WH-BLE106 硬件设计手册说明书

WH-BLE106硬件设计手册文件版本:V1.0.0目录WH-BLE106硬件设计手册 (1)1关于文档 (3)1.1.文档目的 (3)1.2.产品外观 (3)1.3.参考文档列表 (3)2产品简介 (4)2.1.基本参数 (4)2.2.模块应用框图 (4)2.3.引脚定义 (5)2.4.开发套件 (6)3硬件参考设计 (7)3.1.外围电路框架参考 (7)3.2.电源接口 (7)3.3.UART接口 (7)3.4.复位控制和恢复出厂设置控制 (8)3.5.低功耗唤醒引脚 (9)3.6.射频接口 (9)4电气特性 (11)4.1.工作存储温度 (11)4.2.输入电源 (11)4.3.模块IO口电平 (11)4.4.IO驱动电流 (11)5机械特性 (12)5.1.回流焊建议 (12)5.2.外形尺寸 (13)6联系方式 (14)7免责声明 (15)8更新历史 (16)1关于文档1.1.文档目的本文详细阐述了WH-BLE106(支持BLE5.2协议)无线模块的基本功能和主要特点、硬件接口及使用方法、结构特性等电气指标。
1.2.产品外观图片1实物图1.3.参考文档列表除此硬件开发文档外,我们同时提供了基于本产品的说明书、封装库等资料,方便用户设计参考,客户可到官方网站查看下载:WH-BLE106说明书链接:https:///Download/1126.htmlWH-BLE106封装库可按参考WH-BLE103链接:https:///Download/653.html2产品简介2.1.基本参数表格1参数列表分类参数取值无线参数工作频段2402~2480MHz发射功率-19dBm-+8dBm接收灵敏度-96dBm传输距离模块+模块(max)BLE106(内置天线)170m天线选项内置板载天线、外接引脚焊盘(需要定制生产)硬件参数数据接口UART:1200~1Mbps工作电压 1.7V~3.6V工作电流发射电流(max)22mA@3V3接收电流(max)15mA@3V3休眠电流(avg)0.7u A@3V3工作温度-40℃~+85℃存储温度-40℃~+85℃工作湿度5~95%RH(无凝露)存储湿度5~95%RH(无凝露)尺寸尺寸:10mm x10mm x2.2mm 封装接口SMT表贴2.2.模块应用框图目前模块开放的接口包括:电源、串口、固件下载接口和部分IO口等,如下图所示。
TMCM-1021 硬件手册说明书

