植物英语大全一、常见植物的英文名称及简介1. Rose(玫瑰)玫瑰被誉为“花中皇后”,象征着爱情与美丽。
2. Sunflower(向日葵)向日葵以其硕大的花盘和明亮的黄色而闻名,象征着阳光、快乐和忠诚。
3. Lily(百合)百合花代表纯洁、高贵和吉祥。
4. Tulip(郁金香)郁金香原产于土耳其,后传入荷兰,成为荷兰的国花。
5. Orchid(兰花)兰花被誉为“花中君子”,代表着高雅、清新和神秘。
6. Cherry Blossom(樱花)樱花是日本的国花,象征着美好、纯洁和浪漫。
8. Azalea(杜鹃)杜鹃花以其艳丽的色彩和繁茂的花朵而著称,象征着热情、奔放和生命力。
9. Carnation(康乃馨)康乃馨花语丰富,不同颜色的康乃馨代表着不同的寓意。
10. Chrysanthemum(菊花)菊花象征着高洁、坚强和长寿。
植物英语大全二、植物部位及生长环境的英文名称解析11. Petal(花瓣)花瓣是花朵中最显眼的部分,它们通常色彩鲜艳,吸引昆虫进行传粉。
12. Stem(茎)茎是植物的支撑结构,负责输送水分和养分。
孟加拉榕 树 的树 冠可以覆 盖十五 亩左 右的土地 ,有一个
半 足球 场 那 么 大 。孟 加 拉 榕 树 不 但枝 叶 茂 密 ,而 且 它 能 由树
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ此 同样 受 到 严 格 的 保 护 。
枝 向下生根。这些根有 的悬挂在 半空 中,从 空 气中吸 收水分 和养料 ,叫 “ 气根” 。多数 气根直达地 面,扎 入土 中,起着
望天树还 有一 个极 亲 的 “ 孪生 兄弟 ”,名 为擎 天树 。
它 其 实 是 望 天 树 的 变种 ,也 是 在 7 O年 代 于 广 西 发 现 的 。这 得 可 以做 个 小 型 舞 台 。
擎天树 的外形 与其兄 弟极其相似 ,也异 常高大,常达 6 O 一6 5 米 ,光枝 下高就有 3 0多米 。其材质 坚硬、耐腐 性 强,而且 树 冠 最 大 的树 — — 孟 加 拉榕 树 刨切 面光洁 ,纹理 美观 ,具 有极 高的经 济价 值和科 学研 究
棵耸立于 沟谷雨林 的上层 ,一般要 高 出第二层 乔木 2 O多米 ,
真 有 直 通 九 霄 ,刺 破 青 天 的 气 势 !
汽车 ,或者让 四个骑 马的人 并排走过 。即使把树 锯倒以后 ,
人 们 也 要 用 长梯 子 才 能 爬 到树 干 上去 。 如 果把 树 干 挖 空 ,人 可 以 走 进 去 六 十 米 ,再 从 树 桠杈 洞 里 钻 出来 。 它 的树 桩 ,大
也不过 3 O 厘 米, 因此 , 大 家给 它起 一 个 绰 号 , 叫它 “ 老 勿 大” 。 六 七 千人 的 军 队在 一株 大榕 树 下 乘过 凉 。 当地 人 们 ,还 在一
• 这种珍贵的树木,高约20米,树干直径约70厘米,寿 命约300-350年。树皮呈暗红色或接近黑色,上面密 布着白色斑点。树叶是椭圆形。它的产区不广,主要 分布在朝鲜南部和朝鲜与中国接壤地区,俄罗斯南部 海滨一带也有一些。
• 该树是一株针叶的鱼鳞松, 根据放射性碳素(C14)测定, 树龄为9550年。据美国《国家 地理》杂志(电子版)描述, 这棵树生长在海拔910米的地方, 主干从偃松一样的根部长出。 据说现在的主干部分在上世纪 40年代处因为当地夏日气温上 升而生长过。 • 鹿儿岛大学植物生态学教授 铃木英治说:“新枝不断从古老 的主体部分生长出来,让这棵 树得以延续9千多年。在树木生 长缓慢的瑞典山区特定的环境 下,这种发现并不奇怪。”
• 巴沙木的木材,每立方厘米只有0.1克重,是 同体积水的重量的1/10。我们做火柴棒用的白 杨还要比它重3.5倍。它的木材质地虽轻,可 是结构却很牢固,因此是航空、航海以及其他 特种工艺的宝贵材料。当地居民早就用它作木 筏,往来于岛屿之间。我国常用它做保温瓶的
• 孟加拉榕树是世界上树冠最大的树,据 说最大的树冠可以覆盖约1万平方米的土 地,有一个半足球场那么大。
• 在我国黑龙江省与吉
林省交界处,有一种六七 米高的树,每到夏季,树 干就像热得出了汗。“汗水” 蒸发后,留下的就是一层 白似雪花的盐。人们发现 了这个秘密后,就用小刀 把盐轻轻地刮下来,回家 炒菜用。据说,它的质量 可以跟精制食盐一比高低 。于是,人们给了它一个 恰如其分的称号——“木盐树”。
世界十大植物之最世界十大植物之最 11、睡火莲2、斯里兰卡仙人掌花3、幽灵兰花4、巧克力宇宙5、碧玉藤6、鹤望兰7、杓兰8、尸花9、稻草石蒜10、帝王花1、睡火莲简介:睡莲不仅稀有,而且花期独特。
• 看了这么多,是不是很开眼界呢? • 让我们继续探索,继续追寻神奇物种吧!
