大学英语精读3课件 PPT
现代大学英语精读3lesson1 your college_years ppt课件

I. Warm-up Questions II. Myths and Facts Regarding
College Experience III.On Seasons in College
Warm-up Questions
• 母校就是那个你每天要骂八遍却不允许别 人骂她的地方 。
Lesson 1 Your College Years
Background information
BOB HARTMAN has been working for over twelve years as a performance storyteller for children. He's been using his dynamic and interactive style to entertain audiences on both sides of the Atlantic.
• 你怎么称呼老师?
• 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你 是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?
• 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭
• “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我 笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……”
• “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”
Bob's program combines traditional folk tales from around the world, retold in his fresh, inimitable style, with his own stories. He loves to help children (and adults!) create their own stories on the spot. He runs practical workshops for adults who want to improve their storytelling skills. Whatever the occasion, Bob's storytelling sessions are always

现代大学英语精读3第三版教学课件B3U51. 课程介绍本篇教学课件是现代大学英语精读3第三版教材中的第五课单元(Unit 5)的教学课件。
1.1 教学目标•了解不同文化背景下的交际差异•掌握谈论文化差异的词汇和表达方式•提高阅读技巧和理解能力•培养跨文化交际意识和能力1.2 教学内容•课文导入•词汇讲解•阅读理解•文化差异与交际技巧讨论•练习与巩固2. 课堂内容2.1 课文导入首先,我们将通过一个小故事来引入本节课的主题。
请看下面这个故事:Mr. Smith, an American businessman, went to China on a business trip. On the first day of his visit, he had a meeting withhis Chinese partners. During the meeting, Mr. Smith crossed his legs, showing the sole of his shoe to the Chinese partners. This action caused great offense to the Chinese partners, as showing the sole of one’s shoe is considered impolite in Chinese culture.通过这个故事,我们可以看到不同文化背景下的交际差异。
2.2 词汇讲解在本节课中,我们将学习一些与文化差异和交际技巧相关的词汇和表达方式。
请看下面的表格:单词词性解释cultural adj.文化的difference n.差异、区别communication n.交流、沟通etiquette n.礼仪offend v.冒犯、得罪gesture n.手势misinterpret v.误解appropriate adj.适当的foreign adj.外国的respect n./v.尊重behavior n.行为custom n.习俗tradition n.传统adapt v.适应、调整misunderstand v.误解social adj.社交的interaction n.互动diplomatic adj.外交的sensitive adj.敏感的cultural adj.文化的language n.语言、表达方式custom n.风俗、习惯2.3 阅读理解现在,让我们阅读一篇与文化差异和交际技巧相关的短文,并回答以下问题:Cultural Differences in CommunicationWhen people from different cultures meet and communicate, there are often challenges and misunderstandings due to cultural differences. For example, in some cultures, it is common to maintain direct eye contact during a conversation as a sign of respect and attention, while in other cultures, avoiding eye contact is seen as a sign of respect. Thus, what is considered polite in one culture may be considered impolite in another.Another important aspect of cross-cultural communication is body language and gestures. Different cultures have different meanings behind certain gestures. For example, the。
大学英语精读第三册 第三版 unit oneppt课件

Before Reading
Global Reading Detailed Reading
After Reading
Kick down the barricades Listen what the kids say From time to time people change their minds But the music is here to stay I’ve seen it all from the bottom to the top Everywhere I go the kids wanna rock
We wrote most of “Kids Wanna Rock” the next day. We based the song on another idea we’d been developing. Just as Paul McCartney used “Scrambled Eggs” as a temporary title for “Yesterday”, Bryan and I had a temporary lyric before we settled on “Kids Wanna Rock”. Instead of “Around the world or around the block, everywhere I go the kids wanna rock”, we had “What’s Sir Lew Grade got against me, I can’t get my songs on the BBC” ... an accurate reflection of Bryan’s inability at the time to get airplay on UK radio.