MODULE FOR STEPPER MOTORSTRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KGHamburg, GermanyHardware Version V1.2HARDWARE MANUAL+ +TMCM-1021++U NIQUE F EATURES :Table of Contents1Features (3)2Order Codes (5)3Mechanical and Electrical Interfacing (6)3.1Size of Board (6)3.2Connectors (7)3.2.1Power, Communication and I/O Connector (8)3.2.2Motor Connector (8)3.3Power Supply (9)3.4Communication (10)3.4.1RS485 (10)3.5Inputs and Outputs (11)3.5.1Digital Inputs IN_0, IN_1, IN_2, IN_3 (11)3.5.2Outputs OUT_0, OUT_1 (12)4Reset to Factory Defaults (13)5On-board LED (13)6Operational Ratings (14)7Functional Description (15)8Life Support Policy (16)9Revision History (17)9.1Document Revision (17)9.2Hardware Revision (17)10References (17)1FeaturesThe TMCM-1021 is a single axis controller/driver module for 2-phase bipolar stepper motors with state of the art feature set. It is highly integrated, offers a convenient handling and can be used in many decentralized applications. The module can be mounted on the back of NEMA11 (28mm flange size) and has been designed for coil currents up to 0.7A RMS and 24V DC supply voltage. With its high energy efficiency from TRINAMIC’s coolStep™ technology cost for power consumption is kept down. The TMCL™ firmware allows for both, standalone operation and direct mode.M AIN C HARACTERISTICSHighlights-Motion profile calculation in real-time-On the fly alteration of motor parameters (e.g. position, velocity, acceleration)-High performance microcontroller for overall system control and serial communication protocol handling-For position movement applications, where larger motors do not fit and higher torques are not requiredBipolar stepper motor driver-Up to 256 microsteps per full step-High-efficient operation, low power dissipation-Dynamic current control-Integrated protection-stallGuard2 feature for stall detection-coolStep feature for reduced power consumption and heat dissipationEncoder-sensOstep magnetic encoder (max. 1024 increments per rotation) e.g. for step-loss detection under all operating conditions and positioning supervisionInterfaces-Up to 4 multi-purpose inputs (2 shared with outputs)- 2 general purpose outputs-RS485 2-wire communication interfaceSoftware-TMCL: s tandalone operation or remote controlled operation,program memory (non volatile) for up to 876 TMCL commands, andPC-based application development software TMCL-IDE available for free.Electrical and mechanical data-Supply voltage: +24V DC nominal (9… 28V DC)-Motor current: up to 0.7A RMS (programmable)Refer to separate TMCL Firmware Manual, too.TRINAMIC S U NIQUE F EATURES – E ASY TO U SE WITH TMCLstallGuard2™ stallGuard2 is a high-precision sensorless load measurement using the back EMF on thecoils. It can be used for stall detection as well as other uses at loads below those which stall the motor. The stallGuard2 measurement value changes linearly over a wide range of load, velocity, and current settings. At maximum motor load, the value goes to zero or near to zero. This is the most energy-efficient point of operation for the motor.Load [Nm]stallGuard2Initial stallGuard2 (SG) value: 100%Max. loadstallGuard2 (SG) value: 0Maximum load reached. Motor close to stall. Motor stallsFigure 1.1 stallGuard2 load measurement SG as a function of loadcoolStep ™coolStep is a load-adaptive automatic current scaling based on the load measurement via stallGuard2 adapting the required current to the load. Energy consumption can be reduced by as much as 75%. coolStep allows substantial energy savings, especially for motors which see varying loads or operate at a high duty cycle. Because a stepper motor application needs to work with a torque reserve of 30% to 50%, even a constant-load application allows significant energy savings because coolStep automatically enables torque reserve when required. Reducing power consumption keeps the system cooler, increases motor life, and allows reducing cost.00,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,9050100150200250300350EfficiencyVelocity [RPM]Efficiency with coolStepEfficiency with 50% torque reserveFigure 1.2 Energy efficiency example with coolStep2Order CodesTable 2.2 Order codesA cable loom set is available for this module:Table 2.5 Cable loom order code3Mechanical and Electrical Interfacing3.1Size of BoardThe board with the controller/driver electronics has an overall size of 28mm x 28mm in order to fit on the back side of a NEMA11 (28mm flange size) stepper motor. The printed circuit board outline is marked green in the following figure:PCB outlineR 2.5mmFigure 3.1 Board dimensions and position of mounting holes3.2ConnectorsThe TMCM-1021 has two connectors, an 8-pin power and input/output connector and a 4-pin motor connector (used to connect the attached motor).Power / Communication / IOs11MotorFigure 3.2 TMCM-1021 connectorsOverview of connector and mating connector types:Table 3.2 Connectors and mating connectors, contacts and applicable wire3.2.1Power, Communication and I/O ConnectorAn 8-pin CVIlux CI0108P1VK0-LF 2mm pitch single row connector is used for power supply, RS485 serial communication and additional multi-purpose inputs and outputs.Table 3.3 Power, communication and I/O connector3.2.2Motor ConnectorAn 4-pin CVIlux CI0104P1VK0-LF 2mm pitch single row connector is used for connecting the four motor wires to the electronics.Table 3.4 Motor connector3.3 Power SupplyFor proper operation care has to be taken with regard to power supply concept and design. Due to space restrictions the TMCM-1021 includes just about 20µF/35V of supply filter capacitors. These are ceramic capacitors which have been selected for high reliability and long life time. The module includes a 28V suppressor diode for over-voltage protection.C AUTION !Add external power supply capacitors!It is recommended to connect an electrolytic capacitor of significant size (e.g. 470µF/35V) to the power supply lines next to the TMCM-1021!Rule of thumb for size of electrolytic capacitor: In addition to power stabilization (buffer) and filtering this added capacitor will also reduce any power supply wires and the ceramic capacitors. In addition it will limit slew-rate of power supply stability problems with some switching power supplies.Do not connect or disconnect motor during operation!Motor disconnected / connected while energized. These voltage spikes might exceed voltage limits of power supply before connecting / disconnecting the motor.Keep the power supply voltage below the upper limit of 28V!Otherwise operating voltage is near the upper limit a regulated power supply is highly recommended. Please see also chapter 6, operating values.There is no reverse polarity protection!The transistors.TMCM-1021 V1.2 Hardware Manual (Rev. 1.02 / 2013-JUL-23)10 3.4Communication3.4.1RS485For remote control and communication with a host system the TMCM-1021 provides a two wire RS485 bus interface. For proper operation the following items should be taken into account when setting up an RS485 network:1.BUS STRUCTURE:The network topology should follow a bus structure as closely as possible. That is, the connection between each node and the bus itself should be as short as possible. Basically, it should be short compared to the length of the bus.termination resistor (120 Ohm)termination resistor (120 Ohm)Figure 3.5: Bus structure2.BUS TERMINATION:Especially for longer busses and/or multiple nodes connected to the bus and/or high communication speeds, the bus should be properly terminated at both ends. The TMCM-1021 does not integrate any termination resistor. Therefore, 120 Ohm termination resistors at both ends of the bus have to be added externally.3.NUMBER OF NODES:The RS485 electrical interface standard (EIA-485) allows up to 32 nodes to be connected to a single bus. The bus transceiver used on the TMCM-1021 units (SN65HVD3082ED) has just 1/8th of the standard bus load and allows a maximum of 256 units to be connected to a single RS485 bus.4.NO FLOATING BUS LINES:Avoid floating bus lines while neither the host/master nor one of the slaves along the bus line is transmitting data (all bus nodes switched to receive mode). Floating bus lines may lead to communication errors. In order to ensure valid signals on the bus it is recommended to use a resistor network connecting both bus lines to well defined logic levels. In contrast to the termination resistors this network is normally required just once per bus. Certain RS485 interface converters available for PCs already include these additional resistors (e.g. USB-2-485).terminationresistor(120 Ohm)RS485- / RS485BRS485+ / RS485AFigure 3.6 Bus lines with resistor network3.5 Inputs and Outputs3.5.1 Digital Inputs IN_0, IN_1, IN_2, IN_3The eight pin connector of the TMCM-1021 provides four general purpose inputs IN_0, IN_1, IN_2 and IN_3. The first two inputs have dedicated connector pins while the other two share pins with two general purpose outputs.All four inputs are protected using voltage resistor dividers together with limiting diodes against voltages below 0V (GND) and above +3.3V DC (see figure below).IN_0IN_1IN_2IN_3microcontroller and TMC262Figure 3.7 General purpose inputsThe four inputs have alternate functionality depending on configuration in software. The following functions are available:Table 3.5 Multipurpose inputs / alternate functionsAll four inputs are connected to the on-board processor and can be used as general purpose digital inputs.Using the alternate functionality of IN_0 and IN_1 it is possible to control the on-board stepper motor driver with the help of an external stepper motor controller using step and direction signals. For the step and direction signals the signal levels are the same as for the general purpose digital inputs.IN_3 can be used as analog input, also. A 12bit analog to digital converter integrated in the microcontroller will convert any analog input voltage between 0 and +6.6V to a digital value between 0 and 4095 then.3.5.2Outputs OUT_0, OUT_1The eight pin connector of the TMCM-1021 provides two general purpose outputs. These two outputs are open-drain outputs and can sink up to 100mA each. The outputs of the N-channel MOSFET transistors are connected to freewheeling diodes each for protection against voltage spikes especially from inductive loads (relais etc.).Both outputs OUT_0 and OUT_1 share pins with two of the four inputs (IN_2 resp. IN_3).Please take into account the 20k (2x 10k in series) resistance to ground (transistor not active) of the input voltage divider (figure 4.8) when designing the external “load” circuit.OUT_0 / IN_2OUT_1 / IN_3microcontrollerFigure 3.8 General purpose outputs4Reset to Factory DefaultsIt is possible to reset the TMCM-1021 to factory default settings without establishing a communication link. This might be helpful in case communication parameters of the preferred interface have been set to unknown values or got accidentally lost.For this procedure two pads on the bottom side of the board have to be shortened (see Figure 4.1).Please perform the following steps:1.Power supply off and USB cable disconnected2.Short two pads as marked in Figure 4.13.Power up board (power via USB is sufficient for this purpose)4.Wait until the on-board red and green LEDs start flashing fast (this might take a while)5.Power-off board (disconnect USB cable)6.Remove short between pads7.After switching on power-supply / connecting USB cable all permanent settings have been restoredto factory defaultsShort these two padsFigure 4.1 Reset to factory default settings5On-board LEDThe board offers one LED in order to indicate board status. The function of the LED is dependent on the firmware version. With standard TMCL firmware the green LED flashes slowly during operation.When there is no valid firmware programmed into the board or during firmware update the green LED is permanently on.Green LEDFigure 5.1 On-board LED6Operational RatingsThe operational ratings show the intended or the characteristic ranges and should be used as design values. In no case shall the maximum values be exceeded!Table 6.1 General operational ratings of module*) maximum setting for prototype and first versions of TMCL firmware. Will be adapted in firmware for series version.Table 6.2 Operational ratings of multi-purpose I/OsTable 6.3 Operational ratings of RS485 interface7Functional DescriptionThe TMCM-1021 is a highly integrated controller/driver module which can be controlled via RS485 interface. Communication traffic is kept low since all time critical operations (e.g. ramp calculations) are performed on board. The nominal supply voltage of the unit is 24V DC. The module is designed for both, standalone operation and direct mode. Full remote control of device with feedback is possible. The firmware of the module can be updated via the serial interface.In Figure 7.1 the main parts of the module are shown:-the microprocessor, which runs the TMCL operating system (connected to TMCL memory),-the power driver with its energy efficient coolStep feature,-the MOSFET driver stage, and-the sensOstep encoder with resolutions of 10bit (1024 steps) per revolution.9…Figure 7.1 Main parts of TMCM-1021The TMCM-1021 comes with the PC based software development environment TMCL-IDE for the Trinamic Motion Control Language (TMCL). Using predefined TMCL high level commands like move to position a rapid and fast development of motion control applications is guaranteed. Please refer to the TMCM-1021 Firmware Manual for more information about TMCL commands.8Life Support PolicyTRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG does not authorize or warrant any of its products for use in life support systems, without the specific written consent of TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG.Life support systems are equipment intended to support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions provided, can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury or death. © TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG 2013Information given in this data sheet is believed to be accurate and reliable. However neither responsibility is assumed for the consequences of its use nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties, which may result from its use.Specifications are subject to change without notice.All trademarks used are property of their respective owners.9Revision History9.1Document RevisionFigure 9.1 Document revision9.2Hardware RevisionFigure 9.2 Hardware revision10References[TMCM-1021] TMCM-1021 TMCL Firmware Manual [QSH2818-32-07-006] NEMA11 / 28mm bipolar stepper motor [QSH2818-51-07-012] NEMA11 / 28mm bipolar stepper motor [USB-2-485] USB-2-485 interface converter TRINAMIC manuals are available on .。

实用文档文档名称文档范围硬件需求说明书内部公开文档编号共12 页DD301硬件需求说明书拟制焦少波日期2016-12-01评审人日期批准日期免费共享修订记录日期修订版本描述作者2016-12-01 1.0.0初稿完成焦少波目录硬件需求说明书 (1)1引言 (6)1.1文档目的 (6)1.2参考资料 (6)2概述 (7)2.1产品描述 (7)2.2产品系统组成 (7)2.2.1XXX 分系统 (7)2.2.2XXX 分系统 (7)2.3产品研制要求 (7)3硬件需求分析 (7)3.1硬件组成 (7)3.1.1XXX 分系统 (8)3.1.2XXX 分系统 (8)3.2系统硬件布局 (8)3.2.1XXX 设备布局 (8)3.2.2XXX 设备布局 (8)3.3系统主要硬件组合 (8)3.4XXX 硬件模块需求 (8)3.4.1功能需求 (9)3.4.2性能需求 (9)3.4.3接口需求 (9)3.4.4RAMS 需求 (9)3.4.5安全需求 (9)3.4.6机械设计需求 (9)3.4.7应用环境需求 (9)3.4.8设计约束 (10)3.5XXX 硬件模块需求 (10)3.5.1功能需求 (10)3.5.2性能需求 (10)3.5.3接口需求 (10)3.5.4RAMS 需求 (10)3.5.5安全需求 (10)3.5.6机械设计需求 (10)3.5.7应用环境需求 (11)3.5.8设计约束 (11)3.6可生产性需求 (11)3.7可测试性需求 (11)3.8外购硬件设备 (11)3.8.1外购硬件 (11)3.8.2仪器设备 (12)3.9技术合作 (12)3.9.1内部合作 (12)3.9.2外部合作 (12)表目录表1 外购硬件清单 (11)表2 仪器设备清单 (12)图目录图1XXX 系统构成框图 (7)图2XXX 系统硬件构成框图 (7)硬件需求说明书关键词:能够体现文档描述内容主要方面的词汇。
Dell PowerEdge R210系统硬件用户手册说明书

