Unit 7 泛读教程3 练习答案
《泛读教程》第三册王守仁课后答案上海外语教育出版社Unit 1Section AV ocabulary Building:I. 1. practical, practice, practices, practical, practiced2. worthless, worthy, worthwhile, worth, worth3. vary, variety, variation, various, Various4. absorbing, absorbed, absorb, absorption, absorbentII. 1. effective, efficient, effective2. technology, technique3. middle, medium, mediumClozeGoing/about/trying, expectations/predictions, questions, answers, predictions/expectations, tell, know/foretell, end, develop/present, worthSection BTFTT, CBCC, TFF, CAA, CCAUnit 2Section AV ocabulary Building:I. mess, preference, aimlessly, remarkable, decisive, shipment, fiery, physically, action, housing II. 1. aptitude, attitude2. account, counted, counted3. talent, intelligenceClozeOther, just/only, has, some/many, than, refuse, see/know/understand, that, without, If,ready/willing/educated/taught, wrong/incorrect/erroneousSection BACC, CC, CCC, ACB, ABASection CCCDDACUnit 3Section AV ocabulary Building:I.Noun Verb Adjective Adverbadmission admit admissible Admissiblyreliance rely reliable Reliablydefinition define definite Definitelyassumption assume assumed/assuming Assumedly/assuminglybehavior Behave behavioral Behaviorallyvariety Vary Various/varied Variously/variedlyPart/partiality Part partial Partiallymanager manage managerial Manageriallycorrelation correlate correlative CorrelativelyAdaptation adapt adaptive adaptivelyII. 1. inspired, aspired, inspired2. token, badges, token3. contemporaries, temporary, contemporaryClozeCommunicate, ways/means/ones, using/saying, in, of, message, meet/have/encounter/experience, causes, meaning, to, eyesSection BBAB, BAC, FFT, TTF, CCBSection CBBDDBCCAFFTFFTUnit 4Section AReading Skill: Skimming2-10 BBAC BCCAAV ocabulary Building:I. moist, betrayal, exclusively, inhumane, amazed / amazing, endangered, marvels, deadlyII. 1. dessert, deserted2. favorite, favorable, favorable3. awarded, reward, awardedClozeParents, idea, at / by, seen, landmarks, instance / example, migrate, guide /direct, pole, effect / influence, It / This, if / whether, experimentsSection BCCB FTF BCA CCB ACCSection CFFTFF FTTFFUnit 5Section AV ocabulary Building:I.Noun Verb Adjective Adverbassumption assume assumed / assuming assumedly /assuminglyacknowledgement acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgedlyreflection reflect reflective reflectivelydomination dominate dominant dominantlycategory categorize categorical categoricallyimplication imply implicative implicativelyreassurance reassure reassuring reassuringlydefinition define definite definitelyII. 1. Historical, historic2. rejected, resist3. test / analyze, analyzedClozeExisted / appeared, ever, head /brain, body, found, language, use / value / significance/ importance, single, passed, ahead, survival / existence, handling / overcomingSection BCAB CBB TTT FTT CACSection CBBAA ACBCUnit 6Section AWord Pretest:CACBA BACAB ABV ocabulary Building:I.availability avail available Availablyconquest conquer Conquering /conqueredConqueringlyluxury luxuriate luxurious Luxuriouslyorigin originate original Originallyoccurrence occur Occurrentsystem systematize Systematical /systematicSystematicallyphonology phonological Phonologicallydecision decide Decided/decisive Decidedly / decisivelyvariety vary various Variouslysuperiority superior SuperiorlyII. 1. peculiar, particular, particular2. assess, access, access3. resources, source, sourcesClozeSex, Men, differs, compliment / words, complimenting, causes, makes, languages, have, outside, understood, have, use, circle / world / fieldSection BCBBBA CBCCC CBACC BASection CBBCAB BACCBUnit 7Section AWord PretestABABC BACV ocabulary Building:I. deduced, behavior, adhere, replacement, option, delicacy, enormous, pursuitII. 1. inquired, required, inquire, required2. compatible, comparable, compatible, comparableClozeSatellite, some, space, asked / wondered, life, sort / kind, orbiting / going / circling, have, living, were, believe, own, solar, where, likely, living, throughSection BFTFFT TTTTF FFBBC ACCSection CBCBCC AEDEBAFDCUnit 8Section AV ocabulary Building:1.occupataion, occupy, occupational, occupationallysegregation, segregate, segregateddiscrimination, discriminate, discriminating / discriminatory, discriminatingly / discriminatorily enforcement, enforce, enforceable, enforceablyexclusion, exclude, exclusive, exclusivelyperseverance, persevere, persevering, perseveringlyconviction, convict, convictive, convictivelyamendment, amend, amendablesuperficiality, superficialize, superficial, superficiallyspectator, spectate, spectatorial2.1. a. job b. career c. jobs d. career2. a.. principal b. principles c. principal d. principle3. a. feminien b. female c. feminineClozeAcceptable, domestic, property, wages, husband, divorce, claims, legal, suit, permitted, make, excluded, lacked, belonged, determinedSection BBACCB CACCC AABBA C TTFSection CCCAACBUnit 9Section AV ocabulary Building:1.1. typifies2. dominant3. familial4. competitive5. vibrate6. descended7. departure8. boom9. countless 10. symbolizes2.1. a. recreative b. recreates c. recreation2. a. rhythm b. rhyme c. rhymes d. rhythmClozeSea, within, of, divides, built/constructed/completed, celebrated, inside/in, attract, together, when Section BFTFTT CCBBC BAACC ACSection CBAACA BCCCCUnit 10Section AV ocabulary Building:1.consequence, , consequent / consequential, consequently / consequentiallysophisticatiion, sophisticate, sophisticated, sophisticatedlyreference, refer, referable, referablyconversation, converse, conversational, conversationallyspace, space, spatial/spacious, spatially/spaciouslydetachment, detach, detachable/detached, detachably/detachedlyintervention, intervene, interveningtype, typify, typical, typically2.1. assure, ensure, assured, ensure2. arises, raised, rise, raised, arisen3. clue, cues, clue, cueClozeWell, separating / isolating, is, own, close, need, look, order, respect, follow, prior, sign/cue, help, was/were, elseSection BBBC TTF BCA CAC TFFSection CTFFTF FFFUnit 11Section AV ocabulary Building:1.information, inform, informative, informativelyspecification, specify, specific, specificallyaddition, add, additional /additive, additionally / additivelyspecialty, specialize, special, speciallynarration, narrate, narrative, narrativelyextension, extend, exxtensive, extensivelyorigin, originate, original, originallyexplosion, explode, explosive, explosivelyambiguity, , ambiguous, ambiguouslyestablishment, establish, established1. extension2. mabiguity3. orignal4. specified5. additional6. unambiguously7. explosion8. information9. specialized 10. narrative 11. establishment2.1. transform, transferred, transferred, transformed2. lonely, alone, lonely, aloneClozeLibrary, amounted, own, burned / destroyed, countries’, send, suggestion / proposal, library Section BACBCB ACCAC ABABB ABSection CBCACC CBCCCUnit 12Section AV ocabulary Building:1. reaction, mass, polluting, planetary, suspicious, alarming, emitted, emerged2.1. warned, threatened2. spread, spread, sprayed3. emergency, emergenceClozeSolve, communities, creative, prevention, disposal, resources, recycloing, waste, increase, place, measures, amountSection BFFTT BCAC FTFF ABC CBCSection CBCAAC CBCUnit 13Section AV ocabulary Building:1.symptom, symptomize, symptomatic, symptomaticallylonging, long, longing, longinglyaddition, add, additional additive, additionally / additivelymanifestation, manifest, manifest, manifestlydepression, depress, depressed / depressing, depressedly / depressinglyinvariability, , invariable, invariablyseparation, separate, separate, separatelycondemnation, condemn, condemnable, condemnablyimagination, imagine, imaginary, imaginarilyaffection, affect, affecting, afeectingly2.1. remedies, recipe, remedy, recipe2. alternate, altered, alternate, alter3. acknowledged, knowledge, acknowledgedClozeStep, acknowledge, prevent, essential, physician, due, physical, psychosomatic, disease, confidence, symptoms, thorough, emotional, upsettingSection BCBCAB CBBCB ABCACSection CTFFFT FTFFFUnit 14Section AV ocabulary Building:1. reluctant, evolution, atrributed, catastrophic, assoicate, indifferent, emerged, stir2.1. evolved, revolved, evolved2. dismay, dismal, dismal, dismay3. contribute, attributed, contributed, attributedClozeCharacteristic / trait / nature, changed / had, to, long, get/eat, possessed / developed /had, stretched /lengthened, longer, passed, After, have, theory, effect/influence, notion/idea, changeSection BDAB FTFTF DAD BAC FTFSection CTFTFT FTFUnit 15Section AV ocabulary Building:1.Prevention, prevent, preventive, preventivelyFederation, federate, federal, federallyInadequacy, , inadequate, inadequatelyDeception, deceive, deceptive, deceptivelyProsperity, prosper, prosperous, prosperouslyLife, live, live/living/aliveEffect, effect, effective, effectivelyEvaluation, evaluate, evaluable /evaluativeResident, reside, residential, residentiallyVision, vision, visional /visionary, visionally / visionarity1. evaluabtion,2. federal3. prosperity4. residential5. effect6. are living7. deceptively8. preventive /effective2.1. simile, metaphor2. ultimate, unanimous, ultimate, unanimousClozeTransportation, distance / away, ground, Steam, trains, electric, station /stop, name, train, three, trains, stairs/steps, passengers/peopleSection BDCDCC CCCAB CBSection CCCACC CCC。
《泛读教程》第三册课后题答案Unit 1 Section AV ocabulary Building:I. 1. practical, practice, practices, practical, practiced 2. worthless, worthy, worthwhile, worth, wor th 3. vary, variety, variation, various, Various4. absorbing, absorbed, absorb, absorption, absorbent II. 1. effective, efficient, effective 2. technol ogy, technique 3. middle, medium, medium ClozeGoing/about/trying, expectations/predictions, questions, answers, predictions/expectations, tell, know/foretell, end, develop/present, worth Section BTFTT, CBCC, TFF, CAA, CCAUnit 2 Section AV ocabulary Building:I. mess, preference, aimlessly, remarkable, decisive, shipment, fiery, physically, action, housing II. 1. aptitude, attitude 2. account, counted, counted 3. talent, intelligence Cloze Other, just/only, h as, some/many, than, refuse, see/know/understand, that, without, If,ready/willing/educated/taught, wrong/incorrect/erroneous Section BACC, CC, CCC, ACB, ABA Section C CCDDACUnit 3 Section AV ocabulary Building: I.Noun Verb Adjective Adverbadmission admit admissible Admissibly reliance rely reliable Reliablydefinition define definite Definitelyassumption assume assumed/assuming Assumedly/assumingly behavior Behave behavioral Behav iorallyCBBBA CBCCC CBACC BA Section C BBCAB BACCBUnit 7 Section A Word Pretest ABABC BACV ocabulary Building:I. deduced, behavior, adhere, replacement, option, delicacy, enormous, pursuit II. 1. inquired, requi red, inquire, required2. compatible, comparable, compatible, comparable ClozeSatellite, some, space, asked / wondered, life, sort / kind, orbiting / going / circling, have, living, were, believe, own, solar, where, likely, living, through Section BFTFFT TTTTF FFBBC ACC Section C BCBCC AED EBAFDC Unit 8 Section AV ocabulary Building: 1.occupataion, occupy, occupational, occupationally segregation, segregate, segregated discrimination, discriminate, discriminating / discriminatory, discriminatingly / discriminatorily enforcement, enforce, enforceable, enforceably exclusion, exclude, exclusive, exclusively perseverance, persevere, persevering, perseveringly conviction, convict, convictive, convictively a mendment, amend, amendablesuperficiality, superficialize, superficial, superficially spectator, spectate, spectatorial 2.1. a. job