 命令371. differential= uneven a. 差别的;独特的372. diffuse =travel v. 扩散;散布373. diffuse= spread(out) v. 扩散;散布374. diligent= careful a. 勤奋的375. diligently= carefully ad. 勤奋地376. dilute= reduce v. 稀释;使薄弱377. dim= decrease v. 变暗淡378. disassemble= break apart v. 拆开379. disassemble =break up v. 拆开380. disband =dismiss v. 解散;遣散381. discard= throw away v. 摒弃;丢弃382. discard= throw up v. 摒弃;丢弃丢弃383. discernible= noticeable a. 可辨别的384. discernible= discriminating a. 可辨别的385. discharge= release v. 释放386. disentangle =disband v. 解开387. disgust= distaste v. 厌恶388. disintegrate= break apart v. 分解;碎裂389. disintegrate =fall apart v. 分解;碎裂390. disintegrate= tear apart v. 分解;碎裂391. dismantle =demolish v. 拆开;拆除392. disorder= anarchy n. 混乱393. dispensable= not necessary a. 非必要的394. dispersal =distribution n. 散布;驱散395. displace= move out of position v. 迫使(人)离开396. disposition= temperament n. 性格;性情397. dispute= contention n. 争论;争执398. dispute =argument n. 争论;争执399. dissipate= disperse v. 驱散400. dissipated =dispersed a. 分散的401. dissuade =discourage v. 劝阻402. distinct= clear and recognizable a. 清楚的;明确的403. distinction= difference n. 差别404. distinction= honor n. 荣誉405. distinction= excellence n. 优秀;卓越406. distinctive= characteristic a. 有特色的407. distinguish= notice from the difference v. 区别; 识别408. distribute= spread v. 分配;散布409. distribution= dispersion n. 散布410. distribution =geographic range n. 分布区域411. disturb= upset v. 打乱;扰乱412. diverse= distinct a. 不同的413. diversification= emergence of many varieties n. 多样化414. diversity =variety n. 多样性415. divest =deprive v. 剥夺416. divest =get rid of v. 剥夺417. domestic= home a. 家庭的;国内的418. dormant= hibernated a. 休眠的;不活动的419. dormant= inactive a. 休眠的;不活动的420. dramatically= greatly ad. 戏剧性地421. drastic= extreme a. 激烈的;极端的422. drastically =obviously ad. 大大地;彻底地423. drastically =severely(严重地) ad. 大大地;彻底地424. dual =double a. 双的;双重的425. duplicate= copy v. 复制426. duplicate= repeat n. 复本427. durable= lasting a. 经久的;持久的428. earn= acquire v. 赚得;赢得429. ease= facilitate(使容易) v. 使减轻;使缓和430. eccentric= erratic a. 古怪的;反常的431. eccentric =strange a. 古怪的;反常的432. efface= eliminate v. 消去433. elaborate =detailed a. 精巧的;详尽的434. elaborate= dainty a. 精巧的;详尽的435. elapsed =passed a. 过去的;经过的436. element =weather condition n. (恶劣的)天气437. eliminate= remove v. 排除;消除438. elusive =difficult to catch a. 难懂的;难捉摸的439. emanate= emerge v. 散发;产生440. embark on=start v. 从事(着手)441. embed= insert v. 插入;植入442. embed= implant v. 插入;植入443. embed =enclose v. 插入;植入444. emergence= appearance n. 出现445. emergency =crisis n. 紧急情况446. emergent =developing a. 新兴的447. employ= use v. 利用448. enable =allow v. 使能够449. enactment= establishment n. 制定450. encapsulate= state briefly v. 概述451. encourage= stimulate v. 激励;刺激452. endangered= not abundant a. 濒临绝种的453. endeavor= enterprise n. 努力454. endow= bestow v. 捐赠455. engulf= swallow v. 吞没456. enhance= improve v. 提高;增强457. enhance= intensify v. 提高;增强458. enjoy =experience v. 经历459. enlist= obtain v. 谋取(支持、赞助等)460. enormous= great a. 巨大的461. enrich= enhance v. 使富足462. ensue= result v. 因…产生463. ensuing= subsequent a. 接着发生的464. ensure= guarantee v. 保证;担保465. entail=l involve v.牵涉466. enthusiastic= eager a. 热情的467. environment= setting n. 环境468. ephemeral =short-lived a. 短暂的469. ephemeral =transient a. 短暂的470. episode= event n. 事件471. equilibrium= balance n. 平衡472. era =period n. 时代;年代473. eradicate= remove completely v. 根除;消灭474. erect =build v. 建立475. erratic= unpredictable a. 不稳定的;古怪的476. erratic= irregular a. 不稳定的;古怪的477. escalate= extend v. 逐步扩大478. essential= crucial a. 极重要的479. established =qualified a. 已制定的480. establishment =formation(构成) n. 建立;创立481. estimate= projection n. 估计482. estimation =evaluation n. 估计483. euphoric= extremely happy a. 心情愉快的484. evaluate= judge v. 评价485. eventual= later a. 最后的486. eventually= later ad. 最后487. eventually= ultimately ad. 最后488. evidence= proof n. 证据489. evident= apparent a. 明显的490. evident =obvious a. 明显的491. evoke= arouse v. 唤起;引起492. evoke= draw v. 唤起;引起493. evoke=produce v. 唤起;引起494. evoke= promote v. 唤起;引起495. evoke= stimulate v. 唤起;引起496. evoke =create in the mind v. 唤起; 引起497. exaggerate =overstate v. 夸张;夸大498. excavate =dig out v. 挖掘499. excavation =dug-out n. 挖掘500. exceed= surpass v. 超越;胜过501. exceed =beyond above v. 超越;胜过胜过502. exceedingly =extremely ad. 极其;非常503. excess =go beyond n. 超越; 胜过504. exclusively= only ad. 专门地;独占地505. excrete= expel v. 排泄;分泌506. exercise =use v. 运用507. exhausted= tired a. 精疲力竭的508. exhausted= used up a. 耗尽的;用完的509. exhibit =demonstrate v. 展示;陈列510. exhibit =display v. 展示;陈列511. expand= stretch v. 展开;增长512. expand =increase v. 展开;增长513. expanse= area n. 一大片区域514. expansive= large a. 广阔的515. expediency= convenience n. 方便;利己516. expediency= advantage(优势;利益) n.方便;利己517. expedient= fitting a. 权宜的;方便的518. expend= use v. 耗尽519. explicit =obvious a. 明确的;清楚的520. explicitly= clear ad. 明确地521. exploit= utilize v. 利用522. exploit= take advantage of v. 利用523. exploit= make use of v. 利用524. explore= investigate v. 探测;探索525. expose to= subject to (遭受) v. 使经历526. express= communicate v. 表达527. extant= existing a. 现存的;尚存的528. extant =remaining a. 现存的;尚存的529. extant= not extinct a. 现存的;尚存的530. extend= stretch v. 延伸531. extend= reach v. 延伸532. extol =praise v. 赞美533. extraneous= inessential a. 无关的;外来的534. extraneous= from outside a. 无关的;外来的535. extraordinary= exceptional a. 异常的536. exude= release v. 渗出;发散537. exude= give off v. 渗出;发散538. fabricate= produce v. 制造539. far-reaching= extensive a. 深远的;广泛的540. far-reaching= broad a. 深远的;广泛的541. fascinating= extremely attractive a. 迷人的542. fashion= make v. 形成;造543. fashion= way n. 样子;方式544. fashionable =popular a. 流行的;时尚的545. feasible= achievable a. 可实行的546. feasible= practical a. 可实行的547. feast= eating n. 盛宴548. ferry= transport n. 渡轮549. fertile= reproductive a. 肥沃的;多产的550. fertile= productive a. 肥沃的;多产的551. figure out =map(详细规划) phr. 计算出;解决552. finding= discovery n. 发现553. first and foremost =above all phr. 首先;首要地554. flake =fragment n. 小薄片555. flattery= praise n. 恭维556. flee= run away from v. 逃走557. flexible= adaptable a. 易适应的558. float= stay on the top v. 漂浮559. float =upward rise phrv. 浮起560. flourish =prosper v. 繁荣;兴旺561. flourish= thrive v. 繁荣;兴旺562. flourishing= prosperous a. 繁荣的563. flow= movement n. 流动564. fluctuate= change v. 变动565. fluctuation= variation n. 变动;起伏566. focal= point centre area n. 焦点567. follow= track v. 跟随568. for instance= for example phr. 例如569. forage= feed n. 饲料570. forage =search for food v. 觅食571. formidable =excessive a. 巨大的572. foster= encourage v. 鼓励573. foster= urge v. 培养;促进574. foster =promote the development of v.培养;促进575. foul= pollute v. 污染576. fragment= break up v. 使成碎片577. fragmentation= break n. 破裂578. fragmentize= break up v. 使成碎片579. frankly =openly ad. 坦白地580. frankly= sincerely ad. 真诚地581. friction= conflict n. 争执;不合582. function= operation n. 效用;作用583. function= utility n. 效用;作用584. fundamental =basic a. 基础的585. funds= money n. 资金586. furthermore= in addition ad. 此外587. gap= opening n. 缺口;裂口588. gear =adjust v. 使适合589. generate= produce v. 产生590. genuinely =actually ad. 真诚地591.get accustomed to= become used to phrv.习惯592. give rise to= produce phrv. 引起593. given =particular a. 规定的;特定的594. govern= regulate v. 统治;管理595. govern= control v. 统治;管理596. grasp =understand v. 领会;理解597. groom= clean v. 装扮;使整洁598. groom =make up v. 装扮;使整洁使整洁599. groundless =unfounded a. 无根据的600. grounds =reasons n. 根据;理由601. groundwork= base n. 基础602. groundwork= basis n. 基础603. groundwork= foundation n. 基础604. grudging= unenthusiastic a. 勉强的605. guarantee= ensure v. 保证;担保606. hallmark= characteristic n. 戳记,标志607. hamper =district v. 防碍;束缚608. hamper= restrict v. 防碍;束缚609. hamper =make difficulty v. 防碍;束缚610. handy= convenient a. 便利的;灵活的611. haphazard= random a. 随意的612. harness= use v. 利用613. harness= utilize v. 利用614. harsh= drastic a. 严厉的;严酷的615. hasty= hurried a. 匆匆的;急忙的616. haul= pull v. 拉617. have nothing to do with= in no relation to phrv. 不相干618. havoc= destruction n. 浩劫619. hazard =danger n. 危险620. heed= notice v. 留心;注意621. heighten= increase v. 增加;提高622. heir= inheritor n. 继承人;后继者623. hence= therefore ad. 因此624. heritage =legacy n. 遗产;传统625. heritage= tradition n. 遗产;传统626. heterogeneous= varied a. 由不同种类组成的627. hide= conceal v. 隐藏628. hinder= interfere with v. 妨碍629. hint= clue n. 暗示;迹象630. hint= implication n. 暗示;迹象631. hint= indication n. 暗示;迹象632. hint= lead n. 暗示;迹象633. hire= employ v. 雇用634. hobby= pastime n. 嗜好635. hold =support v. 支撑;保持636. hold= keep up v. 支撑;保持保持637. hollow= an empty space n. 中空638. homogeneous =uniform a. 同种的639. host of =great number n. 大量640. however =yet conj. 然而641. hub= center n. 中心642. huge= large a. 巨大的643. hurdle =fence v. 用篱笆围644. hypothetical =supposed a. 假设的;假定的645. ice sheet= glacier(冰河) n. 冰原646. identical= the same a. 同样的647. idiosyncrasies =peculiarity n. 特性648. ignite= set on fire v. 点燃649. illusion= impression(印象) n. 错觉;幻像650. immediately= closest ad. 接近;紧接着651. immense= great a. 巨大的652. immense= huge a. 巨大的653. immense= vast a. 巨大的654. immensely= extremely ad. 非常655. immigration= movement n. 移居656. immobile= fixed a. 固定的;静止的657.immobility= absence of motion n. 固定;静止658. immoral= indecent a. 不道德的659. immoral= improper a. 不道德的660. impermeable= impenetrable a. 不能渗透的661. impermeable =impervious a. 不能渗透的662. impetus= stimulus v. 刺激;促进663. impetus= incentive n. 刺激;促进664. implausible= unbelievable a. 难以置信的665. implement= tool n. 工具666. imply= indicate v. 意味667. imposing= impressive a. 给人深刻印象的668. imprecise= inexact a. 不精确的669. improbable= unlikely a. 不像会发生的670. in fact= actually phr事实上671. in great demand =in popularity phr. 普遍672. in respect to= in term of phr. 就…而言673. inaccessible= unreachable a. 难接近的674. inadvertently= unintentionally ad. 非故意地675. inadvertently =without knowing ad. 非故意地676. inauspicious= unfavorable a. 不吉利的677. incidentally= by the way ad. 顺便一提678. inclement =unfavorable a. (气候)严酷的679. inconceivable= unimaginable a. 难以置信的680. inconclusive= without result(毫无结果) a. 不确定的681. incorporate= include v. 包含682. incorporate= merge v. 吸收;併入683. incursion= invasion n. 入侵684. indicate= demonstrate v. 指示;指出685. indigenous =native a. 本土的;土生土长的686. indispensable =essential a. 不可缺少的687. indispensable= necessary a. 不可缺少的688. indispensable= needed a. 不可缺少的689. indispensable= required a. 不可缺少的690. indispensable= vital a. 不可缺少的691. indispensable= significant(重要的) a.必不可少的692. induce =bring v. 引起693. induce =cause v. 引起694. ineffectively= without any result ad. 无效地695. inert= motionless a. 迟缓的;惰性的696. inert= motiveless a. 迟缓的;惰性的697. inevitable= unavoidable a. 不可避免的698. inference= conclusion n. 推断的结果699. infirm= weak a. 不坚定的;衰弱的700. inflate= expand v. 膨胀;扩大701. infrastructure= foundation n. 基础建设702. ingenious= very clever a. 心灵手巧的703. ingenuity= cleverness n. 心灵手巧;独创性704. ingenuity= creativeness n. 心灵手巧;独创性705. ingenuity= inventiveness n. 心灵手巧;独创性706. ingenuity= resourcefulness n. 心灵手巧;独创性707. inherent= essential a. 内在的;固有的708. inherent= internal a. 内在的;固有的709. inherent= instinctive a. 与生俱来的710. inherent= in characteristic of a. 与生俱来的711. inherently =essentially ad. 固有地712. inhibit =hinder v. 约束;抑制713. inhospitable= unfavorable a. 冷淡的;不适宜的714. inhospitable= adverse a. 冷淡的;不适宜的715. initial= first a. 最初的716. initially =originally ad. 最初;开头717. initiate= begin v. 开始;创始718. initiate =start v. 开始;创始719. innovation =new n. 革新;创新720. innovative= new a. 创新的721. inordinate= excessive a. 过度的722. install= put in place v. 放置,安置723. instant= moment n. 片刻;瞬间724. instantaneous= immediate a. 即刻的725. instigate= incite v. 唆使;煽动726. instructive= informative v. 富有教育意义的727. insufficient= inadequate a. 不足的728. intact= untouched a.完好的729. intangible =nonmaterial a. 无形的730. intangible= immaterial a. 无形的731. integral= essential a. 构成整体所需要的732. intense =strong a. 强烈的733. intentionally= deliberately ad. 有意地;故意地734. intermediate= in-between a./n. 中间的;媒介735. intimate =close a. 亲密的736. intricate= complex a. 复杂的737. intricate =carefully shaped a. 复杂的738. intrigue= interest v. 引发…兴趣。



TPO 34阅读解析第一篇Population and Climate【P1】地球人口的增长已经对大气和生态环境产生了影响。

化石燃料的燃烧,毁林,城市化,种植大米,养殖家畜,生产作为助推燃料和制冷剂的CFC增加了空气中CO2,甲烷,二氧化氮,二氧化硫灰尘和CFOs 的含量。



















Toefl iBT 高分作文高频词汇

Toefl iBT 高分作文高频词汇

T o e f l i B T高分作文高频词汇AAbove-mentioned adj.上述的Accolade n.称赞Aesthetic adj.审美的Affection n.友情;爱情Age-old adj.古老的Adage n.格言Adept adj.熟练的Adversity n.逆境Adversary n.对手Appease v.平息,安抚,缓和,使满足Approximately adv.大约Apex n.顶点,高潮Aptitude n.才能,才华Attest v.证明;表明Ailment n.疾病Ambassador n.使者,大使Amiable adj.和蔼的Anatomy n.解剖学Anarchic adj.无政府主义的Anarchy n.无政府状态,政治混乱Antisocial adj.孤僻的,不善社交的;反社会的Aquatic adj.水的,水生的Assimilation n.同化Asthma n.哮喘Amicably adv.友好地Assume v.假定,假如Asset n.资源Attribute n.特征Athletically adv.运动性地Awry adj.错误的Arena n.舞台;领域Array n.展示,排列,盛装Artificially adv.人工地Acquaintanceship n.相识Authority n.负责人Autographe n.亲笔签名Alarmingly adv.惊人地Alter v.改变Alleged adj.所谓的Ark n.方舟BBarmaid n.酒吧女招待Barbeque n.烧烤;烤肉野餐Bare adj.无遮蔽的;赤裸的;秃的Barren adj.荒芜的Basal adj.基础的Balcony n.阳台Bulb n.电灯泡Buzzword n时髦词汇,漂亮口号Boast v.自夸,以拥有~而自豪Bond v.维系,联结Bonding adj.联络感情的Bonus n.奖赏Blameworthy adj.该受责备的Blockbuster n.一鸣惊人者Bustling adj.繁忙的,热闹的;熙熙攘攘的CCast n.投掷,抛射Camaraderie n.友情,同志之爱Catalyst n.催化剂;接触剂Captivate v.迷住,迷惑Charismatic adj.有超凡魅力的Cholesterol n.胆固醇Coerce v.强制,强迫Collective adj.集合的,共同的Confine v.限制,禁闭Complex n.综合性建筑Compromising adj.妥协的,让步的Commute v.每天往返上班;定期往返于两地间Copious adj.很多的,丰富的Conceive v.构思,以为Conceivable adj.可想象的,可能的Connotation n.涵义,言外之意Conjure v.想象,变出Conjecture n.推测Considerably adv,相当大地Counterpart n.极为相似的人或物,副本;对应物Connoisseur n.鉴赏家Corresponding adj.相应的,通讯的Controversial adj.争论的,争议的Contemplate v.沉思Coupling n.联结,接合,耦合Conceptual adj.概念上的Conductive adj.有助于~的Confront v.面对Congest v.使充满,使拥塞Console v.安慰,慰藉Consumption n.消费;消费量Consensus n.共识,意见一致Consistent adj.始终如一的Controversial adj.有争议的Couch n.睡椅Courtesy n.礼貌Core n.中心Copious adj.丰富的Civic adj.市的,市政的Closeness n.亲密Crucial adj.决定性的Culinary adj.厨房的,厨房用的Curl v.蜷曲Chunk n.大块,相当大的数量Cuisine n.烹饪DDay-to-day adj.日常的,例行的Dean n.院长Debris n.碎石Decent adj.不错的,相当好的Decomposition n.分解,腐败,腐烂Democratic adj.民主的,民主主义的Depravity n.堕落,腐坏Desensitize v.使不敏感Determinative n.起决定性作用的事Detrimental adj.有害的Degradation n.堕落,退化Demographic adj.人口的,人口统计学的Documentary n.纪录片Disc jockey(DJ)电台音乐节目主持人Discern v.洞悉,识别Disheveled adj.不整洁的Distract v.分散~的注意力Dissemination n.分发,传播Dramatically adv.戏剧性地;剧烈地;引人瞩目的Drastically adv.激烈地Dissipate v.驱散Disposal n.布置,安排Disseminate v.散布Discourse n.谈话,讲话Discipline n.修养Disguise n.伪装Dissipate v.消散Divine adj.神的,神圣的Divergent adj.有分歧的,不同的Distinctive adj.与众不同的,有特色的Dramatically adv.极大地Duplicate n.完全相同的东西EEcosystem n.生态系统Elevator n.电梯Etcetera n.附加的人;附加物;等等Etiquette n.礼节Esteem n.尊重;尊敬Enamel n.瓷釉;vt.涂上瓷釉Entertainer n.演艺人员Enduring adj.持久的Engross v.用大字体书写;吸引Endeavor n.努力,尽力Endow v.赋予Enchant adj.使~入迷Ethics n.道德规范,伦理Endorse v.认可,签署Enforce v.实施,执行;强迫Errand n.差事Epitomize v.摘要;成为···缩影Emanate v.散发,发出;发源Embody vt.具体表达,包含Empathy n.通感Empirical adj.根据经验的,实用的Endeavor n,努力,尽力Excel v.优秀,胜过别人Exceptionally adv.格外地,特别地Exceedingly adv.及其,非常Expertise n.专门技能;专门知识Exploitative adj.开发资源的Explicitly adv.明白地Exponentially adv.成指数地,越来越快地Exorbitant adj.昂贵的Exorbitantly adv,过分地Equation n.相等,平衡,综合体Equalizer n.平衡器Elimination n消除Evoke v.唤起,引起FFancy adj.花哨的Fame n.声明,声望Fatal adj.致命的,重大的Flora n.植物Framework n.框架,构架,结构Feat n.技艺,功绩forge v.塑造Foster v.培养Frivolously adv.轻浮地,愚昧地Frivolity n.无聊的东西Fulfilling adj.有成就感的,有满足感的Flawlessly adv.无误地Flavor n.滋味Flip v.快速翻动,轻抛GGaiety n.欢乐的气氛Gear v.使适用于,调整,搭配活动Gesture n.表示Gloat v.心满意足Gracious adj.亲切的,高尚的Grant n.赠款Gospel n.真理Greenery n.草木Gross v.总共赚得Grumble n.怨言v.抱怨Grim adj.严峻的Grinding adj.折磨的HHaggard adj.憔悴的Halt n.停住,止步Hands-on adj.亲身实践的Handcrafted adj.手工的Handmade adj.手工制作的Habitual adj.习惯性的Habitat n.栖息地Hasty adj.轻率的Harness v.掌握Hearty adj.丰盛的Healing adj.有治疗功用的Heavy adj.油腻的Harshly adv.严厉地,苛刻地Hibernation n.冬眠Hindrance n.障碍Hygienic adj.卫生的Humanoid adj.人形的Humble adj.卑微的,微贱的Hectic adj.发热的,兴奋的Heavenly adj.神圣的IIconic adj.图标的Idolize v.极度崇拜Incredibly adv.非常,极端地Indecision n.优柔寡断,犹豫不决Inevitably adv.不可避免地Ingrained adj.根深蒂固的Impulsive adj.冲动的Implement n.工具;器具Immobility n.牢固Inherent adj.内在的,与生俱来Intelligent adj.智能的Intensive adj.集中的Intently adv.专注地,专心的Incorporate v.综合,合并Intricate adj.错综复杂的Intimate adj.亲密的Intensity n.强度Intense adj.极端的Indulge vi.沉溺Ideological adj.意识形态的,思想的Introverted adj.性格内向的;含蓄的Intrinsic adj.内在的,本质的Irrefutably adv.无可辩驳地Interact vi.相互交往Innumerable adj.数不清的,无数的Innocent adj.纯真的Innovation n.改革创新Innovative adj.创新的Irritating adj.令人不愉快的Insight n.见识,见解(+on) Inexpert adj.不熟练的Infamous adj.声名狼藉的Indispensable adj.不可缺少的Inspiration n.灵感Inseminate v.向~授精Immune adj.免疫的Illustrate v.举例说明,阐明Ill adj.卑劣的Impoverish v.使贫穷,使枯竭Impair v.削弱Indicator n.指示器;指示针;指标Intensely adv,剧烈地,热情地Intensive adj.密集的Interrelate v.互相关联Interrupted adj.被中断的Intertwine v.(使)缠绕Intricate adj.错综复杂的Irreconcilable adj.不协调的,矛盾的Inevitably adv,不可避免地Indulge v.迁就JJasmine n.茉莉,素馨,淡黄色Juxtaposition n.毗邻,并置,并列KKinship n.亲密关系LLaminate n.层压板Lavatory n.洗手室,厕所Likelihood n.可能性Logic n.逻辑Lonesome adj.感到寂寞的MMarshland n.沼泽地Metaphysics n.玄学Metropolis n.首都,大都会Metaphor n.隐喻,暗喻,比喻说话Massive adj.厚重的,大块的Maturity n.成熟,到期,完备Manifest v.出现;表明Manual n.手册;指南Maid n.仆人Malevolent adj.有恶意的,坏心肠的Manipulative adj.操纵的,控制的;巧妙处理的Messy adj.凌乱的,杂论的Merit n.优点Memento n.纪念品Monetary adj.货币的,金钱的Migration n.迁徙Misinterpretation n.曲解,误译Mystical adj.神秘的Monotonous adj.单调的,无变化的Mountainous adj.山一般的,巨大的Mode n.方式,样式Myth n.神话NNamely adv.即,也就是Navigate v.航行,航海;驾驶Nomad n.游牧民Nominal adj.金额极小的Norm n.标准,规范Notoriety n.恶名,声名狼藉;名声远扬Notorious adj.声名狼藉的Notoriously adv.臭名昭著地,众所周知地Nicotine n.尼古丁Nuance n.颜色,意义等细微差别OOblivion n.遗忘Occurrence n.事件Off-limits adj.禁止入内的Overall 总的来说Overwhelming adj.压倒性的Overwhelmingly adv.极其Onlooker n.旁观者,观众Outlet n.途径,发泄途径Outperform v.比~做得好PProgrammer n.程序员Partial adj.Parallel n.平行线,平行面Partake v.参加,参与;享受Paycheck n.付薪水的支票;薪水Patriotic adj.爱国的,有爱国心的Parvenu n.暴发户Photosynthesis n.光合作用Pockmark n.痘痕,麻子Poignantly adv.(味觉,嗅觉方面)刺激地Pop n.汽水Postage n.邮资,邮费Posit v.提出以供考虑或研究的建议;假定,认为Porthole n.通道Prevalent adj.普通的;流行的Preoccupy v.使全神贯注,迷住Prickly adj.易怒的Perception n.感知Peer n.同伴,同辈;同等的人;v.盯着看Perfume n.香水Pester v.纠缠Procrastinate v,延迟,耽搁Prophet n.先知,预言家Profound adj.深远的Proficient adj.熟练地,精通的Propose v,建议,向~提议Puberty n.青春期Prominent adj.卓越的,显著的Prolong vt.延长Prosperity n.兴旺,繁盛Precise adj.精确的,准确的Presumptuous adj.自以为是的Preferable adj.可取的Phonograph n.留声机,电唱机Phase n.阶段Phenomenal adj.出众的,非常的Photography n.摄影,摄影术Perspective n.观点,看法;见解,洞察Perceive v.理解,领悟Plague v.折磨,使苦恼Playful adj.活泼的,有趣的Plethora n.过多,过剩Plumbing n.管道装置Prominent adj.突出的,显著的Prudent adj.谨慎的,慎重的Present v.介绍,引荐Publicist n.公共关系顾问Picturesque adj.独特的QQuery n.质问RRatio n.比例,比率Readily adv.容易地Rookie n.新手;新兵Recruit v.聘用Refresh v.使恢复精神Rejuvenate v.使恢复活力Remedy n.补救法Retain v.保持,保留Resounding adj.响亮的Repetitive adj.重复的;反复性的Revelation n.显示,揭露,启示Relevant adj.有实际重要性的Regarding prep.关于~Ripple n.波动,起伏Reject v.否认Resume n.个人简历Reckon v.认为SSanitation n.卫生设备;环境卫生Sanctuary n.避难所Savvy adj.有见识的Savor v.尽情享受Spark v.激发Scrutiny n.详细审查Stationary adj.固定的Stable adj.稳定的Stability n.稳定性Stimulating v.促进Serenity n.平静Sensation n.感情,耸人听闻的Sensible adj.合理的Self-perceived adj.自以为的Soothing adj.平静的Sooth v.使~平静Shed v.流下;流出,发散Showcase n.陈列柜;v.使~展现Slumber n.睡眠Silt n.泥沙Signify v.象征,预示Sizable adj.相当大的Socialize v.交往Solely adv.独自地,单独地;仅仅Solidify v.巩固Sophisticated adj精致的,复杂的,富有经验的Socialization n.交际Spacious adj.宽敞的Spontaneously adv.自然地Sportsmanship n.运动家精神Stimulus n.促进(因素);刺激(物) Stimulating adj.刺激的,有刺激性的Stool n.马桶Subtlety n.微妙Supplement v.辅助Supervise v.监督Surpass v.超越,胜过Sub-culture n.亚文化,次文化Subjective adj.主观的Subconsciously adv.下意识地Sustainability n.可持续性Susceptible adj.易得病的Studious adj.勤学的,认真的Strategy n.策略,计策Steady adj.平稳的,稳定的Sneaker n.运动鞋Succinctly adv.简洁地,简便地Speculation n.思索TTaboo adj.禁忌的,忌讳的Tardy adj.迟到Tantrum n.发怒Tedious adj.单调乏味的Trailer n.追踪者Transpire v.蒸发Tolerance n.宽容Tolerant adj.包容的Topsoil n.地表土Token n.筹码,信物,纪念品Thoughtful adj.善于思考的Toil n.辛苦;苦工Toss v.投掷Thrift n.节俭,节约Thrive v.兴旺,繁荣Titillate v.瘙痒;使愉快Time-honored adj.历史悠久的Turbulent adj.骚动的,动乱的UUnderage adj.未成年的,未到法定年龄的Uncaring adj.漠不关心的,冷漠的Uncouth adj.粗俗的Uninformed adj.未充了解情况的,莽撞的Utilize v.利用Utilitarian adj.实际的Utmost adj.极度的,最大的Unwind v.放松,松弛Ultimately adv.最终地Urinal n.小便处;尿壶Upheaval n.剧变VVancouver n.温哥华Vaccination n.接种疫苗Valid adj.合理的;正确的Venture v.冒险Venue n.审判地,犯罪地点Versatile adj.多方面的Vicious adj.恶意的Vedioconference n.视频会议Visionary n.空想家,梦想者Visualize v.想象出Visibly adv.显然地Vigorous adj.强大的Virtual adj.虚拟的V oice n.发言权Vulnerable adj.脆弱的WWary adj.小心谨慎的Warrant v.授权,证明Wasteland n.废墟Weld v.焊接Westernization n.西化Well-adjusted 有教养的Whence adv&conj.从那里Whereas adj.鉴于,而~ Whatsoever adv.任何地Wield v.支配,掌握,拥有Withstand v.抵御,承受Workout n.体育锻炼;测验XYZ。

托福tpo阅读高频词汇tpo 1

托福tpo阅读高频词汇tpo 1
n. [地理]亚热带
n. [地质]冰水沉积;消融,冲蚀



TPO1:Dramatic 剧烈的,戏剧化的–- striking显著的、突出的、惊人的Prevalent普遍的,常见的–- predictable可预见的Championed 拥护、支持–- SupportedAttributes把。

归于-- ascribesAutonomous自主的、自治的、自发的–independentPenchant倾向、嗜好、趣味-- inclination倾向Incredible令人难以置信的-- UnbelievableOut of sight看不见、在视野之外-- hiddenOverlie 躺在 . 。


上面-- CoverSo much for–That is enough aboutPlugged插入、填满–filled upTPO2:Threatened – endangeredDelicate易碎的、纤弱的–fragile易碎的Progressively渐进的、日益增多的–increasinglyDevoid of没有、缺乏– lacking inPrecious宝贵的、珍贵的–valuableExposed 暴露的–visiblePropulsion推进–moving forwardReadily 轻而易举的–easilyAssistance 帮助–helpExpanded 扩充的、展开的–was enlargedTPO3:Feasible 可行的–achievableEnhance 增加、提高–improveDevised 设计、发明–createdIntegral完整的、必须的–essential基本的、必要的Arduous 艰巨的、困难的–difficultEnsuring 跟随,接下来–subsequentUnprecedented史无前例的–unlike anything in the pastVirtually几乎、实际上、事实上–almostInevitable不可避免的、必然的–unavoidableParticular特别的、特定的–specificGuarantee 保证、确保–ensurePale苍白、使失色–loses significanceAdjacent 相邻–neighbouringTPO4Inhibits阻止,阻拦–restrictsIn the same breath–immediatelyIndefinite period没有限制的时间段–whose end has not been determined Rebound 反弹–recovery恢复Marked 标记的、明显的、显著的–considerablePrincipal主要的–majorTrappings 装饰–decorationAccumulate沉积、聚集、累积–build up增进、积累Adjacent – nearbySloping 倾斜的、斜坡的–incliningFoul弄脏、污染–polluteTPO5:Exhibit显示、显出– showFacilitate促进、帮助、使容易–make easierSuspended悬垂、悬挂– hungAfford给予、提供– offerOverwhelming压倒性的、势不可挡的– powerfulImplements实施、执行、工具–toolsUndisputed无可辩驳的、毫无疑问的–acknowledge广为承认的Significant显著的、重要的– importantRelatively相对地–comparativelyDiversification多样化– emergence of many varieties出现很多种类Promote促进、提升– encourageTPO6:Exploited开采、开发、利用、剥削–utilizedVastly极大地– greatlyGrew accustomed习惯于–became used toRetained 保留、保持–maintainedRudimentary 基本的、初步的–basicMeticulously仔细地–carefullyEndure忍耐、耐久–survived存活,从。



