

Flower of every kind are in bloom

Flower of every kind are in bloom

荷 花
Formerly, hundred mile Honghu floods were variable, people have no means to make a living 1 days, the beautiful lotus sisters were harnessing the auspicious cloud, rushed to the flat peach grand meeting, passed by this place, saw only the common people fields full of the corpses of the starved the tragic circumstances, was unable to restrain to be with flowing tears, has scattered resolutely the front pearl necklace down. In the festival of the queen mother of the west the grandmother empress discovered that their front the pearl disappears, when after querying the reason, soon the lotus sisters send after the world to save the common people two fairy maidens descend to earth, vast expanse of water Honghu then turns the lotus to struggle colorfully, the fish dive duck roosts land of plenty.

The Most Beautiful Flower

The Most Beautiful Flower

The Most Beautiful Flower TheMostBeautifulFlower 最美的花TheparkbenchwasdesertedasIsatdowntoreadBeneaththelong,strag glybranchesofanoldwillowtree.Disillusionedbylifewithgoodrea sontofrown,Fortheworldwasintentondraggingmedown.Andifthatweren‘tenoughtoruinmyday,Ayoungboyoutofbreathapproachedme,allti redfromplay.HestoodrightbeforemewithhisheadtilteddownAndsai dwithgreatexcitement,"LookwhatIfound!"Inhishandwasaflower,andwhatapitifulsight,Withitspetalsallwo rn-notenoughrain,ortoolittlelight.Wantinghimtotakehisdeadfl owerandgoofftoplay,Ifakedasmallsmileandthenshiftedaway.Butinsteadofretreatinghesatnexttomysideandplacedtheflowerto hisnoseanddeclaredwithsurprise,"Itsuresmellsprettyandit‘sbeautiful,too.That‘swhyIpickedit;here,it‘sforyou."Theweedbeforemewasdyingordead.Notvibrantofcolors,orange,yel loworred.ButIknewImusttakeit,orhemightneverleave.SoIreached fortheflower,andreplied,"JustwhatIneed."Butinsteadofhimplacingtheflowerinmyhand,Hehelditmid-airwith outreasonorplan.ItwasthenthatInoticedfortheveryfirsttime,th atweed-totingboycouldnotsee:hewasblind.Iheardmyvoicequiver,tearsshonelikethesun.AsIthankedhimforpi ckingtheverybestone."You‘rewelcome,"hesmiled,andthenranofftoplay,Unawareoftheimpac the‘dhadonmyday.Isatthereandwonderedhowhemanagedtoseeaself-pityingwomanbene athanoldwillowtree.Howdidheknowofmyself-indulgedplight?Perh apsfromhisheart,he‘dbeenblessedwithtruesight.Throughtheeyesofablindchild,atlastIcouldsee,theproblemwasno twiththeworld;theproblemwasme.AndforallofthosetimesImyselfh adbeenblind,Ivowedtoseebeauty,andappreciateeverysecondthat ‘smine.AndthenIheldthatwiltedfloweruptomynoseandbreathedinthefragr anceofabeautifulroseAndsmiledasthatyoungboy,anotherweedinhi shandAbouttochangethelifeofanunsuspectingoldman.然而祸不单行,一个气喘吁吁的小男孩跑到了我跟前,可能是玩的太累了.他正好站在我前面,仰起头看着我说:“看,我找到什么了!”他手里捏着一朵花,惨淡无光,花瓣可能因为缺水要么缺少光照全蔫了.我勉强冲他一笑,然后把头扭向一边,想让他带着花一起离开,自己去玩.可是他没有走,却坐在了我旁边,把花放在鼻子前面闻了闻,惊喜的说:“花又香又漂亮!所以我把它采来送给你.”我面前的杂草都干枯了,没有了五颜六色.我知道,如果我不要这朵花的话,他是不会走的.我接了花,跟他说:“正是我想要的”.但他没把花递到我手里,却无意识的举到了空中,我才注意到,他是个盲童.当我跟他说谢谢他送我这么漂亮的花时,我的声音颤抖了,眼泪流下来.他笑着说:“不客气”.然后就跑开,去玩了,他可能永远不会知道他带给我的震憾.我坐在那里,想着:他是怎样看到坐在这里的一个自怨自艾的我的呢?他怎么会知道我的自暴自弃?也许,在他内心里,才有真正的光明.通过他的眼睛,我才明白,有问题的是我自己,而不是这个社会;我的心盲了这么久,我发誓要发现生活中的美,好好享受自己的每一分钟.而后,我深深的嗅了一下那朵枯萎的花,仿佛空气中充满的盛开的玫瑰花香,我笑了,像那个男孩一样.也许他手中另一棵草会改变另外一个人的一生.自我感受:生活中并不都是残酷的,只要心中有美,眼中看到的自然都是美的.哪怕是残枝败叶,我们也应看到它过往的炫烂.哪怕是丰彩不在,我们也能领悟繁华过后的恬淡.只要你肯感受,美不处不在.。