Dell™ PowerEdge™ R210 系统 硬件用户手册关于系统使用系统设置程序和 UEFI 引导管理器 安装系统组件 系统故障排除 运行系统诊断程序 跳线和连接器 获得帮助 词汇表注、小心和警告本说明文件中的信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。
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MCU 5310简明使用手册

MCU 5310中文简明使用手册第1章 MCU使用手册1.1 登录方法1、打开浏览器,在地址栏输入MCU地址,按回车确认。
如下图所示:2、点击“登录”,输入用户名和密码,按回车确认,进入MCU主页面输入用户名和密码1.2 MCU功能简介MCU功能包括状态查看、网络设置、系统设置、会议管理、用户管理、终端管理。
主功能栏1.2.1 状态提供MCU的详细信息、会议召开情况和系统运行情况1.2.2 网络进行MCU网络方面的设置,目前只使用网络端口A1.2.3 设置包括会议设置、网守设置、SIP设置和流媒体设置等九大项设置,在后面会详细介绍常用的设置。
设置分项1.2.4 会议包括会议管理、自动应答向导管理和转移与会成员三大项,包括会议发起、操作、结束等功能将在后面进行详细介绍。
会议控制分项1.2.5 用户对MCU的登录账号进行添加、修改等管理选择用户权限1.2.6 终端在MCU上添加、修改终端等管理,相当于添加、修改MCU的号码簿添加终端参数1.3 “设置”功能介绍(只介绍常用部分)1.3.1 会议设置相当于设置会议模板。
1.3.2 本地化设置对用户界面进行设置。
选择会议默认带宽当视频终端加入会议时看到的分屏为发言会场加边框提示选择图像质量不选择以免影响会议效果选择永不显示以免影响会议效果可根据会议要求设置选择经常方便与会者识别会场选择可将标清画质提升选择自动轮询时间间隔一般不要超过70当视音频不同步时才需调整可根据管理员习惯设置1.4 “会议”功能介绍(只介绍常用部分)1.4.1 会议管理1)会议列表对正在召开的会议和已结束对会议进行管理。

M5310EVB用户使用指南NB-IoT系列版本:V1.0日期:2017-04-05中移物联网有限公司关于文档修改记录目录关于文档 (1)目录 ................................................... - 2 - 1 引言 ................................................ - 3 -1.1.安全须知 (3)2 产品综述 ............................................ - 4 -2.1 评估板的顶视图 (4)2.2 评估板配件视图 (5)3 使用说明 ............................................ - 5 -3.1 电源 (5)3.2 模组使用 (6)3.3 关机 (8)3.4 紧急复位 (8)1 引言为了帮助您更好的开发中移物联网NB-IOT和GSM系列模块的应用程序,中移物联网有限公司特提供此评估板(EVB)供你来测试我们的M5310、M631X模块。
1.1. 安全须知通过遵循以下安全原则,可确保个人安全并有助于保护产品和工作环境免遭潜在损坏。
PanelView 5310 终端 用户手册说明书

概述 安装 PanelView 5310 终端
变更摘要. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 包装清单. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 索取开源软件包的对应源代码 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 产品固件和发行说明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 其他资源. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
关于 PanelView 5310 终端 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 硬件特性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 操作员控制. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 触摸手势. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Studio 5000 环境 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 EtherNet/IP 通信 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 典型配置. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 产品目录号说明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 产品选择. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 附件. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 以太网电缆. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
中移物联 ML305 硬件设计手册说明书

1.14G L TE系列版本:V1.0.1日期:2020年10月服务与支持如果您有任何关于模组产品及产品手册的评论、疑问、想法,或者任何无法从本手册中找到答案的疑问,请通过以下方式联系我们。
Inspiron 13 5310 设置和规格说明书

Inspiron 13 5310设置和规格8 2021注意、小心和警告:“注意”表示帮助您更好地使用该产品的重要信息。
© 2021 Dell Inc. 或其子公司。
Dell、EMC 和其他商标是 Dell Inc. 或其附属机构的商标。
章 1: 设置 Inspiron 13 5310 (4)章 2: Inspiron 13 5310的视图 (6)右 (6)左侧 (6)顶部 (7)正面 (8)底部 (9)章 3: Inspiron 13 5310 的规格 (10)尺寸和重量 (10)处理器 (10)芯片组 (11)操作系统 (11)内存 (11)外部端口 (12)内部插槽 (12)无线模块 (12)音频 (13)存储 (13)英特尔傲腾内存 H10 和固态存储(可选) (14)键盘 (14)摄像头 (15)触控板 (15)电源适配器 (15)电池 (16)显示屏 (17)指纹读取器(可选) (17)GPU —集成 (18)GPU —独立 (18)操作和存储环境 (18)章 4: 戴尔低蓝光显示屏 (19)章 5: Inspiron 13 5310 的键盘快捷方式 (20)章 6: 获取帮助和联系戴尔 (22)目录3设置 Inspiron 13 5310:根据您所订购的配置,本文档中的图像可能与您的计算机有所差异。
: 在运输过程中,电池可能会进入节能模式,以节省电池电量。
2.完成 Windows 设置。
设置时,戴尔建议您执行以下操作:●Windows 更新。
: 如果您正在连接到加密的无线网络,请在出现系统提示时输入访问无线网络所需的密码。
联想V130–20IGM AIO用户指南和硬件维护手册说明书

图 5. 连接 Kensington 式钢缆锁
© Copyright Lenovo 2018
10 V130–20IGM AIO 用户指南和硬件维护手册
第 4 章 更换硬件
第 2 章 规格
电源 • 65 瓦电源适配器
存储驱动器 • 2.5 英寸存储驱动器 • M.2 存储驱动器(选配)
视频功能部件 集成显卡支持以下各项: • HDMI 输出接口
音频功能部件 集成声卡支持以下各项: • 耳麦接口
输入/输出(I/O)功能部件 • 音频接口(耳机) • 读卡器插槽 • 显示器接口(HDMI 输出) • 以太网接口 • USB 接口
扩展 • 读卡器插槽 • M.2 存储驱动器插槽(选配) • 内存插槽 • 光盘驱动器(选配) • 存储驱动器托架
网络功能 • 以太网 LAN • 无线局域网 • 蓝牙

M5311硬件设计手册NB-IoT系列版本:V1.0日期:2017-12-11中移物联网有限公司关于文档修订记录目录关于文档 (1)目录 (2)图片索引 (4)表格索引 (4)1引言 (6)1.1安全须知 (6)2综述 (7)2.1主要性能 (7)2.2功能框图 (8)3应用接口 (8)3.1管脚描述 (9)3.2工作模式 (13)3.3电源供电 (13)3.3.1模组电源供电接口 (13)3.3.2减少电压跌落 (14)3.3.3供电参考电路 (14)3.4开机 (15)3.5关机 (15)3.6复位模组 (16)3.7GPIO接口 (17)3.8串口 (17)3.8.1主串口 (18)3.8.2调试串口 (19)3.8.3串口应用 (19)3.9SIM IC (20)3.10ADC数模转换 (21)3.11网络状态指示 (22)3.12省电技术 (22)4天线接口 (24)4.1射频参考电路 (24)4.2RF输出功率 (25)4.3RF接收灵敏度 (25)4.4工作频率 (26)4.5天线要求 (26)4.6推荐RF焊接方式 (26)5电气性能,可靠性 (27)5.1绝对最大值 (27)5.2工作温度 (27)5.3耗流 (27)6机械尺寸 (28)6.1模组机械尺寸 (28)6.2模组俯视图 (29)6.3模组底视图 (29)7存储和生产 (30)7.1存储 (30)7.2生产焊接 (30)7.3包装 (31)附录A参考文档及术语缩写 (32)3图片索引图 1:功能框图 (8)图 2:管脚分配图 (9)图 3:VBAT 输入参考电路 (14)图 4:供电输入参考设计 (14)图 5:开集驱动开机参考电路 (15)图 6:按键开机参考电路 (15)图 7:关机时序图 (16)图 8:复位参考驱动电路 (16)图 9:复位按键参考设计 (16)图 10:主串口连接方式示意图 (18)图 11:软件调试连接图 (19)图 12:3.3V电平转换电路 (19)图 13:5V/3.3V 电平转换电路 (20)图 14:6PINSIM卡连接器参考电路 (21)图 15:NETLIGHT参考电路 (22)图 16 功耗参考流程图 (23)图 17 eDRX功耗参考流程 (24)图 18:射频参考电路 (25)图 19:M5311 机械尺寸图(Top View,单位:毫米) (28)图 20:模组俯视图 (29)图 21:模组底视图 (29)图 22:印膏图 (30)图 23:炉温曲线 (31)图 24:载带卷盘尺寸图 (31)表格索引表 1:模组主要性能 (7)表 2:引脚描述 (9)表 3:工作模式 (13)表 4:电源管脚定义 (13)表 5:RESET管脚定义 (16)表 6:GPIO管脚定义 (17)表 7:串口逻辑电平 (17)表 8:串口管脚定义 (18)表 9:SIM卡管脚定义 (20)表 10 :ADC引脚定义 (21)表 11:NETLIGHT 的工作状态 (22)表 12:RF管脚定义 (24)表 13:RF 传导功率 (25)表 14:RF 传导灵敏度 (25)表 15:模组工作频率 (26)表 16:天线电缆的要求 (26)表 17:天线的要求 (26)表 18:绝对最大值 (27)表 19:工作温度 (27)表 20:模组耗流 (27)表 21:模组包装信息 (32)表 22:参考文档 (32)表 23:术语缩写 (32)51 引言本文档定义了 M5311模组及其硬件接口规范,电气特性和机械规范,通过此文档的帮助,结合我们的应用手册和用户指导书,客户可以快速应用M5311模组于无线应用。

