ZMUX-30 PCM复用设备说明书


ZMUX-30 PCM复用设备说明书

ZMUX-30 PCM复用设备说明书
3. 外形尺寸 ..................................................................... 3 4. 结构特征 ..................................................................... 3 5. 开箱检查 ..................................................................... 3 6. 设备安装 ..................................................................... 4
≥65dB ≤1800Ω
2.2.2 二/四线音频接口(二/四线 E&M 接口)
a) 阻抗: b) 四线 AD 增益: c)四线 DA 增益: d)四线 AD 频率特性: e)四线 DA 频率特性: f)二线 AD 频率特性: g)二线 DA 频率特性: h)回损: i)平衡度: j) 共模抑制比: k) 电源抑制比: m) 空闲信道噪音: f) 环阻:
600Ω 14dB(可调) -2 dB(可调) -0.2 - +0.2dB -0.2 - +0.2dB -0.2 - +0.2dB -0.2 - +0.2dB(可调) 40dB 70dB 70dB 30dB ≥65dB 600Ω
2.2.3 RS232(异步– 19.2Kbps
4. 结构特征 4.1 本设备为 1U 高度的箱式结构,由机箱和电路盘组成。可安装于 19 英寸全敞开式机架,
也可作为桌面型设备放置于平稳、干燥、安全的地方使用。 4.2 该设备机框内有一块主板,上面安装有 31 个插槽,1-30 插槽为通用插槽,可任意混插



MUX30 multi-service access system用户手册致用户:⑴感谢阁下使用我公司的产品。












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⑽ 在质保期内由于产品本身质量问题而造成的设备不能正常运行使用,本公司负责更换,回收的产品由本公司所有。






MUX30 multi-service access system1:简介MUX30 multi-service access system多路复用设备是本公司采用自主知识产权的大规模集成电路,应用PCM30/31制式将以太网业务、话路业务、V35业务、RS232业务、二/四线等通过E1接口混合传输。



Vango系列V2020 PCM复用设备使用说明书广州市高科通信技术股份有限公司Guangzhou Gaoke Communications Technology Co.,LTD.Vango系列V2020型PCM复用设备使用说明书版本:V2020-06-05-220广州市高科通信技术股份有限公司热情为客户提供全方位的技术支持,用户可与就近的高科办事处联系,也可直接与公司客服部联系。




Copyright by Guangzhou Gaoke Communications Technology Company Limited.All rights are reserved.No Part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Guangzhou Gaoke Communications Technology Company Limited.®is the trademarks of Guangzhou Gaoke Communications Technology Company Limited. No the trademarks may be counterfeited.免责声明广州市高科通信技术股份有限公司保留修订本出版物和随时修改本文档内容而不预先通知任何人的权利。

Guangzhou Gaoke Communications Technology Company Limited reserves the right to change the document from time to time at its sole discretion, and not to make the notice to anyone in advance.前言内容简介本使用说明书主要描述V2020 PCM复用设备的功能及使用说明。

