第九讲 十七世纪英国文学
• “意象”:客观物
象经过创作主体独特 的情感活动而创造出 来的一种艺术形象, “立象以尽意”
往往是在全诗中穿插 一个或几个关键的意 象,起到以点带面的 核心作用
即便是两个,也好比是 圆规的一双脚紧固相连; 你的灵魂,那定脚,坚定不移, 但另一脚移动,它也旋转。 虽然它居坐在中心, 但另一个在外远游时, 它便俯身倾听它的足音, 那一个回到家,它便把腰挺直。 你对我就会如此,我必得 像另一只脚,环行奔走; 你的坚定使我的圆画得正确, 使我能回到起始之处。
肯定财富、主张努力工作、节俭生活,反对无节 制的个人享乐
② 共和理想 1648年,克伦威尔按照洛克自然权力为理论基础,
斯图亚特取代了伊莉莎白后,人们开始从封建王 权保护转为分权限权的要求,要求权力保护公民自 由 ——体现了人文主义的理想,充分展现了近代资产阶 级的精神追求和理性精神
克伦威 尔
(2)新古典主义——德莱顿,其批评理论代表了新古典主义早期 成就与保守倾向
a、肯定布瓦洛提出的“要严格区分悲、喜剧” ,肯定罗马喜剧 家泰伦斯; b、性格理论; c、喜剧观,反映宫廷机智,与莫里哀有严肃的目的不同
• b、后期
(1)资产阶级文学 ——约翰·班扬《天路历程》,塑造了穿 过名利场,精神上寻求上帝的天国朝圣者 形象
但是在我背后我总听见 时间带翼的马车急急追赶; 而横陈在我们眼前的 却是无垠永恒的荒漠。
因此,现在趁青春色泽 还像朝露在你的肌肤停坐, 趁你的灵魂自每个毛孔欣然
散发出即时的火焰, 此刻让我们能玩就玩个尽兴;
Other metaphysical poets
• George Herbert (1593-1633)
– “the saint of the metaphysical school” – 极为虔诚的国教牧师,其诗常有牵强的奇喻,晦涩难懂。 有时采取具象诗的形式表现其虔诚。 – “The Easter Wing” (具象诗)
• Later Life
• Areopagitica《论出版自由》(1644) • Defence of the English People (《为英国 人民辩护》,1651), • Second Defence of the English People (《为英国人民再辩护》,1654).
– After the restoration, in blindness he completed three great epics with the help of his daughter and some other young men. – Paradise Lost《失乐园》; Paradise Regained 《复乐园》; and Samson Agonistes《力士参孙》
• 3. Drama
– Restoration Drama – John Dryden (1631-1700)
1.3 John Milton (1608-1674)
• Life and literary career
– Early Life(1608-1640)
• Education at Cambridge • His first work: an ode On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity(《基 督诞生晨颂》,1629) • Horton: L’Allegro (《快乐的人》, 1632), Il Penseroso (《沉思的人》, 1632), Lycidas (《利西达斯》, 1638), Comus (《科玛斯》,1634). • 2 years’ travel in the Continent, returned in 1939
English literature IV-17世纪英国文学.ppt
ceased to depend upon the protection of the Monarchy
Background Knowledge
❖ Tudor dynasty (1485-1603) 都铎王朝 ❖ The House of Stuart (1603-1649) (1660-1714)
❖ Parliament put the king on trial. This act showed that the people, not the king, were sovereign. Charles I refused to recognize that the court was in any way legal and sat in dignified silence throughout the trial. Doing so didn’t save him. The court found Charles guilty of treason, and Cromwell himself signed the death warrant.
斯图亚特王朝 ❖ Parliament declared monopolies were illegal ❖ Charles 1st dissolved it in 1629 ❖ Civil War: 1642-1649 ❖ Charles 1st was killed
❖ Bourgeois dictatorship (1649-1660)
❖ Parliament completely reorganized its and it was this new l Army under Cromwell and Sir Thomas Fairfax that finally defeated Charles at the Battle of Naseby. The unthinkable had happened: The King had lost the war.
1659-1663,是莫里哀开 始创作古典主义戏剧的 时期。
比较重要的作品有: 《可笑的女才子》 (1659)、《丈夫学堂》 (1661)和《太太学堂》 (1662)。
《太太学堂》的上演标 志着法国古典主义喜剧 的诞生。
高乃依一共写了30多 个剧本。
主要作品有四大悲剧 《熙德》﹑《贺拉斯》 ﹑《西拿》和《波利 厄克特》
《熙德》被看作古典 主义悲剧的奠基之作。
让·拉辛的创作代表 了法国古典主义悲剧 的最高成就。
代表作是《安德洛玛 刻》和《费得尔》。
拉辛着重揭露封建统 治阶级的黑暗和罪恶, 激起人们的恐惧和愤 怒,他的作品具有更 鲜明的现实意义。
当时欧洲的大部分地区仍旧处在封建统治 之下,各国资本主义的发展呈现出不平衡 性。
1.具有为专制王权服务 的鲜明的政治倾向性。
2.崇尚理性。 3.模仿古代经典,注重
艺术形式的规范化。 (名词解释:三一律)
1664-1668,是莫里哀创作的成 熟期和“黄金时代”。
这个时期作品的思想性、战斗性 和艺术性都达到了他自己的最高 水平。
主要作品有:《伪君子》(《达 尔杜弗》,1664)、《唐璜》 (一译《石宴》,1665)、《恨 世者》(1666)、《悭吝人》 (1668)和《乔治·唐丹》 (1668)等名作。
1.2 Cavalier Poets
• The Cavalier Poets(骑士派诗人): a group of English gentlemen poets loyal to Charles I (1625–49) during the English Civil Wars, they were known for their light and amorous verse.
