中医术语“经络”的英译辨析作者:黄光惠来源:《中国科技术语》2012年第04期摘要:中医术语“经络”是中医独有的概念,其英译在国内词典和国际标准中都存在直译(meridian and collateral)和意译(channel and collateral)并用的现象。
根据“经络”的命名及含义,结合功能翻译理论分析该词的两个译本,得出将该词直译为meridian and collateral能准确地传递原文信息、更易于目的语读者理解和接受,而且回译性更好。
关键词:中医术语,经络,英译中图分类号:N04;H159;R2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-8578(2012)04-0022-04摘要:中医术语“经络”是中医独有的概念,其英译在国内词典和国际标准中都存在直译(meridian and collateral)和意译(channel and collateral)并用的现象。
根据“经络”的命名及含义,结合功能翻译理论分析该词的两个译本,得出将该词直译为meridian and collateral能准确地传递原文信息、更易于目的语读者理解和接受,而且回译性更好。
关键词:中医术语,经络,英译中图分类号:N04;H159;R2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-8578(2012)04-0022-04由表可见,在词典和国际标准中,“络”字的译法比较统一,几乎都译为collateral,对“经” 字的译法比较不统一,有只译为meridian的,也有只译为channel的,也有兼收二者的,有把meridian作为词条首选的,也有把channel作为词条首选的。
” [10]可见“经”本义指纵行之丝,后引申为南北纵行的干线。
Unit 1:《黄帝内经》Hua ngdi’s Classic on Medicine// Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine《伤寒杂病论》Treatise on Cold-Induced and Miscellaneous Diseases《肘后备急方》A Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies《千金方》Invaluable Prescriptions《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica《诸病源候论》Treatise on the Causes and Symptoms of Diseases《新修本草》Newly Compiled Materia Medica of the Tang Dynasty《针灸甲乙经》The ABC Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion《素问》Plain Questions //Basic Questions《灵枢》Spiritual Pivot // Miraculous Pivot《五十二病方》Prescriptions for Fifty-two Ailments《本草》Treatise on Herbal Medicine《新修本草》Newly Compiled Materia Medica of the Tang Dynasty《唐本草》The Tang-dynasty Materia Medica《胡本草》Tartar Herbal Medicine《脉经》The Pulse Classic湿症damp ailment / 湿证damp syndrome湿dampness挤压病区press on the affected area寒病cold diseases炎症感染inflammatory infection草药麻醉herbal anesthesia保持健康maintain wellness/ maintain health临床经验clinical experience民间医药folk medicine中西医结合integration/combination of TCM and Western medicineintegration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine (WHO世卫组织)integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine (WFCMS世中联)各类预防措施various preventive measures预防伤寒病guard against typhoid第一本中国药典the first official Chinese pharmacopoeia在植物治疗学领域in the domain of phytotherapy精通草药研究versed in herbal medicine study从……而来的治疗方法remedies drawn from…著名中医大师renowned TCM masters/ successful TCM doctors他的植物治疗学领域的医学知识his medical knowledge in the realm of phytotherapy 医药管理与教学the administration and teaching of medicine当代中医药著作contemporary TCM works伤口感染的危险the risk of infection from woundsUnit 2:阴阳学说theory of yin and yang / the yin-yang theory阳中之阳yang within yang阴中之阳yang within yin身体上部the upper part of the body身体下部the lower part of the body内脏internal organs/ viscera疾病发展过程disease progression阴阳对立opposition of yin and yang恢复平衡的治疗手段treatment strategies to restore balance 体表superficial aspects of the body疾病治疗treatment of disease; disease treatment阴虚yin deficiency阳虚yang deficiency阳气yang qi卫气wei qi /defensive qi心情,心境state of mind阴性体质yin constitution阴液耗伤consumption of yin fluid虚证deficiency syndrome实证excess syndrome畏寒intolerance of cold蜷卧huddle up形寒肢冷cold limbs and body面色晄白 a pale / pale and bright complexion语声低微weak voice懒言disinclined to talk呼吸浅弱shallow, weak breathing恶寒aversion to cold体若燔炭hot limbs and body面色发红flushed face声音洪亮loud voice渴喜冷饮thirst with preference for cold drinks不渴喜热饮absence of thirst with preference for hot drinks 小便清长copious and clear urine小便短赤concentrated and dark urine / dark scanty urine 大便干燥dry stools大便溏泻loose stools舌红苔黄red tongue with yellow fur舌淡苔白pale tongue with white fur芤脉hollow pulse洪脉surging pulse阴阳对立opposition of yin and yang / yin-yang opposition阴阳互根mutual rooting of yin and yang / interdependence between yin and yang阴阳消长waxing and waning of yin and yang阴阳转化yin-yang conversion; conversion/ transformation of yin and yang阴阳平衡yin-yang balance阴阳調和yin-yang harmonyUnit 3:生克乘侮:generating, controlling, over-acting, and insulting sequence;generation, restriction, over-whelming/ subjugation, reverse restriction肝藏血, 血舍魂。
41、实际上,我们想要的不是针对犯 罪的法 律,而 是针对 疯狂的 法律。 ——马 克·吐温 42、法律的力量应当跟随着公民,就 像影子 跟随着 身体一 样。— —贝卡 利亚 43、法律和制度必须跟上人类思想进 步。— —杰弗 逊 44、人类受制于法律,法律受制于情 理。— —托·富 勒
Overview of Classical Noun TCM Terms
Unit one
Learning Objectives
了解“阴阳”、“五行”等中医经典名 词术语的医学内涵。
掌握与西医术语的差异,理解中医的思 维模式,熟悉中医经典名词术语与现代 医学术语的差异。
掌握中医经典名词术语翻译的原则与方 法。
Translation Exercises Unit Four
I. Translate the following terms and expressions into English:
1.六淫 2.七情 3.五行 4.津液 5.营血 6.肝火
II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
感冒 cold 梅毒 syphilis 疟疾 malaria 白喉 diphtheria 麻疹 measles 黄疸 jaundice 便秘 constipation 呃逆 hiccup
Classical Noun TCM Terms on “经络”
Unit Three
“经络”是中医中重要的术语,目前对于其英译主要有 meridian与channel两种。要探究究竟哪种译法更贴切, 我们需要从其内涵开始探讨:
Meridian指a great circle of the celestial sphere
比如:气血津液中的“气”有大致8种英译版本:qi; chi; vital energy; air; refined substance; functional activity; vital qi; nutriment flowing in the body; 这一中医术语中的“气”就有8种译法,究其原因是译者对“气”的不同理解:“能量”、“活动”、“物质”、“疾病中的一个阶段”、还是“营养物质”或“空气”。
再如:中医术语“痰饮”的4种英译版本:phlegm-retained fluid; phlegm and fluid retention; phlegm retention;phlegm-retention syndrome;中医学中“痰”的概念和现代医学额的痰不同,译为phlegm或sputum,都有不甚了了的情况,需加脚注,更何况能将其译为fluid吗?除此之外,有些译者甚至将中医的“生气”(生命力)理解为“发怒”,把中医术语“白虎历节”(关节肿痛)理解成“白色的老虎在奔跑”,把“五脏六腑”理解为“5个仓库和6个宫殿”。
對於《中醫藥常用名詞術語英譯》的一些意見Nigel Wiseman (魏迺杰,英國)(長庚大學中醫學系 臺灣)馮曄(長庚紀念醫院 臺灣)English Abstract: This paper offers criticism of “English Translation of Common Terms in Chinese Medicine"(2004) by Professor Xie Zhufan. Criticisms of specific term choices are listed under the following headings: 1. Selection of Chinese Terms;2. Poor Term Choices;3. Poor Grammar and Style;4. One Term with Multiple Translations (Inconsistency);5. Multiple Terms with one Translation;6. Overuse of Pinyin;7. Overuse of Modern Medical Terms.2004年10月20~21日世界衛生組織(WHO)西太區分部和國家中醫藥管理局在北京舉行中醫藥名詞術語標準化研討會,其重要結果之一,是選擇謝竹藩教授主編的《中醫藥常用名詞術語英譯》一書作為WHO進一步討論中醫英文名詞標準化的根據。
带着中医看世界:中医基础理论中常用术语汉英双译(八)气虚中满:flatulence caused by qi deficiency气虚不摄:failure of keeping fluid due to qi deficiency气不化津:failure of qi transforming fluid气脱:qi desertion劳则气耗:overexertion leading to qi consumption 气机不利:disorder of qi movement气滞:qi stagnation气郁:qi depression气郁化火:qi depression transforming into fire气闭:qi blockage气逆:reversed flow of qi气化无权:failure in qi transformation喜则气缓:excessive joy leading to qi loose怒则气上:rage leading to qi ascending思则气结:pensiveness leading to qi knotting悲则气消:excessive sorrow leading to qi consumption恐则气下:fear leading to qi sinking惊则气乱:fright leading to qi turbulence血虚:blood deficiency血瘀:blood stasis血寒:cold in blood血热:heat in blood血脱:blood depletion气滞血瘀:stagnation of qi and blood stasis气虚血瘀:blood stasis due to qi deficiency气不摄血:qi failing to control blood气随血脱:qi desertion due to blood depletion血随气逆:bleeding due to qi reversed flow伤津:impairment of fluid津脱:clear fluid depletion液脱:turbid fluid depletion津枯血燥:depletion of fluid causing blood dryness 气随液脱:depletion of fluid involving qi desertion 气阴两虚:deficiency of both qi and yin内风:endogenous wind风胜则动:predominate wind causing motion阴虚动风:stirring wind due to yin deficiency肝阳化风:hyperactive liver yang causing wind热极生风:extreme heat causing wind血虚生风:blood deficiency causing wind血燥生风:blood dryness causing wind痰瘀生风:phlegm stasis causing wind內寒:endogenous cold内湿:endogenous dampness湿胜则濡:predominant dampness causing diarrhea 湿胜阳微:predominant dampness causing weak yang內燥:endogenous dryness燥热:dryness-heat燥结:accumulation of dry feces燥胜则干:predominant dryness causing withering 燥气伤肺:dry qi impairing lung燥干清窍:dryness affecting clear orifices内热:endogenous heat热结:heat accumulation热郁:heat stagnation热闭:heat blockade热遏:blocked heat火郁:fire stagnation火逆:mistreatment by warming therapy热胜则肿:predominant heat causing swelling五志化火:five minds transforming into fire心气虚:deficiency of heart qi心阴不足:insufficiency of heart yin心阳不振:devitalization of heart yang心血失养:malnutrition of heart blood心火亢盛:exuberance of heart fire心火上炎:flaring up of heart fire心血瘀阻:stagnant blockade of heart blood热伤神明:heat affecting spirit痰火扰心:phlegm-fire disturbing heart痰蒙心窍:heart spirit confused by phlegm肺气虚:deficiency of lung qi肺阴虚:deficiency of lung yin风热犯肺:wind-heat invading lung肺气不宣:failure of lung qi in dispersion肺失清肃:impaired depurative descending of lung qi 肺络损伤:damage of collaterals in lung痰浊阻肺:turbid phlegm obstructing lung燥热伤肺:dry-heat impairing lung金破不鸣:damaged lung not functioning normally 金实不鸣:obstructed lung not functioning normally 肺为贮痰之器:lung being reservoir of phlegm脾气虚:deficiency of spleen qi。