超音波成像平台Aixplorer MACH 30说明书

超音波成像平台Aixplorer MACH 30说明书

AIXPLORER MACH 30UltraFast TMIntelligenceIntroducing the Aixplorer® MACH 30 Ultrasound Imaging Platform2The New UltraFast With the Aixplorer MACH 30 premium ultrasound system you can leverage SuperSonic Imagine’s expertise and push the limits of ultrasound imaging.Introducing Aixplorer MACH 30platform, powered by the next generation of UltraFast™ Imaging combined with and user experience.Intelligence in innovationThe Aixplorer MACH 30 platform leverages 10 years of clinical expertise, analysis of your exam patterns and workflow, bringing you• UltraFast TMPlatform - Next generation ultrasound technology• Unique ergonomics and improved workflow • Innovative and intelligent imaging modesIntelligence in evolutionAixplorer MACH 30 is the first premium ultrasound system based on this next generation platform. It delivers which enhances overall diagnostic capabilities. All the clinical solutions you will need are embedded within the system to enhance your daily workflow, support your practice and meet your evolving requirements.Designed to be the New StandardDeveloped in collaboration with an internationally recognized industrial designagency, the Aixplorer MACH 30 platform offers major innovations designed toprovide the user with breakthrough solutions and create intuitive and innovativeworkflows for greater diagnostic confidence.Enhanced productivityand visual comfort…• Larger image size (1)• Larger monitors (2)• Tiltable touch panel (3)• Motorized height adjustable (4)• 4 pinless connector ports (5)• Three-position central brake (6)• Flexibility of control panel movement…for optimal diagnosticperformance and workflow. 4* Results available at SuperSonic ImagineSonicPad TMFocus on What Y ou See, not on What Y ou DoSuperSonic Imagine introduces the intuitive SonicPad TMembedded intoa brand-new user interface, disrupting conventional imaging, enhancing workflow and improving ease of use.Designed around principles that matter to youUp to 70% user movement reduction* & 20% exam time reduction*Intuitiveness• Simplified user interface • Improved user experience • Cultivate gesture memoryUser comfort• Reduce muscle fatigue • Customizable control panel • Real-timeon-screen helpPatient focus• Focus on imaging not optimization • Decrease exam time • Application specificuser interactions5Next Generation UltraFast TM Imaging Innovation without compromiseLeveraging the unique capabilities of SuperSonic Imagine proprietary software architecture, Aixplorer MACH 30 introduces the next generation of UltraFast TM Imaging.• Enabling the next generation of image quality and all innovative imaging modes.• Supports SuperSonic Imagine proprietary ShearWave TM PLUS, the next generationof ShearWave TM Elastography performance setting new standards in ultrasound.B-ModePushing the limits of conventional imaging• Next generation B-Mode penetration• Next generation tissue contrastand spatial resolution• Next generation color sensitivityand frame rates ShearWave TM PLUS Staying one step ahead with unique SuperSonic Imagine ShearWave TM PLUS• Larger ShearWave TM PLUS boxIncreased SWE PLUS frame rates• Accelerated ShearWave TM PLUSbox filling• No imaging compromise whileusing ShearWave TM PLUS elastography6UltraFast TM DopplerUnique SuperSonic Imagine innovationthat significantly improves patient throughput. UltraFast TM Doppler offers higher frame rateson Aixplorer MACH 30 and is now expandedto include the high frequency L18-5 transducer. Angio PL.U.S.Aixplorer MACH 30 Angio PL.U.S. modeallows you to assess microvasculaturewithout the need for contrast agents.TriVuTriVu combines real-time simultaneous imagingof B-mode, ShearWave TM PLUS and Angio PL.U.S. Enabeling you to visualize the anatomy,the function (tissue stiffness) and blood flowon the same image, simultaneously.Needle PL.U.S.Needle PL.U.S. allows you not only to visualizethe needle but also predicts its trajectory. Thisreal-time imaging mode allows you to perform biopsies with precision and confidence, withoutloss of B-mode information.Liver Ultrasound MarkersThe ability to innovate materializes once againwith the introduction of unprecedented toolsfor non-invasive assessment of liver disease severity: Att PLUS and SSp PLUS to measure attentuation and speed of sound in the liver, andVi PLUS to quantify liver tissue viscosity.7201201201201200020406080Y ear # Liver Cumul Liver publicationsY ear # Breast Cumul Breast publications201201201201200020406080100120140160Innovation for Clinical ValueOver the last 10 years, SuperSonic Imagine has continued to deliver and expand the clinical value of ultrasound imaging and has turned technological innovation into clinical value . Aixplorer MACH 30 architecture will sustain tomorrow’s technical innovations and clinical research to continue to add clinical value in existing and new areas .SuperSonic Imagine has partnered with multiple sites across the world to demonstrate the strong clinical benefits of its unique ShearWave TMPLUS Elastography. See below how Aixplorer MACH 30 offers robust clinical evidence on selected organs.BreastThe breast expert’s system with unique and exclusive features that facilitate everyday workand improve patient management and outcomes.• Breast lesion diagnosis and characterization• Improve clinical decision making for biopsy and treatment • Access prognostic informationLIVERMeeting the needs of liver experts focused on patients with chronic and focal liver disease. Allowing the user to follow patients throughout the continuum of care.• Quickly and reliably assess liver fibrosis and liver steatosis • Follow-up and monitor patients over time• Screen and characterize focal liver lesion8Muscles & tendonsThe only option for dynamic evaluation of musculotendinousunit integrity.• Screen and assess both inflammatory and mechanicaltendinopathies• Turn subjective muscular examination into quantifiableobjective assessment• Monitor treatmentProstateMultiparametric Ultrasound imaging (mpUS)• Detect and localize lesions• Characterize stiffness of lesions• Targeted prostate biopsiesVascularExpanded capabilities with unique SuperSonic Imagine technology• Detect transient hemodynamic flow with UltraFast TM Doppler• Display microvascularization without compromise• Evaluate overall cardiovascular riskOb & GynDesigned with a focus on diagnostic imaging• Detect and characterize gynecological pathologies• Comprehensive fetal imaging and reporting option• Add real-time elasticity mapping and SWE stiffness measurementsas additional diagnostic information in gynecology to define themost appropriate patient managementPediatricsDedicated optimized presets to meet all imaging needs• Using our unique UltraFast TM imaging platflorm allows for quickacquisition of clinical information to improve patient workflow• Family of pediatric transducers and application specific presetsfor optimal imagingCardiacNew echocardiography applications• Optimized B-mode, M-mode, Color, PW, CW and expanded Imagingmodes: PW Tissue Doppler Imaging, UltraFast TM Doppler• Cardiac calculation package, customized annotations and expandedbodymarkers package (ECG and Physio Module)9Power at Y our Fingertips -New Expanded Transducers FamilyAixplorer MACH 30 introduces a new transducer family andexpands its portfolio with a high frequency single crystal curved transducer C9-2X .Leveraging and combining, unique SuperSonic Imagine software beamforming, UltraFast TMand single crystal technologies, the new transducers take imaging to a new level.The next generation pinless connector facilitates easy handling in your daily routine. The re-designed housing allows for one hand manipulation.C9-2X SINGLE CRYSTAL CURVILINEARThe perfect solution for narrow intercostal spaces without compromise on penetration.Single crystal element192Bandwidth2-9 MHzClinical Applications•Abdominal •OB-GYN•Pediatric •Thyroid10E12-3 ENDOCAVITARYCompositeelements192Bandwidth3-12 MHzClinical Applications•OB-GYN•ProstateL10-2 LINEARCompositeelements192Bandwidth2-10 MHzClinical Applications•Abdominal•Breast•M usculo-skeletal•Pediatric•Thyroid•Vascular•Small partsLH20-6 LINEARCompositeelements192Bandwidth6-20 MHzClinical Applications•M usculo-skeletal•Vascular•Breast•Pediatric•Small partsLV16-5 LINEARVOLUMETRIC (3D)Compositeelements192Bandwidth5-16 MHzClinical Applications•BreastMC12-3 MICRO-CONVEXCompositeelements192Bandwidth3-12 MHzClinical Applications•Pediatric•VascularP5-1X SINGLE CRYSTALPHASED ARRAYSingle crystalelement96Bandwidth1-5 MHzClinical Applications•Vascularabdominal•TCD•CardiacC6-1X SINGLE CRYSTALCURVILINEARSingle crystalelement192Bandwidth1-6 MHzClinical Applications•Abdominal•Pelvis•OB-GYN•Pediatric•Thyroid•VascularL18-5 LINEARCompositeelements256Bandwidth5-18 MHzClinical Applications•Abdominal•Breast•M usculo-skeletal•Pediatric•Thyroid•Vascular•Small parts112009Innovative Evolution and Partnership122016for ProstateCreated in 2005 in Aix en Provence, SuperSonic Imagine was born from a collaboration with the Ondes et Acoustique laboratory at ESPCI Paris and the CNRS (Head of French National Scientific Research Organization). This collaboration led to the introduction of an innovative technology – Real-time ShearWave TMElastography .SuperSonic Imagine developed the Aixplorer product that marked a technological and clinical breakthrough in the field of ultrasound imaging changing the landscape of ultrasound and setting new standards for imaging across multiple clinical applications. These clinically-validated innovations continue to be unrivaled.SuperSonic Imagine is committed to develop innovations that revolutionize the ultrasound user experience by transferring all of the intelligence of ultrasound into software.Offering unique flexibility and scalability in the marketplace, the Aixplorer product is also the only system capable of imaging the body at ultra-fast speeds of up to 20,000 frames per second (or 200 times faster than any standard ultrasound system).13Y our Ultrasound Experience ConnectedAixplorer MACH 30 is designed to offer you the best of todays innovations anduser experience while being ready for tomorrow and for the development of futureArtificial Intelligence and machine learning solutions.T odayConnected serviceability• Online system monitoring, maintenance and diagnosis• Online software updates• Options activation• Activate and evaluate new features and options online at your convenience,in your practiceT omorrow• Be ready for next interactive management of patient and data flow• Ready to implement innovations in imaging and analytics14There are thousandsof SuperSonic Imagine systems worldwide and we are representedin 83 countries.A growing community of physicians,clinicians and active users.15SuperSonic ImagineFor more information contact:+33 (0)4 42 99 24 24******************************M K G .E C .237 R e v B © S u p e r S o n i c I m a g i n e - M a r c h 2020Indications for U se: The SuperSonic Imagine Aixplorer MACH® range ultrasound diagnostic systems and transducers are intended for general purpose pulse echo ultrasound imaging, soft tissue viscoelasticity imaging and Doppler fluid flow analysis of the human body. The Aixplorer MACH® ultrasound diagnostic systems are indicated for use in the following applications, for imaging and measurement of anatomical structures: Abdominal, Small Organs, Musculoskeletal, Superficial Musculoskeletal, Vascular, Peripheral Vascular, Intraoperative, OB-GYN, Pelvic, Pediatric, Transrectal, Transvaginal, Urology, Neonatal/Adult Cephalic and Non-invasive Cardiac. In addition, the SuperSonic Imagine Aixplorer MACH® ultrasound diagnostic systems and associated transducers are intended for: measurements of abdominal anatomical structures; measurements of broadband shear wave speed, and tissue stiffness in internal structures of the liver and the spleen; measurements of brightness ratio between liver and kidney; visualization of abdominal vascularization, microvascularization and perfusion; quantification of abdominal vascularization and perfusion. The shearwave speed, beam attenuation, viscosity and stiffness measurements, the brightness ratio, the visualization of vascularization, microvascularization and perfusion, the quantification of vascularization and perfusion may be used as an aid to clinical management of adult and pediatric patients with liver disease. It is intended for use by licensed personnel qualified to direct the use of the medical ultrasound devices. CE certificate no. 26415, FDA cleared K180572.。