M251 Feature
。 Arm® Cortex®-M23 。 运行速度可达 48 MHz
M252 Feature
。 USB 2.0 全速设备无需外 挂晶振
M253 Feature
。 USB 2.0 全速设备无需外 挂晶振
。 高达五路 UART 。 CAN FD x1
Low Power
Market Trend
随着电子应用对低功耗或电池供电的需 求日益增加,现今的应用必须尽量降低 能源消耗,甚至在极端情况下,可能需 要倚赖单颗电池来维持长达 15 至 20 年 运转
低功耗应用情景包含手持式设备、居家、 AIoT、IIoT (工业物联网) 等应用情景, 使用范围十分广泛
(Programmable Serial I/O) • USB 2.0 全速装置无需外挂晶振 • 独立的 RTC 电源 VBAT 管脚
• 支持 1.8 V ~ 5.5 V 串行接口,可连接不同电压 装置
*USCI: Universal Serial Control Interface Controller
1.8 3.3 5 M253
3.3 5 M071
1.8 3.3 5 M252
3.3 5 M051
1.8 3.3 5 M251
3.3 5 Mini51
3.3 5 3.3 5
1.8 3.3 Nano100
M480 M460 M471 M453 M452 M451

Gowin_EMPU_M1软件和硬件参考设计发布说明RN537-1.2, 2019-08-18版权所有©2019广东高云半导体科技股份有限公司未经本公司书面许可,任何单位和个人都不得擅自摘抄、复制、翻译本文档内容的部分或全部,并不得以任何形式传播。
版本信息目录目录目录 (i)1 关于发布 (1)2 功能和增强总述 (2)3 平台支持 (3)4 文档 (4)1关于发布1关于发布本次发布Gowin_EMPU_M1扩展外部设备DDR3 Memory。
1.MCU扩展外部设备DDR3 Memory2.修复已知ITCM、DTCM Size和IDE问题Gowin_EMPU_M1软件开发工具包可在高云半导体网站下载,Gowin_EMPU_M1软件和硬件参考设计,已完成参数配置,可在ARM Keil Microcontroller Tool或GOWIN MCU Designer,GOWIN FPGA Designer 中使用。
ICP DAS BNET-5304 5310用户手册说明书

