
托福口语200句话题1: 邻居1.The relationship betWeen neighbours in rural area is closer than that in cities.农村里邻居之间的关系较之城市里亲密一些。
2.We Chinese alWays say that a near neighbour is better than a distant relative.我们中国人常说“远亲不如近邻”。
3.My neighbor often brings over some delicious food she makes.我的邻居经常给我们送来她做的美味食品。
4.Sometimes the noise on the other side of the house makes it difficult for us tofall asleep.有时房子的另一端的嘈杂声,使我们很难入睡。
5.Neighbors need more understanding between them.邻里之间需要更多的理解。
6.I am always careful not to make big noises at night.我一直谨慎,不在夜晚发出大的噪音。
7.A good neighbor is better than a brother in the next village.远亲不如近邻。
8.It’s better to keep on good terms with our neighbors.同邻居保持良好关系是很好的。
9.When problems occur,neighbours should try to understand each other.当问题出现时,邻里之间应该加强理解。
10.A good neighbor is supposed to be helpful and considerate.好邻居应该相互帮助,相互体贴。

1. curriculum [kəˈrɪkjələm](n. 课程)2. assignment [əˈsaɪnmənt](n. 作业;任务)3. lecture [ˈlektʃə(r)](n. 讲座;讲课;v. 开讲座;讲课)4. tutorial [tjuːˈtɔːriəl](n. 辅导课;指南;教程;adj. 辅导的)5. semester [sɪˈmestə(r)](n. 学期)6. grade [ɡreɪd](n. 成绩;等级;年级;v. 评分;分等级)7. discipline [ˈdɪsəplɪn](n. 学科;纪律;训练;处罚;v. 训练;处罚;使有纪律)8. compulsory [kəmˈpʌlsəri](adj. 必修的;强制的;义务的)9. optional [ˈɒpʃənl](adj. 可选择的;选修的)二、社交类。
1. acquaintance [əˈkweɪntəns](n. 熟人;相识)2. friendliness [ˈfrendlɪnəs](n. 友好;友善)3. hospitality [ˌhɒspɪˈtæləti](n. 好客;殷勤)4. party [ˈpɑːti](n. 聚会;政党;当事人;v. 为…举行社交聚会)5. get - together [ˈɡet təˈɡeðə(r)](n. 聚会;联欢会)6. socialize [ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz](v. 交往;社交;使社会化)7. clique [kliːk](n. 小集团;派系;私党)8. acquaintance - making [əˈkweɪntəns ˈmeɪkɪŋ](n. 交友;结识)三、文化类。
1. heritage [ˈherɪtɪdʒ](n. 遗产;传统)2. custom [ˈkʌstəm](n. 风俗;习惯;海关)3. tradition [trəˈdɪʃn](n. 传统;惯例)4. festival [ˈfestɪvl](n. 节日;庆祝活动)5. ceremony [ˈserəməni](n. 典礼;仪式)6. art [ɑːt](n. 艺术;美术;技艺)7. literature [ˈlɪtrətʃə(r)](n. 文学;文献)8. music [ˈmjuːzɪk](n. 音乐)四、工作类。
[托福常用口语900句语料中英文对照2022合辑第12部分551-600句] 551.I‘dliketolookatsomesweaters.我想看看毛衣。

Vocabulary (Conversation)Course1.office hour 办公室时间2.semester 学期3.department/faculty院系4.curriculum (单数)/curricula (复数)课程5.required/compulsory/obligatory course必修课6.core course 必修课, 基础课程, 重点课程7.core curriculum基础课程8.elective/optional course 选修课9.elective (Am.E)/option (Br.E) 选修课10.major course 专业课,主课11.major subject 主科12.discipline 学科13.introduction 入门课程14.introductory course 入门课程15.intro-to-(course) 入门课程16.intro course 入门课程17.basic-level course基础课程18.preliminary list 初步课程目录19.elementary/intermediate/advanced level初级/中级/高级(课程)20.summer session 暑期课程21.course requirements 课程要求22.syllabus 教学大纲23.major in…专业是…24.English literature major 英语文学专业生25.non-science major 非理科专业学生26.arts 文科27.science and technology 理工科28.graduate course 研究生课程29.bird course 轻松的课程*30.add a course 在原有课程上加上新课程31.register for a course 注册一门课程32.enroll in/on a course 报名课程33.sign up for a course 报名参加课程,选课34.accept more students 接受更多的学生35.be overwhelmed by 负担过重的,不知所措的36.be swamped with负担过重的37.have quite a heavy load课业负担沉重38.drop a course/class 退课39.get out of the class 退课40.cancel a class 退课41.quit a class 退课42.retake 重修43.check back查阅记录44.keep up/catch up 跟得上(进度)45.have a hard time keeping up 难跟得上46.challenging 富有挑战性的47.easy grade好拿的分数(e.g. Just give mesome easy grade!)48.sold up 课程学生已满49.plenty room 课程有足够的空位50.take the prerequisite满足选课的先决条件51.special course 专业课程52.evening class 晚班53.practical issue 现实问题te start course 晚开始的课程55.mailing address 邮寄地址56.fulfill academic requirement 满足学术要求57.major field 专业领域58. a warning flag 警告59.academic record 学习成绩,成绩单60.advisor’s approval导师许可61.sign (vt.)签名62.signature (n.)签名63.put through 批准通过64.special add form 特殊加课申请表65.permission to register允许注册66.transfer 转(学),转(专业)67.(technical) term 术语,技术名词68.qualified 有资格的(be qualified for)69.TA: teaching assistant 助教70.get through: 读完,消化完,理解71.go off on/at tangents/getsidetracked/wander off the topic/wanderoff the topic 跑题72.learning experience 学习经历73.correspond with/to一致的(a workbookthat corresponds with the textbook与课本同步的练习册)74.be weak in/do poorly in 在某方面做得不好75.grade 成绩,打分76.credit 学分77.dean/principal 院系主任78.first year student/freshman大一新生79.sophomore 大二学生80.junior大三学生81.senior 大四学生82.tutor 导师83.hall/lobby大厅84.lecture hall阶梯教室,讲演厅,报告厅b/laboratory实验室86.tough decision艰难的抉择87.pick挑选88.make an enquiry/inquiry about/enquireabout/inquire about询问89.credit course学分课程90.non-credit course 非学分课程91.distance education远程教育92.diploma 毕业文凭93.teleconferencing远程会议94.deliver递送Assignment1.appointment预约2.assignment/class work/school work 作业3.paper (发表或宣读的)论文4.paper [US]/essay [UK] 短论文(作业论文)5.history paper 历史作业论文6.term paper 学期论文7.thesis (硕士) 论文,学位论文8.dissertation (博士) 论文9.proposal论文的开题报告10.project 课题11.term project 学期课题12.research paper研究报告13.research project研究项目14.book report 读书报告b report 实验报告16.fieldwork 实地考察17.field trip 实地考察旅行18.presentation 课堂展示,课堂演讲19.slide幻灯片20.due date/day 截止日21.deadline 最后期限,截止日22.get an extension 获得作业延期23.cheating 作弊24.plagiarism (n)/plagiarize (vt.) 剽窃25.be put on probation 被留校察看26.expel 开除27.incomplete 未修完28.draft草稿29.edited version 修订版30.final verision终稿31.a ton of/tons of 大量的32.revise vt. 修改33.rewrite重写34.tangential: less important35.distract the main argument 使论点不集中36.stick to the topic 切题37.break them out into separate paragraphs给它们分段38.hard copy打印版,复印文本39.soft copy电子档40.research data调查数据41.input输入42.overtired过度疲劳43.stressed (out)压力大的44.rushing against the clock忙碌45.cover the entire process of writing aresearch paper涵盖研究报告写作的全过程46.selecting topic选择性题目47.final format最终格式48.hand in/turn in/submit提交49.submission (n.) 提交50.final grade 期末分数51.broad (话题)宽的52.narrow down the topic缩小题目53.proposed topics推荐的论文选题54.make a comment评论55.the most frequent problem最常见的问题56.preliminary outline初步提纲57.final outline最终提纲58.no more than two pages long不得多于2页59.thesis statement论点60.precise statement精确的陈述61.conclusion总结62.available可利用的63.personal attention个人参与度64.rehearsal/rehearsing (n.)排练65.rehearse (vt.) 排练66.assimilate the information thoroughly完全吸收信息,理解透彻67.paraphrase意译68.capture the main idea抓住要义69.quote directly直接引用70.finalize the research paper完成论文71.pass it out in our classes传阅论文72.clear up the problem解决问题Exam1.cover (vt.) 涵盖(e.g. What's going to becovered on the test?/What’s going tobe on? 考试的范围是什么?)2.consult (vt.) 咨询,请教,查阅3.final/final exam期末考试4.midterm/mid-term/mid-termexam/mid-year exam期中考试5.cumulative exam 积累性考试(指的是上次考过的范围这次也要考)prehensive exam综合测试(指没有范围的考试, 通常是考一整本书或是好几本书)7.test/quiz 测验8.pop quiz 随堂测验9.open-book exam/close-book exam 开卷/闭卷考试10.exam schedule考试时间表11.test/exam paper 考卷(e.g. Please turn inthe tests. 请交卷。