MA 30X 调音台功放用户手册说明书

MA 30X 调音台功放用户手册说明书

UserMA 30X ManualMixer AmplifierSafety instructionsWhen using this electronic device, basic precautions should always be taken, including the following:1Read all instructions before using the product.2Do not use this product near water (e.g., near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool etc).3 Use this device when you are sure that it has a stable baseand it is fixed securely.4This product, in combination with loudspeakers may becapable of producing sound levels that could cause permanent hearing loss. Do not operate for a long period of time at a high volume level or ata level that is uncomfortable. If you experience any hearing loss or ringingin the ears, you should consult with otorhinolaryngologist.5The product should be located away from heat sources such as radiators, heat vents, or other devices that produce heat.6The product should be connected to a power supply that is described in the operating instructions or are marked on the product.7The power supply should be undamaged and never share an outlet or extension cord with other devices. Never leave device pluggedinto the outlet when it is not being used for a long period of time.8Care should be taken that objects do not fall into liquids and liquids would not be spilled on the device.9The product should be serviced by qualified service personnel if:– The power supply or the plug has been damaged.– Objects have fallen into or liquid has been spilled on the product.– The product has been exposed to rain.– The product has been dropped or the enclosure damaged.10There are some areas with high voltage inside, to reduce the risk of electric shock do not remove cover of the microphone receiver or power supply.The cover should be removed by the qualified personnel only.Table of contentsBefore you startIntroduction (2)Features (2)OperationFront panel (3)Rear panel (3)Front panel functions (4)Rear panel functions (4)SpecificationsGeneral specifications (5)Before you startMA 30X is a compact 30 W mixing amplifier for small size installations. It features 3 channel mixer, output level meter, bass and treble tone controls, paging microphone input with phantom power and adjustable priority setting, 2 inputs for line or microphone level signals. Equipped with low and high impedance outputs for all speaker line types.FEATURES• 30 W power amplifier• 3 channel mixer• LED output level meter• Bass and treble tone controls • Low and high impedance outputs• Two inputs for microphones or line level signal• One microphone input with phantom power and priority • Phoenix connector for outputsFront PanelRear Panel1. Channel 1-3 volume controls |2. Tone bass and treble controls |3. Master volume control |4. Output level meter |5. Power switch1. Power connector and fuse box |2. Amplifier outputs |3. Input 3 stereo line input |4. Input 3 microphone input |5. Input 2 line input6. Input 2 XLR microphone input |7. Input 1 XLR microphone input |8. Setting for input 1 microphone priorityOperationOperationFront Panel FunctionsCHANNEL 1-3 VOLUME CONTROLControl volume of inputs 1-3Inputs 2 & 3 will be muted when input 1 is set to have a priority. BASS & TREBLE TONE CONTROLSBass control ±12 dB, center frequency 80 HzTreble control ±12 dB, center frequency 12 kHzMASTER VOLUMEControl device master volume.Output level meterProvides visual indication of device output level.POWERSwitch MA 30X ON or OFF.Back Panel FunctionsMAINS POWER INPUT AND FUSE BOXIf fuse replacement is needed use only the same type of fuse that is written on the back of the device.AMPLIFIER OUTPUTSConnect audio line to amplifier. There are 4 types of outputs: low impedance 4 Ω & 8 Ω outputs, high impedance 70 V & 100 V outputs.INPUT 1Balanced XLR connector for paging microphone. When active, input 1 will silence inputs 2 & 3 (use priority rotary dial to set level of attenuation).+48 V phantom power can be supplied to this input in order to use MA 30X input 1 with condenser microphone. Phantom power enable/disable jumper is installed inside amplifier near microphone 1 XLR connector.INPUT 2Balanced XLR connector for microphone and balanced Phoenix connector for mono line level signal. Connect only one source at the time.INPUT 3Unbalanced TS connector for microphone and unbalanced RCA connectors for stereo line level signal. Connect only one source at the time.General Specifications MA 30XPower supply 230 V AC 50 HzOutput power30 WIdle power consumption:7.3 WMax power consumption:90 WInput 1-3 MIC input sensitivity -51 dBuInput 2 line input sensitivity -14 dBuInput 3 line input sensitivity-20 dBuTotal harmonic distortions1%S/N ratio55 dBFrequency response55 Hz - 20 kHz (±3 dB)Output 4 Ω, 8 Ω, 70 V, 100 VBass control±12 dB, center frequency 80 HzTreble control±12 dB, center frequency 12 kHz Dimensions280 mm (W) x 233 mm (D) x 75 mm (H) Weight 3.5 kg。



Vango系列V2030型PCM数字交叉连接设备使用说明书广州市高科通信技术股份有限公司Guangzhou Gaoke Communications Technology Co.,LTD.Vango系列V2030型PCM数字交叉连接设备使用说明书版本: V2030-08-05-240广州市高科通信技术股份有限公司热情为客户提供全方位的技术支持,用户可与就近的高科办事处联系,也可直接与公司客服部联系。

广州市高科通信技术股份有限公司电话:总机(020)82598555、客服部(020)82598119传真: (020) 82598121 (020) 82599989网址:/E-mail:***************.cn版权声明广州市高科通信技术股份有限公司版权所有,保留一切权利。



Copyright by Guangzhou Gaoke Communications Technology Company Limited.All rights are reserved.No Part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Guangzhou Gaoke Communications Technology Company Limited.®is the trademarks of Guangzhou Gaoke Communications Technology Company Limited. No the trademarks may be counterfeited.免责声明广州市高科通信技术股份有限公司保留修订本出版物和随时修改本文档内容而不预先通知任何人的权利。