单词频率音标释义occur15[ə'kɜː]vi. 发生;出现sediment14['sedɪm(ə)nt]n. 沉积;沉淀物relatively14['relətɪvlɪ]adv. 相对地,比较地deposit13[dɪ'pɒzɪt]n. 沉淀物,存款 v. 沉淀;存放invoke13[ɪn'vəʊk]vt. 引起;恳求primarily12['praɪm(ə)rɪlɪ]adv. 首要地,根本上organism12['ɔːg(ə)nɪz(ə)m]n. 生物体;微生物emerge11[ɪ'mɜːdʒ]vi.出现,浮现contain11[kən'teɪn]vi. 含有,包含identify11[aɪ'dentɪfaɪ]vt. 确定;识别occupy10['ɒkjʊpaɪ]v. 占据,占领extensive10[ɪk'stensɪv]adj. 广泛的;广阔的virtually10['vɜːtjʊəlɪ]adv. 事实上,实质上reveal10[rɪ'viːl]v. 揭露;暴露originate10[ə'rɪdʒɪneɪt]vi. 发源;创作available9[ə'veɪləb(ə)l]adj. 有效的,可利用的estimate9['estɪmeɪt]v. 估计,估价dominant9['dɒmɪnənt]adj. 显性的;占优势的,支配的considerable9[kən'sɪd(ə)rəb(ə)adj. 相当大的;重要的evolve9[ɪ'vɒlv]v. 发展,进化favorable8['feɪvərəbl]adj. 有利的;良好的;讨人喜欢的original8[ə'rɪdʒɪn(ə)l]n. 原件;原型 a dj. 原始的;最初的;独创的expansion8[ɪk'spænʃ(ə)n]n. 膨胀;扩张物nutrient8['njuːtrɪənt]n. 营养物;滋养物 a dj. 营养的;滋养的device8[dɪ'vaɪs]n. 装置various8['veərɪəs]adj. 各种各样的;多方面的visual8['vɪʒjʊəl]adj. 视觉的,视力的enhance8[ɪn'hɑːns]vt. 提高;加强construction8[kən'strʌkʃ(ə)n]n. 建设;建筑物massive8['mæsɪv]adj. 大量的;巨大的generate8['dʒenəreɪt]vt. 使形成;发生constantly8['kɒnst(ə)ntlɪ]adv. 不断地tend to7易于;有…的倾向consist of7由…构成define7[dɪ'faɪn]vt. 定义;使明确contribute to7[kənˈtrɪbjut tu]有助于;捐献previously7['priviəsli]adv. 以前;预先climatic7[klaɪ'mætɪk]adj. 气候的;气候上的potential7[pəˈtenʃl]n. 潜能 a dj. 潜在的;可能的vegetation7[vedʒɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n]n. 植被;植物,草木accumulate7[ə'kjuːmjʊleɪt]v. 累积;积聚expose7[ɪk'spəʊz; ek-]vt. 揭露,使曝光detect7[dɪ'tekt]vt. 发现;探测adaptation7[ædəp'teɪʃ(ə)n]n. 适应;改编substance7['sʌbst(ə)ns]n. 物质;实质primary7['praɪm(ə)rɪ]adj. 主要的;基本的attempt to7企图;试图做某事predator7['predətə]n. 捕食者;掠夺者preserve7[prɪ'zɜːv]v. 保存;保护observe7[əb'zɜːv]vi. 观察,注意到concentration7[kɒns(ə)n'treɪʃ(ə)n. 集合;专心exploit7[ɪk'splɒɪt]vt. 开发,开采composition7[kɒmpə'zɪʃ(ə)n]n. 作文,构成penetrate7['penɪtreɪt]vt. 渗透;穿透route7[ruːt]n. 路线;航线shift7[ʃɪft]n. 移动;变化 v. 移动;转变inhabitant7[ɪn'hæbɪt(ə)nt]n. 居民;居住者maintain7[meɪn'teɪn; mən'vt. 维持;维修internal7[ɪn'tɜːn(ə)l]adj. 内部的;内在的productivity7[prɒdʌk'tɪvɪtɪ]n. 生产力surplus7['sɜːpləs]n. 剩余;盈余 a dj. 剩余的;过剩的diversity6[daɪ'vɜːsɪtɪ]n. 多样化melt6[melt]n. 熔化 v. 熔化,溶解refine6[rɪ'faɪn]vt. 精炼,提纯accompany6[ə'kʌmpənɪ]v. 陪伴,伴奏modify6['mɒdɪfaɪ]vt. 修改,修饰alternative6[ɔːl'tɜːnətɪv]n. 供替代的选择 a dj. 供选择的;选择性的sufficient6[sə'fɪʃ(ə)nt]adj. 足够的;充分的abundant6[ə'bʌnd(ə)nt]adj. 丰富的;充裕的subsequent6['sʌbsɪkw(ə)nt]adj. 后来的,随后的capacity6[kə'pæsɪtɪ]n. 能力;容量cultivation6[kʌltɪ'veɪʃn]n. 培养;耕作erosion6[ɪ'rəʊʒ(ə)n]n. 侵蚀,腐蚀severe6[sɪ'vɪə]adj. 严峻的;严厉的prior to6在……之前ancestor6['ænsestə]n. 始祖,祖先enormous6[iˈnɔ:məs]adj. 巨大的,庞大的dominate6['dɒmɪneɪt]v. 占优势;处于支配地位decline6[dɪ'klaɪn]v/n. 下降;衰退transform6[træns'fɔːm]v. 改变,变换observation6[ɒbzə'veɪʃ(ə)n]n. 观察property6['prɒpətɪ]n. 财产;所有权access6['鎘ses]n. 进入 v t. 使用;接近religious6[rɪ'lɪdʒəs]adj. 宗教的dense6[dens]adj. 稠密的;浓厚的expand6[ɪk'spænd]vt. 扩张;使膨胀;展开assume6[ə'sjuːm]vt. 承担;假定sequence6['siːkw(ə)ns]n. 序列;顺序continuous6[kən'tɪnjʊəs]adj. 连续的,持续的distinctive6[dɪ'stɪŋ(k)tɪv]adj. 有特色的,与众不同的episode6['epɪsəʊd]n. 插曲;一段情节boundary6['baʊnd(ə)rɪ]n. 边界;分界线retreat6[rɪ'triːt]v/n. 撤退variation6[veərɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n]n. 变化;变异propose5[prə'pəʊz]v. 建议;打算characteristic5[kærəktə'rɪstɪk]n. 特征;特性 a dj. 典型的;特有的function5['fʌŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n]n. 功能;职责saturate5['sætʃəreɪt]adj. 浸透的,饱和的 v t. 浸透,使饱和precipitation5[prɪ,sɪpɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n]n. 沉淀particle5['pɑːtɪk(ə)l]n. 颗粒;质点volume5['vɒljuːm]n. 量;体积 a dj. 大量的dissolve5[dɪ'zɒlv]v. 溶解;解散;消失proportion5[prə'pɔːʃ(ə)n]n. 比例;部分tension5['tenʃ(ə)n]n. 张力,拉力;紧张 v t. 使紧张;使拉紧vary5['veərɪ]vi. 变化;改变evaporate5[ɪ'væpəreɪt]v. 蒸发,挥发livestock5['laɪvstɒk]n. 牲畜;家畜density5['densɪtɪ]n. 密度visible5[ˈvɪzəbl]adj. 明显的;看得见的assemble5[ə'semb(ə)l]vt. 集合,装配withstand5[wɪð'stænd]v. 抵挡;禁得起;反抗vital5['vaɪt(ə)l]adj. 至关重要的;有活力的span5[sp鎛]n. 跨度,跨距 v. 跨越adopt5[ə'dɒpt] vt. 采取;收养impressive5[ɪm'presɪv]adj. 给人以深刻印象的promising5['prɒmɪsɪŋ]adj. 有希望的,有前途的solution5[sə'luːʃ(ə)n]n. 解决方案;溶液fragile5['frædʒaɪl]adj. 脆的;易碎的succession5[sək'seʃ(ə)n]n. 连续;继位;演替refer to5参考;指的是survival5[sə'vaɪv(ə)l]n. 幸存(者),残存depict5[dɪ'pɪkt]vt. 描述;描画consistent5[kən'sɪst(ə)nt]adj. 始终如一的,一致的drift5[drɪft]n. 漂流 v. 漂流,漂泊manufacture5[mænjʊ'fæktʃə]n. 制造;制造业absorb5[əb'zɔːb]vt. 吸收;使…全神贯注accumulation5[əkjuːmjʊ'leɪʃ(ə)n n. 累加facilitate5[fə'sɪlɪteɪt]vt. 促进;帮助approach5[ə'prəʊtʃ]n. 方法;途径 v. 接近;着手处理promote5[prə'məʊt]vt. 促进;提升reliable5[rɪ'laɪəb(ə)l]adj. 可靠的;可信赖的account for5对…做出解释terrestrial5[tə'restrɪəl]adj. 地球的;陆地的innovation5[ɪnə'veɪʃ(ə)n]n. 创新,革新productive5[prə'dʌktɪv]adj. 生产的,多产的occasionally5[ə'keɪʒ(ə)n(ə)lɪ ]adv. 偶尔;间或division5[dɪ'vɪʒ(ə)n]n. 部门;分割annual5['ænjʊəl]adj. 每年一次的disperse5[dɪ'spɜːs]v. 分散;使散开;传播interaction5[ɪntər'ækʃ(ə)n]n. 相互作用;交互作用evaporation5[ɪ,væpə'reɪʃən]n. 蒸发;消失collapse5[kə'læps]n. 倒塌;失败 v. 倒塌;崩溃permanent5['pɜːm(ə)nənt]adj. 永久的,永恒的dramatic4[drə'mætɪk]adj. 戏剧的;引人注目的slope4[sləʊp]n. 斜坡;倾斜;vertical4['vɜːtɪk(ə)l]adj. 垂直的,直立的semiarid4[,sem(a)ɪ'ærɪd]a dj. 半干旱的moisture4['mɒɪstʃə]n. 水分;潮湿elevation4[,elɪ'veɪʃ(ə)n]n. 高地;海拔graze4[greɪz]vi. 吃草;擦伤 n. 放牧;轻擦sufficiently4[sə'fɪʃəntlɪ]adv. 充分地;足够地striking4['straɪkɪŋ]adj. 显著的,惊人的equatorial4[,ekwə'tɔːrɪəl]adj. (近)赤道的take advantage 4利用,占…的便宜ritual4['rɪtʃʊəl]n. 仪式 adj. 仪式的perceive4[pə'siːv]v. 察觉,感觉explore4[ɪk'splɔː]v. 探索;探测;探险emergence4[ɪ'mɜːdʒ(ə)ns]n. 出现lava4['lɑːvə]n. 火山岩浆cavity4['kævɪtɪ]n. 腔;洞ecological4[iːkə'lɒdʒɪk(ə)l]adj. 生态的,生态学的specific4[spə'sɪfɪk]n. 特性 a dj. 特定的;明确的;详细的vast4[vɑːst]adj. 巨大的;大量的susceptible4[sə'septɪb(ə)l]adj. 易受影响的;易感动的vulnerable4['vʌln(ə)rəb(ə)l]a dj. 易受攻击的;易受伤害的adjust to4调节;调整以适应intermediate4[,ɪntə'miːdɪət]n. 媒介 adj. 中间的embed4[ɪm'bed; em-]vt. 栽种;使嵌入,使深留脑中yield4[jiːld]n. 产量 v. 屈服;出产scarce4[skeəs]adj. 缺乏的,不足的initial4[ɪ'nɪʃəl]adj. 最初的retain4[rɪ'teɪn]v. 保持portion4['pɔːʃ(ə)n]n. 部分;一份shallow4['ʃæləʊ]adj. 浅的format4['fɔːmæt]n. 格式;版式combine4[kəm'baɪn]v. 结合;化合component4[kəm'pəʊnənt]n. 成分;组件enclose4[ɪn'kləʊz]vt. 围绕;(装入)封套dramatically4[drə'mætɪkəlɪ]adv. 戏剧地;引人注目地a variety of4种种;各种各样的…pattern4['pæt(ə)n]n. 样式;样品release4[rɪ'liːs]v. 释放stretch4[stretʃ]v. 伸展,延伸destruction4[dɪ'strʌkʃ(ə)n]n. 破坏,毁灭explosion4[ɪk'spləʊʒ(ə)n]n. 爆炸;爆发individual4[ɪndɪ'vɪdjʊ(ə)l]n. 个人,个体 a dj. 个人的consume4[kən'sjuːm]v. 消耗,消费excavate4['ekskəveɪt]v. 挖掘;发掘engrave4[ɪn'greɪv]vt. 雕刻;铭记conduct4['kɒndʌkt]n. 行为 v t. 引导;导电,表现consciously4['kɔnʃəsli]adv. 自觉地;有意识地principal4['prɪnsəp(ə)l]adj. 主要的 n. 首长organic4[ɔː'gænɪk]adj. 有机的;器官的justify4['dʒʌstɪfaɪ]vt. 证明…是正当的continental4[kɒntɪ'nent(ə)l]adj. 大陆的substantial4[səb'stænʃ(ə)l]adj. 大量的;实质的mineral4['mɪn(ə)r(ə)l]n. 矿物 a dj. 矿物的;矿质的tissue4['tɪsjuː]n. 组织;纸巾tropical4['trɒpɪk(ə)l]adj. 热带的scatter4['skætə]v. 分散,散开arise4[ə'raɪz]vi. 出现;上升;起义proceed4[prə'siːd]vi. 继续进行,开始silt4[sɪlt]n. 淤泥,泥沙fertile4['fɜːtaɪl]adj. 富饶的,肥沃的military4['mɪlɪt(ə)rɪ]n. 军队;军人 a dj. 军事的;军人的rural4['rʊər(ə)l]adj. 农村的,乡下的complexity4[kəm'pleksətɪ]n. 复杂,复杂性prosperous4['prɒsp(ə)rəs]adj. 繁荣的;兴旺的fluctuation4[,flʌktʃʊ'eɪʃ(ə)n; -n. 起伏,波动hypothesis4[haɪ'pɒθɪsɪs]n. 假设initially4[ɪ'nɪʃ(ə)lɪ]adv. 最初,首先;开头conventional4[kən'venʃ(ə)n(ə)l adj. 传统的;惯例的abundance4[ə'bʌnd(ə)ns]n. 充裕,丰富imply4[ɪm'plaɪ]vt. 意味;暗示coastal4['kəʊstl]adj. 沿海的;海岸的random4['rændəm]n. 随意;随机 a dj.随机的;任意的classify4['klæsɪfaɪ]vt. 分类;分等notably4['nəʊtəblɪ]adv. 显著地;尤其stimulate4['stɪmjʊleɪt]vt. 刺激;激励vessel4['ves(ə)l]n. 脉管,血管;容器interval4['ɪntəv(ə)l]n. 间隔;间距merchant4['mɜːtʃ(ə)nt]n. 商人4以…为代价;at the expense omechanism4['mek(ə)nɪz(ə)m]n. 机制;机械装置precise4[prɪ'saɪs]adj. 精确的;明确的reproductive4[,riːprə'dʌktɪv]adj. 生殖的,繁殖的derive4[dɪ'raɪv]v. 源于;得自inadequate4[ɪn'ædɪkwət]adj. 不充分的,不适当的commercial4[kə'mɜːʃ(ə)l]adj. 商业的considerably4[kən'sɪd(ə)rəblɪ]adv. 相当地;非常地multiple4['mʌltɪpl]n. 倍数 a dj. 多重的;多样的association4[əsəʊsɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n; -n. 协会,联盟implication4[ɪmplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]n. 含义;暗示presumably4[prɪ'zjuːməblɪ]adv. 大概;推测起来forage4['fɒrɪdʒ]n. 饲料;草料 v. 搜寻粮草previous4['priːvɪəs]adj. 以前的;早先的transfer4[træns'fɜː; trɑːns v. 转移,转让switch4[swɪθ]v. 转换adaptive4[ə'dæptɪv]adj. 适应的,适合的distribute4[dɪ'strɪbjuːt; 'dɪst vt. 分配;散布invade4[ɪn'veɪd]v. 侵略;侵犯medium4['miːdɪəm]n. 方法;媒介 a dj. 中间的,中等的diminish4[dɪ'mɪnɪʃ]v. 减少,缩小efficient4[ɪ'fɪʃ(ə)nt]n. 效率;效能extreme3[ɪk'striːm]adj. 极端的;极度的;偏激的 n. 极端;twist3[twɪst]v. 扭动;弯曲 n. 扭曲;扭伤latitude3['lætɪtjuːd]n. 纬度origin3['ɒrɪdʒɪn]n. 起源;出身entertainment3[entə'teɪnm(ə)nt]n. 娱乐;款待aesthetic3[iːs'θetɪk]adj. 美的;美学的gradually3['grædʒʊlɪ]adv. 逐步地;渐渐地fundamental3[fʌndə'ment(ə)l]adj. 基本的,根本的seek to3争取;力图rely on3依靠,依赖appear to3似乎,好像cease to3停止circulate3['sɜːkjʊleɪt]v. 传播,流传;循环tiny3['taɪnɪ]adj. 微小的;很少的glacial3['gleɪʃ(ə)l]adj. 冰川的;冰冷的drain3[dreɪn]n. 排水;下水道,排水管 v. 排水;流干water table3地下水位impact3['ɪmpækt]n. 影响;冲击 v. 冲击;产生影响accomplish3[ə'kʌmplɪʃ]vt. 完成;实现drainage3['dreɪnɪdʒ]n. 排水;排水系统tremendous3[trɪ'mendəs]adj. 极大的,巨大的remain3[rɪ'meɪn]n. 遗迹;残骸(s) v. 保持;剩余reconstruct3[riːkən'strʌkt]vt. 重建;改造conceal3[kən'siːl]vt. 隐藏;隐瞒spectator3[spek'teɪtə]n. 观众;旁观者appropriate3[ə'prəʊprɪət]adj. 适当的symbolic3[sɪm'bɒlɪk]adj. 象征的;符号的utilize3['ju:tilaiz]vt. 利用texture3['tekstʃə]n. 质地;纹理;结构element3['elɪm(ə)nt]n. 元素;要素client3['klaɪənt]n. 客户;委托人contemporary3[kən'temp(ə)r(ər)adj. 当代的;同时代的objective3[əb'dʒektɪv]n. 目的;目标 a dj. 客观的;目标的comparable3['kɒmp(ə)rəb(ə)l]adj. 可比较的;比得上的separate3['sep(ə)reɪt]vt./vi.(使)分离;(使)分居interior3[ɪn'tɪɜːrɪə]adj. 内部的,内在的originally3[əˈrɪdʒənəli]adv. 最初,起初segment3['segm(ə)nt]n. 段;部分extensively3[ik'stensivli]adv. 广阔地;广大地depletion3[dɪ'pliːʃn]n. 消耗;损耗drastically3['dræstikəli]adv. 彻底地;激烈地drill3[drɪl]n. 训练;钻孔机 v. 钻孔;训练;genetic3[dʒɪ'netɪk]adj. 遗传的;基因的extend3[ɪk'stend; ek-]vi. 延伸;伸展inhabit3[ɪn'hæbɪt]v. 栖息;居住于encounter3[ɪn'kaʊntə]vi. 遭遇;偶然相遇intensity3[ɪn'tensɪtɪ]n. 强度;强烈critical3['krɪtɪk(ə)l]adj. 批评的,批判的plentiful3['plentɪfʊl]adj. 丰富的;许多的resistant3[rɪ'zɪstənt]adj. 抵抗的,反抗的 n. 抵抗者settle3['set(ə)l]v. 定居transport3[træn'spɔːt]v/n. 运输disturbance3[dɪ'stɜːb(ə)ns]n. 干扰;骚乱associate3[ə'səʊʃɪeɪt]vi. 交往;联合intact3[ɪn'tækt]adj. 完整的;原封不动的invasion3[ɪn'veɪʒ(ə)n]n. 入侵,侵犯resistance3[rɪ'zɪst(ə)ns]n. 阻力;电阻;抵抗;tolerate3['tɒləreɪt]vt. 忍受;宽恕branch3[brɑːn(t)ʃ]n. 树枝,分枝expedition3[ekspɪ'dɪʃ(ə)n]n. 远征fluctuate3['flʌktʃʊeɪt]v. 波动;动摇habitat3['hæbɪtæt]n. 栖息地,产地profound3[prə'faʊnd]adj. 深厚的;意义深远的interpret3[ɪn'tɜ:prɪt]vi. 解释;说明represent3[reprɪ'zent]v. 代表reflect3[rɪ'flekt]v. 反映;深思be capable of3能够plastic3['plæstɪk]n. 塑料制品 a dj. 塑料的;signal3['sɪgn(ə)l]n. 信号 a dj. 显著的;作为信号的 v. 发信号trap3[tr鎝]n. 陷阱;圈套 v. 诱捕;设陷阱die out3灭绝;消失normally3['nɔːm(ə)lɪ]adv. 正常地,一般地deficient3[dɪ'fɪʃ(ə)nt]adj. 不足的;有缺陷的exhibit3[ɪg'zɪbɪt]v. 展览;显示toxic3['tɒksɪk]adj. 有毒的;中毒的investigation3[ɪn,vestɪ'geɪʃ(ə)n n. 调查;调查研究excavation3[ekskə'veɪʃ(ə)n]n. 挖掘,发掘domesticate3[də'mestɪkeɪt]vt. 驯养;教化;引进infer3[ɪn'fɜː]v. 推断;推论colonize3['kɔlənaiz]v. 开拓殖民地;移居于殖民地maritime3['mærɪtaɪm]adj.海事的,海的migration3[maɪ'greɪʃ(ə)n]n. 迁移;移民navigate3['nævɪgeɪt]vt. 航行,航空prevail3[prɪ'veɪl]v. 流行;获胜decomposition3[,diːkɒmpə'zɪʃn]n. 分解,腐烂distribution3[dɪstrɪ'bjuːʃ(ə)n]n. 分布;分配slightly3['slaɪtlɪ]adv. 些微地,轻微地availability3[ə,veɪlə'bɪlətɪ]n. 可用性;有效性harness3['hɑːnɪs]v. 治理eliminate3[ɪ'lɪmɪneɪt]vt. 消除;排除consumption3[kən'sʌm(p)ʃ(ə)n n. 消费;消耗merely3['mɪəlɪ]adv. 仅仅,只不过principle3['prɪnsɪp(ə)l]n. 原理,原则textile3['tekstaɪl]n. 纺织品,织物distinguish3[dɪ'stɪŋgwɪʃ]vt. 区分;辨别;使杰出extinction3[ɪk'stɪŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n; e n. 消失;灭绝temporal3['temp(ə)r(ə)l]adj. 暂时的;当时的;现世的n. 转化;转换transformation3[trænsfə'meɪʃ(ə)nextract3[ˈekstrækt]n. 摘录;选粹 v. 提取;榨取,摘录geologic3[,dʒɪəʊ'lɒdʒɪk]adj. 地质的;地质学上的abruptly3[ə'brʌptli]adv. 突然地;唐突地fragment3['frægm(ə)nt]n. 碎片;片断或不完整部分investigate3[ɪn'vestɪgeɪt]v. 调查;研究spectacular3[spek'tækjʊlə]adj. 壮观的,惊人的tolerant3['tɒl(ə)r(ə)nt]adj. 宽容的;容忍的cohesive3[kəʊ'hiːsɪv]adj. 有结合力的;紧密结合的administration3[ədmɪnɪ'streɪʃ(ə)n. 管理;实施;行政机构conquest3['kɒŋkwest]n. 征服,战胜apply to3适用于;应用于lie in3在于…adapt3[ə'dæpt]v. 使适应;改编spread3[spred]v. 传播;伸展subsequently3['sʌbsɪkwəntlɪ]adv. 随后,后来eruption3[ɪ'rʌpʃ(ə)n]n. 爆发,喷发commodity3[kə'mɒdɪtɪ]n. 商品,日用品indicate3['ɪndɪkeɪt]v. 表明;指出tectonic3[tek'tɒnɪk]adj. 构造的;构造上的polar3['pəʊlə]n. 极 a dj. 极地的;两极的version3['vɜːʃ(ə)n]n. 版本barrier3['bærɪə]n. 障碍,屏障inhospitable3[,ɪnhɒ'spɪtəb(ə)l;adj. 荒凉的;冷淡的,不好客的reflection3[rɪ'flekʃ(ə)n]n. 反映;沉思discipline3['dɪsɪplɪn]n. 纪律;惩罚;纪律systematic3[sɪstə'mætɪk]adj. 体系的;有系统的tendency3['tend(ə)nsɪ]n. 倾向,趋势immediate3[ɪ'miːdɪət]adj. 立即的barren3['bær(ə)n]adj. 贫瘠的concentrated3['kɒnsntreɪtɪd]adj. 集中的;全神贯注的prolonged3[prə'lɒŋd]adj. 延长的;拖延的;assist3[ə'sɪst]vt. 帮助constitute3['kɒnstɪtjuːt]vt. 组成,构成;建立measurable3['meʒ(ə)rəb(ə)l]adj. 可测量的;重要的equivalent3[ɪ'kwɪv(ə)l(ə)nt]a dj. 等价的,同等的static3['stætɪk]adj. 静态的;静电的orientation3[,ɔːrɪən'teɪʃ(ə)n; ,n. 方向;定向alter3['ɔːltə; 'ɒl-]v. 改变,更改rotate3[rə(ʊ)'teɪt]v. 旋转;循环regarding3[rɪ'gɑːdɪŋ]prep. 关于,至于serve as3担任…,起…的作用delivery3[dɪ'lɪv(ə)rɪ]n. 【贸易】交付;分娩favor3['feɪvə]v/n. 喜爱,喜欢impose3[ɪm'pəʊz]vt. 强加;征税predation3[prɪ'deɪʃ(ə)n]n. 捕食;掠夺dominance3['dɒmɪnəns]n. 优势;统治;支配simultaneous3[,sɪm(ə)l'teɪnɪəs]adj. 同时的;同时发生的suppress3[sə'pres]vt. 抑制;镇压depression3[dɪ'preʃ(ə)n]n. 沮丧;萧条fracture3['fræktʃə]v/n. 破裂,断裂sustain3[sə'steɪn]v. 维持;支撑;承担uneven3[ʌn'iːv(ə)n]adj. 不均匀的;不平坦的distinction3[dɪ'stɪŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n]n. 区别;差别secondary3['sek(ə)nd(ə)rɪ]a dj.中等的;次要的regulate3['regjʊleɪt]v. 调节,规定unpredictable3[ʌnprɪ'dɪktəb(ə)l]adj. 不可预知的;不定的hereditary3[hɪ'redɪt(ə)rɪ]adj. 遗传的;世袭的pastoralism3['pæstərəlizm]n. 牧歌体;田园主义territory3['terɪt(ə)rɪ]n. 领域;地域periodically3[,pɪərɪ'ɒdɪkəlɪ]adv. 定期地;周期性地exceed3[ɪk'siːd; ek-]v. 超过;胜过continent3['kɒntɪnənt]n. 大陆,陆地compact3[kəm'pækt]adj. 紧密的;紧凑的radiation3[reɪdɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n]n. 辐射herbivore3['hɜːbɪvɔː]n.食草动物perish3['perɪʃ]vi. 死亡;毁灭;腐烂widespread3['waɪdspred; -'sp adj. 普遍的,广泛的give rise to3引起aggressive3[ə'gresɪv]adj. 侵略性的;有闯劲的potentially3[pə'tɛnʃəli]adv. 可能地,潜在地specialization3[,speʃəlaɪ'zeɪʃən]n. 专门化;特殊化export3[ɪk'spɔːt; ek-; 'ek v/n. 输出,出口confirm3[kən'fɜːm]vt. 确认;证实predict3[prɪ'dɪkt]v. 预报,预言settlement3['set(ə)lm(ə)nt]n. 解决,处理temperate3['temp(ə)rət]adj. 温和的;适度的;有节制的remarkable3[rɪ'mɑːkəb(ə)l]adj. 卓越的;非凡的archaeological3[,ɑ:kiə'lɔdʒikəl]adj. 考古学的dwelling3['dwelɪŋ]n. 住处;寓所sedentary3['sed(ə)nt(ə)rɪ]adj. 久坐的;坐惯的;定栖的;静坐的possession3[pə'zeʃ(ə)n]n. 拥有;财产molten3['məʊlt(ə)n]adj. 熔化的;炽热的reservoir3['rezəvwɑ: (r)]n. 水库;蓄水池germinate3['dʒɜːmɪneɪt]v. 发芽;生长roughly3['rʌflɪ]adv. 粗糙地;概略地numerous3['njuːm(ə)rəs]adj. 许多的,很多的restrict3[rɪ'strɪkt]v. 限制;约束script3[skrɪpt]n. 文本;手迹accustomed to3习惯于mechanical3[mɪ'kænɪk(ə)l]adj. 机械的;力学的primitive3['prɪmɪtɪv]adj. 原始的,远古的collective3[kə'lektɪv]adj. 集体的;共同的shrub2[ʃrʌb]n. 灌木;灌木丛herb2[hɜːb]n. 香草,药草tropics2['trɒpɪks]n. 热带地区deform2[dɪ'fɔːm]vi./vt. (使)变形particularly2[pə'tɪkjʊləlɪ]adv. 特别地;详细地duration2[djʊ'reɪʃ(ə)n]n. 持续ridge2[rɪdʒ]n. 山脊;山脉;屋脊velocity2[vəˈlɒsəti]n. 速率,速度;迅速cessation2[se'seɪʃ(ə)n]n. 停止;中止;中断evident2['evɪd(ə)nt]adj. 明显的altitude2['æltɪtjuːd]n. 高度;(等级和地位等的)高级browse2[braʊz]vt.浏览;吃草 n. 浏览;吃草mature2[mə'tʃʊə(r)]adj. 成熟的;充分考虑的prevalent2['prev(ə)l(ə)nt]adj. 流行的;普遍的at the edge of2在边缘speculation2[,spekjʊ'leɪʃn]n. 投机;推测;思索desirable2[dɪ'zaɪərəb(ə)l]adj. 令人满意的;值得要的occurence2[əˈkʌrəns]n. 出现,发生desire2[dɪ'zaɪə]n. 欲望;心愿 v. 想要,渴望ceremony2['serɪmənɪ]n. 典礼,仪式representative2[reprɪ'zentətɪv]n. 代表;典型 a dj. 典型的,有代表性的replace2[rɪ'pleɪs]vt. 取代,代替concern2[kən'sɜːn]vt. 涉及,担心,关心recall2[rɪ'kɔːl]vt. 召回;回想起 n. 召回;回忆feat2[fiːt]n. 功绩,壮举imitation2[ɪmɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n]n. 模仿,仿造theorize2['θɪəraɪz]v. 建立理论或学说fulfill2[ful'fil]vt. 履行;实现;满足fantasy2['fæntəsɪ]n. 幻想 adj. 虚幻的instinct2['ɪnstɪŋ(k)t]n. 本能,天性attribute to2把…归因于by no means2决不be aware of2意识到,知道relate to2有关,涉及pebble2['peb(ə)l]n. 卵石unconsolidated2['ʌnkən'sɔlideitid adj. 疏松的;松散的gravel2['græv(ə)l]n. 碎石;砂砾smooth2[smuːð]adj. 光滑的;平稳的bury2['berɪ]vt. 埋葬;隐藏pore2[pɔː]n. 气孔;小孔plug2[plʌg]n. 插头;塞子 v t. 插入;塞住loose2[luːs]adj. 宽松的volcanic2[vɒl'kænɪk]n. 火山岩 a dj. 火山的;猛烈的bubble2['bʌb(ə)l]n. 气泡,泡沫 v. 沸腾,冒泡porosity2[pɔː'rɒsɪtɪ]n. 有孔性,多孔性permeability2[pɜːmɪə'bɪlɪtɪ]n. 渗透性crevice2['krevɪs]n. 裂缝;裂隙in the form of2以…的形式soak into2渗透入threaten2['θret(ə)n]v. 威胁;恐吓reject2[rɪ'dʒekt]v. 拒绝;抵制decade2['dekeɪd]n. 十年stabalize2['steɪbəlaɪz]v. 使稳固,使安定predictable2[prɪ'dɪktəb(ə)l]adj. 可预言的gather2['gæðə]vt. 收集;聚集crustal2['krʌstəl]adj. 壳的;地壳的underlying2[ʌndə'laɪɪŋ]adj. 潜在的;下层的insufficient2[ɪnsə'fɪʃ(ə)nt]adj. 不足的,不充足的reverse2[rɪ'vɜːs]adj. 反面的;颠倒的 v. 颠倒enforce2[ɪn'fɔːs; en-]vt. 强迫,强制deterioration2[dɪ,tɪərɪə'reɪʃn]n. 恶化;退化necessitate2[nɪ'sesɪteɪt]vt. 使成为必需,需要respond to2响应be likely to do2很有可能disguise2[dɪs'gaɪz]v.伪装marine2[mə'riːn] adj.海洋的的,海运的precious2['preʃəs]adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的enlarge2[ɪn'lɑːdʒ; en-]v. 扩大;增大locate2[lə(ʊ)'keɪt]v. 定位;位于link2[lɪŋk]n. 联系 v. 连接;结合feed on2[fid ɑn]v. 以...为食;以...为能源be filled with2被……充满project2['prɒdʒekt]n. 工程;事业approximately2[ə'prɒksɪmətlɪ]adv. 大约,近似地readily2['redɪlɪ]adv. 容易地;乐意地purchase2['pɜ:tʃəs]v. 购买maximize2['m鎘simaiz]vt. 取…最大值,使最大化ultimate2['ʌltɪmət]adj. 最终的content2[kən'tent]n. 内容,目录participation2[pɑː,tɪsɪ'peɪʃn]n. 参与,参加dimension2[dɪ'menʃ(ə)n]n. 尺寸;容积,【数】维by means of2用,依靠employ2[ɪm'plɒɪ]vt. 采用;雇用analyze2['ænə,laɪz]vt. 对…进行分析gravity2['grævɪtɪ]n. 重力,地心引力combination2[kɒmbɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n]n. 结合;组合progress2['prəʊgres]v/n. 进步,发展integral2['ɪntɪgr(ə)l]adj. 完整的,整体的horizontal2[hɒrɪ'zɒnt(ə)l]adj. 水平的;地平线的divert2[daɪ'vɜːt; dɪ-]vt. 转移blocks of2块in relation to2关于;涉及periodic2[,pɪərɪ'ɒdɪk]adj. 周期的;定期的obtain2[əb'teɪn]v. 获得ensuing2[ɛnˈsjuɪŋ]adj. 接著发生的formation2[fɔː'meɪʃ(ə)n]n. 形成;构造grandiose2['grændɪəʊs]adj. 宏伟的;堂皇的inevitable2[ɪn'evɪtəb(ə)l]adj. 必然的,不可避免的compress2[kəm'pres]vt. 压缩,精简conserve2[kən'sɜːv]vt. 保存currently2['kʌrəntlɪ]adv. 当前;一般地profitable2['prɒfɪtəb(ə)l]adj. 有利可图的;有益的pump2[pʌmp]n. 泵,抽水机 v. 打气;抽水recharge2[riː'tʃɑːdʒ]v. 再充电;再袭击replenish2[rɪ'plenɪʃ]vt. 补充,再装满scheme2[skiːm]n. 计划;体制spray2[spreɪ]n. 喷雾;喷雾器 v. 喷射;喷tap2[t鎝]n. 水龙头;轻打 v. 轻拍;轻击unprecedented2[ʌn'presɪdentɪd]adj. 空前的;无前例的be convinced of2确信be dependent on2依靠;取决于guarantee2[gær(ə)n'tiː]v/n. 保证;担保ecosystem2['iːkəʊsɪstəm]n. 生态系统extinct2[ɪk'stɪŋkt]v.灭绝 adj.灭绝的,绝种的uniform2['juːnɪfɔːm]adj. 统一的;均衡的complicated2['kɒmplɪkeɪtɪd]adj. 难懂的,复杂的climax2['klaɪmæks]n. 高潮;顶点long-lasting2[lɒŋ 'lɑ:stɪŋ]adj. 持久的particular2[pəˈtɪkjələ(r)]adj. 特别的;独有的annually2['ænjʊəlɪ; 'ænjʊlɪadv. 每年一次biotic2[baɪ'ɒtɪk]adj. 生物的;有关生命的feed2[fiːd]v. 喂养;饲养extermination2[ik,stə:mi'neiʃən]n. 消灭;根绝inhibit2[ɪn'hɪbɪt]vt. 抑制;禁止markedly2['mɑːkɪdlɪ]adv. 明显地;显著地protein2['prəʊtiːn]n. 蛋白质rebound2[rɪ'baʊnd]n. 回弹 v. 回升;弹回reduction2[rɪ'dʌkʃ(ə)n]n. 减少;下降starvation2[stɑː'veɪʃn]n. 饿死;挨饿succulent2['sʌkjʊl(ə)nt]n. 多汁植物 a dj. 多汁的;多水分的understory2['ʌndə,stɔ:ri]n. 林下叶层;下层植被be related to2与…有关restoration2n. 恢复entrance2['entr(ə)ns]n. 入口;进入fertility2[fə'tɪlɪtɪ]n. 多产;肥沃exaggerate2[ɪg'zædʒəreɪt]v.夸张,扩大complex2['kɒmpleks]adj. 复杂的;合成的confine2[kən'faɪn]v/n. 约束;限制crude2[kruːd]adj. 粗糙的;天然的,未加工的motivation2[məʊtɪ'veɪʃ(ə)n]n. 动机;积极性rest on2[rɛst ɑn]停留在;依靠reach a peak2达到一个峰值offshore2['ɒfʃɔː; ɒf'ʃɔː]adj. 离岸的;吹向海面的adjacent2[ə'dʒeɪs(ə)nt]adj. 邻近的,毗连的exploration2[eksplə'reɪʃ(ə)n]n. 探测;探究forbid2[fə'bɪd]vt. 禁止;阻止fertilizer2['fɜːtɪlaɪzə]n. 肥料;受精媒介物handle2['hænd(ə)l]v. 处理;操作microscopic2[maɪkrə'skɒpɪk]adj. 微观的;用显微镜可见的partially2['pɑːʃ(ə)lɪ]adv. 部分地;偏袒地squeeze2[skwiːz]v. 挤;压榨be involved in2被卷入……中;涉及到…… notoriously2[nəu'tɔ:riəsli]adv. 声名狼藉地;恶名昭彰地recycle2[riː'saɪk(ə)l]v. 再循环;重复利用stem2[stem]n. 干;茎 v. 阻止;起源于某事物typically2['tɪpɪkəlɪ]adv. 代表性地application2[ˌæplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]n. 应用;申请technique2[tek'niːk]n. 技巧,技术;手法compound2['kɒmpaʊnd]n. 混合物 v.混合 a dj. 复合的;混合的simulation2[,sɪmjʊ'leɪʃən]n. 模拟;模仿adventure2[əd'ventʃə]n. 冒险overall2['əʊvərɔːl]n. 全套服装 a dj. 全部的;全体的foundation2[faʊn'deɪʃ(ə)n]n. 基础;基金会exclusive2[ɪk'skluːsɪv; ek-]adj. 独有的;排外的implement2['ɪmplɪm(ə)nt]v. 实施,执行 n. 工具,器具linguistic2[lɪŋ'gwɪstɪk]adj. 语言的;语言学的possess2[pə'zes]v. 拥有,持有traditionally2[trə'diʃənəli]adv. 传统上;习惯上voyage2['vɒɪɪdʒ]n. 航行;航程varied2['veərɪd]adj. 多变的;各式各样的derive from2源出,来自evolutionary2[,iːvə'luːʃənərɪ]adj. 进化的;发展的document2['dɒkjʊm(ə)nt]n. 文件,文档descendant2[dɪ'send(ə)nt]n. 后裔;子孙 a dj. 下降的;祖传的assign2[ə'saɪn]vt. 分配;指派interpretation2[ɪntɜːprɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n]n. 解释clue2[kluː]n. 线索atmospheric2[ætməs'ferɪk]adj. 大气的,大气层的industrial2[ɪn'dʌstrɪəl]adj. 工业的,产业的ingredient2[ɪn'griːdɪənt]n. 原料;要素;inefficient2[ɪnɪ'fɪʃ(ə)nt]adj. 效率低的condense2[kən'dens]vi. 浓缩;凝结monopoly2[mə'nɒp(ə)lɪ]n. 垄断multiply2['mʌltɪplaɪ]adj. 多样的 v. 乘;繁殖rival2['raɪvl]n. 对手;竞争者rotary2['rəʊt(ə)rɪ]adj. 旋转的,转动的revolutionary2[revə'luːʃ(ə)n(ə)rɪadj. 革命的;大变革的revolution2[revə'luːʃ(ə)n]n. 革命steam2[stiːm]n. 蒸汽vastly2['va:stli]adv. 极大地;广大地come into use2开始被使用rudimentary2[,ruːdɪ'ment(ə)rɪ]adj. 基本的;初步的unique2[juː'niːk]adj. 唯一的,独一无二的roam2[rəʊm]n. 漫步,漫游 v. 漫游,漫步survey2[sə'veɪ]n. 调查;测量 v. 调查;勘测valid2['v鎙id]adj. 有效的,正当的enduring2[ɪn'dʒɔːrɪŋ; en-]adj. 持久的;能忍受的encode2[ɪn'kəʊd; en-]vt. 编码,译码category2['kætɪg(ə)rɪ]n. 种类,分类maturation2[mætjʊ'reɪʃ(ə)n]n. 成熟perspective2[pə'spektɪv]n. 远景;透视图 adj. 透视的recognition2[rekəg'nɪʃ(ə)n]n. 识别;承认,赞誉verbal2['vɜːb(ə)l]adj. 口头的;言语的adjustment2[ə'dʒʌs(t)m(ə)nt]n.调节;调节器formulate2['fɔːmjʊleɪt]vt. 规划;用公式表示instrument2['ɪnstrʊm(ə)nt]n. 仪器;工具refill2[riː'fɪl]v. 再装满;再充满link to2把…和…连接;把…和…联系起来scores of2许多,大量bond2[bɒnd]n. 债券;结合 v. 结合exploitation2[eksplɒɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n]n. 开发,开采entity2['entɪtɪ]n. 实体;本质universal2[juːnɪ'vɜːs(ə)l]adj. 普遍的;通用的novelty2['nɒv(ə)ltɪ]n. 新奇的事物,新手regularity2[reɡjʊ'lærətɪ]n. 规则性;整齐range2[reɪn(d)ʒ]n. 范围;幅度 v.在……到……的范围内(from)speculative2['spekjʊlətɪv]adj. 投机的;推测的;思索性的adv. 独立地;自立地independently2[,ɪndɪ'pend(ə)ntlɪdiffuse2[dɪ'fjuːz]v. 传播;扩散empire2['empaɪə]n. 帝国harsh2[hɑːʃ]adj. 严厉的;严酷的invader2[ɪn'veɪdə(r)]n. 侵略者;侵入物curious2['kjʊərɪəs]adj. 好奇的mystery2['mistəri]n. 秘密,谜variety2[və'raɪətɪ]n. 多样coexist2[,kəʊɪg'zɪst]vi. 共存administrative2[əd'mɪnɪstrətɪv]adj. 管理的,行政的competitive2[kəm'petɪtɪv]adj. 竞争的;比赛的predominant2[prɪ'dɒmɪnənt]adj. 主要的;支配的region2['riːdʒ(ə)n]n. 地域;领域thriving2['θraɪvɪŋ]adj. 繁荣的;旺盛的acid2['æsɪd]n. 酸 a dj. 酸的;讽刺的n. 修改,改变alteration2[ɔːltə'reɪʃ(ə)n; 'ɒl-diverse2[daɪ'vɜːs; 'daɪvɜːadj.多种多样的demise2[dɪ'maɪz]n. 死亡,传位 v. 遗赠;禅让freezing2['friːzɪŋ]adj. 冰冻的;严寒的incorporate2[ɪn'kɔːpəreɪt]v. 合并;混合meteorite2['miːtɪəraɪt]n. 陨星;流星associated with2与…有联系miniature2['mɪnɪtʃə]n. 缩图;微型画 a dj. 微型的,小规模的proponent2[prə'pəʊnənt]n. 支持者relics2['rɛliks]n. 遗迹;遗骸vapor2[veipə]n. 蒸汽 v. 蒸发glacier2['glæsɪə; 'gleɪsɪən. 冰河,冰川sizable2['saɪzəbl]adj. 相当大的remains2[rɪ'meɪnz]n. 残余;遗骸impetus2['ɪmpɪtəs]n. 动力;促进rarely2['reəlɪ]adv. 很少地;罕有地abundantly2[ə'bʌnd(ə)ntlɪ]adv. 丰富地;大量地capture2['kæptʃə]v. 俘获;夺得molecule2['mɒlɪkjuːl]n. 分子;微粒nourish2['nʌrɪʃ]vt. 滋养propagate2['prɒpəgeɪt]vt. 传播;繁殖wrap2[r鎝]v. 包起来;缠绕symbiotic2[sɪmbaɪ'ɒtɪk]adj. 共生的;共栖的tempting2['tem(p)tɪŋ]adj. 吸引人的;诱惑人的settle down2定居;安定下来ornament2['ɔːnəm(ə)nt]n. 装饰;装饰物decorate2['dekəreɪt]v. 装饰;布置obscure2[əb'skjʊə]adj. 模糊的;昏暗的occasional2[ə'keɪʒ(ə)n(ə)l]adj. 偶然的;临时的imperial2[ɪm'pɪərɪəl]adj. 帝国的;皇帝的;至高无上的intrinsic2[ɪn'trɪnsɪk]adj. 本质的,固有的commission2[kə'mɪʃ(ə)n]n. 委员会;委任motif2[məʊ'tiːf]n. 主题;动机pigment2['pɪgm(ə)nt]n. 色素;颜料purify2['pjʊərɪfaɪ]v. 净化;使纯净secular2['sekjʊlə]adj. 世俗的;现世的status2['steɪtəs]n. 地位;情形external2[ɪk'stɜːn(ə)l; ek-]adj. 外部的;表面的indication2[ɪndɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]n. 指示,指出intervention2[ɪntə'venʃ(ə)n]n. 介入;调停undergo2[ʌndə'gəʊ]v. 经受;忍受urban2['ɜːb(ə)n]adj. 城市的meager2['mi:ɡə]adj. 贫乏的;瘦的reclaim2[rɪ'kleɪm]vt. 开拓,取回supplement2['sʌplɪm(ə)nt]n. 补充;补充物 v. 增补,补充isolation2[aɪsə'leɪʃ(ə)n]n. 隔离;孤立;绝缘decorative2['dek(ə)rətɪv]adj. 装饰性的;装饰用的appreciate2[ə'priːʃɪeɪt; -sɪ-]v t. 欣赏;感激grind2[graɪnd]v. 磨碎;折磨rigid2['rɪdʒɪd]adj. 严格的;僵硬的,坚硬的servant2['sɜːv(ə)nt]n. 仆人,佣人statuary2['stætjʊərɪ; -tʃʊə-adj. 雕塑的;雕像用的have nothing to 2与…无关make sense2有意义;言之有理apart from2除…之外artificial2[ɑːtɪ'fɪʃ(ə)l]adj. 人造的;仿造的identical2[aɪ'dentɪk(ə)l]adj. 同一的;完全相同的compensate2['kɒmpenseɪt]v. 补偿,赔偿contradictory2[kɒntrə'dɪkt(ə)rɪ]adj. 矛盾的;反对的v. 使移居;使移植migrate2[maɪ'greɪt; 'maɪgmigratory2['maɪgrət(ə)rɪ; m a dj. 迁移的;流浪的restless2['res(t)lɪs]adj. 焦躁不安的;不安宁的with respect to2关于;至于secure2[sɪ'kjʊə; sɪ'kjɔː]a dj. 安全的;稳当的versus2['vɜːsəs]prep. 与...相对;对抗vigorous2['vɪg(ə)rəs]adj. 有力的;精力充沛的assess2[ə'ses]vt. 评定;估价assumption2[ə'sʌm(p)ʃ(ə)n]n. 假定;设想invariably2[ɪn'veərɪəblɪ]adv. 不变地evaluation2[ɪˌvæljuˈeɪʃn]n. 估价,评估contradiction2[kɒntrə'dɪkʃ(ə)n]n. 矛盾;否认craft2[krɑːft]n. 工艺;太空船 v t. 精巧地制作norm2[nɔːm]n. 规范,基准parallel2['pærəlel]n. 平行线 a dj. 平行的;类似的vision2['vɪʒ(ə)n]n. 视力;美景take into accoun2考虑到arid2['ærɪd]adj. 干旱的;荒芜的discharge2[dɪs'tʃɑːdʒ]vt. 释放,排放fraction2['frækʃ(ə)n]n. 分数;部分humidity2[hjʊ'mɪdɪtɪ]n. 湿度;湿气extent2[ɪk'stent; ek-]n. 程度;范围respond2[rɪ'spɒnd]n. 应答 v. 回答;作出反应variable2['veərɪəb(ə)l]n. 变量 a dj. 变异的;可变的equip2[ɪ'kwɪp]vt. 装备,配备elicit2[ɪ'lɪsɪt]vt. 引出;引起interlock2[ɪntə'lɒk]v. 互锁;连锁intimate2['ɪntɪmət]adj. 亲密的command2[kə'mɑːnd]n. 控制;命令 v. 命令,指挥predominate2[prɪ'dɒmɪneɪt]v. 支配,占主导subtle2['sʌt(ə)l]adj. 微妙的;细微的transmit2[trænz'mɪt]v. 传输;传播Intentionally2[in'tenʃənli]adv. 故意地,有意地coordinate2[kəʊ'ɔ:dɪneɪt]vt. 调整;整合persistent2[pə'sɪst(ə)nt]adj. 固执的,坚持的precision2[prɪ'sɪʒ(ə)n]n. 精度,精确rhythm2['rɪð(ə)m]n. 节奏;韵律solar2['səʊlə]adj. 太阳的;日光的apparatus2[ˌæpəˈreɪtəs]n. 装置,设备。