IBT-speaking独立问题万能语篇语汇:万能素材:(做到熟读,有印象,有话说)1What’ s your favorite color?White:I love the color white because it’ s so clean and pure. When I wear white, I feel very peacefulat heart. But I have to pay attention because it gets dirty so easily. I think a white Tee Shirtand blue jeans are the best combination.black;think black is very mysterious and sophisticated. For a girl, it looks very sexy.And when you wear black you look thinner, because the color is very slimmingBlue:It ’ s the color of the sea and the sky. It’ s also the color of jeans.So I guess in a sense, it’ s a young and free color.Red:Red is the hottest and most enthusiastic color you can ever imagine.And it’ s colorthe of China.Green:The color green reminds me of the nature and the environment.It ’ s the color of Spring when all lives come back around us.So wearing this color, I feel very close to nature.2Do you like the same color now as you did when you were younger?Same:Well, yeah.’ t change.I ’ m a kind of person that likes something and doesnAnd I think the colors of black and white are the most classic.I ’ m a simple guy, so I like simple colors.Changed:I guess it changed. When I was young, I was childish, so I like bright colors, such as light yellowand shiny.There are so many people in the world, about 8-9 billion. But the ones that really matter arefew. But now, I ’ m a 20 years old young man, I re mature,’mandmoso I like more understatedcolors, such as dark blue or deep green.3 What can you learn about a person from the color they like?I think you can tell about a person ’ s personality by his or her favorite colors. For example, if aperson lov es the color red, he ’ s very-goingoutand not afraid to show hisfeelings and emotions. But if a person loves black, for instance, she maybe very reservedand mysterious. She may not want to share too much with others.4Do any colors have special meanings in your culture?I think the colors of red and yellow represent our home country, China,because they’ re the main colors of the national flag.The color red also means happy occasions, such as wedding.I know that the color white means wedding in the west.Yet, the it means death in China.Surprising, huh?5 learning method5.1 Independent learningIn that way, we can keep our own pacing, we can be self motivated, we can discover something new, even something dazzling by ourselves. It give us the sense of achievement, That will be really coo. Plus, there are no interference when we learning by ourselves.so may be it will be more effective and productive.5.2 lecture classreinforce your confidence, know more deeply about the social life, the lecture is a moresystematic learning method, we can get the fresh knowledge from our professors, and theprofessor is more available to us. so it can save a lot of time, maybe that is the so called time effective, and it will be more productive5.3 seminarIn this way, we can get more personal attention, we can exchange ideas, communicateinformation, and share the different learning experiences, that will be really perfect. And during the process of discussion, we can consolidate the specific details and the knowledge that we get from the professor.5.4 class trip/lap tripintegrate theory and reality, make sense of,,,, consodidate,,,,, form interest in learning.6eating in or eating outeating in:when eat at home, we will preper the ingredient by ourselves, it is absolotely more hygienec.and it is a peerless creative process, we can share that wonderful time withe our familymembers. it is a chance for us to relax, to enjoy the cozy atmosphere, and for bonding withour family members. Most importantly, we can enjoy the time without any inteference.( alittle bit time consuming.)eating out:when eat out, the food and the ingredient are questionable, and sometime are a little bit over priced. But, it is time effetive, senice, we can get more dieing experience, enjoy the specialty of the resturant and the ethnic food, even feel the exotic culture and tradition that are different from our country.7multiple choice and the essayquestion multiple choice:it is very logical, and during that process, we can consolidate the specific details and theknowledge that we learn from the class. and we can use some examnation skills like thereasonable guess or the rational guess. But the students can cheat in the exam, so it cannot show the learning result overall.essay question:in this method, we can have more academic freedom, we can combine all the specificdetails and develop our own opinion, even form our personal style. this method will reinforceour originality and the creativity. But, to be successful in this method we have to memorizeand write so very much, it is really a little bit stressful.8traditional newspaper and the internet, tv.newspaper:it is more cost effective, and portable, we can carry it to every where we want, how convincing!and in this way, we can find a life long hobby, the newspaper clipping. you can call me oldfashion, the news is to be read on the paper.internet and the television:it is up to date, and immediate, entertaining, more importantly, the news are live. we can sitwith our feet up, drink a cup of coffee, take the advantages of the broad band service, andthe interactive quality is so cool.9Do you like your job?(incredibly, unbelievably, absolutely, definitely)1 salary (rather fat, rather handsome, sustainable learning, to keep my life style)2 boss (provide lots of opportunities to learning and training, i own my progress to him)3 colleagues (right group of people, we get well unbelievably with each other, hang out togetherafter work, we are friends professionally and socially)4 business trip (very often i travel to different cities or countries, taste various kinds of food, meetvarious people of different race and culture, experience the colorful local custom tradition)5 communication ( near my office it takes me 5 minutes, the travel experience is zero)10What changes took place in education in your country over the past decade?Answer:Well, everything is changing, so is education.The most important change that took place over the past decade is this.10.1 increased admissionIt seems to me that more and more people are now able to go to college while in the pastthe competition was much stronger.College admission is opening up, and this is a direct result of the state policy.The consequence is that many students who have not reached the level ofuniversity education are also allowed to sit in the college classroom, therefore thequality of education has been declining.10.2 master ’ s degree / overseas educationIt is because this problem that an increasing number of people are pursuing more educationafter college graduation.These options include master’ s program and possibly overseas education, just like what Idoing right now.We’ re fed up with the boring routine life in college, and we’ re fighting for a better future forourselves.3. increased tuitionUnfortunately,not every child would have the opportunity to continue their education aftercollege. Why? Simply because going to school is so costly.The tuition has been almost tripled over the past decade and this presented serious financialpressure that some families cannot handle.So some of my classmates have to drop out just because their families ran short of money.Human tragedy!I ’ m lucky. My mom and dad are making enough money, so I can even go to college in Canada. ButI ’ m not taking this for granted, I’ ll be eternally grateful to them.4. Private training institutionWherever there’ s need, there’ s a solution. As more families realized the importance of makingeducation investment in their kids, training demands has been soaring over the past 10 years.Private training institutions such as New Oriental flourished.So as long as you want you willalways find a place to study and a class schedule that fits you. Opportunities for personalimprovement are many.将来 50 年教育会发生什么变化?Question:What change do you foresee in the next 50 years?如何答”将来”题目Wow. 50 years is such a long time.I don ’ t even know if I will still be around in half a centurytime. So this question is kind of challenging. Nobody knows for sure what’ s gonna happen in thefuture, right, because the future is unpredictable. But, let me try to answer this question.1. Education will be a social welfare without any charges.Maybe this is just a Utopian Dream. But I strongly believe, as our society moves forward,education will eventually become a social benefit. Families will not have to pay for education ofthe kids, because when the kids receive good education,the society will be benefited as itreceives a continual wave of talents. It is only fair that the society take out some of the taxrevenue and use it on education for young people. Since tuition is no longer a problem, more andmore people can finally all go to school. This is what I call“ educational equality” .2. Education will become less time-consuming.One day I suddenly realized that each and every one of us spend 20 years or so on education. 20years! That ’ s crazy. Those years are probably the best time in our lives. So if you ask me whatchange do I want to see happen in 50 years time, I ’liked to see education short. I believeeducation can become so efficient and well-designed that we can finish our education from ABCto master ’ s degree in just 10 years time. So by the time a person is 16, he or she will be ready tostart living.3. Education will become a technical evolution. 技术的进化Maybe I ’ veseen too many science fiction movies, but I believe science and technology will revolutionize the way we receive education. And this will happen during the next 50 years. Yousee! We can put all the knowledge of human kind into little computer chips, and we can open asocket to our, I don ’ t know, brain. So every time we want to use a particular knowledge, we just plug it in, you know, like a USB disk. Wouldn ’ t that be cool?4. Science and technology will make it possible for all countries to share education resources. We often say that the world is flat now. What makes it flat? Science and technology,tele- communication, especially internet. So I wouldn ’ t be crazy toinimaginethefuturethat50 years, with the help of internet video conferencing, we can bring the image of a professor of Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, you name it, into the classrooms in China. Therefore, internationally famous professors and ideas can be shared globally.必背口语作文:(一定要背诵,加油吧!)1法律规则的重要性:people tend to rebel against laws and regulations, because we want to have more freedom.However, we cannot deny the necessity of rules. Without laws, there will be no order in society.And I ’ m not an expert on laws since I’ m not a law student.But I found“ the prohibition of smoking in public places”an incredibly good law.I don’ t know exactly when it was put into practice,but I guess France is the first country in the whole wide world to make such a legislationthat smoking is banned in all public places all over the country.This is a great law for the individual and for the state.I mean, come on, think about it. Smoking is so harmful in so many ways.It causes lung cancer to millions of people every year,and it ’ s totally uncivilized to smoke in public places because other people will be affected by your smoking since your second-hand smoke is everywhere.After smoking, your clothes stink of cigarettes.And it’ s not polite and professional if you go to work covered in the smell of smoke.And smoking is the reason for many fire accidents and disasters every year.(这一段也可以直接用作“不良习惯话题”)Therefore, such is a good law.I don’ t know when such a law will be made in China.But once it is enforced, my country will be a much cleaner place.I know it ’naturals for people to hate any new law since the law brings to people limitation, confinement and restraints.Yet, hey, someone once said, “ Youcan only truly enjoy freedom after you have experienced discipline.”只有受过纪律约束的人才知道自由的真正乐趣. (283 words)2最喜爱的运动:My favorite sport is without a shadow of a doubt basketball.And, funny story, I met a NBA basketball player for the first time in my life at an airport when Iwasn’ t that familiar with NBA.I looked at him and did n’ t know who he wa. Now I think about it, it was Kobe Bryant.Wow! I had no idea! What a waste of opportunity! I mean, Icould i didn ’ t. Ooooh, I hate myself.’ ve asked for an autograph. ButI ’ m a huge fan of the L.A. Lakers. ThereTo start with, it ’dynasty in the forming.Some’ re too manythis. reasons forpeople say that Shaquille O’ nealand KobeBryant, THAT was a dynasty!But I’ m not a big fan of Shaq; I love Kobe.Being a guard, he’ s all around.He scored 81 points back in 2006 in a game against the Toronto Raptors.In 2007, around the same time of the year, he scored more than 50 for four consecutive games.And this year, he’ s taking the Lakers all the way to the Final after beating San Antonio Spurs in the Western Conference Final.And before that they beat Utah Jazz.We often say that there’ s no easy game in the West. And Kobe and his team came all the way. That could only mean one thing-- They ’ re unbelievably good.I play basketball whenever I can. And I even imitate some of Kobe’ s moves.I ’ m notthat tall, but still, I can jump shoot, do the lay-up, and if the hoop is low enough, doa slam dunk.Being a guard is like being a captain of a team.You initiate every attack, you decide the offense strategy. And when you give out assists, youhelping other teammates;when you ’ re hitting three-pointers, you’ re encouraging the whole team. When you do a-uplayina fast break, you’ re pissing off your opponents.The more you play basketball, the more you find theregame.’ s more to basketballphysicalthan just aIt has a mental state to it.How to be selfless, how to contribute to the team instead of just thinking for yourself, how towork with others--these are also questions we have face in real life.The NBA has a catch phrase "i love this game". It is more than i can say about it .And this yeari found it was changed,now it is where the amazing happens! Dave Stern is absolutely a genius!bas provides me more than the excercise, but more importantly the inspiration and encouragementin my life! I love it!!3最喜爱的老师:It ’ s about teachers in our lives.No doubt, teachers are important as they provide not only education but more critically, life guidance.We should always feel grateful to our teachers.Talking about my favorite teacher, there ’nos ne other than Mr. chen, our first mathematics teacherin senior high school.I remember back then, I was so young, so immature, and frankly, alittle bit stupid because I was so lazy at learning. I didn ’ t realize that learning was for my own future. And Mr. Chen totally changed that.His writing on the blackboard was so clean and beautiful that every time he wrote on the blackboardwe enjoyed looking at it so much. Naturally, that increased my interest in learning the subject. Histeaching methodology was so versatile that we never felt bored.It was so fun!He was very different from the other teachers, because he looked very thin,and if he wasany thinner, he wouldn't exist.And he was unbelievably responsible for us.She treated us as her own children.He impacted my life greatly since it was he who showed me that not working hard when you canis a crime.I remember he said to me one day“ We’ re not foolish, we’ re not stupid,and we need to fight for our own future with blood, sweat and tears.”Someone said,a mediocre teacher tells;a good teacher explains;a superior teacher demonstrates;and a great teacher inspires.To me he's the greatest teacher I’ ve ever known.(268words)4 音乐 Music:I love music. I love every last one kind of music.From Jazz to Classical, hip pop to blues, Rock and Roll to Country music.Different music genres create a variety of moods for you.Sometimes, a piece of music can complement a movie so well that you remember the movie andthe song all together.I can remember back then, when I f irst saw the movie“ Titanic” , I was deeply moved by the story.and the song sung by Celine Dion-- “ My heart will go on --made”a great impression to me.it won the Oscar for best original score for a motion picture that year and was played all over theworld.Every where you went you would hear it.Celine Dion sang it so well that you feel like it touched the soft-spot of your soul.Even today, almost 10 years later, it’ s still considered one of the most beautiful songs of all time.I think the song communicates a message that love is universal, and it transcends socialclasses and family backgrounds.And true love is worth dying for.The movie “ Titanic ” won many Oscars that year.And I think this song played a crucial role in themovie ’ s success.(200 words)5 电影( A Movie: E.T): .I go to the movies almost once every month, and I have an extensive DVD collection at home.So, it’ s safe to say I’ m a big movie buff.In a sense, movies educate us, inspire us, and provide more life experience to us.My favorite movies are many.And the one that I want to talk about here is E.T., the ExtraTerrestial by Steven Spielberg.I know this movie is very old, more than 20 years I think.But when I saw it last year, I was still quite moved by it.It is about an Alien, E.T. and his friendship with some kids on earth, how they tried very hard/everyeffort to get E.T. home ,how in the process they became very good friends,and how E.T. learned to speak English very fast.This unusual friendship between people of different planets is so unique and so pure.The warmth in that movie makes me feel great, even now the world is with a lot of problems.It ’ s a kind of movie that will put you in a very good mood.And I couldn ’ t help shedding tears when E.T. had to go back to the mother ship and when thelittle girl said goodbye.I was moved by the pureness of their friendship. It restores faith in people ’hearts about truefriendship.And it’ s definitely a movie to watch, a movie to collect and a movie to remember.6 奢侈品( Luxury):In many countries and cultures, owing something of luxury is considered a symbol of wealth andstatus.Such luxuries may include a private boat, posh villas, diamond watch and the list goes on.I like expensive things because I believe you get what you pay for, and higher price is usuallyaccompanied by superior quality.I ’ d like to think that one day I can have enough money to afford luxurious things in life.The first extravagant thing I’ d like to own is probably a car.A Lamborghini may be cool.Since I saw it f irst on the magazine and later in the movie“ Mission Impossible III” , I couldn loving it.The exterior and the interior are both of the world’ s highest class. It’ s one fast running m It ’ s born for speed.In addition to the excellent performance, it provides much convenience to the driver too,GPS, automatic air-conditioning, DVD system, hi-fi system,you name it.Another reason why I love it is the sturdy bodywork of the car.Lamborghini makes their cars really strong so when you st, you’restilldrivingfeelquitefa safe.I guess it won’ t surprise people when they discover the price of the car is unbelievably high.It will cost you an arm and a leg to buy it, about 4 million RMB. I don’ t think I will be able toit in a short time.However, I believe people are driven by dreams.’ ll be successful enough to own one.As long as it ’ s a dream for me, one day I (257words)7 电脑( Computer):Of all the things I have and had, computer is probably the most important thing in my life.As the world is changing fast, technology is getting more and more cutting edge.Computers are indispensable in everyone’ s life.And there ’ s no need to stress on the significance of computer skills. Computers make things easyand bring about increasingly new possibilities into our lives.Just look at what computers are capable of doing these days.I mean, Wow! Talking about state-of-the-art!Internet brings people closer ,and makes the world smaller than ever before.People can easily talk to each other through on-line chatting programs, no matter where theyare.With a webcam you can see each other’ s faces. And the good news is, it’ s almost free. Plus, internet- shopping is revolutionizing all people’ s lives.On-line shopping websites like E-bay and are getting popular among more andmore people.I got my first laptop back in high school as a prize for my good grades. It was a gray DELL.I used it to collect information about sports and entertainment, beautiful pictures and movieclips.I read English news on line, listen to English music and watch English movies both on and off line.So, if there’ s one thing I love the most, and one thing that benefits my study and life the most, itabsolutely my computer.8 理想住所( Ideal Home):My idea of an ideal house is a place with an excellent natural surrounding.I mean I don’ t want to live in the city, with all the hustle and bustle of the city life.I want to be able to enjoy some peace and quiet when I go home.So my ideal home should be in the country.You know, lots of trees, maybe a river, fresh air, clean water, fewer people⋯Make no mistake about it, I’ m not going to live a farmer’ s life.I want my interior dé cor to be posh, trend-setting, and full of technology.I want to have a fully-equipped study, desktop computer, laptop computer, hi-fi system, andmany more appliances.I want a big living room with windows all the way from the ceiling to the floor, all around.So there will be a lot of sunshine and beautiful things to look at.My master bedroom should be spacious, so it will reduce the pressure of mine.I move a lot in my sleep so I want a king-sized bed.I want my interior to be colorful. Just like my life.Full of passion, full of energy, and full of possibilities.I don’ t know when I can own it. But as longas I strive for it, one day it will be mine.(227 words)9 梦想 Dream:This is a very intriguing question.Dream is an excellent thing. It motivates you and keeps you going; it gives you courage and strength. And I believe whatever dream you have, one day it will come true.I saw a movie recently; the name is The American Dreamz.In that movie, everyone wants to become a hit singer through a talent show.Not everyone will win the ultimate title, but the struggle, the hard-work make the exciting.I was inspired by that movie, because I got power from it.Right now, in China, there are also many talent shows like that.And many young people have already made their dreams come true.It ’ s exciting to see their lives now. And I can’ t helpyselfwantingtoo. that for m My dreams are many.I want to own a worldwide company, and be a really good CEO,just like Steve Jobs of Apple Computer.And I love cars, I love driving.I hope one day, I can own my sports car, a Lamborghini, maybe. Yeah! ThatI realize that in order to fulfill my dreams, I will have to go through a difficult process.But hey, I’ m young. I have strong determination and perseverance.I will beat whatever difficulties that may come my way. Impossible is nothing.dream’ s cool, isn’ t iI will turn the impossible into possible.Dreams will come true as long as you believe in it and in yourself.10 一件重要的事An Important Thing in Life / An Important Person around me:Of all the things that happened to me, one thing last year was of the most significance.My grandma passed away last year. She was 85.In my life, she played an irreplaceable role.When I was young, my parents were extremely busy.It was my grandma that took care of me all the time.She attended to all the details in my life.It wasn’ t easy looking after me, I’ ll tell you that.When I was 8 months old, an unfortunate accident happened to me.I was burnt by hot milk. Can you imagine?My grandma took good care of me.I got better so fast because of her care. I owe so much to her.From the time I was born until I became a grown-up, she had always been by my side, loving and caring.Her passing away made me felt great emptiness and loss.I ’ m still adjusting to life without her.I ’ m learning to be strong and learning to take care of myself.In a way, her passing away changed me, helped me to become more mature and responsible.Up until now, that has been the most important thing that happened in my life.I absolutely can’ t forget it, NOT for ever.11 学校My School:In the early part of our lives, we re gonna have’ to go through a number of schools to completeour education.Of all the schools that I’ ve been at, my college, liaoning University played a most important part in making me who I am todayFirst things first, it’ s a huge comprehensivetywithuniversimorethan 26,000 enrolled students.And you can find all majors here, environmental engineering, information technology, English,you name it.The campus is quite big, with more than 500 square kilometers.And it almost feels like a small city with all the infrastructure a person may need for daily life. Accommodation, food court, supermarket, sports ground ⋯The teachers that I had were all responsible for their students and conscientious about their job.There are many foreign teachers here who are willing to help us in and out of class.No doubt, my English improved because of them. My university is my second home.And the four years I studied in it were also the time during which I grew up to be a mature,and independent-thinking person.I found out who I was, who I am and who I want to be in my university.In this sense, the teachers I met, the information I was given to, and the environment I was living inat my university really influenced my life greatly.(227 words)12选课问题: chose the most difficult classes, even it means that you cannot get a very good score.first of all, grade is very important, but it is only part of the enjoyment and the achivement youcan get from the calss.The reason why we go to class, is we want to be infulence by the professor and the students,so to improve ourselves.the students that go to the most difficult class are usually the a s students. You will beputing yourself among the elicits.students of top intellegence, and be around them you will enhance your requirment of yourself. Sequencely and gradually, you will makesteady progress.And the professor teach the most difficult class has to be the best professor at the school.And because only the top students attend the such classes, the professor will not hold backin teaching.He will be more free in challenging the students intellengece.Being in this class, you will have the opportunity to dig up your potential,and you know what, you are much better than all the students that go to a less difficult class.As most people are intimidated by the most difficult class, so very often, you find very fewpeople in the class.What happen next, your professor become more avilible to you, you will get more personal。

