
Part 1新题Event (事件)RelaxWhat would you do to relax?Do you think doing sports is a good way to relax? Do you think vacation is a good time for you to relax? Do you think students need more relaxing time?Car tripDo you like to travel by car?Where is the farthest place you have traveled to by car?Do you like to sit in the front or back when traveling by car?Environmental protectionWould you like to work in a company related to environmental protection? How can we protect the environment?Do you think you've done enough to protect the environment?Is there education about environmental protection at school?SkyDo you like to look at the sky? Why?Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live?Do you prefer the sky in the morning or the sky at night?Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live?Do you like to see the stars at night?6 Do you want to live on other planets?Primary SchoolWhat did you like to do the most when you were in primary school? How did you go to your primary school?How do you like your primary school?What did you do in your leisure time in your primary school? BarbecueDo Chinese people like barbecue?What kind of food do you like to eat for barbecue?Object (物品)Special costumesDo you like to wear special costumes?Did you try any special costumes when you were young? When wasyour last time to wear special costumes? Do you ever buy specialcostumes?FlowerWhat kinds of flowers do you know?Are there any flowers that have special meanings in China?Have you planted any flowers?Have you sent flowers to anyone?AdvertisementWhat kinds of advertisements do you watch?Where can you see advertisements?Have you ever bought something because of its advertisement? Do you watch advertisements from the beginning to the end?WalletDo you use a wallet?Have you ever lost your wallet?Have you ever sent a wallet to someone as a gift? Do most of your friends use wallet?Wild animalsDo you like to watch TV programs about wild animals? Did you learn something about wild animals at school? Where can you see wild animals?In which country do you think you can see many wild animals?Place (地点)HouseWhat is your house or apartment like?What kind of house of apartment do you want to have in the future?上季保留题Event (事件)ReadingDo you like reading?Do you like to read at home or in other places? In what place do you think it is difficult to read? Do you like to read by yourself or with other people?Taking a restHow often do you take a rest?Do you take a nap when having a rest?How do you feel after taking a nap?Is it important for you to take a rest every day?New Year celebrationHow do you celebrate New Year?Who do you celebrate New Year with?Why is it important to celebrate the New Year?Have you got any special experience of celebrating the New Year?TV programWhat kind of TV programs do you like?Do you often watch programs on the TV or on your cellphone? Do you like watching the same kind of program all the time?Do you talk with your friends about the program you watched? Being happyIs there anything that makes you feel happy lately?What do you do to stay happy?Can you stay happy all the time?Is it important to be happy?TreeDo you like trees?What kind of trees do you like?When is the best season to plant a tree? Haveyou ever planted a tree?Is it better to grow a tree during the daytime or at night? Doyou like the trees that bear something like fruits?MathematicsDo students learn maths in secondary schools in your country? Do you think maths is difficult?What can people do with maths in their daily life? Do you learn maths now? Why/Why not?Getting up earlyDo you often get up early in the morning?What do you usually do when you get up early? Do you get up early on weekends?Which morning do you like best in a week?FarmingHave you ever visited a farm?Do you think farming is important?What kind of farm do you like?Did you do any farm work when you were a child? What do people keep in a farm?SingingDo you like singing? Why or why not?Do you think the lyric of a song is important? Where do you usually sing? Why?How often do you sing? Why?What is your favourite song? Why?Object (物品)ClothesWhat kind of clothes do you usually wear?Do you prefer wearing formal or informal clothes?Do you wear the same clothes at school/work and at home? Did you have any special clothes to wear when you were a child? Do you often buy clothes?Would you spend a lot of money on clothes?Place (地点)MuseumAre there many museums in your hometown?Do you often visit a museum?When was the last time you visited a museum?Did you go to museums when you were a kid?Do you think it, s a suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?Part2&3新题People (人物)喜欢的歌手或演员What different music do people listen to in your country? Why do people listen to music?Event (事件)微笑的场合Describe an occasion when many people were smilingYou should sayWhen it happenedwho you were withwhat happenedAnd explain why many people were smiling Part3Do you think people who like to smile are more friendly? Why do most people smile in photographs?Do women smile more than men? Why?Do people smile more when they are younger or older?分亨Do you like to share?What are the consequences if children don't like to share?How do you feel about sharing accommodation with others on campus?How could parents and teachers teach young children to share?朋友争吵Do you think argument is important?What do family members usually have arguments about?Is it easier for you to have arguments with your family or with your friends? Do you think people should change the way they think when having arguments?帮助朋友Describe a time when you helped a friendYou should say:When it wasHow you helped him/herWhy you helped him/herAnd how you felt about itPart 3How do people usually help each other?How is online help different from real-life help?Should schools be responsible forteaching students how to cooperate? What are the differences between help from friends and help from family?禁用手机的场合How do young and old people use mobile phones differently?What* s your attitude towards people using mobile phones in public places? Is it popular to use mobile phones in your country?Is it harmful for children to use mobile phones?How have mobile phones changed our life?海边活动What are the advantages and disadvantages of vacations to the seaside? Why do people like spending time on the sea?Why do children like the sea better than adults?What types of job positions can be found on or near the sea?Object (物品)个人汁划Should parents make plans for children?When should children start to make plans forthemselves?What things should be planned on a daily basis?Are plans always necessary? Can people succeed without plans?想提升的天赋You should say:What it isWhen you discovered itHow you want to improve itAnd how you feel about itPart 3Do you think artists with talents should focus on their talents?Is it possible for us to know whether children who are 3 or 4 years old will become musicians and painters when they grow up?Why do people like to watch talent show?Do you think it is more interesting to watch famous people* s or ordinary people* s shows?拼图Describe a (jigsaw) puzzleYou should sayWhat it is likeHow easy or difficult it isHow long it takes you to solveAnd explain how you feel about it Part 3Why do parents let their children play puzzles?What kinds of puzzles improve people* s intelligence? Why are mystery stories attractive to people?当地新闻Do people read newspaper where you live?Do people prefer local or international news?Do you think it, s important to have national identity? How can people develop their national identity?环保法律_Describe a law on environmental protectionYou should say:What it isHow you first learned about itWho benefits from itAnd explain how you feel about this law Part 3Are there laws about education in China?What kinds of rules do schools in China have?What can teachers do to make students obey rules?What should parents do to educate children about laws?Place (地点)想生活的城市Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future You should say: Where it isHow it is likeWhen you plan to live thereAnd explain why you would like to live there Part 3Why do more and more people live in the city? How does this affect the environment and nature? Is there a way to balance city and nature?What can be done to prevent damage to the nature? Are governmental controls more important than businesses?麵What are the disadvantages of living in tall buildings?Do you think there will be more tall buildings in the future? Why aren* t there many tall buildings in the countryside?Why do some people like to live in tall buildings nowadays?健康乂章Describe an article on health you read on magazine or the Internet You should say:What it wasWhere you read itWhy you read itAnd how you felt about it Part 3Do you think people are healthier now than in the past? How canyou tell whether a website is reliable or not? What activities canschool organize for children to keep fit? What can governmentsdo to improve people's health?街市Do you think small markets will disappear in the eastern market?Where do you like to go shopping?Why some people choose to buy in the street market rather than the shopping mall? Why some people choose to buy in the small store rather than the big shopping mall? Do you think the discounted goods have good value?放松的地方How do students relax themselves?What activities do employers organize to help employees relax? Do people nowadays have more ways to relax than in the past?Do you think natural scenery is more helpful than indoor activities?上季保留题People (人物)奇装异服的人Do people in China like wearing unusual clothes? Why do you think people wear unusual clothes?Do people in China like buying clothes?Do you think it is important to buy expensive clothes? What kind of clothes people are usually attracted to?喜欢见但不想一起生活的人Do people in China like to visit others?Why do people meet up at home rather than in a restaurant?What do people in China usually do when they visit others?Do you think people need to visit others more?Do you think it is better to live alone or live with others?礼貌的人Describe a polite person you knowYou should sayWho he/she isHow you knew him/herWhat he/she is likeand explain why you think he/she is polite.Part 3What* s the standard of being polite?What behavior will be regarded as impolite?Who are more polite? People from cities or those from the countryside? What do you think make people polite?Event (事件)告诉朋友真相Describe a time when it is important to tell your friend a truthYou should say:who this friend iswhen it happenedwhat the truth wasand explain why you think it is important to tell your friend the truth. Part 3Do you think we should tell the truth at all times?How do you know when others are telling lies?Do you agree or disagree that people sometimes lie to others? Why? Beinghonest in sportsDo you think it's more important to win the game or follow the rules?Do you think it is impolite to take part in an activity without permission? Why?许下承诺Generally speaking, do parents in China make promise to their children? Do children in China ask their parents to make a promise? Do most people achieve their promises?Do you think it is important to keep a promise? What kind of person always make promises to others? Why?使用想象力iDescribe a time when you need to use your imaginationYou should say:when it waswhy you needed to use imaginationhow difficult or easy it wasand explain how you felt about it.Part 3Do you think adults can have lots of imagination?Do you think imagination is essential for scientists?What kinds of jobs need imagination?When do children need imagination?Do you think imagination is essential for employees?Which one is more conducive to imagination, reading or watching cartoons? 长时间等待Is it important to have a daily plan?What kind of things do people need to plan carefully?Is there anything that cannot be planned?Do you think it is important to have a work-life balance?电脑问题What impacts does the internet have on schools?Do you think many people waste their time online?What do people do online in their free time?What can people do with the internet in the future? And how?Could you suggest some reasons why some people are deciding to reduce their use of technological device?第一次尝试食物What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?What are young people* s opinions on new food? How about old people? Should teachers and parents teach children how to cook?Why do people like their local food?给他人建议Part 3:Should people prepare before giving advice?Is it good to ask advice from strangers online?What are the personalities of people whose job is to give advice to others?What are the problems if you ask too many people for advice?长吋间排队Do people in your country often wait in line?Do you think the development of technology has reduced the time people spend on waiting?What do you think of those who cut in line or jump the queue? How can companies improve their customer service?Object (物品)童年玩具Describe a toy you liked in your childhoodYou should say:what the toy was and what it looked likewho gave it to youhow you played with itand explain why it was a special toy to you.Part 3What toys are popular among kids nowadays?Are there any differences between toys nowadays and those in the past you* re your country) ?Would parents use toys to make up for their absence from their kids life? Or Would parents use toys to keep their kids company instead of spending time with them? Arethere any differences between gifts for children nowadays and those in the past? Are there any differences between gifts for boys and those for girls?Do you often play with toys?What are the benefits of playing with toys for children?What kind of toys are popular among kids in your country?Should parents intervene in children, s choices of toys?Could playing with toys do any harm to children?What could children learn from playing with toys?What influences could it have on children if their parents give them too many toys? What kind of toys do parents nowadays often buy for their kids?What could children learn from playing team games?What are the differences between online games and traditional games?国际新闻Describe a piece of international news you recently heardYou should say:what it was aboutwhere and when you heard itwhat you were doing when you heard it and explain how you felt about it. Part 3 How do Chinese people usually get news?Which kind of news is more popular Domestic news or international news? Do you think children should pay more attention to the news?How is the news media changing recently?喜欢的天气What kinds of clothes do people wear in summer?What the least favourite season for you?What types of weather are suitable for outdoor activities? If the weather is bad, what would people do indoors? What* s the most typical weather in your country? 可以教的技能What age will make it difficull for a person to learn a skill?Will the age of 5 or 20 be better?Who will you learn a skill from, friends, teachers or parents?What* s the difference between children learning? What they like and learning? What they have to learn?想从事的完美工作What kinds of jobs are unpopular in China?Why do many young adults keep changing their jobs?How to find a perfect job?Would you ask your parents for advice about work?Would you like to apply for challenging jobs or common jobs? Would you like to work abroad?买过的东囲How often do people in your country go shopping? Why isonline shopping popular?How should sellers set prices for their products?Do you think online shopping will replace shopping in stores?家中重要的东西What things do families keep fora long time?What, s the difference between things valued by people in the past and today? What kinds of things are kept in museums?What* s the influence of technology on museums?有趣的对话Do people communicate more when they talk face to face? What do young people have conversations about?Do people have conversations more or less than they did in the past? Do you think we need to be good at communication at work?Place (地点)喜欢去的地方Part 3How do public places change in towns or cities?What public places do old people usually go?Why do young people like to go to public places?Will more people move to cities in the future?。

雅思口语完整题库(2016.1.01-2016.5.01)Part1. 个人信息相关问题Personal Information:Names:1. What’s your full name?2. Who gave you this name?3. Does your name have any special meaning?4. What name do people at home call you?5. Do you like your name? Would you like to change your name?6. What names are most common in your hometown?7. How are babies given their names in China? & Do you have any traditions about naming children?8. In your country do people feel that their names are really important?9. Do people in China ever change their names? Studies:1. Where do you study?2. What subjects/majors are you studying?3. Why do you choose your subjects or majors?4. Do you like your subjects or majors? & Are they interesting? & Do you think your subjects will be useful in the future?5. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or study in the afternoons?6. What do you do with your classmates after class?7. What would you like to do after graduation? Work:1. What’s your ideal job?2. Why do you choose this type of job as your job/ideal job?3. Do you like your job? Would you say that your job/ideal job very interesting/important?4. Is it easy to find your work do your job/ideal job? Is that a popular choice of career in your country?5. Do you think it is very important for people to do a job that they like?6. What other job or ideal job do you like to do apart from your present job?7. Do you miss being a student? & Do you think you will miss being a student?Hometown:1. Where do you come from?2. What tourist attractions are there in your hometown?3. What do you think needs to change in your hometown?4. What do you like about your hometown?5. For you, what benefits are there to live in the big city?6. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?Accommodation:1. Can you describe the place where you live?2. Do you live in the house or a flat?3. Are the transport facilities to your home very good?4. Who do you live with?5. How is your accommodation like?6. In the future, how do you like to change your accommodation?7. What is your favorite room?8. What can you see when you look out of the window? Being alone:1. Do you like spending time alone?2. When was the last time you were alone?3. What do you usually do when you are alone?4. Do you think it is good to have time to yourself?5. Do you wish to have more time by yourself? Hanging out:1. Do you want to hang out with a group of people or with a few friends?2. Would you like to hang out with strangers?3. What do you usually do when you hang out with your friends?4. Where do you usually hang out?5. How often do you hang out with your friends? Friends:1. Do you have many close friends?2. Which do you prefer to spend time with friends or spend time alone?3. What kind of people do you like to have as friends?4. How do you keep in contact with your friends?5. Do you like face-to-face conversations with people?6. Do you think friendship is important?Teachers:1. What can you learn from teachers?2. Why are interesting teachers and students important?3. Do you want to be a teacher? & Do you think you can be a teacher?4. Which teacher impressed you most when you were a student? And why do you like him or her? And how did he or she help you?Part1. 爱好兴趣相关问题Hobbies and interests:Reading:1. Do you like reading? Why? Why not?2. What types of things (books) do you like reading?3. What types of things (books) do you dislike reading?4. Do you read much as a child? & What kind of books did you like to read when you were a child?5. Do you think it is important for children to read? & What do think are the benefits of reading?6. Would you like to write a book?7. Do you think it is important to have public libraries? Writing:1. Do you often write things?2. Do you usually write by hand or write using the computer?3. Do you think computer might one day replace handwriting?4. How often children improve (or practice) their handwriting?5. What impression does a person’s handwriting have on other people?Math:1. When did you start studying math?2. Do you like math? & Is math difficult for you to learn?3. Is it important to study math? & What uses does math have?4. Do you like to use calculators?5. How to become a good math learner?History:1. Do you like to learn about history?2. What historical event do you find most interesting?3. Do you think history is important?4. Do you think you can learn history from films or TV programs?5. Do you think Internet is a perfect way to learn about history?6. What you have learned from history?7. Does your country have a long history?8. Can you name a person from the history whom you would like to learn more about? & Why would you like to learn more about him/her?Sports:1. What’s your favorite sport? & Do you play any sports?2. Do you have a favorite sports star?3. What sports do Chinese people like? & What is the most popular sport in China?4. Do you prefer to watch sport on TV or live? & What game did you watch last time?5. Do you think it is important for children to play sports?6. Have you ever tried any dangerous sports?7. What kind of sports would you like to try in the future? Swimming:1. Can you swim?2. Do you like swimming?3. Is it difficult to learn how to swim?4. Where do or can people go swimming in your country or near your home?5. Why do many people like swimming?6. Do you think it is important to know how to swim?7. What is the difference between swimming in the pool and swimming in the sea?Photography:1. Do you like taking photographs?2. What kind of photos do you like to take? & How often do you take photographs?3. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people? & Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of the scenery?4. How did you become interested in the photography?5. How do you keep your photos? & Do you frame any of your photos?6. Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that took by yourself?7. Why do some people not like taking photographs?8. Why are some people like taking photographs when they visit some places?Film:1. Do you like to watch films? & What kind of films do you like to watch? & Is there any kind of film that you don’t like to watch?2. Do you prefer foreign films or Chinese movies?3. Do you prefer to watch films in a cinema or at home?4. What was the first film that you watched? Television:1. Do you like watching TV?2. What types of TV programs do you like to watch?3. Do you prefer reading a newspaper, or watching TV?4. Do you watch TV much when you were a child?5. What types of programs do children in China like to watch?6. How do feel about advertisements on TV?7. Do you think television has changed in the past few decades?8. How has television changed your life in any way? Music:1. Do you like music?2. What’s your favorite kind of music?3. Do you prefer to listen to music in a concert hall or at home?4. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?5. Do you think it is important for children to learn a musical instrument?Concerts:1. Have you been to a live concert?2. When was the last time you attended a concert?3. Would you like to go to a concert in the future?4. Would you prefer to watch a concert on TV or attenda live concert?5. Would you like to perform at a concert? Museums:1. Are there any museums or art galleries in your hometown?2. Have you ever visited any of these art galleries or museums?3. When was the last time you visited a museum?4. Do people in China like visiting museums and art galleries?5.What can people learn from art galleries and museums?6. Do you think museums are useful visitors to your hometown or country?7. Do you think going to museums and art galleries is beneficial for children?8. Do you think it is suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?Part1. 生活休闲相关问题Life and Recreation:Weekends:1. How do you (usually) spend the weekend?2.What do people usually do in weekends in your country?3. What did you do last weekend? & What will you do next weekend?4. Do you like working on weekends?5. Should people be paid overtime for working at the weekend?6. In your country, do men and women usually do the same kinds of things on weekends (or, in their free time)?7. Are weekends important to you? & Do you feel weekends now more important to you than when you were a child?8. Is it important for people to have weekends off? Holidays:1. What public holidays do you like?2. What did you do on your last holiday? & What would you like to do during the next holidays?3.What do you usually do on traditional holidays in China?4. Do people in your country celebrate Christmas?5. Do you think public holidays are important?6. Do you think we should have more holidays? & Do you think the more public holidays the better? Vegetables and Fruits:1. Do you like to eat fruits and vegetables?2. What are your favorite fruit and vegetables?3. How often do you eat fruits and vegetables? & Should we eat vegetables every day?4. How much fruit and vegetables do you think a person needs to stay healthy?5. Are there any special fruits in your hometown?6. Do you think people should eat more fruits and vegetables?7. What are the benefits for children from eating fruits and vegetables?Snacks:1. What is your favorite snack?2. What kind of snack is popular when you were young?3. When do you usually have snacks?4. Do your parents allow you to eat snacks?5.Who prefer snacks, men or women, the young or the old?6. What kinds of snacks do children in your country like to eat nowadays?7. Is it healthy to eat snacks?8. What are the benefits of having a snack? Clothes:1. What styles of clothes do you like to wear?2.Do you think it is important what clothes a person wears?3.Do you wear the same clothes both at work and after work?4. Do you prefer informal or formal clothes?5. Do you have any special clothes to wear when you were a child? And do you like them?6. Are you very interested in fashion or clothes fashions? News:1. Are you interested in the news?2. What sort of news are you most interested in?3. How important is it to you to get news every day?4. Which do you think is more important, the domestic news or international news?5. How do you usually find this news?6. Would you say that news affect your life very much? Sleeping & Staying up:1. How many hours do you sleep everyday?2. Is it necessary to sleep enough? & How to have a good sleep?3. Is taking a nap important?4. Do old people sleep a lot?5. Do you like to get up early in the morning?6. Do you think staying up late is a good thing?7. Can you sleep well if you are in a really noisy environment?Transportation:1. Do you often use public transportation?2. What kinds of transport do you usually use? & How often do you take buses? & Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?3. Is driving to work popular in your country? & Would you ride bikes to work in the future?4. Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?5. What is the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?6.What do you think of the transport conditions in your hometown?7. Do you think transportation costs are expensive in your hometown?8. Can you suggest any ways to improve the transport system in your hometown?Sky:1. Do you like to watch the sky?2. Do you prefer the sky during the day or the night?3. Have you learnt any courses about stars or planets?4. Do you think it is important to study stars?5. Do you like looking at the stars?6. Where is a good place to watch stars? Countryside:1. Have ever been to the countryside?2. Do you like living in the countryside? & Would you like to live in the countryside?3. What do people living in the countryside like to do?4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the countryside?5. What are the differences between the relationships of neighbors in the countryside and that in the city?6. What are the differences between living in the city and living in the countryside?Trees:1. Do you like going onto the forests?2. Would you like to live in (near) the forests?3. Did you ever (like to) climb trees when you were a child? & Have you ever planted a tree?4. Are forests important for people? Do you think we should protect the forests?& What would you say are the benefits of having trees?5. How can we protect the forests?6. Do you think places with trees attract more visitors than places with few trees?Gifts:1. What sorts of things do people in China usually give as gifts?2. What was the last gift you received?3. Have you ever given someone a gift you made yourself?4. When do people in China give gifts?5.Do you think it’s easy to choose what to give other people?6. Do you think it is important to give expensive gifts?7. What is the difference between a precious and a valuable gift?Helping others:1. When was the last time you helped others?2. Do you like to help strangers?3. Do you think it is important to help others? & Do your parents teach you the importance of helping others when you were young?4. Can you give me an example of helping others?5. Have you ever refused to help others?6.Do you like your neighbors? & Do you like to help others? Being hurry:1. When was the last time you did something in a hurry?2. What have you done in a hurry?3. What kinds of things will you not do in a hurry?4. Do you have a hurry-sickness? & Do you like to finish things quickly?5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing something in a hurry?6. Do people in your country often do something in a hurry?7. Why do people make mistakes more easily when they are in a hurry?Remembering and forgetting about things:1. Are you good at memorizing things?2. What do you remember to do every day?3. Have ever forgotten something important?4. How do you memorize things? & How do you remember something important?5. What helps people to remember things?6. Why do old people forget about things easily?Part1. 高科技和抽象相关问题New Technology and Abstract Things:Letter and Emails:1. Do you like to write letters and/or emails?2. Who do you usually write to?3. How often do you write a letter or an email?4. Do you think emails are useful?5. Do you prefer to write letters or emails?6. What sort of letters (or emails) do you think are the most difficult to write & to reply to?7. How do you feel when you receive a letter or an email? & What kind of letter do you receive that make you feel excited?8. How do you communicate with others at work- by email or is it more convenient to communicate face-to-face?9. Do you think emails might one day replace handwritten letters?Newspapers:1. Do you often read newspapers?2. Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?3. Do you think it’s important to read newspapers? (Why? /Why not?)4. Why do you think people read newspapers?5. What are some methods that newspapers use to attract reader?Time:1. Do you usually wear a watch?2. Do you think time is very important?3. Do you think it’s important to be on time?4. How do you feel when you are late?5. When does time seem to move fast and when does it seem to move slowly?Time management:1. Are you good at organizing time?2. How do you usually organize your time?3. Why do you think some people pay to learn time management?4. Do you think children should learn to manage time?5. Why do some people find it hard to follow their plans?6. Do old people and young people manage time in the similar way?Colors:1. What was your favorite color when you were a kid?2. Do you think color was very important for you to choose something when you were a kid?3.Are you going to like the same color when you were old?4. Do you prefer the light color or dark color?5. What color will not be seen used in your home? Social networks:1. What kind of social networking websites do you like to use?2. Are you a social person?3. How did you first learn about social networking?4. Is social networking very popular in China nowadays?5. Will the social network be more and more popular?6. Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking website?7. What are the disadvantages of social networking?8. Should parents allow their children to use social networks?Teamwork:1. Do you prefer group-work or working alone?2. Did you have experience of group working when you were young? How about now?3. When was the last time you worked as a team?4. Do you like to be a leader?5. What are the benefits of group work?6. What is the most difficult part of group working? The difficult part of teamwork is to make sure that everyone has the task that suits me well.7. What kind of people would like to work in groups? Part2 人物题+Part3 人物题相关问题Describe a person who often travels by airplane.You should say:Who this person isHow you know this personWhere this person travelsAnd explain why this person likes to travel by plane. Part3. Related questions:1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane?2. Is it good to live nearby an airport?3. Do Chinese like to travel by plane?4. Are you happy with the service on the plane in China? Describe a famous person you knew from the news. You should say:Who he or she isHow you know this personWhat this person did or when showed up on TVAnd explain why you want to meet him.Part3. Related questions1. What kinds of people can be seen on TV?2. What kinds of news can be popular in China?3. Do you think there is too much news about celebrity?4. Do you think negative information in the news will have negative influence?5. Is news always true?Describe a person whose job is important for the society. You should say:Who this person isHow you know this personWhat kind of job this person doesAnd explain why his job is important for the societyPart3. Related questions1. Why do young people keep changing their jobs?2. What kind of work skills is important in China?3. Is it easy to find a well-paid job in China?Describe a family member who you often spend time with. You should say:Who this person isWhen you usually spend time togetherWhat you like to do togetherAnd explain why you spend so much time together.Part3. Related questions1. Who are more important to you, friends or family?2. What kinds of family activities are popular in China (especially duringholidays and festivals)?3. How to get along well with family members?4. What is the structure of a typical family?5. What are the pros and cons of three generations living together?6. Who should be responsible to look after the old people, the government orthe family?Describe someone who speaks foreign language well You should say:Who this person isWhat language he or she knowsHow often this person uses this languageAnd explain further why you think this person can speak this language so well.Part 3. Related questions:1. What is the most difficult language to learn in the world?2. What are your English learning methods?3. Has the way people learn a foreign language changed compared to the past?4. How to learn a language if you don’t live in the native language environment?5. Is it important to learn a foreign language? Describe a person who dresses wellYou should say:Who he or she isHow you know him or herWhat kind of clothes this person likes to wearAnd explain further why you think he or she is fashionable Part 3. Related questions:1. What kind of clothes is proper for work? & Would you like to wear uniforms for work?2. Do you like to go shopping on your own or with your friends?3. Is it easy to buy cheap clothes in China?4. Do young Chinese shop on the Internet?5. Should parents buy their children expensive clothes? Describe a child who made you laughYou should say:Who the child isWhen this happenedWhat the child didAnd explain further why he or she was funny.Part3. Related questions:1. Why do some adults miss their childhoods?2. Why do children feel happy easily?3. What’s the best stage in one’s life in your opinion? Describe a person who does well in work.You should say:Who this person isHow you know this personWhat kind of work this person doesAnd explain why this person can do well.Part3. Related questions:1. Why do young people keep changing jobs?2. What kind of work skills is important in China?3. Is it easy to find a well-paid job in the future?Part2. 地点题+Part3 地点题相关问题Describe a historical building in your country/hometown. You should say:Where this building isHow you know this buildingWhat it is likeAnd explain further why it is important to your hometown/country.Part 3. Related questions:1. Do you think we should repair old buildings?2. How to protect historical building?3. What’s most important historical building in your country?4. How to attract more people to visit historical places? Describe a reading where you can read or write. (Not your home)You should say:Where this place isHow you know this placeWhat you usually do thereAnd explain further why you think it’s a good place for reading and writing.Part 3. Related questions:1. Who likes to read more, young people or old people?2. Why do some young people dislike reading books in recent years?3. What kind of books should children read?Describe a place that can be good to relax.You should say:Where it isWhat it is likeHow you spend time there And explain further why youthink it is a good place for relaxation.Part 3. Related questions:1. How do people in China relax?2. Why it has become increasing harder for students to relax?3. Is relaxation important for students?4.What should employers do to help their employees to relax?5. Which place is better for relaxing, an indoor place or an outdoor place?Describe a garden/park you visited and liked.You should say:Where it wasWhat you saw in this garden/parkWhat you did thereAnd explain further why you liked it.Part 3. Related questions:1. What do people usually do when they go to a garden in the city?2. Do people of different ages do different things when they visit a garden?3. Do you think the government has built enough public gardens in your country (or hometown)?4. Do you think that's a good way for city governments to spend money to build gardens and parks?5. If you had your own garden, what would you prefer to grow, vegetables or flowers?Describe a restaurant/café that impresses you.You should say:Where this restaurant isHow you know this restaurant /caféWhat type of food the restaurant hasAnd explain further why this restaurant impresses you. Part 3. Related questions:1. Do you prefer to eat in a restaurant or at home?2. What is the difference between eating at home and eating in a restaurant?3. Is there any difference between home-cooked food and food in the restaurants? And which food do you think is healthier?4. What are the reasons why people eat out? And do people now go to restaurant more than before?5. Does it give it a status to eat in a restaurant rather than eat at home?6. How would you introduce a foreigner to the food and the food culture in your family?7. How should (should) children learn how to cook? 8. When buying food (such as in a supermarket), what do you think people (need to) pat attention to?9. What are examples of healthy food and unhealthy food?Describe a street you know well.You should say:Where it isWhat the main buildings aroundHow often you go thereAnd explain how you feel about this street. Part 3. Related questions:1. What kinds of streets are popular in China?2. Is there any famous street in China?3. Is traffic jam a big problem in China?4. Why should people follow traffic rules?5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a city?6. Who is more suitable for the city life, the young or the old?7. In some western countries, some people move out of the city to retire in the countryside. Why do you think they choose to do that?Describe a house or apartment you would like to live in. You should say:where this place isWhat it is likeWhen you want to live in thereAnd explain further why you want to live in such a place. Part 3. Related questions:1. Do most Chinese people live in an apartment or house?2. What is most Chinese people’s living place like?3. What are the advantages of living in an apartment?4. Is there any disadvantage of living in a house?5. Do Chinese like to rent a place to live?6. In your opinion, do young people and old people like to living in same type of living place?7. Can you imagine what people’s house will be like in the future?Describe a special trip you would like to have in the future. You should say:where this place isWho you would like to go withWhat you would do thereAnd explain further why this would be a special trip.Part 3. Related questions:1. Do you like to visit popular places or less-known places?2. Do you like to travel alone or travel with your family?3. Are there any special places for visiting in China?4. Do Chinese people like to travel aboard?5. What can people benefit from travelling?Describe an educational trip you went on when you were in school.You should say:Where this place wasWho you went withWhat you did at this placeAnd explain further what you learnt on this trip.Part 3. Related questions:1. What kind of educational trips do you have in China?2. What role do teacher play in this kind of trips?3. Why do some parents want their kids to study at home?4. Do you think homeschooling will be popular in the future?Describe a country you haven’t been to but want to visit. You should say:Where it isWhen you are going to thereWhat you want to do thereAnd explain why you want to go there.Part 3. Related questions:1. Would you like to travel around the world in the future?2. Why do Chinese people like to travel abroad?3. What people benefit from international travel?4. What effects will tourism have on our environment?5. What is the difference between travelling abroad and studying abroad?Part2 事件题+Part3 事件题相关问题Describe a time when you forget something important. You should say:What it wasWhen you forgot it and whom you were withWhat the consequence wasAnd explain further why it was important to you.Part3. Related questions:1. What do people do to remember things?2.What kind of things can people do to prevent bad memory?3. Why do old people forget things easily?4.Do you think memory is important for language learning?5. What kind of job requires good memory?6. How can technology help human being improve our memory?Describe a time you had to wait for something.You should say:When this happened and where this place wasWhat you were waiting for and whom you were with Why you had to wait forAnd explain how you felt when you were waiting.Part3. Related questions:1. Do you think patience is important?2. Why it is difficult for children to be patient?3. How to teach children patience?4. Would you feel angry when you waited for a long time?5. Have you ever been late waiting for someone? Describe a time when you enjoy looking at the sky.You should say:When and where you looked at the skyWho you looked the sky withWhat you sawAnd explain how you felt about watching the sky.Part3. Related questions:1. What can we do to solve air pollution?2. How you ever thought about travelling to outer space?3. Do you like to watch star when you were young?4. Would children benefit from watching the stars? Describe a time when you heard a lot of noise.You should say:What kind of noise was When it happened and where it happenedWho made the noise And explain how you felt about it when you heard the noise.Part3. Related questions:1. Is noise serious in China?2. Do you like to live in a noisy place?3.Do you like to go to places where there are many people?4. Where can you hear loud noise?5. Do you think there is more noise in people’s life today than in the past?6. Do you think cities will become nosier in the future?7. What would you do if your neighbors were noisy all the time?Describe an important conversation that influenced you. You should say:When this happenedWho you were talking toWhat you talked aboutAnd how this conversation influenced you.Part3. Related questions:1. What is the difference between having a conversation with men and women?2. Do you think women like to chat more than man?3. What is the difference between man and woman in the content of their conversation?4. What is the difference between talking and gossiping?5. How do friends communicate with each other?6. Do you think people’s abilities or intelligence is a factor when people become friends?7. Do you think it is possible to determine how sincerea person is the first time you meet them?Describe a long walk you had.You should say:Where you wentWhen this happenedWho you were withAnd explain further how you felt about this walk.Part3. Related questions:1. What are the most popular outdoor activities in China?2.Do Chinese people like to indoor sports or outdoor sports?3.What are the benefits for children to play outdoor games?4. What do you think are the benefits of walking?5. Why do some people dislike walking?Describe something you would do if you have a day off. You should say: What you would like to doWho you would like to be withWhere you would like to do itAnd explain how you would feel at the end of the day Part3. Related questions:1. Are people busy in recent years?2. What do people in your country like to do if they are not busy?3. Do you like short holidays or long holidays?4. Do you think modern lifestyle give people enough time for leisure?。

