


一.地毯的分类1.按制作方法分类:可分为机制地毯、手工地毯.机制地毯又包括簇绒地毯和机织威尔顿地毯、机织阿克明斯特地毯;拼块地毯;a簇绒地毯:该地毯属于机械制造地毯的一大分类,它不是经纬交织而是将绒头纱线经过钢针插植在地毯基布上,然后经过后道工序上胶握持城头而成.由于该地毯生产效率较高,因此是酒店装修首选地毯,可谓物美价廉b机织威尔顿地毯:该地毯是通过经纱、纬纱、绒头纱三纱交织,后经上胶、剪绒等后道工序整理而成.由于该地毯工艺源于英国的威尔顿地区,因此称为威尔顿地毯.此织机是双层织物故生产效率比较快c机织阿克明斯特地毯:该地毯也是通过经纱、纬纱、绒头纱三纱天织,后经上胶、剪绒等后道工序整理而成.该地毯使用的工艺源于英国的阿克明斯特,此织机属单层织物且机速很低,地毯织造效率非常低,其效率仅为威尔顿织机的30%.d拼块地毯:多使用簇绒毯,经后续加工切割成50cm50cm见方或其他尺寸的小方毯块,铺设时再拼接成满铺地毯.由于具有铺设、更换方便的优点,多用于铺设办公室.毯面纤维多使用尼龙或丙纶.2.按地毯成分分类:羊毛地毯:新西兰羊毛、国产羊毛、英国高品质四星羊毛、澳洲羊毛尼龙地毯:杜邦尼龙、首诺尼龙、巴斯夫尼龙、尼龙—其纱线为98%尼龙和2%的碳质聚合物导电丝化纤地毯聚丙烯纤维、涤纶、晴纶、丙纶,进口的PP需进行热定型处理.三者的性能对比羊毛产品:一般是100%羊毛或80%羊毛、20%尼龙特点:优点⑴羊毛毯面柔软 2颜色柔和鲜艳3天然阻燃、防污缺点:1羊毛含蛋白质,易遭虫蛀,都需经过抗虫蛀处理2羊毛纱线是由一定长度的羊毛短纤组成,经纺纱加捻合股而成,使用后易起球,掸毛,耐磨比尼龙差3羊毛吸水性是尼龙的10倍,易受潮.如果清洗地毯时,干燥处理不当,易腐烂变质,发霉出味尼龙产品:使用尼龙纱线一般以白色合股纱和有色合股纱为主.白色合股纱可以染色.性能特点:优点:1毯面复原能力好,绒头很难倒伏和磨损.2抗褪色能力强3硬度强,耐磨损,耐融化.同时易清洁,阻燃、防污、防尘、保持外观等方面,比其他地毯强.缺点:尼龙遇火烧缠结,缩成一堆很难打理.丙纶产品:合成纤维,比羊毛轻,保湿性能好,经过难燃处理后不易燃烧.弹性稍逊羊毛比尼龙好.耐酸碱,防腐.价格低 .缺点1绒面强性差,恢复性差2色牢度差,不能抵御阳光臭氧的褪色.2使用寿命短3-5年;不能印花,只能染色.二.如何选购地毯产品及保养1、地毯应达到国家强制性标准要求GB18587-2001室内装饰装修材料地毯、地毯衬垫及地毯胶粘剂有害物质释放限量是国家颁布的强制性标准之一.地毯作为室内装饰装修材料之一,在生产加工,毯背涂胶等制造工序中,所使用的胶乳及各种配合剂都不可避免在产品中存留一些有害物质,如:甲醛、苯乙烯、4-苯基环己烯等,如果这些残留的有害物质超于国家标准规定的指标,在铺设使用时,会给室内空气带来一定程度的污染,而影响人体健康.2.地毯检验标准:GB/T 11746-89行业执行标准:QB2397-98地毯标签是轻工行业强制性标准.各类地毯产品出厂或销售时,必须按照地毯标签标准的要求,真实地标注:产品名称、产品的注册商标、地毯毯面纤维名称及含量、地毯的绒头厚度、地毯毯基以上的绒头质量、产品的耐然性、产品的尺寸规格、产品执行的标准代号、产品的质量等级、产品的生产日期、手工地毯的绒头长度及栽绒道数、生产者的名称和地址、产品的特殊性能要求信息如:地毯产品的抗静电性、阻燃性及防虫蛀性等内容.通过对标签标注的查看,基本上对地毯产品的质量水平有了大体上的了解.三、地毯品质的选择地毯产品质量的优与劣,主要靠检验数据来判定,但也由一些简单经验性的选择方法:⑴地毯的绒头密度:可用手去触摸地毯,其产品的绒头质量高,毯面的密度就丰满,这样的地毯弹性好、耐踩踏、耐磨损、舒适耐用.这里提醒消费者千万别采取挑选长毛绒的方法来挑选地毯,表面上看起来绒绒乎乎好看,但绒头密度稀松,绒头易倒伏变形,这样的地毯不抗踩踏,易失去地毯特有的性能,不耐用.根据铺设场合的不同,选择不同制做工艺的地毯.踩踏频繁选用耐摩擦圈绒,或者单位面积绒头质量高,密度较大的割绒地毯,否则绒头稀疏会引起花型变化和绒头倒伏.⑵色牢度:色彩多样的地毯,质地柔软,美观大方.选择地毯时,可用手或试布在毯面上反复摩擦数次,看其手或试布上是否粘有颜色,如粘有颜色,则说明该产品的色牢度不佳,导致地毯在铺设使用中易出现变色和掉色,而影响地毯在铺设使用中的美观效果.⑶地毯背衬剥离强力:簇绒地毯的背面用胶乳粘有一层网格底布,按标准规定背衬剥离强力指标≥25N的力值.消费者在挑选该类地毯时,可用手将底布轻轻撕一撕,看看粘接力的程度,如粘接力不高,底布与毯体就易分离,这样的地毯不耐用.⑷看外观质量:消费者在挑选地毯时,要查看地毯的毯面是否平整、毯边是否平直、有无瑕疵、油污斑点、色差,尤其选购簇绒地毯时要查看毯背是否有脱衬、渗胶等现象,避免地毯在铺设使用中出现起鼓、不平等现象,而失去舒适、美观的效果.四.地毯铺装施工全攻略1、倒刺板卡条铺装地毯的施工规范1施工程序:倒刺板卡条铺装是成卷地毯铺装的主要方法,是家庭高档装修中的重要项目.地毯倒刺板铺装的规范程序为:基层清扫处理→地毯裁割→钉倒刺板→铺垫层→接缝→张平→固定地毯→收边→修理地毯面→清扫.地毯铺装的质量,对家庭装修终饰质量的评价具有非常重要的意义,必须严格按规定的程序施工,才能确保施工质量.2技术要领:地毯铺装对基层地面的要求较高,地面必须平整、洁净,含水率不得大于8%,并已安装好踢脚板,踢脚板下沿至地面间隙应比地毯厚度大2~3毫米.接缝是影响铺装卷式地毯的重要工序,接缝前应在地毯背面注明经线方向,以避免接缝处绒毛倒绒.纯毛地毯一般用针缝结,缝时将地毯背面对齐,用线缝结实后刷地毯胶、贴接缝纸,麻布衬底的化纤地毯,一般用地毯胶粘.接缝处的修理很重要,要先将接缝处不齐的绒毛修齐,并反复揉搓接缝处绒毛,至表面看不出接缝痕迹为至.张平器是关系地毯铺装的关键工序,应使用地毯张紧器俗称撑子进行作业.张紧器的使用方法是先将地毯短边一角,用扁铲塞进踢脚板下缝隙,然后用撑子把短边撑平后,把整个短边塞进踢脚板下缝隙,固定在倒刺板上,然后将撑子承脚顶住固定端的墙面上,用扒齿抓住地毯另一端,通过撑子的杠杆伸缩力量,将地毯张拉平整.使用撑子应注意张拉力量适度,力量过大易撕破地毯,太小又达不到张平的目的.固定地毯时,将地毯挂在倒刺板上后,要轻轻敲击一下,以保证倒刺全部钩住地毯,避免因钩挂不实引起地毯松动.2、固定粘结式铺装地毯的施工规范1施工程序:固定粘结是铺装地毯的重要方法,其规范程序为:基层地面处理→实量放线→裁割地毯→刮胶晾置→铺设银压→清理.固定粘结地毯技术性要求虽然比倒刺板要求低,但也需按规范程序施工.2技术要领:采用粘结式铺装地毯的房间往往不安踢脚板,如果安装,也是¥E地毯铺装后安装,地毯与墙根直接交界.因此,地毯下料必须十分准确,在铺装前必须进行实量,测量墙角是否规方,准确记录各角角度.裁割地毯时应沿地毯经纱裁割,只割断纬纱,不割经纱,对于有背衬的地毯,应从正面分开绒毛,找出经纱、纬纱后裁割.地毯刮胶应使用专用的V型齿抹子,以保证涂胶均匀,刮胶次序为先拼缝位置开始,然后刮边缘.刮胶后晾置时间对粘结质量至关重要,一般应晾置5~10分钟,具体时间依胶的品种、地面密实情况和环境条件而定,以用于触摸表面干而粘时随装最好.地毯铺装应从拼缝处开始,再向两边展开,不须拼缝时应从中间开始向周边铺装.铺装时用撑子把地毯从中部向墙边拉直,铺平后立即用毡辘压实.3、地毯铺装的验收无论采用何种地毯铺装方法,地毯铺装后都要求表面平整、洁净,无松弛、起鼓、裙皱、翘边等现象F接缝处应牢固、严密,无离缝,无明显接茬,无倒绒,颜色、光泽一致,无错花、错格现象;门口及其他收口处应收口顺直二严实,踢脚板下塞边严密、封口平整.地毯铺装出现质量问题,应返工重铺.4、地毯铺装常见质量问题及处理方法地毯铺装常见的质量缺陷有起鼓、裙皱、色泽不一致和地毯松动.1起鼓、榴皱:除地毯在铺装前未铺展平外,主要原因是铺装时撑子张平松紧不匀及倒刺板中倒刺个别的没有抓住所致.如地毯打开时,出现鼓起现象,应将地毯反过来卷一下后,铺展平整.铺装时撑子用力要均匀,张平后立即装入倒刺板,用扁铲敲打,保证所有倒刺都能抓住地毯.2色泽不一致:原因除材料的质量不好外,还包括基层表面潮湿或渗水使地毯吸水后变色,以及日光暴晒使地毯表面部分发自变浅.注意在购买时要挑选质量好、颜色一致的地毯.使用中要避免地毯着水,易着水的地面,不要铺装地毯.应避免日光直照或在有害气体环境中施工,日常使用中也应避免阳光直照.3地毯位移松动:主要原因是倒刺板上的倒刺固定不住所致.应按要求配置倒刺板并保证倒刺全部抓住地毯.。



保护性措施进入房间入口处放置清洁垫,当清洁垫变脏时进行更换和清洗有规律地经常清洁空调系统和加热系统中的过滤网周期性使用吸收性干粉对客流量大的走廊和频繁使用的电梯处地毯进行清洗,例如可以使用 Host,Capture or Dri—Matic。

5、抗污染、宜清洗:羊毛纤维外层有鳞片覆盖,加上羊毛本身的回潮率很高,地毯一般不易污染,由于鳞片的作用 羊毛地毯非常易清洗。
2、羊毛纤维在相对稳定的温度、湿度状态下,它的公定回潮为15%,即在温度22度,相对湿度65-70%间,每百斤 羊毛的吸湿率为15%。由于这一优越的物理性能,羊毛地毯的导电性能好,地毯在使用的过程中不可能产生静电。 由于羊毛吸湿性能好,羊毛地毯不易被空气中灰尘粒子依附,故羊毛地毯的抗污性能极佳。
3、弹性好:由于羊毛纤维的自然卷曲度好,在不拉断纤维的情况下可拉伸30%,这就造就羊毛地毯的弹性及弹性恢复 非常好,地毯脚感舒适。
一、选用地毯的原则 1、地毯选用与装修标准、风格统一的原则。 2、分区域选用地毯的原则。 3、地毯选用与外部环境适应的原则。 4、地毯选用与工程预算相吻合的原则。 5、地毯选用坚持货比三家的原则。
一、商用地毯 广义上讲是指除家庭用及工业用地毯以外所有的地毯使用单位及场所。商用地毯在国内还仅限于宾馆、酒店、写字 楼、办公楼、酒楼等,而在美国及西方发达国家,商用地毯除上述使用场所外,已在机场侯机楼、码头侯船大厅、 车站侯车室、超市、医院、学校、养老院、托儿所、影剧院被普通使用,并随着经济发展和社会进步,商用地毯 的使用量将会逐渐加大,覆盖面更广。
6、羊毛地毯的不足之处是不易干燥,由于羊毛纤维吸湿性能极好,地毯在洗涤后不易干燥,所以使用羊毛地毯在洗 涤时必须配有性能相当好的抽洗、脱水、烘干等洗涤设备。

1. 地毯是如何分类的? (4)2. 地毯作为铺地材料有哪些优点? (4)3. 地毯起源于什么时代? (5)4. 地毯起源于什么民族? (5)5. 手工地毯可分为几类? (5)6. 簇绒地毯起源于何时?簇绒机发明于什么年代?..57. 什么是机织地毯? (5)8. 什么是簇绒地毯? (5)9. 地毯的使用对象分为哪几类? (6)10. 地毯的使用寿命如何? (6)11. 选铺地毯应遵循哪些原则? (6)12. 地毯有几种铺装方法? (7)13. 铺装地毯时需要哪些工具和辅料? (7)14. 如何清洁和保养地毯? (7)16. 使用地毯是否对人体有害? (8)17. 地毯生产中使用的胶乳可以引起过敏反映吗? (8)18. 羊毛地毯会成为过敏症患者的过敏原吗? (8)19. 铺地毯会导致螨虫引起的各种疾病吗? (8)20. 羊毛地毯能有效吸取甲醛吗? (8)21. 羊毛地毯只适宜在冬季铺设吗? (8)二、地毯的原辅材料 .................................. 错误!未定义书签。