SAE Audio PCM系列2路高效SMPS电源音频放大器说明书

SAE Audio PCM系列2路高效SMPS电源音频放大器说明书

™Class I SMPS Power AmplifierPCM seriesThe PCM series of power amplifiers represents SAE Audio flagship series on the 2-channel SMPS power amplifier range. Featuring the most advanced technologies on audio power amplification developed by SAE Audio Research and Development laboratories during more than 15 years, the PCM amplifiers are able to deliver an enormous power density (5200W per channel @ 2Ω with the highest power PCM18) with an unprecedented sonic quality from a very lightweight 2 rack-unit amplifier. This great performance and extreme efficiency, achieved through its advanced Regulated SMPS power supply and SAE Audio patented Class I™ power modules, turns the PCM amplifier series in the industry standard for world-ApplicationsSAE Audio renowned Regulated SMPS power supply unit.High efficiency Class I™ power modules.Highly sensitive CMRR balanced inputs for improved noise rejection.Top electronic elements for a superior sonic quality.Maximum stability even at continuous full-power on 2Ω loads.XLR input and signal link connectors.Neutrik SpeakON NL4 and binding post output connectors. Input sensitivity selector on the back panel (32dB / 1v / 0.775v).Routing mode selector on the back panel (stereo / bridge-parallel).Mains circuit-breaker on the back panel.Channel independent temperature, protection and clip warning indicators on the front panel.Channel independent power and -5dB/-10dB/-20dB/signal presence indicators on the front panel.Parallel and bridge indicator on the back panel.Class I™SAE Audio patented Class I™ is the most advanced technology on high power audio amplification. The output signal amplified through a Class I™ power module accurately tracks the input signal waveform, achieving a much greater efficiency and sonic quality than on other standard amplifier classes. Class I™ amplification is capable to deliver extremely high power density with an unprecedented audio fidelity.R-SMPSToo often, on several sound reinforcement applications, mains voltage fluctuations due to poorly designed power distribution networks or non-stable power generators are an inconvenient for sound reinforcement equipment performance. In the case of amplifiers it causes undesired output sound level variations according to the mains input power. The PCM series of power amplifiers feature a Regulated Switching Mode Power Supply to keep a stable output signal level disregarding the mains stability. With the R-SMPS power supply a good sound performance is guaranteed even with the less convenient power conditions.TechnologyMid and big world-class pro-touring applications.Mid and big sized clubs and installations with high power density requirements.Professional rental industry.HS-CMRR Balanced InputsThe best signal quality at an amplifier output can only be achieved with the best signal quality at its input. With the PCM series is not a problem to have long signal input cables along with power lines or other induced noise sources. The balanced signal inputs on the PCM amplifiers implement a High Sensitivity CMRR (Common Mode Rejection Ratio) design in order to reject even the slightest added distortion on the signal, thus assuring the best possible audio signal at the input.Top Electronic ElementsBeing the 2-channel SMPS flagship series of SAE Audio power amplifiers the PCM series solely mount the best premium quality audio-specific electronic elements with the highest proven durability available on the market. Any sound performance influential parts inside the PCM amplifiers, including the operational amplifiers, power supply capacitors or power module bipolar junction transistors, are thoroughly selected among the best available audio-specific components in order to reach the best possible audio quality.Innovated byNo. 39 WenJiao Road East, HeShun, NanHai, FoShan, GD, China.TEL: +86 - 757 - 8512 - 9007FAX: +86 - 757 - 8568 - 8191Other specificationS/N rateOutput power (AC 220v / 50Hz. ±10%, All channels driven output power, THD=1%)ModelFrequency response THD+N Damping factor Input sensitivityInput impedance (bal/unbal)Voltage gain CoolingDimension / Weight Product dimensions (mm)8Ω Stereo*4Ω Stereo**2Ω Stereo**8Ω Bridge**4Ω Bridge**SpecificationsSAE reserves the right to make any changes to the product specifications without prior notice. Final specifications to be found in the user manual.*Power tested under EIA standard. **Power tested under the condition of 40ms burst, 1KHz sine wave and 1% THD.PCM7PCM13700W x21200W x22400W 1600W x23200W1300W x22300W x22800W x24600W 5600WPCM202000W x23600W x25200W x27200W 8200W20Hz - 20kHz,+0/-1.5dB ≥ 95dB < 0.02%< 0.02%< 0.05%> 28039.7dB 42.4dB 44.2dB0.775v / 1v / 32dB 20kΩ / 10kΩAir flow from front to rear483 x 450.5 x 89。



PCM30综合业务接入设备维护手册目录1. 维护概述2. 设备检查和故障诊断3. 软件更新和升级4. 设备清洁和保养5. 故障处理6. 总结1. 维护概述本手册介绍了 PCM30 综合业务接入设备的维护流程和相关事项。


2. 设备检查和故障诊断使用合适的工具和设备,进行定期的设备检查,包括但不限于以下方面:- 检查设备的外观是否完好,有无异常现象。

- 检查设备的指示灯和显示屏,确认是否正常工作。

- 检查设备的连接线缆,确认是否连接牢固。

- 进行设备的系统自检和诊断,检查硬件和软件的运行状态。

在检查中发现故障或异常情况时,采取以下步骤:- 根据设备的报警指示或故障代码,查询设备的故障诊断手册。

- 根据诊断手册的指引,进行故障诊断和排除。

- 如无法解决故障,及时联系技术支持人员进行进一步的处理。

3. 软件更新和升级定期检查设备的软件版本号,并及时更新和升级软件,以确保设备的性能和功能不断改进。

将以下步骤作为软件更新和升级的参考:- 针对设备的型号和版本,按照说明进行软件的安装和配置。

- 在安装过程中,注意备份设备的配置文件和数据,以防止数据丢失。

- 完成软件的安装和配置后,进行必要的验证和测试,确保设备正常运行。

4. 设备清洁和保养定期进行设备的清洁和保养,以确保设备的正常运行和延长设备的使用寿命。

以下是设备清洁和保养的常用方法:- 使用干净的软布和清洁剂清洁设备的外壳和面板。

- 清理设备的通风口和散热片,以保持设备的散热效果。

- 检查设备的风扇和风道,确保无异物阻塞。

- 定期检查设备的电源线和插头,确保连接良好。

5. 故障处理在设备发生故障时,采取以下步骤进行故障处理:- 在故障发生后,立即停止设备的使用,以免造成进一步的损害。

- 根据设备的故障指示或报警代码,查询设备的故障处理手册。

- 根据故障处理手册的指引,进行故障排除和修复。

- 如无法解决故障,及时联系技术支持人员进行进一步的处理和修复。



PCM-30A E1复用器接入设备User’s Reference Manual用户手册广州市天为电信科技有限公司版本号: 3.1修订日期:2008.01.01目录注意事项 ....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

一、前言 (4)二、系统概述 (4)三、产品特点 (4)四、模块配置 (5)五、典型应用 (6)六、技术指标 (8)七、设备介绍 (9)7.1设备主板 (8)7.1.1主板布局简图 (8)7.1.2功能描述 (8)7.1.3插卡类型 (9)7.2设备面板 (10)7.2.1前面板示意图 (10)7.2.2前面板指示灯 (10)7.2.3前面板CONTROL开关 (11)7.2.4前面板OPT光传输端口(FC或SC接口) (11)7.2.5后面板示意图 (12)7.2.6后面板DC-48V接线端子 (13)7.2.7后面板AC220V三项插座 (13)7.2.8后面板E1传输端口(75Ω非平衡BNC同轴接口) (12)7.2.9后面板E1传输端口(120Ω平衡RJ45接口) (12)7.2.10后面板用户线端口出线表(RJ45) (12)7.2.11前面板CONSOLE-RS232监控口(RJ45接口) (14)7.2.12RJ45水晶头针号定义简图 (14)二、系统概述PCM-30A电话光端机设备,是本公司完全针对电信运营商光进铜退工程而设计的低成本电话接入设备。




广邮通讯 OMUX-30P PCM 光端机 说明书

广邮通讯 OMUX-30P PCM 光端机 说明书

OMUX-30P PCM光端机用户使用手册广邮通讯科技有限公司目录1 概述 (9)1.1 特点 (9)1.2 环境要求 (9)1.3 电源 (9)2 技术指标 (9)2.1光接口 (9)2.2 V.24接口 (9)2.3 V.35接口 (10)2.4 用户及环路接口/热线接口 (10)2.5 10BASE_T接口 (10)3 尺寸 (10)4 结构特征 (10)4.1 结构 (10)5 开箱及检查 (11)6 安装 (11)6.1 注意事项 (11)6.2 安装固定 (11)6.4 时钟设置 (11)6.5 接线 (12)6.5.1 –48V电源 (12)6.5.2 用户线的连接 (12)6.6 开机 (12)6.6.1 面板指示灯 (13)7 运输和贮存 (13)8 客户服务热线 (13)1 概述OMUX-30P PCM光端机市针对IP超市,生活小区,军事政府单位,个体单位开发的用于电话和2M传输的光设备。