CHAPTER 1肝阳liver yang肝气liver qi肝开窍于眼liver open at the eyes肺开窍于鼻lung open at the nose心开窍于舌heart open at the tongue上亢ascendant hyperactivity肝阳上亢ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang阳盛yang exuberance阴盛yin exuberance阳衰yang debilitation阴衰yin debilitation传统医学traditional medicine中医traditional Chinese medicine中西医结合integration of Traditional Chinese and Western medicine 阴阳学说yin-yang theory五行学说five-phase theory中医基础理论basic theory of TCM中医诊断学traditional Chinese diagnostics方剂学formula study经方classified formula合方combined formula改方modified formula经络学说meridian and collateral (study) 经脉meridian vessel穴位acupuncture points头皮针scalp acupuncture耳针auricular acupuncture中药学traditional Chinese pharmacy中医养生traditional Chinese life nurturing 中医康复traditional Chinese rehabilitation 中医护理traditional Chinese nursing整体观念holism五脏five viscera六腑six bowelsCHAPTER 2精气学说essential qi theory肾精kidney essence清气clear qi清阳clear yang清热clear heat阳虚yang deficiency虚火deficiency fire血逆blood counterflow气逆qi counterflow过虑伤肺excessive anxiety damage the lung 气闭qi block热闭heat block阳脱证yang collapse pattern津脱fluid collapse补阳tonify yang补气tonify qi补血tonify blood苍天之气heaven qi气机qi dynamic陈腐之气stale qi气陷qi fall正气healthy qi气滞qi stagnation阳证yang pattern胃热证stomach heat pattern证型pattern type阴中之阴yin within yin阳中之阴yin within yang阴阳互根mutual rooting of yin and yang治本treat the root阴阳消长waxing and wanting of yin and yang月有阴晴圆缺the waxing and wanting of the moon 阴阳调和harmony of yin and yang气血不调disharmony of qi and blood调和气血harmonize the qi and the blood和胃harmonize stomach和法harmonizing method阳盛阴虚yin deficiency with yang hyperactivity表实exterior excess实寒excess cold虚实夹杂deficiency-excess complex表证exterior pattern表虚exterior deficiency里虚interior deficiency里实interior excess表里关系exterior-interior relation阴阳转化yin-yang conversion由实转虚conversion of excess into deficiency阴阳格拒yin and yang repulsion冷热格拒cold and heat repulsion阳邪yang pathogen阴邪yin pathogen五行five phases木行wood phase土生金earth engenders metal木生火wood engenders fire土克水earth restrains water木克土wood restrains earth木乘土wood overwhelms earth水乘火water overwhelms fire水侮土water rebels earth木侮金wood rebels metal金侮火metal rebels fire母子相及mother and child inter-affectingMother and child affecting each other CHAPTER 3先天之气innate qi先天之精innate essence后天之气acquired qi后天之精acquired essence肝肾同源homogeny of liver and kidney精血同源homogeny of essence and blood命门之火life gate fire气门qi gate君火sovereign fire / heart fire相火ministerial fire正气healthy qi宗气ancestral qi元气source qi原穴source point卫分defence aspect卫气defence qi运化transportation and transformation气化qi transformation气机失调qi dynamic disorder气机瘀滞qi dynamic stagnation寒凝气滞qi stagnation due to cold congealing 寒滞肝脉cold stagnating in the liver vessel 肝气上逆liver qi ascending counterflow胃气上逆stomach qi ascending counterflow 肝气横逆transverse invasion of liver qi真气genuine qi营气nutrient qi下气海lower sea of qi气化作用transformation function心血heart blood血瘀blood stasis气郁qi stagnation活血化瘀activate blood and resolve stasis营卫nutrient and defense营分nutrient aspect水谷精华the essence of water and food水谷代谢water-food metabolism津液fluid and humor津血同源homogeny of fluid and blood液脱证humor collapse pattern气液代谢qi-humor metabolism中气下陷sunken middle qi升举中气upraise middle qi心神heart spirit神昏spirit failing to keep to its abode三焦triple energizers脾气散精the spleen qi disperses essence肺主通调水道the lungs regulate the waterways 肾主水the kidneys dominate water肝主疏泄the liver dominates free coursing三焦主诸气the triple energizers dominate all qi肾主二便the kidneys dominate urination and defecation肺主宣发,主排汗和呼吸the lung govern sweat discharge and respiration魂ethereal soul精神essence-spirit意ideation魄corporeal soul志will气血失调disharmony of qi and blood阴阳失调disharmony of yin and yang气血两虚dual deficiency of qi and blood气阴两虚dual deficiency of qi and yin气病及血qi disease affecting the blood阳损及阴detriment to yang affecting yin气不摄血qi deficiency failing to control blood脾不统血spleen failing to control blood气不化津qi failing to transform fluidCHAPTER 4五脏five viscera中脏viscera stroke藏象viscera manifestation脉象pulse manifestation脏腑viscera and bowel六腑six bowels奇点extra point奇恒之腑extraordinary organs上焦upper energizers中焦middle energizers三焦tripple energizers心包经pericardium channel热入心包heat enters pericardium胆经gallbladder channel胆实热gallbladder excess heat小肠虚寒deficient cold of small intestine心热传入小肠transmission of heart heat to the small intestine 大肠虚寒deficient cold of large intestine热迫大肠heat distressing the large intestine膀胱气化bladder qi transformation膀胱湿热dampness heat of the bladder冷凝胞宫证pattern of cold congealing in the uterus热入血室heat entering the blood chamberBlood chamber is another name of uterus肝气犯胃liver qi invading the stomach风热袭肺wind-heat invading the lung火旺effulgent fire阴虚火旺yin deficiency with effulgent fire肺气失于宣发lung qi failing to diffuse肾精不足kidney essence insufficiency虚火上炎deficient fire flaming upward心火上炎heart fire flaming upward髓海sea of marrow血海sea of blood心胃火燔heart-stomach fire ablaze肝气郁滞liver qi depression化火transform into fire藏血store blood主疏泄govern free coursing少阳之气lesser yang qi心藏神heart houses spirit脾藏意spleen houses ideation热伤神明heat damaging bright spirit直中direct strike风中经络wind striking meridian and collateral 风中血脉wind striking blood vessels清热clear heat燥干清窍dryness affecting the clear orifices升清upbearing the clear泌别清浊separation of the clear and turbid湿浊dampness turbidity降浊downbear turbid降火downbear fire骨蒸潮热bone-steaming tidal fever肾主骨kidney govern the bone淤阻脑络证pattern of (blood) stasis obstructing the brain collateral 髓海sea of marrow髓通于脑marrow connects to the brain经脉collateral vessel血脉blood vessel二七天癸至heavenly tenth arrives at the age of 2 times 7七七天癸竭heavenly tenth fades away at the age of 7 times 7月经menstruation母乳喂养breastfeedingCHAPTER 5外因external cause内因internal cause不内外因cause neither internal nor external外邪external pathogen阴邪yin pathogen外感external contraction新感new contraction外感风寒external contraction of wind-cold外感六淫six-excess external contraction六淫入血分six excesses entering the blood aspect 暑湿summerheat dampness中暑summerheat stroke湿浊dampness turbidity下焦湿热lower energizer dampness-heat凉燥cool-dryness津枯血燥desiccation of liquid and blood dryness 温邪warm pathogen温下法warm purgation温毒pestilential pathogen瘟疫论treatise on pestilence婴儿惊厥(惊风)infantile convulsion刚痉febrile convulsion with chills暑邪summerheat肝风内动internal stirring of liver wind目上斜视upward squint of the eyes疮疡sores and ulcers内伤internal damage伤阳damage to yang伤津damage to fluid七情seven emotions情志不遂emotional upset喜极伤心excessive joy damaging the heart怒极伤肝excessive anger damaging the liver忧极伤肺excessive anxiety damaging the lung思极伤脾excessive thought damaging the spleen悲极伤肺excessive sorrow damaging the lung恐极伤肾excessive fear damaging the kidney惊极伤心excessive fright damaging the heart劳倦overexertion and fatigue寒厥cold syncope脏厥visceral syncope(内脏阳气衰微所致的肢厥,a syncope due to yang debilitation of internal organs)怒则气上anger causes qi to ascend喜则气缓joy causes qi to slacken悲则气消sorrow causes qi to disperse恐则气下fear causes qi to descend惊则气乱fright causes derangement of qi思则气结thought causes qi to bind忧则气郁anxiety causes qi to be depressed目赤bloodshot eyes五味偏嗜flavor predilection饮食偏嗜dietary predilection创伤学traumatology外伤traumatic injury房劳sexual overindulgence劳复taxation relapse女劳sexual taxation风痰wind-phlegm寒痰cold-phlegm痰饮phlegm-retained fluid痰湿phlegm-dampness水湿water-dampness淤血犯头static blood invading head 痿病wilting disease骨痿bone wilting筋痿sinew wilting绞痛colic pain寒疝cold abdominal colic淤痰blood stasis-phlegm浓痰purulent phlegm CHAPTER 6四诊four diagnostic examinations精神状态mental state面部表情facial expression面色complexion望小儿指纹vein of the infant's fingers 舌象tongue manifestation藏象visceral manifestation人体human body舌体tongue body舌形form of the tongue制剂形式preparation form舌态motility of the tongue口眼歪斜deviated of the tongue歪舌deviated tongue落枕stiff neck强硬舌stiff tongue震颤法trembling method颤动舌trembling tongue舌根root of the tongue舌尖tip of the tongue舌边margins of the tongue淡红舌pale red tongue淡白舌pale tongue红舌red tongue绛舌crimson tongue青舌blue tongue紫舌purple tongue青紫舌bluish purple tongue嫩舌tender-soft tongue胖大舌enlarged tongue肿胀舌swollen tongue瘦薄舌thin tongue点刺舌spotted tongue芒刺舌pricky tongue齿痕舌teeth-marked tongue裂纹舌fissured tongue痿软舌limp wilting tongue麻痹舌paralyzed tongue吐弄舌protruded agitated tongue 短缩舌contracted tongue地图舌geographical tongue舌苔tongue fur腻苔slimy fur滑苔slippery fur苔色fur color舌色tongue color中剥苔centre peeling fur根剥苔root peeling fur苔质texture of fur润苔moist fur燥苔dry fur燥裂苔dry and cracked fur前剥苔anterior peeling fur镜面舌mirror tongue类剥苔exfoliated fur淡红色薄白苔red tongue with thin white fur红舌薄黄干苔red tongue with thin, yellow and dry fur 命关life bar舌诊tongue diagnosis望舌inspection of the tongueCHAPTER 7口气mouth odor汗味sweat odor倒经inverted menstruation白带white vaginal discharge黄带yellow vaginal discharge恶露不下retention of the lochia恶露不绝persistent flow of lochia口臭fetid mouth odor halitosis把脉take pulse病脉morbid pulse三部九侯three positions and nine indicators 布指寸口脉wrist pulse寸口诊法wrist pulse-taking method人迎脉carotid pulse趺阳脉anterior tibial pulse寸,关,尺cun/inch, guan/bar and chi/cubit 诊尺肤cubit skin examination指法finger technique叩击法tapping technique举,按,寻lifting, pressing and searching 推寻pulse searching平脉tranquil pulse燥脉agitated pulse按诊body palpation按腧穴acupuncture point palpation病色morbid complexion病脉morbid pulse浮脉floating pulse孤阳上越deficiency yang floating upward 沉脉sunken pulse脾气下陷sunken spleen qi中气下陷sunken middle qi单按pressing with one finger总按simultaneous palpation浮脉floating pulse沉脉sunken pulse迟脉slow pulse数脉rapid pulse虚脉vacuous pulse实脉replete pulse洪脉surging pulse细脉fine pulse滑脉slippery pulse涩脉rough pulse弦脉string-like pulse结脉bound pulse相兼脉combined pulse芤脉hollow pulse散脉dissipated pulse革脉drumskin pulse伏脉hidden pulse牢脉firm pulse阳明腑证yang brightness bowel pattern 缓脉moderate pulse缓脉(不正常)relaxed pulse疾脉racing pulse大脉large pulse长脉long pulse濡脉soggy pulse弱脉weak pulse短脉short pulse微脉faint pulse动脉stirred pulse紧脉tight pulse代脉intermittent pulse促脉skipping pulse驱寒dissipate cold散瘀dissipate stasis风动stirring wing阴虚动风yin deficiency with stirring windCHAPTER 8问寒热inquiry about cold and heat问汗inquiry about