




)1.金融的本源性要素是【】A. 货币B. 资金C. 资本D. 市场2.商品价值最原始的表现形式是【】A. 货币价值形式B. 一般价值形式C.总和的或扩大的价值形式D. 简单的或偶然的价值形式3.一切商品的价值共同表现在某一种从商品世界中分离出来而充当一般等价物的商品上时,价值表现形式为【】A. 货币价值形式B. 一般价值形式C.总和的或扩大的价值形式D. 简单的或偶然的价值形式4.价值形式的最高阶段是【】A. 货币价值形式B. 一般价值形式C.总和的或扩大的价值形式D. 简单的或偶然的价值形式5.货币最早的形态是【】A. 实物货币B.代用货币C.信用货币D. 电子货币6.最适宜的实物货币是【】A. 天然贝B. 大理石C. 贵金属D. 硬质合金硬币7.中国最早的货币是【】A. 银圆B. 铜钱C. 金属刀币D. 贝币8.信用货币本身的价值与其货币价值的关系是【】A. 本身价值大于其货币价值B.本身价值等于其货币价值C. 本身价值小于其货币价值D. 无法确定9.在货币层次中M0是指【】A. 投放的现金B. 回笼的现金C. 流通的现金D. 贮藏的现金10.从近期来看,我国货币供给量相含层次指标系列中观察和控制的重点是【】A. M0B. M1C. M2D. M0和M111.从中长期来看,我国货币供给量相含层次指标系列中观察和控制的重点是【】A. M0B. M1C. M2D. M0和M112.货币在表现商品价值并衡量商品价值量的大小时,发挥的职能是【】A. 价值尺度B. 流通手段C. 贮藏手段D. 支付手段13.货币在充当商品流通媒介时发挥的职能是【】A. 价值尺度B. 流通手段C. 贮藏手段D. 支付手段14.当货币退出流通领域,被持有者当作独立的价值形态和社会财富的绝对值化身而保存起来时,货币发挥的职能是【】A. 价值尺度B. 流通手段C. 贮藏手段D. 支付手段15.货币在支付租金、赋税、工资等的时候发挥的职能是【】A. 价值尺度B. 流通手段C. 贮藏手段D. 支付手段16.观念货币可以发挥的职能是【】A. 价值尺度B. 流通手段C. 贮藏手段D. 支付手段17.货币最基本、最重要的职能是【】A. 价值尺度B. 流通手段C. 贮藏手段D. 支付手段18.“劣币驱逐良币现象”产生的货币制度背景是【】A. 银本位B. 平行本位C. 双本位D. 金本位19.最早实行金币本位制的国家是【】A. 美国B. 英国C. 中国D. 德国20.人民币是【】A. 实物货币B. 代用货币C. 金属货币D. 信用货币二、多项选择题(在小题列出的五个备选项中,至少有二个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码写在题后的括弧内。



1.金融市场最基本的构成要素是(C )A.金融市场参与者和金融市场价格B.金融市场交易工具和金融市场中介C.金融市场参与者和金融市场交易工具D.金融市场交易工具和金融市场价格2.一些信誉卓越、资本雄厚、经营效果好、事业处于稳定上升阶段的大公司发行的股票称为( )A.蓝筹股B.成长性股票C.投机性股票D.周期性股票3.通过为市场参与者报出买入价格和卖出价格,从而获取价差收入的金融专业人员是( )A.经纪人B.交易商C.承销商D.做市商4.当市场利率高于票面利率时,发行债券采取( )A.平价B.折价C.溢价D.中间价5.金本位下,汇率决定的基础是( )A.铸币平价B.金平价C.购买力平价D.利率平价6.期货交易中,市场风险的防范机制是( )A.价格限额B.保证金制度C.“无负债”结算制D.成交量限制7.以私募方式筹集资金并利用杠杆融资投资于公开交易的证券和金融衍生品的投资基金称为( )A.套利基金B.对冲基金C.在岸基金D.上市基金8.按是否通过中介机构,债券发行分为( )A.公募发行和私募发行B.直接发行和间接发行C.有券发行和无券发行D.招标发行和非招标发行9.在余额包销方式中,经销商获得的收入是( )A.佣金B.佣金加部分差价收入C.佣金加全部差价收入D.全部差价收入1O.DEA是( )A.移动平均数B.正负差C.异同平均数D.乖离率11.由出票人签发,要求付款人按照约定的付款期限,向指定的收款人无条件支付一定金额的票据称做( )A.本票B.支票C.保单D.汇票12.市场交易的隐形成本包括( )A.手续费B.税收C.价差D.通讯费13.目前最大的国际性外汇市场是( )A.伦敦外汇市场B.纽约外汇市场C.东京外汇市场D.法兰克福外汇市场14.下列不属于货币政策工具的是( )A.法定存款准备金率B.再贴现利率C.公开市场操作D.票据15.下列属于非系统性风险的是( )A.财务风险B.市场风险C.购买力风险D.利率风险16.A级债券的AAA级债券信誉最高、风险最小,被称做是( )A.垃圾债券B.金边债券C.投资家债券D.投机性债券17.金融工具迅速变为货币而不致遭受损失的能力是指( )A.收益性B.流动性C.风险性D.期限性18.一张票面价值为1000元的债券,其票面利率为1O%,市场价格为850元,则该债券的即期收益率为( )A.11.43%B.11.76%C.12.05%D.12.47%19.一张面值为1O万元的银行承兑汇票,离到期还有9O天,贴现率为5.32%。



