关键词:麦弗逊式独⽴悬架悬架汽车悬架AbstractThe main design on the suspension of the definition and importance of a suspension described the role and functions primarily on the type of independent suspension and tectonic particularly detailed introduced Maifuxun independent suspension design process, in the spirit of the exercise smoothly vehicles meet the principles of the design of the independent suspension Maifuxun various components, and the degree of their. If screw spring-loaded design and calculation, horizontal designed to guide agencies conducted smoothly and analytical, Wang squatting length calculation and shock absorber design.Training is a perfect car for the car more difficult to achieve fuel, because it is necessary to meet the suspension of vehicle comfort, but also meet the requirements of the stability of its manipulation, and these two aspects are mutually antagonistic. For example, in order to achieve good sexual comfort, require a significant buffer car shock, which is designed spring-loaded soft farther, but the spring-loaded soft but easy to vehicle braking occurred "nod" and accelerate the "rise" and so serious adverse trends, to the detriment of the vehicle to easily lead to vehicle instability manipulation. How to handle the relationship between these areas before our designers have to face the problem .So if thesemeet the mission to design a harmonious suspension of a growing number of vehicles involved will bring great benefits. They will understand their outstanding suspension to the comfort of a good, and safe smoothly. I hope the design can satisfy all requirements.The design drawings completed mainly by computer mapping, computer archiving, typesetting, printing out maps and papers. Also completed a number of English translation work.Keyword:Maifusun type of independent suspension suspension Motor Training1概述1.1 悬架的定义及其重要性悬架是保证车轮与汽车承载之间具有弹性联系并能传递载荷、缓和冲击、衰减振动以及调节汽车⾏驶中的车⾝位置等有关装置的综总称。
毕业披廿(论文)奇瑞轿车前麦弗逊悬架设廿可修编・X 11Abstract21绪论31.1课题背景和意义 (3)1.2悬架的发展历史和现状 (4)1.3悬架的发展體势 (5)1.4课题主要容和研究目的 (5)2悬架结构方案分林62.1悬架总成分析 (6)2.2独立悬架优缺点分析 (6)2.3独立悬架特点与分类 (7)2.3.1双横臂式悬架构造及其特征分析 (7)2.3.2单横臂式悬架构造及其特征分析 (7)2.3.3单斜臂式悬架构造及其特征分析 (9)2.3.4麦弗逊式悬架构造及其特征分析 (10)3麦弗遜戏数立悬架atm3.1麦弗逊式独立悬架设计ffliS 113.3麦弗逊悬架的结构分林 (12)3.4悬架的耶性特性设计 (13)3.5悬架挠度£的设计 (13)3.5.1悬架静挠度£的设计 (13)3.5.2悬架动挠度办设计 (14)3.6悬架呷性元件设计 (14)3.6.1螺旋耶簧分林 (14)3.6.2螺旋耶簧地质料及许用应力选取 (15)3.6.3弹簧参数的计算选择 (15)3.6.4计算空载M度 (16)3.6.5计算满载M度 (16)3.6.6按照満载运算弹簧拥丝的直径 (16)3.6.7螺旋耶簧校核 (17)3.6.8 小结 (17)3.7导向机构设计 (18)3.7.1导向机构地设计要求 (18)3.7.2导向机构的布置参数 (19)3.7.3导向机构的受力分林 (22)3.7.4横臂轴线安81方法地选取 (22)3.7.5横瞿臂参数对车轮定位参数地改变 (23)3.7.6导向机构建模 (24)3.8减振器的设计 (24)3.8.1城振器的简单分类 (24)3.8.2双向筒贰液力械振器工作原理 (25)3.8.3相对阻力系数屮 (25)3.8.4城振器阻尼系数6地确定 (26)3.8.5城振器工作缸直径D地确定 (26)3.8.6 小结 (27)3.9横向稳定器 (28)3.10悬架結构元件 (29)4甫轮定位参数304.1主舗后頓角 (30)4.2主细蹶角 (31)4.3前轮外倾角 (33)4.4前轮前束 (34)结東培35辞36参考文It 37ft要悬架为当今汽车组成必不可少得一部分,他完成让车身与轮胎有效的術接地作用。
前麦弗逊悬架和后多连杆悬架设计精编W O R D版IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】存档编号华北水利水电大学North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power毕业设计题目乘用车悬架系统设计学院机械学院专业机械设计制造及其自动化姓名学号指导教师完成时间 2014.05教务处制独立完成与诚信声明本人郑重声明:所提交的毕业设计(论文)是本人在指导教师的指导下,独立工作所取得的成果并撰写完成的,郑重确认没有剽窃、抄袭等违反学术道德、学术规范的侵权行为。
广西科技大学(筹)毕业设计(论文)附录资料课题名称轿车悬架设计—麦弗逊独立悬架学院汽车与交通学院专业交通运输(汽车电子技术与检测诊断)班级交Y091学号 200900207042姓名周文江指导教师陈坤2013年 1月 6 日目录一、英文原文 (3)二、中文翻译 (9)三、方案论证 (14)一、英文翻译Survey of Controllable Suspension System for Off-road Vehicles Abstract:The controllable suspension system can improve the performances of off-road vehicles both on road and cross- country.So far,four controllable suspensions,that is,body height control,active,semi-active and slow-active suspensions,have been developed.For off-road vehicles,the slow-active suspension and the semi-active suspension which have controllable stiffness,damping and body height are more appropriate to use.For many years,some control methodologies for controllable suspension systems have been developed along with the development of modern control theory,and two or more original control method s are integrated as a new control method .Today,for military or civilian off-road vehicles,the R& D of controllable suspension systems is ongoing.Key Words:control theory;survey;controllable