sweating问痛inquiry about pain恶寒aversion to cold恶热aversion to heat发热恶寒aversion to cold with fever畏is usually translated as fear, as in "fear of cold" 畏寒但热不寒fever without chills但寒不热chills without fever潮热tidal fever午间潮热afternoon tidal fever日晡潮热late afternoon tidal fever骨蒸潮热bone-steaming tidal fever湿温潮热dampness-warm tidal fever阴虚潮热yin deficiency tidal fever微热mild fever微恶寒mild aversion to cold微寒mild chill微渴mild thirst身热不扬unsurfaced fever五心烦热vexing heat in the chest, palms and soles / five center heat手足烦热vexing heat in the extremities 手足厥冷reversal cold of the extremities 厥阴reverting yin寒热往来alternating chills and fever盗汗night sweating虚热deficiency heat少阳病lesser yang disease疟疾malaria头重脚轻heavy head and light feet身重heavy body重痛heavy pain目眩dizzy vision视力模糊blurred vision复视doubled vision灼痛scorching pain绞痛gripping pain掣痛pulling pain隐痛dull pain窜痛scurrying pain闷痛oppressive pain酸痛aching pain游走性疼痛wandering pain阵发性痛paroxysmal pain阵发性咳嗽paroxysmal cough持续性痛persistent pain汗不止persistent sweating项背拘急contracture of the nape and neck 四肢拘急contracture of the limbs肌肉痉挛muscle spasm淋病strangury disease血淋blood strangury热淋heat strangury胀痛distending pain刺痛stabbing pain冷痛cold pain空痛empty pain固定痛fixed pain胁痛hypochondriac四肢痛limb pain周身痛generalized pain完谷不化undigested food in the stool消化不良腹泻undigested food diarrhea 五更泻fifth-watch diarrhea五更咳fifth-watch cough溏泄sloppy diarrhea便溏sloppy stool大便硬结hard bound stool结脉bound pulse余尿不尽incomplete urination小便涩痛difficult painful urination大便失禁fecal incontinence小便失禁urinary incontinence尿浊turbid urine分泌清浊separation of the clear and turbid 语声重浊deep turbid voice小便淋沥dribbling urination癃闭dribbling urinary block遗精seminal emission梦遗dream emission白带white vaginal discharge黄带yellow vaginal discharge下消lower wasting-thirst里急后重tenesmus尿频frequent urination膀胱失约bladder retention failure遗尿enuresis阳痿impotence勃起erection滑精spermatorrhea早泄pre-mature ejaculation月经先期advanced menstruation月经period月经后期delayed menstruation月经先后无定期menstruation at irregular intervals 经期延长prolonged menstruation月经过多profuse menstruation月经过少scanty menstruation崩漏flooding and spotting闭经amenorrhea初潮menarche痛经dysmenorrhea赤白带下white and yellow vaginal discharge胸闷oppression in the chestCHAPTER 9半表半里证pattern of half-exterior half-interior表里辩证exterior-interior pattern identification表虚证exterior deficiency pattern表寒证exterior cold pattern风湿袭表证pattern of wind-dampness assailing the exterior 风寒袭喉证pattern of wind-cold assailing the throat风寒袭肺证pattern of wind-cold assailing the lung风寒束表wind-cold fettering the exterior风寒束肺证pattern of wind-cold fettering the lung卫表不固证defense-exterior insecurity pattern表里俱寒证pattern of dual exterior and interior cold肝胆俱实证pattern of dual excess of liver and gallbladder 气阴两虚证pattern of dual deficiency of qi and yin八纲辨证eight-principle pattern identification表寒里热证pattern of exterior cold and interior heat寒热错杂证cold-heat complex pattern虚实夹杂证deficiency-excess complex pattern上寒下热证upper cold and lower heat pattern上热下寒证upper heat and lower cold pattern上焦upper energizer上消upper waste-thirst热及生风证pattern of extreme heat engendering wind阴极似阳extreme yin resembling yang阳极似阴extreme yang resembling yin上盛下虚证upper exuberance and lower deficiency pattern 下焦lower energizer真虚假实证true deficiency with false excess pattern真实假虚证true excess with false deficiency pattern真寒假热证true cold with false heat pattern辩症syndrome differentiation阳虚痰凝yang deficiency with congealing phlegm寒凝气滞证pattern of congealing cold with qi stagnation寒凝胞宫证pattern of cold congealing in the uterus伤阳证yang damage pattern伤阴证yin damage pattern阴阳两虚证pattern of dual deficiency of yin and yang心脾两虚证pattern of dual deficiency of heart and spleen阴虚内热证pattern of yin deficiency of yin with internal heat 阴虚火旺证pattern of yin deficiency with effulgent fire阴盛阳衰证pattern of yin exuberance with yang debilitation 阳虚寒凝证pattern of yang deficiency with congealing cold 阴盛格阳证pattern of exuberant yin repelling yang阳盛格阴证pattern of exuberant yang repelling yin清阳不升证pattern of clear yang failing to ascend肾不纳气证pattern of kidney failing to receive qi脾不统血证pattern of spleen failing to manage blood八纲eight principles治疗原则therapeutic principle八纲治法eight principle therapeutic methods合证combined pattern合方combined formulaCHAPTER 10气陷证qi sinking pattern寒湿证cold-dampness pattern气机失调证qi dynamic disorder pattern气机郁滞证stagnant qi dynamic pattern湿热下注证pattern of dampness-heat pouring down寒凝气滞证pattern of congealing cold with qi stagnation寒凝血瘀证pattern of congealing cold with blood stasis寒湿内阻证pattern of internal obstruction of cold-dampness 气虚湿阻证pattern of qi deficiency with dampness obstruction 气机不利证inhibited qi dynamic pattern气虚水停证pattern of qi deficiency with water retention气虚不摄证pattern of qi deficiency with failure to constrain 气虚外感证pattern of qi deficiency with external contraction 蓄血证blood amassment pattern气血失调证qi-blood disharmony pattern气不摄血证pattern of qi failing to control the blood血虚挟淤证pattern of blood deficiency complicated by stasis 血虚寒凝证pattern of blood deficiency and congealing cold血虚风燥证pattern of blood deficiency and wind-dryness津气亏虚证fluid-qi deficiency pattern气滞水停证pattern of qi stagnation with water retention饮停胸胁证pattern of fluid retention in the chest and hypochondrium 风水相搏证pattern of mutual contention of wind and water水停证water retention pattern疫毒下注证pattern of pestilential toxin pouring downward火毒内陷证pattern of inward invasion of fire toxin表邪内陷证pattern of inward invasion of external evil表寒证exterior cold pattern表热证exterior heat pattern表虚exterior deficiency里实证interior excess pattern里寒interior cold里热interior heat外湿external dampness外风external wind外燥external dryness内风internal wind内燥internal dryness内湿internal dampness燥干清窍证pattern of dryness affecting the clear orifices气郁证qi depression pattern气郁化火证pattern of depressed qi transforming into fire 中气下陷证sunken middle qi脾气下陷sunken spleen qi直肠下陷prolapse of the rectum子宫下陷prolapse of uterus表气不固insecurity of exterior qi肾气不固insecurity of kidney qi蓄血blood amassment太阳蓄血证greater yang blood amassment pattern热入血室heat entering blood chamber寒入血室证pattern of cold entering blood chamber气虚血瘀证pattern of qi deficiency with blood stasis心血淤阻证heart blood stasis pattern寒凝血瘀证pattern of congealing cold with blood stasis 气病及血qi disease affecting the blood阳损及阴detriment to yang affecting yin生津engender fluid胃津stomach fluid津血同源homogeny of fluid and blood液脱证humor collapse pattern增液润肠increase humor and moisten the intestines风水相搏证pattern of mutual contention of wind and water阴虚水停证pattern of yin deficiency with water retention气滞水停证pattern of qi stagnation with water retention太阳蓄水证greater yang water retention pattern胸胁胀痛fullness in the chest and hypochondrium水停胸胁证pattern of fluid retention in the chest and hypochondrium。
Lesson One History of Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医术语acupunture and moxibusion 针灸health maintenance 养生drugs cold and cool 寒凉药the schoolof cold and cool 寒凉派diaphoesis emesis purgation 汗吐下the school of purgation 攻下派exagenous pathogenic factors 外邪reinforcing the earth 补土internal impairment of spleen and stomach would bring about vorious diseases 内伤脾胃由生yang is usually redundant ,while yin is frequently deficient. 阳常有余阴常不足nourishing yin 滋阴medicinal herbs 草药blood stagnation 淤血warm and inorgorate the spleen and stomach温养脾胃中国医药学: traditional Chinese medicine 中医基础理论: basic theory of traditional百病Chinese medicine 临床经验: clinical experience 辨证论治: treatment based on syndrome differentiation; pattern identification and treatment 本草: materia medica中药: Chinese materia medica; Chinese medicinals 中草药: Chinese medicinal herbs 四气五味: four properties and five tastes 针灸: acupuncture and moxibustion 各家学说: theories of different schools 汗法: diaphoresis; sweating therapy 下法: purgative therapy; precipitation 吐法: emetic therapy; vomiting therapy 补土派: school of invigorating the earth 病因学说:etiology养生: health cultivation; health improvement; health preservation 医疗实践: medical practice治疗原则: therapeutic principles 寒凉药物: cold and cool medicinals 滋阴降火: nourishing yinto reduce fire 瘀血: blood stasis 正气: healthy qi 病邪: pathogenic factor 整体观念: holism; holistic concept 气血运行: circulation of qi and blood 自然现象: natural phenomenaLess on Two Materialism and Dialectics in Traditi onal Chin ese Medici ne中医术语Materialism 唯物主义dialectics 辩证法celestial qi 天气terrestrial qi 地气the in teract ion betwee n yin and yang 阴阳相互作用the lucid yang asce nds to con stitute the earth 清阳为天qi tran sformati on 气化essenee 精pren atal esse nee 先天之精she n( spirit) 神pathological factor 邪气the oppositi on and un ity of yin and yang 阴阳对立统一the moti on and cha nges of yin and yang 阴阳运动变化organic whole 有机整体Five kinds of visceral qi 五脏之气five emoti onal cha nges 五志excessive rage impairs the liver 怒伤肝excessive joy impairs the heart 喜伤心excessive meditati on impairs the splee n 思伤脾excessive mela ncholy impairs the lung 悲伤肺excessive fright impairs the kid ney 恐伤肾routi ne treatme nt and con tray treatme nt 正治反治tit-for-tat(or blow-for-blow) 正治reinforcing therapy 补法purg ing therapy 泄法differe ntial applicati on and therapeutic methods 异法方宜men tal activity 神志活动the heart is the king orga n resp on sible for the activity of thinking con scious ness心为君主之官主神志意识will 意termed 志thi nki ng 思wisdom 智summer-heat 暑热zhe ngqi ( healthy qi ) 正气Less on Three