TPO +阅读词汇题词汇合辑

TPO +阅读词汇题词汇合辑

TPO1-30阅读词汇TPO1:champion---support 支持;保卫ascribe---attribute 归因于autonomous---independent 自治的;独立的penchant---inclination 倾向;嗜好;爱好dramatic---striking 戏剧性的;激烈的attain---achieve 获得;达到prone---likely 倾向于prevalent---widespread 普遍的;广泛的incredible---unbelievable 难以置信的;不可思议的out of sight---hidden 看不见的;隐藏的overlay---cover 覆盖;重叠so much for---that is enough about 表示大量的plug---fill up 塞满;使充满TPO2devoid of---lacking in 缺乏的progressively---increasingly 前进地delicate---fragile 脆弱的threatened---endangered 受到威胁的precious---valuable 宝贵的exposed---visible 暴露的;可见的propulsion---moving forward 推进readily---easily 轻易地assistance---help 援助expanded---was enlarged 扩大的TPO3feasible---achievable 可行的enhance---improve 提高;加强devised---created 设计;发明integral---essential 不可或缺的arduous---difficult 费力的;辛勤的ensuing---subsequent 接踵而至的;随后的unprecedented---unlike anything in the past 空前的virtually---almost 实际上地inevitable---unavoidable 不可避免的particular---specific 特别的;特殊的guarantee---ensure 担保pales---loses significance 苍白的;无力的adjacent---neighboring 毗连的;邻近的TPO4inhibits---restricts 阻止;抑制in the same breath---immediately 同时indefinite period---whose end has not been determined 无限期地rebound---recovery 回升;反弹marked—considerable 明显的;显著的principal---major 主要的trapping---decorations 装饰accumulate---build up 堆积;积累adjacent---nearby 邻近的;近旁的sloping---inclining 倾斜的foul---pollute 使污秽;弄脏TPO5exhibit---show 展览;展示facilitates---make easier 使便利suspended---hung 挂起afford---offer 提供;给予overwhelming---powerful 势不可挡的implements---tools 工具;用具undisputed---acknowledge 无可置疑的,确认significant---important 重要的relatively---comparatively 相对地diversification---emergence of many varieties 多样化;多元化promote---encourage 提升;增进TPO6exploited---utilized 开采;开发;利用vastly---greatly 广大地;许多地grow accustomed to---become used to 习惯于retain---maintain 保持;保留rudimentary---basic 根本的;未发展的meticulously---carefully 精心地;细致地endure---survive 耐久;忍耐virtually---nearly/ almost 差不多,几乎虚拟;其实plausible---believable (借口或解释)有道理的phenomenon---occurrence 现象;事件critically---fundamentally 危急地;重要地perspective---viewpoint 远景;前途TPO7objective---purpose 目标;目的scores---large numbers 大量;众多turbulent---violent 狂暴的;吵闹的obsession with---fixation on 固定foster---encourage 鼓励sphere---area 范围;领域diffused---spread 传播;扩散profound---far-reaching 深刻的;意义深远的ritual---ceremonial 典礼;仪式fleeing---running away from 逃避;逃跑TPO8massive---very large 可观的;大量的pinpoint---identify precisely 准确找出;非常精确ingenuity---cleverness 独创力;聪明才智predominant---principal 最重要的cope---adapt 成功的应付;适应fluctuation---variation 变化;波动bombard---strike 炮击;攻击disruption---disturbance 瓦解;崩溃;失调merge---combine 混合;联合relics---remains 遗迹miniature---small 小型的;微型的hint---clue 暗示,线索TPO9persuasively---convincingly---compelling 令人信服地prior to---before 在…之前;较早的vast---huge 巨大的;广阔的inhospitable---not suitable 不好客的;不适宜居住的impetus---incentive 激励;刺激justified---supported 有正当理由的flourish---succeed 茂盛;繁荣objective---unbiased 客观的;公正的at random---without a definite pattern 任意地;随便地abundantly---plentifully 丰富的;大量的propagate---multiply 繁衍;增殖dormant---inactive 潜伏的;不活跃的TPO10status---importance 重要身份evolve---develop 使发展;使进化instigate---cause 鼓励;怂恿;造成whereas---while 然而;反之striking---noticeable 显著的erratic---unpredictable 不确定路线deliberation---discussion 商议invoke---call upon 调用;号召key---important 重要的meager---very low 不足的;缺乏的TPO11vital---essential 生死攸关的;重大的context---environment 上下文;环境;背景core---center 中心;核心depict---portray 描绘perplexed---puzzled 困惑的;不知所措的preposterous---unbelievable 荒谬的;不可信的accumulating---increasing 渐增的impose on---place on 施加于artificial---not real 人造的;假的prediction---expectation 预料;预言;预报pinpoint---locate exactly---identify precisely 准确定位derive---gain 源于;获得;得自TPO12assisted in---help with 帮助depicted---pictured 描绘;描述criteria---standards 标准regard---consider 把……当作paradoxes---contradictions 自相矛盾的话overshadow---distract from 使分散;使失色neglected---failed 疏忽的drastically---severely 激烈地;严重地dwellers---inhabitants 居民fractures---cracks 裂缝immobile---motionless 不动的;静止的TPO13complex---elaborate 详尽的endowing---providing 赋予;授予size up---evaluate 估计……大小;品评deviate---depart 脱离consequently---therefore 因而;所以persistent---enduring 固执的;持久的duration---length 期间sustained---uninterrupted 持续的;不间断的uniformly---consistently 一致地potent---powerful 有力的;有效的quantifiable---measurable 可以计量的TPO14verify---establish the truth of 检验;查证adept---skillful 熟练的;内行的attributes---characteristics 属性credible---believable 可信的paradoxically---surprisingly 似是而非的;令人惊讶的prolonged---extended 持久的;长期的exhausted---used up 耗尽的;用完的prestige---status 声望;地位profound---far-reaching 深远的striking---noticeable 醒目的;惊人的exploit---use to advantage 开发;利用TPO15interlock---link 连锁match---equal 相同的;相配的transform---change 改变deceiving---misleading 欺骗static---unchanging 不变化的;静止的unique among---different from all other 独一无二的feat---remarkable achievement 功绩;伟业bulk---mass 巨大物体course through---run through 过程中;通过extended--- long 延长的account for---explain 说明;解释…的原因intense---extreme 剧烈的;极端的TPO16repudiate---reject 拒绝;否认consensus---agreement 一致;同意ethic---set of moral principles 伦理的;道德的intrinsically---fundamentally 固有地;基本地interplay---interaction 相互影响abundance---plenty 丰富;充裕analogous to---similar to 类似的postulated---hypothesized 假定;基本条件markedly---noticeably 显著地;醒目meager---thin 缺乏的;不足的;瘦eventually---over time 最终TPO17impetus---stimulus 推动dramatically---greatly 引人注目地refined---improved 精细的norms---rules 规范;标准conspicuous---noticeable 显著的signal---communicate (发信号)通知inflating---enlarging 加压;扩大impediment---obstruction 阻碍;妨碍exploit---make use of 利用derive---obtain 取得devastated---destroyed 被毁的inadvertently---unintentionally 不注意地highlight---emphasize 强调;着重TPO18exceptional---extraordinary 非常的abolish---end 废止progressive---increasing 进步的;渐进的flaw---fault 毛病;缺点triggered---caused 触发的periodically---regularly 周期性地empirical---based on observation 以经验为主的tremendous---huge 巨大的acquire---obtain 获取;获得illuminate---light 照亮initiated---started 开始的TPO19suppress---stop by force 镇压friction---conflict 摩擦;冲突entitled to---given the right to 有资格circumstances---conditions 情况substantiate---confirm 证实trend---tendency 趋势likewise---similarly 同样地legitimately---properly 合法地;正当地initiated---started 开始的accumulations---deposits 积累的;沉积物heterogeneous---varied 异种的enjoy---experience 享受;感受;体验reveal---show 露出;显示TPO20fringe---border 边缘proliferation---growth 增长supersede---replace 取代divert---shift 使转移momentous---very important 重大的exploit---utilize 利用cramped---confined (空间)狭小的shift---change 改变abruptly---suddenly 突然地agency---force 力量;能动作用terrestrial---land 陆地的enhance---increase 提高precise---exact 准确的prospect---possibility 前景,可能性TPO21practical---usable 实用的abundant---plentiful 大量的exploiting---making use of 利用,开发option---choice 选择therefore---as a result 因此imaginative---creative 富有想象力的contention---debate 争论ample---plentiful 大量的reasonable---sufficient 充分的(理解)elaboration---development 精心完成的结果TPO22exceedingly---highly 非常,极为modify---change 改变effort---attempt 努力duplicate---copy 复制authenticity----genuineness 可靠性;真实性reluctant---unwilling 不情愿的, 勉强的accidental---unintentional 偶然发生的unanticipated---not expected 不曾预料的location---place 地点allusion---reference 暗指, 间接提到enigmatic---mysterious 神秘的pristine---pure 纯净的TPO23enormous---very large 庞大的surpass---be higher than 超越configuration---shape 形状, 轮廓modified---changed 有变化的apart from---besides 除此以外consumption---utilization 用完legendary---famous 著名的astonishing---incredible 令人惊讶的infrequent---uncommon 稀有的relatively---comparatively 相对地discern---identify 辨明revised---changed 经过改变的Tpo24Gains-----increase 增加,加大Conversely------on the other hand 相反的,另一方面的Exclusive-----sole 独有的,独家的Considerable-----significant 有意义的,重要的Resume-----restart n.摘要,简历v.重新开始Traumatic-----highly stressful 外伤的,不愉快的Intense----strong 强烈的,紧张的,热情的Transition----change 转变,转化TPO25Enormous----extremely large 极大的Distinctive-----complex 有特色的,与众不同的Roughly----approximately 大约的,接近的Considerably-----significantly 重要的Resurgence-----comeback 复活,再现,再起Compulsorily-----by requirement 强制的,强迫的,必须的Outdated-----old--fashion 过时的Conventional-----usual 传统的,平常的Presumably----supposedly 大概,推测起来的,假定的Subject to ----exposed to 使服从,使暴露于Desolate----deserted 荒凉的,无人烟的Posed----presented 提出,主张TPO26Apparent in ---- clearly seen in 显然的,表面上的Consequent-----resulting 致使,作为结果的Initiated------started 开始的,首先得Accustomed to ---- used to 习惯于Countering ---- acting against 反击,打击Assured ---- guaranteed 保证Sustain ----maintain 保持Sovereign ----master 至高无上的,有主权的Engraved ---carved 被牢记的,深深印入的v. 雕刻Widespread ---- common 广泛的,普遍的TPO 27Surpassing ---- exceeding 超越,超过Intact ----- undamaged 完整的,原封不动的Interpreted ---- understood 解释,理解Legible ----- recognizable 清晰的,可看清楚的Converge ----- move closer 聚合Instructive ---- informative 有益的,教育性的Eroded ---- worn down 被侵蚀的,损坏的Current ---- present 现在的,流通的Rebound ----- recover 反弹Roughly ------ approximately 近似的Generating ------ producing 产生的,生成的Conjunction ----- combination 结合TPO28Extracted ---- removed 提取,萃取,移动Termed ---- called 把....称为Compact ---- compressed 紧凑的,紧密的Coating ---- layer 涂层,包衣Albeit ---- though 虽然,即使Endeavors ---- efforts 尽力,尽量Deteriorated ----- got worse 恶化的,变质的Conspicuous ---- noticeable 显著地,显而易见的Exhibited ---- displayed 展出的Induce ---- stimulate 诱导,引诱Termed ---- know as 称为,叫做TPO29Substantial ---- large 大量的Entirely ---- completely 完全的,彻底的Humble ---- modest 谦虚的Particular ---- specific 独特的,特殊的Indigenous ---- native 本地的,本土的Graphically ---- vividly 生动的,形象的Regulating ---- controlling 调节,控制Harnessed ---- utilize 治理,利用Pessimistic ---- negative 悲观的,消极的Unaltered ---- unchanged 不变的,未改变的TPO30Considerable ---- significant 重要的,值得考虑的Comparative ---- relative 比较的,相当的Potentially ---- possible 可能的,潜在的Innumerable ---- countless 无数的,数不尽的Compelling ---- persuasive 有说服力的Alteration ---- change 改变Occasionally ---- once in a while 偶尔,间或Authoritative ----- official 有权威的,官方的Rudimentary ---- basic 基本的,初步的Installed ---- put in place 已装入的,安装Pioneer ---- leader 领袖,先驱。



