跨文化交际论文Inter-cultural Communication

一、在跨文化和跨文化知识学习的重要性“跨文化交际”的英语名称是“cross-cultural communication (或inter-cultural communication)”。
它指本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际, 也指任何在语言和文化背景方面有差异的人们之间的交际。

Intercultural Communication and Translation of Culture-loaded Words of the West and EastAbstract:As a new marginal discipline, intercultural communication became an important separate discipline in the 1970s. It emerged in America and has been developing quickly and greatly in the western world. While in China, the discipline was first introduced in the 1980s. Nowadays, with the increasing exchange of the West and East, intercultural communication becomes increasingly frequent against the background of economic globalization. So it needs corresponding more translation activities. Against the background of economic globalization, we should be fully aware of intercultural communication, especially the conflicts and exchanges between Western and Eastern, the mixture of both and the work of translation. We should both learn the essence of Western culture and keep up the splendid cultural tradition of China.In the course of the intercultural translation, culture-loaded words contain cultural connotation and mirror cultural characteristics, so they are often considered difficult to translate. This thesis studies approaches of translating culture-loaded words in the broad context of intercultural communication by exploring the relation between culture and translation. This thesis argues that by adopting proper translating approaches, culture-loaded words should achieve both semantic and pragmatic equivalence, or at least pragmatic equivalence.Key words: intercultural communication; translation; culture-loaded words; semantic equivalence; pragmatic equivalenceIntroductionIntercultural communication involves two different cultures, and different culture created a different national language. Culture plays an important role in specific semantic structure and model of language. The vocabulary is the accumulation of cultural information, and the cultural concepts and values of different nation at all levels of culture are "reflected in their vocabulary system, and then form the words with cultural connotation." [1]With special cultural connotation, cultural words are often difficult in cross-cultural communication translation, and even become an obstacle to transmission of information.Influence of culture on translationFrom the perspective of intercultural communication, one of the purposes is to establish the cultural equivalence between the source language and target language. In terms of the translation of cultural terms, the cultural equivalence mainly reflects in the semantic equivalence and pragmatic equivalence. Semantic equivalence is the basis of pragmatic equivalence. Thus, in many cases, equivalent translation is also mainly refers to the semantic equivalence.The author believes that the basic principles of cultural lexicon translation should be done to maximize the semantic and pragmatic equivalence. We should at least ensure the pragmatic equivalence if semantic equivalence can not be achieved. For instance, in Tianjin city of China, there is a century-old snack "Goubuli" steamed buns, and now many tourist cities in the country establish its branches, and the buns are also soldabroad. Its English translation "Dog Won't Leave" is far from its original Chinese name meaning. And there is no semantic equivalent at all, because the Chinese "dog ignore" have no contact with “the dog” and “leave”. However, from the perspective of pragmatic translation, “Dog Won't Leave” is a wonderful translation. Dogs won’t leave buns stands for it will not leave its host either. Undoubtedly, such translation has a strong attraction force for diners in English and America who love dogs like loving friends. Basically, the equivalence in pragmatic effects is achieved.As the source language and target language are different in language and culture, it is almost impossible to achieve totally equivalence in semantic and pragmatic aspect for the source language and target language symbols. Therefore, when translating cultural words, we only try to pursuit of semantic equivalence as far as possible under the premise of ensuring pragmatic equivalence. There are five commonly used methods when translating cultural words:First, shift translation. It refers to unchanged moving all or part of the source language to the target language. For instances, CD, VCD, DVD, DNA, ICU, and many computer terms which are translated into Chinese by the shift frequently appear on Chinese newspapers and magazines. Some expressions with Chinese characteristics like qigong (qigong), taijiquan (shadow boxing), jiaozi (dumplings), qipao (cheongsam), has moved in English and American newspapers.Second, transliteration. Some of the source language culture-specific images are "blank" or "vacant” in the target language. I n this case, we can transplant these unique to the target language using transliteration method. Transliteration is homophonic inChinese words or word combinations in English translation, and these words or word combinations are not meaningful ready-made words in Chinese. For instance: 秀(show), 酷(cool), 黑客(hacker), 艾滋病(AIDS), 色拉(salad), 可口可乐(Coca-cola) and so on.Third, literal translation. Literal translation refers to translation of the "corresponding" phrase and cultural information in the source language. This can preserve cultural identity of the source language as much as possible and broaden the cultural horizons of target language readers. However, it can not be applied mechanically, and it should not mislead the reader of the target language. For instance: olive branch (橄榄树), lonely as a cloud (像一朵孤云), 纸老虎(paper tiger),一国两制(one country with two systems), etc.Four, free translation. It focuses on the translation to convey the original meaning (interpretation), which lay down the language form and literal meaning of the source language. It expresses the cultural information of source language in the target language with cross-cultural "pragmatic equivalence. For instance: the Renaissance (文艺复兴); "辛亥革命"(the 1911 Revolution against Qing Dynasty), etc.Five, Replacement. It refers to the replacement of original words with some similar meaning but different concept meaning in the target language on the basis of keeping communication meaning of the original. That is to replace words with rich cultural connotation in the source language with corresponding word with same cultural connotation in the target language. Such as: to laugh off one's head (笑掉大牙); lead a dog's life (过着牛马不如的生活); 挥金如土(to spend money like water); 力大如牛(asstrong as a horse).ConclusionEnglish and Chinese are two different languages, and both reflect the cultural differences which form the barrier of communication. How to overcome obstacles and achieve cultural equivalence is a difficult problem to solve. Practice shows that in most cases we can find reasonable translation methods which can be accepted by readers in the target language. By means of the necessary modifications, we can at least achieve pragmatic equivalence. The important thing is that the translators should attach great importance to cultural factors in the source language, and consider issues from the purpose of intercultural communication.。