2019中考英语二月精选:大阅读(四)附答案一、完形填空(2019中考选练)He was pleased to learn that Chibi knew all the places where the wild grapes and wild potatoes grew. He was amazed to ______how much Chibi knew about all the flowers in our class garden. He liked Chibi’s black and white drawings and put them up on the wall to be _____. He liked Chibi's own handwriting, which no one but Chibi could read, and he put that up on the wall.But, when Chibi appeared on the stage at the talent show of that year, no one could _____his eyes.“ Who is that?”“ What can that stupid do up there?”Until Mr Isobe announced that Chibi was going to imitate(模仿)the voices of crows.“ V oices?”“ V oices of crows?”________he imitated the voices of newly hatched crows. And he made the mother crow's voice. He showed how crows cry early in the morning. He showed how crows cry when the village people have some unhappy accident. He showed how crows _______when they are happy and cheerful. Everybody's mind was taken to the________mountainside from which Chibi probably came to school.Chibi made very special _______deep down in his throat(喉咙)to imitate a crow in an old tree in the end. Now everybody could imagine________the far and lonely place where Chibi lived with his family.Then Mr Isobe explained ______ Chibi had learned those calls--leaving his home for school at sunrise, and arriving home at sunset, every day for six long years.Every one of us cried, thinking how much we had been ______ to Chibi all those long years. He was a boy beyond our usual imagination!1.A.complain B.count C.find D.refuse2.A.admired B.printed C.punished D.avoided3.A.check B.hurt C.open D.believe4.A.Later B.Next C.Last D.First5.A.jump B.call C.fly D.dance6.A.far B.crowded C.near D.modern7.A.scripts B.reports C.speeches D.sounds8.A.hardly B.happily C.exactly D.peacefully9.A.what B.how C.whether D.who10.A.wrong B.kind C.honest D.generous【解析】【分析】本篇短文内容取材于日本画本书《乌鸦太郎》,讲述了一个叫chibi的农村男孩,每天走很远路去上学,沉默寡言,独来独往。



双语阅读:TheMostBeautifulFlower最美丽的花(MP3)The Most Beautiful Flower.mp32:55.17699999999999来自Panda每日分享打开今日头条,体验完整音频内容The Most Beautiful Flower最美丽的花The park bench was deserted as I sat down to read beneath the long, straggly branches of an old willow tree. Disillusioned by life with good reason to frown, for the world was intent on dragging me down.公园的长椅上空无一人,我走了过去坐在一棵老柳树长长的零乱的枝条下读书。


And if that weren't enough to ruin my day, a young boy out of breath approached me, all tired from play. He stood right before me with his head tilted down and said with great excitement, “Look what I found!”想到这些,我一天的心情都毁了,可更让人心情不好的是这时一个小男孩上气不接下气地走近我,看样子玩得很累。

他就站在我的正前方,歪着脑瓜激动地说:“看,我找到的东西!”In his hand was a flower, and what a pitiful sight, with its petals all worn—not enough rain, or too little light. Wanting him to take his dead flower and go off to play, I faked a small smile and then shifted away.他手中拿着一枝花,真可怜,花瓣全掉光了,看起来不是雨水不够,就是光照不足。



初一英语诗歌欣赏阅读理解25题1<背景文章>“Spring is Here”Spring is here, the season so fair.The flowers bloom, and everywhereIs filled with colors bright and rare.The grass is green, and soft as air.The birds sing songs so sweet and clear.As if to welcome this new year.This poem is about the beauty of spring. It describes the blooming flowers, green grass, and singing birds. The poet uses vivid descriptions to make the reader feel as if they are in the middle of spring. The poem also expresses a feeling of joy and happiness. The poet is clearly happy to see the arrival of spring.In this poem, the poet uses metaphors and similes. For example, “The grass is green, and soft as air.” is a simile. It compares the softness of grass to the softness of air. The poem also uses personification when it says “The birds sing songs so sweet and clear. As if to welcome this new year.” The birds are given human qualities of singing to welcome the new year.1. What is the poem mainly about?A. WinterB. SummerC. AutumnD. Spring答案:D。



所有的花儿都美丽所有的花儿都美丽Igrewupinasmalltownwheretheelementaryschoolwasaten-minutewa lkfrommyhouseandinanage,notsolongago,whenchildrencouldgohom eforlunchandfindtheirmotherswaiting。



Atthetime,Ididnotconsiderthisaluxury,althoughtodayitcertain lywouldbe.Itookitforgrantedthatmotherswerethesandwich-maker s,thefinger-paintingappreciatorsandthehomeworkmonitors.Inev erquestionedthatthisambitious,intelligentwoman,whohadacaree rbeforeIwasbornandwouldeventuallyreturntoacareer,wouldspendalmosteverylunchhourthroughoutmyelementaryschoolyearsjustwi thme。




Ionlyknewthatwhenthenoonbellrang,Iwouldracebreathlesslyhome .Mymotherwouldbestandingatthetopofthestairs,smilingdownatme withalookthatsuggestedIwastheonlyimportantthingshehadonherm ind.Forthis,Iamforevergrateful。



八年级诗歌欣赏英语阅读理解20题1.The poem mainly talks about_____.A.animals in the zooB.natural sceneryC.city lifeD.history events答案:B。

这首诗主要描述的是自然风景,A 选项是动物园里的动物,与诗歌内容不符;C 选项城市生活也不是诗歌的主题;D 选项历史事件同样与诗歌内容不相关。

2.In the poem, the author uses the word "blooming" to describe_____.A.flowersB.leavesC.treesD.birds答案:A。