APPLIED ARTS AND FINE ARTSidentical [i'den·ti·cal || aɪ'dent ɪkl ]adj. 同一的 ; 一卵的 , 同卵的 ; 完全相同的 , 完全相似的 ; 同源的 applied [ap·plied || ə'pla ɪd ]adj. 实用的 ; 应用的compromise [com·pro·mise || 'kɒmpr əma ɪz ]n. 妥协 , 折衷案 , 折衷v. 互让解决 ; 放弃 ; 连累 , 危及 ; 泄露 ; 妥协 , 让步structural [struc·tur·al || 'strʌkt ʃər əl ]adj. 结构的 , 建筑的internal [in·ter·nal || ɪn't ɜrnl /-'tɜːnl ]n. 本质 , 本性 ; 内部器官 , 内脏adj. 内在的 ; 国内的constant ['con·stant || 'kɑnst ənt /'kɒn-]n. 常数 ; 恒量adj. 不变的 ; 坚决的 ; 持续的exaggeration [ex·ag·ger·a·tion || ɪg‚zædʒə're ɪʃn ]n. 夸张 , 夸大 ; 夸张的手法 ; 夸张的言语concert [con·cert || 'kɒns ət ]n. 音乐会 , 一致 , 合奏v. 商议 , 使协调 , 协同安排 ; 协力 , 一致行动 , 协调craft [kr ɑːft ]n. 技艺 , 诡计 , 手艺v. 精巧地制作construct [con·struct || kən'str ʌkt ]n. 构思的结果 , 构想 ; 概念v. 建造 ; 创立 ; 构造fiber [fi·ber || 'faɪb ə(r]n. 纤维 ; 质地 ; 纤维物质 , 纤维质料 ; 性格common [com·mon || 'kɒm ən ]n. 公共用地 , 公有地adj. 通常的 , 通俗的 , 共同的 ; 公用的shelter [shel·ter || 'ʃelt ə(r]n. 遮盖物 ; 避难所 ; 躲避处 ; 掩蔽 , 遮蔽v. 掩蔽 , 遮蔽 ; 保护 ; 庇护 ; 躲避 ; 避难support [sup·port || sə'p ɔrt /-'pɔːt ]n. 支撑 ; 支援 , 支持v. 支撑 , 扶持 , 支托 ; 资助 ; 支持 , 赞成 , 拥护 ; 忍受 , 忍耐 container [con'tain·er || -nə]n. 容器 ; 集装箱substance [sub·stance || 'sʌbst əns ]n. 物质 , 主旨 , 实质pertain [per·tain || pɜr'te ɪn /pɜː-]v. 属于 , 附属 , 关于arbitrary [ar·bi·trar·y || 'ɑːb ɪtr ər ɪ]adj. 专制的 , 任意的 , 恣意的roof [ru ːf ]n. 屋顶 ; 车顶 ; 顶部v. 盖屋顶 , 遮蔽discipline [dis·ci·pline || 'dɪs ɪpl ɪn ]n. 训练 , 纪律v. 训练 , 惩罚distribution [dis·tri·bu·tion || ‚d ɪstr ɪ'bju ːʃn ]n. 分配 ; 配给物 ; 分发rigid [rig·id || 'rɪd ʒɪd ]adj. 坚硬的 ; 不易弯曲的 ; 坚固的 ; 严格的renaissance [Ren·ais·sance || rə'ne ɪs əns ]n. 复活 , 文艺复兴 , 复兴statue [stat·ue || 'stætʃu ː]n. 雕像 , 塑像physicsn. 物理学aesthetic [aesthet·ic || iːs' θet ɪk(l]adj. 美学的 ; 艺术的 ; 美的 ; 审美的intention [in·ten·tion || ɪn'ten ʃn ]n. 意图 , 目的 , 意向 ; 意思 , 含义 ; 求婚意图 ; 愈合sculptor [sculp·tor || 'skʌlpt ə(r]n. 雕刻家internal [in·ter·nal || ɪn't ɜrnl /-'tɜːnl ]n. 本质 , 本性 ; 内部器官 , 内脏adj. 内在的 ; 国内的obstruct [ob·struct || əb'str ʌkt ]v. 阻隔 , 阻塞 , 妨碍incidental [in·ci·den·tal || ‚ ɪns ɪ'dentl ]n. 附带事件 ; 杂项 ; 偶然事件 ; 杂费adj. 附带的 , 容易发生的 , 偶然的Since the laws of physics, not some arbitrary decision, have determined the general form of applied-art objects, they follow basic patterns, so much so that functional forms can vary only within certain limits.Functional applied-art objects cannot vary much from the basic patterns determined by the laws of physics.THE ORIGINS OF CETACEANScetacean [ce·ta·cean || sɪ'te ɪʃj ən ]n. 鲸类动物 ; 鲸dolphin [dol·phin || 'dɒlf ɪn ]n. 海豚gill [d ʒɪl ]n. 鳃 #腮 #嘴巴 #菌鳃v. 用刺网捕 ; 除去内脏 ; 被刺网捕住absence [ab·sence || 'æbsəns ]n. 不在 ; 缺席 ; 缺乏presence [pres·ence || 'prezns]n. 出席 , 存在 , 到场blow·hole (blōh ōln.An opening or one of a pair of openings for breathing, located on the top of the head of cetaceans, such as whales and dolphins. The blowhole is opened by muscles uponsurfacing and closed by the pressure of water upon diving.A hole in ice to which aquatic mammals, such as dolphins, come to breathe. A vent to permit the escape of air or other gas.disguise [dis·guise || dɪs'ga ɪz ]n. 假面目 , 假装v. 假装 , 隐瞒affinity [af·fin·i·ty || ə'f ɪn ət ɪ]n. 倾向 , 喜好 , 本性 ; 密切关系 ; 姻亲关系 ; 类同dwelling ['dwell·ing || 'dwelɪŋ]n. 住处 , 寓所 , 住宅otter [ot·ter || 'ɑt ər /'ɒt ə]n. 水獭 , 水獭皮seal [s ɪːl ]n. 印章 , 印信 , 图章 ; 封印纸 ; 封 ; 封条 #海豹 ; 海豹皮v. 封 , 密封 ; 保证 ; 盖章 , 盖印于 ; 确认 ; 猎海豹walrus [wal·rus || 'wɔːlr əs ]n. 海象 , 海象胡须limb [l ɪm ]n. 肢 ; 脚 ; 臂 ; 翼 #边缘 ; 叶边 ; 刻度圈 , 分度弧v. 肢解 ; 从截去树枝 ; 给 ... 截肢envision [en·vi·sion || ɪn'v ɪʒn ]v. 想像 ; 预想intermediate [,in·ter'me·di·ate || ‚ ɪnt ə(r'mɪːd ɪe ɪtd ] n. 中间物 , 调停者v. 作中间人 ; 干预adj. 中间的 , 中级的transitional [tran'si·tion·al || træn'zɪʃn əl ]adj. 变迁的 ; 过渡期的officiallyadv. 官方地 , 正式地embeddedadj. 植入的 ; 内含的 ; 深入的precious [pre·cious || 'preʃəs ]adj. 宝贵的 , 珍爱的 , 过于精致的adv. 很 , 非常exact [ex·act || ɪg'zækt]v. 强要 ; 急需 , 需要 ; 勒索adj. 精确的 , 精密的 , 准确的detect [de·tect || dɪ'tekt ]v. 察觉 ; 侦查 ; 发觉shallow [shal·low || 'ʃæləʊ]adj. 浅的 , 肤浅的skeleton [skel·e·ton || 'skelɪtn ]n. 骨骼 , 梗概 , 瘦如柴的人adj. 骨骼的 ; 概略的 ; 骨瘦如柴的 ; 最基本的sediment [sed·i·ment || 'sedɪm ənt ]n. 沉淀物 , 沉积exposed [ex·posed || ɪk'sp əʊzd ]adj. 暴露的 , 暴露于风雨中的 , 无庶蔽的feature [fea·ture || 'fɪːt ʃə(r]n. 特征 , 特色 , 容貌 ; 全长胶片 ; 吸引 ; 报纸上的一般栏目 ; 程序的优点 , 专长 , 特点 (计算机用语v. 是 ... 的特色 ; 放映 ; 特写vestigial [ves·tig·i·al || ve'stɪd ʒɪəl ]adj. 留有痕迹的 ; 退化的 ; 残余的portion [por·tion || 'pɔr ʃn /'pɔː-]n. 部分 ; 一份遗产 ; 一份 , 一客 ; 命运 , 定数v. 把 ... 分成多份 ; 给 ... 一份嫁妆 ; 分配locomotion [lo·co·mo·tion || ‚l əʊk ə'm əʊʃn ]n. 运动 , 转位 , 移动rear [r ɪr /rɪə]n. 后部 , 后面 ; 后方 ; 背后 , 背面 ; 后尾v. 抚养 , 培养 ; 栽种 , 培植 ; 饲养 ; 竖起 , 举起 ; 高耸 ; 用后腿站起 ; 暴跳adj. 后面的 , 背后的 , 后部的 ; 殿后的 ; 后方的propulsion [pro·pul·sion || prə'p ʌl ʃn ]n. 推进 , 推进力visible [vis·i·ble || 'vɪz əbl ]adj. 看得见的 , 显然的 , 明显的even though即使 ; 虽然visible =The structure of the backbone shows, however, that Ambulocetus swam like modern whales by moving the rear portion of its body up and down, even though a fluke was missing. Although Ambulocetus had no fluke, its backbone structure shows that it swam like modern whales.DESERT FORMATIONaccelerate [ac·cel·er·ate || æk'seləre ɪt ]v. 使增速 ; 促使 ... 早日发生 ; 促进 ; 使加速 ; 加快 ; 增加 ; 增长stony [ston·y || 'stəʊn ɪ]adj. 多石的 , 无情的particle [par·ti·cle || 'pɑrt ɪkl /'pɑːt-]n. 粒子 , 极小量 , 点retain [re·tain || rɪ'te ɪn ]v. 保持 , 保留substantial [sub·stan·tial || səb'stænʃl ]adj. 实质上的 , 有内容的 , 物质的penetration [pen·e·tra·tion || ‚pen ɪ'tre ɪʃn ]n. 穿透 ; 穿透深度 ; 穿透能力 ; 渗透absorption [ab·sorption || əb's ɔːp ʃn ]n. 专心 , 热中 , 吸收diminish [di·min·ish || dɪ'm ɪn ɪʃ]v. 减少 , 缩减 , 减小 ; 把减半音 ; 削弱 ... 的权势 , 降低 ... 的声誉 ; 使成尖顶 ; 变小 , 缩小 ; 成尖顶 ; 失势 , 被贬低progressive [pro'gres·sive || prə'gres ɪv ]n. 改革论者 , 进步论者adj. 前进的 , 进步的 , 累进的deterioration [de·te·ri·o·ra·tion || dɪ‚t ɪər ɪə're ɪʃn ]n. 恶化 , 变坏 ; 堕落 ; 退化global warming地球温室效应 ; 全球气温上升subsequent ['sub·se·quent || 'sʌbs ɪkw ənt ]adj. 后来的 , 并发的border [bor·der || 'bɔːd ə]n. 边缘 , 边沿 ; 边界 , 国界 , 边境 ; 饰边 , 滚边 ; 应用视窗四面的框架 (计算机用语 v. 与 ... 接壤 ; 接近 ; 毗邻 , 接界 ; 近似environmental [en·vi·ron·men·tal || ɪn‚va ɪər ən'mentl ]adj. 环境的 ; 有关环境的subject [sub·ject || 'sʌb ʒɪkt ]n. 题目 , 科目 , 主题v. 使隶属 , 使受到adj. 受他国统治的 , 受制于 ... 的 , 未独立的fuel [fu·el || 'fjuːəl /'fjʊəl ]n. 燃料v. 加燃料 ; 供以燃料 ; 得到燃料phenomenon [phe·nom·e·non || fɪ'n ɑm ɪn ɑn ,-nən /fɪ'n ɒm ɪn ən ] n. 现象 ; 非凡的人 , 稀有的事 , 奇迹margin [mar·gin || 'mɑrd ʒɪn /'mɑːd ʒɪn ]n. 页边的空白 ; 极限 ; 边缘v. 页边的空白 ; 极限 ; 边缘excess [ex·cess || ɪk'ses ]n. 过度 , 超过 , 剩于adj. 过度的 ; 额外的capacity [ca'pac·i·ty || -sət ɪ]n. 容量 , 才能 , 能力grazingn. 放牧 ; 牧草 ; 牧场gathering ['gath·er·ing || 'gæðər ɪŋ]n. 聚集 ; 收款density ['den·si·ty || 'densət ɪ]n. 密度severe [se·vere || sɪ'v ɪr /-'vɪə]adj. 严厉的 , 剧烈的 , 严格的extensive [ex·ten·sive || ɪk'stens ɪv ]adj. 广的 , 多方面的 , 广泛的livestock ['live·stock || 'laɪvst əʊk ]n. 家畜 ; 牲畜grass [græs /grɑːs ]n. 草 , 牧场 , 草原v. 使吃草 , 放牧 ; 在 ... 上种草 ; 使长满草 ; 长草trample ['tram·ple || 'træmpl]n. 踩踏 , 蹂躏v. 踩 , 践踏 ; 蔑视 ; 蹂躏 ; 伤害 ; 踩 , 践踏 ; 蔑视 ; 脚步沉重地走 ; 伤害pulve rization [pul·ver·i·za·tion || ‚p ʌlv əra ɪ'ze ɪʃn ]n. 研碎 ; 彻底摧毁 ; 粉碎 ; 毁灭shrub [ʃr ʌb ]n. 矮树 ; 灌木 #甜酒nutrient [nu·tri·ent || 'nuːtr ɪənt /'nju-]n. 营养物 , 滋养物adj. 营养的 , 滋养的excess [ex·cess || ɪk'ses ]n. 过度 , 超过 , 剩于adj. 过度的 ; 额外的drainage [drain·age || 'dreɪn ɪd ʒ]n. 排水dissolve [dis·solve || dɪ'z ɒlv ]v. 分解 ; 使融化 ; 使溶解 ; 使液化 ; 分解 ; 融化 ; 溶解 ; 液化crustaladj. 地壳的rigorously ['r ɪg ər əsl ɪ]adv. 严厉地 ; 残酷地vegetation [veg·e·ta·tion || ‚ved ʒɪ'te ɪʃn ]n. 植被 , 呆板单调的生活 , 植物 , 草木The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendous numbers of people affected, as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process.Desertification is a significant problem because it is so hard to reverse and affects large areas of land and great numbers of people.EARLY CINEMAcinema [cin·e·ma || 'sɪn ɪm ə]n. 电影院 ; 电影emerge [e·merge || ɪ'm ɜːd ʒ]v. 浮现 , 脱出 , 形成initial [in·i·tial || ɪ'n ɪʃl ]n. 起首字母 ; 首字母v. 签姓名的首字母adj. 开始的 , 字首的 , 最初的arcade [ar·cade || ɑː'ke ɪd ]n. 拱廊 ; 长廊商场 ; 骑楼permit [per·mit || pɜr'm ɪt ,pər- /pə'm ɪt ,pɜ-] n. 通行证 , 执照 , 许可证v. 允许 , 容许model [mod·el || 'mɑdl /'mɒdl ]n. 模型 , 模特儿 , 模范v. 使模仿 , 塑造 ; 做模型 , 做模特儿adj. 模范的 , 作模型用的maximize (Amer.['max·i·mize || 'mæksɪma ɪz ] v. 取 ... 最大值 ; 最佳化profit [prof·it || 'prɑf ɪt /'prɒ-]n. 利润 , 利益 , 赢利v. 有益 , 赚钱 , 获利 ; 有益于admission [ad·mis·sion || əd'm ɪʃn ]n. 加入许可 ; 入场券 ; 承认 , 坦白device [de·vice || dɪ'va ɪs ]n. 装置 ; 图案 ; 设计 ; 可以发送或接受数据的硬件成分 (计算机用语theater [the·a·ter || 'θɪət ə(r]n. 剧场 ; 电影院 ; 戏院legitimate [le·git·i·mate || lɪ'd ʒɪt ɪm ət ]v. 认为正当 , 使合法 , 立为嫡嗣adj. 合法的 , 婚生的 , 正当的ultimate [ul·ti·mate || 'ʌlt ɪm ət ]n. 终极 , 顶点 , 根本adj. 终极的 , 极限的 , 根本的previously ['pre·vi·ous·ly || 'prɪːv ɪəsl ɪ]adv. 事先 ; 仓促地 ; 以前 ; 不成熟地minstrel [min·strel || 'mɪnstr əl ]n. 吟游诗人spectator [spec·ta·tor || 'spekteɪt ə /spek'teɪt ə] n. 观众 , 旁观者 , 目击者entertainment [,en·ter'tain·ment || ‚ent ə(r'teɪm ənt ] n. 款待 ; 娱乐表演 ; 娱乐assemble [as·sem·ble || ə'sembl ]v. 集合 ; 装配 ; 聚集 ; 集会 , 集合 , 聚集substance [sub·stance || 'sʌbst əns ]n. 物质 , 主旨 , 实质participation [par·tic·i·pa·tion || pɑr't ɪs ɪ'pe ɪʃn /pɑː't-] n. 分享 , 参与manipulation [ma·nip·u·la·tion || mə'n ɪpj əle ɪʃn /-jʊl-] n. 处理 ; 操纵 ; 操作camera [cam·er·a || 'kæmər ə]n. 照相机 , 摄影机 ; 暗室relationship [re'la·tion·ship || rɪ'le ɪʃn ʃɪp ]n. 关系 , 关联 ; 亲属关系 ; 人际关系 ; 姻亲关系 proportion [pro·por·tion || prə'p ɔr ʃn /-'pɔː-]n. 比例 , 部份 , 均衡v. 使成比例 , 分摊 , 使均衡readily [read·i·ly || 'redɪl ɪ]adv. 乐意地 , 欣然地 ; 无困难地 , 容易地 ; 很快地 , 立即地easily [eas·i·ly || 'iːz ɪl ɪ]adv. 容易地 , 流利地 , 轻易地He refused to develop projection technology, reasoning that if he made and sold projectors, then exhibitors would purchase only one machine-a projector-from him instead of several.Edison did not want to develop projection technology because it limited the number of machines he could sell.AGGRESSION(OGengage [en·gage || ɪn'ge ɪd ʒ]v. 使忙碌 ; 预定 ; 雇佣 ; 答应 ; 交战 ; 从事psychologist [psy·chol·o·gist || saɪ'k ɑl əd ʒɪst /saɪ'k ɒ-]n. 心理学者approach [ap·proach || ə'pr əʊt ʃ]n. 门径 , 接近v. 靠近 ; 动手处理 ; 接近numerous [nu·mer·ous || 'nuːm ər əs /'nju-]adj. 很多的 , 多数的 , 数目众多的aggression [ag·gres·sion || ə'gre ʃn ]n. 进攻 ; 侵略hypothalamusn. 丘脑下部stimulus ['stim·u·lus || stɪmj əl əs /-mjʊl-]n. 刺激 , 刺激品 , 激励instinctive [in·stinc·tive || ɪn'st ɪŋkt ɪv ]adj. 本能的 , 直觉的 , 天生的stereotypicaladj. 陈规的 , 老套的moderate [mod·er·ate || 'mɑdr ət /'mɒd-]n. 温和主义者 , 稳健派v. 节制 , 使缓和 , 使稳定 ; 变温和 ; 静息 ; 变弱 ; 主持会议adj. 适度的 , 中等的 , 稳健的instinct [in·stinct || 'ɪnst ɪŋkt ]n. 本能 , 直觉offshootn. 分支 , 支流sociobiologyso·ci·o·bi·ol·o·gy (sōs ē-ō-b ī-ŏl ə-j ē, -shē-n. 社会生物学The study of the biological determinants of social behavior, based on the theory that such behavior is often genetically transmitted and subject to evolutionary processes. desirable [de·sir·a·ble || dɪ'za ɪər əbl ]adj. 值得向往的 ; 令人满意的 ; 值得拥有的 ; 富有魅力的behavior [be·hav·ior || bɪ'he ɪvj ə]n. 行为 , 举止 ; 运转状态 , 性能 ; 态度 ; 反应 , 变化geneticallyadv. 从基因方面 ; 从遗传学角度adulthood [a·dult·hood || 'ædʌlth ʊd ]n. 成人期struggle [strug·gle || 'strʌgl ]n. 奋斗 ; 努力 ; 斗争 ; 使劲v. 努力 , 挣扎 , 奋斗 ; 尽力使得 , 使劲移动existence [ex'ist·ence || -təns ]n. 存在 ; 生活 ; 实在transmit [trans·mit || trænz'mɪt ,-s-]v. 传输 , 传达 , 转送 ; 发射信号 , 发报generation [gen·er·a·tion || ‚d ʒen ə're ɪʃn ]n. 一代 , 产生 , 一世impulse [im·pulse || 'ɪmp ʌls ]n. 冲动 , 刺激 , 驱使crucial [cru·cial || 'kruːʃl ]adj. 决定性的 , 严厉的 , 重要的frustration [frus'tra·tion || 'frʌ'stre ɪʃn ]n. 挫败 ; 受挫 ; 挫折desire [de·sire || dɪ'za ɪə]n. 欲望 , 要求v. 想要 , 请求gratify [grat·i·fy || 'grætɪfa ɪ]= satisfyv. 使满足satisfy [sat·is·fy || 'sætɪsfa ɪ]v. 使满意 , 符合 , 满足 ; 令人满意 , 替人赎罪in a sense在某种意义上explosion [ex·plo·sion || ɪk'spl əʊʒn ]n. 爆发 ; 爆炸 ; 发出furniture [fur·ni·ture || 'fɜrn ɪt ʃə(r /'fɜːn-]n. 家具 , 附属品verbal ['ver·bal || 'vɜrbl /'vɜːbl ]n. 准动词adj. 言语的 , 逐字的 , 口头的therapist [ther·a·pist || 'θer əp ɪst ]n. 治疗学家 ; 特定疗法技师vent [vent ]n. 通风孔 ; 出口 ; 出烟孔v. 发泄 , 给 ... 开孔 , 排出catharsis [ca·thar·sis || kə' θɑːs ɪs ]n. 导泻 ; 净化作用valve [vælv]n. 活瓣 , 活门 , 阀tension [ten·sion || 'tenʃn ]n. 紧张 , 拉紧 , 不安cognitive [cog·ni·tive || 'kɒgn ɪt ɪv ]adj. 认知的 ; 有感知的 ; 认识的assert [as·sert || ə's ɜːt ]v. 声称 , 断言 ; 主张拥有 ; 坚持 , 维护 ; 显示interpret [in·ter·pret || ɪn't ɜrpr ɪt /-'tɜːp-]v. 解释 , 诠释 , 说明 ; 口译 , 翻译 ; 理解 ; 演奏 , 演 ; 作解释 ; 作口译 , 当翻译choice [t ʃɔɪs ]n. 选择 ; 精选品 ; 抉择adj. 上等的 , 精选的automatically [au·to·mat·i·cal·ly || ‚ɔːt ə'mætɪkl ɪ]adv. 自动地 ; 无意识地 , 机械地 , 不自觉地interpretation [in·ter·pre·ta·tion || ɪn‚t ɜrpr ɪ'te ɪʃn /-tɜːp-]n. 解释 , 翻译 , 演出assume [as·sume || ə'sju ːm ]v. 以为 ; 认为 ; 假定为 ; 承担inevitable [in·ev·i·ta·ble || ɪn'ev ɪt əbl ]=Unavoidableadj. 不可避免的 ; 必然的distort [dis·tort || dɪ'st ɔːt ]=Misinterpretv. 弄歪 ; 歪曲 ; 扭曲misinterpret ['m ɪs ɪn't ɜrpr ɪt /-'tɜː-]v. 曲解resent [re·sent || rɪ'zent ]v. 愤恨 , 怨恨 , 憎恶For example, people who believe that aggression is necessary and justified-as during wartime-are likely to act aggressively, whereas people who believe that a particular war or act of aggression is unjust, or who think that aggression is never justified, are less likely to behave aggressively.People who believe that aggression is necessary and justified are more likely to act aggressively than those who believe differently.ARTISANS AND INDUSTRIALIZATIONmanufacturing [,man·u'fac·tur·ing || ‚mænə'fæktʃər ɪŋ /-njʊ'f-] n. 制造业 , 工业skilled [sk ɪld ]adj. 熟练的 ; 有技能的artisan [ar·ti·san || ‚ ɑːt ɪ'zæn]n. 工匠 ; 技工craft [kr ɑːft ]n. 技艺 , 诡计 , 手艺v. 精巧地制作impart [im·part || ɪm'p ɑrt /-'pɑːt ]v. 给予 ; 告知 ; 传授trade [tre ɪd ]n. 贸易 , 交易 , 商业v. 交易 , 经商 , 买卖 ; 用 ... 进行交换apprentice [ap·pren·tice || ə'prent ɪs ]n. 学徒 , 生手v. 使做学徒journeyman ['jour·ney·man || 'dʒɜrn ɪm ən /'dʒɜːn-]n. 学徒期满的职工 ; 熟练工人article [ar·ti·cle || 'ɑːt ɪkl ]n. 一件 ; 商品 ; 物品 ; 文章 ; 送到一个新群组的信息 (计算机用语 v. 订约将 ... 收为学徒merchant [mer·chant || 'mɜrt ʃənt /'mɜː-]n. 商人 , 店主adj. 商业的 ; 商人的capitalist ['cap·i·tal·ist || 'kæpɪtl ɪst ]n. 资本家 ; 资本主义者unskilledadj. 不熟练的 , 拙劣的 , 未成熟的semiskilledadj. 半熟练的availability [a·vail·a·bil·i·ty || ə‚ve ɪl ə'b ɪl ət ɪ]n. 有效 ; 可利用性 ; 有益 ; 可得到的东西credit [cred·it || 'kredɪt ]n. 赊帐 , 赊欠 ; 银行存款 ; 信誉 ; 信用 , 信赖v. 归功于 , 信任 , 赞颂creation [cre'a·tion || -'eɪʃn ]n. 创造 ; 创立 ; 创作 ; 世界 , 万物 , 宇宙accustom [ac·cus·tom || ə'k ʌst əm ]v. 使习惯于occur [oc·cur || ə'k ɜr /ə'k ɜː]v. 发生 , 出现apprentice [ap·pren·tice || ə'prent ɪs ] n. 学徒 , 生手v. 使做学徒supervise [su·per·vise || 'suːp ə(rvaɪz ] v. 监督 ; 指导 ; 管理moral [mor·al || 'mɔr əl /'mɒ-]n. 道德 , 寓意 , 品行adj. 道德的 , 良心的 , 品性端正的 leisurely ['lei·sure·ly || 'lɪːʒərl ɪ /'leʒə-] adj. 悠闲的 , 从容的adv. 从容地 , 悠闲地elegant ['el·e·gant || 'elɪg ənt ]adj. 文雅的 ; 雅致的 ; 端庄的pride [pra ɪd ]n. 自豪 , 骄傲 , 自尊v. 使得意 , 以 ... 自豪gave way退却或者放弃放弃优势或者地位sense [sens ]n. 感官 ; 感觉 ; 官能 ; 意识v. 感到 , 认识 , 理解necessitate [ne·ces·si·tate || nɪ'ses ɪte ɪt ] v. 使成为必需 , 需要 ; 迫使regiment [reg·i·ment || 'redʒɪm ənt ] n. 团 ; 大量 ; 大群v. 把 ... 编成团 ; 严密管制 , 严格控制 constant ['con·stant || 'kɑnst ənt /'kɒn-] n. 常数 ; 恒量adj. 不变的 ; 坚决的 ; 持续的alert [a·lert || ə'l ɜːt ]n. 警报 , 警戒 ; 警戒期间 ; 警戒状态v. 向 ... 报警 ; 使注意 ; 使警觉 ; 通知待命adj. 灵敏的 , 警觉的 , 留心的dependable [de'pend·a·ble || -dəbl ]adj. 可信任的 , 可信赖的 , 可靠的discipline [dis·ci·pline || 'dɪs ɪpl ɪn ]n. 训练 , 纪律v. 训练 , 惩罚absenteeism [ab·sen·tee·ism || ‚æbsən'ti ːɪz əm ]n. 在外地主经济制 ; 旷课 ; 旷工disrupt [dis·rupt || dɪs'r ʌpt ]= Upsetv. 使分裂 , 使瓦解 ; 使混乱 , 使中断disrupt = Upsetregiment [reg·i·ment || 'redʒɪm ənt ]n. 团 ; 大量 ; 大群v. 把 ... 编成团 ; 严密管制 , 严格控制community [com·mu·ni·ty || kə'mju ːn ət ɪ]n. 社区 , 共同社会 ; 社会 , 公众 ; 共同体 ; 共有emerge [e·merge || ɪ'm ɜːd ʒ]v. 浮现 , 脱出 , 形成momentum [mo·men·tum || məʊ'ment əm ]n. 动力 ; 要素collapse [col·lapse || kə'læps]n. 倒塌 ; 失败 ; 崩溃 ; 压缩 , 现有图书馆下属子目录或图书馆的隐藏 (计算机用语 v. 倒塌 ; 瓦解 ; 崩溃 ; 使倒塌spearhead =leadn. 矛头 , 枪尖 ; 先锋部队 ; 先锋v. 当 ... 的先锋 ; 带头 ; 为 ... 扫清道路immediate [im·me·di·ate || ɪ'm ɪːd ɪət ]adj. 立即的 , 近的 , 直接的ethnic [eth·nic || 'eθn ɪk ]adj. 种族的 ; 人种学的racial [ra·cial || 'reɪʃl ]adj. 人种的 , 种族的 ; 种族之间的resent [re·sent || rɪ'zent ]v. 愤恨 , 怨恨 , 憎恶antagonism [an·tag·o·nism || æn'tægən ɪz əm ]n. 对抗 ; 敌意 ; 对立 , 敌对 ; 对抗力量occupational [oc·cu·pa·tion·al || ‚ ɑkj ə'pe ɪʃnl /‚ ɒkj ʊ-] adj. 职业的 , 占领的loyalty ['loy·al·ty || 'lɔɪəlt ɪ]n. 忠诚 ; 忠诚的行为 ; 忠心tactics ['tac·tics || 'tæktɪks ]n. 战术 , 用兵学 ; 策略 , 手段agent [a·gent || 'eɪd ʒənt ]n. 代理人 ; 仲介人 ; 代理商 ; 间谍 , 特工 , 密探fortune [for·tune || 'fɔrt ʃn /'fɔːt ʃu ːn ,'fɔːt ʃn ]n. 财富 , 兴隆 , 运气wage [we ɪd ʒ]n. 薪水 , 代价 , 报偿 ; 工资v. 开展 , 进行laborn. 劳动 ; 分娩 , 阵痛 ; 劳工 , 劳方responsibility [re·spon·si·bil·i·ty || rɪ‚sp ɑns ə'b ɪl ət ɪ /-pɒn-]n. 责任 , 负担 , 职责Apprentices were considered part of the family, and masters were responsible not only for teaching their apprentices a trade but also for providing them some education and for supervising their moral behavior.The responsibilities of the master to the apprentice went beyond the teaching of a trade. NINETEENTH-CENTURY POLITICS IN THE UNITED STATESpresidency [pres·i·den·cy || 'prezɪd əns ɪ]n. 总统职位 , 主席职位 , 总裁职位sweep [sw ɪːp ]n. 打扫 , 清扫 ; 绵亘 , 伸展 , 延伸 ; 一挥 ; 曲线v. 扫 ; 扫去 ; 清扫 , 打扫 ; 清除 ; 扫 , 袭击 , 打扫Democratic Party民主党派serve [s ɜrv /sɜːv ]n. 发球 , 开球v. 为 ... 服务 ; 供应 ; 为 ... 服役 ; 侍候 ; 服务 ; 供职 ; 服役 ; 帮佣 administration [ad·min·is·tra·tion || əd‚m ɪn ɪ'stre ɪʃn ]n. 经营 , 管理 ; 行政 , 施政 ; 监督 ; 管理部门 ; 行政部门 immeasurablyadv. 不可测量地 ; 广大无边地representative [,rep·re'sent·a·tive || ‚r ɪːpr ɪ'zent ət ɪv ]n. 代表 , 典型 , 众议员adj. 描写的 , 代理的 , 表现的senate [sen·ate || 'senət ]n. 参议院 ; 全体议员 ; 立法机构 ; 元老院elect [e·lect || ɪ'lekt ]v. 选举 ; 选择 , 决定 ; 推选 ; 作选择adj. 被选的 , 选出的declaration [dec·la·ra·tion || ‚dekl ə're ɪʃn ]n. 宣告 , 宣布 , 说明redefine ['r ɪːd ɪ'fa ɪn ]v. 重新定义relationship [re'la·tion·ship || rɪ'le ɪʃn ʃɪp ]n. 关系 , 关联 ; 亲属关系 ; 人际关系 ; 姻亲关系opponent [op·po·nent || ə'p əʊn ənt ]n. 对手 , 反对者 , 敌手adj. 敌对的 , 反对的gradually ['grad·u·al·ly || 'grædjʊəl ɪ]adv. 逐步地 , 渐渐地commerce [com·merce || 'kɒm ɜːs ]n. 商业 , 贸易 , 商务aristocrat [a·ris·to·crat || 'ærɪst əkræt]n. 贵族 ; 持贵族观点的人 , 主张贵族统治者 ; 具贵族气派的人 ; 佼佼者manipulate [ma·nip·u·late || mə'n ɪpj əle ɪt /-jʊl-]v. 操纵 , 操作 , 利用sap [sæp]n. 液 , 汁 ; 边材 ; 精力 , 元气 ; 笨蛋 #坑道 ; 削弱 , 破坏 ; 挖掘v. 使大伤元气 ; 使干枯 ; 在 ... 下挖掘 ; 在 ... 下挖掘坑道 ; 破坏 ... 的基础 ; 削弱 , 逐渐消耗 ; 挖坑道virtue [vir·tue || 'vɜrtju ː /'vɜː-]n. 德行 , 贞操 , 美德speculation [spec·u·la·tion || ‚spekj ə'le ɪʃn /-jʊ'l-]n. 思索 ; 推测 ; 沉思 ; 投机desire [de·sire || dɪ'za ɪə]n. 欲望 , 要求v. 想要 , 请求sacrifice [sac·ri·fice || 'sækrɪfa ɪs ]n. 祭牲 , 祭品 ; 牺牲 ; 献祭 ; 牺牲的行为v. 牺牲 ; 赔本出售 ; 献出 ; 献祭 ; 献祭 ; 作牺牲打feature [fea·ture || 'fɪːt ʃə(r]n. 特征 , 特色 , 容貌 ; 全长胶片 ; 吸引 ; 报纸上的一般栏目 ; 程序的优点 , 专长 , 特点 (计算机用语v. 是 ... 的特色 ; 放映 ; 特写agrarian [a·grar·i·an || ə'gre ər ɪən ]adj. 耕地的 , 土地的 ; 农业的n. 平均地权论者dominance [dom·i·nance || 'dɒm ɪn əns ]n. 优势 ; 支配 , 统治civilization (Amer.[civ·i·li·za·tion || ‚s ɪv ɪla ɪ'ze ɪʃn ]n. 文明 , 教化envision [en·vi·sion || ɪn'v ɪʒn ]v. 想像 ; 预想regulate [reg·u·late || 'regjəle ɪt /-jʊ]v. 管理 ; 为 ... 制订规章 ; 控制 ; 校准inclination [in·cli·na·tion || ‚ ɪnkl ɪ'ne ɪʃn ]n. 倾向 , 倾斜度 , 意愿inclination =Tendencymonopoly [mo'nop·o·ly || mə'n ɑp əl ɪ /-'nɒ-]n. 垄断 , 独占事业 , 专卖权philosophy [phi'los·o·phy || fɪ'l ɑs əf ɪ /-ɒ-]n. 哲学 , 原理 , 人生观sphere [sf ɪr/sfɪə]n. 球 ; 球形 ; 球体 ; 球面religion [re·li·gion || rɪ'l ɪd ʒən ]n. 宗教 ; 宗教团体 ; 教派 ; 宗教信仰humanitarian [hu·man·i·tar·i·an || hjuː‚mænɪ'ter ɪən /-'teər-] n. 人道主义者 , 基督凡人论者 , 博爱者adj. 人道主义的 ; 博爱的liberty [lib·er·ty || 'lɪb ə(rtɪ]n. 自由 ; 随意 ; 特权section [sec·tion || 'sekʃn ]n. 切下的部分 , 块 , 片 ; 节 ; 部分 ; 款 , 项v. 分段 , 切片foster [fos·ter || 'fɑst ə(r ,'fɔ- /'fɒs-]v. 养育 ; 培养 ; 抚育legislation [leg·is·la·tion || ‚led ʒɪs'le ɪʃn ]n. 立法 , 法律exclusively [ex'clu·sive·ly || -lɪ]adv. 专门地 ; 独占地 ; 专有地 ; 排外地disproportionate [,dis·pro'por·tion·ate || ‚d ɪspr ə'p ɔr ʃn ət /'pɔː-] adj. 不成比例的eager [ea·ger || 'iːg ə]adj. 热心的 , 热望的 , 渴望的surplus [sur·plus || 'sɜrpl ʌs /'sɜːpl əs ]n. 剩余 , 盈余 , 过剩adj. 过剩的 , 剩余的alienate ['al·ien·ate || 'eɪl ɪəne ɪt ]v. 使疏远 ; 让渡 , 转让 ; 离间 ; 使转移 , 使转向entrepreneur [en·tre·pre·neur || ‚ ɒntr əpr ə'n ɜː]n. 企业家 ; 主办人languishing ['lan·guish·ing || 'læŋgw ɪʃɪŋ]adj. 渐渐衰弱的 ; 脉脉含情的 ; 萎谢的 ; 懒洋洋的The Whigs were strongest in the towns, cities, and those rural areas that were fully integrated into the market economy, whereas Democrats dominated areas of semisubsistence farming that were more isolated and languishing economically.The Democrats' power was greatest in poorer areas while the Whigs were strongest in those areas where the market was already fully operating.THE EXPRESSION OF EMOTIONSdespondent [de'spond·ent || -dənt ]= Unhappyadj. 丧气的 , 没有精神的 , 失望的apparently [ap'par·ent·ly || -lɪ]adv. 显然地friendliness ['friend·li·ness || 'fren(dlɪn ɪs ]n. 友谊 ; 亲切 ; 友善approval [ap'prov·al || -vl]n. 赞成 ; 承认 ; 正式批准hostile [hos·tile || 'hɑstl /'hɒsta ɪl ]adj. 怀敌意的 , 敌对的originator [o'rig·i·na·tor || ə'r ɪd ʒəne ɪt ə(r]n. 创作者 ; 发明人recognition [rec·og·ni·tion || ‚rek əg'n ɪʃn ] n. 认出 , 识别 ; 承认 ; 认识 ; 确认survival [sur·viv·al || sər'va ɪvl /sə'-]n. 留住生命 , 残存 , 生存facial [fa·cial || 'feɪʃl ]n. 美颜术 , 脸部按摩术adj. 脸的 , 脸部用的absence [ab·sence || 'æbsəns ]n. 不在 ; 缺席 ; 缺乏concur [con·cur || kən'k ɜː]= Agreev. 意见相同 , 互助 , 一致approach [ap·proach || ə'pr əʊt ʃ]n. 门径 , 接近v. 靠近 ; 动手处理 ; 接近manifest [man·i·fest || 'mænɪfest ]n. 载货单 ; 旅客名单v. 表明 , 证明 , 表现adj. 显然的 ; 明白的disgust [dis·gust || dɪs'g ʌst ]n. 厌恶 ; 嫌恶v. 使作呕indicate [in·di·cate || 'ɪnd ɪke ɪt ]v. 指出 ; 象征 ; 显示depict [de·pict || dɪ'p ɪkt ]v. 描述 ; 描写query [que·ry || 'kwɪr ɪ /'kwɪər ɪ]n. 疑问 , 质问 ; 预定 ; 疑问号 ; 从资料库取信息的要求 (计算机用语 v. 问 ; 对 ... 表示疑问 ; 询问 ; 把 ... 作为问题提出tribe [tra ɪb ]n. 部落 , 部族dwell [dwel ]v. 居住 ; 踌躇portray [por·tray || pɔr'tre ɪ /pɔː-]v. 画 ; 把 ... 描绘成 ; 描写 ; 扮演participant [par·tic·i·pant || pɑr't ɪs ɪp ənt /pɑː't-]n. 关系者 ; 参与者multiple [mul·ti·ple || 'mʌlt ɪpl ]n. 倍数 ; 多路系统 ; 并联adj. 复合的 ; 多人享有的 ; 多样的 ; 并联的intense [in·tense || ɪn'tens ]adj. 非常的 , 紧张的 , 强烈的psychological [,psy·cho'log·i·cal || ‚sa ɪk ə'l ɑd ʒɪkl ] adj. 心理学的 , 心灵的 , 精神上的argue [ar·gue || 'ɑːgju ː]v. 辩论 ; 认为 , 主张 ; 议论 ; 说服 ; 辩论 ; 争论signal [sig·nal || 'sɪgnl ]n. 信号 ; 信号器 ; 暗号 ; 交通指示灯v. 向 ... 作信号 , 用信号通知 , 标志 ; 发信号 , 打信号muscle [mus·cle || 'mʌsl ]n. 肌肉 , 臂力v. 使劲行进outward [out·ward || 'aʊtw ə(rd]adj. 外面的 , 公开的 , 外表的adv. 向外 , 表面 , 在外intensify [in'ten·si·fy || ɪn'tens ɪfa ɪ]v. 加强 ; 强化arousal。