The Basic Characteristics of TCM materilism and dialectics 唯物论和辨证法the concept of organic whole 整体观念treatment based on syndrone differentian 辨证论治draw ing yin from yang 从阴弓丨阳treati ng the ni ghts for curi ng disease on the left 从右治左treating the same disease with different therapies 同病异治treati ng differ nt disease with the same therapy 异病同治clear away fire in the heart 清心火sprouting occurs in spring ,growth in summer,transformationg in late summer ,reaping in autumn andstoring in win ter春生夏长秋收冬藏the relation between pachogenic factors and healthy qi 正邪关系the four diag no sic methods 四诊purg ing the small in test ine 泻小肠spri ng is usually marked by warrachs , summer by heat ,late summer by damp ness ,autu mnby dryn ess and win ter by cold 春暖夏暑长夏秋燥冬寒the interstitial space are open when one swears clothes in summer 天暑衣厚则奏理开哲学概念:philosophical concept对立统一:opposition and unity相互消长:mutual waning and waxing阴阳属性:nature of yin and yang相互转化:mutual transformation相互联系:interrelation相互制约:mutual restraint动态平衡:dynamic equilibrium阴平阳秘:yin and yang in equilibrium相互依存:interdependence阴阳的互根互用:in terdepe ndence betwee n yin and yang阴阳离绝:dissociation of yin and yang阴阳转化:transformation between yin and yang阳消阴长:yang waning while yin waxing阴胜则阳病:predominance of yin leading to disorder of yang阳胜则热:predo minance of yang gen erat ing heat寒极生热:extreme cold generating heat热极生寒:extreme heat generating cold相反相成:opposite and supplementary to each other生理功能:physiological functions病理变化:pathological changes临床诊断:cli ni cal diag no sis阳胜生外热:exuberanee of yang leading to exterior heat阳中求阴:obtaining yin from yang阳虚则寒:yang deficiency leading to heat阳损及阴:impairment of yang involving yin阴中之阳:yang within yin阴阳两虚:simultaneous deficiency of yin and yang阳虚发热:fever due to yang deficiency阴阳学说:theory of yin and yang症状与病名 stomatitis 口腔炎 dyse ntery 痢疾measles 麻疹 the collapse of zhongqi 中气下陷 Less on Four The Theory of Yin and Yang中医术语相互消长: growth and decli ne betwee n yin and yang阴阳属性: yin and yang properties相互转化:in ter-tra nsformati on相互依存:in terdepe ndence betwee n yin and yang阴阳的无限可分性: the infinite divisibility of yin and yang阴平阳秘: yang steadies while yin calms阳消阴长: waning of yang will lead to waxi ng of yin阳胜则热: predo minance of yang gives rise to heat syn drome寒极生热: extreme cold brings on heat热极生寒: extreme heat brings to cold阴中之阴:yin within yin阳中之阳: yang with in yang阴中之阳: yin withi n yang阳中之阴: yang within yin阴阳互根:in terdepe ndence betwee n yin and yang阴阳自和: n atural harm ony of yin and yang春生 sprouting in spring夏长 growing in summer秋收 reaping in autumn冬藏 stori ng in win ter相互制约: mutual oppositi on and restrict ion betwee n yin and yang动静升降出入 motion and quiescence ,ascending and descending exiting and entering孤阳不升,孤阴不长 if only yang exists ,there will be no birth,if only yin exists,there will be no growth .动态平衡 dyn amic equilibrium阴胜则热 excess of yang causing heat阴阳失调 :imbalance between yin and yang阴阳两虚 deficie ncy of both yin and yangdual vacuity of yin and yang 阴阳乖戾 dysequilibrium betwee n yin and yang 阴阳离决 separati on of yin and yangwhile yin is (exubera nt)prevails, there is cold wisema n 02proctoptosis 脱肛hysteroptosis 子宫脱垂ulcer 溃疡yin-yang disharm ony wiseman 02/ 谢竹藩 04wisema n 02yin g-ya ng imbala nce 谢竹藩04阳胜则热whe n yang prevails, there is heat wisema n 02阳胜则阴病when yang prevails, yin ails wiseman 02阴胜则阳病whe n yin prevails, yang ails wisema n02阳虚则外寒whe n yang is vacuous, there isexter nal c old wisema n02阴虚则内热whe n yin is is vacuous, there i s i nternal heat wisema n02阴损及阳detrime nt to yang affects yin wisema n02阳损及阴exubera nt yin repelli ng yang wisema n02阴虚火盛exubera nt yin vacuity fire wisema n02exuberanee of fire/due to yin-deficiency 简明汉英中医词典2002 李照国阴虚火旺effulge nt yin vacuity fire wisema n 02yin vacuity fire effulge nt wisema n 02yin deficiency with effulgent fire 中医药常用名词术语英译2004。
且看“肾虚”的翻译:deficiency of the kidney(金山词霸),insufficiency of the kidney(汉英大辞典,曹亚民主编/汉英双解常用中医名词术语,帅学忠主编),general weakness of the male sexual prowess (远东汉英大辞典,梁实秋主编),kidney vacuity (英汉、汉英中医辞典,Nigel 著),等等。
翻译的首要原则是“信”,译文传达给读者的应该是exactly what is said or written in the source language。
而在医学英语里,术语大多数来自拉丁语,属于Big Words,在日常用语里通常是使用不到的。
比如邪风,就可以译成evil wind,不必使用pathogenic factor;表里、内外就可以直接译成exterior and interior/external and internal。
“除痰”就不必译成expectorate,译成eliminate sputum/phlegm 就很符合也能表达中医的原义。
Powder for calming fetus
Thready Pulse
音译即拼音翻译法。由于中西方文化及中西医之 间的巨大差异,中医理论中特有的一些概念在英语 中很难找到对应语。如“气”、“阴阳”、“气 功”、“推 拿”等等。这些概念具有典型的中国文化特色,无 论 直译还是意译都无法准确地再现原文的内涵,于是 人们便采用音译的手段来翻译这些概念。 音译的实用对象是:
一半是音译一半是直译。例如: “营分证” “肾俞漏” “厥阴病” yingfen syndrome fistula of shenyu jueyin disease
头晕目眩 headache and vertigo
心悸心烦 失眠健忘 鼻衄
tinnitus and dryness of eyes
vexation and palpitation insomnia and poor memory; nose bleeding
有一些中医治疗方法如针刺、艾炙、推拿等, 我们可以直接翻译成相应的西医术语acupuncture,
3)古典中医专著 《黄帝内经》 《伤寒论》 Huangdi Neijing Shanghan Lun
Jingui Yaolue
Wenbing Xue
需要注意的是:采用音译法翻译中医的抽象概念 或方剂名时,为了让读者了解所译名词的实际含 义,当这些音译名词在文章中首次出现时,一般要 用破折号、逗号或括号加注说明。如:qi (the energy of life);zang-fu (isceral organs)。
术语翻译1.traditional Chinese medicine; TCM2.basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine3.clinical experience4.treatment based on syndrome differentiation5.miscellaneous diseases6.Chinese pharmacy7.four properties and five tastes8.acupuncture and moxibustion; acumox9.classical Chinese philosophy10.sweating therapy; diaphoresis11.purgation12.vomiting therapy; emetic therapy13.the School of Reinforcing the Earth14.etiology15.prescription; formula16.medical practice17.therapeutic principles18.herbs cold and cool in nature19.nourishing yin and reducing fire20.diseases caused by blood stasis1.five zang-organs; five zang-viscera2.six fu-organs3.system of meridians and collaterals4.holismanic wholeness6.social attribute7.(of the five zang-organs) open into8.sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store9.diagnostics10.relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi11.therapeuticsmon cold due to wind and cold13.different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease14.the same therapeutic method used to treat different diseases15.balance of water metabolism16.clearing away heart fire17.nature of disease18.treating the left side for curing diseases located on the right side19.drawing yang from yin20.treating the lower part for curing diseases located on the upper part一.术语翻译1.philosophical concept2.mutual transformation3.balance of yin and yang4.transformation between yin and yang5.extreme cold turning into heat6.pathological changes7.absolute predominance8.general rule of pathogenesis9.supplementing what it lacks of10.eliminating wind and dispersing cold11.mutually inhibiting and promoting12.mutually inhibiting and restraining13.interdependence14.excess of yin leading to decline of yang15.contrary and supplementary to each otheranic whole17.impairment of yang involving yin18.deficiency of both yin and yang19.deficiency cold syndromesuppressing yang and eliminating wind第四课术语翻译1.the doctrine of five elements; the theory of five phases2.free development3.to be generated and to generate4.restraint in generation5.Wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally.6.Earth is characterized by cultivation and reaping.7.Water is characterized by moistening and downward flowing.8.over restriction and counter-restriction9.Wood over restricts earth because it is deficient.10.promotion, restriction, inhibition and transformation11.disorder of a mother-organ involving its child-organ12.insufficiency of essence and blood in the liver and kidney13.blood deficiency in the heart and liver14.exuberant fire in the heart15.insufficiency of liver yin16.declination of kidney yang17.weakness of the spleen and stomach18.soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach19.insufficiency of kidney yin20.imbalance between water and fire术语翻译1.doctrine of visceral manifestations2.five zang-organs and six fu-organs3.extraordinary fu-organs4.nutrients of water and food5.transmitting and transforming water and food6.storing essence7.internal and external relationship8.therapeutic effects9.clinical practice10.storage without discharge11.discharge without storage12.physical build and various orifices13.(of five zang-organs) open into14.spirit and emotions15.the heart storing spirit16.the lung storing corporeal soul17.the liver storing ethereal soul18.the spleen storing consciousness19.the kidney storing will20.the luster manifesting upon the face第六课术语翻译1.the heart governing blood and vessels2.sufficiency of heart qi3.rosy complexion4.sufficiency of blood5.unsmooth vessels6.lusterless complexion7.thin and weak pulse8.the heart storing spirit9.sweat and blood sharing the same origin10.ascending, descending, going out and going in11.dispersion, purification and descent12.regulating water passage13.the spleen governing transportation and transformation14.nutrients of water and food15.stoppage of water and fluid16.acquired base of life17.regulating qi activity18.upward adverse flow of liver qi19.innate essence20.the kidney receiving qi一.