“blooming”通常用来形容花朵盛开,B 选项树叶、C 选项树木、D 选项鸟儿通常不用“blooming”来形容。

3.The tone of the poem is_____.A.sadB.happyC.angryD.worried答案:B。

从诗歌中对自然风景的描写可以看出作者的语气是愉快的,A 选项悲伤、C 选项生气、D 选项担忧都不符合诗歌的基调。

4.What can we infer from the poem?A.It's winter.B.It's summer.C.It's spring.D.It's autumn.答案:C。

诗歌中出现了“blooming”等描述春天景象的词汇,可以推断出是春天,A 选项冬天、B 选项夏天、D 选项秋天与诗歌内容不符。

5.The author mentions "clear blue sky" to show_____.A.the weather is badB.the sky is cloudyC.the weather is niceD.it's going to rain答案:C。

“clear blue sky”表明天气很好,A 选项天气不好错误;B 选项天空多云错误;D 选项要下雨错误。



小升初英语阅读技巧完形填空题30题1My School LifeI love my school. It is a very beautiful place. There are many tall trees and colorful flowers. The classrooms are clean and bright. The teachers are kind and helpful. They teach us many things.I have many good friends at school. We often play games together. Sometimes we go to the library to read books. The library is big and quiet. There are a lot of books in it.1. I have a ___ backpack.A. newB. oldC. bigD. small答案:A。


B 选项old 旧的不太符合整体积极的氛围;C 选项big 和D 选项small 在文中没有相关线索体现。


2. My friend has a ___ pencil case.A. blueB. redC. greenD. yellow答案:B。


A 选项blue、C 选项green 和D 选项yellow 在文中没有依据。


3. The teachers are very ___.A. strictB. friendlyC. seriousD. quiet答案:B。

解析:文中提到老师很善良且乐于助人,所以friendly 友好的比较符合。



四年级植物分类英语阅读理解20题1<背景文章>Flowers are very beautiful. There are many kinds of flowers. Roses are red. They are very popular. Daisies are white. They are very lovely. Sunflowers are yellow. They are very big. Flowers grow in different places. Some grow in gardens. Some grow in the wild.Roses are usually found in ___.A. forestsB. gardensC. desertsD. mountains答案:B。


Daisies are ___.A. redB. blueC. whiteD. black答案:C。

解析:文章中明确提到Daisies are white.。

Sunflowers are ___.A. smallB. medium-sizedC. bigD. tiny答案:C。

解析:文章提到Sunflowers are yellow. They are very big.。

Flowers can grow in ___.A. only gardensB. only the wildC. gardens and the wildD. nowhere答案:C。

解析:文中提到Flowers grow in different places. Some grow in gardens. Some grow in the wild.。

What color are roses?A. WhiteB. YellowC. RedD. Blue答案:C。

The most beautiful flowers in the word

The most beautiful flowers in the word

The most beautiful flowers in the world are those you like best. I am sure you already have a list of your own, because most human beings like flowers. Their scent and their appearance have inspired us since the very beginning. We use them to decorate our hair, our homes or our parks and we perfume ourselves with flower essences. Imagine a world where flowers would not exist: it would be really toneless and sad, don’t you agree? Flowers are very special to me and this is why I created this top “10 most beautiful flowers in the world”:世界上最美的花当然就是指那些你最喜欢的花,我们大多数人都是喜爱花的,所以我相信你已经列出了你自己的列表。



要是一个世界没有了花,那将会多么死气沉沉、黯淡无光,不是吗?我对花有着非常特别的情感,所以我列出我的“世上10种最美的花”This amazing flower truly has the shape of a bird and this detail is what makes it special. The colorful bird of paradise is really tall: the plant may reach as much as 5 feet in height and the flower itself is pretty large as well. The bird of paradise may be found in South Africa. However, check your local florist: this plant is not only one of the most beautiful in the world, but one of the most popular as well.这种令人惊艳的花形状很像天堂鸟,正是这一点让它很特别。



