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for medical instruments.
4. Art. Nos. 206 and 208: 货号206和208 Art.是Article的缩写,Nos.是Numbers的 缩写(复数) 以前讲过,article是指目录、表格等书面材料里列出的带编号 的商品。
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5. respective: adj. 分别的 Types 22 and 32 have their respective merits. 22型和32型各有优点。 respectively: adv.分别地 In the 200 metres, Lizzy and Sarah came first and third respectively. 在200米比赛中,Lizzy和Sarah分获第一和第三
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It is known to all that Chinese teas are of best quality and moderate price.
You will certainly agree to that when you have examined our samples and quotation sheet. As the season is approaching, it is hoped that you will send us your orders as early as possible. If you have any other requirements, please let us know without any delay.
询盘是指交易 的一方有意购 买或出售某一 种商品,向对 方询问买卖该 商品的有关交 易条件。
发盘是买卖双 方中的一方向 对方提出各项 交易条件,并 愿意按这些条 件达成交易、 订立合同的一 种肯定表示。
还盘是指受盘 人在接到发盘 后,不同意或 不完全同意发 盘人在发盘中 提出的条件, 并提出修改意 见。
接受是买方或 卖方同意对方 在发盘中提出 的各项交易条 件,并愿按这 些条件与对方 达成交易、订 立合同的一种 肯定的表示。
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Dear Sirs, Oolong Tea
We have received your letter of Aug. 1. As requested, we are sending you herewith our quotation sheet for oolong tea Art. Nos. 206 and 208. The respective quantities available for prompt shipment are indicated therein, and the prices are quoted on the basis of CIFC2% New York. This offer is subject to our final confirmation. As to the relative samples, we have dispatched them to you under separate cover.
Quotation的基本用法是make sb a quotation for sth
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你来翻译: 能否就你们最新款式的眼镜报价? Can you make us a quotation for your
eyeglasses of latest style? 我们很高兴向你们报医疗仪器价格如下: We are glad to make you the following quotation
“根据某人要求”还可以说at one’s request. At your request, we are going to modify the color of
the sample. 根据你们要求,我们将更改样品的颜色。 根据你们要求,我们已经检验了食品的样品,但没有发现任
何问题。 At your request, we have examined the sample of
Your prompt reply will be appreciated. Yours truly,
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1. as requested: 根据要求 As requested, we have immediately instructed our bankers to open the relative L/C. 根据要求,我们已立即指示我们的银行开立信用证。 We regret we can not bring down the prices as requested. 很遗憾不能满足你们的降价要求。
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Please quote us your lowest price CIF Liverpool. 请向我方报成本加运费加保费利物浦最低价。 Please quote us for Snowhite Neutron Gel Pens. 请报我“白雪”中性笔。 Please quote us the price for 34” color TV sets. 请向我报34英寸彩电价。 你来翻译: 请报你们木浆制品(woodpulp products)的最好价格。 Please quote your best price for woodpulp products.
Module 5:Offers and Counter-offers
Essential Factors of consultations on foreign trade
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6. prompt shipment: 即期装运 7. on the basis of: 在…基础上
也可以说on … basis,视中间词语的长短而定 This price is calculated on FOB basis. 该价格是按FOB计算的。 We trade with people in all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 我们在平等互利的基础上和各国人民进行交易。 你来翻译: 价格主要是根据供求状况确定的。
12. agree: v. 同意(另有“一致”的意思) agree to sth, agree with sb Every delegate agreed with the chairman. 代表们都同意主席的意见。 The buyers do not agree to the rise in price. 买方不同意涨价。
3. quotation sheet: 报价单
quotation: n. 报价,来自于动词quote。
quote的完整用法是quote sb. a price for sth.,可以灵活拆开使用。
Please quote your lowest price CIF Singapore.
hereof = of this
thereof = of that
hereafter=after this
hereto = to this
thereto = to that
herefrom=from this
therefrom=from that
hereinafter = in this and after this
报盘中的价格必须有四个要素:货币、单价、 计价单位和贸易术语。用at连接价格:
We are glad to offer you 5000 yards of printed shirting at US$0.5 per yard CIF San Francisco.
我们很高兴向你们报5000码印花细布,每码0.5美元,CIF旧金山。 你来翻译: 现报2200箱鱼罐头,每箱50美元,FOB青岛价。 We are now offering you 2200 cartons of canned fish at US$50 per
carton FOB Qingdao.
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10. be subject to: 以…为准/为条件, 受…制约 注意to是介词,后接名词或名词性短语 This offer is subject to our final confirmation. 本报盘以我发最后确认为准。 This offer is firm subject to your reply reaching us within one week. 本报盘以你方一周之内复到有效。 你来翻译: 钱已准备好转账,只等你同意。 The money is ready to transfer, subject to your approval.
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动词的offer基本用法是to offer sb a price for sth 或 to offer sb sth。
Now we are offering you 50 metric tons of premixed concrete. 我们现在向你们报50公吨预拌混凝土。 你来翻译: 能否向我们报服饰配件(garment accessories)价格? Can you offer us your prices for garment accessories?
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11. under separate cover: 另行邮寄 还可说by separate mail/post We will send you our sample cuttings by separate mail. 将另封寄去样品剪样。 是函电套话,可以简单说成separately。
the food, but found everything was in order.
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As + 动词过去分词是一个特殊的语法结构。 As requested原形应该是As is requested, as在这儿其实是一个关系代词,作用相当于which, 但同时又有“正如”的意思。再如:
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2. herewith: = with this在此
是商业信件、公文等正式文件中常用的副词, 做状语。类似结构的词有很多,各有不同的意思, 如下所示:
herein = in this
therein = in that
hereby = by this
thereby = by that
Price is determined mainly on the basis of supply and demand.
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8. CIFC2% New York: CIF纽约加2%佣金 第二个C是commission(佣金)的缩写
9. offer: n. v. 报盘 名词offer的基本用法是make sb an offer for sth. We are pleased to make you an offer for infrared equipment as follows. 很荣幸向你们就红外线设备报盘如下。 你来翻译: 请向我们报外科用品(surgical products)。 Please make us an offer for surgical products. “对…的报盘”可以翻译成offer for/of/on sth
As known by all 众所周知 As shown in the letter 正如信中显示 As instructed 根据指示 奇迹并没有如人们期待的那样出现。 Miracle didn’t occur as expected. 这笔交易按计划顺利进行。 The deal went smoothly as planned.