金融学第二版课后习题答案【篇一:王重润公司金融学第二版课后答案】业有几种组织方式?各有什么特点?( 1)有两种,有限责任公司和股份有限责任公司( 2)有限责任公司特点:有限责任公司是指股东以其出资额为限对公司承担责任,公司以其全部资产对公司的债务承担责任的企业法人;有限责任公司注册资本的最低限额为人民币3万元;其资本并不必分为等额股份,也不公开发行股票,股东持有的公司股票可以再公司内部股东之间自由转让,若向公司以外的人转让,须经过公司股东的同意;公司设立手续简便,而且公司无须向社会公开公司财务状况。

( 3)股份有限责任公司特点:1、有限责任2、永续存在3、股份有限责任公司的股东人数不得少于法律规定的数目,我国规定设立股份有限公司,应当有2人以上200人以下为发起人4、股份有限责任公司的全部资本划分为等额的股份,通过向社会公开发行的办法筹集资金,任何人在缴纳了股款之后,都可以成为公司股东,没有资格限制。







CHAPTER 8VALUATION OF KNOWN CASH FLOWS: BONDSObjectives«To show how to value con tracts and securities that promise a stream of cash flows that areknown with certa inty.«To un dersta nd the shape of the yield curve .«To un dersta nd how bond prices and yields cha nge over time.Outline8.1 Us ing Prese nt Value Formulas to Value Known Cash Flows8.2 The Basic Build ing Blocks: Pure Discou nt Bonds8.3 Coupon Bo nds, Curre nt Yield, and Yield to Maturity8.4 Readi ng Bond Listi ngs8.5 Why Yields for the Same Maturity Differ8.6 The Behavior of Bond Prices over TimeSummary* A cha nge in market in terest rates causes a cha nge in the opposite directi on in the market values of all exist ing con tracts promisi ng fixed payme nts in the future.* The market prices of $1 to be received at every possible date in the future are the basic building blocks for valuing all other streams of known cash flows. These prices are inferred from the observed market prices of traded bonds and the n applied to other streams of known cash flows to value them.* An equivale nt valuati on can be carried out by appl ying a discou nted cash flow formula with a differe nt discou nt rate for each future time period.* Differe nces in the prices of fixed-i ncome securities of a give n maturity arise from differe nces in coup on rates, default risk, tax treatme nt, callability, con vertibility, and other features.* Over time the prices of bonds con verge towards their face value. Before maturity, however, bond prices can fluctuatea great deal as a result of cha nges in market in terest rates.Solutions to Problems at End of ChapterBond Valuation with a Flat Term Structure1. Suppose you want to know the price of a 10-year 7% coupon Treasury bond that pays interest annually. a. You have been told that the yield to maturity is 8%. What is the price?b. What is the price if coupons are paid semiannually, and the yield to maturity is 8% per year?c. Now you have been told that the yield to maturity is 7% per year. What is the price? Could you have guessedthe answer without calculating it? What if coupons are paid semiannually?c. Price = 100. When the coup on rate and yield to maturity are the same, the bond sells at par value (i.e. the price equalsthe face value of the bon d).2. Assume six months ago the US Treasury yield curve was flat at a rate of 4% per year (with annualcompounding) and you bought a 30-year US Treasury bond. Today it is flat at a rate of 5% per year. What rate of return did you earn on your initial investment: a. If the bond was a 4% coupon bond? b. If the bond was a zero coupon bond?c. How do your answer change if compounding is semiannual? SOLUTION: a and b.Coupon = 4% 30 4 ? 100 4 PV =100 Zero coupon30 4 ? 100 0 PV =30.83Step 2: Find prices of the bonds today: Coupon = 4% 29.5 5?100 4 84.74 Zero coupon29.5 5 ? 100 0 23.71Step 3: Find rates of retur n:Rate of retur n = (coup on + cha nge in price)/in itial price4% coupon bond: r = (4 + 84.74 —100)/100 = -0.1126 or —11.26%Zero-coupon bon d: r = (0 + 23.71 —30.83)/30.83 = -0.2309 or -23.09%. Note that the zero-coupon bo nd is more sen sitive to yield cha nges tha n the 4% coup on bond. c.Step 1: Find prices of the bonds six mon ths ago:Coup on=4% 60 2 ?100 2 PV =100 Zero coupon 60 2 ? 100 0 PV =30.48 Step 2: Find prices of the bonds today:Coup on=4% 59 2.5? 100 2 84.66 Zero coupon59 2.5 ?10023.30SOLUTION:a. With coup ons paid once a year:Price = 93.29b. With coup ons paid twice a year:Price = 93.20Step 3: Find rates of retur n:Rate of return = (coupon + change in price) / initial price4% coupon bond: r = (2 + 84.66 -100)/100 = -0.1334 or -13.34%Zero coupon bond: r = (0 + 23.30 - 30.48)/30.48 = -0.2356 or -23.56%. Note that the zero-coupon bond is more sen sitive to yield cha nges tha n the 4% coup on bond.Bond Valuatio n With a Non-Flat Term Structure3. Suppose you observe the following prices for zero-coupon bonds (pure discount bonds) that have no risk of default:a. What should be the price of a 2-year coupon bond that pays a 6% coupon rate, assuming coupon paymentsare made once a year starting one year from now?b. Find the missing entry in the table.c. What should be the yield to maturity of the 2-year coupon bond in Part a?d. Why are your answers to parts b and c of this question different?SOLUTION:a. Present value of first year's cash flow = 6 x .97 = 5.82Prese nt value of sec ond year's cash flow = 106 x .90 = 95.4Total prese nt value = 101.22 b^Th^y^^tomaturityon^^^^arzerocoupo^bon^wrt^pr^eof9^an^facevalu^of1^3i^5^^^^^^^^2 I ? I -90 I 100 I 0 1 i = 5.41%c. The yield to maturity on a 2-year 6% coup on bond with price of 101.22 isd. The two bonds are differe nt because they have differe nt coup on rates. Thus they have differe nt yields to maturity.Coupon Stripping4. You would like to create a 2-year synthetic zero-coupon bond. Assume you are aware of the following information: 1-year zero- coupon bonds are trading for $0.93 per dollar of face value and 2-year 7% coupon bonds (annual payments) are selling at $985.30 (Face value = $1,000).a. What are the two cash flows from the 2-year coupon bond?b. Assume you can purchase the 2-year coupon bond and unbundle the two cash flows and sell them.i. How much will you receive from the sale of the first payment?ii. How