下面是托福口语考试中常用的词汇,供考生参考使用:1. IntroductionIntroduce:介绍Briefly:简要地Main point:主要观点Outline:概述Topic:话题2. Personal ExperienceExperience:经验Happen:发生Occur:发生Encounter:遭遇Memorable:难忘的Incredible:难以置信的Challenging:具有挑战性的3. OpinionThink:认为Believe:相信Opinion:意见Point of view:观点In my opinion:在我看来From my perspective:从我的角度来看As far as I am concerned:就我个人而言Personally:就我个人而言4. Comparison and ContrastSimilar:相似的Different:不同的Compare:比较Contrast:对比But:但是However:然而On the other hand:另一方面In contrast to:与…相比5. DescribeDescribe:描述Appear:看起来Seem:似乎Look like:看起来像Sound like:听起来像Feel like:感觉像Taste like:尝起来像6. Advantages and DisadvantagesAdvantage:优点Benefit:好处Disadvantage:缺点Drawback:不利之处Pros and cons:利弊Strength:优势Weakness:劣势7. ConclusionsConclusion:结论In conclusion:结论上Final thoughts:最后的想法Overall:总的来说All in all:总的来说Summing up:总结To sum up:总而言之以上是托福口语考试中常用的词汇总结,考生可以根据自身情况对这些词汇进行适当的记忆和练习,并在备考和考试中灵活运用,以提高口语表达的准确度和流利度。

托福常用口语900句语料中英文对比汇总:第13部分601-650句托福常用口语900句语料对比汇总601-650句601. I appreciate John‘s helping in time. 我感谢约翰的准时关心。
602. I bought it the day it was released. 它发行的当天我就买了。
603. I doubted whether the story is true. 我怀疑那故事是不是真的。
604. I learnt that I had passed the test. 我获悉我测验及格了。
605. I will seek from my doctor‘s advice. 我将请教医生的意见。
606. Ice cream is popular among children. 冰淇淋深受孩子们的欢迎。
607. I‘d like to get this film developed. 我要冲洗这卷胶卷。
608. In a word,I am tired of everything. 总之,我对一切都很厌倦。
609. Let us do it by ourselves,will you? 我们自己做这件事,可以吗?610. May I know the quantity you require? 请问你们需要多少数量的货物?611. Nobody has ever solved this problem. 没有人曾解决过这个问题。
612. Our school covers 100 square meters. 我们学校占地面积平方米。
613. People enjoyed the stamps very much. 人们特别宠爱这些邮票。

1 早上学习还是下午学习I prefer studying in the morning because when I just get up, I have a clear and fresh mind. It is easier for me to be more focused. However, if I study in the afternoon, I would feel sleepy and tired. Last time, our professional assigned us to write a paper in one week about ten pages. Every morning I got up very early like six o’clock and I begin to work on my paper. I just really got high e fficiency writing the paper because I could totally concentrate on my paper. and then it only took me several days to finish my paper on time. What’s more, if I study in the morning then I can use the afternoon time to do other thing s like, doing sports, going out with friends, reading books and so on. It is a good way to use time.2. 图书馆,家还是宿舍I prefer studying in the library because in a library I can check some reference books when I am writing my paper. And, to be honest, when I studying at home or dormitory, it just seems so easy for me to get distracted. Like, I remember last time when was I was about to write a paper. I just went to the school library, it's very convenient for me to check reference books and journals. It provided me great convenience to write my paper. What’s more, I think the library is very quiet, no one can talk or walk around. I can totally keep my eyes on the ball. That’s why I prefer studying in the library.3.speak out还是quietly observe in the classI prefer to speak out in class because my problems can be solved immediately if I can communicate with the professor directly. However, if I observe quietly, I guess it would be much easier for me to get distracted and forget my problems after class. Now, I am a university student who majors in business management. And I take different courses, like business management, counting, marketing and so on. In the class, every time when I have some problems, I will raise my hands waiting to be caught to raise my questions because my professor can help mu solve the problems immediately. It’s very efficient. It can help me understand the whole class. So that’s why I think speaking out in class is much better.4. work in the group or aloneI prefer to work in a group because we can solve the problem together. However, if I work alone, I guess it would be much easier for me to get distracted. I remember, last time, our professional assigned us to write a paper in one week about ten pages. I decided to write a paper with my partner. During the process, we can do a lot of things together, like searching for information, finding the topic, writing the outline and something like that. We could get high efficiency in writing our papers and when we encounter some problems, we can solve them together. See, that’s why I prefer to working in a group.5把暑假分开Disagree. Because it is a waste of time. I mean I can’t use the whole summer to do things I enjoy. Last summer vacation, I had a two-month holiday. I could use the time to travel to different palces.Like, I went to Hongkong, I spent about 15 days there. During the process, I did a lot of things to know better about the city and people there, such as visiting museums, eating local foods, visiting the Disney land and so on. However, if I had shorter breaks throughout the year in summer vacation, I can’t do those things.6本国室友还是外国室友I prefer to have a roommate from my own country because it is easier for us to get along well. I mean we have a lot in common. However, if I have a foreign roommate, it may be not easier for us to understand each other well because we have some cultural differences. For example, now I study in Beijing far away from my hometown and I live with my roommates. We come from the same country. So it is easier to communicate with each other. Like last week, the toffee test example. In our own language; understand me well; encourage me.7成功靠天赋还是努力I believe that people can achieve success through hard work because practice makes perfect. However, natural talent can be wasted. Taking me as an example.Public speaking example8成功要读大学吗I agree with the statement…because college education is very important. It can let you learn a lot of knowledge and make friends withpeople who have talents. (大学教育重要性语料库)9大家庭还是小家庭I think it’s better to grow up in a large family because you have more family members to rely on. However, growing up in a small family is pretty lonely. Lucy me, I grow up in a large family. I have two sisters and one brother. Every time when I feel stressed out and tired, I will call them for help, especially my brother. Like last week toffer test. See growing in a large family is such a lucky thing.10 大学教育更加重要现在I agree with the statement that …in the past, the quality of collage was not so good. But now college really provides very a good platform for people to learn knowledge. (大学教育重要性语料库) I guess in the past the education quality of university was not so good.11大学生可以带笔记本电脑Simply because we need a laptop. It can boost our efficiency in study. take myself as a example.是学生——学生作业多——教授布置paper about ten pages in only a week. I use my laptop to write the paper. It is very efficient. I can use my computer to do a lot of things , such as 查资料、看电子书、写大纲and so on. You know what, I just finished my work in time in high quality. What’s more, by using computer, we can communicate with your family and friends, asking them questions, even sending an email to your professors.12 动物园博物馆还是教室学习It can develop their interest in learning things. However, if they always study in the traditional classroom, to be honest, I think sometimes it’s very boring. +艺术. It really boost my interest in arts. I think it is a good way to learn knowledge.13动物园是对动物好I think the zoo is beneficial to some animals because in the zoo it provides a great environment for animals to live and survive. I mean the government really attaches great attention to protect animals in our country. Like last time, pandas example. In the zoo, people can learn more about animals, so it can improve the relationship between people and animals and strengthen people’s awareness of protecting animals.14父母是最好的老师I agree the statement that…because we spent a lot of time together and we look up to them. And we try to imitate their altitude and behaviors. Take my parents as example. They have great influence on me. 在遥远地方求学,有问题找父母。