Apart from (Besides)these reasons, there is yet another factor.
A cloth: cloth is usually uncountable unless it refers to a piece of this material for special purpose such as a table cloth or a dish cloth.
Hercules(赫丘利) – a hero of strength and bravery(大力神)
Achilles’ heel(致命弱点)- died in Trojan War, a war between Greeks and Trojans started by Sparta’s queen Helen running away with Trojan Prince Paris
Past or outside the limits, reach为…所不能 及;多于;超出
It's quite beyond me why she married such a heavy smoker.
beyond description无法形容
2. Antonomasia(换称)
现代大学英语 精读3(第三版)教学课件B3U1.pptx

现代大学英语精读3(第三版)教学课件B3U1.pptx1. 简介本文档是《现代大学英语精读3(第三版)教学课件B3U1.pptx》的教学指导文档,旨在协助教师进行教学,并提供学生参考。
2. 课件内容2.1 词汇与短语2.1.1 单词本单元的词汇包括:attain, superior, devotion, lofty, assimilate, grace, vocation, premise, vanity等。
2.1.2 短语本单元的短语包括:be indicative of, bring out, take…seriously, measure up to, in good part等。
2.2 阅读理解本单元的阅读理解部分涵盖了三篇文章,分别是《选择正确的途径》、《智慧的力量》和《忠诚的战士》。
2.3 语法与写作本单元的语法重点是介词和非谓语动词的用法。
3. 教学建议3.1 教学方法教师可以采用多种教学方法来教授本单元内容,如讲解法、示范法和讨论法等。
3.2 学生活动教师应鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,并提供一些学生活动的建议,如词汇卡片制作和交流、小组讨论、写作练习等。

(She smiled because she was very glad to see her old friend. He frowned because he could not recognize her. That he closed his eyes implied he was searching his memory.)
the first time? 4. What indeed did Vera want? Why had she been so lonely?
Was it because, as the man said, she was an egoist?
Character Analysis
5. What does the “strange beast” stand for? Why does the author describe it as a “strange beast”? Is this image conventionally associated with women?
2. Was the man still in love with Vera? If not, why did he seem so happy talking to her and ask her to stay?
3. Why did he “let it go at that” when Vera told him she had sold her piano?
How: use flashbacks to reconstruct the whole story
大学英语精读3-U3 why i teach ppt课件

Part Division of the Text
Parts 1
Paras 1~3
Main Ideas
Introduce my feelings during the process of teaching.
4~11 Tell some reasons why I choose
2. Translate the sentence into Chinese.
Line. 7
Paraphrase this sentence.
Teaching is a profession that makes my eyes red for lack of sleep, my palms sweaty because of nervousness and my stomach sinking because I often feel so disappointed with my lectures.
2. Translate this sentence into Chinese.
我有权启迪,有权激发才智,有权开出书目,有权 指点迷津。
1. Paraphrase this sentence.
I teach because, when I see that my students are beginning to grow and change in front of me, I from time to time find myself growing and changing with them too, as if new life were being breathed into my body. 2. Translate the sentence into Chinese.
unit 5大学英语精读3(课堂PPT)

well-paid positions and p_r_o_f_e_s_si_o_n_s_ once reserved almost exclusively for men, such as _m_e_d_i_c_in_e_ , law and management.
Most women work _b_e_ca_u__se__th__ei_r_f_a_m__il_ie_s_n__ee_d__t_h_e _m_o_n_e_y_ . With the price of food and fuel, and housing, transportation and education rising steadily, more and more families are depending upon a second _in_c_o_m__e_. Many women work also because they want to have careers of their own and enjoy full e_q_u_a_l_it_y_ with men.
Not until I became a mother did I understand How much my mother had sacrificed for me; Not until I became a mother did I feel How hurt my mother was when I disobeyed; Not until I became a mother did I know How proud my mother was when I achieved; Not until I became a mother did I realize How much my mother loves me.
大学英语精读3第三课fruitful questions PPT