Part 最常考问题1. Your Work or Your Studies∙Do you work or are you a student?1b) Your StudiesGeneral Description of Your Studies∙Do you like ______ (your subject)?∙Is that a popular subject (to study) in your country?Interest∙Do you think it's important to choose a subject you are interested in? (Why?)∙For you, what's the most interesting part (or subject or class) of your course?∙For you, what's the best part (or subject or class) of your course?∙ (For high school) What's the most interesting of your subjects at school?Future Work∙What are your future work plans? (after you graduate)∙Do you think you will be able to easily find work in the future after studying _______ (your subject)?Being a Student∙What's the most enjoyable part of being a student?∙Do you enjoy studying that (your subject)? --What's the most enjoyable thing about it?∙ (In a class,) who do you think is more important, the students or the teacher?∙ (In your class,) who do you think is more important, the students or the teacher?∙How should teachers teach?∙Will children tell their parents when they face difficulties in their studies?∙Do you think it’s good for teachers to praise the students when they do something good and point it out when they do something wrong?School∙What types of schools have you been to?∙Did your parents choose a secondary school for you?∙Which school did you like the most? Will you send your children to that school?Major∙What attract you most about your major?∙Do you like your major?∙Who are more important, teachers or students?∙Who are more helpful, teachers or classmates?∙Is your major popular in China?∙What’s the value of your major?∙Are there anything special about your teachers and classmates in this major?∙Is it difficult to learn your major?2. Your HometownThe Place∙Where do you come from?∙How long have you lived there?∙ (If you are living in a different place to where you "come from) Why did you move there/here?∙Is that a big city or a small place?∙What are the advantages (or, benefits) of living in a big city/small place?∙Would you say your hometown is more suitable for young people to live in, or old people?Famous∙ Is your hometown famous for anything?The History of Your Hometown∙Do you know much about the history of your hometown? = Is your hometown a historical city?Transport∙What form of transport do you prefer to use in your hometown?Free Time Activities in Your Hometown∙What place(s) in your hometown do you go to in your leisure time?∙How often do you go outside every week?∙ What activities do you usually do when you go outside?∙Do you spend enough time doing outdoor activities?Your Feelings about the Place∙What do you like (most or, best) about (living in) your hometown (or, about living where you are living now)? ∙Is there anything in your hometown that (you think) needs to be improved?∙Where are you living now? Do you like this place? Why?∙What interesting things can we do in big cities?3. Your family∙ Tell me something about your family members?∙Should young people live with the old?∙Do your parents call their parents often? What do they usually talk about?∙What’s the difference between children raised in a single-parent family and a two-parent family?∙Do you think it’s good to raise a child in the city?4. News∙Do you prefer to read newspapers or watch TV to get your news?∙What kinds of news are you most interested in?5. Festivals & Holidays (= vacations =假期)∙ What do you usually do when you have holidays?∙What did you do in your last holidays?∙Which public holidays do you like the most? What’s your favorite festival?∙Do you prefer doing things indoors or outdoors on a holiday? = Do you like spending your holidays alone or going out with friends?∙In your country, do old people usually do the same things as young people during a holiday?∙What family holidays do you (or, does your family) usually celebrate?∙Do you like national holiday or the spring festival?∙Do you want to have more holidays?∙Where would you go for long holidays?6. Dancing∙Do you dance? When was the last time you danced?∙Why do people like dance?∙What do you feel when you watch dancing programs on TV?∙Do you like to watch dance performances?∙Have you ever learned to dance?∙Is it important to learn how to dance?7. Books & Reading∙Do you like reading (books)? (Why?/Why not?)∙What books did you like when you were a child? What about now?∙What (kinds of ) books do you like to read?∙For children, what do you think are the benefits of reading?∙Would you like to write a book?∙Do you like receiving a book as a gift?∙What books did you like to read in your childhood?8. The Ocean∙Have you ever been to the seaside? How do you feel about the ocean?∙How many times have you been to the seaside?∙Did you like the ocean (or, it)? (or, like the sea; or, like the seaside)∙What do people in China do when they go to the beach?∙What would you enjoy doing if you were at the seaside?∙Would you like to live in a house near the ocean?∙What kind of people like to go to the seaside?9. Your Daily Routine∙What time of the day do you like best? What’ the best part of the day for you? What time in a day can you work more effectively?∙When do you do most of your study?∙Would you like to change your daily routine (in any way)?∙How much time do you think people should spend working per week?10. Animals∙What's your favorite animal? (Why?) Do you have pets at home?∙Are people in your country fond of animals?∙Do people raise pets in the city? What kinds of animals as a pet do thepeople have in your country?∙Compared with the past, have there been any changes concerning pets inyour country/hometown?∙Did you have any pets when you were a child?∙How will you arrange your pets when you’re having a long journey?∙Why do people like to raise pets?∙What wild animal do you like?∙What is the function of animals in the agriculture?11. Colors∙What's your favorite color? (Why?)∙Do you usually (or, always) wear clothes in your favorite color?∙Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?∙What color would you choose to paint the walls of your room?∙What kind of color do you dislike?∙What color did you like in your childhood?∙What colors do Chinese people dislike?12. Food∙What food did you like to eat when you were a child?∙Do you think it's good to (often or sometimes) take children to restaurants?∙Do people in your country like to eat together?∙Do you think it is important to cook at home ? Why ?∙What is the feature of the home-made food?∙What kind of food is popular in your country? Do people in different places like different kinds of food? 13. Sport∙What sports do you like? (Why?)∙What sports do Chinese people like?∙What are the differences between boys' sports and girls' sports?∙Did you like (to play) sport when you were a child?∙What sports did you play when you were a child?∙If you have children in the future, will you let them take part in any sport?∙What’s the amount of exercise that modern people do?∙What kind of outdoor activity do you often do?14. Shopping∙Where do you usually do your shopping?∙Do you enjoy shopping in big shopping malls (big shopping centres)?∙Where do you buy your clothes? How often do you buy clothes? What styles of clothes do you like to buy? ∙Why some people don’t like shopping∙What do you feel about the trend of the fashion?15. Numbers∙In your country, do any numbers have special meaning?∙What's your favorite number?∙Are there any numbers or dates that you think are (especially) important to remember?∙Which do you think are easier to remember, names or numbers?∙How do you remember long numbers?∙What’s the relationship of your major and numbers?∙What is the most important number to you? Is there any special meaning?∙Are you good at remembering numbers? Are there any ways to help us remember numbers?∙Are there any good or bad numbers in your culture?∙Do you have any special (lucky) numbers in your memory/life?16. Time∙Would you say you are good at managing (or, organizing) your time?∙How do you organize/manage your time?∙How did you learn this? Who did you learn it from?17. Painting and Drawing∙Do you like drawing / painting? (Why / Why not?)∙What do you think are the benefits of painting (or drawing; or art) for children?∙Do you think painting (or drawing) is important for adults?∙Do you still draw those pictures that you did in your childhood?∙Should children learn paintings or drawings?18. Gifts∙When was the last time you received a gift?∙Do you prefer to receiving a gift or giving a gift?∙Do you think it's difficult to choose what gift to give to people?∙What were the gifts you sent to others recently?∙Is it easy for you to have the ideas to send gifts to others? Do you like giving gifts to your friends?19. Parties∙Do you like parties?∙Where do people in your country hold parties?∙Do you prefer parties with friends or with family?∙Is there much difference between young people's parties and old(er) people's parties?20. Seasons and Weather∙What's the weather (usually) like in your hometown?∙What's your favorite season? (Why?)∙What do you usually (like to) do during your favorite weather (or season)?∙Is there any season you dislike? (Why?)∙In what weather do you like to go out with your parents?∙Wh at’s your favorite weather?∙What weather is best for working and studying in your opinion?∙What kind of weather do Chinese people like?∙In which season there are more fine days? why?∙Do you think the weather now has changed greatly compared to the past?21. Concert∙Have you ever been to a live concert?∙Do you ever go to live concerts?∙Would you like to go to a concert in the future?∙Would you prefer to watch a concert on TV or to attend a live concert?∙When was the last time you attended a concert?∙What is the most popular concert in china?∙If you have the chance, will you attend the concert?22. Collecting∙Do you like collecting things? What do you collect? Did you collect anything (such as stamps or CD's) when you were a child?∙Do you still collect them now?∙Do you collect anything as a hobby now?∙Why do you think people like collecting things?∙If you had a lot of money, what would you like to collect?∙Why do you think some people like to collect something old?∙What do you think is worth collecting in your country?∙Where do those collectors go to buy their collections?23. Films∙Do you prefer to watch films at home or in a cinema? (Why?)∙Do you prefer to watch films or read books?∙What films do you like, why?∙What was the film you watched recently?∙What films did you like when you were a child?∙Is watching movie a good time to kill time?24. Clothes and Fashion Shopping for Clothes∙Where do you buy your clothes?∙Have you ever bought clothes that you (now) don't like?Wearing Clothes∙What kinds of (or, style of) clothes do you usually buy (or, wear)?∙What kinds of (or, style of) clothes do you like?∙Do you think you will like wear a different style of clothes when you are older? Fashion∙ What types of clothes are in fashion now?∙ Do you think fashion trends will be the same when you are old(er)?25. Traveling∙Do you like travelling?∙Where do you like to go when you go traveling?∙Have you ever traveled for a long time? = Have you (ever) been on any long trips? ∙Do you like long trips?∙How do you feel when you travel?∙Do you prefer to travel alone or with other people?∙Where (which country or place) would you like to travel to (in the future)?26. Science∙Are you very interested in science?∙Is there anything about science that you dislike?∙What science do students learn at school in your country?∙What do you find most interesting in science? Is science helpful for you?27. Flowers∙Do you like flowers?∙In your country, do people (ever) give flowers as a gift?∙On what occasions do people in your country give flowers to other people?∙Do any flowers have any special meaning in your country?∙What’s the national flower of china?∙What flowers do you like to decorate your home during festivals?∙Are flowers important in our life?28. Newspaper (and Magazines)∙What (kinds of) newspapers do you have in your country?∙What kinds of (types of) newspapers do you usually read?∙Why do people read newspapers?29. Cooking∙Who usually does the cooking in your family (or, in your home)?∙Did you learn how to cook when you were younger (or, when you were a child)?∙In the future, do you think you will be cooking more than you do now, or less? (Why?)30. Housework∙Do people do a lot of housework in your country? Do Chinese people like spending time doing housework? ∙Did you do a lot of housework when you were a child?∙Is it important for a child to do housework?∙What kind of housework do you have to do in China?∙What different kinds of house work do man and women do?∙Should children help their parents to so some housework?31. Swimming∙Can you swim?∙Do you like swimming?∙Have you ever been trained in swimming?∙Is it important to learn swimming?∙Do you rather swim in the ocean or swimming pools?∙When did you learn to swim?∙Where do you like to swim?∙What should children pay attention to when they are learning swimming?∙Which one is safer, swimming pools or the sea near the beach?32. Home & Family∙Do you live in a house or a flat?∙Do you like to live in a big city or a small town?∙Which room is your favorite in your home?∙Do you like changing your flat?∙Is it good for family members to eat together?∙Do you know your neighbors? Is it good to know your neighbors?∙Do you prefer young or old neighbors?∙What do you think can be added to your flat?33. Bird∙Can you see birds where you live? = Are there many birds around where you live? ∙What kinds are they?∙Are their any values of them?∙Is it important to protect those birds?∙Do Chinese people like to keep birds?∙What birds do Chinese people like?∙What birds will people keep at home as pets?∙What kinds of birds are famous in China?34. Name∙Do you like your name?∙Are there any special meanings of your name?∙Who gives the names in China? What’s the tradition of giving names?∙Are you willing to change your name? why?∙What meanings are there in the nicknames of Chinese children?35. Music∙What type of music did you like when you were a child? What about now?36. Handcraft∙When do you need to make something yourself?∙Is it good for children to do more hands-on activities?∙Did you do a lot of hands-on activities in your childhood?∙Should children learn a certain skill in their early age?∙Did you ever learn to make something by hand?∙Do you think it is popular in china?∙If you have a chance, what do you want to learn?∙Did you do handcrafts at school?∙Do you think Chinese people like making handcrafts?37. Photography∙Do you like taking photos?∙Do people in China like to take photos?∙What kinds of photos do you like?∙Do you like to take photographs when you are visiting new places?∙What is the most impressive photo to you?∙Why some people dislike taking photos of themselves?∙Why some people like to take photos of themselves?38. Happiness∙What can make you feel happy?∙How to improve your happiness level?∙Will unhappy things influence your mood?∙Is happiness important?∙What do we do with happy things and sad things?∙Can money make people happier?∙Are all kinds of unhappiness bad39. TV program∙Do you watch TV often?∙What programs do you like?∙Do you like watching TV with your family or friends or by yourself?∙Do you think you watch too much TV when you were a child?40. Computer∙Do you like using the computer?∙Do you use the computer often?∙What do you use the computer for?∙What does computer mean to you?∙How do you think about the advertisements online?41. Leisure Time∙How much free time (or time to relax) do you have (per week)?∙What do you do in your spare time (= free time)?∙ (In the evenings), do you prefer to relax at home and watch TV or go out with your friends? ∙Do you have a lot of fun in the city?∙Do you think it's important to (have time to) relax?∙Do men and women relax ( = spend their free time) in the same way?∙When do you spend time with your family or your friends?∙Who are more important to you, family or friends?*42. Language∙What’s the most difficult part about language learning?∙Are there a lot of people choosing English as their major?∙How many foreign languages do you know?∙What other foreign languages do you want to learn?∙What advantages of being able to speak other languages other than the native one?43. Birthday∙Do you like to spend your birthday with your parents or friends?∙How do children celebrate their birthday in China?∙Is birthday highly valued in China? What age is mostly valued?∙What’s the meaning of birthdays?*44. Driving∙Do you have a dri ver’s license?∙Do you want to drive for a long time for traveling?∙Do you prefer to be the driver or the passenger?∙Is it hard to get a driving license in your country?*45. Children∙Do you like spending time with children?∙What kind of child do you like? (G..∙What’s the difference between children now and in the past?∙What do you usually do when you’re with children?∙What did you play when you were a child?∙Do you like children?*46. Exercise/Workout∙What sports do old people like in your country?∙Do you exercise regularly?∙Do you think daily exercise is good for people?∙What can exercise bring to different age groups?∙What outdoor activities do you like?∙Were you active when you were a child?∙What outdoor activities do people in your city like?∙Would you say you’re an active person?*47. Noise∙Is your living environment noisy?∙How can noises be reduced in the city?∙Do you think there are more noises than before?*48. Mobile Phones∙Do you have a mobile phone (= "a cell phone")? What do you use it for? Is ∙When do you use it? How often do you use it?∙When did you get your first mobile phone?∙What feature (or, function) of your cell phone do you like the best?∙Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones?∙What's the difference between sending a text message and calling someone? ∙Do you think you will continue using your mobile phone in the future?*49. Internet∙When was the first time you used the Internet?∙Is the Internet very important (or, useful) to you?∙Do you often buy things on the Internet?∙Do you think information on the Internet is very reliable?∙In general, what impact does the Internet have on people's lives?∙Is the Internet very popular in China?*50. Emails and Letters∙Do you write many letters or emails?∙What are the differences between emails and letters?∙What kind(s) of letter/email do you think is (are) the hardest to write?∙How do you feel when you receive a letter or email?∙What kinds of emails (or letters) do you receive that make you feel happy?∙Do you think people will still write letters in the future?∙Do you keep letters?*51. Competition∙What is competition for?。