托福口语60例1. What is your favorite way to relax?2. Describe a memorable vacation you have taken.3. Do you prefer living in a house or an apartment? Why?4. What is your favorite snack and why?5. Describe your favorite season and explain why you like it.6. How do you usually celebrate your birthday?7. What is the most challenging thing you have done?8. Do you prefer watching movies at home or in a theater? Why?9. What is your favorite type of music? Why?10. Describe a famous person you admire and explain why you admire them.11. How do you usually spend your weekends?12. What is your favorite outdoor activity?13. Describe a historical event that you find interesting.14. Do you prefer reading books or watching movies? Why?15. How do you handle stress?16. Describe a memorable birthday celebration.17. What is your favorite type of cuisine? Why?18. How do you usually celebrate holidays?19. What is your favorite sport and why?20. Describe a place you would like to visit in the future.21. Do you prefer taking photos or being in photos? Why?22. How do you keep yourself motivated?23. What is your favorite school subject and why?24. Describe a memorable experience you had while traveling.25. Do you prefer studying alone or in a group? Why?26. What is your favorite hobby and why?27. How do you handle conflicts?28. Describe a job you would love to have in the future.29. What is your favorite type of movie? Why?30. Do you prefer city life or country life? Why?31. How do you stay healthy?32. Describe a person who has had a great impact on your life.33. What is your favorite type of book? Why?34. How do you deal with difficult situations?35. Describe a time when you felt proud of yourself.36. Do you prefer traveling by plane or by car? Why?37. What is your favorite type of art? Why?38. How do you manage your time effectively?39. Describe a memorable concert or music festival you have attended.40. What is your favorite holiday and why?41. Do you prefer shopping in stores or online? Why?42. How do you express your creativity?43. Describe a time when you had to overcome a fear.44. What is your favorite type of movie genre? Why?45. How do you stay organized?46. Describe a difficult decision you have had to make.47. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities? Why?48. What is your favorite type of food and why?49. How do you handle disappointments?50. Describe a time when you had to work as part of a team.51. What is your favorite type of fashion and why?52. How do you improve your language skills?53. Describe a time when you had to adapt to a new situation.54. Do you prefer studying in the morning or at night? Why?55. What is your favorite type of movie soundtrack? Why?56. How do you stay focused on your goals?57. Describe a time when you had to solve a problem creatively.58. What is your favorite type of vacation destination? Why?59. How do you handle criticism?60. Describe a time when you had to make a difficult choice.。

以下是一些常用的托福口语模板:1. 开场白模板Good morning/afternoon, my name is [Your Name], and I'm from [Your City/Town]. Today I'm going to talk about [Topic].2. 主题介绍模板To begin with, [Main Point 1], which is particularly important because [Reason 1]. Next, [Main Point 2], which is significant for [Reason 2]. Finally, [Main Point 3], which is crucial for [Reason 3].3. 解释原因模板There are several reasons why [Main Point], firstly [Reason 1], secondly [Reason 2], and finally [Reason 3].4. 举例说明模板One example of [Example] is [Specific Instance], which shows how [Explanation]. Another example is [Specific Instance], which demonstrates [Explanation].5. 总结模板In conclusion, [Summarize Main Points]. I believe that [Belief about Topic] because of the reasons I've just discussed. Thank you.这些模板可以帮助你构建一个清晰、有条理的托福口语答案。

雅思托福口语精华雅思口语:part 1<1> jobare you working or studying?can you describe your daily work?are you satisfied with your current job?do you want to change your job?what do you think of your future job?<2> shoppingwhat places do you often go shopping?what things do you often buy?<3> houseworkwho do major housework in your family?do you do housework in your home? what housework do you like to do?what are the changes of status of family members in chinese families?what kind of housework do you think it is the most important?what benefits can we get from the improvement of technology?<4> foodwhat foods do you like or dislike?what food can you cook?what are the differences betweenshavingsmeals at home and going to restaurant?what is your favorite restaurant? why?<5> industrycan you outline the industries in china?what is major industry of china?what technologies is china lack of?<6> animaldo chinese like or dislike animal? why?how to preserve the animals?what animals can people see in china?what is the most famous animal in china?what is the role of animal in china? what should animal be use as?<7> spare timewhat do people do in their spare time? what do you like to do?do you think spare time is important to you? why?<8> moviedo you like watching films?what kind of movies do like?what are the difference between watching films on tv and going to cinema? do you like to see a film alone or with your friends? why?how do think of the future of movie?<9> transportwhat’s your favorite transport?>>what are advantages and disadvantages of the different transports?>>do transports cause pollution?>>how to improve the traffic of cities?<10> childhoodcan you describe your childhood briefly?where do you play? play what?what is the most memorable thing in your childhood?what is your favorite story in your childhood?<11> hometown_here is your hometown? what do you like/dislike your hometown?<12> hobby_hat’s your hobby? why?<13> holiday_hat kinds of legal holidays are there in china?how do you arrange your holidays?what activities do you do to relax in your spare time?<14> festival_hich festival is important for the chinese people?how do chinese celebrate the festivals?<15> family_what do you think of the increase of divorce rate and single-parent household?雅思口语part 2 & part 3<1> tv programdescribe your favorite tv program-what is it? which channel?-when andswheresdo you watch it?-what kind of it? what’s it talk about?and explain why you like it?-what are the differences between day programs and evening programs?-what are the tv program’s effect on the children and the elderly?-what are the differences of tv programs between now and past?-what are the improvements on tv program in china?-what is the situation of cinemas in china?-how do you think that many people buy dvd and watch at home instead of going to the cinema?<2> sports stardescribe a sports star-who she/he is-what sports he/she play-why you like this stardo your friends like him?what are the benefits from sports?do people around you like sports?what sport do they like?do you think it is rational that sportsmen get high salary?can sports star earn money through commercial advertising?what are differences of view on sport between men and women?can you have a talk about the advantages and disadvantages o f beijing’s holding olympic games?<3> successdescribe an important/recent success in your lifewhen /where/what about ithow do you make itwhy it is important for youhow can you get to success?what are the essential conditions /qualifications of success?why people must have a future goal?what is the effect of goal?what is people’s goal nowadays?what is your aim of life?<4> childdescribe a child you are familiar with-his or her name-age, appearance-hobby and explain why you like him/herwhich are happier, children nowadays or the ones 20 years ago?what do you think of adolescent education in china?what are the effects of pressures exerted by teachers and parents?how do think of educational mode of elementary school in china? are there any problems?what is the proper educational mode?what are the improvements in educational mode in china?what do you like to play when you were young, for example, when you were 10?what are the differences between chinese children and foreign children?what are the differences between children nowadays and the ones in the past?what do you think of the problem the problem the parents overindulge their children?<5> frienddescribe your best friend.how you knew each otherhow you became friendshow you spend time togetherexplain why he/she is your best friendwhat is the difference in requirements for making friends between now and in your childhood?what’s the most important thing between friends?is it more difficult to make a bosom friend when one is grown up than before?<6> favorite songdescribe your favorite music/song-name-what it is about-why you like ithow about the music’s development of china?what is the difference between native music and foreign music?<7> toydescribe a toy for children-what it is-who gave you?-why you like itwhat are the differences in toys between now and past?what are the differences of toys between boys like and girls like?what role do toys play in the process of children’s growth?what are the factors that influence adolescent?what are parent’s attitudes toward too early love affairs of their child?what are the differences between children nowadays and the ones in the past?is there any relation between toy and education?<8> parkdescribe your favorite park or garden-where-how often-what kind of people like it-why you like itwhat are the effect of parks on people’s life?what are advantages and disadvantages of private garden?to what the purpose people want to possess a private garden?do you think we need much more parks?is it convenient to go outing?<9> housedescribe your ideal house or department-where it is-outside/inside? surrounding?-why you like itwhere do you live?swheresdo you want to live?do you live in city or countryside? tell about advantages and disadvantages from both areas.do private space become smaller? how to solve/settle it?are there many people live in high buildings and large mansions?what is the difference between old house and modern house? which one do you prefer? why? what is the advantage of the one that you exclude?how do government settle the problem of houses in danger? what’s your opinion?what kind of house is popular?what are the good houses that majority believe?why people like big house?why should we preserve the old building?<10> exciting perioddescribe an exciting period in your life-when is it-what did you do during that time-who are the friends you made in that time-why it is excitingwhat is the legal age of chinese people?what is the purpose of legal age? why?may the legal age change?what can people do when they reach legal age?what do you do when you were at university?what do old people concern about?who would look after them when people get old?when does the early education usually begin in your country? what is the advantage and disadvantage of beginning education at this age? why?<11> four seasonsdescribe the features of four seasons in you country-what the seasons are-features-what people do in each season?-which season you like best?with the alternation of seasons, are there any changes in wearing clothes?what differences are there in architectural style between north and south considering the differences in season and climate?what differences are there in life style between people from south and the ones from north, for instance, beijing and nanjing?is there any change of climate in the past 20 years?what do you think of the environment in the future?what is the cause of disasters? what are effects of disasters? can we solve it?what should government do to prevent disasters? such as flood.what do you think of the climate of china?can you describe the bad weather you met?what is your favorite season? why?which season do chinese like best?what is green house effect?<12> equipmentdescribe a piece of equipment you think it is useful-what it is-how it is used-advantages and disadvantageswill today’s technology/electric ap paratus still be in use (popular) 50 years later?what differences in purposes of use are there between the young and the old?are there any differences in attitudes about technology between men and women? what are those?do the young people nowadays rely/depend too much on technology?how does technology influence people? does it make life better?do you think the development of science and technology would bring people much more convenience? in what aspects does it show? can you imagine what aspect it is?what are the advantages and disadvantages of new technologiy?are there any people around you who don’t accept new technology?<13> tripdescribe a exciting trip you made.when did you take it?.how did you get there? by what transport?.introduce that trip. what did you see there?.who do you with?.explain why you liked it.what transports are available for chinese people’s trip?what is the difference between traveling by single and traveling in a group?what are defects of tourism?why many people come to china? are there any advantages and disadvantages?why many people go abroad for a trip? what are advantages and disadvantages?what your opinion about the prospect of tourism in china?what kind of people go to china for trips? why?<14> book / storydescribe a book/story you read before.name.when.what influence it brings to youwhat kind of libraries do you often go to?what facilities are there in the library?what improvement do you think that we should make?where do you like to read, in the library or at home?do every village and city have librariesdo majority of people read for study or entertainment?do you like reading novels?some writings can be handed down as classics. what requirements do they must fulfill to make these achievements? / what are the preconditions to be classic?what is your ideal library?<15> normal commoditydescribe a normal commodity in chinese family?.what it is.how it is used.advantages and disadvantagesnote: this topic is similar to the “equipment” topicwhat are advantages and disadvantages of high technology?<16> holidaynote: for this topic, you can combine the “holiday” of part 1 and the “trip” topic to answer it.<17>othernote: there are some questions about international relations in part 3.with competition between countries, how to reinforce the cooperation between countries?can you describe one of your country’s success? what are the nativeeffects and international effects of your country’s success?what is your goal of life?what country do you want to go to?雅思口语part1话题:history雅思口语中说道至历史,我们并不陌生,因为几乎每个人从小就自学历史。