术语翻译1.extraordinary fu-organs2.isolated fu-organ3.digest water and food4.anus5.remaining part of liver qi6.upper energizer7.separating the lucid from the turbid8.residue of foods9.The large intestine governs thin body fluid10.bile11.The small intestine governs thick body fluid12.primary digestion13.essential qi14.the seven important portals15.The gallbladder is responsible for making judgment16.discharge waste17.occurrence of menstruation18.epiglottis19.morphological hollowness20.transporting and transforming water and food第八课术语翻译1.innateness2.nutrients; refined substance3.blood circulation4.water metabolism5.way of qi movement6.ascending, descending, exiting and entering movements of qi7.normal function of qi activity8.primary motive force of life9.warming and nourishing the viscera10.qi of the viscera and meridians11.qi activity12.qi transformation13.innate qi14.acquired qi15.healthy qi16.pathogenic factors17.primordial qi18.thoracic qi19.nutritive qi20.defensive qi术语翻译1.qi promoting the production of blood2.qi promoting the flow of blood3.qi commanding blood4.blood carrying qi5.blood generating qi6.qi promoting the production of body fluid7.qi promoting the flow of body fluid8.qi commanding body fluid9.body fluid carrying qi10.body fluid generating qi11.body fluid and blood sharing the same origin12.exhaustion of qi due to loss of body fluid13.exhaustion of qi due to hemorrhage14.loss of qi due to profuse sweating15.Normal flow of qi ensures normal flow of blood while stagnation of qi causes stagnation ofblood.16.Qi commands the blood and the blood carries qi.17.Normal flow of qi ensures normal flow of body fluid while stagnation of qi causes stagnationof body fluid.18.nourishing qi to stop collapse19.Sweating therapy should be not be used to treat patients suffering from hemorrhage.20.Sweating therapy should not be used to treat hemorrhage.第十课术语翻译1.theory of meridians and collaterals2.system of meridians and collaterals3.transporting qi and blood to the whole body4.being connected with the viscera and limbs5.running routes6.twelve regular meridians7.the regions through or along which the meridians run and the order by which the meridiansare connected with each other8.(of a collateral) pertaining to a certain meridian9.eight extraordinary vessels (meridians)10.branches of the twelve regular meridians11.divergent collaterals12.skin divisions of the twelve regular meridians13.tendons of the twelve regular meridians14.qi of meridians15.syndrome differentiation of meridians and collaterals16.meridian conduction17.meridian manifestations18.blockage of meridians19.soothing meridians and activating collaterals20.collateral pricking and cupping therapy。
第一课1.中国医药学 traditional Chinese medicine; TCM2.中医基础理论 basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine3.临床经验 clinical experience4.辨证论治 treatment based on syndrome differentiation5.杂病 miscellaneous diseases6.中药学 Chinese pharmacy7.四气五味 four properties and five tastes8.针灸 acupuncture and moxibustion; acumox9.古代中国哲学 classical Chinese philosophy10.汗法 sweating therapy; diaphoresis11.下法 purgation12.吐法 vomiting therapy; emetic therapy13.补土派 the School of Reinforcing the Earth14.病因学 etiology15.方剂 prescription; formula16.医疗实践 medical practice17.治疗原则 therapeutic principles18.寒凉药物 herbs cold and cool in nature19.滋阴降火 nourishing yin and reducing fire20.瘀血致病 diseases caused by blood stasis第二课1.五脏 five zang-organs; five zang-viscera2.六腑 six fu-organs3.经络系统 system of meridians and collaterals4.整体观念 holism5.有机整体 organic wholeness6.社会属性 social attribute7.开窍 (of the five zang-organs) open into8.生长化收藏 sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store9.诊断学 diagnostics10.邪正关系 relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi11.治疗学 therapeutics12.风寒感冒 common cold due to wind and cold13.同病异治 different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease14.异病同治 the same therapeutic method used to treat different diseases15.水液代谢平衡 balance of water metabolism16.清心火 clearing away heart fire17.疾病本质 nature of disease18.以左治右 treating the left side for curing diseases located on the rightside19.从阴引阳 drawing yang from yin20.病在上者下取之 treating the lower part for curing diseases located on theupper part第三课1.哲学概念 philosophical concept2.相互转化 mutual transformation3.阴平阳秘 balance of yin and yang4.阴阳转化 transformation between yin and yang5.寒极生热 extreme cold turning into heat6.病理变化 pathological changes7.绝对偏盛 absolute predominance8.病机总纲 general rule of pathogenesis9.补其不足 supplementing what it lacks of10.祛风散寒 eliminating wind and dispersing cold11.相互消长 mutually inhibiting and promoting12.相互制约 mutually inhibiting and restraining13.相互依存 interdependence14.阴胜则阳病 excess of yin leading to decline of yang15.相反相成 contrary and supplementary to each other16.有机整体 organic whole17.阳损及阴 impairment of yang involving yin18.阴阳两虚 deficiency of both yin and yang19.虚寒证 deficiency cold syndrome20.潜阳熄风 suppressing yang and eliminating wind第四课1.五行学说 the doctrine of five elements; the theory of five phases2.条达舒畅 free development3.生我、我生 to be generated and to generate4.生中有制 restraint in generation5.木曰曲直 Wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally.6.土爰稼穑 Earth is characterized by cultivation and reaping.7.水曰润下 Water is characterized by moistening and downward flowing.8.相乘相侮 over restriction and counter-restriction9.土虚木乘 Wood over restricts earth because it is deficient.10.生克制化 promotion, restriction, inhibition and transformation11.母病及子 disorder of a mother-organ involving its child-organ12.肝肾精血不足 insufficiency of essence and blood in the liver and kidney13.心肝血虚 blood deficiency in the heart and liver14.心火亢盛 exuberant fire in the heart15.肝阴不足 insufficiency of liver yin16.肾阳式微 declination of kidney yang17.脾胃虚弱 weakness of the spleen and stomach18.平肝和胃 soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach19.肾阴不足 insufficiency of kidney yin20.水火不济 imbalance between water and fire第五课1.藏象学说 doctrine of visceral manifestations2.五脏六腑 five zang-organs and six fu-organs3.奇恒之腑 extraordinary fu-organs4.水谷精微 nutrients of water and food5.传化水谷 transmitting and transforming water and food6.贮藏精气 storing essence7.表里关系 internal and external relationship8.治疗效应 therapeutic effects9.临床实践 clinical practice10.藏而不泻 storage without discharge11.泻而不藏 discharge without storage12.形体诸窍 physical build and various orifices13.开窍 (of five zang-organs) open into14.精神情志 spirit and emotions15.心藏神 the heart storing spirit16.肺藏魄 the lung storing corporeal soul17.肝藏魂 the liver storing ethereal soul18.脾藏意 the spleen storing consciousness19.肾藏志 the kidney storing will20.其华在面 the luster manifesting upon the face第六课1.心主血脉 the heart governing blood and vessels2.心气充沛 sufficiency of heart qi3.面色红润 rosy complexion4.血液充盈 sufficiency of blood5.脉道不利 unsmooth vessels6.面色无华 lusterless complexion7.脉象细弱 thin and weak pulse8.心藏神 the heart storing spirit9.汗血同源 sweat and blood sharing the same origin10.升降出入 ascending, descending, going out and going in11.宣发肃降 dispersion, purification and descent12.通调水道 regulating water passage13.脾主运化 the spleen governing transportation and transformation14.水谷精微 nutrients of water and food15.水液停滞 stoppage of water and fluid16.后天之本 acquired base of life17.调畅气机 regulating qi activity18.肝气上逆 upward adverse flow of liver qi19.先天之精 innate essence20.肾主纳气 the kidney receiving qi第七课1.奇恒之腑 extraordinary fu-organs2.孤腑 isolated fu-organ3.腐熟水谷 digest water and food4.魄门 anus5.肝之余气 remaining part of liver qi6.上焦 upper energizer7.泌别清浊 separating the lucid from the turbid8.食物残渣 residue of foods9.大肠主津The large intestine governs thin body fluid10.精汁 bile11.小肠主液 The small intestine governs thick body fluid12.初步消化 primary digestion13.精气 essential qi14.七冲门 the seven important portals15.胆主决断 The gallbladder is responsible for making judgment16.排泄糟粕 discharge waste17.月经来潮 occurrence of menstruation18.吸门 epiglottis19.形态中空 morphological hollowness20.传化水谷 transporting and transforming water and food第八课1.先天禀赋 innateness2.精微物质 nutrients; refined substance3.血液运行 blood circulation4.水液代谢 water metabolism5.气的运动形式 way of qi movement6.气的升降出入运动 ascending, descending, exiting and entering movements ofqi7.气机调畅 normal function of qi activity8.生命的原动力 primary motive force of life9.温养脏腑 warming and nourishing the viscera10.脏腑经络之气 qi of the viscera and meridians11.气机 qi activity12.气化 qi transformation13.先天之气 innate qi14.后天之气 acquired qi15.正气 healthy qi16.邪气 pathogenic factors17.元气 primordial qi18.宗气 thoracic qi19.营气 nutritive qi20.卫气 defensive qi第九课1.气生血 qi promoting the production of blood2.气行血 qi promoting the flow of blood3.气摄血 qi commanding blood4.血载气 blood carrying qi5.血生气 blood generating qi6.气生津液 qi promoting the production of body fluid7.气行津液 qi promoting the flow of body fluid8.气摄津液 qi commanding body fluid9.津液载气 body fluid carrying qi10.津液生气 body fluid generating qi11.津血同源 body fluid and blood sharing the same origin12.气随液脱 exhaustion of qi due to loss of body fluid13.气随血脱 exhaustion of qi due to hemorrhage14.气随津泄 loss of qi due to profuse sweating15.气行则血行,气滞则血瘀 Normal flow of qi ensures normal flow of blood whilestagnation of qi causes stagnation of blood.16.气为血帅,血为气母 Qi commands the blood and the blood carries qi.17.气行则水行,气滞则水滞 Normal flow of qi ensures normal flow of body fluidwhile stagnation of qi causes stagnation of body fluid.18.