作者姓名一般出现在题目之下,作者姓名 的拼写方式应按照《汉语拼音方案》的要 求拼写,姓在前,名在后,姓和名之间空 一格。
姓的每个字母均需大写;名的第一个字的 拼音首字母大写,其余字母均小写。如果 名为两个字,中间需要加连字符,如 “ZHAO Liang”,“WANG Xin-hua”。
一篇论文如果由多位作者共同完成,不同 作者拼音姓名间用逗号隔开,最后一名作 者姓名后无需加任何标点。
Acupuncture in the Treatment of Cerebral Palsy Children with Hearing Difficulties
(二)表示“某种方法对特定对象或成分 的作用或影响”的常用英文题目表达方式:
1)Effect /Influence of +治疗方法+on+受 到影响的成分或对象
Proliferation of Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells of Rats Affected by Shenqi Pills
肾气丸对SD大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞增殖 的影响
表示“某种药物制剂成分含量测定”的常 用英文题目表达方式: 1)Determination of +受测定成分 +Content+from (of)+ 药物制剂
题目字数不宜太长,否则易使读者抓不 住重点。在能准确反映论文特定内容的 前提下,字数越少越好,最好在12个单 词以内,最多不超过16个单词。对较长 的题目,可采取增加副标题进行补充说 明以缩短主题目的长度。
浅议马钱子研究进展 活血降纤汤对肝纤维化指标的影响 针药配合治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛22例
浅议马钱子研究进展 Research Progress of Nux Vomica
英语作文 标题
![英语作文 标题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1a6b894ffd4ffe4733687e21af45b307e871f901.png)
英语作文标题Title: The Importance of Cross-Cultural Understandingin a Globalized World。
In today's interconnected world, cross-cultural understanding plays a crucial role in fostering harmony and cooperation among diverse communities. As globalization continues to shrink the barriers between nations, theability to comprehend and appreciate different cultures becomes increasingly important. In this essay, we willdelve into the significance of cross-cultural understanding and explore how it contributes to personal, social, and professional growth.Firstly, cross-cultural understanding enhances personal development by broadening one's perspective. Whenindividuals engage with people from diverse cultural backgrounds, they are exposed to different ways of thinking, behaving, and living. This exposure encourages them toreflect on their own beliefs and values, leading to greaterself-awareness and empathy. Moreover, interacting with people from different cultures promotes tolerance and respect for diversity, fostering a sense of global citizenship.Secondly, cross-cultural understanding is essential for social cohesion and harmony within communities. In multicultural societies, conflicts may arise due to misunderstandings or misinterpretations of cultural norms and practices. However, when individuals possess cross-cultural competence, they are better equipped to navigate these differences and resolve conflicts peacefully. By promoting mutual understanding and acceptance, cross-cultural understanding lays the foundation for a more inclusive and cohesive society.Furthermore, cross-cultural understanding is increasingly valued in the professional sphere. In today's globalized economy, businesses operate on an international scale, requiring employees to collaborate with colleagues, clients, and partners from diverse cultural backgrounds. Employees who possess cross-cultural competence are betterequipped to communicate effectively across cultural boundaries, negotiate successfully, and build strong relationships with stakeholders from different parts of the world. As a result, they contribute to the success and competitiveness of their organizations in the global marketplace.Moreover, cross-cultural understanding is essential for promoting peace and cooperation on a global scale. In a world marked by geopolitical tensions and cultural divides, fostering mutual respect and understanding among nations is crucial for building trust and promoting dialogue. By bridging cultural gaps and fostering intercultural communication, cross-cultural understanding contributes to the resolution of conflicts and the promotion of peace and stability worldwide.In conclusion, cross-cultural understanding is of paramount importance in today's interconnected world. It enriches individuals' lives, promotes social cohesion, enhances professional success, and contributes to global peace and cooperation. As we navigate the complexities of aglobalized society, cultivating cross-cultural competence is not only beneficial but also imperative for creating a more inclusive, harmonious, and prosperous world.。
英语论文摘要seems like we need to do some copy plus translation work.the differences in manners and customs between Chinese and western cultures.done. run your spell check please. I didnt pay any attention about spelling and the numbers of words while typing. add some words of your major couses.good luck and best wishes.英文摘要格式主要纲目以大写罗马数字标出,次要纲目则依次用大写英文字母、阿拉伯数字和小写英文字母标出。