OMUX-30P OMUX-30P PCM光端机可以通过光缆直接传输30路电话或串口,解决了边缘客户的综合数据传输问题。



1.1 特点a) 提供30路业务接口。

b) 语音接口支持来电显示和提供反极信号;c) 完善的网管监视功能,界面友好,便于维护管理;d) 体积小、造型美观,安装操作方便。

1.2 环境要求工作温度:0℃~40℃相对湿度:≤90%(25℃)1.3 电源输入电压: -48V允许电压波动: -36V~-72V输入电流:<1A2 技术指标2.1光接口a)比特率: 16Mbpsb)码型:NRZ+扰码c)发送光功率:>-5dB(长距离)或>-12dB(短距离)d)接收灵敏度:>-36dB2.2 V.24接口a) 接口类型:V.24异步19.2Kbpsb) 速率: 0–2.3 V.35接口a) 接口类型:V.35 同步b) 速率: Nx64Kb/s(N =1-15)c) 时钟方式:DCE2.4 用户及环路接口/热线接口a)阻抗: 600Ωb)插入损耗:-3±0.75dBc)频率特性:300~3400Hz(-0.6~+3dB)d)衡重杂音:≤63.7dBmope)串音衰耗:≥65dBa)环阻:≤1800Ω2.5 10BASE_T接口a)接口类型:10BASE_T接口速率:12Mbpsb)传输速率:N×64Kb/s(N=1—15)c)协议:链路层桥接3 尺寸设备采用19英寸标准机箱,尺寸: 260mm(深)×480mm(宽)×44mm(高)4 结构特征4.1 结构本设备为1U高度的箱式结构,由机箱和电路盘组成。

综合复用PCM系列说明书 201403

综合复用PCM系列说明书 201403


◆仔细阅读本手册,并保存好本手册,以备将来参考用;◆不要将设备放置在接近水源或潮湿的地方;◆不要在电源电缆上放任何东西,不要将电缆打结或包住,并应将其放在不易碰到的地方;◆电源接头以及其它设备连接件应互相连接牢固,请经常检查;◆连接电源线时,务必认真按接线柱标注接线;所用电源必须满足如下条件:1.直流-48V机种:-36V ~-72V2.交流220V机种:220V±20%,50Hz◆请注意设备清洁,必要时可用软棉布擦拭;◆不要堵塞通风口;◆在下列情况下,请立即断开电源,并与公司联系:1.设备进水;2.设备摔坏或机壳破裂;3.设备工作异常或展示的性能已完全改变;4.设备产生气味、烟雾或噪音。




二主要特点◆支持光口内2、8、16、30、60路语音接口;◆支持E1数字口内2、8、16、30路语音接口;◆支持以太接口为10/100Base-Tx自适应;◆支持E1数字口阻抗75Ω和120Ω;◆支持1个公务话机接口;◆支持1个RS232异步数据接口;◆支持E1通道支持内置BERT(Bit Error Rate Test);◆支持双光口可实现业务的1+1无损保护;◆支持2、8、16、30、60路用户可选接口,品种丰富,便于多种业务的接入;◆语音接口支持来电显示,可提供反极信号;◆支持1个管理接口,可实现集中监控;◆支持两组控制开关,用于设置设备维护测试;◆完善的状态显示功能,便于维护管理;◆适应多种电源环境,-48VDC或220V AC;产品列表:三告警指示综合复用多业务传输设备告警指示和状态指示,其中红灯亮表示严重告警,系统不能正常工作;黄灯亮表示有告警,但系统基本工作正常;绿灯亮表示系统工作正常。

乐兰 AM-30 个人监听音箱 使用说明书

乐兰 AM-30 个人监听音箱 使用说明书
*可 连 接1 / 4英 寸 立 体 声 耳 机 插 头 。 扬 声 器 为 单 声 道 。
③ DRUM 音量旋钮 调 节 连 接 在D R U M输 入 插 孔 设 备 的 音 量 。
④ LINE 线路音量旋钮 调 节 连 接 在L I N E输 入 插 孔 设 备 的 音 量 。
⑤ BASS 低音旋钮 调节低频电平。
重量 12kg
附件 说明书 电源线
*0 dBu = 0.775 Vrms *产 品 规 格 如 有 变 化 , 恕 不 另 外 通 知 。
上海乐兰电子有限公司 上 海 市 杨 浦 区 平 凉 路1 5 0 0号 二 号 楼 电 话 : (0 2 1)5 5 8 0 0 8 0 0 传 真 : (0 2 1)6 5 7 2 7 9 9 9 上海乐兰电子有限公司北京分公司 北 京 朝 阳 区 西 大 望 路6 3号 阳 光 财 富 大 厦3 F 电 话 : (0 1 0)5 9 6 0 0 7 7 7 传 真 : (0 1 0)5 9 6 0 2 5 4 8
◆ D R U M专 用 个 人 监 听 音 箱 A M - 3 0是 专 门 针 对 打 击 乐 器 的 有 源 监 听 音 箱 。 具 有D R U M专 用 输 入 , 这 个 监 听 音 箱 可 以 完 全 表 现D R U M 的声音。
◆强劲的声音 尽 管 箱 体 小 巧 , 但2路1 0英 寸 同 轴 扬 声 器 可 以 输 出 强 劲 的声音。
⑥ TREBLE 高音旋钮 调节高频电平。
⑦ POWER 电源开关 开 启/关 闭 电 源 。 当 电 源 开 启 时 , 指 示 灯 亮 。
⑧ 交流电输入 附带的电源线连接在此。牢固地插入它,使导线不会意外脱落。
* A M - 3 0的 输 入 灵 敏 度 设 置 的 稍 高 , 可 以 适 应 打 击 乐 音 源 较 低 的 输 出 电 平 。 但 是 如 果 您 连 接 高 电 平 输 出 的 音 源,如 果 您 把 音 量 电 平 调 得 太高,可能发生失真。请小心。



XVO大容量语音宽带复用设备说明书前言 (2)第一章总体介绍 (3)1.1概述 (3)1.2设备特点 (3)第二章功能说明 (3)2.1主机前面板介绍 (3)2.1.1前面板指示灯说明 (4)2.1.2前面板开关说明 (4)2.1.3 以太网口(LAN口,能够根据用户需要屏蔽) (5)2.2主机后面板介绍 (5)2.2.1 E1传输接口(当不提供光传输接口时存在) (5)2.2.2 光传输接口(当不提供E1传输接口时存在) (5)2.2.3 VOICE口 (5)2.2.4 电源 (5)2.3底板介绍 (6)第三章技术指标 (6)3.1工作环境 (6)3.2电源部分 (6)3.3机械参数 (6)3.4光接口规范 (6)3.5E1接口规范 (7)3.6以太网接口规范 (7)3.7FXO(FXS)电话接口规范 (7)第四章安装方法 (7)4.1安全要求 (7)4.2开箱检查 (8)4.3电源 (8)4.4测试 (8)4.5设置与连接 (8)第五章附件 (9)5.1做线方式 (9)5.1.1 E1接口连接线制作方法 (9)5.1.2以太网接口连接线制作方法 (9)5.2故障诊断与排除 (10)5.3保修卡 (11)5.4装箱清单 (12)前言版本说明本手册版本为:V1.0版权声明本手册的版权归本公司所有,并保留对本手册及本声明的最终解释权与修改权,未得到本公司的书面许可,任何人不得以任何方式或者形式对本手册内的任何部分进行复制、摘录、备份、修改、传播、翻译成其它语言、将其全部或者部分用于商业用途。