Task 1\2 独立题戏精上身语音语调Task1 多项选择一、三选一、建议类、优弊端Task2 A or B, agree or disagree, good or notI ’ m a university student who has endless tasks to deal with. For example, i need to take classes,write papers, prepare for the TOEFL test and so on. Usually, i feel so tired and busy, so i need tofind a way to let off my steam. Like last weekend, i ...,and i felt so relaxed. I could totally getaway from the daily grind. What’ s more, while doing sth, i can meet a bunch of people who sharethe common interests and hob bies. I mean, it’ s easier for us to get along with each other. It canhelp me to expend my social network.大城市、出国Living in a big city can provide people with a lot of benefits. I’ m a university student who stu in shanghai, i enjoy my life here in this big and modern city, because i can receive better education,experience new things, get more job opportunities and so on. All these can lead to a better life,right?Besides, the basic infrastructure in big city is perfect, because there are some museums,hospitals, schools,libraries and so on.楷模力量Yi Fan is a famous actor in my country, and i admire him a lot because he sets a good example tome. Once, i watched an interview about him on TV . In the interview, he told us that at the beginningof his career, he was little-known. However, he kept trying harder and harder and nevergive up. Now, he is a household star and everyone knows his name. His story motivates andinspires me all the time.大学教育、商业I ’ m studying in a top university, which provides me a pla tform to gain and enrich knowledge formy major. My major is business administration. In university, i have learned some related academicsubjects, such as economics, management, e-commerce and so on. At the same time, i can dosome internships in some business companies. All these can lay a solid foundation for myfuture career. What’ s more, in university, i can make friends with some talented people who cangive me a lot of inspiration.三选一结尾套话To tell you the truth, when talking about the other two things, i have absolutely no interest in them.Therefore, i don’ t want to waste my time on them.节俭钱I ’ monly a student who doesn ’havet regular income, so i need to save money in daily life.Otherwise, i can’ t make my ends meet. However,....may cost me a lot of money. It’ s a finan burden for me. What’ s more, i would rather save the money to do other meaningful things, such aspaying for my tuition, traveling or doing some charity.环保、志愿者Protecting the environment is very important, because the world we live in is our only home. Lastsummer, i joined an environmental protection club named Beautiful Home. Once, we collected therecyclable rubbish in the downtown, such as plastics, cans, bottles and so on. Then we sent themto the recycle center. I think this kind of activity can ’onlyt clean the city, but also strengthen citizen ’s awareness of environment protection.Make full use of the natural resources\can not only help the...to...,but also give myself a sense ofaccomplishment. I feel myself important.成功励志、经验Last semester, i joined a speech contest in university. To be frank, i didn’ t have any talent speaking, so i felt so nervous. I really wanted to challenge myself. Therefore, i spent a lot of timepreparing for it, like searching for information, writing my speech, improving my body languageand so on. No kidding, i even practiced in the washroom! In the end, i got the first prize in thiscompetition. HURRAY! Since then, i became more and more confident! Amazing experience,right?运动I ’ m a bigfan of doing sports, because it interested in swimming, because during’ s beneficial for my physical and mental health.I the process, i could stretch out my arms and legs andbuild muscle all over the body. What’ s more, it’ s also xa andgoodfeelwaygotodrela.Besides,swimming is one of the most effective ways to burn calories so that i can keep a good body shape.家人朋友通讯I ’ m studying in Shanghai which is far away from my hometown. When i feel down or when i meetsome troubles in my life, i will call my parents, because they are my rock. Like last night, i was soupset about the upcoming TOEFL test, coz it’ s to important to me. Then i called my mom and she托福口语语料库Fancyencouraged me that“ honey, it’ s ok. Take it easy. I have faith in you. You are theAfterbestthe. conversation, i felt much better.健康饮食Having healthy diet plays a very important r ole in our lives, because a healthy body is thefoundation of everything. However, a lot of people pay less attention to their diet,and they eatsome junk food, such as French fries, hamburger, fried chicken, and so on. I think people should eat more home-made food, and eat more fruits and vegetables. After all, health is the mostimportant thing in our life.旅行I often travel in my spare time, because i think it good chance for me’s to see the rest of the world.Last summer vacation, i traveled to Boston, a modern and metropolitan city in US. I went there witha bunch of my friends. We did a lot of interesting things, such as shopping, visiting museums,tasting sea food and so on. So amazing. BTW(buy the way), the public transportation there is very convenient, so you can take bus or subway to arrive at any destination you want. It ’asgreatexperience for me, because my friends and i had a great fun there.学习、时间管理、教授、电脑I ’ m a university student who has endless tasks to deal with, such st week, the management professor asked us finish an essay in 2 days. Yeah, you heard me, two days. It almost drove mecrazy. I made a to-do list in order to get high efficiency in study. According to the list, i did a lotof things, such as searching for information online, reading e-books, and writing the outline. Inthe end, i finished the essay on time with high quality.艺术Learning art is very important, because it can develop creative thinking, broaden the mind andfeed the soul. When i was in high school, my favorite subject is painting class. Our painting teacheroften took us to the art galleries or museums to watch some art exhibitions. I learned a lot ofbackground knowledge and skills about painting pictures, such as how to structure the pic andhow to match the color. What’ s more, i also appreciated some masterpieces from some great artists, such as Van Gogh, Picasso and so on.节俭时间Time is very precious for students, because you need to deal with a lot of things. Especially now, ineed to prepare for this TOEFL teat and deal with my final exam. I really feel exhausted andstressed out. Therefore, i don ’havet time to...i would rather save the time to do some othermeaningful things, such as doing sports,studying or even sleeping.工作艰辛You know what, being a ...is not an easy thing, because everyday you need to spend a lot of timedoing..., such as,...,and ... take my friend Fancy as an example, she is a.. she works very hardeveryday in order to... i really admire her from the bottle of my heart. Without ..’ s work 兼职I think doing part time job is a good way for us to accumulate some practical working experience.Last year, i had an internship in a local company. It was a great experience for me, coz i learnedsome useful knowledge and skills, such as time management, teamwork, organization, customerservice and so on. All these can lay a solid foundation for my future career. Also, i can makesome money by doing part-time job.动物保护I think it’ s very important to protect the endangered species, because if a species goes extinct, itlost forever. Last summer vacation, i went to a wild zoo in Sicilian. I saw a lot of lovely pandathere. Panda is a kind of endangered species, and the government should do something to protect it,such as building protected lands, planting more trees, improving breeding techniques and so on. Inthis way, it can provide a favorable environment for pandas to live. I really hope that my grandchildren or grand grand children can still see the real, cute pandas.效率Getting high efficiency is very important, because it enables to you get more things done in a shorttime. I’ m a university student who has a lot of schoolwork to do, so i need to make sure gettinghigh efficiency in study. I usually... to help myself keep my mind on study. In this way, i can betotally focused and concentrated.丰富人生Doing .. can help me enrich my knowledge and experience. That’ s the pointean,oflife, right? I mlife is short! We should make full use of every opportunity to experience new things. I really wantto experience different things in my life. For eg..公共场合不礼貌,噪音It ’ s very important for people to enhance the public awareness. For example, we shouldn t make’any loud noise in public area, because everyone deserves the right to have a quiet environment.Last Friday afternoon, i was studying in the school library, coz the final exam was coming. Youknow what, a guy who sat next to me was talking loudly on the phone. He made a lot of noise, andi couldn ’ t focus on my study. I just got distracted. It’ s so annoying! I think this kind of behavior i impolite and rude.讲堂议论“ more hands make for lighter work.” “ two heads are better than one.”Group discussion is very beneficial for students because two heads are better than one. Whenparticipate in group discussion, students can work together to solve some difficult problems.What’ smore, participation can add interest and engage students. Once, our business professorasked us to do a project, then my partners and i discussed it together. We could learn from eachothers different perspectives, solve the problems together efficiently. In the end, we did a great jobin the project.独立生活When i was a little kid, my parents taught me some life skills to cultivate my independence. Forexample, like, um, when i got 6? they taught me how to do some basic housework,such as doinglaundry, washing dishes, vacuuming the floor and so on. Now, i am studying in a city which is faraway from my hometown, but i can totally take care of myself and live independently. It’difficult thing for me to adapt to the university life. Now, i am planing to learn how to cook, cozeating home-make food is healthier and economical.Task 3 校园综合题阅读一个主题(学校政策、学生建议信)The university plans to ..because..and..The letter proposes that...because..and..听力一个态度、两个原由The woman/man in the conversation agrees/disagrees with this proposal/plan. Firstly..secondly.Task 4 学术综合题阅读找定义句known as, this is referred to as, this is called, people call this, people refer to this托福口语语料库Fancyas, concerned with 假如没找到,放弃+挽救...is a definition mentioned in the reading, which means...The professor in the lecture uses an example/two examples/his own life experience/his friend’s life experience to explain it...As you can see, this is the example which can demonstrate what is...In the lecture, the professor is talking about...(an experiment to prove that..)听力两个例子The first ...is... for example..as a resultThe second ..is..for example..as a resultTask 5 校园综合题听力一个问题、两个方案常有问题1、时间矛盾schedule conflict between A and B问题paper, review class, optional class, required class, presentation, exam, audition, award ceremony, movie, play, concert, field trip, part-time job, tutor, club activity, museum, party,rehearsal方案talk to the professor and explain; ask the professor for deadline extension; ask the professorto reschedule the time; write a paper to fulfill the requirement; cancel the plan; put off/delay/postpone the plan; ask someone else to replace; reduce the frequency of doing sth; do sth first,and then2、论文困难问题时间紧(he has a busy schedule, his paper will due by.., he has to submit/hand in by.., he has to finish two papers at the same time )电脑坏了b reak down, run out of battery 弄脏了 spill some soup,wet 忘掉带 forget to bring方案postpone/delay the deadline, try best to finish; ask the repair shop to fix; go to the computerlab/computer center; print a clean copy; drive home to get; explain to the professor3、出行困难问题车坏car(van) broken down借不着rent agency, not available租车贵expensive方案borrow a car/postpone the plan/take public transportation托福口语语料库Fancy答题模板30s 客观In the conversation, the man/woman has a problem that...There are two solutions to solve the problem. The first one is..,the second one is...30s 主观I think the ...solution is better. Because ...,however, the ..solution is not good because...1、很忙 she is very busy at this moment, but doing sth will take up a lot of time. Therefore, thiskind of tight schedule must make her feel, you know, so tired and busy. In the end, probably,she will mess all things up.2、很贵i think..is too expensive for her. I mean, she is only a student who doesn’ t have re income, maybe she doesn’havet financial ability to afford it.It’ s a huge burden. She shouldn’ ttake it.3、某个地方拥堵喧华..is full of people and noise, so it’ s not an ideal condition for her to study.She can ’ t be totally focused in this kind of noisy and crowded environment. As a result, she canget high quality in..4、让某人绝望it will let sb feel disappointed, bu t sb is very important to her, so she shouldn’ tlet sb down, and probably, it will ruin the relationship between them or leave a bad impression onsb5、路程遥远...is very far away from where she lived, so everyday she need to waste a lot oftime on the commute. However, as a student, time is very precious, i mean, she can use the time todo some other meaningful things, such as studying, doing sports or even sleeping.6、旷课 as a student, study is always the most important thing, right? Therefore, if she skips theclass or late,she will miss some really important and useful knowledge.I don’t think it isworthwhile.7、降分 in order to be fair, the professor will take a few points off, so she can’tget a good gradein...i am sure it ’s not good for her academic performance, and it will probably affect her GPA.8、错过旅行missing the trip is a pity, because during the process, she can learn more aboutdifferent cultures and custom, and experience new things. What ’s more, it’s also a good chance for托福口语语料库Fancyher to hang out with her friends. Anyway, she shouldn ’tmiss the trip.9、低效率getting high efficiency is very important for students, because time is everything for them. However, ..will lead to a low efficiency, which means, she can’tdo sth on time with high quality. I don ’tthink it ’s good for a student.10、没兴趣it’s very important to do things you like, because interest is the best teacher.However, doing sth is not what she likes, maybe she can’tbe totally focused and concentrated while doing sth, it ’s a waste of time.Task 6 学术综合题听力In the lecture, the professor is talking about an experiment to prove that...In the experiment, firstly..then..next...in the next step..As a result, the scientist/researcher can draw a conclusion that动物词汇Turkey beetle monkey frog wolf skunk squirrel bat whale ant antelope turtle pronghorn kangaroo rat mice dog alligator goose dusk hawk lizard snake rattlesnake crow toad owl shellfish octopus sardine eel angler fish cardinal leopard lion。