公园里开满了各种颜色的花用英语作文全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Park Full of Rainbow FlowersWow, you'll never believe what I saw yesterday! Mom and Dad took me to this amazing park and it was like walking into a rainbow explosion. Flowers were blooming everywhere in so many bright, beautiful colors. It was like a dream!We walked down the path and the first flowers I noticed were the red ones. They were these big, puffy roses that looked like fluffy clouds. I wanted to reach out and touch their soft petals, but Mom said I shouldn't pick the flowers so others could enjoy them too. The roses had a sweet, pretty smell that made me think of candy.Next to the roses were sunflowers! These were the tallest flowers, stretching up higher than me. Their yellow petals circled big brown centers that looked like smiley faces. I felt like the sunflowers were looking down at me and smiling. They seemed so cheerful and friendly. I bet sunflowers are the happiest flowers.As we kept walking, I saw splashes of purple dotting the grass. Moving closer, I realized they were bunches of lilacs! The tiny purple blossoms were clustered together in cone shapes. I cupped my hands under one and was surprised by the heavenly floral scent. It reminded me of Mom's nice perfume. The lilacs were so small but packed a powerful punch of sweetness.Then the most eye-catching flowers of all came into view - the tulips! There were tulips everywhere in every color you can imagine. Red, pink, yellow, purple, and even tulips with stripes and petals of multiple colors on the same flower. The tulips made me think of a rainbow arched across the lush green grass. They looked like nature's celebration with their cheery, cupped blooms facing the sun. Of all the flowers, the tulips were definitely my favorite.Have you ever seen a flower that's not just one color, but has streaks and designs of different shades? That's what caught my eye next - the iris flowers. Some irises were purple with yellow streaks, while others were bright orange with deep blue designs. They were like little works of art! Up close, the petals looked like soft velvet tapestries with elegant patterns. Irises must be the fanciest flowers.It wasn't just the bigger, showier flowers that decorated the park though. I noticed some delicate white blossoms scattered along the edges of the path. Dad told me they were called baby's breath. Isn't that the cutest name? The tiny flower clusters looked just like little clouds or puffs of smoke. They added a soft, hazy beauty to the more vibrant flowers around them.With so many colors everywhere I looked, it felt like I was in a kaleidoscope! The blues, pinks, yellows, oranges, purples, reds - they all blended into one big rainbow. The Park was absolutely overflowing with every color of flower you can dream of.As we walked along, butterflies and bumblebees flitted from bloom to bloom. It was like the flowers were having their own party with these colorful insect guests. The butterflies were like flying pieces of confetti and the bees hummed merrily as they danced from flower to flower. I tried standing really still so maybe a butterfly would land on my nose, but they must have been too interested in the yummy flowers.The best part was the heavenly scent that hung in the air everywhere we went. It was like someone combined all the most delicious perfumes and baked a birthday cake - then sprinkled it with sugar and spice and everything nice. One second, I could smell the bold rosiness. The next, I caught a whiff of the crisp,herbal greenery mixed with lilac's sweet breath. The smells made me feel happy and sunny inside, like I was in my own magical world.After slowly wandering and admiring every inch of the floral wonderland, I was feeling a little sleepy from all the sights and scents. We found a patch of grass under a shady tree to sit down and have our picnic lunch that Mom packed. As I nibbled on my sandwich, I gazed out at the Rivers of color surrounding me. It was like the most beautiful painting had bloomed to life right before my eyes. Only this painting smelled as pretty as it looked!That night when I went to bed, I wished I could dream in color so I could see the Park's flowers again. I never wanted to leave that happy, rainbowed place. If the world were filled with that many colorful blooms everywhere you looked, I think everyone would walk around with a smile permanently planted on their face. Flowers just have a way of blanketing the world in warmth, happiness and pure beauty.I'm already asking Mom and Dad when we can go back to the Park again. There's no doubt I'll be spending as many sunny days as I can living inside that floral kaleidoscope this spring and summer. Maybe next time, a rainbow-colored butterfly will landon me! A kid can dream, right? As long as that dream is full of flowers.篇2The Park Full of Colorful FlowersWow, you won't believe the park I went to yesterday! It was the most amazing, colorful place I've ever seen. My mom took me and my little sister there for a picnic. When we first got there, I thought it looked like a regular park. There were some trees, a playground, and lots of green grass. But then we walked a little further and that's when I saw it - the incredible flower gardens!It was like stepping into a rainbow paradise. Flowers were blooming everywhere in every color you can imagine. Reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, purples, pinks - so many colors all mixed together. The gardens seemed to go on forever with winding paths leading you around each new section. I couldn't wait to explore them all!We started down one of the paths and the first flowers we saw up close were these humongous red ones. They were as big as basketballs! The petals were so velvety and soft. I wanted to snuggle up and take a nap inside one of the giant blooms. Mysister liked sniffing them because they had a sweet, rosy fragrance.Next we came across a patch of bright yellow sunflowers. Their heads were all facing the sun, staring up at the sky with their big smiley faces. I felt like they were happily greeting me. Some of them were taller than me! Their petals were very rough and prickly when I touched them. I pretended the sunflower patch was a field of smiling sun worshippers all stretching to get closer to their god.Around the bend, there was an area filled with every shade of pink, purple, and white flowers. The petals were so delicate and papery thin. It looked like a fairy princess garden. My sister and I played a game where we were tiny fairies flying from bloom to bloom, sipping nectar from the sweet-smelling petals. We had to be careful not to rip the fragile flowers when we landed on them. Such a pretty, magical place!Then we discovered the crown jewel of the gardens - an incredible rainbow flower tunnel! It went on and on, an arched pathway completely covered on the sides and top by interwoven vines and branches bursting with every colored bloom imaginable. As we walked through, it felt like we were inside a kaleidoscope constantly shifting and changing. Red flowers, thenyellow, green, blue, purple, orange, back to red again. The vibrant tunnel seemed to go on forever.Halfway through there was a secret fairy circle, a perfectly round garden surrounded by stones with a miniature toadstool village inside. Bushes around the circle were decorated with dangling orbs made of pink and purple petals clustered together. My mom called them "flower ball bushes." My sister and I became flower fairies again, flying from toadstool to toadstool and petal orb to petal orb. The most magical place