PCM30/32路E1信号到STM-1复用过程(自己一个总结)(2010-09-29 17:58:33)转载标签:分类:网络宋体gb2312楷体复帧字节杂谈E1的速率为2048kbps,也就是125us传输一帧,1s时间内将传输8000帧,这是一个E1帧,每个E1帧包含着32路信号,其中有30路的用户信号,现在我想把它复用stm-1中,那么首先我取出8000帧的4帧,也就是说要将这8000帧的数据给2000等份,每一等份为4帧,将这4帧中的每一帧叫做E1基帧,这是相对于C12基帧来说的,其实就是C12基帧,只不过C12由E1的映射而来,可以是同步映射,也可以是异步映射。






EMUX1000EMUX1000FXSEMUX1000EMUX1000组网及应用——对端放号EMUX1000 EMUX1000组网及应用——音频、数据混传V.35EMUX1000EMUX1000 E1_B图6-12 RJ-45接头的示意图CAT3/5双绞线的连线关系。

3 4 5 6 RXD+ RXD-0.5dBr 二线收 -3.5dBr ± 0.5dBr300~600Hz >12dB 600~3400Hz >15dBITU G.713 要求空噪:≤ -65dBm0p(误差小于±0.5dB)图7-3二线接口总信噪比样板线接口规范SW2SW3.主控盘的E1在开通时需要设置完成,具体设置功能如表8-1与表8-2所示。

表8-1 SW1 设置说明序号名称功能描述出厂缺省配置1M_S_CLK E1时钟设置,“ON”表示此路的E1发送数据采用本地时钟,即:主定时方式,反之表示此路的E1发送数据采用跟随E1接收端口的时钟,即:从定时方式。

(注意:PCM设备对通连接时,一端E1设置为主定时方式,另一端E1设置为从定时方式)“OFF”2E1_EN_1 第一路E1的使能设置,“OFF”有效,此时E1的告警信号输出正常;反之:此路E1告警输出信号被屏蔽。

“OFF”3E1_EN_2 第二路E1的使能设置,“OFF”有效,此时E1的告警信号输出正常;反之:此路E1告警输出信号被屏蔽。

“OFF”4E1_LOOP 两路E1的环回设置,“OFF”为不环回的正常状态,E1接口输入、输出正常,反之, E1输入信号直接环回到E1的输出端。


)“OFF”5SEL_V24LED 背板V24调试模式设置,“OFF”为正常工作模式,“ON”为背板V24调试模式,在调试模式时,前面板指示灯LMFA、RAA、LMFB、RAB分别为V24第1~4路的工作指示灯。

“OFF”6 V24_LOOP_EN 背板V24环回设置,“OFF”为正常工作状态,“ON”为环回工作状态“OFF”7 V24_LOOP_SEL 背板V24环回模式设置,“OFF”为本端环回模式,“ON”为远端环回模式“OFF”8MODE 背板V24调试模式设置,“OFF”为正常工作模式,“ON”为背板V24调试模式,在调试模式时,前面板指示灯LMFA、RAA、LMFB、RAB分别为V24第1~4路的工作指示灯。

索爱数码 V-30 产品 说明书

索爱数码 V-30 产品 说明书


功能概述●高清晰4.3寸真彩显示 支持480×272分辨率,支持触摸屏功能●支持外音播放,双耳机功能●支持MP3、WMA、AAC、APE、OGG、FLAC等音乐格式●支持AVI、RMVB、RM ,dat视频格式不需转换,其它格式需转换●支持TF卡扩充128M/256M/512M/1GB/2GB/4GB●支持高清晰JPG、BMP格式图片浏览●支持数码录音,音乐发射●节能设置:支持屏幕亮度可自由调节,定时关机时间●支持自动关机功能。

●支持3D音效环绕效果、微软音效、可自定义EQ●多种播放模式:单曲一次、单曲重复、全部一次、全部重复、试听、顺序播放、随机播放●支持多国语言●USB2.0高速传输●支持电子书阅读,书签功能●多种桌面背景变换和界面变换●具备万年历浏览和时间功能●移动U盘功能,支持固件升级●电影支持断点记忆播放●支持操作系统:Windows98/SE/ME/2K/XP●使用温度:-5 至 40摄氏度1目 录功能概述 (1)注意事项 (3)认识机型 (4)按键功能定义说明 (5)主要界面显示说明 (5)基本操作 (8)系统菜单 (9)视频模式 (9)音乐播放 (10)图片浏览 (11)电子书 (12)收音机 (14)录音模式 (14)文件管理模式 (15)附件 (15)游戏 (16)设置功能 (16)使用USB磁盘............................................................................................. (18)使用TF卡说明 (18)故障解决 (19)申明 (20)2注意事项本手册含有重要的安全措施和正确使用产品的信息,为避免事故发生,请在使用该产品之前仔细阅读该手册。


第 3 章 网管监控流程................................................................................................................................3-1 3.1 配置流程 .........................................................................................................................................3-1 3.2 配置实例 .........................................................................................................................................3-2 3.2.1 组网配置 ...............................................................................................................................3-2 3.2.2 组网分析及业务配置 ...........................................................................................................3-2 3.2.3 创建网元 ...............................................................................................................................3-3 3.2.4 打开网元对话框 ...................................................................................................................3-5 3.2.5 创建新通信端口 ...................................................................................................................3-6 3.2.6 打开通信端口 .......................................................................................................................3-8 3.2.7 关联设备网管通道 ...............................................................................................................3-9 3.2.8 设备级联配置方式 .............................................................................................................3-10



