人教版高中英语必修4《Unit 5 Theme parks》教案

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人教版高中英语必修4《Unit 5 Theme parks》教案












Step 1 Warming-up and lead-in (5 mins)


教师提问学生Have you been to a themepark? 与What can you do in a themepark? ,以此导入到本课的课题。然后通过图片介绍主题公园内常见的游乐设施,为文本阅读做好铺垫。

T: Hello, class. Today we are going to talk abouttheme parks. First, Iwould like to ask you:

①Is our West Lake Park atheme park? What about Jingqi Water Park?

②Have you been to a theme park?

③What can you do in a theme park?

S1: West lake is not a theme park. Jingqi Water Park is a theme park.

S2: I have been to Hongkong Disneyland. In a themepark we can do a lot of activities.

T: Exactly, in the theme park we can take roller-coaster,free-fall drop,swinging ship, Ferris wheel, merry-go-round and so on. In a word,there are various rides we can take in a theme park. Well, what does ride mean?

S3: 游乐设施

T: Yes. Here it is a noun, meaning 供乘骑的游乐设施 .



T: With these rides, there is no doubt that we willhave great fun in a theme park, right? Just like the title of this articlesuggest: Theme parks fun. But what about more than fun ? What does it meanin your opinion?

S4: more than fun means you can also get a lot ofinformation.


Step 2 Reading (34 mins)

(1) 扫读。引导学生回答以下问题。(3 mins)

a. How many theme parks are introduced? What are they?

Andwhere are they?

b. Where do you think you would see this kind ofwriting?

T: Thank you, your opinion is quite reasonable. Nowlet s do some reading tasks to check it. First, I would like you to find out:

How many theme parks are introduced?

S5: Three.

T: Yes. It is very obvious. When we try to find outthe main idea of a paragraph, usually we can focus on the first and the lastsentence. Then tell me what the three theme parks are? And where are they?

S5: Disney Land, Dollywood andCamelot.

T: Thanks for your accurate answers. Now that we havea rough idea of this article, where do you think you would see this kind ofwriting?

S6: Newspaper?

S7: Magazine?

T: Yes, very likely. Maybe from a newspaper or atravel magazine.




T: Obviously, it aims to attract the readers to go tothese theme parks, so what else is it going to tell us? Now, please read thearticle through and find out important information to fill out the followingform.

T: All right. It is time to check. Will you?

S8: Disneyland fairy,the theme is tale stories; activities are travelthrough space, visit a pirate ship , meet fairy tale characters, ride a swinging ship, and go on a free-fall drop.

S9: Dollywood, the theme is culture of thesouth-eastern USA; activities are listen to American country music, see carpentersand other craftsmen make their work, try some traditional candy, ride an oldsteam engine train, see bald eagles, take a ride on Thunderhead and other rides.

S10: Camelot, the theme is ancient English history andstories. Activities are watch magic shows,

see fighting with swords or on horseback, visit farm area and learn aboutfarms in ancientEngland.

[意图说明] 引导学生通过跳读获取特定的信息,将这些信息转化为表格形式,加深对文本的理解。


T: Thanks! Anyone has any different ideas? No? Ok, itseems that all of you have had a good understanding of this article. That isgreat. Next, We are going to play a game. I would like to show you some pictures,please tell me which theme park it belongs to and why. If you know, just standup and say it, as soon as possible. Ready? Go!
