
How lucky can they be?
They're dead.
Besides, l've got..
all the luck we'll need.
This is your chance to prove yourself.
if you were here on time.
@ We'll have you washed and dried
@ Primped and polished
Til you glow with pride
@ Trust my recipe for instant bride
@ You'll bring honor to us all
l won't take any chances, General.
A single grain of rice can tip the scale.
One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.
Quiet and demure.
Refined. Poised.
小白LiLeabharlann tle Brother!小白
Little Brother!

第一幕:决战紫荆城之颠旁白:A quiet village is covered with white snow .Birds are dancing in the cold .A man is walking along the street ,step by step .Wind is coming in silence.Another mysterious man approaches.XiMenChuiXue,the best kungfu master in the world.Y与X相遇.X:Oh,excuse me,man.Y: Never mind baby.X:Baby?Who do you think you are?Who the heck are you?Y:Well,I won't change my name no matter what happens. I'm the most famous-------YeGucheng.Have you heard of me? Who are you?X:XiMenChuiXue.Y惊讶:Ar, ximenchui...xue?The world's best kungfu master?X:Well,you know too much.You must die.Y:Oh no,please... Don't kill me!Just let me go!X: Sorry man,I have to do this.Y: I don't want to be killed.There are an eighty-year-old mother and..X:Oh yeah,and you have a three-year-old son.I've heard of that a lot of times.I'm gonna kill you anyway.(Y拿出一袋牛奶)Please,it's yours.Take it and leave me along.X抢过牛奶:Well,milk.I like it.How do you know ?But it won't make any difference.Now you must die after I drink the milk.(喝牛奶,完了之后)Die now!!!Y:No!No!No.I know your English teacher Liujing.You want to pass the final exam?Leave me alive,and I would do this for you.X:Well,I study hard.Besides,I could cheat in the exam.There are a lot of people doing that....(肚子开始痛,伏在黑板上)What did you put in the milk?Y大笑:Ha Ha……X可怜状: Ouch! I need to go to the washroom.Where is it?Y:What?X:restroom?Y:What?X:bathroom?Y:What?X:Toilet?Y:What?X:The “WC”!Y:Oh,got it.go along this street and turn right when you see a crossing road!(X捂着肚子离开)Y掏出纸屑吹:This is genuine snow!H(闪过来):Stop!!! You can't pollute the environment!Y:Who are you???H:O le wa Hua-man-lou de su! Have you seen Ximenchuixue?Y:The best kungfu master in the world? He's nothing.He just beaten by me and is in “WC”now,ha…ha…ha...H惊讶:So you are the best in the world now?Y:I'm afraid you are right!H:Terrific!!! You are the one my king's looking for! Do you want to join us?Y:Yes,that sounds good.H:OK, follow me, Let's go to see my king!Y:OK.第二幕:无间道H:My dearest! Let me introduce the best kungfu masterYegucheng to you! (指Y)This is Yegucheng.K:Sit down please, Yegucheng.Y:Yes,your highness.H走到Y前,H神甫状:Yegucheng! Do you want to follow my king no matter what happens such as cold headache,SARS and AIDS with your whole life?Y: Yes,I do.K: Huamanlou,come . Put the ring on his finger!X:(看到戒子)Oh,my precious ring,my ring!K:But who are you? why should it belong to you?Y急切: king! dear king!I must go now,My brother is looking for me!X:Hey Yegucheng! come here!I have something to tell you!Y(退后):Old brother ! Forgive me!X:Forgive you? Give me a reason.Y: Because I'm your brother.X:What?But if you are my brother,why did you tell me the way to the lady's room?Y:Because I like going to lady's room.And I think that you like what I like.X:Then die,brother.Y:Wait,look at this.(Y又拿出一袋牛奶)X(抢过牛奶)M-I-L-K.I'm loving it.(开喝牛奶)...K:Oh ,k is my favorite.You drink my milk and you must die!!X:What?What makes you think that you could kill me?Y:Because what you drink just now is sanlu milk.X:Wait.sanlu milk?Oh...(捂肚子)K:Thank you very much, you save me. Now, I'll give you a ticket for America to let you have a vacation.Y:That's good. But there is one more thing. Can you give me a PLMM?I want to go America with her.K:Of course.You are the one who has the similar taste with me! Ha ha ha……Y:Ha ha ha-----Y:Do you want to go to lady’s“WC”?X:Yes,I……I……do.H顶着摇头:No,no!!you can't go to Lady's “WC”. That is not the place for someone like you.!You are the X !The best man of Chinese kungfu!X:So what? Is being a kungfu master means leaving a miserable life?I can hardly breath now.I need the lady's room.K: You are right. One will not be clever until the day he die. In that case ,why will you die in such a bad sorrow way !Go into the Lady's "WC" ,then die,comfortably!go ahead !H: you , stupid , bad behavior ! go away !K; Why ? Why do you help him?Who actually are you?H: Because I am Luxiaofeng------the wife of X.I'm a spy.K惊讶:You---you---You are LuXiaofeng ? X’wife?H:Yes,I am.Y: No,xiaofeng...a tricker.I love you so much,Why do you refuse me?Because of your bad behavior,I must kill Ximenchuixue.(拿匕首,刺入) It's your fault.H抱住X:chuixue,please don't die ,you should be alive for tomorrow is another day !K:What a moving story !I was impressed !H:My dear... (H忽然将一把匕首插进Y的心脏)Y痛苦状:Why?Why you treat me in this way?I love you so much... ()H: X , oh , no ,you can’t die ,we will go home together .X:go home ! ?H:Tomorrow is another day !Even you have the last second to live,you should be alive ,not only for me,but for our love!It's very difficult for me to find another gay as you.X:WHat?You are a gay?.Sorry,I am not gay.I'd better die now.(X死) H: Please don't leave me along....I can not leave without you.You die,I die!!(H自刎,艰难的爬到X身边死。
最新原创精品 小学英语社团活动:全英文Snow white表演剧本 3

小学英语社团活动:全英文Snow white表演剧本SW-白雪公主 Q-皇后 M-魔镜 H-猎人P-白马王子 D-小矮人音乐起,旁白A long time ago, In a beautiful king dom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again, The people didn’t love the new queen, because she was cruel. One day, In the king’s palace:----白雪出场S.w: My name is Snow white , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother ? Where is my mother ?音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场Q: I am a queen , I’m very beautiful , Where is Mirror ? Mirror , Mirror on the wall , who’s the most beautiful ?M: Snow white is much more beautiful than you !Q: Hunter, go kill Snow white .猎人出场H: Yes, my queen音乐起,猎人追赶白雪,公主惊慌出逃S.w: Help me ,help me, please, please !白雪顺利脱逃后S.w: I am tried and hungry, oh, t her e is a little house , I will eat a little and lie down.音乐起,7个小矮人出场,D: 1\Look, somebody ate my food----2\Somebody drank my w ate r----3\Someone is sleeping now----4\What a beautiful girl!----小矮人睡觉----音乐起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----对话5\How do you do?S.w: How do you do? My name is Snow white … Nice to meet you! D:(齐说)Nice to meet you ,too----6\ welcome to our house!----7\Would you like to live her e?S.W: My pleasure, thank you very much!D: Let’s go out for our work, bye-bye, Snow white.皇后、魔镜出场Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall , who’s the most beautiful?M: Snow white is much more beautiful than you!Q: What ? Snow white is not dead ? Hahaha, I got a good idea! 音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话Q: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple,S.w: Hello, Good morning grandma!Q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite?S.w: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma!白雪公主咬一口后倒地Q: The girl is dead! Hahaha…小矮人出场、围着公主哭Snow white wake up, wake up…音乐起,小矮人引着王子出场P: A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen! 王子唤醒公主,公主醒了P:Wake up ! Wake up , my queen !S.w: Thank you for your help !P: My pleasure !音乐起,小矮人、公主、王子跳起欢快的舞。