much do you need to receive from the sale of the 2-year Treasury strip to break even?SOLUTION:a. $70 at the end of the first year and $1070 at the end of year 2.b. i. I would receive .93 x $70 = $65.10 from the sale of the first payment.ii. To break even, I would need to receive $985.30- $65.10 = $920.20 from the sale of the 2-year strip.The Law of One price and Bond Pricing5. Assume that all of the bonds listed in the following table are the same except for their pattern of promised cash flows over time. Prices are quoted per $1 of face value. Use the information in the table and the Law of One Price to infer the values of the missing entries. Assume that coupon payments are annual.6% 2 years 5.5%0 2 years7% 2 years0 1 year $0.95From Bond 1 and Bond 4, we can get the miss ing en tries for the 2-year zero-coup on bond. We know from bond 1 that:2 21.0092 = 0.06/1.055 +1.06/(1.055) . This is also equal to 0.06/(1+z 1) + 1.06/(1+z 2) where z 1 and Z2 are the yields to maturity on on e-year zero-coup on and two-year zero-coup on bonds respectively. From bond 4 , we have z 1, we can find z2.1.0092 -0.06/1.0526 = 1.06/(1+z 2)2, hence z = 5.51%.To get the price P per $1 face value of the 2-year zero-coup on bond, using the same reasoning:1.0092 -0.06x0.95 = 1.06xP, he nee P = 0.8983To find the entries for bond 3: first find the price, then the yield to maturity. To find the price, we can use z 1 and Z2 found earlier: PV of coupon payment in year 1: 0.07 x 0.95 = 0.0665PV of coupon + pri ncipal payme nts in year 2: 1.07 x 0.8983 =0.9612「otal prese nt value of bond 3 二 1.02772 ? 0.07 -1.0277 1 i = 5.50%Hence the table becomes:6% 2 years $1.0092 5.5%0 2 years $0.8983 5.51%SOLUTION:Bond 1:Bond 4:Bond Features and Bond Valuation6. What effect would adding the following features have on the market price of a similar bond which does not have this feature?a. 10-year bond is callable by the company after 5 years (compare to a 10-year non-callable bond);b. bond is convertible into 10 shares of common stock at any time (compare to a non-convertible bond);c. 10-year bond can be “ put back ” to the company after 3 years at par (puttable boiumipare to a 10year non-puttablebond)d. 25-year bond has tax-exempt coupon paymentsSOLUTION:a. The callable bond would have a lower price tha n the non-callable bond to compe nsate the bon dholders for gra nti ng theissuer the right to call the bon ds.b. The con vertible bond would have a higher price because it gives the bon dholders the right to con vert their bonds intoshares of stock.c. The puttable bond would have a higher price because it gives the bondholders the right to sell their bonds back to the issuerat par.d. The bond with the tax-exempt coup on has a higher price because the bon dholder is exempted from pay ing taxes on thecoup ons. (Coup ons are usually con sidered and taxed as pers onal in come).Inferring the Value of a Bond Guarantee7. Suppose that the yield curve on dollar bonds that are free of the risk of default is flat at 6% per year. A 2-year 10% coupon bond (with annual coupons and $1,000 face value) issued by Dafolto Corporation is rates B, and it is currently trading at a market price of $918. Aside from its risk of default, the Dafolto bond has no other financially significant features. How much should an investor be willing to pay for a guarantee against Dafolto ' s defaulting on this bond?The difference between the price of the bond if it were free of default and its actual price (with risk of default) is the value of a guarantee against default: 1073.3-918 = $155.3The implied Value of a Call Provision and Convertibility8. Suppose that the yield curve on bonds that are free of the risk of default is flat at 5% per year. A 20-year default-free coupon bond (with annual coupons and $1,000 face value) that becomes callable after 10 years is trading at par and has a coupon rate of 5.5%.a. What is the implied value of the call provision?b. A Safeco Corporation bond which is otherwise identical to the callable 5.5% coupon bond describedabove, is also convertible into 10 shares of Safeco stock at any time up to the bond ' s maturity. If its yield to maturity is currently 3.5% per year, what is the implied value of the conversion feature?SOLUTION:a. We have to find the price of the bond if it were only free of the risk of default.The bond is traded at par value, hence the differe nee betwee n the value calculated above and the actual traded value is the implied value of the call provisio n: 1062.3 T000 = $62.3Note that the call provisi on decreases the value of the bond.b. We have to find the price of the Safeco Corporati on:This bond has the same features as the 5.5% default free callable bond described above, plus an additional feature: it is con vertible into stocks. Hence the implied value of the con versi on feature is the differe nee betwee n the values of both bonds: 1284.2-1000 = $284.25. Note that the con version feature in creases the value of the bond.Changes in Interest Rates and Bond Prices9. All else being equal, if interest rates rise along the entire yield curve, you should expect that:i. Bond prices will fallii. Bond prices will riseiii. Prices on long-term bonds will fall more than prices on short-term bonds.iv. Prices on long-term bonds will rise more than prices on short-term bondsa. ii and iv are correctb. We can ' t be certain that prices will changec. Only i is correctd. Only ii is correcte. i and iii are correctSOLUTION:The correct an swer is e.Bond prices are in versely proporti onal to yields hence whe n yields in crease, bond prices fall. Lon g-term bonds are more sen sitive to yield cha nges tha n short-term bon ds.。