b. career c. jobs d. career2. a.. principal b. principles c. principal d. principle3. a. feminien b. female c. feminine Cloze Acceptable, domestic, property, wages, husband, divorce, claims, legal, suit, permitted, make, excluded, lacked, belonged, determined Section BBACCB CACCC AABBA C TTF Section C CCAACBUnit 9 Section AV ocabulary Building: 1.1. typifies2. dominant3. familial4. competitive5. vibrate6. descended7. departure8. boom9. co untless 10. symbolizes 2.1. a. recreative b. recreates c. recreation2. a. rhythm b. rhyme c. rhymes d. rhythm ClozeSea, within, of, divides, built/constructed/completed, celebrated, inside/in, attract, together, when Section BFTFTT CCBBC BAACC AC Section C BAACA BCCCC Unit 10 Section AV ocabulary Building: 1.consequence, , consequent / consequential, consequently / consequentially sophisticatiion, sophisti cate, sophisticated, sophisticatedly reference, refer, referable, referablyconversation, converse, conversational, conversationally space, space, spatial/spacious, spatially/s paciouslydetachment, detach, detachable/detached, detachably/detachedly intervention, intervene, interveni ng type, typify, typical, typically 2.1. assure, ensure, assured, ensure2. arises, raised, rise, raised, arisen3. clue, cues, clue, cue ClozeWell, separating / isolating, is, own, close, need, look, order, respect, follow, prior, sign/cue, help, was/were, else Section BBBC TTF BCA CAC TFF Section C TFFTF FFFUnit 11Section AV ocabulary Building: 1.information, inform, informative, informatively specification, specify, specific, specifically addition, add, additional /additive, additionally / additively specialty, specialize, special, specially narration, narrate, narrative, narratively extension, extend, exxtensive, extensively origin, originate , original, originally explosion, explode, explosive, explosively ambiguity, , ambiguous, ambiguou sly establishment, establish, established1. extension2. mabiguity3. orignal4. specified5. additional6. unambiguously7. explosion8. information9. specialized 10. narrative 11. establishment 2. 1. transform, transferred, transferred, transformed 2. lonely, alone, lonely, alone Cloze Library, am ounted, own, burned / destroyed, countries’, send, suggestion / proposal, library Section B ACBCB ACCAC ABABB AB Section C BCACC CBCCCUnit 12 Section AV ocabulary Building:1. reaction, mass, polluting, planetary, suspicious, alarming, emitted, emerged2.1. warned, threatened2. spread, spread, sprayed3. emergency, emergence ClozeSolve, communities, creative, prevention, disposal, resources, recycloing, waste, increase, place, measures, amount Section BFFTT BCAC FTFF ABC CBC Section C BCAAC CBCUnit 13 Section AV ocabulary Building: 1.symptom, symptomize, symptomatic, symptomatically longing, long, longing, longingly addition, add, additional additive, additionally / additively manifestation, manifest, manifest, mani festlydepression, depress, depressed / depressing, depressedly / depressingly invariability, , invariable, i nvariably separation, separate, separate, separatelycondemnation, condemn, condemnable, condemnably imagination, imagine, imaginary, imaginaril y affection, affect, affecting, afeectingly 2.1. remedies, recipe, remedy, recipe2. alternate, altered, alternate, alter3. acknowledged, knowledg e, acknowledged ClozeStep, acknowledge, prevent, essential, physician, due, physical, psychosomatic, disease, confidence, symptoms, thorough, emotional, upsetting Section BCBCAB CBBCB ABCAC Section C TFFFT FTFFF Unit 14 Section AV ocabulary Building: 1. reluctant, evolution, atrributed, catastrophic, assoicate, indifferent, emerge d, stir 2.1. evolved, revolved, evolved2. dismay, dismal, dismal, dismay3. contribute, attributed, contributed, attributed ClozeCharacteristic / trait / nature, changed / had, to, long, get/eat, possessed / developed /had, stretched/lengthened, longer, passed, After, have, theory, effect/influence, notion/idea, change Section B DAB FTFTF DAD BAC FTF Section C TFTFT FTF Unit 15 Section AV ocabulary Building: 1.Prevention, prevent, preventive, preventively Federation, federate, federal, federally Inadequacy, , inadequate, inadequately Deception, deceive, deceptive, deceptively Prosperity, prosper, prosperou s, prosperously Life, live, live/living/aliveEffect, effect, effective, effectivelyEvaluation, evaluate, evaluable /evaluative Resident, reside, residential, residentiallyVision, vision, visional /visionary, visionally / visionarity1. evaluabtion,2. federal3. prosperity4. residential5. effect6. are living7. deceptively8. preventive /effective 2.1. simile, metaphor2. ultimate, unanimous, ultimate, unanimous ClozeTransportation, distance / away, ground, Steam, trains, electric, station /stop, name, train, three, trains, stairs/steps, passengers/people Section BDCDCC CCCAB CB Section C CCACC CCC。
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Keys to Read ing Course 3Unit 1 Read ing StrategiesSection AWord Pretest1-5. BCBBBReadi ng Skill2-5. CBCA 6-9. BBAAVocabulary Build ing1.a. practicable/practicalb. practicec. practicesd. practicable/practicale. practiceda. worthlessb. worthyc. worthwhiled. worthe. wortha. varyb. varietyc. variationd. various/variede. Variousa. absorbingb. absorbedc. absorbd. absorptione. absorbe nt2.1.a. effective b. efficie nt c. effective2.a. tech no logy b. tech nique3.a. middle b. medium c. mediumCloze going/about/trying expectations/predictionsquestions answerspredictions/expectations tell know/foretell end develop/present worthSection B1-5. TFTTC 6-10. BCCTF 11-14: FCAAC 16-17: CA Section C1-5. FFTFF 6-8. TTTUnit 2 EducationSection AWord Pretest1-5. ABACC 6-8. ABAReading Skill4-6. CBB 1-6. FTFFTT Vocabulary Building2. preference3. aimlessly4. remarkable/marked5. decisive7. fiery 8. physically 9. action10. housing2.1.a. aptitude b. attitude2.a. account b. counted c. counted3. a. talent b. intelligenceClozeother just/only has some/many than refusesee/know/understandthat without If ready/willing/educated/taught wrong/incorrect/erroneousSection B1-5. ACCCC 6-10. CCCAC 11-14: BABASection C1-6. CCDDACUnit 3 Body LanguageSection AWord Pretest1-5. ABCCB 6-9. DCDCReading Skill2-5. BABC 6-10. ACCBCVocabulary BuildingUse of English1.Noun Verb Adjective Adverb admission admit admissible admissibly reliance rely reliable reliably definition define definite definitely assumption assume assumed/assumingassumedly/assuminglybehavior behave behavioral behaviorally variety vary various/varied variously/variedly part/partiality part partial partially manager/management manage managerial manageriallycorrelation correlate correlative correlatively adaption/adaptation adapt adaptive adaptively2.1.a. inspired b. aspired c. inspired2.a. token b. badges c. token3.a. contemporaries b. temporary c. contemporary Clozecommunicate ways/meansBABBA 6-10. CFFTT 11-15: TFCCBSection C1-5. BBDDB 6-10. CCAFF 11-14. TFFTUnit 4 AnimalsSection AWord Pretest1-5. CACAA 6-10. BBBCCReading Skill6-10. BCCAAVocabularyBuilding1.1.moist2. betrayal3. exclusively4. inhumane5. amazed/amazing6. endangered7. marvels8. deadly 2.1.a. dessert b. deserted2.a. favorite b. favorable c. favorable3.a. awarded b. reward c. awardedCloze parents idea at/by seen landmarksinstance/example migrateguide/direct pole effect/influence It/Thisif/whether experimentsSection B1-5. CCBFT 6-10. FBCAC 11-15: CBACCSection C1-5. FFTFF 6-10. FTTFTUnit 5 HistorySection AWord Pretest1-5. CAABC 6-9. ACCCReading Skill1-6. FFTFTTVocabulary Building1.Noun Verb Adjective Adverb assumption assume assumed / assuming assumedly / assumingly acknowledgement acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgedly reflection reflect reflective reflectively domination dominate dominant dominantly category categorize categorical categoricallyimplication imply implicative implicatively reassurance reassure reassuring reassuringly definition define definite definitely2.1. a. Historical b. history2.a. rejected b. resist3.a. test/analyze b. analyzeCloze existed/appeared over head/brain body found language use/value/significance/important single passed ahead survival/existenceSection B1-5. CABCB 6-10. BTTTF 11-15: TTCACSection C1-5. BBAAA 6-8. CBCUnit 6 LanguageSection AWord Pretest1-5. CACBA 6-12. BACABABReading Skill6-10. CACCAVocabulary Building availability avail available availably conquest conquer Conquering / conquered Conqueringly luxury luxuriate luxuriousLuxuriously origin originate original originally occurrence occur occurrent system systematize Systematical / systematic systematically phonology phonological Phonologically decision decidedecided/decisive decidedly / decisively variety vary various variously superiority superior Superiorly 2.1. a. peculiar b. particular c. particular2. a. assess b. access c. access2.a. resources b. source c. sourcesClozesex Men differs compliment/word complimenting causesmakes languages have outside understood have usecircle/world/fieldSection B1-5. CABBA 6-10. CBCCC 11-17: CBACCBA Section C1-5. BBCAB 6-8. BACCBUnit 7 Space Section AWord Pretest1-5. ABABC 6-8. BAC Reading Skill6-8. BCB Vocabulary Building1. deduced2. behavior3. adhere4. replacement5. option6. delicacy7. enormous8. pursuit2.1.a. inquired b. required c. inquire d. required2. a. compatible b. comparable c. compatible d.comparableCloze satellite some space asked/wondered lifesort/kind orbiting/going/circling have living were believe own solar where likely livingthrough Section B1-5. FTFFT 6-10. TTTTF 11-15: FFBBC 16-18. ACC Section C1-5. BCBCC 6-8. AED1-6. EBAFDCUnit 8 WomenSection AWord Pretest1-5. BCABC 6-10. BBCCA Reading Skill1-5. CBABC 6-10. BCCCC Vocabulary Building occupataion, occupy, occupational, occupationally segregation, segregate, segregated discrimination, discriminate, discriminating / discriminatory, discriminatingly / discriminatorily enforcement, enforce, enforceable, enforceably exclusion, exclude, exclusive, exclusively perseverance, persevere, persevering,perseveringlyconviction, convict, convictive, convictively amendment, amend, amendable superficiality, superficialize, superficial, superficially spectator, spectate, spectatorial2.1.a. job b. career c. jobs d. career2.a. principal b. principles c. principle d. principle3.a. feminine b. female c. feminineClozeacceptable domestic property wages husband divorceclaims legalsuit permitted make excluded lacked belonged determinedSection B 1-5. BACCC 6-10. CACCC 11-15. AABBA 16-19.CTTFSection CUnit 9 CitiesSection AWord Pretest1-5. BAABC 6-10. ACBBAReading Skill1-5. CACCB 6-12. BBBBACBVocabulary Building1.1.typifies2. dominant3. familial4. competitive5. vibrate6. descended7. departure 8. boom9. countless 10. symbolizes2.1.a. recreation b. recreate c. recreation2.a. rhythm b. rhyme c. rhymes d. rhythm Clozesea within of divides built/constructed/completed celebrated inside/inattract together whenSection B1-5. FTFTT 6-10. CCBBC 11-17. BAACCAC Section C1-5. BAACA 6-10. BCCCCUnit 10 Cross-cultural Communication Section A Word Pretest1-5. CABCB 6-10. BBBABReading Skill1-5. CBCAC 6-10. CCABBVocabulary Building consequence, consequent / consequential, consequently / consequentially sophisticatiion, sophisticate, sophisticated, sophisticatedly reference, refer, referable, referably conversation, converse, conversational, conversationally space, space, spatial/spacious, spatially/spaciously detachment, detach, detachable/detached, detachably/detachedly intervention, intervene, interveningtype, typify, typical, typicall2.1. a. assure b. ensure c. assured d. ensure2.a. arises b. raised c. rise d. raised e. arisen3.a. clue b. cues c. clue