22. 簇绒地毯的重要原材料有哪些? (9)23. 丙纶、锦纶、涤纶、腈纶的代号分别是什么? (9)24. 什么是BCF长丝? (9)25. 什么是BCF加捻定型长丝? (9)26. 纤维是怎么分类的? (9)27. 聚丙烯纤维有哪些特性和用途? (10)28. 锦纶(尼龙)有哪些特性和用途? (10)29. 目前用于地毯织造的尼龙种类有哪些?分别有哪些特性? (10)30. 纤度的定义是什么? (10)31. 化学纤维的细度通常用什么表达? (10)32. 天然纤维的细度通常用什么表达? (10)33. 旦数、分特的定义分别是什么?用什么表达?.. 1134. 旦数和分特是如何换算的? (11)35. 公制支数的定义是什么? (11)36. 公制支数与旦数是如何换算的? (11)37. 什么是网络度?BCF纱线网络的作用是什么? . 1138. 什么叫捻度?捻向用什么表达? (11)39. 色差是如何定义的? (11)40.除光源外, 地毯纱线的颜色还受什么影响? (11)41. 纱线热定型的目的是什么? (12)42. 定型纱线分为几种? (12)43. 什么叫倍捻纱?什么叫直捻纱? (12)44. PP基布的作用是什么? (12)45. 纱罗布(衬布)的作用是什么? (12)46. 地毯后整理常用的胶料有哪些? (12)47. 地毯底背涂胶的重要作用是什么? (12)三、地毯的专业知识 .................................. 错误!未定义书签。



在交给调浆组长《调浆工艺单》的同时,需要将每个颜 色的粘度写在工艺单上。
混浆相对来说是一个比较复杂的过程,包括称料、化料、制白浆、混合、调粘度、PH值等,在这里简单介 绍一下混浆中重要的过程。
对霉菌的抑制能力也比较高。 烘干:主要控制烘干的温度,温度低了不干,地毯容易发霉;温度高了,回缩大或者颜色发黄,产生次品,
多采用丙纶材质 色彩多暗灰色,不鲜艳 抗老化性能差,耐用度比较低 不阻燃 不易清理
色块打印完成后,在工艺室进行固色、水洗、烘干,最 后一次对颜色进行核对,确认合格后,可以打印。
打印参数对产品效果的影响 喷印压力
压力大,渗透好,带浆量大;压力小,渗透差,带浆量小。 喷印速度
固色:采用汽蒸固色,此方法能耗小,颜色绚丽,操作简单,不易出现质量问题。 水洗:采用2道抽湿、3道喷淋水洗装置,能充分将地毯中残留的白浆清洗干净,洗完的地毯色牢度会更好,
从订单送到印花车间开始,需要经过多个步骤才能 最终做出合格的产品,大致总结为一下9个过程: 其中每一个过程都有各自的工艺、流程,每个过程 都需要非常谨慎的对待,哪一个环节出现漏洞,都会 导致最终出不来合格的产品。
算混调ຫໍສະໝຸດ 灌对打固

• NO.3 浙美 1、工厂位于浙江杭州 2、1972年建厂 3、股份制企业 4、生产机织、簇绒、方块、手工地毯 特点: 1、品质完美、信守承诺 2、高效、专业、稳健
woven shot (as seen from edge)
stuffer chain
carpet types square yards tufted broadloom 88%
source: DuPont Commercial Flooring
woven 3% modular 9%
• 纱线纺纱---染色---制造毯面---上胶与毯背融合---平毛----后整理打包出厂 • 染色方法: 1、后染 2、原液染
pre-dyed methods
yarn dyed — skein
• 以2000平方米,单一品种地毯计算 1、阿克敏斯特-35天 2、威尔顿-30天 3、簇绒地毯-25天 4、手工毯-45天
• 羊毛地毯 • 羊毛混纺地毯(指羊毛与尼龙,羊毛与涤纶混和纺纱) • 化纤地毯 指尼龙、丙纶、腈纶等化学纤维纱线织成的地毯
1、手工枪刺地毯 • 地毯致密,装饰效果好。 • 用于四星酒店、别墅、公寓等 • 价格高昂 350-3000元/平方米 • 手工制作,速度较慢 • 以100%羊毛,或羊毛与尼龙混纺纱线为主,也有用纯尼龙纱线的

Carpet knowledge - Colors, Styles, Textures, and Fibers Main styles of carpet.The two most popular choices of carpet today are the loop pile and cut pile.Loop pile has individual strands of yarn pulled through the backing of the carpet twice, which creates a small loop. Loop pile choices include berber, cable, or sisal. For high traffic areas, loop pile is an excellent choice.Cut pile constructions can be used in both residential and commercial carpet installations. The cut pile has the loop cut at the top, leaving tufts of yarn that stand straight up. Cut pile is normally more durable than looped pile. Cut piles come in many styles, such as shag, textured, saxony, and velvet.There are six basic styles of carpet: textured, saxony or plush, frieze, cable, looped, and cut & loop.Texture is a very popular cut pile carpet that has alternating twists ofyarn, creating a two-tone appearance which helps minimize theappearance of footprints and vacuum marks. This style is appropriate forany room in the home, exudes a casual elegance.Saxony is a formal, smooth and level cut pile carpet that creates the lookof velvet for a luxurious floor. This style of carpeting is perfect for amaster bedroom, living or dining room or any elegant environment.Please note, that footprints and vacuum marks are more visible with aSaxony style.Frieze is a cut pile style of carpet that has a high twist level. Each strandis twisted so tightly it actually curls over at the end. Friezes are hardworking and are perfect for the active household.Cable style carpet is constructed of thicker, typically longer yarn. It’svery comfortable underfoot and beautiful in a bedroom or living room butcan matte down in high traffic areas.A looped style carpet is often referred to as a Berber. Berbers are big,bulky yarns that are produced in a level loop, or multi-level loop construction. They wear well in active areas but seams will be morenoticeable.Cut & Loop is a combination of cut and looped yarns that create patterneffects by the variation in surface textures. Also know as patterned carpet,this style is very popular due to the variety of patterns available today fromgeometrics and florals to classic pin dots and creative animal patterns.Carpet FibersNatural fiber: wool(common), Banboo fiber, silk, Just(Used mainly in the backing of carpets)Synthetic fiber: nylon, polypropylene or polyester.Wool carpeting Most expensive(often twice as much per yard as nylon) and the most durable (30years), rich look, good feel, resistant to combustion and anti-static. Unfortunately, wool tends to "wear down" or the pile tends to wear away. In some cases bald spots may occur as a result heavy traffic loads. Wool is naturally a staple fiber. Although it is naturally stain resistant, it requires a high level of maintenance including mothproofing.Wool carpets tend to be made from either British Wool or from New Zealand Wool and each have their own distinct properties. British wools are notoriously tough and hard to beat when wear is a main concern. Whereas, New Zealand wool is better for dyeing lighter