托福口语模拟题库Section 1: Personal Experience1. Describe a memorable event from your childhood.2. Talk about a time when you achieved a personal goal.3. Discuss a challenging experience you faced and how you overcame it.4. Describe an important decision you made and its impact on your life.5. Talk about a time when you collaborated with others to complete a project.Section 2: Campus Life1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living on campus.2. Compare and contrast studying in your home country and studying abroad.3. Describe a club or organization you would like to join and why.4. Share your experience attending a school event or sports game.5. Discuss the challenges international students may face in adapting to a new campus environment.Section 3: Personal Preferences1. Talk about your favorite genre of music and explain why you enjoy it.2. Describe your ideal vacation destination and give reasons for your choice.3. Discuss whether you prefer physical books or e-books and explain why.4. Talk about a hobby or activity you enjoy in your free time and why.5. Share your opinion on whether it is better to work alone or in a team.Section 4: Social Issues1. Discuss the impact of social media on society.2. Share your opinion on whether the government should provide free education for all.3. Talk about the benefits and downsides of globalization in today's world.4. Discuss the impact of climate change and ways to address this issue.5. Share your thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.Section 5: Future Plans1. Discuss your career aspirations and why you chose that field.2. Describe your ideal job and the qualities you value in a workplace.3. Talk about your plans for further education and why you want to pursue it.4. Share your thoughts on the importance of lifelong learning and personal growth.5. Discuss the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur.Section 6: Cultural Differences1. Compare and contrast the education systems in your home country and the United States.2. Discuss the cultural traditions and customs you find most interesting in a foreign country.3. Talk about the importance of preserving indigenous cultures and languages.4. Share your thoughts on the role of food in different cultures.5. Discuss the impact of immigration on cultural diversity.Section 7: Technology1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using smartphones.2. Share your thoughts on the role of artificial intelligence in the future.3. Talk about the impact of social media on personal relationships.4. Describe a technological advancement that has positively influenced your life.5. Discuss the ethical implications of gene editing technology.Section 8: Education1. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of online learning.2. Share your thoughts on the importance of arts education in schools.3. Talk about the role of technology in the classroom.4. Describe a memorable teacher and the impact they had on your education.5. Discuss the benefits of studying abroad for personal and academic growth.Section 9: Travel and Adventure1. Discuss the benefits and challenges of solo travel.2. Share your most memorable travel experience and what you learned from it.3. Talk about the impact of tourism on the environment.4. Describe a famous landmark or tourist attraction you would like to visit.5. Discuss the benefits of learning about different cultures through travel.Section 10: Health and Wellness1. Discuss the importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise.2. Share your thoughts on the impact of stress on mental and physical health.3. Talk about the benefits of alternative medicine practices such as acupuncture or yoga.4. Describe a healthy habit you have incorporated into your daily routine.5. Discuss the importance of mental health awareness and the resources available for support.注意:本模拟托福口语题库为例示题目,实际使用时请参考官方提供的题目。

独立语料库1.个人知识有知识→更有能力→解决问题→获取好工作XXX(如:Avariety of courses)helps me to gain more knowledge,which can help me solve a lot of problems and boost my confidence.This will make me more likely to have a good job.词组积累:gain more knowledge:积累知识/solve problems:解决问题boost confidence:增加自信/have a good job:获得好工作例子:I am a senior student who studies in Beijing University(a top university in my country)My university provides me with a platform to learn different knowledge. My major is business management.During the past few years,I have learned some related courses,such as economics,accounting,marketing and so on.All these help to lay a solid foundation for my future career.2.团队知识一起合作→共享→更好解决问题Working in a group allows us to share ideas and learn from each other.We can work together and help each other think outside the box to better solve the problem.词组积累:share ideas:分享想法/think outside the box:突破局限性思维例子:Last time I had an internship in a finance company.My xxx were really nice.If Ihad any questions,I’d just ask them directly without waiting and they would patiently answer my questions.So we worked very well together and always finished the work in a good quality.3.独立能力有机会锻炼独立能力→更好照顾自己,适应环境XXX gives me a chance to be independent.It helps me adapt to a new environment,and overcome different problems on my own instead of relying on others for help.词组积累:adapt to适应/overcome problems:克服困难/rely on others for help:依赖别人When I first came to xxx for study,I felt so homesick and just wanted to go home. But gradually I learned how to take care of myself,keep the room clean,cook anice meal and even fix my own clothes!I definitely became more independent. Homesick:思乡/Take care of myself:照顾自己/Become independent:变得独立4.成功励志遇到困难→积极解决→变得自信Last semester,I joined a speech contest in university.To be honest,I didn’t have any talent in public speaking,but I wanted to challenge myself.Therefore,I spent a lot of time on the practice,such as searching for information,writing my speech, improving my body language and so on.No kidding,I even practiced in the washroom(laugh secretly)!Ok,anyway(sounds natural),in the end,I won the first prize in this competition.Since then,I became more and more confident!Amazing experience,right?5.社会经验积累社会经验→适应社会→突颖而出(XXX is a good chance for me to apply what I’ve learned,better master the knowledge on the subject and solving real problems.It also enables me to accumulate social experience,which helps me better adapt to modern society and allows me to distinguish myself from my peers(脱颖而出).1.文化有机会接触不同文化→拓展视野→多方面看问题→融入新环境XXX gives me a chance to expose myself to a different culture,which expands my horizons and allows me to see things in a different perspective.This helps me adapt to new environments better.词组积累:expose to a different culture:接触新文化/expand horizon:扩大视野see things in a different perspective:多角度看问题例子:Last time I visited India,I was amazed.The way they dress and behave was so different.Their food and customs were also different.They would also shake their head when they mean to say yes!That was very interesting and definitely expanded my horizon.Amazed:震撼/Wear jewelry:穿戴首饰/Pierce nose:穿鼻洞/Shake head:2.钱无收入→省钱/赚钱→经济独立/减轻负担As a student,I don’t have a regular income,so XXX allows me to earn/save money. So that I can do the things I want,become financially independent and reduce family’s financial burden.词组积累:regular income:稳定收入/financially independent:经济独立reduce family’s financial burden:减轻家庭负担3.放松减压有压力→放松→焕然一新,更好集中注意力XXX is a good habit to develop,so when I feel stressed,it helps me to blow off some steam/take a break from study/relax/release pressure,therefore,I can feel refreshed and better focus on my work.词组积累:develop a habit:形成习惯/feel stressed:压力很大/blow off some steam:放松减压refreshed:焕然一新4.长辈帮助多年工作经验→给出有用的建议→更好解决问题+避免不必要的错误Having been working for so many years,XXX are more knowledgeable and experienced.Therefore,they will be able to provide insightful suggestions to help their xxx better solve problems,so xxx can avoid unnecessary mistakes.词组积累:knowledgeable:知识渊博的/experienced:经验丰富的insightful suggestions:有用的建议/avoid unnecessary mistakes:避免不必要的错误I remember the year I graduated from high school.I was very concerned. Fortunately,my XXX helped me figure it out.She told me to follow my interest and shared a lot of her experience with me,she even helped me search for information about the schools online.Now I’m studying at my dream school!5.增进感情有机会一起做某事→share daily life→增进感情Xxx is a good way to connect with family and friends,especially in modern society,everyone is so busy with their work,so XXX provides a chance for us to share our daily life and communicate more frequently,we would have more topics to discuss,therefore it will strengthen our relationship.词组积累:connect with:更好沟通/communicate more frequently:沟通频繁/strengthen relationship:增进感情例子:Music and movie are common topics that I can share with many people.Like my friend Amy and I are both big fans of music.Even though we now both are very busy with study/work,we would still find time to go to a concert together.We would talk about the music all day long.6.艺术灵感有创造力→激发灵感→头脑风暴/突破局限性思维→原创想法+欣赏艺术XXX is a creative form of art,it inspires children to brainstorm and think outside the box,so they will be more likely to come up with original ideas and appreciate the beauty of art.词组积累:inspire:激励/激发/brainstorm:头脑风暴/think outside the box:突破局限性思维come up with:想到/original:原创的/appreciate the beauty of art:欣赏艺术的美例子:I used to learn painting as my hobby.It was very fun to me,like how to use the brush and how to make a new ter,I realized it’s also a good exercise for me to creatively combine different elements together to create my own painting. Use the brush:使用画刷Good exercise:很好的锻炼Combine different elements together:结合不同元素Create my own painting:创造自己的画7.运动没机会做运动→多做运动→健康As a student,I find myself stuck with a lot of homework.So XXX gives me more motivations to exercise more which strengthens my health and improve quality of my life.词组积累:stuck with:忙于/exercise more:更多运动/strengthen my health:增强健康例子:Playing basketball is my favorite exercise.It allows me to stretch my arms and move my body as much as possible,I even need to jump up and down to catch the ball!It’s a lot of exercise but I enjoy the process a lot.Stretch my arms:伸展手臂/Enjoy the process:享受过程8.环境环境污染严重→保护环境→健康/节约资源We suffer severe/serious environmental pollution,XXX protects the environment/ reduces the pollution,which is good for our health and can help save more natural resources.词组积累:suffer serious environmental pollution:环境污染很严重protect the environment:保护环境例子:I remember last time I joined a community activity to plant trees and flowers. Trees and flowers help absorb polluted air and produce fresh air,which is definitely better for local people’s health.And it’s also a good way to beautify the neighborhood,so that people would have a comfortable environment to live in.Community activity:社区活动/Pound of myself:感到自豪/Absorb polluted air:吸收污气Produce fresh air:释放氧气/Beautify the neighborhood:美化社区Comfortable environment:舒适环境9.氛围户外→大自然→新鲜空气,美丽景色XXX is a good chance to explore nature,breathe fresh air,and see beautiful scenery.It is relaxing and I don’t experience it every day,so it is refreshing.词组积累:explore nature:探索大自然/refreshing:使人焕然一新课堂氛围→更好集中→更多动力→提高效率XXX provides me a quiet and comfortable studying/working atmosphere,so Ihave more motivation to work harder.I will focus better,so that I can improve my efficiency and the quality of my work.词组积累:help me focus better:使我更好集中/incentive:动力/improve efficiency:提高效率10.朋友Sometimes I have more in common with our peers than our family members. They are easier to talk to because they are going through similar situations. Therefore,they can better understand me and provide support for me.词组积累:have in common with sb:有共同点/easy to relate to:更好沟通go through similar situations:相同经历/provide support for sb:提供支持11.家人1.Most parents have unconditional love(无私的爱)for their children.When children encounter difficulties,they are always there for them no matter what. This commitment to their children is what makes parents unique to their children.词组积累:unconditional love:无私的爱/encounter difficulties:遇到困难be there for sb:随时支持/commitment:投入/奉献/unique:独特的17.情感支持倾听问题→给予建议→更有动力迎难而上I can hang out with friends who will kindly listen to my problems and give me advice to solve the problems.In this way I will be able to share my feelings and have more motivation to face difficulties head on(迎难而上)/move on.词组积累:listen to my problems:倾听问题/in terms of:在某个方面例子:Last time I failed my TOEFL exam,I felt very frustrated.I stopped my study.But my best friend Amy talked me out of it.She encouraged me to talk about the problems and not to bottle up my feelings.She was such a good listener.I felt very motivated to move on.Talk me out of it:劝服我不要做某事/Talk about the problem:谈论问题Bottle up feelings:压抑情感/Good listener:很好的倾听者18.团队合作一起做某事→有机会锻炼团队能力→跟不同领域人合作Learning a new sport,especially a team sport,is a good way to improve team work and cooperation skills.It also helps me improve my communication with others.All these skills will be useful in other areas of life.词组积累:team work:团队精神/cooperation skill:合作能力/communication:沟通能力traits:性格特征/serve me well in other areas of life:其他领域帮助很大例子1:When we play basketball,we need to discuss a strategy to win like how to defend and how to score.After the discussion,we would need to practice the strategy alot.It takes a long time to prepare for a game but it’s worth it.Strategy:策略/How to defend:防御/How to score:得分例子2:When we prepare for a play,we need to discuss a lot of details like how to set up the play and how to tell the story.After the discussion,we would need to rehearse a lot.It takes a long time to prepare for a play but it’s worth it.Set up the play:布置场景/How to tell the story:叙述故事/Rehearse:彩排19.交友有机会交友→锻炼社交能力→扩大社交网→创造更多机会Living in a new place gives me a chance to know more people from different backgrounds/all walks of life(各行各业),which is a good way for me to practice my social skill,so that I can expand my network and create more opportunities词组积累:people from different backgrounds:来自不同领域的人/all walks of life:各行各业practice social skill:锻炼社交/expand network:扩大人脉/create more opportunities:创造机会例子:Last time I traveled to America,I made so many friends with people from different countries,like Germany,France,Japan,Korea etc.My English was not good but I still managed to talk to them!My social skill has improved a lot. Manage to do sth:成功做某事/Improve social skill:提高社交技能20.高科技/资源丰富资源丰富→找资料方便→省时+提高质量The internet is very resourceful.It allows me to easily locate the information I want,save time and improve the quality of my work.词组积累:resourceful:资源丰富的/locate information:定位信息/improve quality of work:提高质量例子:Last time I had to finish a presentation about American history.At first,I knew nothing about it!Then I turned to internet.There are a lot of articles I can use formy presentation and there’s even a section for me ask questions.In the end,I finished the presentation in a good quality!Know nothing about:什么都不知道/Turn to internet:求助互联网/Section to ask question:提问区域。