d. cueClozewell separating/isolating is own close need look order respectfpllow prior sign/cue help was/were elseSection B1-5. BBCTT 6-10FBCAC 11-15. ACTFFSection C1-8. TFFTFFFFUnit 11 Information RetrievalSection AWord Pretest1-5. ACBCB 6-8. ABBReading Skill1-5. BCBAC 6-10. CCCCCVocabulary Buildinginformation, inform, informative, informatively specification, specify, specific, specifically addition, add, additional /additive, additionally / additively specialty, specialize, special, speciallynarration, narrate, narrative, narratively extension, extend, exxtensive, extensively origin, originate, original, originally explosion, explode, explosive, explosively ambiguity, , ambiguous, ambiguously establishment, establish, established 1. extension 2. ambiguity 3. original 4. specified 5. additional 7. explosion 8. information 9. specialized 10. narrative2.1. a. transform b. transferred c. transferred d. transformed2.a. lonely b. alone c. lonely d. aloneClozelibrary amounted own burned/destroyed by countriessend suggestion/proposal library Section B1-5. ACBCB 6-10. ACCAC 11-17. ABABBABSection C1-5. BCACC 6-10. CBCCCUnit 12 EnvironmentSection AWord Pretest1-5. CCBBC 6-12. AACCCBAReading Skill1-5. CABBC 6-10. CBBVocabulary Building1.1. reaction2. mass3. polluting4. planetary5. suspicious6. alarming7.emitted 8. emerged2.1. a. warned b. threatened2. a. spread b. spread c. sprayed3.a. emergency b. emergenceClozesolve communities creative prevention disposal resources recyclingwaste increase place measures amountSection B 1-5. FFTTB 6-10. CACFT 11-18. FFABCCBC Section C1-8. BCAACCBCUnit 13 MedicineSection AVocabulary Building:,symptomize,symptomatic, symptomatically longing,long, longing, longingly addition, add,additional/additive, additionally / additively manifestation, manifest, manifest, manifestly depression, depress, depressed / depressing, depressedly / depressingly invariability, , invariable, invariablyseparation, separate, separate, separatelycondemnation,condemn,condemnable,condemnably■・(・■■■■■■ ■ I imagination, imagine, imaginary, imaginarilyaffection, affect, affecting, afeectingly2.1. remedies, recipe, remedy, recipe2. alternate, altered, alternate, alter3.acknowledged, knowledge, acknowledgedClozeStep, acknowledge, prevent, essential, physician, due, physical, psychosomatic, disease, confidence, symptoms, thorough, emotional, upsettingSection BCBCAB CBBCB ABCACSection CTFFFT FTFFFUnit 14 EvolutionSection AVocabulary Building:1. reluctant, evolution, atrributed, catastrophic, assoicate, indifferent, emerged, stir2.1. evolved, revolved, evolved2. dismay, dismal, dismal, dismay3.contribute, attributed, contributed, attributed ClozeCharacteristic / trait / nature, changed / had, to, long, get/eat, possessed / developed /had, stretched /lengthened, longer, passed, After, have, theory, effect/influence, changeSection BDAB FTFTF DAD BAC FTFSection C TFTFT FTFUnit 15 TransportationSection AVocabulary Building:1. Prevention, prevent, preventive,Federation, federate, federal, Inadequacy, , inadequate, inadequatelyDeception, deceive, deceptive,Prosperity, prosper, prosperous, Life, live, live/living/alive Effect,effect, effective, effectivelyEvaluation, evaluate, evaluableResident, reside, residential,residentially Vision, vision, visional/visionary, visionally / visionarity1. evaluabtion,2. federal3. prosperity notion/idea, preventivelyfederally deceptively prosperously/evaluative4.residential5. effect6. are living7. deceptively8. preventive /effective2.1. simile, metaphor2. ultimate, unanimous, ultimate, unanimous Cloze Transportation, distance / away, ground, Steam, trains, electric, station /stop, name, train, three, trains, stairs/steps, passengers/people Section B DCDCC CCCAB CB Section CCCACC CCC。
英语泛读教程3第三版(刘乃银版)答案Unit 1Text:A.cB. bdabb ddc D. addad cdbFast Reading:dbdda abaad cbbdcHome Reading:dacdd aabUnit 2Text:A. bB. ddbcd cca D. badda caacFast Reading:dbbdc bdbdb cddbdHome Reading:cbdcc dbbdUnit 3Text:A.dB. badab bdddc D. bddba cbcaaFast Reading:cbbba ccdda ccdadHome Reading:dbcbd dbdbText:A.cB. ddbcd dc D. abdbb addadFast Reading:dbccd bdadd badcdHome Reading:dadac bcdUnit 5Text:A.cB. abdaa dcbd D. dbabb dabcb da Fast Reading:caabd cbddc cdbabHome Reading:bccdb dcUnit 6Text:A.bB. cbcab ddad D. badaa cbaac Fast Reading:cabcd aadcb ccdabHome Reading:ccdcd abcUnit 7A.dB. acbda dcaac D. abaac daccd ad Fast Reading:daada cddbc bdcdbHome Reading:cbadb cddbcUnit 8Text:A.cB. cddcc dccb D. abdac aaaFast Reading:ccacd bbdad babddHome Reading:dbdbc cbcdUnit 9Text:A.cB. bccbc dbba D. dcbab dacba c Fast Reading:dcbca bccbc bcdddHome Reading:dcdca bdUnit 10Text:A.cB. cdccd bacac D. dcdbc acadc bd Fast Reading:dbdcc dccdb bddcaHome Reading:cadcb acbbUnit 11Text:A.dB. adacc dcb D. abacb dcaab adc Fast Reading:dcdab ccbda ccbcaHome Reading:bcadb bcdddUnit 12Text:A.bB. bbbdd ccc D. cdccd acdba dca Fast Reading:bbddc dbdbc cdcddHome Reading:bcdcc badbb cUnit 13Text:A.cB. cdcad bab D. cbada cabdbFast Reading:cdacc caccd bdbdbHome Reading:bdbcc bddUnit 14Text:A.cB. ddcad dab D. dacad babad bFast Reading:ddabb bddca dcccbHome Reading:cdcda ddUnit 15Text:A.cB. abbac bccdb b D. babcc aaacd bb Fast Reading:caccb accdc ddadaHome Reading:cdacd ddc。
Keys to Reading Course 3 Unit 1 Reading StrategiesSection AWord Pretest1-5. BCBBB 6-10.AACCBReading Skill2-5. CBCA 6-9. BBAAVocabulary Building1.a. practicable/practicalb. practicec. practicesd. practicable/practicale. practiceda. worthlessb. worthyc. worthwhiled. worthe. wortha. varyb. varietyc. variationd. various/variede. Variousa. absorbingb. absorbedc. absorbd. absorptione. absorbent2.1. a. effective b. efficient c. effective2. a. technology b. technique3. a. middle b. medium c. mediumClozegoing/about/trying expectations/predictions questions answerspredictions/expectations tell know/foretell end develop/present worthSection B1-5. TFTTC 6-10. BCCTF 11-14: FCAAC 16-17: CA Section C1-5. FFTFF 6-8. TTTUnit 2 EducationSection AWord Pretest1-5. ABACC 6-8. ABAReading Skill4-6. CBB 1-6. FTFFTTVocabulary Building1.mess2. preference3. aimlessly4. remarkable/marked5. decisive6.shipment7. fiery8. physically9. action10. housing2.1. a. aptitude b. attitude2. a. account b. counted c. counted3. a. talent b. intelligenceClozeother just/only has some/many than refuse see/know/understandthat without If ready/willing/educated/taught wrong/incorrect/erroneousSection B1-5. ACCCC 6-10. CCCAC 11-14: BABASection C1-6. CCDDACUnit 3 Body Language Section AWord Pretest1-5. ABCCB 6-9. DCDCReading Skill2-5. BABC 6-10. ACCBCVocabulary BuildingUse of English1.Noun Verb Adjective Adverb admission admit admissible admissiblyreliance rely reliable reliably definition define definite definitely assumption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/assuminglybehavior behave behavioral behaviorally variety vary various/variedvariously/variedlypart/partiality part partial partially manager/management manage managerial manageriallycorrelation correlate correlative correlatively adaption/adaptation adapt adaptive adaptively2.1. a. inspired b. aspired c. inspired2. a. token b. badges c. token3. a. contemporaries b. temporary c. contemporaryClozecommunicate ways/means//ones using/saying in of messagemeet/have/encounter/experience causes meaningtoSection B1-5. BABBA 6-10. CFFTT 11-15: TFCCB Section C1-5. BBDDB 6-10. CCAFF 11-14. TFFTUnit 4 AnimalsSection AWord Pretest1-5. CACAA 6-10. BBBCCReading Skill2-5.BBAC 6-10. BCCAAVocabulary Building1.1. moist2. betrayal3. exclusively4. inhumane5. amazed/amazing6.endangered 7. marvels 8. deadly2.1. a. dessert b. deserted2. a. favorite b. favorable c. favorable3. a. awarded b. reward c. awardedClozeparents idea at/by seen landmarksinstance/example migrateguide/direct pole effect/influence It/Thisif/whether experimentsSection B1-5. CCBFT 6-10. FBCAC 11-15: CBACC Section C1-5. FFTFF 6-10. FTTFTUnit 5 HistorySection AWord Pretest1-5. CAABC 6-9. ACCCReading Skill2-6.CABCB 1-6. FFTFTTVocabulary Building1.Noun Verb Adjective Adverb assumption assume assumed / assuming assumedly / assumingly acknowledgement acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgedlyreflection reflect reflective reflectivelydomination dominate dominant dominantly category categorize categorical categoricallyimplication imply implicative implicatively reassurance reassure reassuring reassuringlydefinition define definite definitely 2.1. a. Historical b. history2. a. rejected b. resist3. a. test/analyze b. analyzeClozeexisted/appeared over head/brain body found languageuse/value/significance/important single passed ahead survival/existenceSection B1-5. CABCB 6-10. BTTTF 11-15: TTCAC Section C1-5. BBAAA 6-8. CBCUnit 6 LanguageSection AWord Pretest1-5. CACBA 6-12. BACABABReading Skill3-5.CAA 6-10. CACCAVocabulary Buildingavailability avail available availably conquest conquer Conquering / conquered Conqueringlyluxury luxuriate luxurious Luxuriously origin originate original originally occurrence occur occurrentsystem systematizeSystematical / systematic systematically phonology phonological Phonologically decision decide decided/decisive decidedly / decisivelyvariety vary various variously superiority superior Superiorly2.1. a. peculiar b. particular c. particular2. a. assess b. access c. access3. a. resources b. source c. sourcesClozesex Men differs compliment/word complimenting causes makeslanguages have outside understood have use circle/world/fieldSection B1-5. CABBA 6-10. CBCCC 11-17: CBACCBA Section C1-5. BBCAB 6-8. BACCBUnit 7 SpaceSection AWord Pretest1-5. ABABC 6-8. BACReading Skill1-5.BBBCC 6-8. BCBVocabulary Building1. deduced2. behavior3. adhere4. replacement5. option6. delicacy7.enormous 8. pursuit2.1. a. inquired b. required c. inquire d. required2. a. compatible b. comparable c. compatible d.comparableClozesatellite some space asked/wondered lifesort/kind orbiting/going/circlinghave living were believe own solar where likely livingthroughSection B1-5. FTFFT 6-10. TTTTF 11-15: FFBBC 16-18. ACC Section C1-5. BCBCC 6-8. AED1-6. EBAFDCUnit 8 WomenSection AWord Pretest1-5. BCABC 6-10. BBCCAReading Skill1-5. CBABC 6-10. BCCCCVocabulary Buildingoccupataion, occupy, occupational, occupationally segregation, segregate, segregated discrimination, discriminate,discriminating / discriminatory, discriminatingly / discriminatorily enforcement, enforce, enforceable, enforceably exclusion, exclude, exclusive, exclusively perseverance, persevere,persevering,perseveringlyconviction, convict, convictive, convictively amendment, amend, amendable superficiality, superficialize, superficial, superficiallyspectator, spectate, spectatorial2.1. a. job b. career c. jobs d. career2. a. principal b. principles c. principle d. principle3. a. feminine b. female c. feminineClozeacceptable domestic property wages husband divorce claims legalsuit permitted make excluded lacked belonged determinedSection B1-5. BACCC 6-10. CACCC 11-15. AABBA 16-19.CTTFSection CAACBUnit 9 CitiesSection AWord Pretest1-5. BAABC 6-10. ACBBAReading Skill1-5. CACCB 6-12. BBBBACBVocabulary Building1.1. typifies2. dominant3. familial4. competitive5. vibrate6. descended7. departure 8. boom 9. countless 10. symbolizes 2.1. a. recreation b. recreate c. recreation2. a. rhythm b. rhyme c. rhymes d. rhythm Clozesea within of dividesbuilt/constructed/completed celebrated inside/inattract together whenSection B1-5. FTFTT 6-10. CCBBC 11-17. BAACCAC Section C1-5. BAACA 6-10. BCCCCUnit 10 Cross-cultural Communication Section AWord Pretest1-5. CABCB 6-10. BBBABReading Skill1-5. CBCAC 6-10. CCABBVocabulary Buildingconsequence, consequent / consequential, consequently / consequentially sophisticatiion, sophisticate, sophisticated, sophisticatedlyreference, refer, referable, referably conversation, converse, conversational, conversationallyspace, space, spatial/spacious,spatially/spaciouslydetachment, detach,detachable/detached, detachably/detachedlyintervention, intervene, interveningtype, typify, typical, typicall2.1. a. assure b. ensure c. assured d. ensure2. a. arises b. raised c. rise d. raised e. arisen3. a. clue b. cues c. clue d. cueClozewell separating/isolating is own close need look order respectfpllow prior sign/cue help was/were else Section B1-5. BBCTT 6-10FBCAC 11-15. ACTFF Section C1-8. TFFTFFFFUnit 11 Information Retrieval Section AWord Pretest1-5. ACBCB 6-8. ABBReading Skill1-5. BCBAC 6-10. CCCCCVocabulary Buildinginformation, inform, informative, informativelyspecification, specify, specific, specifically addition, add, additional /additive, additionally / additivelyspecialty, specialize, special, specially narration, narrate, narrative, narratively extension, extend, exxtensive, extensively origin, originate, original, originally explosion, explode, explosive, explosively ambiguity, , ambiguous, ambiguously establishment, establish, established1. extension2. ambiguity3. original4. specified5. additional6.unambiguously7. explosion8. information 9. specialized 10. narrative11.established2.1. a. transform b. transferred c. transferred d. transformed2. a. lonely b. alone c. lonely d. aloneClozelibrary amounted own burned/destroyed by countries sendsuggestion/proposal librarySection B1-5. ACBCB 6-10. ACCAC 11-17. ABABBAB Section C1-5. BCACC 6-10. CBCCCUnit 12 Environment Section AWord Pretest1-5. CCBBC 6-12. AACCCBAReading Skill1-5. CABBC 6-10. CBBVocabulary Building1.1. reaction2. mass3. polluting4. planetary5. suspicious6. alarming7.emitted 8. emerged2.1. a. warned b. threatened2. a. spread b. spread c. sprayed3. a. emergency b. emergenceClozesolve communities creative prevention disposal resources recyclingwaste increase place measures amount Section B1-5. FFTTB 6-10. CACFT 11-18. FFABCCBC Section C1-8. BCAACCBCUnit 13 MedicineSection AVocabulary Building:1.symptom,symptomize,symptomatic, symptomaticallylonging, long, longing, longinglyaddition, add, additional/additive, additionally / additivelymanifestation, manifest, manifest, manifestly depression, depress, depressed / depressing, depressedly / depressinglyinvariability, , invariable, invariably separation, separate, separate, separately condemnation,condemn,condemnable,condemnably imagination, imagine, imaginary, imaginarily affection, affect, affecting, afeectingly2.1. remedies, recipe, remedy, recipe2. alternate, altered, alternate, alter3. acknowledged, knowledge, acknowledged ClozeStep, acknowledge, prevent, essential, physician, due, physical, psychosomatic, disease, confidence, symptoms, thorough, emotional, upsetting Section BCBCAB CBBCB ABCACSection CTFFFT FTFFFUnit 14 EvolutionSection AVocabulary Building:1. reluctant, evolution, atrributed, catastrophic, assoicate, indifferent, emerged, stir2.1. evolved, revolved, evolved2. dismay, dismal, dismal, dismay3. contribute, attributed, contributed, attributed ClozeCharacteristic / trait / nature, changed / had, to,long, get/eat, possessed / developed /had, stretched /lengthened, longer, passed, After, have, theory, effect/influence, notion/idea, changeSection BDAB FTFTF DAD BAC FTFSection C TFTFT FTFUnit 15 TransportationSection AVocabulary Building:1. Prevention, prevent, preventive, preventively Federation, federate, federal, federally Inadequacy, , inadequate, inadequately Deception, deceive, deceptive, deceptively Prosperity, prosper, prosperous, prosperously Life, live, live/living/aliveEffect, effect, effective, effectively Evaluation, evaluate, evaluable /evaluative Resident, reside, residential, residentially Vision, vision, visional /visionary,visionally / visionarity1. evaluabtion,2. federal3. prosperity4. residential5. effect6. are living7. deceptively8. preventive /effective2.1. simile, metaphor2. ultimate, unanimous, ultimate, unanimous ClozeTransportation, distance / away, ground, Steam, trains, electric, station /stop, name, train, three, trains, stairs/steps, passengers/people Section BDCDCC CCCAB CBSection CCCACC CCC。
Keys to Reading Course 3Unit 1 Reading StrategiesSection AWord Pretest1-5. BCBBBReading Skill2-5. CBCA 6-9. BBAAVocabulary Building1.a. practicable/practicalb. practicec. practicesd. practicable/practicale. practiced a. worthless b. worthy c. worthwhile d. worth e. wortha. varyb. varietyc. variationd. various/variede. Variousa. absorbingb. absorbedc. absorbd. absorptione. absorbent2.1. a. effective b. efficient c. effective2. a. technology b. technique3. a. middle b. medium c. mediumClozegoing/about/trying expectations/predictions questions answerspredictions/expectations tell know/foretell end develop/present worthSection B1-5. TFTTC 6-10. BCCTF 11-14: FCAAC 16-17: CA Section C1-5. FFTFF 6-8. TTTUnit 2 EducationSection AWord Pretest1-5. ABACC 6-8. ABAReading Skill4-6. CBB 1-6. FTFFTTVocabulary Building2. preference3. aimlessly4. remarkable/marked5. decisive7. fiery 8. physically 9. action10. housing2.1. a. aptitude b. attitude2. a. account b. counted c. counted3. a. talent b. intelligenceClozeother just/only has some/many than refusesee/know/understandthat without If ready/willing/educated/taught wrong/incorrect/erroneousSection B1-5. ACCCC 6-10. CCCAC 11-14: BABASection C1-6. CCDDACUnit 3 Body LanguageSection AWord Pretest1-5. ABCCB 6-9. DCDCReading Skill2-5. BABC 6-10. ACCBCVocabulary BuildingUse of English1.Noun Verb Adjective Adverb admission admit admissible admissiblyreliance rely reliablereliablydefinition define definitedefinitelyassumption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/assuminglybehavior behave behavioral behaviorally variety vary various/variedvariously/variedlypart/partiality part partialpartiallymanager/management manage managerial manageriallycorrelation correlate correlative correlatively adaption/adaptation adapt adaptive adaptively2.1. a. inspired b. aspired c. inspired2. a. token b. badges c. token3. a. contemporaries b. temporary c. contemporary Clozecommunicate ways/meansBABBA 6-10. CFFTT 11-15:TFCCBSection C1-5. BBDDB 6-10. CCAFF 11-14. TFFTUnit 4 AnimalsSection AWord Pretest1-5. CACAA 6-10. BBBCCReading Skill6-10. BCCAAVocabulary Building1.1. moist2. betrayal3. exclusively4. inhumane5. amazed/amazing6.endangered 7. marvels 8. deadly2.1. a. dessert b. deserted2. a. favorite b. favorable c. favorable3. a. awarded b. reward c. awardedClozeparents idea at/by seen landmarksinstance/example migrateguide/direct pole effect/influence It/Thisif/whether experimentsSection B1-5. CCBFT 6-10. FBCAC 11-15: CBACCSection C1-5. FFTFF 6-10. FTTFTUnit 5 HistorySection AWord Pretest1-5. CAABC 6-9. ACCCReading Skill1-6. FFTFTTVocabulary Building1.Noun Verb Adjective Adverb assumption assume assumed / assuming assumedly / assuminglyacknowledgement acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgedlyreflection reflect reflectivereflectivelydomination dominate dominant dominantlycategory categorize categorical categoricallyimplication imply implicative implicatively reassurance reassure reassuring reassuringlydefinition define definite definitely 2.1. a. Historical b. history2. a. rejected b. resist3. a. test/analyze b. analyzeClozeexisted/appeared over head/brain body found languageuse/value/significance/important single passed ahead survival/existenceSection B1-5. CABCB 6-10. BTTTF 11-15: TTCACSection C1-5. BBAAA 6-8. CBCUnit 6 LanguageSection AWord Pretest1-5. CACBA 6-12. BACABABReading Skill6-10. CACCAVocabulary Buildingavailability avail availableavailably conquest conquer Conquering / conquered Conqueringlyluxury luxuriate luxuriousLuxuriously origin originate original originally occurrence occur occurrent system systematizeSystematical / systematic systematically phonology phonological Phonologically decision decide decided/decisivedecidedly / decisivelyvariety vary variousvariously superiority superior Superiorly2.1. a. peculiar b. particular c. particular2. a. assess b. access c. access3. a. resources b. source c. sourcesClozesex Men differs compliment/word complimenting causes makeslanguages have outside understood have use circle/world/fieldSection B1-5. CABBA 6-10. CBCCC 11-17: CBACCBASection C1-5. BBCAB 6-8. BACCBUnit 7 SpaceSection AWord Pretest1-5. ABABC 6-8. BACReading Skill6-8. BCBVocabulary Building1. deduced2. behavior3. adhere4. replacement5. option6. delicacy7.enormous 8. pursuit2.1. a. inquired b. required c. inquire d. required2. a. compatible b. comparable c. compatible d. comparableClozesatellite some space asked/wondered lifesort/kind orbiting/going/circlinghave living were believe own solar where likely livingthroughSection B1-5. FTFFT 6-10. TTTTF 11-15: FFBBC 16-18. ACC Section C1-5. BCBCC 6-8. AED1-6. EBAFDCUnit 8 WomenSection AWord Pretest1-5. BCABC 6-10. BBCCAReading Skill1-5. CBABC 6-10. BCCCCVocabulary Buildingoccupataion, occupy, occupational, occupationally segregation, segregate, segregated discrimination, discriminate, discriminating / discriminatory,discriminatingly / discriminatorily enforcement, enforce, enforceable, enforceably exclusion, exclude, exclusive, exclusively perseverance, persevere,persevering,perseveringlyconviction, convict, convictive, convictively amendment, amend, amendablesuperficiality, superficialize, superficial, superficiallyspectator, spectate, spectatorial2.1. a. job b. career c. jobs d. career2. a. principal b. principles c. principle d. principle3. a. feminine b. female c. feminineClozeacceptable domestic property wages husband divorce claims legalsuit permitted make excluded lacked belonged determinedSection B1-5. BACCC 6-10. CACCC 11-15. AABBA 16-19. CTTFSection CUnit 9 CitiesSection AWord Pretest1-5. BAABC 6-10. ACBBAReading Skill1-5. CACCB 6-12. BBBBACBVocabulary Building1.1. typifies2. dominant3. familial4. competitive5. vibrate6. descended7. departure 8. boom 9. countless 10. symbolizes 2.1. a. recreation b. recreate c. recreation2. a. rhythm b. rhyme c. rhymes d. rhythm Clozesea within of dividesbuilt/constructed/completed celebratedinside/inattract together whenSection B1-5. FTFTT 6-10. CCBBC 11-17. BAACCACSection C1-5. BAACA 6-10. BCCCCUnit 10 Cross-cultural Communication Section AWord Pretest1-5. CABCB 6-10. BBBABReading Skill1-5. CBCAC 6-10. CCABBVocabulary Buildingconsequence, consequent / consequential, consequently / consequentially sophisticatiion, sophisticate, sophisticated, sophisticatedlyreference, refer, referable, referably conversation, converse, conversational, conversationallyspace, space, spatial/spacious,spatially/spaciouslydetachment, detach,detachable/detached, detachably/detachedly intervention, intervene, interveningtype, typify, typical, typicall2.1. a. assure b. ensure c. assured d. ensure2. a. arises b. raised c. rise d. raised e. arisen3. a. clue b. cues c. clue d. cueClozewell separating/isolating is own close need look order respectfpllow prior sign/cue help was/were else Section B1-5. BBCTT 6-10FBCAC 11-15. ACTFFSection C1-8. TFFTFFFFUnit 11 Information RetrievalSection AWord Pretest1-5. ACBCB 6-8. ABBReading Skill1-5. BCBAC 6-10. CCCCCVocabulary Buildinginformation, inform, informative, informatively specification, specify, specific, specificallyaddition, add, additional /additive, additionally / additivelyspecialty, specialize, special, specially narration, narrate, narrative, narratively extension, extend, exxtensive, extensively origin, originate, original, originally