3、英文字体与行间距:统一使用“西文字体”中的“Times New Roman”,1.5倍行间距。
6、英文关键词:“Key Words”顶格,使用四号字并加粗。
英语四级作文写标题Title: Enhancing Environmental Awareness in Modern Society。
In contemporary society, there is a growing need to prioritize environmental consciousness. This imperative stems from the escalating challenges posed by climate change and ecosystem degradation. Therefore, fostering environmental awareness has become a pressing global endeavor. This essay delves into the significance of enhancing environmental awareness in modern society, exploring its implications and strategies for implementation.Firstly, heightened environmental awareness is crucial for addressing the multifaceted environmental crises we face today. By raising awareness, individuals and communities become cognizant of the impact of their actions on the environment. This knowledge empowers them to adopt sustainable practices and advocate for environmentallyfriendly policies. Consequently, promoting environmental awareness serves as a catalyst for meaningful change.Secondly, fostering environmental awareness contributes to the preservation of biodiversity. As people gain insight into the intricate interdependencies within ecosystems,they are more likely to appreciate and protect biodiversity. This appreciation can translate into conservation efforts aimed at safeguarding endangered species and their habitats.Moreover, heightened environmental awareness can drive innovation and technological advancements. When societies recognize the urgency of environmental issues, there is a greater incentive to develop eco-friendly technologies and renewable energy sources. This shift towards sustainable innovation not only mitigates environmental harm but also cultivates a green economy.Education plays a pivotal role in nurturing environmental awareness. Incorporating environmentalstudies into formal education curricula equips studentswith the knowledge and skills needed to becomeenvironmentally responsible citizens. Additionally, educational campaigns and community outreach programs can effectively disseminate information and encourage pro-environmental behaviors.In tandem with education, governmental policies and regulations are instrumental in promoting environmental awareness. Through legislative measures and incentives, governments can encourage industries to adopt sustainable practices and reduce carbon footprints. Public awareness campaigns supported by policymakers can also amplify the message of environmental stewardship.Furthermore, businesses and industries have a vitalrole to play in advancing environmental awareness. Corporate social responsibility initiatives that prioritize sustainability not only enhance a company's reputation but also contribute to the overall conservation effort. By integrating environmental considerations into business strategies, enterprises can demonstrate leadership in sustainable development.In conclusion, enhancing environmental awareness is paramount in modern society to mitigate environmental degradation and combat climate change. Through education, policy interventions, and corporate engagement, we can cultivate a global ethos of environmental stewardship. By fostering a collective commitment to sustainability, we pave the way for a greener and more resilient future.。
其主要内容如下:第一部分:本科毕业论文英文题目撰写的常见问题及对策一、本科毕业论文英文题目撰写的常见问题二、本科毕业论文英文题目的拟订原则及撰写技巧第二部分:本科毕业论文英文摘要撰写的常见问题及对策一、本科毕业论文摘要的种类、结构与文体要求二、本科毕业论文英文摘要的要素与撰写步骤三、本科毕业论文英文摘要撰写常见问题实例分析四、本科毕业论文英文摘要常用句型第一部分:本科毕业论文英文题目撰写的常见问题及对策一、本科毕业论文英文题目撰写的常见问题论文的题目(title)是论文内容的高度概括, 其撰写要求为准确(accuracy),简练(brevity),和清晰(clarity),即题目撰写的A B C原则。
由于对以上原则和特点不能正确理解和掌握,许多本科毕业论文的英文题目撰写出现了如下问题:1、英文题目不符合英文词序习惯“The Server Resource Management “基于MFC的服务器管理系统的设计”,其原英文题目译为:如:System Based on MFC Design”;其正确的词序应当是:(The)Design of the Server Resource Management System Based on MFC 。
2、英文题目没有正确表达汉语题目的含义如:“工厂物流设计及其在企业中的应用”,其原英文题目译为:“Application of Factory Logistics Designing in Enterprise”;为准确表达汉语标题的含义,应当改为:Design of Factory Logistics and Its Application in Enterprise 。
❸挖掘和强调自己研究的重要性或创新性可从以下角度。 如:(1)时间问题;(2)研究手段问题;(3)研究区域问题;(4)存在不确定性; (5)研究的完全创新性(We aim to test the feasibility (reliability) of the……It is hoped that the question will be resolved with our proposed method (approach). )
3.2 Proton transfer dynamics control the mechanism of O2 reduction by a nonprecious metal electrocatalyst. (Nature Materials, 2016, 15,754–759 )