第三章资本市场1. (1)从理论上说,可能的损失是无限的,损失的金额随着X股票价格的上升而增加。

停止损失买进委托就会变成市价买进委托,因此最大损因此最大损(2)当股价上升超过22元时,停止损失买进委托就会变成市价买进委托,失就是2 000元左右。

2. (1)该委托将按最有利的限价卖出委托价格,即40.25美元成交。






3. 你原来在账户上的净值为15 000元。

若股价升到22元,则净值增加2000元,上升了13.33%;(1) 若股价维持在20元,则净值不变;若股价跌到18元,则净值减少2000元,下降了13.33%。

令经纪人发出追缴保证金通知时的价位为X,则X满足下式:(2) (1000X-5000)/1000X=25%所以X=6.67元。

此时X要满足下式:(3) (1000X-10000)/1000X=25%所以X=13.33元。

(4) 一年以后保证金贷款的本息和为5000×1.06=5300元。

若股价升到22元,则投资收益率为:(1000×22-5300-15000)/15000=11.33%若股价维持在20元,则投资收益率为:(1000×20-5300-15000)/15000=-2%若股价跌到18元,则投资收益率为:(1000×18-5300-15000)/15000=-15.33%投资收益率与股价变动的百分比的关系如下:投资收益率=股价变动率×投资总额/投资者原有净值-利率×所借资金/投资者原有净值4.你原来在账户上的净值为15 000元。
















博迪《金融学》第2版课后习题及详解第15章期权市场与或有索取权市场一、概念题1.或有索取权(contingent claim)答:或有索取权是一类范围广泛的资产或证券,这种资产未来的收益取决于其他资产或某些不确定事件的结果。





















1.信用货币的含义:是由国家法律规定的,强制流通的,不以任何贵金属为基础的独立发挥货币职能的货币;特点:1它是一种没有金属本位币的货币制度,黄金退出流通,黄金不再执行货币的职能,银行券在形式上不再规定含金量,不再兑换黄金,但它袭用金属本位币的单位名称 2 不兑现的银行券,由国家法律规定强制流通,发行权集中于中央银行或发行银行,成为无限法偿货币和最后支付手段 3银行券由银行通过信用渠道投入流通,存款货币通过银行转账结算,随着金融发展程度的提高,现金流通的数量和范围越来越小,而非现金流通成为货币流通的主体。

2.货币购买力与价格的关系:货币购买力指数与价格指数成反相关,与货币价值成相关货币购买力指数=1/物价指数3.(多选择)货币制度的基本内容:1规定货币材料 2 规定货币单位 3 规定流通中的货币种类 4 规定货币的偿还支付能力 5 规定货币铸造或发行的流通程序 6 规定货币的发行准备制度和对外关系4.(选择)人民币制度的特点:1人民币是大陆法定货币,有无限法偿能力 2 人民币不兑换信用货币 3 人民币是大陆为诶一合法的货币 4是一种管理货币5.支票存款的特点(支票存款不具有无限法偿力):1 不易丢失或被窃 2 方便大额交易和远距离交易,可节约流通费用 3 可按所需签发,免去找零,清点的麻烦 4 有银行信用支持,可在一定范围内背书转让,不具有无限法偿力6..信用的本质和特征:本质为债权债务关系特征1 价值的单方面让渡,双方构成的债权债务关系而非等价交换关系 2 以还本付息为条件,贷者并没有放弃所有权,利息是与使用权等价的 3 信用是价值运动的特殊形式7.(解答)信用在国民经济中的作用:1积极作用①助于广泛筹集资金,支持规模经济②利于提高资金使用效率,如提高资金储蓄,投资,交换效率③可调节需求总量和结构,进而调节宏观经济的运行 2 消极作用主要表现为出现信用风险和经济泡沫8.(解答)简述银行信用的特点 1 是以银行为中介的间接信用 2 是以货币形态提供的信用 3 提供的是社会各部门的闲置货币 4 具有相对灵活性 5 在产业周期的各阶段上,银行信用的动态与产业资本动态不一样9.国家信用的作用 1 解决财政困难的好途径,如税收,贷款,发行国债等 2 可筹集大量资金,改善投资环境,创造投机机会 3 可成为国家宏观调控的重要手段10.(简答)简述股份经济具有的信用经济特征:1 股票小额化合股权分散化趋势,出资人负有限责任,使小额资金借贷市场极大拓展。



• 20.请简要叙述股票与债券的主要区别。 • (1)性质不同,债券是一种债权凭证,而股票是一种 所有权凭证。 • (2)责任与权利不同,债券可以按期收回本金利息, 但无权参与企业的经营决策;股票持有人拥有选举权, 通过选举董事行使经营决策权及监督权。 • (3)期限不同,债券有偿还期规定;股票一般不偿还, 即无期限,但可在金融市场上转让。 • (4)风险和收益不同,债券票面规定有利率,可获得 利息收人;股票一般视企业经营情况进行分红,企业倒 闭清理时,债券偿付在前,比较而言,股票风险较大。 • (5)发行者范围不同,股票只有股份公司发行;债券 则任何有预期收益的机构和单位都发行。债券的适用范 围广。
1.货币的本质和基本职能? 从货币的产生过程我们可以看出,货币是商品, 但货币不是普通的商品,而是固定地充当一般等 价物的特殊商品,并体现一定的社会生产关系, 这就是货帀的本质。首先,货帀是一是商品。其 次,货帀是一般等价物。再次,货币体现一定的 社会生产关系。最后,货币作为财富的象征具有 非常广泛的影响力和支配性。 它的基本职能有:价值尺度、流通手段、贮藏手 段、支付手段、世界货币的五种职能。
13.金融监管基本原则是什么? 由于经济、法律、历史、传统乃至体制的不同,各国 在金融监管的诸多具体方面存在着不少差异。但有些 一般性的基本原则却贯穿于各国金融监管的各个环节 与整个过程,主要有几点。 (1)金融管理当局实施监管必须依法行事。 (2)金融管理当局要创造一个公平、适度、高效、合理、 有序的竞争环境。 (3)金融管理当局要遵循自我约束和外部强制相结合原 则。 (4)金融管理当局的监管要安全稳定与经济效率相结合 的原则。