Fear, treachery, blood lust.Thousands of years agothese were the...forces that ruled our worldA world where prey werescared of predators.And predators had an uncontrollable...biological urge to maim, and maul, and... Awww!Blood! Blood! Blood!Ahhh...Back then, the worldwas divided in two.Vicious predator,or meek prey.But over time, we evolved,and moved beyond or primitive savage ways. Now predator and preylive in harmony.And every young mammalhas multitudinous opportunities.Yeah, I don't have to cowerin a a herd anymore.Instead, I can be an astronaut.I don't have to be a lonely hunter anymore. Today I can hunt for tax exemptions.I'm gonna be an actuary.And I can make the world a better place.I am going to be...A police officer!Bunny cop? That is the moststupidest thing I ever heard!It may seem impossible to small minds.I'm looking at you, Gideon Grey.But, just 211 miles away,stands the great city of Zootopia.Where our ancestors first joinedtogether in peace.And declared that anyonecan be anything!Thank you and good night.Judy, you ever wonder how your momand me got to be so darn happy?NopeWell, we gave up on our dreams,and we settled. Right, Bon?Oh, yes. That's right, Stu.We settled hard.You see, that's the beautyof complacency, Jude.If you don't try anythingnew, you'll never fail.I like trying, actually.What your father means, hon, is that it's gonna be difficult, impossible even...- for you to become a police officer.- Right. There's never been a bunny cop.- No.- Bunnies don't do that.- Never.- Never.Well... Then I guessI'll have to be the first one.Because I am gonna makethe world a better place!Or, heck, you know. You wanna talkabout making the world a better place,no better way to do it thanbecoming a carrot farmer.Yes! Your dad, me,your 275 brothers and sisters.- We're changing the world.- Yeah.- One carrot at a time.- Amen to that.Carrot farming is a noble profession.You get it, honey?I mean, it's great to have dreams.Yeah, just as long as youdon't believe in them too much.Where the heck'd she go?Give me your tickets right now,or I'm gonna kick your meek little sheep butt. Ow! Cut it out, Gideon!Baah, baah!What are you gonna do, cry?- Hey! You heard her. Cut it out.- Nice costume, loser.What crazy world are you living inwhere you think a bunny could be a cop?- Kindly return my friend's tickets.- Come and get them. But watch out.Cause I'm a fox, and like you saidin your dumb little stage play,us predators used to eat prey.And that killer instinct's still in our denna.- Uh, I'm pretty much sure it's pronounced DNA. - Don't tell me what I know, Travis.You don't scare me, Gideon.Scared now?Look at her nose twitch,she is scared.Cry, little baby bunny!Cry... Ow...Oh, you don't knowwhen to quit, do you?Huh!I want you to remember this momentthe next time you think you will ever be... anything more than just astupid carrot-farming dumb bunny.- That looks bad.- Are you okay, Judy?Yeah, yeah, I'm okay.Here you go.- Wow, you got our tickets!- You're awesome, Judy.Yeah, that Gideon Grey doesn't knowwhat he's talking about!Well, he was rightabout one thing.I don't know when to quit.ZOOTOPIA POLICE ACADEMYListen up, cadets. Zootopia has 12unique ecosystems within its city limits. Tundratown, Sahara Square,Rainforest District, to name a few.You're gonna have to master all ofthem before you hit the streets.Or guess what?You'll be dead!Scorching sandstorm.You're dead, bunny bumpkin.One thousand foot fall.You're dead, carrot baby.Frigid ice wall.You're dead, farm girl.Enormous criminal.You're dead.Dead.Dead.Dead.Ohhh...!Filthy toilet.You're dead, fluffy butt.Just quit and go home, fuzzy bunny.- There's never been a bunny cop. Never. - Just a stupid carrot-farming dumb bunny. As mayor of Zootopia, I am proudto announce that my mammal inclusion... initiative, has produced its firstpolice academy graduate.Valedictorian of her class,ZPD's very first rabbit officer...Judy Hopps.Assistant Mayor Bellwether, her badge.- Oh, yes, yes!- Thank you.Judy, it is my great privilege to officially assign you to the heart of Zootopia... Precinct One.City Center.- Yeh!- Yeh!Congratulations Officer Hopps.I won't let you down.This has been my dreamsince I was a kid.You know, it's a real proudday for us little guys.Bellwether, make room, will you? Okay, Officer Hopps.Let's see those teeth!Officer Hopps, look here.- We're real proud of you, Judy.- Yeah, and scared too.- Yes.- Really, it's kind of a proud-scared combo.I mean, Zootopia.So far away, such a big city.Guys, I've been working for thismy whole life.We know. And we're just a littleexited for you, but terrified.The only thing we have tofear is fear itself.And also bears. We havebears to fear, too.- Say nothing on lions, and wolves.- Wolves?- Weasels.- You played cribbage with a weasel once? Yeah, he cheats likethere's no tomorrow.You know what?Pretty much all predators.- And Zootopia is full of them.- Oh, Stu.And foxes are the worst.Yeah, actually, your fatherdoes have a point there.It's in their biology.Remember what happened with Gideon Grey? When I was nine. Gideon Grey wasa jerk who happens to be a fox.I know plenty of bunnies who are jerks. Sure, yeah, we all do, absolutely.But just in case,we made you a littlecare package to take with you.- I put some snacks in there.- This is fox deterrent.- Yeah, it's safe to have that.- This is fox repellant.The deterrent and therepellant, that's all she needs.- Check this out!- Oh, for goodness sake!She has no need fora fox taser, Stu.Oh, come on.When is there not need a for a fox taser? Well, okay, look, I will take this...To make you stop talking.Terrific!Everyone wins!Arriving, Zootopia Express.Okay, gotta go.Bye!Mmm. I love you, guys.Love you, too.- Oh, cripes, here come the waterworks.- Oh, Stu. Pull it together.Bye everybody!Bye Judy, I love you!Bye!Bye!YOU ARE NOW LEA VING BUNNYBURROW.I'm Gazelle.Welcome to Zootopia.And welcome to the crime family house. Luxury apartments with charm. Complementary delousing once a month. Don't lose your key!Thank you.- Oh, hi! I'm Judy, your new neighbor!- Yeah? Well, we're loud.Don't expect us to apologize for it.Greasy walls.Rickety bed.Crazy neighbors.I love it!Come on!He bared his teeth first!- Excuse me!- Hmm?Down here!- Hi.- O... M... Goodness!They really did hire a bunny.Ho-whop! I gotta tell you,you're even cuter than I thought you'd be. Ooh, ah, you probably didn't know,but a bunny can call another bunny 'cute', but when other animalsdo it, that's a little...Ohhh. I am so sorry!Me, Benjamin Clawhauser.The guy everyone thinks is justa flabby donut-loving cop, stereotyping you. - Oh.- No, it's okay.Oh. You've actually got...there's a...- A what?- In your neck. The fold.- The... this...- Oh, there you went, you little dickens! Hehehe, I should get to roll call,so which way do I...- Oh, ball pen's over there to the left.- Great. Thank you!Oh... That poor little bunny's gonnaget eaten alive.Hey! Officer Hopps.You ready to make the world a better place? Attention!All right. All right.Everybody sit.I've got three itemson the docket.First, we need to acknowledgethe elephant in the room.Francine.Happy birthday.Oh.Number two. There are some new recruits with us I should introduce,but I'm not going to because...I don't care.Finally, we have 14 missing mammal cases. All predators. From a giant polar bearto a teensy little otter.And City Hall is right upmy tail to find them.This is priority number one. Assignments.Officers Grizzoli, Fragmire, Delgato.Your team take missing mammalsfrom the Rainforest District.Officers McHorn, Ryan Spitz, Wolfard. Your teams take Sahara Square.Officers Higgins, Snorlof, Trunkaby. Tundratown.And finally, our first bunny,Officer Hopps.Parking duty.Dismissed.Parking duty?Chief?Chief Bogo?Sir. You said there werefourteen missing mammal cases.- So?- So I can handle one.You probably forgot but, I wastop of my class at the academy.Didn't forget.Just don't care.Sir, I'm not justsome token bunny.Well then, writing a hundredtickets a day should be easy.A 100 tickets. I'm notgonna write 100 tickets.I'm gonna write 200 tickets.Before noon.(EXPIRED)(EXPIRED)Ah!Boom!Two hundred tickets before noon!Hey, watch where you're going, fox!Huh!Hmm.Where'd he go?Listen. I know what you're doing skulking around during daylight hours,but I don't want anytrouble in here. So hit the road!I'm not looking forany trouble either, sir...I simply wanna buy a Jumbo-Pop.For my little boy.You want the red,or the blue, pal?Oh.I'm such a...- Oh, come on, kid. Back up. Listen, buddy. - What?There aren't any fox ice cream jointsin your part of town?No, no. There are, there are.It's just, my boy,this goofy little stinker,he loves all things elephant.He wants to be onewhen he grows up.Isn't that adorable?Who the heck am I to crushhis little dreams, huh? Right?Look, you probably can't read, fox,but the sign says"We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone!" So beat it.You're holding up the line.Hello.Excuse me.Hey, you're gonna have to wait yourturn like everyone else, meter maid.Actually, I'm an officer.Just have a quick question.Are your customersaware they're gettingsnot and mucus withtheir cookies and cream?What are you talking about?Well. I don't wannacause you any trouble,but I believe scooping ice cream with an ungloved trunk is a class 3 health code violation. Which is kind of a big deal.Of course I could let you off witha warning if you were to glove those trunks and... I don't know...finish selling this...nice dad and his son a...What was it?A Jumbo-Pop.Please.A Jumbo-Pop.- $15.- Thank you so much. Thank you.Oh no, are you kidding me...I don't have my wallet!I'd lose my head if itweren't attached to my neck.That's the truth. Oh, boy.I'm sorry, pal.Gotta be about theworst birthday ever.Please don't be mad at me.Thanks anyway.Keep the change.Officer, I can't thank you enough.So kind. Really. Can I pay you back?Oh, no.My treat.It's just, you know it burns me up to see folks with such backward attitudes towards foxes.I just want to say you're a greatdad and just a real articulate fella.Oh.Well, that is high praise.It's rare that I findsomeone so non-patronizing.- Officer?- Hopps. Mr..?Wilde.Nick Wilde.And you, little guy. You wannabe an elephant when you grow up?You be an elephant.Because this is Zootopia.Anyone can be anything.Ahh.I tell him that all the time.All right, here you go.Two paws.Yeah. Oh, look at that smile,that's a happy birthday smile!All right, give her a littlebye-bye toot-toot.Toot-toot.- Bye, now!- Goodbye!Oh.Hey, little toot-toot..."ORGANIC" $2PAWPSICLE"ORGANIC " $2BANCOBROTHERSLEMMINGGet your Pawpsicles.Oh!- Lumber delivery.- What's with the color?The color?Uh... it's red wood.39, 40, there you go.Way to work that diaper, big guy.Hey. No kissbye-bye for daddy?You kiss me tomorrow,I'll bite your face off!Ciao.Well, I stood up for you,and you lied to me.You liar!It's called a hustle, Sweetheart.And I'm not the liar. He is.Hey!All right, Slick-Nick.You're under arrest.Really?For what?Gee, I don't know. How aboutselling food without a permit?Transporting undeclared commerce across lines? - False advertizing.- Permit. Receipt of declared commerce.And I didn't falselyadvertize anything. Take care.You told that mouse thepawpsicle sticks were redwood!That's right. Red wood.With a space in the middle.Wood that is red.You can't touch me, Carrots.I've been doing this since I was born.You're gonna wanna refrainfrom calling me Carrots.My bad. I just naturallyassumed you came...from some little carrot-choked Podunk.No?Uh, no. Podunk is in Deerbrooke countyand I grew up in Bunnyburrow.Okay.Tell me if this story sounds familiar.Naive little hick with goodgrades and big ideas decides'Hey, look at me, I'mgonna move to Zootopia...Where predators and prey livein harmony and sing Kumbaya!'Only to find, whoopsie,we don't all get along.And that dream of becoming a big city cop,double whoopsie, she's a meter maid.And whoopsie number three-sie,no one cares about her or her dreams.And soon enough those dreams die, and ourbunny sinks into emotional and literal squalorliving in a box under a bridge. Till finally she has no choice but to go back homewith that cute fuzzy wuzzy little tailbetween her legs to become...You're from Bunnyburrow, is that what you said?So how about a carrot farmer?That sound about right?Oh!Be careful now, or it won't justbe your dreams getting crushed.Hey, hey. No one tells me what I canor can't be. Especially not some...jerk who never had the guts to try to beanything more than a Pawpsicle hustler.All right, look.Everyone comes to Zootopia thinkingthey can be anything they want.Well, you can't.You can only be what you are.Sly fox.Dumb bunny.I'm not a dumb bunny.Right.And that's not wet cement.You'll never be a real cop.You're a cute meter maid, though.Maybe a supervisor one day.Hang in there.Mom & Dad- Oh, hey, it's my parents!- Oh, there she is! Hi, Sweetheart!Hey there, Jude the Dude.How was your first day on the force?- It was real great!- Yeah? Everything you ever hoped?Absolutely. And more.Everyone's so nice, and I feel like...- I'm really making a difference.- Wait a second. Holy cranks, Bon.- Look at that!- Oh, my sweet heaven!Judy, are you a meter maid?Oh, this.. No! Oh, no.This is just a temporary thing..- It's the safest job on the force!- She's not a real cop!- Our prayers have been answered!- Glorious day!Ho-ho, meter maid,meter maid, meter maid!- Dad! Dad!- Meter maid!You know what,it's been a really long day, I should...- You get some rest.- Those meters aren't gonna maid themselves. - Bye-bye.- Bye-bye.Hey, bunny!Turn down that depressing music!Leave the meter maid alone,didn't you hear her conversation?- She feels like a failure!- Oh, shut up!- You shut up!- You shut up!- You shut up!- Tomorrow is another day.Yeah, but it might be worse!I was 30 seconds over!Yeah, you're a real hero, lady.My mommy saysshe wishes you were dead.How glory are that my tax dollarspay your salary.I am a real cop.I am a real cop.Hey, you!Bunny!Sir, if you have a grievance you may contest recitation in traffic court.What are you talking about?! My shop!It was just robbed!Look, he's getting away! Well, are you a cop or not?Oh! Yes! Yes!Don't worry, sir, I got this!- Stop in the name of the law! - Catch me if ya' can, cottontail! Coming through!This is officer McHorn.We got a 10-31.I got dibs!Officer Hopps, I am in pursuit! Woo-hoo!LITTLERODENTIA- Ah!- Ahh!Ha ha ha.You!Hey!Hey, meter maid!Wait for the real cops!Stop!Ahhhh!Oh.Sorry! Coming through. Excuse me. Excuse me. Pardon. Yahhh!Bon voyage, flatfoot!Huh!- Hey! Stop right there!- Have a donut, coppa!Oh my god, did you see those leopard print jeggings?- Ah!- Ah!Oh!- I love your hair.- Thank you.Heheheheh.Come to papa!Okay. You're gonna haveto be patient and wait in line just like everyone else,Mrs. Otterton. Okay?- I popped the weasel!- Hopps!Abandoning your post. Inciting a scurry. Reckless endangerment of rodents...But, to be fair, you did stop a master criminal from stealing two dozen moldy onions. Mmm. Hate to disagree with you, sir,but those aren't onions.Those are pest riddance called Midnicampum holicithias.They're a class C botanical, sir.Well, I grew up in a family where plant husbandry was kind of a thing...- Shut your tiny mouth now!- Sir, I got the bad guy.That's my job.Your job is putting ticketson parked cars!Chief, Mrs. Otterton'shere to see you again.- Not now.- Okay, I just need to know if you want to... - take it this time she seems really upset...- Not now!Sir. I don't wannabe a meter maid,I wanna be a real cop.Do you think the mayorasked what I wanted...- when he assigned you to me?- But, sir...Life isn't some cartoon musical where you sing a little song, and your insipid dreams... magically come true!So let it go.Chief Bogo, please!Five minutes of your time, please.I'm sorry sir. I tried to stop her,she's super slippery.I gotta go sit down.Ma'am, as I've told you,we're doing everything we can.My husband has beenmissing for ten days.- His name is Emmitt Otterton.- Yes. I know.He's a florist.We have 2 beautiful children.He would never just disappear.Ma'am, our detectivesare very busy.Please. There's gotta be somebodyto find my Emmitt.- Mrs. Otterton.- I will find him.Oh. Thank you!Bless you, bless you, little bunny!Take this.Find my Emmitt.Bring him home to me and my babies. Please.Mrs. Otterton.Please wait out here.Of course.Oh, thank you both so much!One second.- You're fired.- What? Why?Insubordination! Now. I'm going to open this door, and you're goind to tell that Otter you're a former meter maid with delusionof grandeur, who will not be taking the case.I just heard Officer Hoppsis taking the case!Assistant Mayor Bellwether!The Mammal Inclusion Initiativeis really starting to pay off.Mayor Lionheart isjust gonna be so thrill!No, let's not tellthe mayor just yet.And I sent it, and it is done,so I did do that.All right, well, I'd saythe case is in good hands.Us little guys really need tostick together, right?- Like glue.- Good one.Just call me if you everneed anything. Okay?You've always got a friend atCity Hall, Judy. All right! Bye-bye! Thank you, ma'am!I will give you 48 hours.Yes!That's two days to find Emmitt Otterton. But.. You strike out, you resign.Okay. Deal.Splendid. Clawhauser will give youthe complete case file.Here you go.One missing otter.- That's it?- Yikes!That is the smallest case fileI've ever seen. Leads, none. Witnesses, none. And you're not in the computer system yet, so... Resources, none!Ha ha!Hoo, I hope you didn't stake yourcareer on cracking this one.Okay.Last known sighting.Can I just borrow?Thank you.- Pawpsicle?- The murder weapon!- 'Get your pawpsicle'...- Yeah! Cause that...What does that mean?It means I have a lead.- Hi! Hello! It's me again!- Hey! It's officer toot-toot.Hoo...No.Actually it's Officer Hopps,and I'm here to ask you somequestions about a case.What happened, meter maid?Did someone steal a traffic cone?It wasn't me.Hey, Carrots, you're gonna wake the baby.I gotta get to work.This is important, sir. I think yourten dollars worth of pawpsicles can wait. Ha! I make 200 bucksa day, fluff.365 days a year,since I was 12.- And time is money. Hop along.- Please just look at the picture.You sold Mr. Otterton that pawpsicle, right? - Do you know him?- I know everybody.And I also know that somewherethere's a toy store missing its stuffed animal, so why don't you get back to your box? Fine.Then we'll have to do this the hard way.- Did you just boot my stroller?- Nicholas Wilde, you are under arrest. Ha. For what? Hurtingyour feelings?Felony tax evasion.Yeah.. 200 dollars a day, 365 days a year, since you were 12...that's two decades, so times twenty, which is 1,460,000, I think.I mean, I am just a dumb bunny,but we are good at multiplying. Anyway, according to your tax forms,you reported, let me see here, zero! Unfortunately, lying on a federal formis a punishable offense.- 5 years jail time.- Well, it's my word against yours.'200 bucks a day, fluff,365 days a year, since I was twelve.' Actually it's yourword against yours.And if you want this penyou're going to help mefind this poor missing otter,or the only placeyou'll be selling pawpsiclesis the prison cafeteria.It's called a hustle, sweet heart.She hustled you.Ehahaha...She hustled you good!You're a cop now, Nick.You're gonna need one of these.Have fun working with the fuzz!Start talking.I don't know where he is,I only saw where he went.Great, let's go!It's not exactly a placefor a cute little bunny.- Don't call me cute, get in the car.- Okay. You're the boss.Hi.I'm...Hello? Hello?Hello?Hello!My name is...You know, I'm gonna hit thepause button right there.Cause we're all good onbunny scout cookies.Uh, no.I'm Officer Hopps, ZPD.I'm looking for a missing mammal...Emmitt Otterton. Right here.He may have frequented this establishment? Yeah, old Emmitt!Haven't seen him ina couple of weeks.But hey, you should talk to his yoga instructor.I'd be happy to take you back.Oh, thank you so much, I'd appericiatethat more than you can imagine, it'd be such...- Oh! You are naked..- Oh, for sure. We're a naturalist club!Yeah. In Zootopia anyone can be anything.These guys, they be naked.Nangi's just on the other sideof the pleasure pool.Oh boy. Does this make you uncomfortable? Because if so, there's no shame in calling it quits. Yes, there is.Boy, that's the spirit.Yeah, some mammals say the naturalist life is weird. But you know what I say is weird?Clothes on animals!Here we go!As you can see, Nangi is an elephant,so she'll totally remember everything.Hey, Nangi. These dudes have some questionsabout Emmitt the otter.- Who?- Eh.Emmitt Otterton. Been comingto your yoga class for like six years.I have no memoryof this beaver.He's an otter, actually.He was here a couple ofWednesdays ago. Remember?No.Yeah, he was wearing a greencable knit sweater vest,and a new pair of Quarterway slacks.Oh, and a Paisley tie, sweet Windsor knot.- Real tight. Remember that, Nangi?- No.Yeah, and we both walked him out, and he got into this big old white car with a silver trim.Needed a tune up. The third cylinderwasn't firing. Remeber that, Nangi?No.Eh. You didn't happen to catchthe licence plate number?- Did you?- Oh, for sure. It was 2-9-T-H-D-0-3.0-3. Wow, this is a lot of great info.Thank you.Told you Nangi has a mind like a steel trap.I wish I had a memory like an elephant.Well, I had a ball. You are welcome for the clue.And seeing as any moron can run a plate,I will take that penand bid you adieu.The plate.I can't run a plate.Oomf.I'm not in the system yet.- Give me the pen, please.- What was it you said?Any moron can run a plate?Gosh, if only there were a moron aroundwho were up to the task.Rabbit, I did what you asked.You can't keep meon the hook forever.Not forever. Well, I only have 36hours left to solve this case.So can you run the plate or not?Actually, I just remembered,I have a pal at the DMV.Flash is the fastest guy in there.You need something done, he's on it.I hope so. We are really fighting the clockand every minute counts.Wait.They're all sloths?You said this wasgoing to be quick!What, are you saying justbecause he's a slothhe can't be fast? I thought inZootopia anyone could be anything.Flash, Flash, Hundred Yard Dash!Buddy, it's nice to see you.Nice to... see you... too.Hey, Flash, I'd loveyou to meet my friend.Ah...Darlin, I've forgotten your name. Hmm. Officer Judy Hopps, ZPD.How are you?I am...doing... just..- Fine?- as well.. as.. I can.. be...- What...- Hang in there.- can I... do...- Well, I was hoping you could run a plate...- for you...- Well, I was hoping you could......today?Well, I was hoping you could run a plate for us. We are in a really big hurry.- Sure... What's the... plate...- 2-9-T...- Number?- 2-9-T-H-D-0-3.- 2... 9...- T-H-D-0-3.- H-D-0-3.- H...- D-0-3.- D...- Mm-hm. 0-3.- 0...- 3!- Hey, Flash. Wanna hear a joke?- No!- Sure.- Mmm!What do you call athree-humped camel?I don't know.What do you call...- Three-humped camel.- a three-humped... camel?Pregnant.Ha ha ha ha...Ha ha. Yes, very funny, very funny!Can we please just focus on the task?- Hey...- Wait, wait!- Priscilla!- Oh, no!- Yes... Flash?- What... do..- No...- you call...A three-humped camel?- Pregnant! Okay! We got it! Please just... - - three... humped...- Here... you...- Yes! Yeah, yeah! Hurry, thank you!- 2-9-T-H-D-0-3.- ...go.It's registered toTundratown Limo Service.A limo took Otterton! Andthe limo's in Tundratown!It's in Tundratown!Way to hustle, bud. I love you.I owe you.Hurry! We gotta beat the rush hour and... It's night?!。

第一幕第一场(城中)口白:There was a law in the city of Athens which gave to its citizens the power of forcing their d aughters to marry whomever they pleased.For if a daughter refused to marry the man her father had chosen to be her husband,the father might by thus law cause her to be put to death.在雅典有一条法律赋予市民权力,可以强迫他们的女儿嫁给他们所喜欢的人,因此如果女儿拒绝父亲为她选的丈夫,依据这条法律,父亲可以自行判她死刑。
Egeus:Hermia,you have to marry Demetrious,the best guy in the city.荷米亚,你必须嫁给狄米崔斯,这城中最好的年轻人。
Hermia:I’m sorry,Dad!I can’t be his wife.爸爸,抱歉。
Egeus:Why do you refused to marry Demetrius?He is really a worthy gentleman!你为什麼拒绝嫁给狄米崔斯呢?他是一个真正的绅士。
Hermia:But I don’t love him.I’ve fell in love with Lysander.但是我不爱他。
Egeus:Lysander?Is he better than Demetrious?No!莱赛德?他会比狄米崔斯好吗?不!Hermia:Oh!Dad!Demettrious had ever said that he love my friend,Helena,and she,a s weet lady also love him deeply.喔!爸爸,狄米崔斯曾说过,他爱我的朋友——海伦娜,而这一个甜美女孩也深爱狄米崔斯。