explosion, explode, explosive, explosively ambiguity, , ambiguous, ambiguously establishment, establish, established1. extension2. ambiguity3. original4. specified5. additional 7. explosion8. information 9. specialized 10. narrative2.1. a. transform b. transferred c. transferred d. transformed2. a. lonely b. alone c. lonely d. aloneClozelibrary amounted own burned/destroyed by countries sendsuggestion/proposal librarySection B1-5. ACBCB 6-10. ACCAC 11-17. ABABBABSection C1-5. BCACC 6-10. CBCCCUnit 12 EnvironmentSection AWord Pretest1-5. CCBBC 6-12. AACCCBAReading Skill1-5. CABBC 6-10. CBBVocabulary Building1.1. reaction2. mass3. polluting4. planetary5. suspicious6. alarming7.emitted 8. emerged2.1. a. warned b. threatened2. a. spread b. spread c. sprayed3. a. emergency b. emergenceClozesolve communities creative prevention disposal resources recyclingwaste increase place measures amountSection B1-5. FFTTB 6-10. CACFT 11-18. FFABCCBCSection C1-8. BCAACCBCUnit 13 MedicineSection AVocabulary Building:,symptomize,symptomatic,symptomaticallylonging, long, longing, longinglyaddition, add, additional/additive, additionally / additivelymanifestation, manifest, manifest, manifestly depression, depress, depressed / depressing, depressedly / depressinglyinvariability, , invariable, invariably separation, separate, separate, separately condemnation,condemn,condemnable,condemnably imagination, imagine, imaginary, imaginarily affection, affect, affecting, afeectingly2.1. remedies, recipe, remedy, recipe2. alternate, altered, alternate, alter3. acknowledged, knowledge, acknowledgedClozeStep, acknowledge, prevent, essential, physician, due, physical, psychosomatic, disease, confidence, symptoms, thorough, emotional, upsettingSection BCBCAB CBBCB ABCACSection CTFFFT FTFFFUnit 14 EvolutionSection AVocabulary Building:1. reluctant, evolution, atrributed, catastrophic, assoicate, indifferent, emerged, stir2.1. evolved, revolved, evolved2. dismay, dismal, dismal, dismay3. contribute, attributed, contributed, attributed ClozeCharacteristic / trait / nature, changed / had, to, long, get/eat, possessed / developed /had, stretched /lengthened, longer, passed, After, have, theory, effect/influence, notion/idea, changeSection BDAB FTFTF DAD BAC FTFSection C TFTFT FTFUnit 15 TransportationSection AVocabulary Building:1. Prevention, prevent, preventive, preventively Federation, federate, federal, federally Inadequacy, , inadequate, inadequately Deception, deceive, deceptive, deceptively Prosperity, prosper, prosperous, prosperously Life, live, live/living/aliveEffect, effect, effective, effectively Evaluation, evaluate, evaluable /evaluative Resident, reside, residential, residentially Vision, vision, visional /visionary,visionally / visionarity1. evaluabtion,2. federal3. prosperity4. residential5. effect6. are living7. deceptively8. preventive /effective2.1. simile, metaphor2. ultimate, unanimous, ultimate, unanimous ClozeTransportation, distance / away, ground, Steam, trains, electric, station /stop, name, train, three, trains, stairs/steps, passengers/people Section BDCDCC CCCAB CBSection CCCACC CCC。
泛读教程 第三册 Unit7 Has the Bright Promise of the Space Program Faded
![泛读教程 第三册 Unit7 Has the Bright Promise of the Space Program Faded](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/17ffee3fee06eff9aef80744.png)
Has the Bright Promise of the Space Program Faded?A Symbol of the Brave Human Spirit(一个人类勇敢精神的象征)Throughout the 1960s, an enduring development that gave America faith in both itself and the future of mankind was the program to successfully conquer space. (贯穿20世纪60年代,一个持续给了美国对自身和对人类将来的信念的发展,是成功征服太空的计划。
)It has almost been forgotten that the U. S. space effort was a catch-up operation all the way, ever since the rude shock of the (former) Soviet’s successful launch of Sputnik, the world’s first artificial earth satellite, in 1957, well ahead of any comparable U. S. effort. (自从【前】苏联于1957年成功地发射了世界上第一颗人造地球卫Sputnik带来突然的震动,远非美国的成就可以相比较,美国在太空上的成就一直迎头赶上的观念几乎被淡忘。
)The Soviets had much more thrust power; they launched the first inhabited capsule with a dog in it, and then in 1961 made Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin the first human to orbit the earth. (苏联人有更为强大的推动力;他们发射了第一颗载着一只狗的载人太空舱,又于1961年使宇航员Yuri Gagarin成为了环绕地球的第一人。
大学英语泛读教程3(第三版)-电子教案Unit 7
![大学英语泛读教程3(第三版)-电子教案Unit 7](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d4fbd1909ec3d5bbfc0a7451.png)
The Concept Album
Track 16
Prior to 1967, record companies had rarely let bands have any say in how
an album was organized. The label had the performers go into the studio to
Track 16
The Stadium Concerts
As they sold out all the auditoriums, theaters and concert halls they played in, the Beatles realized that they could probably perform at much larger locations. Home of the New York Mets baseball team, Shea Stadium was a 55,000-seater sports facility. No rock band had ever attempted to fill a venue that possessed such a capacity. Like most of the Beatles decisions, though, this one proved prescient. The $5-dollar tickets sold out within hours of going on sale. Although, Shea is sadly now no more, footage of the concerts gives you an idea of just how popular the Beatles were at the time, with thousands of young (mainly female) fans screaming wildly as their idols perform. The sound quality was extremely poor and, the concert organizers kept the audience away from the field where the stage was so they could barely hear a thing, but the concert paved the way for stadium rock as we know it today.
《泛读教程》第三册课后题答案Unit 1Section AVocabulary Building:I. 1. practical, practice, practices, practical, practiced2. worthless, worthy, worthwhile, worth, worth3. vary, variety, variation, various, Various4. absorbing, absorbed, absorb, absorption, absorbent II. 1. effective, efficient, effective2. technology, technique3. middle, medium, mediumClozeGoing/about/trying, expectations/predictions, questions, answers, predictions/expectations, tell, know/foretell, end, develop/present, worthSection BTFTT, CBCC, TFF, CAA, CCAUnit 2Section AVocabulary Building:I. mess, preference, aimlessly, remarkable, decisive, shipment, fiery, physically, action, housingII. 1. aptitude, attitude2. account, counted, counted3. talent, intelligenceClozeOther, just/only, has, some/many, than, refuse, see/know/understand, that, without, If,ready/willing/educated/taught,wrong/incorrect/erroneousSection BACC, CC, CCC, ACB, ABASection CCCDDACUnit 3Section AVocabulary Building:I.Noun Verb Adjective Adverbadmission admit admissible Admissiblyreliance rely reliable Reliablydefinition define definite Definitelyassumption assume assumed/assuming Assumedly/assuminglybehavior Behave behavioral Behaviorallyvariety Vary Various/varied Variously/variedlyPart/partiality Part partial Partiallymanager manage managerial Managerially correlation correlate correlative Correlatively Adaptation adapt adaptive adaptivelyII. 1. inspired, aspired, inspired2. token, badges, token3. contemporaries, temporary, contemporaryClozeCommunicate, ways/means/ones, using/saying, in, of, message, meet/have/encounter/experience, causes, meaning, to, eyesSection BBAB, BAC, FFT, TTF, CCBSection CBBDDBCCAFFTFFTUnit 4Section AReading Skill: Skimming2-10 BBAC BCCAAVocabulary Building:I. moist, betrayal, exclusively, inhumane, amazed / amazing, endangered, marvels, deadlyII. 1. dessert, deserted2. favorite, favorable, favorable3. awarded, reward, awardedClozeParents, idea, at / by, seen, landmarks, instance / example, migrate, guide /direct, pole, effect / influence, It / This, if / whether, experimentsSection BCCB FTF BCA CCB ACCSection CFFTFF FTTFFUnit 5Section AVocabulary Building:I.Noun Verb Adjective Adverbassumption assume assumed / assuming assumedly / assuminglyacknowledgement acknowledge acknowledgedacknowledgedlyreflection reflect reflective reflectivelydomination dominate dominant dominantly category categorize categorical categorically implication imply implicative implicatively reassurance reassure reassuring reassuringly definition define definite definitelyII. 1. Historical, historic2. rejected, resist3. test / analyze, analyzedClozeExisted / appeared, ever, head /brain, body, found, language, use / value / significance/ importance, single, passed, ahead, survival / existence, handling / overcomingSection BCAB CBB TTT FTT CACSection CBBAA ACBCUnit 6Section AWord Pretest:CACBA BACAB ABVocabulary Building:I.availability avail available Availablyconquest conquer Conquering /conqueredConqueringlyluxury luxuriate luxurious Luxuriouslyorigin originate original Originallyoccurrence occur Occurrentsystem systematize Systematical /systematicSystematicallyphonology phonological Phonologicallydecision decide Decided/decisive Decidedly / decisivelyvariety vary various Variouslysuperiority superior SuperiorlyII. 1. peculiar, particular, particular2. assess, access, access3. resources, source, sourcesClozeSex, Men, differs, compliment / words, complimenting, causes, makes, languages, have, outside, understood, have, use, circle / world / fieldSection BCBBBA CBCCC CBACC BASection CBBCAB BACCBUnit 7Section AWord PretestABABC BACVocabulary Building:I. deduced, behavior, adhere, replacement, option, delicacy, enormous, pursuitII. 1. inquired, required, inquire, required2. compatible, comparable, compatible, comparable ClozeSatellite, some, space, asked / wondered, life, sort / kind, orbiting / going / circling, have, living,were, believe, own, solar, where, likely, living, through Section BFTFFT TTTTF FFBBC ACCSection CBCBCC AEDEBAFDCUnit 8Section AVocabulary Building:1.occupataion, occupy, occupational, occupationally segregation, segregate, segregated discrimination, discriminate, discriminating / discriminatory, discriminatingly / discriminatorily enforcement, enforce, enforceable, enforceably exclusion, exclude, exclusive, exclusively perseverance, persevere, persevering, perseveringly conviction, convict, convictive, convictively amendment, amend, amendablesuperficiality, superficialize, superficial, superficially spectator, spectate, spectatorial2.1. a. job b. career c. jobs d. career2. a.. principal b. principles c. principal d. principle3. a. feminien b. female c. feminineClozeAcceptable, domestic, property, wages, husband, divorce, claims, legal, suit, permitted, make, excluded, lacked, belonged, determinedSection BBACCB CACCC AABBA C TTFSection CCCAACBUnit 9Section AVocabulary Building:1.1. typifies2. dominant3. familial4. competitive5. vibrate6. descended7. departure8. boom9. countless 10. symbolizes2.1. a. recreative b. recreates c. recreation2. a. rhythm b. rhyme c. rhymes d. rhythmClozeSea, within, of, divides, built/constructed/completed, celebrated, inside/in, attract, together, whenSection BFTFTT CCBBC BAACC ACSection CBAACA BCCCCUnit 10Section AVocabulary Building:1.consequence, , consequent / consequential, consequently / consequentiallysophisticatiion, sophisticate, sophisticated, sophisticatedlyreference, refer, referable, referably conversation, converse, conversational, conversationallyspace, space, spatial/spacious, spatially/spaciously detachment, detach, detachable/detached, detachably/detachedlyintervention, intervene, interveningtype, typify, typical, typically2.1. assure, ensure, assured, ensure2. arises, raised, rise, raised, arisen3. clue, cues, clue, cueClozeWell, separating / isolating, is, own, close, need, look, order, respect, follow, prior, sign/cue, help,was/were, elseSection BBBC TTF BCA CAC TFFSection CTFFTF FFFUnit 11Section AVocabulary Building:1.information, inform, informative, informatively