托福TPOextra 答案解析和原文翻译

托福TPOextra 答案解析和原文翻译

TPO 34阅读解析第一篇Population and Climate【P1】地球人口的增长已经对大气和生态环境产生了影响。

化石燃料的燃烧,毁林,城市化,种植大米,养殖家畜,生产作为助推燃料和制冷剂的CFC增加了空气中CO2,甲烷,二氧化氮,二氧化硫灰尘和CFOs 的含量。



















TPO 阅读重点词汇

TPO 阅读重点词汇
running away from从。。逃跑
spread out展开;铺张
well protected受保护的
unlike anything in the past不像过去的
difficult to control难以控制
without any restriction没有任何限制
rapidly expanding迅速扩张

TPO extra1 听力文本

TPO extra1 听力文本

TPO extra 1Conversation1NarratorListen to a conversation between a student and an employee in the campus computer center.Computer center employeeHi, what can I help you with today?StudentHi, um, I wanted to—you see, the thing is, I don't know much about computers, so I was wondering if, uh, if there's a class or something... so I can learn how to use computers, like to write papers for my classes.Computer center employeeOh, I see... um, we don't really offer a course for beginners, since most students already have computing experience. But all the computers in our labs have a general tutorial installed on them. You could just go there and run it.StudentAnd the tutorial explains everything? I mean, it might sound strange but I've never used a computer.Computer center employeeWell, all the computer labs on campus are staffed with student assistants, and I'm sure that any one of them would be more than willing to get you started.StudentYeah? That sounds good. But is it expensive?Computer center employeeNo, in fact, it won't cost anything; it's one of the services of the computer center.StudentThat's great. How do they—I mean, how do I get in touch with the student assistants? Should I just go to a computer lab and ask whoever's there?Computer center employeeSure, you could do that, or I can let you have a list of names of the students who are assistants in the labs. You might know one of them.StudentActually, I think I'd prefer someone I don't know, um, so I can ask dumb questions... Is there anyone you'd recommend? Computer center employeeAll of our student assistants are really knowledgeable about computers. I mean, they have to be, in order to work in the computer labs... It doesn't mean that they're necessarily good at teaching beginners... but you probably won't be a beginner for very long.StudentHope not.Computer center employeeAnd I just thought of something else. The bookstore has a lot of books on computers-there might be one for people like you, I mean, people who don't have a lot of experience with computers. I actually bought one for my father so he could learn how to use e-mail, basic word processing, that sort of thing—and it worked pretty well for him.StudentOK, I'll try that, too. And if the bookstore doesn't have it, they can just order it for me?Computer center employeeRight. Now is there anything else I can help you with today?StudentUh, just the list of names and the times they're working. I'd like to get going on this as soon as possible.Computer center employeeRight. Good luck.Lecture 1NarratorListen to part of a lecture in an economics class.ProfessorWhen attempting to understand international trade, some things seem so obvious that they can hardly be controverted, and other points that are important are invisible unless you've thought about the subject carefully.Consider the following: if there's an increase in imports, let's say, um, let's say imports of furniture, and the domestic producers of furniture find this new competition very difficult and are cutting production and employment, then it seems obvious and easy to understand and many people conclude from this that increasing imports will cause generally greater unemployment at home.What is not so obvious is that how much we import and how much we export... those are interdependent and you can't understand the one without the other. But the exports that are generated are not easily discernable, so most people don't see them. They see only the imports of furniture rising and employment in domestic furniture production falling.So as a result, many people argue that we ought to protect jobs by limiting imports—either by tariffs, quotas, regulations, or whatever—without realizing that this also has the effect of reducing potential future exports to the rest of the world, things that we can produce very, very... cost effectively and therefore profitably.The fundamental proposition in international economics is that it makes sense to import those things that we... that can be produced more economically abroad than at home and export things to the rest of the world that we can produce more cost effectively than produced elsewhere in the world. Therefore, if we limit imports, we put ourselves in danger of not being able to export.The details of this relationship will take much longer to explain than I can fully go into now but the point of the matter is that gains—the benefits of gains—from international trade result from being able to get things cheaper by buying them abroad than you can make them at home. Now there're some things that we can make at home that are... that we can do more economically than they can do abroad.In the case of the United States, typically high-technology products, uh... are things that Americans have innovated in and started firms doing that sort of thing at which they do very well. Whereas goods that produce... that use a lot of relatively low skill labor, like furniture production, cotton production, sugar production... those are things that are frequently made more inexpensively in places where wage rates are low and the cost of using capital is very high.However, in Florida they produce a lot of sugar, but the costs are so high, if we didn't have extensive restrictions on imports of sugar, the output of sugar would decline dramatically. But the sugar industry in the U.S. doesn't produce high-paying jobs, it uses resources in ineffective ways and it blocks the import of more cost-effectively produced sugar. It, it's a very bad bargain for the people in the United States to want to protect low-paying jobs thereby halting the growth of world trading and international... uh, more international specialization. It would be better to remove restrictions on imports and allow other countries in the world... countries that can produce them more cheaply... let them specialize in producing those products.Now, I agree that people who are directly affected by imports, what they focus on... is, is that their prospects... their job prospects are being reduced, and their economic circumstances are getting worse. And that's a relevant problem and an important problem; what isn't so obvious is... that by retraining and relocating people to places and industries where jobs are expanding rather than contracting, we can make the whole economy function more effectively and productively than by trying to block imports.Um, what is interesting to note is that, even if there were no international trade issues, like imports, any changes that occur in a country's economy—any new technology, change in preferences, change in regulations or whatever—will lead to "adjustments" that lead some sectors of the economy to decline and others to expand.And that's what we have to figure out, and that's a hard problem to deal with in detail, is how to facilitate people adjusting from sectors where their job prospects are not so good, and in particular where real wages aren't so high, to acquire skills that will permit them to move into higher-paying jobs in other parts of the economy either by retraining or relocating. Helping pay for the relocation of these people would be very helpful, but trying to block the changes is really counterproductive. It makes people in our country poorer, and it makes people elsewhere in the world poorer as well.Lecture 2NarratorListen to part of a lecture in a marine biology class.ProfessorI want to continue our discussion about whales. Specifically, today, um, I want to talk about whale migration—um, why whales head south for the winter. Or really why whales in the cold water of the Northern Hemisphere head south for the winter. Now, not all kinds of whales migrate, but most baleen whales do.And interestingly enough, we still don't really know why the baleen whales migrate. We do have several theories, however, which I'll discuss today. Uh, can anybody name one reason why baleen whales might migrate south, to the warm tropical water?Male studentUh, for food? You know, the whales move to warmer water in order to find a good area to feed.ProfessorGood guess. That should be an obvious reason—after all, most animals that migrate do so for the purpose of finding food. But, uh, that doesn't seem to be the case with baleen whales. To understand why, you need to know something about water temperature. There are a lot of technical reasons that I'm not going to go into right now. But let's just say that nutrients don't rise to the surface of tropical water like they do in other kinds of water. Tropical water simply never gets cold enough. So... well, what this means, uh, is that tropical water doesn't have much of the plankton that most whales feed on.Male studentI don't understand—if there's no plankton, how do the whales survive through the winter?ProfessorRight. How do they survive? You see, they don't have to eat anything, because they've stored up so much fat during the summer feeding season that they can just survive off of that. So if they don't need to eat anything, we're back to our original question. Why do baleen whales migrate? Any theories? No?Well, there's one idea out there that a lot of people believe. In fact, uh, you could say it's the most popular theory we have about whale migration. Basically, the argument is that for baleen whales, migration is a kind of balancing act. Let me explain. On one hand, whales need to take advantage of the summer months by eating as much food as they can. And that's what they can do best in the northern seas. This allows them to build up a lot of fat. But in the winter, food is scarce even in the north, so what the whales need to do is save energy. And that's what migrating south can help them do... Amanda, you have a question?Female studentYes. Um, the balancing-act theory doesn't make sense to me. Maybe whales might need to save energy during the winter, but wouldn't moving all the way down to tropics make them lose energy?ProfessorThat's a good point, and it's one reason why this isn't a perfect theory. It does cost the whales energy to migrate, but it's easier for whales to save energy in warm water than it is to save energy in cold water, so there might still be, you know, a good reason to move south for the winter. OK?Now, before moving on to the next chapter, I want to briefly discuss how the baleen whale manages to navigate. It's pretty remarkable, because the whales manage to return to the same places year after year, and have to travel over anenormous area of ocean in order to do it. I mean, it's not like whales can just look at a map, right? So exactly how do they do it?Well, a lot of experimental work still needs to be done, but we have been able to figure out at least three ways the baleen whale navigates without getting lost. The first is the ability to use Earth's magnetic field like it was a map. That sounds strange, but we know that many birds use that method, use the magnetic field, and it's possible that whales have the biological ability to do the same thing.Another theory is that if they stay close to the coast, whales might be able to find familiar landmarks and use those as guides. But we don't really know if a whale's eyesight is good enough to be able to do that, so that's not a perfect theory. And finally, we know that many whales make very loud sounds that can travel literally hundreds of miles underwater. Through a process called echolocation, it's possible that these whales hear the sounds bounce off of islands or other pieces of land and use those echoes as clues to help them find their way.Conversation 2NarratorListen to a conversation between a student and a professor.StudentHi, uh... Professor Anderson... wondering if you had a couple minutes...ProfessorOf course, Paula...StudentThanks... uh, you sent me a letter recently about doing, uh, an honors project—inviting me to come in and talk about... ProfessorRight, right, well, as your academic advisor, it's my job to look out for your academic interests, and based on your grades, and some very positive feedback I've heard from your professors, I wanted to formally invite you to consider doing an honors project...StudentYeah... well, thanks... uh, actually I kinda wanted to ask you... quite frankly—like how much work it would probably be?I mean, I'm gonna be spending a lot of time applying to law schools next semester and...ProfessorWell, let me tell you how it works... and then you can decide from there.StudentOK.ProfessorBasically, the honors project is an opportunity to do... some in-depth work on a topic you're interested in before graduating college. You register for the class, but it doesn't work the same way a regular class does—you find a professor who you want to work with—you ask the professor—a sort of mentor who's knowledgeable on the topic you're interested in —the topic you're gonna write your honors thesis on...StudentWriting a thesis? That's part of the project? Ah, like how many pages are we talking?ProfessorUsually about 50... but it's a valuable experience, writing a thesis paper.StudentSo, basically, after I register for the class, I need to ask a professor who'll sorta help me...ProfessorActually, you need to do that—a professor needs to agree to oversee your honors project—before you register.StudentOh, OK...ProfessorI mean, I know it sounds kinda daunting, but that's what the professor's there for—to help guide you through the different steps of the process and... uh... most students are very pleased with the experience... they're able to demonstrate advanced research skills, which is important; especially in your case, writing an honors thesis would be a big plus...StudentYou think so?ProfessorAbsolutely. Especially considering your plans, since you're applying to law schools. It shows initiative, that you've done well as an undergraduate—to be allowed to do the honors project... that you're able to work independently and, of course, you would graduate with honors...StudentYeah, it does sound good—it's just, you know, I've never written something like that before, so...ProfessorWell, you choose something you're interested in—maybe you can even expand a shorter research paper from another class or...StudentSo, like, maybe... You know, I took this course from Professor Connelly—his course on Comparative Governments last semester and, uh... did pretty well—I wrote a paper actually, on political parties in Venezuela and—and he seemed to like my research. Anyway, he, uh, I got an A in the course.ProfessorGood, so it sounds like you do have a general idea for a topic, and you might know what professor you want to work with... and look, it's still a couple weeks before registration, maybe you should talk to Professor Connelly and then get back to me.StudentYeah, I will—thanks. I'll come by again sometime next week.ProfessorThat's fine. Good luck.Lecture 3NarratorListen to part of a lecture in a journalism class. The professor has been discussing newspapers.ProfessorAbout 40 years ago, half of all Americans felt they'd be lost without a daily newspaper. But today, only one in ten Americans say they'd be lost without a paper. In fact, today, half of all Americans say they don't need a newspaper at all. And so people in the newspaper industry are trying to figure out how they can get more people reading the newspaper more often. They're trying to crack journalism's riddle for the ages: what makes people read newspapers? OK, well, let me ask you—as a journalism student, what do you think is the answer to this question? Elizabeth?Female studentUm, I would probably try to improve the content of the newspaper.ProfessorBetter content. Hmm. You mean like well-written editorials and articles?Female studentWell, I mean provide more interesting content, like, I would first try to find out what readers really want to read... and then put that into the paper.ProfessorYes, in fact, not too long ago, there was an extensive study conducted to investigate what draws people to newspapers. Uh, they found out that there's a clear, strong link between satisfaction with content and overall readership. Those newspapers that contained what the readers wanted most brought in the most readers. No big surprise there, right? So, what kind of content brings in readers? The study found that people-centered local news ranks at the top of the list... stories about ordinary people. For example, you could write about the experiences of those who were involved in a news story, and their friends and relatives... The vantage points would be those of ordinary people, not of police or other officials... OK? Now the study also showed that people want more stories about movies, TV, and weather, and fewer stories and photos about natural disasters and accidents... So, to get reader satisfaction, you need to select the right topics, and within those topics, the right news events or stories to cover. Yes, James?Male studentIt seems to me that a lot of what you just mentioned doesn't line up with the principles of good journalism. Catering to readers' tastes may improve overall readership, but what about the social responsibilities that newspapers have? I mean, there are some topics that newspapers need to write about in order to serve the public interest. Those topics may not always be fun and interesting for the average reader, but it's still the newspaper's responsibility to make that information available to the public.ProfessorThat's a good point. You need a good mix of content. You can't just rush towards an attractive topic and forget about the reporting role of newspapers. There's a danger of going soft—newspapers do have to perform their obligations to citizens. So what newspapers sometimes do is to combine serious journalism with a reader-friendly presentation. Um, let me give you an example: When the justice department opened an investigation on the local police—some pretty serious stuff that could be boring to some readers—well, one local newspaper ran a lead story on their front page, but they also simplified the format by including small breakout boxes that presented—in a nutshell—the highlights of the story. That way, they could report the serious stories they needed to report, and, and still hold their readers' attention. OK? Uh, going back to the research on readership growth we were talking about... Uh, the most vital step of all, the study shows, may be making the paper easier to use. How can we make the paper "easier to use"? Well, it means stories need to include information, such as phone numbers, times, dates, addresses, Web sites and the like, so that readers can "go and do" things based on what they've read.Female studentProfessor Ellington? Um, when you said we need to make the paper "easier to use," I thought you were gonna say something about use of graphics, colors, and stuff like that.ProfessorWell, I guess those things do help in a way, but it turned out that those contemporary touches, uh, such as more attractive designs, extensive use of color, and informational graphics matter much less than you'd expect. Surprising, isn't it?Female studentYeah, it is... Um, how about service? Does the study say anything about improving service? I don't think people are gonna subscribe if the paper doesn't arrive, or shows up late...ProfessorOr shows up wet, which by the way, happened to me this morning. Oh, absolutely. Service affects readership. In fact, improving your service is much more likely to increase your readership than making changes in your editorial content... Not only on-time delivery in good condition, but also things like efficient billing, affordability, um... Yes?Female studentThey could also, like, increase the number of sites where they sell single copies.ProfessorCertainly that's one way to improve service.Lecture 4NarratorListen to part of a lecture in a geology class.ProfessorUm, beginning in the late 1960s, geologists began to uncover some evidence of a rather surprising kind when they looked... um... at various places around the world. What they found out when they examined rocks from about a... the period from about 750 million years ago to about 580 million years ago, they found that... it seemed that glaciers covered the entire surface of the Earth—from pole to pole, including the tropics.Um... how did they come to this astonishing conclusion? What was the evidence for this? Especially when glaciers today are found only at the poles ... or in the mountains.Well, uh... basically when glaciers grow and move they leave behind a distinctive deposit consisting of primarily... of, at least on the top level, of ground up little bits of rock... almost... they almost look like rocks that have been deposited by streams,if you've ever seen those. And that's caused because, although the glacier is ice, it is actually flowing very slowly and as it moves it grinds the top layer of rock, it breaks off pieces and carries them away. So when you have glaciation you have a distinctive pattern of these pieces of rock which are called "erratics."Erratics are rocks... they're the stones that are often carried long distances by glaciers.So, in the 1960s and onward up through the 1990s, we keep finding evidence for glaciation, no matter what the latitude... even in tropical latitudes. Now, today there are glaciers in the tropics but only at very high elevations. But 750 million years ago, apparently there were glaciers even at sea level in the tropics.How could this have happened?Well, first... the growth of glaciers, uh, benefits, if you will, from a kind of a positive feedback loop called the "ice-albedo effect."With the ice-albedo effect, glaciers—'cause they're white—reflect light and heat more... much more than does liquid water... or soil and rock, which are dark and absorb heat. So, the more glaciers there are, the more heat is reflected, so the climate gets cooler, and glaciers grow even more.However... normally, on a global scale, there is a major process that functions to curb the growth of glaciers. And, that process involves carbon dioxide.Now, we're all familiar with the notion that carbon dioxide is what we call a "greenhouse gas." The more carbon dioxide there is in the atmosphere, the more heat the atmosphere retains. That's what a greenhouse gas does. So, the greenhouse-gas effect is kinda the opposite of the albedo effect.Um... now as it happens... when silicate rocks, which is a very common class of rock, when they're exposed to the air and to normal weathering, they erode. Carbon dioxide is attracted to these eroding rocks and binds to them, forming calcium carbonate.Calcium carbonate is eventually washed into the ocean where it settles to the bottom. This process, this forming of calcium carbonate, has the effect of sucking the carbon dioxide out of the air and storing it at the bottom of the ocean. Now, follow me here. The process that's sucking carbon dioxide out of the air, keeping the greenhouse gas levels low, cannot happen if the rock is covered with ice.So, while glaciers reflect light and heat... cooling the Earth, they at the same time cover rocks so there's less calcium carbonate formed... which leaves more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Higher levels of carbon dioxide keep the atmosphere warm... which slows the growth of glaciers. So, it's a balance, and the glacier growth remains pretty much under control.Now, what happened 750 million years ago to upset that balance? It seems a relatively simple explanation actually...750 million years ago... all the major continents are rocky, bare, and pretty much lined up along the equator; they hadn't yet moved to where they are today. So, what happened was, perhaps a slight cooling of... the very slight and temporary cooling of the Sun—which still happens from time to time—and the Earth starts to cool, the ice starts to spread on the oceans... starting at the poles.Now, by the time the ice reaches about two-thirds of the way to the equator, it's too late.See... because the continents are the last things to be covered by glaciers, they continue weathering... the rocks keep eroding and the carbon dioxide levels keep falling... So, the ice-albedo effect from the glaciers is increasing in strength while the atmosphere continues to lose its ability to retain heat making glacier growth unstoppable. Now you have what's called a "runaway freeze." And for perhaps as long as 50 million years, possibly with some interludes, the Earth was frozen from pole to pole, like a giant snowball.。




下面cnfla小编为您收集整理了,希望对您有帮助!托福阅读考试高频词汇(一)glacier n.冰川interval n.时间间隔lodge n.小屋mantle n.地幔margin n.(湖,池等的)边缘offshore adj.海面上的,远离岸的orbit n.轨道range n.山脉,多山的地区mountain rangemountain chainknot n.山脉的交结点summit,top,crest,peak n.山顶ravine n.峡谷canyon n.峡谷gorge n.峡谷crevice n.断裂precipice n.悬崖cliff n.悬崖receptacle n.接受器,容器,储存器remnant n.残余物ridge n.脊背sediment n.沉淀物slope n.斜坡tectonics n.构造学topography n.地形学,地貌学tunnel n.隧道,地道apply v.应用cluster v.丛生,群聚collide v.碰撞compact v.压紧,固结concentrate v.集中conduct v.传导demolish v.破坏,粉碎diffuse v.传播,扩散dispose v.处理,处置distribute v.散布,分布drill v.钻孔,钻通eliminate v.排除erode v.侵蚀evaporate v.蒸发extract v.开采,提炼hem v.给……镶边,包围hypothesize v.假设insulate v.隔离melt v.融化impertinent adj.无关,鲁莽,不相干impenitent adj.不悔悟的 n.不悔悟的人nonchalant adj.冷淡的,满不在乎的immobile adj.静止的 n.稳定breeze n.微风frost n.霜seep v.渗漏plummet v.骤然跌落fine shadow n.细微的差别black gold n.石油black diamond n.煤as……go n.和……相比skull n.头骨cranial adj.头盖的earthquake n.地震seismic adj.地震的succint/concise/terse adj.简洁的furnace n.暖气mundane adj.ordinaryoverlook v.neglect托福阅读考试高频词汇(二)impertinent adj.无关,鲁莽,不相干impenitent adj.不悔悟的 n.不悔悟的人nonchalant adj.冷淡的,满不在乎的immobile adj.静止的 n.稳定breeze n.微风frost n.霜seep v.渗漏plummet v.骤然跌落fine shadow n.细微的.差别black gold n.石油black diamond n.煤as……go n.和……相比skull n.头骨cranial adj.头盖的earthquake n.地震seismic adj.地震的succint/concise/terse adj.简洁的furnace n.暖气mundane adj.overlook v.源:考试大阅读词组精选on the right track——well on one's waywhales on the beach n.不呆在该呆的位置上be engrossed in/be absorbed in/in absession with/concentrate on 表全神贯注urban crowding n.城市人口集中化social stress n.社会压力pilot reclamation project n.试验性改造工程be indulged in 沉迷于分组词汇精选Geologycanal n.运河core n.地核crater n火山口crust n.地壳cycle n.天体的循环dam n.水坝debris n.碎片,岩屑deformation n.变形diversity n.多样性edge n.边缘,边界erosion n.腐蚀,侵蚀eruption n.爆发,火山灰former n.形成者,模型frontier n.边界,新开发的地带funnel n.漏斗。