1use. It allows you to control your amp’s channel switching (1,2 or 3) via MIDI program change messages. The Anniversary amp has an internal memory and can store Channel 1,2 or 3 selection in 128 MIDI addressable patches. These correspond to the 0 - 127 MIDI PROGRAM CHANGE message.Rear Panel FeaturesThe rear panel of the Anniversary amplifier is the most comprehensive that we have ever produced. Inaddition to the connection and control facilities there are a number of major innovations that directly affect the sound and performance of the amplifier. As your sound is personal to you, it is important to try thedifferent options for the most suitable settings for your style.34. Footswitch Socket Accepts the connecting lead from the three way channelswitching footswitch (which is included with your unit).35. MIDI-In Socket For connection from an external MIDI device.36. Balanced Compensated XLR OutputBalanced output featuring Marshall line level SpeakerEmulation for accurate sound reproduction directly throughrecording equipment or PA (see operational note C).37. Compensated Output Level ControlProvides volume level control of the signal from item (36).Operational Note C: Speaker EmulationThe Marshall speaker emulation circuit provides a signal for direct connection to PA or recording mixers, that retains the true character of the amp driving a cabinet. The quality of this emulation is so high that ‘miking up’ cabinets should no longer be necessary, saving you both time and money, and guaranteeing you a great direct guitar tone.This output is active even when the power amp mute switch (item 39) is activated. Although this power amp mutingallows the amp to be used without speaker cabinets as with all valve amplifiers, it is wise to keep the cabinet connected.38. Uncompensated Line Output Line Out suitable for linking to further amplifiers to extendthe system.39. Uncompensated Link Selection SwitchWhen pushed in, this switch mutes the internal poweramp allowing operation as a pre-amp, switching in alsoactivates the line input to the power amp.40. Line Input Line level input jack to take an external pre-amp thususing just the power stage of your amplifier.Operational Note D: Series effects optionItems 38 & 40 can also be used as a 2nd series effects loop (See operational note F). The selection switch (Item 39) will switch the loop in or out of the circuit, but will not mute the power amp.41. Effects Send Trim Channel 1 Provides -10 to +4db level control of the effects sendfrom Channel 1 only.42. Effects Send Trim Channel 2Provides -10 to +4db level control of the effects sendfrom Channel 2.Operational Note E: Effects level balancingOn 41 & 42 - When setting up the effects loop, the effects processor’s level controls should be set up against the lead channel -3 and matched using switch (44), then channels 1 & 2 set up via the trim controls for an effects send balance.If desired, more or less sound level can be set for differing amounts of effected signal.543. Series/Parallel Selection Switch Selects series or parallel effects loop operation. Seriesconnection is most suitable for Graphic Equalizers,compressor limiters etc. Parallel connection suits delay,reverb and chorus effects. It is generally not advisableto link distortion effects through the loop. Operational Note F: Effects LoopThe main effects loop on this amplifier can be configured either as a series or a parallel loop by using theseries/parallel selection switch (item 43). The parallel loop (switch out) splits the pre-amp signal into two, retaining the direct signal within the amplifier itself, whilst sending a parallel signal out to the effects processor. By turning the direct signal within the processor to zero only an effects signal is returned to the amplifier where it will be mixed back in with the direct signal. This leaves the original direct signal uncoloured by any circuitry within the processor. By using the effects level control (item 28) your ideal mix of dry and effects signal can be easily set up.The series loop (switch in) diverts the whole pre-amp signal through the effects loop and switches off the internal direct signal. The effects level control (28) now acts as an overall master level control.In terms of application, units that are time based (eg Chorus, Delay, Reverb etc) are best suited to the parallel loop. Real time effects (eg. Graphic or Parametric EQ, Compressors etc.) suit series loop operation.It is worth noting that the line in (40) and line out (38) circuit could be used as a series effects loop at 0 dBm, giving you the ability to use both types of loop simultaneously.44. Loop Level Selector Switch Selects the general level of the effects loop (-10 or+4dB) to match processor linked to (45 & 46)45. Effects Send Jack Output for connection to the input of an externaleffects processor.46. Effects Return Jack Input for connection from the output of externalprocessor.47. Damping Select Switch Three position switch to select high, low or autodamping positions. (See operational note G). Operational Note G: Damping ControlThis unique feature controls the power amp damping. Effectively this is the way that the amplifier drives the speaker. High damping gives tight speaker movement and is ideal for clean sounds, where a precise and defined response gives sweet clear picked notes and chords.Low damping, with greater speaker movement, suits breathing heavy overdrive and full distortion. In the auto position the amp automatically selects high damping for clean selections and low damping for crunch and lead. It is probably best to leave the amplifier in auto mode for normal use.48. Power Selection Switch Two position switch to select high power (all 4 valvesworking) or low power (2 valves working). The amplifiermust be switched to standby before selection.(Seeoperational note H).Operational Note H: Power selectionThis useful feature gives excellent flexibility for all playing situations. When switched to half power, with only 2 valves working, these two valves will be driven harder than normal and will therefore have a shorter working life. If a low power selection is required for long periods then it would be better to use the pentode/triode switch (Item 52). ‘Triode’operation will give a slightly different tone to half power. 4 valves give 100 Watts in pentode - 50 Watts in triode. 2 valves give 50 Watts in pentode - 25 Watts in triode.649. Output Fuses With LED Fail IndicatorsIn the event of valve failure the HT fuse will blow toprotect the amplifier from damage. The LED will indicatewhich valve pair is faulty. The Marshall “Failsafe” circuitallows the amplifier to continue running on two valves(providing it is not switched to half power), to get you tothe end of the gig.50. Loudspeaker Outputs Twin loudspeaker output jacks. It is important that thespeakers used are correctly wired and that the impedanceis correctly selected. Also ensure that the speakers arecapable of handling the full power of the amplifier. Thecabinet must be connected before switching on the standbyswitch.51. Impedance Selector Switch Selector to ensure correct match of cabinet impedanceto the amplifier (see impedance chart on page.9).52. Pentode/Triode Selection Switch“Triode” operation gives half the rated power output(Triode operation also gives a smoother tone) and“Pentode” operation provides full rated output. (Seeoperational note I).Operational Note I: Pentode/triodeThis feature is particularly useful when tailoring your system to suit different sized venues and recording applications. When switching this function the standby switch should always be switched off. The same also applies to items 39, 44, 47, 48 & 51.53) Mains Input & Fuse Socket for connection from the mains. Always ensurethat the fuse matches the labelling on the amplifier’srear panel. If you have any doubts contact your dealeror a qualified technician.7Footswitch OperationThe three way footswitch provided with your Anniversary amplifier is for channel switching between the three channels. Connection should be made to the DIN connector on the rear panel of the amp. An LED above the switch corresponds to the channel which has been selected. Switching can also be achieved via MIDI. (See operational note B).Speaker ConnectionThe type of cabinet and speakers has a fundamental effect on the quality of your sound. Also vitallyimportant is the matching of speaker impedance to the amplifier. Incorrect matching will impair theperformance and eventually damage the amplifier.Impedance is usually marked on the cabinet input socket. If you have any doubts, have the speakerschecked by a qualified technician. When using a single cabinet the amp and cabinet should be identical(e.g. 16 Ohm 4x12 cab = 16 Ohm amp selection). If two 16 Ohm cabinets are used, then the amplifiershould be switched to 8 Ohms. Where two 8 ohm cabinets are employed the amp should be switched to4 Ohms. A speaker load below 4 Ohms cannot be used. Following these simple rules should maintainlong life and minimise amplifier servicing requirements. Unlike solid state amps, valve amplifiers don'tincrease in power as speaker impedance is lowered.Operational Note J: Impedance switchingIt should be noted that although the output transformer has 3 impedance connections, only two are switchable from outside the amplifier. These are 16 ohm and 8 Ohm on heads and 8 Ohm and 4 Ohm on combo’s. If your particular application requires this to be different, the transformer connections can easily be altered by a qualified technician.Marshall Cabinet ChartIn some cabinets the speaker type may vary (refer to rating plate for correct impedance).8 Except in US8Trouble Shooting GuideIf you have a problem with your amplifier, it is always best to let a fully qualified approved techniciancheck it over. Regular servicing should prevent any major breakdowns and is an extremely beneficial long term precaution.Often it is the simplest thing that needs attention and it may not be possible to get technical assistance. In this case you may be able to keep the amp running at least until the end of the show. The greatest care should be taken, before removing the back panel, that all mains power is disconnected. Also remember that even after short periods valves will become very hot.Phase splitter9The following list outlines some of the most obvious problems and causes.PROBLEM/SYMPTOM/CUREValves And Pilot Light On, But No Sound.1.Check valve fuse fail lights to see if HT fuses are blown. If they are, replace them with the same valuefuse. If they blow again replace all the power valves if possible.2.Check standby switch.3.Check that the series/parallel switch and power amp mute switch are both out, unless their operation isintended.Constantly Blows HT Fuses.Check the output valves; If they need replacement use matched sets and replace all power valves if possible.Have a service centre check the bias on the output valves. If it’s too low the amp will not clean up. If it’s too high it will stay too clean no matter how loudly you play.High Pitched Whistle At Hi Gain SettingsMost likely this is a microphonic pre-amp valve. Replace if necessary.Rattling Noise From Head Or Chassis99% of the time this is caused by the spring output valve retainers jangling against the valve. Gently bend the spring holders out a fraction.No Sound, Lights, Hum, Etc.1. Check mains fuse, but never with the amp plugged in.2. Make sure the amp is plugged in.Quick HintSomeday, probably at a most inconvenient time, you will blow a fuse or your valves will go. This is noreflection on any amp, valves have a definite lifespan. Always make sure you have replacements, just like you carry spare strings, or you could be left stranded. Always thoroughly check speaker leads to ensure that (A) they are properly connected and (B) they are fully working. Also, use good quality guitar leads and check them regularly.Spares And AccessoriesSuperb engineering is a part of Marshall tradition and your amplifier is built to withstand the abuse of a working musicians heaviest demands. However it is worth remembering that at it’s heart, your amplifier is full of electrical components and glass bottles. If you think of it as an extension to your guitar and treat it accordingly, then long life and small service bills should be the norm. Using only Marshall valves asreplacements will give you optimum performance from your amplifier and will remove the need for any re-biasing by a technician.In the event of component damage Marshall agents worldwide maintain a stock of spares and accessories capable of refurbishing your road-worn beast!10。