• 在亚洲和非洲的热带地区生活的地方生 长着一种很毒的植物,叫箭毒木。古代印第 安人就经常在树木的树干部分割开一个伤痕, 让树脂流出,便用这种树脂涂在箭头上来捕 杀猎物。后来英国殖民者侵入此地,印第安 人便用这种涂了树脂的弓箭来抵抗英国侵略 者,英军被这种弓箭射中后立即中毒身亡, 从此再也没有人来侵略他们了。因此这种树 又被称为‚见血封喉树‛。 • 毒性:乳汁剧毒.若误入眼中,会引起双目失 明;由伤口进入人体内会引起中毒,使心脏 麻痹,血管封闭,血液凝固,在20-30分钟内 死亡,因此得名‚见血封喉‛。
• 王莲是水生有花植物中叶片最大的植物, 其初生叶呈针状,长到2~3片叶呈矛状,至 4~5片叶时呈戟形,长出6~10片叶时呈椭圆 形至圆形,到11片叶后叶缘上翘呈盘状,叶缘 直立,叶片圆形,像圆盘浮在水面,直径可达 2米以上,叶面光滑,绿色略带微红,有皱褶, 背面紫红色,叶柄绿色,长2~4m,叶子背面 和叶柄有许多坚硬的剌,叶脉为放射网状。每 叶片可承重数十公斤,二,三十公斤重的小孩 坐在上面也不会沉没(在荷兰乌得勒支的莱登 大学植物园,一个熟睡的婴儿被放在王莲的叶 子上)。
• 猴面包树学名叫波巴布树。猴面包树树冠巨 大,树杈千奇百怪,酷似树根,远看就像是 摔了个‚倒栽葱‛。它树干很粗,最粗的直 径可 达12米,要40个人手拉手才能围它一圈, 但它个头又不高,只有10多米。因此,整棵 树显得像一个大肚子啤酒桶。远远望去,树 似乎不是长在地上,而是插在一个大肚子的 花瓶里,因此又称‚瓶树‛。 猴面包树的树 形壮观,果实巨大如足球,甘甜汁多,是猴 子、猩猩、大象等动物最喜欢的美味。当它 果实成熟时,猴子就成群结队而来,爬上树 去摘果子吃,所以它有‚猴面包树‛的称呼。
最咸的树 :中国黑龙江生长着一种木盐树(含盐量竟与普通食用盐相差无几)
最甜的树 :北美洲的槭树(含糖量可达85%)
最硬的木 :朝鲜和中国东北的铁桦树(比普通钢板还要硬1倍,现代步枪即使在短射程内也奈何不了它) 最亮的树 :北美洲的魔树(晚上在树下可以看清楚小5号楷书大小的字)
体形最大的恐龙:地震龙 (体长有42米长,体重约130吨)
最聪明的恐龙:伤齿龙 (智商高达5.3)
爪子最大的恐龙:重爪龙 (爪子30多厘米长)
身体最宽的恐龙:甲龙 (体长不超过10米,体宽可达5米)
飞得最远的鱼:飞鱼 (记录:高度11米,距离1000多米)
放电能力最强的鱼:电鳗 (放电时最高电压可达800伏)
产卵最多的鱼:翻车鱼 (一次产卵可达3亿个)
体形最大的猫科动物:东北虎 (高1米以上,长可达3米,尾巴约1米,体重可达350多千克)
7、体积最大的树 地球上的植物,有的个体非常微小,有 的个体却很庞大。象美国加利福尼亚的巨 杉,长得又高又胖,是树木中的“巨人”, 所以又名世界爷。 这种树一般高100米左右,其中最高的 一棵有142米,直径有12米,树干周长为37 米,需要二十来个成年人才能抱住它。它 几乎上下一样粗,它已经活了3500年以上 了。人们从树干下部开了一个洞,可以通 过汽车,或者让四个骑马的人并排走过。 即使把树锯倒以后,人们也要用长梯子才 能爬到树干上去。如果把树干挖空,人可 以走进去六十米,再从树桠杈洞里钻出来。 它的树桩,大得可以做个小型舞台。
1、最长的植物 长的植物是一种攀援植 物,叫白藤。它的茎特别长, 而且很纤细,可以说是植物 王国中的“瘦长个子”。茎 直径不过4—5厘米,一般长 达300米,员长的可达500米。
2、最大的圆叶 界上最大的圆叶要算是原 产在南美洲亚马逊河流域的 著名植物—— 王莲的叶子。 它与常见的藕莲,是睡莲科 家族中的兄弟。般的莲叶直 径60—70厘米,而王莲叶Байду номын сангаас直径有200一300厘米,最 大的竞有400厘米。
3、最轻的树 世上最轻的树是轻木。木棉科,乔木。 原产南美洲热带地区,材质特轻。木材 外表与白松或椴木相似。乾燥的轻木每 立方呎仅重6∼8磅(2.7∼3.6公斤)。浮力 约为软木的二倍,适於制造救生圈和救 生衣。由於具有很好的弹性,也是包装 家具等物品和制造机器座垫的优良防震 材料。它还具有较好的绝缘性,可用作 保温箱、冰箱和冷藏室的隔热材料,并 且是制造装运固体二氧化碳容器的良好 材料。还可用在飞机的座舱中和制作飞 机与船舰模型。
8、最大的花 亚洲东南部的 大花草是世界上最 大的,直径达90厘 米。它散发出一种 非常难闻的味道, 但是苍蝇却很喜欢 它。
我最喜爱的植物英文作文I have always been fascinated by plants ever since I was a child. Their ability to grow and thrive in various environments never fails to amaze me. 我从小就对植物充满了兴趣。
One of my favorite plants is the sunflower. Its bright yellow petals and towering height never fail to brighten up my day. 我最喜欢的植物之一是向日葵。
Not only are sunflowers visually appealing, but they also have a deeper meaning for me. Sunflowers symbolize loyalty, adoration, and longevity, which are qualities that I aspire to embody in my own life. 向日葵不仅外观吸引人,而且对我而言,它们还具有更深层的含义。
Another plant that holds a special place in my heart is the lavender. Its calming fragrance and beautiful purple blooms bring a sense oftranquility and peace to any space. 另一个让我难以忘怀的植物是薰衣草。
最小的树:矮柳 (高不过5厘米)
最珍贵的树 :水杉和银杏(被誉为“世界罕见的活化石”、“植物熊猫”)
最具贵族气派的树 :首推檀香树(有位生物学家曾幽默说:檀香树是贵族中的贵族,是非常漂亮、美丽的树,绝不“寄生作伴”,更不轻率接香,因此常与洋金凤和紫珠搞得火火热热)
最小的种子:斑叶兰(长约 0.5 毫米、直径 70 微米,只有在显微镜或放大镜下,才看得清楚)
结果习性最奇特的植物:花生 (地上开花,地下结果)
含植物蛋白质最多的农作物:大豆 (36.3克蛋白质/100克大豆)
最古老的农作物:豌豆 (已有1.1万年历史)
最老最大的栗树 :捷克的一棵栗树(主干周长700厘米,树龄已有500多年)
最老的荔枝树 :中国福建莆田市的一棵名叫“宋家香”的荔枝树(主干周长7.1 米,树龄已有1200多年)
下面让我们一同欣赏科学家为我们列出的十大最神奇的植物吧:十大神奇植物第十位:猪笼草,又称捕虫草、忘忧草,英文名Pitcher Plants (Nepenthes)猪笼草是地球上特有的食虫类植物,全世界有120中以上的猪笼草,主要生长在马达加斯加、印度尼西亚、澳大利亚和马来西亚等气候炎热潮湿、地势低洼的地区。
十大神奇植物第九位:含羞草,英文名Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica)想必大家都听说过或者见过含羞草,一如少女遇到陌生人时会脸红一样,如果轻触羽毛般的纤细叶子受到外力触碰,叶子立即闭合,因之名为含羞草——一个多么富有诗情画意的名字呀。
含羞草为豆科多年生草本或亚灌木,学名Mimosa pudica,又名知羞草、呼喝草、怕丑草。