1、对话场景词汇:A:Office Hours—Student & Professor论文:office hour [ˈɔfis][ˈauə]n.办公时间term paper [tə:m][ˈpeipə]n.学期论文.the first draft [ðə] [fə:st][drɑ:ft]n.初稿look over a draft version [luk][ˈəuvə][ə][drɑ:ft][ˈvə:ʃən]v.检查草拟版本hand in the final copy[hænd][in][ðə] [ˈfainəl] [ˈkɔpi]v.提交最后打印版scope [skəup]n.范围wander off topic [ˈwɔndə] [ɔ(:)f][ˈtɔpik]v.跑题.design plan [diˈzain] [plæn]n.设计方案.essay[ˈesei]n.作文,散文rewrite[ˈri:ˈrait]v.重写revise[riˈvaiz]v.校正comment [ˈkɔment]n.vt.评论reference section [ˈrefərəns] [ˈsekʃ(ə)n]n.参考部分考试专业疑难解答:assignment[əˈsainmənt]n.作业grade[greid]n.成绩credit[ˈkredit]n.学分mid-term exam [mid][tə:m] [igˈzæm]n.期中考试group project[gru:p] [ˈprɔdʒekt]n.团队项目due[dju:]adj.截止deadline [ˈdedlain]n.截止日期extension[ikˈstenʃən]n.延期选课:Preparatory Course[priˈpærətəri] [kɔ:s]n.预备课程:foundation course[faunˈdeiʃən] [kɔ:s]n.基础课程intro/introduction course[ˈɪntrəʊ]/ [ˈintrəˈdʌkʃən] [kɔ:s].n.导论课程intermediate Course[ˈintəˈmi:diət] [kɔ:s]n.中级课程advanced course[ədˈvɑ:nst] [kɔ:s]n.高级课程申请志愿者:volunteer[ˈvɔlənˈtiə]n.志愿者campus[ˈkæmpəs]n校园semester[siˈmestə]n.学期(半年)[英式term;术语]scholarship/fellowship[ˈskɔləʃip] [ˈfeləuʃip]n.奖学金迷路和其他:orientation[ˈɔ:riənˈteiʃən]n.大学新生介绍校园生活和学习retire [riˈtaiə]v.退休graduate [ˈgrædjueit]vi. 毕业n.毕业生B:Student & Officer 学生对工作人员(1)注册与咨询Registrar’s Office:注册办公室sign up [saɪn ʌp]v.注册,选课,报名course[kɔ:s]n.课程prerequisite[ˈpri:ˈrekwizit]n.预备知识,先决条件.permission[pəˈmiʃən]n.允许,许可mailing address[ˈmeiliŋ əˈdres] n.邮寄地址at the administration office[æt, ət] [ðə, ði:] [ədˈminisˈtreiʃən] [ˈɔfis]n.行政办公室graduation form[ˈgrædʒuˈeiʃən] [fɔ:m]n.毕业表格diploma[diˈpləumə]n.毕业证书.academic record[ˈækəˈdemik] [ˈrekɔ:d, riˈkɔ:d]n.学业成绩graduation requirements[ˈgrædʒuˈeiʃən][riˈkwaiəmənts]要求department chair[diˈpɑ:tmənt][tʃɛə]/chairperson['tʃɛəpə:sn]n.系主任dean [di:n]n.院长;系主任credit[ˈkredit]n.学分introductory course[ˈintəˈdʌktəri][kɔ:s]n.基础入门课程the intermediate level course[ðə, ði:] [ˈintəˈmi:diət] [ˈlevəl] [kɔ:s]n.中级水平basic course[ˈbeisik] [kɔ:s]n.基础课程foundational classe[faunˈdeiʃən] [ˈklæsik]基础课程field work[fild wɚk]/research [riˈsə:tʃ]n.实地研究verify[ˈverifai]vt.证实certify[ˈsə:tifai]vt.证明Counseling Center:咨询中心counselor[ˈkaunsələ]n.咨询员(2)图书馆与书店Library:图书馆librarian[laiˈbrɛəriən]n.图书管理员inter-library[ˈɪntə(r)][ˈlaibrəri]n.图书馆间loan[ləun]v.n.借loan counter[ləun][ˈkauntə] n.借书处loan period [ləun] [ˈpiəriəd] n.借书期限return[riˈtə:n]v.还renew[riˈnju:]v.更新,续reserve[riˈzə:v]vt.预留/n.储备photocopier[ˈfəʊtəʊkɔpɪə(r)]n.影印机fine[fain]vt.罚款/n.罚金literature review [ˈlitərətʃə][riˈvju:]n.文献评论electronic [iˈlekˈtrɔnik]adj.电子版的journal[ˈdʒə:nəl]n.期刊database [ˈdeitəbeis]n.数据库published and unpublished data [ˈpʌbliʃt][ənd][ˈʌnˋpʌblɪʃt] [ˈdeitə]n.数据title[ˈtaitl]n.标题screen[skri:n]n.电脑屏幕an abstract [ən, æn] [ˈæbstrækt]vt.摘要newspaper reviews[ˈnju:sˈpeipə] [riˈvju:z]n.报纸评论contemporary reviews[kənˈtempərəri] [riˈvju:z]n.当代评论in the basement[in] [ðə, ði:] [ˈbeismənt]n.地下室reference guide[ˈrefərəns] [gaid]n.参考指南the reference stacks[ðə, ði:] [ˈrefərəns][stæks]n.书库video library[ˈvidiəu] [ˈlaibrəri]n.录像图书馆student orientation[ˈstju:dənt] [ˈɔ:riənˈteiʃən]n.情况介绍(针对大学新生)the front desk[ðə, ði:][frʌnt] [desk]n.前台charge[tʃɑ:dʒ]=fee[fi:]n.费用the rare books[ðə, ði:] [reə] [buks]珍藏本书gloves[glʌvz]手套Bookstore:书店full refund[ful] [riˈfʌnd, ˈri:fʌnd]n.退款retreat[riˈtri:t]n.退书merchandises[ˈmə:tʃəndaiz]n.商品purchased['pə:tʃəst]=buy[bai]vt.买policy[ˈpɔləsi]n.规定store credit[stɔ:][ˈkredit]n.商店退款;赊账购物(3)实验室language lab manager:实验室video [ˈvidiəu]n.视频;录像(4)食堂Cafeteria:食堂restaurant['restərɔnt] /dining room[ˈdaɪnɪŋ][ru:m]n.餐厅organic food[ɔ:ˈgænik] [fu:d]n.有机食物deep fried food[di:p] [fraid] [fu:d]n.油炸食物waiter[ˈweitə]n.男服务员waitress[ˈweitris]n.女服务员snack[snæk]n.小吃,快餐salad[ˈsæləd]n.沙拉(5)打工与求职Department Secretary:部门秘书salary[ˈsæləri]=income[ˈinkʌm]n.工资paycheck['peitʃek]n.薪水bank account[bæŋk əˈkaʊnt]n.银行存款/账户deposits[diˈpɔzits]n. 存款payroll [ˈpeirəul]n.工资单;薪水册form[fɔ:m]n.表格table[ˈteibəl]n.表格chart[tʃɑ:t]n.图表cash[kæʃ]n.现金fax[fæks]n.传真bill[bil]n.账单credit card[ˈkrɛdɪt kɑrd]n.信用卡Career Services Office:就业服务办公室career[kəˈriə]n.职业recruit[riˈkru:t]vt.招聘interview[ˈintəvju:]n.面试resume[ˈrezju:mei]n.简历employee[imˈplɔi-i:]n.雇员employer[imˈplɔiə]n.雇主career[kəˈriə]/job fair[dʒɑb fɛr]n.招聘会website['webˈsait]n.网站recommend letter[ˈrekəˈmend] [ˈletə]n.推荐信firm[fə:m]=company[ˈkʌmpəni]=corporation[ˈkɔ:pəˈreiʃən]n.公司wear a suit[wɛə][ei, ə, æn, ən] [su:t, sju:t]n.正装advancement[ədˈvɑ:nsmənt]=promotion[prəˈməuʃən]n.晋升freshman[ˈfreʃmən]n.大一新生sophomore[ˈsɔfəmɔ:]n.大二junior[ˈdʒu:niə]n.大三seniors[ˈsi:niə]n.大四学生(6)社团与课外活动faculty advisor:指导老师dorm[dɔ:m]/dormitory [ˈdɔ:mitəri]n.宿舍social[ˈsəuʃəl]a.社交academics[ˈækəˈdemik]a.学术feedback[ˈfi:dbæk]n.反馈facilities manager:后勤经理chorus[ˈkɔ:rəs]=choir[ˈkwaiə]n.合唱队rehearsal[riˈhə:səl]n.排练,预演auditorium[ˈɔ:diˈtɔ:riəm]n.礼堂,会堂construction[kənˈstrʌkʃən]n.建筑施工hall[hɔ:l]n.大厅laboratory[ləˈbɔrətəri]n.实验室concert[ˈkɔnsət]n.音乐会reschedule[ri:ˈʃedju:l]vt.重新安排时间表Campus Activities. 校园活动announcement[əˈnaunsmənt]n.公告;通告summit[ˈsʌmit]n.提交request[riˈkwest]vt./n.请求poster[ˈpəustə]n.海报flyers [ˈflaiəz]n.传单Administrating Office行政办公楼gym card[dʒim] [kɑ:d]n.健身卡2、讲座学科词汇:讲座场景A--Social Science 社会科学(1)考古学与人类学考古:Archaeologyhistoricalrelic[hisˈtɔrikəl] [ˈrelik]n.遗迹excavation [ˈekskəˈveiʃən]n.挖掘grave= tomb[greiv]=[tu:m]n.坟墓bury[ˈberi]v.埋葬primitive [ˈprimitiv]n.原始人,adj原始的the Neolithic period/age[ðə] [ˈni:əuˈliθik] [ˈpiəriəd]/[eidʒ]=New stone age[nju:] [stəun][eidʒ]n.新石器时代the Paleolithic period/age[ðə] [ˈpæliəuˈliθik] [ˈpiəriəd]/[eidʒ]= the Old/late Stone Age [ðə] [əuld]/ [leit][stəun][eidʒ]n.旧石器时代shelter [ˈʃeltə] n.庇护所inhabit[inˈhæbit]vt.居住于religion[riˈlidʒən]n.宗教ceremony[ˈseriməni]n.仪式obsidian[ɔbˈsidiən]n.黑曜石pyramid[ˈpirəmid]n.金字塔人类学:AnthropologyNative American [ˈneitiv][əˈmerikən]n. 美洲原住民,印第安人the natural resources [ðə][ˈnætʃərəl] [riˈsɔ:sis]n.自然资源waterproof[ˈwɔ:təpru:f]=watertight[ˈwɔ:tətaitnis] adj.防水的cooking container [ˈkukiŋ] [kənˈteinə]n.容器utensil[ju:ˈtensəl]n.餐具,炊具bowl [bəul]n.碗canoe [kəˈnu:]独木舟alliance [əˈlaiəns]=federation[ˈfedəˈreiʃən]n.联盟(2)哲学与历史哲学:PhilosophyAncient Greek philosopher [ˈeinʃənt][gri:k] [fiˈlɔsəfə]n.古希腊哲学家希腊哲学三杰:Socrates[ˈsɔkrəti:z]苏格拉底;Plato[ˈpleitəu]柏拉图;Aristotle[ˈæristɔtl]亚里士多德Aristotle’s ethical theory[ˈæristɔtlz][ˈeθikəl] [ˈθiəri]n.伦理学happiness [ˈhæpinis]n.幸福历史:Historyancient Rome/Greek[ˈeinʃənt][rəum]/[gri:k]n.古罗马/希腊Europe [ˈjuərəp] n.欧洲Britain [ˈbritən]n.英国Italy [ˈitəli]n. 意大利Rome(Roma) [rəum] n.罗马Greek [gri:k] n.希腊Egypt[ˈi:dʒipt] n.埃及France [ˈfræns] n.法国Germany [ˈdʒə:məni] n.德国Spain [spein] n.西班牙Turkey[ˈtə:ki] n.土耳其(Turkish)Netherlands[ˈneðələndz] =Holland[ˈhɔlənd] n.荷兰(Dutch荷兰人)Canada [ˈkænədə] n.加拿大(Canadian [kəˈneidiən] n.加拿大人)(3)经济商业与政治经济学Economics商业Businessprosper[ˈprɔspə]vi.繁荣dotcom crash[ðə][dɒtˈkɒm][kræʃ]n.互联网泡沫out of business 歇业,破产.irrational [iˈræʃənəl]adj.不理性的boom and bust[bu:m] [ænd][bʌst] 繁荣与萧条industry [ˈindəstri]n.产业,工业native to [ˈneitiv][tu]原产至hail from [heil][frɔm]来自于,出产于remote mountainous region [riˈməut] [ˈmauntinəs] [ˈri:dʒən]n.偏远山区nomad [ˈnəumæd]n.游牧民merchant [ˈmə:tʃənt]n.商人diplomat [ˈdipləmæt]n.外交官tulip mania [ˈtju:lip][ˈmeiniə]n.狂热gardening=horticulture [ˈɡɑːdnɪŋ]=[ˈhɔ:tiˈkʌltʃə]n.园艺disposable income[di'spəuzəbl][ˈinkʌm]-money [ˈmʌni]n.可支配收入luxury [ˈlʌkʃəri]n.奢侈品commodity[kəˈmɔditi]n.商品specimen [ˈspesəmən]n.样本variation [ˈveəriˈeiʃən]n.变种gold[gəuld]n.金子(区:goal目标)promissory note[ˈprɔmisəri][nəut]n.本票guarantee [ˈgærənˈti:]v.担保speculation [ˈspekjuˈleiʃən]n.投机profit [ˈprɔfit]n.利润revenue[ˈrevinju:]=income [ˈinkʌm]n.收入cost[kɔst]n.成本borrowing [ˈbɔrəuiŋ]n.借款mortgage[ˈmɔ:gidʒ]n./vt.抵押auction [ˈɔ:kʃən]n./vt.拍卖bidder [ˈbidə]n.投标者Panic [ˈpænik]n.恐慌collapse[kəˈlæps]n./vt.崩溃service[ˈsə:vis]n.服务product[ˈprɔdʌkt]n.产品potential customer[pəˈtenʃəl][ˈkʌstəmə]n.潜在客户media [ˈmi:diə]=communication[kəˈmju:niˈkeiʃən]n.媒体advertisement [ədˈvə:tismənt]n.广告adman [ˈædmæn]n.广告人advertising plan[ˈædvətaiziŋ][plæn]n.广告策划billboard[ˈbilbɔːd]n.公告牌target age group [ˈtɑ:git][eidʒ] [gru:p]n.目标年龄群market research/survey[ˈmɑ:kit] [riˈsə:tʃ]/[ˈsə:vei]市场调查tax [tæks]n.税金client[ˈklaiənt]n.客户commercial [kəˈmə:ʃəl]adj.商业的;营利的monetary [ˈmʌnitəri]adj.货币的,财政的infrastructure [ˈinfrəˈstrʌktʃə]n.基础设施out of work [aut] [əv, ə, ɔv] [wə:k]n.失业collaborate[kəˈlæbəreit]vi.合作;协作industry cluster:[ˈindəstri][ˈklʌstə]n.产业集群skilled labor [skild][ˈleibə]n.熟练工人Great Depression [greit][diˈpreʃən]n.大萧条mass communications[mæs][kəˈmju:niˈkeiʃənz]大众传播工具industrial revolution [inˈdʌstriəl] [ˈrevəˈlu:ʃən]n.工业革命,产业革命slogan [ˈsləugən]n.标语;呐喊声brand=trademark[brænd]=[ˈtreidmɑ:k]n.品牌,商标urbanization [ˈəːbənaiˈzeiʃən]n.都市化bureaucracy[bjuˈrɔkrəsi]n.官僚主义美国政府the United States Governmentfifty states 55个州the Federal[ðə][ˈfedərəl]n.联邦federal subsidy[ˈfedərəl] [ˈsʌbsidi]=financial assistance[fəˈnænʃəl][əˈsistəns]n.财政资助//补贴the Second World War 第二次世界大战the National Endowment for the Artsfoundation[ðə][ˈnæʃən(ə)l][inˈdaumənt] [fə] [ðə][ɑːts]n.美国艺术基金会foundation[faunˈdeiʃən]=fund[fʌnd]n.基金会council[ˈkaunsəl]n.委员会tax incentive [tæks][inˈsentiv]n.税收优惠patron[ˈpeitrən]=sponsor[ˈspɔnsə]n.赞助人annual budget[ˈænjuəl][ˈbʌdʒit]n.年度预算(4)心理学社会学与语言学心理学:Psychologyfounder [ˈfaundə]n.创始人behaviorism [bɪˈheɪvɪərɪz(ə)m]n.行为主义mental process [ˈmentl][ˈprəuses]n.思维过程thought [θɔ:t]n.思想,想法laryngeal [ læˈrindʒiəl]adj.喉部larynx[ˈlæriŋks]= voice box [vɔis] [bɔks]喉头throat [θrəut]n.喉咙,嗓子habit[ˈhæbit]n.习惯positive/negative electrode [ˈpɔzətiv]/ [ˈnegətiv][ɪˈlektrəʊd]正/负电极deaf [def]adj. 聋的blind [blaind]adj.盲sign language [sain][ˈlæŋgwidʒ]n.手语,符号语音ideomotor action [ˈaidiəˈməutə][ˈækʃən]n.意识,观念运动adult [əˈdʌlt]n.成年人old people[əuld] [ˈpi:pl]=the aged[ ði:][eidʒd]=elderly people[ˈeldəli] [ˈpi:pl]=senior citizens [ˈsi:niə][ˈsitizənz]老年人young people [jʌŋ] [ˈpi:pl] n.年轻人kid [kid]n.儿童teenager [ˈti:neidʒə]n.十三至十九岁的人baby[ˈbeibi]=infant[ˈinfənt]=nursling[ˈnəːsliŋ]n.婴儿child amnesia [tʃaild][æmˈni:ziə] n儿童健忘症,记忆缺失cognitive capacity[ˈkɔgnitiv] [kəˈpæsiti]n.认知能力cognition [kɔɡˈniʃən]n.认识intuitive[inˈtju:itiv]adj.直觉的maze[meiz]= labyrinth [ˈlæbərinθ]n.迷宫egocentric [ˈi:gəuˈsentrik]adj.自我中心的;利己主义的subjective [səbˈdʒektiv]adj.主观的objective[ɔbˈdʒektiv]adj.客观的hypotheses[haiˈpɔθisis]n.假定;臆测distracted [diˈstrækt]adj.心烦意乱的questionnaire[ˈkwestʃəˈneə]n.问卷Archimedes [ˈɑːkiˈmiːdiːz]n.阿基米德psychoanalysis[ˈsaikəuəˈnælisis]n.精神分析curiosity [ˈkjuəriˈɔsiti]n.好奇心conscience[ˈkɔnʃəns]n.道德心,良心identity [aiˈdentiti]n.身份;同一性abnormal [æbˈnɔ:məl]adj.反常的disadvantage [ˈdisədˈvɑ:ntidʒ]n.缺点generous[ˈdʒenərəs]adj.慷慨的,大方obsession [əbˈseʃən]n.困扰mental processes: [ˈmentl] [ˈprəuses]n.心理历程behaviorism[bɪˈheɪvɪərɪz(ə)m]n.行为主义muscle [ˈmʌsəl]n.肌肉mature [məˈtjuə]vt.使成熟fame [feim]n.名声,名望社会学:Sociologymeme[mi:m]n.文化基因longevity[lɔnˈdʒeviti]n.寿命fecundity[fiˋkʌndətɪ]n.繁殖力,复制能力fidelity[fiˈdeliti]n.保真度,精准语言学:linguistics[liŋˈgwistiks].语言学grammar [ˈgræmə]n.语法verb [və:b]v.动词noun [naun]n.名词adjective [ˈædʒiktiv]n.形容词Proto-Indo-European: [prəʊ.təʊ-] [ˈɪndəʊ] [juərəˈpi:ən] n.原始印欧语B--Art艺术:(1)文学与戏剧文学:Literature createfairy tale [ˈfeə.ri.teɪl]n.童话;神话folk tale [fəulk] [teil]n.民间故事poetry[ˈpəuitri]=poem[ˈpəuim]n.诗歌novel [ˈnɔvəl]=fiction[ˈfikʃən]n.小说science fiction[ˈsaiəns][ˈfikʃən]n.科幻小说character[ˈkæriktə]n. 人物,角色,性格plot[plɔt]n情节setting [ˈsetiŋ]n.场景appreciate[əˈpri:ʃieit]vt.欣赏author[ˈɔ:θə]n.作者style [stail]n.风格essay[ˈesei]n.散文works[wə:ks]n.作品universal truth[ˈju:niˈvə:səl][tru:θ]n.真理genre[ˈʒɔnrə]n.流派type [taip]n.类型royalty [ˈrɔiəlti]n.皇室prince[ˈprins]n.王子princess[ˈprinˈses]n.公主story tellers [ˈstɔːriˈtelə] n.说故事的人character sketch [ˈkæriktə][sketʃ]n.素描,人物速写”characters’ personalities [ˈkæriktəs] [ˈpə:səˈnæliti]n.人物个性people’s trait [ˈpi:plz][treit]n.特质portray [pɔ:ˈtrei]vt.描绘major/main character [ˈmeidʒə]/[mein][ˈkæriktə]=round character [raund][ˈkæriktə]n.主角minor characters[ˈmainə] [ˈkæriktə]=flat character[flæt] [ˈkæriktə]n.配角drama[ˈdrɑ:mə]=theater[ˈθiətə]=play [plei]n.戏剧opera [ˈɔpərə]n.歌剧knight [nait]n.骑兵,骑士chivalry [ˈʃivəlri] n.侠气,骑士精神religion [riˈlidʒən] n.宗教;宗教信仰Christian Church: [ˈkristʃən] [tʃə:tʃ] n.基督教教会clergy [ˈklə:dʒi] n.神职人员;牧师;僧侣entertainment [ˈentəˈteinmənt]=recreation[ˈrekri ˈeiʃən]=amusement[əˈmju:zmənt]n.娱乐museum [mju(:)ˈziəm]n.博物馆well-made play [wel][meid][plei]n.佳构剧comedy[ˈkɔmidi]n.喜剧formula [ˈfɔ:mjulə]n.准则,公式logical [ˈlɔdʒikəl]adj.合乎逻辑的background [ˈbækgraund]n.背景lyrics [ˈliriks]n.抒情诗quotation [kwəuˈteiʃən]n.引用语servant [ˈsə:vənt]n.仆人master [ˈmɑ:stə]n.主人comment [ˈkɔment]n.评论the inciting[ðə][inˈsait iŋ]n.刺激incident [ˈinsidənt]n.事件.fortune [ˈfɔ:tʃənət]n.命运,运气obligatory scene [əˈbligəˈtəri][si:n]n.必须的情节ending[ˈendiŋ]= denouement [deiˈnu:mɑŋ] n.结局legend [ˈledʒənd] n.传说literacy [ˈlitərəsi] n.读写能力;精通文学troubadour[ˈtruːbəduə] n.行吟诗人mythology[miˈθɔlədʒi] n.神话;神话学;神话集allegory [ˈæliɡəri] n.寓言stereotype: [ˈsteriətaip] n.刻板印象,成见,定型行为editorial [ˈediˈtɔ:riəl] n.社论(2)音乐与舞蹈音乐:Music choir [ˈkwaiə] n.合唱队chorus [ˈkɔ:rəs] n.合唱队rhythm [ˈriðəm] n.节奏;韵律symphony [ˈsimfəni] n.交响乐violin [ˈvaiəˈlin] n.小提琴;小提琴手cello [ˈtʃeləʊ] n.大提琴viola [viˈəulə]n.中提琴,中提琴演奏者clarinet[klæriˈnet] n.单簧管;竖笛,黑管composer[kəmˈpəuzə]n.作曲家;作家melody [ˈmelədi] n.旋律;歌曲chamber music [ˈtʃeimbə][ˈmju:zik] n.室内音乐musician [mju(:)ˈziʃən] n.音乐家improvisational [ˈɪmprəvaɪˋzeɪʃənəl]adj.即兴的percussion instrument [pəˈkʌʃən][ˈinstrumənt] n.打击乐器string instrument [striŋ][ˈinstrumənt]n.弦乐器Broadway musical: [ˈbrɔ:dwei] [ˈmju:zikəl]n.百老汇音乐剧orchestra [ˈɔ:kistrə]n.管弦乐队critic [ˈkritik]n.评论家;批评者formal [ˈfɔ:məl]adj.正式的poverty [ˈpɔvəti]n.贫困舞蹈:Dancechoreography[ˈkɔriˈɔgrəfi]n.编舞:ballet[bæˈleɪ]n.芭蕾舞toeshoe[ˋtəʊʃuː] n.芭蕾舞鞋facial [ˈfeiʃəl] adj.面部的,表面的sarcastic [sɑ:ˈkæstik, sɑr-] adj.讽刺的renowned[riˈnaund] adj.著名的(3)电影与摄影电影:Filmfilm[film]n.=movie[ˈmu:vi]n.=motion picture[ˈməuʃən] [ˈpiktʃə]n.电影theater[ˈθiətə]n.=cinema[ˈsinimə] n.电影院standard[ˈstændəd] n.标准hybrid[ˈhaibrid]n.混合;混血pioneer [ˈpaiəˈniə]n.先驱innovator [ˋɪnəʊveɪtə(r)] n.改革者characteristic [ˈkæriktəˈristik] n.特征,特质narration [nəˈreiʃən] n.叙事,讲述audience [ˈɔ:diəns]n.观众,听众,读者portray [pɔ:ˈtrei] vt.描绘,扮演photography [fəˈtɔgrəfi] n.摄影high-tech[haɪˈtek] n.高科技equipment[iˈkwipmənt] n.设备documentary[ˈdɔkjuˈmentəri]n.纪录片documentarist[ˈdɔkjʊˋmentərɪst] n.纪录片导演female/male student[ˈfi:meil]/[meil] [ˈstju:dənt] n.女/男学生(4)工艺美术建筑设计美术:Fine Artfine art[fain] [ɑ:t] n.美术abstract art [ˈæbstrækt] [ɑ:t] n.抽象派convention [kənˈvenʃən] n.大会;惯例,习俗academy[əˈkædəmi] n.学院;研究院contemplative[ˈkɔntempleitiv] adj.沉思的;冥想的daydream [ˈdeɪdriːm]n.白日梦nightmare[ˈnaitmeə] n.噩梦ivory [ˈaivəri]n.象牙;乳白色sculpture [ˈskʌlptʃə]n.雕塑prehistory [ˈpriːhistəri] n.史前stained glass [steɪnd `glæs ]n.彩色玻璃era [ˈiərə]n.时代;年代;纪元the Renaissance [ˈrɛnəˈzans] n.文艺复兴weaving[ˈwiː.vɪŋ] n.织动,编织fabric[ˈfæbrik] n.纤维织物mosaic[məuˈzei-ik] n.马赛克ceramics[siˈræmiks] n.制陶术,制陶业tribal art [ˈtraibəl][ɑ:t] n.部落艺术traditional [trəˈdiʃənəl]adj.传统的gallery[ˈgæləri] n.画廊realistic [riəˈlistik] n.形式主义的realism [ˈriəlizəm] n现实主义impressionism[ɪmˈpreʃənɪz(ə)m] n.印象主义brushstroke [brʌʃ] [strəuk] n.一笔,绘画技巧texture [ˈtekstʃə] n.质地,纹理canvas [ˈkænvəs]n.画布,帆布nature scene[ˈneitʃə] [si:n] n.场景,景色landscape [ˈlændskeip] n.风景posture [ˈpɔstʃə] n.姿势cave art [keiv] [ɑ:t] n.洞穴壁画studio[ˈstju:diəu] n.工作室;画室salon[səˈlɔn] n.沙龙,美术展览馆painting=work [ˈpeintiŋ] [wə:k] n.绘画作品masterpiece [ˈmæstəpi:s] n.杰作contemporary art[kənˈtempərəri] [ɑ:t] n.当代艺术Dadaism.[ˈdɑːdəizəm] n.达达派,达达主义neoclassical [ˈniːəuklæsikəl] adj.新古典主义的art academy[ɑ:t][əˈkædəmi] n.艺术学院exhibition[eksiˈbiʃ(ə)n] n.展览(会)rank[ræŋk]v.分等级make a name[meik][ə][ˈneim]v.出名,成名prayer book [ˈpreə] [buk] n.祈祷书monastery[ˈmɔnəstri] n.修道院;僧侣authentic[ɔ:ˈθentik] adj.真正的,真实的;可信的printing press [ˈprintiŋ][pres] n.印刷机accessible [əkˈsesəbəl] adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的建筑:ArchitectureArchitect [ˈɑ:kitekt] n.建筑师compact structure [ˈkɔmpækt][ˈstrʌktʃə] 紧凑的结构roof [ru:f] n.屋顶dome [dəum] n.穹顶steel girder [sti:l][ˈgə:də] n.钢梁城市规划:City Planningpedestrian mall [piˈdestriən][mɔ:l] n.步行街retail [ˈri:teil, riˈteil]n.v.零售business owner=employer [ˈbiznis][ˈəunə] =[imˈplɔiə]老板downtown [ˈdaunˈtaun]n.市中心suburb [ˈsʌbə:b] n.郊外country =rural area [ˈkʌntri]= [ˈruərəl] [ˈɛəriə]n.农村residential area [ˈreziˈdenʃəl] [ˈɛəriə]n. 住宅区local resident [ˈləukəl] [ˈrezidənt] n.当地居民dweller [ˈdwelə]n.居民inhabitant [inˈhæbitənt]n.居民sidewalk [ˈsaidwɔ:k]n.人行道,off-limits[ˈɒfˈlɪm.ɪts]n.禁区,禁止进入automobile[ˈɔ:təməubi:l]=car[kɑ:]=vehicle [ˈvi:ikəl]n.汽车transportation hub [ˈtrænspə:ˈteiʃən] [hʌb]n.中转港bus terminal [bʌs] [ˈtə:minəl]n.公车终点站subway station [ˈsʌbwei][ˈsteiʃən]=underground[ˈʌndəˈgraund]n.地铁business conference[ˈbiznis][ˈkɔnfərəns]=seminar [ˈseminɑ:]n.会议parking area/lot[ˈpɑːkiŋ][ˈɛəriə]/ [lɔt]=car park[kɑ:] [pɑ:k]=stopping place [ˈstɔpiŋ] [pleis]n.停车场sculpture [ˈskʌlptʃə]n.雕像decoration [ˈdekəˈreiʃən]= adornment[əˈdɔ:nmənt] n.装饰品layout [ˈleiaut]n.布局讲座场景C—理科—Physical Science 自然科学(1)天文学天文:Astronomydeparture point [diˈpɑ:tʃə] [pɔint]n.出发点,启程点advanced navigational tools[ədˈvɑ:nst][ˈnævə'geiʃnəl][tu:lz]= instruments[ˈinstrumənt]n.先进的导航设备ambient Light['æmbiənt][lait]n.环境光ancient civilization [ˈeinʃənt] [ˈsivilaiˈzeiʃən] n.古文明angle[ˈæŋgəl]n.角度reference points[ˈrefərəns][pɔint]n.参照点,参考点asteroid belt [ˈæstərɔid][belts]n.小行星带astronaut[ˈæstrənɔ:t]n.宇航员astronomer[əˈstrɔnəmə]n.天文学家astronomical units [ˈæstrəˈnɔmikəl] [ˈju:nits]n.天文单位(距离)atmospheric[ˈætməsˈferik]a.大气的average depth[ˈævəridʒ][depθ]n.深度backward[ˈbækwəd]a.向后的;反向的calculation[ˈkælkjuˈleiʃən]n.计算chemical element[ˈkemikəl][ˈelimənt]= composition.[ˈkɔmpəˈziʃən]n.化学成分comet [ˈkɔmit]n.彗星constellation[ˈkɔnstəˈleiʃən]n.星座crater[ˈkreitə]n.火山坑,坑crust [krʌst]n.地壳外壳crystal prism [ˈkristəl] [ˈprizəm]n.水晶棱镜diameter [daiˈæmitə]n.直径dust[dʌst]n.沙尘Electromagnetic radiation[i'lektrəumæg'netik][ˈreidi ˈeiʃən]n.电磁辐射evaporation[iˈvæpəˈreiʃ(ə)n]n.蒸发fingerprint ['fiŋgəˈprint]n.指纹flame reaction[fleim] [riˈækʃən]n.焰色反应footprint[ˈfutˈprint]n.脚印geocentric[dʒi:əˈgræfik]a.地心的/地心论gravitation [ˈgræviˈteiʃən]a.重力,万有引力heliocentric[ˈhi:liəu'sentrik]adj.日心的Helium['hi:liəm]n.氦气/氦hydrogen[ˈhaidrədʒən]n.氢气,氢image[ˈimidʒ]n.图像infrared ray[ˈinfrəˈred] [rei]n.红外线Law[lɔ:]n.定律;法律albedo[æl'b idəu]n.反照率/反射率Length[leŋθ]n.长度liquid[ˈlikwid]n.液体lubricate[ˈlu:brikeit]vt.润滑lunar=moon [ˈlu:nə] [mu:n]n.月亮mantle[ˈmæntl]n.地幔melted [meltid]adj.融化meteor showers[ˈmi:tiə] [ˈʃauəz]n.流星雨microscopic[ˈmaikrəˈskɔpik]a.微观的/显微镜的mission[ˈmiʃən]n.任务moon[mu:n]n.月亮;卫星multiplying by[ˈmʌltiplai:iŋ][bai]v.乘NASA: [ˈnæsə]abbr.=National Aeronautics and Space Administration[ˈnæʃən(ə)l][ˈeərəuˈnɔ:tiks] [ænd] [speis][ədˈminisˈtreiʃən](美国)国家航空和宇宙航行局navigational aid[ˈnævə'geiʃnəl][eid]n.助航设备observation [ˈɔbzəˈveiʃən]n.观察on the far side of the moon n.远月点optical radiation[ˈɔptikəl] [ˈreidiˈeiʃən]n.光辐射orbit [ˈɔ:bit]n.轨道oxygen [ˈɔksidʒən]n.氧气,氧paradox[ˈpærədɔks]n.悖论;似非而是的论点permanent base[ˈpə:mənənt] [beis]n.永久基地phases of the Moon[feiz][əv][ðə, ði:][mu:n]n.月相phenomena[fiˈnɔminə]n.现象(phenomenon[fiˈnɔmənən]的复数)planet[ˈplænit]n.行星position [pəˈziʃən]n.位置v.定位,安置practical value[ˈpræktikəl][ˈvælju:]n.实用价值primitive life [ˈprimitiv] [laif]n.原始生命purified['pjuərifaid]adj.净化的putting in a decimal['putiŋ][in] [ei] [ˈdesiməl]n.放入小数(除)reflected light[riˈflekʃən] [lait]n.反射光rocket fuel[ˈrɔkit] [fjuəl]n.火箭燃料seafarer[ˈsi:ˈfeəriŋ]n.航海家solar system[ˈsəulə][ˈsistəm]n.太阳系space exploration[speis] [ˈeksplɔ:ˈreiʃən]n.太空探索space probe[speis] [prəub]n.航天/空间探测器space suit[speis] [su:t, sju:t]n.宇航服spacecraft[ˈspeiskrɑ:ft]n.太空飞船space ship[speis] [ʃip]/shuttle[ˈʃʌtl]space[speis]n.太空spectral lines of light [ˈspektrəl] [lain] [əv, ə, ɔv] [lait]n.光谱线spectroscopy[ˈspektrəm]n.光谱学spectrum[ˈspektrəm]n.光谱subtract[səbˈtrækt]v.减sun spots[sʌn] [spɔts]n.太阳黑子telescope[ˈteliskəup]n.望远镜the pacific islands[ðə, ði:] [pəˈsifik] [ˈailənd]太平洋岛the Vikings[ðə, ði:][ˈvaikiŋz]维京人topographical map[ˈtɔpə'græfikl][mæp]n.地形图ultrared[ˈʌltrə'red]adj.红外线的ultra-violet['ʌltrə]-[ˈvaiələt]n.紫外线underground rivers/water[ˈʌndəˈgraund]['rivɚs]/ [ˈwɔ:tə]n.地下水visible light[ˈvizəbəl] [lait]n.可见光water molecules[ˈwɔ:tə][ˈmɔlikju:lz]n.水分子zenith star[ˈziniθ][stɑ:]n.天顶星九大行星Mercury [ˈmə:kjuri]n.水星Venus [ˈvi:nəs]n.金星Earth [ə:θ]n.地球Mars [mɑ:z]n.火星Jupiter[ˈdʒu:pitə]n.木星Saturn['sætən]n.土星Uranus ['juərənəs]n.天王星Neptune ['neptju:n]n.海王星Pluto['plu:təu]n.【已取消】冥王星(2)地理学与地质学地理Geography地质GeologyAtlantic (Ocean)[ətˈlæntik]([ˈəuʃən])n.大西洋aquifers [ˈækwifəz]n.蓄水层,barren[ˈbærən]a.贫瘠basin['beisn]n.盆地carbonic acid[kɑ:ˈbɔnik] [ˈæsid]n.碳酸continent[ˈkɔntinənt]n.大陆,洲continental drift[ˈkɔntiˈnentl] [drift]大陆漂移说continental slope [ˈkɔntiˈnentl] [sləup]n.[海洋] 大陆坡coral island[ˈkɔrəl][ˈailənd]n.珊瑚岛dating technique [deitiŋ][tekˈni:k]n.年代测定技术Death Valley [deθ] [ˈvæli]n.(美)死谷desert[diˈzə:t]n.沙漠dissolves[diˈzɔlvz]v.溶解;分解draw a diagram[drɔ:] [ei, ə, æn, ən][ˈdaiəgræm]v.画个图表drill[dril]v.钻(孔)drought [draut]n.干旱earthquake[ˈə:θkweik]n.地震elevation/height[ˈeliˈveiʃən]/ [hait]n.海拔Empty Quarter[ˈempti][ˈkwɔ:tə]n.阿拉伯半岛沙漠“空白之地”equator[iˈkweitə]n.赤道erode[iˈrəud]vt.腐蚀,侵蚀extinct volcano[ikˈstiŋkt] [vɔlˈkeinəu]n.死火山formation [fɔ:ˈmeiʃən]n.形成frigid zone[ˈfridʒid] [zəun]n.寒带geologic feature[dʒiəˈlɔdʒikəl] [ˈfi:tʃə]n.地质特征geologist [dʒi'ɔlədʒist]n.地质学家geothermal[ˈdʒi:əu'θə:məl]adj.地热的glacier [ˈglæsiə]n.冰川,冰河granary [ˈgrænəri]n.谷仓granite[ˈgrænit]n.花岗岩grassland['grɑ:slænd]n.草原gypsum['dʒipsəm]n.石膏interglacial[ˈintə'gleisiəl]adj.间冰期的lake[leik]n.湖latitude[ˈlætitju:d]n.纬度limestone [ˈlaimstəun]n.石灰岩longitude[ˈlɔndʒitju:d]n.经度magma['mægmə]= lava[ˈlɑ:və]n.熔岩magnetic force [mægˈnetik] [fɔ:s]n.磁力moisture[ˈmɔistʃə]n.水分,湿度monsoon rains[mɔnˈsu:n] [reinz]n.季风雨North Pole/Arctic[nɔ:θ] [pəul]/ [ˈɑ:ktik]n.北极Pacific ( Ocean)[pəˈsifik]( [ˈəuʃən])n.太平洋particle ['pa:tikl]n.颗粒plain,flatland[plein],[ˈflætˈlænd, -lənd]平原plate tectonics[pleit][tek'tɔniks]n.板块构造论plateau=highland[ˈplætəu]= [ˈhailənd]n.高原polar region[ˈpəulə] [ˈri:dʒən]n.极地rain forest[rein] [ˈfɔrist]n.雨林rainfall [ˈreinfɔ:l]n.降雨量salinity[sə'liniti]n.盐度sandstone[ˈsændstəun]n.砂岩seismometer[saiz'mɔmitə]n.地震仪;地震检波器silver[ˈsɪlvɚ]n.]银soluble[ˈsɔljub(ə)l]a.可溶的,可溶解的South Pole/Antarctic[sauθ] [pəul]/ [ænˈtɑ:ktik]n.南极temperate zone[ˈtempərit zəun]n.温带terrestrial heat[təˈrɛstriəl hit]n.地热terrestrial magnetism [təˈrɛstriəl ˈmæɡnɪˈtɪzəm] n.地磁学;地磁thaw[θɔ:]n.解冻,融雪Arabian Peninsula [əˈreibiən] [piˈninsjulə]n.阿拉伯半岛cycle [ðə, ði:] [ˈsaikəl]n.周期循环Grand Canyon [grænd] [ˈkænjən]n.(美)大峡谷Ice Age [ais] [eidʒ]n.冰河世纪the Nile valley [ðə, ði:] [nail] [ˈvæli]n.尼罗河流域the Sahara Desert [ðə, ði:]n.撒哈拉沙漠tide[taid]n.潮流;潮汐tin[tin]n.锡;罐头zinc[ziŋk]n.锌tropical zone[ˈtrɔpikəl zəun] n.热带tundra['tʌndrə]n.苔原,冻原volcano [vɔlˈkeinəu]n.火山voyage[ˈvɔi-idʒ]n.航行;航程water year[ˈwɔtɚjɪr]水文年dune[dju:n]n.沙丘(3)物理与化学物理:Physicsfluid[ˈflu:id]n.流体;液体hydrodynamics['haidrəudai'næmiks]n.流体力学aerodynamic['ɛərədai'næmik]adj.气体动力的interaction[ˈintəˈrækʃən]n.交互作用;感应acceleration of gravity[əkseləˈreiʃən] [əv] [ˈgræviti]n.重力加速度conversation of energy[ˈkɔnvəˈseiʃən] [əv] [ˈenədʒi]n.能量守恒direct current[dɪˈrɛkt ˈkɚrənt]n.直流mechanics[miˈkæniks]n.力学,机械学watt[wɑ:t, wɔt]n.瓦特voltage[ˈvəultidʒ]n.电压test tube[test tju:b]n.试管gasify['gæsifai]v.气化distillation[ˈdistiˈleiʃən]n.蒸馏dilution[dai'lju:ʃən]n.稀释conduction[kən'dʌkʃən]n.传导Acoustics[əˈku:stiks]n.声学resonance[ˈrezənəns]n.共振;共鸣dynamics[dai'næmiks]n.动力学化学Chemistryacid[ˈæsid]n.酸atomic number [əˈtɑmɪk ˈnʌmbɚ]n.原子序数, biochemistry[ˌbaɪoˈkɛmɪstri]n.生物化学carbohydrate [ˌkɑrboˈhaɪˌdret]n.碳水化合物carbon dioxide[ˈkɑrbən daɪˈɑksaɪd]n.二氧化碳carbon[ˈkɑ:bən]n.碳chemist [ˈkemist]n.化学家compound[kəmˈpaund]n.化合物cyclotron['saiklətrɔn]n.粒子回旋加速器decay[diˈkei]v.衰退;衰减early version[ˈə:li] [ˈvə:ʃən]n.早期版本electron[iˈlektrɔn]n.电子gap [gæp]n.缺口;空白hydrogen[ˈhaidrədʒən]n.氢infrared microscope [ˈinfrəˈred] [ˈmaikrəskəup]n.红外线显微镜ingredient [inˈgri:diənts]n.材料inorganic chemistry[inˈɔrdinit, iˈnɔ:dinət][ˈkemistri]n.无机化学iron[ˈaiən]n.铁isotope[ˈaisətəup]n.同位素lead [li:d]n.铅liquefy[ˈlikwifai]v.溶化| 液化matter[ˈmeitə]=substances[ˈsʌbstənsiz]=material[məˈtiəriəl]n.物质museum curator[mju:'ziəm][kjuəˈreitə]n.博物馆馆长neutron[ˈnju:trɔn]n.中子nitrogen [ˈnaitrədʒən]n.氮ore sample[ɔ:] [ˈsæmpl, ˈsɑ:mpəl]n.矿石样本original [əˈridʒənəl]n.原作oxide[ˈɔksaid]n.氧化物oxygen [ˈɔksidʒən]n.氧phosphorus[ˈfɑsfərəs]n.磷pigments [ˈpɪgmənts]n.颜料;色素plastic[ˈplæstik]n.塑料的properties['prɔpətis] n.特性proton number[ˈproˌtɑn ˈnʌmbɚ]n.质子proton[ˈprəutɔn]n.质子radioactive Uranium[ˈreidiəuˈæktiv] [juəˈreinjəm]n.放射性铀spectral signature[ˈspektrəl] [ˈsignətʃə]n.光谱特征sulfide[ˈsʌlfə]n.硫化物sulfur[ˈsʌlfə]n.硫synthesize['sinθisaiz]v.合成;综合the periodic table[ðə, ði:] [ˈpiəriˈɔdik] [ˈteibəl]n.元素周期表wavelengths [ˈweɪvˌleŋkθs] n.波长X-ray [ˈeksˈrei]X光zinc[ziŋk]n.锌(4)环境科学(见生命科学)D: 理科—Life Science生命科学Nobel Prize[nəu'bel] [praiz]n. 贝尔奖(1)动物学:动物学:Zoology考过的动物:alligator [ˈæligeitə]= crocodile[ˈkrɔkədail]n.鳄鱼anthropoid [ˈænθrəpɔid]a.类人猿的ant[ænt]n.蚂蚁baboon[bə'bu:n]n.狒狒bat[bæt]n.蝙蝠bear[bɛə]vt.熊beaver[ˈbi:və]n.海狸bison['baisn] n.美洲野牛buffalo[ˈbʌfələu]n. 水牛cattle[ˈkætl]n.牛chimpanzee[ˈtʃimpænˈzi:]n.黑猩猩chipmunk[ˈtʃipmʌŋk]n.花栗鼠clam[klæm]n. 蛤cockroach['kɔkrəutʃ] n.蟑螂colubrid [ˈkɑləbrɪd, ˈkɑljə-]n.无毒蛇类coral[ˈkɔrəl]n.珊瑚crab[kræb]n.螃蟹crow[krəu]n. 乌鸦camel [ˈkæməl]n. 骆驼deer[diə]n.鹿zebra[ˈzi:brə, ˈze:-]n.斑马dinosaur[ˈdainəsɔ:]n.恐龙dolphin[ˈdɔlfin]n.海豚eagle[ˈi:gl]n.鹰eel[i:l]n.鳗鱼elephant[ˈelifənt]n.大象fly[flai]n.苍蝇frog[frɔg]n.青蛙hawk[hɔ:k]n.鹰hippopotamuses[ˈhipəˈpɔtəməs]=hippo['hipəu]n.河马hummingbird[ˈhʌmiŋbə:d]n.蜂鸟kangaroo[ˈkæŋgəˈru:]n.袋鼠lions[ˈlaiən]n.狮子lizard[ˈlizəd]n.蜥蜴mammoth[ˈmæməθ]n.猛犸象,长毛象Marmot['mɑ:mət]n.土拨鼠meerkat['miəkæt]n.猫鼬mosquito[məsˈki:təu]n.蚊子moth [mɔθ]n.飞蛾octopus['ɔktəpəs]n.章鱼otter[ˈɔtə]n.水獭owl[aul]n.猫头鹰penguin[ˈpeŋgwin]n.企鹅pigeon[ˈpidʒin]n.鸽子rabbit[ˈræbit]n.兔子rat[ræt]=mouse[maus](复数mice)n.鼠reptile[ˈreptail]n.爬行动物rhinoceros[rai'nɔsərəs]n.犀牛rodent[ˈrəudənt]n.啮齿动物shrimp[ʃrimp]n.虾snail[sneil]n.蜗牛snake[sneik]n.蛇squirrel[ˈskwirəl]n.松鼠starfish[ˈstɑrˈfɪʃ]n.海星termite[ˈtə:mait]n.白蚁Tyrannosaurus rex[taiˈrænə'sɔ:rəs] [reks]n.霸王龙venomous snake [ˈvenəməs][sneik]n.有毒的蛇whale[hweil]n.鲸鱼wolf[wulf]n.狼amphibian[æmˈfibiən]n.两栖动物herbivore['hə:biˈvɔ:]n.食草动物zoology[zəuˈɔlədʒi]n.动物学ruminant[ˈru:minənt]n.反刍动物entomology[ˈentəˈmɔlədʒi]n.昆虫学omnivorous[amˈnivərəs]a.杂食的herbivorous:[hə:ˈbivərəs]a.食草的,草食的Animal Behavior:动物行为passive [ˈpæsiv]a.被动的/enactive [i'næktiv] a.主动的habitat selection[ˈhæbitæt] [siˈlekʃən]n.栖息地选择agent[ˈeidʒənt]n.中介。