BNET-5304/5310User’s Manual v1.00WarrantyAll products manufactured by ICP DAS are under warranty regarding defective materials for a period of one year from the date of delivery to the original purchaser.WarningICP DAS assumes no liability for damages resulting from the use of this product. ICP DAS reserves the right to change this manual at any time without notice. The information furnished by ICP DAS is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by ICP DAS for its use, or for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use.CopyrightAll rights are reserved by ICP DAS Co., Ltd. 2012.TrademarkThe names used for identification only may be registered trademarks of their respective companies.Document RevisionChangesofVersion Author Date Description1.00 Eugene 2012/11/20First Released RevisionTable of Contents1.General Information (4)1.1BACnet Introduction (4)1.2About BNET-5304 and BNET-5310 (4)1.3Hardware Specification (4)Hardware (7)1.4BNET-5304 Pin Assignment and Wire Connection (7)1.5BNET-5310 Pin Assignment and Wire Connection (9)1.6LED Indication (11)1.6.1Power LED (11)1.6.2Module Status indicator LED (11)2.Web Based Configuration Tool (12)2.1Device Selection (12)2.2Using Web-based Configuration Tool (12)2.3Tab menu of Configuration Tool (14)2.3.1System (14)2.3.2Modbus (14)2.3.3BACnet (14)2.3.4Modbus/BACnet Mapping (14)2.4System tab (15)2.4.1System Process (16)2.4.2Network Settings (16)2.4.3Uploading and Updating Firmware (16)2.4.4Change User Name & Password (17)2.5B ACnet tab 182.5.1BACnet basic information configuration (18)2.5.2BACnet Object Types and instance settings (19)2.6B ACnet Object tab (20)1. General Information1.1 BACnet IntroductionBACnet stands for Building Automation Control network which is a data communication protocoldeveloped by ASHRAE, BACnet is known as "ANSI/ASHRAE standard 135-2001" and now also knownas the international standard "ISO 16484-5." The protocol has been designed specifically to meet thecommunication needs of building automation and control systems for applications such as heating,ventilating, air-conditioning control…etc. Its purpose is also to standardize communications betweenbuilding automation devices from different manufacturers, allowing data to be shared and equipment towork together easily.1.2 About BNET-5304 and BNET-5310The BNET-5304 and BNET-5310 are multi-function BACnet/IP modules. The BNET-5304 provides6 AI channels, 1 AO channel, 4 DI channels and 4 DO channels. The BNET-5310 provides 4 AIchannels, 2 AO channels, 3 DI channels and 3 DO channels. The modules contain number of BACnetobjects (Device, AI, AO, BI, BO) with multiple BIBBS (DS-RP-B, DS-RPM-B, DS-WP-B, DS-WPM,DS-COV-B…etc.) supported. The modules also feature a built-in web server which allows remoteconfiguration by using a regular web browser for an easy and safe access at anytime anywhere.1.3 Hardware SpecificationModel BNET-5304 BNET-5310SystemCOM1 Reserved COM2 Nouse COM3 Nouse Ethernet 10/100Base-TX Security ID and PasswordBuilt-in Watchdog YesLED Indicator Power and StatusProtocolBACnet BACnet/IPBACnet Objects 1 Device, 6 AI, 1 AO, 4 BI, 4BO 1 Device, 4 AI, 2 AO, 3 BI, 3 BOBIBB DS-RP-B, DS-RPM-B, DS-WP-B, DS-WPM-B, DS-COV-B,DM-DDB-B, DM-DOB-B, DM-DCC-B, DM-TS-B,DM-UTC-B, DM-RD-BAnalog Input4 Channel 6Wiring Single-Ended DifferentialRange +/- 5 V, 0 ~ +5 V +/- 10 VResolution 12-bit Sampling Rate 4 KHzInput Impedance 1 M OhmOver Voltage Protection +/- 30 V DCIsolation Non-isolated Analog Output2 Channel 1Range +/- 5V +/- 10 VResolution 12-bit Output Capacity 20 mAIsolation Non-isolated Digital Input3 Channel 4Contact DryOn Voltage Level Close to GNDDry ContactOff Voltage Level OpenOvervoltage Protection 30 V DCDigital Output3 Channel 4Collector Type OpenSink/Source (NPN/PNP) SinkLoad Voltage +10 V DC ~ 40 V DCMax. Load Current 200 mA/channel at 25 °COverload Protection 1.4 AEnvironmentalDimensions (W x L x H) 91mm x132mm x 52mmOperating Temp. -25 ~ +75 °CStorage Temp. -30 ~ +85 °CHumidity 5_90% PH, non-condesingPower Input Range +10V to +30+10V to +30V DCPower Consumption 4.8W (0.2A @ 24V DC) 5.4W (0.2A @ 24V DC)2. Hardware2.1 BNET-5304 Pin Assignment and Wire ConnectionBNET-5304Pin Description Pin Description Pin Description Pin Description1 F.G. 8 GND 15 DO.PWR 22 GND2 GND 9 TxD 16 GND 23 Vin03 +VS 10 RxD 17 DI0 24 Vin14 -- 11 DO0 18 DI1 25 Vin25 -- 12 DO1 19 DI2 26 Vin36 -- 13 DO2 20 DI3 27 Vin47 -- 14 DO3 21 Vout0 28 Vin52.2 BNET-5310 Pin Assignment and Wire ConnectionBNET-5310Pin Description Pin Description Pin Description Pin Description1 F.G. 8 GND 15 DI0 22 Vin0-2 GND 9 TxD 16 DI1 23 Vin1+3 +VS 10 RxD 17 DI2 24 Vin1-4 -- 11 DO0 18 GND 25 Vin2+5 -- 12 DO1 19 Vout0 26 Vin2-6 -- 13 DO2 20 Vout1 27 Vin3+7 -- 14 DO.PWR 21 Vin0+ 28 Vin3-2.3 LED IndicationBNET-5304/BNET-5310 provides two LEDs to indicate what situation is in the module. They are described as follows.2.3.1 Power LEDThe BNET-5304/BNET-5310 needs +10 ~ +30 VDC power input and consumes 4.8W and 5.4W. The PWR LED (Power LED) will be turn on after applying power and it will be flashing two times per second.2.3.2 Module Status indicator LEDThe STATUS LED indicates the communication status of the BNET-5304/BNET-5310. The following description shows the conditions of error status.●Green light flashes: BACnet/IP Client is communicating with BNET-5304/BNET-5310.●Red light flashes: Time out or unknown Object/Service error.●Red light on: BNET-5304/BNET-5310 initial error.3. Web Based Configuration ToolThis chapter is to describe the web structure and software operating interfaces.BNET-5304/BNET-5310 provides Web-based configuration for the BACnet devices and objects settings. The functions include:●System information and configurationsettings● Network●BACnet objects configuration and management3.1 Device SelectionBACnet/IPMulti-function I/O Module with 6 AI, 1 AO, 4 BI, and 4 BO.● BNET-5304:Multi-function I/O Module with 4 AI, 2 AO, 3 BI, and 3 BOBACnet/IP● BNET-5310:3.2 Using Web-based Configuration ToolConnect the BNET-5304/BNET-5310 to network, and use standard web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox) to launch the user interface. The default link and network settings are as followed:Web Address: Address: Mask: security reason, user will have to login with user name and password before entering the configuration pages. The default user name and password are admin and admin.Figure 1. Logon screenScreen opened as image shown in Figure 2, if success login. Select a hardware to enter a correspond page.Figure 2. Module or Device selection page3.3 Tab menu of Configuration ToolThe configuration tool had divided into four sections System, Modbus, BACnet, and Modbus/BACnet Mapping. Please refer to the following clause for detail information.3.3.1 SystemSystem information and settings consist of●BACnet Firmware status and operations (start or stop)settings● NetworkUpdating● Firmware●User name and password configuration3.3.2 ModbusThe section is only available for GW-549x series.3.3.3 BACnetBACnet Server Configuration consists of●BACnet/IP Port Setting●Management of the BACnet basic information●Instance Table (shows the number of object on the device)3.3.4 BACnet ObjectDefinition and management of BACnet Objects3.4 System tabAs shown in Figure 3, the system tab provides an operation mode, a network setting, firmware updating, and user account settings.1. System Process: Monitors the BACnet Firmware running status, and operate its’ state (start orstop)2. Network Settings: LANs are provided for BACnet/IP protocol.3. Upload and Updating Firmware: Uploading and updating firmware.4. Change User Names & Password: Modify the current user name and password.Figure 3. System tab3.4.1 System ProcessFigure 4 shows the System Process frame. The Process column shows the firmware name and the Operations column shows the firmware status. The Start/Stop buttons are able to start/stop the firmware by clicking the buttons.Figure 4. System Process3.4.2 Network SettingsNetwork Settings consists an Ethernet LAN settings provided for BACnet/IP protocol. All information isn’t saved until clicking the Save Settings button. User will need to reboot the system or restart it to apply the changes. After hardware rebooted, user will also need to re-open the web user interface.Figure 5. Network Settings3.4.3 Uploading and Updating FirmwareFigure 6 shows the Upload and Update Firmware tool. The current firmware version is showed. The firmware can also be updated from a .fw file downloaded from ICP DAS by choosing the file path and click “Upload Firmware” to upload file to device. After .fw file uploaded, click “Update Firmware” button to update firmware. After firmware updated, please restart the BNET-5304/BNET-5310 and User Interface.Figure 6. Import/Export/Updating Firmware3.4.4 Change User Name & PasswordThe section provides an interface which allows user to modify the user name and password. User will need to reboot the system or restart it to apply the changes.Figure 7. Change User Name & Password3.5 BACnet tabThe Figure 8 shows the BACnet Device configuration. The detail description as follows:1. BACnet basic information and configuration2. BACnet Object Types and max instance informationFigure 8. BACnet tab3.5.1 BACnet basic information configurationFigure 9 shows the BACnet basic information, consisting of Protocol, Communication and Device Object properties settings.Figure 9. BACnet basic information●Port: BACnet Port. Default port is 47808 (0xBAC0)●ID: Device_Identifier property, range from 0 to 4194302●Name: The device name showed on BACnet network.●Retry: Number_Of_APDU_Retries property●Timeout: APDU_Timeout property●UTC_Offset: The time offset from Coordinated Universal Time●Location: Location propertyDescription propertyObject● Description:3.5.2 BACnet Object Types and instance settingsThe BNET-5304/BNET-5310 supports several types of standard BACnet Objects including Analog Input, Analog Output, Binary Input, Binary Output and Device. Figure 10 shows the 9 types of BACnet Objects, the 3-column sub fame consisting of Type, Maximum, and Instance number.Figure 10. BACnet Object list3.6 BACnet Object tabThe BACnet Object tab provides a list of BACnet Objects, as shown in Figure 16.1. BACnet Object type list2. BACnet Object listFigure 11. BACnet Object tabBNET-5304/BNET-5310 User’s Manual213.6.1 BACnet Object Type ListSelect an object type from Object Type list to show the corresponding BACnet object in the Object Table. After object type selected , it should be showed in the textbox.3.6.2 BACnet Object Type ListThe Object Table consists varies BACnet object properties which allow user to modify it. Please refer to description below about each column in the table.BACnet Object Table:●Object Identifier: BACnet Object_Identifier property ●Device: Modbus Device name ●Point: Indicates the channel type of the module. ●Index: Indicates the channel number of the module. ●Object Name: BACnet Object_Name property ●COV Increment: COV_Increment property. For the Analog object type only. ●COVPeriod: The period time of COVNotification required service. ●Unit: BACnet Unit property. For the Analog object type only. ●Polarity: BACnet Polarity property mode. For the Binary object type only. ● Description: BACnet Description propertyFigure 20. Mapping。
B5310A 10 位串行接口数模转换器 产品使用手册说明书

Ver 1.1 10位串行接口数模转换器产品型号:B5310A版本控制页目录一、产品概述 (1)1.1产品特点 (1)1.2产品用途及应用范围 (1)二、产品工作条件 (2)2.1绝对最大额定值 (2)2.2推荐工作条件 (2)三、封装及引出端说明 (3)3.1引出端排列 (3)3.2引脚信号描述 (3)3.3外形尺寸说明 (3)四、产品功能 (5)4.1产品的基本工作原理 (5)4.2单元模块结构与工作原理 (6)五、产品电特性 (10)六、典型应用 (11)6.1微处理器接口 (11)6.2实际应用 (12)6.3电源地的PCB设计 (14)七.应用注意事项 (15)7.1产品应用说明 (15)7.2对电源的要求和推荐使用电路 (15)7.3产品防护 (15)八、用户关注产品信息 (16)8.1产品鉴定信息 (16)8.2产品标识 (17)8.3研制生产单位联系方式 (17)附录1对应替代国外产品情况 (17)一、产品概述1.1 产品特点单芯片10位DAC数据格式:二进制编码格式供电电压作为基准电压2.7V~5.5V电源电压串行施密特触发器输入接口片上轨对轨输出缓冲放大器同步中断功能三种功耗降低模式,在功耗降低模式下,可以设置三种不同的输出负载状态高速串行接口的时钟频率可以高达30MHz,专为电路低功耗设计,接口电路仅在写入数据过程中有较大电流产生。
1.2 产品用途及应用范围B5310A是单芯片10位数据串行输入电压缓冲输出型的电阻串DAC,工作电压范围为+2.7~+5.5V。
在+2.7V~+3.8V 电源电压下,工作时钟最高可以达到20MHz。
M-Design 用户手册说明书