Famous prose writers and their works
• John Bunyan (1628-1688): The Pilgrim’s Progress 《天路历程》
• Izaak Walton (1593-1683) – The Compleat Angler, 1653《垂钓大全》
3.1 Restoration Drama
• 从1642 年清教徒关闭剧院到复辟后3 个月剧院开演,英国 剧坛沉寂了18 年。 • 复辟时期的悲剧作家除德莱顿以外,著名的还有纳撒 尼· 李(Nathaniel Lee,1653-1692)、托马斯· 奥特维 (Thomas Otway,1652-1685),他们受法国古典主义戏 剧很大的影响。李的《争宠的王后》(The Rival Queens, 1677)和奥特维的《保全了威尼斯》,都写了爱情与荣誉、 责任之间的冲突,后一部戏常被推为英国古典主义悲剧的 代表作。 • 复辟时期的喜剧相当出色。它们不同于伊丽莎白时代的浪 漫喜剧,而是讽刺性的风俗喜剧,讽刺对象是当时的英国 上流社会。但是它们的讽刺并不深刻,以轻松的心情和偷 快的反讽来表现生活,俏皮幽默的对话为突出特点。喜剧 最常见的主题是上流社会男女之间爱的纠纷,反映出宫廷 环境中轻浮放荡的时尚。
– 1) the diction is simple and echoes the words and cadences[节奏] of common speech; – 2) the imagery is drawn from the actual life yet subtle, the extended metaphors for such images are typically called “metaphysical conceits”; – 3) the form is frequently that of an argument with the poet’s beloved, with God, or with himself.
英国文学 17世纪
Part ThreeThe Seventeenth Century(1640-1688)Chapter 1: Revolution and Restoration一、Social BackgroundThe 17th century was one of the most tempestuous periods in English history. Conflicts and clashes appeared between the King and the Parliament, which represented the bourgeois class.In 1642, a civil war (English revolution) broke out between Charles I and the parliament. At last, the royalists were defeated by the parliament army led by Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658). In 1649 Charles I (1600–1625–1649) was beheaded, and England was declared to be a commonwealth.After the death of Cromwell, the parliament recalled Charles II (1630–1660–1685) to England in 1660 and monarchy was restored, and then followed the Restoration Period.In 1688, the bourgeoisie invite William, prince of Orange (1650–1689–1702) from Holland to be king of England. This is called the “Glorious Revolution”. This bloodless event completed the bourgeoisie revolution and modern England was firmly established.二、The English Revolution and PuritanismThe English revolution was carried out under a religious cloak. So, English revolution also called the Puritan revolution. The Puritan Movement aimed to make man honest and to make man free.Puritanism was the religious doctrine of the revolutionary bourgeoisie during this period. It preached thrift, sobriety, hard work, but with very little extravagant enjoyment of the fruits of labor. Worldly pleasures were condemned as harmful. This was precisely the outlook needed by the bourgeoisie for the accumulation of capital. So in the triumph of Puritanism under Cromwell, severe laws were passed, many simple pleasures were forbidden and an austere standard of living was forced upon an unwilling people. The London theaters were closed in 1642.The criticism is made that the wild outbreak of immortality which followed the Restoration was partly due to the unnatural restriction of the Puritan era. The criticism was just but we must not forget the whole spirit of the movement. Puritans fought for liberty and justice overthrew despotism and made men’s life and property safe from the tyranny of rulers.三、Literature of the 17th centuryEnglish literature of the revolution and restoration was very much concerned with the tremendous social upheavals of the time.1. Literature of the Revolution PeriodGeneral characteristics①The Revolution Period was one of confusion in literature due to the breaking up of the old ideals. The Puritans believed in simplicity of life. They disapproved of the sonnets and the love poetry written in the previous period. Literature was as divided in spirit as were the struggling parties.②Literature in the Puritan Age expressed age and sadness. Even its brightest hours were followed by gloom and pessimism.③Romantic ardor can not be found in literature of the Puritan period.④John Milton (1608-1674), whose work would glorify any age and people, and in his work the indomitable revolutionary spirit found its noblest expression. For this reason, this period is also called Age of Milton.⑤The main literary form of the period was poetry.Besides Milton, there were two other groups of poets, the Metaphysical Poets and the Cavalier Poets.1) Metaphysical PoetsThe Metaphysical Poets appeared in England at about the beginning of the 17th century. They sought to shatter myths and replace them with new philosophies, new sciences, new world and new poetry. With a rebellious spirit, they favored in poetry a more colloquial language, a singleminded working of one theme. Besides, they tended to logically reason the things, esp. emotions, psychologically analyze the emotions of love and religion, love the novelty and the shocking, use the metaphysical conceits, and ignore the conventional devices. The works of these poets are characterized by mysticism in content and fantasticality in form.2) Cavalier PoetsAnother school of poetry prevailing in the period was the Cavalier Poets. Most of these poets were courtiers and soldiers. They sided with the king to fight against the revolution. The representatives of this school are Sir John Suckling(1609-1642), Richard Lovelace(1618-1657), Thomas Carew (1595-1639), and Robert Herrick (1591-1674).2. Literature of the RestorationRestoration literature is deeply influenced by French classical taste. It is a period of French influence.General characteristics①The tendency to vulgar realism in the drama. Restoration writers sought to paint realistic pictures of a corrupt society.