一、跨文化交际及跨文化交际能力的定义跨文化交际(cross-cultural communication或inter-cultural communication)是指本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际,也指任何在语言和文化背景方面有差异的人们之间的交际。
跨文化交际 第四章 Intercultural Communication Barriers

Text C
Translation Problems
Idiomatic Equivalence
Assuming Similarity Instead of Difference
Grammatical-Syntactical Equivalence
Racism Experiential Equivalence Reasons for the Persistence of Ethnocentrism, Stereotyping, Prejudice and Racism Conceptual Equivalence
2. Stereotyping
Stereotyping Definition Dimensions Categories
3. Prejudice
Activity: Expressing Opinions What do you think of women in power?
4. Racism
Activity: Reflection Have you ever avoided physical contact with people from other races? If yes, why do you do so?
What do you think of the following pictures?
A Danish Woman in New York
What can the following two pictures tell us?

Case Analysis of Cross-cultural Communication Film [Abstract]:With the advent of the 21st century, the degree of globalization continues to strengthen,and the communication between regions and countries becomes more and more frequent. As is known to all, the cultures of different nationalities have their own characteristics, and it is precisely because of these multi-ethnic cultures that our colorful world is made up of. However, it is undeniable that the existence of cultural differences leads to constant conflicts in the process of cultural exchanges. Crash and Scrapping two movies, for example, this paper tells the conflict phenomenon in cross-cultural communication and on the causes of these problems, puts forward some constructive Suggestions.[keywords]:Intercultural communication,Cultural differences, cultural consensusCross-cultural communication refers to the information transfer and communication between different cultural units. It is the communication between people in different cultural backgrounds. Due to the cultural differences between different countries, communicators often cause conflicts in communicative activities such as language blending and cultural integration due to different cultural backgrounds. Through watching relevant films, the paper discusses and studies the causes of problems in cross-cultural communication, and puts forward ways to alleviate conflicts, promote harmonious and friendly communication between regions, and promote the prosperity and progress of world culture.I.Analyze the problems in cross-cultural communication(I)Interpersonal relationship differences -- take film scrapping as an example As we all know, Western culture tend to be individualist. Westerns tend to view individualism as a good thing and believe that people should rely on themselves as much as possible ——and they usually expect other people to do the same. As mentioned in the scrapping film, Xu datong succeeded through his own efforts and finally changed his social status and situation. Even the Chinese people still won the respect and admiration of the americans at that time.Westerns generally feel that the rights of individuals should not be subordinated to the needs of large group, or at least that individuals should have the right to decide for themselves whether to sacrifice their personal benefit for the sake of group.However, in the face of the facts, the Chinese people, the more important. Although in fact is the father for the son scraping, but Xu datong still take the initiative to take the responsibility to protect his father. Although he knew it was illegal to leave the child alone at home, xu datong still went to pick up his father after receiving a call from the police. It is because of the culturaldifferences between the two sides that led to the tragedy of the life of Xu datong's family.Westerns tend to believe that individuals should make decisions for themselves, and that individual should take credit and responsibility for what they have personally done.In the film, a colleague of Xu datong, instead of helping him escape unwarranted charges under the law, testifies in court that he abused his son. One of the important reasons why this happened is that americans advocate individualism, law and facts, and colleagues do not know about scrapping and saw Xu datong beat his son, which led to the tragedy in the movie.(II)Conflicts caused by cultural differences -- take movie Crash as an example Does a white farmer in Illinois have so much in common with a black banker in New York that what we say they all belong to the same culture?Obviously there will be many difference between these two people ——they live in different regions, have different jobs, have different ethnic background, and so forth .Throughout the movie, I'm impressed with the two black brother, came out from the coffee shop, one of the black has been complaining about discrimination against blacks, whites and another black didn't think so, but in the black complain, another black gradually produced a strong sense of identity, so they conducted armed robbery, hit-and-run, and so on a series of bad things.In fact, this story can reflect the parents' teaching to their children, whether white or black, if parents teach them from an early age that white is noble, will not swear, will not do wrong, black is rude, uncivilized, always doing wrong. Then the idea will be rooted in the idea of children, then white and black children can never be friends, the misunderstanding between white and black people will be deeper, the conflict between the two sides will become more and more fierce, I believe if things go on for a long time, will eventually lead to the inevitable riots.However, most likely there are many things that they share in common. For example, the schools they went to probably taught roughly the same kinds of courses, they probably watch many of the same TV programs, they live under the same government and legal system ,and they probably all speak the same language.As a result, even if these people look different on the outside, the ideas and information in their heads will have much in common. You should say that they are many different brands of computers that look different on the outside, but have a lot of the same software and data. It is these shared ideas that make a grou p of people into a culture , in fact, you should say that a “culture ”is essentially a group of people who carry many of the same ideas in their heads.Most modern societies believe that equality is a virtue.But there's no denying that every society still has hierarchy to some degree. In other words, some people have higher and more power than others. Thisinjustice is mainly reflected in the racial discrimination in the United States. In the movies, white people always have a higher status than black people, and black people are not respected by white people.Preserving good relationship and harmony between people, especially among one's ingroup and circle of acquaintance, is generally considered very important. so people generally try to avoid direct confilt. Therefore, in order to avoid conflicts, every one of us should master certain methods when conducting cross-cultural communication, so as to consciously carry out correct cross-cultural communication and promote the formation of a beautiful and harmonious society.II solutions to cross-cultural communication problems(I)Strengthen cross-cultural communication and learn from western culture Peace and good relation between nations, people and cultures need to be beased on mutual understanding. As you study English, you are learning how to be an ambassador who can serve as a bridge between China and the world, a translator who can help people of China and other countries better understand each other. The more you understand about intercultural communication, the more effectively you can serve as an ambassador for your own culture and as a bridge between your culture and others.When you are new to Chinese culture, this made it harder for you to understand why the other people acted as they did. When you really didn't understand what was happening, you should consider other possible explanations for the Chinese students' behavior instead of jumping to negative conclusions. To communicating with local people, you 'd better to improve the local language and learn as much as possible about local culture. Of course, you also need to learn something about intercultural communication and learned how to be a more effective intercultural communicator.As you learn about other culture there are two good habit you should cultivate right from the start. First, build the habit of consciously making an effort to avoid stereotypes. second, build the habit of making a conscious effort not to judge other cultures too quickly. one of the best way to manage our tendency to judge negatively is by cultivating the habit of describing things instead of evaluating them.(II)Interpreting what foreigners mean“Interpretation ”the process of deciding what foreigners' words and action mean and why they do what they do. However when you interpret the behavior of foreigners, you don't have so much cultural background information to help you understand their behavior, so you have to guess and use your imagination much more. If you interpret their behavior quickly, without thinking carefully and getting asmuch information as possible, it is very likely that your Interpretation will be at least partially wrong.The same three habits will help you be a more effective intercultural communication. First, get into the habit of consciously noticing that you are entering an intercultural encounter. Second, get into the habit of interpreting intercultural encounters more slowly, rather than jumping to conclusion quickly. The last but not least, get into the habit of thinking more consciously and carefully about the situation.(III)To become a good intercultural communicatorThere is no doubt that you will probably have to speak in English when you are interacting with Westerners .In fact, when people from two different cultures try to communicate with each other, at least one of them will almost certainly have to speak in some language other than his native tongue. Therefore to avoid the language gap problem and become a good intercultural communicator, you need to be aware of how speaking in a foreign language affect you and make a special effort not to let these negative affect how you interpret the words and actions of others.III.The conclusionAs I talk about culture in this passage, my goal is not to say that one culture is better or worse than another. Instead, our goal is to describe differences between culture,and try to come to a better understanding of Western and Chinese culture. Before one can evaluate a culture, one must understand it.Reference:I: A Book called Encounters With WesternersII: A Film called CrashIII: A Film called Scrapping。