suspension;off-road vehicleThe suspension system is an important part of the vehicle,which influences riding comfort and handle-stability greatly.Since the first pair of leaf spring was used in carriage,suspension systems were uncontrollable for a long time and named as passive suspension system.A typical passive suspension system consists of springs,dampers and some control arms,which are once invariable designed.But,the roads for vehicle running are various.For the vehicle’s suspension system,different kinds of roads make different inputs.Thus ,different suspension parameters,such as stiffness,damping and body height,should be designed to minimize the impact from ground and the jounce of body.However,it’s impossible that the traditional vehicles with in variable passive suspension system perform well on multifarious roads.For off-road vehicles,the conflict between changeful roads and changeless suspensions is more projecting than road vehicles.Most of off-road vehicles are still using the passive suspension systems and have higher stiffness,damping and body height to overcome the rough road or cross-country.However,these vehicles show worse riding comfort and handle stability than road vehicles on normal roads.For these reasons,the controllable suspension systems should be the best choice for vehicles,especially for the off-road vehicles.1 Categories of Controllable Suspension SystemThe controllable suspension system is a general reference of the non-passive suspension system,the antonym of passive suspension should be active suspension But,in the suspension control,the active suspension is a special type of controllable suspensions.Today,the controllable suspensions can be divided into four categories according to the controlled objects and structures.They are body height control,active,semi-active and slow-active suspensions.The quarter-vehicle vibration models of these different controllable suspension systems are shown inFig.1.1.1 Body Height Control Suspension SystemThe body height control suspension system is the pioneer of controllable suspension systems.The first body height control suspension system was used in CitrOen DS19 launched in 1955 and made in France.It adopts four controllable air springs and can adjust obviously that the active suspension system improves the body height according to run condition and load to guarantee proper wheel travels[1] .This kind of system is the simplest controllable suspension system,usually found in luxurious buses and pickup trucks.A bus equipped with this system can keep the body height unchanging whether it is empty or full.The body height control suspensions are also designed for the pickup truck’s real suspensions,it can keep the body horizontal,whether it links a trailer or not.The main structural difference between the body height control suspension and the passive suspension is that the former has a height control system additionally,which includes body height sensors,height drives and a controller,as shown in Fig.1(a).It aims at controlling the body height only,though the suspension’s stiffness and damping also change in the control process.The inputs mainly include the speed of vehicle and the distance between body and wheel,which are collected by speed and displacement sensors.The proper body height data shall be calculated based on a certain control strategy by the body height control system and output to the executing mechanism.1.2 Active Suspension SystemThe concept of active suspension was presented early in 1954[2].Thompson,in 1960’s,consummated its basic structure and control law and proved that so-called ful1-active suspension system could improve the performances of vehicle effectively.Since 1980’s,the research achievements on active suspension had been put into use. Some testing vehicles were built[3]. The experiment for these vehicles showed obviously that the active suspension system improves vehicle's performance greatly.The active suspension system consists of sensors,controllers and force actuators,as shown in Fig.1(b)[4]. And,for driving force actuators,an additional power is necessary.It adopts the force actuator to replace the