② A general formalism. They produced coarse, low plays without interest or moral significance.③The development of a simpler and more direct prose style.④The prevalence of the heroic couplet (two iambic pentameter lines which rime together) in poetry.Chapter 2: Writers in this period一、John Milton (1608-1674)1. Life and literary careerMilton was born in London in1608. His education began at St. Paul's school, then he went on to distinguish himself at Cambridge University, where he graduated B. A. in 1629, and M. A. in 1632. His first work is an ode On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity(1629).After leaving Cambridge, he retired for nearly six years to his father's country house in Horton, where he devoted his time chiefly to further mastery of the whole range of languages, literature, science, theology, and music. During this period, Milton wrote L’Allegro (1632), Il Penseroso (1632), Lycidas (1638), Comus (1634).In 1638 he left England to complete his education with two years of travel in Europe, France, Switzerland and Italy. When he returned home in 1639, England was on the verge of a civil war. Hesoon plunged himself into the struggle and gave all his energies to the writing of pamphlets dedicated to the people’s liberty.Milton was married to Mary Powell in June 1642, but the marriage proved to an unhappy one. So for several years Milton issued pamphlets in which he argued that all Englishmen should have the right to get a divorce. In 1644, he published Areopagitica, as a declaration of people’s freedom from press.After the Revolution succeeded, Milton became Latin Secretary to the council of Foreign Affairs in 1649. He wrote a number of pamphlets defending the English revolution, such as Defence of the English People(1651), and Second Defence of the English People(1654). Until the end of the Commonwealth, there were two leaders in England, Cromwell the man of action, and Milton the man of thought.Milton went blind in 1652, doubtlessly due to the severe eyestrain brought on by ceaseless reading and Latin composition. With the Restoration of the monarchy in 1660, Milton not only was confronted, but also was imprisoned and threatened with execution. Through the intervention of some friends who carried some influence with the new royal government, Milton was let off with a fine and some loss of property. Shortly afterward, living in blindness and virtual seclusion from all but the members of his immediate family, Milton began his masterpiece Paradise Lost. Before his death Milton published two other works on a grand scale, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes. Both appeared in 1671; neither is as successful as Paradise Lost. Milton died in 1674.2. Major WorksOn the Morning of Christ’s Nativity《基督诞生晨颂》(1629)L’Allegro《快乐的人》(1632)Il Penseroso《沉思的人》(1632)Comus《科玛斯》(1634)Lycidas《利西达斯》(1638)Areopagitica《论出版自由》(1644)Defence of the English People《为英国人民辩护》(1651)Second Defence of the English People《为英国人民再辩护》(1654)Paradise Lost 《失乐园》(1665)Paradise Regained 《复乐园》(1671)Samson Agonistes 《力士参孙》(1671)3. About Paradise Lost1) Brief SurveyParadise Lost is Milton's masterpiece, and the greatest English epic. It is a long epic in 12 books, written in blank verse. The stories were taken from the Old Testament: the creation; the rebellion in Heaven of Satan and his fellow-angels; their defeat and expulsion from Heaven; the creation of the earth and of Adam and Eve; the fallen angels in hell plotting against God; Satan's temptation of Eve; the departure of Adam and Eve from Eden; and the possible salvation.2) Theme and CharacterizationThe poem, on the surface, was "to justify the ways of God to man", i. e. to preach submission to the Almighty. But under the surface, the main idea of the poem is the heroic revolt against God's authority.In the poem God is no better than a selfish despot. It has been noted by many critics that the picture of God surrounded by his angels resembles the court of an absolute monarch. While the rebel Satan who rises against God and, though defeated, still seeks for revenge. Satan and his followers who freely discuss all issues in council bear close resemblance to a republican Parliament. This epic expresses the reactionary forces of his time and shows passionate appeal for freedom.The theme is also about the fall of Men: man’s disobedience and the loss of Paradise. But having done it, Adam and Eve get freedom. They embody Milton's belief in the powers of man. Their craving for knowledge denied them by