跨文化交际英语作文300字Title: Challenges and Opportunities in Intercultural Communication Intercultural communication, the exchange of information between individuals from different cultural backgrounds, presents both challenges and opportunities. In our increasingly globalized world, where interactions between people of diverse cultures are becoming more common, understanding the nuances of intercultural communication is crucial. This essay explores the complexities involved, highlighting the potential pitfalls and benefits of navigating cross-cultural interactions. One of the primary challenges in intercultural communication is the presence of cultural barriers. These barriers encompass differences in language, nonverbal cues, values, beliefs, and customs. Misinterpretation of these cultural nuances can lead to misunderstandings, conflict, and even offense. For instance, a gesture considered polite in one culture may be deemed rude in another. Moreover, language barriers can hinder effective communication, as nuances, idioms, and colloquialisms may not translate accurately. However, amidst these challenges lie opportunities for growth and understanding. Intercultural communication provides a platform for individuals to broaden their perspectives, enhance empathy, and develop cultural competence. By engaging with people from different cultural backgrounds, individuals can gain insights into alternative ways of thinking, problem-solving, and living. This exposure fosters tolerance and appreciation for diversity, ultimately contributing to a more interconnected and harmonious global community. Moreover, successful intercultural communication can lead to synergy and innovation. When individuals from diverse backgrounds collaborate effectively, they bring a multitude of ideas, experiences, and approaches to the table. This diversity of thought can spark creativity, drive innovation, and lead to breakthrough solutions to complex problems. Organizations that embrace diversity and foster inclusive communication practices often reap the rewards of enhanced creativity, productivity, and competitiveness in the global marketplace. However, achieving effective intercultural communication requires effort and mindfulness. It necessitates open-mindedness, respect, and a willingness to adapt. Individuals must recognize and challenge their own cultural biases and assumptions to foster mutual understanding and respect. Furthermore, active listening and empathy areessential components of successful cross-cultural communication. By attentively listening to and empathizing with individuals from different cultural backgrounds, one can bridge the gap of understanding and forge meaningful connections. In conclusion, intercultural communication presents both challenges and opportunities in our increasingly interconnected world. While cultural barriers may hinder effective communication, embracing diversity and cultivating cultural competence can lead to personal growth, innovation, and mutual understanding. By fostering empathy, respect, and open-mindedness, individuals can navigate cross-cultural interactions with sensitivity and effectiveness, contributing to a more harmonious and interconnected global community.。

跨文化交流英文议论文作文Cross-cultural communication is an essential part ofour globalized world. It allows people from different backgrounds to come together, share ideas, and learn from each other. It's a way to break down barriers and build understanding between people who may have different beliefs, values, and traditions.When it comes to cross-cultural communication, language plays a crucial role. Being able to speak someone else's language, even just a few words, can make a huge difference in how you connect with them. It shows that you respecttheir culture and are making an effort to understand themon their terms.However, communication is not just about language. It's also about non-verbal cues, such as body language, facial expressions, and gestures. These can vary widely from one culture to another, so it's important to be aware of these differences and be sensitive to them when interacting withpeople from different backgrounds.One of the biggest challenges in cross-cultural communication is overcoming stereotypes and misconceptions. We all have preconceived notions about people from other cultures, and these can be hard to shake. It takes an open mind and a willingness to learn in order to truly connect with people from different backgrounds.In today's interconnected world, cross-cultural communication is more important than ever. Whether it's in business, education, or everyday life, being able to effectively communicate with people from different cultures is a valuable skill that can open up new opportunities and enrich our lives. It's a way to bridge the gap between us and them, and build a more inclusive and understanding society.。