托福写作话题语料库——by 久久一、教育类话题语料库1. 学习一门学科还是多门学科?专才VS 通才You’ll need the knowledge and problem-solving skills you learn in science and math to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS, and to develop new energy technologies and protect our environment. You’ll need the insights and critical thinking skills you gain in history and social studies to fight poverty and homelessness, crime and discrimination, and make our nation more fair and more free. You’ll need the creativity and ingenuity you develop in all your classes to build new companies that will create new jobs and boost our economy. 你们需要在数理科学课程上学习的知识和技能,去治疗癌症、艾滋那样的疾病,和解决我们面临的能源问题与环境问题;你们需要在历史社科课程上培养出的观察力与判断力,来减轻和消除无家可归与贫困、犯罪问题和各种歧视,让这个国家变得更加公平和自由;你们需要在各类课程中逐渐累积和发展出来的创新意识和思维,去创业和建立新的公司与企业,来制造就业机会和推动经济的增长。
2 失败是成功之母;自信Some of the most successful people in the world are the ones who’ve had the most failures. JK Rowling’s first Harry Potter book was rejected twelve times before it was finally published. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team, and he lost hundreds of games and missed thousands of shots during his career. But he once said, "I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."因为在这个世界上,最最成功的人们往往也经历过最多的失败。

托福常用口语900句语料中英文对照汇总第6部分251-300句.托福常用口语900句语料对照汇总251-300句25 I get up at six o'clock. 我六点起床。
25 I meet the boss himself. 我见到了老板本人。
25 I owe you for my dinner. 我欠你晚餐的钱。
25 I really enjoyed myself. 我玩得很开心。
25 I'm fed up with my work! 我对工作烦死了!25 It's no use complaining. 发牢骚没什么用。
25 She's under the weather. 她心情·不好。
25 The child sobbed sadly. 小孩伤心地抽泣着。
25 The rumor had no basis. 那谣言没有·根据。
260. They praised him highly. 他们大大地表扬了他。
26 Winter is a cold season. 冬天是一个,寒冷的季节。
26 You can call me any time. 你可以随时打电话给我。
26 15 divided by3 equals 15除以3等于5。
26 All for one, one for all. 我为人人,人人为我。
26 East, west, home isbest.金窝,银窝,不如自己的草窝。
26 He grasped both my hands. 他紧握住我的双手。
26 He is physically mature. 他身体己发育成熟。
26 I am so sorry about this. 对此我非常抱歉(遗憾)。