God, as Milton stresses, adds a particular significance to their character. It is this longing for knowledge that opens before mankind a wide road to an intelligent and active life.What makes Paradise Lost a powerful poem is precisely the way in which the Biblical past is pulled into the present in an intriguing way. Running through the poem are the key political questions offreedom and choice. From the perspective of Satan and his followers, rebellion against God was inevitable. The revolt may have failed, but it has left them their freedom. The final image of the poem is profoundly forward-looking, an image of gain through loss. As Adam and Eve go hand in hand out of Eden, the loss of Paradise is seen as the gain of a future for humanity on earth.3) The Image of SatanThe finest thing in Paradise Lost is the description of hell, and Satan is the real hero of the poem. As a conquered and banished giant, he remains obeyed and admired by those who follow him down to hell. It is always from him that deep counsels, unlooked-for resources and courageous deeds proceed. It is he who, passing through the guarded gates of hell and boundless chaos, amid so many dangers, and overcoming so many obstacles, makes man revolt against God. Though defeated, he prevails, since he has won from God the third part of his angels, and almost all the sons of Adam. Though feebler, he remains superior in nobility, since he prefers independence to happy servility, and welcomes his defeat and his torments as a glory, a liberty and a joy. To Milton, the proud and somber Satan represented the spirit of rebellion against an unjust authority. By using Satan as his mouthpiece, Milton is uttering his intense hatred of tyranny in the capacity of the Revolutionary. 2. About Paradise RegainedIt explores the theme of temptation and fall and shows how humankind, in the person of Christ, withstands the tempter and is established once more in the divine favor.3. About Samson AgonistesS amson Agonistes is a poetical drama modeled on the Greek tragedy. The story was taken from the Old Testament. Samson was an athlete of the Israelites. He stood as their champion, fighting for the freedom of his country. But he was betrayed by his wife and blinded by his enemi es the Philistines . One day he was summoned to provide amusement for his enemies by feats of strength in a temple. There he wreaked his vengeance upon his enemies by pulling down the temple upon them and upon himself in a common ruin.In this poetical drama, Milton is telling us his own story. Like Samson, he has been betrayed by his wife. He has suffered from blindness and been scorned by his enemies, and yet he has struggled heroically against his enemies. So the whole poem strongly suggests Milton's passionate longing that he too could bring destruction down upon the enemy at the cost of his own life. Samson isMilton.4. Features of Milton's Poetry (or Milton’s contribution)①Milton is a great revolutionary poet of the 17th century. He is also an outstanding political pamphleteer of the Revolution period. He made a strong influence on the later progressive English poets.②Milton is a great stylist. His poetry has a grand style. That is because he made a life-long study of classical and Biblical literature.③Milton is a great master of blank verse. He is the glorious pioneer to introduce blank verse into non-dramatic poetry. He has used it as the main tool in his masterpiece Paradise Lost. His blank verse is rich in every poetic quality and never monotonous.④Milton wrote the greatest epic in English literature. He made a strong influence o later English poetry.⑤His poetry is noted for sublimity of thought and majesty of expression.二、John Bunyan (1628-1688)1. LifeIn the field of prose writing of the Puritan Age, John Bunyan occupies the most important place. We know about Bunyan's life primarily from his autobiography, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners.John Bunyan was born in 1628. He received only the simplest education. Bunyan had a sensitive imagination. The religious fanaticism of the time made a tremendous impression upon his brain.In 1644, his father married the second time; therefore Bunyan ran away and became a soldier in the Parliamentary army. In about 1649, he served during the decisive battle of Naseby. In a few months, Bunyan returned home and married a girl as poor as himself. The real reformation of his life began. The only dowry of his wife, two books –The Plain Man’s Pathway to Heaven and The Practice of Piety– gave fire to his imagination.Bunyan lived at a time when political struggles adopted the form of religious struggles. He joined a Baptist society of Bedford and began to preach among the villagers with powerful effect. Hepreached the truth as he saw it and directed his attacks against social abuses and the oppressors of the poor, the court and the bourgeoisie.After the Restoration, he was imprisoned for refusing to obey the