第一章:金融的基本概念和职能1. 金融的基本概念是指金融的定义和范围。



2. 金融的职能是指金融对于经济发展和社会进步的作用。


第二章:金融市场1. 金融市场的分类包括货币市场、资本市场和衍生品市场等。


2. 金融市场的功能包括资源配置、风险管理和信息传递等。


第三章:金融机构1. 金融机构的分类包括银行、非银行金融机构和金融市场机构等。


2. 金融机构的职能包括储蓄和融资、支付和结算、风险管理和信息中介等。


第四章:金融工具1. 金融工具的分类包括货币工具、债券、股票和衍生品等。


2. 金融工具的特点包括流动性、收益性和风险性等。




















金融学第二版课后答案英文版中国人民大学Bodie2_IM_Ch01CHAPTER 1 – Financial EconomicsEnd-of-Chapter ProblemsDefining Finance1. What are your main goals in life? How does finance play a part in achieving those goals? What are the major tradeoffs you face?SAMPLE ANSWER:Finish schoolGet good paying job which I likeGet married and have childrenOwn my own homeProvide for familyPay for children’s educationRetireHow Finance Plays a Role:SAMPLE ANSWER:Finance helps me pay for undergraduate and graduate education and helps me decide whether spending the money on graduate education will be a good investment decision or not.Higher education should enhance my earning power and ability to obtain a job I like.Once I am married and have children I will have additional financial responsibilities (dependents) and I will have to learn how to allocate resources among individuals in the household and learn how to set aside enough money to pay for emergencies, education, vacations etc. Finance also helps me understand how to manage risks such as for disability, life and health.Finance helps me determine whether the home I want to buyis a good value or not. The study of finance also helps me determine the cheapest source of financing for the purchase of that home.Finance helps me determine how much money I will have to save in order to pay for my children’s education as well as my own retirement.Major Tradeoffs:SAMPLE ANSWERSpend money now by going to college (and possibly graduate school) but presumably make more money once I graduate due to my higher education.Consume now and have less money saved for future expenditures such as for a house and/or car or save more money now but consume less than some of my friendsFinancial Decisions of Households2. What is your net worth? What have you included among your assets and your liabilities? Would you list the value of your potential lifetime earning power as an asset or liability? How does it compare in value to other assets you have listed?SAMPLE ANSWER:$ ____________ (very possibly negative at this point)Assets:Checking account balanceSavings account balanceFurniture/Jewelry (watch)Car (possibly)Liabilities:Student loansCredit card balanceIf renting, remainder of rental agreement (unless sublettingis a possibility)Car payments (possibly)Students typically don’t think about the high value of their potential lifetime earning power when calculating their net worth but for young people it is often their most valuable asset.3. How are the financial decisions faced by a single person living alone different from those faced by the head of a household with responsibility for several children of school age? Are the tradeoffs they have to make different, or will they evaluate the tradeoffs differently?A single person needs only to support himself and therefore can make every financial decision on his own. If he does not want health insurance (and is willing to bear the financial risks associated with that decision) then no one will be affected by that decision other than that single person. In addition, this person needs to make no decisions about allocating income among dependents. A single person is very mobile and can choose to live almost anywhere. The tradeoffs this individual makes generally concern issues of consuming (or spending) today versus saving for consumption tomorrow. Since this person is supporting only himself, the need to save now is less important than for the head of household discussed next.T he head of household with several children must share resources (income) among dependents. This individual must be prepared to deal with risk management issues such as how to be prepared for potential financial emergencies (such as a serious health problem experienced by a member of the family or home owners insurance in case of a fire or other mishap). Because there are more people in this household than with a single person, there are greater risks that someone will get sick or injured. Andbecause there are dependents, the wage earner(s) should think carefully about life and disability insurance. In addition, the family is not as mobile as the single individual. Because of the school age children, the family might want to live near “good schools” thinking that a stronger education will eventually help those children’s future well being and financial situation. Thus, the tradeoffs for the head of household are more complex: more money is needed to consume today (he or she needs to support more dependents), but a lot more money is also needed to save for future expenses such as education and housing and more money is needed for risk management such as life and disability insurance.4. Family A and family B both consist of a father, mother and two children of school age. In family A both spouses have jobs outside the home and earn a combined income of $100,000 per year. In family B, only one spouse works outside the home and earns $100,000 per year. How do the financial circumstances and decisions faced by the two families differ?With two wage earners, there is less risk of a total loss of family income due to unemployment or disability than there is in a single wage earning household. The single wage earning family will probably want more disability and life insurance than the two wage earning family. On the flip side, however, the two wage earning family may need to spend extra money on child care expenses if they need to pay someone to watch the children after school.5. Suppose we define financial independence as the ability to engage in the four basic household financial decisions without resort to the use of relative’s resources when making financing decisions. At what age should children be expected to becomefinancially independent?Students will have differing responses to this question depending upon their specific experiences and opinions. Most will probably say independence should come after finishing their education, and they have a significant flow of income.6. You are thinking of buying a car. Analyze the decision by addressing the following issues:a.Are there are other ways to satisfy your transportation requirements besides buying a car? Make a list ofall the alternatives and write down the pros and cons.Transportation Mode Pros ConsWalking ?Takes you directly where you wantto goNo out of pocket costsConvenient ?Takes a long time ?Destination may be too far Bicycle ?Takes you directly to where youwant to goNo out of pocket marginal costsConvenient ?Requires