3.3 Femtosecond control of electric currents in metallic ferromagnetic heterostructures. (Nature Nanotechnology 2016, 11,455–458)
4.4 Optimized quantum sensing with a single electronspin using real-time adaptive measurements. (Nature Nanotechnology, 2016,11,247–252)
有些表征手段或者研究方法生来就是让人膜拜的,特别是一些原位的表 征手段,能够直观地告诉人们以前得不到的一些信息。
英文标题和摘要的撰写一、英文标题的撰写1.标题中study on,studies on,study of,discussion on,research on,observation on,investigation on(of),some thoughts on,a final reporton等,只是增加标题的长度,未提供新的信息,不宜使用。
例如:Models and simulation of a single-phase flow correlation measuring system.(单相流相关测量系统的模型和仿真)(两个名词加后置定语)4.取消不必要的冠词。
例如:The effects of the patient age and physician training on thechoice and dose of anti-melan-cholic drugs,题目中的3个定冠词the均可删去。
信息性摘要通常以150~250 words为宜,指示性摘要以100~150 words 为宜。
例如“A exceeds B”要好于“B exceeded by A”。
英文文献写作试题及答案1. 选择正确的英文文献引用格式(APA格式)题目:假设你正在写一篇关于气候变化的论文,需要引用以下文献:Smith, J. (2020). The impact of climate change on agriculture. *Journal of Environmental Science*, 15(3), 234-250.A. Smith, J. (2020). The impact of climate change on agriculture. *Journal of Environmental Science*, 15(3), 234-250.B. J. Smith (2020). The impact of climate change on agriculture. *Journal of Environmental Science*, 15(3), 234-250.C. Smith, J. (2020). The impact of climate change on agriculture. *Journal of Environmental Science*, 15 (3), 234-250.D. J. Smith (2020). The impact of climate change on agriculture. *Journal of Environmental Science*, 15 (3), 234-250.答案: A2. 翻译以下英文文献标题为中文题目: Translate the following English title into Chinese: "The Role of Social Media in Political Campaigns."答案: "社交媒体在政治竞选中的作用"3. 英文摘要写作题目:根据以下中文摘要,写出英文摘要。
下面准备了几篇英文摘要的论文范文,欢迎欣赏!英文摘要的论文范文一Fortheviolationoflegitimaterightsandinterestsofconsumersava rietyofoffenses,howtoprovideforthecorrespondinglegalrespons ibilitiesandhowthelegalliabilitysystemreflectedthespecialpr otectionofconsumersshouldbe"ConsumerProtectionLaw"keysolved alegalissue.Tosolvethislegalproblem,itisnecessarytofurtherestablishareg ulatedmarketoperatingordertoprotectlegitimateinterestsofcon sumersandimprovingthelegalliabilitysystem.Ontheonehandistoestablishalegalsystemtheconceptofprotection ofconsumers;theotherhand,istoimproveconsumerprotectionlegalliabilitysys tem.对于侵犯消费者合法权益的各种违法行为,如何规定相应的法律责任以及在法律责任制度中如何体现对消费者的特别保护,应是《消费者权益保护法》重点解决好的一个法律问题。
英文摘要的论文范文二Titaniumore,electedfrommagiteorTitanmagite,iswidelyusedasth erawmaterialintheproductionoftitaniumdioxide.Titaniumqualit yanditsyieldconstraintsisoftenthebottleneckinthetitaniumind ustry.Thus,wecannotblindlyconsumealargeamountofcapitaltomaintaino rimproveitsqualityandyield.Thispapermakesanattempttoexplore sandoptimizethedevelopmentofthetitaniumindustry,throughinsi deandoutsideobservationandassociation.Inthispaper,flotation testsareconductedtoparetheoriginalpulptitaniumorewithPolyac rylamideandthatwithoutontheconcentrategradeyieldoftitaniumc oncentrates.Inthisprocess,theconsumptionofdrugs,therecoveryrateof,equip mentutilization,theamountandcostofpolyacrylamide(PAM)areall consideredtodeterminewhetheritisaptimizationprogramtoaddPol yacrylamidetotheoriginalflotationpulpoftitaniumore.Finally,wereachaconclusionthroughrelevantdata.Intheexperime ntalprocess,inprinciple,wedonotchangetheoriginalflotationprocessandtherelevantparam eters.Keywords:Titaniumore;Flotation;Polyacrylamide;quality;yield 英文摘要的论文范文三【ABSTRACT】Withthedeepeningoftheglobalization,newshasbeeanimportantpar tofinformationmunicationbetweendifferentcountries.WhetherEnglishnewstranslationisaccurateornotmaydirectlyaffe ctthequalityofourmunicationwithothercountries.InEnglishnews reportdiscourse,theuseofmetaphorexpressionsbeemoreandmore.DuetoEnglishnewsandotherstylisticdifferences,aswellastheEng lishandChineselanguages,ethnicdifferencesinideologyinthepro cessofcross-culturalmunication,makethetranslationofEnglishn ews,especiallyEnglishnewstranslationofmetaphorputforwardgreatch allengetotranslators.SohowtotranslatethemetaphorintheEnglis hnewsisthemutualconcernproblemfortranslationtheoristsandpra ctitionerstodiscuss,therefore,thispaperattemptstofromtheperspectiveofNida'sfunctionalequi valencetheorytodiscussthetranslationofmetaphorinEnglishnews .TheapplicationofmetaphorinEnglishnewsmakeseventsmoredistinc tandvivid,andalsomakeiteasierforEnglishreaderstoprehendandu nderstandthenewscontents.However,duetothedifferencesinEnglishandChineselanguages,the useofmetaphorsinEnglishnewsincreasesthedifficultyoftranslat