Helloevery. I am liuyin g, the last one to presen t our topic.I will introd uce the part of intere thnic[,intə'reθnik],commun icati on.As we all know, there are 56 ethnic groups which compos e our big Chines e family. (翻页)Becaus e the percep tion varies hugely from one ethnic to another, they invari ablyplacethemse lvesin their own contex t when a communicati on occurr ed, so confli cts stand there. But the wild spread of inform ation by all kinds of communicati on also made a big fusion.I wouldlike to remind you of an exampl e of our teache r’s. It really i mpres sed me. In the introductio n of her travel ,she mentio ned a girl of Tibet. Now I thinksome of you alread y called up your memory. Yes, miss “NiMa”. Nowada ys, we use Nima to replac e some dirtywordswhichwe use to expres s our surpri se or anger or someth i n g like that …… howeve r, in tibet“Nima” means the sun. Causewe have differ ent percep tion of the same noun, so you laughe d when you heard someon e who would go as far as to name hersel f “nima”Anothe r exampl e is aboutthe Dai nation ality, nowadays many people and even schola rs name our brothers in a wrongway, actual ly they dislik e , eh, in fact, hate it. People divide Dai into severa l sectio ns accord ing to geogra phical distri butio n(地域分布)。

Intercultural Business CommunicationIntroduction:With the development of our social economic, a growing number of countries begin to cooperate with our country. At the same time, communication between two countries with different culture are increasing. So, we can often hear of misunderstandings caused by diversity in different culture. In order to avoid these, we need to understand different culture. Then, intercultural business communication turns up in our life. And it’s becoming more and more significant. In this paper, I’ll explain the importance by analyzing several typical cases in intercultural business communication.Body Part:Before analyzing these cases, we should understand context culture. Our country belongs to typical high context culture, and America belongs to low context culture. So Chinese people are very euphemistic to express their meaning, but American are so direct.When Mr.Wang firstly saw Mr. Green at the airplane, he smiled,’you must be very tire!’ Maybe M r. Wang just wanted to express his care about Mr. Green. But Mr. Green felt puzzled because of the diversity in cultures. He might thought that he left a bad impression on Mr. Wang and he felt a little sorry.Then in order to welcome Mr. Green, Mr. Wang treated him with a big dinner and said in a typical Chinese tone,”I’m very sorry that we’ve just prepared some poor food, I hope you don’t mind about it.’ These made Mr. Green very puzzled and he thought Mr. Wang was a dishonest guy because those were so good but Mr. wang apologized for this big dinner. But he didn’t know this was a modest expression.The next day, Mr. Green suggested that they should started their negotiation, but Mr. Wang advised him to travel in the city for several days. This time, Mr. Green refused his advice and said,” Business is business.”, which made Mr. Wang a little embarrassed. This is all because that Mr. Wa ng didn’t American culture. In America, people separate work from entertainment. When they work, they won’t waste time on entertainment. However, in China, people like to talk about work on table. We think that keep a good relationship is the first step to work, so we would like to spend much time on entertainment before work.Before they started their negotiation, Mr. Green noticed Mr. Wang took so many people with him. He felt very strange. He can’t understand that this was because the Chinese company attached significant on the cooperation. He thought, after all, this was just a business negotiation, not a big fight. Then Mr. Green introduced his mem bers to Mr. Wang,” This is my secretary and this is the lawyer of our company.” When hearing the word ‘lawyer’, all Ch inese people present felt uncomfortable and angry. Because in Chinese culture, lawyer is just like calculating family property in preparation for a divorce at a time when we are just beginning to fall in love. Mr. Wang just frowned and totally got no idea what to say. However, in American culture, in order to ensure two sides’ interest in a negotiation, a law yer is of the essence.During the negotiation, Mr. Green recommended several articles, but each time, Mr. W ang would just say,” Oh, that is very good, but I have to talk to my boss.” Mr. Green was very unplea sant, for he couldn’t understand why the comp any sent Mr. Wang if he couldn’t make any decision. He thought the Chinese company didn’t have the sincerity to cooperate with them. What’s worse, sometimes Mr. Wang even would give some puzzling answers, like” I fully understand this, but I am afraid ther e are some problems about this. It’s very complex.” For Chinese,we know those words mean that their idea had been refused . But for America, they didn’t understand, they thought that the Chinese company found some problems in their idea. So Mr. Green asked,” Then what are the problems?”. This made Mr. Wang embarrassed and hejust kept silent. At last, Mr. G reen couldn’t help losing his temper, and he totally believed that the Chinese company was really unwilling to cooperate with them. However, Mr. Wang di dn’t know why Mr. Green was so angry, so he said,” Take it easy. In fact, we do want to cooperate with your company, but you can see that things are complex.” Mr. Green was so angry to these cloudy words that he accidentally fell back onto the seat. In order to ease this embarrassed atmosphere, all the Chinese present laughed and asked,” Are you OK?”. Mr. Green said nothing and left the room for he thought he was not respected. But until he left China with his me mbers, he didn’t know why Mr. Wang treated him in such a way. Also, the Chinese didn’t know why Mr. Green was so angry.When they began their communication, they all ignored the diversity between their countries. They thought they had treated each other in their best way, but they didn’t reali ze t hat they used the wrong way. As a result, they didn’t cooperate with each other with misunderstandings.Conclusion:English, as a second language for us, is very important. Therefor, we learn English from primary school to college. But in the process, we are only taught how to use English, and never know the cultural diversity. However, when we communicate with English speakers, not only can we speak English, but also should we know the cultural diversity. So, for those reasons, intercultural business communication is very important for us. When communicating with foreign friends, we should know their custom, their speaking style, their culture and so on. Only in this way can we get their respect, friendship, cooperation and so on.Reference:1.廖华英2010 《跨文化交际案例分析》北京北京理工大学出版社。