FASHION1) Are you a fashionable person?2) What is fashion?3) Who is fashionable that you know?4) Do you read fashion magazines?5) Which season is it the easiest to be fashionable?6) Can you be fashionable without spending money?7) Who is the most fashionable in your family?a) Why do you think so?8) Where is a fashionable city in your country?9) Do you think your friends are fashionable?10) Are you dressed fashionably today?11) Why do some people ignore fashion?12) Who is the most fashionable teacher you know?13) How much do you spend getting ready to go to school?a) Collegeb) Workc) Out with friendsd) To a partye) Do the times vary much?14) When and where did you buy an article of clothing you'rewearing right now? Why did you choose it?15) Have you ever gotten an item of clothing tailored?a) When?b) What was it for?16) In your country do children have to wear school uniform?a) Do you think it is a good idea or not?17) What would you do or feel if you were refused entry tosomewhere because of what you are wearing?18) Do you think dress codes should be adhered to ifrequested on an invitation?19) What would you wear to meet royalty or the President ofyour country?20) Would you go to a fancy dress party? Why or why not?21) What would you wear to a disco?22) What wouldn't you wear to a wedding?23) What clothes do you wear that require you to shave yourhair?24) What is your favorite article of clothing?25) What's your favorite color for clothes? Why?26) What two things you wouldn't wear together?27) What fabrics do you like?28) What is the longest you've ever worn your hair?29) Do you like to wear a school uniform? Why or why not?30) What fabrics do you think are beautiful31) What color would you wear on a first date32) What clothes would you wear on a first date33) What would you wear to a romantic meal34) What is a relaxing color35) What is the most useful article of clothing in your wardrobe36) Who is your favorite designer why37) What would you wear to a formal dinner38) Do you prefer brand name clothes? Why39) What style hat would you wear?40) What accessories do men wear/carry?41) What style would a trendy young woman wear?42) What fashion groups are there in your culture? Forexample skater style43) What would you never wear to a wedding44) What material is uncomfortable in summer?45) Describe the most expensive thing you own46) What item of clothing is most uncomfortable material insummer?47) What items of clothing are uncomfortable?48) What is a major fashion faux pas?49) Who is the best dressed person you can see now?50) What clothes or hairstyles are from the 70s or 80s51) What items of clothing do people not wear anymore?What clothing do only children wear?FAMOUS PEOPLE52) How do you become a famous person?53) Do you know someone famous?54) Are you a famous person?a) What are you famous for?55) Are you locally famous?a) What are you famous for?56) Would you like to be famous? Why?57) Are famous people happy?58) Why do you think famous people are always going intorehab?59) Who is a famous person in your country?60) Who is the most famous person you know?61) Who are some famous people in this country?62) Who are some famous people in your country?63) What would your life be like if you were famous?64) How do people invade the privacy of famous people?65) What makes a person famous?66) What are some famous musicians from your country?67) Would you ever marry someone famous?68) Have you ever seen a celebrity in person? What didyou do?69) Which celebrity would you like to meet? What wouldyou do if you could spend a day with this person? 70) Do you think famous people have the right to have aprivate life?71) Do you think it's moral to sell your private life to themedia?72) Do you approve of people who become famous as aconsequence of appearing again and again in themedia and not because of having an artistic career?73) What do you think of the paparazzi?74) Why do you think there is such a high demand forgossip magazines and gossip TV programs?75) What are the pros and cons of being a celebrity?76) What do you think of fans and fan-clubs ?77) Did you have any heroes when you were a teenager?78) Why do you think adolescents need to have heroes?79) Do you think being a celebrity automatically means theperson is intelligent?80) Do you think that there are times when the commonman has an edge over a celebrity?81) If you could influence people like a celebrity does, howwould you use it for the benefit of the planet?82) Which celebrity do you most admire and why ?83) Would you like to be famous ? Why or why not ?84) Do you think there is a relationship between beauty andcelebrity ?85) Are famous people happy?86) Would you like to be a celebrity?87) Would you like to be a celebrity? Why would you befamous?88) If you were a celebrity, would you take advantage of itto date some fans?89) Should celebrities be role models?90) Do you think being a celebrity automatically means theperson is intelligent? Why? Why not?91) Do you think celebrities write their own music?92) Can you give some examples of when the commonman has an edge over a celebrity?93) What do you think of celebrities championing a cause?(e.g. - a cure for AIDS)94) Do you think that some celebrities earn much moremoney than they deserve taking into consideration what they produce?95) About how much money do you spend on clothes ayear?96) Do you like shopping for new clothes?97) Do you often buy new clothes?98) Do you prefer to go shopping or just browse? Why?99) Do you think men should be allowed to wear skirts? 100) What piece of clothing do you spend your money on the most? Why?101) Do you read fashion magazines?102) Do you sometimes wear a hat?103) Do you think it is important to wear fashionable clothes?a) Do you think it is important to be in fashion?104) Do you wear jewelry?a) If so, what kind of jewelry do you wear?b) How often do you wear jewelry?c) What is your most valuable piece of jewelry?105) Do you wear the same color clothes now that you wore ten years ago?106) Do you wear the same size clothes this year as you wore last year?107) Do you think people feel different when they wear different clothes?108) Have you ever made your own clothes?a) If so, what did you make?b) Do you often make your own clothes?109) How many pairs of gloves do you have?110) What are some of the strangest fashions you have seen? 111) What colors do you think look good on you?112) What colors do you think look good on your mother? 113) What did you wear yesterday?114) What do you think of body piercing?a) Do you have pierced ears?b) Do you know anyone with a pierced nose?c) Would you ever pierce your tongue?115) What do you think of people who dye their hair green? 116) What do you think of women who wear high heel shoes?a) Do you think high heel shoes are bad for a person'shealth?117) What fashions that you see today do you think will be out of fashion within two years?118) What is your shoe size?119) What kind of clothes are in fashion now?120) What kind of clothes do you usually wear?121) What's the most expensive piece of clothing you have ever bought?122) What's your favorite color for shoes?123) When was the last time you got dressed up?a) Why?b) How often do you get dressed up?c) Do you like to get dressed up?124) Where are some good stores to buy clothes in this area?125) Where do you usually buy clothes?126) Would you like to be a fashion model?QUESTIONS ON FASHION AND STYLE-BASEDSTEREOTYPES1) What would you think of a women who cut off all her hairand went around bald as a fashion statement?2) What do you think of a man who is bald for fashion's sake?3) What do you think of women who wear short mini-skirts?4) Do you think that the clothes we wear reflect what is insideus ?5) What do you think of people who always and only wearblack?6) What do you think of people with tattoos?a) Do you have a tattoo?b) Do you know someone with a tattoo?7) What do you think of people with body piercing?a) Do you have pierced ears?b) Would you pierce other parts of your body?8) What would you think of a high school student who alwayswore very conservative clothes?9) What type of clothing do you wear when you are angry andyou want to express yourself?10) What colors do you choose to wear when you are happy?11) Would you dress the same as you do in your country if youwent to America for a visit?12) Do you dress the same when you are depressed as you dowhen you are very happy?a) In what ways do you dress differently?13) If you went out with a group of high school friends, wouldyou dress differently then if you went out with yourgrandmother and her friends?14) In what ways does your Grandmother dress differently thenyou?15) When you get old do you think you will dress like yourgrandmother or grandfather?16) Would you ever wear dreadlocks?a) What do you think of the people who wear them?17) Have you ever worn your hair braided in small braids.a) Did anyone look at you differently because of it?18) Would you ever wear contacts to change your eye color?19) What is the difference in the people who choose to wearcontacts and the people who choose to were glasses?20) What do you think about women who don't wear earrings?21) What do you think about men who wear earrings?a) What do you think of women who do?22) Is it possible for women to wear too much make-up?a) When is a person wearing to much make-up?b) What do you think of men who wear make-up?23) Is it possible to be beautiful without wearing any make-up,earrings or other accessories?24) Do fashionable clothes really change the way a personlooks?25) What differences have you noticed in the fashions here andin your country?26) What do you think of men who where tights?27) What do you think about secondhand clothes?a) Why do you think people buy secondhand clothes?b) Have you ever been to a store that sells secondhandclothes?c) Have you ever bought secondhand clothes?d) Would you buy secondhand clothes?28) When and where did you buy an article of clothing you'rewearing right now? Why did you choose it?29) What would you think if the mother of the groom wore blackat a wedding?a) What would you think if a bride wore red?b) Should a bride's dress be long or do you think it couldbe the length of a regular skirt?30) What items of clothing do you consider provocative in thiscountry?a) What types of clothing are provocative in your country?b) Do you ever dress this way?31) What do you think of men wearing high heels?32) What do you think of women wearing high heels?33) Why is it acceptable for women to wear men's clothing, butnot for men to dress in women's clothing?34) Is there a stigma attached to people who buy no-name (nobrand) clothing?35) Are some people more fashion conscious than others?What types/groups of people?36) Have you ever bought imitation brand clothing?37) What traditional clothes do people from your country wear?a) When do you wear them?b) Are they comfortable?38) In your country do children have to wear school uniform?a) Did you wear a school uniform?b) Do you think wearing uniforms is a good idea?39) What would you do or feel if you were refused entry tosomewhere because of what you are wearing?40) Do you think dress codes should be adhered to ifrequested on an invitation?41) What would you wear to meet royalty or the President ofyour country?42) Would you go to a fancy dress party? Why or why not?43) How much do you spend getting ready to go to school?Work? Out with friends? To a party?a) Do the times vary much?44) What traditional clothes do people from your country wear?45) When do you wear them?46) Are they comfortable?47) Do you think there's a difference between" fashion " and"style" ?48) How often do you go clothes shopping?a) Where do you like to go?b) Who do you like to go with?c) How much money do you usually spend?d) Would you bring your husband/boyfriend with you whenyou go clothes shopping?49) What do you like to shop for the most?50) Where is your favorite shopping centre?51) What is your favorite brand?52) Are you a shopaholic?53) Do you go to many shops before buying one particular itemor do you just buy the first one you find?54) Do you spend a lot of money on clothes your clothes?55) Which type of clothes do you "collect"?56) What's your favorite piece of clothing?a) How much did it cost?b) Where did you buy your favorite piece of clothing?57) Have you ever felt uncomfortable with what you wear?58) Did your parents ever make you wear something you didn'tlike?Do you like to go shopping during the sales?。

Cold turkey作为俗语的意思是指一些人突然终止某种已经成隐的习惯,如非
Ween yourself off is the best. Cold turkey will just drive you back to smoking, because it will
When talking about handicrafts, I’d like to share with you my experience of making
cut is a traditional folk art in China and it’s been very popular in some ruralareas.
慢慢戒,循序渐进,逐步递减数量:Ween off )
THINK OF family members every time they want to smoke. According to psychologists one
Stay busy, because your hands and your mind is too used to having them filled with a
A Handicraft
Q. A Handicraft (something made by hand)
You should say:
What it is?
What it looks like?
How to make it?
And explain what other people thought of it.
-door upside down, which means the fortuneand bliss are

Fruit/vegetablesDo you like fruit?How often do you eat fruit?What kind of fruit do you like best? Why?What are the benefits of eating more fruit?DrivingDo you often drive?Is it necessary to learn driving?Is it important to drive well?When would you allow your children to drive?BicycleAre bicycles popular in your hometown?Has the number of bicycle riders in China changed much in the past few years?How old were you when you first learned to ride a bicycle?What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of bicycles compared to cars? Would you say bicycles are suitable for people of all ages?BirthdayDo people in your country celebrate birthdays? How?Do you think it is important for people to celebrate them?How did you celebrate your last birthday?Is the birthday more important for old people or young people?animalsdo you like animals?do people like to keep pets in your country? why or why not?swimmingdo you like swimming? why? why not?benefits?should children learn it?concert你的国家有什么类型的concert?你上次亲眼看的或在电视上看的concert是什么?看concert同听CD有什么不同?PaintingDo you like painting?What are the benefits of painting?What are the benefits of drawing for adults?Do you think the art is important to life?Can you give an example of arts you learn?What kind of art do you like?What kind of art experience did you have when you were young? What kind of art are you good at?鸟类Birds喜欢鸟吗?中国鸟多吗?鸟的含义?人们喜欢鸟吗?见过多少种中国常见的是什么鸟养鸟做宠物流行么我们应不应该保护鸟什么措施Outdoor activities 户外运动do you like outdoor activities?what activities do people do?housework你认为中国人有很多时间做家务吗?你小时候帮助做家务吗?你最喜欢做什么家务,为什么?你认为小孩应该学做家务吗?number中国的数字有什么特殊的含义?数字在中国有没有特殊意义、比如哪些数字你需要记忆的。

P1 Friendship之老阳三干创作Where do young people go to make new friends?Where do young children make new friends?Where did people make friends in the past?Where can you (go to) speak to foreigners in your country?P1 ClothWhat kind of clothes you like?Where would you like to buy clothes?Have you ever bought any clothes that you don't like? Do you think when you are getting older and older, you will like other clothes?P1 animal & petsWhat is your favourite animal?Why you like this animal?Do you like keeping a pet? Why?How to protect the wild animals?Is it our responsibility to provide animals with better living and surviving conditions?Being vet is a good job? Do you agree or disagree? Why? What pets are popular in your country?Do you think cloning animals is reasonable?Using animals for experiments is very common, do you have any suggestion on this?Do you think animals are worth protecting?Is there any endangered animal in your country?How to save them? Why should we save them?P1 FilmWhat kind of films do you like to watch?Watching films in the cinema or at home, which one do you prefer?P1 Cell PhoneDo you have your cell phone?What kind of cell phone you like?Do you often use cell phone in your daily life?Do you think cell phone is important?When did you use cell phone for the first time?What are the disadvantages of cell phone?What is the influence of cell phone in modern society?Is cell phone common in your country?Do you think it is good if children use cell phone?P1 HolidayWhat do you like to do on holiday?If you have a holiday, do you prefer to stay with family or alone?以下为Part2和相关Part3问题, 请年夜家认真准备:与他人合做的事P2 Descibe a project you work with othersP3 How to cooperate with others?What would you learn from cooperation?What are the advantages if boys and girls cooperate? What is the difference between things which men do and women do?Why some people like to do things alone?What is the advantage if you do things alone?What is the difference betweeen foreign education and education in your country?What is the advantage if children cooperate?How to encourage children to cooperate?中学影响你的老师P2 describe a teacher who has influenced you when you were at secondary school(where you met him/her, what subject he/her taught, what was special about him/her, and explain why he/her influenced you so much)P3 What is the advantage of being a teacher?What are the qualities of good teachers?Some people think education is less popular than before, do you think so?What is the difference between teachers in the past and now?实用技能P2 Describe a practical skill you have learned, e.g. cooking or driving (when do you learn it ,how do you learn it ,do you think it is difficult to learn it)P3 How do you study?How do the ways of study change?Questions about children and adults' study.以下两题可能为同一题:不是你家的家庭P2 describe a family you like to stay with but not yours (Whose family it was, How you knew it, Where they lived, what you did)P3 What are the advantages of family members(e.g. young & old) living together? What about the disadvantages?What do old people and children do together?What about three generations living together?How can old families and new families get along with each other well?Do you think children's opinions will change in the future?Do children’s positions in family change? What is it?Is it good? Do they have strong concept of family?What is the advantage and disadvantage if parents do not have children?What is your opinion of not living with parents?Do you think children may have same ideas with their parents?Do you often stay with this family? What you did together?What do you often talk about?Why you like this family?P2 Describe a family you want to spend time with(who are in the family, what are they interest in)P3 Is it very common that three generations are living together?Do they have conflicts? Why?Do parents notice that they should give children more freedom?以下两题可能为同一题:打坏的工具P2 describe a thing you broke in your life (what it was, how important it was)P3 Do you abandon it or repair it?Do most people abandon or repair the broken things?What do most Chinese people do to broken things?What do people often break?Do people know how to repair them?Who would repair things, young people or old people?P2 Describe something which is broken and not used in your familyWhat is your opinion if someone throws away the broken things directly?What are the advantages of buying second-hand things on internet? What about the disadvantages?他人给建议P2 Describe a situation that someone gave you useful advice( who gave it to you, what was the situation, what advice it was)P3 Why do parents always give their kids advice?Do children listen to this advice?What do you think about peer pressure?Is peer pressure good for us?Who do you think gives other more advice?Say sth. about a situation that you give other people advice.这题更新了一些P3问题:智力检验P2 Describe a quiz show you watch on TV that you are interested in attendingP3 Do you like watching the quiz shows?What kind of people may attend the show?Do you think people all want to attend the show?Do you think we can see more quiz shows on television? Is quiz show popular in China?Why young people do not like quiz shows?Are there many competitions in everyday life?Some people say that competition has some disadvantages. Do you agree?Do you think that people are born to be competitive?How to be a competitive person?童年的玩具P2 describe a toy you had when you were a child(what it is, how it is played, who gave it to you, and explain what benefits you got from playing the toy)P3 What is the difference between toys in the past and now?Now the toys are more creative, do you think is good? What is the difference between boys' toys and girls' toys?What are the difference and relevance between toys and education?Is there any toy you could share with your friends?What is the difference of toy in city and in village? Would you like to share your toys with others?Do you think parents and children should play with toys together?Now children spend more time to watch TV instead of playing with toys, do you think it is good?Do you think electronic toys are good?最佳谜底Part 1l Full namel 你做什么的?你在工作中接受过什么培训吗?你将来想为了工作接受什么样的培训?怎么能容易的找个好工作?l 你喜欢画画吗?你学过吗?为啥人们喜欢在家里挂画泥?l 你喜欢念书吗?你小得时候喜欢念书吗?你喜欢读什么样的书?你最近念书是什么时候呀?l 然后问我喜欢什么片子, 不喜欢什么片子?我喜欢在片子院看还是家看l 你会COOKING吗?你的妈妈有在你的小时候教你COOKING吗?为什么?你喜欢做饭吗?为什么?你们家是谁做饭更多呢?你觉得在未来你会经常做饭吗?还是会做的更少呢?l 经常吃蔬菜水果么;小时候喜欢吃什么;l 跟邻居间的关系如何?和邻居直接会发生什么问题?l 你喜欢painting and drawing吗?l Do you have a watch? Is time important;Were you late for something;Is that make you any trouble;l Do you like writing;Do you prefer writing by hand or computer;Do you think good hand writing still important nowl weather in your hometown;l Talk about flowers-when do you usually buy flowers;your last time to buy flowers. Chinese people like plant flowers;Topic1. 一种wild animalPART3:喜欢ZOO吗?为什么很多城市都建有zoo?zoo好欠好?怎样才是一个好的zoo?有人不喜欢zoo,为什么?将来zoo有什么发展?Topic2. 给小孩讲的故事Topic3. a exciting message by phoneTopic4. 讲一个传统故事/ 众所周知的故事PART3:怎样考小孩子学传统故事?重要吗?传统故事还流行吗?用什么方式流传比力好?人们应不应该给小孩子讲故事;小孩子都喜欢什么样的故事;为什么有人写故事;有的人愿意把自己写进故事里, 为什么?Topic5. 描述一个老师Topic6. favorite subjectP3:老师应该具备? 男女老师有啥区别?欠好的老师对学生有啥影响?Topic7. A Science Lesson (biology, chemistry, etc)Topic8. 描述一所你小时候去过的学校PART3:认为为什么小孩子值得教育?什么样的人能教育小孩儿;需要哪些features;小孩儿容易被教育吗;现在孩子的压力比以前年夜, 你同意吗?Topic9. PartyPART3:为什么聚会组织很难?中国有什么特殊事情会在节日里做?中国人经常什么时候聚会?你是个合格的聚会组织者吗?Is Chinese party is different from foreign party? Whatwill u do in a party; dose party change a lot in china; is it different between city party and rural party;Topic10. 是我小时候喜欢读的一本书PART3:What do you think is a suitable age for children to start to learn to read;the influence on reading on the Internet;whether different age group have different reading material;什么年龄小孩可以开始念书;小时候读的书对以后有什么影响;如果小孩不喜欢念书而喜欢玩电脑, 有什么方法能让他们念书;有些家长直接关了电脑, 你觉得这个方法怎么样;对E—book有什么看法Topic11. 买了但没有实用价值的工具Topic12. 手工艺品PART3:自己制作的工具有什么好处?中国人喜欢自己制作工具吗?为什么中国人不爱自己制作工具?自己制作工具最重要的是什么?需要什么技能?手工做的质量好还是工厂做的好?Topic13. 描述家里保管的一样旧物品PART3:what kinds of objects family want to keep;why family want to keep it;do u think it has value;Why;globalization对collect old things的impact;what do u think of tradition culture’s disappear;globalization对tradition culture 是good or bad;各个家庭有没有祖传的工具?(我说我家有块玉祖传的)你会卖失落这个玉吗?为什么会祖传这种工具?祖传的工具有什么好处?该不应留着这些工具?为什么要把工具传给下一代?人们会把什么工具传给下一代?人们一直回忆过去好欠好?博物馆里是展览照片好还是物品好;Topic14. 有名的人(怎么样变的有名)Topic15. 电视明星Topic16. 你想会见的外国的名人PART3:有些人成名了有些人却没有, 为什么?有些人成名很久有些人只是红极一时?前者是怎么做到的?名人对青少年影响越来越年夜?优缺点分别是?中国的名人们对国家有什么影响?Topic17. 一次有意义的散步Topic18. 描述一部片子P3:中国人喜欢看片子吗他们喜欢看什么片子?他们喜欢在家还时片子院看?片子有什么教育意义吗?问孩子还要从小学painting吗;孩子喜欢painting吗~为什么;卡通是不是只给小孩看的;film对education有什么影响Topic19. A Newspaper or Magazine ArticleTopic20. TV PROGRAMP3:关于刚刚提到的那个你不喜欢的节目, 它在中国很流行吗?最近中国都流行些什么样的节目?你觉得最近几年时间, 这几年这些节目都有些什么变动呢?你觉得这些变动都是好的吗?还是欠好的呢?Topic21. An Important Conversation You HadPART3:男男, 男女, 女女之间的讲话方式有何区别?