新托福口语必备素材+模板内容:不变应万变:题目:Choose a place you like and explain why you like this place.参照答案:Well, the place I enjoy the most is a small town located in France. I like this small town because it has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.Of course I like this small French town also because there are many great French restaurants.They offer the best seafood in the world like lobsters andtuna fishes. The most important, I have been benefited a lot from this trip to France because I made friends with some gorgeous French girls. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship.2托福口语简略模板托福考试口语 Task 2 模板Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um, ____________________.The first reasonthat I wanna say is that____________________. More importantly,____________________. So, uh, thats why Ichoose____________________ for the two reasons listed above.托福考试 Task 3 模板The school has implemented a new policythat________________due to ____________________.And the man/woman holds a positive / negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he givesisthat____________________. And the second one is based on the fact that____________________. Therefore,s/heagrees/disagrees with that opinion.托福考试口语 Task 4 模板In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that____________________.To reinforce the theory, the professor gave two examples / reasons in his speech. The first oneisthat____________________. The other one isthat____________________.And thats the two examples / reasons the speaker presented to explain his/her idea. (The conclusion is optional. ) 托福考试口语 Task 5 模板In this conver〔sat〕ion, the man/woman is having a hard time dealing with the problem that ____________________. And the woman/man offers him/her two possible solutions. One is ____________________. The otheris____________________. And if it were my choice, I would choose the former/latter one,because____________________.托福考试口语 Task 6 模板In the lecture, the professor provides two examples to illustrate the phenomenon/theory that____________________.The first one is that____________________. Another example is that____________________. And thats the twoexamples the speaker presented to explain thetheory/phenomenon. (Still, the conclusion is optional. )注:1.2 题范本比较口语,比较自然。
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IBT-speaking独立问题万能语篇语汇:万能素材:(做到熟读,有印象,有话说)1What’ s your favorite color?White:I love the color white because it’ s so clean and pure. When I wear white, I feel very peacefulat heart. But I have to pay attention because it gets dirty so easily. I think a white Tee Shirtand blue jeans are the best combination.black;think black is very mysterious and sophisticated. For a girl, it looks very sexy.And when you wear black you look thinner, because the color is very slimmingBlue:It ’ s the color of the sea and the sky. It’ s also the color of jeans.So I guess in a sense, it’ s a young and free color.Red:Red is the hottest and most enthusiastic color you can ever imagine.And it’ s colorthe of China.Green:The color green reminds me of the nature and the environment.It ’ s the color of Spring when all lives come back around us.So wearing this color, I feel very close to nature.2Do you like the same color now as you did when you were younger?Same:Well, yeah.’ t change.I ’ m a kind of person that likes something and doesnAnd I think the colors of black and white are the most classic.I ’ m a simple guy, so I like simple colors.Changed:I guess it changed. When I was young, I was childish, so I like bright colors, such as light yellowand shiny.There are so many people in the world, about 8-9 billion. But the ones that really matter arefew. But now, I ’ m a 20 years old young man, I re mature,’mandmoso I like more understatedcolors, such as dark blue or deep green.3 What can you learn about a person from the color they like?I think you can tell about a person ’ s personality by his or her favorite colors. For example, if aperson lov es the color red, he ’ s very-goingoutand not afraid to show hisfeelings and emotions. But if a person loves black, for instance, she maybe very reservedand mysterious. She may not want to share too much with others.4Do any colors have special meanings in your culture?I think the colors of red and yellow represent our home country, China,because they’ re the main colors of the national flag.The color red also means happy occasions, such as wedding.I know that the color white means wedding in the west.Yet, the it means death in China.Surprising, huh?5 learning method5.1 Independent learningIn that way, we can keep our own pacing, we can be self motivated, we can discover something new, even something dazzling by ourselves. It give us the sense of achievement, That will be really coo. Plus, there are no interference when we learning by ourselves.so may be it will be more effective and productive.5.2 lecture classreinforce your confidence, know more deeply about the social life, the lecture is a moresystematic learning method, we can get the fresh knowledge from our professors, and theprofessor is more available to us. so it can save a lot of time, maybe that is the so called time effective, and it will be more productive5.3 seminarIn this way, we can get more personal attention, we can exchange ideas, communicateinformation, and share the different learning experiences, that will be really perfect. And during the process of discussion, we can consolidate the specific details and the knowledge that we get from the professor.5.4 class trip/lap tripintegrate theory and reality, make sense of,,,, consodidate,,,,, form interest in learning.6eating in or eating outeating in:when eat at home, we will preper the ingredient by ourselves, it is absolotely more hygienec.and it is a peerless creative process, we can share that wonderful time withe our familymembers. it is a chance for us to relax, to enjoy the cozy atmosphere, and for bonding withour family members. Most importantly, we can enjoy the time without any inteference.( alittle bit time consuming.)eating out:when eat out, the food and the ingredient are questionable, and sometime are a little bit over priced. But, it is time effetive, senice, we can get more dieing experience, enjoy the specialty of the resturant and the ethnic food, even feel the exotic culture and tradition that are different from our country.7multiple choice and the essayquestion multiple choice:it is very logical, and during that process, we can consolidate the specific details and theknowledge that we learn from the class. and we can use some examnation skills like thereasonable guess or the rational guess. But the students can cheat in the exam, so it cannot show the learning result overall.essay question:in this method, we can have more academic freedom, we can combine all the specificdetails and develop our own opinion, even form our personal style. this method will reinforceour originality and the creativity. But, to be successful in this method we have to memorizeand write so very much, it is really a little bit stressful.8traditional newspaper and the internet, tv.newspaper:it is more cost effective, and portable, we can carry it to every where we want, how convincing!and in this way, we can find a life long hobby, the newspaper clipping. you can call me oldfashion, the news is to be read on the paper.internet and the television:it is up to date, and immediate, entertaining, more importantly, the news are live. we can sitwith our feet up, drink a cup of coffee, take the advantages of the broad band service, andthe interactive quality is so cool.9Do you like your job?(incredibly, unbelievably, absolutely, definitely)1 salary (rather fat, rather handsome, sustainable learning, to keep my life style)2 boss (provide lots of opportunities to learning and training, i own my progress to him)3 colleagues (right group of people, we get well unbelievably with each other, hang out togetherafter work, we are friends professionally and socially)4 business trip (very often i travel to different cities or countries, taste various kinds of food, meetvarious people of different race and culture, experience the colorful local custom tradition)5 communication ( near my office it takes me 5 minutes, the travel experience is zero)10What changes took place in education in your country over the past decade?Answer:Well, everything is changing, so is education.The most important change that took place over the past decade is this.10.1 increased admissionIt seems to me that more and more people are now able to go to college while in the pastthe competition was much stronger.College admission is opening up, and this is a direct result of the state policy.The consequence is that many students who have not reached the level ofuniversity education are also allowed to sit in the college classroom, therefore thequality of education has been declining.10.2 master ’ s degree / overseas educationIt is because this problem that an increasing number of people are pursuing more educationafter college graduation.These options include master’ s program and possibly overseas education, just like what Idoing right now.We’ re fed up with the boring routine life in college, and we’ re fighting for a better future forourselves.3. increased tuitionUnfortunately,not every child would have the opportunity to continue their education aftercollege. Why? Simply because going to school is so costly.The tuition has been almost tripled over the past decade and this presented serious financialpressure that some families cannot handle.So some of my classmates have to drop out just because their families ran short of money.Human tragedy!I ’ m lucky. My mom and dad are making enough money, so I can even go to college in Canada. ButI ’ m not taking this for granted, I’ ll be eternally grateful to them.4. Private training institutionWherever there’ s need, there’ s a solution. As more families realized the importance of makingeducation investment in their kids, training demands has been soaring over the past 10 years.Private training institutions such as New Oriental flourished.So as long as you want you willalways find a place to study and a class schedule that fits you. Opportunities for personalimprovement are many.将来 50 年教育会发生什么变化?Question:What change do you foresee in the next 50 years?如何答”将来”题目Wow. 50 years is such a long time.I don ’ t even know if I will still be around in half a centurytime. So this question is kind of challenging. Nobody knows for sure what’ s gonna happen in thefuture, right, because the future is unpredictable. But, let me try to answer this question.1. Education will be a social welfare without any charges.Maybe this is just a Utopian Dream. But I strongly believe, as our society moves forward,education will eventually become a social benefit. Families will not have to pay for education ofthe kids, because when the kids receive good education,the society will be benefited as itreceives a continual wave of talents. It is only fair that the society take out some of the taxrevenue and use it on education for young people. Since tuition is no longer a problem, more andmore people can finally all go to school. This is what I call“ educational equality” .2. Education will become less time-consuming.One day I suddenly realized that each and every one of us spend 20 years or so on education. 20years! That ’ s crazy. Those years are probably the best time in our lives. So if you ask me whatchange do I want to see happen in 50 years time, I ’liked to see education short. I believeeducation can become so efficient and well-designed that we can finish our education from ABCto master ’ s degree in just 10 years time. So by the time a person is 16, he or she will be ready tostart living.3. Education will become a technical evolution. 技术的进化Maybe I ’ veseen too many science fiction movies, but I believe science and technology will revolutionize the way we receive education. And this will happen during the next 50 years. Yousee! We can put all the knowledge of human kind into little computer chips, and we can open asocket to our, I don ’ t know, brain. So every time we want to use a particular knowledge, we just plug it in, you know, like a USB disk. Wouldn ’ t that be cool?4. Science and technology will make it possible for all countries to share education resources. We often say that the world is flat now. What makes it flat? Science and technology,tele- communication, especially internet. So I wouldn ’ t be crazy toinimaginethefuturethat50 years, with the help of internet video conferencing, we can bring the image of a professor of Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, you name it, into the classrooms in China. Therefore, internationally famous professors and ideas can be shared globally.必背口语作文:(一定要背诵,加油吧!)1法律规则的重要性:people tend to rebel against laws and regulations, because we want to have more freedom.However, we cannot deny the necessity of rules. Without laws, there will be no order in society.And I ’ m not an expert on laws since I’ m not a law student.But I found“ the prohibition of smoking in public places”an incredibly good law.I don’ t know exactly when it was put into practice,but I guess France is the first country in the whole wide world to make such a legislationthat smoking is banned in all public places all over the country.This is a great law for the individual and for the state.I mean, come on, think about it. Smoking is so harmful in so many ways.It causes lung cancer to millions of people every year,and it ’ s totally uncivilized to smoke in public places because other people will be affected by your smoking since your second-hand smoke is everywhere.After smoking, your clothes stink of cigarettes.And it’ s not polite and professional if you go to work covered in the smell of smoke.And smoking is the reason for many fire accidents and disasters every year.(这一段也可以直接用作“不良习惯话题”)Therefore, such is a good law.I don’ t know when such a law will be made in China.But once it is enforced, my country will be a much cleaner place.I know it ’naturals for people to hate any new law since the law brings to people limitation, confinement and restraints.Yet, hey, someone once said, “ Youcan only truly enjoy freedom after you have experienced discipline.”只有受过纪律约束的人才知道自由的真正乐趣. (283 words)2最喜爱的运动:My favorite sport is without a shadow of a doubt basketball.And, funny story, I met a NBA basketball player for the first time in my life at an airport when Iwasn’ t that familiar with NBA.I looked at him and did n’ t know who he wa. Now I think about it, it was Kobe Bryant.Wow! I had no idea! What a waste of opportunity! I mean, Icould i didn ’ t. Ooooh, I hate myself.’ ve asked for an autograph. ButI ’ m a huge fan of the L.A. Lakers. ThereTo start with, it ’dynasty in the forming.Some’ re too manythis. reasons forpeople say that Shaquille O’ nealand KobeBryant, THAT was a dynasty!But I’ m not a big fan of Shaq; I love Kobe.Being a guard, he’ s all around.He scored 81 points back in 2006 in a game against the Toronto Raptors.In 2007, around the same time of the year, he scored more than 50 for four consecutive games.And this year, he’ s taking the Lakers all the way to the Final after beating San Antonio Spurs in the Western Conference Final.And before that they beat Utah Jazz.We often say that there’ s no easy game in the West. And Kobe and his team came all the way. That could only mean one thing-- They ’ re unbelievably good.I play basketball whenever I can. And I even imitate some of Kobe’ s moves.I ’ m notthat tall, but still, I can jump shoot, do the lay-up, and if the hoop is low enough, doa slam dunk.Being a guard is like being a captain of a team.You initiate every attack, you decide the offense strategy. And when you give out assists, youhelping other teammates;when you ’ re hitting three-pointers, you’ re encouraging the whole team. When you do a-uplayina fast break, you’ re pissing off your opponents.The more you play basketball, the more you find theregame.’ s more to basketballphysicalthan just aIt has a mental state to it.How to be selfless, how to contribute to the team instead of just thinking for yourself, how towork with others--these are also questions we have face in real life.The NBA has a catch phrase "i love this game". It is more than i can say about it .And this yeari found it was changed,now it is where the amazing happens! Dave Stern is absolutely a genius!bas provides me more than the excercise, but more importantly the inspiration and encouragementin my life! I love it!!3最喜爱的老师:It ’ s about teachers in our lives.No doubt, teachers are important as they provide not only education but more critically, life guidance.We should always feel grateful to our teachers.Talking about my favorite teacher, there ’nos ne other than Mr. chen, our first mathematics teacherin senior high school.I remember back then, I was so young, so immature, and frankly, alittle bit stupid because I was so lazy at learning. I didn ’ t realize that learning was for my own future. And Mr. Chen totally changed that.His writing on the blackboard was so clean and beautiful that every time he wrote on the blackboardwe enjoyed looking at it so much. Naturally, that increased my interest in learning the subject. Histeaching methodology was so versatile that we never felt bored.It was so fun!He was very different from the other teachers, because he looked very thin,and if he wasany thinner, he wouldn't exist.And he was unbelievably responsible for us.She treated us as her own children.He impacted my life greatly since it was he who showed me that not working hard when you canis a crime.I remember he said to me one day“ We’ re not foolish, we’ re not stupid,and we need to fight for our own future with blood, sweat and tears.”Someone said,a mediocre teacher tells;a good teacher explains;a superior teacher demonstrates;and a great teacher inspires.To me he's the greatest teacher I’ ve ever known.(268words)4 音乐 Music:I love music. I love every last one kind of music.From Jazz to Classical, hip pop to blues, Rock and Roll to Country music.Different music genres create a variety of moods for you.Sometimes, a piece of music can complement a movie so well that you remember the movie andthe song all together.I can remember back then, when I f irst saw the movie“ Titanic” , I was deeply moved by the story.and the song sung by Celine Dion-- “ My heart will go on --made”a great impression to me.it won the Oscar for best original score for a motion picture that year and was played all over theworld.Every where you went you would hear it.Celine Dion sang it so well that you feel like it touched the soft-spot of your soul.Even today, almost 10 years later, it’ s still considered one of the most beautiful songs of all time.I think the song communicates a message that love is universal, and it transcends socialclasses and family backgrounds.And true love is worth dying for.The movie “ Titanic ” won many Oscars that year.And I think this song played a crucial role in themovie ’ s success.(200 words)5 电影( A Movie: E.T): .I go to the movies almost once every month, and I have an extensive DVD collection at home.So, it’ s safe to say I’ m a big movie buff.In a sense, movies educate us, inspire us, and provide more life experience to us.My favorite movies are many.And the one that I want to talk about here is E.T., the ExtraTerrestial by Steven Spielberg.I know this movie is very old, more than 20 years I think.But when I saw it last year, I was still quite moved by it.It is about an Alien, E.T. and his friendship with some kids on earth, how they tried very hard/everyeffort to get E.T. home ,how in the process they became very good friends,and how E.T. learned to speak English very fast.This unusual friendship between people of different planets is so unique and so pure.The warmth in that movie makes me feel great, even now the world is with a lot of problems.It ’ s a kind of movie that will put you in a very good mood.And I couldn ’ t help shedding tears when E.T. had to go back to the mother ship and when thelittle girl said goodbye.I was moved by the pureness of their friendship. It restores faith in people ’hearts about truefriendship.And it’ s definitely a movie to watch, a movie to collect and a movie to remember.6 奢侈品( Luxury):In many countries and cultures, owing something of luxury is considered a symbol of wealth andstatus.Such luxuries may include a private boat, posh villas, diamond watch and the list goes on.I like expensive things because I believe you get what you pay for, and higher price is usuallyaccompanied by superior quality.I ’ d like to think that one day I can have enough money to afford luxurious things in life.The first extravagant thing I’ d like to own is probably a car.A Lamborghini may be cool.Since I saw it f irst on the magazine and later in the movie“ Mission Impossible III” , I couldn loving it.The exterior and the interior are both of the world’ s highest class. It’ s one fast running m It ’ s born for speed.In addition to the excellent performance, it provides much convenience to the driver too,GPS, automatic air-conditioning, DVD system, hi-fi system,you name it.Another reason why I love it is the sturdy bodywork of the car.Lamborghini makes their cars really strong so when you st, you’restilldrivingfeelquitefa safe.I guess it won’ t surprise people when they discover the price of the car is unbelievably high.It will cost you an arm and a leg to buy it, about 4 million RMB. I don’ t think I will be able toit in a short time.However, I believe people are driven by dreams.’ ll be successful enough to own one.As long as it ’ s a dream for me, one day I (257words)7 电脑( Computer):Of all the things I have and had, computer is probably the most important thing in my life.As the world is changing fast, technology is getting more and more cutting edge.Computers are indispensable in everyone’ s life.And there ’ s no need to stress on the significance of computer skills. Computers make things easyand bring about increasingly new possibilities into our lives.Just look at what computers are capable of doing these days.I mean, Wow! Talking about state-of-the-art!Internet brings people closer ,and makes the world smaller than ever before.People can easily talk to each other through on-line chatting programs, no matter where theyare.With a webcam you can see each other’ s faces. And the good news is, it’ s almost free. Plus, internet- shopping is revolutionizing all people’ s lives.On-line shopping websites like E-bay and are getting popular among more andmore people.I got my first laptop back in high school as a prize for my good grades. It was a gray DELL.I used it to collect information about sports and entertainment, beautiful pictures and movieclips.I read English news on line, listen to English music and watch English movies both on and off line.So, if there’ s one thing I love the most, and one thing that benefits my study and life the most, itabsolutely my computer.8 理想住所( Ideal Home):My idea of an ideal house is a place with an excellent natural surrounding.I mean I don’ t want to live in the city, with all the hustle and bustle of the city life.I want to be able to enjoy some peace and quiet when I go home.So my ideal home should be in the country.You know, lots of trees, maybe a river, fresh air, clean water, fewer people⋯Make no mistake about it, I’ m not going to live a farmer’ s life.I want my interior dé cor to be posh, trend-setting, and full of technology.I want to have a fully-equipped study, desktop computer, laptop computer, hi-fi system, andmany more appliances.I want a big living room with windows all the way from the ceiling to the floor, all around.So there will be a lot of sunshine and beautiful things to look at.My master bedroom should be spacious, so it will reduce the pressure of mine.I move a lot in my sleep so I want a king-sized bed.I want my interior to be colorful. Just like my life.Full of passion, full of energy, and full of possibilities.I don’ t know when I can own it. But as longas I strive for it, one day it will be mine.(227 words)9 梦想 Dream:This is a very intriguing question.Dream is an excellent thing. It motivates you and keeps you going; it gives you courage and strength. And I believe whatever dream you have, one day it will come true.I saw a movie recently; the name is The American Dreamz.In that movie, everyone wants to become a hit singer through a talent show.Not everyone will win the ultimate title, but the struggle, the hard-work make the exciting.I was inspired by that movie, because I got power from it.Right now, in China, there are also many talent shows like that.And many young people have already made their dreams come true.It ’ s exciting to see their lives now. And I can’ t helpyselfwantingtoo. that for m My dreams are many.I want to own a worldwide company, and be a really good CEO,just like Steve Jobs of Apple Computer.And I love cars, I love driving.I hope one day, I can own my sports car, a Lamborghini, maybe. Yeah! ThatI realize that in order to fulfill my dreams, I will have to go through a difficult process.But hey, I’ m young. I have strong determination and perseverance.I will beat whatever difficulties that may come my way. Impossible is nothing.dream’ s cool, isn’ t iI will turn the impossible into possible.Dreams will come true as long as you believe in it and in yourself.10 一件重要的事An Important Thing in Life / An Important Person around me:Of all the things that happened to me, one thing last year was of the most significance.My grandma passed away last year. She was 85.In my life, she played an irreplaceable role.When I was young, my parents were extremely busy.It was my grandma that took care of me all the time.She attended to all the details in my life.It wasn’ t easy looking after me, I’ ll tell you that.When I was 8 months old, an unfortunate accident happened to me.I was burnt by hot milk. Can you imagine?My grandma took good care of me.I got better so fast because of her care. I owe so much to her.From the time I was born until I became a grown-up, she had always been by my side, loving and caring.Her passing away made me felt great emptiness and loss.I ’ m still adjusting to life without her.I ’ m learning to be strong and learning to take care of myself.In a way, her passing away changed me, helped me to become more mature and responsible.Up until now, that has been the most important thing that happened in my life.I absolutely can’ t forget it, NOT for ever.11 学校My School:In the early part of our lives, we re gonna have’ to go through a number of schools to completeour education.Of all the schools that I’ ve been at, my college, liaoning University played a most important part in making me who I am todayFirst things first, it’ s a huge comprehensivetywithuniversimorethan 26,000 enrolled students.And you can find all majors here, environmental engineering, information technology, English,you name it.The campus is quite big, with more than 500 square kilometers.And it almost feels like a small city with all the infrastructure a person may need for daily life. Accommodation, food court, supermarket, sports ground ⋯The teachers that I had were all responsible for their students and conscientious about their job.There are many foreign teachers here who are willing to help us in and out of class.No doubt, my English improved because of them. My university is my second home.And the four years I studied in it were also the time during which I grew up to be a mature,and independent-thinking person.I found out who I was, who I am and who I want to be in my university.In this sense, the teachers I met, the information I was given to, and the environment I was living inat my university really influenced my life greatly.(227 words)12选课问题: chose the most difficult classes, even it means that you cannot get a very good score.first of all, grade is very important, but it is only part of the enjoyment and the achivement youcan get from the calss.The reason why we go to class, is we want to be infulence by the professor and the students,so to improve ourselves.the students that go to the most difficult class are usually the a s students. You will beputing yourself among the elicits.students of top intellegence, and be around them you will enhance your requirment of yourself. Sequencely and gradually, you will makesteady progress.And the professor teach the most difficult class has to be the best professor at the school.And because only the top students attend the such classes, the professor will not hold backin teaching.He will be more free in challenging the students intellengece.Being in this class, you will have the opportunity to dig up your potential,and you know what, you are much better than all the students that go to a less difficult class.As most people are intimidated by the most difficult class, so very often, you find very fewpeople in the class.What happen next, your professor become more avilible to you, you will get more personal。