shades.Nylon carpeting (PA-polyamides) Its strengths include good resiliency, good yarn memory to hold twist, good carpet cleaning efficacy, good stain resistance with stain treatment applied, good soil hiding ability, and good abrasion resistance. Nylon is manufactured in both BCF and staple fiber. It is the strongest fiber, making it an excellent choice for the heavy traffic of an active household or commercial facility. It's also the most durable of the synthetics. It is soil and mildew resistant and resilient, but is prone to static. Recommended for high traffic area.Acrylic carpeting (PP-propene polymer)is very similar to wool, and sometimes referred to as man made wool. Not as hard wearing as nylon and less fire resistant than wool, acrylic can still bring bulk and pile resilience to a carpet. It is resistant to moisture, fading, mildew, crushing, and staining, although it isn't recommended for high traffic areas.Olefin(Polypropylene) is a low cost carpet material, often used for indoor or outdoor carpeting. Olefin is colorfast and strong, very easy to clean. One of the draw backs to olefin is that it can easily be crushed. Here in hotels we don’t consider it.Polyester produces some of the most beautiful colorations available. It also is extremely fade resistant and provides excellent resistance to stains. However, like olefin, it does have poor resilient properties and thus is susceptible to crushing.Staple and continuous filamentEach of the fiber systems used in the manufacture of carpet can be divided into two classifications: staple and bulked continuous filament (BCF). Nylon is produced in both staple and BCF yarn. Olefin is typically produced in BCF only. Polyester is manufactured in staple only; cotton and wool are inherently staple. Staple yarns are yarns that are produced in short lengths and spun and twisted together (like cotton) to form long threads of yarn and tufted into carpet. BCF yarns are actually long filaments of fiber that are plied together to form continuous bundles of fiber.TestingFiber Burn Testing In using the burn test there are three basic characteristics which must be observed; Flame, Ash, and OdorCarpet SpecificationsThe construction of a prospective style of carpet has a major impact on the life expectancy and performance a carpet will provide. Carpet density is the major factor of construction that should be considered. Density is a combination of several factors.Gauge rate is the distance between tufts (loops) or needles in the widthwise direction.# of needles per:Stitch rate is the distance between tufts (loops) or the number of times the needle bar strikes in the lengthwise direction. Various styles may be measured differently. Stitches per inch is the most common unit of measurement but stitches per 6 inches may be found frequently.Pile height is the length of the tuft (loop) from the base of the tuft (primary backing) to the tip of the tuft. Pile height is normally measured as a fraction of an inch or as a decimal equivalent. In China, it is measured in millimeter.Twist level has recently been identified as a major performance factor in many commercial cut-pile and residential cut-pile constructions. Twist level is measured in twists per inch. A close look at the tufts on a cut-pile product will reveal two bundles of yarn that have been plyed (twisted) together and heatset to "lock-in" the twist. Generally speaking, the more twists per inch, the better the performance.Density can be defined as the amount of face yarn per unit area. There are several methods used for determining density. The primary method uses a simple empirical formula to quantify density.Average Pile Density = 36 X Pile Yarn Weight / Pile Height (or pile thickness) in inchesCarpet Dye Methods and ProsThere are, essentially, two classifications of dyeing residential carpet styles: pre-dyed yarns and post dyed yarns. There are numerous methods of pre-dye and post dye. It is not necessary to understand skein dyed, stock dyeing, yarn dyeing, or space dyeing, but it is necessary to understand the differences between pre and post dyeing and the characteristics of each.Post DyeingAll carpet fiber that is to be post dyed i s extruded as “white” fiber or fiber that is extruded without color pigment added (see solution dyeing –extrusion). This white fiber is spun, twisted, heat set and tufted into a blanket. After tufting the blanket, dyeing is performed, generally, in one of three fashions, beck dyeing, continuous dyeing and printing.With heavier products and with polyester fibers, beck dyeing is employed to dye the unbacked blanket also known as greige goods. With this method, the blanket is submerged in a dye bath and the temperature of the dye mixture is raised to open the dye sites of the fiber. The negatively charged dye molecules attach to the