specification, specify, specific, specifically addition, add, additional /additive, additionally / additivelyspecialty, specialize, special, speciallynarration, narrate, narrative, narratively extension, extend, exxtensive, extensivelyorigin, originate, original, originallyexplosion, explode, explosive, explosively ambiguity, , ambiguous, ambiguously establishment, establish, established1. extension2. mabiguity3. orignal4. specified5. additional6. unambiguously7. explosion8. information9. specialized 10. narrative 11. establishment2.1. transform, transferred, transferred, transformed2. lonely, alone, lonely, aloneClozeLibrary, amounted, own, burned / destroyed, countries’, send, suggestion / proposal, library Section BACBCB ACCAC ABABB ABSection CBCACC CBCCCUnit 12Section AVocabulary Building:1. reaction, mass, polluting, planetary, suspicious, alarming, emitted, emerged2.1. warned, threatened2. spread, spread, sprayed3. emergency, emergenceClozeSolve, communities, creative, prevention, disposal, resources, recycloing, waste, increase, place, measures, amountSection BFFTT BCAC FTFF ABC CBCSection CBCAAC CBCUnit 13Section AVocabulary Building:1.symptom, symptomize, symptomatic, symptomatically longing, long, longing, longinglyaddition, add, additional additive, additionally / additivelymanifestation, manifest, manifest, manifestly depression, depress, depressed / depressing,depressedly / depressinglyinvariability, , invariable, invariablyseparation, separate, separate, separately condemnation, condemn, condemnable, condemnablyimagination, imagine, imaginary, imaginarily affection, affect, affecting, afeectingly2.1. remedies, recipe, remedy, recipe2. alternate, altered, alternate, alter3. acknowledged, knowledge, acknowledgedClozeStep, acknowledge, prevent, essential, physician, due, physical, psychosomatic, disease,confidence, symptoms, thorough, emotional, upsettingSection BCBCAB CBBCB ABCACSection CTFFFT FTFFFUnit 14Section AVocabulary Building:1. reluctant, evolution, atrributed, catastrophic, assoicate, indifferent, emerged, stir2.1. evolved, revolved, evolved2. dismay, dismal, dismal, dismay3. contribute, attributed, contributed, attributed ClozeCharacteristic / trait / nature, changed / had, to, long, get/eat, possessed / developed /had, stretched/lengthened, longer, passed, After, have, theory, effect/influence, notion/idea, changeSection BDAB FTFTF DAD BAC FTFSection CTFTFT FTFUnit 15Section AVocabulary Building:1.Prevention, prevent, preventive, preventively Federation, federate, federal, federallyInadequacy, , inadequate, inadequately Deception, deceive, deceptive, deceptively Prosperity, prosper, prosperous, prosperouslyLife, live, live/living/aliveEffect, effect, effective, effectivelyEvaluation, evaluate, evaluable /evaluative Resident, reside, residential, residentiallyVision, vision, visional /visionary, visionally / visionarity 1. evaluabtion, 2. federal 3. prosperity 4. residential 5. effect 6. are living 7. deceptively 8.preventive /effective2.1. simile, metaphor2. ultimate, unanimous, ultimate, unanimousClozeTransportation, distance / away, ground, Steam, trains, electric, station /stop, name, train, three,trains, stairs/steps, passengers/peopleSection BDCDCC CCCAB CBSection CCCACC CCC。
Unit 1 Reading Rtrategies Section AWord Pretest1----5 B C (3: no correct answer, suggested one: tired condition in the eyes) B B6----10 A (7:no correct answer, suggested one: capable of being developed or used) C C B Reading Skill2----5 CBCA 6----9 BBAA Vocabulary Building11.a.practicable/practical b. practice c. practicesd. practicable/practicale. practiced2. a.worthless b. worthy c. worthwhile d.worthe.worth3. a.vary b.variety c.variation d.various/variede.Various4. a.absorbing b.absorbed c.absorb d.absorptione.absorbent21. a.effective b.efficient c.effective2. a.technology b.technique3. a.middle b.medium c.mediumClozeGoing/about/trying expectations/predictions questions answersPredictions/expectations tell know/foretell endDevelop/present worthSection B1----4 TFTT 5----8 CBCC 9----11 TFF 12----17 CAACCASection C1----4 FFTF 5----8 FTTTUnit 2 EducationSection AWord Pretest1----5 ABACC 6----11 ABABCCReading Skill4----6 CBB1----6 FTFFTTVocabulary Building11. mess2. preference3. aimlessly4. remarkable/marked5.decisive6.shipment7. fiery8.physically9.action 10.housing2 1. a.aptitude b.attitude2. a.account b.counted c. counted3. a.talent b.intelligenceClozeOther just/only has some/many than refuse see/know/understand that without If ready/willing/educated/taughtwrong/incorrect/erroneousSection B1----5 ACCCC 6----10 CCCAC11----14 BABASection C1----6 CCDDACUnit 3 Body LanguageSection AWord Pretest1----5 ABCCB 6----9 DCDCReading Skill2----5 BABC 6----10 AACBCVocabulary Building1admission admit admissible admissibly reliance rely reliable reliablydefinition define definite definitely assumption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/assuminglybehavior behave behavioral behaviorally variety vary various/varied variously/variedly part/partiality part partial partially manager manage managerial managerially correlation correlate correlative correlativelyadaptation/adaption adapt adaptive adaptively 21.a. inspired b. aspired c. inspired2.a. token b. badges c. token3.a. contemporaries b.temporary c. contemporaryClozecommunicate ways/means/ones using/saying in ofmessage meet/have/encounter/experience causes meaning to eyesSection B1----6 BABBAC 7----12 FFTTTF 13---15 CCB Section C1----4 BBDD 5----8 BCCA1----6 FFTFFTUnit 4 AnimalsSection AWord Pretest1----5 CACAA 6----10 BBBCCReading Skill2----5 BBAC 6----10 BCCAAVocabulary Building11. moist2. betrayal3. exclusively4. inhumane5. amazed/amazing6. endangered7. marvels8. deadly21.a. dessert b. deserted2.a. favourite b. favourable c. favourable3.a. awarded b.reward c. awardedClozeparents idea at/by seen landmarks instance/example migrate guide/direct pole effect/influence It/This if/whether experimentsSection B1----3 CCB 4----6 FTF 7----10 BCAC 11----15 CBACCSection C1----5 FFTFF 6----10 FTTFTUnit 5 HistorySection AWord Pretest1----5 CAABC 6----9 ACCCReading Skill2----6 CABCB1----6 FFTFTTVocabulary Building1assumption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/assuminglyacknowledgement acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgedlyreflection reflect reflective reflectively domination dominate dominant dominantly category categorize categorical categorically implication imply implicative implicatively reassurance reassure reassuring reassuringly definition define definite definitely21.a. Historical b. historic2.a. rejected b. resist3.a. test/analyze b. analyzedClozeexisted/appeared over head/brain body found language use/value/significance/importance single passed ahead survival/existence handling/overcoming Section B1----6 CABCBB 7----12TTTFTT 13----15 CAC Section C1----4 BBAA 5----8 ACBCUnit 6 LanguageSection AWord Pretest1-----5 CACBA 6----10 BACAB 11----12 AB Reading Skill3----6 CAAC 7----10 ACCAVocabulary Building1availability avail available availably conquest conquer conquering/conquered conqueringlyluxury luxuriate luxurious luxuriouslyorigin originate original originally occurrence occur occurrent 无副词形式system systematize systematical/systematic systematicallyphonology 无动词形式phonological phonologicallydecision decide decided/decisive decidedly/decisivelyvariety vary various variouslysuperiority 无动词形式superior superiorly21.a. peculiar b. particular c. particular2.a. assess b. access c. access3.a. resources b. sources c. sourcesClozesex Men differs compliment/words complimentingcauses makes languages have outside understood have use circle/world/field Section B1----5 CBBBA 6----10 CBCCB 11----15 CBACC 16----17 BASection C1----5 BBCAB 6----10 BACCBUnit 7 SpaceSection AWord Pretest1----4 ABAB 5----8 CBACReading Skill1----4 BBBC 5----8 CBCBVocabulary Building11. deduced2. behaviour3. adhere4.replacement5. option6.delicacy7. enormous8. pursuit21.a. inquired b. required c. inquire d.required2.a. compatible b. comparable c. compatible d. comparableClozesatellite some space asked/wondered life sort/kindorbiting/going/circling have living were believe ownsolar where likely living throughSection B1----5 FTFFT 6----10 TTTTF 11----12 FF13----18 BBCACCSection C1----5 BCBCC 6----8 AED1----6 EBAFDCUnit 8 WomenSection AWord Pretest1----5 BCABC 6----10 BBCCAReading Skill1----5 CBABC 6----10 BCCCCVocabulary Building1occupation occupy occupational occupationally segregation segregate segregated discrimination discriminate discriminating/discriminatorydiscriminatingly/discriminatorilyenforcement enforce enforceable enforceably exclusion exclude exclusive exclusively perseverance persevere persevering perseveringlyconviction convict convictive convictively amendment amend amendablesuperficiality superficialize superficial superficiallyspectator spectate spectatorial21.a. job b. career c. jobs d. career2.a. principal b. principles c. principal d. principle3.a. feminine b. female c. feminineClozeacceptable domestic property wages husband divorce claims legal suit permitted make excluded lacked belonged determined Section B1----5 BACCC 6----10 CACCC 11----16 AABBAC 17----19 TTFSection C1----6 CCAACBUnit 9 CitiesSection AWord Pretest1----5 BAABC 6----10ACBBA 11----12 BC Reading Skill1----5 CACCB 6----10 BBBBA 11----12 CB Vocabulary Building11.typifies2. dominant3. familial4.competitive 5. vibrate6. descended7. departure8.boom9. countless 10. symbolizes21.a. recreation b. recreates c. recreation2.a. rhythm b. rhyme c. rhymes d. rhythm ClozeSea within of divides built/constructed/completedCelebrated inside/in attract together when Section B1----5 FTFTT 6----10 CCBBC11----15 BAACC 16----17 ACSection C1----5 BAACA 6----10 BCCCCUnit10 Cross-Cultural CommunicationWord Pretest1----5 CABCB 6---10 BBBABReading Skill1---5 CBCAC 6---10 CCABBVocabulary Building1consequence consequent/consequential consequently/consequentiallysophistication sophisticate sophisticated sophisticatedlyreference refer referable referablyconversation converse conversational conversationallyspace space spatial/spacious spatially/spaciouslydetachment detach detachable/detached detachably/detachedlyintervention intervene interveningtype typify typical typically21.a.assure b.ensure c.assured d.ensure2.arises b.raised c.rise d.raisede.arisen3.clue b.cues c.clue d.cueClozewell separating/isolating is own close need look order respect followprior sign/cue help was/were else Section B1---5 BBCTT 6---10 FBCAC 11---15 ACTFFSection C1---5 TFFTF 6---8 FFFUnit 11 Information Retrieval Section AWord Pretest1---5 ACBCB 6---8 ABBReading Skill1---5 BCBAC 6---10 CCCCC Vocabulary Building1.information inform informative informatively specification specify specific specifically addition add additional/additive additionally/additivelyspecialty specialize special specially narration narrate narrative narratively extension extend extensive extensively origin originate original originally explosion explode explosive explosively ambiguity ambiguous ambiguously establishment establish established1.extension2. ambiguity3.original4.specified5. additional6.unambiguously7.explosionrmation9.specialized 10.narrative 11.establishment2.1.a.transform b.transferred c.transferredd.transformed2.a.lonely b.alone c.lonely d.alone Clozelibrary amounted own burned/destroyed by counties’ send suggestion/proposal librarySection B1---5 ACBCB 6---10 ACCAC 11---17 ABABBABSection C1---5 BCACC 6---10 CBCCCUnit 12 EnvironmentSection AWord Pretest1---5 CCBBC 6---12 AACCCBAReading Skill1---5 CABBC 6---8 CBBVocabulary