customary spring and absorber.The forceactuators can be controlled to produce appropriate forces to support the body,whenever the vehicle runs in any road.The body and wheel sensors are used to measure the accelerations of the body and wheel and provide these data to the controller.The latter processes these data and outputs some instructions to the force actuator according to predefined control strategy which determines the quality of the active suspension system.Although the active suspension system has been presented for more than fifty years,it hasn’t been largely commercialized yet up to now.Of course,the technical and economic reasons coexist.In technology,today’s active suspension systems can work well in low frequency band but not in high frequency,since the force actuators seems too stiff to control[5].Although some active suspension systems can operate well up to 70 Hz[6],they will consume energy very much[7].One of the methods to reduce the power consumption uses springs and dampers in parallel with the actuators.In addition,it also improves the security of the active suspension system.But,as a negative result,the system response will be decreased.In economy,building and operating an active suspension system costs too much.It fatally limits the active suspension systems to be extended.1.3 Semi-active Suspension SystemThe semi-active suspension system was presented later but applied earlier to the vehicles than active suspension system.The controllable suspension system with adjustable stiffness and damping was introduced in early 1970’s.It almost does not consume energy,since the force actuators which need too much energy are eliminated.So,it is called as semiactive or no power active suspension system.The common semiactive suspension systems only control the damping of suspension actively,and some senior semiactive suspension systems also control the stiffness.In fact,a semi-active suspension system is just a passive suspension system with controllable damping and stiffness,as shown in Fig.1 (c).So ,its performances are still not as good as the active suspension system.A famous control model of the semiactive suspension system was so-called Sky-Hook Damping Control proposed by Karnopp in 1973[8].In this model,a supposed inertial damper,called as Sky-Hook damper,is set between a sprung mass and a virtual fixed Sky-Hook.The force of the Sky-Hook damper proportional to the relative speed of the sprung mass to the Sky-Hook can reduce the jounce of the vehicles.For the Sky-Hook and Sky-Hook damper are both inexistence in real vehicles,an controlled adjustable damper is set to replace the passive damper between the sprung mass and unsprung mass in real Sky-Hook model.Theoretically,the damping force should change continuously and in real-time[9],but it is usually hard to be done in real vehicles.A control model for the semi-active suspension systems with discrete adjustable damping and stiffness was proposed by Margolis in 1975[10].Several dampers or springs are paralleled,thus,if one or more of them are shut off,the damping or stiffness of the suspension system will change discretely.For it is easy to achieve,the Margolis model have been used in so me cars.Some semi-active suspension systems are even added the body height control to improve the vehicle performances.This controllable height semi-active suspension system has been used in some luxurious car and SUV recently.Some of them are named as the active suspension by their manufacturer,but they are still different from the real active suspension.1.4 Slow-active Suspension SystemThe slow-active suspension system is presented later but more remarkably.Its essential structure can be regarded as a series of an active suspension system and a passive suspension system,as shown in Fig.1 (d).As the passive suspension system can isolates high-frequency vibration well,the active suspension system can only isolate low-frequency vibration.The force actuators only work in the low-frequency band,power consumption are reduce evidently.Theoretically,the slow-active suspension system still responds more slowly than the real active suspension system,this is the