law prohibiting religious meetings. Although he remained in jail for twelve years, Bunyan continued to preach to his fellow prisoners and to write religious books. He was released and allowed to become the pastor of a Nonconformist church in Bedford, but in 1675 he was imprisoned again. It was during this second imprisonment that he wrote his most important work, The Pilgrim's Progress.The two great forces at work in Bunyan’s life are vivid imagination and the spiritual ferment of the age. Bunyan’s life is an epitome o f that astonishing religious individualism which marked the close of the English Reformation.2. About The Pilgrim’s ProgressThe Pilgrim's Progress is a religious allegory, a narrative in which general concepts such as sin, despair, and faith are re presented as people or as aspects of the natural world. The world’s literature has three great allegories: The Faerie Queene,Dante’s Divine Comedy and Pilgrim’s Progress. The first appeals to the poets, the second to the scholars, and the third to the common religious people of every age and condition.The Pilgrim's Progres s tells of a religious man’s search for salvation, and gives a truthful picture of English society. The basis of the allegorical narrative is the idea of a journey. The traveler's name is Christian, and he represents every Christian in human world. The figures and places Christian encounters on his journey stand for the various experiences every Christian must go through in the quest for salvation.The whole book falls into two parts. Part 1 tells of the religious conversion of Christian and his religious life in this world. Part 2 describes the subsequent conversion of his wife and their children. Part One mainly describes his pilgrimage through the Slough of Despond, Vanity Fair, Doubting Castle, the Valley of Humiliation, and the Valley of the Shadow of Death. On the way he overcomes many obstacles and encounters various allegorical personages, such as Mr Worldly Wiseman,Faithful, Hopeful, Giant Despair, the foul fiend Apollyon and some others. Finally he accomplishes his journey and arrives at the Celestial City. The “pioneer pilgrims” – Christian and his associates –belong to the Puritan sect, who was undergoing persecution in the reign of Charles II, especially during the earlier years of Restoration.Though an allegory, its characters impress the reader like real persons. The places are English scenes and the conversations that enliven his narratives vividly repeat the language of his time.One of the most remarkable passages is that in which Vanity Fair and the persecution of Christian and his friend Faithful are described. Christian, the hero, and his companion, Faithful, are passing through a town called Vanity during the season of the local fair. On the Vanity Fair, honors, titles, kingdoms, lusts, pleasures and lives can be sold or bought, and cheating, roguery, murder and adultery are normal phenomena.Bunyan cherished a deeply hatred of both the king and his government. This section gives the bitterest satire, which is invariably directed at the ruling class. In the descriptions of the Vanity Fair, Bunyan not only gives us a symbolic picture of London at the time of the Restoration but of the whole bourgeois society.3. T he chief qualities of Bunyan’s styleBunyan’s prose is noted for his simple, biblical style. He uses idiomatic expressions naturally. His biblical language enables him to narrate stories and reveal his ideas in a direct way.The secret of the success of The Pilgrim’s Progress is probably simple. Its predominant metaphor –life as a journey – is simple and familiar. Throughout the allegory a spiritual significance is added to the commonplace details.三、John Dryden (1631-1700)1. Brief SurveyDryden is the most notable representative of English classicism in the Restoration period. He is the greatest poet between Milton and Pope. He is “the lock by which the waters of English poetry were let down from t he mountains of Shakespeare and Milton to the plain of Pope.” He stands betweentwo very different ages, and serves as a transition from one to another. His works, which consist of his poems, his plays and his critical essays, reflect both good and evil tendencies of his age. In English literature, the Restoration period is traditionally called the "Age of Dryden".Dryden was brought in the strict puritan faith, and was sent first to the famous Westminster school, and then to Cambridge. He made an excellent use of his opportunities and studied eagerly. He had remarkable literary taste, but he showed little evidence of his literary ability up to the age of thirty. In the political affairs, he was quite changeable in attitude. Under the government of the puritans, he supported Cromwell, and wrote a poem upon Cromwell’s death. When the Restoration period began, he turned to the Royalists, and wrote a poem celebrating the return of Charles II.Dryden's long poetic career spanned the four