New Words (cont.)
Compel: To force, drive, or constrain 下雨使我们不得不待在室内。 The rain compelled us to stay indoors. Freshman: student in his first year at a college. Cf. sophomore, junior, senior Run-down: old and broken or in bad condition Repay: pay back (money, etc.) Switch: To shift, transfer, or divert They switched the conversation to a lighter subject
profession: job that needs formal qualifications after training, e. g. law, medicine, teaching, acting. —Jeanne has decided on law as her profession. She wants to become a civil rights lawyer and help the poor. —我是一个大二学生,但是我不知道什么职业最适合 我。 As a sophomore, I still don’t know what profession would suit me best.
I didn‟t want to be a candidate for an administrative position, such as the president or vice-president of a university, the dean of a college, the chairman of a department, etc. Administrative: of or involving the management of public or business affairs — Your responsibilities will be mainly administrative. — 她纯粹做行政工作。 She will do purely administrative work.

B) To beБайду номын сангаасa baseball editorialist. C) To get a job. D) To be a writer.
2. What in Sarah’s second e-mail caught the author’s attention? KEY A) In the email Sarah asked the author for a job.
Before Reading
Global Reading Detailed Reading
After Reading
A sportswriter thinks he’s met another crank. Instead, he finds a true winner.
Before Reading
May I ask you a question? For two years I have been running my own website about the Dodgers. How did you become a baseball editorialist? That is my deam.
4. The author decided to drive a long way to visit Sarah because he was curious about ____.
大学英语精读Unit 3 学校课件

2. Make up a dialogue between the old lady and one of her best friends. They talk through telephone about her birthday.
A: Hello. Is this/that XXX? B: Yes, may I ask who this is? A: … Happy birthday to you! B: Thank you. A: …
occasionally=on occasion =sometimes
on this occasion, on one occasion
3. primary: primary school
Love and hate are primary emotions.
Primary task primary reason
Fundamental main chief leading first principal basic
Prior to
Prime 首要的 prime minister
Primitive 原始的
4. Be content to (do sth.): pleased to (do sth.);
satisfied to (do sth.)满意做某事
College English
Book 1
Unit Three The Present
北华大学 公共外语教育学院
The Main Tasks
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Part 4
Warm-up Activity
Text Study
Language Points

4. 平行结构 在英语中,并列连词and, but, as well as, both…and, neither…nor, either…or, not only…but also, rather than, as…as 等可连接两个对等的词或对等的结构,我们称之为 平行结构(parallel structure) 。平行结构的要求主要有以下 几个方面。
• what do you think about these differences?
• New words • Phrases & Grammar • Structure • Style
New Words
1. Endeavor v. to try very hard eg. He endeavored to claim himself down but in
forward throw
向前 投掷,扔
6. Option n. a choice you can make in a particular situation
辨析: Option 指特别赋予的进行选择的权利,强调的是进行选择的 自由和权利。 Choice 指运用自己的判断进行选择的机会,权利或能力,强 调的是进行选择的可能性。 Alternative 主要指在相互排斥的两者之间做严格的选择,也 可指在两者以上中进行选择。
A. 所连接的谓语形式必须一致。 eg. He went downtown, brought some books and visited his daughter. (went, bought 和visited 都是用的过去时)

3. The North and the South quarreled in the Congress over whether the newly-acquired states in the west should be admitted into the union as free states or slave states.
Who’s who and for what?
a. Union General Commander b. US President c. Union Secretary of State d. Union General e. Vice President
A. Mercy B. Punishment
3. According to the text, what contributed to such a unique ending?
Text Analysis Structure
I. Purpose and approach (paras. 1-2) II. The Appomattox Surrender (paras. 3-15)
inevitability vs. chance events 5. What kind of approach does the author adopt? 6. What should be the right approach toward history? 7. What is the academic writing like? (para. 1)
attiring at the Appomattox House? 5. Against what a background did the Bennett House Surrender
大学英语精读 unit3 The Present(课堂PPT)