跨文化交际英语作文Title: Navigating Intercultural Communication in English。
Intercultural communication plays a crucial role in our globalized world, where interactions between people from diverse cultural backgrounds are becoming increasingly common. As English serves as a lingua franca in many cross-cultural interactions, mastering effective communication in English becomes essential. In this essay, we will explore key strategies for navigating intercultural communicationin English seamlessly.Firstly, understanding cultural differences is paramount. Each culture has its unique communication norms, values, and etiquette. Therefore, being aware of cultural nuances can prevent misunderstandings and foster smoother interactions. For instance, in some cultures, direct communication is valued, while in others, indirect communication is preferred to maintain harmony. Byfamiliarizing ourselves with these cultural nuances, we can adapt our communication style accordingly, thereby bridging cultural gaps.Secondly, practicing empathy and active listening are essential in intercultural communication. Empathy allows us to understand and appreciate the perspectives ofindividuals from different cultural backgrounds. By putting ourselves in their shoes, we can better comprehend their communication styles, beliefs, and values. Additionally, active listening involves paying full attention to the speaker, seeking clarification when needed, and acknowledging their viewpoints respectfully. This not only demonstrates respect for the other person but also facilitates mutual understanding and trust.Moreover, being mindful of non-verbal communication cues is crucial in intercultural communication. Non-verbal cues such as gestures, facial expressions, and body language often convey meaning beyond words. However, it's essential to recognize that these cues may varysignificantly across cultures. For example, a nod of thehead may signify agreement in some cultures but disagreement or confusion in others. Therefore,interpreting non-verbal cues accurately requiressensitivity and cultural awareness.Furthermore, embracing cultural diversity enriches intercultural communication experiences. Instead of viewing cultural differences as barriers, we should celebrate them as opportunities for learning and growth. Engaging in cultural exchange activities, such as language exchange programs, cultural festivals, or international workshops, allows us to interact with people from diverse backgrounds and gain insights into their cultures. By fostering an open-minded attitude towards cultural diversity, we can build meaningful connections and promote intercultural understanding.Additionally, adapting our language and communication style to suit the cultural context enhances communication effectiveness. This includes using clear and simple language, avoiding jargon or slang that may be unfamiliar to non-native speakers, and speaking at a moderate pace tofacilitate comprehension. Moreover, being mindful of cultural taboos and sensitivities prevents unintentional offense or miscommunication.In conclusion, effective intercultural communication in English requires a combination of cultural awareness, empathy, active listening, sensitivity to non-verbal cues, appreciation for diversity, and adaptability in language and communication style. By incorporating these strategies into our communication practices, we can navigate cross-cultural interactions with confidence, respect, and mutual understanding. As we continue to engage in intercultural communication, let us embrace the richness of cultural diversity and strive for meaningful connections across borders.。

跨文化交际中的非语言交际,英语其它论文Nonverbal Communication in Intercultural Communication [Abstract] With the rapid development of science and technology, the world is becoming increasingly a global village. Cultural interflows in the world are irreversible trends. Communication can be divided into two categories, namely, verbal communication and nonverbal communication. Besides the language, the nonverbal language such as tone of voice, eye movement, posture, touch, facial expressions and so on are also of vital importance to people’s daily communication.Nonverbal communication can exert influences on people’s communication, reflect the people’s thoughts and complement the verbal communication. Nonverbal communication is universal. It is part of culture and a mirror of culture. Learning to communicate with another people from different culture means learning that culture’s nonverbal signals as well. It becomes imperative that people should not simply try to interpret messages of others with his or her local frames of reference. If people fail to handle this, it will inevitably cause conflicts or misunderstanding when two or more cultures encounter each other.This paper explores the functions of nonverbal communication in cross-cultural communication, significance of nonverbal communication and puts forward some suggestions on how to avoid and deal with the conflicts or misunderstanding when encountering people from different cultures[Key Words] Nonverbal communication; Culture; Cross-cultural communication跨文化交际中的非语言交际【摘要】随着科学技术的迅猛发展,整个世界已逐渐成为一个地球村,世界各国间的交流也成为一个不可逆转的潮流。