in the tunnel for sure.After leaving the tunnel, the gardens opened up into vast fields of wildflowers. A sprawling landscape covered in splashes of every color - sunny goldenrods, passionate red poppies, pure white daisies, vivid purple asters, brilliant orange tiger lilies. We ran through the fields, flower petals brushing our legs as we raced by. When we finally collapsed down in the flowers, I made a little nest to lay in, surrounded by the vibrant blooms and their sweet, earthy scent.On our way out, we stopped at the Japanese garden section filled with ponds, little bridges, and flowering trees. Pale pink cherry blossoms floated down around us like flurry snow. I tried catching the petals on my tongue. They tasted like honey! Anarched bridge over a koi pond was absolutely covered in vines of cascading blue and purple wisteria blossoms. I had to duck down to avoid getting bonked on the head as I walked under thelow-hanging blooms. So pretty!The flower gardens were definitely the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Just thinking about all the colors, smells, and beauty makes me smile hugely. I can't wait to go back and explore more of those incredible rainbow blooms! The flower fairies are waiting for me to return to their magical world.篇3The Park Full of Colorful FlowersWow, you'll never believe how pretty the park looked today!I went there with my mom and dad after lunch. We were just going to go on the swings for a little while, but then we saw the most amazing sight - the whole park was covered in flowers of every color you can imagine!When we first got there, I noticed some bright yellow flowers right near the entrance. They were sunflowers! My dad told me they were called that because their petals stick out like rays from the sun. They were so tall, I had to strain my neck to see theirsmiling faces turned towards the sky. I wish I was as tall as a sunflower!We kept walking along the path, and that's when I gasped - there were hundreds of red flowers dotted all over the grassy areas. "Tulips!" my mom exclaimed. The tulips looked like they were little cups made of silk, holding droplets of morning dew. I knelt down to get a closer look and their sweet perfume tickled my nose. I wanted to pick one to put behind my ear, but mom said we should leave them for everyone to enjoy.Further down the trail, I spotted a blaze of bright orange. "Look at those!" I shouted, tugging on my dad's sleeve. He laughed and said those were called marigolds. They reminded me of miniature suns shining up from the earth. I loved how the orange petals were tinged with yellow near the centers. As we got nearer, I could see the marigolds were surrounded by a sea of pure white flowers. Mom said those were daisies and that you could make daisy chains by carefully linking them together stem-to-stem. I hadn't brought any scissors to try that this time, but I made a mental note to come back soon and make the longest daisy chain ever!By this point, my eyes had gotten used to all the vibrancy and I started noticing some softer, more subtle colors too. Likethe pale purple irises, standing straight and tall like royal guards. And the sky blue hydrangeas clustered in thick bushes, almost seeming like they had tiny faces when you looked closely. Mom pointed out some lavender-colored stalks that she called foxgloves. They reminded me of the hollow bird whistles I've made out of blades of grass before, except these were plump and velvety.As we turned the corner, an explosion of pink hit my eyes. It looked like someone had shaken out all the confetti from every party in the world! The sweet smell was so strong, it almost made me dizzy. Dad told me those were all peonies, and they only bloomed for a few weeks each year so we were lucky to catch them at their peak. He scooped me up so I could see them better, and I just stared at the layers upon layers of ruffled petals, mesmerized. Some peonies were cotton candy pink, while others were deeper magenta or gorgeous corals. I never wanted to leave that spot!But there was still so much more to see! Nearby, there was a big patch of royal blue flowers with silky centers. Those were irises, mom explained. I bent down to touch one and its petals felt cool and papery. A little further on, I noticed some cheerfulblue and yellow clusters that reminded me of sparkly fireworks - those were bachelor's buttons according to dad.The path looped back towards the entrance, and that's when the biggest surprise of all came into view. In the very center of the park was a huge circle overflowing with rose bushes! Every rose color you can dream of was there - passionate reds, buttery yellows, cotton whites, sweet pinks, peaches, and even a few unusual shades I'd never seen before like this duskypurplish-gray. I caught myself holding my breath as we walked through the rose garden, not wanting to miss a single fragrant note.Mom pulled a little book out of her pocket and opened it to a map. She pointed to a key that showed all the different flower types and where they were located throughout the park. Then she winked at me. "Should we go around again and see if we can spot them all?" She didn't have to ask me twice!We spent the whole afternoon happily zigzagging across that park, playing I-Spy with the vibrant blooms. I learned so many new names - chrysanthemums, carnations, poppies, dahlias, zinnias - my head was spinning! But I didn't want the day to end. Everywhere I looked, there were more cheerful splashes of color to discover. Red and gold coreopsis, sunny yellowcosmos, fluffy purple asters - it was like walking through a kaleidoscope fairyland!When we finally had to head home for dinner, I was sad to leave the floral wonderland behind. But I made my parents promise to bring me back again soon. A garden that beautiful deserves multiple visits! I didn't realize parks could look so magical. I thought they were just for playgrounds and walking dogs. But now I know they can bloom into temporary dreamworlds too, full of nature's bright artworks.I already can't wait for my next trip back. Maybe I'll even bring a sketchbook along and practice drawing all the different flowers. Or press some petals to make colorful designs. There's just something about seeing so much vibrant life and beauty gathered together like that. It makes you feel happy down to your toes! Like the flowers are smiling just for you. I'm so grateful our park got to experience this burst of color, even if it doesn't last forever. Memories like this one will though - warm in my heart like the sunshine that helped all those blossoms unfurl.