益气固脱 nourishing qi to stop collapse19.亡血家不可发汗 Sweating therapy should be not be used to treat patientssuffering from hemorrhage.20.夺血者无汗 Sweating therapy should not be used to treat hemorrhage. 第十课1.经络学说 theory of meridians and collaterals2.经络系统 system of meridians and collaterals3.运行全身 transporting qi and blood to the whole body4.联络脏腑肢节 being connected with the viscera and limbs5.循行路线 running routes6.十二正经 twelve regular meridians7.循行部位和交接顺序 the regions through or along which the meridians run andthe order by which the meridians are connected with each other8.络属关系 (of a collateral) pertaining to a certain meridian9.奇经八脉 eight extraordinary vessels (meridians)10.十二经别 branches of the twelve regular meridians11.别络 divergent collaterals12.十二皮部 skin divisions of the twelve regular meridians13.十二经筋 tendons of the twelve regular meridians14.经络之气 qi of meridians15.经络辨证 syndrome differentiation of meridians and collaterals16.经络感传 meridian conduction17.经络现象 meridian manifestations18.经络阻滞 blockage of meridians19.舒经活络 oothing meridians and activating collaterals20.刺络拔罐 collateral pricking and cupping therapy第十一课1.外感六淫 six exogenous pathogenic factors2.饮食劳倦 improper diet and overstrain3.风寒感冒 common cold due to wind-cold4.湿热泄泻 diarrhea due to damp-heat/damp-heat diarrhea5.内生五邪 five endogenous pathogenic factors6.风邪外袭 pathogenic wind attacking the exterior7.游走性关节疼痛 migratory arthralgia/joint pain8.风为百病之长 wind being the leading pathogenic factor9.感受寒邪 attacked/invaded by pathogenic cold10.阳气衰退 decline of yang qi11.寒性凝滞 cold tending to stagnate by nature12.腠理闭塞 stagnation of interstitial space13.经脉拘急收引 spasm and contraction of muscles and tendons14.湿邪困脾 pathogenic dampness obstructing the spleen15.脾阳不振 inactivation of spleen-yang16.阴虚生内热 production of endogenous heat due to yin deficiency17.热极生风 extreme heat producing wind18.七情内伤 internal impairment due to yin deficiency19.饮食不节 improper diet20.暴饮暴食 engorgement第十二课1.疾病的发生、发展与变化 occurrence, development, and changes of disease2.体质强弱 (body )constitutional state3.气血功能紊乱 dysfunction of qi and blood4.多种多样的病理变化 various pathological changes5.邪正盛衰 exuberance or decline of pathogenic factors and healthy qi/strength contrast between pathogenic factors and healthy qi6.病症的虚实变化 deficiency or excess changes of disease /transformationbetween deficiency and excess during a disease7.人体的抗病能力the human body’ resistance against diseases8.五心烦热 feverish sensation over the five centers (palms, soles, and chest)9.虚实夹杂 deficiency complicated with excess10.疾病转归 turnover of disease/prognosis of disease11.阴阳偏盛 relative predominance of yin or yang12.五志过极 extreme changes of five emotions13.精气夺则虚 depletion of essence causing deficiency14.阴阳互损 mutual consumption of yin and yang15.真热假寒或假寒真热 true heat and false cold; false cold and true heat16.气机郁滞不畅 stagnation of qi activity17.津液代谢失常 disorder of fluid metabolism18.寒从中生 endogenous cold/ cold originating from the interior19.津伤化燥 fluid consumption producing dryness20.风气内动 stirring of endogenous wind/disturbance of endogenous wind第十三课1.神色形态 spirit, complexion, and physical conditions2.精神活动 mental activities3.精充气足 sufficient essence and abundant qi4.表情淡漠 apathetic facial expressions5.主色与客色 normal complexion and varied normal complexion6.四肢抽搐 convulsion of the limbs7.湿热动风 stirring of wind due to damp-heat8.邪毒内陷 interior sinking of pathogenic toxin9.肌肤甲错 scaly skin/ squamous and dry skin10.饥不欲食 hunger without appetite11.四诊合参 combined use of the four diagnostic methods12.面部表情 facial expressions13.预后良好 favorable prognosis14.精神不振 dispiritedness15.五色主病 five colors indicating diseases / diagnostic significance of fivecolors16.口眼歪斜 facial distortion17.虚火上炎 flaming of deficient fire18.大肠热结 retention of heat in the large intestine19.光剥舌 uncoated tongue/ mirror-like tongue20.脉象 pulse manifestations第十五课1.辨证论治 treatment with syndrome differentiation/ treatment according tosyndrome differentiation2.表里同病disease involving both exterior and interior/ simultaneousdisorder of exterior and interior3.寒热错杂 simultaneous occurrence of cold and heat/ mixture of cold and heat4.里邪出表 regression of interior pathogenic factors to the exterior5.真寒假热 true cold and false heat6.恶寒与恶热 aversion to cold and aversion to heat7.口淡不渴 tasteless sensation in the mouth without thirst8.寒邪郁而化热 transformation of stagnated pathogenic cold into heat9.外感表虚 exterior-deficiency syndrome due to exogenous pathogens10.五心烦热 feverish sensation over five centers11.病位与病性 location and nature of disease12.虚实夹杂 mixture of deficiency and excess/co-existence of deficiency andexcess13.表邪入里 invasion of exterior pathogenic factors into the interior14.寒证化热 cold syndrome transforming into heat syndrome15.真热假寒 true heat and false cold16.热证转寒 heat syndrome transforming into cold syndrome17.舌淡苔白而润滑 pale tongue with white, moist and slippery fur18.脉数无力 rapid and weak pulse19.潮热盗汗 tidal fever and night sweating20.神昏谵语 coma with delirium第十六课1.中草药 Chinese medicinal herbs2.四气五味 four properties and five flavors3.入药部分 the part used for medical purpose4.药物采集 collection of herbs5.炮制 processing of herbs6.清除杂质 eliminating impurity7.作用和缓 mild effect8.发散解表 relieving exterior syndrome by dispersion9.收敛固涩 astringing and checking10.软坚润下 lubricant purgation by softening hardness11.燥湿健脾 drying dampness to invigorate the spleen12.升降沉浮 ascending, descending, sinking and floating13.归经 channel tropism/channel distribution of medicines14.用药禁忌 medication contraindication15.药物用量 Dosage16.辛温解表药 pungent and warm herbs with the function of relieving exteriorsyndrome17.祛风湿药 herbs for expelling wind and dampness18.十八反、十九畏 eighteen incompatible herbs and nineteen herbs of mutualantagonism19.清热凉血药 herbs for clearing away heat and cooling blood20.祛痰止咳药 herbs for eliminating phlegm and stopping cough第十七课1.方剂学 Science of prescription2.配伍关系 Compatibility3.组成规律 prescription-formulating principle4.方剂的加减 modification of prescriptions5.剂型与剂量 drug form and dosage6.君臣佐使 monarch, minister, assistant and guide7.药物毒性 toxicity of medicinal herbs8.缓和药性 moderating the property of herbs9.引经报使 guiding action10.调和诸药 mediating all herbs in a prescription11.温经散寒 warming channels to dissipate cold12.宣肺平喘 dispersing lung to relieve asthma13.灵活化裁 flexible modification14.清散郁热 clearing away and dispersing stagnated heat15.随症加减 modification according to symptoms16.药物饮片 processed herbs17.内服散剂 power for oral taking18.外用膏剂 medicinal extract for external application19.开水冲服 mixed in boiled water for oral taking20.浓缩浸膏 condensed extract。
中医术语“经络”的英译辨析黄光惠岳峰(福建师范大学外国语学院,福建福州350007)摘要:中医术语“经络”是中医独有的概念,其英译在国内词典和国际标准中都存在直译(meridian and collateral )和意译(channel and collateral )并用的现象。
根据“经络”的命名及含义,结合功能翻译理论分析该词的两个译本,得出将该词直译为meridian and collateral 能准确地传递原文信息、更易于目的语读者理解和接受,而且回译性更好。
关键词:中医术语,经络,英译中图分类号:N04;H159;R2文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-8578(2012)04-0022-04Discrimination of the English Translations of TCM Term “jingluo ”HUANG GuanghuiYUE FengAbstract :The concept of “jingluo 经络”is unique in TCM and there exits no equivalence in English.It has been translated literally into “meridian and collateral ”and freely into “channel and collateral ”.For the unification of the translation of TCM Term ,this paper probes into the connotation and original naming of it and compares both versions in the light of functional translation theories.It is concluded that the literal translation “meridian and collateral ”is more nearly accurate ,as it conveys the original meaning more efficiently ,bears greater resemblance to ST in structure ,and is more likely to be understood and accepted by the target readers.Keywords :TCM Term ,meridian and collateral ,channel and collateral ,translation收稿日期:2012-03-31作者简介:黄光惠(1973—),女,福建卫生职业技术学院副教授,福建师范大学在读研究生,主要研究方向为翻译理论与实践,通信方式:yingguanglinda@163.com 。