Building1.1.reaction2.mass3. polluting4.planetary5.suspicious6.alarming7.emitted8.emerged 2.1.a.warned b.threatened2.a.spread b.spread c.sprayed3.a.emergency b.emergenceClozesolve communities creative prevention disposal resources recycling waste increase place measures amountSection B1---5 FFTTB 6----10 CACFT11---15 FFABC 16---18 CBCSection C1---5 BCAAC 6---8 CBCUnit 13 MedicineSection AWord Pretest1---5 ABAAC 6---10ABCBAReading Skill1---6 CCBABB 1---5 FTFTTVocabulary Building1.symptom symptomize symptomatic symptomaticallylonging long longing longinglyaddition add additional/additive additionally/additivelymanifestation manifest manifest manifestly depression depress depressed/depressing depressedly/depressinginvariability invariable invariablyseparation separate separate separately condemnation condemn condemnable condemnablyimagination imagine imaginary imaginarily affection affect affecting affectingly2.1.a.remedies b.recipe c.remedy d.recipe2.a.alternate b.altered c.alternate d.alter3.a.acknowledged b.knowledge c.acknowledged Clozestep acknowledge prevent essential physician due physical psychosomatic disease confidence symptoms thorough emotional upsettingSection B1---5 CBCAB 6---10 CBBCB 11---15 ABCAC Section C1---5 TFFFT 6----10 FTFFFUnit 14 EvolutionSection AWord pretest1---5 BCABA 6---8 CBAReading Skill1---4 CACC 1---4 TTFTVocabulary Building1.1.reluctant2.evolution3.attributed4.catastrophic5.associate6.indifferent7.emerged8.stir 2.1.a.evolved b.revolves c.evolved2.a.dismay b.dismal c.dismal d.dismay3.a.contribute b.attributed c.contributedd.attributedClozecharacteristic/trait/nature changed/had to longget/eat possessed/developed/had stretched/lengthened longerpassed After have theoryeffect/influence notion/idea changeSection B1---5 DABFT 6---10 FTFDA 11---17 DBACFTF Section C1---8 TFTFTFTFUnit 15 TransportationSection AWord Pretest1---5 BBADA 6---11 DBBDCCReading Skill1---5: A A C C C 6—10: B B A B BVocabulary Building1.prevention prevent preventive preventively federation federate federal federally inadequacy / inadequate inadequately deception deceive deceptive deceptively prosperity prosper prosperous prosperously life live live/living/alive /effect effect effective effectively evaluation evaluate evaluable/evaluative / resident reside residential residentially vision vision visional/visionary visionally/visionarily1. evaluation2. federal3.prospertiy4. residential5. effect6. are living7. deceptively8. preventive/effective2.1.a.simile b.,metaphor2. a.ultimate b.unanimous c.ultimated.unanimousClozetransportation distance/away ground Stem trains electric station/stop name train threetrains stairs/steps passengers/people Section B1---6 D C D C C C 7---12 C C A B C B Section C1--- 8 C C A C C C C CUnit 16 TimeSection AWord pretest1-8: C C B B B B B CReading skill1-6: B A C C B CVocabulary building1.1. identification2. arbitrary3. practical4. foundation5. logic6. dictatorial7.occurence8. revise 2.1. a. presentation b. representation c. presentationd. representation2. a. base b. base c. basis d. basisClozeclocks wall pendulum ground/floor wood makers names clocks/timepieces invented/created/madefake/false/imitatedSection B1.A2.A3.C4.F5.T6.F7.T8.T9.T 10.T 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.ASection C1-8: A B A D D D C AUnit 17 TelevisionSection AWord Pretest1---5 CCACA 6---10 BCCBCReading Skill1---3 CCC 1---7 TFTFFFTVocabulary Building1.contradiction contradict contradictory contradictorilycenter center central centrallyseduction seduce seductive seductively necessity necessitate necessary necessarily visibility visualize visible visibly mobilization mobilize mobilizable mobilizably function function functional functionally dominance dominate dominant dominantly selection select selective selectively vocality vocalize vocal vocally1.visibility2.necessities3.seductive4.mobilize5.central6.functioning7.vocal8.dominant9.contradictory 10.selected2.1.a.immersed b.emerged c.immersed d.emerged2.a.dormant b.dominant c.Dormant d.dominantClozenumber happening house said graduates viewing TV schoolcases children reaches/draws imitate watching practice face backSection B1---1 CBBCB 6---10 FFFTC 11---15 ACBBC Section C1---5 TTFTF 6---10 FFFTTUnit 18 Poetry Questions on “If”1---5 AAABCQuestions on “The Rose Family”1---3 ABBQuestion on “My Candle Burns at Both Its Ends”1—3 BBCQuestions on “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”1---3 CBBQuestions on “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”1---5 ACCBC 6---7 BCQuestions on “Sonnet 29”1---5 ABBCBQuestions on “In School Days”1---4 ABBC。
unit7英语泛读教程第三册Unit 7 A Room of One’s own2.Mastery of some language points3. Learning something about the author Virginia Woolf4. Learning something about feminist movement5. Learning something about women’s status in Britain2. Mastery of some difficult language points3. Learning women’s status in British societyin the book.2. Students might have difficulty in some of the words and phrases.3.Students may think that women are equal to men in Britain.About two periods of class will be used for the analysis and discussion of the passage itself.Total class hours: three periods1. Title:(1) What does ―room‖ mean here?(2)What does ―one’s‖ refer to?2, Related Information(1)Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)Adeline) Virginia Woolf (née Stephen; 25 January1882–28 March1941) was an English novelist and essayist regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the twentieth century.During the interwar period, Woolf was a significant figure in London literary society and a member of the Bloomsbury Group. Her most famous works include the novels Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927), and Orlando (1928), and the book-length essay A Room of One's Own (1929) with its famous dictum, "a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction."Personal lifeVirginia Stephen married writer Leonard Woolf in 1912, referring to him during their engagement as a "penniless Jew." The couple shared a close bond, and in 1937Woolf wrote in her diary "Love-making —after 25 years can’t be attained by my unattractive countenance ... you see it is enormous pleasure being wanted, a pleasure that I have never felt." They also collaborated professionally, in 1917 founding the Hogarth Press, which subsequently published most of Woolf's work.[2] The ethos of Bloomsbury discouraged sexual exclusivity, and in 1922, Woolf met Vita Sackville-West. After a tentative start, they began a relationship that lasted through most of the 1920s.[3]In 1928, Woolf presented Sackville-West with Orlando, a fantastical biography in which the eponymous hero's life spans three centuries and both genders. It has been called by Nigel Nicolson, Vita Sackville-West's son, "the longest and most charming love letter in literature."[4] After their affair ended, the two women remained friends until Woolf's death.DeathAfter completing the manuscript of her last (posthumously published) novel Between the Acts, Woolf fell victim to a depression similar to that which she had earlier experienced. The war, the Luftwaffe's destruction of her London homes, as well asthe cool reception given to her biography of her late friend Roger Fry, worsened her condition until she was unable to work.[5] On 28 March1941, rather than having another nervous breakdown, Woolf drowned herself by weighing her pockets with stones and walking into the River Ouse near her home. Her body was not found until April 18. Her husband buried her remains undera tree in the garden of their house in Rodmell, Sussex.(2)William Shakespeare(baptised26 April1564–23 April1616)[a]was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.[1] He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" (or simply "The Bard"). His surviving works consist of 38 plays,[b] 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language, and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.[2] Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon. At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway, who bore him three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. Between 1585 and 1592 he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part owner of the playing company the Lord Chamberlain's Men, later known as the King's Men. He appears to have retired to Stratford around 1613, where he died three years later. Few records of Shakespeare's private life survive, and there has been considerable speculation about such matters as his sexuality, religious beliefs, and whether the works attributed to him were written by others.[3] Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1590 and 1613. His early plays were mainly comedies and histories, genres he raised to the peak ofsophistication and artistry by the end of the sixteenth century. Next he wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608, including Hamlet, King Lear, and Macbeth, considered some of the finest examples in the English language. In his last phase, he wrote tragicomedies, also known as romances, and collaborated with other playwrights.Many of his plays were published in editions of varying quality and accuracy during his lifetime, and in 1623, two of his former theatrical colleagues published the First Folio, a collected edition of his dramatic works that included all but two of the plays now recognised as Shakespeare's.Shakespeare was a respected poet and playwright in his own day, but his reputation did not rise to its present heights until the nineteenth century. The Romantics, in particular, acclaimed Shakespeare's genius, and the Victorians hero-worshipped Shakespeare with a reverence that George Bernard Shaw called "bardolatry".[4]In the twentieth century, his work was repeatedly adopted and rediscovered by new movements in scholarship and performance. His plays remain highly popular today and are consistently performed and reinterpreted in diverse cultural and political contexts throughout the world.3. Warming-up questionAre there any inequality between men and women in your surroundings? Please give some expels if the answer is yes.4. Text analysisA Room of One’s Own (1929);(now regarded as a classic feminist work)All I could do was to offer you an opinion upon one minor point—a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction; and that, as you will see, leaves the greatproblem of the true nature of woman and the true nature of fiction unsolved.(1) Themes, Motifs & Symbols#ThemesThe Importance of MoneyFor the narrator of A Room of One’s Own, money is the primary element that prevents women from having a room of their own, and thus, having money is of the utmost importance. Because women do not have power, their creativity has been systematically stifled throughout the ages. The narrator writes, ―Intellectual freedom depends upon material things. Poetry depends upon intellectual freedom. And women have always been poor, not for two hundred years merely, but from the beginning of time . . .‖ She uses this quotation to explain why so few women have written successful poetry. She believes that the writing of novels lends itself more easily to frequent starts and stops, so women are more likely to write novels than poetry: women must contend with frequent interruptions because they are so often deprived of a room of their own in which to write. Without money, the narrator implies, women will remain in second place to their creative male counterparts. The financial discrepancy between men and women at the time of Woolf’s writing perpetuated the myth that women were less successful writers.The Subjectivity of TruthIn A Room of One’s Own, the narrator argues that even history is subjective. What she seeks is nothin g less than ―the essential oil of truth,‖ but this eludes her, andshe eventually concludes that no such thing exists. The narrator later writes, ―When a subject is highly controversial, onecannot hope to tell the truth. One can only show how one c ame to hold whatever opinion one does hold.