positively charged dye sites and the dye adheres to the fiber. This is the most expensive dye method, but is required to get good dye penetration on heavier products.In products that have been beck-dyed, there may be an excess of dye left in the fabric after dyeing. In rare cases, when you walk across the finished pile with white socks, there may be some transfer to the socks. Also, when cleaning or extracting some of the dye may be found in the extracted rinse water. Neither of these instances should be cause for concern. The dyes are stable and the fiber is not losing color. The dye transfer is simply excess dyes that did not attach to fiber dye sites. This will occur more frequently in deeper shades such as navy blue, hunter green, or chocolate brown.Continuous dyeingThis is a process in which the tufted blanket dyed on a continuous dye range. This dye method employs spray jets that continuously apply dye to the fiber as the carpet moves underneath. This method of dyeing can produce several hundred feet of dyed carpet per hour and significantly reduces the cost of carpet. The majority of residential carpet is dyed using this dye method. Following, dyeing synthetic latex and secondary backing are applied.Print dyeingThis is similar to continuous dyeing in that printing is a continuous operation. Print dyeing is used to dye all multicolored prints. These are fabrics in which a floral or printed pattern is applied to the surface of the fiber. Many “kitchen” prints and area rugs are made in this fashion, although a number of high style residential fabrics use this technique as well.Pre-DyeingPre-Dyeing refers to all dye methods in which the fiber is dyed before it is tufted into a blanket. While there are numerous methods of pre-dyeing, you should primarily be concerned with the most common method found in residential applications –solution dyeing.Solution dyeing offers a number of advantages and disadvantages to residential carpet constructions. Since color pigment must be mixed in a solid state to dye the fiber during extrusion, color choices are much more limited than with post dyed fibers. However, fiber is dyed throughout rather than on the fiber surface only. Visualize a carrot which has color throughout (solution dyed) as compared to a radish (post dyed) where color is only on the outer edges of the fiber. The advantage is that color, which permeates the fiber, is more difficult to remove as a result of bleaching agents, sunlight, and environmental pollutants.Contrary to popular belief, solution dyed fibers do not provide increased stain protection and their cost can be significantly greater than post dyed fibers. Unless your new carpet installation will be exposed to bleaching agents or other factors that initiate color fading, there is little need to specify solution dyed fibers. More importantly, since solution dyed fibers are very limited (with the exception of olefin) in the residential market, selection options will be severely limited.Chinese MarketAll above has described the specifications of choosing a carpet, but in the Chinese market all the details are not professional and standard. Here is some information that you need to know before meeting a chinese carpet supplier.The main styles of the carpets are named after the woven machine: Axminter Carpet and Wilton carpet.Axminter Carpet is synonymous with quality and luxury, and all authentic Axminster carpets are still woven using natural materials and traditional methods. The special point is that it uses Jute ‘weft’ which is passed between alternate parallel cotton ‘warps’. The quality of the carpet is determined by the number of tufts per square inch, the count or weight of the yarn and the length of pile. The color is retricted to 12.Wilton carpet, like Axminster TM carpet, is woven. However the difference between the two methods is the way in which the carpet is woven. Whereas the Axminster TM yarn is cut into tufts and then held in place by the weft, the Wilton carpet yarn is a continuous strand woven all the way through.The state of the art Wilton looms at Axminster use a maximum of five colours, producing cut or loop pile textured carpet. It is the preferred flooring for somecommercial installations and most transportation applications as it is hugely stable and extremely hard wearing.Tufted carpet is the most economical of the carpet producing methods. Unlike Axminster and Wilton carpet, this method is an extremely fast (one roll of Axminster might take 8 hours to make whereas one roll of tufted takes approx 1 hr) way of manufacturing carpet. While it is true that a tufted carpet is not a woven carpet, But it is not of good quality compared with the first two.Hand Knotted carpets are also claimed by some of the suppliers. It is the best of all the types of carpets in