physical strength and endurance ?Destination may be too farBus ?InexpensiveReaches more distant destinations ?May not take you directly where you want to go ?Inconvenient schedules to go ?Many stops, not efficientSubway ?InexpensiveFast ?May not take you directly where you want to goLocal destinations only on limited networkTrain ?Reaches distant destinations ?Moderately expensive May not take you directly whereyou want to goAirplane ?Reaches distant destinationsFast ?Most expensiveWill not take you directly where you want to gob. What are the different ways you can finance the purchase of a car?F inance through a bank loan or lease, finance through a car dealer with a loan or a lease or finance the car out of your own savings.c. Obtain information from at least three different providers of automobile financing on the terms they offer.d. What criteria should you use in making your decision?Your decision will be to select the financing alternative that has the lowest cost to you.When analyzing the information, you should consider the following:Do you have the cash saved to make an outright purchase? What interest rate would you be giving up to make that purchase? Do you pay a different price for the car if you pay cash rather than finance?For differing loan plans, what is the down payment today? What are the monthly payments? For how long? What is the relevant interest rate you will be paying? Does the whole loan get paid through monthly payments or is there a balloon payment at the end? Are taxes and/or insurance payments included in the monthly payments? ?For differing lease plans, what is the down payment today? What are the monthly payments? For how long? Do you own the car at the end of the lease? If not, what does it cost to buy the car? Do you have to buy the car at the end of the lease or is it an option? Is there a charge if you decide not to buy the car? What relevant interest rate will you be paying? Are taxesand/or insurance payments included in the monthly payments? Are there mileage restrictions?7. Match each of the following examples with one of the four categories of basic types of household financial decisions.At the Safeway paying with your debit card rather than taking the time to write a checkDeciding to take the proceeds from your winning lottery ticket and use it to pay for an extended vacation on the Italian RivieraFollowing Hillary’s advice and selling your Microsoft shares to invest in pork belly futuresHelping your 15-year old son learn to drive by letting putting him behind the wheel on the back road into townTaking up the offer from the pool supply company to pay off your new hot tub with a 15-month loan with zero payments for the first three monthsThe first is the most difficult since in practice it is simply a cash transaction involving no financing. As such the purchase is a consumption decision only and the payment choice is not a financing decision. The second is also a consumption/saving decision. The third is an exchange of one financial asset for another and therefore an investment decision. The fourth is a risk-management decision since you have subjected yourself to increased risk that is not covered by insurance. The final example is a financing decision involving a loan to finance a purchase.Forms of Business Organization8. You are thinking of starting your own business, but have no money.a.Think of a business that you could start without having to borrow any money.A ny business that involves a student’s own personal service would be cheap to start up. For instance he or she could start a business running errands for others, walking their dogs, shopping etc. Along those same lines they could start some kind of consulting business. Both of these businesses could be run out of their dorm room or their own home and could be started with very little capital. If they wanted to hire additional workers, they would have to be paid on a commission basis to limit upfront expenses.b. Now think of a business that you would want to start if you could borrow any amount of money at the going market interest rate.Certainly there are many interesting businesses that could be started if one could finance 100% of the business with borrowed capital and no equity. Since you will be able to borrow 100% of the financing, you will be willing to take a lot greater risk than if you were investing your own money.c. What are the risks you would face in this business?[Answer is, of course, dependent on answer to question “b.”]d. Where can you get financing for your new business?Depending upon the size of the financing needed, students should be looking for both debt and equity financing. The sources of this financing ranges from individuals and credit cards (for very small sums) to banks, venture capitalists, public debt and equity markets, insurance companies and pension funds9. Choose an organization that is not a firm, such as a club or church group and list the most important financial decisions it has to make. What are the key tradeoffs the organization faces? What role do preferences play in choosing among alternatives?Interview the financial manager of the organization and check to see if he or she agrees with you.SAMPLE ANSWER:Local Church group. Most important financial decisions:Whether or not to repair damage done to church and grounds during last big hurricane (specifically repairing the leaking roof)What project to put off in order to pay for repair damageHow to pay for renovations to downstairs Sunday school roomsHow to increase member attendance and contributionsHow to organize and solicit volunteers for the annual Church Sale (largest fund raiser of the year)Key Tradeoffs and Preferences:C hurch group funds are severely limited, so the organization needs to prioritize expenses based upon cost and need. Not all projects that are needed will be undertaken due to the expense involved. An equally large amount of timewill be spent trying to raise financing since funds inflow is variable. Since not all projects can be financed, preferences of different important individuals (such as the pastor) take on great significance in the decision-making process.Market Discipline: Takeovers10. Challenge Question: While there are clear advantages to the separation of management from ownership of business enterprises, there is also a fundamental disadvantage in that it may be costly to align the goals of management with those of the owners. Suggest at least two methods, other than the takeover market, by which the conflict can be reduced, albeit at some cost.One way is to provide incentives for the managers so that they increase their pay when owners interests are improved. An example would be compensating managers with stock options, the value of which increase with the market