英语《花木兰》短剧剧本前言:旁白(待定)第一幕:(音乐~~~)木兰入场,独舞一段剑术(音乐:马蹄声响起)木兰父母从另一边入场,传旨人也入场,随从入场,木兰在一旁听,停止舞剑传旨人:“According to god's order, Because of the invasion of the Xiongnu Our emperor made a hard determination that we should take the weapons to protect our homeland. So we need warriors. It's time to show your loyalty. Stand up, every one!奉天承运,皇帝诏曰,匈奴入侵,我们做出了个艰难的决定:打他个屁滚尿流!所以,我们需要士兵!没了,你们懂我的意思的。
”(稍微娘娘腔)木兰父:“We get it.”木兰父领旨,回到桌子旁,拿起宝剑与圣旨,长叹一声木兰上前木兰:“Dad, let me go instead of you to join the army. Your health is not good though爸,让我去代替你从军吧!”木兰父:“That's not of your bussiness不关你的事。
”木兰:“But...但是……”木兰父:“Go back!回去!”木兰落寞地离去,木兰父放下宝剑与圣旨,也退场木兰从新上场,走到桌子前,拿起宝剑,拔剑出销,又放下,把头发(散)束起,再次拿起宝剑与圣旨(旁白解释)木兰:“I will be back!”(深情地)(音效)熄灯——第一幕完英语对白:第二幕:将军与军师入场,军师手拿名单和毛笔勾名,一群(5个)前来报到的兵一个跟一个入场,列队将军:“What’s your name?”Tom:“Tom”将军:“How about you?”Jerry:“Jerry”将军:“Tom an Jerry? Both of brothers join the army,and you?”MR.Bean:“MR.Bean”将军;“er……you?”Banana:“banana ”将军:“What?“Banana:“banana·apple”将军:“I prefer watermelon. Short guy,what about you?”木兰:“Mulan,general”将军:“Finally a normal name… But ,you look like a women!?总算有个正常的名字了————但……你好像女人?”木兰:“I am a man!!!Watch out my muscles!”(清一清嗓音,做几个类似的动作)将军:“Just kidding, guy!”将军带领训练(舞棍、转左转右)将军上前,拿出竹竿,举起来“follow me!”将军将竹竿向前捅,全队照做,木兰把前面的士兵捅倒将军:“what are you doing! watch out!”将军将棍向右横扫,木兰照做,全排士兵倒下将军上前“attention!Turn right(全队向右,木兰向左),你搞什么飞机啊!(叫木兰来到第一队)Turn left!(全队向左,木兰向右,木兰手中竹竿打中右边的士兵)将军:“My god! You’d better go back home!”(放烟~~~)木兰发现敌人木兰:“general, that way …seems like…eneies!!!”(用手指着)将军:“Ah?! God bless us! All the soldiers , array!”(音效)老兵列队上场将军:“Xiongnu is coming. It’s a good opportunity for your careers and futures! Get perfect prepared, guys! 匈奴将至,是各位升官发财的好机会啊,士兵们,准备吧!!!!!!”全体退场,熄灯第二幕完(雪山上,上炮)第三幕(音乐)单于、匈奴上场(凶残的)一个老兵上场张望,返回号召其他老兵上,五个老兵上场交战,打下打下死两个,其他三个后退退到一定后将军带新兵上场开打打着打着死一个,打着打着死一个,全体节节败退,花木兰在后方战战兢兢没有上前将军:“Why you froze there? Come and help!!快来帮忙”木兰望着雪山,得到启发旁白:“(待定)”木兰开始用火炮炸山(先炸一座)(音效)木兰军全体后退,木兰马上再炸,雪山被炸,匈奴死了大半,只剩两三个(音效)木兰军乘势杀上,敌方落荒而逃大胜,全体举手庆功(音效:胜利)熄灯旁白:“(待定)”第三幕完第四幕(场景为宫殿)皇帝入场,后有四个随从随从1:“Mulan come to listen to letters”木兰上前,单膝跪下皇帝:“Because you brave performance, we won the war. What do you want to get? Status?Wealthy?Or … beauty? 你的英勇,让我军赢得最后的胜利,想要什么,地位?财富?美女?”木兰:“Dear emperor, Mulan just want to return home to accompany my old parents.回皇上,木兰只想回乡陪伴我的老父母”皇帝:“Great! What a nice son! Now I decide to praise you a good rapid horse ‘Ferrari’ to help your homecoming!好!!好一个孝顺之人,朕赐你一匹宝马:“法拉利”衣锦还乡”木兰:“Grateful for my dear emperor.谢皇上!”木兰退场,皇帝及随从随后退场木兰父母从舞台另一侧入场木兰母:“The war eventually ended, are you still angry with Mulan? 战争终于结束了,你还在生木兰气吗?”木兰父:“No, of cause I’m not. My heart has long been full of thoughts of her. For now, I’m just looking forward to her safely return. 我不气了,我的心早就被思念充满了,现在我只盼望木兰能早点平安回来啊”木兰母:“She must be back!她一定会回来的”(音乐:马蹄声)木兰从另一边出场,拿着宝剑走向父母面前,跪下,呈上宝剑木兰:“Dad and mom,I’m back …我回来了~”(音效)第四幕完全剧终。

英语俱乐部宣传部第六版剧本编前按:大家一定要相信自己,自己是最棒的最好的,第四幕:紫霞打闹婚礼婚礼部分不予改变,到时紫霞佩剑出场阻止紫霞:No, I do not disagree.牛魔王:Who?紫霞大声说着就突破小妖们的阻拦冲上了教堂紫霞:It is me.It is me.I do not disagree with you marry her.此时紫霞的情绪异常激动牛魔王:Zixia紫霞:You said that you will marry me,but you break your promise.Why do you marry her?But why?牛魔王:Zixia ,you are a good girl,you should pursue(追求)your own future.That would be promising and interesting.Not with me.紫霞:But I love you.牛魔王:I am sorry.That had past.Beacuse at that time,we are still young.After hunders years,I find my thue love of person is Tieshan.紫霞: That had past.What shuld I do?How should you compensate(补偿) me?牛魔王:You should kill me,please kill me.牛魔王此时闭上了眼留下了两行热泪,然后紫霞拔出剑指着牛魔王,就在紫霞将剑刺向牛魔王的瞬间,铁扇挡住了剑,而剑也深深地刺入了铁扇的身体里。
随后铁扇倒在地,牛魔王随即将铁扇扶住,铁扇奄奄一息,然后牛魔王想铁扇…….牛魔王:No,why are you so foolish.铁扇:Iwant you to promise one thing.牛魔王:OK I promise you.铁扇:Promise me,from now no,you need a good living.牛魔王:I promise you ,I promise you. You are my wife,no matter what happens,I love you forever.Please let us share together.此时铁扇只剩最后一口气,声音非常微弱铁扇:Together with you the day I am very happy.I… love... you.But.....铁扇死去,牛魔王伤心欲绝,将铁扇放在地上,转身向紫霞牛魔王:Back to me, if you still love me,give her back to me.紫霞:You love her so much,why do not you together with her death.牛魔王:I die,you must save her back.然后牛魔王对他身边的人说一些话牛魔王:She has dead and I won’t live,if she come back and tell her that I am not a good husband,I do not take of her.然后转身面对紫霞牛魔王:I love you,but I have one wife Tieshan.As her husband, how can I give up her.I am sorry.随后牛魔王自杀,紫霞手中的剑掉在地上,被感动的泪流满面,望着眼前的一切,然后掏出仙丹施法就活了两人,紫霞离去,牛魔王和铁扇婚礼后退场。

The mission第一幕:决战紫荆城之颠旁白:A quiet village is covered with white snow .Birds are dancing in the cold .A man is walking along the street ,step by step .His name is ximenchuixue, a mysterious killer who is the most famous in the world. Every year he will kill 3 persons, now it is the time. Yegucheng is the owner of a castle, and he is widely known for his Chinese Kongfu. The wind is roaring and the two men meet at the corner.Y与X相遇.X: Oh ,I am sorry !Y: Haha, Never mind !X:Excuse me, who are you on earth? Could you tell me your name?Y:Haha, I never change my name n o matter what happens. I’m the owner of the castle——Ye Gu Cheng. By the way ,who are you?X:I am xi men chuixue.Y惊讶:Ar, ximenchui xue?X:Yes,what is wrong?Y:I heard that you are the most famous killer in the world?X:Great, you know me ! And the reason why I come here is to kill you !Y抱腿:Please, please…… Don’t kill me! Let me go!X:No, I must kill you !Y:You should not do that.There are an eighty-year-old mother and a three-year old son to be looked after by me!X:No way! If I kill you today, I could go back home and play the computer games all day long.(仰头憧憬状) What a wonderful life ! So, come on, let’s fight !Y突然站起冷冷的说:Don't force me!(Y拿出一袋牛奶)X抢过牛奶:milk, very good! I like drinking it. How do you know that?Y:Please enjoy it!X喝完牛奶:Thanks, ha,ha~~~Y:Do you still want to kill me?X:Of course! I’ve made up my mind!Y(恼怒+冷酷):Very good! Very good! I hope you will not forget what you said!?X:I’m sure I won’t!Y:I must give you a lesson or you will be conceited and self-satisfied! 3-2-1-0!X捂着肚子,蹲下:Oach,Oach !Y大笑:HaHa……X可怜状: help! help! Where is the washroom?Y:What ?X:Toliet?Y:What ?X:The “WC”?Y:Oh,I see ,(指着教室的一角)just over there!X:Thanks,bye bye.Y掏出纸屑吹:You are a loser !H:Stop!Don’t you kow protecting the environment is a basic obligation!Y:Who are you?H:Hua—man—lou! Have you seen ximenchuixue?Y:Yes, he was beaten by me and is in“WC” now,ha……H惊讶:Now you are the NO.1 in the world!Y:You are right!H:Terrific! You are the one my king looking for! Do you want to join in us?Y:Yes,I’d like to.H:Ok, follow me, Let’s go to see my king!Y:Ok,Let’s go!第二幕:无间道Huamanlou and Yegucheng are on the way to the Palace. The king is waiting for them. H:My Lord! Let me introduce Yegucheng to you! (指Y)this is Yegucheng.K:Sit down please, yegucheng.H走到Y前,《婚礼进行曲》起,H神甫状:Yegucheng! Do you want to follow my king no matter what happens such as cold headache and aids?Y: Yes,I do.K: Huamanlou. Put the ring on his finger!(音乐停)X唱着上:Only you……(看到戒指)Stop! This ring should be mine!K:But who are you? Why should it belong to you?X:Because I’m X !Y急切: My Lord!I must go now,my mother is looking for me! 再见!K:再见? What does that mean? It is not English, isn’t it ?Y:How clever, it’s Chinese !X冷酷:yegucheng! Come here!I must kill you !Y抱X的腿:My dear friend! Forgive me!X:Forgive you ? Why?Y: Because I helped you . I told you the WC !X:No,You cheated me! How can you tell me the lady’s“WC”!Y:I like going to lady’s WC .I……I……I thought you will like what I like.(Y又拿出一袋牛奶)X: m-i-l-k?haha,我喜欢!K: 我喜欢?What’s the meaning? Why don’t you say English?X:You are stupid! It means“I like it”.K:Stupid? I’ll kill you for saying bad language to me!X:What? (侧耳装着听不到) You—kill—me? Come on…(X上去抓住K)K:Go away ! I must kill you!X:How can you kill me? haha……Y:Let me have a try! 3-2-1-0(X捂着肚子,蹲下)K: (走过去踢X一脚,然后大笑,对Y说)Thank you very much, you saved my life.Y: (恭敬的说) It’s my duty to protect you .X:Let me go !Y:Do you want to go into lady’s“WC”?X:Yes,I……I…… do.H顶着摇头:no, no,you can’t go to Lady’s “WC”. That is not the place where you should go! Because you are X , the most famous killer in the world !X: I’m the best, so what? Why I try m y best to live but I’m still so miserable ? When can I get my freedom? Must be the day when I’m going to die? !K: You are right. One will not be clever until the day he die. In that case ,why will you die in such a bad sorrow way !Get up and go into the L ady’s WC , then die , comfortablly ! Go ahead !H: you , stupid ! Get out!K; What ? Why do you help him ! Who actually are you ?H:Haha, you’re all treated by me. I’m the bother of X.(走向X,给他一包牛奶) Here is the milk. Drink it and you’ll recover soon.X:接过牛奶,一饮而尽.H(扶起X)How do you feel?X:en,I feel the power is coming back,haha!(走向国王)I remembered that you wanted to kill me, a-ha ?K:(惊恐状,看向Y) Please help me !Y: (向前一步,对着X)X, I’m your opponent. Come on !H:X,leave the king to me,and go ahead to kill the Y.X:OK,good brother !(双方进行激烈的交火,最后X和H赢了。
花木兰电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印)