terms of quality, various colors, resiliency, thickness, resistance to stains and water and also flammability. It can pass the detection easily and provides higher standard. But the problem is that it is comparatively expensive and less efficient. The delay may be one and a half month.Hotel carpets recommended:●100% wool; Hand Knotted carpets●80/20 wool/nylon; Axminter Carpet●100% nylon; Axminter Carpet /Wilton carpetGauge rate: 1/10Pile height: 5-10mmService life: 5-25 yearsOther Information:1.For the hand knotted carpets, you can cut patterns on the surface, so that therewill be layers and subtle lighting effects, royale appearance.2.When we go to see suppliers, we cannot say that we represent the hotel part,we say we are Artdecoration firms. They will offer lower prices to these firms. 3.As I have contacted some companies, some big companies have factories inother provinces and an office in Shanghai. We can go and visit the near ones.4.I am not sure if lasuiteroyale can export or not. If not, I find it is better to contactthose big companies who had experience in exporting.5.The best way to compare carpets of different companies is to ask for samples.First, we give our pattern and other requirements like composition, pile height, and other standard. Second, we choose some factories to make a small piece of samples that we want to put in the hallway of the hotel. Third, we compare the quality and price. Decide the supplier in the end and sign the contract. (Normally, the samples are all done perfectly. We should also audit the carpet when they are producing.)。

一、地毯知识 (4)1.地毯是如何分类的? (4)2.地毯作为铺地材料有哪些优点? (4)3.地毯起源于什么时代? (5)4.地毯起源于什么民族? (5)5.手工地毯可分为几类? (5)6.簇绒地毯起源于何时?簇绒机发明于什么年代? (5)7.什么是机织地毯? (5)8.什么是簇绒地毯? (5)9.地毯的使用对象分为哪几类? (6)10.地毯的使用寿命如何? (6)11.选铺地毯应遵循哪些原则? (6)12.地毯有几种铺装方法? (7)13.铺装地毯时需要哪些工具和辅料? (7)14.如何清洁和保养地毯? (7)16.使用地毯是否对人体有害? (8)17.地毯生产中使用的胶乳可以引起过敏反应吗? (8)18.羊毛地毯会成为过敏症患者的过敏原吗? (8)19.铺地毯会导致螨虫引起的各种疾病吗? (8)20.羊毛地毯能有效吸收甲醛吗? (8)21.羊毛地毯只适宜在冬季铺设吗? (9)二、地毯的原辅材料 (9)22.簇绒地毯的主要原材料有哪些? (9)23.丙纶、锦纶、涤纶、腈纶的代号分别是什么? (9)24.什么是BCF长丝? (9)25.什么是BCF加捻定型长丝? (9)26.纤维是怎么分类的? (9)27.聚丙烯纤维有哪些特性和用途? (10)28.锦纶(尼龙)有哪些特性和用途? (10)29.目前用于地毯织造的尼龙种类有哪些?分别有哪些特性? (10)30.纤度的定义是什么? (10)31.化学纤维的细度通常用什么表示? (10)32.天然纤维的细度通常用什么表示? (11)33.旦数、分特的定义分别是什么?用什么表示? (11)34.旦数和分特是如何换算的? (11)35.公制支数的定义是什么? (11)36.公制支数与旦数是如何换算的? (11)37.什么是网络度?BCF纱线网络的作用是什么? (11)38.什么叫捻度?捻向用什么表示? (11)39.色差是如何定义的? (11)40.除光源外,地毯纱线的颜色还受什么影响? (11)41.纱线热定型的目的是什么? (12)42.定型纱线分为几种? (12)43.什么叫倍捻纱?什么叫直捻纱? (12)44.PP基布的作用是什么? (12)45.纱罗布(衬布)的作用是什么? (12)46.地毯后整理常用的胶料有哪些? (12)47.地毯底背涂胶的主要作用是什么? (12)三、地毯的专业知识 (12)48.针距、绒高、针迹的概念分别是什么? (12)49.什么是耗纱量? (13)50.普通丙纶BCF长丝生产的地毯有何特点? (13)51.丙纶加捻长丝生产的地毯有何特点? (13)52.簇绒地毯生产工艺流程有哪些? (13)53.簇绒织机大致可分为几类? (13)54.簇绒提花地毯生产技术的分类有哪些? (14)55.匹毯染色有哪些优点? (14)56.目前的印花地毯设备有哪几种类型? (14)57.地毯剪毛平毯工序的主要作用是什么? (14)58.为什么在织造非常规幅宽走廊毯及块毯时排版应尽量排满整个幅宽? (15)59.为什么定织走廊毯时宽度尺寸应略放宽一些? (15)60.常见的地毯特种处理方法有哪些? (15)61.块毯包边的方法主要有哪几种? (15)一、地毯知识1.地毯是如何分类的?答:(1)按制造工艺可分为两类:手工地毯(土耳其扣(也称“马蹄扣”)和波斯扣(也称“8字扣”)两大类和机制地毯。
地毯知识(Carpet knowledge)

地毯知识(Carpet knowledge)Carpet knowledge--------------------------------------------------------------------------------As a decoration and decoration for home and house, it not only plays a basic role in mute and protection of feet, but also has strong ornamental property. Especially handmade of pure wool carpets is a set of Arts and crafts in one.The carpet carpet is the world's aristocracy, it is not only building materials supporting the decoration, emotional that is a reflection of personal taste of art. Each pair of handmade carpet carpet craftsmen have condensed state of mind, is an extension of the material and spiritual connotation. Stylish, elegant, avantgarde, classic set in one, in a small space to fully show the master's inspiration and creativity. Both the office, the hotel, and the house are full of personal style with its decorations.It is woven carpet carpet of white-collar class, good temperament and not feeling too. It belongs to mechanical woven carpet, and can be flexibly changed in style and color. With the continuous progress of the production technology, will be more vibrant woven tapestry. Mid-range prices make it more accessible to life, and thus become popular.There is no doubt that woven carpets are part of our lives. The advantages of affordable, convenient, durable and mass production make it almost ubiquitous and the most affordablechoice in life.Carpet composition--------------------------------------------------------------------------------In general, the carpet is composed of 3 parts: first, soft surface layer second layer backing, backing, sometimes, there are fourth parts of lining.soft surfaceA soft surface is a yarn that we can see and feel. Fibers can be either synthetic or natural.The density of the soft surface is the standard of carpet quality: the