decades from the Restoration in 1660 to the end of the seventeenth century. He wrote in most of the literary forms that were popular during that time. To make a living he wrote nearly thirty plays, and did a series of distinguished translations of Virgil and other classical authors. The most famous play is All for Love, a tragedy dealing with the same story as Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra. His finest works were his long poems in heroic couplets on political, religious, and literary themes. Dryden's best poetry was often inspired by some particular occasion like the great fire of London in 1660 or a plot against King Charles II in 1681. For almost twenty years Dryden was England’s poet laureate, but he had to resign in 1688 when James II was expelled and Catholics were deprived of public office.Dryden had superb gifts in verse satire. As he himself wrote, the great art of the satirist is to do his job elegantly rather than crudely.2. Dryden’s influence①In poetry Dryden set an enduring style with his neat "heroic couplets" and established it as the fashion for satiric, didactic, and descriptive poetry.②In prose, Dryden established the neoclassical standards of order, balance, and harmony. He is regar ded as “the Father of English Prose”, for he clarified English prose and made it precise, concise and flexible. He is also the forerunner of the English neoclassical school of literature in the next century. (Develop the direct and precise style)③He developed the art of literary criticism in his essays and in the numerous prefaces to his poems.He raised English literary criticism to a new level. His greatest work of literary criticism is An Essay of Dramatic Poesy, in which appears his famous appreciation of Shakespeare.3. Selected works1) PoemHeroic Stanzas on the Death of Oliver Cromwell《奥利弗·克伦威尔之死》(英雄诗辩)1659 Astraea Redux《伸张正义》1660Annus Mirabilis《神奇的年代》1667Absalom and Achitophel《押沙龙与阿齐托菲尔》1681MacFlecknoe《麦克·弗莱克诺》1682Religio Laici《俗人的宗教观》1682The Hind and the Panther《牝鹿与豹》1687Alexander's Feast《亚历山大的宴会》1697Fables, Ancient and Modern《古代和现代寓言集》17002) Comedy and other playsThe Wild Gallant《狂热骑士》1663The Enchanted Island《紫山魔岛》1667An Evening's Love《一夜之恋》1668Marriage à la mode《时尚婚姻》(现代婚姻)1672The Assignation, or Love in a Nunnery《幽会》(尼姑庵之恋情)1672The Mistaken Husband《糊涂的丈夫》1674King Arthur《亚瑟王》1691Amboyna (or the Cruelties of the Dutch to the English Merchants) 《安波亚娜》1673Oedipus (heroic drama)《俄狄浦斯》16793) Five Serials of Heroic Play(tragedy)The Indian Emperour《印第安女皇帝》1665The Maiden Queen (or Secret Love)《印第安女女王》1667Tyrannick Love《残酷的爱情》1669The Conquest of Granada《格拉纳达的征服》1670All for Love《一切为了爱情》16784) Essays and othersAn Essay of Dramatick Poesie 《论剧诗》The Art of Satire 《讽刺艺术》。
☆ 关于《失乐园》的争议
撒旦:正义——非正义 上帝:反面形象——走向正面 人类:自身弱点造就不幸——理性照耀未来
——魔鬼撒旦反抗上帝,设计陷害人类 ——亚当与夏娃受诱惑,被逐出伊甸园
☆ 史诗内容(共12章)
第1部:全诗总纲,讲述了整个事件的起因和结果; 第2部:撒旦与众叛逆天使讨论如何同上帝作战,夺取天堂; …… 第4部:描述撒旦在天堂见到亚当和夏娃,撒旦在夏娃的梦中施展引诱; …… 第6部:描绘天使与撒旦一伙的战斗; …… 第9部:撒旦化身为蛇,躺在伊甸园里,并指引亚当和夏娃偷食禁果; …… 第12部:天使向他们叙述拯救之路,亚当和夏娃终于离开天堂,失去了乐园
让我们把所有力气,所有 甜蜜,滚成一个圆球,
粗鲁狂猛地夺取我们的快感 冲破一扇扇人生的铁栅栏:
这样,我们虽无法叫太阳 驻足,却可使他奔跑向前。
(1)John Milton , 1608-1674
1、(1608-1639)求学、隐居、游历, 写作了一些短小的诗歌;
☆ 新古典主义文学 法国古典主义影响与英国王权复辟现实结合的产物 文艺理论是其主要成就
☆ 资产阶级革命文学 文艺复兴时期人文主义的发展 资产阶级清教革命的产物 成就主要是史诗
1642——1648,克伦威尔,资产阶级革命 1649,资产阶级共和国成立 1660,斯图亚特王朝复辟,企图重建君主制 1688,资产阶级再次政变,确立了君主立宪 制的资产阶级专政
1、保守性——与新贵族结成联盟 2、英国资产阶级革命是在宗教的外衣下 进行的——利用清教运动
意大利文艺复兴晚 期著名建筑师和建 筑理论家维尼奥拉 设计的罗马耶稣会 教堂是由手法主义 向巴洛克风格过渡 的代表作,也有人 称之为第一座巴洛 克建筑。
罗马耶稣会教堂平面为长方形,端部突出一个 圣龛,由哥特式教堂惯用的拉丁十字形演变而 来,中厅宽阔,拱顶满布雕像和装饰。两侧用 两排小祈祷室代替原来的侧廊。十字正中升起 一座穹窿顶。教堂的圣坛装饰富丽而自由,上 面的山花突破了古典法式,作圣像和装饰光芒。 教堂立面借鉴早期文艺复兴建筑大师阿尔伯蒂 设计的佛罗伦萨圣玛丽亚小教堂的处理手法。 正门上面分层檐部和山花做成重叠的弧形和三 角形,大门两侧采用了倚柱和扁壁柱。立面上 部两侧作了两对大涡卷。这些处理手法别开生 面,后来被广泛仿效。
文学: 利用宗教题材,注入时代 内容,表现反封建精神
17世纪法国的君主专制政体是在资本主义成长, 足与贵族势力抗衡的条件下形成的。君主则“作 为表面上的调停人”从中操纵,实际上是两面依 靠。靠贵族的传统势力作为封建政权的基础,靠 资产阶级殷实的钱包,维持庞大的军队和入不敷 出的宫廷豪华开支。王权为了获取资产阶级的知 识,采取了重商政策、殖民政策和奖励民族工业 政策,而且通过买官鬻爵等办法,向资产阶级开 放一部分政治权利。大资产阶级也向贵族化方向 努力,成了长袍贵族。
Milton’s Life
• A learned one with personal beauty and strict life • Cambridge, Master’s degree,1632 • 6 years study at home,1632-1638 • travel in Europe,1638-1639 • His career as a writer and a fighter after 1639 • Totally blind in 1652
Literature in the C17th, II John Milton
Main contents
• • • • • status Life experience Literary career Writing features Paradise Lost
I. Milton’s status
Three literary Periods
• The period of preparation: the Ode on the Morning of Christ’s Nativity,基督诞生之晨 , a masque Comus科玛斯, The elegy Lycidas利西达 斯 • The political period: Defence of the English people为英国人民声辩, pamphlets and sonnets • The last glory: Paradise Lost失乐园, Paradise Regained复乐园 and Samson Agonistes.力士参 孙。
Writing Features of Milton
• Milton is a great master of blank verse. He is the first to use blank verse in nondramatic poetry. • Milton is a great revolutionary poet of the 17th century.
第四章 17世纪文学
• 重塑耶稣,成为资产阶级清教徒革命家 形象,主要任务是反抗暴政、专制。
“我梦想从罗马的桎梏中把人民解放出来, 把世界各地的暴行镇压下去。”
• 主题是革命行动,充满对于斗争的热情 和号召。