reason why it is so named[11].Some other names,such as narrow bandwidth active suspension system or limited bandwidth suspension system,are also found.By contrast,the real active suspension system is usually called as full-active suspension system or broad bandwidth active suspension system[12].To improve performances of the slow-active suspension system,the springs and dampers in the system should be controllable.This slow-active suspension system can be regarded as a series of an active suspension and a semi-active suspension.As an unavoidable result,the control system and mechanical structure are more complex.The performances of the slow-active suspension system are almost as goo d as the full-active suspension system,and the power consumption is fairly less.Its prospect will be very wel1.2 Control Methodologies for Controllable Suspension SystemsThe control theories for controllable suspension systems grow along with the development of modem control theory.Recently,the typical control strategies include LQG (linear-quadratic-Gaussian)optimal control,model reference adaptive/self-tuning control,preview control,fuzzy control,neural network control,etc.2.1 LQG Optimal Control Strategy LQGFor the linear vibration model of the active suspension systems,the control attempts to minimize the integrated weight of body vertical acceleration,wheel dynamic load and wheel dynamic travel.The objective function of the control system is quadratic.And the disturbance input from road is a stochastic process that can be deal with as a Gaussian white noise.Thus,the suspension control problem can be regarded as a typical LQG optimal control[13].According to LQG optimal control strategy,the optimal control force Uo can be defined aU。
说明书首先阐述了悬架中关键零部件如:螺旋弹簧、横向稳定杆、减振器等的设计、选型和校核关键词:麦弗逊独立悬架;导向机构;减震器;弹簧;横向稳定器ABSTRACTSuspension is the modern car on the important assembly, which has one of the main function is to transfer function in the wheels and frame (or body) all between the force and moment, and ease when rough road surface cars driving by the impact of attenuation arising from the vibration of the bearing system, to ensure the smooth running of the car. So must the wheel and frame or body to provide flexible connection between, rely on the elastic element to deliver the wheel or axle and frame or between vertical load of the body, and depend on the deformation to absorb energy, to achieve the purpose of the buffer.This design is to LuBao hafei before 7110 independent suspension design, the graduation design requirements according to a car to retrofit of the entrant 。
存档编号华北水利水电大学North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power 毕业设计题目乘用车悬架系统设计学院机械学院专业机械设计制造及其自动化姓名学号指导教师完成时间 2014.05教务处制独立完成与诚信声明本人郑重声明:所提交的毕业设计(论文)是本人在指导教师的指导下,独立工作所取得的成果并撰写完成的,郑重确认没有剽窃、抄袭等违反学术道德、学术规范的侵权行为。
毕业设计(论文) 奇瑞轿车前麦弗逊悬架设计系别:机械与电子工程系专业(班级):机械设计制造及其自动化2班作者(学号):指导教师:业红玲(讲师)完成日期: 2008年11月11日蚌埠学院教务处制目录摘要 (1)Abstract (2)1 绪论 (3)课题背景和意义 (3)悬架的发展历史和现状 (4)悬架的发展趋势 (5)课题主要内容和研究目的 (5)2 悬架结构方案分析 (5)悬架总成分析 (5)独立悬架优缺点分析 (6)独立悬架特点与分类 (6)双横臂式悬架构造及其特征分析 (7)单横臂式悬架构造及其特征分析 (7)单斜臂式悬架构造及其特征分析 (8)麦弗逊式悬架构造及其特征分析 (9)3 麦弗逊式独立悬架设计 (10)麦弗逊式独立悬架设计概述 (10)麦弗逊悬架的结构分析 (12)悬架的弹性特性设计 (12)悬架挠度f的设计 (13)c悬架静挠度f的设计 (13)c悬架动挠度f设计 (14)d悬架弹性元件设计 (14)螺旋弹簧分析 (14)螺旋弹簧地质料及许用应力选取 (15)弹簧参数的计算选择 (15)计算空载刚度 (16)计算满载刚度 (16)按照满载运算弹簧钢丝的直径 (16)螺旋弹簧校核 (16)小结 (17)导向机构设计 (18)导向机构地设计要求 (18)导向机构的布置参数 (19)导向机构的受力分析 (22)横臂轴线安放方法地选取 (22)横摆臂参数对车轮定位参数地改变 (23)导向机构建模 (24)减振器的设计 (24)减振器的简单分类 (24)双向筒式液力减振器工作原理 (24)相对阻力系数ψ (25)减振器阻尼系数δ地确定 (25)减振器工作缸直径D 地确定 (26)小结 (27)横向稳定器 (27)悬架结构元件 (28)4 前轮定位参数 (30)主销后倾角 (30)主销内倾角 (31)前轮外倾角 (32)前轮前束 (33)结束语 (35)谢辞 (36)参考文献 (37)摘要悬架为当今汽车组成必不可少得一部分,他完成让车身与轮胎有效的衔接地作用。
前麦弗逊悬架和后多连杆悬架设计毕业论文目录摘要...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Abstract .................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第一章绪论 (1)1.1课设背景及研究意义 (1)1.2国外的研究现状 (1)1.3本文的主要研究容 (3)第二章悬架的结构分析与整体参数设计 (3)2.1悬架系统的简介与分类 (4)2.1.1悬架系统的简介 (4)2.1.2悬架系统的分类 (5)2.2独立悬架的特点 (5)2.3整体参数的设计 (6)2.3.1主要技术指标或主要参数 (6)2.3.2频率的选取与计算 (7)2.3.3悬架系统的静挠度 (7)2.3.4悬架系统的动挠度 (8)2.3.5悬架系统刚度 (8)第三章悬架系统的设计计算 (9)3.1悬架设计的一般要求 (10)3.2减振器选择 (10)3.2.1减震器工作原理 (10)3.2.2阻尼系数的确定 (11)3.2.3最大卸载力 (13)3.2.4减振器的尺寸设计 (14)3.3螺旋弹簧的设计计算 (17)3.4横向稳定杆设计 (21)3.5悬架系统的杆系设计 (24)第四章悬架的三维建模 (25)4.1麦弗逊前悬架的三维建模 (25)4.2后多连杆悬架的三维建模 (28)4.3整车悬架装配图 (31)第五章悬架系统的运动学仿真 (33)5.1基于adams/view的运动仿真 (33)5.2基于adams/car的仿真分析 (34)第六章整车悬架的主动化改造 (42)6.1传统悬架的弊端 (42)6.2电控悬架的优势 (42)6.3电控悬架 (42)6.3.1电控悬架的分类 (42)6.3.2电控悬架系统的组成 (43)6.3.3电控悬架的工作原理 (44)6.4主动化方案 (46)第七章总结与展望 (48)7.1总结 (48)7.2展望 (48)参考文献 (49)致谢.................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