greater the density of the soft surface, the better the quality of carpet. A high density carpet keeps the shape longer, resists dirt and stains better. A simple test method is to put a small piece of carpet backing fold over, if it is easy to see, the quality is not very good.The soft surface density by 68 cm (27 inches) wide soft carpet surface or tuft thread (Terry) the number of terms for woven carpet, this ratio is called the pitch; for a shag carpet, this proportion is called gauge. Another indication of the durability of the carpet is the weight per unit area of the carpet. The face fiber weight per square meter (0.836 square meters) (in ounces or grams, 1 ounces =28.35 grams) is called surface weight. The greater the face value, the better thequality of the carpet.The height of the soft surface is the third criterion for measuring carpet quality. Long fiber is better than short fiber. The soft surface fiber shows that the twist is the fourth standard. The bigger the twist, the better the carpet quality.BackingIn the bottom side of the carpet backing, it is soft bristles on the surface (Terry) backing, determines the strength and stability of the carpet. Most of the carpet has two layers of backing yarn in the first layer of backing, outside this layer is called the second layer backing backing. There is a layer of latex adhesive between the two layers, the soft bristles fixed on the first layer of backing.Backing types include jute (from a natural fiber imported from India and Bangladesh), polypropylene (thermoplastic synthetic resin), foam latex. Often in the first layer of foam backing backing for carpets, provides an inner lining, lining material to avoid the other. This is the type of carpet that is less expensive. For the high price of carpet, good material with latex coating is made of second layers of jute backing. However, synthetic backing, anti mildew, odor, anti dry performance is good, and will not cause allergies.LiningThe lining can be placed under the carpet, providing an additional insulating layer for sound insulation and comfort,and extending the service life of the carpet like a bumper.Common linings include foam, urethane foam, and natural materials such as jute and hair. The choice of lining depends on the type of carpet used, the degree of comfort, and the extent and type of wear of the carpet under normal conditions.Some experts advise not to use the lining and place the carpet directly on the ground where it walks and where the cart carrying the weight passes. They think a very thick lining will increase the friction and cause the carpet to bend lengthwise and tear easily, which will damage the carpet prematurely.Carpet shoppingWhen choosing carpet, the size should be consistent with the ground size to be laid. Color and properties are commensurate with the use of the occasion.Such as the channel should be selected anti pollution wearable carpet, living room selection of soft texture, gorgeous appearance of high chemical fiber carpet or wool carpet.Generally speaking, the quality of the carpet used by the type of textile fibers, and the quantity and density of pile carpet pile height influence. Silk and wool have the best comprehensive properties. Pile density increases performance is better, our country to every foot length of knotted carpet knotted knot weft number (number of rows) as pile density index, 90 for high-grade carpet. High pile carpet is soft, but not easy to clean. In addition, the high quality of the carpet surfacesmooth, uniform thickness of blanket body, gently press immediately after recovery, blanket back wear, such as a backing and blanket back firmly bonded, no excuse phenomenon. Carpet should also pay attention to the price is reasonable, handmade wool knot carpet carpet expensive, chemical fiber needle carpet low price.Maintenance and maintenance of carpetCarpets must be cleaned regularly to keep them in good shape and to reduce wear during use. There are two main types of dirt on carpets, one is dust and other particulate matter, and the other is dirt and oil stains and other chemicals. The former can be solved by regular vacuum cleaning or cleaning, and the latter requires chemical solution, which needs professional guidance. If the method is improper, it will be carried out carefully.Carpet should pay attention to the use of problems:1: the new carpet will be used in the early stage of a slight volt hair, is a normal phenomenon.2: carpet surface, beware of sharp tools, scraping and cigarette burns.3: carpet factory mostly did not put insecticide mothproof treatment, bring harm to human body and carpet.4: spilled on the carpet stains, should be cleaned, a long time will be difficult to place.5: carpet cleaning should be mixed according to the original direction of pile negative is straightened