托福阅读TPO核心词汇 .

托福阅读TPO核心词汇 .

托福阅读TPO核心词汇第一篇:Groundwater(TPO1)groundwater n. 地下水saturate ['sætʃəreɪt] v. 浸透; 使湿透; 渗透; 使充满available [a'vail·a·ble || -ləbl] adj. 有空的, 有用的abundant [a'bundant || -nt] adj. 大量的; 丰富的; 充足的; 富裕的meteoric [me·te·or·ic || ‚mɪːtɪ'ɑrɪk ,-ɔrɪk /-ɒrɪk] adj. 流星的; 大气的; 疾速的circulate [cir·cu·late || 'sɜːkjʊleɪt] v. 循环, 环行; 传阅; 传播, 流传; 流通; 使循环; 传递; 使传播; 传阅soak [səʊk] n. 浸泡, 浸渍; 烂醉; 酒鬼v. 使上下湿透, 吸入, 浸; 浸泡, 渗透precipitation [pre·cip·i·ta·tion || prɪ‚sɪpɪ'teɪʃn] n. 猛然落下; 急躁; 猛冲; 鲁莽solid [sol·id || 'sɑlɪd /'sɒl-] n. 固体; 立方体; 固态物; 固体非流质食物adj. 固体的, 坚固的, 实心的underfoot adv. 在脚下面, 碍事beneath [be·neath || bɪ'niːθ] adv. 在...之下gravel [grav·el || 'grævl] n. 砂砾; 砂砾层v. 铺碎石, 使搁浅, 使困惑particle [par·ti·cle || 'pɑrtɪkl /'pɑːt-] n. 粒子, 极小量, 点grain [greɪn] n. 谷物; 谷粒; 谷类v. 使成粒状; 对粒面进行处理; 使深深渗入; 成粒状, 结晶pebble [peb·ble || 'pebl] n. 小圆石, 小鹅卵石v. 用卵石铺; 在上印卵石花纹; 用卵石连续扔coarse [kɔːs] adj. 粗糙的, 粗俗的, 下等的steadily adv. 稳定地, 有规则地, 无变化地laden ['lad·en || 'leɪdn] adj. 装满的; 苦恼的; 负担重的consolidated [con'sol·i·dat·ed || -tɪd] adj. 巩固的; 统一的; 团结的deposit [de·pos·it || dɪ'pɒzɪt] n. 存款, 堆积物, 定金v. 存放; 堆积; 沉淀fanwise adj 呈扇形的sandbar n. 沙洲pore [pɔr /pɔː] n. 毛孔; 细孔; 气孔v. 注视, 凝视; 默想, 沉思; 钻研, 熟读gap [gæp] n. 缝隙, 间断, 缺口cement [ce·ment || sɪ'ment] n. 水泥; 接合剂v. 接合; 巩固; 用水泥涂; 粘牢percolate [per·co·late || 'pɜrkəleɪt /'pɜː-] v. 过滤; 使浸透; 使渗出; 过滤; 浸透; 渗出consolidation [con·sol·i·da·tion || kən‚sɒlɪ'deɪʃn] n. 巩固, 强化, 加强; 合并; 联合, 统一; 变坚固proportion [pro·por·tion || prə'pɔrʃn /-'pɔː-] n. 比例, 部份, 均衡v. 使成比例, 分摊, 使均衡crystalline [crys·tal·line || 'krɪstəlaɪn] adj. 水晶的, 结晶性的, 透明的volcanic [vol·can·ic || vɑl'kænɪk /vɒl-] adj. 火山的, 猛烈的, 象火山的bubble [bub·ble || 'bʌbl] n. 泡沫, 幻想v. 冒泡, 沸腾; 使冒泡, 滔滔不绝地说porosity [po·ros·i·ty || pɔ'rɑsətɪ /pɔː'rɒ-] n. 多孔性, 有孔性permeability [per·me·a·bil·i·ty || ‚prmɪə'bɪlətɪ/‚pɜː-] n. 渗透; 可透性; 渗透性; 导磁性cavity [cav·i·ty || 'kævətɪ] n. 洞; 腔; 空穴crevice [crev·ice || 'krevɪs] n. 裂缝basalt [ba·salt || 'bæsɔːlt] n. 玄武岩consist [con·sist || kən'sɪst] v. 组成, 构成; 一致, 符合; 在于, 存在于instantly [in·stant·ly || 'ɪnstəntlɪ] adv. 立即地; 即刻地film [fɪlm] n. 软片, 影片, 薄膜v. 覆以薄膜, 拍摄; 生薄膜, 拍电影relative [rel·a·tive || 'relətɪv] n. 亲戚, 关系词adj. 有关系的, 比较的,Sam 老师前沿工作室。