value of shareholder’s interests. A second method is to more closely monitor the behavior of the managers. Outside management consultants and auditors serve this role in part particularly to the extent that they report their findings to representatives from ownership groups. Both of these solutions assume the management cannot effectively deceive markets or consultant/auditors through misleading information or actions to inflate the market value of the ownership shares or there performance records.11. Challenge Question:Consider a poorly run local coffee shop with its prime location featuring a steady stream of potential clients passing by on their way to and from campus. How does the longtime disgruntled, sloppy and inefficient owner-manager of Cup-a-Joe survive and avoid disciplining from the takeover market? This is not a question about a misalignment of the goals of the owner(s) and manager(s) of a firm since we have explicitly said the firm is owner-managed. If in fact the coffee shop is mismanaged the potential exists for an outsider to purchase a controlling interest in the operation and put more efficient management into place if the purchase price does not exceed the value of profits to be generated by the efficiently managed firm. If the present owner chooses not to sell he must value the firm for more than the value of the profits generated by an efficiently managed firm. Therefore his position in the firm must generate for him non-pecuniary benefits, or benefits unrelated to the firm’s profitability and he is therefore not avalue maximizer. Perhaps he enjoys making fun of his clients or takes pride in his eclectic tastes in interior decorating. In any case the takeover market does discipline him in the sense that he will be forced to pay for his non-pecuniary benefits in the sense that he trades off profits.The same could be said of an owner-manager who lacks the required specialized skills to properly run the firm but never the less continues to operate the company inefficiently because he ‘likes’ the work!The Role of the Finance Specialist in a Corporation12. Which of the following tasks undertaken within a corporate office are likely to fall under the supervision of the treasurer? The controller?Arranging to extend a line of credit from a bankArranging with an investment bank for a foreign exchange transactionProducing a detailed analysis of the cost structure of the company’s alternative product linesTaking cash payments for company sales and purchasing U.S. Treasury BillsFiling quarterly statements with the Securities and Exchange CommissionThe first two and the fourth items are responsibilities of the treasurer while the third and fifth items fall under the workload of the controller’s office.Objectivesy Define finance.y Explain why finance is worth studying.y Introduce two of the main players in the world of finance—households and firms—and the kinds of financial decisions theymake. The other main players, financial intermediaries and government, are introduced in chapter 2.Contents1.1Defining Finance1.2Why Study Finance?1.3Financial Decisions of Households1.4Financial Decisions of Firms1.5Forms of Business Organization1.6Separation of Ownership and Management1.7The Goal of Management1.8Market Discipline: Takeovers1.9The Role of the Finance Specialist in a CorporationSummaryFinance is the study of how to allocate scarce resources over time. The two features that distinguish finance are that the costs and benefits of financial decisions are spread out over time and are usually not known with certainty in advance by either the decision maker or anybody else.A basic tenet of finance is that the ultimate function of the system is to satisfy people’s consumption preferences. Economic organizations such as firms and governments exist in order to facilitate the achievement of that ultimate function. Many financial decisions can be made strictly on the basis of improving the trade-offs available to people without knowledge of their consumption preferences.There are at least five good reasons to study finance:y To manage your personal resources.y To deal with the world of business.y To pursue interesting and rewarding career opportunities.y To make informed public choices as a citizen.y To expand your mind.The players in finance theory are households, business firms, financial intermediaries, and governments. Households occupy a special place in the theory because the ultimate function of the system is to satisfy the preferences of people, and the theory treats those preferences as given. Finance theory explains household behavior as an attempt to satisfy those preferences. The behavior of firms is viewed from the perspective of how it affects the welfare of households.Households face four basic types of financial decisions:y Saving decisions: How much of their current income should they save for the future?y Investment decisions: How should they invest the money they have saved?y Financing decisions: When and how should they use other people’s money to satisfy their wants and needs?y Risk-management decisions: How and on what terms should they seek to reduce the economic uncertainties they face or to take calculated risks?There are three main areas of financial decision making in a business: capital budgeting, capital structure, and working capital management.There are five reasons for separating the management from the ownership of a business enterprise: y Professional managers may be found who have a superior ability to run the business.y To achieve the efficient scale of a business the resources of many households may have to be pooled.y In an uncertain economic environment, owners will want to diversify their risks across many firms. Such efficient diversification is difficult to achieve without separation ofownership and management.y To achieve savings in the costs of gathering information.y The “learning curve” or “going concern” effect: When the owner is also the manager, the new owner has to learn the business from the former owner in order to manage it efficiently. If the owner is not the manager, then when the business is sold, the manager continues in place and works for the new owner.The corporate form is especially well suited to the separation of ownership and management of firms because it allows relatively frequent changes in owners by share transfer without affecting the operations of the firm.The primary goal of corporate management is to maximize shareholder wealth. It leads managers to make the same investment decisions that each of the individual owners would have made had they made the decisions themselves.A competitive stock market imposes a strong discipline on managers to take actions to maximize the market value of the firm’s shares.。