先应用CATIA软件进行建模,再用ADAMS 软件建模仿真,继而对仿真结果进行分析,梳理结论。
关键词:本田飞度轿车;CATIA建模;ADAMNS仿真;麦弗逊式独立前悬架AbstractThe 2014 edit of Guangzhou Honda Fit sedan uses McPherson independent suspension as its front suspension because of the reason that McPherson independent suspension structure is simple as well as it has small footprint, fast response and low manufacturing cost. It is suitable for the front suspension of small cars and low-end SUV cars.Therefore, Guangzhou Honda Fit sedan chooses McPherson independent suspension as its front suspension is a reasonable choice.Based on the parameters of Car Fit, The graduation project works out the selection of a simple design and structure of the suspension,which aims at fetching the handling stability and riding comfort requirements.To begin with,the project apply CATIA software for modeling. Then, it use ADAMS software for simulation. Finally it analyzes the results of the simulation as well as carding the conclusion.This paper first clarifies the significance and research methods of this issue , and then describes the classification and the major components as well as the design requirements of the suspension. Also it describes the design process of the major part of the suspension then. finally it figures out the modeling and simulation analysis. The rationality of the McPherson independent suspension design has been confirmed by the final results.Keywords:Honda Fit sedan; CATIA modeling; ADAMNS simulation; McPherson independent front suspension.目录1.绪论 (1)1.1悬架的简单介绍 (1)1.1.1悬架的分类 (1)1.1.2悬架的设计要求 (1)1.2选做麦弗逊独立悬架的依据和意义 (2)1.2.1选题依据 (2)1.2.2选题意义 (3)1.3 国内外研究及发展趋势 (3)1.3.1国内外研究现状 (3)1.3.2发展趋势 (4)1.4应用软件介绍 (5)1.4.1CATIA软件介绍 (5)1.4.2S OLID W ORKS软件介绍 (5)1.4.3ADAMS软件介绍 (6)2.麦弗逊式独立悬架部件设计 (8)2.1 本田飞度轿车参数 (8)2.2悬架结构分析 (8)2.2.1悬架机构等效方法 (8)2.2.2悬架空间几何参数的确定 (9)2.2.3悬架主要性能参数的确定 (11)2.3螺旋弹簧设计 (12)2.3.1弹簧及其材料选择 (12)2.3.2弹簧参数确定 (12)2.3.3弹簧校核 (14)2.4减震器的选型与计算 (15)2.4.1选型 (15)2.4.2选择主要性能参数 (15)2.4.3确定主要尺寸 (16)2.5 横向稳定杆的设计 (16)2.5.1工作原理 (17)2.5.2选择横向稳定杆参数 (17)2.6 弹簧限位缓冲块设计 (18)3.悬架主要部件建模 (19)3.1螺旋弹簧简易建模 (19)3.2减震器简易建模 (20)3.3轮胎简易建模 (21)3.4轮辋简易建模 (23)3.5横向稳定杆建模 (26)3.6下摆臂建模 (28)4.悬架模型的处理 (32)4.1模型的装配 (32)4.2模型文件格式的转化与导入 (32)4.2.1模型由CATIA导入S OLID W ORKS (32)4.2.2模型由S OLID W ORKS导入ADAMS (33)5.悬架模型的仿真 (35)5.1ADAMS中悬架模型的处理 (35)5.1.1模型的简化方法 (35)5.1.2模型构件的命名 (35)5.1.3模型质量的定义 (36)5.2 模型仿真准备 (37)5.2.1运动副的添加 (37)5.2.2运动函数的添加 (37)5.3MARKER点创建 (39)5.4进行仿真 (39)6.悬架模型仿真结果的测量与分析 (41)6.1测量结果 (41)6.2处理结果并分析结论 (44)7.结论 (49)致谢 (50)参考文献 (51)附录A 英文文献原文 (53)附录B 中文文献翻译 (63)1.绪论1.1悬架的简单介绍1.1.1悬架的分类据悬架导向构件的差异可将汽车悬架分为独立悬架和非独立悬架两大类[1],如图1.1所示。
成都航空职业技术学院2015年毕业设计论文题目:汽车多功能转向系统(悬架设计)学生:叶成忠专业:车辆工程班级: 51314班学号: ******指导老师:**目录摘要 .............................................................................................................................................................. - 3 - Abstract........................................................................................................................................................ - 3 - 前言 .............................................................................................................................................................. - 4 - 设计背景:........................................................................................................................................... - 4 - 课题来源及要求:............................................................................................................................... - 4 - 主要内容:........................................................................................................................................... - 5 - 产品展示:........................................................................................................................................... - 5 - 