花木兰Mulan匈奴入侵,快点烽火!We're under attack!Light the signal!现在全中国的人都知道你来了Now all of China knows you're here.好极了Perfect.启票皇上Your Majesty匈奴已越过北方边界the Huns have crossed our northern border. 不可能,无人能越过长城lmpossible. No one can get through the Great Wall.他们由单于领军Shan-Yu is leading them.我们将保卫你的皇宫We'll set up defenses around your palace immediately.不,派你的军队保护朕的子民No. Send your troops to protect my people.赐福Chi Fu.是皇上Yes, Your Highness?通令全国各地征召壮丁Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces.紧急召集所有军人回营服役Call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible.皇上,恕臣直言Forgive me, Your Majesty,我相信我的军队就能阻挡单于but I believe my troops can stop him.朕不能冒这个险,将军l won't take any chances, General.小兵也会立大功A single grain of rice can tip the scale.有时候,一个人就是胜败关键One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.妇德就是文静,谦虚Quiet and demure.文雅……Graceful.礼貌Polite.雅致Delicate.举止优雅…小心…Refined. Poised.Punctual.'守时糟了Ai-yah!小白Little Brother!小白Little Brother!小……Lit...你在这儿啊?Ah! There you are.谁是世上最聪明的小狗狗Who's the smartest doggy in the world?来吧,小家伙Come on, smart boy.今天你能帮我做家务吗?Can you help me with my chores today?列祖列宗Honorable ancestors,让木兰今天给媒婆一个好印象please help Mulan impress the matchmaker today.求求您,请帮帮她吧Please.Please help her.爹爹,我给您带来……Father, l brought your... Whoa!木兰Mulan.我多准备了一个l brought a spare.医生说清早三杯茶The doctor said three cups of tea in the morning...还有晚上上三杯哦and three at night.木兰,你早该进城了Mulan, you should already be in town.我们都指望你……We are counting on you替花家光宗耀祖啊to uphold the family honor.别担心,爹Don't worry, Father.我不会让您失望l won't let you down.祝我好运Wish me luck.快去吧Hurry!我要求祖宗多多保佑木兰l'm going to... pray some more.夫人,你女儿来了没?Fa Li, is your daughter here yet?媒婆可不是个有耐性的人哦The matchmaker is not a patient woman. 她怎么老是迟到啊Of all days to be late.我早该求祖宗保佑的l should have prayed to the ancestors for luck. 他们能保佑什么?How lucky can they be?他们死了啊They're dead.除此之外……我有Besides, l've got..我们需要的幸运符all the luck we'll need.你该有点用处了This is your chance to prove yourself.奶奶,小心啊Grandma, no!哇塞Yep,这只蟋蟀真是幸运this cricket's a lucky one!我来了l'm here.怎么了?What?娘,我必须..But, Mama, l had to...不要找借口None of your excuses.你先要打扮一下Now, let's get you cleaned up.@ This is what you give me to work with@ Well, honey, I've seen worse@ We are gonna turn this sow's ear@ Into a silk purselt's freezing.好冷哦.lt would have been warmif you were here on time.@ We'll have you washed and dried @ Primped and polishedTil you glow with pride@ Trust my recipe for instant bride @ You'll bring honor to us all Mulan, what's this?Uh, notes.ln case l forget something.Hold this.We'll need more luck than l thought. @ Wait and see when we're through @ Boys will gladly go to war for you - @ With good fortune- @ And a great hairdo [together] @ You'll bring honorTo us all@ A girl can bring her family@ Great honor in one way- @ By striking a good match- Huh?- @ And this could be the day- [laughs]@ Men want girls with good taste - Calm.- Obedient.@ Who work fast-paced@ With good breeding- @ And a tiny waist- [gasps]@ You'll bring honor to us all@ We all must serve our emperor @ Who guards us from the Huns@ A man by bearing arms@ A girl by bearing sons@ When we're through you can't fail @ Like a lotus blossom soft and pale @ How could any fellow say no sale @ You'll bring honor to us all@ You'll bring honor to us all There. You're ready.Not yet.An apple for serenity. A pendant for balance.@ Beads ofjade@ For beauty@ You must proudly@ Show it@ Now add a cricket@ Just for luck@ And even you can't blow it@ Ancestors, hear my plea@ Help me not to make a fool of me@ And to not uproot my family tree@ Keep my father standing tall@ Scarier than the undertaker@ We are meeting our matchmaker [townspeople] @ Destiny guard our girls @ And our future as it fast unfurls@ Please look kindlyOn these cultured pearls@ Each a perfect porcelain doll@ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us@ Please bring honor to us all @花木兰Fa Mulan.在Present.不要随便开口Speaking without permission.哦Oops.她火气这么大干嘛?Who spit in her bean curd?太瘦了Mmm. Too skinny.不容易生出儿子Hmph! Not good for bearing sons.妇有四德指的是什么?说呀妇德指导的是谦虚而妇言是少说话妇容是和悦,还有妇力……是妇功.妇功意思是服从跟我来Hmm. This way.现在呢Now,倒茶pour the tea.取悦你未未的公婆To please your future in-laws,一定要谨慎望而却步、优雅you must demonstrate a sense of dignity... 还要心存恭敬and refinement.你也必须注意仪态You must also be poised.对不起Um, pardon me.还要安静And silent!能不能还我一下?Could l just take that back?等一下One moment.为什么,你笨手笨脚Why, you clumsy...我认为进行得顺利,对吧?l think it's going well, don't you?快给我水,浇水呀Put it out! Put it out! Put it out!你实在是太不像话You are a disgrace!你也许看起来像个新娘You may look like a bride,可是永远不会为你们家争光but you will never bring your family honor! @ Look at me 看看我@ I will never pass我永远成为不了@ For a perfect bride好新娘@ Or a perfect daughter或是好女儿@ Can it be可以吗@ I'm not meant to play this part我不是有意要这样@ Now I see现在我知道@ That if I were truly to be myself我是不是真的自我@ I would break my family's heart我会伤了家人的心@ Who is that girl I see我看到的那女孩是谁@ Staring straight@ Back at me@ Why is my reflection为什么我的倒影@ Someone I don't know@ Somehow I cannot hide@ Who I am我是谁@ Though I've tried虽然我尝试了@ When will my reflection show@ Who I am inside@ When will my reflection show@ Who I am@ Inside @天啊My, my.今年花开得真漂亮啊What beautiful blossoms we have this year.可是你看,这朵迟了But look.This one's late.但我肯定等到它开花的时候But l'll bet that when it blooms,一定会是最美丽的it will be the most beautiful of all.什么事?What is it?木兰,你别出去Mulan.Stay inside.乡亲们Citizens我从京城带来皇上谕令l bring a proclamation from the imperial city. 匈奴已侵犯中原The Huns have invaded China.皇上有令By order of the emperor,每家都要选出一名壮丁从军one man from every family must serve in the lmperial army.萧家接旨The Hsiao family.易家接旨The Yi family.我愿替我爹保卫国家l will serve the emperor in my father's place. 花家接旨The Fa family.不no我已准备为国效劳l am ready to serve the emperor.爹,你不能去Father, you can't go. 木兰Mulan!官爷,求求你Please, sir,我爹已经参加过战场了my father has already fought bravely...住嘴!Silence!你该教教你女儿You would do well to teach your daughter男人说话,哪有她插嘴的份?to hold her tongue in a man's presence.木兰,你让爹丢尽颜面Mulan, you dishonor me.明日到军营报到Report tomorrow to the Wu Zhong camp.是Yes, sir.楚家接旨The Chu family!你不应该去的You shouldn't have to go!木兰Mulan.有足够的年轻人为国打仗啊There are plenty of young men to fight for China.能够保家卫国是我的荣耀lt is an honor to protect my country and my family.就为了荣耀,连命都不要?So, you'll die for honor.我为国拐躯,死而无憾l will die doing what's right.-可是,如果…-我自有分寸- But if you...- l know my place!倒是你该管管自己lt is time you learned yours.木兰走了Mulan is gone!什么?What?怎么可能?lt can't be.木兰不你得快追她回来You must go after her.这要杀头的She could be killed.只有我们不说她才能活命列祖列宗,求求你们保佑木兰Watch over Mulan.木须,醒来吧Mushu, awaken!我复活了!I live!告诉我哪个凡人要我保护?老祖宗要我去,只要开口木须我来说几句,要是谁敢找我们花家的麻烦Let me say somethin'. Anybody who's foolish enough to threaten our family,我就好好收拾他vengeance will be mine!木须它们才是守护神它们…They...保护这个家protect the family.而你这降了级的And you, o demoted one? 我…是负责敲锣l... ring the gong.说对了,现在去叫醒祖先们吧That's right.Now, wake up the ancestors.我这就去叫醒大家大家起来快起来,别偷懒了要办正事罗,别睡美容觉了我就知道……l knew it. l knew it!木兰从一开始就是个大麻烦That Mulan was a troublemaker from the start!别看我Don't look at me.她可是你家那边的人She gets it from your side of the family.她只想帮助她父亲She's trying to help her father.要是她被人发现lf she's discovered,花家就会永远抬不起头Fa Zhou will be forever shamed.花家祠堂会声望全无千百年传统沦丧家产全得没收我家孩子从没惹过麻烦My children never caused such trouble.他们全是针灸师傅They all became acupuncturists.总不能全都当针灸师啊Well, we can't all be acupuncturists.是啊,你的曾孙女还女扮男装哩No! Your great-granddaughter had to be a cross-dresser!派守护神带她回来Let a guardian bring her back.是啊,叫醒最精明的Yes, awaken the most cunning.不,那行动最快的No, the swiftest.不,最有智慧的No, send the wisest.安静Silence!我们得派能力最强的We must send the most powerful of all.好啦…我了解,我去Okay, okay, l get the drift.l'll go.你们以为我不行?Y'all don't think l can do it.看我的Watch this here.我不错吧?Aha! Jump back.l'm pretty hot, huh?谁敢让我试试看啊?你有机会去保护花家You had your chance to protect the Fa family.结果却把花嶝害得很惨对呀,多亏你了Yeah, thanks a lot.什么意思?And your point is?意思是……The point is ...我们要派真正的龙去找木兰we will be sending a real dragon to retrieve Mulan.什么?What? What?我是真正的龙啊l'm a real dragon!你根本就不够格You are not worthy of this spot. 现在快叫醒石像神龙吧Now, awaken the great stone dragon.那你会重新考虑让我去吗?So you'll get back to me on the job thing?唉!唉!我只是要个机会嘛又不是要你老命lt's not like it'll kill ya.石头,醒醒啊Yo, Rocky, wake up!你得去追木兰Ya gotta go fetch Mulan!快起来,去追她去呀来呀有人在吗?有人在吗?醒醒!石头…Stony?他们会杀我Oh, man, they're gonna kill me.石像神龙你醒了吗?have you awakened?是啊…我刚醒uh, uh...Yes, l just woke up!我是伟大的石像神龙l'm... l am the great stone dragon.早上好,我会去追回木兰的Good morning!l will go forth and fetch Mulan. 我有说我是石像神龙吗?Did... Did l mention that l was the great stone dragon?去吧go花家的命运The fate of the Fa family都交在你的手中了rests in your claws.别担心,我不会丢脸的Don't even worry about it.l will not lose face. 我好像扭到我的筋骨了Oh. My elbow!l know l twisted somethin'.这下可好,现在该怎么办?That's just great.Now what?我死定了,都是因为男人婆l'm doomed, and all 'cause Miss Man干嘛要女扮男装惹祸?decides to take her little drag show on the road.去找她?Go get her?你有毛病吗?What's the matter with you?石像神龙已裂成两半除非她是英雄我才能回来等等,这就对了我让她变成英雄就能凯旋归来就这么办我真聪明谁说你能来的?Hey, what makes you think you're comin'?你运气好吗?You're lucky?我长得像呆子吗?Do l look like a sucker to you?你什么意思?我很衰?What you mean, ''a loser''?看我拔掉你的胡须如何?How 'bout l pop one of your antennas off?再看看谁比较衰?Then who's the loser?京城来的探子lmperial scouts. 单于两位,干得好Nice work, gentlemen.你们找到匈奴军队了You found the Hun army.皇上会阻止你们The emperor will stop you.阻止我?Stop me?是他请我来的He invited me.他不断修筑长城向我挑战By building his wall,he challenged my strength.我只是陪他玩玩Well, l'm here to play his game.滚!Go!叫你们皇上派最强的军队来Tell your emperor to send his strongest armies.我等着l'm ready.送个信要多少人?How many men does it take to deliver a message?一个One.好嘛…这样呢?Okay, okay, how about this?对不起,该在哪里报到?Excuse me.Where do l sign in?我看见你有把剑Ha, l see you have a sword.我也有l have one, too.它们可是非常男人味和有力的They're very manly and... tough.我很努力在学哎l'm working on it!我骗得了谁?Oh. Who am l fooling?除非奇迹出现,我才能从军lt's going to take a miracle to get me into the army.是不是有人希望奇迹出现?Did l hear someone ask for a miracle?让我听你大声喊“啊”Let me hear you say ''aaah''!啊!Aaah!很接近了That's close enough.鬼?A ghost.你的贴身护卫龙来了你的祖先派我来完成你代父从军的愿望快点,你想跟来就快扇呀听清楚了So heed my word!如果军队发现你是个女的'Cause if the army finds out you're a girl,就只有死路一条the penalty is death!你是谁?Who are you?我是谁?Who am l?我是谁?Who am l?我是迷失灵魂的守护神l am the guardian of lost souls. 威力无比、欢乐无限l am the powerful,the pleasurable,且无坚不摧的木须the indestructible Mushu.哈帅吧?Oh. Ha, ha.Pretty hot, huh?我的祖先派只蜥蜴来帮我?Uh, my ancestors sent a little lizard to help me?喂,是龙,不是蜥蜴Hey, dragon, dragon, not lizard.我不来吐舌头那套l don't do that tongue thing.你很……You're, um...很吓人?还是很威风?lntimidating? Awe-inspiring?很小Tiny.当然Of course.这是为了让你携带方便l'm travel-size for your convenience.如果是我真实的尺寸lf l was my real size会吓死你的牛your cow here would die of fright.跪下,母牛Down, Bessie.我的威力超越人们的想像My powers are beyond your mortal imagination.举个例For instance我眼睛能看透你的盔甲哦my eyes can see straight through your armor.. 好了,够了All right, that's it!你没面子!你家会没面子Dishonor!Dishonor on your whole family.你和你家的牛都会没面子Dishonor on you,dishonor on your cow, dis... 慢点,对不起……Stop. l'm sorry. l'm sorry.我只是太紧张了l'm just nervous.l've never done this before.我从来没扮过男生那你得相信我Then you're gonna have to trust me.别再打我了And don't slap me no more.懂不懂?We clear on that?好吧,咱们上路吧All right.Let's get this show on the road!蟋蟀,拿袋子Cri-Kee, get the bags我们走罗Let's move it, heifer.好了,我们到了Okay, this is it.学学男人走路Time to show 'em your man walk.肩膀靠后、挺胸、叉开脚Shoulders back, chest high,feet apart,抬头,开步走head up and strut.神气点,一、二、三Two, three. Break it down.就这样,二、三Hup, two, three. And work it! 很美,对吧?Beautiful, isn't it?他们好恶心They're disgusting.他们是男人No, they're men.你得学他们You have to act like them,注意看so pay attention.看Look.这刺青能保护我不受伤This tattoo will protect me from harm. 我希望你能把你的钱拿回来l hope you can get your money back! 我想我做不了这样子l don't think l can do this.都是态度问题lt's all attitude.耍狠,像这个人一样Be tough, like this guy here.呸!你看什么看?What are you lookin' at?扁他,男人都这样打招呼Punch him.lt's how men say hello.阿尧,你交了朋友哦,Oh, Yao, you've made a friend.打他屁股Slap him on the behind.他们喜欢那样They like that.我要狠狠地揍你l'm gonna hit you so hard,让你老祖宗都头昏it'll make your ancestors dizzy.阿尧,放轻松,跟我念Yao, relax and chant with me.南无阿弥陀佛……感觉好点了吗?Feel better?有Yeah.你不值得我打,胆小鬼you ain't worth my time.Chicken boy.胆小鬼?Chicken boy.有种当我面说,低能儒夫Say that to my face, ya limp noodle!对不起,阿宁Oh. Sorry, Ling.你死定了Whoa! You're dead!他去那儿了!Oh, there he goes!弟兄们Hey, guys.匈奴攻下这儿The Huns have struck here,这儿和这儿here and here.我要带主力军到同萧关l will take the main troops up to the Tung Shao Pass...在单于摧毁这个村庄之前阻止他and stop Shan-Yu before he destroys this village.好高明的战术Excellent strategy, sir.我真的喜欢这份惊喜l do love surprises. 你将留下来训练新兵You will stay and train the new recruits.当赐福审核后你再加入我们校尉When Chi Fu believes you're ready,you will join us, Captain.校尉?Captain?这是重要的任务啊,将军This is an enormous responsibility, General.也许找个更有经验的士兵会……Perhaps a soldier with more experience...全班第一名、熟知战术兵法Number one in his class,extensive knowledge of training techniques优良军事家庭出身an impressive military lineage.我相信李翔会干得很出色的l believe Li Shang will do an excellent job.我会的,我不会让你失望Oh, l will. l won't let you down.这真是,我是说……This is... l mean...遵命Yes, sir.那样就好Very good then.我们会在胜利后在京城庆功We'll toast China's victory at the imperial city. 三个礼拜后给我报告l'll expect a full report in three weeks.我的报告会一字不落And l won't leave anything out.李翔校尉Captain Li Shang.中国最好的军队的统帅Leader of China's finest troops.不,是有史以来最棒的军队No. The greatest troops of all time.还真不是普通的逊Most impressive.祝你好运了,校尉Good luck, Captain. Hyah!好运Good luck,父亲Father.第一天Day one.士兵们Soldiers!是他惹起的……He started it!我不想任何人在我的军营里惹麻烦l don't need anyone causing trouble in my camp.对不起Sorry. Uh...我是说抱歉,给你看到那样l mean, uh...sorry you had to see that.不过你也知道男人就是这样But you know how it is when you get those manly urges行动起来非得动手打架不可and you just gotta kill something,修理东西啦!野炊啦!Fix things, cook outdoors...你叫什么名字?What's your name?我…你校尉在问你话呢Your commanding officer just asked you a question. 我有名字啊Uh, l've got a name.而且也是个男人的名字哦Ha! And it's a boy's name, too.阿宁,怎么样?Ling. How 'bout Ling?他才叫阿宁His name is Ling.我不是问他的名字l didn't ask for his name.我问的是你的名字l asked for yours!就叫…哈啾Try, uh, uh, ah, Chu.哈啾Ah Chu.哈啾?Ah Chu.保重身体啊!我真坏Gesundheit.Ha, ha. l kill myself.木须Mushu.木须?Mushu.-不,-那到底叫什么?-No,-Then what is it?叫平,平是我的最好的朋友Ping was my best friend growin' up. 是花平lt's Ping.花平?Ping.当然啦,平抢走我的女...Of course, Ping did steal my...是,我叫花平Yes, my name is Ping.让我看下你的征召令Let me see your conscription notice.花弧,有名的花弧?Fa Zhou? The Fa Zhou?我不知道花弧还有儿子?l didn't know Fa Zhou had a son.我爹很少提起我Um, he doesn't talk about me much.我有这种儿子也不会说出来好了,大伙儿Okay, gentlemen,多亏你们的新朋友,花平thanks to your new friend, Ping,今晚大家要把每一粒米捡干净you'll spend tonight picking up every single grain of rice.明天,我们正式开始训练And tomorrow, the real work begins你得在人缘这方面多下工夫You know, we have to work on your people skills.太阳都升起来了,睡美人Rise and shine, sleeping beauty.起来,快……Come on. Hup, hup, hup.快穿好衣服,准备好Get your clothes on.Get ready.早饭给你弄好了Got breakfast for ya.看,稀饭哟Look, you get porridge,它在对你笑耶and it's happy to see you.滚开,你会害人生病的Hey, get outta there!You gonna make people sick. 我迟到了吗?Am l late?没时间说话了No time to talk.今天是你第一天训练lt's your first day of training.要听老师话,别打架Listen to your teacher and no fightin'要乖Play nice除非有人想打你unless one of the other kids wanna fight. 你才能踢他屁股Then you have to kick the other kid's butt. 我不想踢人家屁股l don't wanna kick the other kid's butt.吃饭别说话Don't talk with your mouth full.让我看下你装狠Let's see your war face.这样吓不了人的求求你…吓吓我吧Come on! Scare me, girl.这才是我狠脸的战士That's my tough-lookin' warrior.走吧要让我感到骄傲哦Get out there and make me proud.军队已经出发了?The troops just left?他们什么了!They what?等下!你忘了你的剑了Wait! You forgot your sword.我的小宝贝要上战场了My little baby,off to destroy people.吵,你们吵什么?Order. People, order.我要炒一盘葱花蛋l'd like a pan-fried noodle.我要炒宫保虾仁,炒着肚丝啦Oh! Sweet and pungent shrimp.Moo goo gai pan.不好笑That's not funny!好像我们的新朋友今天睡过头了Looks like our new friend slept in this morning.你好啊,花平Hello, Ping.你饿不饿?Are ya hungry?是啊!因为我要赏你饱拳一顿Yeah, 'cause l owe you a knuckle sandwich.士兵们Soldiers!每天清早就要迅速整装集合You will assemble swiftly and silently every morning.任何人不听命令Anyone who acts otherwise我就让他好看will answer to me.好狠哦Ooh. Tough guy.阿尧Yao.谢谢你的自愿Thank you for volunteering.去把箭拿回来Retrieve the arrow.我去拿回来,小白脸l'll get that arrow, pretty boy, 我穿着衣服也能拿and l'll do it with my shirt on.等一下One moment.你还少了点东西You seem to be missing something.这代表纪律This represents discipline,这代表力量and this represents strength.带着它们把箭取回吧You need both to reach the arrow.看来还有得训练呢We've got a long way to go.@ Let's get down to business- [all gasp]- @ To defeat the Huns- [all] Hoo-ah!- @ Did they send me daughters@ When I asked for sons@ You're the saddest bunch I ever met @ But you can bet before we're through @ Mister, I'll make a man@ Out of you[Li Shang] @ Tranquil as a forest@ But on fire within@ Once you find your center@ You are sure to win@ You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot @ And you haven't got a clue@ Somehow I'll make a man@ Out of you@ I'm never gonna catch my breath@ Say good-bye to those who knew me @ Boy, was I a fool in schoolFor cutting gym[Mushu] @ This guy's got 'emScared to death[Mulan] @ Hope he doesn't seeRight through me@ Now I really wishThat I knew how to swim.[men] @ Be a man@ We must be swift as a coursing river @ Be a man@ With all the force of a great typhoon @ Be a man@ With all the strength of a raging fire @ Mysterious as the dark sideOf the moon@ Time is racing toward us@ Till the Huns arrive@ Heed my every order@ And you might survive@ You're unsuited for the rage of war @ So pack up, go home you're through @ How could I make a man@ Out of you[men] @ Be a man@ We must be swift as a coursing river @ Be a man@ With all the force of a great typhoon @ Be a man@ With all the strength of a raging fire - @ Mysterious as the dark side- [men cheering]@ Of the moon@ Be a man@ We must be swift as a coursing river @ Be a man@ With all the force of a great typhoon @ Be a man@ With all the strength of a raging fire - @ Mysterious as the dark side- [all grunting]@ Of the moon @你们看到什么?What do you see?黑松木Black pine,来自高山的……from the high mountains.一匹白马,京城的良马White horse hair.lmperial stallions.硫磺,是大炮Sulfur, from cannons.这娃娃来自同萧关的村子This doll came from a village in the Tung Shao Pass,京城士兵在那儿埋伏where the imperial army is waiting for us.我们能轻松避开他们We can avoid them easily.不,最快进京城就是经过那关No.The quickest way to the emperor is through that pass.除此之外And besides,小女孩会想念他的娃娃the little girl will be missing her doll.我们该还给她We should return it to her.这不太好啦No, this is not a good idea.被人看到怎么办?What if somebody sees you?就算要看上去像男人Just because l look like a man也不必弄得浑身发臭doesn't mean l have to smell like one.有些人袜子都没洗啊So a couple of guys don't rinse out their socks. 挑剔Picky, picky, picky.我自己有点喜欢那股怪味道Well, myself, l kind of like that corn chip smell. 够了…All right. That's enough.你再泡就要脱皮了Get out before you get all pruny and stuff.木须Mushu,如果你这么担心,就帮我看着啊if you're so worried,go stand watch.是啊…Yeah, yeah.帮我守着,木须Stand watch, Mushu,别让我被人揭穿,受不了while l blow our secret with my stupid girlie habits.'我们完蛋了!We're doomed!他们一定会发现有两点不同There are a couple of things l know they're bound to notice!花平Hey, Ping!嗨!哥儿们Oh, hi, guys.我不知道你们来了l didn't know you were here.我刚洗好l was just washing.现在干净了我要走了,再见So now l'm clean, and l'm gonna go. Bye-bye. 回来嘛Come back here.我知道我们以前对你不太好l know we were jerks to you before,让我们重新开始吧so let's start over.嗨!我叫阿宁Hi. l'm Ling.我叫金宝And l'm Chien-Po.嗨!金宝我…And I.. 叫阿尧am Yao!石头之王King of the rock!跟你们这些娘娘腔不一样And there's nothin' you girls can do about it. 是吗?Oh, yeah?我和花平就对付得了你Well, l think Ping and l can take you.我真的不想对付他l really don't wanna take him anywhere.花平,我们得打呀Ping, we have to fight!不,我们不要No, we don't.我们可以闭上眼晴We could just close our eyes并且游远一点and swim around.来啦,别像个女...Come on. Don't be such a gir...有东西咬我Ouch! Something bit me!味道真恶心What a nasty flavor.蛇!Snake!有蛇!Snake!蛇……Snake!岩石之王不错嘛Some king of the rock. Aah!天啊,好险Boy, that was close.才怪,真下流!你欠我一个大大的人情No. That was vile.You owe me big.我再也不想看到脱光的男人l never want to see a naked man again.别看我Hey, don't look at me.我再不咬屁股了l ain't bitin' no more butts.你以为你军队准备好上战场吗?You think your troops are ready to fight?没两下就会被匈奴打垮Ha! They would not last a minute against the Huns!他们完成了训练They completed their training.那些小毛孩不适合做士兵……Those boys are no more fit to be soldiers你也不适合做校尉than you are to be captain.等将军看到我的报告Once the general reads my report,你们就别想上战场your troops will never see battle.你休想,我一定要让木兰上战场Oh, no, you don't!I've worked too hard to get Mulan into this war.那家伙坏了我的计划哎This guy's messin' with my plan.我还没说完We're not finished!小心点,校尉Be careful, Captain.将军是你的父亲The general may be your father,但是我是皇上的宰相but l am the emperor's counsel. 顺便说一句…And, oh, by the way,那个职位是我靠自己努力得来的l got that job on my own.退下吧You're dismissed.我抓着他让你打Hey. l'll hold him, and you punch.当我没说Or not.我觉得……For what it's worth,你是了不起的校尉l think you're a great captain.我看出来了l saw that.什么?What?你喜欢他,对吧?You like him, don't you?没,我…No! l ..是的没错了!回你的帐篷去!Yeah, right, sure.Go to your tent!现在该我们掌控战局了l think it's time we took this war into our own hands.让我看看Let me see what you got.李将军书From General Li.儿子,我们在关口等待匈奴Dear son,we're waiting for Huns at the pass. 如果你来支援就意义重大lt would mean a lot if you'd come back us up.''不错,不过你忘了,因为我们缺花粉That's great. Except you forgot,Since we're out of potpourri,也许你不介意带送一点来perhaps you wouldn't mind bringing some.'' 拜托,这是军书哎Hello! This is the army!要听起来更紧急一点Make it sound more urgent!知道我说的吗?Know what l'm talkin' about?这还差不多,走吧That's better.Much better. Let's go.阿汗小亲亲Khanny, baby.我们要搭个便车Hey, we need a ride.不知羞耻的无赖lnsubordinate ruffians!你们欠我一双新的拖鞋You men owe me a new pair of slippers!我才不会像娘儿们乱叫And l do not squeal like a girl.将军府有令Urgent news from the general.怎么,没见过特殊快递吗?What's the matter? You've never seen a black and white before?你是谁?Who are you?什么?我想问题是,你是谁Excuse me?l think the question is, who are you?我们正在打仗哎,老兄We're in a war, man!没时间问蠢问题There's no time for stupid questions! 我应该摘下你的乌沙帽l should have your hat for that.Snatch it right off your head.但我今天大发慈悲But l'm feeling gracious today,就不告发你了so carry on before l report you.校尉,将军府来急今Captain, urgent news from the general!前线需要我们支援We're needed at the front.收拾行李,蟋蟀,我们走Pack your bags, Cri-Kee.We're movin' out.@ For a long time We've been marching off to battle长期训练只为上战场@ In our thundering herd We feel a lot like cattle像头大黄牛拉车耕田[mooing]@ Like a pounding beat our aching feet昂首迈大步@ Aren't easy to ignore不容忽视@ Hey! Think of instead待凯旋归来@ A girl worth fighting for佳人等着我That's what l said.我就这个意思@ A girl worth fighting for佳人等着我@ I want her paler than the moon我的她皎白像月亮@ With eyes that shine like stars眼眸赛星光[Yao] @ My girl will marvel At my strength我的她欣赏我健壮@ Adore my battle scars羡慕我满身伤疤[Chien-Po] @ I couldn't care less What she'll wear不管她穿啥衣裳@ Or what she looks like或长啥模样@ It all depends on what she cooks like我只希望她是好厨娘@ Beef, pork, chicken, mmm牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉@ Bet the local girls thought You were quite the charmer这里的姑娘以为你是个大帅哥@ And I'll bet the ladies Love a man in armor 世上美女迷恋盔甲戎装的男人[men] @ You can guess What we have missed the most我们错过了什么- @ Since we went off to war自从我们去战场- [Ling] @ What do we want- @ A girl worth fighting for佳人等着我@ My girl will think I have no faults我的她认为我没缺点@ That I'm a major find我是大好人@ Uh, how 'bout a girl who's got a brain聪明有智慧的女人如何呢- @ Who always speaks her mind- [together] nah!还有自己的主张- 切@ My manly ways and turn of phrase我为人风趣@ Are sure to thrill her逗她乐弯腰@ He thinks he's such a lady-killer他觉得自己是妇女杀手@ I've a girl back home Who's unlike any other我故乡的爱人是与众不同的@ Yeah, the only girl Who'd love him is his mother痴痴想念他的,是他老妈[men] @ But when we come home In victory 我们打胜仗重回故里@ They'll line up at the door父老乡亲倚门而望- @ What do we want- @ A girl worth fighting for我们要什么?-佳人等着我@ Wish that I had@ A girl worth fighting for佳人等着我@ A girl worth fighting... @佳人等着我寻找生还者Search for survivors.我不懂l don't understand.父亲应该在这里啊My father should've been here.校尉Captain!将军的头盔The general.抱歉l'm sorry.匈奴来势汹汹The Huns are moving quickly.我们要尽快。