金融学课后习题答案第二版【篇一:王重润公司金融学第二版课后答案】业有几种组织方式?各有什么特点?( 1)有两种,有限责任公司和股份有限责任公司( 2)有限责任公司特点:有限责任公司是指股东以其出资额为限对公司承担责任,公司以其全部资产对公司的债务承担责任的企业法人;有限责任公司注册资本的最低限额为人民币3万元;其资本并不必分为等额股份,也不公开发行股票,股东持有的公司股票可以再公司内部股东之间自由转让,若向公司以外的人转让,须经过公司股东的同意;公司设立手续简便,而且公司无须向社会公开公司财务状况。

( 3)股份有限责任公司特点:1、有限责任2、永续存在3、股份有限责任公司的股东人数不得少于法律规定的数目,我国规定设立股份有限公司,应当有2人以上200人以下为发起人4、股份有限责任公司的全部资本划分为等额的股份,通过向社会公开发行的办法筹集资金,任何人在缴纳了股款之后,都可以成为公司股东,没有资格限制。







国际金融第二版习题答案第一章:国际金融市场概述1. 什么是国际金融市场?国际金融市场是指跨越国界的金融交易市场,包括外汇市场、国际债券市场、国际股票市场等。


2. 国际金融市场的主要功能是什么?国际金融市场的主要功能包括资本的跨国流动、风险管理、信息提供以及价格发现。

第二章:外汇与汇率1. 外汇市场的主要参与者有哪些?外汇市场的参与者包括中央银行、商业银行、投资银行、对冲基金、跨国公司以及个人投资者。

2. 什么是汇率?汇率是指一国货币兑换成另一国货币的比率。


第三章:国际收支1. 国际收支平衡表包括哪些内容?国际收支平衡表包括经常账户、资本和金融账户以及官方储备资产账户。


2. 什么是贸易平衡?贸易平衡是指一国出口总额与进口总额之间的差额。


第四章:国际资本流动1. 国际资本流动的类型有哪些?国际资本流动包括直接投资、证券投资、其他投资和储备资产的流动。

2. 国际资本流动对经济有何影响?国际资本流动可以促进资源的有效配置,提高生产效率,但也可能导致金融市场的波动和经济的不稳定。

第五章:国际金融危机1. 国际金融危机的常见原因有哪些?国际金融危机的原因可能包括宏观经济政策失误、金融市场的过度投机、外部冲击以及国际收支失衡等。

2. 如何预防和应对国际金融危机?预防和应对国际金融危机的措施包括加强金融监管、提高金融市场透明度、建立有效的风险管理机制以及加强国际合作等。





博迪《金融学》第2版课后习题及详解第2章金融市场和金融机构一、概念题1.柜台交易市场(over-the-counter markets)答:柜台交易市场又称“店头市场”或“场外市场”,是指在证券交易所之外的某一固定场所,供未上市的证券或不足成交批量的证券进行交易的市场。



2.资金流动(flow of funds)答:资金流动是指资金在金融体系内的流动,即资金在金融体系中不同的参与者之间的流动,或资金从盈余部门通过金融市场或金融中介机构流入赤字部门的过程。



3.道德风险(moral hazard)答:道德风险是指在委托-代理理论中,代理人为了追求自身利益最大化而不惜损害委托人利益的行为,即代理人不能为实现委托人的最大利益而努力工作。




4.逆向选择(adverse selection)答:逆向选择是指掌握信息较多的一方利用对方对信息的无知隐蔽相关信息,获取额外利益,客观上导致不合理的市场分配行为。



博迪《金融学》第2版课后习题及详解第7章市场估值原理一、概念题1.基本价值(fundamental value)答:资产的基本价值是指信息充分的投资者在自由竞争的市场上购买该资产时必须支付的价格,对应于资产的“市场价格”,即由市场供求决定的资产价格。



2.一价定律(Law of One Price)答:一价定律说明,在竞争性市场上,如果两项资产是等同的,那么它们将倾向于拥有相同的市场价格。




若S(t)代表A国即期汇率,P A(t)和P B(t)分别表示在A国和在B国某特定商品的当前价格,那么对这种特定商品来说就满足以下的一价定律:P A(t)=S(t)P B(t)。






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本章重要概念普通股剩余索取权剩余控制权优先认股权优先股累积优先股非累积优先股可转换优先股可赎回优先股公募私募包销承销证券交易所场外交易市场第三市场第四市场做市商交易制度专家经纪人竞价交易制度报价驱动制度委托驱动制度连续竞价集合竞价市价委托限价委托停止损失委托停止损失限价委托证券市场微观结构市场深度市场广度弹性信用交易保证金购买卖空股价指数股价平均数派许指数拉斯拜尔指数债券可转换债券可赎回债券零息债券投资基金开放式基金封闭式基金公司型基金契约型基金习题:1.X股票目前的市价为每股20元,你卖空1 000股该股票。



你用15 000元自有资金加上从经纪人借入的5000元保证金贷款买了1000股A股票。


(1)如果A股票价格立即变为①22元,②20元,③18元,你在经纪人账户上的净值会变动多少百分比?(2)如果维持保证金比率为25%,A股票价格可以跌到多少你才会收到追缴保证金通知?(3)如果你在购买时只用了10 000元自有资金,那么第(2)题的答案会有何变化?(4)假设该公司未支付现金红利。









其中P t代表t时刻的股价,Q t代表t时刻的股(1)请计算第1期(t=0至t=1)时刻之间按道氏修正法计算的简单算术股价平均数的变动率。








15.你的朋友告诉你她刚收到她所持有的10 000面值的10年期国债每半年支付一次的息票,该国债的年息票率为6%。

请问她共收到多少钱?(1)300元;(2)600元;(3)3 000元;(4)6 000元。





(2)当股价上升超过22元时,停止损失买进委托就会变成市价买进委托,因此最大损失就是2 000元左右。






3.你原来在账户上的净值为15 000元。





若股价升到22元,则投资收益率为:(1000×22-5300-15000)/15000=11.33%若股价维持在20元,则投资收益率为:(1000×20-5300-15000)/15000=-2%若股价跌到18元,则投资收益率为:(1000×18-5300-15000)/15000=-15.33%投资收益率与股价变动的百分比的关系如下:投资收益率=股价变动率×投资总额/投资者原有净值-利率×所借资金/投资者原有净值4.你原来在账户上的净值为15 000元。