out, after drying will be difficult to maintain the original appearance.6: in order not to dust into the carpet area, should be set at the entrance to the dust carpet pad.Carpet cleaning:Local cleaning and thorough cleaning can be carried out according to the degree of pollution.Local cleaning: mainly for contaminated areas or small stains, there are several ways:1: the detergent or water spray on the carpet, with a towel scrub, and then use a dry towel absorption;2: decontamination powder will be sprinkled on the carpet, and then brush brush, and then vacuum treatment;3: the lotion will be sprayed onto the carpet, vacuum cleaner with nozzle and vacuum cleaner.Overall cleaning: regular cleaning shall be carried out regularly in order to maintain cleanliness and appearance of the blanket. Thorough cleansing should be thorough,And minimize the number of total suction.Carpet knowledge--------------------------------------------------------------------------------With the development of national economy and the improvement of living standard, interior decoration, especially soft decoration, has become a new fashion trend. The ground decoration carpet, both in Home Furnishing or in hotels, office buildings, public places of entertainment plays a very important role, although its practical value gradually fade, but the decorative value, aesthetic value and collection value is sufficiently convex now.Classification of carpets:1, wool carpets: woven and woven two kinds, the former is expensive,The latter is cheap, and the quality and quantity of the fluff are the main factors that determine the abrasion resistance of the carpet. The amount is often expressed by the density of fluff. In the pure wool carpet now has less civil, mainly as art in interior design application.2, blended carpet: many varieties, often with wool fiber and synthetic fiber blend. Abrasion resistance can be increased by five times. It can also be blended with synthetic fiber, such as pan fiber. Blended carpet can overcome the disadvantages of pure wool carpet is not easy corrosion and resistance to insects.3. Chemical fiber carpet: it is made of polypropylene fiber and acrylic fiber after making it. It is made of the bottom of linen cloth. Quality and tactility like wool, wear-resistant and flexible, after special treatment, but has the characteristics of fire prevention, anti fouling, anti-static, moth and other advantages, with wool carpets, is the main product of modern carpet industry.4, plastic carpet: is the use of PVC resin, plasticizer and other auxiliary materials, a new type of carpet after uniform mixing, a plastic. Artificial lawn for outdoor use.5, is a straw carpet: local style floor made of grass, hemp or plant fiber processing.Carpet function:1., sound insulation effect - carpet with its tight breathable structure, can absorb and isolate sound waves, have good sound insulation effect.2., improve air quality - carpet surface villi can capture, adsorption floating in the air dust particles, effectively improve indoor air quality.3. safety: carpet carpet is a kind of flexible pavement materials, such as marble tiles. Unlike the rigid pavement materials, not easy to slip bump, have children and old home that covered the blanket blanket or paving block.4., artistic and decorative effect - carpet has rich patterns, gorgeous colors, diversified shapes, can beautify your decorative environment, reflect your personality.5., no poison - carpet does not have radiation, does not emit formaldehyde and other harmful to the health of the gas, to achieve a variety of environmental protection requirements.Carpet shopping:There are two main ways to check the density and elasticity of a short carpet. First of all, can use the thumb on the carpet, as quickly restored after, said woven cashmere density and flexibility are better; or the carpet. More difficult to see the mat, said Plush knitted more closely, more durable. When choosing carpet, pay attention to the location of laying and the amount of walking. Frequent around areas such as the entrance, the hall will choose a higher density, wear-resistant carpet; activity in places such as the bedroom, you can choose a plush high and soft carpet; and stair should choose sort of durable, non slip. At the top of the stairs to avoid the long flat ring of carpet, because the bottom of blanket is easily exposed in stair edge; as for the stains on easy to stick the place such as the dining room, etc., are advised to use the antifouling carpet treatment to facilitate cleaning.