带着中医看世界:中医基础理论中常用术语汉英双译(十)心胃火燔: exuberant fire of heart and stomach肺脾两虚:deficiency of both lung and spleen肺肾阴虚:yin deficiency of lung and kidney肺肾气虚:qi deficiency of lung and kidney脾胃虚弱:deficiency of spleen and stomach脾胃阴虚:yin deficiency of spleen and stomach脾胃湿热:dampness-heat of spleen and stomach脾肾阳虚:yang deficiency of spleen and kidney肝肾阴虚:yin deficiency of liver and kidney肝火犯肺:liver fire invading lung水不涵木:water failing to nourish wood; kidney failing to nourish liver肝气犯脾:liver qi invading spleen肝气犯胃:liver qi invading stomach肝郁脾虚:stagnation of liver qi and spleen deficiency肝胆湿热:dampness-heat of liver and gallbladder 肝胆实热:excessive heat of liver-gallbladder所生病:disease of viscera connecting with this channel卫气虚:deficiency of defensive qi营卫不和:disharmony between nutrient qi and defensive qi胃家实:excess of stomach and intestine阳明燥热:Yangming dryness-heat阳明腑实:Yangming fu-viscera excess阳明虚寒:Yangming deficient cold邪郁少阳:stagnant pathogen of Shaoyang半表半里:half-superficies and half-interior太阴寒湿:Taiyin cold-dampness太阴虚寒:Taiyin deficient cold少阴寒化:cold transformation of Shaoyin disease 少阴热化:heat transformation of Shaoyin disease 厥热胜复:alternate cold and heat卫分:weifen卫阳被遏:defensive yang being obstructed气分:qifen热炽津伤:injury of fluid due to exuberant heat营分:(1)yingfen;(2)nutrient tier热入心包:invasion of pericardium by heat心营过耗:over consumption of heart nutriment营阴损伤:nutrient qi and yin fluid being damaged 血分:(1)xuefen;(2)blood tie热入血分:heat invading xuefen血分瘀热:stagnated heat in xuefen血分热毒:heat-toxicity in xuefen上焦湿热:dampness-heat in upper jiao中焦湿热:dampness-heat in middle jiao下焦湿热:dampness-heat in lower jiao传遍天下:transmission从化:transformation in accord with consititution 顺传:sequential transmission逆传:reverse transmission逆传心包:reversed transmission to pericardium转归:sequelae康复:rehabilitation表邪入里:superficies pathogens involving interior 里病出表:interior disease involving superficies表里同病:simultaneous superficies and interior syndromes两感:cold attack on paired channels阳病入阴:yang disease involving yin阴病出阳:yin disease involving yang上损及下:deficiency transmitted from upper body tolower body下损及上:deficiency transmitted from lower body toupper body气病及血:qi disease involving blood血病及气:blood disease involving qi脏病及腑:zang-viscera disease involving fu-viscera 腑病及脏:fu-viscera disease involving zang-viscera 直中:direct attack循经传:sequential transmission along channel越经传:transmission of skipping to other channel 再经:disease involving other channel过经:disease transmitting from one channel to another经尽:disease of one channel without transmission 合病:disease involving two or more channels并病:disease of one channel involving another channel卫气同病:disease involving weifen and qifen卫营同病:disease involving weifen and yingfen 气营两燔:flaring heat in qifen and yingfen气血两燔:flaring heat in qifen and xuefen从阴化寒:cold transformed from yin从阳化热:heat transformed from yang因虚致实:excess resulted from deficiency由实转虚:deficiency transformed from excess实则阳明:excessive disease located in Yangming 虚则太阴指:deficient disease located in Taiyin。
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CHAPTER 1肝阳liver yang肝气liver qi肝开窍于眼liver open at the eyes肺开窍于鼻lung open at the nose心开窍于舌heart open at the tongue上亢ascendant hyperactivity肝阳上亢ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang阳盛yang exuberance阴盛yin exuberance阳衰yang debilitation阴衰yin debilitation传统医学traditional medicine中医traditional Chinese medicine中西医结合integration of Traditional Chinese and Western medicine 阴阳学说yin-yang theory五行学说five-phase theory中医基础理论basic theory of TCM中医诊断学traditional Chinese diagnostics方剂学formula study经方classified formula合方combined formula改方modified formula经络学说meridian and collateral (study) 经脉meridian vessel穴位acupuncture points头皮针scalp acupuncture耳针auricular acupuncture中药学traditional Chinese pharmacy中医养生traditional Chinese life nurturing 中医康复traditional Chinese rehabilitation 中医护理traditional Chinese nursing整体观念holism五脏five viscera六腑six bowelsCHAPTER 2精气学说essential qi theory肾精kidney essence清气clear qi清阳clear yang清热clear heat阳虚yang deficiency虚火deficiency fire血逆blood counterflow气逆qi counterflow过虑伤肺excessive anxiety damage the lung 气闭qi block热闭heat block阳脱证yang collapse pattern津脱fluid collapse补阳tonify yang补气tonify qi补血tonify blood苍天之气heaven qi气机qi dynamic陈腐之气stale qi气陷qi fall正气healthy qi气滞qi stagnation阳证yang pattern胃热证stomach heat pattern证型pattern type阴中之阴yin within yin阳中之阴yin within yang阴阳互根mutual rooting of yin and yang治本treat the root阴阳消长waxing and wanting of yin and yang月有阴晴圆缺the waxing and wanting of the moon 阴阳调和harmony of yin and yang气血不调disharmony of qi and blood调和气血harmonize the qi and the blood和胃harmonize stomach和法harmonizing method阳盛阴虚yin deficiency with yang hyperactivity表实exterior excess实寒excess cold虚实夹杂deficiency-excess complex表证exterior pattern表虚exterior deficiency里虚interior deficiency里实interior excess表里关系exterior-interior relation阴阳转化yin-yang conversion由实转虚conversion of excess into deficiency阴阳格拒yin and yang repulsion冷热格拒cold and heat repulsion阳邪yang pathogen阴邪yin pathogen五行five phases木行wood phase土生金earth engenders metal木生火wood engenders fire土克水earth restrains water木克土wood restrains earth木乘土wood overwhelms earth水乘火water overwhelms fire水侮土water rebels earth木侮金wood rebels metal金侮火metal rebels fire母子相及mother and child inter-affectingMother and child affecting each other CHAPTER 3先天之气innate qi先天之精innate essence后天之气acquired qi后天之精acquired essence肝肾同源homogeny of liver and kidney精血同源homogeny of essence and blood命门之火life gate fire气门qi gate君火sovereign fire / heart fire相火ministerial fire正气healthy qi宗气ancestral qi元气source qi原穴source point卫分defence aspect卫气defence qi运化transportation and transformation气化qi transformation气机失调qi dynamic disorder气机瘀滞qi dynamic stagnation寒凝气滞qi stagnation due to cold congealing 寒滞肝脉cold stagnating in the liver vessel 肝气上逆liver qi ascending counterflow胃气上逆stomach qi ascending counterflow 肝气横逆transverse invasion of liver qi真气genuine qi营气nutrient qi下气海lower sea of qi气化作用transformation function心血heart blood血瘀blood stasis气郁qi stagnation活血化瘀activate blood and resolve stasis营卫nutrient and defense营分nutrient aspect水谷精华the essence of water and food水谷代谢water-food metabolism津液fluid and humor津血同源homogeny of fluid and blood液脱证humor collapse pattern气液代谢qi-humor metabolism中气下陷sunken middle qi升举中气upraise middle qi心神heart spirit神昏spirit failing to keep to its abode三焦triple energizers脾气散精the spleen qi disperses essence肺主通调水道the lungs regulate the waterways 肾主水the kidneys dominate water肝主疏泄the liver dominates free coursing三焦主诸气the triple energizers dominate all qi肾主二便the kidneys dominate urination and defecation肺主宣发,主排汗和呼吸the lung govern sweat discharge and respiration魂ethereal soul精神essence-spirit意ideation魄corporeal soul志will气血失调disharmony of qi and blood阴阳失调disharmony of yin and yang气血两虚dual deficiency of qi and blood气阴两虚dual deficiency of qi and yin气病及血qi disease affecting the blood阳损及阴detriment to yang affecting yin气不摄血qi deficiency failing to control blood脾不统血spleen failing to control blood气不化津qi failing to transform fluidCHAPTER 4五脏five viscera中脏viscera stroke藏象viscera manifestation脉象pulse manifestation脏腑viscera and bowel六腑six bowels奇点extra point奇恒之腑extraordinary organs上焦upper energizers中焦middle energizers三焦tripple energizers心包经pericardium channel热入心包heat enters pericardium胆经gallbladder channel胆实热gallbladder excess heat小肠虚寒deficient cold of small intestine心热传入小肠transmission of heart heat to the small intestine 大肠虚寒deficient cold of large intestine热迫大肠heat distressing the large intestine膀胱气化bladder qi transformation膀胱湿热dampness heat of the bladder冷凝胞宫证pattern of cold congealing in the uterus热入血室heat entering the blood chamberBlood chamber is another name of uterus肝气犯胃liver qi invading the stomach风热袭肺wind-heat invading the lung火旺effulgent fire阴虚火旺yin deficiency with effulgent fire肺气失于宣发lung qi failing to diffuse肾精不足kidney essence insufficiency虚火上炎deficient fire flaming upward心火上炎heart fire flaming upward髓海sea of marrow血海sea of blood心胃火燔heart-stomach fire ablaze肝气郁滞liver qi depression化火transform into fire藏血store blood主疏泄govern free coursing少阳之气lesser yang qi心藏神heart houses spirit脾藏意spleen houses ideation热伤神明heat damaging bright spirit直中direct strike风中经络wind striking meridian and collateral 风中血脉wind striking blood vessels清热clear heat燥干清窍dryness affecting the clear orifices升清upbearing the clear泌别清浊separation of the clear and turbid湿浊dampness turbidity降浊downbear turbid降火downbear fire骨蒸潮热bone-steaming tidal fever肾主骨kidney govern the bone淤阻脑络证pattern of (blood) stasis obstructing the brain collateral 髓海sea of marrow髓通于脑marrow connects to the brain经脉collateral vessel血脉blood vessel二七天癸至heavenly tenth arrives at the age of 2 times 7七七天癸竭heavenly tenth fades away at the age of 7 times 7月经menstruation母乳喂养breastfeedingCHAPTER 5外因external cause内因internal cause不内外因cause neither internal nor external外邪external pathogen阴邪yin pathogen外感external contraction新感new contraction外感风寒external contraction of wind-cold外感六淫six-excess external contraction六淫入血分six excesses entering the blood aspect 暑湿summerheat dampness中暑summerheat stroke湿浊dampness turbidity下焦湿热lower energizer dampness-heat凉燥cool-dryness津枯血燥desiccation of liquid and blood dryness 温邪warm pathogen温下法warm purgation温毒pestilential pathogen瘟疫论treatise on pestilence婴儿惊厥(惊风)infantile convulsion刚痉febrile convulsion with chills暑邪summerheat肝风内动internal stirring of liver wind目上斜视upward squint of the eyes疮疡sores and ulcers内伤internal damage伤阳damage to yang伤津damage to fluid七情seven emotions情志不遂emotional upset喜极伤心excessive joy damaging the heart怒极伤肝excessive anger damaging the liver忧极伤肺excessive anxiety damaging the lung思极伤脾excessive thought damaging the spleen悲极伤肺excessive sorrow damaging the lung恐极伤肾excessive fear damaging the kidney惊极伤心excessive fright damaging the heart劳倦overexertion and fatigue寒厥cold syncope脏厥visceral syncope(内脏阳气衰微所致的肢厥,a syncope due to yang debilitation of internal organs)怒则气上anger causes qi to ascend喜则气缓joy causes qi to slacken悲则气消sorrow causes qi to disperse恐则气下fear causes qi to descend惊则气乱fright causes derangement of qi思则气结thought causes qi to bind忧则气郁anxiety causes qi to be depressed目赤bloodshot eyes五味偏嗜flavor predilection饮食偏嗜dietary predilection创伤学traumatology外伤traumatic injury房劳sexual overindulgence劳复taxation relapse女劳sexual taxation风痰wind-phlegm寒痰cold-phlegm痰饮phlegm-retained fluid痰湿phlegm-dampness水湿water-dampness淤血犯头static blood invading head 痿病wilting disease骨痿bone wilting筋痿sinew wilting绞痛colic pain寒疝cold abdominal colic淤痰blood stasis-phlegm浓痰purulent phlegm CHAPTER 6四诊four diagnostic