• 三部长诗继承了荷马史诗和维吉尔史诗 的传统。它不仅是宗教史诗,也是一部 心理叙事诗,探索精神道德。它标志着 英雄史诗的结束。
• 古典主义的总结者和立 法者,诗体理论著作 《诗的艺术》。 • 理性原则:情节要合情 合理 • 自然原则:故事逼真, 性格要相称和一贯, • 道德原则:文艺必须有 社会教育意义
高乃依 Corneille (1606—1684)
• 古典主义悲剧的奠基人 • 《熙德》Le cid 古典主
• 悲剧调子是情感战胜理性, 从反面表现缺乏理智的恶果。 人物常常采用希腊史上的美 人,多缠绵悱恻的艳史。情 调阴柔平淡。
• 古典主义强调理智克服情感,这与文艺
• 拥护中央王权,歌颂贤明君主 • 崇尚理性原则,理智克服情感 • 摹仿古代文学,重视艺术法则
• 政治基础:适应当时法国王权高度集中 的要求 • 哲学基础;理性主义哲学 • 文学传统、民族传统和人们的审美趣味、 社会心理
• 培根、霍布斯和洛克:外部世界是经验的基 础 • 贝克莱、休谟:外界是感觉或表象的总和 大陆理性派 • 笛卡儿、荷兰的斯宾诺莎和德国的莱布尼茨 • 认为感性知识不可靠,强调只有用推理的方 法才能得到真正可靠的知识,真理的标准是 观念的清晰明白。
• Main Idea: a metaphysical comparison between virtuous dying men whispering to their souls to leave their bodies and two lovers saying goodbye before a journey
Literary Characteristics
Literary figures: 4 Johns
John Milton
John Donne John Bunyan John Dryden
prose writer critic
John Donne (1572-1631)
dissipated youth of moderate origin well-educated seemingly promising career (secretary to Lord Keeper)
• Moving of the earth brings harm and fears: Men recon what it did and meant; But trepidation of the spheres, Though greater far, is innocent. 地动会带来灾害和惊恐, 地动会带来灾害和惊恐, 人们估计它干什么, 人们估计它干什么,要怎样 可是那些天体的震动, 可是那些天体的震动, 虽然大得多,什么也不伤。 虽然大得多,什么也不伤。
英国文学English LiteratureEnglish Literature17th-CenturyLecture V: The 17th Century English Literature●I.Historical Background●II. English Literature●1. John Donne (1572-1631)●2.John Milton (1608-1674);●3.John Bunyan (1628-1688)●4.John Dryden (1631-1700)I.Historical Background●I.1. The Outburst of English Revolution●I. 2. The Restoration●I. 3. “Glorious Revolution”●I.4 The revolution meant three things ●(P143)●1) the supremacy of Parliament●2) the beginning of modern England, ●3) the final triumph of the principle of political libertyII. The English Literature of the Period ●Literary Characteristics of the Period ●1) In the Revolution Period, the king became the open enemy of the people.●2) Literature in the Puritan Age expressed rage and sadness.●3) In the period, we cannot find any romantic ardor.●4) The main literary form was poetry.●5) Age of Milton●6) Two other groups of poets:●the Metaphysical Poets and the Cavalier P oets.●7) The period also produced a great prose writer, John Bunyan. Metaphysical Poets●1) The Metaphysical Poets appeared in England at about the beginning of the17th century. The works of these poets are characterized by mysticism and fantastically in form. John Donne is thefounder of the Metaphysical School.●Metaphysical poetry: It is a 17th century style of poetry which combined strong feelings with clever arrangements of words.II.1 John Donne (1572-1631)●II.1.1 His life (see the textbook)●II.1.2 His position●1) He is one of the Metaphysical Poets, the founder of the Metaphysical school ●2) His poetry influenced many modern poets, such as T.S. Eliot, John Ransom, and Allen Tate●II.1.3 Artistic Features:●1) Conceit (巧思妙喻)●Conceit is an elaborate extended simile or figurative comparison within a poem, used especially by the metaphysical poets. Simile, metaphor, hyperbole, oxymoron are some of the forms of a conceit, which may extend over a whole poem. The most striking conceits are the far-fetched images of poets like Donne and Herbert.II.1.5 Selected Reading●II.1.5.1 Song (Go and catch a falling star)●Genre: poetry●Author: John Donne●Type: lyric poem●Theme: There is no constant love inthe world.●Poet’s attitude: cynical●II.1.5.2 A Valediction, Forbidding Mourning●Genre: poetry●Author: John Donne●Type: lyric poem●Theme: Love. Donne holds that the nature of love is the union of soul and body. The operations of the soul depend on the body. The perfection of human lovers will not be made with souls alone.●II.1.5.3 Death Be Not Proud●1. Petrarchan (Italian) sonnet●2. theme:The poem reveals his belief in life after death. Here death is compared to rest or sleep. Death is only momentary,while happiness after death is eternal.Devices●Personification●Paradox: Statement that seems to de absurd or contradictory but is or may be true.●Examples: Death, thou shalt die.●More haste, less speed.II.2 John Milton (1608-1674)●II.2.1His Life●poet and polemicist;●St. Paul‘s School in London, and Christ’s College, Cambridge●Lady of the Christ's(Christ's College)●II.2.2 Milton's position and features of his poetry●1. He is the greatest writer of the 17th century, and one of the giants of English literature. ●2. Milton is a great revolutionary poet of the 17th century, an outstanding political pamphleteer (the man of thought).●3. Milton is a great stylist.●4. He is a great master of blank verse.●II.2.3 His Works●1. Prose●1) Areopagitica《论出版自由》1644;●2) A Defense of the English People 《为英国人民声辩》1651●3) Second Defense of the English People《再为英国人民声辩》1654●2. Masterpieces●1) Paradise Lost (1667)●2) Paradise Regained (1671)●3) Samson Agonistes (1671)-poetical drama●His poetry is not easy reading and does not sound natural. His Biblical and classical allusions (引喻) and his epic similes are often obscure and their beauty is difficult to be caught even with the help of explanatory notes.