‖ To demonstrate the idea that opinion is the only thing that a person can actually ―prove,‖ she fictionalizes her lecture, claiming, ―Fiction is likely to contain more truth than fact.‖ Reality is not objective: rather, it is contingent upon the circumstances of one’s world. This argument complicates her narrative: Woolf forces her reader to question the veracity of everything she has presented as truth so far, and yet she also tells them that the fictional parts of any story contain more essential truth than the factual parts. With this observation she recasts the accepted truths and opinions of countless literary works.#MotifsInterruptionsWhen the narrator is interrupted in A Room of One’s Own, she generally fails to regain her original concentration, suggesting that women without private spaces of their own, free of interruptions, are doomed to difficulty and even failure in their work. While the narrator is describing Oxbridge University in chapter one, her attention is drawn to a cat without a tail. The narrator finds this cat to be out of place, and she uses the sight of this cat to take her text in a different direction. The oddly jarring and incongruous sight of a cat without a tail—which causes the narrator to completely lose her train of thought—is an exercise in allowing the reader to experience what it might feel like to be a woman writer. Although the narrator goes on to make an interesting and valuable point about the atmosphere at her luncheon, she has lost her original point. This shift underscores her claim that women, who so often lack a room of their own and the time to write, cannot compete against the menwho are not forced to struggle for such basic necessities.Gender InequalityThroughout A R oom o f One’s Own, the narrator emphasizes the fact that women are treated unequally in her society and that this is why they have produced less impressive works of writing than men. To illustrate her point, the narrator creates a woman named Judith Shakespeare, the imaginary twin sister of William Shakespeare. The narrator uses Judith to show how society systematically discriminates against women. Judith is just as talented as her brother William, but while his talents are recognized and encouraged by their family and the rest of their society, Judith’s are underestimated and explicitly deemphasized. Judith writes, but she is secretive and ashamed of it. She is engaged at a fairly young age; when she begs not to have to marry, her beloved father beats her. She eventually commits suicide. The narrator invents the tragic figure of Judith to prove that a woman as talented as Shakespeare could never have achieved such success. Talent is an essential component of Shakespeare’s success, but because women are treate d so differently, a female Shakespeare would have fared quite differently even if she’d had as much talent as Shakespeare did.#SymbolsA Room of One’s OwnThe central point of A Room of One’s Own is that every woman needs a room of her own—something men are able to enjoy without question. A room of her own would provide a woman with the time and the space to engage in uninterrupted writing time. During Woolf’s time, women rarely enjoyed these luxuries. They remained elusive to women, and, as a result, their art suffered. But Woolf is concerned with more than just the roomitself. She uses the room as a symbol for many larger issues, such as privacy, leisure time, and financial independence, each of which is an essential component of the countless inequalities between men and women. Woolf predicts that until these inequalities are rectified, women will remain second-class citizens and their literary achievements will also be branded as such. (2) Key ideas of each partPara.1 She tried to find some information about women in history but failed——to little information.Para.2 Contrast:Imaginatively (in fiction) ——very important,, very greatpractically (in historical records as well as in history) ——insignificant Para.3. Since there were few facts about women in history, she suggested to rewrite history.Para.4.She tried to create an imaginary figure who was as brilliant as William Shakespeare, but there was no doubt about the tragic fate about this Judith Para.5-6 Again She emphasized the point that women had no place in history.(3) Summary of A Room of One's OwnThe dramatic setting of A Room of One's Own is that Woolf has been invited to lecture on the topic of Women and Fiction. She advances the thesis that "a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction." Her essay is constructed as a partly-fictionalized narrative of the thinking that led her to adopt this thesis. She dramatizes that mental process in the character of an imaginary narrator ("call me Mary Beton, Mary Seton, Mary Carmichael or by any name you please—it is not a matter of any importance") who is in her same position, wrestling with the same topic.The narrator begins her investigation at Oxbridge College,where she reflects on the different educational experiences available to men and women as well as on more material differences in their lives. She then spends a day in the British Library perusing the scholarship on women, all of which has written by men and all of which has been written in anger. Turning to history, she finds so little data about the everyday lives of women that she decides to reconstruct their existence imaginatively. The figure of Judith Shakespeare is generated as an example of the tragic fate a highly intelligent woman would have met with under those circumstances. In light of this background, she considers the achievements of the major women novelists of the nineteenth century and reflects on the importance of tradition to an aspiring writer. A survey of the current state of literature follows, conducted through a reading the first novel of one of the narrator's contemporaries. Woolf closes the essay with anexhortation to her audience of women to take up the tradition that has been so hardly bequeathed to them, and to increase the endowment for their own daughters.5. Key words and expressions(1) avarice(2) memoir(3) anecdote(4) whisk away(5) parish register (6) poach(7) on the sly(8) lust(9) on the track of(10) wizard5. Topic for Discussion(1)Why does Virginia Woolf suggest rewriting history?(2) What does the story of the imagined Shakespeare’s sister signify?(3) Do you agree with Woolf when she says that genius like Shakespeare’s is notborn today among the working class? Explain.6.Exercises about the text7. Reading skills: Reading the Feature Story in a Newspaper8. Fast Reading & Exercises2.Preview Unit 8。
高等教育出版社刘乃银主编《英语泛读教程(第二版)》第三册课后练习答案Unit 1Text: Invented WordsA. dB. 1.c 2.d 3.b 4.d 5.a 6.c 7.d 8.d 9.d 10.bD. 1.a 2.b 3.c 4.a 5.a 6.c 7.bFast Reading:1.d2.a3.d4.c5.b6.b7.a8.c9.b 10.d11.d 12.b 13.b 14.a 15.aHome Reading: 1.d 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.c 7.d 8.a 9.dUnit 2Text: The English Reserve and PolitenessA. bB. 1.d 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.d 6.c 7.c 8.aD. 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.d 5.a 6.c 7.a 8.a 9.cFast Reading:1.d2.b3.b4.d5.c6.b7.d8.b9.d 10.b11.c 12.d 13.d 14.b 15.dHome Reading: 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.d 7.b 8.b 9.dUnit 3Text: Bursting the Magic BubbleA. dB. 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.a 5.b 6.b 7.d 8.d 9.d 10.cD. 1.b 2.d 3.d 4.b 5.a 6.c 7.b 8.c 9.a 10.aFast Reading:1.c2.b3.b4.b5.a6.c7.c8.d9.d 10.a11.c 12.c 13.d 14.a 15.dHome Reading: 1.d 2.b 3.c 4.b 5.d 6.d 7.b 8.d 9.bUnit 4Text: Seeking Steady Arm to Lean OnA. cB. 1.d 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.d 6.d 7.cD. 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.b 5.b 6.a 7.d 8.d 9.a 10.d 11.b 12.c1.d2.b3.c4.c5.d6.b7.d8.a9.d 10.d11.b 12.a 13.d 14.c 15.dHome Reading: 1.c 2.d 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.d 7.bUnit 5Text: It's Tough at the TopA. cB. 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.a 5.a 6.d 7.c 8.b 9.dD. 1.d 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.d 7.a 8.b 9.c 10.bFast Reading:1.c2.a3.a4.b5.d6.c7.b8.d9.d 10.c11.c 12.d 13.b 14.a 15.bHome Reading: 1.b 2.c 3.c 4.d 5.b 6.d 7.cUnit 6Text: Right Drug, Wrong PatientA. bB. 1.c 2.b 3.c 4.a 5.b 6.d 7.d 8.a 9.dD. 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.a 5.a 6.c 7.b 8.a 9.a 10.c 11.a 12.b Fast Reading:1.c2.a3.b4.c5.d6.a7.a8.d9.c 10.b11.c 12.c 13.d 14.a 15.bHome Reading: 1.c 2.c 3.d 4.c 5.d 6.a 7.b 8.cUnit 7Text: A Room of One's OwnA. dB. 1.a 2.c 3.b 4.d 5.a 6.d 7.c 8.a 9.a 10.cD. 1.a 2.b 3.a 4.a 5.c 6.d 7.a 8.c 9.c 10.d 11.a 12.d Fast Reading:1.d2.b3.d4.d5.a6.c7.d8.d9.b 10.c11.c 12.c 13.a 14.c 15.dHome Reading: 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.d 5.b 6.c 7.d 8.d 9.b 10.cUnit 8Text: Anti-Smoking Role PlayingA. bB. 1.a 2.d 3.c 4.d 5.a 6.d 7.aD. 1.a 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.a 6.b 7.d 8.b 9.d1.a2.d3.b4.c5.b6.d7.a8.c9.c 10.d11.c 12.a 13.c 14.d 15.bHome Reading: 1.d 2.c 3.a 4.a 5.a 6.d 7.d 8.aUnit 9Text: Are Dreams as Vital as Sleep?A. cB. 1.b 2.c 3.c 4.b 5.c 6.d 7.b 8.b 9.aD. 1.d 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.b 6.d 7.a 8.c 9.b 10.a 11.cFast Reading:1.d2.c3.b4.c5.a6.b7.c8.c9.b 10.c11.b 12.c 13.d 14.d 15.dHome Reading: 1.d 2.c 3.d 4.c 5.a 6.b 7.dUnit 10Text: The Credibility PrincipleA. cB. 1.c 2.d 3.c 4.c 5.d 6.b 7.a 8.c 9.a 10.cD. 1.d 2.c 3.d 4.b 5.c 6.a 7.c 8.a 9.d 10.c 11.b 12.dFast Reading:1.d2.b3.d4.c5.c6.d7.c8.c9.d 10.b11.b 12.d 13.d 14.c 15.aHome Reading: 1.c 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.b 6.a 7.c 8.b 9.bUnit 11Text: Nonverbal CommunicationA. dB. 1.a 2.d 3.a 4.c 5.c 6.d 7.c 8.bD. 1.a 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.b 6.d 7.c 8.a 9.a 10.b 11.a 12.d 13.c Fast Reading:1.d2.c3.d4.a5.b6.c7.c8.b9.d 10.a11.c 12.c 13.b 14.c 15.aHome Reading: 1.b 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.b 6.b 7.c 8.d 9.d 10.dUnit 12Text: Why Are You So Smart?A. bB. 1.b 2.b 3.b 4.d 5.d 6.c 7.b 8.cD. 1.c 2.d 3.c 4.c 5.d 6.a 7.c 8.d 9.b 10.a 11.d 12.c 13.a1.b2.b3.d4.d5.c6.d7.b8.d9.b 10.c11.c 12.d 13.c 14.d 15.dHome Reading: 1.b 2.c 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.b 7.a 8.d 9.b 10.b 11.cUnit 13Text: Morals, Apes and UsA. aB. 1.c 2.d 3.c 4.a 5.d 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.d 10.bD. 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.d 5.a 6.c 7.a 8.b 9.d 10.bFast Reading:1.c2.d3.a4.c5.c6.c7.a8.c9.c 10.d11.b 12.d 13.b 14.d 15.bHome Reading: 1.b 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.c 6.b 7.d 8.dUnit 14Text: Three Days to SeeA. cB. 1.c 2.d 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.d 7.c 8.c 9.bD. 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.a 5.c 6.a 7.a 8.aFast Reading:1.c2.c3.a4.c5.d6.b7.b8.d9.a 10.d11.b 12.a 13.b 14.d 15.dHome Reading: 1.b 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.c 6.c 7.a 8.bUnit 15Text: How Do You Know It's Good?A. cB. 1.d 2.d 3.c 4.a 5.d 6.d 7.a 8.b 9.d 10.bD. 1.d 2.a 3.c 4.a 5.d 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.a 10.dFast Reading:1.d2.d3.a4.b5.b6.b7.d8.d9.c 10.a11.d 12.c 13.c 14.c 15.bHome Reading: 1.c 2.d 3.c 4.d 5.a 6.d 7.d。