1.Digest................................................................................................................................... P22.The key word ..................................................................................................................... P23.The main body ................................................................................................................. P24.The c onclusion.................................................................................................................. P45.Acknowledgment ......................................................................................................... P4Economic g lobalization h as b rought m ore o pportunities f or C hinese t o e ncounter a nd communicate with f oreigners.However,there a re u psetting p roblems a rising,with t he intercultural c ommunication gaining i ts o wn p opularity.Not j ust r anging f rom t he background of c ulture t o t he s tereotype o f thinking,but t he p atriotism a nd t he ethnocentrism in i ndividual m ind,are a ll o bstacles,in t he s ake f or building e ffective a nd precise communication b etween d ifferent c ulture.Therefore,we a re s upposed t o utilize t he scientist m ethods t o h andle a s eries o f t ypical p roblems.ntercultural c ommunication;the s tereotype o f t hinking;cultural exchangeEven if t he i ndividuals t alk w ith e ach o ther i n t he s ame l anguage,we s till c annot make sure t hat t he can c atch t he c orrect a nd p recise m eanings f orm o thers.It’s b ecause the w ay t hey t hink i s d istinct,the background o f c ulture t hey l ive i n i s d ifferent a nd t he method they u se t o h andle t rouble d iffers f rom ones.Moreover,due t o t he c ultural conflicts and o bstacles,the c ommunications t end t o b e accompanied b y misunderstandings and d istortions i n t he c urrent c onditions.So w hen i t comes t o communication dilemma,p eople t end t o j udge t he b ehaviors a nd w ords o f o thers i n t heir own c ultural acknowledgment,which makes intercultural communication with obvious patriotism and e thnocentrism.With t he d egree o fintercultural c ommunication g rowing,b etween d ifferent c ultures will have a certain d egree o fmutual p enetration.F or e xample,common w ords,s uch a svitamin,the I nternet a nd r adar a re t he d irect t ransliteration o fEnglish.W ords s uch a s Kung Fu,the p aper tiger a nd l ose f ace h ad j oined i nto t he O xford D ictionary.O bviously,with the p rocess o f c ultural e xchange, cultural r epresentation i n t he p roperty r eached a stage o fmutual u nderstanding,t hen f ollowed m ust b e deeper c ultural i ntegration.We n eed t o b reak t he s tereotype o fintercultural c ommunication,.Forexample,majority of C hinese t hink A mericans m ay b e i n f avor o findividualism b ut A sian prefer collectivism.Actually,f acts i s n ot s o.In O yserman’s r esearches,A mericans i n m any field m ore p refer t he m odel of c ollectivism,l ike t he g rade s ystem,a nd m aintaining groups’pared with t hat,Japanese just l ike s uch c ollectivism l ike w orking i n the group.A lso,people u sually t hink A rab t alkingwith o thers w ill sit n early,which m eans they can s mell p ersonal o dor a nd f requently t ouch o thers b ody s how t heir enthusiasm.However,according t o d escriptions o fpeople w ho l ived i n A rab c ountries,t his i s n ot t he case.T hey s ay A rab d o n ot s it n early a ny m ore w hen t alking.Obviously,i fwe i ntend t o clear up t he obstacles o fintercultural c ommunication,u nderstanding t he s tatus q uo i s t he top priority.O therwise,t he efforts o f e stablishing o n p revious c oncepts a nd i deas a re i n vain.The conclusion:Overall,intercultural c ommunication i s i nevitable i n t he g lobal e conomic environment.Then, how t o c ommunicate i n a e fficient a nd a ccurate w ay,i t s till n eeds explore and p ractice.W e m ust m ake clear t hat r educing b arriers i n i ntercultural communication is n ot t hat o ne s ubmits t o t he o ther,but the p eople e ntirely u nderstand their own c ulture a nd t hen l ook f or c ultural c ommon a nd a ttributes between t wocultures.Initial communication i s b ased o n t he c ommon t hing,then w ith t he t alk deeper,the attributes w ould m ake t he c onversation g o o n.[1]Oyserman, D. Coon, H. M. & Kemmelmeier, M. Rethinking individualism and collectivism:Evaluation of theoretical assumptions a nd m eta-analyses[J].Psychological B ulletin,2002,128:3-72.写作能力是对自己所积累的信息进行选择、提取、加工、改造并将之形成为书面文字的能力。


跨文化交际理解英语作文英文回答:Intercultural communication, the exchange of information, ideas, and feelings between individuals from different cultural backgrounds, poses unique challenges and opportunities in the era of globalization. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, individuals must develop intercultural competence, the ability to communicate effectively and respectfully across cultures.Effective intercultural communication requires an understanding of the cultural context of communication.This includes knowledge of cultural norms, values, beliefs, and communication styles. For example, in some cultures, it is considered polite to maintain eye contact while speaking, while in other cultures, it is considered disrespectful. By understanding the cultural context, communicators can avoid misunderstandings and build rapport.In addition to cultural understanding, effective intercultural communication also requires empathy and flexibility. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. By showing empathy, communicators can build trust and create a cooperative atmosphere. Flexibility is the ability to adapt one's communication style to the needs of the situation. For example, in a formal setting, it might be appropriate to use a more formal communication style, while in a casual setting, a more informal style might be more appropriate.Finally, effective intercultural communication requires a willingness to learn and grow. Individuals should be open to new experiences and perspectives, and they should be willing to challenge their own assumptions. By embracing the principles of effective intercultural communication, individuals can build strong relationships, foster understanding, and create a more just and equitable world.中文回答:跨文化交际是不同文化背景的个人之间信息、思想和情感的交流,在全球化的时代里带来了独特的挑战和机遇。

跨文化交际英语写作范文Title: Bridging Cultural Divides: The Importance of Cross-Cultural Communication.In today's interconnected world, cross-cultural communication has become increasingly important. As people from different cultures interact more frequently, it is crucial to understand the role of cultural differences in communication and how to navigate them effectively. This article explores the significance of cross-cultural communication, the challenges it poses, and strategies to overcome these challenges.Cross-cultural communication is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it promotes cultural understanding and respect. By understanding the values, beliefs, and norms of other cultures, we can avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. Secondly, it fosters creativity and innovation. The exchange of ideas and perspectives from different cultures can spark new insights and solutions. Finally, itis crucial for global business success. As companies expand their operations to international markets, cross-cultural communication skills are essential for effective team collaboration and customer engagement.However, cross-cultural communication can also pose significant challenges. Language barriers can create misunderstandings and communication breakdowns. For example, certain words or phrases may have different meanings or connotations in different cultures, leading to confusion or offense. Additionally, cultural norms and expectations can affect communication style and protocol. For instance, some cultures prefer direct and assertive communication, while others prefer a more indirect and subtle approach.To overcome these challenges, it is important todevelop cultural awareness and sensitivity. This involves understanding the values, beliefs, and norms of other cultures and adapting our communication style to fit the context. For example, when communicating with someone froma culture that values respect and hierarchy, it isimportant to show deference and respect for authority.Conversely, when communicating with someone from a culture that values equality and informality, a more casual and direct approach may be more appropriate.Moreover, it is crucial to develop adaptable communication skills. This means being able to flexibly adjust our communication style, tone, and content to suit the needs and preferences of the other party. For example, when presenting a business proposal to a group from a culture that values consensus and group harmony, it may be more effective to adopt a collaborative and consultative approach rather than a directive or argumentative style.In addition to cultural awareness and adaptable communication skills, it is also important to have a growth mindset when engaging in cross-cultural communication. This means being open to feedback, learning from mistakes, and continuously improving our communication skills. By approaching cross-cultural communication as a learning experience, we can better navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities it presents.In conclusion, cross-cultural communication isessential for promoting cultural understanding, fostering creativity and innovation, and achieving global business success. However, it also poses significant challenges due to language barriers and cultural differences. To overcome these challenges, we need to develop cultural awareness, sensitivity, and adaptable communication skills. By approaching cross-cultural communication with an open and learning mindset, we can bridge the cultural divides and create meaningful and effective cross-cultural connections.。