4-5人剧本,短小搞笑Roles: 太子丹;荆轲;荆轲妻;谋士阿三;莫愁;旁白旁白(Aside )/介绍(Introduction):Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous swordsman and was s ent to kill king of Qing, “Yingzheng”. But finally he failed. Do you want to know what happened at that time? Okay, next show will tell you the truth.Action I太子丹(上,掏出镜子梳头,做自恋状):Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most pretty man in the world? (画外音:It’s you, Prince Dan! 太子丹高兴状) Thank u mirror! (面对观众)I’m Prince Dan, the magic mirror said I am the most attractive man in the world. But Ying Zheng is a jealous guy, I feel he will kill me if mirror told him the truth. I am so scared. So what can I do? (向幕里大叫) Where is my minister?阿三(毕恭毕敬) : Honey, I am coming. I have a good idea. We can find a hero to kill YingZheng~~~(作杀状)太子:Oh yeah~~~. What is the most expensive commodity in this century? Talent!(二十一世纪最需要的是什么,人才!这句话要跟观众交流,最好由观众来回答,然后拍阿三肩膀,做赞许状)Good idea! But who is the right candidate?阿三:After screening I have two promising persons on hand. One is Miss LiMoChou, the other is Mr JinKe. Tomorrow they will PK for the NO1 killer of the world.太子:Well, show me the winner as soon as possible, OK?阿三:Yes.Action II(《十面埋伏》中刘德华&金成武决斗时的音乐)荆轲Are you Li mochou?李莫愁Yes.荆轲OK. I’m Jingke, you know, I will let you know I am the king of the killers’ world.李莫愁Are you challenging me?荆轲Of course! 耸耸肩表示同意李莫愁Come on!音乐起两人冲上前来“人在江湖漂啊,哪有不挨刀啊,一刀砍死你啊,两刀砍死你啊。