1、对话场景词汇:A:Office Hours—Student & Professor论文:office hour [ˈɔfis][ˈauə]n.办公时间term paper [tə:m][ˈpeipə]n.学期论文.the first draft [ðə] [fə:st][drɑ:ft]n.初稿look over a draft version [luk][ˈəuvə][ə][drɑ:ft][ˈvə:ʃən]v.检查草拟版本hand in the final copy[hænd][in][ðə] [ˈfainəl] [ˈk ɔpi]v.提交最后打印版scope [skəup]n.范围wander off topic [ˈwɔndə] [ɔ(:)f][ˈtɔpik]v.跑题. design plan [diˈzain] [plæn]n.设计方案.essay[ˈesei]n.作文,散文rewrite[ˌri:ˈrait]v.重写revise[riˈvaiz]v.校正comment[ˈkɔment]n.vt.评论reference section [ˈrefərəns] [ˈsekʃ(ə)n]n.参考部分考试专业疑难解答:assignment [əˈsainmənt]n.作业grade[greid]n.成绩credit[ˈkredit]n.学分mid-term exam [mid][tə:m] [igˈzæm]n.期中考试group project[gru:p] [ˈprɔdʒekt]n.团队项目due[dju:]adj.截止deadline [ˈdedlain]n.截止日期extension[ikˈstenʃən]n.延期选课:Preparatory Course [priˈpærətəri] [kɔ:s]n.预备课程:foundation course [faunˈdeiʃən] [kɔ:s]n.基础课程intro/introduction course[ˈɪntrəʊ]/ [ˌintrəˈdʌkʃən] [kɔ:s].n.导论课程intermediate Course[ˌintəˈmi:diət] [kɔ:s]n.中级课程advanced course [ədˈvɑ:nst] [kɔ:s]n.高级课程申请志愿者:volunteer[ˌvɔlənˈtiə]n.志愿者campus[ˈkæmpəs]n校园semester[siˈmestə]n.学期(半年)[英式term;术语] scholarship/fellowship[ˈskɔləʃip] [ˈfeləuʃip]n.奖学金迷路和其他:orientation[ˌɔ:riənˈteiʃən]n.大学新生介绍校园生活和学习retire [riˈtaiə]v.退休graduate [ˈgrædjueit]vi. 毕业n.毕业生B:Student & Officer 学生对工作人员(1)注册与咨询Registrar’s Off ice:注册办公室sign up [saɪn ʌp]v.注册,选课,报名course[kɔ:s]n.课程prerequisite[ˈpri:ˈrekwizit]n.预备知识,先决条件. permission[pəˈmiʃən]n.允许,许可mailing address[ˈmeiliŋ əˈdres]n.邮寄地址at the administration office[æt, ət] [ðə, ði:] [ədˌminisˈtreiʃən] [ˈɔfis]n.行政办公室graduation form[ˌgrædʒuˈeiʃən] [fɔ:m]n.毕业表格diploma[diˈpləumə]n.毕业证书.academic record[ˌækəˈdemik] [ˈrekɔ:d, riˈkɔ:d]n.学业成绩graduation requirements[ˌgrædʒuˈeiʃən] [riˈkwaiəmənts]要求department chair [diˈpɑ:tmənt][tʃɛə] /chairperson['t ʃɛəpə:sn]n.系主任dean [di:n]n.院长;系主任credit[ˈkredit]n.学分introductory course[ˌintəˈdʌktəri][kɔ:s]n.基础入门课程the intermediate level course[ðə, ði:] [ˌintəˈmi:diət] [ˈlevəl] [kɔ:s]n.中级水平basic course [ˈbeisik] [kɔ:s]n.基础课程foundational classe [faunˈdeiʃən] [ˈklæsik]基础课程field work [fild wɚk] /research [riˈsə:tʃ]n.实地研究verify [ˈverifai]vt.证实certify[ˈsə:tifai]vt.证明Counseling Center:咨询中心counselor[ˈkaunsələ]n.咨询员(2)图书馆与书店Library:图书馆librarian[laiˈbrɛəriən]n.图书管理员inter-library[ˈɪntə(r)][ˈlaibrəri]n.图书馆间loan[ləun]v.n.借loan counter[ləun][ˈkauntə] n.借书处loan period [ləun] [ˈpiəriəd] n.借书期限return[riˈtə:n]v.还renew[riˈnju:]v.更新,续reserve[riˈzə:v]vt.预留/n.储备photocopier[ˈfəʊtəʊkɔpɪə(r)]n.影印机fine[fain]vt.罚款/n.罚金literature review [ˈlitərətʃə][riˈvju:]n.文献评论electronic [iˌlekˈtrɔnik]adj.电子版的journal[ˈdʒə:nəl]n.期刊database [ˈdeitəbeis]n.数据库published and unpublished data [ˈpʌbliʃt][ənd][ˏʌnˋpʌblɪʃt] [ˈdeitə]n.数据title[ˈtaitl]n.标题screen[skri:n]n.电脑屏幕an abstract [ən, æn] [ˈæbstrækt]vt.摘要newspaper reviews[ˈnju:sˌpeipə] [riˈvju:z]n.报纸评论contemporary reviews[kənˈtempərəri] [riˈvju:z]n.当代评论in the basement[in] [ðə, ði:] [ˈbeismənt]n.地下室reference guide [ˈrefərəns] [gaid]n.参考指南the reference stacks[ðə, ði:] [ˈrefərəns] [stæks]n.书库video library [ˈvidiəu] [ˈlaibrəri]n.录像图书馆student orientation[ˈstju:dənt] [ˌɔ:riənˈteiʃən]n.情况介绍(针对大学新生)the front desk[ðə, ði:][frʌnt] [desk]n.前台charge[tʃɑ:dʒ] =fee[fi:]n.费用the rare books[ðə, ði:] [reə] [buks]珍藏本书gloves[glʌvz]手套Bookstore:书店full refund [ful] [riˈfʌnd, ˈri:fʌnd]n.退款retreat[riˈtri:t]n.退书merchandises[ˈmə:tʃəndaiz]n.商品purchased ['pə:tʃəst] =buy [bai] vt.买policy [ˈpɔləsi]n.规定store credit [stɔ:][ˈkredit] n.商店退款;赊账购物(3)实验室language lab manager:实验室video [ˈvidiəu]n.视频;录像(4)食堂Cafeteria:食堂restaurant ['restərɔnt] /dining room[ˈdaɪnɪŋ] [ru:m]n.餐厅organic food [ɔ:ˈgænik] [fu:d]n.有机食物deep fried food [di:p] [fraid] [fu:d]n.油炸食物waiter [ˈweitə] n.男服务员waitress[ˈweitris] n.女服务员snack[snæk]n.小吃,快餐salad[ˈsæləd]n.沙拉(5)打工与求职Department Secretary:部门秘书salary [ˈsæləri] =income[ˈinkʌm]n.工资paycheck ['peitʃek]n.薪水bank account[bæŋk əˈkaʊnt] n.银行存款/账户deposits[diˈpɔzits]n.存款payroll [ˈpeirəul]n.工资单;薪水册form[fɔ:m]n.表格table [ˈteibəl]n.表格chart[tʃɑ:t]n.图表cash[kæʃ]n.现金fax[fæks]n.传真bill [bil]n.账单credit card[ˈkrɛdɪt kɑrd]n.信用卡Career Services Office:就业服务办公室career [kəˈriə]n.职业recruit [riˈkru:t]vt.招聘interview [ˈintəvju:]n.面试resume [ˈrezju:mei]n.简历employee [imˈplɔi-i:] n.雇员employer [imˈplɔiə]n.雇主career [kəˈriə] /job fair[dʒɑb fɛr]n.招聘会website ['webˌsait]n.网站recommend letter [ˌrekəˈmend] [ˈletə]n.推荐信firm[fə:m] =company [ˈkʌmpəni] =corporation [ˌk ɔ:pəˈreiʃən]n.公司wear a suit [wɛə][ei, ə, æn, ən] [su:t, sju:t]n.正装advancement [ədˈvɑ:nsmənt]=promotion [prəˈməuʃən]n.晋升freshman [ˈfreʃmən]n.大一新生sophomore[ˈsɔfəmɔ:]n.大二junior[ˈdʒu:niə]n.大三seniors [ˈsi:niə]n.大四学生(6)社团与课外活动faculty advisor:指导老师dorm [dɔ:m] /dormitory [ˈdɔ:mitəri]n.宿舍social[ˈsəuʃəl]a.社交academics[ˌækəˈdemik]a.学术feedback [ˈfi:dbæk]n.反馈facilities manager:后勤经理chorus[ˈkɔ:rəs] =choir[ˈkwaiə]n.合唱队rehearsal [riˈhə:səl]n.排练,预演auditorium [ˌɔ:diˈtɔ:riəm]n.礼堂,会堂construction [kənˈstrʌkʃən]n.建筑施工hall [hɔ:l]n.大厅laboratory [ləˈbɔrətəri]n.实验室concert [ˈkɔnsət]n.音乐会reschedule [ri:ˈʃedju:l]vt.重新安排时间表Campus Activities. 校园活动announcement[əˈnaunsmənt]n.公告;通告summit[ˈsʌmit]n.提交request [riˈkwest] vt./n.请求poster [ˈpəustə]n.海报flyers [ˈflaiəz]n.传单Administrating Office行政办公楼gym card [dʒim] [kɑ:d]n.健身卡2、讲座学科词汇:讲座场景A-- Social Science 社会科学(1)考古学与人类学考古:Archaeologyhistorical relic[hisˈtɔrikəl] [ˈrelik]n.遗迹excavation [ˌekskəˈveiʃən]n.挖掘grave= tomb [greiv]=[tu:m]n.坟墓bury[ˈberi]v.埋葬primitive [ˈprimitiv]n.原始人,adj原始的the Neolithic period/age[ðə] [ˌni:əuˈliθik] [ˈpiəriəd]/[eidʒ]=New stone age[nju:] [stəun][eidʒ]n.新石器时代the Paleolithic period/age[ðə] [ˌpæliəuˈliθik] [ˈpiəriəd]/[eidʒ]= the Old/late Stone Age [ðə] [əuld]/ [leit] [stəun][eidʒ]n.旧石器时代shelter [ˈʃeltə] n.庇护所inhabit [inˈhæbit]vt.居住于religion[riˈlidʒən]n.宗教ceremony[ˈseriməni]n.仪式obsidian[ɔbˈsidiən]n.黑曜石pyramid[ˈpirəmid]n.金字塔人类学:AnthropologyNative American [ˈneitiv][əˈmerikən]n. 美洲原住民,印第安人the natural resources [ðə][ˈnætʃərəl] [riˈsɔ:sis]n.自然资源waterproof[ˈwɔ:təpru:f]=watertight[ˈwɔ:tətaitnis] adj.防水的cooking container [ˈkukiŋ] [kənˈteinə]n.容器utensil[ju:ˈtensəl]n.餐具,炊具bowl [bəul]n.碗canoe [kəˈnu:]独木舟alliance [əˈlaiəns]=federation[ˌfedəˈreiʃən]n.联盟(2)哲学与历史哲学:PhilosophyAncient Greek philosopher [ˈeinʃənt][gri:k] [fiˈlɔsəfə]n.古希腊哲学家希腊哲学三杰:Socrates[ˈsɔkrəti:z]苏格拉底;Plato[ˈpleitəu]柏拉图;Aristotle[ˈæristɔtl]亚里士多德Aristotle’s ethical theory[ˈæristɔtlz][ˈeθikəl] [ˈθiəri]n.伦理学happiness [ˈhæpinis]n.幸福历史:Historyancient Rome/Greek[ˈeinʃənt][rəum]/[gri:k]n.古罗马/希腊Europe [ˈjuərəp] n.欧洲Britain [ˈbritən]n.英国Italy [ˈitəli] n. 意大利Rome(Roma) [rəum] n.罗马Greek [gri:k] n.希腊Egypt[ˈi:dʒipt] n.埃及France [ˈfræns] n.法国Germany [ˈdʒə:məni] n.德国Spain [spein] n.西班牙Turkey[ˈtə:ki] n.土耳其(Turkish)Netherlands[ˈneðələndz] =Holland[ˈhɔlənd] n.荷兰(Dutch荷兰人)Canada [ˈkænədə] n.加拿大(Canadian [kəˈneidiən] n.加拿大人)(3)经济商业与政治经济学Economics商业Businessprosper[ˈprɔspə]vi.繁荣dotcom crash[ðə][dɒtˈkɒm][kræʃ]n.互联网泡沫out of business 歇业,破产.irrational [iˈræʃənəl]adj.不理性的boom and bust[bu:m] [ænd][bʌst] 繁荣与萧条industry [ˈindəstri]n.产业,工业native to [ˈneitiv][tu]原产至hail from [heil][frɔm]来自于,出产于remote mountainous region [riˈməut] [ˈmauntinəs] [ˈri:dʒən]n.偏远山区nomad [ˈnəumæd]n.游牧民merchant [ˈmə:tʃənt]n.商人diplomat [ˈdipləmæt]n.外交官tulip mania [ˈtju:lip][ˈmeiniə]n.狂热gardening=horticulture [ˈɡɑːdnɪŋ]=[ˈhɔ:tiˌkʌltʃə]n.园艺disposable income [di'spəuzəbl][ˈinkʌm]-money [ˈmʌni]n.可支配收入luxury [ˈlʌkʃəri]n.奢侈品commodity[kəˈmɔditi]n.商品specimen [ˈspesəmən]n.样本variation [ˌveəriˈeiʃən]n.变种gold[gəuld]n.金子(区:goal目标)promissory note [ˈprɔmisəri][nəut]n.本票guarantee [ˌgærənˈti:]v.担保speculation [ˌspekjuˈleiʃən]n.投机profit [ˈprɔfit]n.利润revenue[ˈrevinju:]=income [ˈinkʌm]n.收入cost[kɔst]n.成本borrowing [ˈbɔrəuiŋ]n.借款mortgage [ˈmɔ:gidʒ]n./vt.抵押auction [ˈɔ:kʃən]n./vt.拍卖bidder [ˈbidə]n.投标者Panic [ˈpænik]n.恐慌collapse[kəˈlæps]n./vt.崩溃service[ˈsə:vis]n.服务product[ˈprɔdʌkt]n.产品potential customer[pəˈtenʃəl][ˈkʌstəmə]n.潜在客户media [ˈmi:diə]=communication[kəˌmju:niˈkeiʃən]n.媒体advertisement [ədˈvə:tismənt]n.广告adman [ˈædmæn]n.广告人advertising plan[ˈædvətaiziŋ][plæn]n.广告策划billboard[ˈbilbɔːd]n.公告牌target age group [ˈtɑ:git][eidʒ] [gru:p]n.目标年龄群market research/survey [ˈmɑ:kit] [riˈsə:tʃ]/[ˈsə:vei]市场调查tax [tæks]n.税金client[ˈklaiənt]n.客户commercial [kəˈmə:ʃəl]adj.商业的;营利的monetary [ˈmʌnitəri]adj.货币的,财政的infrastructure [ˈinfrəˌstrʌktʃə]n.基础设施out of work [aut] [əv, ə, ɔv] [wə:k]n.失业collaborate[kəˈlæbəreit]vi.合作;协作industry cluster:[ˈindəstri][ˈklʌstə]n.产业集群skilled labor [skild][ˈleibə]n.熟练工人Great Depression [greit][diˈpreʃən]n.大萧条mass communications[mæs][kəˌmju:niˈkeiʃənz]大众传播工具industrial revolution [inˈdʌstriəl] [ˌrevəˈlu:ʃən]n.工业革命,产业革命slogan [ˈsləugən]n.标语;呐喊声brand=trademark[b rænd]=[ˈtreidmɑ:k]n.品牌,商标urbanization [ˌəːbənaiˈzeiʃən]n.都市化bureaucracy[bjuˈrɔkrəsi]n.官僚主义美国政府the United States Governmentfifty states 55个州the Federal[ðə][ˈfedərəl]n.联邦federal subsidy[ˈfedərəl] [ˈsʌbsidi]=financial assistance[fəˈnænʃəl][əˈsistəns]n.财政资助//补贴the Second World War 第二次世界大战the National Endowment for the Artsfoundation[ðə][ˈnæʃən(ə)l][inˈdaumənt] [fə] [ðə][ɑːts]n.美国艺术基金会foundation[faunˈdeiʃən]=fund[fʌnd]n.基金会council[ˈkaunsəl]n.委员会tax incentive [tæks][inˈsentiv]n.税收优惠patron[ˈpeitrən]=sponsor[ˈspɔnsə]n.赞助人annual budget[ˈænjuəl][ˈbʌdʒit]n.年度预算(4)心理学社会学与语言学心理学:Psychologyfounder [ˈfaundə]n.创始人behaviorism [bɪˈheɪvɪərɪz(ə)m]n.行为主义mental process [ˈmentl][ˈprəuses]n.思维过程thought [θɔ:t]n.思想,想法laryngeal [ læˈrindʒiəl]adj.喉部larynx [ˈlæriŋks]= voice box [vɔis] [bɔks]喉头throat [θrəut]n.喉咙,嗓子habit[ˈhæbit]n.习惯positive/negative electrode [ˈpɔzətiv]/ [ˈnegətiv][ɪˈlektrəʊd]正/负电极deaf [def]adj. 聋的blind [blaind]adj.盲sign language [sain][ˈlæŋgwidʒ]n.手语,符号语音ideomotor action [ˌaidiəˈməutə][ˈækʃən]n.意识,观念运动adult [əˈdʌlt]n.成年人old people[əuld] [ˈpi:pl]=the aged[ ði:] [eidʒd]=elderly people [ˈeldəli] [ˈpi:pl]=senior citizens [ˈsi:niə][ˈsitizənz]老年人young people [jʌŋ] [ˈpi:pl] n.年轻人kid [kid]n.儿童teenager [ˈti:neidʒə]n.十三至十九岁的人baby[ˈbeibi]=infant[ˈinfənt]=nursling[ˈnəːsliŋ]n.婴儿child amnesia [tʃaild][æmˈni:ziə] n儿童健忘症,记忆缺失cognitive capacity[ˈkɔgnitiv] [kəˈpæsiti]n.认知能力cognition [kɔɡˈniʃən]n.认识intuitive[inˈtju:itiv]adj.直觉的maze[meiz]= labyrinth [ˈlæbərinθ]n.迷宫egocentric [ˌi:gəuˈsentrik]adj.自我中心的;利己主义的subjective [səbˈdʒektiv]adj.主观的objective[ɔbˈdʒektiv]adj.客观的hypotheses[haiˈpɔθisis]n.假定;臆测distracted [diˈstrækt]adj.心烦意乱的questionnaire[ˌkwestʃəˈneə]n.问卷Archimedes [ˌɑːkiˈmiːdiːz]n.阿基米德psychoanalysis[ˌsaikəuəˈnælisis]n.精神分析curiosity [ˌkjuəriˈɔsiti]n.好奇心conscience[ˈkɔnʃəns]n.道德心,良心identity [aiˈdentiti]n.身份;同一性abnormal [æbˈnɔ:məl]adj.反常的disadvantage [ˌdisədˈvɑ:ntidʒ]n.缺点generous[ˈdʒenərəs]adj.慷慨的,大方obsession [əbˈseʃən]n.困扰mental processes: [ˈmentl] [ˈprəuses]n.心理历程behaviorism[bɪˈheɪvɪərɪz(ə)m]n.行为主义muscle [ˈmʌsəl]n.肌肉mature [məˈtjuə]vt.使成熟fame [feim]n.名声,名望社会学:Sociologymeme[mi:m]n.文化基因longevity[lɔnˈdʒeviti]n.寿命fecundity[fiˋkʌndətɪ]n.繁殖力,复制能力fidelity[fiˈdeliti]n.保真度,精准语言学:linguistics[liŋˈgwistiks] .语言学grammar [ˈgræmə]n.语法verb [və:b]v.动词noun [naun]n.名词adjective [ˈædʒiktiv]n.形容词Proto-Indo-European: [prəʊ.təʊ-] [ˈɪndəʊ] [juərəˈpi:ən] n.原始印欧语B--Art艺术:(1)文学与戏剧文学:Literature createfairy tale [ˈfeə.ri.teɪl]n.童话;神话folk tale [fəulk] [teil]n.民间故事poetry[ˈpəuitri]=poem[ˈpəuim]n.诗歌novel [ˈnɔvəl]=fiction[ˈfikʃən]n.小说science fiction[ˈsaiəns][ˈfikʃən]n.科幻小说character[ˈkæriktə]n. 人物,角色,性格plot[plɔt]n情节setting [ˈsetiŋ]n.场景appreciate[əˈpri:ʃieit]vt.欣赏author[ˈɔ:θə]n.作者style [stail]n.风格essay[ˈesei]n.散文works[wə:ks]n.作品universal truth [ˌju:niˈvə:səl][tru:θ]n.真理genre[ˈʒɔnrə]n.流派type [taip]n.类型royalty [ˈrɔiəlti]n.皇室prince[ˈprins]n.王子princess[ˌprinˈses]n.公主story tellers [ˈstɔːriˌtelə] n.说故事的人character sketch [ˈkæriktə][sketʃ]n.素描,人物速写”characters’ personalities [ˈkæriktəs] [ˌpə:səˈnæliti]n.人物个性people’s trait [ˈpi:plz][treit]n.特质portray [pɔ:ˈtrei]vt.描绘major/main character [ˈmeidʒə]/[mein][ˈkærikt ə]=round character [raund][ˈkæriktə]n.主角minor characters[ˈmainə] [ˈkæriktə]=flat character [flæt] [ˈkæriktə] n.配角drama[ˈdrɑ:mə]=theater [ˈθiətə]=play [plei]n.戏剧opera [ˈɔpərə]n.歌剧knight [nait]n.骑兵,骑士chivalry [ˈʃivəlri] n.侠气,骑士精神religion [riˈlidʒən] n.宗教;宗教信仰Christian Church: [ˈkristʃən] [tʃə:tʃ] n.基督教教会clergy [ˈklə:dʒi] n.神职人员;牧师;僧侣entertainment [ˌentəˈteinmənt]=recreation [ˌrekriˈeiʃən]=amusement[əˈmju:zmənt]n.娱乐museum [mju(:)ˈziəm]n.博物馆well-made play [wel][meid][plei]n.佳构剧comedy[ˈkɔmidi]n.喜剧formula [ˈfɔ:mjulə]n.准则,公式logical [ˈlɔdʒikəl]adj.合乎逻辑的background [ˈbækgraund]n.背景lyrics [ˈliriks]n.抒情诗quotation [kwəuˈteiʃən]n.引用语servant [ˈsə:vənt]n.仆人master [ˈmɑ:stə]n.主人comment [ˈkɔment]n.评论the inciting[ðə][inˈsait iŋ]n.刺激incident [ˈinsidənt]n.事件.fortune [ˈfɔ:tʃənət]n.命运,运气obligatory scene [əˈbligəˌtəri][si:n]n.必须的情节ending[ˈendiŋ]= denouement [deiˈnu:mɑŋ] n.结局legend [ˈledʒənd] n.传说literacy [ˈlitərəsi] n.读写能力;精通文学troubadour[ˈtruːbəduə] n.行吟诗人mythology[miˈθɔlədʒi] n.神话;神话学;神话集allegory [ˈæliɡəri] n.寓言stereotype: [ˈsteriətaip] n.刻板印象,成见,定型行为editorial [ˌediˈtɔ:riəl] n.社论(2)音乐与舞蹈音乐:Musicchoir [ˈkwaiə] n.合唱队chorus [ˈkɔ:rəs] n.合唱队rhythm [ˈriðəm] n.节奏;韵律symphony [ˈsimfəni] n.交响乐violin [ˌvaiəˈlin] n.小提琴;小提琴手cello [ˈtʃeləʊ] n.大提琴viola [viˈəulə] n.中提琴,中提琴演奏者clarinet[klæriˈnet] n.单簧管;竖笛,黑管composer[kəmˈpəuzə]n.作曲家;作家melody [ˈmelədi] n.旋律;歌曲chamber music [ˈtʃeimbə][ˈmju:zik] n.室内音乐musician [mju(:)ˈziʃən] n.音乐家improvisational [ˏɪmprəvaɪˋzeɪʃənəl]adj.即兴的percussion instrument [pəˈkʌʃən][ˈinstrumənt] n.打击乐器string instrument [striŋ][ˈinstrumənt] n.弦乐器Broadway musical: [ˈbrɔ:dwei] [ˈmju:zikəl]n.百老汇音乐剧orchestra [ˈɔ:kistrə]n.管弦乐队critic [ˈkritik]n.评论家;批评者formal [ˈfɔ:məl]adj.正式的poverty [ˈpɔvəti]n.贫困舞蹈:Dancechoreography[ˌkɔriˈɔgrəfi]n.编舞:ballet[bæˈleɪ]n.芭蕾舞toeshoe[ˋtəʊʃuː] n.芭蕾舞鞋facial [ˈfeiʃəl] adj.面部的,表面的sarcastic [sɑ:ˈkæstik, sɑr-] adj.讽刺的renowned[riˈnaund] adj.著名的(3)电影与摄影电影:Filmfilm[film]n.=movie[ˈmu:vi]n.=motion picture[ˈməuʃən] [ˈpiktʃə]n.电影theater [ˈθiətə]n. =cinema[ˈsinimə] n.电影院standard[ˈstændəd] n.标准hybrid[ˈhaibrid]n.混合;混血pioneer [ˌpaiəˈniə]n.先驱innovator [ˋɪnəʊveɪtə(r)] n.改革者characteristic [ˌkæriktəˈristik] n.特征,特质narration [nəˈreiʃən] n.叙事,讲述audience [ˈɔ:diəns]n.观众,听众,读者portray [pɔ:ˈtrei] vt.描绘,扮演photography [fəˈtɔgrəfi] n.摄影high-tech [haɪˈtek] n.高科技equipment[iˈkwipmənt] n.设备documentary[ˌdɔkjuˈmentəri]n.纪录片documentarist[ˏdɔkjʊˋmentərɪst] n.纪录片导演female/male student [ˈfi:meil]/[meil] [ˈstju:dənt] n.女/男学生(4)工艺美术建筑设计美术:Fine Artfine art[fain] [ɑ:t] n.美术abstract art [ˈæbstrækt] [ɑ:t] n.抽象派convention [kənˈvenʃən] n.大会;惯例,习俗academy[əˈkædəmi] n.学院;研究院contemplative[ˈkɔntempleitiv] adj.沉思的;冥想的daydream [ˈdeɪdriːm]n.白日梦nightmare[ˈnaitmeə] n.噩梦ivory [ˈaivəri]n.象牙;乳白色sculpture [ˈskʌlptʃə]n.雕塑prehistory [ˈpriːhistəri] n.史前stained glass [steɪnd `glæs ]n.彩色玻璃era [ˈiərə]n.时代;年代;纪元the Renaissance [ˌrɛnəˈzans] n.文艺复兴weaving[ˈwiː.vɪŋ] n.织动,编织fabric[ˈfæbrik] n.纤维织物mosaic[məuˈzei-ik] n.马赛克ceramics[siˈræmiks] n.制陶术,制陶业tribal art [ˈtraibəl][ɑ:t] n.部落艺术traditional [trəˈdiʃənəl]adj.传统的gallery[ˈgæləri] n.画廊realistic [riəˈlistik] n.形式主义的realism [ˈriəlizəm] n现实主义impressionism[ɪmˈpreʃənɪz(ə)m] n.印象主义brushstroke [brʌʃ] [strəuk] n.一笔,绘画技巧texture [ˈtekstʃə] n.质地,纹理canvas [ˈkænvəs]n.画布,帆布nature scene [ˈneitʃə] [si:n] n.场景,景色landscape [ˈlændskeip] n.风景posture [ˈpɔstʃə] n.姿势cave art [keiv] [ɑ:t] n.洞穴壁画studio[ˈstju:diəu] n.工作室;画室salon[səˈlɔn] n.沙龙,美术展览馆painting=work [ˈpeintiŋ] [wə:k] n.绘画作品masterpiece [ˈmæstəpi:s] n.杰作contemporary art[kənˈtempərəri] [ɑ:t] n.当代艺术Dadaism. [ˈdɑːdəizəm] n.达达派,达达主义neoclassical [ˈniːəuklæsikəl] adj.新古典主义的art academy[ɑ:t][əˈkædəmi] n.艺术学院exhibition[eksiˈbiʃ(ə)n] n.展览(会)rank[ræŋk]v.分等级make a name[meik][ə][ˈneim]v.出名,成名prayer book [ˈpreə] [buk] n.祈祷书monastery[ˈmɔnəstri] n.修道院;僧侣authentic[ɔ:ˈθentik] adj.真正的,真实的;可信的printing press [ˈprintiŋ][pres] n.印刷机accessible [əkˈsesəbəl] adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的建筑:ArchitectureArchitect [ˈɑ:kitekt] n.建筑师compact structure [ˈkɔmpækt][ˈstrʌktʃə] 紧凑的结构roof [ru:f] n.屋顶dome [dəum] n.穹顶steel girder [sti:l][ˈgə:də] n.钢梁城市规划:City Planningpedestrian mall [piˈdestriən][mɔ:l] n.步行街retail [ˈri:teil, riˈteil]n.v.零售business owner=employer [ˈbiznis][ˈəunə] =[imˈplɔiə]老板downtown [ˈdaunˈtaun]n.市中心suburb [ˈsʌbə:b] n.郊外country =rural area [ˈkʌntri]= [ˈruərəl] [ˈɛəriə]n.农村residential area [ˌreziˈdenʃəl] [ˈɛəriə]n. 住宅区local resident [ˈləukəl] [ˈrezidənt] n.当地居民dweller [ˈdwelə]n.居民inhabitant [inˈhæbitənt]n.居民sidewalk [ˈsaidwɔ:k]n.人行道,off-limits[ˌɒfˈlɪm.ɪts]n.禁区,禁止进入automobile[ˈɔ:təməubi:l]=car[kɑ:]=vehicle [ˈvi:ik əl]n.汽车transportation hub [ˌtrænspə:ˈteiʃən] [hʌb]n.中转港bus terminal [bʌs] [ˈtə:minəl]n.公车终点站subway station [ˈsʌbwei][ˈsteiʃən]=underground[ˌʌndəˈgraund]n.地铁business conference[ˈbiznis][ˈkɔnfərəns] =seminar [ˈseminɑ:]n.会议parking area/lot[ˈpɑːkiŋ][ˈɛəriə]/ [lɔt]=car park [k ɑ:] [pɑ:k]=stopping place [ˈstɔpiŋ] [pleis]n.停车场sculpture [ˈskʌlptʃə]n.雕像decoration [ˌdekəˈreiʃən]= adornment[əˈdɔ:nmənt] n.装饰品layout [ˈleiaut]n.布局讲座场景C—理科—Physical Science 自然科学(1)天文学天文:Astronomydeparture point [diˈpɑ:tʃə] [pɔint]n.出发点,启程点advanced navigational tools [ədˈvɑ:nst][ˌnævə'gei ʃnəl][tu:lz] = instruments[ˈinstrumənt]n.先进的导航设备ambient Light ['æmbiənt][lait]n.环境光ancient civilization [ˈeinʃənt] [ˌsivilaiˈzeiʃən] n.古文明angle[ˈæŋgəl]n.角度reference points[ˈrefərəns][pɔint]n.参照点,参考点asteroid belt [ˈæstərɔid] [belts]n.小行星带astronaut[ˈæstrənɔ:t]n.宇航员astronomer[əˈstrɔnəmə]n.天文学家astronomical units [ˌæstrəˈnɔmikəl] [ˈju:nits]n.天文单位(距离)atmospheric [ˌætməsˈferik]a.大气的average depth [ˈævəridʒ][depθ]n.深度backward[ˈbækwəd]a.向后的;反向的calculation[ˌkælkjuˈleiʃən]n.计算chemical element[ˈkemikəl][ˈelimənt]= composition. [ˌkɔmpəˈziʃən]n.化学成分comet [ˈkɔmit]n.彗星constellation[ˌkɔnstəˈleiʃən]n.星座crater[ˈkreitə]n.火山坑,坑crust [krʌst]n.地壳外壳crystal prism [ˈkristəl] [ˈprizəm]n.水晶棱镜diameter [daiˈæmitə]n.直径dust[dʌst]n.沙尘Electromagnetic radiation[i'lektrəumæg'netik][ˌreidiˈeiʃən]n.电磁辐射evaporation[iˌvæpəˈreiʃ(ə)n]n.蒸发fingerprint ['fiŋgəˌprint]n.指纹flame reaction[fleim] [riˈækʃən]n.焰色反应footprint[ˈfutˌprint]n.脚印geocentric [dʒi:əˈgræfik]a.地心的/地心论gravitation [ˌgræviˈteiʃən]a.重力,万有引力heliocentric [ˌhi:liəu'sentrik]adj.日心的Helium ['hi:liəm]n.氦气/氦hydrogen[ˈhaidrədʒən]n.氢气,氢image [ˈimidʒ]n.图像infrared ray [ˌinfrəˈred] [rei]n.红外线Law[lɔ:]n.定律;法律albedo [æl'bidəu]n.反照率/反射率Length [leŋθ]n.长度liquid [ˈlikwid]n.液体lubricate[ˈlu:brikeit]vt.润滑lunar=moon [ˈlu:nə] [mu:n]n.月亮mantle[ˈmæntl]n.地幔melted [meltid]adj.融化meteor showers [ˈmi:tiə] [ˈʃauəz]n.流星雨microscopic[ˌmaikrəˈskɔpik]a.微观的/显微镜的mission[ˈmiʃən]n.任务moon[mu:n]n.月亮;卫星multiplying by [ˈmʌltiplai:iŋ] [bai]v.乘NASA: [ˈnæsə]abbr.=National Aeronautics and Space Administration[ˈnæʃən(ə)l][ˌeərəuˈnɔ:tiks] [ænd] [speis][ədˌminisˈtreiʃən](美国)国家航空和宇宙航行局navigational aid [ˌnævə'geiʃnəl] [eid]n.助航设备observation [ˌɔbzəˈveiʃən]n.观察on the far side of the moon n.远月点optical radiation [ˈɔptikəl] [ˌreidiˈeiʃən]n.光辐射orbit [ˈɔ:bit]n.轨道oxygen [ˈɔksidʒən]n.氧气,氧paradox [ˈpærədɔks]n.悖论;似非而是的论点permanent base[ˈpə:mənənt] [beis]n.永久基地phases of the Moon [feiz][əv][ðə, ði:][mu:n] n.月相phenomena[fiˈnɔminə]n.现象(phenomenon[fiˈn ɔmənən]的复数)planet [ˈplænit]n.行星position [pəˈziʃən]n.位置v.定位,安置practical value [ˈpræktikəl][ˈvælju:]n.实用价值primitive life [ˈprimitiv] [laif]n.原始生命purified['pjuərifaid]adj.净化的putting in a decimal ['putiŋ] [in] [ei] [ˈdesiməl]n.放入小数(除)reflected light [riˈflekʃən] [lait]n.反射光rocket fuel [ˈrɔkit] [fjuəl]n.火箭燃料seafarer[ˈsi:ˌfeəriŋ]n.航海家solar system [ˈsəulə][ˈsistəm]n.太阳系space exploration [speis] [ˌeksplɔ:ˈreiʃən]n.太空探索space probe [speis] [prəub]n.航天/空间探测器space suit [speis] [su:t, sju:t]n.宇航服spacecraft[ˈspeiskrɑ:ft]n.太空飞船space ship[speis] [ʃip] /shuttle [ˈʃʌtl]space[speis]n.太空spectral lines of light [ˈspektrəl] [lain] [əv, ə, ɔv] [lait]n.光谱线spectroscopy[ˈspektrəm]n.光谱学spectrum[ˈspektrəm]n.光谱subtract[səbˈtrækt]v.减sun spots [sʌn] [spɔts]n.太阳黑子telescope[ˈteliskəup]n.望远镜the pacific islands[ðə, ði:] [pəˈsifik] [ˈailənd]太平洋岛the Vikings[ðə, ði:][ˈvaikiŋz]维京人topographical map [ˌtɔpə'græfikl][mæp]n.地形图ultrared [ˌʌltrə'red]adj.红外线的ultra-violet ['ʌltrə]- [ˈvaiələt]n.紫外线underground rivers/water[ˌʌndəˈgraund]['rivɚs]/ [ˈwɔ:tə]n.地下水visible light [ˈvizəbəl] [lait]n.可见光water molecules [ˈwɔ:tə][ˈmɔlikju:lz]n.水分子zenith star [ˈziniθ][stɑ:]n.天顶星九大行星Mercury [ˈmə:kjuri]n.水星Venus [ˈvi:nəs]n.金星Earth [ə:θ]n.地球Mars [mɑ:z]n.火星Jupiter [ˈdʒu:pitə]n.木星Saturn ['sætən]n.土星Uranus ['juərənəs]n.天王星Neptune ['neptju:n]n.海王星Pluto ['plu:təu]n.【已取消】冥王星(2)地理学与地质学地理Geography地质GeologyAtlantic (Ocean) [ətˈlæntik]([ˈəuʃən])n.大西洋aquifers [ˈækwifəz]n.蓄水层,barren [ˈbærən]a.贫瘠basin['beisn]n.盆地carbonic acid [kɑ:ˈbɔnik] [ˈæsid]n.碳酸continent [ˈkɔntinənt]n.大陆,洲continental drift [ˌkɔntiˈnentl] [drift]大陆漂移说continental slope [ˌkɔntiˈnentl] [sləup]n. [海洋] 大陆坡coral island [ˈkɔrəl][ˈailənd]n.珊瑚岛dating technique [deitiŋ] [tekˈni:k]n.年代测定技术Death Valley [deθ] [ˈvæli]n.(美)死谷desert[diˈzə:t]n.沙漠dissolves[diˈzɔlvz]v.溶解;分解draw a diagram[drɔ:] [ei, ə, æn, ən][ˈdaiəgræm]v.画个图表drill[dril]v.钻(孔)drought [draut]n.干旱earthquake[ˈə:θkweik]n.地震elevation/height [ˌeliˈveiʃən]/ [hait]n.海拔Empty Quarter[ˈempti][ˈkwɔ:tə]n.阿拉伯半岛沙漠“空白之地”equator[iˈkweitə]n.赤道erode[iˈrəud]vt.腐蚀,侵蚀extinct volcano[ikˈstiŋkt] [vɔlˈkeinəu]n.死火山formation [fɔ:ˈmeiʃən]n.形成frigid zone [ˈfridʒid] [zəun]n.寒带geologic feature [dʒiəˈlɔdʒikəl] [ˈfi:tʃə]n.地质特征geologist [dʒi'ɔlədʒist]n.地质学家geothermal[ˌdʒi:əu'θə:məl]adj.地热的glacier [ˈglæsiə]n.冰川,冰河granary [ˈgrænəri]n.谷仓granite[ˈgrænit]n.花岗岩grassland ['grɑ:slænd]n.草原gypsum['dʒipsəm]n.石膏interglacial[ˌintə'gleisiəl]adj.间冰期的lake[leik]n.湖latitude[ˈlætitju:d]n.纬度limestone [ˈlaimstəun]n.石灰岩longitude[ˈlɔndʒitju:d]n.经度magma ['mægmə] = lava [ˈlɑ:və] n.熔岩magnetic force [mægˈnetik] [fɔ:s]n.磁力moisture [ˈmɔistʃə]n.水分,湿度monsoon rains [mɔnˈsu:n] [reinz]n.季风雨North Pole/Arctic [nɔ:θ] [pəul]/ [ˈɑ:ktik]n.北极Pacific ( Ocean) [pəˈsifik]( [ˈəuʃən])n.太平洋particle ['pa:tikl]n.颗粒plain,flatland[plein],[ˈflætˌlænd, -lənd]平原plate tectonics[pleit] [tek'tɔniks]n.板块构造论plateau=highland [ˈplætəu]= [ˈhailənd]n.高原polar region [ˈpəulə] [ˈri:dʒən]n.极地rain forest [rein] [ˈfɔrist]n.雨林rainfall [ˈreinfɔ:l]n.降雨量salinity[sə'liniti]n.盐度sandstone [ˈsændstəun]n.砂岩seismometer[saiz'mɔmitə]n.地震仪;地震检波器silver[ˈsɪlvɚ]n.]银soluble[ˈsɔljub(ə)l]a.可溶的,可溶解的South Pole/Antarctic[sauθ] [pəul]/ [ænˈtɑ:ktik]n.南极temperate zone [ˈtempərit zəun]n.温带terrestrial heat [təˈrɛstriəl hit] n.地热terrestrial magnetism [təˈrɛstriəl ˈmæɡnɪˌtɪzəm] n.地磁学;地磁thaw [θɔ:]n.解冻,融雪Arabian Peninsula [əˈreibiən] [piˈninsjulə]n.阿拉伯半岛cycle [ðə, ði:] [ˈsaikəl]n.周期循环Grand Canyon [grænd] [ˈkænjən]n.(美)大峡谷Ice Age [ais] [eidʒ]n.冰河世纪the Nile valley [ðə, ði:] [nail] [ˈvæli]n.尼罗河流域the Sahara Desert [ðə, ði:]n.撒哈拉沙漠tide[taid]n.潮流;潮汐tin[tin]n.锡;罐头zinc[ziŋk]n.锌tropical zone[ˈtrɔpikəl zəun] n.热带tundra['tʌndrə]n.苔原,冻原volcano [vɔlˈkeinəu]n.火山voyage[ˈvɔi-idʒ]n.航行;航程water year [ˈwɔtɚjɪr]水文年dune[dju:n]n.沙丘(3)物理与化学物理:Physicsfluid[ˈflu:id]n.流体;液体hydrodynamics['haidrəudai'næmiks]n.流体力学aerodynamic ['ɛərədai'næmik]adj.气体动力的interaction [ˌintəˈrækʃən]n.交互作用;感应acceleration of gravity[əkseləˈreiʃən] [əv] [ˈgræviti]n.重力加速度conversation of energy [ˌkɔnvəˈseiʃən] [əv] [ˈenədʒi]n.能量守恒direct current[dɪˈrɛkt ˈkɚrənt]n.直流mechanics [miˈkæniks]n.力学,机械学watt[wɑ:t, wɔt]n.瓦特voltage [ˈvəultidʒ]n.电压test tube[test tju:b]n.试管gasify['gæsifai]v.气化distillation [ˌdistiˈleiʃən]n.蒸馏dilution[dai'lju:ʃən]n.稀释conduction[kən'dʌkʃən]n.传导Acoustics [əˈku:stiks]n.声学resonance[ˈrezənəns]n.共振;共鸣dynamics [dai'næmiks]n.动力学化学Chemistryacid[ˈæsid]n.酸atomic number [əˈtɑmɪk ˈnʌmbɚ]n.原子序数, biochemistry[ˌbaɪoˈkɛmɪstri]n.生物化学carbohydrate [ˌkɑrboˈhaɪˌdret]n.碳水化合物carbon dioxide[ˈkɑrbən daɪˈɑksaɪd]n.二氧化碳carbon[ˈkɑ:bən]n.碳chemist [ˈkemist]n.化学家compound[kəmˈpaund]n.化合物cyclotron['saiklətrɔn]n.粒子回旋加速器decay [diˈkei]v.衰退;衰减early version [ˈə:li] [ˈvə:ʃən]n.早期版本electron[iˈlektrɔn]n.电子gap [gæp]n.缺口;空白hydrogen [ˈhaidrədʒən]n.氢infrared microscope [ˌinfrəˈred] [ˈmaikrəskəup]n.红外线显微镜ingredient [inˈgri:diənts]n.材料inorganic chemistry[inˈɔrdinit, iˈnɔ:dinət][ˈkemistri]n.无机化学iron [ˈaiən]n.铁isotope[ˈaisətəup]n.同位素lead [li:d]n.铅liquefy [ˈlikwifai]v.溶化| 液化matter[ˈmeitə]=substances [ˈsʌbstənsiz]=material[məˈtiəriəl]n.物质museum curator [mju:'ziəm][kjuəˈreitə]n.博物馆馆长neutron [ˈnju:trɔn]n.中子nitrogen [ˈnaitrədʒən]n.氮ore sample [ɔ:] [ˈsæmpl, ˈsɑ:mpəl]n.矿石样本original [əˈridʒənəl]n.原作oxide[ˈɔksaid]n.氧化物oxygen [ˈɔksidʒən]n.氧phosphorus[ˈfɑsfərəs]n.磷pigments [ˈpɪgmənts]n.颜料;色素plastic[ˈplæstik]n.塑料的properties['prɔpətis] n.特性proton number[ˈproˌtɑn ˈnʌmbɚ]n.质子proton[ˈprəutɔn]n.质子radioactive Uranium[ˈreidiəuˈæktiv] [juəˈreinjəm]n.放射性铀spectral signature[ˈspektrəl] [ˈsignətʃə]n.光谱特征sulfide [ˈsʌlfə]n.硫化物sulfur [ˈsʌlfə]n.硫synthesize ['sinθisaiz]v.合成;综合the periodic table[ðə, ði:] [ˌpiəriˈɔdik] [ˈteibəl]n.元素周期表wavelengths [ˈweɪvˌleŋkθs] n.波长X-ray [ˈeksˈrei] X光zinc[ziŋk]n.锌(4)环境科学(见生命科学)D: 理科—Life Science生命科学Nobel Prize[nəu'bel] [praiz] n. 贝尔奖(1)动物学:动物学:Zoology考过的动物:alligator[ˈæligeitə]= crocodile[ˈkrɔkədail]n.鳄鱼anthropoid [ˈænθrəpɔid]a.类人猿的ant[ænt]n.蚂蚁baboon [bə'bu:n]n.狒狒bat[bæt]n.蝙蝠bear[bɛə]vt.熊beaver[ˈbi:və]n.海狸bison ['baisn] n.美洲野牛buffalo[ˈbʌfələu]n.水牛cattle[ˈkætl]n.牛chimpanzee[ˌtʃimpænˈzi:]n.黑猩猩chipmunk[ˈtʃipmʌŋk]n.花栗鼠clam[klæm]n.蛤cockroach['kɔkrəutʃ] n.蟑螂colubrid[ˈkɑləbrɪd, ˈkɑljə-]n.无毒蛇类coral[ˈkɔrəl]n.珊瑚crab[kræb]n.螃蟹crow [krəu]n.乌鸦camel [ˈkæməl]n.骆驼deer[diə]n.鹿zebra[ˈzi:brə, ˈze:-]n.斑马dinosaur[ˈdainəsɔ:]n.恐龙dolphin[ˈdɔlfin]n.海豚eagle[ˈi:gl]n.鹰eel [i:l]n.鳗鱼elephant[ˈelifənt]n.大象fly [flai]n.苍蝇frog[frɔg]n.青蛙hawk[hɔ:k]n.鹰hippopotamuses[ˌhipəˈpɔtəməs]=hippo['hipəu]n.河马hummingbird [ˈhʌmiŋbə:d]n.蜂鸟kangaroo[ˌkæŋgəˈru:]n.袋鼠lions[ˈlaiən]n.狮子lizard[ˈlizəd]n.蜥蜴mammoth[ˈmæməθ]n.猛犸象,长毛象Marmot ['mɑ:mət]n.土拨鼠meerkat['miəkæt]n.猫鼬mosquito[məsˈki:təu]n.蚊子moth [mɔθ]n.飞蛾octopus['ɔktəpəs]n.章鱼otter[ˈɔtə]n.水獭owl[aul]n.猫头鹰penguin [ˈpeŋgwin]n.企鹅pigeon[ˈpidʒin]n.鸽子rabbit[ˈræbit]n.兔子rat[ræt] =mouse [maus](复数mice)n.鼠reptile[ˈreptail]n.爬行动物rhinoceros [rai'nɔsərəs]n.犀牛rodent[ˈrəudənt]n.啮齿动物shrimp[ʃrimp]n.虾snail[sneil]n.蜗牛snake[sneik]n.蛇squirrel[ˈskwirəl]n.松鼠starfish[ˈstɑrˌfɪʃ]n.海星termite[ˈtə:mait]n.白蚁Tyrannosaurus rex[taiˌrænə'sɔ:rəs] [reks]n.霸王龙venomous snake[ˈvenəməs][sneik]n.有毒的蛇whale[hweil]n.鲸鱼wolf[wulf]n.狼amphibian[æmˈfibiən]n.两栖动物herbivore ['hə:biˌvɔ:]n.食草动物zoology [zəuˈɔlədʒi]n.动物学ruminant [ˈru:minənt]n.反刍动物entomology [ˌentəˈmɔlədʒi]n.昆虫学omnivorous[amˈnivərəs]a.杂食的herbivorous: [hə:ˈbivərəs]a.食草的,草食的Animal Behavior:动物行为passive [ˈpæsiv]a.被动的/enactive [i'næktiv] a.主动的habitat selection[ˈhæbitæt] [siˈlekʃən]n.栖息地选择agent[ˈeidʒənt]n.中介prime [praim] a. 首要的,最好的/ secondary [ˈsek əndəri, -deri] a.次要的,第二的habitat [ˈhæbitæt]n.息地mate[meit]n.交配reproduce[ˌri:prəˈdju:s]v.繁殖breed[bri:d]n.品种offspring [ˈɔfˌspriŋ]n.后代organism[ˈɔ:gənizəm]n.有机物,微生物species[ˈspi:ʃi:z]n.物种survival[səˈvaivəl]n.生存insect [ˈinsekt]n.昆虫camouflage [ˈkæməflɑ:ʒ]vt.伪装predator-prey [ˈpredətə] -[prei]捕食者—被捕食者lags eggs[ˈli:kɪdʒz]下蛋beach[bi:tʃ]n.海滩fledglings[ˈfledʒliŋ]n.雏鸟hatchling ['hætʃliŋ]n.刚孵化的幼体larva [ˈlɑ:və]n.幼虫recreate['rekrieit]v.再建(栖息地)shrub [ʃrʌb] = bush[brʌʃ]灌木丛underneath[ˌʌndəˈni:θ]n.下面higher[ˈhaiə] a.较高/ lower [ˈləuə]a.较低population density[ˌpɔpjuˈleiʃən] [ˈdensiti]n.人口密度mating ritual ['meitiŋ] [ˈritʃuəl]求偶仪式grooming ['gru:miŋ]n.整理(羽毛)enemy [ˈenimi]n.敌人irrelevant [iˈrelivənt]a.不切题,不相关inappropriate [ˌinə'prəupriit] adj.不恰当. displacement [disˈpleismənt]n.取代,换位。

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