日常的对话的话题、为什么会有分歧的话题呈现?网上聊天和现实聊天有什么分歧?网上聊天会在未来的聊天中饰演重要角色吗?Topic22. A Electrical/Electronic MachinePART3:机器与电子产物的区别Topic23. An Ideal JobPART3:选择职业时考虑的因素;职业的位置高低;你为什么选择这个职业Topic24. A Picnic or Outdoor MealPART3:你喜欢在家饭吗;中国人的食品的消费习惯;为什么supermarket 在中国受欢迎;你觉得去STORE方面还是去supermarket方便;随着超市越来越多, 有什么负面影响;你觉得中国人会改变消费观吗;中国传统美食;你家谁做饭?食品对身体好吗?政府可以做些什么让人们吃健康的食物不吃不健康的食物.Where do Chinese people get traditional food; Is supermarket popular in china; Why; Is this a problem to some small shops; Do you think children should learn to cook; Why; Should school have some courses about cook;Why;Topic25. An Exciting / Dangerous SportPART3:你怎么看到危险游戏?政府是不是因该限制一下这些活动?什么样的运动节目能够在电视上看到?你的朋友或家人喜欢运动吗;看电视里的体育运动能exciting吗;长时间看电视节目是不是晦气于身体健康?为什么人们喜欢危险的运动;这和他们的性格有关系么;政府做什么能减少危险;Topic26. A Time Someone Gave You Important HelpPART3:认为儿童需要什么样的帮手, 谁最能给与帮手, 家长是不是占据主导位置;老人需要什么样的帮手, 社会看待老人有没有什么变动;什么人喜欢帮手他人, 为什么, 政府应该怎么做来帮手需要帮手的人Topic27. A Recent Happy EventPART3:年轻人和老年人看待传统有什么分歧?为什么会有这样的转变?为什么人们不重视传统?历史是不是应该忘记等等为什么会忘记历史, 有什么方法可以拯救历史?If you have time, what type of course will you take? Qualification and work experience which is more important? Popular course in your countryTopic28. 令人激动的消息Topic29. A Place with a Lot of WaterPART3:日常生活中水的处置方式;该教小孩子游泳吗;为什么人们喜欢去海边玩;如何净化水;全世界都可以很方便的用到水吗;中国城市和农村哪个用书更多;为什么;未来水需求会不会增年夜;为什么;Topic30. 花园、公园Topic31. 一个意料之外的长途旅行Topic32. A Place You VisitedTopic33. 一个历史地址Topic34. 古代建筑PART3:中国更喜欢长途旅行还是长途旅行(why);经常和谁去旅行;为了商务or娱乐去旅行的区别;中国人为什么喜欢去历史名胜景区;怎么了解历史;政府该呵护历史名胜吗;你觉得有些人在拍片子的时候, 为了有更好的效果, 会改变一些内容, 这样对吗;观赏历史景点时应该免票吗?旅游景点的作用;人们喜欢游览名胜古迹的原因是什么;你觉得人们更喜欢去那一种呢;building的还是山山水水的;有些人喜欢把这些拍成片子, 你觉得好吗;Topic35. 一个来访问你的人PART3:在中国, 访问时客人带什么礼物 /你怎么招待客人/中国人送礼时年夜家都很客气的不收, 你怎么看待这个问题Topic36. 季节Topic37. Describe leisure activitiesPART3:What are the most people in china do for the leisure activities? Why some people are think do leisure activities are wasting of time? Why do people travel? Topic38. A FestivalTopic39. 健康的生活习惯Topic40. Describe a vehicle you havePART3:中国的交通状况如何?你所在的城市交通状况如何?如何改善一个城市的交通状况?你觉得地铁如何?Compare and contrast the different types of transport that exist today;Do you think it's a good thing to drive a car;Why do more and more people in China want to own theirown car;What are the advantages and disadvantages ofthe different kindsTell me about a place you want to visit.You should say: what the place iswhere you first heard about the placewhat you would do thereand explain why you particularly want to go to the place.(在1分钟的准备时间内, 组织好思路, 可在草稿纸上写下相关要点提醒自己.)(草稿)Where: Paris/dreamlike placeWhere first heard about it: from dad/business trip to Paris/years agoWhat to do there:shopping/coffee/music/languageelegant languageWhy want to go there: city of romance/wildestdream/if you haven’t been to Paris, you haven’t lived your life at all.(实际回答问题时, 充沛利用卡片展开细节说明)(口述)Today I would like to talk about a place I want to visit. You know in my whole life, I’ve been lucky enough to visit quite a few wonderful places, such as Sydney and Melbourne in Australia, Shanghai, Qingdao, Hongkong in my country. But there’s this dreamlike place I haven’t so far stood a chance to visit, andit’s Paris. I can still remember about several years ago, my dad came home from a business trip from Paris and he sat down and said: “Sweetie, as a girl, if you haven’t been to Paris, you haven’t lived your life at all because Paris is the city of romance.” Since then visiting Paris has been my wildest dream. So if I could be lucky enough to be there one day, I would love to go shopping, buying fashionable clothes, sitting in a café, sipping coffee, enjoying the beautiful French music, looking out of the glass windows, appreciating thepeople on the street, and of course, picking up a few French words because French is one of the most elegant languages in the world. So I guess what I am trying to say is visiting Paris is and will be my wildest dream and I know it for sure that I will definitely go there one day.Part1Natural sound /noiseStudy or workweatherHouse/flat, fashion/clothes, watch/timehobbya foreign celebritypark or gardenhometownfood/cookingTV programmoviesmusicreadinganimal/birdsFree time/ weekendshoppingLanguagework/job-huntingFruits/vegetablesFlowersNeighbor/family/FriendsCollecting thingsDrivingagesseasonEmails/letters/writing/hand phone Games/computer/internetParty /birthdaysNewspaper/magazine/ Advertisement Photos/Painting/picturesSports/bikes/keeping fit/travelling Living places(house/apartment)Holiday/relaxation/ swimmingVisitorsnewsMuseumsPart2Places—a place you visitedA place with water/ a perfect garden (park)/ a place you'd like to visitprimary schoola change in your home town/your town and the biggest changevisit a place that you haven't been beforeA modern building/ an interesting buildingschool/ libraryTourist attractionCompany / website/ Shopping centreA city you visited/ a story of cityIdeal home/house/ hometownWhich parts do you like best in your town?restaurantPeople—a friend who visited youAn old person/an interesting old personsomeone you live togetherForeign/Chinese famous people/ A foreigner/celebrity from a foreign countryhost/tv presenterA friend/neighbor/colleague /a person you would like to spend time withA person who took care of you in your childhooda person who you helped before/ Sb. who gave you important helpA successful person/famous person /Someone you want tobe similar to in the futureA person who is good at his /her workA teenager/ cookA family you are familiar with (not your family)Sb. you(admire)want to talk toA roommate/a person you live withA family /a family member you spend most of the time with/Eventsa funny news storya special meala walk with your frienddescribe a hobby you enjoyed when you were a child.the advantages and disadvantages of advertisements describe a kind of sports that you will be good at?A weekend/ a walk you tookParty/ festival/ childhood/ gameA healthy lifestyle/ a traditional Chinese story Extreme sports/ unplanned trip/ Business trip/ Leisure activitiesScience lesson internet/computer seasonConversationspeech/lecturepicnic/ meal /outdoor activitiesFuture plan news success Happy event recently /wedding (family event / birthday)Things—an old thing in your homedescribe one TV program you watched but not enjoyan ideal job/ an interesting job/ Describe a jobsound that you likea type of music/ Music in childhood/childhood gamea special mealshoppingSomething you bought but seldom usean electrical equipment(except computer) /Inventionsth DIYa childhood book/ a book that you likeNewspaper\website\magazineAn interesting piece of newsPhotoLetter / Emaila film/ machine / an interesting lawA gift/ toy you gave to your friend or other people Homework/projectsomething you losta well-known Children’s Story in your countryOld things that your family keeps/handicraft Science lesson/ newspapers/magazineSecond language you want to learnSth. you bought recently/ special clothes Advertisement/ change/adviceAn important stage in your life电视节目A TV program (like/dislike)片子A movie野生植物Wild animal课程Course体育运动Sport菜肴A Special Meal健康习惯方式Something healthy工作An (interesting) job/ A job you want to try技能Most useful practical skill广告Advertisement电子产物A Machine or Electronic Device you would like to buy 自己制作的物品Something you made yourself旧物An old thing in your family贺卡/信件/信息Card/letter/message故事A story from your country礼物A gift法律A good law讲外语的人A person you met who speak foreign language 老人An Old Person国外名人A famous foreign person家庭A family (not your family)艺术家An artist崇敬的朋友A friend you admire节目主持人A TV/Radio presenter讲外语的人A person who speaks foreign language老师A teacher历史遗迹An Historic Site居住/观赏过的城市A city you have visited or lived in现代建筑A modern building购物中心A shopping centre公园Garden学校School吃饭的地址A place you sometime go for lunch/ A restaurant 噪音You visit a place where has a lot of noise创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日环境Environment儿时的一首歌A Childhood Song儿时的玩具A Childhood Toy儿时读的书A Book You Read when You were a Child公关活动A public event旅行A trip with a friend/ A long journey家乡的变动A recent changes to hometown儿时经历A naughty thing you did in your childhood重要的庆祝An important celebrate你朋友做的一件令你崇敬的事something did by your friend who you admire步行经历A walk you enjoyed with a friend创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日。

BasicInformationwhatisyourfullname?whatcanIcallyou?whatisyourIDnumber?Characteristics:Authentic,Showy(GoodCustom,Tenseexcellence,Vocabulary,CommunicationSkills, idiom)2.WorkingorStudyingAreyouworkingorstudying?Whatdoyouusuallydo?(workeronly)wheredoyouwork?whataretheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofyourwork?whatisyouridealjob?wheredoyoustudy?whataretheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofyourschooloruniversity?whatsubject/majordoyouhave?(Collegestudentsonly) whataretheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofyoursubjectormajor?(Collegestudentsonly)Characteristics:SpecialIdea,Vocabulary,Case,Andfixedsentencestructure andHomeWhichtownorcitydoyoucomefrom?what'sthebestthingaboutlivingthere? Isthereanythingyoudon'tlike? whichplaceswouldyourecommendatouristtovisit? whereareyoulivingnow? canyoudescribeyourhometome? whataretheadvantagesanddisadvantagesoflivinginyourhome? howcanyouimproveit?what'sthemostinterestingobjectinyourhome?4.LearningEnglishPleasesomeideashowtostudyEnglish howdoyouthinkaboutEnglish? whatdoyouthinkofEnglishandotherlanguages? howlearnEnglishwell?(howtoimproveyourEnglish?) whendidyoubegintostudyEnglish? whatisthekeyaboutstudyingEnglish? aretheresomedifficultiesaboutstudyingEnglish?whydon'tyoustudyanotherlanguage?5.WatchingTVwhatTVprogramsdoyouliketowatch? whataretheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofwatchingTV? doyouthinkthereshouldbeaTVinthestudent'sdormitoryroom?doyourparentsletyouwatchTVasyoulike?6.HealthFoodwhatarethedifference betweenpeopleeat20yearsagoandtoday? whatdoyouliketoeat?whatisthehealthfood? doyouthinkChineseeatingisbetterorworsethanbefore?7.Shoppingwhoprefershopping,menorwomen?whendoyougoshopping?whoalwaysgowithyou? whichplaceswhereyoungpeopleliketogoshoppingnow? whichkindofthingsyouliketobuy?doyoualwaysgoshopping? whatkindofplacepeopleliketogoforshopping?8.Photographdoyouliketotakephotos?doChinesepeopleliketotakephotographs?IstakingphotospopularinChina? whichkindofphotosyouliketotake?howdoarrangeyourphotos?aretheresomephotosinthepastyougot?whichkindofphotosyoulike?whatkindofmusicyoulike?haveyoueverplaysomeinstruments?whendoyoulistentomusic?dochildrenshouldplayinstruments? whetherchildrenplayinstrumentswillchangetheirthinkingaboutmusic? do theinstrumentscouldchangeaperson'slifewhoplaysit?10.Readinghowmuchtimeyoutakeadayaboutreading?why?doyoulikereading?whichkindofbooksdoyouliketoread? whatisthemeaningofreadingforyou?11.Sportdoyoulikesports?whichkindofsportsdoyoulike?why?whichkindofpeoplelikesports?whichdislike?dochineselikesports? whichkindofsportsdopeopleinyourhometownlike? doyouthinksportshavesomebenefitstoyoungpeople?whichkind? doyoudosomesportsinschool?doyouliketravelingaloneorwithpeople?whichanothercountry'scityyouevergo? aretheresomebenefitsabouttraveling?whatyouwilllearnabouttraveling?whichkindoftransportdoyoulike?why?whataretheadvantagesanddisadvantages? whichkindoftransportyoubywhenyoutraveling?whataretheprosandcons? tellmesomethingaboutthetransportationinfutute?puterdoyouusecomputer?whichdoyouusecomputertodo? howdoyoustudytheknowledgeaboutcomputer? whichkindofeffectsdocomputerdoesforourlives? doyouthinkwhichkindofcontentscangiveyoursomebadinfluenceincomputer? alwaysusingcomputerisgoodorbad?why?tellmesomethingaboutemail?whichseasondoyoulike?why?whatpeopledointhisseason? tellmesthabouttheclimateinyourhometown tellmesthabouttheseasonsinyourhometown?whatdoyoudowithyourfriends?hhowcouldbecomebestfriends?tellmesthaboutyourbestfriend17.Fashion(时装)doyoulikefashion?why?whichkindofclothesdoyouliketowear?doyouliketobuyclothes?why? whatarethedifferencesbetweenpeoplewearingnowandinthepast? whatisyouropinionaboutthetrendoffashion?whatisthemeaningoffashion?part2and3注意:要制定每天的方案。
剑桥雅思真题4-口语 Test 1-4(完整)

剑桥雅思真题4-口语Test 1-4(完整)Test 1PART IThe examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topicsEXAMPLEFriendsAre your friends mostly your age or different ages? [Why?]Do you usually see your friends during the week or at weekends? [Why?]The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together?In what ways are your friends important to you?You will have to talk about the topic for one totwo minutes.You have one minute to think about whatyou’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if youwish.PART 3Discussion topics:Looking after historic placesExample questionsHow do people in your country feel about protecting historic buildings/Do you think an area can benefit from having an interesting historic place locally? In what way?What do you think will happen to historic places or buildings in the future? Why?The teaching of history at schoolExample questionsHow were you taught history when you were at school?Are there other ways people can learn about history, apart from at school? How?Do you think history will still be a school subject in the future? Why?PART IThe examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topicsEXAMPLEFood and cookingWhat kinds of food do you like to eat?What kind of new food would you like to try? [Why?]Do you like cooking? [Why/Why not?]What was the last meal you cooked?Do you prefer home-cooked food or food from restaurants? [Why?]You will have to talk about the topic forone to two minutes.You have one minute to think aboutwhat you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you ifyou wish.PART 3Discussion topics:The social benefits of hobbiesExample questionsDo you think having a hobby is good for people's social life? In what way?Are there any negative effects of a person spending too much time on their hobby? What are they?Why do you think people need to have an interest or hobby?Leisure timeExample questionsIn your country, how much time do people spend on work and how much time on leisure? Is this a good balance, do you think?Would you say the amount of free time has changed much in the last fifty years?Do you think people will have more or less free time in the future? Why?PART IThe examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topicsEXAMPLELeisureDo you have any hobbies or interests? [What are they?]How did you become interested in (whatever hobby/interest the candidate mentions)?What is there to do in your free time in (candidate's home town/village)?How do you usually spend your holidays?Is there anywhere you would particularly like to visit? [Why?]You will have to talk about the topic forone to two minutes.You have one minute to think aboutwhat you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you ifyou wish.PART 3Discussion topics:Water-based leisure activitiesExample questionsWhat do people enjoy doing when they visit rivers, lakes or the sea? Why do you think these activities are popular?What benefits do you think people get from the activities they enjoy in the water?What are the different advantages of going to the sea or to a swimming pool to enjoy yourself? What do you think the disadvantages are?The economic importance of rivers, lakes and the seaExample questionsHow does water transport, like boats and ships, compare with other kinds? Are there any advantages/disadvantages of water transport?How important is it for a town or city to be located near a river or the sea? Why?Have there been any changes in the number of jobs available in fishing and water transport industries, do you think? Why do you think this is?PART IThe examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topicsEXAMPLEYour favourite placeWhat place do you most like to visit?How often do you visit this place?Why do you like it so much?Is it popular with many other people?Has it changed very much since you first went there? [In what way?]You will have to talk about the topic forone to two minutes.You have one minute to think aboutwhat you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you ifyou wish.PART 3Discussion topics:The Internet and communicationExample questionsWhat effect has the Internet had on the way people generally communicate with each other?Why do you think the Internet is being used more and more for communication?How reliable do you think information from the Internet is? Why? What about the news on the Internet?The Internet and shoppingExample questionsWhy do you think some people use the Internet for shopping? Why doesn't everyone use it in this way?What kinds of things are easy to buy and sell online? Can you give me some examples?Do you think shopping on the Internet will be more or less popular in the future? Why?。

Part 1 topicsYour Work1.What job (or, what work) do you do?2.What does your company do?3.What do you do in a typical day at work?4.Do you need to work with (= co-operate with) other people at work? (teamwork question)5.Do you like working with them?6.Do you like your job (or, your work)?7.What's the most difficult part of your job?8.Would you recommend this job to other people?9.Do you think your (school or) university education prepared you well for the work you are doing now?10.Do you prefer your life now, as a working person, to the life you had as a student?11.Why are you taking the IELTS test?Your Studies1.What subject are you studying?2.Why did you choose to study that?3.Do you like your subject? (= your major = your subjects if a high school student)4.Where do you study (= what school/university do you attend)?5.Why did you choose that (particular) school/university?6.When did you start this course and when will you finish it? Do you like university life?7.What do you think of your school/university?8.(Similar to above) What do you think of the place where you are studying?9.What is the best thing about your university/school?10.Why are you taking the IELTS test?11.What are your future study plans?12.What are your future work plans? (after you graduate)13.When you start working, do you think you will prefer that to being a student?Your Home (Your Accommodation)1.Do you live in a house or a flat?2.Please describe the place where you live.3.How have you decorated your home (or, your room)?4.Do you have anything (hanging) on the wall of your home (oryour room)? (e.g., decorations)5.What can you see when you look out the window of your room?6.What is the environment like in your neighbourhood?7.Do you like your neighbours?8.What kind of people are your neighbours?Your Hometown1.Where is your hometown? (Or, what part of China do you come from?)2.Do you think you'll always live there?3.Where do you live at the moment?4.Do you like your hometown? (Why?/Why not?)5. What sorts of buildings are there in your hometown?6.What would you say is the best part of your hometown?7.What's the most famous thing about your hometown?8.Is there anything worth visiting in your hometown?9.Has your hometown changed much in the past few years? (e.g.20 years)10.Would you say your hometown is suitable for children to grow up in?11.What parts of your hometown are most suitable for familiesand children?12.What's the weather usually like in your hometown?13.Has the weather in your hometown changed much in recent years?Museums1.Are there many (or, any) museums in your hometown?2.(Similar to above) Are there many museums in your country?3.Do you often visit a museum?4.When was the last time you visited a museum?5.Do you think museums are important?6.Do you think it's suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?7.(Similar to above) Do you think museums should sell things to visitors?Daily Routine1.What are you usually doing at this time? Do you do the same thing(s) every day?2.Tell me something about your daily routine.(school/university)?3. In a typical day, what do you do in the classroom?4. (If you do not work) For you, what's the best time of day for studying?5.(If you work) For you, what's the best time of day (or, day of the week) for working?6.What time do you usually get up?7.What do you usually do after you get up (or, in the morning)?8.What part of the (= your) day do you like best? (Why?) (= What part of your daily routine makes you the happiest? Or = What part of the day are you most efficient?)9.Is you life now the same as it was before?10.If you could make one change to your daily routine, what would it be?11.If you had more free time, what would you do?12.Do you like to plan what you will do each day? (Why?/Why not?)13.Do you usually do the same things at the same time each day?14.How do you plan (organize) your study time?15.Do you ever (or, do you often) change these plans?16.Can you think of any improvements to your daily routine?Travelling1.Do you often travel (go travelling)?2.Do you like travelling?3.Why do you travel? (purposes)4.What are some places that you have traveled to?5.What was the last place you traveled to?6.What was the most interesting place you have traveled to?7.How often do you return to your hometown? (If not living at home now)8.Which city (or place) that you have been to did you like the most? (Why?)9.What places in China are (or, would be) attractive for foreigners to travel to?补充:关于考生回忆的【大海】的问题:Have you ever been to the seaside?Why do people like oceans?Why do some people take their holidays at the seaside?Do you want to live near the sea?Magazines and Newspapers1. Do you like reading magazines and newspapers?2.What kinds of (types of) magazines do you like to read?3.Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?4.What parts of a newspaper do you prefer to read?5.What kinds of articles do you like to read?6.Have you ever read a foreign newspaper (or magazine)?7.Do you think reading foreign magazines and newspapers can help you (or, help people) learn a new language?Animal1.Do you like animals?2.What's your favourite animal? (Why?)3.Are people in your country fond of animals?(Similar to above) Do people in your country keep animals at home?4.Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?Emails1.Do you often write (or, send) emails?2.Do you think emails are useful?3.What kinds of emails do you send and receive? (Business emails? Personal emails?)4.Who do you send emails to?5.Do you think it is a good thing that some companies send out letters/spam emails for the purpose of advertising?6.Do you prefer to write letters or emails? (Why?)7.Do you like to write letter and/or emails?8.Do you often write letters or emails?9.How often do you write letters or emails?10.Who do you usually write to and what do you write about?11.How do you feel when you receive letters or emails?12.What kinds of emails (or letters) do you most like receiving? (Why?) (= What kinds of emails/letters make you happy?)Dancing1.Do you like to dance? (Why?/Why not?)2.What kind of dancing do Chinese people like?3.When do Chinese people like to dance?4.Does China have any traditional dances?5.Is traditional dance still popular today in China? (Why?/Why not?)6.Is there much difference between traditional dancing and modern dancing? (What?)7.What kinds of dancing are popular with young people in China?8.Do old people in China like the same kind of dancing as young people? (Why?/Why not?)9.What do you think is the influence of dance on society? Flying1.What are the different forms of transport that people use for long journeys?2.What do you think are the benefits of traveling by plane? (the benefits of flying)3.Why do some people prefer train travel to traveling by plane? (Similar to above) Why do some people feel uncomfortable when they travel by plane?4.How could (long distance) transportation be improved? (Similar to above) How could plane travel be improved?Friends1.Do you have many (close) friends?2.How often do you meet with your friends?3.What do you with your friends?4.Are most of your friends from school (or university) or from outside school (or university)?5. Where do you usually meet (= spent time with) your friends?6.Do you prefer to meet your friends at home or away from your home?7.Do you like making friends with (a lot of) people?8.Do you think friendship is important?9.How do you keep in contact with your friends?Leisure Time1.What do you do in your free time?2.Do you often do things with others in a group (or, with your friends)?3.Do you prefer to do things in a family group or a group of friends?4.What leisure activities do you and your family like doing together?5.What do you do with your friends in your leisure time?6.Do you and your family often get together for a family gathering (家庭聚会)?7.What do you do at these family gatherings?8.What kinds of leisure time activities are popular with young people today?9.Where do people (in your country) go nowadays to spend their leisure time?10.What types of outdoor leisure time activities are there (in your country)?11.Do older people like to do the same activities?12.Do you think modern people like to get together with others? Time1. Do you (usually) wear a watch (a wrist watch)? (Why?)不戴表的,用手机!No I have my mobile with me, it’s got a nice watch in it.戴表的!I know some people say that with mobile phones, the wrist watch is out-dated. I disagree. A quick glimpse at yourwatch during a meeting or on the production line is a lot better than pulling out your cell phone. I find a watch to still be the most convenient method of time keeping.戴表的,还戴得挺讲究!Yes, and I prefer to wear it on the inside of my wrist. I tend to scratch and otherwise damage watches that I wear on the outside. Wearing them on the inside prevents that.2. What do you use your watch for?用来计时的!I use it mainly for timing the speed.用来装饰的!It’s a kind of ornament for me, actually. Wearing a watch has become more of a fashion statement.看时间的。

Confirmation QuestionsGood morning/afternoon. How are you?Morning/afternoon. Fine, thank!How do you do?How do you do?Hi, good to meet you.Good to meet you too.Hi, how are you doing?Not too bad. And you?1.Can I see your ID card please?Sure, here you are.2.Could you tell me your full name please?My full name is ……. But you can call me….3. And what shall I call you?Most people call me …...Hometown Questions4. Whereabouts is your hometown?Xian is located in Shanxi province, which is in central China.5. Let's talk about your hometown or village. What kind of place is it? My hometown is a small place, just outside of Beijing. It takes about an hour to reach/get to there. The people there are mostly farmers, but a lot of the young people work in Beijing. It's a quiet place and I like it.6. Could you tell me something about your hometown?a. Well, it's quite big and it's the capital of Shanxi province. The population's about 6 million and it's famous for its historic sites, especially for the Terracotta Warriors. Xi' an used to be the capital of China, and it's the beginning of the famous Silk Road.b. Okay. Well, my hometown is Beijing and I live just outside of it near the 4th ring road. As you probably know, Beijing's the political and cultural center of China, and it's quite a historical place as well. It's huge-about 12 or 13 million people live in it now-and it seems to be getting bigger every year.7. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?a. Harbin's right near the Song Hua Jiang River and it's kind of in a flat area, with mountains in the distance.b. Indio's a coastal city near the sea, so the main landscapes are the beaches and bays. There are also some nice hills nearby.8. What are the main tourist attractions in your hometown?There's the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. These are the two that are most well known. They are also symbols of China. They attract most visitors, but there are quite a lot of other famous sites as well.9. What are the people like in your hometown?They're usually very friendly, but a bit conservative. People still hold onto a lot of old customs and traditions, which is what I mean by conservative. But I think people there are very hospitable and kind. If you ask someone for directions, they'll always try to help you out, or find someone else who can.10. What places in your hometown do you like best and tell me why?I like the Temple of Heaven best because it's very beautiful. It has a lot of space and there are lots of really nice and old trees there. In the early morning, it's very peaceful. The older people practice their Tai-ji, while the younger children just run around and play. I like it there a lot.11. What places in your hometown might a visitor be interested to visit, and tell me why?I'd recommend the Great Wall, Summer Palace, and the Forbidden City. Those are the most famous places in the city, and I think they best represent Beijing.12. Do you like your hometown, and tell me why or why not?a. Yes. Although it may not have as many opportunities, I think my hometown is a warmhearted place and the people are not as selfish as they are in some of the bigger cities.b. To be frank, I don't really like my hometown that much. I mean, perhaps there are many people who are happy to live there, but I find that the pollution problem is just too bad, and to me it doesn't seem like a good place to raise a family.13. Do you think your hometown is a good place for a young person to live?a. Yes I do, because it's got a lot of opportunities and the entertainment facilities are quite good. You can get a decent job here if you have some skills, and you can make a lot of good friends if you have a good personality.b. No, I think if you're young you'd be better off going to a bigger city with more opportunities. I think my hometown is more suitable for an older crowd, who enjoy a more peaceful life. Younger people get bored with the way things are here.14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in your hometown?I think the biggest advantage is that it's a place where you can find a good job with a good salary, if you try very hard. Also, the people are quite kind and generous. The main disadvantages are the traffic and pollution problems. If you stay in my hometown you will know that these are the two things that everyone here hates the most.Weather Questions15. What is the climate like in your hometown?It's generally very hot in the summer, like about 40 degrees Celsius. Inthe winter, it's cold about minus 14 degrees Celsius. The spring and autumn are both mild and pleasant, with temperatures ranging from around 12 to 25 degrees Celsius. Oh, and summertime is extremely humid as well.. There are four seasons. Winter is cold and snowy; spring is short and rainy; summer is hot and humid; and autumn is beautiful.16. What is the weather like in Beijing?In general, it's pretty dry. Winters are a bit cold. They are dry and windy, with a bit of snow. Spring is short and a bit windy. Summers are hot and a bit more humid, and temperatures can go as high as 30 degrees, so it can be kind of uncomfortable in the summer unless you have air conditioning. Fall is probably the best season-it's very comfortable-not windy, and not too cold or hot like the other seasons.17. How would you compare the climate in your hometown with other cities? Well there are definitely places that have a milder climate. My hometown's weather is a little bit uncomfortable for some people in the summer and winter. There are places where the weather is quite stable all year round. On the other hand, there are some places where the weather's even worse, like in Daqing.18. What're the advantages and disadvantages of the weather in your hometown?Advantages and disadvantages? That's a difficult question to answer, let me think for a second. Well, I guess the main advantage is that its dry, so we don't have to worry about too much rain, and the winters are not too cold like in some other places in northern China. The disadvantage is that it can get windy here, and when there is a sandstorm, well, that can be terrible to put up with.19. What's your favorite weather in your hometown?Actually, I've never thought about that. I guess it would have to be a sunny but not too hot day. It would be just a bit hot, like the kind of weather we get here in Beijing during autumn.Food questions20. What kind of food and dishes do people eat in your hometown?Most people in Changsha like spicy dishes because it's quite hot and humid there, so we need to eat a lot of chilies to help us adapt to the weather. Many people say that in all of China people in Changsha eat the spiciest food.21.What is the main food in China?Well, I'd say it's rice, but I think there are areas where rice is not that important. Each major area in China might eat rice in different quantities, but I think its still the biggest food and probably will always be the top one.22. In what ways has the diet of people in your country been changing? Well, we tend to eat more convenience foods now, especially fast food fromrestaurants like McDonalds and Chinese fast food places. Also, I'd guess we are now eating a lot of dishes regularly that we thought were big luxuries about 20 years ago.23. How has your diet changed?I don't think it has changed that much. I still eat the same things as I ate when I was a child. I guess the main change is that I have more time and money to go out for dinner.Festival Questions24. Tell me what's the biggest traditional festival in your country. Definitely the Spring Festival. I suppose it's somewhat like Christmas is in western countries. Spring Festival is the only time when all families gather together and stores and business are closed for several days.25. What do you do during the Spring Festival?I usually go back to my hometown and spend a week in my parents' home. We eat delicious food, visit family and friends, and watch TV. I also like to try and contact my high school friends and see how they're doing and what they're up to. We give each other presents and we buy ourselves new clothes to wear for the New Year.26. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country? National Day, which is on October 1st, is a big holiday. We get three days off and there are a lot of fireworks displays. There are large flower pictures and other types of flowers decorating the city, and some of the larger cities hold parades.Changes Questions27. What changes have taken place in your hometown in the last 20 years? Well, I'm pretty young, but may parents always complain that my hometown's traffic is much worse, and they say that prices are a lot higher. But I think on the positive side, life is better, houses are in better condition and there are much better shops and cleaner conditions in the restaurants.28. Has your life changed in the last 10 years, and if so, in what ways?I think my life has changed. It's a bit more comfortable than it used to be, because my parents have more money than they used to have. I thinkI am a bit more responsible than I used to be, and am not quite as carefree.29. Is there anything you'd like to change in your life?Yes, my dependence upon my parents. Right now I'm quite dependent on them for money, so I hope I can be more independent in the future and one day be able to support them instead of their always supporting me.30. How different is your life from the lives of your parents?It's very different. I have had many more opportunities and a much more comfortable life than they had. I remember my father telling me stories about having just one egg to eat each week, and that was the highlight of his week. I can't really imagine life like that, so I'm grateful thatI have a better life than my parents dig. I appreciate their hard work to get us to this point in our lives.31. Has tourism changed China very much?Yes, very much in the last 10 years. Each year we are getting more tourists coming to China since the open door policy. People see more foreigners, and are used to the sight of them now. China is becoming more cosmopolitan, and people are getting to know more about the outside world.32. Has the transport changed over the past 20 years in China?Yes, a lot. We used to have very few bus lines years ago. Most people would use their bikes to get to and from places in the city. But now in big cities there are more bus lines, so it's a lot more convenient. Some cities also have subway lines, and that makes things faster. There are also more taxis in cities, and more people are using them as a mode of transportation.Travels and Holiday Questions33. Do you enjoy traveling?Yes, very much. I've been to most of the major cities in China, and I've also traveled to Thailand and Singapore. I think the more I travel, the more I want to travel. I just like seeing how other people live, and it's really amazing to learn about different cu1tures-much more exciting than just reading about them in a textbook.34. What do you usually do in your holidays?During my holiday, I try to catch up with friends and go out together somewhere. That's the only time I can relax and do something I enjoy. Other than that, it's really difficult because I am always busy with my work, and sometimes I have to work overtime.35. Is there anywhere you would particularly like to visit on your holidays? Where and why?Yeah, I guess the best places to me are beaches. You see, I really like beaches because I just like watching the water come in and I love riding up and down the waves as they come into the shore. So places like Qingdao and Dalian are great places to me.Yes, I'd love to visit Xinjiang if I have a chance. Xinjiang is in the western part of China. The people there are mostly minorities, and I've seen the landscape in some pictures. It's incredible. If I travel to Xinjiang, I'll take a train so that I can see the landscape throughout the journey.36. Let's talk a little about traveling and transport. For a long trip, how do you prefer to travel?In my country, if it's a long trip, I prefer taking a train. Not only is it more economical, but also the time has shortened tremendously in the past few years. Air travel is more expensive, and I don't think its worth the extra cost.Transportation Questions37. Which type of transportation do you usually use in your hometown?I use the bicycle. It's fast and cheap and I can always trust it to get me places in the same amount of time.38. Which type of transportation do you prefer for traveling around? Trains are better because they don't encounter any traffic jams, whereas sometimes in the bus, we get struck in traffic. Also, it is always difficult to get on buses during peak hours, whereas with a train you havea better chance of getting a seat during peak hours.39. What's the traffic situation like in your hometown?It's quite bad now, and I think it's getting more and more serious. The big problems are too many cars and not enough space. I think that building more roads sometimes just adds to the problem because people just buy more cars.Accommodations Questions40. Tell me about the kind of accommodations you live in?In my country, I live in a two-bedroom apartment with my parents. The apartment's not big, but we've made it very comfortable to live in. We live on the third floor, and there's no lift in our apartment. The highest floor is the sixth floor, so whoever lives on the sixth floor has to climb up and down everyday.41. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the kind of housing you live in?Let me think. The biggest advantage? I guess it would be the convenience of it. I can do anything I want. As for the biggest disadvantage, some people might say the space, but I think the biggest disadvantage of living in a flat is that you never really get to know your neighbours.42. Which do you prefer, a flat or a house?Well, it depends on the condition that they are in. I'd probably have to say a flat, because you don't have to worry so much about maintaining it.43. Which floor do you live on, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of living on that floor?I live on the 1st floor. The advantage is that it's easier to get to, because you don't have to climb any steps. The bad thing is that it's a bit noisier, although we don't have to put up with too much noise from downstairs, since there is no downstairs!Family Questions44. Can you tell me something about your family?I have 3 brothers and no sisters. Both of my parents are still alive, and are still working. My grandparents on my father's side are both alive too,though my mother's parents have already passed away. I am also married (I)got married 2 years ago.45. What do your family members do for a living?My father's retired, and my mother's still working as a nurse at the Xie He hospital. My father used to be a city inspector. I have no brothers and sisters.46. What do you and your family like to do together?I guess we mainly just talk about a lot of things and then watch TV together. My parents and I like to visit people together. Sometimes we go shopping together, but to tell you the truth I prefer doing that by myself. 47. Do you prefer big families or small families? What do you think are the advantages of big families and small families?Well, big families are probably good for the children, because there are so many people to play with. But I think that big families also create a big burden for the parents and it's difficult for each child to receive the attention he or she deserves.Studies Questions (Academic Module Students)48. What is your major?I major in Accounting, which is part of the School of Business at my university. I mainly study the international accounting system as it relates to foreign trade.49. Why did you choose your major?Because I've always enjoyed working with computers, and I was always good at math and logic. I was fortunate to have a computer in my home when I was in high school, and I spent quite a lot of time just playing around on the computer. My parents bought me all sorts of books on computer programming, and I just started to read them and pick up the ideas in them.50. How do you like your major?a. I enjoy it, actually. I didn't know that much about it before I studied it, but I'm glad I chose it because it suits me a lot. My father actually suggested that I major in Accounting, because he thought that I'd enjoy it, too.b. I don't like it at all. I wish I could switch to a different one, but it's next to impossible to change majors. I just hope that when I get a job, I won't have to do a lot of work related to my major.51. What do you like most about your studies?I just like learning the principles, and I like solving problems successfully. I also like getting to know my classmates, and working with them.52. Is there anything you don't like about your studies?Generally I like my subjects, but I hate the examination system. There are too many examinations, and most of the time we have to memorize lots of things in books. I'm not very good at that and I find it's a waste oftime and energy. Other than that, I quite enjoy my time at school. 