一.跨文化交流的定义"跨文化交际"---"intercultural communication":指的是不同文化背景的个人之间的交际,也就是不同文化背景的人之间所发生的相互作用。
初次与不同的文化接触时,往往会受到文化冲击(Culture shock),从而产生某种不适应。


Interculcural CommunicationName: 孙磊Academy and Class:计算机科学与技术10级1班Number :101210125Teacher :吴淑严The Necessity of Intercultural CommunicationPeople can not live without Communication. Communication is everywhere. Even when they are alone, people are bombarded with communication. Human communication—that is, the ability to use language, the ability to exchange ideas with people around us in different cultures. Communication with others is the essence of what it means to be human. Communication which is very important to our humans is the vehicle by which people initiate, maintain, and terminate their relationships with others.Like communication, culture is prevalence and has a profound effect on humans. Culture is also invisible yet pervasive. As we go about our daily lives, we do not have a great sence of our culture’s influence. Culture exist everywhere around us between different nations even different countries. Culture has a direct influence on the physical, relational and perceptual environment. Yet most of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are profoundly affected by different cultures.In addition to the rapid growth of modern society, People have more and more exchanges, the importance of intercultural communication is becoming more important. Intercultural communication occurs whenever a minimum of two persons from different cultures or countries come together and exchange verbal and nonverbal symbols. It can occurs everywhere. For example, When we do business with people from different cultures or different countries, we need to communicate with them, we need exchange different views about the business on the matter of information . A main theme throughout this text is that intercultural communication is indispensable.Successfully communicatting with someone from a different culture or different countries which is very difficult to our human requires a degree of communication competence. Most models of communication competence include a affective, and behavioral component, which is indispensable in cross-cultural communication.With the rapid growth of the modern society, the benefits of the Intercultural communication are even greater. Communicating and establishing relationships with people from different cultures can lead to a whole host of benefits, including healthier communities; increased international, national, and local commerce; reduced conflict; and personal growth through increased tolerance. Through open and honest intercultural communication, people can work together to achieve goals that benefit everyone, regardless of group or culture, including the global community in the home, business, or neighborhood. Healthy communities support all community members and strive to understand, appreciate, and acknowledge each member. Our ability to interact with persons from different cultures brought us many benefits, through cross-cultural exchange, we can learn about the other countries'way of life, also we can understand their industry structure, thus we can do commercial exchanges and academic communication with them, the academic has No boundaries, only through the exchange, we can get more academic knowledge, our communication will be easier and there willbe less conflict between people of different cultures.As mentioned earlier in this text, when we come together with a person from a different culture, we may feel uncertain, apprehensive and anxious. Such feelings are stressful. Hence, sometimes intercultural communication can be stressful. The good news is that we can learn and adapt to such stress and. During intercultural communication we have to keep in our mind that the communication strategies we use with persons with whom we are familiar may not be effective with persons from other cultures. Thus, we have to learn to adapt and adjust our communication style. We have to recognize that we will make mistakes, learn from them, adapt, and move on. A good beginning point is to recognize that people from different cultures are different—not better or worse, but simply different. Once we are able to do this, we can adjust and adapt out verbal and nonverbal messages accordingly and become competent interactions. Only through intercultural communication can we make our communication easier and our life rich and colorful.Our ability to interact with persons from different cultures both fromwithin and outside our borders has immense economic benefitsWhenever we interact with a person from a different culture we carrywith us assumptions and impressions of that other person. Only through intercultural communication can we everget to know the person as an individual.2011年12月3日。
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Intercultural CommunicationForeword: Culture Shock, a phrase which is discussed frequently these years, brings about people’s thinking about inter-cultural communication. Considering my interests on it, this semester I majored in an English course named Intercultural Communication. This is a subject talking about some differences between countries around the world. It consists of various aspects, such as food, dress, laws, etc. Investigating its reasons, in brief, they all result from different cultures. At the same time, we discussed what we should do to face it and how to behave to interculturally communicate smoothly and politely. Then, we’ll talk about it from some aspects.Thesis statement:This paper is intended to make a comparison between Chinese and West food systems, table manners, receiving gifts and kinship terms to see their differences and similarities.Outline:1.Food culture differences2.Table manners2.1Tableware2.2Seating order2.3Time2.4Toast and others3.Receiving gifts4.Kinship termsWorks cited1.Food Culture DifferencesFood is necessity for everyone. But what people eat and how they eat are different.China is a large agricultural country, with grain-based diet, plant-dominated, mostly vegetables and grains. Chinese like eating hot food, they think that if the dish becomes cool, the taste becomes bad. Any diet can not do without food. According to a survey, Chinese food has more than 600 kinds of vegetables, six times more than in the west. In Chinese cuisine, thevegetarian food is normal, civilians generally eat mainly vegetables . In ancient times, fish and meat can be eaten only in the worship. China is of long history with a vast territory. Due to the diversity of the climate, products and customs, there are widely different food styles and taste in local regions. Through creation by past dynasties, the long standing cooking art has formed rich and c olorful local dishes. Among them, “the eight major dishes” enjoy the upper reputation, which consists of Shandong, Chekiang, Sichuan, Jiangshu, Guangdong, Hunan, Fujian and Anhui.A common saying in Chinese cuisine has been around in Chinese culture for some time. Its exact