-这个开了吗? -就这样-Is this on? -That's fine.我会穿墙破壁却不会...I can break through walls, I just can't...-就这样-却不会玩这个-That's fine. -I can't get this on.神奇超人... 你有保密的身份吗?Mr. Incredible... Do you have a secret identity?每个超级英雄都有保密的身份我还不知道有谁不是这样Every superhero has a secret identity. I don't know a single one who doesn't.谁愿意一直承担当超人的压力呢?Who wants the pressure of being super all the time?我当然有保密的身份啦Of course I have a secret identity.你以为会在超市里看见我穿成这样? 得了Can you see me in this at the supermarket? Come on.谁愿意用弹力女侠的身份去买东西明白我的意思吗?Who'd want to go shopping as Elastigirl, know what I mean?那些女超人总是想把自己的保密身份告诉你Superladies, they're always trying to tell you their secret identity.她们觉得可以这样来套近乎Think it'll strengthen the relationship or something.我就说:I said,"姑娘我不想知道你那温柔的另一面" "Girl, I don't want to know about yourmild-mannered alter ego or anything like that."我是说你告诉我你是宇宙无敌超级霹雳小甜甜I mean, you tell me you're asuper-mega-ultra-lightning-babe,那就行了我很满意很满意that's all right with me. I'm good. I'm good. 不管你多少次拯救世界No matter how many times you save the world,它总是又会陷入危机it always manages to get back in jeopardy again.有时候我真想叫它消停一下明白吗? Sometimes I just want it to stay saved, you know?只要一会儿我觉得自己像女佣一样"我刚刚把这里收拾好For a little bit. I feel like the maid. "I just cleaned up this mess.咱们就不能让它干净个十分钟吗? " Can we keep it clean for ten minutes?"我能理解I could get to that point.-"劳驾? " -还没结束呢-"Please?" -We're not finished.有时我觉得我就喜欢平平淡淡的生活你明白吗?Sometimes I think I'd just like the simple life, you know?稍微休息一下安心养家Relax a little and raise a family.退隐江湖? 你开玩笑吧? 我正在兴头上呢!Settle down? Are you kidding? I'm at the top of my game!我可是跻身大人物的行列! 姑娘们来吧I'm up there with the big dogs! Girls, come on.把拯救世界的工作让给男人? 我可不同意Leave the saving of the world to the men? I don't think so.我可不同意I don't think so.现在插播一条新闻We interrupt for a bulletin.警方正在飞车追捕持枪歹徒A high-speed pursuit between police and armed gunmen is underway,他们沿圣帕布洛大道向北行驶traveling northbound on San Pablo Ave.单独追捕好啊我有时间Yeah, I've got time.神奇超人神奇超人Mr. Incredible.-怎么了太太? -我的猫小喳喳不肯下来-What is it, ma'am? -My cat, Squeaker, won't come down.好的建议您站远点可能有麻烦Certainly. I suggest you stand clear. There could be trouble.不会他很乖的No, he's quite tame.快放手Let go now.谢谢你神奇超人你又成功了Thank you, Mr. Incredible. You've done it again.-你是最棒的-不只是刚好来这儿帮忙-You're the best. -No, I'm just here to help.各单位注意发生了观光巴士抢劫案... All units. We have a tour bus robbery...观光巴士抢劫案我还有时间Tour bus robbery. I've still got time.警官太太小喳喳Officers. Ma'am. Squeaker.-酷! 准备出动! -这是...?-Cool! Ready for take-off! -What the...? -你到底是谁? -我是神奇小子-Who are you supposed to be? -I'm IncrediBoy.什么? 不对What? No.你是那个追星族俱乐部的孩子You're that kid from the fan club.布洛菲布洛迪巴迪! 你叫巴迪! Brophy. Brody. Buddy! Buddy!我叫神奇小子My name is IncrediBoy.我一直对你们很和气跟你们合影I've been nice, I've stood for photos,在你们给我的每张纸上签名可这... signed every scrap of paper you pushed at me...啊不用费心训练我我知道你的动作No, don't worry about training me. I know your moves,打击犯罪的风格最喜欢的口头禅我全知道!crime fighting style, favorite catch phrases, everything!我是你的头号崇拜者!I'm your number one fan!喂喂等一下!Hey! Hey, wait!你知道...You know......看一个女人钱包里的东西就可以对她了解许多...you can tell a lot about a woman by the contents of her purse,不过这也许不是你的目的but maybe that's not what you had in mind. -嘿你瞧...Hey, look...弹力女侠Elastigirl.神奇超人Mr. Incredible.-那没关系我已经逮到他了-当然啦你已经逮到他了-It's all right. I've got him. -Sure, you've got him.-我只不过替你制住他-没错你干的-I just took him out for you. -Sure, you did. -他的注意力都在我身上-我利用了这一点来做我的工作-His attention was on me. -A fact I exploited to do my job.-你是说我的工作吧-你说声谢谢总可以吧-My job, you mean. -A simple thank you will suffice.谢了可我不需要帮忙Thanks, but I don't need any help.那"女士优先"怎么说?Whatever happened to "ladies first"?那"男女平等"又怎么说?Well, whatever happened to equal treatment?喂是这个小姐先逮到我的Look, the lady got me first.-好吧我们可以分摊-我是单干的-Well, we could share, you know. -I work alone.哦那么我觉得你应该再多点...Well, I think you need to be more......弹性...flexible.你待会儿有事吗?Are you doing anything later?我已经和人约好了I have a previous engagement.现在你就呆在这儿吧Now, you just stay here.他们一般会在一小时内收拾垃圾的They usually pick up the garbage in an hour. -嘿神奇超人! -嘿寒冰侠!-Hey, Incredible! -Hey, Frozone!-你还没准备好吗? -我还有时间呢-Shouldn't you be getting ready? -I still got time.他要跳了He's gonna jump!你把我的骨头弄断了I think you broke something.等你接受心理治疗后会原谅我的With counseling, I think you'll come to forgive me.等一下Wait a minute.炸弹魔Bomb Voyage.神奇超人还有神奇小子!And IncrediBoy!神奇小子?IncrediBoy?你不想知道我为什么来得这么快吗? 因为我穿了火箭靴Aren't you curious about how I get around so fast? I have rocket boots.-回家去巴迪快点-什么?-Go home, Buddy. Now. -What?蠢小子...我们能谈谈吗?Can we talk?你总说要坦诚面对你自己You always say be true to yourself,可你没说过是对哪一部分but you never say which part to be true to.好了现在我终于想明白我是谁了Well, I've finally figured out who I am.我是你的卫兵... 神奇小子!I am your ward... IncrediBoy!可你现在走得太远了巴迪And now, you have officially carried it too far, Buddy.因为我没有超能力对吗?This is because I don't have powers, isn't it? 你知道不是每个超级英雄都有超能力的Not every superhero has powers, you know.没有超能力也可以当超人You can be super without them.我发明了这些东西我能飞你能飞吗?I invented these. I can fly. Can you fly?那就飞回家去巴迪我是单干的Fly home, Buddy. I work alone.而且你的那套行头可笑至极!给我一次机会就行! 我会让你瞧瞧我去找警察来Just give me one chance! I'll show you. I'll go get the police.-巴迪不要! -一会儿就行真的-Buddy, don't! -It'll only take a second, really. 停下! 有炸弹!No, stop! There's a bomb!放开你把我的飞行模式搅乱了Let go, you're wrecking my flight pattern.-你要是放手我就能飞好! -你就不能...? -I can do this if you let go! -Will you just...? -我是想帮你! 停下! -别抓着我的披风! -I'm trying to help! Stop! -Let go of my cape!送这小子回家一定要让她妈妈知道他干的好事Take this one home. And make sure his mom knows what he's been doing.我能帮你你是在铸成大...I can help you. You're making a mist... 那个跳楼者受伤了你们派医护人员了吗?The injured jumper. You sent paramedics?他们把他带走了They picked him up.大楼里的爆炸是炸弹魔干的The blast in that building was caused by Bomb Voyage他抢劫金库时被我撞上了who I caught robbing the vault.要是我们封锁这一带也许能逮住他We might nab him if we set up a perimeter. -他逃掉了? -嗯是的-He got away? -Well, yeah.-都是因为这小淘气-是神奇小子!-Skippy here made sure of that. -IncrediBoy. 我跟你可没关系! 糟糕我迟到了You're not affiliated with me! Holy smokes,I'm late.听着我得马上到别处去Listen, I've gotta be somewhere.-那么炸弹魔呢? -以后再说我会去抓他的-What about Bomb Voyage? -Any other night, I'd go after him,不过现在我真得走了别担心我们会逮到他的! 总有一天!but I really gotta go. Don't worry. We'll get him! Eventually!-今晚还有时间吧? -你迟到很久了-Is the night still young? -You're very late.-我看起来怎样? 还行吧? -面具你还戴着面具呢-How do I look? Good? -The mask. You still got the mask.好戏开场Showtime.罗伯特·帕尔您愿意让这女子成为你的合法妻子吗?Robert Parr, will you have this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?你迟到了你那时问我待会儿有没有事You're late. When you asked if I was doing anything later,我还没想到是你忘记了我以为你是在和我开玩笑呢I didn't realize you'd forgotten. I thought it was playful banter.-真的是玩笑-你不觉得你把时间留得太紧了吗?-It was. -Cutting it close, don't you think?你需要再多点... 弹性You need to be more... flexible.我爱你可要是我们想让这婚姻美满I love you, but if we're gonna make this work, 你就不能光顾着当神奇超人you've gotta be more than Mr. Incredible.你愿意吗?You know that. Don't you?-...只要你们二人仍然在世? -我愿意-...so long as you both shall live? -I do.我宣布这对新人结为夫妻I pronounce this couple husband and wife.只要我们都还在世不管发生了什么事As long as we both shall live. No matter what happens.嘿别逗了我们是超级英雄啊还能发生什么事?Hey, come on. We're superheroes. What could happen?经过一连串令人眼花缭乱的事件一位超级英雄遭到起诉In a stunning turn of events, a superhero is being sued原因是他救了显然不想被搭救的人for saving someone who, apparently, didn't want to be saved. 原告奥利弗·桑斯维特The plaintiff, Oliver Sansweet,在企图自杀时被神奇超人阻止who was foiled in his attempted suicide by Mr. Incredible,他向高级法院提出了针对这位著名超级英雄的诉讼has filed suit against the famed superhero in Superior Court.桑斯维特先生并没有呼救他不想被人救Mr. Sansweet didn't ask to be saved. He didn't want to be saved.由于神奇超人的"行动"导致的伤害The injury received from Mr. Incredible's "actions",-令他终日生活在痛苦中-我救了你的命! -causes him daily pain. -I saved your life!你不是救了我的命! 你是让我求死不能! You didn't save my life! You ruined my death.我的当事人没有意见My client has no comment.五天以后高架铁路事故的受害者又提出了另一起诉讼Another suit was filed by victims of the el train accident.神奇超人的败诉令政府付出了数百万元Incredible's court losses cost the government millions.同时也引发了世界各地数十起超级英雄诉讼案的风潮And opened the flood gates for dozens of superhero lawsuits the world over.现在该让他们的保密身份成为他们唯一的身份了It is time for their secret identity to become their only identity.他们现在要选择是加入我们还是离开Time for them to join us, or go away.迫于巨大的公众压力和没完没了的诉讼Under public pressure, and the financialburden带来的巨额财政负担of an ever mounting series of lawsuits,政府悄悄启动了超级英雄重新安置案the government quietly initiated the superhero relocation program.超人们以往的过失得到了特赦The supers were granted amnesty from responsibility for past actions,作为交换条件他们承诺再也不充当英雄的角色in exchange for the promise to never again resume hero work.昔日英雄今何在?Where are they now?他们就生活在我们中间平凡的公民平凡的英雄They are living among us. Average citizens, average heroes.默默无闻隐姓埋名继续为世界作着贡献Quietly and anonymously continuing to make the world a better place.拒绝? 你拒绝我的索赔要求?Denied? You're denying my claim?(十五年后) 我不明白我买了全保的I don't understand. I have full coverage.很抱歉霍根森太太I'm sorry, Mrs. Hogenson,但是我们的义务在第17段已经写明了but our liability is spelled out in paragraph 17. -上面讲得很清楚... -这这个我付不起-It states clearly... -I can't pay for this.不好意思理赔科鲍勃·帕尔Excuse me. Claims, Bob Parr.我是要告诉你一个重大喜讯I'm calling to celebrate a momentous occasion. 我们现在算是正式住进来了We're now officially moved in.哦好啊棒极了亲爱的Yeah, well, that's great, honey.那么过去三年不算是因为...The last three years don't count because...因为我终于拆开了最后一个箱子Because I finally unpacked the last box.现在是正式的了哈哈哈Now, it's official. Ha, ha, ha.-我们怎么有这么多垃圾? -听着我在接待一个客户-Why do we have so much junk? -Listen, I've got a client.不用说了拯救世界去吧一次一张保单亲爱的Say no more. Go save the world one policy at a time, honey.哦! 我该去接孩子了晚上见Oh! I gotta go pick up the kids. See you tonight.再见亲爱的不好意思我们说到哪儿了?Bye, honey. Excuse me. Where were we?我是靠固定收入过日子的要是你不能帮我I'm on a fixed income, and if you can't help me,我真不知道该怎么办I don't know what I'll do.好吧听好了我是想帮你可我办不到All right, listen closely. I'd like to help you, but I can't.我很想告诉你拿一份保单的复印件去找诺玛·威尔考克斯...I'd like to tell you to take a copy of your policy to Norma Wilcox on...诺玛·威尔考克斯W-l-L-C-O-X 在三楼可我办不到Norma Wilcox. W-I-L-C-O-X. On the third floor.But I can't.我也不会建议你填写WS2475表格I also do not advise you to fill out and file a WS2475 form然后交到二楼的法律部门with our legal department on the second floor.我估计也不会有什么人能很快帮你解决问题的I wouldn't expect someone to get back to you quickly to resolve the matter.我很想帮你但是我什么也做不了I'd like to help, but there's nothing I can do. -哦谢谢你年轻人-对不起太太我知道你很苦恼!-Oh, thank you, young man. -Sorry. I know you're upset!-装作很苦恼Pretend to be upset.帕尔!Parr!你批准了沃克那份保单的赔款!You authorized payment on the Walker policy! 哈夫先生有人闯进了他们家Someone broke into their house, Mr. Huph. -他们的保单包含了... -这个我不想知道-Their policy covers... -I don't wanna know about it.别跟我说这个Don't tell me about it.跟我说说你是怎么让咱们公司一直赔钱的Tell me how you're keeping lnsuricare in the black.告诉我你怎么会给每一个Tell me how that's possible, with you writing checks给你打电话的霉运先生和苦命小姐写支票的! to every Harry Hardluck and Sally Sobstory that gives you a phone call.上午休息时间结束上午休息时间结束Morning break is over. Morning break is over. 很高兴你能来帕尔太太I appreciate you coming down here, Mrs. Parr. 这是怎么了? 达什做错什么了?What's this about? Has Dash done something wrong?他是害群之马他公然在全班面前嘲弄我He's a disruptive influence and he openly mocks me in front of the class.-他说的-我知道是你干的!-He says. -Look, I know it's you!-他在我的椅子上放图钉-你看见是他干的?-He puts thumbtacks on my stool. -You saw him do this?哦... 没有亲眼看见Well... not really. No.说实话没有Actually, not.哦那你怎么知道是他干的?Oh, then how do you know it was him?我藏了一台摄像机对这一次我算是逮到他了I hid a camera. Yeah, and this time, I've got him.看见吗? 你们看见吗?See? You see?你们没看见?You don't see it?他动了! 就在那儿!He moves! Right there!等等等等! 就在那儿!Wait, wait! Right there!就在我坐下去的时候!Right as I'm sitting down!我不知道他是怎么干的I don't know how he does it,可就在他动以前那里没有钉子but there's no tack before he moves他一动就有钉子了是巧合吗? 我不信!and after he moves, there's a tack. Coincidence? I think not!-伯尼... -别叫我"伯尼"-Bernie... -Don't "Bernie" me.这个小鬼头是坏蛋!This little rat is guilty!帕尔太太您和您的儿子可以走了抱歉给您添麻烦了You and your son can go now, Mrs. Parr. I'm sorry for the trouble.你又放他走了? 他是坏蛋!You're letting him go again? He's guilty!看他小脸的得意样就知道坏蛋我说了坏蛋!You can see it on his smug little face. Guilty, I say, guilty!达什今年你是第三次给叫到办公室了Dash, this is the third time this year you've been sent to the office.我们得找个更好的办法更有建设性的办法We need to find a better outlet. A more... constructive outlet.要是你让我去参加运动会没准就行Maybe I could, if you'd let me go out for sports.亲爱的你知道我们为什么不能那么做Honey, you know why we can't do that.我保证会有分寸的我只会赢他们一点点I promise I'll slow up. I'll only be the best by a tiny bit.达什尔·罗伯特·帕尔Dashiell Robert Parr,你是个特别争强好胜的孩子还有一点爱卖弄you are an incredibly competitive boy. And a bit of a showoff.你最禁不起诱惑The last thing you need is temptation.你老是说"尽力而为" 可你从来就不是那个意思You always say, "Do your best." But you don't really mean it.我能尽力的为什么不让我尽力?Why can't I do the best that I can do?亲爱的如今的世界只要我们溶入其中Right now, honey, the world just wants us to fit in,为了溶入其中我们就得像其他所有人一样and to fit in, we just gotta be like everybody else.爸爸常说我们有超能力没什么好难为情的Dad always said our powers were nothing to be ashamed of.-我们的超能力让我们很特别-人人都很特别达什-Our powers made us special. -Everyone's special, Dash.那也就是说没什么人是特别的Which is another way of saying no one is.莱丁杰你上哪儿去?Rydinger, where you headed?-嗨托尼-嘿-Hi, Tony. -Hey.-嘿托尼可以帮你拿书吗? -那可有点好笑-Hey, Tony, can I carry your books? -That's kind of funny.嘿托尼你打橄榄球吗?Hey, Tony, do you play football?托尼我们去游泳吧Tony, I thought we were gonna go swimming. 他看了我一眼He looked at me.-快点薇奥莱特!Come on, Violet!可恶的孩子在车道上放这个...Darn kids. Sitting on the driveway...哦好极了Oh, great.妈妈Mom.-你又在做鬼脸-才没有-You're making weird faces again. -No, I'm not. 你做鬼脸了亲爱的You make weird faces, honey.-你非得在饭桌上看吗? -啊哈是的-Do you have to read at the table? -Uh-huh. Yeah.小口咬达什呀!Smaller bites, Dash. Yikes!鲍勃帮这个小肉桶把肉切一下吧? Bob, could you help the carnivore cut his meat.达什有什么学校里的事要跟爸爸说吗? Dash, you have something you wanna tell your father about school?-哦我们解剖了一只青蛙-达什又给叫到办公室去了-Well, we dissected a frog. -Dash got sent to the office again.-很好很好-不鲍勃这不好-Good. Good. -No, Bob, that's bad.-什么? -达什又给叫到办公室去了-What? -Dash got sent to the office again.-什么? 为什么? -没什么-What?! What for? -Nothing. 他在老师的椅子上放图钉... 是在上课的时候He put a tack on the teacher's chair... during class.没人看见你在录像带上都很难看出来Nobody saw me. You could barely see it on the tape.他们给你拍了录像带可还是让你逃过了? 哇!They caught you on tape and you still got away with it? Whoa!你准是一直在练你的动作有多快?You must have been booking. How fast were you going?我们不是要鼓励他这么干We are not encouraging this.没有啊我只是问有多快...I'm not, I'm just asking how fast...-亲爱的!Honey!好极了先是汽车现在又要花钱修饭桌...Great. First the car, now I gotta pay to fix the table...汽车怎么了?What happened to the car?给我去拿个新盘子Here. I'm getting a new plate.那么你怎么样小薇? 学校里怎样? So, how about you, Vi? How was school?-没什么好说的-你的饭都没动过-Nothing to report. -You've hardly touched your food.-我不想吃肉糕-哦今晚又要留下剩饭了-I'm not hungry for meatloaf. -Well, it is leftover night.我们还有肉排意大利面... 你想要什么? We have steak, pasta... What are you hungry for?-托尼·莱丁杰-闭嘴-Tony Rydinger. -Shut up.-好你真的在想他-我说了闭嘴你这小臭虫-Well, you are. -I said, shut up, you little insect.-她是在想他-别在饭桌上大喊大叫-Well, she is. -Do not shout at the table.-亲爱的! -孩子们! 听妈妈的话!-Honey! -Kids! Listen to your mother.假如我们有托尼糕她就会吃了She'd eat if we were having Tony loaf.好啊!That's it!住手!Stop it!-你会变成吐司面包! -别在家里乱跑-You're gonna be toast! -Stop running in the house.坐下!Sit down!-嘿不准用超能力场! -是你起的头-Hey, no force fields! -You started it.你坐下! 你也坐下!You sit down! You sit down!薇奥莱特!Violet!"西蒙·J·帕拉蒂诺"Simon J. Paladino,超级英雄权利的长期鼓吹者失踪了"? longtime advocate of superhero rights, is missing"?-激光眼-鲍勃! 你该来管管了-Gazerbeam. -Bob! It's time to engage.做点什么! 别光站着!Do something! Don't just stand there! -我要你插手! -你要我插手?-I need you to intervene! -You want me to intervene?好的我插手了! 我插手了!Okay. I'm intervening!薇奥莱特放开你弟弟Violet, let go of your brother.哈啰?Hello?去开门Get the door.-嘿卢修斯! -嘿飞毛腿海伦小薇杰杰-Hey, Lucius! -Hey, Speedo. Helen, Vi,Jack-Jack.-真是贵"冰"来访-哈! 这话可真新鲜-lce of you to drop by. -Ha! Never heard that one before.-卢修斯! -哇!-Lucius! -Whoa!-哈哈-噢!-Ha, ha. -Oh!-我喜欢它碎掉的时候-我会晚点回来-I like it when it shatters. -I'll be back later.-你们两个去哪? -今天星期三-Where are you two going? -It's Wednesday.保龄球之夜替我向汉妮问好卢修斯Bowling night. Say hello to Honey for me, Lucius.会的晚安海伦晚安孩子们Will do. Good night, Helen. Good night, kids.别以为你去校长室的事就这么了结了Don't think you've avoided talking about the principal's office.你爸爸和我还会找你谈话的Your father and I are still gonna discuss it.又不是只有我一个人给叫到办公室去I'm not the only kid who's been sent to theoffice.别的孩子没有超能力Other kids don't have superpowers.-现在绝对正常... -你知道什么是正常? -Now, it's perfectly normal... -What do you know about normal?这个家里有人知道什么是正常吗?What does anyone in this family know about normal?-等一下小姑娘-我们都装得很正常我也想做正常人-Now, wait a minute, young lady. -We act normal. I wanna be normal.可唯一正常的人就是杰杰他还不会自己用马桶The only normal one is Jack-Jack, and he's not even toilet trained.-真好运Lucky.我是说做正常人真好I meant about being normal.所以我就有大麻烦了So now I'm in deep trouble.我是说要是再来上一道死光我就要进棺材了I mean, one more jolt of this death ray andI'm an epitaph.好在我总算找到了躲的地方然后无情男爵怎么做?Somehow I managed to find cover. What does Baron Von Ruthless do?-他开始长篇大论-他开始长篇大论-He starts monologuing. -He starts monologuing.他开始发表早就准备好的演讲说我跟他比起来怎么怎么弱He starts this prepared speech about how feeble I am compared to him.说我的失败怎么怎么不可避免How inevitable my defeat is, 世界很快就是他的了怎样怎样...the world will soon be his. Yada, yada, yada. -没完没了-没完没了-Yammering. -Yammering.这家伙打得我没脾气而且还说个没完I mean, the guy has me on a platter, and he won't shut up.-穆尼西堡我们接到23-56... -23-56 那是什么?-Municiberg, we have a 23-56... -23-56, what is that?-抢劫? -真是倒霉-Robbery? -This is just sad.-想去抓强盗吗? -不想-Want to catch a robber? -No.实话跟你说吧我宁可去打保龄球Tell you the truth, I'd rather go bowling.你说要是我们真的去干我们的Look, what if we actually老婆以为我们在干的事情那不好吗?did what our wives think we're doing?就算是平衡一下Just to shake things up.他不是一个人那个大块头还和他在一起He's not alone. The fat guy's still with him.他们一直在说话They're just talking.-我们在这里算是干什么? -保护别人-What are we doing here? -Protecting people. -没人求我们保护-你想要别人请你?-Nobody asked us. -You need an invitation?想啊对我们一直偷偷摸摸地干这种事...I'd like one, yes. We keep sneaking out to do this, and...-你记得激光眼吗? -报上提到过他-You remember Gazerbeam? -There wassomething in the paper.-他也过不惯小老百姓的生活-你什么时候看见他的?-He had trouble with civilian life. -When did you see him?以前的老伙计我都没看见只有你I don't see anyone from the old days. Just you.-现在我们又是这样来赌运气-得了-And we're pushing our luck as it is. -Come on.第一次是很好玩可要是我们一直这么干...It was fun the first time, but if we keep doing this...-我们接到火灾报告... -火灾我们离那儿很近!-We have a report on a fire... -A fire. We're close!-好啊宝贝! -我们会给逮住的-Yeah, baby! -We're gonna get caught.火灾! 好啊!Fire! Yeah!-所有人都在这儿了? -对-Is that everybody? -Yeah.-最好是这样-你就不能把这火灭了吗?-It better be. -Can't you put this out?我做不出足够厚的冰! 它蒸发得太快了!I can't lay down a layer thick enough! It's evaporating too fast!-这是什么意思? -意思是这里太热了-What's that mean? -It means it's hot.-我都给烤干了鲍勃-你的冰用完了?-I'm dehydrated, Bob. -You're out of ice?你不可能用完的你连空气里的水都能用You can't run out. You can use water in the air.这种空气里没有水! 你又有什么借口把肌肉用完了?There is no water in this air! What's your excuse, run out of muscle? 我不能把墙打破这幢楼快撑不住了I can't smash walls. The building's getting weaker.-它会砸到我们头顶上的-我想去打保龄球的!-It's gonna come down on top of us. -I wanted to go bowling!好吧! 跟紧了! 会很热的!All right! Stay right on my tail! This is gonna get hot!哦很好Oh, good.不对劲啊That ain't right.-我们看起来就像三流坏蛋! -你可以从空气里取水了-We look like incompetent bad guys! -You can get water out of the air.别动!Freeze!别动!Freeze!-我口渴-我说了别动!-I'm thirsty. -I said freeze!我只是喝点水I'm just getting a drink.-你已经喝过了现在... -我知道我知道冰冻!-You've had your drink. Now... -I know. I know. Freeze.警察!Police officers!这次真是太险了That was way too close.咱们再也不能这么干了We are not doing that again.你确认要换目标吗? 完毕Verify you want to switch targets? Over.相信我这就是他一直在找的人Trust me. This is the one he's been looking for.-我以为你最晚11点能回来-我说了会晚点回来-I thought you'd be back by 11. -I said I'd be back later.我是以为你会晚一点回来只要你最后还是回来了...I assumed you'd be back later. If you came back at all...-...就算是"晚点回来" -好了我已经回来了行了吧?-...you'd be "back later". -Well, I'm back, okay?这是碎石吧?Is this rubble?稍微练习一下而已免得身体僵掉了It was just a little workout. Just to stay loose.你知道我是怎么想的真是的! 我们不能再暴露身份了You know how I feel about that. Darn you! We can't blow cover again.-总之是因为那幢楼塌了-什么?-The building was coming down anyway.-What?你把一幢楼弄塌了?You knocked down a building?它着火了结构不牢了所以就塌了It was on fire. Structurally unsound. It was coming down.你又在偷听警方频道?Have you been listening to the police scanner again?我是在为人民服务你好像觉得那是坏事一样I performed a public service. You act likethat's a bad thing.那就是坏事鲍勃!It is a bad thing, Bob! 为了你能重新体验那些光辉岁月Uprooting our family again,就害得我们搬家这就是坏事so you can relive the glory days is a bad thing. 总比假装那些事没有发生过要强!It's better than acting like they didn't happen!对! 它们是发生过! 可是我们家里的事Yes! They happened! But this, our family,才是正在发生的事鲍勃你却一点不关心!is what's happening now, Bob. And you are missing this!我真是不敢相信你不想参加儿子的毕业典礼I can't believe you don't want to go to your own son's graduation.那不算毕业他只是从四年级升五年级It's not a graduation. He's moving from fourth to fifth grade.-那也是一次典礼! -那是有病!-It's a ceremony! -It's psychotic!他们一直在变着法子表扬平庸之才They keep creating new ways to celebrate mediocrity可要是出了什么不同寻常的人...but if someone is exceptional...这不是你自己的事鲍勃是达什的事This is not about you, Bob. It's about Dash.你想替达什做点事吗? 那就让他真正去竞争You want to do something for Dash? Let him actually compete.-让他去参加运动会! -我也不想当恶人!-Let him go out for sports! -I will not be made the enemy!-你知道我们为什么不能那样做-因为他会大获成功-You know why we can't do that. -Becausehe'd be great.。