53. How do you like your life in the People's University?A. I don't like it very much. The dormitory's very crowded, the food is tasteless and my teachers aren't very inspiring. When I was a high school student, I was looking forward to university life so much. I'm quite disappointed, because it's really not what I expected.B. I like it a lot. Sometimes it is a little hard to live in the university, but I have made many good friends and I enjoy my major. It was hard at first to live apart from my parents, but I think that it has been a good change for me. I am much more independent and more able to deal with troubles on my own. My courses are mostly interesting too, so I'm glad that I chose the major I did.54. What do you think of the training you got in the university?a. I think most of my courses will be helpful in the future. My university has tried very hard to keep up to date with the latest developments in our field. There were some compulsory classes that I didn't like, such as politics and history, but overall, I think I was provided with a pretty good education. I don't think it's possible to learn everything you need to know in a future career, but I'm satisfied my courses have given mea good start.b. I don't think it was very good. There were some compulsory classes that I had no interest in. Also, our facilities were not very modern, so there were many things we couldn't do.55. How was your high school experience?I had a good high school experience because I was at a good school, and I made so many good friends there. I think I was lucky to have good teachers I think my high school experience was not a happy one because I seemed to always be under a lot of pressure, and for some reason I always seemed to have bad luck. When I got to University my luck started to improve.Work Questions56. Where do you work?I work in the main office of Motorola. It's near the Lufthansa Centre, by the third ring road and Liangmahe road in Beijing. I've been there since 1985.57. When do you go to work everyday?I am required to get to work at 9:00 o'clock, but sometimes I get there at 8:00 o'clock, or even earlier.58. How do you get to work?I drive a car. I own a Santana car, and each morning I have to fight through the traffic. Sometimes I wonder if having a car is really worth it. 59. What do you do for a living?I'm an engineer. But my day-to-day work involves quite a lot of management. In fact, I'm in charge of the Beijing branch of Motorola, and have a dozenor so engineers working under me to handle the technical side of the work.60. What are some of your responsibilities? I mean, what does your job involve?I'm a sales manager. I'm in charge of overseeing sales operations for all of northern China, including Beijing. I have about 40 employees under me who are the regional sales representatives.61. Tell me about a typical day at work. What do you do on a daily basis? Most of the time, I sit behind a desk and answer phone calls. It's not a very active job, but I do enjoy it most of the time, except when I get a phone call from a very angry customer. Sometimes, they just want to shout at someone, and because I'm the first one to answer the phone, I get the full vent of their anger.62. How do you like your job?I enjoy it very much. It does have its ups and downs, but really it's quitea good job. I enjoy the people I work with too, which really can make or break a job. We work very well together and can trust each other to do our fair share.63. What do you like most about your job?A. My job is challenging and interesting, and I think that the best thing about it is the satisfaction I get from solving problems. Each time I manage to make things go smoothly, I get a great sense of satisfaction. B. I guess I like the pay. I know that sounds cold, but in fact my job is very routine and so I just feel that at least the pay gives me some satisfaction.64. What don't you like about your job?a. I think the worst part of the job is all the unnecessary bureaucracy that exists to do everything. I jut wish that there could be simpler routines and not so many steps to everything.b. I think the worst part of my job is the long hours that I'm sometimes required to work. I think it should be designed so that I can be allowed to go home on time every night.65. Tell me something about your job?Well, I'm a French teacher. I teach undergraduate students who are majoring in French. I've been working for about 10 years already, teachinga whole variety of courses over the past 10 years.66. Which part of the day do you like best?Going home from work! Well actually I should say stepping into my flat and greeting my baby daughter who is now about 2 years old.67. What made you decide to get into this field?I didn't really plan to be a teacher at first, but my parents encouraged me to go into teaching. At first I really hated it, but after a while I got used to standing in front of a room full of students. I enjoyed my classes and the challenges of teaching, so that's when I knew that teaching was the right profession for me.Hobbies and Spare Time68. What kind of hobbies do you have?I'm a big basketball fan, even though I'm not very good at playing basketball myself. I love to watch the NBA on TV whenever I get a chance.I also play ping-pong and volleyball whenever I can.69. How did you become interested in your hobby?Since I was young, my father has always involved me in different activities. My father is a ping-pong coach in a high school. So I always have a chance to follow him when he coached. When I was in the school, I got a chance to play with other students in other sports. So that's how I developed an interest in different sports.70. What do you do in your spare time?I like to play on the computer and surf the Internet. Once I get on the Internet, I find that time really passes very quickly. Before I know it, several hours have passed and my back and neck are aching. I also like to go for walks and read novels on ancient Chinese history.71. Do you like to be with a group of people or alone when you're free?I like being with a group of people. It's livelier and I feel more at ease, especially when I feel that my friends are also having a good time.72. How do you spend your weekends?I usually sleep in on Saturday morning if I can, study in the afternoon in the library, and go out with friends in the evening. On Sundays, I like to go shopping and just spend time walking around outside if the weather is nice. If I don't have much money, I still like to go window-shopping, and I get almost as much pleasure out of that!73. How do you spend your free time?I attend training courses in the evenings. However, as a mother, I also take my son somewhere at the weekend. For example, I may drive to the suburbs or the countryside around Beijing and go fishing, swimming and mountain climbing. I enjoy family life very much.74. What kinds of things do you like doing when you're not working?I'm kind of an indoor type of person, so I guess I like reading most. I'm interested in reading all kinds of books and newspaper or magazine articles, especially those on current issues. I just want to be informed of what's going on in the world.75. Do you like doing these things with a group of friends or by yourself?I prefer being with my friends and family. I'm kind of an outdoor type.I like to go swimming or play badminton with my family or friends during weekends or holidays. If I have a longer vacation, I usually travel to further away places all over the country.Reading76. What kinds of books do you like to read in your spare time?I like reading biographies of interesting people. I like these because they teach me something and also I find that other people's lives are sometimes even stranger than the lives of people in fictional stories 77. Do you like reading books and newspaper?Yes, I like to read the 21st Century and the China Daily. I usually read as much as I have time for, which is sometimes quite a lot. Both of these newspapers are in English, and I find that it really is a good way for me to practice my English.78. Where do you like to read books?I suppose it depends on the book. If it's just a normal novel, then I guess I'd rather read it at home in my room. But if it's a non-fiction, informational book I guess I'd rather read it in a library.79.Do you discuss the books you read with friends?Yeah, if there's something interesting in them. For example some of the things people say in the biographies make good quotes and I like talking about these people to others.80. Is reading popular in your country with young people?No, I'd say that it's getting less popular. There are just so many other things to do that we don't really have to rely on books that much for entertainment. I think TV is the main reason. Is just more efficient and easier on the brain to watch a show than read a book.Sports81. What is your favourite sport?My favourite sport is basketball. I've been playing it regularly for abouta year, and I'm quite crazy about it now.82. Why do you like it so much?Basketball is fast and it's a bit more exciting than playing other sports like football. I love the NBA, so that also makes me more interested in the sport as well.83. What sports are played in your country?Ping-pong and football are probably the most popular sports. China has a very large following of football fans. Especially now that China has qualified for the World Cup, we've become quite crazy about football.84. What is the most popular sport in your country?I'd have to say that football's really the most popular sport in China. There are literally millions of crazy football fans. Whenever there's a match on TV between China and another country, you can hear loud cheers and shouts all around the city whenever China scores a goal, and loud groans and moans when the other country scores.85. What are the sports facilities like in your hometown?Beijing has a lot of modem indoor facilities offering bowling, tennis, swimming, and other things. But, it's too expensive for most Chinese, and you have to belong to the club in order to use the facilities. There aren't。

Part 1: Bicycles1. Do you ever ride a bicycle?Yeah I do, but not that much anymore, because I’m living on campus at the moment. So everything’s pretty close to me, and I don’t really need a bike to get around.2. How old were you when you first learned to ride a bicycle?It was quite a while ago –let me have a little think! Um……I suppose I must have been about 5 or 6 when I first learned, but I honestly couldn’t tell you for sure, because I simply can’t remember! But I think I was pretty small, so five or six sounds about right.3. Are bicycles popular in China?Yes they are. They’re incredibly popular! You know, if you go out o nto any street in China, the chances are you’ll see a lot of bikes. And I guess the reason for this is that they’re the cheapest way to get around, apart from walking of course, but that’s a lot slower!4. Would you say it’s difficult to learn to ride a bicycle?Well I think it’s like everything really, in the sense that when you start off learning, it feels extremely difficult, but the more you practice, the easier it gets. So yeah, I guess it is a little difficult to begin with, but it doesn’t take long to get the hang of.5. What kinds of people ride bicycles?Wow, you know it’s pretty hard to generalize, because I think all kinds of people ride bicycles, at least here in China anyway! So to be a bit more specific, you see young children riding their bikes around their neighbourhood, and then older children riding to school. And as for adults, I think a lot of them will ride their bikes to work if they don’t have too far to travel. And the middle-aged and elderly also like cycling, as it’s good exercis e for them and a cheap way to get around. So yeah, I think it’s fair to say that all ages of people ride bicycles, apart from the very young and very old.6. Would you say it’s safe to ride a bicycle in the city?If yes:On the whole, I’d say it is, yeah, as long as you cycle carefully of course! Because what’s good is that in most cities here, there are separate bike lanes for cyclists to use, which makes it a lot safer.If no:No I wouldn’t, because I mean there are just so many cars on the road now, and it’s not always easy for a driver to spot a cyclist, for example when It’s dark and raining, plus the fact that bicycles here don’t have lights. So you’ve basically just got to be really careful when you’re cycling anywhere.Part 1: home1.What do you like most about your home?Well, probably what I like most about my home is that we have a really great river view, because we live quite high up, on the 20th floor, and our flat is right next to the river. So I feel really lucky to have such a nice view, and I never get tired of it.2.Is there anything you would like to change about your home?Thinking about it, I’d say there probably is, yeah, for example one thing I would quite like t odo is knock down the wall between my kitchen and the living room, because at the moment, there’s not much space in the kitchen, so if we got rid of the wall, it would make everything much more spacious, I think.3.(Similar to above) What do you think could be improved about your home? Well, I kind of like my home the way it is, but I guess if I had to change anything, then one thing I might do would be to get rid of the wall between my living room and kitchen, as it would then make things a lot more spacious.4.What's your favourite room?I would say my favourite room is probably my living room, firstly because that’s where the TV is, and secondly because it’s got big floor-to-ceiling windows which overlook the river, so we have a really cool view. Oh and on e more thing to mention would be that it’s by far the most spacious room in the flat, because all the other rooms are about half the size, if not less.5.How is that room decorated?Well, regarding the walls, we’ve got a few family pictures hanging up, whic h gives the room a nice personal feel. And as for the flooring, we basically just decided to use ceramic tiles, because they’re very practical in terms of keeping clean, but we’ve also put a small carpet down by the sofa to make that area a little bit more cozy. So all in all I’d say it’s a really nice room for chilling out in.6.What furniture is in that room?Well, on one side there’s a big bookshelf, which basically stretches across the entire wall, coz we’ve got a lot of books! Then against another wall,we’ve got a nice big sofa, which probably seats about 8 or 9 people, so it’s great for when we have friends over.7.In the future, what sort of home (flat, house etc.) would you like to live in?Well, thinking about it, I’d say I would like to live in a villa overlooking the sea, the main reason being that, with a villa, I would get my own garden, which wouldn’t be the case if I lived in a flat, and I think having a nice view of the sea would be great for helping me relax whenever I needed to.8.Do you like the area where you live?Yeah, on the whole I'd say it's a pretty nice place, you know, there are quite a few good restaurants and shops, and most of the buildings are pretty new. So it's quite an up-and-coming area, and I’m really happy to be living the re.Part 1: Reading1.What kinds of books do you like to read?I'd say I like reading quite a variety of books, both fiction as well as nonfiction. So for example, I'm a big fan of detective novels, because I enjoy trying to solve the crimes while I'm reading, although I have to admit I'm pretty useless at it most of the time! And as for nonfiction stuff, I'd say I mostly like reading things like self-help books and biographies of various people I admire, such as the new book on Steve Jobs, which I'm currently in the middle of reading.2.Are you reading any books at the moment?Yeah, I'm actually halfway through a couple of books right now. One of them’ s a novel which a friend of mine lent me, and the other is a book on business, which I bought about a year ago, but didn't get round to reading until now.Part 1: Languages1.How many languages can you speak?Only two, unfortunately, those being Chinese and English, but if dialects count, then I suppose you could say three languages, as I can also speak the local dialect of my hometown, which is actually quite a bit different to Chinese.2.How did you learn English?Well, I mostly learned it in class at middle school and high school, where we basically just went through the text book with the teacher and took notes. But in my spare time I would always try to memorize all the various words and phrases we had been through in class, which I think helped a lot. And as well as this, I would also say I've learnt a fair amount through watching English films and TV series, so it's basically been a mixture of things.3.How long have you been learning English?I've been learning for quite a while, – probably something like 9 or 10 years now, because most students here start learning English from a pretty early age.4.Would you say it's a difficult language to learn?Yeah, for sure! I mean, learning all the grammar's a nightmare, because there's just so much of it to remember. So sometimes it can really drive me crazy, especially trying to remember all the different tenses, which I find really confusing!5.What do you think is the fastest way to learn a language?That's a good question, and I guess I'd say probably the fastest way is to immerse yourself in the language you're trying to learn. And one of the best ways of doing this would be to go and stay for a while in the country where the language is spoken, which is what quite a lot of my friends have done, and, as a result, they can now speak really good English.Part 1: noise1.Do you prefer to study in a quiet environment or an environment with some sounds? Well, I guess on the whole I prefer to study in a quiet environment, the main reason being that I find it easier to concentrate, because noises or sounds tend to distract me. So in other words, I tend to get more work done when I can't hear anything around me. But saying that, I do occasionally like to listen to some music while I'm studying, because it can make it a little bit more enjoyable.2.Does your school have any quiet places for studying?Yeah, I guess I'm quite lucky in this respect, because there's a pretty big library on our campus with loads of desks for studying, and I'm always able to get quite a lot of work done there, as it's really nice and quiet.3.What natural sound do you like the most?That's an interesting question, and I'm not really that sure to be honest with you, but I guess I would probably say the natural sound I like most is that of waves hitting the seashore, because it's just really soothing, if you know what I mean. And it's a sound I only really get to hear when I'm on holiday, so I also probably associate it with being on holiday, which would be another reason why I like it so much!4.Are there any sounds that you dislike?Yeah, for sure! I mean, firstly, I really can't stand the sound of drilling, simply because it's just such a loud and unpleasant noise, so that would definitely be at the top of my list. And I guess the next one would be the sound of cars hooting, mainly because I hear it all the time where I live, and so it gets quite irritating after a while, especially when I'm trying to concentrate on something.5.Are you ever bothered by noise?Yeah, for sure, especially when I'm trying to get to sleep, you know, if there's a dog barking or something, it can really be quite maddening, but during the day I'd say I can put up with pretty much most noise, unless, of course, the noise is really loud and relentless, like if there's construction or renovation work going on around me.6.Do you think that cities will become noisier in the future?That's a hard question, and I'm really not that sure to be honest with you, but I guess my feeling would be that they probably will get noisier, yeah, basically because if you compare the situation in cities now to what it was like 10 or 15 years ago, then it's obvious that cities have got a lot noisier, mainly, of course, due to the increase in traffic on the roads. So unless something changes, I would say that this trend is likely to continue into the future, unfortunately.7.What sounds remind you of your childhood?That's an interesting question, and I haven't really thought about this before, but off the top of my head, I would say that one sound that especially reminds me of my childhood is the sound of firecrackers, interestingly enough, because when I was young, I used to love setting off firecrackers with my friends, especially during the Spring Festival. So now when I hear firecrackers, it always brings back good memories of my childhood.And another sound I’ve just thought of would be the sound of morning exercises going on, because schools always play music through a microphone along with a voice counting the beat of the music, which students have to move along with. So whenever I walk past a school and hear the morning exercises going on, it always makes me think back to when I had to do them, and I'm glad I don't have to anymore!Part 1: Study(Following on from "What subject(s) are you studying?")1.Is that a very popular subject to study in your country?(If yes):Yeah, I suppose it is quite a popular subject to study, and one of the reasons for this wouldprobably be that a lot of students feel that this major will be useful in helping them find a good job after they graduate.(If no):I guess I probably wouldn't say so, no, mainly because it's a relatively new major in China, and as far as I know, there are not that many universities in China which offer this course.2.Is your subject very challenging (or difficult) to study?(If yes):Yeah, I'd say it is quite challenging, mainly because of the huge workload we get. So for example, we’re given a considerable amount of coursework to do, which a lways requires a ton of background reading!