第一章悬架分析选型............................................................................................................................... - 7 -1.1悬架结构方案选择........................................................................................................................ - 7 -1.1.1 设计对象车型参数................................................................................................................... - 7 -1.1.2 独立悬架与非独立悬架结构形式的选择....................................................................... - 8 -1.1.3 悬架具体结构形式的选择............................................................................................... - 8 -1.1.4 弹性原件选择................................................................................................................... - 8 -1.1.5 减振元件选择................................................................................................................... - 8 -1.2传力构件及导向机构.................................................................................................................... - 9 -1.3横向稳定器.................................................................................................................................... - 9 -1.4 下摆臂类型选择......................................................................................................................... - 10 - 第二章悬架主要参数确定....................................................................................................................... - 10 -2.1悬架挠度计算.............................................................................................................................. - 10 -f的计算 .................................................................................................... - 10 -2.1.1悬架静挠度cf计算 ....................................................................................................... - 11 -2.1.2 悬架动挠度d2.1.3 悬架刚度计算................................................................................................................. - 12 - 第三章弹性元件设计............................................................................................................................... - 13 -3.1 螺旋弹簧的刚度......................................................................................................................... - 13 -3.2 计算螺旋弹簧的直径................................................................................................................. - 13 -3.3 螺旋弹簧校核............................................................................................................................. - 14 -3.3.1 螺旋弹簧刚度校核......................................................................................................... - 14 -3.3.2 弹簧表面剪切应力校核................................................................................................. - 14 - 第四章减振器设计................................................................................................................................... - 15 -4.1 减振器结构类型的选择............................................................................................................. - 15 -4.2 减振器参数的设计..................................................................................................................... - 16 -4.2.1 相对阻尼系数ψ............................................................................................................. - 16 -4.2.2 减振器阻尼系数 的确定............................................................................................. - 16 -F的确定 ....................................................................................... - 17 -4.2.3 减振器最大卸荷力4.2.4 减振器工作缸直径D的确定......................................................................................... - 18 -4.3 横向稳定杆的设计..................................................................................................................... - 19 -4.3.1 横向稳定杆的作用......................................................................................................... - 19 -4.3.2 横向稳定杆参数的选择................................................................................................. - 19 - 第五章麦弗逊式独立悬架导向机构设计............................................................................................... - 20 -5.1导向机构的布置参数.................................................................................................................. - 20 -5.1.1麦弗逊式独立悬架的侧倾中心...................................................................................... - 20 -5.2 导向机构受力分析..................................................................................................................... - 21 -5.3 下横臂轴线布置方式的选择..................................................................................................... - 22 -5.4 下横摆臂主要参数..................................................................................................................... - 23 - 第六章论文总结................................................................................................................................... - 24 - 致谢 ............................................................................................................................................................ - 25 - 参考文献..................................................................................................................................................... - 25 -摘要根据对汽车悬架的研究以及资料的查阅,着重阐述了应用于多功能转向电动汽车麦佛逊式独立悬架的设计与计算,在保证电动车能原地旋转以及侧向行驶对悬架的布置进行全新设计,包括汽车悬架类型选择,不同类型悬架的优缺点,和各种类型悬架应用状况等。
麦弗逊悬架的设计摘要:为了提高汽车行驶的平顺性和稳定性, 本课题进行了产品名称为麦弗逊悬架的设计。
通过对课题内容的分析, 并结合相关设计手册,进行了方案设计与比较, 设计了麦弗逊前悬架, 钢板弹簧后悬架。
关键词:麦弗逊悬架;汽车;设计;1麦弗逊式悬架的设计The design of McPherson suspensionAbstract:In order to improve vehicle ride comfort and stability, the subject of the design of the product name is Mcpherson suspension. Through the analysis of the content of the subject, combining with related design manual, has carried on the design and comparison of design scheme, the Mcpherson front suspension, rear leaf spring suspension. In the design, firstly, analyses the composition and function of Mcpherson independent suspension; secondly, check all parts of the strength suspension; third, with considering the connection relationships between components; finally, on the basis of the natural vibration frequency of the suspension, suspension static and dynamic deflection and elastic characteristics of the suspension calculation. Based on analysis to determine composition and function of the Mcpherson suspension and the size of the various components of the 2D drawing, then using CAD software. This design has carried on the analysis accurate and detailed structure, provides the basis for the structure optimization of Mcpherson suspension, so as to improve the performance of the car in the kinematic and dynamic aspects.Keyword: McPherson suspension; Motor vehicle; Design;2目录1前言................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
目录1前言 (1)2 总体方案论证 (3)2.1 非独立悬架与独立悬架 (3)2.2 独立悬架结构形式分析 (3)2.3 悬架选择的方案确定 (3)3 前后悬架系统的主要参数的确定及对整车性能的影响 (5)3.1 悬架静挠度 (5)3.2 悬架动挠度 (6)3.3悬架弹性特性 (6)3.4前悬架主销侧倾角与后倾角 (7)4弹性元件的设计 (9)4.1螺旋弹簧的设计 (9)4.2钢板弹簧的设计 (9)4.2.1钢板弹簧的布置方案 (9)4.2.2钢板弹簧主要参数的确定 (9)4.2.3钢板弹簧各片长度的确定 (12)4.2.4钢板许用静弯曲应力验算 (13)4.2.5钢板弹簧总成在自由状态下的弧高及曲率半径计算 (14)4.2.6钢板弹簧总成弧高的核算 (15)4.2.7钢板弹簧强度验算 (16)5减震器机构类型及主要参数的选择计算 (18)5.1减震器的分类 (18)5.2相对阻尼系数 (18)5.3减震器阻尼系数的确定 (19)5.4最大卸荷力的确定 (20)5.5筒式减震器工作缸直径的确定 (20)6 结论 (21)参考文献 (22)致 (23)附录 (24).1前言悬架是保证车轮或车桥与汽车承载系统(车架或承载式车身)之间具有弹性联系并能传递载荷、缓和冲击、衰减振动以及调节汽车行驶中的车身位置等有关装置的总称。
关键词:悬架;麦弗逊式;设计AbstractSuspension is an important element of one of the modern automobile, it flexibly to link the chassis (orbody) and axle (or tires) . Its main role is the role of transmission in the bodybetween the wheels and all the power and moment, such as support of, system dynamics anddriving force, and easing the road to the whole body impact load, decay resulting vibration,ensure the comfort of the crew, cargo and vehicles reduce their moving load.The main stress is front suspension design,Training emphasis from the former car models,and models Absorber calculations, flexible choice of components and models and forms ofstabilizer bar design data.First of all, I have a different form of a suspension of the advantages and disadvantagescompared to the previous suspension of the car and then set form Eastar on suspension.Then design around Eastar suspension components. First, the spring-loaded design terms,to be absorber calculation models, a horizontal