ion.ThisarticleattemptsfromtheperspectiveofNida'sfunctionalequivalencetheorytodiscussthetranslationofmetaphorinEnglish news,inordertomakeChinesereadersbetterunderstandthesameresponsea ndsenseofbeautyandmeaningofmetaphorsinEnglishnewsastheorigi nalreaders.metaphorRhetoricisnotsimpleoftranslationintoChineseinEnglis hnewsfromtheliteraltransformation,althoughsomerhetoricorare totallythesameinformandcontent,whilethisisjustafew.ThereareculturaldifferencesinEnglishandChineselanguages,inf luencedbydifferentcultures.People'swayofthinkingandexpressi onhavedifferencesinevitably.Whenthetranslatorshouldfirstlyc onsciouslypondertheintentionoftheauthor,digthedeepmeaninghiddenbehindthemetaphorrhetoricofbackgroun d.Underthefunctionalequivalencetheoryregardthetranslatorast heguidance,conformtothelanguagehabitsofthetargetlanguagerea ders,makeChinesereaderscanbetterunderstandthetranslationofm etaphorinEnglishnews.KEYWORD:Englishnews;metaphor;functionalequivalencetheory;translation【中文摘要】随着全球化的深入,新闻成为不同国家之间交流的重要部分。
英语好作文题目Title: The Power of Language: Exploring its Influence on Society。
Language, a tool so intrinsic to human communication, holds immense power in shaping our society and individual perspectives. From the eloquence of Shakespearean prose to the succinctness of scientific discourse, the impact of language resonates deeply within us all. In this essay, we will delve into the multifaceted influence of language on society, exploring its role in shaping culture, thought patterns, and social interactions.Firstly, language serves as a vessel for culture, encapsulating the values, beliefs, and traditions of a community. Through language, stories are passed down from generation to generation, preserving the collective wisdom and heritage of a society. For instance, the rich tapestry of myths and legends in ancient civilizations such as Greece and India not only entertained but also transmittedcultural norms and moral codes. Similarly, idiomatic expressions and linguistic nuances offer insights into the mindset and worldview of different cultures, fosteringcross-cultural understanding and appreciation.Moreover, language profoundly shapes our thoughtpatterns and cognitive processes. Linguistic relativity,also known as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, posits that the structure and vocabulary of language can influence the way we perceive and categorize the world around us. For example, the Inuit people of the Arctic have multiple words for snow, reflecting the centrality of snow in their environment and daily lives. This linguistic richness enables them to perceive and navigate their surroundings with greater nuance and precision. Thus, language not only reflects our reality but also actively shapes and constructs it, molding our perceptions and shaping our experiences.Furthermore, language plays a pivotal role in social interactions, serving as a tool for connection, persuasion, and expression. The ability to articulate thoughts and emotions facilitates interpersonal communication, enablingindividuals to forge meaningful relationships and navigate social dynamics. Additionally, rhetoric, the art of persuasive language, empowers individuals to influence others, whether through political speeches, advertising campaigns, or courtroom arguments. The power of language to sway hearts and minds is evident throughout history, from the stirring rhetoric of Martin Luther King Jr. to the impassioned speeches of Winston Churchill.However, it is essential to recognize that language can also be a source of division and exclusion. Linguistic barriers, whether due to differences in dialect, accent, or proficiency, can create misunderstandings and reinforce social hierarchies. Moreover, the use of language as a tool of propaganda and manipulation highlights its potential for exploitation and control. In the age of digital communication, the spread of misinformation and hate speech underscores the need for responsible language use and media literacy.In conclusion, language is far more than a mere means of communication; it is a reflection of our identity, acatalyst for thought, and a vehicle for social change. By harnessing the power of language responsibly and conscientiously, we can foster understanding, bridge divides, and create a more inclusive and equitable society. As individuals, we must recognize the influence of language in shaping our perceptions and interactions, and strive to wield its power for the betterment of humanity.。