In the vast botanical kingdom, where an array of diverse and fascinating flora captivates our senses, one particular species stands out as my all-time favorite: the orchid. This exquisite plant, with its unparalleled beauty, intricate design, rich symbolism, and remarkable resilience, has long held a special place in my heart. This essay aims to delve into the multifaceted allure of orchids, examining their mesmerizing aesthetics, ecological significance, cultural and historical associations, and the profound admiration they evoke within me.I. Aesthetic Appeal: A Symphony of Form and ColorOrchids possess an extraordinary aesthetic charm that is immediately apparent upon first glance. Their flowers, often compared to works of art, exhibit an almost surreal blend of shapes, sizes, textures, and colors, making each species a unique masterpiece. The intricate petal arrangements, some resembling birds, butterflies, or even dancing figures, showcase nature's boundless creativity and the orchid's ability to defy conventional floral stereotypes.The color palette of orchids is equally striking, ranging from delicate pastels to vibrant hues of pink, purple, yellow, orange, and red, often adorned with intricate patterns and speckles. Some orchids even boast bi-colored or tri-colored blooms, creating a visual spectacle that is truly breathtaking. The combination of these elements—form, size, texture, and color—renders each orchid a living canvas, a visual symphony that resonates deeply with my appreciation for natural beauty.II. Ecological Significance: Orchids as Indicators of Biodiversity and Ecosystem HealthBeyond their stunning appearance, orchids hold immense ecological value. As keystone species in many ecosystems, they play vital roles in maintaining biodiversity and indicating environmental health. They form intricate relationships with various pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, moths, and even specific species of birds and bats, contributing to the complex web of lifein their habitats. These specialized pollination mechanisms not only ensure the reproduction of orchids but also promote genetic diversity among their populations.Moreover, orchids are sensitive to environmental changes, serving as bioindicators of habitat quality and climate change. Their presence, abundance, and distribution can provide valuable insights into the overall health of an ecosystem. Thus, the conservation of orchids is intrinsically linked to preserving larger ecological systems and the countless species that depend on them.III. Cultural and Historical Significance: Orchids as Symbols of Love, Luxury, and MystiqueOrchids have long been steeped in cultural and historical significance across various civilizations. In ancient Greece, they were associated with virility and fertility due to their resemblance to male anatomy, while in China, they symbolize nobility, perfection, and refinement. In Victorian England, orchids became the epitome of luxury and exoticism, fueling an obsession known as "orchidelirium," which led to the discovery and cultivation of countless new species.Beyond their historical associations, orchids continue to hold symbolic meaning today. They are often gifted as tokens of love, luxury, and strength, representing beauty that endures through adversity. In many cultures, they are believed to bring good fortune, happiness, and longevity. This rich tapestry of meanings, rooted in history and perpetuated through contemporary practices, adds a layer of depth and mystique to my admiration for these plants.IV. Personal Connection: Orchids as a Source of Inspiration, Learning, and SerenityOn a more personal level, orchids have become a source of profound inspiration, continuous learning, and serene contemplation for me. Their resilience in the face of adversity, whether it be surviving in harsh environments or overcoming challenges during cultivation, teaches me