stabilizer bar final calculation. stabilizer bar.Keyword : Suspension, Macpherson ,Design目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)1绪论 (1)1.1课题背景和意义 (1)1.2 悬架的发展历史和现状 (2)1.3 悬架的发展趋势 (4)1.4课题主要内容和研究目的 (5)2悬架结构方案分析 (6)2.1 悬架总成分析 (6)2.2独立悬架优缺点分析 (7)2.3独立悬架特点与分类 (8)2.3.1双横臂式悬架结构及特性分析 (8)2.3.2单横臂式悬架结构及特性分析 (9)2.3.3单纵臂式悬架结构及特性分析 (10)2.3.4单斜臂式悬架结构及特性分析 (11)2.3.5麦弗逊式悬架结构及特性分析 (12)2.1.6扭转梁式悬架结构及特性分析 (13)3麦弗逊式独立悬架设计 (14)3.1麦弗逊式独立悬架设计概述 (14)3.3麦弗逊悬架的结构分析 (15)3.4悬架的弹性特性设计 (16)3.5 悬架挠度fc 的设计 (17)3.5.1悬架静挠度 fc 的设计 (17)3.5.2悬架动挠度fd设计 (18)3.6悬架弹性元件设计 (18)3.6.1螺旋弹簧分析 (18)3.6.2螺旋弹簧的材料及许用应力选择 (19)3.6.3 弹簧参数的计算选择 (20)3.6.4计算空载刚度 (20)3.6.5计算满载刚度 (20)3.6.6按满载计算弹簧钢丝直径 (21)3.6.7螺旋弹簧校核 (21)3.6.8小结 (22)3.7导向机构设计 (23)3.7.1导向机构的设计要求 (23)3.7.2导向机构的布置参数 (24)3.7.3导向机构的受力分析 (27)3.7.4横臂轴线布置方式的选择 (27)3.7.5横摆臂参数对车轮定位参数的影响 (28)3.7.6 导向机构建模 (29)3.8 减振器的设计 (30)3.8.1减振器的简单分类 (30)3.8.2双向筒式液力减振器工作原理 (30)3.8.3相对阻力系数ψ (31)3.8.4减振器阻尼系数δ的确定 (32)3.8.5减振器工作缸直径D的确定 (33)3.8.6小结 (33)3.9横向稳定器 (34)3.10 悬架结构元件 (35)4 前轮定位参数 (37)4.1主销后倾角 (37)4.2主销内倾角 (39)4.3 前轮外倾角 (40)4.4前轮前束 (41)5 麦弗逊悬架其他零件基于CATIA的建模 (43)5.1车轮的建模 (43)5.2车轮轴承建模 (44)5.3转向节建模 (44)5.4 减振器与转向节连接件建模 (45)5.5 车架和横向稳定器联合建模 (45)5.6 麦弗逊悬架建模装配图 (46)6 基于adams的悬架仿真分析 (47)6.1主销内倾角仿真分析 (47)6.2 主销后倾角分析 (47)6.3前轮外倾角分析 (48)6.4 车轮跳动量分析 (49)6.5 前轮前束分析 (49)6.6定位参数与车轮跳动量联合分析 (50)6.7小结 (51)结束语 (52)致谢.................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
目录前言 (1)第一章悬架的功用 (3)第二章悬架系统的组成 (6)第三章悬架的类型及特点 (7)§ (8)§ (10)第四章匹配车型的选择 (13)第五章悬架主要参数的确定 (15)§f.......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
机械工程学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告毕业设计(论文)题目:麦弗逊式悬架的设计****:***指导教师姓名:王晓佳专业:车辆工程2015 年04月8日毛开楠,李叶松,刘禹亭应用ADAMS/Car建立某车的前悬架仿真模型,对麦弗逊前悬架硬点参数的灵敏度进行分析和优化,解决了前轮磨损严重的问题,又提高该车型的综合性能[3];武汉理工大学汽车工程学院的张俊.何天明在Adam/view模块中对麦弗逊前悬架进行虚拟设计及优化,研究分析了前轮定位参数随车轮上下跳动时的变化规律,评价了悬架数据的合理性,采用优化分析方法进行优化处理,缩短了开发周期[4];重庆长安有限责任公司汽车技术中心的褚志刚,邓兆祥,胡玉梅,朱明,李伟研究了麦弗逊悬架刚度对汽车稳态转向特性的影响,得出结论是合理选择前悬架刚度参数是提高麦弗逊前悬架汽车稳态转向特性的有效途径[5];清华大学汽车工程系,汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室的孙学军,王霄锋,李克强,金达锋分析了驱动力对麦弗逊悬架力学性能影响的可靠性灵敏度,该研究对悬架有针对性的定量设计提供了理论依据[6];武汉理工大学汽车工程学院的诸葛晓宇基于Catia/ADASM对麦弗逊悬架的运动进行了分析,确定了车轮定位参数的选择范围,以及悬架的优化设计方法[7];上海汽车集团股份有限公司技术中心的李锦灿分析了扭力转向对麦弗逊前驱车的影响,此研究对解决车辆的实际扭力转向问题及整车开发前期的设计优化都具有借鉴意义[8];南京工程学院汽车与轨道交通学院的任成龙,吴冬铃研究了普及型轿车悬架性能优化及整车平顺性,结果表明:随机路面输入下汽车具有较好的平顺性,脉冲路面输入下对乘员健康无危害[9];合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院的伊安东,王欢,豆力对电动汽车麦弗逊悬架的下摆臂进行了轻量化研究,此研究结果表明,采用铝材料的下摆臂可以在保证静、动态性能的前提下有效降低自身重量[10];沈阳理工大学汽车与交通学院的岳峰丽,蔡玲对车辆麦弗逊悬架进行了运动仿真研究,通过改变支管的曲率半径和弯曲角度能够减小排气阻力,减少能量损失,改善排气质量[11];上海交通大学汽车工程研究所的柳江,喻凡,楼乐明对麦弗逊悬架侧载螺旋弹簧进行了优化设计,采用优化设计的侧载螺旋弹簧后可显著降低悬架侧载,为悬架系统及其元件的优化提供了一种参考方法[12];奇瑞汽车工程研究院的李成基于OptiStruct对麦弗逊悬架下控制臂进行了优化,结果表明该优化能减轻控制臂质量、增强下控制臂刚度[13]。
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目录1前言 (1)2 总体方案论证 (3)2.1 非独立悬架与独立悬架 (3)2.2 独立悬架结构形式分析 (3)2.3 悬架选择的方案确定 (3)3 前后悬架系统的主要参数的确定及对整车性能的影响 (5)3.1 悬架静挠度 (5)3.2 悬架动挠度 (6)3.3悬架弹性特性 (6)3.4前悬架主销侧倾角与后倾角 (7)4弹性元件的设计 (9)4.1螺旋弹簧的设计 (9)4.2钢板弹簧的设计 (9)4.2.1钢板弹簧的布置方案 (9)4.2.2钢板弹簧主要参数的确定 (9)4.2.3钢板弹簧各片长度的确定 (12)4.2.4钢板许用静弯曲应力验算 (13)4.2.5钢板弹簧总成在自由状态下的弧高及曲率半径计算 (14)4.2.6钢板弹簧总成弧高的核算 (15)4.2.7钢板弹簧强度验算 (16)5减震器机构类型及主要参数的选择计算 (18)5.1减震器的分类 (18)5.2相对阻尼系数 (18)5.3减震器阻尼系数的确定 (19)5.4最大卸荷力的确定 (20)5.5筒式减震器工作缸直径的确定 (20)6 结论 (21)参考文献 (22)致 (23)附录 (24).1前言悬架是保证车轮或车桥与汽车承载系统(车架或承载式车身)之间具有弹性联系并能传递载荷、缓和冲击、衰减振动以及调节汽车行驶中的车身位置等有关装置的总称。
3前后悬架系统的主要参数的确定及对整车性能的影响3.1悬架静挠度(公式来自《汽车设计》第四版)悬架静挠度c f 是指汽车满载静止时悬架上的载荷W F 与此时悬架刚度c 之比,即c F f W c /=。
因此,汽车前、后部分的车身的固有频率1n 和2n (亦称偏频)可用下式表示11121m c n π= n 2(3-1) 式中,1c 、2c 为前、后悬架的刚度(N /cm);1m 、2m 为前、后悬架的簧上质量(kg)。
当采用弹性特性为线性变化的悬架时,前、后悬架的静挠度可用下式表示111c g m f c = 2c f =22m g c (3-2) 式中,g 为重力加速度(g =981cm /2s )。
将1c f 、2c f 代人式(3-1)到115c f n = n 2(3-3) 分析上式可知:悬架的静挠度c f 直接影响车身振动的偏频n 。
.在选取前、后悬架的静挠度值1c f 和2c f 时,使之接近,并且后悬架的静挠度2c f 比前悬架的静挠度1c f 小些,这有利于防止车身产生较大的纵向角振动。
理论分析证明:若汽车以较高车速驶过单个路障,1n /2n <1时的车身纵向角振动要比1n /2n >1时小,故推荐取2c f =(0.8~0.9)1c f 。
考虑到货车前后轴荷的差别和驾驶员的乘坐舒适性,取前悬架的静挠度值大于后悬架的静挠度值,推荐2c f =(0.6~0.8)1c f 。
对普通级以下轿车满载的情况,前悬架偏频要求在1.00~1.45Hz ,后悬架则要求在1.17~1.58Hz 。
对高级轿车满载的情况,前悬架偏频要求在0.80~1.15Hz ,后悬架则要求在0.98~1.30Hz 。
货车满载时,前悬架偏频要求在1.50~2.10Hz ,而后悬架则要求在 1.70~2.17Hz 。
取1n =1.5Hz ,2n =1.7Hz 。
代入(3-3)得1c f =11.11cm,2c f =8.65cm 取1c f =11cm ,2c f =8cm 。