origin is unknown, though it attempts to summarize the entire cuisine in one sentence. The order of the directions can vary within local culture. It should be noted Chinese cuisine have gone through numerous transformations through the different dynasties all the way up to modern times. Many different versions of the quote exist on the internet today. One of the most common version under Google’s search suggests an overwhelmingly different versions in mainland Simplified Chinese. In Chine se, it’s “南甜,北咸,东淡,西北酸,西南辣”,while in English, it’s “South is sweet, North is salty, East is mild, West North is sour, West South is spicy.”As to western cuisine, it has a history of 3000 years. Because of the animal husbandry and fishery, western cuisine is based on animal products, such as meat, eggs, milk, etc. Beef is high proportion of meat ware. And westerners are fond of black bread, marine fish, chocolate, cheese, coffee, cold drink. French cuisine is the center of western cuisine. It is a style of cooking originating from France, having developed from centuries of social and political change. Ingredients and dishes vary by region. There are many significant regional dishes that have become both national and regional. Chinese and wine are a major part of the cuisine, playing different roles regionally with many variations and appellation laws. There are many dishes that are considered part of the nations national cuisine today. Many come from classic cuisine in the fine-dining realm, but others are regional dishes that have become a norm across the country. And Foie gras, Fish sauce, etc. are most famous dishes.2.Table manners2.1 TablewareIn China, we use chopsticks. Chopsticks should always be held correctly,between the thumb and first two fingers of the right hand. There are some NEVERS when you use them. Never point the chopsticks at another person. This amounts to insulting that person and is a major faux pas. Never wave your chopsticks around as if they were an extension of your hand gestures. Never bang chopsticks like drumsticks. This is akin to telling others at the table you are a beggar. Never use chopsticks to move bowls or plates. Never suck the chopsticks. Decide what to pick up before reaching with chopsticks, instead of hovering them over or rummaging through dishes. To keep chopsticks off the table, they can be rested horizontally on one’s plate or bowl; a chopstick rest can be used.In western countries, when serving, serve from the left and pick-up the dish from the right. Beverages, however, are to be both served as well as removed from the right-hand side.Dip your soup spoon away from you into the soup. Eat soup noiselessly, from the side of the spoon. When there is a small amount left, you may lift the front end of the dish slightly with your free hand to enable collection of more soup with your spoon. If you are having difficulty getting food onto your fork, use a small piece of bread or your knife to assist. Never use your fingers or thumb.You may thank or converse with the staff, but it is not necessary, especially if engaged in conversation with others.Do not “play with” your food or utensils. Never wave or point s ilverware.You may rest forearms or hands on the table, but not elbows.2.2 Seating orderFor a banquet, the seating order is important. In China, host will face the door, and more important guest will seat nearer to the host. In western countries, because of the shape of table is different, the seating order becomes different. But what is the same with is that the honored guest will be nearer for host.2.3 TimeIn China, when you go to a banquet or a party, you should reach there earlier. While in western countries, you’d better arrive there late.2.4 Toast and othersChinese guests always refuse offer of drinks or food to demonstrate politeness in seeming not to wish to put their host to any trouble. Sometimes anoffer is not a real offer but a polite remark. After we say 'no', we usually wait for the second and third offer. If the host just brings the food or drink and ignores 'no', we should accept it. Chinese like to press their guests to drink or eat to show their hospitality. While westerners always accept or refuse offer of drinks or food very genuinely. Their refusal is accepted as genuine. Westerners don’t to press. To press people to have food or drink after they have refused is frowned upon and can cause embarrassments.3.Receiving giftsIn the West, it is regarded as polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to express appreciation. In China, the situation is quite the reverse. Normally we Chinese feel that if you open the gift as soon as it is given, you might embarrass the person who gives the gift and you might be thought greedy. Therefore, Chinese people tend to open the gifts after the visitors have left.In China, many people send gifts without wrapping them, and if they wrap them, they usually tell the receiver what is inside, and the receiver will thank the sender and put the gift aside without unwrapping them since they already know what is inside. English receivers open the gifts in front of the senders of the gifts.4.Kinship termsIn Chinese culture, people refer to people strictly according to the kinship terms. It is completely unacceptable to refer to one's parents by using the names. When children address relatives, Chinese kinship terms tell whether they are older or younger than their father or mother. Chinese kinship terms tell whether the relatives are from the mother' or father's side and whether one's brother, sister or cousin is older or younger than he or she. Chinese kinship terms are also to other people who are not one's relatives; kinship terms are widely used to address known or unknown peopleWhile in English culture, in some families in Western countries, some children address their parents directly by their first names. In Britain, children are expected to address the parents' brother and sisters with the title of Uncle or Aunt plus their names and sometimes simply address them by first name without a title. English kinship terms don’t tell whether the relatives are from the mother' or father's side, and there are not distinct kinship terms for elder brother or younger brother. Kinship terms are not as frequently used as inChinese. In all kinds of social situations, either formally or informally, people won't use kin terms to address each other if they are not relatives.5.ConclusionChinese and West culture have their own characteristics, which results in differences on food systems, table manners, receiving gifts, kinship terms, etc.A comparison of West and Chinese on those aspects can not only help students clarify some of the confusion in learning those but also help teachers to explain to students the differences between the different cultures.Works citedWikipedia 《中国菜》百度文库《跨文化交际》《中外饮食文化》何宏北京大学出版社2007/9/1版《中西饮食文化比较》杜莉四川科技出版社2007/3/1版Intercultural CommunicationName XXXAcademy and Class XXXXXX班Number XXXXXXTel XXXXXXXXE-mail XXXXXXXTeacher XXXTime 20XX/XX/XX。