读者对象本需求手册适用于以下读者:●MBSE实施建模人员●设计研发人员目录1.引言 (1)1.1编写目的 (1)1.2背景 (1)2.安装M-Design (2)2.1系统要求 (2)2.2安装步骤 (2)2.3License激活 (6)2.3.1固定license激活 (7)通过license文件激活 (7)通过手工输入license激活 (9)2.3.2服务器账号激活 (10)3.用户使用指南 (12)3.1欢迎页 (12)3.1.1教程页 (12)3.1.2产品介绍页 (13)3.2用户界面 (14)3.2.1菜单栏 (14)3.2.2工具栏 (15)3.2.3项目面板 (16)模型树 (16)模型树工具栏 (16)模型树功能 (16)图表 (17)3.2.4属性面板 (18)3.2.5图表工作区 (19)图表标签栏 (19)图表工具栏 (19)组件区 (20)绘图区 (21)图表区工具条 (22)缩略图 (22)文字设置 (23)布局设置 (24)画布设置 (25)3.2.6状态栏 (25)3.3项目 (26)3.3.1创建项目 (26)3.3.2保存项目 (27)3.3.3打开项目 (27)3.3.4导入项目 (28)3.3.5导出项目 (28)3.3.6切换项目 (28)3.3.7文件恢复 (28)3.3.8导入需求 (29)从Excel文件中导入需求 (29)从ReqIF文件中导入需求 (30)从M-Require中同步需求 (31)从M-Require中更新需求 (32)3.4绘图功能 (33)3.4.1创建图表 (34)3.4.2打开图表 (35)3.4.3图表头部信息 (35)3.4.4复制和粘贴对象 (36)3.4.5使用图表标签 (36)3.4.6设置图表属性 (36)3.4.7操作图元 (38)创建图元 (39)删除图元 (39)3.4.8操作关系和路径 (40)创建关系 (40)在模型树上创建关系 (40)在图表上创建关系 (43)删除关系 (43)3.4.9显示关联 (44)显示关系连线 (44)显示关联元素 (44)3.4.10情境工具 (45)情境操作按钮 (45)情境工具条 (46)3.4.11缩放 (47)使用缩放按钮 (47)使用缩略图 (47)3.4.12使用网格 (47)显示网格 (47)调整网格尺寸和颜色 (48)3.5模型元素操作 (48)3.5.1创建模型元素 (48)3.5.2元素导航 (49)3.5.3元素定位 (49)3.5.4编辑属性 (50)3.5.5修改元素名称 (50)3.5.6删除元素 (50)3.6图表 (51)3.6.1SysML图表 (51)模块定义图 (52)目的 (52)用途 (52)总结 (53)内部模块图 (53)目的 (53)用途 (53)总结 (54)使用 (54)用例图 (55)目的 (55)用途 (55)总结 (55)活动图 (56)目的 (56)总结 (56)序列图 (57)目的 (57)用途 (57)总结 (57)状态机图 (58)目的 (58)用途 (58)总结 (58)参数图 (59)目的 (59)用途 (59)总结 (59)包图 (60)目的 (60)用途 (60)总结 (60)需求图 (61)目的 (61)用途 (61)总结 (61)3.6.2分析图表 (62)通用矩阵 (62)创建通用矩阵 (62)使用通用矩阵 (62)需求追溯图 (71)创建需求追溯图 (72)使用需求追溯图 (74)3.6.3表格 (78)表格工具栏 (79)创建表格 (79)通用表 (79)需求表 (81)需求表工具栏 (82)编辑需求 (84)设置显示字段 (84)搜索需求 (85)创建需求关系 (85)删除/移出需求 (86)黑盒ICD表 (87)新建黑盒ICD表 (87)设置显示字段 (87)设置查询范围 (88)部件ICD表 (88)新建部件ICD表 (88)设置显示字段 (89)设置查询范围 (89)3.7数据交换 (94)3.7.1xml导入导出 (94)标准格式导出 (94)标准格式导入 (95)3.7.2图片导出 (96)3.8模型分析 (96)3.8.1模型校验 (96)3.9SysML常用元素 (97)3.9.1包Package (97)显示包元素的内部结构 (97)使用嵌套来表达包含关系 (97)创建包的包含关系 (98)3.9.2包导入Package Import (99)创建包导入关系 (99)3.9.3元素导入Element Import (100)创建元素导入 (100)3.9.4模块Block (101)添加属性 (101)添加端口 (103)3.9.5接口模块Interface Block (104)使用接口模块作为完整端口的类型 (104)3.9.6约束模块Constraint Block (105)设置约束表达式 (106)自动解析参数 (108)3.9.7值类型ValueType (108)3.9.8度量类型QuantityKind (109)3.9.9度量单位Unit (109)3.9.10枚举类型Enumeration (109)对枚举类型添加字面量 (109)3.9.11信号Signal (110)3.9.12实例Instance (110)创建模块的实例 (110)3.9.13接口Interface (111)3.9.14端口Port (111)设置提供/请求接口 (111)3.9.15代理端口ProxyPort (112)创建代理端口 (112)3.9.16完整端口FullPort (113)3.9.17实例连接Link (113)3.9.18关联关系Association (113)使用引用关联创建引用属性 (113)3.9.19定向关联DirectedAssociation (114)3.9.20聚合关系Aggregation (115)转变聚合关系为关联关系 (115)3.9.21定向聚合DirectedAggregation (115)3.9.22组合关系Composition (115)使用组合关系创建部件属性 (115)3.9.23泛化关系Generalization (116)使用泛化实现针对抽象的设计 (117)3.9.24使用Usage (119)3.9.25执行者Actor (119)连接关系 (119)3.9.26用例UseCase (119)添加属性 (120)连接关系 (120)3.9.27项目流ItemFlow (120)3.9.28测试用例TestCase (121)创建测试用例 (121)添加关系 (121)3.9.29需求Requirement (122)添加属性 (122)连接关系 (122)3.9.30满足Satisfy (123)3.9.31派生需求DeriveReqt (124)3.9.32复制Copy (124)3.9.33追踪Trace (125)3.9.34验证Verify (125)3.9.35精化Refine (126)3.9.36简单状态Simple State (127)添加区域 (127)状态机图内部行为 (128)连接关系 (130)3.9.37复合状态Composite State (131)3.9.38子状态机Submachine State (131)3.9.39起始状态Initial (131)3.9.40终止状态Final State (132)3.9.41终止Terminate (132)3.9.42入口点Entry Point (132)3.9.43出口点Exit Point (133)3.9.44结合连接器Connection Point Reference (133)选择入口点和出口点 (133)3.9.45深层历史连接器Deep History (134)3.9.46浅层历史连接器Shallow History (134)3.9.47连接器Junction (135)3.9.48转换Transition (135)3.9.49到自己的转换Transition to Self (136)3.9.50有效性度量Measure of effectiveness (136)3.9.51目标函数Objective Function (137)3.9.52动作Action (137)3.9.53调用行为动作Call Behavior Action (138)3.9.54调用操作动作Call Operation Action (138)3.9.55不透明动作Opaque Action (139)设置不透明动作的内容 (139)3.9.56对象节点Object Node (140)3.9.57活动参数节点Activity Parameter Node (140)3.9.58控制流Control Flow (141)3.9.59对象流Object Flow (141)3.9.60发送信号动作Send Signal Action (141)3.9.61接受事件动作Accept Event Action (141)3.9.62等待时间动作Wait Time Action (142)3.9.63活动起点Initial Node (142)3.9.64活动终点Activity Final (142)3.9.65流终点Flow Final (142)3.9.66判断节点Decision (143)3.9.67合并节点Merge (143)3.9.68异常处理器Exception Handler (143)3.9.69可中断活动区域Interruptible Activity Region (143)3.9.70结构化节点Structured Activity Node (143)3.9.71条件节点Conditional Node (144)3.9.72栓Pin (144)3.9.73泳道Swimlanes (144)3.9.74流端口Flow Port (144)3.9.75值属性Value Property (145)3.9.76部件属性Part Property (145)3.9.77引用属性Reference Property (145)3.9.78约束属性Constraint Property (145)3.9.79流属性Flow Property (145)3.9.80参与者属性Participant Property (146)3.9.81约束关联Bound Reference (146)3.9.82类型行为属性ClassifierBehaviorProperty (146)3.9.83连接器Connector (146)3.9.84绑定连接器Binding Connector (146)3.9.85生命线Lifeline (147)设置生命线的声明 (147)3.9.86组合片段CombinedFragment (149)选择操作符Option (150)循环操作符Loop (150)可选操作符Alternatives (150)并行操作符Parallel (150)断开操作符Break (151)否定操作符Negative (151)忽略操作符Ignore (151)3.9.87交互引用Interaction Use (151)3.9.88消息Message (151)3.9.89调用消息Call Message (151)3.9.90发送消息Send Message (151)3.9.91回复消息Reply Message (152)3.9.92递归消息Recursive Message (152)3.9.93删除消息Delete Message (152)3.9.94丢失的消息Lost Message (152)3.9.95给自己的消息Message to Self (152)3.9.96时间段约束DurationConstraint (152)3.9.97时间点约束TimeConstraint (153)4.扩展和DSL指南 (155)4.1基础概念 (155)4.2使用扩展包 (155)4.2.1创建扩展包 (155)4.2.2扩展包的导出和导入 (156)4.2.3使用构造型 (157)5.协同建模指南 (160)5.1协同用户 (160)5.1.1登录 (160)5.1.2登出 (161)5.1.3退出 (161)5.2发布新项目 (162)5.3项目列表 (162)5.4检入检出 (164)5.4.1检入 (164)5.4.2检出 (165)5.5快速更新 (166)5.6提交更改 (167)1.引言1.1编写目的M-Design是一款针对SysyML需求建模管理开发的一款工业建模软件,为了便于建模人员了解M-Design的建模设计流程和平台功能,建模流程,产品特点,注意事项等,特制定本手册。