英语作文题目范文Title: The Importance of Learning English。
English is a global language that is spoken by millions of people around the world. It has become an essential tool for communication in various fields, including business, education, and travel. Therefore, learning English iscrucial for anyone who wants to succeed in today's world.Firstly, English is the language of international business. Many companies use English as their primary language for communication. Therefore, employees who can speak and write in English are in high demand. They can communicate with clients and colleagues from different countries, negotiate deals, and write reports and emails.In addition, learning English can open up job opportunities in multinational companies and organizations.Secondly, English is the language of education. Many universities and colleges around the world teach in English.Therefore, students who want to study abroad need to be proficient in English. In addition, many academic journals and research papers are written in English. Therefore, scholars who want to publish their work in international journals need to write in English.Thirdly, English is the language of travel. Many countries use English as a second language for tourism. Therefore, tourists who can speak English can communicate with locals, read signs and menus, and navigate their way around the country. In addition, learning English can enhance the travel experience by allowing tourists to interact with locals and learn about their culture.In conclusion, learning English is essential for anyone who wants to succeed in today's world. It can open up job opportunities, enable students to study abroad, and enhance the travel experience. Therefore, it is important to invest time and effort in learning English.。
I. 英语毕业论文准备学生可以根据本专业教学大纲选定研究范围(英语教育、文学、翻译及外贸等),英语毕业论文选题应符合下列要求:1.结合专业特点,符合专业培养目标的要求。
II. 英语毕业论文提纲学生在指导教师的指导下分析和研究所采集的资料的基础上,撰写英语毕业论文提纲。
小学英语作文方法论文题目题目,My Methodology for Writing Elementary English Compositions。
Writing an English composition in elementary school requires careful planning, creativity, and attention to detail. In this essay, I will share my methodology for crafting a compelling piece of writing that engages the reader and effectively communicates my ideas. Drawing inspiration from the most downloaded samples online, I will provide a high-quality imitation with a word count of no less than 1500 words.---。
In the bustling world of elementary school, mastering the art of English composition is paramount. Whether it's expressing thoughts, recounting experiences, or weavingimaginative tales, writing serves as a powerful tool for communication and self-expression. Through this essay, I aim to elucidate my approach to crafting captivating compositions, drawing insights from widely acclaimed examples available online.Understanding the Prompt。
英语阅读与写作实践报告摘要English:In this English reading and writing practice report, I analyzed the importance of reading and writing in improving language skills. Through various reading materials such as articles, essays, and short stories, I was able to expand my vocabulary and enhance my understanding of grammar and sentence structure. Additionally, writing practice helped me to express my thoughts and ideas clearly and cohesively. By actively engaging in reading and writing activities, I was able to develop critical thinking skills and improve my overall communication abilities. This experience has shown me the significant role that reading and writing play in language acquisition and proficiency.中文翻译:在这份英语阅读与写作实践报告中,我分析了阅读和写作在提高语言能力方面的重要性。
英语专业英语作文题目Title: The Evolution of English Literature: A Journey Through Time。
English literature has undergone significant evolution throughout history, reflecting the cultural, social, and political contexts of different periods. From the Old English epic of "Beowulf" to contemporary works addressing modern-day issues, the journey of English literature is rich and diverse.The earliest form of English literature emerged in the form of epic poetry, with "Beowulf" being one of the most prominent examples. Written in Old English, this epic poem showcases the heroic ideals of the time, depicting the struggles of the titular hero against supernatural foes. Its themes of bravery, loyalty, and fate resonate across centuries, providing insights into the values