篇4The Park Full of Colorful FlowersWow, you guys will not believe how pretty the park looked today! I'm so excited to tell you all about it. My mom took me to the big park near our house after school. It's my favorite park because it has so many fun things there like swings, a sandbox, and even a little stream you can wade in when it's hot outside. But today the park looked extra, extra special.When we got there, the first thing I noticed was all the bright, beautiful flowers that seemed to be blooming everywhere I looked! There were flowers of every color you can imagine. It was like a rainbow had exploded all over the grass and gardens. Let me tell you about some of the amazing flowers I saw.First, there were tons of red flowers. They looked like they were on fire, burning so bright! I saw red roses, red tulips, and these other red flowers that looked kind of like fireworks. Mom said those ones are called dahlias. Next to the red flowers were bunches of sunny yellow flowers. They made me feel all warm and happy inside, just like when I go outside on a really nice day. There were yellows daffodils, yellow tulips, and these other yellow ones that looked like they had green tutus on. Mom called those green tutus "petals" but I like to think of them as little flower dresses!Then I saw some of the most vivid orange flowers. They were so orange they looked almost red! There were tiger lilies which are orange with black spots. I thought those were super cool looking. Mom pointed out the bright orange poppies too. We also found clusters of purple flowers that looked like little suns with rays sticking out. Those were crocuses according to Mom. I just thought they looked like excited flower people dancing and waving their arms!Of course, there had to be pink flowers too. We couldn't miss those big, ruffly pink peonies. They kind of reminded me of tutus that ballerinas wear. The pink azaleas looked like Pink clouds that had gotten stuck in the bushes somehow. Everything smelled so nice and sweet from all the different pink flower smells.My favorite flowers though were the blue ones. I never realized there were so many pretty blue flowers until I saw them all together at the park! There were light blue forget-me-nots that looked like someone had taken the sky and made it into a flower. The dark blue irises looked like they were staring back at me with their big Center's that mom called "stigmas." The other blue flowers I really liked were the bluebells. They hung downlike little bells and I could imagine cute flower people ringing them whenever the wind blew.As we walked around more, I noticed other flowers in fun colors too like white, coral, lavender, and magenta. It seemed like there were flowers blooming in every single shade. Mom told me that all the different types of flowers bloom at different times throughout spring and summer, but the park workers had planned it just right so we could see them all in bloom together for a little while. Isn't that so cool?I could have stayed at the park looking at the flowers all day. They were just so pretty and made me feel happy and cheerful inside. Before we left, I made mom promise we would come back again soon so I could see the flower rainbow another time. She said the flowers would look different as new ones bloomed and old ones faded, but that we could keep coming back again and again to watch it change throughout spring and summer. I can't wait!I'm so lucky we have such a nice big park so close to our house with so many fields and gardens full of flowers. Next time you come over, I'll take you to see it yourself! Just wait until you see all the vibrant reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, purples, pinks, and whites. Everywhere you look there are flowers, flowers,and more flowers in a zillion different shades. I wish the park could look that pretty and colorful all year round! Wouldn't that be the best? For now though, I'll just have to enjoy it while I can. Spring is finally here, hooray!篇5The Park Full of Colorful FlowersWow, the park looks so pretty today! There are flowers everywhere in a rainbow of beautiful colors. I'm going to tell you all about the different kinds I can see.First, let me tell you about the roses. Roses are my favorite flower because they are so classic and elegant. There's a big rose garden near the entrance with hundreds of rose bushes covered in velvety blooms. I see deep red roses that look almost black, with ruffled petals like fancy dresses. Nearby are sunny yellow roses that glow so brightly. And in between are pretty pink roses in all sorts of shades - pale baby pink, bold hot pink, and everything in between. The roses have a lovely perfumed scent that fills the air.Next to the rose garden is a field full of tulips! Tulips always remind me of spring because they bloom so early when everything else is just starting to wake up after winter. The tulipshere come in a kaleidoscope of hues. There are bright red ones that look like they are on fire. Purple and lavender tulips cluster together, their petals forming perfect cups. Lemon yellow tulips stand tall next to creamy white ones with brush strokes of pink on the edges. I even spot some unusual greenish tulips that resemble tiny pale tree frogs.As I wander further into the park, I discover several flower beds bursting with pansies. Pansies always look like little cute faces smiling up at me. They have such cheerful colors - sunshine yellow, violet purple, brilliant orange, and velvety blue-black. Some pansies even have funny mustache markings under their petals! The pansies swarm together in tidy little mounds, like a crowd of friendly people at a party.Hidden under some trees, I find patches of elegant lilies nodding in the breeze. There are regal white lilies, tall and pure like brides in their wedding dresses. I also see brilliant orange lilies speckled with maroon freckles, and pastel pink lilies blushing softly. The lilies have a heady sweet perfume that makes my nose tingle. I have to be careful not to get too close because the pollen could make me sneeze!Around the lily beds are clusters of puffy hydrangea bushes absolutely smothered in big round blooms. The hydrangeacolors are so unusual and beautiful - pale blue, deep purple, frosty green edged in red, and even a reddish-brown the color of rich hot chocolate. Each hydrangea bloom is loaded with dozens of tiny flower petals all huddled together to form one gigantic puffball. They look like they would be very fun to gently bop, but I won't touch because I don't want to hurt them.At the back of the park is a shady grove of trees where daffodils and crocuses are popping up from the leaf litter on the ground. Daffodils always remind me of the sun with their bright yellow trumpet shapes. But here I also find some white daffodils with orange centers, peaches and cream bi-colors, and even subtle lemon yellows tinged with pink. The crocus blooms carpet the ground in radiant purple, sunny yellow, and brilliant white stripes. It's like someone scattered a rainbow of jewels on the forest floor!Everywhere I look there are more types of flowers in every color imaginable. Frilly carnations clustered together like ballerinas in pink, red and white tutus. Stately irises standing up straight with ruffled purple petals. Chrysanthemums bursting into fuzzy pink, orange and yellow spheres. I'm completely surrounded by a riot of flowery hues that makes me feel so happy and alive!The park is vibrating with colors today and sweet fragrances waft through the air. Bees buzz from blossom to blossom, collecting golden pollen on their fuzzy legs. Butterflies flit above the flowers in kaleidoscopic flashes as brilliant as the blooms. I wish I could bottle up this beautiful scene and keep the colors and scents forever!After admiring all the incredible flowers, I find a perfect spot to sit and read my book surrounded by the splendid blossoms. I lean back against a cherry tree trunk covered in frothy pink blooms. Underneath me is a carpet of silvery purple phlox flowers that releases a delicious perfume when I brush against them. I gaze around at this riotous floral display and feel so grateful that flowers come in such an incredible rainbow of vivid colors and intricate designs. They are nature's artists, painting the landscape with dazzling brush strokes. The park looks like an Impressionist masterpiece come to life! I can't wait to come back again to admire this breathtaking flower show as the seasons change and new blooms take the spotlight. This special place is absolute flower paradise.。