厦门四信通信科技有限公司目录目录 (4)前言 (5)1概述 (6)1.1技术规格 (6)1.1.1规格说明 (6)1.1.2基本功能 (6)1.1.3模块接口 (7)1.1.4LoRa参数 (7)1.1.5供电 (7)1.1.6功耗 (8)1.2相关文档 (8)1.3缩略语 (8)2F8L10D模块产品框图 (11)3管脚描述 (12)4硬件接口描述 (14)4.1概述 (14)4.2电源 (14)4.3UART接口 (15)4.3.1硬件连接 (15)4.3.2通讯传输字节格式 (16)4.3.2F8L10D通信对象为PC机 (17)4.3.2F8L10D通信对象为工控机 (17)4.4复位 (17)4.5GPIO口 (18)4.5.1控制LED灯 (19)4.5.2ADC采集参考电路 (19)4.5.3IO口保护电路 (20)4.6模块休眠 (21)4.6.1休眠控制脚SLEEP_RQ (21)4.9LoRa通过MCU对模块升级 (21)4.9.1双串口升级模式 (21)4.9.2MCU单串口升级模式 (22)4.10天线 (22)4.10.1F8L10D兼容2种天线模式: (22)4.10.2天线安装 (24)5模块尺寸结构(加屏蔽盖后厚度4mm) (25)5.1F8L10D模块的尺寸结构 (25)5.2模块封装尺寸 (25)5.3Re-flow回流焊温度范围 (26)订购信息 (28)厦门四信通信科技有限公司前言概述本文档适用的产品是:F8L10D系列模块。

4 关键器件选型 ...................................................................................................................................... 10
单板 1 关键器件选型........................................................................................................... 10
2.2.3 单板 n 功能简介............................................................................................................. 7
硬件运行环境说明................................................................................................................. 7
3.4.1 单板 n 总体框图及功能说明....................................................................................... 10
3.4.2 单板 n 重用技术分析................................................................................................... 10
优利德 UT5310系列编程手册 说明书