of the Anglo-Saxon society.The Middle Ages witnessed the rise of religious literature, with works like "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer exemplifying this period. Chaucer's masterpiece, written in Middle English, offers a panoramic view of medieval society, presenting a diverse cast of characters on a pilgrimage to Canterbury. Through vivid storytelling and subtle social commentary, Chaucer provides a glimpse into the religious, moral, and social concerns of his time.The Renaissance marked a transformative period in English literature, characterized by a revival of classical learning and humanist ideals. William Shakespeare, often regarded as the greatest playwright in the English language, epitomizes this era with his timeless tragedies, comedies, and histories. From the passionate love of "Romeo and Juliet" to the political intrigue of "Macbeth,"Shakespeare's works explore the complexities of the human experience with unparalleled depth and insight.The 17th and 18th centuries saw the emergence ofliterary movements such as the Metaphysical poets and theEnlightenment thinkers. John Milton's epic poem "Paradise Lost" exemplifies the grandeur and ambition of this period, grappling with theological, philosophical, and political themes. Meanwhile, the Age of Enlightenment ushered in a new era of reason and empiricism, with writers like Jonathan Swift and Alexander Pope employing satire and wit to critique society and human nature.The Romantic period witnessed a shift towards individualism, emotion, and the sublime, with poets such as William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and John Keats leading the way. Their lyrical ballads, odes, and sonnets celebrate the beauty of nature, the power of imagination, and the intensity of human emotion. Through their exploration of the inner landscape of the human soul, the Romantic poets paved the way for the subjective and introspective approach to literature.The Victorian era, named after Queen Victoria's reign, was characterized by social and technological upheaval, as well as the rise of the novel as a dominant literary form. Writers like Charles Dickens, Charlotte Brontë, and GeorgeEliot captured the complexities of Victorian society, depicting themes of industrialization, social injustice, and the struggle for women's rights. Their works provide a window into the moral, ethical, and political debates of the time.The 20th and 21st centuries have witnessed further diversification and experimentation in English literature, with movements such as modernism, postmodernism, and multiculturalism reshaping the literary landscape. Writers like James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Toni Morrison, and Salman Rushdie have pushed the boundaries of narrative form, language, and identity, reflecting the complexities of the modern world.In conclusion, the evolution of English literature is a testament to the enduring power of storytelling and the human imagination. From the heroic epics of ancient times to the postmodern narratives of today, English literature continues to adapt and thrive, offering insights into the past, present, and future of humanity.。
英文文章摘要范文大全English Answer:Abstract 1。
This study investigates the impact of social media on mental health in young adults. A survey was conducted among 500 participants aged 18-25, examining their social media usage and psychological well-being. Results indicate a positive correlation between social media use and increased anxiety and depression symptoms. The findings suggest that excessive social media use can negatively affect mental health in this population.Abstract 2。
The efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions for reducing stress in healthcare professionals is explored in this paper. A randomized controlled trial was conducted with 120 healthcare workers, comparing the effectiveness ofmindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and a control group. Participants in the MBSR group reported significant reductions in stress levels compared to the control group, demonstrating the potential of mindfulness interventions in improving mental health in demanding healthcare settings.Abstract 3。
(3)5个及5个字母以上的虚词,如between、without、alongside、underneath 等,都应该大写。
学术论文英语标题和摘要的撰写方法一、英文题名题名的结构英文题名以短语为主要形式,尤以名词短语(noun phrase)最常见,即题名基本上由1个或几个名词加上其前置和(或)后置定语构成。