决战紫禁之巅The Duel between two SwordsmenSCENE 1 :西门吹雪与叶孤城演员表:西门吹雪叶孤城花满楼king 旁白旁白:A quiet village is covered with white snow .Birds are dancing in the cold .A man is walking along the street ,step by step .Wind is coming in silence.Another mysterious man approaches .西门吹雪与叶孤城相遇.西门吹雪:Oh ,I am sorry to knock you !叶孤城: Ha ha, Never mind .西门吹雪: Excuse me,who are you on earth? could you tell me your name?叶孤城: Ha ha, I won’t change my name! no matter wha t happens. I’m the most famous-------叶孤城. Who are you?西门吹雪:I am 西门吹雪.叶孤城惊讶:Ar, 西门吹雪?西门吹雪:Yes, what is wrong?叶孤城:I heard that you are the best swordsman?西门吹雪:Great, you know me !叶孤城抱腿:Please, please……Don’t kill me! let me go!西门吹雪: No, I must kill you !叶孤城: I don't want to be killed. There is an eighty-year-old mother and a three-year old son to be looked after by me!西门吹雪: Noway! Because we are fighting now! you know?叶孤城突然站起冷冷的说:Don't force me!西门吹雪: Pardon!(Y拿出一袋牛奶)西门吹雪抢过牛奶:milk, very good! I like drinking it. how do you know that?喝完牛奶Thanks,叶孤城: Do you still want to kill me?西门吹雪: Sure, must! milk is milk.叶孤城(恼怒+冷酷):Very good! Very good! I hope you will not forget what you said!?西门吹雪: I’m sure I won’t!叶孤城:Really?!3-2-1!西门吹雪捂着肚子,蹲下:Oach,Oach !叶孤城大笑:HaHa……so quickly西门吹雪可怜状: Son of a bitch!三鹿!!!!叶孤城掏出纸屑吹:This is genuine snow!花满楼:Stop!Protecting the environment is a basic obligation!叶孤城:Who are you?花满楼:Hua---man----lou! Have you seen ximenchuixue?叶孤城:Yes, he was beaten by me and fled away花满楼惊讶:Now you are the best swordsman in the world!叶孤城:You are right!花满楼:Teriffic!you are the one my king looking for! Do you want to join us?叶孤城:Yes,It’s very good.花满楼:Ok, follow me, Let’s go to see my king!叶孤城:Ok,Let’s go!SCENE 2:无间道花满楼:My dearest ! let me introduce Yegucheng to you! (指Y)this is Yegucheng. King:sit down plese, yegucheng.花满楼走到Y前,《婚礼进行曲》起,H神甫状:Y egucheng! Do you want to follow my king no matter what happens such as cold headache,sair and aids?叶孤城: Yes,Ido.King: Huamanlou, come here .let me put the ring on yourfinger!(音乐停)西门吹雪(看到戒子):this ring should be mine!King:But who are you? Why should it belong to you?叶孤城急切: king! Dear king!I must go now,my mother is looking for me!西门吹雪冷酷:yegucheng! Come here!Do not make excuses!叶孤城抱X的腿:old brother ! Forgive me!西门吹雪:Forgive you? Why?叶孤城: Once there was a chance before me, I lost it. If the god give me an other chance, I’ll tell you,I love you,If there must be a limited period,I hope it is a thousand years!King:Oh,god!You are gay?西门吹雪:gay?you said I am a gay?fuck you!King: I’ll kill you for you saying dirty word to me!西门吹雪:What? (侧耳装着听不到) Y ou---kill----me?come on!花满楼:King,let me have a try!旁白:After a fierce battle between the two men,both sides lose叶孤城:Ha,you are both dead men。

英语搞笑话剧剧本篇一:搞笑英语话剧剧本.1doc搞笑英语话剧剧本《荆珂刺秦王》旁白(Aside )/介绍(Introduction):Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous sword搞笑英语话剧剧本《荆珂刺秦王》旁白(Aside )/介绍(Introduction):Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous swordsman剑客and was sent to kill king of Qing, “Yingzheng”. But finally he failed. Do you want to know what happened at that time? Okay, next show will tell you the truth.Action I太子丹(上,掏出镜子梳头,做自恋状):Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most pretty man in the world? (画外音:It’s you, Prince Dan! 太子丹高兴状) Thank u mirror! (面对观众)I’m Prince Dan, the magic mirror said I am the most attractive man in the world. But Ying Zheng is a jealous guy, I feel he will kill me if mirror told him the truth. I am so scared. So what can I do? (向幕里大叫) Where is my minister?阿三(毕恭毕敬) : Honey, I am coming.太子丹:I’ve told you again and again that you should call me “my most beautiful、graceful 、handsome、charming、cute、smart and dearest Prince Dan”!阿三:Sure, honey! I have a good idea. We can find a hero to kill YingZheng~~~(作杀状)太子:Oh yeah~~~. What is the most expensive commodity in this century? Talent!(二十一世纪最需要的是什么,人才!然后拍阿三肩膀,做赞许状)Good idea! But who is the right candidate?阿三:After screening I have two promising persons on hand. One is Miss LiMoChou, the other is Mr JinKe. Tomorrow they will PK for the NO1 killer of the world.太子:Well, show me the winner as soon as possible, OK?阿三:Yes.Action II(《十面埋伏》中刘德华&金成武决斗时的音乐)荆轲Are you Li mochou?李莫愁Yes.荆轲OK. I’m Jingke, you know, I will let you know I am the king of the killers’ world.李莫愁Are you challenging me?荆轲Off course! 耸耸肩表示同意莫愁Come on!音乐起两人冲上前来“人在江湖漂啊,哪有不挨刀啊,一刀砍死你啊,两刀砍死你啊。