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Carpet life and cost and maintenance measuresCarpets, which were once considered expensive household luxuries, now appear in ordinary families as they seekhigh-quality living. However, there are still many consumers that carpet not only take care of trouble, but also worried about its surface textiles as a result of life is too short, resulting in cost waste. So we now have full... Bride family decoration, do not worry about the anti - IKEA 150 square meters of contemporary fashion chic bathroom appreciation, wood floor renovation process, Qing decoration highlights Jimmy'swhite-collar home, living room color space should be how to layout, easy fun fashion, large-sized apartment kitchen more 08 humanized design, ten misunderstandings of pollution in the decoration decoration market ten big carpet deceptive quotations was supposed to be an expensive luxury home now, as people pursue high quality life and frequent appearance in common family. But there are still many consumers who think carpet is not only troublesome to take care of,Also worried about its use as ground textiles is too short, resulting in cost waste. Now let's take a look at the life cycle and cost of the carpet.1 carpet life cycle costThe cost of the carpet life cycle is the basic cost of the carpet, the extra cost of installation and installation, and the sum of maintenance costs divided by the amount of carpet used. How long can a carpet be used depends mainly on its appearance and acceptability.Some of these carpets require a sixty percent maintenancecharge over the average carpet in order to maintain a respectable appearance. Therefore, the long-term maintenance costs will be enough to offset the huge initial investment in quality carpets.2, carpet maintenance and costThe service life of carpet is affected by many factors, such as carpet manufacturing quality, fiber, texture, type, color, pattern, cushion, usage, usage, maintenance requirement, etc.. It is thus clear that correct maintenance methods are important for prolonging the life of carpet. If the lack of careful carpet maintenance plan or just do an occasional maintenance, the appearance of wear extent, must be higher than the accepted daily care carpet fast and serious, so the maintenance and repair costs at any time to change, it is difficult to budget. In sum, the sum of such expenditure is usually more than budgeted and planned maintenance.Facts show that effective maintenance measures can prolong the life cycle of the carpet. The longer the carpet is used, the lower its annual cost。

地毯基础知识地毯基础知识地毯基础知识—Gauge 、Stitches 、Pile HeightStitches 针脚长度Gauge 针距Pile height 簇绒高地毯基础知识—Pile Weightoz/yd2 g/m2—每平方码地毯的盎司重—每平方米地毯的克重g/m2 =0.0353oz(1.0936)2yd2=0.029516oz/yd233.9g/m2 = oz/yd2地毯原料技术-天然纤维-合成纤维◇羊毛◇棉花◇丝◇尼龙◇丙纶◇涤纶◇晴纶地毯原料技术—长丝、短纤短纤Staple连续膨体长丝BuckedContinuousFilament地毯原料技术—各纤维特性比较N6N6.6PP PET TM(摄氏度)215256160265密度 1.13 1.140.91 1.38玻璃化温度40-8050-80-17-480回复性GOOD GOOD LOW LOW 保型性YES YES NO YES地毯原料技术—弹性回复率Traffic Nylon PET PP 010*******20K907430K88727240K8969Pile Height Recovery (%)地毯染色技术—前染地毯染色技术—后染散纤染绞纱染段染匹染连续染印花地毯染色技术—散纤染地毯染色技术—绞纱染地毯染色技术—段染地毯染色技术—匹染地毯染色技术—连续染地毯染色技术—印花地毯簇绒技术地毯簇绒技术—簇绒机地毯簇绒技术—簇绒原理地毯簇绒技术—簇绒原理地毯簇绒技术—提花机构-利用针排横向移动提花-通过控制圈高体现花纹地毯分类◣簇绒毯◣机织毯◣编织毯、针刺毯、粘结毯等第一章地毯结构Page8-Page12地毯分类—1. 簇绒毯地毯分类—1. 簇绒毯平圈高低圈长毛绒萨克森弯头纱高割低圈地毯分类—2. 机织毯地毯分类—2. 机织毯(阿克明斯特)地毯分类—2. 机织毯(威尔顿)地毯分类—2. 机织毯(威尔顿)地毯分类—3. 手工枪刺毯地毯分类—4. 针刺毯地毯品种及适用场合地毯品种及适用场合1)Class I –中等流量(<500 人次/天) –遭受有限交通流量的区域。
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一、地毯知识 (4)1.地毯是如何分类的? (4)2.地毯作为铺地材料有哪些优点? (4)3.地毯起源于什么时代? (5)4.地毯起源于什么民族? (5)5.手工地毯可分为几类? (5)6.簇绒地毯起源于何时?簇绒机发明于什么年代? (5)7.什么是机织地毯? (5)8.什么是簇绒地毯? (5)9.地毯的使用对象分为哪几类? (6)10.地毯的使用寿命如何? (6)11.选铺地毯应遵循哪些原则? (6)12.地毯有几种铺装方法? (7)13.铺装地毯时需要哪些工具和辅料? (7)14.如何清洁和保养地毯? (7)16.使用地毯是否对人体有害? (8)17.地毯生产中使用的胶乳可以引起过敏反应吗? (8)18.羊毛地毯会成为过敏症患者的过敏原吗? (8)19.铺地毯会导致螨虫引起的各种疾病吗? (8)20.羊毛地毯能有效吸收甲醛吗? (8)21.羊毛地毯只适宜在冬季铺设吗? (8)二、地毯的原辅材料 (9)22.簇绒地毯的主要原材料有哪些? (9)23.丙纶、锦纶、涤纶、腈纶的代号分别是什么? (9)24.什么是BCF长丝? (9)25.什么是BCF加捻定型长丝? (9)26.纤维是怎么分类的? (9)27.聚丙烯纤维有哪些特性和用途? (10)28.锦纶(尼龙)有哪些特性和用途? (10)29.目前用于地毯织造的尼龙种类有哪些?分别有哪些特性? (10)30.纤度的定义是什么? (10)31.化学纤维的细度通常用什么表示? (10)32.天然纤维的细度通常用什么表示? (10)33.旦数、分特的定义分别是什么?用什么表示? (11)34.旦数和分特是如何换算的? (11)35.公制支数的定义是什么? (11)36.公制支数与旦数是如何换算的? (11)37.什么是网络度?BCF纱线网络的作用是什么? (11)38.什么叫捻度?捻向用什么表示? (11)39.色差是如何定义的? (11)40.除光源外,地毯纱线的颜色还受什么影响? (11)41.纱线热定型的目的是什么? (12)42.定型纱线分为几种? (12)43.什么叫倍捻纱?什么叫直捻纱? (12)44.PP基布的作用是什么? (12)45.纱罗布(衬布)的作用是什么? (12)46.地毯后整理常用的胶料有哪些? (12)47.地毯底背涂胶的主要作用是什么? (12)三、地毯的专业知识 (12)48.针距、绒高、针迹的概念分别是什么? (12)49.什么是耗纱量? (13)50.普通丙纶BCF长丝生产的地毯有何特点? (13)51.丙纶加捻长丝生产的地毯有何特点? (13)52.簇绒地毯生产工艺流程有哪些? (13)53.簇绒织机大致可分为几类? (13)54.簇绒提花地毯生产技术的分类有哪些? (14)55.匹毯染色有哪些优点? (14)56.目前的印花地毯设备有哪几种类型? (14)57.地毯剪毛平毯工序的主要作用是什么? (14)58.为什么在织造非常规幅宽走廊毯及块毯时排版应尽量排满整个幅宽? (15)59.为什么定织走廊毯时宽度尺寸应略放宽一些? (15)60.常见的地毯特种处理方法有哪些? (15)61.块毯包边的方法主要有哪几种? (15)一、地毯知识1.地毯是如何分类的?答:(1)按制造工艺可分为两类:手工地毯和机制地毯。
15. 新地毯铺设后会有什么异味?答:地毯铺设中使用一种胶乳粘合剂,会产生气味(4-苯基环乙烯,4-PC),这种气味在通风的情况下数天内即可散尽,而且对人体无害。
24.什么是BCF长丝?答:BCF得名于“Bulk Continuous Filament”三个单词的第一个字母,其中“Bulk”膨化,“Continuous”连续的,“Filament”长丝。