以下的关于幸福的英语美文《所有的花儿都美丽》,希望大家喜欢,更多信息请关注!所有的花儿都美丽I grew up in a small town where the elementary school was a ten-minute walk from my house and in an age, not so long ago, when children could go home for lunch and find their mothers waiting.我在一个小镇上长大,在那儿,从我家步行到我就读的小学只要10分钟。


At the time, I did not consider this a luxury , although today it certainly would be. I took it for granted that mothers were the sandwich-makers, the finger-painting appreciators and the homework monitors. I never questioned that this ambitious, intelligent woman, who had had a career before I was born and would eventually return to a career, would spend almost every lunch hour throughout my elementary school years just with me.但那时,我并没意识到这有多奢侈;而今,这肯定是一种奢望。



三年级英语阅读理解20题:美丽的四季风光1<背景文章>Spring is a wonderful season. The weather is getting warmer and warmer. The sun shines brightly in the sky. There are beautiful flowers everywhere. They are in different colors, like red, pink, yellow and purple. The trees turn green again. Green leaves are growing on the branches.There are also many lovely animals in spring. Birds are singing happily in the trees. They build their nests to have babies. Butterflies are flying among the flowers.People also like spring very much. They often go outside to enjoy the nice weather. Children like to fly kites in the park. The kites are in different shapes, such as birds, butterflies and planes. Families sometimes have picnics on the grass. They bring delicious food and drinks. It is really a great time in spring.1. What's the weather like in spring?A. Cold.B. Warm.C. Hot.D. Cool.答案:B。



四年级植物王国英语阅读理解20题1<背景文章>Roses are very beautiful flowers. They have soft petals. Usually, a rose has many layers of petals. The shape of a rose is like a cup. Roses can be different colors, such as red, white, pink and yellow. Red roses often mean love and passion. White roses usually represent purity and innocence. Pink roses can stand for grace and admiration. Yellow roses sometimes mean friendship.Roses can grow in many different environments. They like sunny places. But they also need some water. They can grow in gardens or in the wild. In gardens, people take care of them carefully. In the wild, they grow freely.1. <问题1>What is the shape of a rose like?A. A ball.B. A cup.C. A square.D. A triangle.答案:B。

解析:文章中明确提到“The shape of a rose is like a cup.”,所以玫瑰的形状像杯子,答案是B。

2. <问题2>What does a red rose mean?A. Friendship.B. Purity.C. Love.D. Grace.答案:C。



四年级英语植物奥秘阅读理解20题1<背景文章>Sunflowers are very beautiful flowers. They are tall and strong. Sunflowers have large yellow petals. The center of a sunflower is brown. Sunflowers grow in many places. They need sunlight and water to grow. First, a small seed is planted in the ground. Then, it sprouts and grows into a small plant. As it gets more sunlight and water, it grows taller and taller. Finally, it blooms into a beautiful sunflower. Sunflowers are not only beautiful, but also useful. The seeds of sunflowers can be eaten. They are also used to make oil.1. Sunflowers have ______ petals.A. small yellowB. large redC. large yellowD. small red答案:C。

解析:文章中明确提到Sunflowers have large yellow petals.。

2. The center of a sunflower is ______.A. yellowB. redC. brownD. green答案:C。

解析:文中提到The center of a sunflower is brown.。



三年级英语植物世界阅读理解20题1<背景文章>Sunflowers are very beautiful flowers. They are tall and strong. The stem of a sunflower is thick and green. The leaves are large and oval. Sunflowers have big yellow petals. The center of a sunflower is brown. Sunflowers love the sun. They always turn their heads to follow the sun. They grow in fields and gardens. People like sunflowers because they are bright and cheerful.1. What color are the petals of a sunflower?A. RedB. BlueC. YellowD. Green答案:C。

解析:文章中明确提到“Sunflowers have big yellow petals.”,所以向日葵的花瓣是黄色的。

2. What is the center of a sunflower?A. YellowB. RedC. BrownD. Green答案:C。

解析:文中提到“The center of a sunflower is brown.”,所以向日葵的中心是棕色的。

3. Where do sunflowers grow?A. In the forestB. In the desertC. In fields and gardensD. In the mountains答案:C。

解析:文章中说“They grow in fields and gardens.”,所以向日葵生长在田野和花园里。

高中英语 双语美文阅读 那些美丽的花儿素材

高中英语 双语美文阅读 那些美丽的花儿素材

那些美丽的花儿The Nice FlowersAs the sun rose over the horizon, I went out to enjoy the beauty of the grassland scenery. On the way, I saw a pair of red flowers blooming. They had flat petals and were incredibly full of smiling beauty. Those independent flowers seemed very vibrant. Gazing at the flowers made me think of many things.当太阳升过地平线时,我走出屋外来欣赏草原的美景。