第一幕:决战紫荆城之颠旁白:A quiet village is covered with white snow . Birds are dancing in the cold .A man is walking along the street ,step by step .Wind is ing in silence.Another mysterious man approaches .Y与X相遇.X:oH ,I am sorry to knock you !Y:, Never mind baby.X:Excuse me, who are you on earth? Could you tell me your name?Y:,I won’t change my name! no matter what happens. I’m the most famous——-YeGucheng. Who are you?X:Iamximenchuixue.Y惊讶:Ar, ximenchui xue?the best MartialArts?X:Great, you know me !Today is your dead date!Y抱腿:Please, please…… Don’t kill me! Let me go!X:No, I must kill you !Y:I don’t want to be killed. There are a eighty-year-old mother and a three-year old son to be looked after by me!X:No way! Because we are fighting now ! you know ?Y突然站起冷冷的说:Don’t force me!X:Pardon!(Y拿出一袋牛奶)X抢过牛奶:milk, very good ! I like drinking it. How do you know that?Y:please drink it!X喝完牛奶:Thanks,Y:Do you still want to kill me ?X:Sure, must! Milk is milk.Y(恼怒+冷酷):Very good ! very good ! I hope you will not forget what you said!?X:I’m sure I won’t!Y:I must give you a lesson ! If I don’t beat you this time, you’ll never behave properly ! 3-2-1!X捂着肚子,蹲下(做痛苦状):Oach,Oach !Y大笑:HaHa……the milk is exceed the time limit(一人路过,x起身跑过去)X可怜状: excuse me! Help , help , Where is the washroom?please ,tell me .Y:Oh,I see ,go along this street and turn right when you see a corssing road!X:Thanks,byebye.Y:byebye (以胜利者的语气,转头,看见花满楼)Y:Who are you?H:Hua—man—-lou! Have you seen ximenchuixue?Y:Yes, he was beaten by me and is in “WC” .H惊讶:Now you are the best in the world !Y:You are right !H:Teriffic ! you are the one my king looking for ! do you want join in us? If you follow myking,he will give what you want.Y:Yes,It’s very good.H:Ok, follow me, Let’s go to see my king!第二幕:无间道H:My dearest ! let me introduce yegucheng to you! (指Y)this is yegucheng.K:sit down plese, yegucheng.Y:excuse me,I have a question.will you give me what I want just if I follow you?King:yes,I will.Y:That’s good. Can you give me a MM ?K:of couse.You are the one who has the similar taste with me! Hahaha……Y:of course.美女出场M:hello,帅锅..K: this is shangguanxueer.ok,now let’s have a ritual.H走到Y前,《婚礼进行曲》起,H神甫状:Yegucheng! Do you want to follow my king no matterwhat happens such as cold headache , poor ,rich?Y: Yes,I do.K: Huamanlou, e . put the ring on his finger!(音乐停)X唱着上:(看到戒指) this ring should be mine!K:But who are you ? why should it belong to you?Y急切: king! Dear king ! I must go now , my brother is looking for me.X冷酷:yegucheng! Come here ! I want to tell you something!Y抱X的腿:old brother ! Forgive me!X:Forgive you? Why ?Y: Once there was a chance before me , I lost it . If the god give me another chance, I’ll tellyou “ I love you ” , If the remustbea limited period,I hope it is thousand year!X:You shall cheat me ! all you did are wrong ! how can you tell me the lady’s “WC”! Y:I like going lady’s WC .I……I……I think that you like what I like.(Y又拿出一袋牛奶)X:milk?I love you.K:Don’t say that “you love me”. I’ll kill you for you saying dirty word to me !X:What? (侧耳装着听不到) You—kill—-me?e, e…(X上去抓住K)K:Fuck you. I must kill you!X:How can you kill me? haha……Y:Let me have a try! 3-2-1(X捂着肚子,蹲下)M: oh,what happened?(看着X,做惊吓状)are you ok?(跑到西门吹雪身边)Y :do you want to go to wc?X:Yes,I……I…… do.Y:haha, the milk was added 三聚氰胺 beyond standards.M: you , stupid , bad behavior ! go away !K; why ? why do you help him ! who actually are you ?M: actually,I’m a spy sended by LuXiaofeng,and I fell in love with ximenchuixue. K惊讶: !you—you—You are X’lover?Y: do you know, you are the first person who cheated me !I hate you .(轻声说)let me tell you,Xwill die.M扑倒在X的身边:X,do’t die ,you should be alive ,there are much hope in the future andtomorrow is a good beginning !K:what a moving story ! I was impressed ! Y:life is a progress ,but it is depressed that it can not resume !M: life is a progress ,and it is delight that it needn’t resume !(M忽然将一把匕首插进Y的心脏,K吓跑.音乐《再见,警察》起)Y痛苦状:I never anticipate you treat me by this ,why?tell me why?(Y死,音乐停)(X咳,H扑到身边,电影《我的父亲母亲》原声音乐起)M: X , oh , no ,you can’t die ,we will go home together .X:go home ! ?M:Tomorrow is another day ! even you have the last second to live ,you should be alive ,not only for me , but for our love.X: promise me,you’ll get on well,and you’ll never let go.M I promise . I will never let go(X死) ,M: be alive !yeah , be alive ! be alive without ahendance !搞笑小学英语小品剧本《新守株待兔》人物:农夫,兔子A,兔子B,大树。

现在,注意看Now, watch this.凯文.Cavin.我记得你说过你的侄子应该受到谴责.I thought you said that nephew of yours was gonna be worth a damn. 想再看一遍吗?Wanna see that again?我会教训他I'll set him straight.这里没有这种社交礼仪. 明白吧?This ain't no barn social. You understand?我在为你说话, Sonny. 你最好按照我说的做.I spoke up for you, Sonny. You best do right by me.好吧.All right.他会照做的.He'll do right.好。
让我们开始吧.All right. Let's get it done.每个人,举起手来Everybody, grab the ceiling.不要搞花样,没人会死的.Just keep your damn trap shut, nobody has to get killed.干得好.Good boy.打开保险箱Open the safe.我不知道怎么组合.I don't know the combination.-凯文. -该死的城市男孩.-Cavin. -Damn city boy.现在,你想留住其他的9个手指头吗?Now, you wanna keep the other nine fingers?打开保险箱Open the safe.对不起,女士Excuse me, ma'am.你是 Dolly Sloan, 对吗?You're Dolly Sloan, aren't you?你个绿毛孩子怎么会知道这些?How would a green kid like you be knowing something like that? 我知道你的一切I know all about you.看,我找到了.Look, I got it in here somewhere.小说,啊?Dime novels, huh?Harlot With a Heart, 就在这里.Harlot With a Heart, right here.好的,你拿着谁在那呆过.Well, you take it from one who's been there, boy.他们不总正确.They don't always get it right.即便如此,如果你给我的签名我会负责任得多.Even so, I'd be much obliged if you'd mark my copy.过来,对!Company, right!快过来!Coming around!或许下次吧Maybe some other time. Hey, boys.你今天为什么来城里?Well, what brings you to town today?外面有警♥察♥There's blue boys out there.走过来!At a walk!Company, 立定!Company, halt!Company, 下马Company, dismount.你骑得怎样?How was your ride?已经两天了.你怎么骑?It was over two days. How do you ride?快点快点,我们走.-Hurry up. -Hurry, let's go.不要叫!Quit your squirming!保护我!Cover me!是他们!That's them!Sloan小姐.Miss Sloan.我们走。
英文剧本:荆轲刺秦王 (修改提升版)

荆珂刺秦王The Emperor and the AssassinCast太子丹:吴丽莹荆轲:刘滢西门吹雪;秦王:王希茜妖艳女子:闫达(反串)阿三:李国栋大臣甲:骆嘉莉大臣乙:徐慧如旁白:Script旁白:It was war periods, the war among different countries seemed endless. All the kings and ministers tried to find some supermen to work for them——to be the killing tools for their political purposes. As time goes by, it has become a fashion to feed some killers at home…… This is a crazy world. In this crazy world, there are a bunch of crazy people, trying to show the crazy history in a crazy way.Scene 1:Conspiracy (密谋)太子丹(上,叹气):Ying Zheng, that bastard, treats me even worse than before. Resorting to lots of people in his hand, he never cares about me ---the most sensible prince under the sun (纠结状). Recently, he has robbed much more cities from my hands. How can I survive if such things ever happen again(急)。

第六届经典英文影视作品配音大赛剧本The Interview of the Vampire------ Eyes of the World,Voice of CQUST校科技之声广播台英语栏目组Brief introduction:Scene 1: With the vampire’s blood dropping into the mouth of the little girl, a Dark Angle was born, so was a “Happy Family”…Scene 2: However the “family” was always in peace, one day the war burst among them…Cast:漆博------ Lestat 卫挺------ Louis 钟旭萍------ Claudia (Interviewer)现场表演部分:Narrator: We are Magic Vampire from Eyes of the World, Voice of CQUST. The legend of vampire has passed current for several centuries, people were afraid of them because they believe that these monsters are feed on the blood of we human and they are deathless. Some one said they had seen the vampires once, maybe twice, but most of the modern still refuse to believe it. Today, we will tell you the story of a particular family formed by 3 vampires, no matter you believe it or not, think about it, sometimes, they are true. It was one day in the last century, an interviewer who regarded herself as a story collector met a vampire named Louis by coincidence. The story began…Interviewer:(低头作记录)So you have lived here for(稍作停顿,抬头看Louis Louis: (侧对观众,背对Interviewer。

决战紫禁之巅Fight on the top of the Forbidden City旁白:The Forbidden City is covered with white snow.There is no bird, and wind is coming in silence.A“White man”is standing on the top of The Forbidden City silently.Another mysterious man approaches.Ximenchuixue: The king of the “White cloud”Castle, I wait you for a long time.Yegucheng:Yes, I come here now.X:OK,the most famous swordman in the world will appear, he is the one of us.Y:But,ximen, I don’t want to fight with you now.X;Why? You must know, as a swordman, you can only be defeated by sword.Y:You want to know the reason?Okay,I tell you.Before I came to The Forbidden City, my mother told me that ximenchuixue is a crazy boy, you could’t play with him.X:What?So funny, can’t play with me? Now I want to kill you.Y:NO,please. There is an eighty-year-old mother and a eight-year-old boy to be looked after by me.Please let me go.X:It’s impossible.Y:Don’t force me!X:You are angry?Wonderful! Come on, baby!Y:Wait for a minute,(拿出一瓶牛奶,对着观众),You can be more strong with a bottle of milk every day.X:Milk? Oh,I love you !(抢过牛奶,喝完) Er,perfect!Y:Do you still want to kill me?X:Yes,Of k is milk,and fighting is fighting.Y:I must give you a lesson, and let you know you can’t be the most famous swordman in the world.X:Really?Y:Really!Come on!X:Stop,Oh, I have a stomachache!Y:haha,you have drunk a bottle of mike full of trimeric cyanamide(三聚氰胺)X:You are so mean and shameless,Ah, There is a kidney stone in my stomach, Help!Where is the washroom?Y:Washroom? You mean the“toilet”?X:Yes,WC!Y:Oh, go along this road, take the second crossing on the left, and you will see a big“WC”over there.X:Ok,thank you,thank you very much!Y:You are welcome.Now,I’m the most famous swordman in the world,hahahaha….. (Over)。
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人物介绍:西门吹雪(X),叶孤城(Y),陆小凤(L). 花满楼(H)西门吹雪:张立志叶孤城:龚龙清花满楼:陈利陆小凤:朱本飞第一幕:决战紫荆城之颠(Battle in the summit of Forbidden City)风声音乐响起,旁白(陈利):A quiet village is covered with white snow . Birds are dancing in the cold .A man is walking along the street ,step by step .Wind is coming in silence.Another mysterious man approaches .Y与X相遇.X:oH ,I am sorry to knock you !Y:Haha, Never mind. Baybay!X:Excuse me,who are you in the end ? Could you tell me your name?Y:ha ha ,I won’t change my name! No matter what happens. I’m one of the most famous men-------YeGucheng. Who are you ?X:I am xi -men – chui- xue.Y惊讶:Ar, xi- men- chui- xue?X:Yes, what is wrong?Y:I heard that you are the best Martial Arts?X:Great, since you know me ,then take out your sword,please.Y求饶状:Please, please…… Don’t kill me! Let me go!X:No, I must kill you !Y:I don' t want to be killed. There are aeighty-year-old mother and a three-year oldson to be looked after by me!X:why everybody would say the same words before I killed them? Would you please take some new lines.Y突然站起冷冷的说:Don' t force me!X(做决斗状): Take your sword out,please!(Y拿出一袋牛奶)X抢过牛奶:milk, very good! I like drinking it. How do you know that?Y(阴笑): please drink it!X喝完牛奶:Thanks, ha,ha!Y:Do you still want to kill me?X:Sure, must ! Milk is milk ,you are you.Y(恼怒+冷酷):Very good! Very good ! I hope you will not forget what you said!X:I’m sure I won’t!Y:I must give you a lesson ! If I don' t beat your this time, you’ll never know what are pains !3-2-1-0!X捂着肚子,蹲下:Oach,Oach !Y大笑:HaHa……X可怜状: help! help! Where is the washroom?Y:pardon ?X:Toliet?Y:What ?X:The “WC”?Y:Oh,I see ,go along this street and turn right when you see crossroad. X:Thanks,byebye.Y得意地笑: Tiger will be regard as weak cat if it doesn’t display its power.<双节棍>(周杰伦)音乐想起,叶孤城开始高兴地刷双节棍H:Stop! Please pay attention to your image in public.Y:Who are you?H:Hua---man----lou! Have you seen ximenchuixue?Y:Yes, he was beaten by me and is in “WC” now,ha……H惊讶:Now you are the best martial arts in the world?Y:You are right!H(大笑): My boss let me to look for the best martial arts . I think that is you !Do you want to join in us?Y:Yes, It’s very good.H:Ok, follow me, Let’s go to see my boss!Y:Ok, Let’s go!X:wait!Y(惊奇): Are you OK?X:yea!i’m ok!because I have it——xieliting!(拿出泻立停)xieliting,xieliting,stopping after eating. It’s a secret.i just tel l you, you can not tell others.Y:stopping!it is forbidden to advertise in Prime Time.X(怒气冲冲):ok! take out your sword, let us duel.Y:please be calm!i just want,want ….(拿出牛奶)X:milk!(抢过牛奶喝了下去).Oach,Oach!Y(哈哈大笑):take out you sword! Let us duel!X:No,I just want to go to the toliet.Y:Do you still want to duel with me?X:no!Y:forever?X:yes ,forever.Y:who is the best martial arts.X:you! Of course!Y:go to the toliet,please!(X 捂着肚子下场)H:who is he?Y:he is a madmen.Don’t mind!Let us go to see your boss.H:you are right!go第二幕:拜见老板(Meet the boss)Huamanlou brings yegucheng to see the boss.H(兴奋状):Boss ! I have found the best martial arts ! He is yegucheng ,ye heroes.(指着老板对叶孤城说) This is my boss ----luxiaofeng.L :I knew your name early! Sit down plese, ye heroes.Y:Boss Lu, may I ask you a question?L:Sure!Y: Why do you want to look for the best martial arts?L(呈回忆状,抬头望天): A long time ago , there was a poor boy living in a small village . He always had not enoughFood . Then , he swore that he must become the rich and married a beauty. After a long time,The boy became a very rich person through his efforts and married a beauty.Y(握紧拳头): He set a good example for the poor children!I remember a sage said:”Poverty means wealthy,more poorer,more richer!”L(惊奇状):who said? why do I have never heart it?Y:Oh, it was just my realization .L(作昏倒状,然后低头沉思):Maybe you are right..However, problems came with money. In the year before last year,He went to Pakistan for business , unfortunately , he was captured by taliban because ofhis money.Y: it’s so bad.L:last year ,I traelled abroad by shipping. i was captured again by pirates in somali sea area . (靠在叶孤城身上)They beat up me , abused me and asked me to give them fifty millions dollars,because they knew I was a rich.Y(作哭状):what terrible thing it is in my life.What can I do for you?《婚礼进行曲》响起,陆小凤向花满楼做手势,花满楼走到叶孤城前,花满楼作神甫状:Ye herose! Would you protect my boss no matter what happenssuch as robbery, Kidnapping, Terrorist attacks and A(H1N1) ?Y: yes ,I do.L(点头): Huamanlou, come here . Put the ring on his finger!(音乐停)Huamanlou put the ring on his finger.L: ok ! ye heroes.,you are my personal bodyguard from now on. What other questions?Y:I just want to know my salary of each month. Money is not the important thing to me,However,I will live hard without miney,so………. (嘿嘿的笑).L:yes ,I under stand. Let me see. I will pay you ……(伸出一根指头)Y(不屑状,伸出5根手指头):……..L(不假思索):ok ! i will pay you fifty thousands dallors each month,how aboat?Y(大惊失色,伸出5根手指头):fifty thousands dallors?my god! isn’t it dream?Y: you outstretched five fingers which meant fif ty thousands dollars,isn’t it?Y(脸向着观众,偷偷地说):in fact,I out stretched e five fingers which meant I want him pay me five thousand renminbi each month.(哎,叹息!)I really should outstretch more fingers. L:what did you say?Y:Nothing.What I want to say is that it’s very good.L:Could you work tomorrow .Y:ok,no problem.See you tomorrow!L:See you tomorrow!。