●II.2.4 The theme: The story of the epic was taken from the Bible (Old Testament). It is about Satan's revolt against god and man's loss of paradise. II.2.4 Paradise Lost●1. Brief introduction●Genre: poetry●Author: John Milton●Type: epic (12 books)●Time: Genesis●Place: Heaven, Hell, earth●First published: 1667 (sold for 10 pounds)●Main characters: the God; Jesus Christ;Satan; Adam; Eve●2. Background●Civil war between Charles I and Parliament (Cromwell)●He supported Cromwell and became a minister of the government .●In 1651, he was totally blind. He became unpopular.●From then on he wrote his three greatest works.Milton in reality●Milton against king (Charles I)●support parliament (Cromwell)●↓failed (Restoration)●↓put into prison●↓determined to fight again●↓wrote three greatest poems.●4. Characteristics●1)blank verse(i.e. unrhymed iambic pentameter).●2) the long and complicated and sometimes seemingly interminable sentence construction●Characterization●1) While the rebel Satan who rises against God and, though defeated, Satan still seeks for revenge, and he is by far the most striking character in the poem.●2) Adam and Eve embody Milton's belief in the powers of man.●7. The Image of Satan●Satan is the real hero of the poem. Like a conquered and banished giant, he remains obeyed and admired by those who follow him down to hell. Though wounded, his will is unconquerable. Satan represented the spirit of rebellion against unjust authority.II.2.5. Milton's Sonnet: On His Blindness ●Genre: Poetry●Author: John Milton●Type: sonnet●The sonnet opens with a mood of discouragement and grief,●and closes with quiet resignation. John Bunyan (1628-1688)II.3John Bunyan (1628 -1688)约翰·班扬●II.3.1 His position and his life●1. In the field of prose writing of the Puritan Age, John Bunyan occupies the most●important place.●the simplest education●imprisoned in 1660●second imprisonment: The Pilgrim's Progress.2. His works●2. His works●Masterpiece:●The Pilgrim‘s Progress《天路历程》1678,1684●The Life and Death of Mr. Badman●《培德曼先生的一生》16803. The Pilgrim’s Progress●1) Introduction●Genre: novel●Author: John Bunyan●Type: religious allegory●Time: anytime●Place: anywhere●First published: 1678●Form: in the form of dream and allegoryMain characters●Main characters: Christian●Faithful 忠诚,●Hopeful 希望,●Mr Worldly Wiseman 世故的聪明先生●Evangelist 福音传教士●Despair 绝望●Ignorance 无知●Appollyon 阿波里昂,一个巨魔●.●Theme: It tells a religious man’s search for salvation in the form of allegory or dream, and gives a faithful picture of English society.4) Features of Bunyan's Works●This prose set an example of clear, simple expression.●His prose is full of specific and plausible details.●His biblical languages enable him to narrate his stories and reveal his ideas ina direct and straightforward way.●His style was influenced by the Authorized V ersion of the Bible.II.4 John Dryden (1631-1700)约翰.德莱顿●II.4.1 His position and his life●He was the most distinguished literary figure of the Restoration period, poet, playwright and critic. He is the greatest poet between Milton and Pope. ●In the political affairs, he was quite changeable in attitudeHis works●He wrote nearly 30 plays.●His literary criticism:●An Essay of Dramatic Poesy●《论戏剧诗》1668。
6、法律的基础有两个,而且只有两个……公平和实用。——伯克 7、有两种和平的暴力,那就是法律和礼节。——歌德
8、法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。——亚里士多德 9、上帝把法律和公平凑合在一起,可是人类却把它拆开。——查·科尔顿 10、一切法律都是无用的,因为好人用不着它们,而坏人又不会因为它们而变得规矩起来。——德谟耶克斯
谢谢你的阅读❖ 知识就Fra bibliotek财富 ❖ 丰富你的人生
71、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下去。——康德 72、家庭成为快乐的种子在外也不致成为障碍物但在旅行之际却是夜间的伴侣。——西塞罗 73、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。——伏尔泰 74、路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。——屈原 75、内外相应,言行相称。——韩非
7 17世纪英国文学
Crisis: Your looks!
Refuse to have any more portraits of yourself painted.
Crisis: Marriage
Stay single
Marry an Englishman
Marry the Catholic Phillip of Spain to keep friends with them.
Crisis: Marriage
Points Points Points
Henry divorced CaWthhatehraipnpeen.ed?
Catherine of Aragon
Wife Number 2 Anne Boleyn
Queen’s maid married in secret – because Henry hadn’t got rid of his first wife yet! a daughter, Elizabeth, who also later became a Queen of England. plain-looking but intelligent. HbWeehhnearatydhheaadpd.peAnendn?e
我思断肠,伊人不臧。 弃我远去,抑郁难当。 我心相属,日久月长。 与卿相依,地老天荒。 绿袖招兮,我心欢朗。 绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂。 绿袖摇兮,我心流光。 绿袖永兮,非我新娘。 我即相偎,柔荑纤香。 我自相许,舍身何妨。 欲求永年,此生归偿。 回首欢爱,四顾茫茫。 绿袖摇兮,我心流光。 绿袖永兮,非我新娘。
I have been ready at your hand To grant whatever you would crave I have both waged life and land Your love and good will for to have Greensleeves was my heart of gold And who but my Lady Greensleeves
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38、若是没有公众舆论的支持,法律 是丝毫 没有力 量的。 ——菲 力普斯 39、一个判例造出另一个判例,它们 迅速累 聚,进 而变成 法律。 ——朱 尼厄斯
40、人类法律,事物有规律,这是不 容忽视 的。— —爱献 生
66、节制使快乐增加并使享受加强。 ——德 谟克利 特 67、今天应做的事没有做,明天再早也 是耽误 了。——裴斯 泰洛齐 68、决定一个人的一生,以及整个命运 的,只 是一瞬 之间。 ——歌 德 69、懒人无法享受休息之乐。——拉布 克 70、浪费时间是一桩大罪过。——卢梭