英语作文大学有标题Title: The Importance of Extracurricular Activities in College。
In today's society, college education is highly valued and competitive. As a result, students are under immense pressure to excel academically. However, academicexcellence alone is not enough to succeed in the real world. Extracurricular activities are equally important in shaping a well-rounded individual. In this essay, I will discussthe importance of extracurricular activities in college.Firstly, extracurricular activities provide studentswith opportunities to develop their skills and interests outside of the classroom. For instance, joining a debate club can help students improve their public speaking and critical thinking skills. Participating in a sports teamcan help students develop teamwork and leadership skills. These skills are highly valued by employers and can give students a competitive edge in the job market.Secondly, extracurricular activities can help students build their social networks and make new friends. College can be a daunting experience for many students, especially those who are away from home for the first time. Extracurricular activities provide a sense of community and belonging, which can help students adjust to college life more easily. Moreover, these activities can help students form lasting friendships and connections that can benefit them in the future.Thirdly, extracurricular activities can help students relieve stress and improve their mental health. College can be a stressful time, with academic pressures and the challenges of adjusting to a new environment. Participating in extracurricular activities can provide a much-needed break from academic work and help students relax and recharge. Moreover, these activities can help students develop healthy habits and coping mechanisms that can benefit them throughout their lives.In conclusion, extracurricular activities are anessential part of college life. They provide students with opportunities to develop their skills and interests, build their social networks, and improve their mental health. Therefore, students should make an effort to participate in extracurricular activities that align with their interests and goals. By doing so, they can become well-rounded individuals who are better prepared for the challenges of the real world.。
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英文题名开头第一个字不得用the, and, an和a。
原来摘要的首句多用第三人称this paper...等开头,现在倾向于用原形动词开头,如: to describe..., to investigate..., to study...等,行文时最好不用第一人称,以方便文摘刊物的编辑刊用。
4.英文摘要的常用句式(1)回顾研究背景,常用的词汇有review, summarize, present, outline, describe等。
(2)阐明写作或研究目的,常用的词汇有purpose, attempt, aim等。
(3)介绍论文的重点内容或研究范围,常用的词汇有study, present, include, focus, emphasize, emphasis, attention等。
(4)介绍研究或试验过程,常用的词汇有test, study, investigate, examine, experiment, discuss, consider, analyze, analysis等。
(5)说明研究或试验方法,常用的词汇有measure, estimate, calculate等。
(6)展示研究成果,常用的词汇有show, result, present等。
(7)介绍结论,常用的词汇有summary, introduce, conclude等。
(8)陈述论文的论点和作者的观点,常用的词汇有suggest, report, present, explain, expect, describe等。
(9)阐明论证,常用的词汇有support, provide, indicate, identify, find, demonstrate, confirm, clarify等。
(10)推荐和建议,常用的词汇有suggest, suggestion, recommend, recommendation, propose, necessity, necessary, expect等。
另外,写摘要时应该使用简单的衔接词,如but, then, thus, yet, for等等,而不能使用at the same time, on the other hand 等。
2.必背模版句型This paper mainly deals with... 这篇论文主要是写……This article focuses on the topics of (that, having, etc)... 这篇文章的强调的主题是……This essay presents knowledge that... 这篇短文主要是讲关于……的知识。
This thesis discusses/analyzes... 这篇论文讨论/分析了……This paper provides an overview of... 这篇文章综述了……This article compares...and summarizes key findings. 这篇文章比较了……并总结了主要的发现。
This paper presents up-to-date information on... 这篇论文介绍了关于……的最新信息。
This article not only describes...but also suggests... 这篇文章不仅描述了……而且建议……This paper provides a method of ...这篇为……提供了方法。
This paper introduces an applicable procedure to analyze...这篇文章介绍一种分析……的可行程序。
This paper is devoted to examining the role of... 这篇论文致力于研究……的作用。
This paper reflects the state of the art in... 这篇论文展示了……目前的情况。
This article reviews the techniques used in... 这篇文章综述了……领域采用的技术。
The writer of this essay tries to explore..本文作者试图探讨……The aim/purpose/objective of this paper is to determine... 本文的目的/目标是为了决定……摘要写作三步走一、阅读原文、把握主旨、梳理结构拿到一篇文章,一定要仔细阅读,抓住其主旨,除此外,我们还要注意文章的承前启后的结构,而这通常体现在原文段落的段首,所以,万学海文英语钻石卡辅导老师们建议广大的2012年的考生们在阅读的时候,一定要注意并且关注位于每段段首的几个句子,同时要注意这些句子之间的语义和逻辑关系,通读文章之后,我们也要注意抓文章的关键词。