输入数据单位换算:u 1.0e-6m 1.0e-3k 1.0e+3ma 1.0e+6g 1.0e+9仪器子系统命令●DISPlay●FUNCtion●SYST●MMEM●FETC1.1.2DISPlay命令集DISPlay子系统命令集主要用于设定仪器的显示页面,字符?可以查询当前的页面。
命令树:DISPlay——————:PAGE MEASurementLISTdispMSETupSYSTemFLISt:PAGE设定仪器的显示页面,字符?可以查询当前的页面。
命令语法:DISPlay:PAGE<page name><page name>具体如下:MEASurement设定显示页面至:测量显示页面LISTdisp设定显示页面至:列表显示页面MSETup设定显示页面至:测量设置页面SYSTem设定显示页面至:系统设置页面FLISt设定显示页面至:(内部)文件列表例如:WrtCmd(“DISP:PAGE MEAS”);设定显示页面至:测量显示页面。
查询语法:DISPlay:PAGE?查询返回:<page name><NL^END><page name>具体如下MEAS测量显示页面LISTdisp列表显示页面MSET测量设置页面SYST系统设置页面FLISt(内部)文件列表1.1.3FUNCtion功能命令集1.1.4AC Setup功能命令集FUNC:SOUR:STEP:AC:VOLT设置/查询ACW的电压--格式:设置格式:FUNC:SOUR:STEP<sn>:AC:VOLT<电压值>查询格式:FUNC:SOUR:STEP<sn>:AC:VOLT?--数据<sn>:数据类型:整型数据范围:1~100数据精度:1数据单位:--数据<电压值>:数据类型:浮点数数据范围:50~5000数据精度:1数据单位:V--范例:把STEP1中ACW的电压设置为:1000V命令为:FUNC:SOUR:STEP1:AC:VOLT1000V--返回信息查询命令:FUNC:SOUR:STEP1:AC:VOLT?,返回当前STEP1中ACW的电压,比如1000.FUNC:SOUR:STEP:AC:LOWC设置/查询ACW的电流下限--格式:设置格式:FUNC:SOUR:STEP<sn>:AC:LOWC<电流值>查询格式:FUNC:SOUR:STEP<sn>:AC:LOWC?--数据<sn>:数据类型:整型数据范围:1~100数据精度:1数据单位:--数据<电流值>:数据类型:浮点数数据范围:0~30.000E-3(其中0为OFF)数据精度:1.000E-6数据单位:A--范例:把STEP1中ACW的电流下限设置为:1mA命令为:FUNC:SOUR:STEP1:AC:LOWC0.001--返回信息查询命令:FUNC:SOUR:STEP1:AC:LOWC?返回当前STEP1中ACW的电流下限,比如0.001. FUNC:SOUR:STEP:AC:UPPC设置/查询ACW的电流上限--格式:设置格式:FUNC:SOUR:STEP<sn>:AC:UPPC<电流值>查询格式:FUNC:SOUR:STEP<sn>:AC:UPPC?--数据<sn>:数据类型:整型数据范围:1~100数据精度:1数据单位:--数据<电流值>:数据类型:浮点数数据范围:1.00E-6~30.000E-3数据精度:1.000E-6数据单位:A--范例:把STEP1中ACW的电流上限设置为:1mA命令为:FUNC:SOUR:STEP1:AC:UPPC0.001--返回信息查询命令:FUNC:SOUR:STEP1:AC:UPPC?返回当前STEP1中ACW的电流上限,比如0.001. FUNC:SOUR:STEP:AC:ARC设置/查询ACW的ARC电流上限。
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M5310硬件设计手册NB-IoT系列版本:V1.2日期:2017-09-30中移物联网有限公司关于文档修订记录目录关于文档 (1)目录 (2)图片索引 (4)表格索引 (4)1引言 (6)1.1安全须知 (6)2综述 (7)2.1主要性能 (7)2.2功能框图 (8)3应用接口 (8)3.1管脚描述 (9)3.2工作模式 (11)3.3电源供电 (12)3.3.1.模块电源供电接口 (12)3.3.2.减少电压跌落 (12)3.3.3.供电参考电路 (13)3.4开机 (13)3.5关机 (14)3.6复位模块 (14)3.7SWD接口 (15)3.8串口 (16)3.8.1主串口 (17)3.8.2调试串口 (18)3.8.3串口应用 (18)3.9SIM IC (19)3.10ADC数模转换 (21)3.11网络状态指示 (21)4天线接口 (22)4.1射频参考电路 (22)4.2RF输出功率 (23)4.3RF接收灵敏度 (23)4.4工作频率 (23)4.5天线要求 (23)4.6推荐RF焊接方式 (24)5电气性能,可靠性 (24)5.1绝对最大值 (24)5.2工作温度 (24)5.3耗流 (25)6机械尺寸 (25)6.1模块机械尺寸 (26)6.2模块俯视图 (27)6.3模块底视图 (27)7存储和生产 (28)7.1存储 (28)7.2生产焊接 (28)7.3包装 (29)附录A参考文档及术语缩写 (30)3图片索引图 1:功能框图 (8)图 2:管脚分配图 (9)图 3:VBAT 输入参考电路 (13)图 4:供电输入参考设计 (13)图 5:开机时序图 (14)图 6:关机时序图 (14)图 7:复位参考驱动电路 (15)图 8:复位按键参考设计 (15)图 9:SWD接口参考设计 (16)图 10:主串口连接方式示意图 (17)图 11:软件调试连接图 (18)图 12:3.3V电平转换电路 (18)图 13:5V 电平转换电路 (19)图 14:RS232 电平转换电路 (19)图 15:6PINSIM卡连接器参考电路 (20)图 16:NETLIGHT参考电路 (21)图 17:射频参考电路 (22)图 18:M5310 俯视尺寸图(单位:毫米) (26)图 19:模块俯视图 (27)图 20:模块底视图 (27)图 21:印膏图 (28)图 22:炉温曲线 (29)图 23:载带卷盘尺寸图 (29)表格索引表 1:模块主要性能 (7)表 2:引脚描述 (9)表 3:工作模式 (11)表 4:电源管脚定义 (12)表 5:RESET管脚定义 (14)表 6:SWD管脚定义 (15)表 7:串口逻辑电平 (16)表 8:串口管脚定义 (17)表 9:SIM卡管脚定义 (19)表 10 :ADC引脚定义 (21)表 11:NETLIGHT 的工作状态 (21)表 12:RF管脚定义 (22)表 13:RF 传导功率 (23)表 14:RF 传导灵敏度 (23)表 15:模块工作频率 (23)表 16:天线电缆的要求 (23)表 17:天线的要求 (24)表 18:绝对最大值 (24)表 19:工作温度 (24)表 20:模块耗流 (25)表 21:模块包装信息 (30)表 22:参考文档 (30)表 23:术语缩写 (30)51 引言本文档定义了 M5310模块及其硬件接口规范,电气特性和机械规范,通过此文档的帮助,结合我们的应用手册和用户指导书,客户可以快速应用M5310模块于无线应用。
1.1 安全须知通过遵循以下安全原则,可确保个人安全并有助于保护产品和工作环境免遭潜在损坏。
移动终端的无线功能在飞机上禁止开启用以防止对飞 机通讯系统的干扰。
RF 干扰会导致医疗设备运行失常,因此可能需要关闭移动终端设备。
移动终端设备并不保障任何情况下都能进行有效连接,例如在移动终端设备没有话 费或SIM 无效。
当你在紧急情况下遇见以上情况,请记住使用紧急呼叫,同时保证您 的设备开机并且处于信号强度足够的区域。
当靠近电视,收音机电脑或者 其他电子设备时都会产生射频干扰。
当你靠近加油站,油库,化工厂或爆炸作业场所, 请关闭移动终端设备。
其工作频段是Band 5或Band 8。
满足3gpp Release13 标准。
M5310模块采用了低功耗技术,电流功耗在深度睡眠模式低至3.5 uA。
该模块完全符合 RoHS 标准。
2.1主要性能表 1:模块主要性能两频: Band 5, Band 8模块可自动搜寻频率频段选择可以通过AT命令来设置,但要对应特定模块版本;23dBm ±2dB正常工作温度:-40°C ~ +85°C存储温度:-40°C ~ +85°C支持SIM卡: 3V支持内置 SIM IC:3V782.2 功能框图下图为M5310功能框图,阐述了其主要功能。
● 电源管理 ● GSM 射频 ● 接口部分—电源供电 —开关机接口 —串口—SIM 卡接口 —射频接口图 1:功能框图3 应用接口M5310模块有30个(1.6mm ×0.7mm)贴片引脚。
以下章节详细阐述了模块各组接口的功能:● 电源供电 (请参考 3.3 章节) ● SWD 接口(请参考 3.6章节) ● 串口(请参考 3.7 章节)● SIM 卡接口 (请参考 3.8 章节)9● ADC 接口(请参考 3.9章节) ● RF 接口(请参考4章节)3.1 管脚描述TXD RXD SWD_IO SWD_CLK SPARE SPARE ADC0SIM_GND SPARE SIM_DATASIM_VDD SIM_CLK SIM_RST SPARE RESETGND GND RF_ANT GND GND VBAT VBAT RI SPARE NETLIGHT SPARE DBG_RXD DBG_TXD SPARE VDD_EXT图 2:管脚分配图表 2:引脚描述电源复位指示灯串口SWD接口振铃射频10ADC气连接。
表 3:工作模式113.3电源供电3.3.1模块电源供电接口M5310提供了两个VBAT接口用于外部供电。
表 4:电源管脚定义3.3.2减少电压跌落模块电源VBAT 电压输入范围为3.1V~4.2V。
为保证VBAT电压不会跌落到3.1V以下,在靠近模块VBAT输入端,建议并联一个低E SR(ESR=0.7Ω)的100uF 的钽电容,以及100nF、33pF (0603 封装)、10pF(0603 封装)滤波电容,VBAT 输入端参考电路如下图所示。
并且建议V BAT 的P CB 走线尽量短且足够宽,减小V BAT 走线的等效阻抗,确保在最大发射功率时大电流下不会产生太大的电压跌落。
建议V BAT走线宽度不少于2mm,并且走线越长,线宽越宽。
1213图3:VBAT 输入参考电路3.3.3 供电参考电路电源设计对模块的供电至关重要,必须选择能够提供至少 0.5A 电流能力的电源。
若输入电压跟模块的供 电电压的压差不是很大,建议选择 LDO 作为供电电源。
下图是+5V 供电的参考设计,采用了 Micrel 公司的 LDO ,型号为 MIC29302WU 。
它的输出电压是 4.16V ,负载电流峰值到3A 。
为确保输出电源的稳定,建议在输出端预留一个稳压管,并且靠近模块VBAT 管脚摆放。
建议选择反向击穿电压为 5.1V ,耗散功率为 1W 以上的稳压管。
图 4:供电输入参考设计3.4 开机M5310 VBAT 引脚上电后模块自动开机。
图 5:开机时序图3.5关机当模块VBAT引脚切断供电时模块关机。
图 6:关机时序图3.6复位模块M5310通过拉低RESET管脚一定时间实现模块复位。
表 5:RESET管脚定义推荐电路如下:1415图 7:复位参考驱动电路图 8:复位按键参考设计3.7 SWD 接口M5310模块提供了一个SWD 接口用来问题Debug ,如果不用,则将管脚悬空处理,不要进行其他硬件连接。
表 6:SWD 管脚定义SWD 接口参考设计如下:16图 9:SWD接口参考设计3.8 串口模块提供了两个通用异步收发器:主串口和调试串口。
波特率支持范围 9600bps 。
主串口: TXD :发送数据到 D TE 设备的 R XD 端。
RXD :从 D TE 设备 T XD 端接收数据。
RI : 振铃提示。
调试串口: DBG_TXD :发送数据到 D TE 的串口。
DBG_RXD :从 D TE 的串口接收数据。
串口逻辑电平如下表所示:表 7:串口逻辑电平表 8:串口管脚定义3.8.1主串口3.8.1.1主串口特点●8 个数据位,无奇偶校验,一个停止位。
●用以A T命令传送,GPRS 数传等。
图 10:主串口连接方式示意图17183.8.2调试串口调试串口:● 数据线:DBG_TXD和 DBG_RXD● 调试口仅用作软件调试,波特率配置为 921600bps ● 串口会自动向外面输出 log 信息 ● Log信息需要专门的软件抓取解析调试串口连线参考如下方式连接:图 11:软件调试连接图3.8.3串口应用3.3V 电平情况下的电平匹配电路参考设计如下。
如果 MCU/ARM 是3V 的电平,则根据分压原则,将电阻5K6要改为 10K 。
图 12:3.3V 电平转换电路5V系统的电平匹配,模块和外设之间的电平匹配可以参考如下的连接方式,其中VCC_MCU 是客户端的I/O电平电压。
VDD_EXT 是模块输出的 I/O 电平电压。
图 13:5V 电平转换电路由于模块的串口是3.0V CMOS电平,当模块和PC机进行通信时,需要在他们之间加RS232电平转换电路。