aboutpatience, perseverance, and the power of adaptation. Their intricate life cycles, from the seemingly dormant pseudobulbs to the breathtaking blooming stage, serve as a metaphor for the potential for growth and transformation within all living beings.Cultivating orchids has also provided me with a therapeutic hobby, offering moments of tranquility and introspection amidst the chaos of daily life. The gentle care they require—monitoring light, humidity, temperature, and nutrient levels—teaches me attentiveness and fosters a deeper connection with nature. Moreover, the anticipation and joy of witnessing an orchid bloom after months of nurturing is a reward like no other, reminding me of the beauty that can emerge from dedication and patience.V. Conclusion: Orchids—A Testament to Nature's Genius and a Reflection of My Deepest AffectionIn conclusion, the orchid, with its unparalleled beauty, ecological significance, cultural richness, and personal resonance, embodies everything I admire in a plant. Its aesthetic appeal, a harmonious fusion of form and color, satisfies my innate appreciation for natural elegance. Its role as a biodiversity indicator and ecosystem guardian underscores its ecological importance and reinforces my commitment to environmental conservation. The deep-rooted cultural and historical symbolism associated with orchids adds layers of meaning and mystique to my fascination, while their capacity to inspire, teach, and offer solace reflects the profound impact they have had on my life.In essence, the orchid is more than just a favorite plant; it is a testament to nature's genius, a mirror of my deepest affections, and a constant reminder of the intricate interconnectedness of life. As I continue to explore the fascinating world of orchids, I am filled with gratitude for the profound joy and wisdom they bring into my life, solidifying their position as my most cherished botanical treasure.(Word count: 2,487)。
我最喜欢的植物是向日葵用英文作文My Favorite Plant: SunflowerSunflowers are my favorite plants for many reasons. Their vibrant yellow petals always brighten my day and lift my spirits. The way they turn their faces towards the sun symbolizes hope and positivity for me. Sunflowers are not only beautiful to look at but also have many interesting facts and uses.Sunflowers, scientifically known as Helianthus annuus, are native to North America but are now grown all over the world. They are known for their tall stalks, large flower heads, and edible seeds. The bright yellow petals of the sunflower attract bees and birds, making them important pollinators. Sunflowers can grow up to 12 feet tall, making them a striking addition to any garden.One of the most fascinating things about sunflowers is their ability to track the sun's movement throughout the day. This phenomenon, known as heliotropism, enables the sunflower to maximize its exposure to sunlight and ensure optimal growth. The sunflower bud faces east in the morning and follows the sun as it moves across the sky, eventually facing west at sunset.In addition to their beauty and unique behavior, sunflowers have many practical uses. Sunflower seeds are a popular snack, often eaten roasted and salted. They are also pressed to produce sunflower oil, which is used for cooking and in skincare products. Sunflowers are a source of food for wildlife, including birds and squirrels, making them a valuable part of the ecosystem.Sunflowers have been admired and celebrated by cultures around the world for centuries. In Greek mythology, the sunflower is associated with the sun god, Apollo. In art, sunflowers have been featured in paintings