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2. 技术指标 ..................................................................... 1 2.1 链路接口:2Mb/s 接口 .................................................... 1 2.2 用户接口................................................................ 1 2.2.1 用户及环路接口.................................................... 1 2.2.2 二/四线音频接口(二/四线 E&M 接口) ................................ 2 2.2.3 RS232(异步)接口................................................. 2 2.2.4 RS232(同步)接口................................................. 2 2.2.5 V.35 接口 ......................................................... 2 2.2.6 10Base_T 接口 ..................................................... 2
图 4-1: 主板配置槽位示意图
测试工艺插槽 (固定)
1~30 路各类型用户接口
2M 链路接口,阻抗为 120ohm 时使用
使用设备前请仔细 阅读本用户手册
ZMUX-30 PCM 复用设备
用 户 手 册
广州市银讯通信科技有限公司 广州市天河区棠下涌东路大地工业区 C 座 2 楼北区 电 话:020-38288948,38288949,38288649(技术支持) 7*24 服务:13828474088 传 真:020-38288349 网 址: 邮 箱:651613907@
120Ω平衡 RJ45
2.2 用户接口
2.2.1 用户及环路接口
a) 阻 抗: b) 插入损耗: c) 频率特性: d) 衡重杂音:
200Ω+680Ω||0.1μF -3±0.75dB 300~3400Hz(-0.6~+3dB) ≤-63.7dBmop
ZMUX-30 PCM 复用设备
e) 串音衰耗: f) 环 阻:
4.3 设备背部左右各有一个接地端子,用于将设备与系统机架接地系统连接。 4.4 用户接口连接器为 RJ45 插座,可直接连接 RJ11、RJ45 插头,也可通过转换电缆实现 DB9、 DB25、M34(F)等类型的连接器的接插。
1~30 个用户模块插槽,用户可 任意选配混装各类型用户接口
1~30Βιβλιοθήκη 主板2.2.4 RS232(同步)接口
a) 接口类型: b) 速 率: c) 时钟方式:
V.24 同步(单工、全双工可选) 4800bps,9600bps,19200bps 可选 DCE、DTE 可选
2.2.5 V.35 接口
a) 接口类型: b) 速 率: c) 时钟方式:
2.2.6 10Base_T 接口
≥65dB ≤1800Ω
2.2.2 二/四线音频接口(二/四线 E&M 接口)
a) 阻抗: b) 四线 AD 增益: c)四线 DA 增益: d)四线 AD 频率特性: e)四线 DA 频率特性: f)二线 AD 频率特性: g)二线 DA 频率特性: h)回损: i)平衡度: j) 共模抑制比: k) 电源抑制比: m) 空闲信道噪音: f) 环阻:
4. 结构特征 4.1 本设备为 1U 高度的箱式结构,由机箱和电路盘组成。可安装于 19 英寸全敞开式机架,
也可作为桌面型设备放置于平稳、干燥、安全的地方使用。 4.2 该设备机框内有一块主板,上面安装有 31 个插槽,1-30 插槽为通用插槽,可任意混插
各类型用户接口,对应设备背部印字为 1~30 的 RJ45 插座,第 31 槽位固定装入 10Mbps 线速以太网 模块,对应设备背部印字为 10Base_T 的 RJ45 插座。(参见图 4-1、图 4-2)。
3. 外形尺寸 ..................................................................... 3 4. 结构特征 ..................................................................... 3 5. 开箱检查 ..................................................................... 3 6. 设备安装 ..................................................................... 4
a) 接口类型: b) 接口速率: c) 传输速率: d) 协 议:
V.35 同步 Nx64Kb/s(N =1~30) DCE
10Base-T 10Mbps Nx64Kb/s(N = 1~30) 链路层桥接
ZMUX-30 PCM 复用设备
3. 外形尺寸
设备采用 19 英寸标准机箱,尺寸: 210mm(深)×480mm(宽)×44mm(高)
1. 概述 ......................................................................... 1 1.1 功能特点................................................................ 1 1.2 工作环境................................................................ 1 1.3 工作电源................................................................ 1
600Ω 14dB(可调) -2 dB(可调) -0.2 - +0.2dB -0.2 - +0.2dB -0.2 - +0.2dB -0.2 - +0.2dB(可调) 40dB 70dB 70dB 30dB ≥65dB 600Ω
2.2.3 RS232(异步)接口
a) 接口类型: b) 速 率:
V.24 异步 0 – 19.2Kbps
6.4.1 –48V 电源线的连接 ................................................ 4 6.4.2 用户线的连接...................................................... 5 6.5 设备安装................................................................ 6 6.6 注意事项................................................................ 7 6.7 开机操作................................................................ 7 6.7.1 面板上信号灯含义.................................................. 7 7. 运输和贮存 ................................................................... 8 8. 附录:线缆制作指导手册 ........................................................ 8 电话接口线缆(FXO 环路中继接口,FXS 用户接口,磁石电话,热线电话) ............ 8 音频接口线缆(二线音频,二线 E&M 接口)....................................... 9 音频接口线缆(四线音频,四线 E&M 接口)....................................... 9 数据接口电缆(RS232/V.24)................................................... 9 数据接口线缆(RS422)....................................................... 10 数据接口线缆(RS485)....................................................... 10 数据接口线缆(G.703 同向 64K 数据) .......................................... 11 数据接口线缆(10Base-T 以太网交叉网线)……推荐用 ........................... 11 数据接口线缆(10Base-T 以太网平行网线) ..................................... 12 数据接口线缆(V.35)........................................................ 12 CC4 同轴线缆 ................................................................ 13 9. 常见故障处理方法 ............................................................ 14 10. 用户解决方案及业务咨询服务中心 ............................................. 14