arrange for sb/sth to do: make preparations for; 安排某人做某事
【扩展 】 arrangement: 安排,布置
Tomorrow I have to go into hospital — just a minor operation. minor: adj. smaller; less important 较小的,程 度轻的,次要的
2. ….. the little boy from the ground floor brought up her letters on the rare occasions when anything came. 1) the ground floor: first floor一层,是典型的英 式用法,美国人用first floor。请看一些英语与 美语的区别: 英:ground floor 一层, first floor 二层,flat公 寓,cheque支票,film电影
1. This is a very
2. Mary turned out to be an ____secretary.
7. Two years ago that was, and since then
Myra had been to see her mother three times, but her husband never.
1. What rhetorical device(修辞手法) did the author use? Irony.讽刺
2. What can we infer from this part?

III. Character analysis
The Greek mythology: Narcissus
Narcissus Echo Daffodil
纳西赛斯(美少年) 厄科(山林女神) narcissus .
IV. Implication of the Title
Unit 3 The Dill Pickle
Katherine Mansfield
to go over what we’ve learned
to analyze the text
to discuss the implication of “A Dill Pickle”
From the woman's perspective
From the man's point of view
Please write a composition
about the topic—"How to be a good lover?"
Thank you!
Paragraph 43
And she seemed at that moment to be sitting on the grass beside the mysteriously Black Sea, black as velvet, and rippling against the banks in silent, velvet waves. She saw the little group on the grass, their faces and hands white in the moonlight. Apart from them, with his supper in a cloth on his knees, sat the coachman. “Have a dill pickle,”said he, and although she was not certain what a dill pickle was, she saw the greenish glass jar with a red chili like a parrot’s beak.
大学英语精读3 Unit 1 课件

2. Have you ever been stopped by the police? If so, how did you feel?
judge victim
Since you have previewed the text, and are familiar with many words in this text. Now figure out what words the following explanations refer to.
a lawyer who mainly engaging in non-litigaiton business(非诉讼业务), such as giving advice, and preparing cases for a barrister to argue in a higher court.
one's regular work or occupation; job
employment e.g. He is seeking employment
after graduation.
casual e.g He is casual about everything.
大学英语精读第三版第册 PPT

Useful expressions
▪ Plastic surgery ▪ 整形外科
▪ The Making of a Hero
▪ 城镇居民 ▪ 紧急呼叫 ▪ 松懈(努力) ▪ 念叨过去
▪ 钢铁就是怎样炼成得 ▪ City residents
▪ Emergency call
▪ Relax one’s efforts ▪ Dwell on the past
Text interpretation
▪ Answer the questions
Ⅱ prehension 2 on p、144
▪ What type is the text, generally?
A、 narration B、 exposition C、 description D、 argumentation
1. I asked myself the question: What makes a surgeon? 2. The answer, I concluded, was self-confidence、 3. During the first months I was diffident and indecisive、 4. In the last month I grew confident and decisive、 5. In the operating room I was equally confident、 6. Nor was I afraid of making mistakes、 7. A surgeon needs conceit to encourage himself、
▪ More words on pp 147-8
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Questions to discuss
➢How come they made such a careless mistake?
➢Do you think the omission was intentional or accidental?
➢D.(para.4-6) ➢C.(para.3) ➢B.(para.2) ➢A.(para.1)
Question to discuss
➢Why do you think the sculpture drew great admiration?
➢ The title‘A Drink in the Passage’
➢ Why a drink? Why in the passage? What does that show?
Oral practice
➢May you offer an example on the importance of communication according to your own experience?
➢to separate one group of people from others,esp because they are of a different race,sex,or religion~~integrate
➢ racial /major/significant departure from practice/the ordinary rule/traditional values
➢a date that is celebrated because it is exactly 25 years,50years ect after an important event周年纪念
➢ a feeling that you get from one of your five senses,especially the sense of touch
Word study
➢ have oversight of sth:to be in charge of sth
➢ By(an)oversight,the letter was sent unsigned