Dew like pearls shone on the grass brightly. Rays of sun offered happiness. I stood and stared at the beautiful flowers for a long time, enjoying the bright, pleasant sunshine. Butterflies and little bees were flying about. Then some naughty children with sticks came. One child swung his stick when he saw the flowers. Many petals fell to the earth, and with them, my heart fell too.草上的露珠像晶莹剔透的珍珠在闪烁。




草木同此理,人亦应如是……见招拆招I took it for granted that mothers were the sandwich makers,the finger-painting appreciators and the homework monitors.动词词组take…for granted的意思是'认为……是理所当然',表示说话人觉得take for granted的内容是很合理的、天经地义的,暗示实际情况与这种想法并不相符。


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美联英语提供:英语阅读:所有的花儿都美丽两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平/test/kuaisu.aspx?tid=16-73675-0所有的花儿都美丽I grew up in a small town where the elementary school was a ten-minute walk from my house and in an age, not so long ago, when children could go home for lunch and find their mothers waiting.我在一个小镇上长大,在那儿,从我家步行到我就读的小学只要10分钟。


At the time, I did not consider this a luxury , although today it certainly would be. I took it for granted that mothers were the sandwich-makers, the finger-painting appreciators and the homework monitors. I never questioned that this ambitious, intelligent woman, who had had a career before I was born and would eventually return to a career, would spend almost every lunch hour throughout my elementary school years just with me.但那时,我并没意识到这有多奢侈;而今,这肯定是一种奢望。



I only knew that when the noon bell rang, I would race breathlessly home. My mother would be standing at the top of the stairs, smiling down at me with a look that suggested I was the only important thing she had on her mind. For this, I am forever grateful.那时候,我只知道中午放学的铃一响,我就会气喘吁吁朝家里跑去。



Some sounds bring it all back: the high-pitched squeal of my mother’s teakettle, the rumble of the washing machine in the basement, the jangle of my dog’s license tags as she bounded down the stairs to greet me. Our time together seemed devoid of the gerrymandered schedules that now pervade my life.一些声音总能勾起我对往事的回忆,比如说:妈妈的茶壶烧开水时发出的又长又尖的高声鸣叫,地下室里洗衣机发出的隆隆轰鸣声以及我的小狗欢跳着下楼迎接我时脖子上的小牌发出的叮当声。


One lunchtime when I was in the third grade will stay with me always. I had been picked to be the princess in the school play, and for weeks my mother had painstakingly rehearsed my lines with me. But no matter how easily I deliveredthem at home, as soon as I stepped onstage, every word disappeared from my head.三年级时的一个午餐时间我将永志难忘。




Finally, my teacher took me aside. She explained that she had written a narrator’s part to the play, and asked me to switch roles. Her words, kindly delivered, still stung, especially when I saw my part go to another girl.最后,老师把我叫到一旁,向我解释说,她为这出戏写了一个旁白的角色,要我换成旁白。


I didn’t tell my mother what had happened when I went home for lunch that day. But she sensed my unease, and instead of suggesting we practice my lines, she asked if I wanted to walk in the yard.那天中午回家吃饭时,我没把这件事告诉妈妈,但她感觉到了我的不安。


It was a lovely spring day and the rose vine on the trellis was turning green. Under the huge elm trees, we could see yellow dandelions popping through the grass in bunches, as if a painter had touched our landscape with dabs of gold.那是一个美好的春日,棚架上的玫瑰枝条正在泛绿。


I watched my mother casually bend down by one of the clumps, I think I’m going to dig up all these weeds, she said, yanking a blossom up by its roots. From now on, we’ll have only roses in this garden.我看见妈妈在一丛花旁漫不经心地弯下腰。



”But I like dandelions, I protested. All flowers are beautifuleven dandelions.“可是,我喜欢蒲公英啊,”我抗议道,“所有的花儿都美丽——即使是蒲公英。

”My mother looked at me seriously. Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn’t it? She asked thoughtfully. I nodded, pleased that I had won her over . And that is true of people too, she added. Not everyone can be a princess, but there is no shame in that.妈妈神情严肃地看着我,若有所思地说:“不错。



”Relieved that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry as I told her what had happened. She listened and smiled reassuringly .原来,她早就猜到了我的烦恼。



But you will be a beautiful narrator, she said, reminding me of how much I loved to read stories aloud to her, The narrator’s part is every bit as important as the part of the princess.“但是,你会成为一个出色的旁白的。



Over the next few weeks, with her constant encouragement, I learned to take pride in the role. Lunchtimes were spent reading over my lines and talking about what I would wear.随后的几个星期,在妈妈的不断鼓励下,我渐渐对这一角色感到自豪。


Backstage the night of the performance, I felt nervous. A few minutes before the play, my teacher came over to me. Your mother asked me to give this to you, she said, handing me a dandelion. Its edges were already beginning to curl and it flopped lazily from its stem. But just looking at it, knowing my mother was out there and thinking of our lunchtime talk, made me proud.演出那天晚上,我在后台感到很紧张。