by famous artists such as Vincent van Gogh. Their cheerful appearance and symbolism of happiness make them a popular choice for gifts and decorations.I love sunflowers not only for their beauty and versatility but also for the sense of joy and optimism they bring. Whenever I see a field of sunflowers or a vase of sunflower blooms, I can't help but smile. Their sunny disposition and resilience remind me to stay positive and look towards the light, even in difficult times.Overall, sunflowers are a truly remarkable plant that captivates the senses and uplifts the spirit. Their bright yellow petals, towering stalks, and unique behavior make them a favorite among gardeners and nature enthusiasts. I will alwayscherish the sight of a sunflower in bloom and the positive energy it brings into my life. Sunflowers will forever hold a special place in my heart as my favorite plant.。
我最喜欢的植物金边吊兰作文英文版My Favorite Plant: Golden PothosGolden pothos, also known as devil's ivy, is my favorite plant. Its lush green leaves with golden-yellow streaks bring a touch of nature and beauty to any room. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but it is also very easy to care for, making it a perfect choice for beginners or busy individuals.One of the reasons why I love golden pothos is its ability to purify the air. As a natural air purifier, it helps to remove toxins and pollutants from the air, creating a healthier indoor environment. This is especially important for me as I spend a lot of time indoors, studying or working.Another reason why I adore golden pothos is its versatility. It can thrive in a variety of conditions, from low light to bright, indirect sunlight. This makes it a great plant for any room in the house, whether it be the living room, bedroom, or even the bathroom.Caring for golden pothos is a breeze. It requires minimal watering and can survive in dry conditions. I love how low-maintenance it is, as it allows me to enjoy the beauty of nature without having to constantly worry about its upkeep.Overall, golden pothos is not just a plant to me, but a source of joy and tranquility. Its vibrant colors and easy care make it the perfect addition to any home. I am grateful to have such a wonderful plant brightening up my living space.中文版我最喜欢的植物:金边吊兰金边吊兰,又称为魔鬼藤,是我最喜欢的植物。
我最喜欢的植物英语作文初一(中英文版)My Favorite Plant我最喜爱的植物English peas have always been a plant that I hold close to my heart.The vibrant green leaves and delicate flowers never fail to catch my attention.英语豌豆一直是我心中所喜爱的植物。
This plant is like a symbol of hope and growth, reminding me of the beauty in simplicity.这种植物就像希望和成长的象征,让我想起简单中的美好。
I remember when I was in the first year of middle school, my teacher taught us about photosynthesis, and how plants play a crucial role in our ecosystem.Since then, my appreciation for plants, especially English peas, has grown even stronger.我记得在我初一的时候,老师教我们关于光合作用,以及植物在我们的生态系统中扮演的重要角色。
The way they climb and intertwine with each other reminds me of the importance of cooperation and unity.It"s a beautiful sight to behold, witnessing how nature works in harmony.它们攀爬和交织在一起的方式让我想起合作和团结的重要性。
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Such trees are around 20m high, the trunk diameter of 70cm and 300-350 years old. It's bark is dark red or almost black, with white spots above the clouds. The leaves are oval. Iron birch is the world's most hard wood, is used as a substitute for metal. The Soviet Union had used it to manufacture bearing in the speedboat. Because of the tight texture, it sank when been into the water. Even if it immersion in water a long term, its inside can still remain dry.