examinations精神状态mental state面部表情facial expression面色complexion望小儿指纹vein of the infant's fingers 舌象tongue manifestation藏象visceral manifestation人体human body舌体tongue body舌形form of the tongue制剂形式preparation form舌态motility of the tongue口眼歪斜deviated of the tongue歪舌deviated tongue落枕stiff neck强硬舌stiff tongue震颤法trembling method颤动舌trembling tongue舌根root of the tongue舌尖tip of the tongue舌边margins of the tongue淡红舌pale red tongue淡白舌pale tongue红舌red tongue绛舌crimson tongue青舌blue tongue紫舌purple tongue青紫舌bluish purple tongue嫩舌tender-soft tongue胖大舌enlarged tongue肿胀舌swollen tongue瘦薄舌thin tongue点刺舌spotted tongue芒刺舌pricky tongue齿痕舌teeth-marked tongue裂纹舌fissured tongue痿软舌limp wilting tongue麻痹舌paralyzed tongue吐弄舌protruded agitated tongue 短缩舌contracted tongue地图舌geographical tongue舌苔tongue fur腻苔slimy fur滑苔slippery fur苔色fur color舌色tongue color中剥苔centre peeling fur根剥苔root peeling fur苔质texture of fur润苔moist fur燥苔dry fur燥裂苔dry and cracked fur前剥苔anterior peeling fur镜面舌mirror tongue类剥苔exfoliated fur淡红色薄白苔red tongue with thin white fur红舌薄黄干苔red tongue with thin, yellow and dry fur 命关life bar舌诊tongue diagnosis望舌inspection of the tongueCHAPTER 7口气mouth odor汗味sweat odor倒经inverted menstruation白带white vaginal discharge黄带yellow vaginal discharge恶露不下retention of the lochia恶露不绝persistent flow of lochia口臭fetid mouth odor halitosis把脉take pulse病脉morbid pulse三部九侯three positions and nine indicators 布指寸口脉wrist pulse寸口诊法wrist pulse-taking method人迎脉carotid pulse趺阳脉anterior tibial pulse寸,关,尺cun/inch, guan/bar and chi/cubit 诊尺肤cubit skin examination指法finger technique叩击法tapping technique举,按,寻lifting, pressing and searching 推寻pulse searching平脉tranquil pulse燥脉agitated pulse按诊body palpation按腧穴acupuncture point palpation病色morbid complexion病脉morbid pulse浮脉floating pulse孤阳上越deficiency yang floating upward 沉脉sunken pulse脾气下陷sunken spleen qi中气下陷sunken middle qi单按pressing with one finger总按simultaneous palpation浮脉floating pulse沉脉sunken pulse迟脉slow pulse数脉rapid pulse虚脉vacuous pulse实脉replete pulse洪脉surging pulse细脉fine pulse滑脉slippery pulse涩脉rough pulse弦脉string-like pulse结脉bound pulse相兼脉combined pulse芤脉hollow pulse散脉dissipated pulse革脉drumskin pulse伏脉hidden pulse牢脉firm pulse阳明腑证yang brightness bowel pattern 缓脉moderate pulse缓脉(不正常)relaxed pulse疾脉racing pulse大脉large pulse长脉long pulse濡脉soggy pulse弱脉weak pulse短脉short pulse微脉faint pulse动脉stirred pulse紧脉tight pulse代脉intermittent pulse促脉skipping pulse驱寒dissipate cold散瘀dissipate stasis风动stirring wing阴虚动风yin deficiency with stirring windCHAPTER 8问寒热inquiry about cold and heat问汗inquiry about sweating问痛inquiry about pain恶寒aversion to cold恶热aversion to heat发热恶寒aversion to cold with fever畏is usually translated as fear, as in "fear of cold" 畏寒但热不寒fever without chills但寒不热chills without fever潮热tidal fever午间潮热afternoon tidal fever日晡潮热late afternoon tidal fever骨蒸潮热bone-steaming tidal fever湿温潮热dampness-warm tidal fever阴虚潮热yin deficiency tidal fever微热mild fever微恶寒mild aversion to cold微寒mild chill微渴mild thirst身热不扬unsurfaced fever五心烦热vexing heat in the chest, palms and soles / five center heat手足烦热vexing heat in the extremities 手足厥冷reversal cold of the extremities 厥阴reverting yin寒热往来alternating chills and fever盗汗night sweating虚热deficiency heat少阳病lesser yang disease疟疾malaria头重脚轻heavy head and light feet身重heavy body重痛heavy pain目眩dizzy vision视力模糊blurred vision复视doubled vision灼痛scorching pain绞痛gripping pain掣痛pulling pain隐痛dull pain窜痛scurrying pain闷痛oppressive pain酸痛aching pain游走性疼痛wandering pain阵发性痛paroxysmal pain阵发性咳嗽paroxysmal cough持续性痛persistent pain汗不止persistent sweating项背拘急contracture of the nape and neck 四肢拘急contracture of the limbs肌肉痉挛muscle spasm淋病strangury disease血淋blood strangury热淋heat strangury胀痛distending pain刺痛stabbing pain冷痛cold pain空痛empty pain固定痛fixed pain胁痛hypochondriac四肢痛limb pain周身痛generalized pain完谷不化undigested food in the stool消化不良腹泻undigested food diarrhea 五更泻fifth-watch diarrhea五更咳fifth-watch cough溏泄sloppy diarrhea便溏sloppy stool大便硬结hard bound stool结脉bound pulse余尿不尽incomplete urination小便涩痛difficult painful urination大便失禁fecal incontinence小便失禁urinary incontinence尿浊turbid urine分泌清浊separation of the clear and turbid 语声重浊deep turbid voice小便淋沥dribbling urination癃闭dribbling urinary block遗精seminal emission梦遗dream emission白带white vaginal discharge黄带yellow vaginal discharge下消lower wasting-thirst里急后重tenesmus尿频frequent urination膀胱失约bladder retention failure遗尿enuresis阳痿impotence勃起erection滑精spermatorrhea早泄pre-mature ejaculation月经先期advanced menstruation月经period月经后期delayed menstruation月经先后无定期menstruation at irregular intervals 经期延长prolonged menstruation月经过多profuse menstruation月经过少scanty menstruation崩漏flooding and spotting闭经amenorrhea初潮menarche痛经dysmenorrhea赤白带下white and yellow vaginal discharge胸闷oppression in the chestCHAPTER 9半表半里证pattern of half-exterior half-interior表里辩证exterior-interior pattern identification表虚证exterior deficiency pattern表寒证exterior cold pattern风湿袭表证pattern of wind-dampness assailing the exterior 风寒袭喉证pattern of wind-cold assailing the throat风寒袭肺证pattern of wind-cold assailing the lung风寒束表wind-cold fettering the exterior风寒束肺证pattern of wind-cold fettering the lung卫表不固证defense-exterior insecurity pattern表里俱寒证pattern of dual exterior and interior cold肝胆俱实证pattern of dual excess of liver and gallbladder 气阴两虚证pattern of dual deficiency of qi and yin八纲辨证eight-principle pattern identification表寒里热证pattern of exterior cold and interior heat寒热错杂证cold-heat complex pattern虚实夹杂证deficiency-excess complex pattern上寒下热证upper cold and lower heat pattern上热下寒证upper heat and lower cold pattern上焦upper energizer上消upper waste-thirst热及生风证pattern of extreme heat engendering wind阴极似阳extreme yin resembling yang阳极似阴extreme yang resembling yin上盛下虚证upper exuberance and lower deficiency pattern 下焦lower energizer真虚假实证true deficiency with false excess pattern真实假虚证true excess with false deficiency pattern真寒假热证true cold with false heat pattern辩症syndrome differentiation阳虚痰凝yang deficiency with congealing phlegm寒凝气滞证pattern of congealing cold with qi stagnation寒凝胞宫证pattern of cold congealing in the uterus伤阳证yang damage pattern伤阴证yin damage pattern阴阳两虚证pattern of dual deficiency of yin and yang心脾两虚证pattern of dual deficiency of heart and spleen阴虚内热证pattern of yin deficiency of yin with internal heat 阴虚火旺证pattern of yin deficiency with effulgent fire阴盛阳衰证pattern of yin exuberance with yang debilitation 阳虚寒凝证pattern of yang deficiency with congealing cold 阴盛格阳证pattern of exuberant yin repelling yang阳盛格阴证pattern of exuberant yang repelling yin清阳不升证pattern of clear yang failing to ascend肾不纳气证pattern of kidney failing to receive qi脾不统血证pattern of spleen failing to manage blood八纲eight principles治疗原则therapeutic principle八纲治法eight principle therapeutic methods合证combined pattern合方combined formulaCHAPTER 10气陷证qi sinking pattern寒湿证cold-dampness pattern气机失调证qi dynamic disorder pattern气机郁滞证stagnant qi dynamic pattern湿热下注证pattern of dampness-heat pouring down寒凝气滞证pattern of congealing cold with qi stagnation寒凝血瘀证pattern of congealing cold with blood stasis寒湿内阻证pattern of internal obstruction of cold-dampness 气虚湿阻证pattern of qi deficiency with dampness obstruction 气机不利证inhibited qi dynamic pattern气虚水停证pattern of qi deficiency with water retention气虚不摄证pattern of qi deficiency with failure to constrain气虚外感证pattern of qi deficiency with external contraction 蓄血证blood amassment pattern气血失调证qi-blood disharmony pattern气不摄血证pattern of qi failing to control the blood血虚挟淤证pattern of blood deficiency complicated by stasis 血虚寒凝证pattern of blood deficiency and congealing cold血虚风燥证pattern of blood deficiency and wind-dryness津气亏虚证fluid-qi deficiency pattern气滞水停证pattern of qi stagnation with water retention饮停胸胁证pattern of fluid retention in the chest and hypochondrium 风水相搏证pattern of mutual contention of wind and water水停证water retention pattern疫毒下注证pattern of pestilential toxin pouring downward火毒内陷证pattern of inward invasion of fire toxin表邪内陷证pattern of inward invasion of external evil表寒证exterior cold pattern表热证exterior heat pattern表虚exterior deficiency里实证interior excess pattern里寒interior cold里热interior heat外湿external dampness外风external wind外燥external dryness内风internal wind内燥internal dryness内湿internal dampness燥干清窍证pattern of dryness affecting the clear orifices气郁证qi depression pattern气郁化火证pattern of depressed qi transforming into fire 中气下陷证sunken middle qi脾气下陷sunken spleen qi直肠下陷prolapse of the rectum子宫下陷prolapse of uterus表气不固insecurity of exterior qi肾气不固insecurity of kidney qi蓄血blood amassment太阳蓄血证greater yang blood amassment pattern热入血室heat entering blood chamber寒入血室证pattern of cold entering blood chamber气虚血瘀证pattern of qi deficiency with blood stasis心血淤阻证heart blood stasis pattern寒凝血瘀证pattern of congealing cold with blood stasis 气病及血qi disease affecting the blood阳损及阴detriment to yang affecting yin生津engender fluid胃津stomach fluid津血同源homogeny of fluid and blood液脱证humor collapse pattern增液润肠increase humor and moisten the intestines风水相搏证pattern of mutual contention of wind and water阴虚水停证pattern of yin deficiency with water retention气滞水停证pattern of qi stagnation with water retention太阳蓄水证greater yang water retention pattern胸胁胀痛fullness in the chest and hypochondrium水停胸胁证pattern of fluid retention in the chest and hypochondrium。