(If no):Actually, I wouldn't really say so, partly because we're not given that much work to do, and also because it's essentially not that complex (a subject), so everything's relatively easy to understand.3.What do you do when you have a difficulty with your studies?I guess I normally either ask a coursemate for help or go on the internet to try and solve the problem myself. And if I'm still stuck, then I'll go and ask my lecturer for help, but this would be as a last resort, as I don't really like to bother my lecturers unless I really need to.4.How did you learn science at school?Well, we mainly just went through the text book and took notes, so it was pretty similar to other subjects. Though saying that, we occasionally did some experiments, which were quite fun, but unfortunately those classes were pretty few and far between.5.Why did you choose ...as your major?Basically it was due to the fact that my parents thought it was a useful major which would stand me in good stead after I graduate. Personally I'm not so sure, but seeing as I couldn't think of anything better, I went with my parents' decision.6.What do you like about your major?That's a good question, and I guess basically the thing I find most enjoyable about my major is analyzing case studies of various international companies operating in China, because for me, stories are the best way to learn things. And as well as this, I also like the fact that our lectures are quite interactive, because we are encouraged to ask questions instead of just sitting and making notes, and this tends to make the lectures much more interesting.7.What's more important when studying - the student or teacher?Well it's really hard to say, because obviously both play an important role, but I guess I'd say the student is probably more important because generally speaking, most studying is done out of the classroom - at least that's the way I see it!Part 1: Water1. Do you like drinking water?It’s ok I guess, but I wouldn’t say I particularly enjoy it, cos I mean, it’s tasteless, isn’t it! Youknow, it’s just something I do out of necessity, but I don’t really get any enjoyment from it!2. Do you think it’s important to drink water?Yeah, most definitely. I mean, it’s not full of, like, sugar and additives like so many other drinks you see on supermarket shelves these days. So I don’t think anyone would argue that it’s by far the best way to keep ourselves hydrated.3. Do your prefer drinking bottled water or water from a machine?Um… for me there’s not really a great deal of difference, apart from the cost I suppose, which is why I generally prefer drinking from a machine. Because water from a dispenser normally comes from those big drums which I think are, like, 18 litres or thereabouts, so it works out much cheaper than buying by the bottle, and it’s also a lot more environmentally-friendly, because the water drums get reused, whereas with bottled water, most people just throw away the bottles when they’re empty, so it creates a huge amount of waste plastic. But the taste I think is pretty much the same.4. Is bottled water expensive in your country?Um, no, I wouldn’t really say it is. I mean, for a 500ml bottle, it’s mainly betw een about 1 and 6 RMB depending on the quality. So yeah, it’s not a lot compared to the price of most other things, and I‘m pretty sure that it’s affordable for more or less everyone.5. Is bottled water different to tap water?Yeah, for sure. It’s a lot different! For starters, it’s safe to drink, unlike tap water, at least in this country anyway. I mean, no one (in their right mind) will drink water straight from the tap here. You’ve got to boil it first. But even so, it doesn’t taste great! Personally, I’ve always found boiled tap water to taste pretty rank! It’s ok if you use it for cooking I suppose, cos the taste is covered up by all the flavours from the food. But bottled water, on the whole, tastes pretty pure. So for me, there’s quite a big differe nce, in terms of both the taste and quality.Part 1: Music1. Do you often listen to music?Yeah, I listen to music all the time, for example when I'm on the bus, or doing exercise, so normally when I'm on my own and don’t have anyone to talk to. And I guess the reason is that I just find it very relaxing, you know, and it also helps me take my mind off things.2. Did you listen to music much when you were a child?If yes:Yeah, I listened to a fair amount, because I’ve always really liked music, and um…. yeah, it always put me in a good mood when I listened to it. So it’s something I did quit e a lot.If no:No, not that I remember. I mean, the only times I really listened to music were at kindergarten, when we would sing and dance to songs with the teacher. But after that, most of my childhood was mainly taken up with school and homework, so I didn’t really have much of a chance to listen to music.3. Do you prefer listening to CDs or downloading music from the Internet?Definitely downloading it, cos I mean, it’s just so much more convenient, isn’t it. You know, you don’t need a CD player, and it only costs a few RMB a month to download as much music as you want. So yeah, I can’t really see why anyone would listen to a CD anymore, unless they didn’t have a choice.4. Is it good for children to learn a musical instrument?Yeah, on the whol e, I think it’s great for children, because, you know, it helps them develop an appreciation for music. And also I think being able to make music can bring a lot of joy to children. So yeah, as long as they’re not forced into learning one, I think it’s a g reat thing to do.5. Do you think the music you like will change in the future?Yeah, I'm sure it will, because my taste in music has already changed quite a bit from when I was younger. Having said that though, there are some kinds of music I don’t think I’ll ever get into, like Beijing Opera for example!6. Is music an important subject in your country?No, I wouldn’t say it is. I mean, no one really takes it that seriously at school, not even the teachers! So yeah, compared with other subjects, I think it’s fair to say that music’s not really seen as being that important.Part 1: Boats1. Have you been on a boat before?Yeah, I’ve been on a boat quite a few times. And normally it’s been when I’m on holiday somewhere, cos you know, it’s, like, a fun thi ng to do when you go travelling somewhere. Or:Yeah, I have, but not that many times. I mean, I’ve probably only been on a boat, like, 4 or 5 times in my life. So it’s not something I often do.2. Do you like going on boats?Yeah, I do. I find it quite f un, you know, cos it’s not something I get to do a lot. So when I do go on a boat, it kind of feels quite exciting, if you know what I mean.Or:No, not particularly, if I’m gonna be honest with you, because I get kind of seasick when I’m on a boat. You kn ow, I feel a bit queasy and don’t really enjoy it that much. I’m also a bit worried about falling into the water. So yeah, it’s not something I particularly enjoy doing.3. When was the last time you went on a boat?Ah, let me see. When was it? Um… I sup pose it must have been about 5 or 6 months ago, something like that. And it was when one of my friends came to visit me in Hangzhou, and I took him on a boat on the West Lake, cos that’s something that all visitors to Hangzhou should do, especially if they haven’t done it before!4. Do people like travelling by boat in your country?Yeah, I’d say on the whole they do. I mean, just to give you an example, whenever I go toparks with lakes and stuff, I always see lots of people on boats. So yeah, I think it’s quite a popular recreational activity. But in terms of going on boats as a form of transport, it’s not really very common at all, because it just takes so long to get anywhere by boat. You know, it’s so much slower than driving or taking a train. So yea h, not many people go on boats as a means of transport, it’s mainly as a leisure activity.5. Would you like to have your own boat?No, I don’t think I would actually, because although it would be pretty cool to have one, I honestly don’t think it would be very practical. I mean, first of all, I wouldn’t have anywhere to store it, and um, secondly, I imagine it would cost a lot of money to have, such as the upkeep.Part 1: Relaxing1. What are some of the various things that people do to relax?Well, I’d say there are a lot of different ways that people like to relax, of which probably the most common would be listening to music or watching TV.2. Do people of different ages relax in the same way?No, I guess on the whole, they generally don’t. I mean, c hildren, for example, kind of just like to relax by playing with toys or watching cartoons on TV. And for my age group, I’d say we generally like chatting with friends on QQ or weibo, which is the Chinese equivalent of Twitter. And regarding the older gene ration, I’d say they generally tend to relax by simply either watching TV or reading the newspaper, which is something that young people don’t really do anymore.3. Are there any differences in the way people relax today compared to the past? Yeah, I’d say there are, because for example, in the past, I think it’s fair to say that people mainly used to relax in front of the TV, whereas nowadays, it seems to be the case that people are moving away from the TV and spending more time on the computer instead. S o that’s one difference, and I suppose another thing to mention would be that quite a lot of people now, especially young people, like going to cafés to relax with their friends. And this is reflected in the fact that there are lot more cafes around than there used to be.4. So why are people spending more time on the computer?I’d say there are a handful of reasons as to why this is the case, one of which would be that we are now able to do more and more things on the computer, like watch films and TV series, whereas in the past, we were only able to watch them on TV. And if you watch stuff on your computer, you don’t have to sit through all the annoying adverts which you get on the TV.5. Why do you think some people find it hard to relax?That’s a goo d question, and I suppose there are a number of possible reasons for this, one of which might be that they’re overloaded with work, and generally just too stressed out to relax.I mean, a lot of people I know find it very difficult to completely forget about their work when they’re at home, because their work is always at the back of their mind, regardless of what they’re doing.6. Do you think that there is more stress in modern life than there was in the past?It’s pretty hard to say, but I guess there probably is, yeah, because first of all, living costs have got a lot higher, and secondly, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult finding a decent job with good pay, as competition’s so fierce nowadays. Whereas in the past, there didn’t use to be so many things to worry about, because life was basically a lot simpler.7. What about the future, do you think there will be less stress than today, or more? Well I’m not altogether that sure, but my feeling is probably that there will be slightly less stress, because I mean, I think we’ve reached a point where life can’t get much more stressful than it already is! So in the future, I imagine life will go back to being a bit simpler. In other words, I think what will most likely happen is that people will get better at prioritizing their time and cut out doing things which aren’t that important to them.8. Some people think leisure activities are a waste of time. Do you agree?Well I guess it depends what the leisure activity is. Because if it’s something that doesn’t benefit you in any way, then I’d say it is a waste of time. But if, on the other hand, it brings some kind of positive value to you, then I’d say it’s definitely worthwhile. And I mean, if you think about it, people who don't have any hobbies tend to be very one-dimensional, whereas those with lots of hobbies tend to be much more well-rounded and interesting people.Part 1: Old Things1. What kinds of old things do Chinese people keep at home?Ah, jeez, I’d say all kinds of things really. I mean, most families will have things like old photos, possibly old books as well, paintings, that kind of stuff.And I guess, like, the personal items that maybe their ancestors once had, are also the sorts of things that people like to keep, and that varies bet ween family to family. So yeah, it’s really kind of hard to generalize.2. Why do you think people keep these things?I’d say it’s primarily because it reminds them of their family history. So for example, it reminds them of family members who have passed away, or significant events in their family history. So basically they hold very special memories to people, and although they may not be very valuable in terms of what they’re worth, they’re really important in terms of the sentimental value they have.Oh and one other reason for keeping old objects might be for investment purposes, because a lot of old objects, such as antiques for example, appreciate in value over time.3. Do young people in your country like old things?Um… for the most part I would say not particularly. I mean, if you look at the things that most young Chinese people have, the majority of them are new, you know, like phones, computers, the books they read, the films they w atch… there are not that many old things among them. But saying that, I wouldn’t say they have a strong dislike towards old things, it’s simply that they prefer modern stuff, as it’s basically more practical!4. Do you think it’s good to recall the past?Yeah, most definitely. I mean, everyone has special memories, and if we didn't recall the past, it would a bit of a pity just to forget everything that’s happened and not reflect on it. Youknow, we can learn so much from the past, and looking b ack at the happy times we’ve experienced can also cheer us up when we’re feeling down. So yeah, I think it’s extremely important to recall the past.。
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Name1.What is your full name? How should I address you? What should I call you?2.Does your name have any special meaning or significance?3.Have you ever changed your name? Why or why not?4.Do Chinese people like changing their names? Why or why not?5.What kind of people like changing their names?6.What’s their purpose in changing their names?7.In your culture, do woman change their names when they get married?Studies1.Are you working or studying?2.Tell me something about the school or university you attend.3.Tell me something about your primary school.4.What is your major?5.Do you like your major and why?6.What courses/subjects do you study?7.What is your favourite course/subject?8.What is the most useful subject/course?9.What would you like to do in the future?10.What are the characteristics of schools in China?11.What kinds of majors are available in China?12.What do Chinese people think about teachers?Work1.Are you doing or studying? Are you doing a job or still a student?2.What do you do for a living?3.How long have you been doing this job?4.Do you like your job? Why or why not?5.Do you find your job interesting?6.What are your main responsibilities? What exactly does your job involve?7.Is working important to you?8.Have you received any training related to your work?9.Tell me about your boss / colleagues.10.What would be your ideal job?11.If you could choose another job, what would you choose?Future Plan1.What job would you like to have in the future?2.What do you plan to major in?3.What do you plan to do after graduation from university?Hometown1.Where are you from?2.Where is your hometown?3.Tell me about your hometown.4.What’s your favourite thing or place in your hometown?5.What is famous about your hometown?6.Tell me about some scenic spots in your hometown.7.What are the main places of interest in your hometown? What places should foreigners visitin your hometown?8.Do you like your hometown? Why or why not?9.What is the difference between between your hometown and Beijing?10.What are the people like in your hometown?11.If you could change one thing about your hometown, what would it be?12.What attractive pieces of architecture are there in your hometown?13.Is your hometown a good place for people to live?Home1.Do you currently live in a house or flat/apartment?2.Can you describe your house/flat?3.What main items of furniture or appliances do you have n each room?4.Is it a typical house/flat in your city?5.What kind of house or flat so you want to live in in the future?6.Do you like the décor in your home? Why or why not?7.Will you move to another house or flat n the near future?8.What kind of house/flat are you going to move into?9.What do you think of the area in which you live?10.How long have you lived there?11.What are your neighbours like?Noise1.Is it noisy around the area where you live?2.What do you think can be done to control noise?3.How does noise affect people’s life and work?Weather and Climate1.What type of weather do you like?2.What type of weather do Chinese people usually like?3.Which is your favourite season?4.Do you do different things in summer and in winter?5.What do you often do on sunny/rainy days?6.What is the weather like in your city?Rain1.Does it rain much in China/your hometown?2.What is the rain distribution in China?3.How does rain affect people’s lives?4.What do you do on rainy days?5.Do you like rainy days? Why or why not?Spare Time1.How do you usually spend your evenings and with whom?2.Do you like to go out in the evenings and with whom?3.What do people today usually like to do after work?4.What do you like to do after work?5.What do you do in your spare time? How do you arrange your spare time?6.What do Chinese people do in their spare time?7.Do you think spare times is important to you?8.Do you feel lonely if you stay at home for a long time?Holiday1.Do you like holidays and why?2.Where do you usually go for holiday?3.What do you like to do on holidays?4.If you could go to any foreign country for holiday, where would you go?Hobbies and interests1.What are you hobbies?2.Did you have other hobbies/interests when you were younger?3.If you had more free time, what would you do?Relax1.How do you relax?2.How do Chinese people relax? How do people around you relax?3.How do Chinese young people differ from the old in their ways of relaxing?Music1.Do you like music? What type of music do you like?2.Have you learned to play any musical instrument?3.What kind of music is popular now in China?4.How does music affect people’s lives?5.What kind of music do young people like? What kind of music do old people like?Dance1.Do Chinese people like to dance?2.What types of dance are they usually interested in?3.What are the differences between the dances the old people like and the dances the youngpeople like?4.Is dancing important to Chinese people?Sports1.What sports do you like? What is your favourite sport?2.Why do you like it so much?3.Are there any sports facilities near your home?4.How do sports affect people’s lives?Keeping Fit1.Do you try to keep fit?2.Is keeping fit popular in China?3.Is keeping fit more important for men or women?4.How do Chinese people usually exercise?Bike1.Do you often ride bikes?2.Why so many people ride bikes in China?3.What differences are there between the views of the old and the young toward bikes?Boat1.Have you ever ridden in a boat?2.Do boats have any significant meaning in Chinese history?Daily Life/Routine1.When do you usually get up/go to bed?2.Are your weekday and weekend routines different?3.What would you like to change about your weekday/workday routine?4.What is your favourite part of the day?5.What is the worst part of the day?6.What part of the day do you work with the most efficiency?Transport1.Which kind of transport do you usually use?2.What is the public transport like in your city?3.When are these forms of transport most crowded?Restaurant1.How often do you go to restaurant? How often do you eat out?2.What is your favourite food?3.Do Chinese people often often go to restaurants?Language1.What is your favourite language and why?2.How long have you been learning English?3.What do you think is the most difficult part of learning a language?4.What aspect of English do you find the least difficult?5.What do you think is the best way to study English?6.Do you think learning a second foreign language is important? Why or why not?Photographs/Memories1.Do you like photography and why?2.When did you start to like photography?3.Do you keep your old photos?4.Do you like to take pictures as souvenirs?Wedding1.What is a typical Chinese wedding like?2.What people are usually involved?3.What clothes do people usually wear?4.What happens during the wedding?5.Are weddings important in China?Time/Watch1.Do you wear a watch?2.Do you think it is important to be on time?3.How do you feel when you are late for an appointment?4.How do you feel when others are late?Shopping1.Do you like shopping/window shopping?2.Where do you often go to shop and with whom?3.How often do you go shopping in a week?4.Do you usually do your shopping at one place or at different places?5.What kinds of shops are there near your home?6.Do you pay more attention to price or quality?Clothing1.What kind of clothes do you like?2.How do you get information about fashion?3.What are the differences in the clothes between now and ten years ago?4.How do older people feel about younger people’s clothing?5.What kind of clothes do children usually wear?6.What are the most fashionable clothes in China now?News and Media1.How do you get the latest news?2.What kinds of news are 3usually reported on TV in your country?3.What non-news items can be found in newspapers in your country?4.Do you pay more attention to local, national or international news?5.Which do you prefer, TV or radio?Letter1.Do you often write letters?2.Whom do you often write to and what do you often write about?3.Do you prefer to write letters or e-mails?Film1.Do you like to watch films?2.What kinds of film do you like to watch? What is your favourite kind of film?3.What kinds of films are popular in your country?4.Who is your favourite movie star? Describe him/her.5.Do you like to watch films at the cinema or home?Animals1.Do you like animals?2.Do you like going to zoos?3.What pet is most popular in your country?4.Do any people close to you keep pets?5.Do you have any pets?6.Have you ever kept a pet?Bird1.Do you like birds?2.Describe a kind of bird that appears near your home.3.What are the popular birds in China?4.What special meanings do birds have?5.How should we protect birds?Flower1.Do you like flowers?2.What are the most popular flowers in China?3.On what occasions do Chinese people send flowers to others?4.What special meanings do flowers have?。