The Top of Plants
peas The oldest crops :
Peas have more than 11000 years of history, which is the world's oldest crops. Pea is native to southern Europe, the Mediterranean and West Asia, It is a kind of climbing plant. Our country began planting the peas from the Han Dynasty.
The most sensitive tree to fire:Fire extinguishing tree
Scientific name: Lithocarpus glabra Rehd(樟柯树、梓柯树) Distribution :Still at the Africa As long as there are people who light a fire under the tree, it will immediately emits a special liquid and put out it. Proverb: Houses with Fire extinguishing tree, we will not afraid of fire.(盖 房要用梓柯树,不怕火灾安心 住)
In the endless life, its two leaves abrasion on sand ground, But the basal leaves are constantly growing, to supply the leaf ‘s margin loss. Some "elderly" ,have experienced years of wind and frost, the leaf often been torn into many narrow strip veins parallel tendons which like a climb giant octopus on the beach looking far away. The plant mostly grow in Angola and Namibia.
The hardest tree: Iron Birch(铁桦树)
How hard is it? We know the iron is hard. But it is double hardness compare with the iron. Birch’s hardness is the champion in all trees. Using bullet to hit it has the same effect plating the thick steel. Where can you find it? If you want to see the tree, let’s go to the northeast or the North Korea s.t.
Why can the tree extinguish a fire?
The scientists found, it’s because it has a natural automatic “fire extinguisher”. Its branches and leaves are dense, and slender blade drag down, about 2.5 meters long, with a lot of ball whose size is equal steamed bread hidden in. It looks like fruit, but in fact it is the fire “weapon” – section(节苞). The section have many small holes on it, filled with white and transparent liquid, after the analysis scientists found, these liquid contains a lot of carbon tetrachloride, which let the fire go out.
The biggest plant:General Sherman Tree(雪曼将 军树)
There is a vast expanse of forest in the western slope of the Sierra Nevada in California,this piece of vast woodlands make up by the giant sequoias,is known as the "giant sequoias Empire". 100 years ago, the giant trees was found.Due to its particular leaves, it is called the "the mammoth tree" or "California Song".
Why does it gives out light?
In fact, the tree itself is not luminous, but a kind of fungi parasitic on it, Armillariella tabescens (假 蜜环菌) make it. The fungus growth and reproduce by absorbing and decomposing the tree’s cellulose and lignin. At night, they emits baby blue light.
Main parameters Age Height above the bottom Ground circumference 3200 years 83.8 m 31.3 m
The maximum diameter of the bottom
Average crown width
The brightest tree : Magic Tree
How about see a book without light at night? Yes, you can.
In Africa’s(or North America) primeval forest, glowed a luminous tree. During the daytime, this tree looks have no different with general ones. But, at night, its trunk and branches are shining fluorescent light, under which you can see 5 small size of script word.
If poisoned, you will dead after 20 minutes to 2 hours. Use the red back bamboo grass( 红背竹竿草) quickly, only this can solve the poison.
Height: Up to 30m
The most poisonous tree: Antiaris toxicaria(箭毒木or见血封喉)
Antiaris toxicaria’s milky sap containing highly toxic. Upon contact with the human and animal wound, it can cause the poison heart attack vascular closure, blood coagulation, and choked to death. It is reported that the beast who was shot would dead as the uphill road run seven steps, the downhill road run eight steps, the campaign run nine steps. It is known as the “an unsettled state of mind and nine not to live ”by the indigene.
11.1 m
32.5 m
Trunk estimated volume
Trunk estimated weight
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