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CRM Customer Relationship Management ERP Enterprise Resource Planning

SCM Supply Chain Management EDP Electronic Data Processing

MIS Management Information System DSS Decision Support System

IAP Internet Access Provider ISP Internet Service Provider

ICP Internet Content Provider ASP Application Service Provider



电子市场的前端和后端(front end,back end)选择:知道哪些属于前端或后端

front end The portion of an e-seller’s business processes through which customers interact, including the seller’s portal, electronic catalogs, a shopping cart, a search engine, and a payment gateway

back end The activities that support online order fulfillment, inventory management, purchasing from suppliers, payment processing, packaging, and delivery

信息门户的概念(information portal)

A Single point of access which can get through WE

B browser business-critical information inside and outside the organization


Electronic intermediaries that provide and/or control information flow in cyberspace, often aggregating information and selling it to others



electronic retailing (e-tailing) Retailing conducted online, over the Internet

电子零售的分类(Characteristics of Successful E-Tailing)

High brand recognition

A guarantee provided by highly reliable or well-known vendors

Digitized format

Relatively inexpensive items

Frequently purchased items

Commodities with standard specifications

Well-known packaged items that cannot be opened even in a traditional store

购物决策辅助工具有哪几类(采点给分)(Online Purchase-Decision Aids)

shopping portals shopping robots “Spy”services

Wireless Shopping comparisons Business Ratings Sites Trust Verification Sites

Other Shopping Tools (’s A9 Search Engine )



A Model of Consumer Behavior Online

Independent (or uncontrollable) variables can be categorized as personal characteristics and environmental characteristics

Intervening (or moderating) variables are variables within the vendors’control. They are divided into market stimuli and EC systems

The decision-making process is influenced by the independent and intervening variables. This process ends with the buyers’decisions resulting from the decision-making process

The dependent variables describe types of decisions made by buyers

Methods for B2B Online Marketing

Targeting customers

Electronic wholesalers

Other B2B marketing services

Digital cement

National systems


Affiliate Programs


Online Data Mining Services

2、User profile The requirements, preferences, behaviors, and demographic traits of a particular customer(知道是什么,了解)

3、Cookie A data file that is placed on a user’s hard drive by a remote Web server, frequently without disclosure or the user’s consent, that collects information about the user’s activities at a site(知道是什么,了解)


Methods for Conducting Market Research Online

Market research for one-to-one approaches

Observing Customers

clickstream data

collaborative filtering

5、客户观察的工具(Observing Customers)

transaction log clickstream behavior Web bugs spyware

6、Collaborative filtering的概念(协作过滤)

A market research and personalization method that uses customer data to predict, based on formulas derived from behavioral sciences, what other products or services a customer may enjoy; predictions can be extended to other customers with similar profiles

7、Variations of collaborative filtering include:(协作过滤的方式)

Rule-based filtering

Content-based filter

Operating-based filter
